kitchen furniture microwave stands

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    kitchen furniture microwave stands

    [intro music] geoff: okay, so this is- uh- you- we- uh [chuckle] michael: you we- a- we ooryan: hi. geoff: we played... geoff: yeah, bash them against the stones. ryan: [dramatic] i shall dash them guess the stones. geoff: so we did the resident evil 7 demo a long time ago. geoff: i believed you played, michael. michael: yeah, i played the demo.

    geoff: and i commentated. michael: uh huh.geoff: and then probably somebody else was there with us. ryan: not me.michael: yeah, there was somebody there. geoff: i think it was jeremy. michael: and, uh, we didn't, we got like punched in the face twice. ryan: ha. bitch. geoff: yeah. geoff: but they have updated it. geoff: they've had dlc for a demo. demo dlc.

    michael: did they like add something to do with that finger?geoff: that doesn't look good. michael: that was the whole... geoff: i think maybe they did. michael: that was the whole internet, like what do you do with the finger? geoff: that all looks terrible.michael: i didn't really care. ryan: did you lop it off with the piano? cause that was pretty good. michael: no, it was a mannequin finger you found in the attic or some shit. geoff: fuck michael: also there's a melee weapon we never got.

    michael: that was in there, we just never got it. ryan: there's a weapon? michael: i don't remember. michael: yeah, it was like for- michael: you can't do anything with it in the demo, but it was like for test, michael: like showing you how you... ryan: wait, this is resident evil? i thought that was always like third person for the most awkward camera angle possible. michael: ryan, welcome to like the whole world months ago when this came out. ryan: oh, okay.

    ryan: i'm joining it. ryan: i'm finally catching up. geoff: i don't why we decided i should play. michael: cause i already played. geoff: i brought my pillow to hug. michael: you did.geoff: in case i get too scared. michael: your sweet off topic pillow that i don't think we sell yet.ryan: geoff, did you see the door close? ryan: the door just closed. michael: we're talking too much.ryan: evil's in there.

    michael: we got to let geoff get scared. ryan: what if we just mutter? ryan: [mutters] michael: that's pretty good. that's resident evil like. [michael and ryan whisper mutter] geoff: why was that... michael: [muttering] go in. go in. ryan: i don't think you're supposed to go in there. michael: oh, there's the dummy finger.ryan: there's the finger.

    michael: what do you do with it? ryan: oh, this finger is presented very early.geoff: i don't know. ryan: check your inventory. geoff: i got a finger.ryan: yep. geoff: check it out. hup! geoff: oh, that didn't really do anything. michael: you didn't like put it anywhere.geoff: oh. ryan: is it better than your currently equipped fingers? michael: uh.... i- shoot- extra, right.

    ryan: alright.michael: six can't hurt. ryan: there it is.michael: take a look at it. michael: spin it around, you know.ryan: real dirty. michael: is it a key? michael: what did they add? ryan: i mean, it looks like it's been somewhere. geoff: what's in the.... ryan: trash.michael: you don't put the trash in the oven. michael: there's crazy.ryan: well...

    ryan: sooner or later you realize the oven is just more space to put things. [disgusted noises] [louder disgust] geoff: it looks like when all my meat melted. geoff: that's what it looked like.ryan: tofu. michael: was that for your cow? geoff: yeah, that might be. geoff: this house looks like shit. ryan: yeah, why are we here?

    geoff: i don't really remember, uh.... ryan: ugh geoff: oh god- ugh ryan: ughgeoff: ick geoff: i don't so much remember- geoff: oh, a small key hole. ryan: shove the finger in it. michael: hoping my save data- geoff: isn't this where you die at the- in the-

    michael: yeah. geoff: like you try to open the door. geoff: oh! shit it opened! ryan: alright. geoff: oh right, this door. ryan: look, there's the exit. let's just go. geoff: oh! oh! right. michael: right, you get the bolt cutters, you got the chain. ryan: i don't know why we wouldn't just exit through that brightly lit door.

    michael: it's locked. ryan: it's glass. we have bolt cutters. geoff: it's true. michael: i mean, did you see how like shaky that door was. geoff: yeah.michael: just kick it. ryan: is this the new trope to replace the blond running through the woods and she is can't walk, or something? ryan: cause she falls down all the time. ryan: it's now she's like, awe, i could have just left the building, but the door was closed. geoff: we have a mystery to solve.

    geoff: should i go? michael: yeah, you gotta go up stairs. geoff: or should i put the tape in first? michael: yeah, cause you can't go into the attic until you get the fuses. michael: why don't you check out those mannequins though. ryan: there was like a button you could push. ryan: it's flashing. it's like it wants to be pushed. michael: i think that you need the fuses and it lowers the mechanical staircase to the fucking attic. ryan: look. it's flashing at you. go back.

    ryan: it's look any time donald trump sees a woman. [creak] geoff: what? ryan: that was definitely a shadow. michael: there was definitely some banging going on. ryan: maybe some groaning. michael: not of a sexual nature. geoff: alright, i'll use the tape. geoff: [sighs]

    michael: did you get startled by the menu popping up? ryan: it's supposed to be like from ghost scarers or something? geoff: yeah.michael: oh yeah. geoff: he-he. ryan: oh, you're actually walking around. i thought this was on rails. nice. michael: oh, what gave it away that it wasn't on rails? michael: spinning in circles? ryan: the wandering over to just bump your shins on the swing. michael: this could be part of the experience, you don't know.

    ryan:. uh. hey. ryan: hey. hey. geoff: yeah we are. ryan: whoa.michael: jesus christ. geoff: yeah we are.ryan: what kind of video we making here? michael: if this were outlast, both their dicks would be out. that's what i've learned from playing. geoff: uh-uh. michael: there would be holes in their pants and their dicks would be hanging out. ryan: definitely see a little package there. a little package outline.

    ryan: [ghost noises] ryan: [ghost] how did you tape get into the cabinet? it's chained. michael: we're not gonna see any of the new shit they added. michael: it's gonna be the exact same. michael: it'll be worth it with geoff playing, cause apparently he's forgotten everything about it. geoff: with can google it, though. michael: we can google it. michael: there's a new room in the attic. geoff: ah- ah

    ryan: yeah. there's andre. ryan: it's uh... oh, he's dead. ryan: yeah, he's real dead. ryan: either that or he's got amazing- geoff: no-no. i- i'm on rails now. geoff: i don't want to be on rails. geoff: awe....ryan: oh.... ryan: no. geoff: [groan]

    ryan: well that's... you know, grim. geoff: [sad, scared noise] michael: so it seems like they added some shit in the attic. michael: there's a new room. there's another piece to the dummy. michael: there's like a mannequin piece you can combine with the finger to make a dummy hand. michael: there's some handgun ammo lying around. michael: there's like new phone messages or something. michael: apparently you can affect the ending. geoff: am i gonna...michael: i'm sure we'll get none of that.

    ryan: i mean, going down this ladder seems like exactly what every reasonable person would be after watching that tape. michael: right. this is a- this is an until dawn scenario. michael: you just watched someone die,ryan: back door key! michael: then you go the exact same way. ryan: let's just take that and depart the premises. ryan: actually a very nice chair. geoff: so where do we find the new stuff? michael: there's a room in the attic. geoff: but we can't go up the attic until we fix the circuit breaker.

    geoff: if i go this way i die, right? geoff: it's over? michael: i mean, who's to say you die? geoff: so i don't think there's anywhere up here i can do. michael: doesn't look like it. geoff: until i get that fuse. michael: start tearing the back of the pictures off. there could be messages hidden behind the paper. geoff: whoa. geoff: where those there?

    ryan: that's you. geoff: those weren't there before. ryan: don't you see the likeness? ryan: they're wrapped up and hanging from the ceiling just like you're gonna be. geoff: i want to do something, but i... michael: ehn michael: what an effort.michael: ehn geoff: i want to find the new stuff. michael: yeah, you're fining a whole lot of nothing.

    ryan: maybe the fuse is in the basement? geoff: is it one of those things where i have to do it wrong once and then i can- geoff: like, move opens up. michael: i don't think so, but you can do that. geoff: alright, i've exhausted all options. michael: why don't you head towards the door. geoff: [sad] yeah. michael: oh, another thing they said they added is you get away. michael: scot-free.

    ryan: gross meat stuff. geoff: i don't want to do it. geoff: d'ah. michael: [giggles] michael: they didn't add a lot of new shit. michael: when they said they added new shit, it's like minute stuff. michael: so you really got to find it. geoff: i want to see the new room. michael: yeah, it's in the attic.

    ryan: alright, beginning hour, that's a bit of an over statement. michael: yeah, it's like beginning ten minutes. geoff: oh, there's the fuse. ryan: huh. that was definitely not there. geoff: it was not there before. michael: maybe you did have to die then.ryan: it's got to be in order of operations. michael: because wasn't the key in here? michael: now it's not. geoff: there was a key here.

    geoff: and now it's not. michael: now you go to that new room. michael: aw, that button's green as shit. geoff: it's green.michael: push me. geoff: mannequins are there. geoff: push the button. michael: keeping an eye on them? ryan: they're very still this time.geoff: yeah. ryan: um. whoa.

    ryan: they turned around a bit, but don't worry about it. ryan: you're going upstairs anyway. geoff: alright. going upstairs. ryan: new content! [phone ringing] geoff: that's right, the phone rings.michael: the higher up you go, the safer you are. ryan: wait, is this new? michael: uh, not yet.ryan: oh. michael: there's a new room up here.

    michael: um. if you get the axe you can smash crates, apparently. and get ammo in them. ryan: can we use it on old hillbilly guy? michael: i don't- i don't know. i don't think so. michael: hello. ryan: daddy's pizza. ryan: cool. ryan: thanks for that cryptic call.michael: yeah. michael: makes a lot of sense. ryan: uh... ma'am, did you know that this house was on the do not call list?

    ryan: i could sue you. geoff: what! ryan: oh. he got you right off the bat. michael: he startled you there. ryan: i mean fist. ryan: he sounds like trevor. ryan: like, from gta, not trevor trevor. michael: not treco.ryan: right. geoff: so now is the...

    geoff: i got to do the thing again ryan: yeah. geoff: alright. don't answer the phone. ryan: i wouldn't, yeah. michael: i think... is this area new? michael: no. there's a door. michael: they said there was a back area. in the attic. ryan: that is a hell of a staple they used on that thing. did you see the size of it? geoff: yeah. i wonder if a crowbar would pop it open.

    michael: alright, during the video flashback sequence, look in the gap next to the mick microwave in the kitchen to spot a lock pick on the floor. michael: you may need to crouch down to get close enough to grab it. geoff: between the microwave and the what? geoff: like right there? ryan: or the other side. geoff: that's in the flashback. michael: yeah.ryan: probably right there, yeah. geoff: alright. well. michael: go to the opposite side of the kitchen, use it on the drawer

    michael: and then back in the present time the drawer will be open and there's an axe inside. geoff: alright, [mumble mumble mumble] geoff: [ghost] here i come. i'm going to haunt your penis. ryan: [announcer] this time on ghost balls.geoff: [enthusiastic licking] ryan: [announcer] watch those balls draw up into their bodies as they ain't scared of ghosts. geoff: hey check it out, i'm in prison. i'm tossing salad. [enthusiastic licking] michael: not to say you have to be in prison to toss salad.geoff: i just got a pack of smokes. michael: fucking, look at him. barreling though. fearless now. ryan: straight to it.

    ryan: there we go.michael: there it is. michael: dude, you're the master of unlocking. geoff: alright. michael: yeah. you didn't click it, though. michael: there you go. ryan: nothing there. michael: well the axe will be there in present. geoff: oup. got to do this part. geoff: oup. good to see yay.

    geoff: just gross. ryan: welcome to the family, son. michael: get to axe.geoff: alright, i guess i'll go get that axe. michael: yeah. start chopping. ryan: we become the killer. michael: i saw come crates before. i think you can chop crates. michael: the dummy finger. michael: the other part of the dummy hand is somewhere. michael: we haven't grabbed that yet.

    ryan: ooh, can you cut your own finger off and replace it with the dummy finger? michael: there's the axe. michael: swing it. swing like crazy. michael: i saw some crates earlier, when you were fucking around. i don't remember where they were. michael: they look like actual boxes, not like small little packages. ryan: there's one in the- there a big ass crate in the room where the ladder was. geoff: okay. ryan: but i don't know if you can smash it. geoff: look in here first. see if i can do anything to this.

    ryan: goddamn phone ringing. michael: oh, the portrait in the room you start in hanging over the fireplace, that's the new portrait. ryan: oh. that one. michael: the dude with the dude sitting, or something. geoff: [mutter] dude and his wife. michael: after using the fuse to access the attic you will find the rear wall- geoff: ah! [high pitched whimpers] ryan: [evil laugh]geoff: [high pitched scaredness] michael: what? what you see?

    geoff: [squeaky] oh god. ryan: he walked by. ryan: hey, the lights are on. michael: oh. oh god. ryan: you did it, champ. geoff: [high pitched noise] ryan: he just strolled by the door. geoff: [high pitched] holy fuck. michael: sorry i missed that.

    geoff: [high pitched] jesus christ. [creaking and such] ryan: now he's moving some furniture around. ryan: look, there's a can rolling around over there.michael: yeah, i saw it rolling. geoff: what do i do now? ryan: join the family. geoff: oh, crates. michael: yeah! there you go. michael: smash 'em

    ryan: alright. well, there you go. michael: oh wait, is there anything in there? michael: supposed to be ammo somewhere. michael: where is this fucking extra room? michael: says there's a back room. geoff: maybe this is new? geoff: i don't think so, though. michael: yeah, but there's supposed to be a ladder and some fucking scribblings on the wall geoff: and a hand, right?michael: and that's where the

    michael: the object made of celluloid is. ryan: i bet we need to do something else to trigger that. michael: maybe, cause... michael: doesn't say you have to do anything to get to it, and that's where the hand is. geoff: oh, i was able to fuck that one up. ryan: you got one. geoff: i mean the axe is already new, right? but i want to find more new stuff. geoff: like the hand. geoff: we could try using the key.

    michael: what? to escape again? michael: you're gonna lose the axe though, damn it. michael: we're gonna have to do it all over again. geoff: well, what else can we try... ryan: not too much else going on. michael: no. i don't know. geoff: i either got to answer that phone or go out the back door. michael: try answering the phone again. michael: cause you answered the phone last time and got punched in the face.

    michael: i think you get a different message if you answer the phone. geoff: i do have a axe in my hand. michael: unless of course, which is great, cause i updated the game, unless there's a second update and this is really just the exact same game. ryan: found his shoes. michael: nothing was updated in any way. geoff: well that would suck. michael: it would really suck. michael: oh, this is the same message. michael: i feel like you're gonna get grabbed again.

    michael: eugh ryan: can i choose... not to get grabbed right now? michael: [questioning] ryan: as long as you don't turn your back on the door michael: gonna pick it back up.ryan: call help. michael: 911 ryan: [phone voice] i'm still here. geoff: alright, we are off the rails now. i'm- ryan: yeah?

    michael: we're off the rails? michael: oh my god. geoff: i feel- dah! ryan: yep. yeah, he's sneaky. geoff: did you know?! michael: i didn't know. i didn't know. ryan: where did he come from? michael: he came from the phone. geoff: maybe we don't have the new dlc.

    geoff: that would be dumb. michael: it was idiotic. michael: i mean, we wouldn't be able to play the game. ryan: [camera audio distortion] ryan: i wonder who that is. geoff:... we just skipped a step. michael: make sure that- oh, no. ryan: [laughing] ryan: [cackling]

    ryan: ready to instal! ryan: welcome home. michael: and it's- so it- it- it downloaded and installed, it just didn't- you didn't- it didn't do that. michael: cause it was like... michael: so... [chuckles] geoff: alright, so we'll just-ryan: might want to restart the game. geoff: just blow through this real fast. michael: we're 50 minutes in.geoff: i probably clicked a button that said 'don't play update'. [chuckles]

    geoff: how far are we in this? michael: you might have. 50 minutes. geoff: ughryan: oh my god. michael: yep. michael: and we didn't- [giggling] and it was the same exact game. geoff: well, except we did get it axe, but geoff: alright.michael: and again, geoff's playing. michael: it's a whole new experience. geoff: the button.

    michael: lot of debris.ryan: somebody's up there. ryan: probably looking for new family members. michael: man, my attic you just had a string. michael: you pulled it down.ryan: yeah. michael: that was it. michael: i didn't have the whole... michael: hey, there's the new room. ryan: look at that. ryan: nah, i wouldn't pick that up.

    michael: who you trying to call? ryan: hello? michael: i think one of these crates has ammo. michael: basement key. geoff: okay.michael: i didn't know that was there. ryan: oup.michael: fuck. ryan: it's for you. michael: oh, there's the ladder. michael: there's a locked door.

    michael: now we're getting into some shit. ryan: there's the tvs.geoff: tvs. michael: oh yeah, the fucking mannequin hand's supposed to be around here somewhere. ryan: to your right.michael: oh, there it is. michael: dude, combined it with that finger. ryan: we're well on our way to a whole hand. geoff: how do i combine? michael: no idea. michael: there you go. you've done it.

    michael: now put it in your butt. michael: it's a dummy's left hand. ryan: gonna finger bang somebody. geoff: yeah, it's a didler. michael: look to your right, there's a ladder there. geoff: yes there is. michael: go up it. geoff: yes i will. ryan: okay.michael: [chuckles]

    michael: drat. ryan: man, he's really struggling with that ladder. michael: where do you even use that basement key?ryan: [grunting and panting] geoff: what i just pick up?michael: what did you just pick up? michael: check your items. michael: oh, bullets.ryan: oh, there's the ammo. michael: you got a bullet. you got one. ryan: now we just find a gun. michael: yeah. i don't think they added that. [chuckles]

    michael: uh, i think there's a different phone message, too. michael: maybe that triggered it, since it just started ringing. michael: it's possible. michael: smart move. michael: hey, maybe that's where he cam from last time though. he came through that wall. ryan: there you go. secret passage. ryan: i know who you are. geoff: well that's... ryan: great. thank you for that amazingly prophetic statement.

    michael: yeah. stay tuned- ryan: just remember, doors that don't open- geoff: fuck.michael: [snickers] ryan: are still doors.michael: stay tuned- ryan: except when they're not. michael: for future updates when they unlock own move doors. geoff: is it worth it to get the axe and smash the stuff upstairs? michael: i don't think so. michael: i think the only thing that might be worth it is i don't know what the hell that basement key does.

    ryan: when is a door not a door? michael: i don't think the axe is worth at all. all you're gonna find is another... geoff: so just try the basement key? michael: yeah. see if that does anything. ryan: [profoundly] when it's a jar. michael: i don't even know- [snickers] michael: i don't even know what door that is. michael: or, i mean, it's still a door, but all doors can't be opened if you buy a fake door. michael: [salesman] come on down to fake doors.ryan: you sucked, yeah.

    michael: [salesman] you got all them doors taking up space in your house? fake doors!ryan: fake door! michael: can't open them. none of them open. just come on down to fake doors. geoff: we'll go do the basement. michael: hey ryan.ryan: what's up? michael: that hour ain't too wrong. geoff: here, hit me on the head. michael: knock me the fuck out. michael: i think there's also a message in the back room, like scribbled somewhere on the wall that we didn't see. geoff: a little scribble-scrabble?

    michael: yeah, like one of those whole psychotic death note messages. geoff: back there didn't change.ryan: oh this is where he sleeps. michael: yep. wait. look- look. oh. michael: look to your right.ryan: the bullet. michael: nope, never mind, that a door. michael: contains a message written in blood on the wall. ryan: who's blood? my blood? michael: uh, probably not. it'll probably be added shortly. geoff: yeah, when they finished message.

    geoff: they ran out of ink. ryan: look, all messages can be read. michael: [giggles]ryan: not all of them right now. geoff: just go see what's up with the basement. michael: check out the basement. geoff: probably nothing. michael: you'll probably find the gun. geoff: that'd be awesome.ryan: then we win. michael: you got one bullet. just shoot that guy in the head.

    michael: fuck your family. michael: pe-dow geoff: wonder how many hours... geoff: you know people that are like, they get obsessed with this shit like pt. michael: yeah.geoff: try to figure out all the riddles and clues. geoff: i wonder how many hours people have spent in this game to find there's really not much else. michael: there's not. i mean, especially like when the game first came out. michael: i mean at least knew they said, 'hey it's on update, there's some new stuff in it'. michael: people spent like a million years trying to figure out what that finger did.

    michael: and i think the answer is nothing. geoff: nothing. geoff: just a, hey, this is how you combine items in resident evil. michael: and they just added it. michael: they just added the hand, so it's like... ryan: yeah.michael: it didn't do shit. michael: i'm sure they added that hand cause they were like, michael: ' people are fucking freaking out about this finger, we got to do something.' 'i don't know, throw a hand in or something. just make them think it does something.'

    geoff: so i'll just, uh... michael: well that's not the- use the basement key. michael: where's the basement door? michael: i mean, it was under the stairs, wasn't it? ryan: oh, the baby falls.michael: the basement door? ryan: yeah, it's all boarded up and shit. michael: well what the fuck good is the key then? geoff: maybe there'll be another update. ryan: that's what the warning was about. all doors can be opened, sometime.

    ryan: when we get around to it.michael: that's the theory. michael: online, as well. ' there's probably gonna be another update with even three more things added.' ryan: with a door that opens. michael: no, but there will be a door with a window that you can see through michael: and then the third update... geoff: see, he's the basement.michael: you can open it. michael: well. michael: what good is the fucking key then? geoff: the discovery and the installation should definitely make the video, right?

    geoff: that's easily the funniest thing. michael: that is is the funniest part. michael: that's honestly, i mean, i didn't look it up. michael: when you said they added shit i thought they added more shit than like three items. geoff: we did have the whole axe thing. that was pretty cool. michael: and you sucked them off and you tossed their salads. geoff: i did.michael: that was pretty cool too. geoff: there was that. michael: definitely they thought it was worth while.

    geoff: well, you know. i like to show people a good time. michael: uh, so i mean, yeah. stay tuned for the next update to this game before it comes out. ryan: [announcer] next time on ghost sneakers. geoff: that fucking dude walking across the hallway scared me to death. michael: and i was on my phone, too. ryan: you miss it.michael: i know. michael: i looked like a real chump. lannen: i just keep losing people. can you guy just win- lannen: he's gonna...

    [screaming] gavin: you were stood there. lannen: did you just teleport through you? gavin: yeah. like the creepiest bastard. i was looking either side, i didn't think to look infront. [outro swoosh]

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