standard furniture vintage collection

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    standard furniture vintage collection

    krister - lars lindthe inspector - frank sundstrã¶mtester - jan blombergkajsa - mona anderssonreverend mild - aka grã¶nbergthe police inspector - erik hell nisse - leif nymarkegon - stig tã¶rnblompyret - lars hanssonjingis - sven algotssonbutcher("slaktarn") - torleif cederstrandfish("fisken") - bo anderssonsteva - lena nyman from a novel by lars gã¶rlingdirector vilgot sjã¶man original script "a dream play" by august strindberg i just spoke to our inspector today, and he's not happywith your attitude. i wonder, do you know the amount of effort and moneywe've put into this? this isn't a police interrogationif that's what you think.

    you are to be putinto an experimental group. it won't be easyto enrol nisse, inspector. i don't think he really understandsthe importance of this project. do you nisse? not a single word saidwithin these walls, will ever get to the police. this is a scientific experiment, purely scientific. if you find a question too difficult,

    you can refuse to know that. our prime purpose, nisse, is to create better treatments. to prevent boys like youfrom getting a police record. in helping us, you're helping yourself, and at the same time you're helping our society. the other guys might not realise that. but you do! a boy with an energy like yours.

    it would be a shame to loose your potential behind bars. how is life upstairs? yes, it's a bit basic,but it's the best we can offer. are you getting alongwith the other boys? well..., i'll leave you to it. don't forget this must beyour own decision, nisse. entirely your own decision.

    no one here would ever force you to join. my own decision? had i not accepted,i'd be in prison. i didn't really have a choice! egon had to make the same choiceand four others. we all work in different fields, stealing cars, cracking safes, shop-lifting, pimping. now we're all put togetherin a workshop on samuel street

    for a psychological experiment.and all we only know about it is that we have tests every morning at the "objectivity". "the objectivityjuvenile detention" doesn't anyone herehave any money? shit, they're forcing us to give up everything! no fags, no movies,no shit! - at least you have a nice bed.- a bed! i have my squat in hogdalen. it's good enough for me!

    they took it from me!shit, at least i had some money there. krister is coming. hi. have you been late too? let's settle you in. follow me. was it your first time at the objectivity? did you go to college here? nowadays it's called university. did you just get this?- yes.

    i'm curious about semantics. do you know it? semantics claims that most differencesin opinions don't really exist. it's a matter of linguistics. many conflicts are due to the factthat language is such a blunt tool. well.- there's a point in that. have you thoughts about uni yourself?- no. you've made a start already. a start? being here for one term?

    well, how was the objectivity today? i don't want to be repetitive, but i've already told you. do you know what day it is?friday. payday. payments. gifts of grace. bloody charity.- be grateful. it's better than nothing. what a bloody the hell can you live like this? think of your position. you are supposed to be the model here. you can't bloody live like this.- easy now. i haven't settled in yet.

    when the new furniture arrives,i'll have time for studying. in this mess. listen, it'll be here within a few days. they promised the curtains for tomorrow. egon, egon please, calm down! firewood for you. speaking of cleaning up,you owe me two quid. i conned you.- you conned yourself. who did you think cleaned your quarters?

    kiss my ass! what's the matter with you?shut up, will you. pyret, is this really necessary?- every darn piece of shit. clear that bloody box away! he's sick in the head,destroying everything in his way. what did he do to you?- that's not important. destroying everything.what about my payment? shouldn't we make the best out of this situation? egon, there is no better way.- whatever, i'll take the other box too.

    where's butcher? i can sign on his behalf. don't be tricked by him, krister. what do you mean tricked?i'll give him the money. not all of us are rotten like you.bloody bastard! ten quid a week!to hell with it. ten quid a week to the guinea pigs. that's quite a lot for a guinea pig, if it doesn't smoke.

    go on use your snuff!you can afford it, you bastard. pyret is sleepwalking sometimes,and talks in his sleep. egon sleeps like a log. if he wakes up too sudden, his arms bounce crazy in all directions. forceful. jingis sleeps on a rubber sheet.he's a bed wetter. he pisses either in the morningor directly after he falls asleep. that bloody old hag. when she makes cocoa, it barely fills an egg-cup.

    and tomorrow we'll have turnips with stewed concrete. get your piss sheets out of here. i could do some messingon the old hag's box. she's the boss, isn't she? they should get rid off her. only her? better the whole bloody objectivity. we could do well on our own. krister and us.- and start a kind of labour union.

    we have a chairman. not a bad idea at all. chairman of "united thieves union", with a salary. really? were do we keep the funds?in your "union bank"? well, don't you trust me? do you think i'd run off with the loot? we must have four cashiers,

    constantly watching each other.grumpy, mistrusting blokes. two locks and two safes. two vaults and two of everything to prevent any bastard from entering. look at those poor,bloody working class blokes. bloody working classes! they are just thiefs like us, only they don't call it stealing. they call it "fringe benefits", "borrowing" and things like that. and driving drunk.could there be a link?

    some booze every now and what? what's the worst? get your car and money stolen, or get a year for driving drunk? or get juvenile detention. a bloody car they'll get back in a couple of hours, money they don't honestly own. do you believe in god, krister? i do.

    be careful with "godly"! when he's hungry, he roams the streets and eats your kind. nisse! well, social development merely tiptoes. our ability to take care of each other does not develop to the same rate as technology. nisse. nisse! eh ... leave that door, please. come, take part in our conversation instead.

    i do see your uneasiness. it's tragic how people must sufferdue to this slow development. they didn't care!they didn't do a bloody thing to help me. but now i only want to be left alone. you talk about the objectivity,and yet you've never been in their claws. my god, what have you done? can't you stand the sight of blood? are you grinding mincemeat? you scumbag! can't you see the guy's injured himself?

    injured himself?it's self-inflicted. you complain of being misjudged by others. but you judge yourselves the hardest.- that's our business, isn't it? who's complaining did you say? fish, go and get the first aid kit.hurry! i made complaintsto point at the inequalities. take it easy.they love to whine. who do you mean?who's whining did you say? whine yourself, you bloody, shitty, rotten rat.

    stop this, egon! please. who the hell are you?- egon! this was so very unnecessary. should i have let himuse his knife? should i? shall i just stand hereand take it? you know him. you didn't have to be so brutal. bloody socialist, bloody ass, bloody inspector, bloody superintendent,

    bloody djurgarden fan! and i shall take all this?he started! bloody chief editor, bloody clerk, bloody custom officer, bloody criminal inspector,bloody assistant secretary! my dad's a principal assistant secretary. my old man's brain was so rottenthat he had to rape my mom. he had to fuck her for three weeksbefore he could light his fireworks. and she was howling all the time, because he bloody hurt her.

    his dick was the size of a horse's dick. my gosh! if my father got to know the things i've done, he'd hate me. she got syphilis, and when i was born, it took three weeksbecause it was so darn hot. she howled because my old manwouldn't leave her alone. she was so tight, that i had to creep out through her ass hole. it made no difference to your ol' manwhen you'd arrived. that bony bitch.

    your whore of a mother,had to beg for a lay. when she didn't get it, she ran to the monkeys at the zoo. she found a half-witted apeand raped him. your father! strange, isn't it? don't puke in here! do your puking in the bathroom! if you think we'll clean up,you're dead wrong.

    lick it up yourself! you bloody cunt! egon!- you dumb-ass! if you don't stop fighting,you'll end up in hospital. shall we...?- no. something's fishy about this. why does he keep it locked? i bet he keeps a whore in there. really?but how does she get fed?

    if you want to make a key,you must get two or three blanks, in case you mess up the first one. the part of a key you are filingis called 'the bit'. you must take an imprint. after filing it, cover the bit with molten wax. then you turn the key in the lock, to see where it needs more work. if it doesn't fit already, that is. well, i made a key to that door.

    he has no right to hide things from us. they feel betrayed, all the time, by every person on every level. there, there now. take some advice from an old colleague: do not identify yourself too much with the objects you study. what's the use if i can't identify myself with them? who else could raise their complaints?they can't! good. keep your tongue sharp. we need your ability to protest. our swedish society would wither away, if there were not younger people, who could stand up for a cause. sometimes i wish there was some kind of final judgment. not for the judgment per se but to enable people to see rather than keep their eyes closed. and then have a great silence,

    so all ears could restfrom all words and explanations. no investigations, no denials. nothing. no possibilities to escape,to defend or to make excuses. we have become so talented! what are you doing in here?how did you get in? who allowed you to... jingis?

    jingis! stop! stop, jingis! are you angry, krister? not exactly angry but... come forth, nisse.krister is not angry. this grand piano belonged to my mother. i was just playing a little. go on playing, jingis.

    krister is happy if it's used,and no longer kept hidden. it belonged to my mother, nisse.- where is she? i just play from memory.i never touched music sheets. well, krister didn't knowthat you play the piano. this is nothing.i can play much better. jingis. jingis, please! do keep on playing, jingis. he doesn't mean that. he wouldn't want you secondto his dead mother.

    of course you can play it sometimes. occasionally. well, it never occurred to me. i'm never entered my mind. it's nice in here. maybe we should leave. or we could invite the others. maybe you don't want to? why did you never mention,

    that you had a secret room? you'd better have the key. if not, i can make one. i don't feel i've let you down,by not mentioning this room. come on, jingis. then i told him what i thoughtof him, that bastard. of course he boiled over. and the girl?what became of her? her? she made no difference.i was the only one left.

    what the heck. she had to pay mefor fucking that guy. so i sent her working the streets. we had a nice time. in bed, i mean. it reminds me of that babei met in the old city. i remember an old ladywho tricked me into her flat. i stayed in kransen some years ago,where this gorgeous babe lived. one story at a time please.i'll listen to you all. let pyret continue.

    oh ... what do i see?.the later the day, the better the guests. do join us.we have enough space. do enter. i was twelve, when i went to school. there was this old hagmy mother used to talk to. one day she invited me to her flat. i had no worries, so i stepped in. well, i had noticed, she had her eyes on me sometimes, and she touched me now and then.

    so what?she was an old lady for god's sake! how old was she? i don't know..., around 30 years. anyhow, she said she could mend my trousers. no, it started with mefixing a lamp for her. what the fuck.i didn't strip that easily. then she started to fondle me. of course i got exited! i had never done it before.

    and? well, i had a pretty nice time. she must have felt the same.she was moaning and all that. after that she never left me alone.she was looking for me every day. when i said i wasn't in the mood,she gave me chocolate and stuff. why didn't you fuck her? she had a hard life. she and my mom used to talk about that. did your mom never find out? well, there were rumours.of course i denied everything.

    but i wasn't allowedto visit people any more. and you obeyedyour mother of course? she never left me alone! i hated go home after school. i know a similar girl.marie on bastugatan street. i met her on central station. i got her undressed and on her bed. when i wanted to screw her,she told me to go to sleep. then she grabbed a newspaperand started reading.

    i was pissed, screwed herand went home to sleep. listen to me! i was waiting for the subway to stockholm from were we lived. a girl came to me and said: "you may fuck me if you want to". well. what did you answer? it was in bright daylight.ouch, why are you pinching me? nobody is pinching anybody. yes, you did.

    i could feel did like this. ouch, i cut myself! i got a wound. why did you do that? why did you cut that poor boy.he's done you no harm. let me have a look. did you do this? do what?- choose someone your own size! stand up when i'm talking to you!

    did you do this to him?- no. i saw it with my own eyes, but i want you to answer me! well? i know nothing. you 'know nothing' of this? are you that cowardly?do you lie straight to my face? something, which is that evident! sadism is one of the most repulsivecharacteristics of a human being.

    i saw it with my own eyes. answer me! he might have been cut by this.i was fiddling with it. you pricked me with...- shut your mouth! you can't tell himwhat he can say or not. he lies. in this room there's only one liar. believe what you wish. watch your step, nisse.

    i will not tolerate this kind of behaviour. what happened? bloody nisse. he cut jingis' hand with a nail file. this loony is totally brain-dead.lock him up for good! he understood nothing. nobody understood. how the hell can you sit here,like a common laughing-stock. you block-heads. don't you see he'll useeverything against you?

    do you think this projectwill last forever? where will you end upwhen this is over? you'll go to lovsta or langanas, or some other bloody reformatory. and you can blame yourselves. they'll send you to some forestryin the lappish hell of a wilderness. you know very wellwhere you'll end up. "sorsbro mental clinic" and to make things complete,you'll be accompanied by jingis. take good care of him,

    and combine business with pleasure. that damn queer. do you think he is?- what what you said.- a queer? fucking, yes!do you mean we should...? i don't know if it's possible. but if... we would do a lot better. lots of cash, fancy clothes and ...

    but evidence? sneak in with a camera,take some pics. who volunteers? now we'll listen to johan fredrik mellin andersson, born on 4th of february 1911, on several occasions sentencedto prison with labour for theft. yes, reverend, my sins are many. i was indeed a sinner. but now jesus is my whole life.

    that's the plain, adultery and crime is history. well, it's long ago. it was in summer 1977. i do remember. i got six months. i do long for the crown, but i wonder some times will we have any. do come belong here too. enter. heavenly,

    some good souls did i win for my god. thus even jesus christhas made use of modern technology, in the struggle against evil. this is a complicated's very expensive. you must handle it with care, not to break the delicate mechanism. once i was as simple as simon peter, when he asked his teacher:

    lord, how many times can my brother do me wrong, and still deserve my forgiveness? seven times? but as jesus taught simon peter... he taught me at the same time, and said: i say not to you, "seven times",but "seventy times seven". seventy times seven ... equals 490, a high number and a big numeral. 490 times you can sin against him,

    and yet be forgiven. you have his word because he loves you. but at the 491st time, the devil will take you,and your bodies will tremble. all your pride will be gone, and you must pray for mercy. jesus christ has promisedto forgive you 490 times, whatever you have done,because those were his words. but for the 491st time,

    he has given no words. none at all. thank you.- thank you. well, thank you. i enjoyed meeting you boys and deliver the message. once again, thank you.- we owe you thanks, reverend. what a bloody jerk. how could krister invite such an idiot? some good souls did i win for my god. i'll have one with sausage.- cheese.

    cut it out! well, get out and get laid. sexually deprived, poor motherfucker? that reverend.- he's got himself a fat meal ticket. he's not a greater saint than i am. if we get it on tape, it's water proof. he hasn't got a chance. we give him a copy, and he'll know. what did you get that day?

    eh... eight sedisonal... ... six "p" and some efinol. i was a bit dizzy.- bullshit. you begin to look old. a bit bald. you're not a beauty yourself. so you look for hookers?- yes. show him how to do it. would the inspector like this?

    why not?he's a member of the b-team. this is his favourite tune. he's been dancing many times.- into your butt? no, but if they queue up,i'll give a party. what do i charge? it'll be different once you've married the inspector? we'll have a party. hey, we arrange an engagement party.invite the inspector! can i borrow your paddle?

    and when i felt that the inspectorwas ready to pick, after a week, i made krister take us to the theatre. we need some culture, i said to him. krister was immediately carried away. and the inspector promised to baby-sit. yes, pyret! when do i get my money?- you will, but not now. you promised me.- i know, but i don't have it. what the hell!- get a paddle yourself. won't you come, pyret?- hell no.

    you'll regret it. ready boys? hurry! stop playing.butcher! in a second! jingis. have you taken a bath? hurry fish... fish! hurry, please. it was the first time everi was at the theatre. i didn't fancy it that much.

    but i remember most of it. it was the first timefor the others as well, but jingis had been at the opera as a young boy. he saw "little peter's travel to the moon". he shouted in the auditorium,and made everyone stare at us. they had already been staring at us,so we felt a bit awkward. now to the play. indra, lord of the heavens,hear us! unclean is the earth.evil is life.

    neither good nor bad,can men be deemed. everything was exaggerated, unnatural.i got lost in it. i was embarrassedand fidgeted on my seat. they waved their arms with trembling voices, and strolled back and forth. nothing of it was for real. lies the fault then with them? jingis liked it, and of course krister. "the objectivity"juvenile pension

    was it a flop? no. why? did you do it?- what do you think? tell us then! witch is the play button?- this one. ah, now i know. turn it down! you're a jackass of an engineer.- it wasn't my idea. we must do it again.

    count me out. i didn't get a penny from that bloody queer! -wait.- who babbled? what now then? fuck you, you can't kick me outmy own quarters! open the door! it belongs to the reverend, doesn't it? so it was you. you gave me your word! it's a fine device. what were your plans?

    nisse, me a favour and return it. as a favour person to person, and for your own sake. do it tomorrow. i promise this will be the end? i promise that the policereport will be withdrawn. that no one will blame you for anything. if nothing else;do it for yourself. think it over.

    if anything good comes of this,it must come from yourself. "pawnbroker's" you go! why me? you're next in must do something on your own! i'm not afraid. dare to join me? hey! stop the thief! dammit, this has gone wrong!

    i never thought he'd be there. that was really close! all this for nothing. you are a hell of a bastard, krister. pity you fear the inspector so much. he has no proof. ask him and he'll get up and testify. and he would buy that?- yes, why not? we cannot step up and just say: hey?- no?

    "help the leprous". "cashier's office accountancies" the inspector, is he here?- yes. it's saturday; we close at one o'clock. one of the boys from the pensionwants a word with you, sir. let him in. you may enter. ah, nisse, do come nice to see you. everything in order?

    our dear krister is doing all well. nothing but peace and quiet. the project works out quite well.i've heard that you do really cooperate. you have all shown maturity. be seated. do sit. you smoke, don't my guest. it can be a bit tiresomein the long run. but we will have to findsomething to make it easier, since you all been so responsive.

    diligence must be rewarded. the matter with pyret. so ... anything particular on your mind? he feels a bit downcast the moment. so. i thought you wishedto know about it, sir. if you didn't know it already, sir. well ... why he's depressed, i mean. maybe you should be a little more clear.

    did you make a bet? it's about pyret. i think i understand your point fairly well. sit. what did you have in mind in exchange for your knowledge. i only wanted you to know, sir. yes ... and now i know. anything else? no, nothing, since you have alreadypromised us something, sir.

    did i promise you something? pity if i did, because in this case i'll have to break it. although i'm unhappy to do so. it would too easily be misinterpreted ... as things have developed. it's your decision, sir. no ... discipline would suffer, and backfire on our dear krister.

    i'm unwilling to take measuresthat would harm him; since he's so youngand inexperienced; so inexperienced,that he might not know ... that a certain allegations are a common part of our profession; far too common in fact. he might misinterpreted it, ... even if everyone else knowabout this fact. it would be a pityto loose his friendship, due to what some out-of-controlboys claim, ... but ...

    well ... this isn't exactly atypical. we have all heard it before. so nobody is interested in your claim. except psychologically, that is. let me change the subject. i heard something about a tape recorder ... you might recall reverend mildvisiting you some days ago. we have had an inquiry from the police. we haven't yet decided what steps to take.

    we've got a description. this deals with notablymore evident matters. our dear krister ...also shares this opinion. we have been discussing this. there, cheer up! it didn't mean to upset you,you being my visitor. on the contrary! i only mentioned it for youto know that we support you. when you showed us that tape recorder,

    you did a great job. nobody noticed anything. but afterwards, nisse ... that was not like you. you must have been daydreaming. well ... we'll straighten this out.the tape recorder, i mean. cheer up! nothing has happenedthat can't be undone. you are a nice boy.

    you are in fact fairly handsome. a thin face and these gentle features. your mouth has a beautiful line. but you should smile more often. you mustn't be so suspicious, nisse. you must learn to takewhat life is offering. a great deal, i'd think. i think many peoplewould do quite a lot ... to help you, if only you'd take what they offer.

    you could go far in life. there must be many people who would like to help a boy like you. we have grown apart for some time. pity, we were really friends. this is a great loss to us, to both of us. but there is still time, isn't there? a fine neck you have. like a soft arc.

    here's a cleavage. soft and nicely shaped. here it meets with your hair. but you're far too skinny, nisse. i can almost count your ribs. here's one, ... another, ... and another. you are beautiful, nisse. this is not dirty. this is beautiful.

    this is pure. if there is ever anything troubling you, you're always welcome back. my door is always open. i couldn't get rid of this feeling. it came to my mind every dark night. i tried to think of girls. i looked at pics from magazines. "pin-up", "cocktail" and others. i choose pics i had used

    when i ... wanked. yes, i did. i picked kajsa at the objectivity,with the big breasts. i removed her bra and almostfondled her to death every evening. but the inspector always interfered. when i was thinking of kajsa,his head was appearing. i felt nausea, which didn't help. if it was the other way round, wouldn't you tell mewhat has happened to you?

    did something happen? i don't look troubled. did i hurt your feelingswithout realising it? wouldn't you tell me, and prevent me from doing so again? you had confidence in me before first. ... i think. if you've done something,you fear i would report it, ... wouldn't you? you mean ... to the inspector?

    you shouldn't be so harsh with him, nisse. he's saved your backs many times.- he has? you have to admit that. well, you should never openin old wounds, but, ... this tape recorder. you must admit he's the onewho got you out of it. i mean ...i too was under pressure, since you'd promised to return it. look, i don't blame you, nisse.

    if the inspector had not interfered, ... i really shouldn't say was meant as a surprise. you'll get new furniturefor the lounge next week. a new radio, with an in-built tape recorder. he's behind that. i even think he made a contribution.- i don't give a damn! you rotten bastard!stealing krister's books. what did you get?

    155.- give it to me! this'll be a starting we'll do real business. brandy, booze!we smuggle it in and sell it. we buy it for 15and sell it for 30. not from a svea ship. they charge too much.and they drink it all themselves. not really stylish;smugglers on shitty bikes! we should beat the amusement park instead. you could have a lot of fun for 140 quid.

    155! 140!that bastard invested in a new hat. hesitating are we?just when things are getting serious? okay, back out! i don't your own thing, then. i'm going! who's there? hello. speak to them.say what we're after. i will.

    'excuse me', is that german? no, get out. we want to buy booze. twenty crowns a bottle. then you can have it. fifteen, and ten bottles. eighteen. they have got a, look...!

    - move and let me see. move!- don't push! look, they're fucking her! sixteen is ... i mean our highest higher. then beat it and close the door. hell, let's get in.they are so pissed, they won't notice. be grateful for that. want some? me too.

    not're too young. those scumbags made me pregnant! if it's a baby-chick,name her after the ship. i told you to get out! they could at least stop this.- i pity her. she's hurt.could she have some schnapps ... please. feeling better, are we? talk about the brandy.what's his price? sixteen crowns and fifty ore.

    yuck, now she's vomiting! you've got no clothes on. come know you want me. come on! this was crap! but that's how she wanted it. what did he say? he said she was crap,but that's how she wanted it. "achtzehn" what does that mean?

    eighteen, isn't it? eighteen!the bid was sixteen fifty a minute ago. you bargain skills are that of an idiot. we'll get that backwhen we sell the bottles. how many can we get? seven. 126 crowns. fine, that'll leave us with some change. seven. we'd better check the bottlesif they're still sealed.

    you can't do that! they are buddies. take the bottles and leave.i'll join you later. see anybody?- no. let's go on shore.- yes. where's egon?- he's with that babe. what the fuck, are you sleeping? nisse, wake up. jingis.sleeping all morning.

    is this your quarters?- yep. in the upper bunk,but let's eat first. guys, bloody wake up! let's have a drink. take it yourself. do they bunk here as well?- yes. have a drink. cut that out will you!- but it's plain water. at that time, ray arrived. that he was named ray,we found out from newspapers.

    but he always looked after us, except when he left the night watch. at the beginning we hang outin gã¤rdet and in djurgarden, because i used to live there as a boy. i had never been there since,and i got this certain feeling. i never had a dog before. sometimes we lit a fireand cooked something to eat. ray got his fair share. afterwards ... when we were caught,

    i was said to have mistreated him.but that's a lie. okay, maybe we didn't groomhim that often. we roamed through the whole city. we tried to have a bath once, not far from viggbyholm,but it was too cold. we visited kallhã¤ll and norrviken. we were gone all day long. and used the project only to sleep. we didn't give a damnabout the project.

    of course they were confused. dog food isn't that cheap.we were short of money; our pocket money i mean. so i stole books from krister. excuse me, nisse. i cannot allow youto empty my entire library, without knowingwhere it all ends up. can call the cops. - you know i can't.- why?

    i can do it for you. don't be daft! if you're able to hang in here,you're also able to call the cops. where's the dog? why? is he stolen? so what?he's unhappy? no, but his owner might miss him.he's paid for him. let's pay for him then!

    and the ethical aspect? that's ray. and steva? won't you tell the inspector about her? maybe you're not awareshe's living here? almost all my books. - so.- i need them. something has gone wrong, and i cannot pinpoint it.

    and obviously i'm not given a chance to find out. come here ... come. come. you can have me. i want you. look at me. look at me! are you afraid of egon? don't worry. i dumped him.

    and he won't be backfor an hour, anyway. fuck off! did you really thinkyou could have me? i wouldn't touch youwith a barge pole! oh ray ... come here boy. you may have me if you want. no thanks. as you wish. i don't care. krister was my sole target.

    i knew his weak spots. my mind was not really focused on her. my plans for kristerworked out just fine. everything went according to my plans. this wasn't us. we didn't do this. we would tell you if we knew where he's gone. we couldn't stop him. we can help you to search for him.

    to prove we didn't do this,we'll help you find him. where's my stuff? - where?- yes. i sold it. you sold it? and of coursei am the one to blame? though i have no idea why. maybe you thinki'm just pretentious. i wanted to become a biologist.

    i cannot remember what made me study people, if you don't mind me telling you. where's the money? you can't have spent it all? what i got for the grand pianois in the bank. in which account? nine, zero ... , zero, zero, six, two. who's account is that? fund raise for leprosy.

    leprosy ...? where is the piano? at a shop. and the furniture? at the buyer's. if i get the money, will you show me where? i want it back. - you don't have that kind of money.- i must have it all back! well, come with the money early monday morning. honestly, you don't have the money?

    search me if you want. bloody hell.leave me alone! i've called everyone i know. i'm short 470 crowns . there is someone who might be able help you. who? - no ... that would be improper.- no, tell me. who? - no, i've changed my mind.- don't you trust me to pay him back? - that's not it.- what then?

    do you think he'll refuse? 'she' rather. does she have so much money? ask her. wouldn't she find it odd, if i ...? you ask her. i don't need any money. this fella has something to ask. she must think it's odd that i ...

    she might misunderstand. please, nisse, you ask her. he needs money. 470 crowns. tell her why. what for. to buy back his furniturei stole from him. - can you get it for him?- tell her i will pay her back. if you come with me. will she do it?

    we took a taxi from the central station. steva said we'd stick to persons in's easier that way. a great deal of cars were passing that night. first i bought her boothat norrmalm's square; for 25 crowns .. that i had to pay; or should i say, krister. to provide steva with customers was easy. they swarmed like flies around her. she could select.

    we were at djurgarden twice, once at lill-jansskogen, and next to the gasometer. i saw her through the rear window. then once at the engelbrekt church. she did it twice in the car.then i had to step outside. she told them i'd let the dog loose,if they tried to cheat her. i once made use of ray. when a queer turned upand asked me if i ...

    when i returned with you, he ran off. we took a taxi downtown. it was already bright. all the doves were cooing. dammit, my back is aching. if you want me to go upstairs,you'll have to carry me. and this bloody dog. he should be put to death! carry me!

    no bloody pimp must ever hit me! give me my money i've earned. the money!are we leaving it there? you said it's yours. i won't pick it up. pick it up! how much is it? 490. check her bag.

    not a penny! what'll krister say about this? krister!he's the one who has the money. i know another funny story. ask him!come, let's go ask him. do you know what time it is? are you too drunk to forget about the time? join us.we'll deliver the money now. you needed money.

    there's 20 crowns too much. give it to steva.she's fixed it for you. i don't know how to thank you.i ... i never thought this of you, that's your dark side. will you turn the whole projectinto a brothel? is steva just a start? then nisse? because he sold your old furniture,he too must work for you? you was only thinkingof the furniture.

    your sole concernwas the furniture. do you think i will let my girl work the streets for you? you bloody pimp! what's the big deal?i'll get the money back. i know another funny story,about bellman. get it back!dreamer! you'll never get a penny.on the contrary! you nit-wit! i had no idea.

    what about me? i can't accept it. i'm sorry, but i can't. what do you mean 'sorry'? how about some gratitude? i had a hell of a time getting it,and now, nobody wants it. do you think i'll accept bribes? this is so yuckie,it makes me puke. after all that i don't even get a 'thank you'.

    so, the whole thing was in vain. if you think you can get out of this, you are so wrong. i'll call the police! i must thank you for the lessonyou've given me, nisse. i realise i don't knowthat much about myself ... or about life. i had no idea about this dark side of me. you have opened my earn credit for that. so, i want to thank you. start crying.

    what reason have you to cry? and what about me?what should i do? - what time is it?- almost 5 am. no use going to bed. do you think egon went to the cops? where's krister? that bloody guy. i tried to help that pig. idiot!

    you started it all,by the way. - would you stop spilling the booze!- you can't blame me. buy your own if you want some. sunday morning. - you bloody whore.- fuck off, wanker! you bloody would if i'd let you! ray. there, there boy, come to me. i prefer you, ray. do it,'s for free!

    not for you. i take what i want. do it then! rape me!you are all the same. stop shouting! i'd better undress right away. i want it too. it's my brandy.give it me! - give her the booze.- hasn't she had enough already? if you want to screw mei'll have to be drunk first. that's, take the bottle off her!

    so, little boys, are you shy? i can wake the other boys upto for a group session. then you might be less shy. i don't care. one more or less makes no difference to me. not when little boys are fondling me. i don't feel it anyway. i'll never feel if you are inside or not. but i demand a bed.remember that!

    and a mattress. i'm so dead tiredof doing it on the ground! no way that egon will call the cops. do you think he will? well, are you up for it? do you think you're capable? here's nothing to be found. pyret, get the tweezers. you shit!

    you bloody sadist! can you only do it after you beat a girl? is this all you can do? - that's a bloody sewer you've got there.- but she still makes you darn horny! don't miss your chances. pyret, go and get a bed. but remove the mattress. ray, come here, boy! what's the matter? come here, ray.come.

    - he doesn't know how to ...- then show him. she had to pay the whole bill. she had to pay for what she did to krister ...and for what i did to him. she had to pay for my bad sidesand for krister's bad sides. and all of it was entangledand simultaneous. leave us alone! who was that? was it jingis? don't come closer!

    you'd better get dressed. they are here. now you'll get'll have to answer questions. serves you right, you piece of shit. no, wrong guys. that's the guy;in the bed. leave me alone.let me sleep. who are you? have a they look like charity nurses?

    this boys have madeserious accusations against you. we are obliged to investigate. she earned 500 crowns for him. what difference does that make? i accompanied herwhen she made the money. she felt lonely. see! i told you. don't do this, nisse.

    don't. you destroy it for everyone. don't worry, krister.i'll help you! no, jingis. no, please! get him! wait. wait! they blamed me for everything. they didn't blame mefor his death, though.

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