About : standard furniture view royal
Title : standard furniture view royal
standard furniture view royal

chang hey honey play with me i'll be nice. there he is againit's his fifth time. he is a pain in the ass. sir... sir... sir... play with me how much are you these days? i'll tell you if you get off this car
i'm too shy can we meet outside? sure here is my pager's number excuse me, i'm looking for a girlnamed bang, woo-ree bang, woo-ree?bang, woo-ree of which year? there were so many girlsin that name in this neighborhood. i believe she was first in hereabout 17~18 years ago the time of president park in those days women came toseoul to earn money and was convinced or kidnappedand forced to walk here
about 60~70% ofthe prostitutes back then sent their earning to their families. on the last 11th around 2 a.m.a yh trade conductor who was in siege was arrestedwhen about a thousand seoul police force rushed intoshin im sah temple located in the ma po cityof seoul district - she's hot!- and ended the demo by force. she seems suitable for the job she used to work in a leather factoryin cheonggye.
17 years old. where are you from? she doesn't knowbecause she lived in a orphanage. let's go in. come in. take a seat. if anyone asksyou are twenty. if they figure out thatyou are a teenager i'm screwed. here is your fake i. d
you're name is kim min sook?how's bang, woo-ree. we had one in the name of bang, woo-reeshe was loved by many men. excuse me, but this seemsto be a place for prostitutes. i thought i was selling beveragesi don't sell sex. i've had enough, thank you. bitch, you should have told me thatbefore i paid for your introduction. what do you mean? it took me a hundred thousand wonso pay up. i'm sorry.
i'm terribly sorry. get off bitch!you'll ruin the your body. beverages my ass, do you reallythink you will be just selling beverages? this is a best place to earn moneywhen you have no support. if you just take thisas a fate and do it right. you'll pay the debt and earnabout a million in no time. you want to run right?forget it. once you are inthere is no out. if you run and get caughtyou are dead.
you must pay me. - this is yours.- thank you rest now. why are you here? the factory doesn't pay muchand it's hard. wash. give me the towel. don't turn the light off. i said keep the light on. why aren't you getting undressed?
- must i get undressed?- of course are you joking me? get off me!why are you doing this? go kiss your girlman! - this is going to take all day.- wait, i'm all most there. - well i don't feel a thing grandpa- i say i can do it oh man. - hey grandpa- what? come lay here. relax.
go and ask your wife to do it my wife is too modestthat i can't even ask. - then pay up.- how much? just as much as you want. hey! hey! hey! hey! what? well this guy says he'll pay a thousandper lash with a whip but i can't do it. - you are a dog!- harder!
you are a dog!a dog is more better than you! you are a piece of shit! you are a dog! hey! get down bitch!get down! i caught her trying to run by bus. get in! what are you doing? kyung sook tried to runand they cut her artery. - what?- she is in a hospital now.
crazy bitch...i told her to give up. what a bitch she worry who will feed the family whenshe's gone and she kill herself? do you bath in groups? hey you come here. i told you not to sell drugto my property. well one of my girltook it and cut her neck. are you going to take the blame? i didn't sell no drugs?
don't lie asshole. - i'll kill you.- come out here you! you loon! what are you doing here in a place for filth!i told you to go to school. listen this place isfor the most low life prostitutes with diseasesto sell their bodies if you get any thing from them you are doomedfor the rest of your life. you were going on last nightyou were on a roll.
- well i had fun last night- who is he? next is a accident report. prostitutes jumpedfrom a running bus. and three was killedand six were injured. last 27th around10 to 10 p.m. in the front of paju 1 streetlocated in paju city of gyeonggi-do 9 prostitutes includingkim kyung ah jumped from a running bus to be free. well it's hard right.
toothpaste. - lucky?- yes. - here take this.- thanks. look at that. bang, woo-ree doesthat fifteen times a day. - how much is it here?- two thousand won. 2 thousand won? let's go... are you really new?
- i just started this morning!- you better be right! well who fooledyou come on. okay, let's go. no, no i have been fooled beforei have to see the stuff. hey su-jin! well seems okaylet's go! serve him well. i know. get some water please.
- give me the clothes.- okay, okay. hey, let's have more beer. wash me. pay me. - how much?- three thousand. young ok, you have a guest. let him do it, he's good. strange where is my pursei had it with me. - it's you right?- what?
- give it back- give what back? give it back bitch! what the hell are you bugging me for. so, shall we meet the copscome here. why, did you see me steal it?let me go. why? what's wrong? this guy claims i stole his wallet. are you saying you didn't bitch. come here for a minute.
what the hell are you! yeah come on take you best shot!wait i have to put my shoes on. come on!let's earn some money. what?what are you doing? oh my eye my eye
- crazy bitch- one noodle please. well what can a girl do except this? you have to earn the moneywhile you can 2, 3 years in hereand you are a goner. why is it different?where is girl who dragged me here? bring her here. she is a manger andthis here is real thing. then i want a refund. it's a no-refund policy herejust enjoy it huh?
do i look that easy. you better repay me. come one you came herejust do it once. repay me you swindler. - what a swindler?- yeah you fat whore. a fat whore?why you low life. - hey bitch...- you call me a fat whore. hey, come here. hey! hey! stop it.
man what a dick. what's all this?are you okay? let me go. we'll see about this. calm down. well since you came herejust do it. never with her. mi-ja! why?
- you take this.- no. why you... get in... get in... it's the cops... they are from the other district. - really?- yes! it's the cops!turn the light off! turn it off. come on.
what's with the light? you call this a business. is there a war? why are they leaving the ownersand bugging us? well you know it's just a actthey use this place too. about three days ago bunchof them came and threatened us fora good service. it's over. she has to be pretty.
don't worry and prepare the tip. hey, bang, woo-ree and haw-ja. it's a long night. mr. kim is here. you sleep with him. he's from the countryside be nice. come on in. be nice be nice. go.
i haven't eatenso i'll go grab a bite. okay. would you like to watch the cartoon? yes. well aren't you nice. - hey!- yes. boiled egg and milk. sorry i'm late. sorry.
take you clothes off. i'm not really interestedyou seem too tired. then let's do itin the morning. could you turn the light off? you don't seem to be from aroundhere where are you from? jeolla-do. my friend said he got a job for me soi came but he was wrong. come on let's sleep. stop it...
get some sleep. was it good? how was it? well i'm off gilyong. bang, woo-ree you've done welllet's see... well 400 this time. exclude the cost for rent, food,cleaning, washing, protection and the advance payment andalso this month interest 12000 won. here, one hundred andtwenty thousand won.
jae gina, come in! do you know how muchyou took in advance. - how many did you do?- for that lousy man of yours? well one abortion and thisand that it's still a minus. how much did sujin send? fifty thousand. she is saint. hey, you all know i have workedmy ass off to make this right? when bang, woo-ree has beenplaying with 12 men per day
what were you all doing? the money isn't going to be earnedby itself go and grab it. and if the guy seem to bethe chance of a life time... the president was shot last night. what? by whom? from kim jae gyu the directorof ministry of information. i'll catch the rerun. the radio is going wild. well we are still on.
shit what does the president's deathhave to do with this? come on... let's start this. the accomplishment's the president hasmade over his eighteen years as a president is great. security and economic development is the two goals thathe always wanted. and his life's purpose andlonging was the unification. what's a code red situation? it means that the military won'tallow us to do our business.
there are no customershow are we supposed to live... - hey!- yes? - two instant noodles!- what about the eggs? - leave mine out!- okay. although he has ruledthe country in anarchy, he made us all wealthy and upgraded our livingstandard to here. right? sure, he did a great jobof making us a whore.
just like we live outside. and returns to the birth place when old. wouldn't death be something like that? the loving home i have left i long for moreas the day goes by. i can't stop thinking about you. shall i visit my birth land. ah, i miss my home. well it's a contract to live more freelybut a little lesser pay.
sure... she's pretty. you don't knowwho will snatch her. come here. did you come back. evil spirits leave me and new fortunevisit me for i have bought a new girl. kids, there is new girl. - i'm min young's brother.- i know. hey, your brother is here. since your job herefinishes in the 20th.
i got a promise for a two monthwork in na ju of uijeongbu. how much does it pay? we have 30 leftwhen we repay the debt here. oh my i need 20 more to repaythe gambling debt. do well. what a great family. after the daddy sell herthe brother sell her next. after himit's the father's turn again. what a family huh?
what a bitch you fled to mokpo? well i made hernever try to run again. these are my twin daughtersi'm looking for them. did you see them? - did i see them?- yes did you? well i'm not sure... - mr. kim- i'll call you. we nearly forgot you. i got a special guest with me.
well this is it for the day. - come in.- come in. hey, suhmin! - suhmin,- wow, it has been a long time. i'm chaeha. she is new here. come herehe is a important guest to me. what shall it be? how's foreign liquor?
let's have bear. - bear.- yes. - well this is good miss kim.- why are you doing this. you always touch peoplein the hospital. - madame.- yes. - come here.- yes. why are there so many here? what?18 thing to eat for 30 beers. so you add 5 moreit's 23
a person i remember when it rains. a person who didn't say much. a person who hides his feeling. a person who couldn't sleepbecause he missed his last love. one day he asked meinside the car. wait... - inha.- yes. let's drink naked. - naked?- yes.
thank you. take your clothes off. do you know who i am? ma dame come here! ma dame! miryung! what's wrong with this bitch! why is she so stiff! why aren't you listeningto what the customer says?
he says he wants to doit here in front of everyone. well that's too much. - mr. kim! mr. kim!- yes? what's wrong with this place?let's go! how did you treat him? mr. kim! i told you to treat him well. do you think we have nowhere to go except here? sorrylet's go to a place next to here.
where are you going! i'm going to the place next to here. is this the dong shin company?may i talk to mr. kim? i'm the ma dam.young-eun is going there to say she's sorry where are you doing thisdon't do this. i'll be there around two. mr. han! oh my!what bring you here? mr. kim is madso i came to cheer him up.
well he is like that. she is a new kidyoung-eun says hello. this is mr. han of the gyung sin construction hello. i'll visit you once. - come and take a drink- will you make it cheap? i was afraid thatyou wouldn't recognize me. come oni'll buy you a drink. are you okay, didn't you get a disease?
i went to the hospital for a weekand it's nearly suers. i'm sorry i'm treated every daybut i'm not cured. well it must be the alcohol. it can't go any faster. well i got this from a friendthis is the best it can go. i don't know where i'm fromor what my name is. my mother diedwhen i was six and when my father diedi was sent to the orphanage hello?
you don't have a safety helmet onmay i see your driving license? hey bitch! where were you? these girlshave eyes you know be on time. if you so much as be seenaround here i'll break your leg. this person was waiting fortwo hours. would you like a drink? it's time for you to wake up. you must pay up and go to walk. here's your bill
- this is too much!- what do you mean too much? you called all the girlsand tipped them all. you drank beerand foreign beverages all night. hey you talk to meyou were with me the whole night. she is right. i don't have that much.also i don't drink that much. what... come the police station with us! how dare you plan to eatand play for free!
okay i'll call homeand ask for some money. if they see a easy looking guythey just try to double the price. i think they are druggingthe alcoholic drinks. if this i drink one or two cupi just get dizzy and lost control. even if i wake upi feel sick and dizzy. man i should give upthe girls hate me because i'm famous man. it's cool down soonlet's take ten. you can see a chapelit's very famous.
i'm looking for chae, young-eun. - young-eun you have a guest.- come on go and see the visitor. you came here first and youmade me wait for three days? the boss just didn't let me go. i couldn't even get dressed. give it to me here. i came here to look for peacebut it's more loud here. shit i didn't get paid becausei left before a month. and on the way due to the moving feeand introduction fee only my debt rose.
hey i asked you fora fish and a drink. okay, sure. come on let's havea drink together. come inside. man it's always like thisi waited three hours. is it hard? i asked friends for whereyoung-eun might be from. they said that wherethere are flowers everywhere and a house under the pine tree.
they presume it's nearthe gangwon-do. brother... find my home townand take me there. i want to forget it alland just leave. just take a photo i don't evenhave to know the name. if i so much as seea flower i'll know. i'll earn moneyand repay your debt. get a good motor cycle and findyour hometown it will be great. going through the wide landand high forest.
when... now, who's a good boy... - when will you come?- next week... you have to thinkof me during that time. why did you drink when you are broke why did you call the womanif you are broke? you were the one thatmade me do this. how could i guess thatit would get to this? please stop kidding and pay us.
i just got out of jailhow would i have the money. do you mean you drankwhile you were broke. myungil monk ofbak yun temple is my brother... you know him right? call him and saythat his brother is caught... he will come sincehe is a brother call him... he didn't visit me formy five years in prison because he will become a budaand i'll go to hell. i see the end with him todayso just call him.
oh my look at his face. - sister- why i should... i'm talking to the monk he saysthere isn't a monk who has a brother. okay let's go to the templeto meet your brother. - okay get up.- let me go. he is a guy who say that othersmonk's situation is no big deal when just a one is born among them. how can i go there andget money from him. you bitch! you should havefigured out this will happen.
you pay for the drinks. we announce that chun, doo-hwanis the new president. till when will the army ruleover our country. i'm looking for young-eun. she isn't here she left. don't you know me? why? of coursei do she waited for you. she should take me too if the placeis nice but she doesn't call me. i didn't know she was here
and went looking for herall around the world. poor thing, when you meet herhit her for me. crazy bitch, why did you waitand leave a phone number. someone's here. - mr. chang-ii- yes. say hello this isgil-young. he helps me a lot. i heard a lot about you. i have to worklet's have a drink latter okay?
he's a taxi driver and he spendsall this earning on my debt. he really loves me and cares for me. we'll get married this fallyou'll come right? i congratulate you. these are the photos of the placei thinks young-eun's from. nope it isn't here either. no, no these all aren't it. there a place like that near by here
so i'll bring a pictureof there next time. let's go nowi can go. since chang-ii is my warranti can go any where. how is the house underthe pine tree. no there wasa field there. you have a letter. this person is a person who willalways find you but sent a letter. dear young-eun. it has been a year sinceyou have moved out.
i heard that your marriage failed i know it's because ofthe guy and his parents. you must feel terrible. this picture i've put inis the picture of my fiancã©. although the daysof royal blood is gone and she works in a dangerous place she is a memberof the royal family. - a royal family.- a royal family? i'm the daughter of the royal family!
i wasn't allowed in the same roomwith my brother. and the washing was dividedby the gender. i had to learn to back step out when i cleaned the table becausei could show my behind to the elders. if my dad knew i was livinglike this he would freak out. was i too early? i wanted a drinkwith chae, young-eun. it's been long since i saw thisi just can't win. stop... stop... stop...
i congratulate the openingof the 24th olympics. and announce the openingof the seoul olympics. need a friendi'll be extra nice. don't go. play with mei won't bite. bitch come here. how dare you stealmy customer. what the hell you say. you bitch who saved youwhen you were sick.
- let me go.- you bitch. look she's drugged. you whores!i was like you once. you bitches! you whores! i was picked 20~30 timesa day once. you whores!i was famous once... chang-rul drag her out... let me go... okay let's go in.
income is divided in to halfand the pay is per two month. the rent is 3 hundred thousand. if you leave and don't come backwithout telling for a day that's two hundred thousandfor a empty room. if i pay you in advance i put in interest and keep onraising it for eternity. so you had a ten million in advance and three million in empty roomin the last place. what empty room?i paid for it.
- i have a receipt here.- the receipt my ass. does the world revolves around you girl? the people i hired to catch you pay up for the debts of thatand the losses that brought. it all adds up to more thana ten million but i'm so kind i'll set it at three million. hey! why am i 50? ah, she is unpredictable. i told you i'll take car of it.
the bed was used by the formerso i'll give it to you at a half price or i'll put in the mats. - who'll use this?- me. sister. take care of yourselfand drink slowly. woo-ree... you are just like you used to lookyou got more prettier. wow welcomeit got so nicer here. with the olympics’ coming upcars are selling.
with the dollars pouring inyou can get girls anywhere. coffee shop, ginseng tea shop,sauna, turkey sauna, motel even barbers are joining the game. i saw it on the newspaper there are over 4 hundred thousand placefor prostitution and over one million prostitutes. eun-sookwho dragged you to this place? i'm chae, eun-sook's motheri have my social number right here. - let's go!- come on out!
how could you to such a young girlcurse upon you all. they must be fake. even if you don't believe themyou can't do anything. it's a world where the owner goes to jail forlife if they happen to be true. drink this. shit the owners are send thegirl with a gold digger for his pleasure. watch out for the gold diggers. they are filth who suck on youmaking you believe that they are your husbandor boy friend.
some guys go around places to places. and had about two to three girlsin each place. give me a tissue please. no one box. a one box? it's me so-hyang. she came out from yeongdeungpo. you have to wait a while so-hyang some one came first.
mr. lee! wow that's more than just a luck. that's why she's calledthe frying pan from heaven. heaven's frying pan my ass. well she is feedingthe seven family with it and got a housethat's one hell of a pan. pan, pan, pan,all you talk about is the pan. how old are you? why would you want to know?
well you don't seem to belong here. just finish it quickly and leave. i'll just talk. i've heard that before. this is my wedding pictureafter i buried her i feel lonely she suffered and diedwhen life turned better. hey! when you pick the longest job that has existed in this worldthis is the one of those we are the main reasonthe sex crime is so low
if we set our feet in this field revenge is to get out withtones of money okay? ah-rong why do you alwayssay that you are twenty? who will see you as twenty? and so-hyang will youfollow us to church? i just heard you werea christian so i just asked. my dad is a christian too so. well if you are a christian act like one. why did you take an old customerby stalling the other one away?
stalling crazy bitch. - crazy bitch!- yeah i'm crazy. that all you got? shut up! you come here you are dead. just take your clothes offand let's get it on. sister! i can't do it. the condom won't go in.
gyung-sook. are you going to staythe night stop it. - you sprayed it didn't you?- what? you sprayed yourself stop it. pull this out.stop. pull it out. brother! brother! this guy bought a paralyzing sprayand doesn't come. why you!
you sickget dressed and leave. time is moneytill when are you going to do this. - come out! you bastard!- hey i'm a customer. i demand to talk to the manager. - woo-ree!- it's her again. how have you been?you can go out right? come on let's go. where? it's a long nighti just went to the bath room and he stole all my watch,perfume and my panties.
pervert who take a pants? are you tired? didn't get some sleep? how was it today? well i was taken to a beach house the guy strip me and saysthings like walk lay down. and that for the whole night. i was turned on but he justwouldn't budge i was mad. he's a guy who really doesn't do it.
who must did you earn? dad! dad! aren't you going? - dad!- wait outside. - how much again?- five hundred grand. i have to fix the engine. that blasted car is always in a messthe engine was the problem then too. why are you usingthe money recklessly? you buy all these clothes and takethis money you owe twenty million.
i'll raise your interestrate to 40% why are this is unfair so-hyang owes 25 million andshe has no interest rate. well she does 25~30 men a day. that's double yours. if you want to be treatedlike her double it. - sister, 88- yes. nothing troubling you? where are you going?
i don't know i heard mi-sook went to heuksando. well her life is ruined. geomundo and heuksando isa land of no return. did call from yeongdeungpo arrive? nope. woo-ree. how have you been? take me to my room.
i'll be just a minuteswait. the big one is jung-min. the second is jung-hun. hi. the last is jung-eun shall we take a seat. it's been so long. you haven't changed. have i changed?
ah, did you marry the girlin the picture? have kids? i broke up with her. father and mother diedthe minute we got married. she sold the land and just flew. i heard she is in the bar in japan. poor you... i'm engaged. he is really rich.
he gains money buy selling foreignfurniture we will get married at fall. it was in the fallat the last time too right? this time it's differenthe is a gentleman. maybe because he is old buthe is so forgiving. see me for a minute. are you getting married? why? can't i? who allowed you. we are married?
we are no differentfrom married couple. i won't let you go easy. - i need a consolation money.- a consolation money? you bitch! say that one more time! how much? you weren't wearing your helmetmay i see your license. why did you break up with him? i thought this would last long.
i thought i would be the second wifebut he used be for business. he took me toall the endless meetings and if a foreigner came he mademe sleep with that person and enjoyed watching itin the next room. one day his son in university rushes in i couldn't stop him. well he found out and i was kicked. it's nothing i'm depressed. i thought when i to home my dad andmother's soul my dead brother's soul.
and my clear soul of the youthwould come out to greet me. i thought there would be a place like that but it's all gone. to take young-eun on a bike ridewas my only hope. i have nothing to do. i'm... here for eh-ree. eh-ree, you have a guest. how did you find out? close it.
i'm opening a bar and i need your help. he is a rich real estate man and he doesn't know about my past. i just said that i opened a bar but it failedand all you have to do is help me. since it's a coal townno own will know us. since the coal mines are closingdue to the cheap gasoline the good bars are sold cheap and if we have pretty girlswe can still do business. i have a person who sayshe will provided the girls.
the economy here is declining. let's give this up. you are taking the full responsibility right? don't worry i know all their family. nice to meet youi'm bae, duk-sung. eh-ree sister here in charge of living hi, i'm eh-ree. next to the is hyang-mithe top number 1 in this field. and these are the new girls.
miz chae has failed a lot ofbusiness in the past i'm not doing this for the moneyi'm just trying to help her. now why let's work together to help her. a incident has occurred which show how much our view onsex has been polluted. a case where two daughtersued their father of sexually assaulting themfor ten years. and a student who kill herself because she was rapedin front of her house.
reporter cah jae-wo hasmore update on the story. yes, this case started as the two girlswrote a plea letter asking that they never see their father again so that they canknow what real love is. the police have taken the fartherin for questioning. it really seems to be that it has become a world where youdon't know what to do or who to trust. what kind of a farther is he?
if you are done go tothe next room will you? you must be hotlook at the sweat. a family tree! why do we always lose. hurry up will you? yung-gyung i asked youfor the us or china films. who told you to lenta korean one? quickly change it. - hey girls shut up- hello, yes royal salon.
eh-ree get the phone. it's the public health center they areasking you to come with the manager. why are they requesting us? just go and come back quicki'll be waiting. come back quick...i'll be waiting. damn i used 5 millionon to get her and got her clothesand she got an aids? why what about all the investments? i can't control thisit's not my choice.
hello, this is royal salonget me a cab here quick. hey you stay there. hey bitch! stop. where are you off to with no money? you gotta have some change. the poor bitch. she had to get the onethat would kill her... do you know all the girls ran? they went to bath?
sun-ja, mi-gyung, ji-ahthey all ran. we been had by thatdrumstick like person. - come on let's talk this out.- shut up you gold digger. well you should have knowwhen you make it with other's money. you're bound to run into trouble. find themit's your responsibility. why should i? you are the owner on the outsidebut isn't he the real owner? hey, you fat whore how manymen did you take advantage of?
who are you to say that? you are on the run becauseyou did a illegal real estate. shall i spread the word? chae, young-eun are you here? she was sold two month ago. she was cheated onand lost a lot on betting. she must be in a bad place. the seoul kang nam policewho were investigating. the murder of park, sung-tae couplethe seoul branch manger
of the korea herb medicine association.arrested the first son mr. park in the name of family murder and arson. according to the copshe lost 25000 us dollars in the casino due to gambling. and came back whenhe lacked the money. and killed his parentsfor the ten billion worth estate and tried to look it asa ordinary robbery gone bad. i brought a new girl. isn't she pretty.
the evil souls disappear since the new girl is hear andlet there he only good luck. get up. - come on let's play- i'll be nice. hang your clothes hereand put your bag here. get dressed in this and come down. party with me. go sit there. good!come quick!
welcome! come on show them the way this is a prison. everything must be done as a team and you must get permissioneven to go to the lavatory. those people are the managers ofthis street and they have a cold heart. they are the worst there is. what happened?why are you here? i went in a island
and was staying in a housewhile helping the landlord. the people from the health center came. well the word spreadand i was kicked out. all they said was just leave. don't have sex. don't do prostitute and work in a factory. when have we done that? this was my only choice i told the old customersthat i have aids.
i had three testedand they came negative. now they are saying since theydidn't get it i wouldn't have too. i believe them. i advise the customerto use condoms. but if they don't want to... i really have nothing to doexpect be here. one person who knows me cameand told me to help him in a charity. i wanted to help him but i couldn'tbecause of the debt. i could have done the one thing good in life.
hey don't ever saythat bitch is in my house. how much did i lose... recently the makers of the sex videothat shocked the nation was caught today. these teenagers confessed that they made the tape followinga japanese adult film. hey, play with me! na dae sung pd researched this. the four teenagers arrested
were so young that it was wonderhow they even made the tape. the suspects found by the police was mr. kim a high school student and miz chae a middle school student. and another high school student mr. chae. mr. kim and miz chae were lovers and in april and august they gathered in mr. kim's house and made a mimicof the japanese adult film
with the family camcorder. the film was so hot that it was soldover hundred thousand copies. the world is like that. look at that young ones. we were even embarrassedto pass this place in the past. now they just enterwithout no disgrace. and the money spending they use 1~2 million per day. old days the women wereall about getting out
these days they haveseparated working time and this is a hobby anda part time job with a good pay. of course it's hard to sayit's all that those girls would come backeven if they had a billion won. are you drunk? what bad did this place do to us? it got us a home, sent all three childrenthrough university. and they haven't been to prisonthey haven't even had their hand's printed. don't speak ill of these people.
they are arguing a refundbecause they didn't do it. when did i do it?i didn't come. you shit! you used it all up! i'll ruin you business for the day. - you come here!- let me go! - come here asshole- let me go! what are you a pimp?why are you using a teenager? - who is the teenager?- she didn't you say you were sixteen?isn't that a teenager?
when i say i didn't come then i didn't. how much did you pay? sixty thousand. get out. get out asshole. you crazy bitch why did youtell him your age? do it right! others don't treat grandpai'm just being nice. cut me a slack i didn't getany and my wife went me here.
- don't try to take time- okay. - come on up- okay. what's a grandpa got to know? come and play in our house a kind and clean girl? we got that widows married women we gottwenties and thirty thousands. - there's a twenty thousand?- yes. - what...- five thousand.
cow's a 14000 a poundyou are asking it that cheap? then don't! okay, okay, ten thousand. did you fight with you girl. we been in a relationship for a long timeshe just won't give it to me. - girls...- you twenties? you look over thirty. i'll be extra good. what's extra good about that?
come on repay me. woo-ree you have guest. i thought there would be someonewho will love me truly. i waited and waited but he didn't show up. i became badly broken then figured outthat it's not going to happen i has a dream. i missed you. i came here as soon a came back. i went to the island that you stayedfor three years.
she was gone. i can't find her since i met a strange person there i was worried about my dirty body. he said to throw away the now meand find the real me and told of a temple. i pray every morning. made food handled grass didthe wood and in that hard life. i washed and washedto clean my dirty body.
i was yelled at for washing the bodywhile i had to wash my mind. that day i left. finding true self is for thosewith big plans. for a whore like me whois into the feeling sex brings it was impossible. it's has bee long since i came out. can you be out here like this? there are lots of debt to repay. now noon will get in my way or interfere.
you know why? cause i know i have nowhere to go.