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    ashley furniture tv stands

    closed captioning provided bythe wcwc todd keneley: welcome everybodyto the west coast wrestling connection, i'm todd keneleyalong with jeff akin it's summer time but the living is anything but easy for thestars of the wcwc things are heating up andtonight the pacific northwestheavyweight champion

    hammerstone will be in action in our main event the whirlwind gentlemen defend those tag team titles againstthe wrecking crew one more time jeff akin: he tried it withgrappler 3 then jeremy blanchard tried itwith grappler 4, tonight todd jeremy blanchard and the

    legendary grappler challenge for the tag teamtitles ladies and gentlemen it happens tonight i'm the loose cannon kenny lush from 100 mile house bc! alexander hammerstone you're a big fish in the

    wcwc and you know what i got for you-- a hook! kenny lush tk: we start off the in ringaction at the west coast wrestling connection jeff it's all about hot new talent making their wayinto no exception to that rule, thisman

    kenny lush, he can go akin: some of the top talent inthe world coming hereto the west coastwrestling connection and this guy is excited for the fans of the west coastwrestling connection to checkhim out kenny lush this episode of the west coast wrestling connection is broughtto you in part by the brunch box, beds 4 less

    and furniture too voodoo donuts, kash ross collections the pita pit, sparky's pizza sports 750 the game now, the west coast wrestlingconnection pacific northwest champion, alexander hammerstone

    tk: what a way to kick things off, thepacific northwest champ in action non-title matchup but another opportunity for hammerstone to exercise his will and dominance and on the flip side, what an opportunity in his debut

    for lush, i mean talk about a baptism by fire akin: kenny lush has anopportunity now in his debut, as you said todd to beat the pacificnorthwest champion, unfortunately for himit is a non title match, but it's important to note hammerstone has yet to be beaten in singlescompetition

    we've seen him lose falls in 2 out of 3 falls matches but as that this point as asingles competitor, todd undefeated tk: so a win by lush would certainly put him inthe driver's seat for a title matchup,hammerstone jawing with the fans here and it gives us an opportunity

    to give some background on lush, he's a well traveledcompetitor he loves to mix it up, he loves to fight, he raised some hell in the land of the rising sun,he competed in mma, pankration rules in japan, he's won various submissiontournaments the guy can hurt you

    akin: he can hurt you, butlet's... he has that impressive resume huge catch background, he canget it done on the mat but you are not going tosee a lot of wrestling from kenny lush, there's areason, todd, that they call him "the loose cannon" and icertainly know for hammerstone's sake hehas done his homework, because you never know where this guy is coming fromtk: fundamental

    wrestling to kick things off,into the arm wringer goes the champion, and really brings that uppercut under the bicep region so not only the arm lock but the strikes as well, rollingover, showing some of that mat technique is lush, and comes up with the side head lock on themat

    beautiful transition there bylush to get the advantage the better position akin:hammerstone made a mistake in my opinion early on, tryingto wrestle with a guy with a most one of the most impressiveresumes in the entire wcwc, kenny lush showing that not only oh gross! that is disgusting tk: a little

    snot rocket but if he wins the match here,he'll rocket all the way up the ranks to thevery top now lush starts to pepper the champion with jabs, big windup, oh he pokes the eyes, a littlepage out of the roddy piper playbook akin:if it works for you and the west coastwrestling fans, absolutely

    appreciated that, i think that they would not only loveto see hammerstone this could be it... nope, notonly embarrassed and defeated as well his got his eyes right in theeyes, or the fingers right in the eyesockets of hammerstone tk: rearrange the face you knowi thought that he was trying toroll up the champion there for a pinfall lightining combination but justdid it

    to take his back, another goodtransition but now you see the athleticism of hammerstone on display leaves his feet and the big manscores with the drop kick and now expect the full court press akin: now youare going to see hammerstone do what hammerstone does we'veseen it time and time again, there is areason that he is the most dominant pacificnorthwest champion in

    history but kenny lush comingback with a clothesline, sendshammerstone all the way outside the ringtk: and for the champion just when you think you've got a light at the endof the tunnel, it's a freight train coming your way, not too many guys can take down hammerstone with a single strike hammerstone doesn't seem toknow what

    to make of this akin: i thinkhe came in expecting hey, i'll wrestle this guy,i'll show him i'm a betterwrestler than him and kenny lush i mean this match, up untilthat point there i would say has just about beenall kenny lush, but hammerstone by hook or by crook, he isplanning on staying atop the rankings of the west coast wrestlingconnection tk: lush checking

    there to see if he was bustedopen luckily he wasn't but ifhammerstone has anything to say about itakin: oh! tk: might be as hammerstonestarts to dissect that arm hammerstone going to work usingthe outside area as a weapon, howhe's got the advantage as he shoveslush back into the ring, but notyet, gonna use the leverage

    gonna use the apron and a big hammering strike there by thechampion and another akin: you knowtodd, there was a time when when hammerstone was under theconstant tutelage of the grappler, who we will see in action in our main eventtonight as he and jeremy blanchard teamup to challenge the whirlwindgentlemen for the wcwc tag team titles, but

    at the time when hammerstonewas with the grappler he taught them all of thosedirty tricks how to use the ring, how to positionyourself in a way that the refereecannot see what you are doing and kenny lush has been on thereceiving end of that tutelage the lastcouple of minutes tk: lush looked good in the early goingbut the champion has turned it around,hammerstone

    is built to go the distance, he's got greatconditioning of this fight goes into deep water, he can go he can turn things around here, now buries the knee tothe midsection so now hammerstone going strikefor strike with lush, hammerstone looks to be the fresher of the2 competitiors

    at this point, but lush now look at this sunset flip,beautifully done and now a near fall hammerstone almost pinned for a loss for the last time and abig strike there by hammerstoneakin: well you talk about the conditioning of hammerstoneas he just mocks kenny lush with thosepushups but that's the question markfor me in

    regards to kenny lush, he's gotsuch a great athletic submissionsbackground but you when get into aprofessional wrestling ring, oh look at thishe is just rakes across the eyes and theface of kenny lush, but moving around in that wrestling ring,todd, is an entirely different dynamic in every way than getting into a pankration

    submission type of a situation,i don't know how deep the gastank is for kenny lush tk: and inpancrase there's no closed fist striking it's all open hands, and there's gonna be a lot ofclosed fist strikes by hammerstone, you've gottabelieve but much to his credit lush is turning around, just

    bull rushed the champion intothe corner and tries to follow him, fullhead of steam swing and a miss by lush akin: lush, he had theshoulder hit the steel post one more time and that is cumulative damage,cover tk: hammerstone opportunistic,you knowhammerstone usually gloats, usually just

    brimming with confidence he took him into that corner post and immediately went for the pin, that tells me thathammerstone knows that he's in there with a tough competitor,somebody who could jeopardize thatunblemished win loss record akin: well,just a few minutes ago he was doing pushups tryingto

    mock kenny lush, but now he issticking right on him, that's one thingthat we seen in hammerstone for months for the better part of a year is that he gets overconfident he mocks his opponents, hetries to humiliate them, when you are in the ringwith a competitor the caliber of kenny lush, well that's just a mistake tk: lush

    showing great agility there andbalance gonna take the champ pillar topost and he does say "hi to my friend mister tbuckle and lush off the top now, look at thebig man move but he gets caught, suplexparty! akin: oh, no tk: has begun, big over headbelly to belly, hammerstone as if to

    say "you're pretty good lush,but see what i can do, into thecover now hook of the leg, oh and a near fall there, see what idid? akin: that's pretty good made a nascar reference akin:right in there... well, he is from valhalla afterall tk: that's true akin: but now is the hammerstone that i'veseen that we were talking about earlier he's taking time

    to mock and humiliate kenny lush just enough time to roll out ofthe way tk: the arrogance cost the champion there again, got a but in a non-title matchup lush is really taking the fightto the champion, this is lush's debut and he's going toe to toe withhammerstone how impressive is that?

    hip toss takeover, he's got all sorts of momentum going hisway akin: well a wrestler doesn'tget an opportunity like this very often, to walkinto the west coast wrestling connectionand challenge for the richest sport in the prizetodayy and he's doing everything hecan, look at that impressive up and over

    tk: both guys picking up thepace oh, look at the agility ofakin: wow! tk: beautiful head scissorstake down incredible, i didn't know thatlush had that in him akin: no you expect to come inand see the submissions expert and you see him flying around with a headscissors and inverted atomic drop and thereare those closed fists that you were talkingabout tk: you're not going tosee that

    a submission tournament, ohwhat a shot, good night echoed off the walls here atthe armory lush is bringing the heavyartillery looking for a big knee strikeand he nails it incredible variation of a shining wizard and look at theway akin: aaaaah! tk: hands clasping, oh he saved himself akin: so very close

    so very close, but hammerstone knowing his ring positioningknew exactly where he was, he grabbed ontothat rope to save himself tk: hammerstone battles out lush really likes that deathvalley driver he's put away a lot of guys away with it and another big suplex right into the corner

    the knee draped across thoseropes there's cable under that tape that can take out andincapacitate the lower body of lush akin: you have to wonder ifthat was desperation by hammerstone or strategy try and hurt him, buthammerstone shoved the ref away, the refcalling for the bell you have to imagine that thishas to be a disqualification

    ending tk: we now get the official word akin: ladies and gentlemen the winner of this match as a result of a disqualification kenny lush tk: you asked if the suplex was desperation, i think that was

    desperation, hammerstone, thechampion puts his hands on the official causes the disqualification and lush in his debut gets a victory over the pacific northwest heavyweight champion what a debut for lush and he was incredible akin: he's going for the belt, going for alittle more

    hammerstone important for him to hold ontothat title it's important to him to keephis win streak record in check, but ladies andgentlemen you wanna talk about wins, youwanna talk about losses the whirlwindgentlemen have been fighting tag teamchampions and we will see them defend tonight againstthe grappler

    and jeremy blanchard sports radio 750 and 102 9 the game, is portland's onlysports station dan patrick live, 6 to 9am jim rome, 9 to noon john canzano, noon to 3. thehuddle with mike ragz, 3 to 7 750 and 102 9, the game papi gotto here with the worldfamous wrecking crew

    members the grappler and jeremy blanchard has the leg lock of love prepared you for the tag teamof life? can he pile drive did she proclaim the suplex of her love? has the circle of life led you to the ultimate nuptialexperience

    are you ready to trade the wrestling ring for awedding ring? it's a good thing thatvoodoo doughnuts is a full service wedding chapel just use your smarty phone dub dub dub blanchard: what was that? pg:you can find wedding packages right for you and we'll put a killerfinishing move

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    make the west coast wrestlingconnection next live television taping apart of your 4th of july weekend be there, saturday july 4th atthe jackson armory in portland, first bellis at 1pm you'll see all of the stars ofthe west coast wrestling connection all the top athletes, plus, buyone ticket get one half off, with no limiton half off

    tickets. call 971-600-8215 or go to this 4th of july there isnothing like the wc live- see you there! ethan hd: eric right tonight you're taking on 1/2 of the american gunz, ethan hd and since you like to do things

    old school, how about you get gunned down winchester style... pop! akin: from chicago, illinois ethan hd tk: and now a battle between 2 guys that have a lot of history

    eric right: ehtan hd, 1/2 ofthe american gunz, bar none, one of the greatest tagteams in the wcwc, but tonight it'sjust you and me no guns permitted just certifiable weapons. akin: the gentlemanbrawler eric right tk: the gentleman brawler nevercomes to the ring alone he's got his

    mustache brigade, the little brawlers man it just keeps going, it's like the roseparade here in portland akin: that itis went to the rose festival had agreat time there saw a lot of wcwc fans able to enjoy as well but look at this, they are allhaving a good time and i ask it as i do so often

    todd, how did those kids growmustaches so quickly it's just, ethan looks a little jealous actually tk: it's all about that miracletonic you gotta believe perhaps certainly some big time moralsupport for the gentleman brawler another chapter between these

    two, a lot of history you'vebeen here since day 1 in the wcwc jeff, both these guys former tag team, how about that akin: they wanna be part of themustache brigade as well tk: they arenot follicle challenged both guys former tag team champs they've gone at it in various matches and another

    great match up here in store,you've gotta believe akin: there's a real story inthe tag team title piece, ethan hd 1/2 of the american gunz with mike santiago, once of themost dominant tag teams in professionalwrestling today, it was eric right and dan joseph who defeated them unexpectedly at a live wcwc

    event for those championships and the next time they faced them, the american gunz gottheir rematch they won the championships back but ethan hd is the kind of guywho does not like to lose, especially when the title is on the line and so you know he's still got a sore spot for the

    gentleman brawler, eric right tk: no question, both guys keeping it fundamental in theearly going waist lock by eric right he's a wrestler's wrestler inthere but he loves to throw hands aswell ehtan hd no choice but to getto the rope oh and a little cheap shot on the break. akin: that's whatkeeps ethan hd

    and the american gunz wherethey are those cheap shots, well let'scall them what they are- opportunisticshots tk: all right cheap shots akin:cheap shots, going for that sleeper tk: going for it early the unexpected win of, i like to call them the flash and 'stache, eric rightand dan joseph

    over the guns, almost unexpected there for eric right to go forthe sleeper that early, and if he wouldhave cinched in it, it would have been overakin: it would have been really over, no one hasperfected the sleeper hold to the leveleric right has the gentleman brawler we callhim, because he can brawl with them all, butwhen you go and he locks you in that sleeper

    hold, there's no way out but down tk: throwback move by the gentleman brawler, hits him with theatomic drop, you gotta love that if santiago was out there maybe we'd see a double nogginknocker akin: ha ha ha, it keepscoming, i think ethan hd once again an

    opportunity opened itself to him and using that rope as leverage on ericright tk: hd now, from the top with a threat from above, but once step ahead of him them waseric right he's been up to the task acouple of great precise timed counters by right has been

    the difference in this matchup akin: whoa! tk: and hd knows how to useeverything in his surroundings as an ally akin: so masterfully done in the last match that mishandling a referee, youknow, punching them in the face is going to cost you amatch, ethan hd just saw an opportunity

    open itself, pulled the referee right in front of him ericright did the smart thing, stopped his offense, here we are with 2 guys outside of the ring fighting inthe most dangerous spot that thesecompetitors can find themselves tk: well there's amethod to the madness by hd as you see him attacking into that edge of the ring apron

    outside of the ring post probably the hardest point onthe ring and he knows exactly what he's doing to soften uphis opponent here pulls him inside, shark smelling blood in the water, going infor the kill hook of the leg, only a count of 2 but you can see a lot of thestarch being taken out of right atthis point

    of the matchup akin: ethan hdis like a you said it, a shark, he smellsblood he is not letting up look athow he is wrenching across the shoulder trapezius of eric right just so much pressure into the elbow i mean that's just, an elbowinto the face todd, that's just mean tk: might expect him to movethat

    up a little bit, try and get itup into the temple just try and take right outwith it disorient him, the crowd that 12th man, that mustache brigade a whole arena full of them coming to their feet trying toget eric right back into this thingbut he runs right into the leg lariat, quicklyinto the cover now and looking for the win but

    another close call, great backand forth matchup, 2 evenly matched competitors as we would expect akin: i think thatthe real tale of the tape is on their faces,you see that disdain on ethan hd's face after eric right kicked out just that breath, that sigh of desperation on eric right feeling

    almost as if he feels lucky that he was able to kickout tk: methodical pace by ethan hd as he continues the wear down tactics,now with the front facelock you can see him really archingthat body and back, trying to make ericright carry his own body weight as well asthat

    of his opponent, ethan hd right trying to get to thesalvation of the ropes just inches awaynow continues to drive like he's on a blocking sled at a football practice butturning his around, hd with the suplex looking for the win again gotta hd feverishly looking to

    put this away akin: they don'tget paid by the hour and ethan hd wantsto get it done here's what you expect to seefrom ethan hd, he is not known very much, you can see it in thecorner granny right's miracle brain tonic eric rights gotta be itching to get a little bit ofthat down the gullet right now tk: maybe hd

    akin: oh wait a minute tk: we've seen other people tryit in the past and right has said it onlyworks on the good guys, so ethan hd might think twice akin: whoa, whoa, whoa, almostthrows it out of there eric right wanted nothing to dowith that tk: steps through variation of the sto,desperation

    move though it might have been,it bought eric right some muchneeded time akin: ethan hd cross eyed and knocked out both men struggling to get to their feet todd, if they don't, this matchwill end in a double count out, no winner tk: he didn't get a swig ofthat tonic

    but man ethan hd looking punch drunk at thispoint eyes looking very strange thereakin: oh gosh that smell, it's tk: a formidable scent but it has formidable results eric right musses the hair comes to life and everything coming up right for thegentleman

    brawler big time haymaker turns him inside out oh oh akin: ethan hd was so close to winning this match notlong ago and eric right, oh, here we go "air right" getting ready totake off tk: there's gotta be an airstrip somewhere here at the armory, turned him intoa

    helicopter, now into theairplane hd's not going to know which way is up at this point oh my gosh, looks like he'splaying pin the til on the donkey, buthe might be the jackass akin: he just wound him up and got him with a finger tk:into the cover akin: just a 1 on that one

    tk: this is fun to watch akin: we're seeing 2 of the best in the prime of theircareers and eric right just said "it'snighty night time for ethan hd the chi-town urban emperor about to, no! tk: what a counter there and that goes back to these 2knowing each other

    so well, and now 1/2 of the american gunz has his sights set, springboard oh, what a high risk maneuver but does not pay off, no water in the pool akin: eric right has got themoustache curled just right and it is good night irene

    as ethan hd starts to fade away tk: he drops down and now he's really really in jeopardy going out here, thereferee checks on the arm and he's out, what a victory the winner of this match the tk: hard fought matchup between

    both men, but in the end eric right he went for an early win, didn't get it, if at firstyou don't succeed, try, try again the mustache brigade in full effect, locked in the sleeper and got the hard fought victory akin: that was a huge mustache on that guy, eric right

    perfecting his moves his sleeper, his counters everything i don't think we'veeven yet touched the best of the gentleman brawler looks like he has something newfor us tk: maybe something new forethan hd akin: still looks like he isdown and out

    ambien's got nothing on ericright tk: he's got some serious remsleep gonna he's probably dreamingabout when he was tag team champion, ha, ha, ha not a mustache, a uni-stache brow tk: i shall call him the uni-brow what a match up, don't goanywhere fans

    when we come back so much to come including ourhuge tag team title match main event hair raising episode, here onthe west coast that's one humdinger of aburger! pat kelly: make the west coastwrestling connection

    a part of your 4th of julyweekend at their next live event, sunday july 5th at houck middle schoolin salem first bell is at 5pm you'll see all the stars of thewest coast wrestling connection all of thetop athletes all of the best competitors battle it our for victory, fortickets call 971-600-8215

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    connection, visit us on socialmedia, twitter, facebook andyou tube the wcwc and wc-wc dot com on social media it's where we are at. tk:welcome back to the west coast we see g3 in the ring he was one of those partnersfor jeremy blanchard that couldn't get thejob done

    with the tag team titles on theline later on tonight akin: suede thompson suede thompson: wcwc how ya doing, it's yourfavorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, suede thompson, i'mmaking my return to take on grappler 3 and itdoesn't matter if you have a loadedboot or not because i will pick up that 1-2-3

    tk: suede thompson making hisway to the ring a real fan favorite out of arizona he's a hot young he wrestles alot in the las vegas area as well akin: oh wow! a bold sign by the fan rightthere tk: that's good news because you know what, i needto go

    akin: we've got some greatmatches and that fan's go the rightidea but if i were him i would make sure thatno one from the wrecking crew,especially grappler 3 saw that sign tk: that sign, it might be thecase but i don't think you want totake a break when suede thompson isin the tk: this guy is exciting, hecan high

    fly, a real contrast in styles between g3 and suede thompson akin: suede thompson isapparenyly your favorite wrestler'sfavorite wrestler so there's that tk: so he's bastion booger's favoritewrestler akin: who knew? incredible you said it todd, a real

    dichotomy of styles here g3 and accomplished mat wrestler they used to call him wrestling excellence and suede thompsoncertainly so exciting, so high flying, sofast it's gonna be interesting to see which one of these 2 can reallytake control of the match early on tk: well, jeff, we talked about thisbeing a contrast

    in styles talk strategy between g3 and suede thompson akin: well you know, g3 is theone with everything to lose in thismatch suede thompson fighting his way up the ladder,really establishing himself, grappler 3 has a member of the wrecking crew ,let's be honest have not have the best win lossrecord as of late, he's

    got a lot on the line in this,so he's gonna have to try to use hisstrength, his size and his mat wrestling ability to control this match early onand make suede thompson fight up fromunderneath tk: thompson gonna grapple early with g3 akin: think that's a mistaketk: i would have to absolutely agree with you, ithink thompson

    better served to stick and movethis is what the grappler wants, hewants to get his hands on thompson, keephim close lock him up thompson starts to use thatquickness to improve his position, and hedoes the arm wringer, so some good chain grappling here betweenboth men akin: grappler 3, i've gotta

    said, an accomplished matwrestler he can take he can take the punishmentespecially when you're in a situation whenyou are trying to trade holds back and forth youknow he has such goo ring awareness, youcan see him using the ropesthere to force suede thompson to break the hold tk: and a point we'vegotta make about our main event coming up tonight you don't see the originalgrappler

    at ringside for g3, he'straining the legendaey grappler is going to get back in the ringtonight and not only that, he's goingto compete for the wcwc tag team champions and you might make light of it jeff, but theman is a 10 time pacific northwest tag team title holder

    akin: he is i mean you cannottalk about professional wrestling inthe pacific northwest of the united states withoutspecifically mentioning the grappler you don't know the legacy thathe brings you can go and get his book the best in professionalwrestling you can say it is the bestprofessional wrestling

    book that exists out there, theman established wrestling in thisgreat part of the world, and grappler3 one of the direct recipients of not only his tutelage his mastery of the ring and positioning, but also that feared mask and the moniker of grappler

    number 3 tk: no doubt about it, g3 buries the knee right into the midsection turns this match around in ahurry you can see the agony on the face of thompson and now g3 drops that elbow down and i think that suede thompson just gasping

    he's been trying to get abreath after that akin: this is exactly thestrategy that grappler 3 has to stick too,you've gota 5 count get your finger in his eye holes whatever you have to do... hiseye sockets that sounds terrible tk: itdoes akin: ha, ha but you're gonna play dirty, you're grappler 3,your part of the wrecking crew, that's what youare going to do

    he's also an establishedwrestler who just straight up knocked suedethompson out tk: into the cover nowafter the big running reverse neck breaker your point there, he raked the eyes, distracted his opponent got him off balance then switched gears to a high impactmove that big neck breaker and now

    wide open shot, it's blind man's bluff in there forthompson akin: all thompson advantages, all of his tools,his speed, his agility are justcompletely being neutralized now by grappler 3 just through pure aggression and violence tk: he's mauling him he'sabsolutely

    smothering thompson thompson can't get to that toprope if he can't find it, and g3 all over him, so another unique matchup, what a night ithas been already ready, a couple ofincredible matchups, what a victory it was by eric right, what a debut for kenny lush earlier

    against hammerstone and stillso much to come fans, i cannot wait for thattag team title main event when thewhirlwind gentlemen find a way to hold on again g3 going for the cover after an impressive suplex g3 dominating at this point akin: he absolutely is, suedethompson is gonna have to pull a rabbitout of his hat

    like, maybe he should head downto dave's killer magic shop and see if they've gotsomething tk: ha, ha, ha akin: that can help him out, ifnot stop by voodoo donuts, they are open right now but here we go again, suedethompson just, i mean, he's getting beat it's a cliche, pillar to post right now tk: right, nowgetting mauled here we go into the cover

    talk about voodoo donuts he's hitting him with some bearclaws here is g3 akin: sounds pretty good tk: iused to take them down 2 at tme but sometimes they'd getstuck lodged in this region akin: suede thompson trying tofight back talking about how much grappler3 has been dominating this matchup, let's talk about the

    heart of suede thompson, lookat this the man's all but beaten but hefinds a way he comes off the ropes, we'veseen this before tk: oh yeah! it used to be a 702 when he was living in out in vegas, i've gotta checkout the scottsdale area code akin: dothey even have one? land lines out there? tk:update my record

    has found his second wind, ohthat hell kick, referee didn't detect it because g3 had his hands on the referee's shirt,all kinds of people putting their hands onofficials tonight oh, he loaded the boot and he is out, the lifeless body of thompson, g3 gets the win

    akin: the winner of this match grappler 3 tk: was that some foreshadowing of things tocome, was that the type of tactics that itwill take blanchard and the originalgrappler to win perhaps the tag team titles later on, that comes up later

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    it, you're going to like it. goto get your copy! it's got some old schoolstories. you name it brother, i've been in the ringwith them all. beat it if you can! tk: much like kenny lush, others as of late greg romero making his wcwc

    debut what do you know about him jeffakin: i know that he painted thosejeans on my goodness did he use butter to slip intothose? that's probably the bestdescription you can get with this guy,straight from 1956 the greaser, greg romero

    from charlestown massachusetts mikey o'shea tk: incredible reception for that man, the irishjuggernaut mikey o'shea missed some time

    had to put his emphasis on family it is great to see o'shea back akin: todd keneley, i have chills after that, i had theopportunity to visit with mikey for a little while in thelocker room before the event tonight, everything

    he had to take care of with hisfamily is done he's taken care of it, it tooka lot of time but the man has a heart of gold not only for his family but also for the fans of thewest coast wrestling connection, ladies and gentleman, i was about to saywhat a huge homecoming for a hero of the wcwc, but

    true to the name, the greaser greg romero, comes in and ruins it for everyone tk: trying him on a little tripto heartbreak hotel, but thejuggernaut as he's eating these shots in the corner he steps right out, excuse me, and now returning

    in kind, but anything but kind when it comes to those shots a big chop, the last time we saw o'shea he was 1/2 of the tag team champions with jeremyblanchard blanchard stabbed him in the back, o'shea wassupposed to get a 1 on 1 matchup with blanchard to determine the tag team titleholders

    and of course he had to take that leave for his family but now he's back and it certainlyseems like he's back with a vengeance akin: he is, he has been rocking romero, but to greg romero's credit this guy is not backing down from mikeyo'shea that's assuming he can get backto his feet

    back in the ring after that one mikey o'shea, he's trying to fight the man with his owngame well i personally think that isa foolish thing to do, you do not go toe to toe with mikey o'shea, but, greg romero is either the smartest or one of the stupidest wrestlers in the locker room totry to do exactly that

    tk: using the ring as a weapon though, usingthat top rope very popular so you've got tothink the greaser is in there romero trying to turn this thingaround, oh yes. akin: we starting to get alittle sharks and jets going on in there tk: when you're a jet akin: oh! tk: taking

    him on a trip to the lights might send him right back tothe other side of the tracks akin: yo've gottabelieve todd keneley that mikey o'sheais sending a message to the entire locker room andspecifically to jeremy blanchard that he is back and he is badder than ever tk: if looks could kill romero would be pushing up

    daises, the irish juggernaut measuring romero, fulll head of steam he looks like a charging rhino romero, able to counter and does so againimpressively impressive counters by greg romero here like a matador

    sidesteps the charging bull, and now trying to take the big man downa little tranquilizer akin: he's usinghis body weight climbing on his bodyweight trying to add just a little bit morepressure just to add to make his lungs work that much harder to try and get someeffect right there, it is a blood choke

    on mikey o'shea, a sleeper hold that a we've seen in the past very effective for thegentleman broawler eric right, but appearing to beeffective for greg romero as well tk:well we saw tonight, you know that the big mans gotta get bloodthrough that big body of his and not it'sgetting cut off, the arm drops

    it drops again if it drops one more time it'sgoing to be over a huge upset, no, not yet still some fight left in that guiness brew tank akin: ha, ha, ha look at this, my goodness,mikeyo'shea is fighting his way back to hisfeet desperation jaw

    breaker there, that creates thedistance he needs and he closes that gap in a hurry, look mommy the rhino is getting too closeto the car scoop and slam with authority akin: mikey o'shea well knownfor his second, third and his 4th wins now he were go, hooks the far leg

    oh my goodness, how in heaven's name did greg romero kick out of that tk: he must bea greaser he barely slipped out of there might have been whatever product is on his hair that gothim out of that pinning predicament o'shea, all joking aside, he's not messing around at

    all he is all business o'shea rear waist lock but romero counterstrikes again, incredible. akin: wellromero i honestly wrote this guy off coming in with the size and ability of mikey o'shea but hasso much fight that it's kept going tk: oh, oh tick, tick, boom!

    gunslinger into the deep hook of the leg o'shea returns,o'shea wins akin: your winner, mikey o'shea tk: gotta ask you jeff akin have you ever seen a more determined focused devastating mikey o'shea than we saw in this matchupakin:

    if i were jeremy blanchard orany member of the wrecking crew, i would bepacking my bags and heading for high ground mikey o'shea is back and he is back with a vengeance tk: when we return folks, itwill be main event time, tag team titles on the line, when right after this

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    get your kicks with dave's killer tricks, tk: it is main event time onthe west coast wrestling connection, the tag team titles about to be up for grabs, ladies andgentlemen please welcome the challengers, the wrecking crew

    tk: all right gentlemen the legendary grappler first off, jeremy, mikey o'shea returned, he looks prettyfocused but on to our main event grappler: well, first of alltalk to the man

    hey i'm sorry i let you down last time you tried to win those tag belts with grappler 3 that didn't work out grappler 4, it didn't work out if you want something done right, do it

    yourself, so i'm stepping in here today, tonight i'll tell you what right now 11 times i've held the tag team belts with differentpartners it's gonna be number 12 thistime the whirlwind gentlemen aregoing down tk: all right jeremy you tried with kevin kross, g3,g4

    tonight you've got the legend will this make the difference? jeremy: you know, this manright here is the one that brought me inthis business this is the man that taught me everything that i know and i can tell you right nowit's going to make all the difference. thoseidiots don't stand stand tonight

    tk: all right grappler 11 time tag team champion but will he make it 12? well, tonight, it's main eventtime akin: ladies and gentlemen,please welcome their opponents thewest coast wrestling connection tag team champions

    jack manley, remy marcel the whirlwind gentlemen akin: there they are the west coast wrestling tag teamchampions jeff akin, todd keneley, joinedhere at ringside by morty lipschitz morty, i want to point out

    as the tag team champions enter we have a historic historic moment as the original grappler grappler number 1, g1 your friend and no one else's, back in the ring for the first time in a verylong time challenging for these tag teambelts

    morty: well, you see what'sbeen going on with grapplers 3, 4 and 76 akin: whatever we've got here the grappler, the originalgrappler is going to be in hereto prove why is the best in the biz, now we will see ladies and gentlemen, we willbe right back with our main event, stay tuned man: look at this one

    a 2001 dodge, it's flawless beautiful lines grappler: waita minute are you really trying to sellthis young lady this piece of junk? let me tell yousomething! the vancouver auction outlet we only sell the best carsaround. take a look at these beauties herethat's what you're looking for they've got a name for you when you are the greatest carlot in

    in this business today, theydon't call you a great car lot, they call you the vancouverauction outlet! beat it, if you can. akin: welcome back ladies andgentlemen joined once again here ring side todd keneley, jeff akin and morty lipschitz morty: go ahead

    akin: i don't have to say it,the fans have spoken it's all over twitter, it's onthe signs here with the great westcoast wrestling connection fans, hashtag mute morty morty: i think ourfans are disgraceful tonight tk: it's amovement did i ask you keneley? akin: he's just reading thesign morty: just you go pay attention to this matchtonight

    with the original grappler youmight learn something pal tk: let'sspeak on that, kevin kross couldn't get it done,a little bit tooaggressive for his own good, g3, g4 and now in that pre-match interview the grappler seemed fired up hehad something to say, he said "ifyou wanna do something, you do ityourself"

    the 11 time tag team title holder in the ring the legendary competitor, canhe make it 12 times morty? morty: of course be aware of the fact that theyoffered me to go in the ring and work withblanchard i thought g1 is a much better choice than me akin: very, very a lot of humility out of mortylipschitz

    that i never would haveexpected tk: very close decision razor close morty: i was razorclose in the voting tk: it was a 1 nothing vote,mrs. lipschitz said get out there tk: grappler 1 gonna start it off, thelegendary grappler in there with remy marcel looks to be in

    pretty phenomenal shape if you talk about the experience, heknows everything showing his power there but do you think, he hasn't been in the ring in quite sometime, he finds himself back in the main event, is the grappler getting a littlelong in the tooth to be competing in tagteam title matches at this pointakin: i guess that

    it is a very salient question,todd we say he hasn't been in thering i wanna point out that heactually has been in the ring quite a bit,training with the wrecking crew but itis an entirely different piece to be in thering in a training situation and in front of the amazing fans of across the world of the westcoast wrestling connection, morty

    are you at all worried about the physical condition of thegrappler? morty: he's 38 years old he's in great shape, don'tworry about it akin: is that ... metric years? morty: it's not dog years either tk: times 2, maybe minus a few, but the tag team champions, the whirlwindgentlemen

    have things going their way i will say this, the grapplergot in and got out he didn't spent a lot of timein there got to blanchard, but that has been turned around, and this is what brought the tag team championsto the dance those quick tags so the whirlwind gentlemen got gifted that opportunity by

    o'shea when o'shea couldn't behere cashed in on it, they have beenthe reigning defending champions they havebeen fighting champions for sureakin: well you cna take the clock all theway back, you touched on it jeremy blanchard and mikeyo'shea were the tag team champions andjeremy blanchard turned his back onmikey o'shea the powers that be stripped

    mikey and jeremy blanchard of the titles, there were nochampions it was the whirlwind gentlemenwho ended up winning those titles and they have been fighting jeremy blanchard weekafter week after week and his variouspartners because at come point morty, atsome point he's had every tag teamcombination thinkable morty: this is goingto win it, by the

    way i resent an earlier remarkyou said that the grappler resorts todirty tricks it is professional wrestling,the man has never cheated a day in hislife and you would know that as well as i do akin:oh yeah, i'm very aware of that morty: do you see himcheating right now? akin: well somehow he's walking andstanding tk: grappler with a niceclothesline

    i guess with him and blanchardthe pink and black attack is back, butright here now, the challengers haveeverything going their way scoop and a slam by the legend, he's still got itguys but nobody home there, a littleto slow and that's the think, we talkabout the grappler returning in ring it's one thing to be in therecompeting

    when you are in there with guysof the quickness of the whirlwind gentlemen cangrappler win? morty: experience will always play number 1, you knowthat keneley, you played marbles or something back in college akin: yes, a scholarship toplay marbles morty: yes, i bethe did tk: that vaunted usc marble team akin: yeah, queen

    morty: were you the queen ofthe prom, by the way? somebody said you were, curiousabout that tk: i don't know, why don't youask blanchard with those pinktights? now driving the fist right in the rib cage, and a big doubleaxe handle and blanchard, although he's in phenomenal shape at this pointin this career he's still a big man and he can hurt you in a lot of ways

    going for the cover, trying towin back those tag team titles and theyare still smothering and trying to slowdown the tag team champions akin:well, a we've talked about it over thelast couple of weeks just the strategy that thewhirlwind gentlemen had to take against somebody of thesize and strength of jeremy blanchard, but thenyou add on top that the size, strength and

    experience of the grappler although the whirlwindgentlemen are incredible tag team tacticians, i don't know if that is going to beenough tk: the strategy is to distract the referee,take advantage of the double team, here comes thegrappler, immediately into the cover, when thereferee's back in position, i hate to admit it but excellent tag team wrestling

    right now by the wrecking crewmorty: and right now you notice the legal tag thatblanchard made on grappler, i saw the legal tag tk: of course akin: you see allof the legal things morty: i'm a lawyer, i do thatfor a living akin: i should check with thebar akin: look at that hooked the leg, oh my goodnessif it weren't for remy marcel, todd,i'd have to believe

    we have a 12 time tag team champion on our hands tk:unbelievably close i think the wrecking crew willcheck the bar after this thing if theywin the titles, it's gonna be a party all night long morty: it is, i'm there oh wait, i've gotta pay for it,maybe i won't be there tk: i haven't seen my invitation yet morty: you arenot welcome

    tk: ah big time right hand by jeremy blanchard former tag team champion in hisown right and if there been a little something extraon everything he's done in that ring including the scoops and slams, but thistime high counter by jack manley, into the

    bulldog, that might be thewindow of opportunity he needs to make that tag finally tag, because manley is a lot of punishment in that ring akin:one thing that you can see right there is that thegrappler, ringside right thereon the apron,i sayringside but i'm so used to seeing thegrappler ringside that playing that role he does sowell, directing traffic

    and in the ring gonna get itdone as remy marcel comes in, full of fire and he's got the grapplerdown on his knees, he's gotta him onhis back morty: closed fist, he used theclosed fist, that's illegal you can't do that! tk: can you remember a matchup in the wcwc guys where the fans were so into it?

    every move, every strike just the i get to where i can barely hearmyself speak akin: oh, what wesee not hearing yourself speak,well the grappler loading the boot, but remymarcel catches him comes out, goes after jeremy, oh my goodness it's mikey o'shea! tk: oh turn about is fair play

    blanchard stabbed this man inthe back and o'shea sends him hard and heavy now morty: wait a minute,what's going on? tk: he's going for that orthopedic boot akin: he's got it, he's got the quote orthopedic unquote boot he's about to put that boot right to the grappler morty: itis an orthopedic

    boot, he needs it, oh my akin: god, he can't do that! tk: blanchard cost o'shea thetag team titles and he just might return the favor, what a shot a taste of his own legendary medicine morty: whatis he doing? tk: now the tag team champions gonna do what they do best

    morty: this is outrageous todd,outrageous outrageous, oh my god! tk: fro goes, oh wow 5 star frog splash, there's thecover and the champs retain akin: the winners of the match and still west coast wrestling connectiontag team champions the whirlwindgentlemen

    morty: i thinkthat the grapplleris hurt, ineed to go tk: morty lipschitz leaving the broadcast booth, the grappler stepped back in the ring, andi'll tell ya the grappler made a pretty good showing for himself in there,they were in this matchup from thebeginning looking good but he ate that shot

    from the boot and then that big time 5 star fro splash the grappler getting all tangled up in theropes, i don't think he knows where he is at thispoint akin: i don't think there's anyway he could aftertaking that spalsh, remy marcel got at least 15-20 feet up and grappler

    is really having a hard timetk: we just can't he can't get to his feet and again he's an aging competitor, a lot ofpeople would question whetherhe had any business getting back in thering, he proved that he did he looked phenomenal in there,but now he's not able to leave under his ownpower and we've gotta be serious

    for a moment here, this is a 7 time pacific northwestheavyweight champion an 11 times pacific northwest tag team champion,texas heavyweight champion, have weseen the end of the legendary career of the grappler? akin:oh, well we we'll see, i

    he's quite a man grappler, he would want to walkout of here under his own power the fact that he was wheeled out wow. big victory for the whirlwind gentlemen, but it could have cost the grappler his career tk: it just might

    but he went out on his sword in that case, he went out in ablaze of glory he put everything that he hadinto that matchup succesful title defense by the whirlwind gentlemen, we hope tohave some update on the grappler next week folks,we'll see ya right back here next week on the westcoast wrestling connection

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