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standard furniture last call victoria bc

why two years with the suns? why stay with the sunswhen you guys were basically cooling down as a squad, they're not the number one team in the west, why stay two more years with the team? what do i do next summerif i don't resign? first of all i love option a...i love phoenix, i love my teammates,i love the fans, the city all that stuff,

it's a home for us. um... option b is to waitand play it out. who knows? okay, i'm gonna make this callnow if that's all right guys. hello? hey john, it's steve nash. i met him in dallas, i nevergot a... holy shit, this is owen wilsonfeeling from steve. i don't know, he's justone of those guys

that's very easygoing guys. he's completely unique, there's no other professionalathlete like him. and he's tough,he breaks his nose, he keeps going. you know what i mean. gets his tooth knocked out,he keeps going. my tooth got knockedin half! see ya.

he does his job, he doesn't do itwith a lot of fanfare. you get a sense that he wasprobably the same kid as when he was growingup in canada. it's not even so much the wayhe chooses to invest his time and his resources outside ofbasketball that's inspiring, and it is, but it's thathe takes nothing for granted. you demonstratethe best of our sport, steve nash... nbamost valuable player.

i think we live in such afast-paced society these days where we take on so much thatit's important to be engaged and continually challengeyourself and learn and grow and... you know? try to make the mostof each day. yeah, it turned out well,thankfully. little bit yeah, not a lot of sleep the lastcouple of nights. [alarm bell]

but it's hard you know, like ihave to keep like a sleep log and uh... you know, 'causeit holds you accountable and it makes it a priority, 'cause you knowwhat's at stake. you know there'ssome times and days where i don't wannaleave the house but there's a lot of timeswhere i just, i don't wanna answerthe phone... like i don't havethe energy you know,

to make a two secondphone call, you know? hopefully my... friendsand family understand that sometimesi'm in another world. lost. you ever hear the mythof sisyphus? this king, he cheats death, tries to hide from zeus. zeus of course has none of it, so he banishes the kingto an island with nothing

but a mountain in the middle and giant boulders scatteredas far as the eye can see. the punishment is that he hasto roll a huge boulder up to the topof the mountain. but zeus makes it so steep, sisyphus is destinedto fail each time, having to start over and overand over again for eternity. what's the moralof the story? don't mess with zeus,i guess.

steve nash! [cheering] do you think that it's possiblethat you could build a championship teamaround steve at his age or is it inevitable thatthere might have to be a parting of the ways? i'd trade him. i love steve nash, it's an honour and a pleasureto watch him but see...

i would trade steve nash? yes, i would. there's no way inthe next three years that if you trade steve nashyou're gonna be a good team. there's no way. they're not a good team now! i don't think you have to giveguys lifetime contracts. he was a very determined child,you know... he got an idea in his headand he'd work

and work and work at it. whether it be schoolwork,which was not as keen as his athletic endeavors. he started with soccer prettymuch from when we could walk, so dad played andfrom the age of 5 or 6 we then wentinto everything. we all went to juniorhigh school together and we all thought thatwe'd kind of move on to mount doug togetherand win a provincial title

and early on, you know, wehad a coach there that kind of tried to break steve downa little and uh... ended up having himtransfer schools. you know the story is that steve had his heart seton division one basketball and mount doug felt that that was not a realisticgoal at that time. being the personality he isand the way he is, he just wanted to getbetter and better.

whether it be on defenseor dribbling or shooting, he just worked so hardat his deficiencies. he was unbelievably talented, we knew he was betterthan everyone but we didn't know what elsewas out there. i thought there was gonna bequite a few schools coming. to get on the letterwriting campaign, slowly it was no, no, no. there's this unbelievabletalent you know,

who might not get a ridedown there anywhere. yeah, i read that somewhere. i don't really believe it, likei just kinda don't believe it. i mean look atall those players that have playedin the past year. it took the last game ofthe season for someone to sit down and look at it. we had got some handheld videofrom his high school program, you know it was kind ofbouncing around so to speak.

the head coach from santa claraflew up to the tournament from vancouver to watchthe argonaut. and uh, dick turns aroundand was laughing. i said what are youlaughing at? well this kid makes peoplefall over. about 30 seconds intohis game i said uh oh... this is something special andi started looking around to see if there were any othercoaches there, i was hoping that i wasthe only one looking at him.

though nash's high school hoopcredentials were impressive, he was not heavily recruitedat all. the kid from victoria bc who came to this small privateschool in northern california, with little reputationbut big aspirations. we practice every day,we lift weights every day, well not every daybut almost every day, we probably bounce a ballto class or something. i don't think he knewwhat to expect

when he went downto santa clara, it was just all new for him,it's a new style of basketball. again, all the guys are bigger,stronger, faster. i don't know if he wasready for it. steve came to me and we satdown and talked, and he said, "i don't know ifi can play college basketball". when he got to practiceshe was, uh... he was struggling and uh... that was the first timein his life in any sport,

i had heard himquestion himself. the coach expecteda lot from him. i think his job wasto be the enforcer. you know, slammingon chairs and uh, breaking my wrist and yellingand screaming... i was probably a little biton the deranged uh, side. i just kept fighting and hekept yelling and you know, i had my spiritbroken momentarily. he yelled at me andcussed me out every day.

it was a building processand uh, yes we can be a little bittoo aggressive as coaches... but at the same time, we don't want you toshort-change yourself. it didn't take the caring sideout of him but it kind of hardened himto be you know, this is the real world. in a lot of ways i wasfortunate to have that. you know, at the timeyou resent it

because you thinkit's unnecessary. but uh, why not? it made me tougher. keep your hands up! you'd better have your eyeswide open! as the days went on,and the... and the weeks and the months went on, hebecame more aware of the fact that he had the chanceto be a real significant playerin the program.

this is steve nash. great pass! we had seen steve uh, ibelieve it was his senior year, first round, second round... first game he was spectacular. the maryland gamein the tournament was a major turning point in regards to where hemight fit in at the next level. we were concerned,drastically concerned,

going into that gameabout full court pressure. uh, he had zeroproblems with it, i mean he had more assists,more scores... he beat you with a bounce, he beat you with a pass,like a surgeon. the second game they got nashup against kansas and went from havinga spectacular game, to a game he really struggled, and he struggledmore than anything

because jacques vaughnjust got into him. defensively he had a tough timekeeping up with the speed and it did cast some doubtas to whether or not steve had the necessaryphysical tools to compete at that level all the time. that was it, no more college, no more living together, more playing together, no more nca tournaments. it was really difficult.

i'd finished the workoutsand i was flying home after my exams to victoria... you never really knowbut everyone said it, the teams had toldme themselves, "we're gonna take you", was uh... such a you know, culmination of so manyhours and hours and trials and tribulationsand failures and successes... you know, i remembersitting on the plane and i just started crying.

a lot of guys had been toldsince they're 13, 14 years old that there gonna be in the nba, whereas i was told i was notgonna be in the nba. he didn't uh, grow up inthe aura that sometimes surrounds junior high athletes,high school athletes and the collegial athletes. he's been dubbed, "the chosen one". you could see a lebron phenomenon grow and grow. could lebron james...

lebron james... lebron james is the best high school basketballplayer i have ever seen. you know, they have beentold since the age of 12, hey you're gonna bethe next jordan, you are unbelievable. my college coaches you know, 'cause to them a smallwhite guy from canada, even though i hadthe dream to do it, they were kinda like... right...

no matter how down he gothe just had that perseverance and that will to get better. whenever my spirit was brokenit was only momentarily, 'cause i always pickedmyself back up and say, "i gotta fight through this". and it would just make me,i had no other choice but to go earlier to practiceand stay later, and to go back at night. he just worked on his ballhandling so much,

he became so goodwith a ball, uh and then i think the nextyear he set a different goal, he was gonna becomea better defender. and then the next yearhe set a different one where he'd be a better shooter and he just worked on thosedifferent parts of his game. you know, if i'm gonnastick it out, i'm sticking it outfor a reason. i'm not just gonna stick it outjust to be here.

to get to where he got tois uh, very, very impressive. hey guys, how you doing? bang goes the drum! are those the new ones? yeah. wow, the phil bailey goggles. when he came outin '96, he was... i'd never heard of him and i'm sure some of the guysin class didn't either.

you know, iverson and you know,marbury, any of those guys. i was having this sort ofgeneral meeting with robert downey jr.,and sitting next to us, one of the guys i recognizedout of the corner of my eye was baron davis. and being a big fan ofron howard i was like, "damn, steve! that's ron howardover there!". i shook steve nash's hand

but i didn't put steveand nash together, and what i saw was kind ofa thin guy, kind of gaunt, sort of longhair down here... and i immediately thought,oh... you know, my partner bryan'sa pretty cool guy, this must be one of hisskateboarding buddies or a surfer or something. you know who was very excitedto meet steve? was my mother, my motheractually loved steve, like...

you know, kept talkingbecause he came over and visited our house and mymother was just talking about, "he seems like he couldmaybe run for office". he's not a celebrity, he doesn'twant to be a celebrity. now, he's one of the mostrecognizable athletes on the planet and he could be a huge staroff the court... it's just not his style. so i sat down with him,made this great presentation,

and you know i really thinkwe can do some special things and he said, "it'sreally interesting, thanks for putting so much timeinto this". and he reaches downinto his backpack and he pulls out this book called "no logo", and he said,"i just read this book... i" really don't want to bea marketing guy, "it's really not my thing. "i don't like fame, i wannabe a private guy".

so i was like, hmm... back tothe drawing board, you know? call the boss you know, bill...our most marketable guy doesn't really wanna bean icon, you know... for me you know, i thinkone of my natural traits is to try to make everyone happyand that's something that i... that you've gotta be carefulof, especially in my position. where you meet so many people,you're around so many people, uh... you can't be everythingto everyone and you definitely can't...

uh, you know beat yourselfup if you're not. i also felt a little bituncomfortable uh, as a spokesperson. i felt like you couldbe disingenuous. he struggles attwo separate things. you know, doing... doing good,his foundation, his charity, his giving back, hisbasketball leagues... then there's the other sidewhich is the, okay... there's the commercialside of that,

he should be doingendorsements. what i got him to try to thinkabout is every dollar that you can bring in that way, that dollar doesn't haveto go to fancy cars, which is not his style anyways, that dollar can goto doing good. so he... instead of seeing himas two separate things... oh gosh, i don't really like todo that, i like to do this... well if you do thisand that is successful,

well that can fuel that. the lights went on on thatto tie those two together. he's gone about his statureand utilizing his fame in a very unique way. trying to arrangefor steve to, to meet with the secretaryof education um, on a project thatwe're working on and with the presidenton the same project... i got an email back... i mean,on the day he received it

and it turns out he's a hugefan of steve's. we had a great time whilehe was here, uh... we shot a few baskets, i thinkhe made more than i did although he did pass me foran assist as i was leaving. he takes the shot andmisses and steve's like, "you can't leave on a miss". so the president's out onthe three point line, steve like... passes to him,nothing but net. president's like, "that's howi roll", and like... walks out.

he, i think is a student ofthe game and he's tough, he works hard,does his job... and then oncehe's off the court, he brings that same sortof no nonsense attitude but also that same humility anduh, interest in other people to the work he doeswith the foundation and the work he doesin his communities. [cheering] steve nash foundationis something

that steve and his familycreated as a means to increase access tocritical needs resourcesin health and education to underserved populationsof kids. and it has a ripple effect because i think as a consequenceof steve's great work, there are probably a lot ofother nba players and athletes who realize their positionto make a difference, if they're wiling to putin the time and the effort. early of 2007 he come tome first, he said, "hey yao,

i'm interested about having acharity game in beijing, china and help with someof the kids?" first of all, i felt it wasa bit embarrassing because i'm from there anda canadian come to me and say we'll help peopleout there, that made me feela bit embarrassing. they put this together ina very short period of time and raised a lot of moneyfor the kids. let's go down to the podiumand the phoenix suns pick

with the commissioner,david stern. with the 15th pickin the 1996 nba draft, the phoenix suns selectsteve nash from the universityof santa clara. [applause] i didn't play my first year, uh... played behindkevin johnson and jason kidd and worked my butt offthat summer. it still took me time tobuild up that confidence

that i was as goodas anybody else. steve actually said to methat he feels like the most insecure basketball playeruntil warm-up starts. so when he's going into a game, he's not sure ofwhat he's capable of. but once he warms upand gets a few shots up, he's like okay...this is how i play. i actually played 20 plusminutes a game my second year with those guys in the lineup,

which afforded me theopportunity to go to dallas. there was a lot of growingpains in dallas, the first two yearsin particular. i got to dallas a yearbefore he did and so i was the beat writerin those days, covering the team forthe dallas morning news, and kinda had a front row seatfor this ride he's gone on. i mean, i remember how it wasat the beginning. my first time meeting himwas at the press conference,

i had just got drafted andthey flew me over to dallas to make the decisionwhether to come back 'cause i wasn't quite sure... and steve, i was traded foron draft day two so we had our press conferencetogether and he walked in... i remember he had hisbrown roots showing for like, a half an inch and then therest of the hair was blond, bleach blond. so... i thought this guy'sa little weird.

steve got a big contractfrom the mavs, but it wasn't likea max contract. i wanna say it was 5, 6 yearsfor 33 million... i mean, it wasn'tcrazy, crazy money. steve comes in, a lotof expectations and he didn't deliverright away. the head coach don nelsonhad just uh, you know kinda toted himas the next john stockton, which is you know... that's alot of pressure on a young kid.

um, to this day i'm not surewhy steve became the scapegoat, and the thing nobodyreally remembers or nobody really talks about... steve played that first yearwith a broken back. which they, he didn'teven realize the full extent of the injury. steve has a congenitalback condition that's calledspondylolisthesis, which is essentially whereone vertebrae slips forward

on the other and it certainlyis debilitating for a lot of peoplewith certain activities. he'd come down earlyin the season, he'd got undercut and went downon his back. it you know, it was justa bad situation. you'd lost mobility and you'renew in the league and nobody's going to give youa break anyway. he was the one that the fans,that first year, really turned on and i'llnever forget the game

that they playedagainst houston. we played charles barkleyand the houston rockets, it was packed. the fans in dallas were know, used to a last place teamand the whole arena booed me every time i touched the ball. and all of a sudden,oh he missed another shot and i heard boos andfor me that was tough. i was like, "wow,this is our own place".

he shot something like0 for 8 in the first half and i remember even barkleyafter the game was just shocked at how steve was treatedby the fans that day. it's a strange dynamic,you know? to realize uh, a dreamwhere's it been so glorified, you know it's on tv, it'sromanticized on tv everyday and so once you getthere it's like all of a sudden you're into this fantasy world. but, you know, you quickly learnthat it's not as uh, glory...

glamorous as it could be. this is embarrassing. fans are booing! i actually remember him givingme a call after that game and saying, you know... uh,i don't know what's going on, they were booing tonight. you know, just feeling rage. i was home alone watchingthe game and i felt really bad. how could they boo my boy?

when you step into that arena,you'd better understand that that's what it'sall about. it's all about winning. the reality of life in beingin a highly paid sport, you're expected to perform, and not tomorrowor the next day. i think nash was reallybanged up more that year than anybody realized it. i mean, anybody elsewould've probably said,

i can't play at this level, every time i movei'm hurting... but you know,he got on with it. you know a lot of peoplewould say, what a horrible experience... but, you know, looking backit was a great experience. you know it really motivatedme and it built a lot of toughnessand thick skin. luckily for the mavs,he was strong enough

to deal with all that, 'cause really it didn't evenclick the next year. what really changed was whenhe went to the 2000 olympics and put a canadian teamthat had nobody elseyou've ever heard of except todd maccullochon his back, one game withinthe medal round... he came back from that, that's when he came back and he was a different playerafter that.

history making comeback! so when the mavsbecame this you know, consistent 50 win team... you know, this was reallytheir town in those days. we had some fun times. i love having fun, i love beinga clown and so does he, so... we had a ball and we hadsome fun nights. two guys who will definitelybe partying tonight are two of ourmaverick all-stars,

steve nashand dirk nowitzki, especially steve nash because tonighthe is celebrating his 29th year of existence. i'm showing him hopefullya good time tonight and we actually went out alittle bit last night and uh, just making this dayspecial for him. the all-star game's a hugethrill and an honour and to have my birthday herejust gives us

extra incentive to celebrate. when they first came out there, they printed them inthe dallas morning news and in our home newspaperin dallas saying, look what steve and dirk dowhen they don't play. most of the players that comeinto this league usually are very adept atplaying the sport of basketball but are not that evolvedin terms of dealing with the publicity that comeswith it,

the notoriety that comeswith it, the fame that comeswith it and the scrutinythat comes with it. nobody's perfect and everybodyloves to have fun once in a while and i thinksome people actually thought it was funny and then somepeople actually thought you know, we're role models, weshouldn't do stuff like that. you know, i think youcan get very unhappyand uncomfortable with who you are if you godown that slippery slopeof celebrity.

and we live in a reallyinteresting time, i call it the ageof transparency... whoever you are is goingto be revealed. if you're mel gibsonor you're tiger woods, whoever you are, your storyis gonna end up being told. the old experiment they said was that you puta group of lobsters, a bunch of lobsters in a pail and if one lobster is crawlingout of the pail,

another lobsterwill pull it back down. so i think there's somesatisfaction that people have to see some of these godspulled down to a lesser level. there's just a proliferationof media outlets and everybody's lookingfor a story. plaxico burress could face up to seven yearsin prison if convicted on the felony charge ofcarrying a concealedweapon without a permit. so they have to understandthat a lot of the media

are waiting to see themat their weakest moment. every situationthat they're in, gives them an opportunityto make a decision and that decision could goa lot of different ways. ben roethlissberger, the quarterback forthe pittsburgh steelers, has been accused of sexuallyassaulting a woman early friday morningat a club in georgia. for me i always try to havean open mind

and try to learn from othersand observe as much as i can and i was fortunate enoughto kinda, kinda make my way through all those differentchallenges and obstacles. but it is difficult for youngpeople i think a lot of times in that position of you know,the weight of expectations and a lot of people inyour ear, to deal with that. i think i was lucky, though. fame can lead to peoplefeeling that certain rulesdon't apply to them, it makes them vulnerableto a perspective of,

"i'm something special". antoine walker, he had a $110million basketball contract... he is now broke, he owescredit cards $4 million, he also wrote 10 bad chequesin las vegas amounting up to $1 million. but these guys wear signs, especially a guylike antoine walker, saying 'steal moneyfrom me'. a bunch of young guysget a lot of money,

they don't know what to do withit or how to handle themselves in the spotlight with allthis money for the first time and they're gonna makevery public mistakes. the same would happen i thinkif you took mcdonald's and gave you know,all those young employees a bunch of money,they would still make a bunch of verypublic mistakes. you're gonna have a percentageof the population that has their shoes in,

our players havetheir shoes in. we do the best we can to helpthem get up when they get knocked down. whenever there's a bad thingthat happens, you know, if magic johnson announceshe's hiv positive, the reputation of the nbaand it's players in some shape or form,takes a hit. if ron artest thinks it's a goodidea to run up into the stands to have a discussionwith a fan,

then the pundits willbe spending the weekend on talk radio and talk tvtalking about the thugs and the punks. so, yes we have issues andthen here comes steve nash. i'm sure there areother players like him but when i think of him, it's somebody who is quieter,less self-centered although you can't be to wherehe's gotten to if you don't have an egoand a drive

and he's come to understandwhat the contributions are that someone in his positioncan make. oh my god! i'm so excited! yuan dan kuai le... okay, you guys ready? yuan dan kuai le, china! what's up everybodyin china? happy new year!

i wish i could be out there but the weather's beautifulhere in phoenix so i'm going for a skateon my day off. i wanna thank all you guysfor following me on my page, hopefully the suns will havea great end of the season and uh... we'll bein the play-offs. can't-sit-still-it t- -is,is uh... the condition that steve's had for a long time, ever sincei've known him.

i think he just, he reallydoesn't see the point. our phones are nowour computers so i'm email, text,call... i can get a lot ofwork done. i could tell him that he'sdoing way too much, i don't think at this pointhe'd listen to me 'cause he's really enjoyingwhat he's doing, but i do think he findsit overwhelming. you know i probably takeon too much.

my whole weekwas gonna be busy, thursday i had to flyto vancouver to run the relaywith the olympic torch meanwhile keeping itunder wraps that i was selected as one of the torch runnersfor the opening ceremonieson friday. i had to be takento an undisclosed spot where i was preppedfor the relay at 1:00. hello. how does it feel for a hometownboy to carry this torch?

it feels amazing, you knowi really want to make sure everyone knows i getto represent all of the people in canada who didn't get a chanceto do this. brandon's told you about poco? so me and baron davis started a digitalmarketing company. we'll manage players'online brands... facebook, twitter, flickryoutube pages,

whatever they wanna have... i definitely havea team in place so they're just running thingsby me... i have this overall vision... on saturday morningi left vancouver early so i'd be in texas for all-starweekend by early afternoon, where i would face jam session,the west practice and media scrums. and now we've got thesteve nash, darren williams

championship for the skills challenge. his first time was 35 seconds. he's getting less than that this time. go, go, go... there he is! 29.9! yeah, how about that one? on sunday i arrived at asold out cowboy stadium, which set a recordof 108,000 fans for the 2001 all-star game.

i knew i had 24 hoursto catch up with friends and play some of the nba's bestbefore i hopped on a flight to meet up withmy teammates. check that screen out. wow! that will give you a headache. my fellow citizens, at this hour americanand coalition forces are in the early stagesof military operations

to disarm iraq, to free itspeople and to defend the world from grave danger. ♪ today was media day at the nba all-star weekend, and while some players used the time to mingle and shoot pictures, steve nash used this opportunity as a platform to promote peace. i think that not onlywould it be unfair to go to war with iraq but i thinkit would cause...

terrible repercussions back hereand our lives would be changed and altered and we'd lose ithink a lot of the freedoms and safetiesthat we know now. everybody's saying he doesn'tsupport the troops. he was saying let's explorewhy we're putting the troops in this situation. you know that's the problemwith the media, there were no troops thereto support at the time, it was all about politics.

you know we talked about,we wouldn't go to war unless we found weaponsof mass destruction which wasn't the case, we talked about we wouldn'tgo to war unless the united nations agreedto it which wasn't the case, you know we talked aboutgoing to war because we wanted to fightal qaeda... which wasn't the case. you know i got grilled by some,

some right-wingers um...for about three weeks. every day after practice. i don't know if steve nashis a geo-political expert. they were just worked upinto a fervor! you know, they have anopportunity a lot of times on that venue to speak upbut uh... i don't know, a lot of timesi haven't agreed with some of our peopleout in hollywood. well with iraq... it woulddevastate that country

that has been throughincredible devastation already. when an athlete or youknow an entertainmentperson takes a stand, they're gonna you know,kind of piss off you know, a big percentage of people... and those percentage of peopleare sort of probably like, look i just wanna you know,watch you play basketball and enjoy that,enjoy your talent, and i don't wanna be challengedwith anything when i'm at thebasketball game.

you know they just wantedto paint me as this commy, communist red, you know... i think he wantedto make a statement with that... withthat anti-war t-shirt, 'cause the thing is...he's not afraid to go out on a limb like that,he really doesn't care. but it was really a statementto save peoples' lives. well it's inevitable,there will be changes. every year, every teammakes changes.

hopefully another yearit may be better, but if you bring insome other guys maybe that will makeit better, i mean i don't... i definitelydon't have the answers. dirk nowitzki will almostcertainly be back next season, but they may not bring back his best friend steve nash. do you use himas a sign and trade and try to getthat big time player?

i think with cuban and steve, there started out with somehesitation on cuban's part because he inherited nash. i thought they undervalued himand in fairness to them, you know steve had had a fewinjuries prior to that, and i thought that they thoughthe was a risk at that point and i understand that. so if another team looksat you differently and feels that you havethe ability to play,

which phoenix obviouslysaw that... that's when i first hadthe discussion about kobe versus nash. we kept saying, we're goingafter kobe, we're going after kobefor everyone's um... you know, pleasure but we were in the meantimeon a plane, flying to dallas to go get him the first daythat we could. we came at him with such forceand such interest

and sincerity morethan anything else, not to mention a prettybig contract offer. mark cuban went intothat negotiation saying, i'm gonna give stevefour years, 36 million, that's as far as i'm gonna go. the suns come in all gunsblazing, six years, $66 million i mean, that's a $30million differences. the suns basically told steve, you gotta take it or leaveit now, this is it.

this offer is on the tableright now, if you don't take itwe're moving on. steve did somehowmanage to get on the phoneand go back to the mavs and say, look... this iswhat they're offering me, i can't say the specific number but it's crazy moneyand mark just decided he couldn't go into thatballpark with steve. it was very emotional, i remember being inthe car with steve

when we came to the realizationthat it was time to go. he, he just... he couldn'tcome to terms with it. he came out of the meetingand he was actually, i was the first guythat he called. the first advice that i gavehim, i was like hey, you know you have a family to lookafter and, you know, obviously we'd loveto keep you here, we'd love you to finishyour career in dallas but you know if the money's

way, way better somewhereelse then you gotta go on, you gotta move on. i think he was hurt bythe fact that mark cuban didn't want him. i think it was very difficultfor stephen to think you're part of a family andthen to find out you're not, you're expendable. at the time i thought nice guy but doesn't know muchabout basketball.

steve nash reallyhas hurt dallas, no matter whatanybody thinks, dirk and all them guysare gonna feel not having steve nash. steve nash is leaving dallasfor good this weekend but not before he tellshis side of the story. nash tells cbs-11 sports markcuban's initial offer to him was nowhere near the five years,50 million cuban writes about on his web blog.

nash told us quote, "i felt all along cubandidn't want me back, "he's lying about their offer". i was fine with him decidingto go in a new direction but the way he kinda spun it,that frustrated me. steve nash, basketball player... a man barely alive. we did all kinds of creativethings that summer, like i said it was sort of this,this basketball laboratory

that we created. we have the capability to make the world's first recycled man... teve nash will be that man. how can we keep you healthy,how can we prevent injuries and how does that link upwith your performance um... frustration sometimes,or limitations? better than he was before. better... stronger... faster.

i think the whole leaguewas trying to figure out what in the world this scienceproject was doing. i worked out twice a day,five days a week, once on saturdays. we basically broke downhis basketball specific moves and looked at it fromsort of a biomechanical and neuromuscular standpoint. i think the key to steve isthat he's such a cognitive, cerebral athlete that hefirst has to understand that

this is the right thingand once he gains that trust then he is literally willingto run through walls. once he got here mike hired meas an assistant coach, he talked about the waywe were gonna play. i was as skeptical asanyone, i said... i don't know if you can playthat way in the nba. he said with the waysteve nash is, we can play this way andwe can be really successful. there's no way of explaininghow he could throw the ball

to people you don't even knowwhere the fuck they are without looking so i saidthat he has mirrors all over the place. so you have guys in the stands and that's how he could belooking here and know exactly where this guyis, this guy is, this guy... yeah, he's like a magicianon the court. the thing is, he's a throwback. he brought back the waybasketball should be played.

you look at you know,when bird was playing, when magic was playing... you know, the thing thatthey always tried to do is make their guys better by sharing the spotlightwith them. this is the way the gameshould be played. everyone is very excitedthat basketball is played in other ways, which is youdon't need much of a size. but he's just a hard worker,everybody knows that.

he's one of the mostdynamic players in the history of the league. the ability to createso much offense without being the dominantathlete on the floor in terms of sheerphysical force. you had a great year,great statistics, but your teammateshad a great year because of you and your teamwon it's division. steve nash, nbamost valuable player.

the boston celtics are once again the world champions! i just have a question for you, say basketball comesto an end at some point and, you know, you never knowhow some people are like... it's gonna come to an end. but, what do you wanna do? he's like, i wannamake movies. you know a transitioninto uh... film, television,'s challenging for anyone.

meathawk is my productioncompany i started with my cousin, he's been making filmsfor a while and it's a great outletfor me to do something and learn somethingoutside of basketball. steve came to me and he saidyeah so some of my teammates want to get involved inyou know some of those skits. i said well, you know,you've got loads of time,

you know down time... you're flying from a to byou're on the coach, as long as it doesn't interferewith the you know, your preparation for the game,why not use that time? ♪ all night long! ♪ ♪ all night... ♪ ♪ all night! ♪ when i'm with my friendsand family that's all we do is laugh and jump around, sothe natural thing for us to do

when we're tryingto make something or try to create somethingis try to be funny, so... we'd love to do somethingon anything but, you know, comedy wasone obvious one that you know, we havefun doing and... it just, i think it's some way to not take ourselvestoo seriously. would i say that that typeof concept would fly in his fitness clubs orhis vitamin company

or some of ourother businesses... no. and he knows that, i thinkyou know with meathawk it is a creative outletand, and uh... you know he definitely pushesthe envelope. all right, nice presentation. i like how you got chicagodown a notch, you got boston way down there,that's good. but never... put phoenixnext to la! it's kind of a funny name,isn't it?

i'm just saying it, steve nash. it's a little bit like, kindof like an action hero. it's a cool sounding name! steve nash... steve actually, he probablydoesn't even know this, but he screwed up a wholestoryline for me. because what i wanted to dowith kevin dillon's character johnny drama, dos equiswas going to offer to make him the leastinteresting man in the world

and then all of a sudden nashcomes out with this commercial. e is 100 per cent canadian, as are his tuxedos. he can only give 100 per cent, the other 10 per cent he donates to orphans. steve nash is... the mostridiculous man in the world. i've grappled withsteve's sense of humoursince a young age. i'm mortified by it. i've done some commercialsfor vitamin water, nike and we're kind of findinga little success.

you spend so many hours by yourself shooting, a lot of stuff goes through your mind. the passion and the appreciationfor the finer points of soccer easily translatedinto basketball. if you wanna be good,you gotta practice. he's like yeah, nike paid me$30,000 for it. i paused and i said,you just gave away a $300,000 spot for $30,000 dude, do you just realizewhat you just did?

you just made a badbusiness move. you're gonna go doan internship. you're gonna get up every day, during the summer in new york,no special treatment... you go into deutsch agencyand you sit behind a desk and you take whateverthey ask you to do and he went to school for us. he got a badge and everythinglike that, he was coming in.

you know, you saw a lot ofquizzical looks just like... is that steve fuckin' nashdown the hall? when he won those two mvp's, people started payingattention to the guy, wanting to get to knowthe guy behind the pretty passesand the hardware. at that point, you know,doors started opening for him. getting every celebrityis different, from me running into someoneon the street

to me calling mark and saying,do you know this guy? to you know, steve nash. the sad legacy of my life isthat i wanted to be steve nash, that was like my goalto play like nash and i've always lovedwatching steve, so... he came down to the set,he was totally shocked 'cause he didn't knowwhat he was walking into. he was like, i love the show... god, if there was everan opportunity

for me to be on itor whatever... i'm like, you wanna be on it?you're on it! how about tomorrow? hey ashley! it's me, again... listen i'm freaking abouta little bit, i just don't under... understand where you went. would you call me please?

eric? fuck off! i think my girlfriendjust told me to fuck off. ouch, bro. hi, your parking. murray, always a pleasure. indeed. eric, good luckwith your girl. thanks buddy.

my oldest daughter bryceis you know, religious about watchingiconoclasts, loves the show. and so i was flatteredwhen i heard you know that they wanted meto do an episode but i was really swamped. i knew i would be filmingthe dilemma, you know... tense days and nightsof shooting... but i said, who are they gonnapair me up with? and louisa said, steve nashand i said, make room!

make room in the schedule,i can't miss that. i've come to spend the daywith the great ron howard. if i go to the basket like thathe's probably gonna catch me, but if i can go here and put itoff the backboard, he can't get it. hi, steve. nice to meet you. dan hanley, uh... what have we got here?

beautiful look. you're really good! thanks. i saw the thing that they didon terry fox. i didn't know the story at all so i hadn't really gottento it and finally i kindof turn it on and um... one night and it was, icouldn't believe you know, how powerful the story was. i guess everybody knowsthe story in canada

and knowsabout terry fox, but i'd never heard of it... and so seeing it and inthe way that you know,they directed it... it was just one of the,one of like... honestly the mostpowerful things i'd ever seen. where you're like, just trying likenot to sob out loud. [applause] i had an opportunity to notre-sign in phoenix last summer,

a lot of people thoughti should've tried to go to a contender andmy feeling was i love my teammates andi'd felt we started something and although we'd hada really negative year, the year beforethis past season, i felt like we couldcome together and really do somethingspecial. this team is a very goodhalf court defensive team. they do the best job of anyonein the league i think

as far as weak side rotationsand things like that. the personality ofthe trailblazers is that they're not gonna quit, andwe have to understand that and we have to play the entire48 minutes. we talked about,establishing early and trying to get the crowdout of the game. they've got such great fanshere in portland. you're out! steve nash sucks!

arthur miller is gonna bagyou down on the pavement and score 32 on you! one, two, three, suns! ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the phoenix suns. the phoenix win in this series sets up a match up of playoff rivals. it was hard to bea rival of steve's because he's so nice,you know. and i'm always most of the timei'm on the winning end.

great season for steve nash comes to an end. i think he was just toyingwith him, he just wanted to seecould he play with one eye. but still, you better get it. from every angle-- --and he has great vision here. unbelievable. and i was happy for him,i was happy for him because, you know, we beat himso many times that you know,

he finally beat us so it wasone team that i was okay to beat us you know, it wasthe phoenix suns with steve, so it was okay. [grunting] i don't think many peoplewould've predicted we would out-perform you knowthe spurs, the mavericks, you know...orlando, cleveland... you know we ended upin the final four. i really wish him the bestbut if you don't have a chip,

you ain't nothing. you need a ring. then we can talk. to be honest with you, he's not going to get a ringon the west coast. as long as kobe's over there,he's not. you know, i had our guysextremely locked in on this series. we weren't thinking aboutbeating boston,

we were thinking aboutbeating phoenix just because of the historythat we've had. i mean they've you know,knocked my team out twice. you know, so there was no wayi was gonna overlook them and come all the waythis way just to fall short to the suns again. la baby, la la land. ♪ star spangledbanner yet wave... ♪ ♪ for the land of the free, ♪

♪ and the homeof the brave. ♪ four of 18 in the regularseason against the lakers. tonight he's already 0 for 3, he's not been able to knock the shot down. nash lost his balance. nash... wow, what a tough shot! brilliant! he blinded his vision... bryant behind the back, bryant...

yes! great pocket pass. does it with his left hand think actually better than his right. and now we've got a foul on derek fisher. and these are thingswe did not see in games 1 and 2. i was at game 5 in la, andit was something else. it was really a position thatnobody thought the lakers, the mighty lakers, could be in.

all right, let's go! one, two, three, suns!!!! here's the phoenix suns, ateam that is under manned, a team with question markssurrounding their centre, a team that should...should be distracted, and they're in a game thatthey had no business being in. i remember us changinga couple things from game 4 to game 5, you know defense we madea couple adjustments.

the rebound picked up by bryant, pegs it down... the problem that you havewith him is his ability to shoot the ball. nash... yes! what a tough shot, off the wrong foot... that puts us in a bind on howto defend those pick and rolls, 'cause he stops behind youhe shoots the 3. yet another strong game... steve nash for 3!

you don't wanna give himany good looks, and you play that and nowyou have stoudemire rolling. stoudemire with the stuff! you have steve getting into thepaint and creating situations. and the foul! is he the fastest guy? no, but he's fast. here comes nash, stoudemire... oh, what a play!

right down to the end of the shot clock! is he the quickest? no, but he's quick. steve nash, 27 points! you know what i mean? is he the tallest? no, but he's tall enough. no sense on going on size and length, that does not matter!

steve nash again in the face of assault, 29 for nash! the final sequence wasout of this world. ron artest who cannotshoot from 3, or at least not as wellas pretty much everyone else on that court for the lakerslaunches two 3's, misses. why would he take the shot? it was uh... you know,it was just silly. he's now one of eight. that's exactly what the phoenix suns wanted him to do...

so walking backinto the time out, kind of had to collect myselfand get his mind focused on the next play. the suns have a chance to tie the game. there was a couple of reboundsthey got on that play and it was just kind ofa scrambled situation. and then jason steps upand drops a bomb, i think it was offthe glass too. ...for the tie and... yes!

he makes it home! three opportunities... the crowd at this pointis going nuts, i mean there's so much tensionin the building and a very un-staple centerkind of vibe. you could hear, you know...a pin drop. you know, it's just one ofthose things where it's... not again. 'cause that's how we woundup losing the series

against phoenix a coupleyears before with tim thomas. in a similar situation, timthomas maxed out on three. ...and nash for the tie. ...for the rebound. tim thomas with the fake for the tie! you know, it cost us the ballgame in the playoff series. you kind of feel that feelingwhere it's like, oh man... here we go again!

you cannot let him touch that ball, i mean whatever you do, youcannot let him get his hands on that basketball. i knew how they weregonna play it. i got myself open and i wantedto take a shot, i think steve wasin front of me so i felt like i just elevatedover the top of him. both teams are over the foul limit. then grant hill'soutstretched arm

kind of threw me offa little bit and changed the trajectoryon the shot. it comes up short! so it was short but ryankept on playing; he redeemed himself. [cheering[ the suns were that close...a ron artest buzzer beater from knocking onthe nba finals door. when i get in a zone in a game,

it tends to slow down and thebasket feels like it's huge, obviously and you knoweverything you throw up is gonna go in. and you seek thosemoments out, you try to find those momentsand um... they're very evasive though. i walked off the court and icouldn't help but think about all the things that hadn'tgone my way and that was tough.

at the same time you know, i don't believe in likefeeling sorry for yourself or a defeatist mentality and feel like you know,everything's against me... but in that moment i was like,you gotta be kidding me. that's sports, that's life. you know, we uh... you know, we play the gamefor those moments and sometimes you'reon the wrong end of them.

that's life. you stay in the momentand you stay in the journey, i know it sounds clichã©and i don't wanna pretendto be zen or anything, it's just the truth. i think you really gotta...especially when you're my age it's just a pleasureto get to this point and to have a chance andnext year i think we're gonna have another steephill to climb to get back here but we can do itif we work hard.

i guess if i had to askmyself questions, they wouldn't be easyones probably. they'd be things that i knowi'd have a hard time answering. what are your insecurities? what are you scared of? what can't you do? what makes you thinkyou can be a filmmaker? you know, i think mineare probably just the same as everyone else, you know.

i wish i was a littlebetter looking, i wish i was a little taller, i wish i could jumpa little higher. you know, but overall i thinki've got a pretty healthy sense of humour aboutyou know, your self-image and what that means. you know, i don't know... you know sometimes i guessthe hardest things are living with yourself,

you know living insideyour own head. the self-loathing andthe self-congratulation, you know those areconstant things in my life, well constant in thatthey pop up regularly, that those are the things youhave to, you know, bat away. people will look back at steve as one of the greatest playersof all time, and two time mvp. my suspicions is that he'll bein the hall of fame but, you know, i thinkyou're measured

not just by your skillsor your wealth or your fame, but by your characterand i think by that standard he's going to do very well. i don't know that i feelmore comfortable in new york than victoria. you know, they both feellike home and they both offer a lotof different things. so i'm happy in both places and new york certainly feelslike home now.

you know more than meetingmy wife here, we just come back hereevery summer. you know we have a lotof great memories here and friends, placesthat we like to go. as random as that is i neverwould've really predicted that, it's just the waythat it's worked out. i've already failedone marriage so it's, it takes its toll but i thinkthat sometimes you know... relationships are difficultregardless of your job.

you try to atone for yourmistakes and learn and grow and i feel that's very youknow, thematic of life. if you enjoy it, it's to tryto uh... get better. for me the hardest thingis just trying to make sure the kids are fine. if that is true then,then it's okay. shooting is also somethingthat you know, practicing can be a little bitmeditative you know, 'cause it gets you awayfrom everything else,

you forget abouteverything else. and sometimes you're thinkingabout other things when you're shootingbut it's still, it's good for you,you know. it's good for you to letyour mind go and not have to beyou know, in a regimented placeor time always, so... (news reports): now the other huge news this week, steve nash is joining the lakers.

another big story tonight... shocking the nba world... re in phoenix are pretty ups steve nash is going to the lakers. i can guarantee you therewill be some people burning some nash jerseysin the street tonight. i'm pretty disappointed. it's gonna be a littledisappointing seeing him in a lakers uniform.

so at this time i'd liketo welcome two-time mvp, a thorn in the lakers' sidefor most of this decade, happy to see himwearing purple and gold... steve nash. wow, this is a day i neverforesaw in my life. but you know just an incredibleopportunity for me. take us through the process steve, behind the scenes. how did the whole thing go down? first and foremost you know,when the suns decided

to go in a new directionyou know i was obviously lookingfor a new home. i mean mitch called my agentshortly after midnight, on the 1st and you knowi'm guessing, but i think the first thinghe said was i know that we've had some battlesin the playoffs and i hear steve wouldn'twanna play for the lakers, and my agent,being an agent said, no that's not true,that's all media speculation.

you know, the idea franklyto be close to my son and my daughterswho will be in phoenix was my number on priority. i know everybody's probablyread a little bit about how this came to be and if youlook at the opportunity we have with the players on this roster and the organization'scommitment to winning... you know, this is gonna bea really exciting chapter in my career.

i'm very proud to behere tonight and very proud to be hostinga dinner with magic, for you here tonight. to be back in a positionto win again is a phenomenal feeling. i'm really proud to bea laker today. laker nation is excitedand i'm excited man, so congratulations. now i can really pass the torchto a real point guard!

yeah! welcome to la, mr. nash. yo, what up steve? it's big snoop dogg,welcome to the la lakers. steve, welcome to la. you know, a lot of people seethe boulder up the hill, the repetition as a curse, an eternity of workfor no end result. this isn't totally wrong butif you really think about it,

each time up the hill he mustget a little stronger, a little smarter,'til eventually, after an eternity,he succeeds. so yeah, i imagine himto be happy. okay, see ya steve. see ya, buddy!

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