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    ashley furniture tv stands with fireplace

    hi. i'm amanda perna, and welcometo my little piece of paradise in delrey beach, florida. i love an eclectic mix bothin fashion and my home. this is bruno. you may remember himfrom season nine. [whimpers] how can i not mentionthe elephant in the room, or should i say cake?

    it's actually fromour wedding that we shipped from italy here. the way they do it thereis you eat a delicious cake and you look at a pretty one. so i go to have mycake and eat it too. this is where i spend mostof my time, in my studio. this is my showroom,where i show up the buyers from boutiquesmy newest collections. this is where the magic happens.

    and i drape, and do thepatterns, and work with my team on creating the collections. this is my newestcollection, some pieces that have never been seen before. this is one of myfavorite outfits that i designed fora day at the office. i mean, you need to have alittle bit of color and detail, even if you're goingto a boring desk job. our girls' night out piecesdefinitely are my miniskirts.

    a little sexy, a little sassy. but we always keep itclassy around here. for evening is the blueemma dress that i designed. and i loved her so much thatmy second dress for my wedding was that dress, but in creamand white, so multi purpose. thanks for checkingout my studio. i hope you enjoyedyour time here. don't forget to watchme on "project runway." see you in new york.

    hi, everyone. i'm ashley nell tipton. welcome to myhouse in san diego. come on in. now, this is my living room andmy kitchen, where we spend most of our time with each other. this is my sister, abril. and this is my niece,izzy, my lemon squeezy. i am also her nanny.

    did you eat yourvegetables today? nuh-uh. [cries] so this is why i'm goingto stick to fashion. but enough here. let's go upstairsto my room now. welcome to my room. this is the polkadot wonder room. i love gold polkadots, so i decided

    to throw it on the wall. as you can see,i love jewelery-- anything about theaccessories and emphasizing an outfit with these. so next to my bed stand isa picture of my grandmother. she's the one who taught mehow to so at the age of seven. just recently i've lost her,and i've never felt much closer to her now than then. this is my work studio.

    so this is my inspiration/sketchwall my model is definitely funky, fun, and fat. when i'm sketching, i'm alwaysthinking of my girl who's wearing my clothing out,walking down the streets, wherever she's doing. i'm just always thinkingof what she's doing and what her body'sdoing, and what that message is she's tryingto give out to the world. bye.

    hey,i'm blake. welcome to los angeles. i'm the new cast number of"project runway," season 14. come check out my place. welcome to my living room. over here, we have a couch. and then we have abuilt-in cabinet that we keep some wine glasses in. i like to drink wine.

    and over here is anotherbuilt-in cabinet. i like grumpy cat,so he's there. and here's moreof my living room. i don't spend thatmuch time here. but when i do, i'moften watching tv. i watch "the goldengirls," "bob's burgers," funny kind of stuff. then i sometimes feedmy roommate's fish. it's the highlight of my day.

    and then this is myroommate's dj set. sometimes he likesto spin some beats. and then we have a fireplace. keep warm on cold nights. but yeah, let's checkout the kitchen. and here's the kitchen. i don't spend thatmuch time in here. i only know how tomake toast and cereal, and i just learnedhow to dice a tomato.

    so if you want me to cookfor you, let me know. out here is therecreational area. sometimes i'll dopainting out there or i'll let my fabricdry after dying it. sorry for the mess. let's go check out my room. this is the bathroom. my roommate's room. we're going to check out mine.

    and this is my bedroom. i keep all my dresses here. this is my last collection. it was inspired by a jellyfish. i did a bunch ofdifferent watercolor. jellyfish that correlate withthe movement and the fluidity that i did in mylast collection. it's just a lot offabric and a lot of fun, which i wanted the collection tobe about-- the graceful moment

    of a jellyfish. and here's some ofmy fabric, which i love getting from mood, oneof my favorite fabric stores here in la. hey, so you'veguys seen my place. i don't know what elsemore to show you except check me out on the show. i've got to gomake more dresses, so i'll catch you guys later.

    hi, "project runway." my name's candice. welcome to silicon valley. i'm going to give youa tour of my lair. this is the family room, where,when we actually do have time, we all hang out on thislovely leather couch that i love for obvious reasons. and also, this dragon behindme is one of my favorite because i was born inthe year of the dragon.

    but i could really use acup of coffee right now, so let's go to the kitchen. i'm a coffee addict. and i like it instant and iced. coffee does a body good. not everyone has amotorcycle in their home, but this is amemorial to my uncle, who passed away a year ago. keep his memoriesalive with us always.

    we're in the backyard. and it's a really specialplace for my family because amidst allthe chaos of life, this is where wecome to get together and we spend a lotof quality time. i'm really close to my family,and it's where we get down and we have fun. welcome to my space. this is where i spendsmall portions of my time.

    and when i actually geta chance to wind down, i like to open up this book. edgar allen poe's probablyhands down my favorite. it has a lot to do with hisdark, mysterious love writing. and i surround myselfwith photos of my babies because they are my drive,my little blonde birds. and then i wakeup and i exercise. that's the first thing i do.and then i meditate. you know, you've gotto focus on your goals.

    and every now and again,every woman always needs fabulous black hat. thank you for visiting me inmy lair in northern california. be sure to watch meon "project runway." hey, i'm david giampiccolo. let me show you my place. hey, welcome to myplace in hollywood. this is my living room. i live in this smallstudio, and i love it.

    it's, like, really quietand perfect for me. i do the decoration by myself. a lot of, like, french cardsfrom europe and from belgium. decoration has a story. because it's so small, sothey need to be reorganized because i work here, isleep here, i eat here, i live here with my spouse. so if we don't organize,be a mess really fast. i love doing meditation.

    each stone means something. like when you feeldepressed and when you hurt a part of yourbody, it can help you a lot. so here is my sofa. i love to relax over here. i don't have a tv, but iwatch a movie on the computer. i don't really have alot of friends coming over because that's real small. but i like it because i likekeep it quiet and relaxing.

    i'm going to show youmy work area/kitchen. follow me. so this is my work area. here, i'm mostlydrawing, and get my picture and my influence. i take my inspiration from thehip hop from the '80s and '90s, but i mix it with, like,couture and glamour touch. some piece of my new collection. you have, like, the quilt coatwith, like, a lot of color.

    we have also the fur. well, it's actually faux fur. and let me show you thekitchen really quick. i don't really cookat all, actually, but my spouse cook a lot. thank god, because without him,i'm probably going to be really fat and eat just junk food. so this is the end of the tour. let me show you out.

    thank you for coming. you can see me on "projectrunway" season 14. i'm david. bye bye. my name's duncan, andwelcome to my house in auckland, new zealand. it's been really niceout here for the summer. it kind of feels like a bach. it feels like a holiday home.

    so i come home from work, andi usually had a nap after work. and then open all my windowsand just listen to cicadas. i just come outhere, have a coffee, enjoy the sunshine beforethe mosquitoes get here. so this is my room in here. notice a very importantthree wolf hologram. always got to have one. and welcome to my room. this is where i creatething, and this is

    where i spend a lot of my time. so here's my table, wherei paint a lot of things. really getting backinto watercolor. i'm trying to improve on my art. i've got a lovelyview to look at, and so i can sit hereand do some painting. a few workbooksi've been working on for the next collection,pictures of things i want to get started on.

    so i tend to livequite rough and ready. i've moved housemaybe 8 or 10 times in the last couple of years. so i don't have much things,so i tend to make do. some kiwi ingenuitywhenever we can. sleep on banana boxes. it's actually a reallycomfy night's sleep. this is a little back stoopsection for a nice day or hang out at the night.

    and then next door is ourneighbor's [inaudible], which we take liberties with. and i'll take youover to the kitchen. here is the kitchen. most essential thing for us. i drink a lot of coffee. a lot of coffee. so you've got to haveyour fresh grinder. you've got to have yourespresso machine, which takes

    up 90% of our bench space. but essential. only way to functionas a fashion designer. and then under here, wemanaged to accumulate over the years about13 devices, but we still don't have a real fridge. so i live herewith my housemates, matt and chris, who areboth involved in the music industry in new zealand.

    and great people to have. great moral support for wheni come home late at night. so thanks for comingto see my house. i hope you enjoy seeinga snapshot of what i live like in new zealand. and be sure to check me up on"project runway," coming soon. hi, i'm edmund, and i'm partof "project runway," season 14. first stop is my bedroom. pretty simple.

    it's the bed, television. as you can see, there'snot much in here. there are mydumbbells, which i used to use when i had time towork out, but i don't anymore. hopefully i can findsome time soon to get a little better with that. over here is my storage room. i don't allow anyone togo behind the curtain. this is my space that ikeep, like, a lot of things

    that i collect. i am a pack rat. i tend not to throwaway a lot of things, but eventually i'llalways end up using them. so this is where ikeep all of that stuff. but that's my bedroom. come on. let's go into the living room. here is my relax space.

    when i have time off,which is normally, like, sundays, havea little chill time. other than that, i'mnot here very much. and here's myartwork that i did. something just tokind of, i guess, express myself creatively. i also made that pillow. and that one over there is,like, my comfort pillow. this is rocco, everybody.

    rocco is seven years oldand he loves fashion. all right. now let's go into the kitchen. this is kind of like mysecond favorite place. i don't use thedining room area much, but i do like to entertainwhenever i get a chance, which is not that often. but i enjoy cooking,making drinks. i used to be abartender, so that's

    kind of like one of my thingswhen i do have people over, just make everybodyfeel real home. now i'm going to takeyou on the patio, since it's such a beautiful day. this is the patio area. sometimes i come out, andrelax, and just chill. sometimes i come outhere and sketch as well. it's a beautiful day, so ithink i'll chill here the rest of the day with rocco outside.

    so i'll see you later. welcome to my home inbushwick, brooklyn. my name is gabrielle arruda,and i'm a participant on "project runway," season 14. this is my living room andkitchen in my apartment. the kitchen does notget a lot of use. new york is a city for takeout,and that is my form of cooking. it's a small space, so i figuredyou can kind of play with it. and i got the copperchairs from a company

    that's minnesota based. and they actually becomeflat, and then you make them by folding the copper pieces. so it was kind ofa cool experience. so this is my living room. i got a brilliant idea that iwas going to give up all ikea furniture, and i was not goingto live like a college student. but i went a littleoverboard and, like, bought so much furniture.

    and the result isthis living room. so here is my drawingoffice, workspace. i usually comehere when i'm kind of planning thingsfor my business or during calendar production. and it's also where i designand make sure my designs are good and not horribly ugly. i'm super anal andorganized, and i love to, like, time things out.

    and, like, i get kind of nerdyabout my calendar skills, actually. so this was mydrawing workspace, and i have anotherone down the hall. that's more for sewingand constructing. so this is my second workspace. i've tried to keep it reallykind of minimal and clean, because these areobviously very small rooms. it's new york.

    this is where i do a lotof the pattern cutting and initial draping, some modelfittings, pattern drafting. so this is my workspace. and if we go over here, i havemy bedroom, which for new york is actually a big size. this is my boyfriend, jared. this is our bedroom. this is all his music equipmentbecause he's the music guru. this is his littlecorner to create.

    just like i have thebedrooms, he gets this corner. this is actually abedroom in new york, but i use it as a closet. it's way too smallto be a real bedroom, so i made it into a closet. a lovely cat is usingmy new rug as a bed. i got this rug from abrooklyn-based designer, and i thought it was afun way to kind of make this a little bitmore light and airy.

    thanks for checking outmy place and seeing me hello. this is hanmiao yang from"project runway," season 14. please come in. this is my littlestudio in new york city. you can see my wholefurniture is black because i like a simple thing,either whole white or whole back. i'm a foodie.

    that means i like tryingout a new restaurant. also, i'm veryexpert making food. i'm from the city--you know, capital city of sichuan province. that means people eatspicy food all the time. so that means sauce is veryimportant for me to cook. those two is the powdermy grandma had made and shipped from china to here. so that's veryimportant to cook as a,

    you know, authenticchinese foodie. and also, because i'm kind ofbusy, no matter how busy i am, food is very crucial. so you can see that thedelivery menu is on my fridge. this is the wall i buildup for years, like, when i moved to this apartment. this is a very important picturefrom one of my best friends. everyone called memushroom because i have a mushroom haircut.

    so she just printmushroom for me. here's my first boss and alsothe winner of "project runway" before, christian siriano. he's pretty much like avery inspired person for me. and also it's my firstjob, like, real job in fashion industry. i learned super a lot fromhim, and he's so super nice. thanks for visiting myapartment in new york city. be sure to watch "projectrunway" season 14.

    hey, everyone. i'm jake, and welcometo my loft right here in san francisco, california. welcome to my sortof everything space. i moved here aboutthree years ago, and didn't have enough moneyto really change the space up the way i wanted to. so one day i movedall the furniture out, and we got to painting.

    and the next thingyou know, we ended up with this chevron floor. kind of one of myfavorite things, and we built the restof the room around it. all of the stuff that you seeup against the wall as well is all stuff thati've made, kind of found art and piecesthat i pulled together. i made this thing becausewe had extra mannequin lying around the showroom.

    so what else are you goingto do with a mannequin but turn it into a lamp? well, this started asmy dining room table. and i have to admit,i don't really dine here all that much anymore. most of the timei'm working here. and i found that in sortof the everything space, it's really awesome to have allthe things i've made before. but when i'm makingnew things, i

    like to be lookingout at the world that i'm making things for. this is my kitchen. and in all honesty, i'dlike to tell you this is where a lot of magic happens. but since i opened mybusiness three years ago, really, this is just aplace to disperse beverages and to store condiments,for the most part. so this little hole in the wallis my guest room, more or less,

    but it's also my library. i'm one of those people whoactually reads book books, like ones made with paper. i've never readanything digitally. it also serves as astorage for the rower when i don't have it outin the everything room. you've seen the guestbedroom, such as it is. why don't we go checkout the upstairs? my pirate ship mayhave caught your eye.

    i actually found that inthe bathroom of a bar. and after a littlefinagling, i convinced them to sell it to me. so my bedroom, unlikethe downstairs, is a little bit simpler--from the crazy bubble chair, to my grandparents' lamp, toa pretty simple big, cozy bed. i like high beds. i need to be off the ground. and then this chalkboard wall,this is my unfinished work.

    it's the san francisco skyline. i started it abouttwo years ago. problem being, san francisco'sskyline keeps changing, and i'm not quick enoughto change with it. so it's a periodpiece at this point. you may have thoughtyou've seen it all, but we haven't evengotten to the show yet. tune in to "projectrunway" this season and let's watch for more.

    see you later. i'm joseph poli, andwelcome to my fabulous home in las vegas, nevada. welcome to myfabulous living room. this is definitely theroom that i use the most, where i am most relaxed. this is a bar thatmy grandfather built back in the 1950s. it stayed in my grandparents'home until their passing.

    along with the bar,which is really cool, i was able to bringa lamp that actually sat on it in my grandparents'come for over 50 years. now we're where the magichappens, my workroom. this is a piece i'm workingon at the moment for a client. this is the great table, wherei do all of my pattern drafting, my cutting, and allof my preparation, including my drawingand my sketching. industrial single-needlesewing machine, where

    i do, obviously, all my sewing. an industrial vacuumingironing board. and i could notbe without my best friend, my gravity-fed iron. now you're in mysanctuary, my bedroom. this is definitelymy most favorite room in the entire apartment. the vintage bookcase here, thatwas built by my grandfather-- the one that built thebar-- and it definitely

    is sentimental to me. and then how canwe forget the bed? i'm definitely going to missit when i'm in new york. thanks so much for coming byto check out my place here in las vegas, andbe sure to watch the season on "project runway." take care. you found me. my name is kelly.

    i'm from boston, massachusetts. and welcome to my house. i want to show youguys where i relax. i used to be on a pool league. i'm a little bitof a pool shark. i've been playingpool for a long time. when i was little, mydad used to take me and my brother tothe pool hall when i was, like, seven years old.

    and he would teachus how to play. he wanted me to always-- in casei was in a problem and a jam, you know, i could always bet5 bucks to play a game of pool for somebody. welcome to my kitchen. this is it right here. i'm a horrible cook. i tried to make a nicedinner once for my boyfriend. i just started dating himand i kind of liked him,

    so-- i can boil watersuccessfully, as you can see. i can't pour water. but most of it got in,so it worked out well. out here is where iget my inspiration, as long as i have my cupof tea, and my notebook, and my colored pencils. there's no other place ifind more inspiring than out in nature. all done sketching out here.

    the sun went away. so let's go inside andcheck out my workspace. i see you foundmy room/workspace. i realized, when idecorated my room, that i'm obsessed with leopard. i have a leopardhat, leopard bed, and i have all theseleopard scarves. so i kind of put them aroundthe mirror to tie in my mirror with my whole bedroom.

    this is helga. i didn't want her to benaked for when you came over, so i put a dress on her. this is a painting idid a few years back. two big inspirations i have aremusic, hip hop, and the city. wu tang, i'm obsessed with. it's one of myfavorite hip hop bands. i got it tattooed on myarm because i love it. i'll eventually getthis all into a collage

    of all '90s hip hop music. but i leave that righton the top of my bed because it'ssomething i designed, and it's all my inspiration sortof, like, right there, so i can think about it all the time. thank you for stopping by andtaking a tour of my house. watch me season 14,"project runway." and i will see you guys soon. thank you.

    hi, i'm laurie, and welcome tomy apartment here in chicago. this is myroom/workspace/style closet. it's super huge. it's kind of like myfood lab, if you will. over here we havethe pantry that sits right off the kitchen. it's my workspace. i make it work. when i want toshut the world out

    and do some serious thinking--you've heard of man cave. this is my girl cave. i just shut the door. i want to introduceto you my boyfriend, damon, who does a lotfor me with my fashion line, wanda grace. it's always good to havea man that supports you. isn't that right? yeah.

    in here is my greatestinspiration, journey. i'm so inspired by herthroughout my entire design processes. and she's even fashionforward herself. we love living inthis neighborhood. we have the urban gardenright here, the neighborhood park over here. it's very family oriented. thanks for letting us show youa little glimpse into our world.

    see you on the runway. welcome to my studio. i'm super excited that youget to see the merline, you know what i mean? first of all, checkout my drawings. these are my architecturedrawings, where i think outside the box, you know? my background in architecture. i went to school for fashion.

    and so this is my collection. this is where experiment andcome up with the amazing ideas. this beautiful sewingmachine is my baby. and so i love this machine. i spend most of my daysright here, where i just get to learn different techniques. this right here'smy best friend. this is when i have, like,late nights, and i'm sewing, and i, like, crash right here.

    and by the way, i don'tlook like this, you know? i wish i did. i just, like, wishi woke up like this. i started a nonprofitwhere i teach fashion in the inner city. these are sewing machines thatmy girls learn how to sew. i'm, like, reallyproud of this section because this is thepart where i get to impact others,and see them dream,

    and see them think bigand out of the box. so most of my life is justhaving storage for them, keeping their art supplies,having fabric donated to them so that they can learndifferent techniques and different fabric. thank you for visiting meand checking my studio. i'm so pumped up to be on"project runway," season 14 because it's going down. so excited.

    see you soon. hi, i'm swapnil shinde. i am from mumbai, india. i am a bachelor, so ihave a studio apartment. it is just one big space. this is sort of my holy spaceat some times, when i need to de-stress when workis not going so well and designs are notcoming in my brain. that's when i cometo punch it out.

    i think had i notbeen a designer, it would have been a crossbetween a boxer and a dancer, which is quite crazy. i'm religious, butnot, like, crazy, which is why i love to havemodern interpretation of god in my house, which is obviouslythese paintings, if you can see. they're by an artist from delhi. and i'm very closeto lord ganesha.

    the kitchen area isabsolutely useless for me, so i think just fordecoration for the house. only when i'm so tired fromwork that i make coffee or tea. otherwise, cooking isnot really my forte. this here is my bedroom. everything is very close byin my house, as you know. it's a very chill room there. a lot happens. mostly sleeping, though.

    this is where allthe magic happens, where i create my masterpieces. as a child, my inspiration hasbeen "archie" comics-- betty and veronica, tobe specific-- which is why i have them right infront of me when i'm sketching and i'm draping. it takes me backto my childhood, where it all started, where istarted cutting my mom's saris. and it's a veryspecial color for me.

    so this is me. catch me on "projectrunway," season 14. see you very soon.

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