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    ashley furniture plant stands

    felicia: hello everybody. i believe that we are live. this is vaginal fantasybook club. it is a romance book club thati have with my co-hosts here who are in order,bonnie burton. bonnie: hello. felicia: kiala kasebee. kiala: hello. felicia: veronica belmont.

    veronica: hello. felicia: and me, felicia day. monthly we have a different bookand a different alt book that we discuss. and we talk about just generalthings as well that are on our forums. we have a group and it's under vaginal fantasyso just search there and you can join in on the discussionduring the month around the

    books that we're reading. before we get into the book thismonth, which was succubus blues, how's was everybody'sholiday? bonnie: first of all,you have to mention we're all in our pajamas. felicia: oh yeah. and i don't even understandhow that happened. bonnie: that's my fault. because it's a sunday and onsundays i get up late gamer

    style like at around oneand then walk my dog. and then get back into my pj'sand spend the entire day reading comics. veronica: your dog letsyou wake up at one? bonnie: my dog is awesome. sophie has a snooze button. veronica: oh my god. kiala: well i just neverget out of my pajamas. but these are fancier pajamasthat i got for christmas.

    bonnie: they are. are those silk? kiala: yeah, or something. they're silky. felicia: was that the bestpresent that you got? kiala: no, i think this was thebest present that i got. bonnie: aw. veronica: that's cute. kiala: it's a squishable andit's limited edition.

    and it's like 35 out of 1,000. and i named her annakareninamonk, because i've been watching annakarenina a lot. i love her. bonnie: do you wantto see what i got myself for christmas? felicia: is that the favoritething you got for christmas that's saying somethingabout yourself? bonnie: i got a dead bat.

    veronica: whoa, hey, dead bat. that's a dead bat. bonnie: it's a dead bat. veronica: that's nice. bonnie: thanks a lot. it's for my taxidermycollection. felicia: where do you go to get something like that bonnie? bonnie: believe in or not, sanfrancisco has two whimsical

    taxidermy stores. one's called love to death whichis on oddities, which you can watch the tvshow oddities. and the other one's calledpaxton gate and it's in the [inaudible]. i'm like norm at both of them. they know me on a firstname basis. because i have a lot oftaxidermy in my house, which probably explains why i'mgoing to die alone.

    kiala: paxton gate's the oneright by the mcsweeney store, the pirate store, right? bonnie: yeah, it's right nextto mcsweeney's store. kiala: and borderlandson that same-- felicia: that sounds likea fun place to visit. veronica: on the mostawesome block ever. kiala: yeah it's thebest block and it's just an amazing store. bonnie: yeah felicia next timeyou come visit, and kiala, we

    have to do a little trip. kiala: that's my favorite area, valencia, that whole area. bonnie: veronica, yeah, youknow that area well too. veronica: definitely. bonnie: everybody knowsthat place. felicia: veronica you gotsomething for christmas that you should bring in the room. bonnie: yes.

    veronica: i can't bring itin the room but hold on. let me show you the thing. hold on, let's see. felicia: you've gotto bring that in. veronica: let me get inceptionfor a second. can you see it? felicia: aw. oh my gosh. veronica: that is liberty.

    bonnie: why aren't you tweetingthe puppy more? veronica: i'm trying to,although i'm so busy half the time trying to get her to notdestroy me that it's kind of difficult to. she's a biter. she's a little bit of a biter. so she's great though. she's a guide dog puppy thatwe're raising until she's around 15 months if all goesaccording to plan.

    and then when she's 15 monthsshe'll hopefully go to guide dog puppy college and helpout a blind person. felicia: that's beautiful, buti would never be able to let my puppy go. kiala: that's goingto be hard. felicia: that's going tobe horrible, dude. veronica: she's a lot of workso we'll see how that goes. felicia: i told you dogswere not easy. they'll come up to meand look at you

    like, let's do something. and you just-- what do you want from me? bonnie: i don't know butmy dog's pretty cool. she's asleep right now. veronica: well the hard part isby the time they get really well trained and kind of chilland you can take them everywhere is when you haveto give them away. so by the time you get to thatperfect point you're like, ok.

    go out into the world. bonnie: it's almostlike dating. as soon as they're awesome,they leave. veronica: yeah. kiala: i'm opening this becausei can't stand-- felicia: oh yeah, what arewe drinking today? veronica: hot toddy. felicia: what's in a hot toddyveronica, for people who aren't familiar?

    veronica: i'm using bulleitbourbon, also honey, lemon, and tea. felicia: nice. veronica: my little teaplant from adagio. felicia: what are youdoing, bonnie? bonnie: i'm drinking,in my batman glass, coffee and kahlua. felicia: oh nice. kiala, what are you drinking?

    kiala: tiny champagne. a chandon-- veronica: do you haveany orange juice? kiala: no. it's a mimosa without, justhold the orange juice. bonnie: it's just mo. mi. veronica: it's a mo. bonnie: sa.

    kiala: but it's atwist off cap. i am the trashiest. bonnie: you know what? veronica: i don't liketwist off caps. kiala: i like them buti feel not classy. bonnie: you should try thesophia coppola champagne. i think it's pink and thathas a twist off cap. felicia: ooh. i like her movies.

    bonnie: also if you want to makebellinis there's a really good peach champagne. felicia: you had grumpycat face on kiala. kiala: yeah-- bonnie: ok. well-- felicia: oh wait,sorry bonnie. kiala: oh i'm sorry bonnie. felicia: you were finishingyour pink champagne.

    pink champagne. bonnie: oh yeah, i was justsaying that i drink way over the top lame ass champagne. so i always drink peach flavoredchampagne, and i mix it with peach juice,and make bellinis. oh you guys are all makinga horrible face. veronica: we were makingthe grumpy cat face. felicia: we're doinggrumpy cat face. bonnie: am i beingtoo white trash?

    i mean, i only drink cristalin a diamond goblet. veronica: you've got to getsturgeon face in there too. it's all about thesturgeon face. bonnie: no, do grumpy cat. do grumpy cat, veronica. grumpy cat. veronica: there we go. felicia: i think we lost-- i went to jamaica forthe holidays.

    and i didn't do-- well i actually didn'tdo much. but at the airport they had acouple things that i got. so i'm drinking this overproofrum, which i didn't know they made. i don't understand. is that more alcohol then? veronica: yeah, i guess. is that like overclockingyour pc except with rum?

    felicia: it's 63%volume alcohol. is that a lot? bonnie: let's find out. veronica: 60%? 60% is pretty high. felicia: 63. veronica: 63% is pretty high. felicia: and then i got thismagnum tonic wine with iron and vitamins madewith vigorton.

    veronica: what? i want that. felicia: no but look, i justthought it was appropriate for vaginal fantasy. bonnie: is that magnump.i. on it? felicia: look at the label. there's a guy and agirl making out. there's her booty. there's a guy.

    kiala: that is a monkey. bonnie: that's a monkey. felicia: no, it's a lady. bonnie: it's a monkey holdinga coconut on a skateboard. felicia: no, it's a chick withsome boobs, coconut boobs. bonnie: this is the worstworkshop test ever. veronica: i've gota lovely bunch of coconuts, do do do do. felicia: no, no.

    it doesn't look good. it's gotten vigorton on it. veronica: that's what my momgot me for christmas. kiala: it sounds australian. bonnie: wait, what? what's that? veronica: my mom got methis for christmas. bonnie: is that twoguys making out? felicia: oh no.

    what is that? kiala: modernismand the women's popular romance in britain. i read that for everyone. because i read. veronica: thank you. bonnie: thanks for readingaloud, thank you. veronica: and i think that lookslike matthew mcconaughey on the cover.

    kiala: it does. and myrna loy. myrna loy and matthewmcconaughey. bonnie: we're in thefrench [inaudible]. the french [inaudible]. veronica: by martin hipsky. i'm going to read it. it's going to be pretty cool. felicia: that's really cool.

    ok. so i guess we should geton with the show. bonnie: which one are wetalking about first? felicia: well, i wantto give a shout out to the local meetup. the local meetups. we had a bunch of meetupsthis month. and there's some people whoare getting together in various places in january totalk about this month's book.

    in new york city a groupmet at argo tea. in orange county a bunch ofpeople met at the disney's grand californian hotel. in portland peoplemet at lucky lab. washington d.c. had a meet upat the portrait museum. and upcoming ones, northhollywood is meeting on the sixth to discuss the books we'retalking about now at the steampunk cafe. the twin cities ishaving a meetup.

    atlanta is putting togethera meetup. and there's one in chicago. so if you want to make your ownmeetup you just go to the goodreads group and there is athread for local meetups and they're actually really fun. so there tend to be a bunchevery month that everybody gets together to do. so yes. the book this month is calledsuccubus blues.

    and i will give you ashort description. "when it comes to jobs in hell,being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. a girl can be anythingshe wants. the wardrobe is killer, andthe mortal men will do anything just for a touch. but seattle succubusgeorgina kincaid's life is far from exotic. she works at a local bookstoreand she has easy access to the

    sexy writer seth mortensen butthere's something wicked going on in seattle's demonunderground." so that is by richelle mead. that was the book we allread this month. and what did we thinkabout it? bonnie: i liked it. felicia: and why? bonnie: the end. felicia: thank you for joiningvaginal fantasy with me.

    veronica: i liked it. bonnie: i told you that i readall the comments and they said i needed to not talk so much. so that's it. felicia: never read thecomments bonnie. bonnie: i know, but i have to. veronica: there's a twitteraccount called "don't read comments," and allit is a daily reminder to not read comments.

    bonnie: as one of the hosts it'sour obligation to answer questions in the comments too. i get it. bonnie: i liked it becauseweirdly enough i super identified with the maincharacter because i drink three mochas a day andi talk to my pet. and i crush on authors. and i've had author encounterswhere i was a total idiot because i didn't knowwho they were.

    and, yeah. there's just a lot of things. other than the fact that ican't shapeshift into hot chicks with horns yet, i reallyidentified with her. i liked her. and i liked the writingstyle in this book. it was really easyto get into. there wasn't a lot of hardcoresexy times enough. but i just liked the writingstyle and i liked all the

    characters. and i could picture it as a tvshow or a movie really, really fast and easily. i read the book quicklybecause i didn't want to put it down. which is funny because the maincharacter, georgina in the book, she talks about howshe reads books slowly because she really wants that first timeshe reads a good book to last a long time, whichi've done that too.

    i didn't do thatwith this book. i just read it really quick. it was really good. i liked it. felicia: it's funny that yousay that about a tv show because there is a canadianshow called lost girl about a succubus. and i think it's on syfychannel right now. i've always wantedto marathon it.

    bonnie: it's good. felicia: but a lot of people,especially on twitter, are really big fans of it. so i'm going to definitelycheck it out. and then someone said this bookwas optioned to be a tv show last year. so you never know. veronica: that almost nevermeans anything unfortunately. felicia: kiala, what didyou think of the book?

    kiala: i really liked it. i thought that there was somekind of cliche, sloppy writing bits, but overall ireally liked it. and i liked her crushing on anauthor, because i've gone through that exact same thing. in fact, one time dan kennedy,he's one of my favorite writers from mcsweeney's. yeah, from moth. and he was coming here to readat powell's and i have friends

    who work there and theyknow him very well. and i thought that i was goingto get a chance to meet him, we were going to goout afterwards. but i wasn't sure thatwas going to happen. it was all kind of new. and i had written a blog post onmy personal blog about how i wanted him to look at me andtell me we were going to run away together and he was goingto take away from all this filth and poverty.

    and so we we all did end upgoing out after his reading. and then they told him about myblog post and he pulled out his iphone and he readit aloud to me. veronica: oh my god, thatwas embarrassing. that's like a moth episode. that's basicallya moth episode. bonnie: nice. kiala: and then at the end ofthe night he shook my hand and he looked down at me and hesaid, "i'm going to take you

    away from all this filthand poverty." and it was the best thing. veronica: but then he didn't. bonnie: obviously he didn't. veronica: he didn't. felicia: he's a liar. kiala: he's a liar. veronica: he's a liar. kiala: anyway, so that, i reallyidentified with that.

    and i actually enjoyedthe story a lot. and i was surprisedat the end. i thought i knew what was goingto happen and i didn't know what was going to happen. felicia: that's interesting. ok, veronica, you looka little skeptical. what do you think? veronica: no, i loved it. i thought it was fun.

    i thought it was a reallygreat book. i had a great time reading it. georgina as a character i thinkwas probably one of the more relatable characterswe've read in a really long time. i could picture everythingin her life so exactly. it's one of the first bookswhere i was almost picturing myself as her, except obviouslynot as hot because she's super hot.

    but at the bookstore-- felicia: you're super hot. bonnie: you're super hot. come on. veronica: but at the bookstorei was picturing my hometown barnes and noble and there wasthis little metaphysical store that i used to go to when iwas a teenager in my town. i was picturing that asthe place she went to go talk with eric.

    or whatever his name was. and just the clubs i used to goto in boston is where she got trashed that night that theywere playing the show and she went and made out withhim near the bathroom. so all of that stuff for somereason, it was like maybe it was because it was moderntimes and she was really living more in the regular worldthan any other kind of fantastical kind of world. it was just really easyto relate to her.

    and i knew one of the two loveinterests was going to be the trouble at the end. i knew it was one of them. i just couldn't really figureout who it was until right up when it happened. and then i thought that thesister being the other, the sister being the bitchfrom the other bookstore, that was fun. that was a fun little twist.

    so it all came togetherreally, really nicely in the end. and i liked her very muchas a character. so i thought this wasa series i would like to continue reading. felicia: yeah, i definitely wantto pick up the next one. by the way, yournot being sexy. somebody just sent a comment,said they want to put a baby in you.

    so come on. kiala: baby [inaudible]. veronica: i've got a puppy,that's enough to deal with. no babies. one thing keeping me up at nightis all i need right now. felicia: oh my gosh. i agree with everybody here. i actually was a fan of thisauthor from her other series which i can't rememberthe name of it.

    it's about a shaman or,i don't want to talk about that series. but it was a very enjoyableseries too. so i'd never read this one. and i think this was oneof her first books. she also has a very popularseries called vampire academy, i think. veronica: i've hearof that, yeah. felicia: yeah it's a teenseries, which i don't really

    read a lot of teen series. veronica: that's out onpenguin, isn't it? that's penguin. felicia: yeah i think so. bonnie: how is thatnot a tv show? that sounds like thatshould be a tv show. felicia: i think everything getsoptioned and then it just never gets made. that's just tv for you.

    but i really likedthe characters. i agree. i definitely wantedto live her life. it was very relatableand grounded. the only thing i kept wonderingwas like, she wasn't a succubus very often. so there was never a lot ofconflict with her succubus needs or job. there was not a lot of pressureon her to fulfill the

    succubus need. and she's been a succubus for1,000 years or hundreds of years or whatever, it felt likeshe would have had more of a job there. but if you suspend yourdisbelief there i loved all the characters around her. i've fanned on somany authors. that's my trigger point. i don't care about actors.

    but i actually sent a tweet tograham linehan who does it crowd because i've beenobsessed with him. bonnie: and he also does blackbooks and father ted. felicia: oh i know, iwatched all of them. kiala: i love black books. felicia: yeah, blackbooks is amazing. and i have father ted. it just got here. every single episode.

    so i tweeted to him and heactually responded to me, and i literally started sweatingeverywhere. bonnie: he's pretty awesome. he's glinner on twitterin case any of you want to follow him. felicia: and it's really funnytoo because now i follow him in a creepy way. bonnie: he followed me for alittle while until he realized how much i tweeted him and hewised up and unfollowed me

    which is totally fine. kiala: that happened to mewith william gibson. bonnie: yeah, me too. felicia: what, he followedand unfollowed you? kiala: yeah he followedme for two years. and i was afraid to look. and then finally i looked oneday and he was not following me anymore. and i'm like, oh my god, no.

    veronica: that's theworst thing. do you guys have peoplewho you do that? you check every sooften to see if they're still following? and you're like, oh my god, idon't want to click because i don't want to know. i don't want to click. i don't want to know. bonnie: i do thatall the time.

    there's a site calledwho unfollowed me. veronica: why would youever look at that? felicia: no, bonnie. veronica: what iswrong with you? kiala: you're a masochist. bonnie: i just look at itbecause sometimes i follow people just as a favor. and then if they're notfollowing me anymore i unfollow them.

    i do that. or just like magazines or tvshows that have been canceled or whatever. and then i looked at it theother day and two friends i really thought i was closewith unfollowed me. and i'm like, ok. i'm not going to takeit personal. and then two celebrities thati sort of pseudo stalked unfollowed me.

    and then i remember noelfielding from mighty boosh followed me for five minutesand it was the best five minutes of my life. and i think i dm'd him somethingreally horrible like, hey, do you want me tosend you a [inaudible]? veronica: oh, you shouldn'tdm people ever. kiala: i drunk dm'dclive barker. he still follows me though. bonnie: [inaudible] at us.

    [inaudible] because remember we said thati said that i didn't think there were sexy times in hisbooks and he got all freaked out and he tweeted atus that there was. veronica: really? bonnie: yeah. veronica: well i had the bestfinding out of someone following me ever in my lifea couple of weeks ago. and i'm scared to even say itout loud because i don't want

    him to unfollow me. andrew w.k. i nearlypooped a brick. because i love andrew w.k.he's one of my favorite musicians and i used to go tohis shows all the time. and he's so party positive. and i tweeted something about-- what did i tweet about? oh, it was a long story. but he tweeted back at me andi was like, oh my god.

    what? where? what's happening right now? bonnie: this is whyi love twitter. because i think it was yesterdayi was tweeting with some people that were allwatching starship troopers. and we're tweetingat each other. and it was all girls tweetingat each other. and then casper van dien who'sin the movie tweeted at us.

    and we all started tweeting eachother starship trooper stuff and totallyfangirl like. i'm like, what the hell? this is awesome. veronica: that's amazing. bonnie: that's why i lovetwitter, is because i think it's great that both actors andauthors get a chance to freak out their fans. felicia: and you can interactwith people and you don't have

    all these preconceived notionsof who you are. bonnie: which is funny becausein the book, in the succubus book that we read, the very-- kiala: oh, we read a book? felicia: oh yeah, that thing? kiala: that show we're supposedto be having? bonnie: no, this isall relevant. this is all relevant. because he doesn't knowwhat her favorite

    author looks like. which i find that hard tobelieve because when i have a favorite author i stalkthem like crazy. kiala: use google imageimmediately. bonnie: yeah i know everythingabout them. i know their eye color and theircat's name and what they eat for breakfast. i am down with this. and so when she's like, i don'tknow who this author is,

    as an author sometimes i havethat fantasy of i have this revolving fantasy in my brainthat benedict cumberbatch is going to meet me at a partyand it's going to be at my book signing party and hedoesn't know what i look like. and he's going to be like, ireally love this author. and i'll be like, oh really? tell me more. felicia: wow, this soundslike a beginning to a bad porn, bonnie.

    bonnie: you know this is sad. since i only write non-fictionkid books i doubt i'd have a book party where benedictwould show up. felicia: you don't know. kiala: unless he has a kid. veronica: and then itmight be too late. bonnie: it's never too late. veronica: never too late. felicia: ok.

    a lot of people [inaudible]. bonnie: ok go ahead, go ahead. felicia: you didn't ruin hismarriage, you just forgot it. kiala: sorry. felicia: wow. people on the forums reallyliked the book. camille who's one of our oldestforum members said, the book has some of the greatestquotes i've ever found in some of these books.

    and he's the one who posted thatit got bought, the rights got optioned. the only negative thing, a lotof people basically said the ending, they could tell inadvance that roman was going to be the bad guy. veronica: oh, well aren'tyou guys smart. bonnie: didn't you know? couldn't you tell from the factthat he couldn't put a bookcase together?

    felicia: what? bonnie: remember in thebeginning in which he comes over to help her put herbookcase together, and he lied about knowing abouthow to put-- why am i the only onethat remembers this? felicia: i do remember thathe was pretty sweet. kiala: no, i rememberthat but-- bonnie: no, i know, but i justmade a joke that bad guys can't put ikea furnituretogether.

    felicia: oh, is thata known thing? bonnie: no, i just made it up. i don't know. i tried to be funny,this isn't working. kiala, what did you think? veronica: drink more. kiala: i was pretty sure thatit was roman but then i thought that was too obvious. and then actually for a while ithought that maybe seth was

    a shape shifter and ithought he and roman were the same person. but then they were at the sameplace at the same time and then i realized thatwasn't true. bonnie: that wouldbe cool though. felicia: melissa had a reallygood point on the forum. she said she really got intothe book in the last half. which i agree, it definitelypicks up in the last half after the whole plot, thenephilim plot gets started.

    but it was weird, she got intoit after carter and wanted carter to get together withgeorgina, which i wanted too. kiala: me too. felicia: carter the angel. kiala: yes, he was sosweet and strong. and i kept picturing himas misha collins from supernatural. bonnie: supernatural,i did that too. the minute they described himi'm like, oh, misha collins.

    kiala: i was like,oh, it's cass. felicia: yeah, becausehe was like the sexy, understanding angel guy. he's kind of like cass. kiala: i pictured him like thatkind of personality wise. but honestly picturing him, ipictured him as eric northman. that seems a littlelarge for me. felicia: really? veronica: maybe a littlebit too big.

    kiala: because he waslike a big angel, like tall and angely. bonnie: angely. veronica: see my problem is inever picture people in books as people from the real world. they always form intotheir own things. it's why i have areally hard time with the casting questions. bonnie: so i started a pinterestboard called sexy

    lads, so if any of you followme on pinterest. and that's where i putall my casting picks. felicia: i don't know howi feel about that. is that objectification? like if a guy did that aboutgirls would i be offended? bonnie: i do it withgirls too though. when we think about whatactresses should play the parts in the books we read, ido this with actresses too. i just haven't made apinterest board yet.

    i will. felicia: i had an equalopportunity objectification. bonnie: it'll probably just bemostly eva green but yeah, i'll do it. felicia: eva green is who ithought of georgina for. bonnie: yeah i know, me too. kiala: i had a pinterest pornboard for a short period of time because i thoughtit was funny. veronica: did theytake it down?

    did they make youtake it down? kiala: no, i took it down. bonnie: is it still there? i couldn't bring myselfto pin anything. felicia: is it like anempty porn board? bonnie: that's like my life. my life is an emptyporn board. felicia: oh god, bonnie. bonnie: sorry, apologyto [inaudible].

    i'll drink more. let's talk aboutthe book, yay. felicia: ok let's talkthe characters. georgina. sam on the forums loved themain character, although i expected her to do moresupernatural things. she didn't seem to have anyfemale friends which i thought was interesting. and then he wants to know, isthat standard for a succubus

    or was a function of herbeing a succubus? what did you guys think? she had a couple of femalecoworkers that were friends with her. veronica: they weren'tfriendly. yeah they weren't centralcharacters at all. bonnie: she didn't havea sassy galpal. veronica: yeah the only othermajor female character was antagonistic towards her.

    felicia: yeah, that'sinteresting. do you think that'sbecause she was-- kiala: so overtly sexual? felicia: yeah becauseyou'd think it would be the opposite. like she'd have more femalefriends because her only function is to use hersexuality to feed. veronica: so maybe she justdoesn't drawn women like that. bonnie: she could have attractedmore lesbians, i

    don't know. felicia: also there was actuallya big thread on the forums about evil as good. some people, jude i think,started that thread about how they felt uncomfortable with thesympathet-- thetification? is that a word? it's not. let me drink more. making evil charactersmore sympathetic.

    because basically her functionon earth is to corrupt people. veronica: but that's silly. because there's so many amazingcharacters from so many different stories. they're supposed to beevil but they're more complicated than that. kiala: or like battlestargalactica and all the cylons. veronica: that's justthe whole point. you have to have a complicatedcharacter.

    you have to have a characterwith a lot of dimensions. and just because they have anevil job to do or what is assumed to be an evil job, iguess it is an evil job. bringing their souls into hell,i guess it's that's felicia: actually she didn'tdo a lot of it. but if she actually did more ofit, you probably wouldn't have liked her as much. bonnie: let's be honest. it's not like she did it.

    she basically playedon people's cravings and interests. kiala: yeah they wanted it. bonnie: it's ultimately yourdecision whether or not you want your soul to go to heavenor hell in this book. if you just choose to give itup to have sex with a hot chick then that's-- veronica: she's an enabler. she's an enabler and that'swhat it comes down to.

    kiala: i didn't like that stupidcharacterization at the beginning of that it was ageeky dude living in his parent's basement. he was a 34 year old virginwith cheeto fingers. bonnie: cheeto fingersare hot. veronica: you can lick it off. like aah. kiala: it was so annoying. things like thatwere annoying.

    bonnie: veronica, you're goingto be an animated gif of licking your fingersbefore you know it. veronica: oh god. it's too late it'salready happened. it already exists. kiala: yeah, it'son now already. i didn't like that. i didn't like a lot of hertextbook psychologically damaged, in your face sexuality,like she only could

    identify with people that weresexually attracted to her. like every single man, everysingle character in that book was somebody that she onlyrelated to sexually. well other than her gayvampire best friends. felicia: yeah that's true. but also i thought it was kindof convenient and total wish fulfillment when she couldchange her appearance and all her clothing instantly. it was so convenient.

    kiala: it's like a fantasy. like a lady fantasy. felicia: it was such alady fantasy which i was jealous of. she never has to spend anymoney on clothing. bonnie: that reminded me alittle of tonks in harry potter because she could changeher hair at any point. and i'm like, i've dyed myhair a lot of times. and if i could just change myhair without it turning into

    like, horrible over dried wetnoodle situation i would do that in a heartbeat. veronica: by the way, your hairlooks great today bonnie. bonnie: if you follow me onpinterest, you might notice that i had might dye it soon. felicia: [gasp] what color? bonnie: violet. veronica: red?

    violet. kiala: violet, oh. felicia: i like this. veronica i don't havebangs anymore. bonnie: i know, what happenedto them bangs? felicia: i'm going toget them trimmed. it's just, i don't know. it was too traumatic lasttime, looking too much. bonnie: why?

    you know who i thoughtyou looked like? you actually looklike amy pond. felicia: with the bangs? felicia: i like that. bonnie: that's a compliment. felicia: i mean, i'm goingto get them trimmed. i just feel like i'min the presence of the mistress of bangs. and to be a pale imitationof bangs.

    do you cut your own bangs? veronica: i do. kiala: really? well i get my hair cut onceevery month and a half, but then for touch upsi do my own. felicia: yeah that'swhat i need to do. i didn't know that i wasin for maintenance. bonnie: i cut my bangs. i have to cut my bangsstraight every

    two weeks or so. it's a pain. it's a pain in the butt,but it's worth it. bonnie: you get used to it. kiala: i was going to say juston that lady fantasy thing, there's a series of-- i can't remember who writesthem-- but a series of novels where the woman, she discoversshe's got this magic, and every time she uses it, itexpends so much energy she has

    to eat and eat and eat. it also made her reallyyoung and beautiful. and then she has to eat all thetime and she can't gain any weight. whereas before, she would gainweight all the time. bonnie: does she have toeat a certain thing? kiala: she just has toeat a lot of food. just binge eat. but she can't keep weight on.

    and it's kind of messed up. but that was just myfeeling about it. felicia: silvy marie on theforums mentioned her sleeping with warren and shewas very upset. she went to somebody she knowsto get a fix but she didn't really need it. and she lost respectfor her then. bonnie: i didn't like warren. felicia: i didn't like warreneither but i though, i didn't

    like her then, but theni liked the fact that i didn't like her. in that it made morethree dimensional. you don't have to be perfect. a lot of these books that weread and the ones that i don't even list on my good reads,i can't engage with them. because the person is so perfectyou just feel like she's a martyr. ok, just mess up once please?

    because you read about a person,it doesn't feel real. so that's why i kind of likedher, knowing that she was making a bad decision but justindulging herself with warren. veronica: do you think it was onpurpose that they chose one of the most unlikablecharacters? that she made warren reallyunlikable in order for us to not feel so bad about georginasleeping with him to get some powers back? felicia: i think so.

    well also you don't want tomuddy the waters because if he was sympathetic then what'sgoing on with seth and then roman? it would just muddyeverything up. like i said, i wanted herto get with carter. veronica: that wouldn'tgive her any power. because he's alsosupernatural. felicia: oh, that's true. veronica: what abouther little friend?

    the guy that worked atthe store with her? kiala: doug. veronica: doug, yeah. like if she ends up withdoug, that would have been like, whoa. he's a super nice guy and hereally likes you and now you're using him. but with warren it's like theymutually use each other. felicia: exactly.

    bonnie: i don't want to get toopersonal here, but usually when you have a you-know-whatbuddy-- i can't swear on this channel,but you know what i mean-- if you have a sexy times buddy,chances are that sexy times buddy isn't the mostredeemable of people. because they're using you asmuch as you're using them. i don't know, i'm just saying. felicia: i don'tknow about it. bonnie: fits the profileof the douchebag that--

    kiala: i haven't had one, butit's not a moral reason. i just have never had one. bonnie: wow. am i the only onewho's had one? many? a few? felicia: anyway. talk about seth who was one ofthe main love interests. a lot of people really likedseth because he was classified

    as a beta male. which we all, in a lot of thesevaginal fantasy book club picks have had verydominating men who are very pushy. and the girl's like,no, no, no. ok fine. i like you. and that's become the archetypeof the romance hero. seth is kind of theopposite of that.

    he's actually very shy and themain character doesn't know what to do with him. and a lot of people loved him. stacey, i loved the emailsthat he sent to her. and what did you guys thinkabout him as the hero? bonnie: isn't that frustratingthough? isn't that kind of frustratingto have a guy that's really good at writing emails but whenyou're face to face can't hold a decent conversationwith you?

    kiala: yeah. i know one guy like that. and it's really annoying. bonnie: it's annoying. yeah. felicia: i had a boyfriend inhigh school that gave really good phone. he had a great voice, but thenwhen you met him in person it was like, this is weird.

    veronica: not the same. not the same. i've had a lot of im boyfriendslike that. they're really good over im, andthen in person it's just like, you're weird. or the opposite where they'rereally great in person but then they misspell everythingin texts. or too many emoticons. and you're like, oh god, no.

    veronica: it's like a smileyface after every sentence. kiala: yeah lol. bonnie: have you ever brokenoff anything with someone because they kept usingthe wrong "there?" kiala: i would. felicia: i would, yeah. kiala: if they didn't correctthemselves, or the wrong "your." bonnie: like over.

    and once or twice is fine,but all the time. and mixing up "your"with "you're." veronica: i don't understandinternet speak sometimes. bonnie: really? veronica: like, i get it. i just don't understandwhy it's so prevalent. felicia: because everybodydoes it. kiala: [inaudible]. veronica: no, no.

    not like lol, meme speak. that's different. bonnie: i still don't knowwhat the hell "yolo" is. veronica: you only live once. you only live once. veronica: i'm going to go rideon the top of my car, yolo. i'm going to ghostridethe whip, yolo. i'm going to go put a badgerin my pants, yolo. felicia: badger?

    where did that come from? kiala: i still don't-- smh? i can never remember what--it's so much hate, right? veronica: oh is thatwhat that means? bonnie: is that what that is? felicia: i wouldn't knowthat one either. kiala: i don't know. i think that's it.

    veronica: tldr is oneof my favorites. bonnie: what's that one? veronica: too long,didn't read. felicia: that's the mostinsulting one. just put some effort inor don't join the conversation, please. veronica: no, you want to knowwhat the most insulting hashtag of all time is? bonnie: what?

    veronica: first worldproblems. people respond to me and nowthis is going to happen all the time becausei'm saying it. felicia: i'm goingto do it now. veronica: it's a first worldproblem that i'm complaining about first world problemsin hashtag. bonnie: start the#vaginalproblems. felicia: first world problemsis having a twitter account, ok?

    veronica: it's like, it'sredundant, we know, we know. everything i complain about onhere is a first world problem. let's just put that out there. bonnie: maybe we shoulddo succubus problem. veronica: succubus problem. felicia: oh, succubus problem. bonnie: let's do thatas a hashtag. hey, have we trended yet? i still think vaginal fantasyneeds to trend today.

    if everyone's watching this,tweet it so it trends. because i don't want people tobe confused because it's a football sunday. kiala: yeah it's sunday, there'snothing else going on. felicia: there's so muchsportsball talk on there. i just don't even checkon sundays. bonnie: no, it's either sundayused to be just football or walking dead, right? that's basically allsundays were.

    felicia: and awards shows. bonnie: right. veronica: i try not to get madat the football talk because once spring and summerrolls around it's baseball talk for me. so i have to let the footballtalk happen. bonnie: see, i'm allabout soccer talk. veronica: soccer talk. that's like early in themorning, that's like 6 am.

    i used to live above a barthat played all of the international soccer games,football games. bonnie: was it mad dog? veronica: it was mad dog. it was mad dog. and i don't live there anymoreso don't go there. bonnie: i was downstairs. while you were asleep i was downat mad dog trying to hit on every british football fanin the bar at 6 in the

    morning, and i was notdoing a good job. veronica: oh so you mean whileyou guys were screaming at the top of your lungs atfootball games at 6 o'clock in the morning? bonnie: i have no ideaand i don't even know how they play it. i just go for the short shortsand the accents. i'm shallow. kiala: is mad dog the onethat's right next to

    rosamunde's? veronica: yeah acrossthe street. toronado's right next door. bonnie: so if you're in sanfrancisco, go to mad dog in the fog and you can earlyin the morning watch. veronica: it's like aweird dj bar now. it got too hip. they redid it and it'snot as good. but we are way off.

    felicia: if somebody's gradingus they can go to hell. bonnie: can we dothe casting now? because i had ideasof who's what. felicia: well i did want totalk about one last thing [inaudible] in roman, the otherlove interest guy who is the opposite of seth. he was extremely pushy, hewouldn't take no for an answer, and he ends upbeing the bad guy. and a lot of people, erin on theforums said, i hate roman,

    i'm halfway through. and that was before she evenknew he was a bad guy. and the creepy way thatroman treated people sent me crazy vibes. they seemed stalkery and rapery,or was he charming? was the persistence creepyto anyone else? veronica: it was a littlecreepy at first. well, actually it was creepythe whole time. i thought roman was alittle bit creepy.

    he came on a littlebit too strong. kiala: yeah i didn't like thathe walked her home from the bar because you shouldn'tever do that. felicia: she never should havehad him walk you home. veronica: stranger danger. kiala: you get right in a cab. no. bonnie: she can take careof herself though. i mean, i don't know.

    she's the one that pointedhim out though. she's the one that started allthis mess because she's been trying to tell everyone she hada date, which she didn't. veronica: but he couldhave played it cool. i mean, he played itcool at the time. but he could've been like, ok. having fun. bye. felicia: well it turns out hewas going to murder her.

    he was going to murder her ifshe hadn't have called him over to help out withthat conversation. yeah, i think in the contextof him being a murderer it wasn't as creepy. but without him being themurder, had he been a legitimate love interest at theend, i would have said, oh that guy's creepy, pleasedon't go with him. but when he turned out to be apsycho at the end i was like, oh, i saw that.

    he wasn't as bad ashe could've been. kiala: i thought the walkinghome from the bar was just really presumptuousand creepy. like you shouldn't ever trust adude that wants to do that. but other than that, hispersistence wasn't rapey. i didn't think it was rapey. he didn't try to do anything. he respected that. he respected that she wasn'tready to do anything.

    felicia: well considering theone sex scene in the book, or the one of two or three, butthe big one was with him, after you find out he's the badguy it's a bold writing choice which i thought waskind of refreshing. and the fact that she nuancedhis character in a way that you weren't like, getaway from him. which i still think that'sreally good writing where you can have a three dimensionalcharacter like that. veronica: it's pretty messed upthat he was like, yeah, i

    was going to kill you. but then i fell in love withyou so you're fine. it's good. we should just runaway together. bonnie: that's a spite thing. i'm sorry. you know what thefunny thing is? is that, i think a lot-- and i'mgoing to be presumptuous here and i apologize to anyguys that are watching--

    but i think a lot of guys thinkthat girls want to be walked home from bars, andthey want a guy that's a little bit more, i don't wantto say forceful but a little more aggressive. because i live in a city fullof apathetic hipster dudes that could basically take theirpick of chicks, and so they don't do any effort. so when you see somebody ina book like that making an effort, yeah he came off kindof creepy, kind of stalkery.

    but when you look at a lot ofromance novels and movies and tv shows where the guy's makingthat extra effort to bring flowers, to find out whereshe lives, to offer to build her stupid crappy ikeabookcase for her, that to me seems flirty, not oh my god,this guy's going to kill me in my sleep. so maybe i'm just living adangerous life, but i thought it was cute that he was a littlebit more aggressive instead of her having tochase down everybody.

    veronica: smh bonnie, smh. which means apparentlyshaking my head. kiala: oh maybe that'swhat it means. veronica: that's what theyoutubers tell me. kiala: i like so much hate. that's what i've decidedit means. veronica: i think itcould be both. felicia: i'm just going backto i just think it's good writing that you can have thesetwo interpretations

    where it's definitely like, ohmy god, i hate that guy. and he was obviouslya creeper. i just think it'sgood writing. ok, let's do casting. so roman, i said jay ryan whoplays the guy on beauty and the beast, because rwar! felicia: or roman? bonnie: who? not the british guy onbeauty and the beast.

    the new beauty and the beast. roman. felicia: for roman? bonnie: jay ryan from beauty andthe beast is like roman. and carter, i got misha stuckin my head because of i can't not think of that. i mean, supernatural's alwaysgoing to do that to me. felicia: i'm going tobe on in january. january, my episode's on.

    kiala: yay. bonnie: you what? felicia: my episode. episode's [inaudible]. it is always so weird to see youon episodes that i watch. it's amazing butit's so weird. felicia: it's a really goodepisode, you guys. bonnie: by the way, jaredis a huge star wars fan. felicia: oh, that is amazing.

    bonnie: and he always has hiskid dressed as yoda on his twitter and it's [inaudible]. felicia: both of themare awesome guys. ok, back to it. who was your seth, bonnie? bonnie: and then seth was kindof hard because seth was supposed to be sort of likethis geeky guy but he was attractive, but he wasdownplayed quite a bit. i couldn't figure out whoto have for seth.

    and then eva greenfor georgina. felicia: i had eva green forgeorgina, which is so weird. roman was richard griecofrom 21 jumpstreet. bonnie: oh my god,you did not. felicia: and sethwas ira glass. felicia: yeah. veronica: huh. veronica: i can picture sethin my head, but he doesn't look like any actor thati can think of.

    kiala: ira glass? bonnie: ira glass? felicia: ira glass is cute. veronica: that's toocute, i think. ira glass is too good lookingmaybe for seth. and too tall. felicia: he is cuteand very smart. i met him once. kiala: no, he's cute.

    veronica: veronica, what aboutthe hot british guy that you interviewed on sword andlaser joe acra-- acra-- veronica: no, joe abercrombie? too hot. felicia: no, he's really hot. i hung out with him atthe last [inaudible] i was at in australia. he can tan.

    bonnie: he is so hot. veronica: he's so hot. this is really unprofessionalof me, bonnie. you should not havebrought this up. bonnie: you don't understand. i was tweeting at you when youaired that episode, and it was like, hot, hot, hot. it's like a running joke in thesword and laser community that i think he's reallygood looking.

    he's married with children. i'm married. it's not a thing. bonnie: i would pay goodmoney to see both his sword and laser. felicia: whoa. hot. felicia: i had an author dinnerwhere we all went out. rachel caine andtrudy canavan.

    and then him and a coupleof other authors. we all went out. and then we went really out lateto get dessert at this weird dessert cafe in themiddle of adelaide. but it was really fun. they're all really cool. veronica: i like him a lot. he's great. so i actually have acasting for once.

    i almost never have castings. but roman for me was christiancamargo who played the ice truck killer on dexter. he's dexter's brother. kiala: oh, his brother. veronica: yeah, his brother. the kind of handsomebut kind of creepy. a little menacinga little bit. that popped into my head.

    that's why i got all excitedwhen we started talking about casting. i'm like, oh my god,i got one. felicia: you got one. what about you, kiala? kiala: i pictured romanas michael fassbender because i always do. felicia: you always domichael fassbender. kiala: i know.

    i know. and then i pictured carter, ithink we talked about this but we'll just talk about it, mishacollins [inaudible] in his persona but i pictured himas eric northman and i can't think of the black guy's nameright now, but yeah. veronica: sarsgaard. kiala: sarsgaard. veronica: which one, though? kiala: not peter.

    not [inaudible]. something sarsgaard. veronica: alexander? kiala: alexander sarsgaard. veronica: alex sarsgaard kiala: and then for seth,i don't know. bonnie: i know, right? veronica: yeah seth is hard. bonnie: at first i thought maybeseth could be like david

    tennant with glasses. felicia: oh, oh, oh, oh. the new q in james bond. bonnie: oh, perfect. veronica: oh. wait as who? who as seth? bonnie: seth--? veronica: it's too hot.

    veronica: too hot still. that guy's really hot. felicia: no he is really hot. kiala: but i thoughtseth was hot. i thought he was cute. felicia: i think he's hot. he can be hot. he doesn't have to not be hot. bonnie: he can be hot.

    felicia: i think he's alittle older though. veronica: yeah, older. for some reason i picture himwith sandy brown hair, glasses, kind ofstockier build. not thin but not fat either. kiala: like zach galifianakis? veronica: too stocky. a little too stocky. bonnie: now i'm picturing him aszach, and that's hilarious.

    veronica: not a built guy,just like a normal dude. kiala: like a dude, like ahipster dude in portland that drinks a lot of beer. and rides a bike but when he'sdrunk so he doesn't really-- veronica: because in sanfrancisco you say hipster dude and i think of superskinny tight jeans. kiala: not here. veronica: not thatkind of guy. like lumberjack hipster.

    kiala: lumberjack hipster. i built this record storewith my bare hands. felicia: just do to abbot kinneyin la, you'll see 55 seth's on the street. veronica: but no beard. i don't see him ashaving a beard. bonnie: i think he's likea wilco kind of hipster. kiala: oh, chris pratt. veronica: i don't knowwho that is.

    kiala: from parksand recreation. bonnie: yeah, the dumb guywho works in [inaudible]. veronica: too young looking. too young looking. felicia: marie b. says martinfreeman on the comments. veronica: also too younglooking for me. bonnie: how about ron swanson? veronica: no, too old looking. too mustachey.

    kiala: i thought of him as youngbecause he had all the t-shirts and stuff. felicia: oh, sam fromtrue blood. sam merlotte. veronica: way too handsome. way too handsome. kiala: sam from true blood sawme crying at dragoncon. bonnie: why were you cryingat dragoncon? kiala: oh god, i just had somebad news and i was hiding in

    the kitchens and he walked backand he saw me crying. and then five minuteslater spike walks through and saw me crying. bonnie: did get a hug? veronica: they didn'tconsole you? i wanted them too. bonnie: man, spike consolingyou at dragoncon? you know how many fantasiesthat would've completed for all of us?

    oh wow. veronica: ok so someone on thechat said seth green as seth. that actually popped intomy head except still a little bit stockier. bonnie: seth's cute though. felicia: i don't agree with yourvision of seth but ok. veronica: ok. it's fine. we don't have to agree.

    felicia: it's fine. bonnie: i feel creepy forsaying this because i'm friends with seth and i thinkof him like a brother. but he's still pretty cute. he's doable. whereas i think seth in thebook, that's a stretch. veronica: i wanted seth in thebook to be cute enough that-- this is really notcool to say-- bonnie: say it.

    veronica: like not an immediateoverwhelming attraction. the way that georgina felt. not like, oh wow. this guy's really hot. but more like, you're attractiveand i'm really getting to know you. and i feel like we reallyconnect on a brain level. and so i'm beginning to get moreattracted to you through

    our mutual respect forsimilar interests. bonnie: so smart'sthe new sexy. veronica: yeah, and then allof the sudden you find yourself finding thatphysical attraction. maybe it wasn't there at thebeginning but it kind of develops over time. bonnie: someone on twitter,jem on twitter said anton yelchin from star trekcould be seth. the new star trek.

    felicia: wait let's move onbecause we want to talk about dragon actually. veronica: is he chekov fromthe new star trek? felicia: who readdragon actually? bonnie: i did. kiala: i read half. bonnie: look at those abs. felicia: we all readmost of it. so what did we thinkof this one?

    this was the alt book and i wantto read just the blurb. "it's not always easy being afemale warrior with a nickname like annwyl the bloody. men tend to cower infear or salute. but for once it would be nice totalk to a real man the way she can talk to fearghusthe destroyer." veronica: too bad fearghus-- kiala: fergus. veronica: fearghus.

    kiala: fearghus. felicia: fearghusin the dragon. and with him annwylfeels safe. but there's a twist. blah blah blah. so basically it's kind of amedieval book about a girl who has a loving relationshipwith a dragon. and then this knightcomes in and he's like mr. sex on wheels.

    turns out, same guy. veronica: i doubt shedid a dragon. she did did a dragon. felicia: so what do we thinkof this book veronica? you start this one. veronica: so it wasreally funny. well first of all i got a bigkick of the fact that it is medieval kind of feel, but theytotally speak regular. like they're hanging out atthe coffee shop down the

    street style talking. which is fine sometimes, but itjust didn't really fit with the setting all that much. felicia: there was somebody-- i have to read this quote-- somebody said that it feltlike it was kind of out of the eighties. like everybody just hadreally big hair. like it came out in 2008but it felt like

    a massive 80s vibe. it was claire. all the hair band maids, orthe dragons were rocking. veronica: well how stupid wasshe to not realize that it was the same guy? it took forever. it took freaking forever. bonnie: it was such a loislane moment where you're like, come on.

    it's so obvious. keep going. sorry, i'm interrupting. veronica: i also thought thatthe book was going to be a lot longer because i was readingit on kindle and there's actually two books inthe kindle addition. so i was like, what else arethey going to put in this book [inaudible]? how much more can they talkabout this storyline?

    there's two books. there's the story of the motherdragon and her mother that kicks off at the endof the dragon book. kiala: oh well we then i thoughtwe read more of this than i thought i did. felicia: yeah you did. it's only 60% of the kindle isthe book that was the alt. kiala: oh i was almost done. felicia: yeah it reallygoes on forever.

    bonnie: and so i don't knowwhat you're talking about because i still don'town a kindle. so i just read real books. felicia: bonnie i need tosend you my kindle. i have a kindle 2. i'll send it to you thisweek, i promise. bonnie: but then i won't be ableto touch the abs while i'm reading. felicia: true.

    veronica: you can't showoff on muni with a kindle quite the same. bonnie: oh i make a lot offriends on muni by the way. when i read this book on munilast time i get hit on a lot by cray cray. cray. kiala: is that good? bonnie: i don't know. but i was reading this and thisburly guy sat next to me

    and was like, oh that booklooks interesting. what's it about? dragon actually, is itlike love, actually? and i'm like, well kind of. i was like, it's a dragonand he said she's-- veronica: [inaudible] he's a dude, and actuallyhe's a dragon. so i'm trying to avoidit, right? and he just looks at me like,oh this girl's easy.

    felicia: ok kiala, whatdid you think? kiala: sorry [inaudible]. that's my boyfriend but actuallyhe's a dragon. veronica: actually,yeah, he is. he's a dragon. kiala: he's totally a dragon. veronica: oh my god, youguys, actually we've totally been dating. totally a dragon.

    kiala: i'm actually a dragon. veronica: totally a dragon. felicia: kiala, whatdid you think? what did you think? kiala: ok. i thought it was really silly. but the sex sceneswere really good. felicia: oh my god. veronica snorted.

    bonnie: oh wow. veronica's drunk. felicia: she snorted so hard. kiala: she did it again. she did it again. veronica: yeah but[inaudible]. felicia: what's going on? we're so drunk right now. kiala: but you guys,he'll light your

    cigarette with his face. veronica: i don't even have todrive on the 405 anymore because i fly on him, becausehe's a dragon. isn't that amazing? kiala: but you know what? he totally found out when iwasn't a virgin anymore. bonnie: oh my god. kiala: um-- bonnie: we all need to betwirling our hair when

    he talk like that. oh yeah, it is soembarrassing. i can't believe it. felicia: bonnie what didyou think of the book? bonnie: aside from itbeing crazy jail-- like crazy bait on muni, okfirst of all, let me tell you something about this dragon. i was turned on by the dragon,here i'm doing this. i was turned on by the dragon.

    you know why i was turnedon by the dragon? because he has a freakinglibrary in his cave. veronica: that is awesome. bonnie: if you want to get meturned on, have a whole room full of books. that will turn me on. i don't care if you'rea dragon. i don't care if you'rea succubus. i don't care if you'rea republican.

    well maybe republican. but [inaudible]. well no. if you're a hot republicandragon with a library, i'm willing to look over that. seriously. kiala: depends on what'sin your library. bonnie: and he pickedout books for her. that is hot.

    felicia: it was hot as thedragon, but what about the knight part? there was a lot ofsex in this book. veronica: it was kindof intense. bonnie: yeah thanks for thesex book because that fulfilled a lot. felicia: see. everybody talkedthat wanted it. gave it to you.

    bonnie: yeah i appreciatedhaving a book full of sex and dragons. dragon sex, actually. i don't know why they leftthat out of the title. veronica: dragon sex betterthan dinosaur sex. kiala: actually. veronica: actually. vanilla oil. felicia: and emily on the forumson the question was

    like, does vaginalfantasy have to be good to be adorable? because i think it's a perfectdescription of the book. just don't even criticizeit, guys. somebody was like, they werewatching an '80s dragon movie and they're like, i cando this better. oh wait i won't. i'll do it [inaudible]. bonnie: which one?

    was it krull? felicia: it was krull. kiala: krull is amazing. bonnie: i love krull bonnie: that wouldbe so great. krull is awesome. it has everything you couldpossibly need and liam neeson. felicia: huge hair. that girl has huge hair.

    kiala: oh, it is so good. with her little face? but i hated the word toerag. does anybody remember that? kiala: yes. felicia: i read it fouror five times in the book as an insult. i'm like, what is going on? what is a toerag?

    kiala: why would you havea rag on your toe? and why is that an insult? veronica: alright toerag. toerag. felicia: it's literally six orseven times in this book. somebody calls you,you toerag. kiala: the first time i readit, i read it as kind of scottish or somethinglike [inaudible] or something like a name.

    and i was like, oh, toerag. felicia: no, it was an insult. veronica: you you toerag. kiala: [inaudible] formoving, you toerag. but it wasn't like that. that's a bad accent. veronica: what does thatmean, you guys? it's a rascal. ok, they say it's a rascal.

    felicia: what's a rascal? is that a known insult? a rapscallion is a toerag? i've never heard that. kiala: the little thing thatfat people ride around on? felicia: a lot of peoplein the comments know what a toerag is. veronica: yeah youtubersknow what toerag means. is it from the '80s?

    --someone says. a scoundrel, like a scumbag. they're saying on irc now. felicia: scumbag? is it a british thing? veronica: but whatdoes it mean? kiala: where is the etymology? felicia: oh it's british. it's british means scum.

    bonnie: oh. veronica: but why? but why? felicia: that's a wholedifferent question. kiala: maybe you can't affordsocks and so you put rags on your feet. bonnie: yeah there you go. it's a cockney thing. felicia: i don't buy it.

    kiala: so you put ragson your feet. bonnie: it's probably cockney. felicia: there was alsoa lot of spanking. veronica: there wasa lot of spanking. but spanking's kind of hot. bonnie: that was good though. felicia: it wasn'tbad spanking but it was copious spanking. copious?

    kiala: there was alot of spanking. kiala: [inaudible] veronica. felicia: there was a toerag'sworth of spanking. veronica: that's a unitof measurement? felicia: i don't know. i don't know anymore. veronica: a metric toerag. bonnie: i don't think there'ssuch a thing as copious

    spanking, is there? felicia: i mean, it dependson your level of spanking. felicia: ok pixie fleming 89. the definition of toerag derivesfrom old england where convicts used to tie bits ofshirt around their toes and feet as makeshift socks. hence toerag means criminalor rapscallion. kiala: see? i figured that out.

    felicia: you did. kiala: well i just sawles miserables, so it's probably in there. i don't have time to googlethings, jeez. felicia: [inaudible] anne hathaway. kiala: literally i almost passedout from trying not to cry because my mom wassitting next to me sobbing like a baby.

    i was trying to not hold it inand i almost passed out. bonnie: am i bad if i justpretended le mis was a wolverine prequel? veronica: you keep saying that. so i went. i tried to go, and ourtheater broke down. felicia: i saw you saidthat on twitter. veronica: you did. it was terrible.

    i love you bonnie. but you already madethat joke. and i really love les mis soit hurts me in my guts. it's really [inaudible] on lesmis, it's a [inaudible] on wolverine. all right. we can agree on that then. felicia: the last half of lesmis was kind of a snoozer. ok?

    but the first halfwas excellent. veronica: i haven'tseen it yet. because i tried to go andi couldn't see it. kiala: it is just the sobbiestsobb, sobb, sobby sobby. everyone in the entire theateris just crying out loud. veronica: we saw book ofmormon last night. it was pretty good. kiala: oh, was it funny? veronica: it was really funny.

    it was really funny. bonnie: hey felicia, when yousaid that anne hathaway should win the oscar, i thoughtyou meant for catwoman. felicia: i think half thepeople that follow me on twitter actually believe that. kiala: she was reallygood in batman. veronica: she was good. guys, before we wrap up, therewas a couple of questions because i think we've donedragon actually, all right?

    you guys will know what you'regoing to get into when you get there are a couple of justgeneral questions people posted on the thread. this is our year anniversary. well i guess next month. we started in january. and this is the endof the year. so as a couple of reflectionquestions, what would your new year vaginal fantasyresolution be?

    kiala: to drink more. maybe i will try to alwaysread the ultimate. because i really have noexcuse not to read it. oh that's a good one. i'm going to try to pickmore books that i haven't read before. oh i want to pollthe forums more. because these wereforum picks. you guys voted on the forums.

    so i'm thinking maybeevery other month we'll do you guys pick. kiala: yeah i think thatwould be great. veronica: that's a good idea. felicia: because i always feelsuch incredible guilt. we all picked one in a month. and you feel like youdisappointed your friends. it's like, oh no. people don't like my book.

    veronica: yes. felicia: it takessuch pressure. so i think if we do every othermonth the forum gets to pick the books. oh and actually next monthis a forum pick as well. because it didn't go withthis one as an alt. so i picked one and three andthen number two is going to be the book next month. bonnie: i think it's a good ideabecause when we do our

    meetups, well when veronica andi did the meetup in san francisco, everyone that wasthere had really good suggestions of bookswe should read. and so i feel like leavingit up to the forums is a good idea. felicia: yeah and it might bebest to have people be able to do write-ins and see whatpeople are voting for. it'll just be a public discourseover the month. so that way even if you don'thave one to volunteer other

    people can write onein and post it. you could change yourvote too to see. so we'll be able to have areally good process where it's not a surprise. so that will be my-- also, what was your favoritebook of the year? and were there any booksthat you regretted reading this year? you mean from our groupor just in general?

    felicia: just in general. veronica: the worst book. oh that's hard. there were some stinkers. felicia: i feel the most badabout that sci-fi one, the linnea sinclair one. kiala: that's the one iwas thinking about. the space one? felicia: yeah because that wassuch a bad book and she's a

    much better author than that. and i wish i had picked the bookthat i wanted to pick, hope's folly, because that is agreat book and we would all have enjoyed it more. and i picked her first bookbecause i was worried about continuity which didn'treally apply either. and i picked one that didn'trepresent her as an author as well as i could have. veronica: yeah i can'tthink of which one

    was my least favorite. that was up there. but i think that my resolutionis going to be to make sure i take more notes on lines andthings that i like while i'm reading so i can call themout later on the show. and also to really practicewith my casting. i've got to get onthe casting. bonnie: you don't haveto do that, veronica. that's just something i do.

    veronica: i actually get anxietythe day of the show. i'm like, i haven't thoughtof any casting. bonnie: that's why i likepinterest because if you want, when you're on pinterest youjust pin hot guys that you think would work well. and then you have this alreadyready to go so when we do vag fan you can just look atit and go, oh that guy. no it's a very nice boardyou have there. i have to say, i was like, oh.

    this could solve a lotof my problems. bonnie: if any of you followme on pinterest you'll see that i have a benedictcumberbatch problem. and on tumbler. bonnie: and on tumbler. kiala: thanks a lot. my tumbler dash is allcumberbatch all the time because [inaudible]. bonnie: sorry.

    i can't help it. i'm so excited for startrek that i just-- i-- oh man. felicia: oh did you have castingfor dragon actually? i had casting. bonnie: well let's see. what's your casting? felicia: jessica bieland the rock. veronica: i love the rock.

    i love the rock. felicia: i was just like,i want to see them. they're amazing. they're both amazing. veronica: what's thatnew movie he's going to be in with marky-- kiala: mark whalberg. felicia: yeah mark whalberg. kiala: i forget whatit's called.

    veronica: marky-mark. kiala: or fighters. bonnie: i have a hard timepicturing what the dragon should-- hmm. i think the guy maybe fromarrow but with long hair. felicia: oh, with '80s hair? with '80s hair. but '80s hair is such a turn offfor me with guys if it's not like john cusack,feathered hair.

    kiala: what if it was justlike adrian paul from highlander, the series? felicia: a comment on the forumsthat made me laugh a lot about dragon actually, megansays, it was like the author watched dragon heartand thought, you know what this needs? more nipples. and for dennis quaidto be a woman. actually.

    that's a good idea. or not even dragon heart. what's the other one withchristian bale? kiala: oh, rain of fire. rain of fire. bonnie: i love that movie. kiala: that's a reallygood movie. felicia: it's amazinglybad and amazing. why don't they make moremovies like that?

    i miss dragon movies. kiala: oh, and christian baleas the dragon would be nice. that's what i was thinkingbecause of that movie. kiala: because he'sgot the beard. like a scruffy, scruffychristian bale. i like dragon movies. i wish they'd make more. felicia: they should. it's a really highquality choice.

    there needs to be moreeverything like that. bonnie: so my vaginal fantasygoal this year. don't focus so much on thecomments, i guess, on our youtube channel. even though i'm programmedto answer every question. i'll try not to take thingspersonally when the people tell me to shut mybig old face. and i don't really havea least favorite book. because even the crappy bookswe've read for vag fan i've

    liked them because you'vegotten me to read more. so i'm just thankful thati'm reading more. and then i'm just thankful thati'm in this group and that i got you guys allto read cthulhurotica. veronica: yay. felicia: that was a good pick. kiala: yeah and ienjoyed that. oh also i'm goingto talk more. i'm trying.

    shy. felicia: your hair looksexcellent too today, by the way. kiala: oh. thank you. bonnie: it does. felicia: you're quite welcome. ok we're going to wrap it up. next month's hangout ison january 29 at 8 pm.

    we're going back totuesday nights. although this afternoon waskind of fun actually. bonnie: i like this. veronica: it was fun. kiala: it was nice. and good lighting. felicia: yeah it's verygood lighting. we're all very alert. and then a lot of people ineurope were able to tune in

    for the first time. veronica: the problem is nowthat i'm drunk at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. kiala: yeah me too. bonnie: honestly, i'm glad thatwe did this because i like seeing you guysin daylight. and also the fact that all ofour uk and europe fans get to watch us because i'm ahuge anglophile so that's kind of hot.

    felicia: well if you guys starta thread on the forums about the time we could talkamongst ourselves if there's any flexibility with moving. just start a thread on theforums and we'll discuss it. and then our next month's bookis the number two polled pick that you guys votedfor this month. it is outlander, by dianagabaldon which is being adapted by ron moore for a tvshow which is kind of cool. and as an alt pick, i pickedin bed with a highlander by

    maya banks. extremely smutty. veronica: nice. felicia: well outlanderis such a meaty book. it's kind of likecrucial start. i don't know if we'll actuallyget to the alt to discuss it because outlander is prettythick and intense. but i'll try. but anyway, for you guys'enjoyment, it's a much less

    serious version ofthe highlander. bonnie: the author of outlanderis pretty excited that we're reading itfor vag fan too. felicia: oh really? oh that's great. veronica: no pressure. kiala: i've always wantedto read this book too. i've picked it up so many timessince i was like 17. has it been out that long?

    i'm old. felicia: [inaudible] you are. well thanks you guys. we'll see you next month,january 29. veronica: i've got go hangout with [inaudible]. and [inaudible] too. all right bye guys! kiala: goodbye.

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