About : ashley furniture oak tv stands
Title : ashley furniture oak tv stands
ashley furniture oak tv stands

red feathers: i willalways try my best to behonest and fair, to be helpful and friendly, tobe a good citizen, a goodneighbor, a good friend, and a sister to everywilderness girl. girls, about face. the first orderof business is the -beverly hills troop.-well, you know,they've never earned any patches. they've nevereven sold a singlecookie. we all know they've had more leadersthan a banana republic. -their membership is down toonly eight.-so it's agreed then.
we stopmollycoddling thoselittle princesses and we -flush that troop down theold proverbial dumper.-oh, now, velda, as long as they are girlswho want to belong, it'sour job to see that they're not denied theprivilege. let's givethem one last chance. now about a new leader, iunderstand we have anapplicant. -herman.-hm?-file, file. oh, yes,sir...ma'am. name, phyllis nefler.age...it sayshere "not applicable." marital status, "shaky."
interests, "community affairs." dr. jerry honigman isdefinitely boffing the blondand the english tutor. -is that theone with the tummy tuck?-and the daughter. -no.-this one and this one. out. i'll takethe rest. prides herself on beinghonest, resourceful, andthrifty. -how much?-5,600.-y'know, it's missing a bead. it is? i could let you have it for5000.
-i'll take it.-oh, great. she loves animals. i'm gonna kiss you.i'm gonna kiss you, -frogie and turn you intoa handsome prince.-this woman sounds like she's gotwilderness girl writtenall over her. approved. -hi ho!-oh, hiyo! hey, your hat is fabulousmrs. nefler. nefler.thank you, so isyours. -eh, thanks, ah.-rosa. rosa.
hola. oh, keeptalking, honey, so i canmove toward the sound of -your voice.-here i am. yeah,come...keep... i'm here. -uh-huh.-come, come, i gotit. i got it. i started my newmeaningful life today,and i bought a whole new meaningful wardrobe to gowith it. i can hardlywait to see the look on freddy's face when hegets the bill. and youknow the beauty of it? he won't even the get thebill until after we'redivorced. have your funnow, phyllis, 'causeafter the divorce is
final, you're going to beshopping at pick 'n save. what are you doing here? before wewere separated, you werenever around. you're supposed to be in theguesthouse. everythingnorth of the lawn jockey -is mine.-oh, yeah?-yeah. come on, i cancome here anytime i wantto. -oh?-yeah. it's stillmy house, you know. -oh?-and right now iam gonna go upstairs, i'm gonna get my barbell, andi'm gonna get the rest ofmy clothes.
touch anythingin this house, and i'llcall my lawyer. i can touchanything i want.i paid for it all. oh. oh, nowisn't that a matureapproach to a relationship? freddy, didit ever occur to you thatmarriage is a -partnership?-yeah, that'sright. -yeah.-i earn the moneyand my partner, she -spends it.-typical, that isso typical. and don't you mock me while i'm talkingto you. you neveracknowledge my contribution to thismarriage.
-your contribution?-yes!-oh, phyllis, if you contributed anymoreto this marriage, wewould be on welfare. -hello, hannah.-you remember your father,the big, bad wolf? -hi, peaches.-hi, daddy. whatare you picking up this -time?-my dumbbells.-be my guest. -the fewer dumbbells in mylife, the better.-i've got a great idea. why don't you twojust kiss and make up?then i won't end up in -therapy twice a week liketessa.-look, honey, you're gonna be lessneurotic if your parentsare happily divorced
-rather than unhappilymarried.-thank you, phil donahue. i saw it on oprah. cool it. you'reacting so immature. mom, a lady called about an orientation meeting? it'sthursday. you are gonnago through with this, -aren't you?-of course, i am.-go through with what? just a littlemother-daughter bonding thing. mom's going to beour new troop leader. -ha-ha!-what's so funny?
well, i mean, it's hysterical.you don't have any skills.you hate the outdoors. besides, you neverfinished anything youever started. -what about thepta?-you quit! well, that wasjust because it conflictedwith save the whales. uh-huh, then whathappened? well, i thoughthands across america wasmore important. well, i rest mycase! you'll be lucky ifyou last a couple of weeks. i'm going to bea great troop leader. and -i'll be spending moretime with hannah.-what? and neglect
-rodeo drive?-don't criticizemy mothering, mr. workaholic. you're hardlyfather of the year. (rosa crying) oh, rosa, willyou stop crying? -who's getting the divorcehere, you or me?-i don't want you -two to split up.-oh, see, there, itold you not to mention divorce in front of rosa.she's helping me pack. what's happened to us, fred? what's this really about?
is there another woman? -yeah...yeah,there is. a girl i met along, long time ago. bright, caring, loving,funny. it was you.you had such potential, such energy. you were socreative. i couldn't waitto see what you'd do with it. see now i know whatyou did with it. you wentshopping! hey, i wentshopping, buster, tofurnish your perfect house, to build yourperfect image, to be yourperfect beverly hills wife! and you think i'vechanged? how about you,fred? i coupon-clipped
your way through lawschool so you could makea difference in the world, not so you couldbe nefler the mufflerman! hey, thosecommercials were youridea. and i didn't hear you complaining when youwere spending the mufflerman's money. i mean, i know it's not a reallyimportant job, you know,like being a wilderness girl. i don't expectyou to understand how much this means to me orto hannah or her littlefriends, who happen to need me... even if you don't.you never give me anounce of credit for
-anything i do.-that's becauseyou never do anything! well, then, iguess i'm going to dosomething right now. i'll help you pack. marlene,i'm on my way to the hospital now. i'mstopping to drop tiffanyoff at her troop meeting. i have a nose job atthree, a lift at five,and a boob job at seven, -so you won't be able toreach me.-daddy? do i have -to go this thing?-oh, tiff,you'll love it. -i'll hate it.-what'dyou...hold on a second,
-sweetie. i said i'd giveyou 10 bucks.-it's not worth it. -20.-no way. -30.-50.-40, and -that's my final offer.-i'll sufferthrough it. -what do youthink?-it looks great. is the caviartoo much? here comes chica. oh, chicabarnfell, our firstarrival! chica! hi! do you remember me? phyllisnefler. we met at yourparents' home in palms
springs when fergie wasin town? what a lovelychild. dad, why are westopping here? the parkis a block up. i'm late foran appointment. that'sthe actor's life, busy, busy. you're going tounemployment, right? right.anyway, you have a goodtime, okay? dad, i'm supposedto bring 10 dollars fordues. emily, i forgot my wallet.tell 'em you'll bring it nexttime, huh? okay. i'll get something soon. myagent says this nostalgia boomis going to make me a big
-star again.-you'll always be astar to me, daddy. -i love you.-i love you. bye. good morning. you must belily. oh, good morning,dictator, mrs. dictator. -good morning.-lovely to see you. bruce,i looked at the dailies i want to reshoot theending. set it up fortoday. today? 5,000extras? redford? 15helicopters? -dad, you can't do it.-why not, tessa? you're 10 millionover budget. redford's on
another project, and youblew up all thehelicopters yesterday. -i did?-daddy, mytherapist would say -you're definitelyblocking reality. -what was it again, 30?-40.-40. may i see yourlicense and registration,please? -what's theproblem, officer?-you know how -fast you were going backthere?-excuse me, officer, don't you knowwho this man is? -jasmine, honey.-jasmine, cool it.
you're toomodest, daddy. look, thishere's the man who put the space in spinks'teeth, the man whoknocked the hair off haggler's head. he's thebest. he's the greatest.he's my dad, james "the jackhammer" shakar. now,daddy, shake the man'shand, and let's be on our way. how do you do,sir? glad to meet you. -could i get yourautograph?-not on that thing, you won't. he pulledoff her halston gown, sighed lusciously at thesight of her fernandosanchez under things -and...and what?-and felt hismanhood rising to a
-frenzy?-felt hismanhood rising to a pulsating frenzy. yeah,that's good. i love it.now, darling, what am i gonna tell your producerabout you skippingrehearsals today? -tell him i'm sick.-claire. come on, mom. i'mnot just a kid on tv. i'mone in real life. i want -to do something normalfor a change, okay?-normal with phyllis running the show?that's highly bloodyunlikely. welcome. i'mphyllis nefler, mother ofthe lovely hannah. -mother!-and, as youknow, your new leader.
now i know that we'regonna have a fabuloustime because i can see that you're all special,unique fabulous littlepeople just raring to go. -she'll be justlike all the others.-she'll get bored and quit. i'm new at this,but aren't you supposed -to be wearing uniforms?all: ohh!-sick, uniforms are sick. they blur anindividual's sense of self. besides, no onestayed around long enough -to take us to the store.-well, i may be abeginner at some things, but i've got a black beltin shopping. do they onlycome in khaki?
-yes. now whatsizes do you need?-well, i need a -french 36.-if you wantthat french stuff, you're gonna have to go tofrederick's of hollywood. are you sure you're wildernessgirls? i'm not selling this shit forno masquerade parties. -ahem. how's itlook?-i like it. -uh, it's great.-it's okay. -oh, my god. oh, my god!-it's not that bad. not that bad?except for the color'swrong, the collar's
wrong, the material's anightmare from hell. it'scut badly, it itches, and it's not me. but all ofthat can be fixed. oh, ree, oh, ree. my god, darling.what is that? i know, it's my wildernessgirl uniform. what can you dowith it? -you mean, besides burn i? -s'il vous plait? my name is velda plendor. i'ma mother. i'm a widow. i'm anex-army nurse. first and foremost, i am awilderness girl, and ihave the privilege of turning you civiliansinto troop leaders. nowit's not easy. it's not
going to be a picnic. notall of you are going tomake it. any of you little betty crockers outthere think that you'rejust going to be teaching some little toddlers howto bake cuppie cakes,then you can leave now. oh, perfect. good. good,let 'em go. because whenwe're looking for new leaders, we're lookingfor a real no-nonsensewoman. -hi. oh, bye.-a woman who cancope with anything. a -woman who doesn't make aruckus...-oh, i'm sorry. -excuse me.-but still can getthe job done. -i'm so sorry.-our goal issimple, to take young,
vulnerable girls and turnthem into strong,self-sufficient, young women. and to attain thatgoal, the girls must earnachievement patches, sell cookies, and attend theannual jamboree, which isa grueling test. -are you drying your nails, ordo you have a question?-no, they're fine. yes?you know, about the cookies, i know it'scustomary in order toraise funds to sell cookies door-to-door, andthat's adorable. butwouldn't it save time, and a little shoeleather, if we just had astar-studded telethon? -huh?-who are you?
-johnny could host, or merv.it'd be fabulous.-who are you? -phyllis nefler,troop beverly hills.-oh, shit. i shoulda known, huh? do you know the muffler man, the muffler man, the muffler man? do you know the muffler man, nefler is his name. hi, fred nefler here for nefler's mufflers. boy, i'm telling you, we're a hard working crew and look at the sick little baby we got in here today. now if your pento porsche or whatever is sick, we don't discriminate here. we'll fix anything, we'll
-fix it right. i'm telling you...-he's a shit, but he's a cute shit. hannah, wake up. wake up, honey. there's awoman going into theguesthouse. dark hair, longlegs, big boobs? -stringy hair, skinny legs,silicone boobs, but yes.-don't worry, mom, it's just lisa, dad'srealtor. she's trying tofind him a condo. at midnight? itmust be a real hotlisting. -mom, can we spyon dad in the morning?-spy? excuse me, spy?
your father'snocturnal activities are ofabsolutely no interest to me. oh...ow...oh...ah!shit. night, phyllis. -she's okay.-that's good. bye. -here.-oh, good. ooh. watch the arms. oh, oh. -mom?-yeah. i think we'll beback before winter. it'sonly an overnight campout. in thewilderness of life, we cannever be too prepared.
well, girls,are you ready to rough it? what are wesupposed to do now? well, we weresupposed to set up thetent and stuff. yeah, but theabbey rents personalready did that. this is so boring.someone should go ask herwhat we're supposed to do. well, let's all go. -having fun?-mrs. nefler. we'reabove the fire line, and you shouldn't be smoking.it's bad for you. and itdisguises nervous conditions which youshould deal with in otherways.
smoky the bear saysonly you can preventforest fires. smoky the bearisn't going through aterribly messy divorce. and voila, fondue alfresco. and next, going to makeespresso. oh, no!(thunder) oh, fabulous. all right,all right, go in thetent. go in the tent. i'll save the dessert.this is special. i'm coming, girls. i've gotthe fondue. (whipmering) (girls screaming)
all right, all right. oh, gosh. -oh, look at your jacket.-oh, no. -can we just quit now?-not until we sing kumbayya. kumbayya, my lord... (all singing kumbayya) may i speak withvelda plendor, please? oh, well, will you take amessage, please? will youtell her that troop leader nefler called? andher recommendation for acampsite was totally
unsuitable. there were nooutlets and there wasdirt and bugs and it rains there. so anyway,we found a place that'smuch more us. and if any of the other parentscall, you'll tell themthat we're at the beverly hills hotel? thank you. how about some room service? -that soundsgood.-yes, hello, i'd like to place an order,please? nefler bungalowfour. then it soundedlike it was in the foyer.whooo's got my golden arm? then it sounded likeit was in the maid'sroom.
ah.whooo's got mygolden arm? ahhh!oh, my gosh, oh. -come on, mrs.nefler. it's your turn.-a scary story? yeah, come on. okay. all right.(clears throat) it was a coldand rainy day in march. iwent to christoph's where i usually get my hairdone, but christoph hadmysteriously disappeared. and in his place was astranger named renaldo.i'll never forget him. his eyes were steelygray, very cold. and hishands were like ice.
he said, "i'll streak yourhair...and i'll give youa body wave." he worked very fast and then as heturned my chair around toface the mirror, i saw it. -he permed me!all: ahhh! hey, look, it's my giant underpants! you know, you can do a lot of cool stuff with a pair of giant underpants. just watch! hey, hannah,look at me. i'm your mother. follow me, girls.this is fabulous, justfabulous. chalkon the sidewalk, writingon the wall. everybody -knows it, i love paul.-annette, wait up, huh?
this is thatbimbo's idea of acampsite, huh? -i'll raise youtwo marshmallows.-i'll see your two -marshmallows, and raiseyou a wiener.-you're bluffing. wilderness girlsdon't bluff. look! i'm a nun! (knocking -hi. good morning.-hello. oh, no. you are out of here.(speaking foreign language) -where is yourleader? you can torture me if youwant, but i'll never talk.
-she's in the bedroom. is sheexpecting you?-girls, did the room service arriveyet? oh, mon capitan , what apleasant surprise. won't you join us for alittle cappuccino andcroissant? nefler, what the hell ishappening here? this issupposed to be a camp out, -not a pajama party. this whatyou call roughing it?-one bathroom for -nine people? yes.-have you neverheard of a little troop called the red feathers?they were out there atthat same site camping last week. they choppeddown trees and wove theirown cloth and lived off of berries and squirrelmeat. and never once did theyhave to go to the bathroom.
it must havebeen the squirrel meat. -nefler...-cappuccino?you have disrupted my meetings with yourstupid, idioticquestions. you have taken the sacred uniform andturned into a littlecocktail frock. and you tore these children froma wholesome campingenvironment and you brought 'em here to thislittle den of inequity.just what are you trying -to do, huh?-okay, so i'm notperfect. granted, i'm new at this, and between usgirls, i haven't workedall the kinks out. so any tips for the new girlwould be greatlyappreciated.
well, here's atip. give it up. you canprance these princesses through beverly hills allyou want, but you willnever really be a real wilderness girl. thistroop should have beendisbanded long ago. i know it, they know it,and you know it. adios,nefler. have a nice day. herman!hmph! guess it's back to the shrinkon tuesdays. so much for beingnormal. -i knew it wouldn't last.-well, i don't know about you girls, butnext tuesday, i'm goingto be at the troop meeting. ha-ha!
did you see the way i handledthat, herman? you're nevergoing to see that woman again. i'm sure we won't,ms. plendor, sir. she thinks just because she'srich she doesn't have to playby the rules. i can't believehe's taking her to the dodger game. it's battinghelmet day and she's noteven under 14. -don't bet on it.-i guess he'sdivorcing both of us. i know you feelbad, honey, but try toremember that dad's going through a phase rightnow. it's called being abig jerk.
and this is,this is very interesting.what does that represent? it's the source ofpower that allows a braveto defend his home and -destroy his enemies,right, mom?-nix on the mom business. sorry, ms. plendor, sir. oh, look atthose adorable little redfeathers, and your patches, those arefabulous. they reallybring your uniforms to life. -thank you, ma'am.-where can i buy those? oh, you don't buythem. you have to earn them. oh, right, like jewelry.
-oh, damn.-what's wrong? -i was sure she'd quit.-here's claire,who you might recognize -from television, andshe's wearing a backpack.-it may look like an ordinary backpack,but...when we lift the flap and pop thesnap...voila. just because you're in thewoods, it's no excuse not tolook your best. you call that a wilderness craft?where are youfrom? mars? worse. beverlyhills. i want that woman out,herman. she's a threat toeverything we stand for.
i'm gonna assign you asassistant troop leader. youcan infiltrate her organization, win hertrust. and then you canget the goods on her. we are going to form adossier of information onher. i know you knowbest, but does that jivewith the ideals of the -wilderness girl promise?-promise? i'll giveyou a promise, herman i promise you'll be back atk-mart selling those yarnballs if you don't follow -orders.-no. hello, mrs. nefler.this is annie herman. -remember me?-of course iremember you, annie.
you're the gal friday toour fearless leader, n'est-ce pas ? yes. ms. plendorwas... i was wondering ifi could offer my services to you as an assistanttroop leader.you know, i really could use somehelp. the parents in thisneighborhood are so self-involved. you...oh, shit,i broke a nail. okay, okay, well,see you tomorrow. she bought it. wow! testing.
ready, lift. and down. exhale, inhale down. don't arch your back. a full range of motion, exhale up, inhale down. lift and down. you can do it. come on! up, keep breathing. exhale up. keep breathing, now lift. and down. two and down. keep looking straight ahead. and down. for a full range of motion. exhale up. very controlled. exhale. inhale. (knocking) thanks. girls, i'd like you to welcome
ms. annie herman, who hasvery graciouslyvolunteered to be our new -assistant troop leader.-hello.all: hi. okay, well,let's sit in thefriendship circle and welcome ms. herman. join hands please. okay, now,who would like to be first to volunteer athought or a feeling,share something with us? this troop sucks. okay.does everybody feel like that?
all: yeah.-chica? at the craftsfair, we made completefools of ourselves. those creepy redfeathers laughed in ourfaces. they had a rightto. did you see all thosepatches? yeah, they can doeverything. we can't doanything. well, let's faceit. we're weird.we're losers. really. i hate tosay it, mom, but you knowit's true. okay, we're notrobust mountainwomen...as yet. but that doesn't mean we can't becracker jack wildernessgirls with plenty of
patches. we could make upour own patches, couldn'twe, annie? -pardon?-i'm sure it'svery nice to know how to live in the forest andeat bark, but i'm goingto show you girls how to survive in the wilds ofbeverly hills. bonjour. bonjour. merci. -more cappuccino, girls?-yes, please. -i'm fine.-a croissant mightbe nice. (camera shutter click) please don'tbother. i'll just shaveit when i get home.
mrs. neflersaid to give you theworks. -ow! ow!-ha-ha-ha! interesting color. remarkableclarity. a fine cut. i'd say 82 thou. -that's amazing.-isn't it? andit's called a canary diamond? -yes.-does it sing? no.yes it does. kumbayya, my lord... all: kumbayya...
okay, let's begin with thefrug. maestro, if you please. and this one's called thefreddy. i know, life is soironic. my name is officer bill,and today i am here todemonstrate for you cardiopulmonaryresuscitation, morecommonly known as cpr. -so, i'll need avolunteer.-me! -you.-oh, no, i don'tthink that's... no, no,don't be shy. this'll bevery informative. you'll love it.well, i guess itcouldn't hurt. -now liedown and open your mouth.-the last time i
did this, i got more thana patch for it. oh,thanks so much. -ew.-ew. -would you like a magazine?-i don't want to readnew woman. -how about this?-i hate cosmo. how about this? wow, you guys are fantastic.woo, woo!wow! wait. whoa! keep dancing! mr. michaelson, is your clientplanning to be here or not?your your honor, my client shouldbe here momentarily.
i'm sorry we're late, yourhonor. my troop and i werebusy describing the fall fashions to the blind.one man said he couldactually feel the colors. -it was inspirational.-oh, come on,phyllis, what is this? it's a van runkle.isn't it fabulous? -stunning.-anyway, theworkings of the wonderful american judiciary systemare something that everychild should witness, especially with a womanlike you in charge. well, i guess it's all right.okay. -hi, daddy.-hi, daddy.
hi, sweetheart. hi.we're here to attest to the division ofproperty in the temporarysupport hearing of nefler versus nefler. i will seta court date for sixweeks from today. your honor,my client would like topetition for an earlier -court date if possible.-so what's therush? what is this, reno? never go to reno, girls.the california communityproperty laws can't be beat. the fact ofthe matter is, your honor, my client may beconsidering remarriage.
how can she subject thoseinnocent children to this?she's really sick. until this moment, i neverbelieved we were reallythrough. oh, don't give up, mom. he'llnever really marry her. it's just a typical malemidlife crisis. see, he's gotto prove that he's still sexually attractive. mydad's been going throughit. -how long?-11 years. i need some jewelry. divorce-court patch. hopefullyto be followed by the remarriage-to-someone-better-brighter-and-more-appreciative-of-me patch.
yeah. and that's why theamerican indian is responsiblefor the turquoise jewelry -movement.-oh, sweet. that makespatches in 36 patches inthree weeks. -wow!-i can't believethat. that's so great. -is that a recordor something, annie?-it's unbelievable. -yeah.-when do we getour patches? you get yourpatches at the patchceremony. it's a little due i'm cooking up, it'llbe at the marina on aboat. and we'll invite your parents and we'llhave great goodies andyou'll love it. and the
only thing you have to dois bring 750 for thepatches, and please -r.s.v.p. by thursday.-i'm not coming.it's stupid. it's stupid. emily! whathappened? -it's because of the 750. shedoesn't have it.-oh. wait up, hon! em! yo, em! waitup! emily! emily, stop!will you stop? -i'm sorry!-thank you. i haven't been to jazzercisein three weeks.
-i don't have the money.-sit down. comeon, sit down. okay. emily, i want to tell youa story about a woman wholived right here in beverly hills and thoughtthat money was prettydarn important. one day, she went to neiman-marcusfor the linen sale, andshe...she got these fabulous duvets and shamsand dust ruffles at 50%off, 200-thread count. and then she went to payfor them, and thesalesgirl cut her credit card in half in front ofa lot of people. -did you have to puteverything back?-yes. -wasn't it embarrassing?-it was anightmare. i thought i
could never show my faceon wilshire again. but iwas wrong. these things happen. they happen toeveryone. having moneyisn't the most important thing. the most importantthing is having friends. -especially friends withmoney.-thank you. -and the interest is only 10%a week. just kidding.-thanks. oh, you guys arefabulous. oh, chica, i'm so sorry thatyour parents couldn't cometoday. they're in caracas. besides, iwouldn't have invitedthem anyway. i think she'sreally warming up. don'tyou? can i have that wine
-over there? this needssomething.-you can't put wine -in hobo stew!-well, of courseyou can. what goes better with hobos than wine? and in addition to thepatches earned by all the girls, i am proud topresent to tiffanyhonigman the friendship patch, the shoppingpatch, and thejewelry-appraisal patch. aw, honey.oh, good. and to lily marcigan forteaching us how to laundermoney and crush a revolution. i'm proud to present theinternational-affairspatch. congratulations.
well done. and to my lovely daughter,hannah, i'm proud to presentthe best-daughter patch. -mom!-just kidding. just kidding.i'm sorry. okay. to this total stranger hannah nefler,i'm proud to present thesushi-appreciation patch, the fire-preventionpatch, and the gardening-with-glamour patch. -i'm so proud of you.-ah, fred!-ha! -aah!-oh, lisa, toobad! are you okay, honey? -god, damn it! throwme a lifesaver!-no problem. -butterscotch orwintergreen?-what?
-man.-oh, stop. she'll be allright. silicon is buoyant. encouraging drunkenness.materialism at its worst. bribery.this woman is a completedegenerate. i think the evidence i haveshown here proves conclusivelybeyond a shadow of a doubt that the beverlyhills troop should bestripped of their uniforms and officiallydisbanded. and thatnefler woman should be -tossed out on her butt.-tell mesomething, velda. how did -you collect all thisinformation?-well, i cannot -reveal my sources.-your sourcesshow that mrs. nefler has
taken an active interestin these girls andperhaps this troop has finally found its niche.i think we'll keep her onfor a while. and by the way, velda, wedon't go around tossing ourleaders out on their butts. i guess that meansi don't have to spy on -mrs. nefler anymore.-wrong, because nowis the time that we have to redouble our efforts.i think i'll have youmove in with that nefler -woman. that way, nothingwill get past you.-move in with her? attention, k-martshoppers. blue lightspecial, aisle 13. the fumigator saidi may not be able to goback into my apartment
-for weeks.-well, you canstay here. that's awfullynice of you. so what do you do for fun? doyou have a boyfriend oranything? well, it depends on what youmean by boyfriend. if you meana man i go out with? no. if you mean like a boy who'sjust a friend? no. oh, excuse me, mrs. nefler.it's chica. she's downstairs.she seems really upset. chica? upset?how can you tell? chica?what's wrong, sweetheart? i'd better go. itwas stupid of me to comeover here.
-oh, no. sitdown. let's talk.-i'd better go. well, at leastwait until i call yourparents to pick you up. -my parents are inmonte carlo!-well, i guess it will be a while beforethey get here. it was a last-minute trip.they didn't mean to leave meon my birthday. (crying) oh, i'm surethey didn't. -they forgot her birthday.-pobrecita. i'm sure they love you verymuch.just give me 10 minutes.
all: happybirthday to you, happybirthday to you. happy birthday,dear chica, happybirthday to you. yay! and remember, anyhard-working troop thatsells more than a thousand boxes willattend the annualjamboree. -that jamboreething sounds fabulous.-mmm. my troop isdefinitely going. what isa jamboree? how i love thesmell of cookies in themorning. all right, let's -begin with the m's.- bonjour, commandant. ca va bien? happy cookie day. i knowyou're very busy, but iwanted you to know that
my girls have earnedoodles of patches, and inrecord time too. i am fully awareof what your troop hasdone. -good, good.-i happen to knowthat those so-called patches have nothing todo with wilderness waysas i know them or anyone -else in their right knowsthem.-i know that... i have spoken withfrances temple, and i dohereby revoke said patches so that you andthose little froo-froosdo not prance around with -them illicitly.-oh, please, don't... please nothing.you will turn them inbefore you leave here today!
now, get off mydock. let's start with mar vista.how many boxes -will you take, mar vista?-40. how many? i can'thear you, mar vista! -42?-next! ah, culver city.the lovely and talented redfeathers. how many boxes are youlittle soldiers going to -take?red feathers: 1,000!-all right. well, maybevelda doesn't understandour patches, but i'll
tell you something shedoes understand, cookies.and i think we could sell enough that we could makeher eat her words. whatdo you think? she can have thepatches. i'm still awilderness girl. -thank you.-no big deal. toomany accessories clutter -an outfit.-yes, they do.-normally, i'd -ask for a refund, butthis one's on the house.-patches. we don't need no stinking patches!now how many boxes ofcookies are we gonna sell? you didn't callbeverly hills! -beverly hills.-2,000 boxes!-right.
hi. what alovely shirt you'rewearing. -why, thank you.-would you like tobuy some wilderness girls -cookies? it's for a verygood cause.-i'm sorry, i -already bought some.-from who?you did? -from the cutelittle girls with the redfeathers in their hats. sorry. kareem abdul-jabbar: hi. hello. we're selling cookies.it's for a very good cause.would you like to buy some? i would, but i just boughtfour boxes from your friends.
you did?both: our friends? yeah, you know, the oneswith red feathers? sorry.both: red feathers. thank you, ma'am.woo! -we did it, mom!-nix on the mombusiness. those stinkinghorse feathers coveredevery inch of our turf. i don'tunderstand it. theydeliberately ruined it for our girls. that's notwhat this organization'sall about, is it? well, there aresome people in theorganization, one in
particular, who believethat winning is what'simportant, no matter who you have to step on alongthe way. so as parents and friends,you have a wonderfulopportunity to help our troop and support these fabulouslittle girls. what do youthink? look, ifall you're trying to dois to sell 2,000 boxes of -cookies, why don't wejust buy them?-well, i know, i know. i thought aboutthat too. but you know,it misses the point. the girls need a chance toget their neighborsinvolved, do you know? it enhances communityspirit.
would you excuse me just amoment?annie, will you take over? um... -good night, dad.-good night, hon. good night,sweetie. (honking) i believe you're being paged. boy, there'squite a crowd in here,isn't there? oh, well, you'vegot your peanut butter.you've got your vanilla. -you've got your creamswhich are...-how about you?
-how's the new condo?-oh, it's great,it's great, yeah. got -some furniture fromdivorshka. yeah.-yeah. it'd be nice if you stayed forthe parents' meeting, youknow? it would mean a lot -to hannah.-gosh, i can't. imean, i got... oh, come on.look, it's just an hour.she can pull into the garage and wait...withthe motor running. that certainly took longenough. i thought maybe youdecided to move back in. -sorry.-well, what does shewant from you now? well, she wantedme to stay for a meetingabout hannah's troop.
tick, tick, tick.boy, that woman's on atotal trip. well, thewilderness girls are realimportant to hannah, you know. and god, i don'teven know what to do. butyou're too young to -understand this, butshe'll always be my wife.-what? -i said, "she'llalways be my daughter."-you said, "she'll -always be my wife."-oh, i couldn'thave said that. -but you did.-well, i made ahuge mistake. -yeah, well, thatmakes two of us. look, it's obvious we don'thave a solution here. phyllis,what's your plan?
the girls and italked about this, and wecame up with some great ideas to get the wholecommunity involved. forexample. gather around,you friends of mine.we're wilderness girls and it's cookie time.wework hard and we live it, so buy a box and do yourshare.if you want the -best, tasty you can find.all: yeah, yeah. chocolate chipsare one of a kind. all: yeah, yeah.-our peanutbutter treats will blow -your mind.all: yeah, yeah.
-a box of themwould be so nice.all: box of. cheap at eventwice the price. all: twice the.-i said come on down, come on down.it'scookie time. it's cookie time. it's cookie time.it's cookie time, cookietime. cookie time,yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!here, catch! oh, i've got twodollars. oh, no exactchange. thank you. both:cigarettes, cookies.cigars, cigarettes. -peanut butter ormint?do you take
-american express?-we prefer visa. oh, cookies always cause sucha fuss. fullof sugar and spice, just like us.we need yourdough so don't you pause. we're wilderness girlsand we're a real goodcause. if you want totaste this nice and sweet. all: yeah, yeah. you won't findsomething better to eat. all: yeah, yeah.-doesn't yourmouth deserve a treat? all: yeah, yeah.-a box of them
-would be so nice.-nice. all: twice the.-i said come ondown, come on down. it'scookie time. it's cookietime. it's cookie time. it's cookie time, cookietime, cookie time, cookietime, cookie time. about twodollars. ms. pia zadora. she issmashingly sheathed in this she is smashingly sheathed inthis season's hottest style, the wilderness look. would you like to buy somecookies?
-would you likesome cookies?-oh, yes. -you have to buythem.-oh. dr. joyce brothers. clad in khaki for a lunch at le bistro or a walk in thewoods. -my broker says it's afabulous investment.-mrs. phyllis nefler. -ah!-mrs. nefler is the culpritbehind this khaki mania. and her ensemble is theepitome of this season'shottest trend. your mom is socool. she put this whole
-thing together.-yeah. she'samazing. i just wish my -dad could see it.-yeah. thank you, robin. and if youloved our haute couture , you'll adore our haute cuisine . buy some cookies today.it's khaki wishes and cookiedreams. you are so fabulous. -no,you're fabulous.-no, you... -no, you.-you're fabulous, (phone ringing)
-plendor here.-velda, phyllis nefler. listen, i have alittle surprise for you.we didn't sell 2,000 -boxes of cookies.-well, that's nosurprise to me. i knew -you couldn't.- we sold 4,732 boxes. isn't that fabulous? listen, the barnfells are throwing a gala this evening, and we'd love you to be therefor the checkpresentation. eight-ish, black tie, 70 hill crest,across from that garishsuroc mansion. so, see you then. ta-ta. it was a warm and sultryevening.
she looked stunning.everything was goingwonderfully. thanks forthrowing this fabulousparty. oh, phyllis, we want to thankyou for giving our little girl a birthday partywhile we were away. i amterrible with dates. -yes.-everyonewas there. all the beverly hills glitterati.it all looked socivilized, but really it -was a black tied jungle.-tessa toldme your idea about using -emily's dad in my nextpicture.-well... i want youto meet the new mobfather.
(mobbish groan) -fabulous.-thanks somuch for helping me out, helping me get this part.i couldn't get a job inthis town. and emily thanks you too. mrs. nefler, meet cinderella. oh, annie, youlook fabulous. how didthis happen? well, hannah did my makeupand rosa raided your closet.you really like it? excuse me,cheech? hi, i'd like you -to meet annie herman.-annie herman, boy-oy-oing.
-wanna rassle? are yourelated to pee-wee?-madam, would you mind telling methe truth? how many pairsof shoes do you really have? why, whatare you implying, mr. christy? do you likepeople to call you -dictator or just dic?-oh, justcall me bong bong, please. -may i call you phyllis?-sure, sure... bong bong.(laughs) -troop leader ofthe year?-oh. -hi.-hi. -sir, may i cutin, dance with my wife?-certainly.
-it was a pleasure, ms.-and for me. -phil, i got to hand it toyou. you did it.-i did? yeah. i mean, youturned yourself aroundcompletely. -well.-yeah. i got totell you something else, you look...you look great.it's different and everything, but i mean,it's softer somehow. yes. so, where'slisa? or is past her bedtime? boy, way past,i'll tell you. i'm not seeingher anymore. -oh?-no, and i'll tell
you something else. i amreally very, very proud ofyou. i just had to say that. well, i'm kindof proud of me too. and there'ssomething very importanti have to talk to you about. -nefler.-oh, velda. i'm so glad you could makeit. this is our commanderin chief, velda plendor. -this is my...this isfreddy nefler.-hey, how you doin'? pleasure to meetyou. well, i guess we cantalk about it later? -sure, sure, ofcourse we can.-so, i guess you have something for mefirst?yes, absolument .
attencion, mes amis, attencion . i want you all to welcome ouresteemed district leader, veldaplendor, who's beengracious enough to stop by to acknowledge theachievement of ourfabulous beverly hills wilderness girls. and next it's on to the annualjamboree where our girls will compete forthe ultimate honor ofbeing next year's poster troop. and we're going to win. i guess my big break came wheni was playing ace, aphotographer on the love boat.
-oh, you were good.-thanks. -do you know gopher?-yeah,he's a good friend of mine. you traitor. lookat you, you cheap, slut. -your next stop is k-mart.-screw you, velda. -i don't usually talk thatway.-i like it. you are very sexy. really. so, you don't hate me anymore? oh, fred. inever hated you. i wasangry with you and i was hurt. but now i realizethat our splitting up waspositive.
-positive?-well,constructive. -i feel like i've grown a lotin the last few months.-boy, yeah, you really have. -so what was it you wanted totalk to me about?-hannah. hannah? -yeah.-what abouthannah? well, you know, irealized that ever sincewe've been separated, phil, which is...how muchshe means to me and ijust think that when the divorce is final, i wantjoint custody of hannahand... that's what youwanted to talk to meabout?
yeah, and i suredidn't want to hurt you,phil, but you know, she's my daughter too and i'dlike her to spend sometime with me, say like on -the weekends. i'd like toget through...-good night, freddy. aah! aah, i'm drowning. oh, god. i'm... hey, i'm going through adivorce.crowd: ooh. (knocking)come in. -hannah, i washedyour yellow sweatshirt.-thanks, mom. rosa will be back before youdo anymore of my laundry,won't she?
-yeah, i guess so.-where'd she go, anyway? -mexico. hergrandmother died.-again? oh, you'retaking your laura ashley doll? dad thought i should keep somestuff at his house. there's plentyfood in the freezer. ifyou need anything, just call me. you've got dad'snumber. and don't stay uptoo late, okay? thank you. i'm agrown up person, i thinki can take care of myself. are you ready,peaches? -coming, dad. bye, mom.-have fun.
-i love you, hannah.-love you too. (doorbell) did you forgetsomething, honey? i bet youthought that was pretty cute -last night, didn't you,nefler?-what? putting on thatlittle show for all yourhotsy-totsy friends? well, you didn't justembarrass me, youembarrassed the -wilderness girls ofamerica.-i never intended -on embarrassing anyone.-oh, you'redangerous, nefler. you think this is all a game,don't you? well, myjamboree is no joke.
that's the realwilderness out there.it's not some beverly hills backyard. you gotmountains, swamps, wildanimals. they don't take credit cards. i'm warningyou, nefler. somebody isgonna get hurt, and it's gonna be all your fault. well, the reason you'rewinning is i got -grease on my controller.want some more pizza?-i'm stuffed. -how about somemore soda?-no, i'm fine. you're tired ofthe game? okay, let's goto 31 flavors. i'm ready, -come on.-dad, will youplease stop. you don't
have to feed me andentertain me everysecond. -you mean, i'mtrying too hard?-a little. -sorry.-i know this ishard for you and mom, but it's really hard for metoo. i feel like aping-pong ball. -i just wish that you guyswould get back together again.-oh, come here. so do i, peaches. phyllis!are you upstairs? my god. this looks like a sceneout of valley of thedawns. give me anotherbottle of evian.
don't you think you've hadenough? shut up and bring me thebottle. -my life is over.-i broughtup your mail. there's something from afamily court. i want these burned and theashes scattered over forestblonde. come on,get up. i'll make you acappuccino and we'll go over to betsy's and we'llplay some doubles. -i'm not going anywhere.-you cannotjust lie there. come on, -we'll go to rodolfo's.-i've lost mywill to shop.
-phyllis,that's not funny.-velda was mean, but she was right. it'sone thing to try andconvince myself that i'm a real troop leader, butto lead you girls intodanger just to save my own pride would becriminal. and i won't do it. now i want to say that i have loved ourtimes together, and i will treasure them...always. -but it's over now.-girls? -sorry, mrs. nefler, but adeal's a deal. you can't quit.-you wouldn't let
-me run away. and we won'tlet you either.-don't you realize what you've done for us? -you're our role model.-and our friend. mrs. nefler, youtook a group ofover-indulged, unmotivated, alienated,preadolescents and gaveus renewed sense of -self-esteem.-i think what shemeans to say is that you -made us like ourselves.-we're a teamnow. we can win any competition. we can whoopthe wilderness. we ain'tscared of nothin' as long as we have you.
they're right, phil.you've come too far to quitnow. (trumpet sounding) and now the mainevent of the annual wilderness jamboree issurvival competition.each troop must follow the path that isdesignated by your colorflag. our blue flags were for our beverly hillssisters, but it appearsthat they've opted not to compete. so to the restof you, i say good luck.may the best troop win. on your marks, getset...what is that noise?
(cars honking) what is that noise? careful,careful, easy. yeah, herewe come. yeah. get your damn carout of my friendshipring. -hi, vel. lovelyto see you too.-okay, fine, on your mark, get set, go.wilderness girls: ew.aw. (cheering) come on, we haveto hurry. we have to getto that table with the -blue banner. put on thosearm bands. come on.-oh, the table
-with the blue banners,girls.-there should be a -map and a compass.-just a second,herman. only wilderness girls and troop leadersare allowed toparticipate in this. -i'm an assistanttroop leader.-yeah. not anymore youaren't. i just fired you. -what? are you kidding me?-she can't do that. that'snot fair. oh, and nefler,you better get moving.it's 20 miles to the nearest campsite and it'sabout a hundred miles tothe nearest four-star hotel. take your pick.phyllis?hm?
i can't let youtake the girls out therealone. -why not?-because you getlost in your walk-in closet. not anymore.we've got a map here. the route is marked. we justfollow the little blueflags, right? -right.-yeah.-we'll be fine. we're troop beverlyhills. -yeah!-we are winners!okay, let's go. remember, thetroop that gets back herein the shortest time wins. you'll be timedfrom here to the midpointtonight. bivouac there
and then tomorrow yourace into the finishline, got it? sure, sure, igot it.-do you know how to -use a compass?-i can learn.-don't worry, mom. -i can do it.-is that a snake?-no, it's not. -emily, is thatpoison oak?-gross, yuck. okay now, northis that way. which way isthe campsite? i can do this.gucci's just north ofwilshire, the beverly wilshire hotel is west. ithink the campsite is atcartier, so to speak. you guys, there'sa blue flag.
(groaning) that can's a little rusty. all right, another blue flag. annie...something's kind -of fishy here.-where are you?we're standing -in a jungle of reeds withgoo up to our ankles.-it sounds like -dead man swamp.-oh, good. annie, do...do rattle snakes -live in swamps?-oh, no, they hatewater.
oh, god, thankgod. thanks, annie.water moccasins live in swamps. they'rejust as deadly, but theydon't make any noise -before they strike.-aaah! -aaah!-philly? phyllis?are you there? phyllis? -phyllis?-what anadventure. isn't nature fabulous, girls? aah! oh, good spirit, tiffany.good spirit, girls. you havepositive words for me, and i get their second wind. aaah!
(screams) six hours, 27 minutes. anytime now, thosered feathers will comeout over that horizon. the new record time forthe first half of thiscompetition. red feathers: we'renumber one. we're numberone. we're... ah, there they are.red feathers: we're number -one. we're number one...-aaah! oh, no. oh, no.whoa, whoa, halt. nefler.aah! you're gonna payfor this. yes, you are.
redondo beach, seven hours 21minutes. pomona, sevenhours and four minutes. red feathers, six hours29 minutes. beverlyhills, six hours, 28 and -a half minutes.-do you hear that? ithought you said we were -gonna win?-you are. justleave it to me. grundman? -yes,sir...ma'am.-i'm gonna be taking over tomorrow.you're going too sick tocontinue. i am? there's been aslight change of plans. mrs. grundman is gravelyill. i have no otheroption but to lead the
-red feathers myself.-what? that's notfair. that's not fair.she mapped out thecourse. the second leg ofthe competition willbegin on my command. ready, set, go. come on,come on. come on. comeon. come on. because thatbuffalo butt is breakingevery rule by joining those little monstersdoesn't mean we can't begood sports, right? all: right!-yeah, we play by -the rules, right?all: right! and we're gonnawin, right?
all: right!right. five,six, seven, eight. we're the girls frombeverly hills. one, two, three,four. shopping is our greatestskill.five, six, seven, eight.we will fight and try realhard. leave behind our creditcard. five, six,seven, eight. beverly hills, what athrill. beverly hills,what a thrill. beverly hills, what a thrill.beverly hills, what athrill. beverly hills,
what a thrill. beverlyhills, what a thrill. oh, no. well, au revoir, ma jamboree.well, hey, you know, wegot into the woods. and we had a nice time. it'sa crock of shit. damn it,damn it, damn it, damn it! -just once i wouldlike to go the distance.-mom. it really frostsmy cookies that we haveworked so hard and we -have come so far and nowwe have to stop.-not necessarily. look. -wait, wait, no. no, ican't let you do this.-i can do it, mom.
-it's just like thebalance beam.-this is no balance beam, honey. thisisn't even a bridge. thisis a log. it's very treacherous and that is avery, very deep ravine.only an idiot would walk -across that. i'm going todo it.-mom, you're afraid of heights. youfell off the garden mallwhen you were spying on dad. i wasn't spyingon dad. i was checking on my azaleas. i was spyingon dad. but that's notreally the point here. the point is that i'm theadult. i'm theresponsible one. and for -a change, i'm gonna takecare of you.-you always have.
-i have?-yeah. me andseven other girls. -yeah, you're alucky kid.-be careful. okay. if i getacross...when, when i getacross, i want you to go down to the bridge, tie arock on the loose end,and throw it across to me. -okay?-okay. i am the log. iam the ravine. i amscared. (gasps) -this isn't so bad.-mom!-ow! -be careful,hannah.-i'm coming, mom.
-no, you're not.-yes, i am.-concentrate. -go slower.-hannah, go back.-no. i'm not gonna -let you stay out here.aah!-hannah! -mom, my foot'sstuck.-oh, good. oh, god. okay. here i come. -stay right there.-hannah, try. i'm comin'. let's push. push hard.don't lose your balance.
okay, i'm gonna turnaround. is your foot allright? -yeah, it's okay.-okay, okay.don't look down. here we go. take my hand, honey.i distinctly remembertelling you to stay off this log. of course whatdo i know? i'm just yourmother. -i'm sorry.-oh, sure, easyto say that now, you're sorry. but will youlisten the next time? i'djust like someone to listen. sometimes you'reas stubborn as yourfather. -aah!-we did it! wedid it! oh, honey. -mom, you're a hero.-wait, oh, stop.
it was nothing. it wasn'tthat bad. it was awful.it was awful, but we made it. okay, go down to thebridge, go down to thebridge. damn. those littlebimbesses are reallystarting to bug me. all right, screw the flags,girls. i know a shortcut.come on. come on, come i don't know, ms.plendor. the map says this areas is for huntersand trappers only. itmight be dangerous. it is onlydangerous when you don'tknow what you're doing. -ankle!-this isunbelievable. we haven't -lost that much time.-really?-let me see the map.
wouldn't it bebizarre if we won? -hey, we already won.-what do you mean? well, we didn'tquit. and we didn'tcheat. and we didn't call home when we were introuble. we were a team.we won. -we did.-you're right.-yeah. now let's beatthose suckers at theirown game. yeah, let's go. it's broken. jamie,some rations and somewater. oh, come on,you're not gonna leave mehere.
you're dead weight.besides, after we win,we'll send someone back -to get to you. come on,red feathers, move on.-cleo! i was in labor with you for 17hours. i bought you your first...i have patches, girls! i can get you intowest point. you littlebitches! -oh, my god, whatwas that?-don't worry. it -was probably just one ofnature's beasts. -i hate children! i hate them! yep, it's abeast all right. move out.
-ow. hey.-how bad is it, tessa? well, there'smultiple contusions and possibly a crackedfibula. and a severepersonality disorder. there's a nurseat the finish line.what's the quickest way -we can get you there?-oh, no. mm-mm, youdon't want to help me, you just want to know thequickest way to get thereso you can win. well, blow it out yourbarracks bag, sweetheart, youcan leave me behind because -i'm not talking.-well, let's leave her. we've already losta lot of time because ofher.
-besides, she hates us.-why should we -lose just to help her?-well, it's areal moral dilemma, isn't it, girls? we could helpa fellow wilderness girlas we swore we would when -we pledged the wildernesspromise.-that's right. or we couldleave her here and pursueour own personal glory. well, she is ravaged byvicious beasts, toyedwith by lonely mountain men...really lonelymountain men. i leave it up to you. huddle.
i think we should leave her,she's just a -pain. go tell her.-ms. nefler, she's history.we're out of here. -oh, come on.-come on, guys. we did swear. i knew i couldcount on your girls to do -the right thing.-stop or i'll bustout crying. i knew i -could count on you losersto do the wimpy thing.-you need your rest. as thegirls are clearing the woods, i want to a tightclose-up on tessa. staywith her. and we're gonna whip pan to the rest ofthe woods. now the themeof the shot is victory.
i think i seesomebody.red feathers: we're number one. we're numberone. we're number one.we're number one. -it's the redfeathers.-oh, dear. hearty congratulations to thewinners of our annualwilderness jamboree, the culver city red feathers.red feathers: aah! -thank you, mrs. temple. onbehalf of the other feathersand myself, we felt good. we were pumped. we came towin and we won. i'd liketo think that the other three troops gave a realrun for our money, butthey didn't. oh, wait aminute, dear. wait,where's...where's your
-mother?-i don't know. giveme the trophy. eh, eh, dear,the rules specificallystate that the trophy goes to the first entiretroop to cross the finishline. no leader, no -trophy.-give me the trophy. -get your footing, girls.going down the hill please.-look. come on, jamie. look, they're draggingsomething. -looks like ananimal.-oh, must be -velda.crowd: yay! yay!
the red feathers came inwithout a leader, therefore, they are disqualified. and thewinners are troop beverlyhills. -no!-we did it, we did it! no, no, no, no, noway! you're not even wilderness girls. none ofyou are. i'm the onlyreal wilderness girl. does she strikeyou as being minus a fewbuttons? oh, i'll tell youabout the buttons, yousenile old bag. i may be old andi may be senile, but theonly thing that's bagged -around here is you.you're fired.-oh, fine. i really
care. so what? who cares?i don't need you. i don'tneed anybody. i'm gonna secede from the nationalorganization. yeah,that's it. i'll secede and i'll form my ownorganization, yeah,plendor's pilgrims. that's it, plendor'spilgrim. no, wait aminute, wait a minute, plendor's pioneers. how'sthat? that's perfect.what about velda's -avengers?-i'm sorry to seeyou go. she always fun at our halloween party. andi'm sorry we don't have atrophy for you. -oh, well, wedon't need a trophy, huh?yeah. i mean, all we wanted to do was toprove we were realwilderness girls.
well, whoeversaid you weren't? velda. i wish dad were here. i know. me too. oh, you did it. iam so proud of you. i -knew you could do it. youwere great.-mom did it. -may i kiss thetroop leader?-it's okay with me. i'm sorry, phil.i love you, wilderness girl. oh, fred. i loveyou, muffler man.
it's about timeyou two grew up. -i think we should getmarried.-again. five, six, seven, eight.we're the girls from beverly hills.one, two, three, four.shopping was our greatest skill.five, six, seven, eight. after all it'ssaid and done. one, two, three, four.everyone: beverly hillsis number one! five, six, seven, eight.beverly hills, what a thrill.beverly hills, what a thrill. beverly hills,what a thrill. beverlyhills...
what a thrill!beverly hills,what a thrill. beverly hills, what a thrill.beverly hills, what athrill. attention, k-martshoppers, blue lightspecial on aisle 13. cookies.