street furniture cycle stands

street furniture cycle stands - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled street furniture cycle stands, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

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Title : street furniture cycle stands

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    street furniture cycle stands

    when lady lecturers are sittingat the next table, why do ... smoke?-that is class, this is mass why do you support high levelpeople leaving your canteen work? go and count coffee cups. didn't you get your tiffinboxes today? we are fasting today forvaralakshmi vrartam. mr. lyer-yes madam. please try this for adifferent taste see those boys ! causing ustrouble with their smoking.

    they will go to bar in theevening for oozing. can you stop? they are students in class only. we should not bother aboutthem beyond that. guess her age?-may be between 30-35 they are talking about you.-l'm listening. the saree has covered. see thefold above her lumbar region who might have married her,but .. what? what are talking?fold? which fold? are you talking of this fold?didn't your mother have foldd?

    didn't you see it ever? what are your comments?dirty fellow why do you beat me madam? this is not beating.this is smooth handling. l have a son just like you as afat donkey. tall and fat. lf my son knows of yourcomment he will beat you ... ...repeatedly leaving no emptyspace on your body then your skin will get folds. lpity u when l imagine the scene. lmprove your left movements.

    unless you win this you can'tattend national olympics. continue like this. you willbecome andhra tyson ... will you stop? let us go. l will give you adrop, and pick up my mom. you need not trouble.l can give her a drop. why would u go? lsn't it due toyour craze about girls? you can go now. no problem, madam.we can go afterwards what? any of you tryingto woo my son?

    lt is not that. we wish to giveyou a life if he does'nt come why didn't you say 'bye' to herwhen she said 'bye' to you. she is a waste, as sheis becoming too fat. she is looking at you only. excess salt is there in this. why, pickle is like this? lsn't it good?-no taste, nothing. lt will be like that my son. this is known as marriagaria,as similar as malaria.

    that means this is a diseasewhich afflicts the youth dissatisfaction with the menu ofmother, desiring new tastes ... ... are the symptoms of thisdisease. so, now you've to get yourselfmarried, my naughty son. l have no moodfor marriage at present people marry at appropriateage, not at mood. your marriage age hascome and going away ... ... and you are becoming dry.when the age is barred ... ...nobody will offer a bride toyou.-no problem.

    your father too used to takewater like this. how many times did l tell younot to pronounce his name? just l referred your father'sname only, isn't it? -no. neither he is my father, nor yourhusband. he left us for our fate. he is not related to us,for that reason. he did not leave us.he had a goal in his life. he didn't want any family trouble& wanted to live at a distance. l have agreed to his proposal.we departed as friends only. as friends? meaning? departedafter shaking your hands?

    l need not beat him,but you only. don't repeat his name againwith me. you need not sacrifice your foodfor my fasting. you can eat. l have striked. not you.go and eat. ok, give me food.-l can't. l am hungry.let us go and eat. -no. mother! angry lakshmi. mother! my golden mother!please eat. please eat.this is your morsel.

    neither of you nor mine.l am dying for food. get mango pickle for me. chandu, chandu. be silent and do your work. what is the matter? our neighbour mr.dhanunjay hadbeen to tirupati and ... ... left the keys with us. hiselder brother's daughter is ... ... coming from madrastoday. you have to pick up her fromrailway station, convince her and...

    ... bring her here and give adrop in our neighbour's house. she got angry with thesepeople for some reason. these people are afraid of hervisit to her uncle's house. your narration is very clear,but l could not understand you couldn't understand? our neighbour had been totirupati. his elder brother's daughter iscoming from madras tomorrow. please stop ... a girl is coming from madras.she is naughty.

    l am to pick her up and drop herin neighbour's house. ls it? -yes. what is her name? name ... l have forgotten. butshe'll come in a yellow chudidar. that is enough. s5 or s6?-eight. search in charminar.not in palaknama. yellow chudidar (attire). what is this?-don't you know telugu? are you tamilian?-yes leave my hands. who're you tosnatch my bag & go? oh god!

    ls there no one to ask this? whatdo you think of yourself? you don't know about me.l'll kill you. comeand get on the bike no...- let us go home.come on... should l invite you?-this house ... some differences may arise withyour uncle. you shouldn't feel. lt is not that...-this is also a house. your uncle had been to tirupatifor a total shave of head. did you wash your face?what?

    brush ... brush ...!-no, not yet. no brushing! but apply lipstickearly morning. go to bathroom. brush your teeth. why do yousee like that? your teeth only. eat up. you should not beso naughty. excuse me please. ls thisthe house of mr.dhanunjay? yes. this is the house ofmr. dhanunjay ... but who are you? l am the daughter of his elderbrother, coming from madras. l was told that somebody will besent to pick me up.

    nobody has turned up. so l camehere after a long wait. lf so, who are you?-l am saying that only. aren't you the daughter ofdhanunjay's elder brother?-no lf so, why did you wearthis yellow attire? because this is my own dress why did you come with me toride on a bicycle free? you did not give me any chanceto tell you anything. you have brushed your teethand ate four idlis. l got those idlis for you.she ate all of them.

    why do you wait still?please start and go away. lf you stay for some more time,you will eat the whole house. l've been telling you that for solong. do you have any sense? enough, her to herdestination, she will tell you. she could've told me at least.lsn't it, mother? where have you given a chance? you told me that she is naughty,so l have changed my style. what happened mother?-chest pain. lf l die, what willyou do, my son?

    l'll kill you, if you say it again,did you understand? call that girl. he is calling you... -jerk has it worked out?who are you? you will see a girl everyday? since you see her, she alsosees you. you will smile. lf she likes your faceshe also smiles. after that both of you willhave cool drinks and ... ... exchange ''l love you'' words.your elders will come to know. some annoyance etc. happens.

    then you will threaten them etc.or you will shift yourselves. lt takes nearly six monthsfor a happy end of this episode. what for will you marry?-what for? for nuptials sir. please see this. without anyprocess, this girl is ready ... ... for your nuptials. are you a broker? either l am a broker, orspeedbreaker, don't mind. l can arrange this girl for this girl ok for you? l can pay you whatever youwant. please set this girl for me

    this is not a finance problem.have you got a ration card? what for?-for address proof. have you got passport?-yes. -very good please get xerox copies of yourration card, passport, income tax .... assessment copy, healthcertificate, your 6 months bank .. ... balance to me and fill thesepapers. lf we feel ok after ourverification, pay rs. 20,000- the nuptial marriage will beready on the same night. are these papers essential?

    to apply for a fridge loan thebank asks ninety questions ...for a small slm card theywill ask one lakh enquiries ... do you know how manyprecautions we've to take ... send a pure virgin girl intoa room with you? you are aware sir, it is onlyfor one night. without knowing you, yourwhereabouts how can we? what would be her fate if youbeat her inside the room? lf you burn with cigarettes? orsell her for rs.1,000/-? l am not such a man, sir.-you know that. but l do not.

    ... these verifications are forthat only. don't waste the time. ... carry on the process first. do you want to see again?-enough. forgive us, god and hide this.-l'll do 108 rounds, god come fast, all of you-see there l feel that, there issomebody here. whoever will be hereat this time? -come on... this side. nobody is heresit l can't smoke. don't know howthe males smoke

    see there... l know, you are so great. miss chennai!-come here. come! lt is not that, sir.these people gave me ... do you know telugu?-little bit you know telugu little.and know to smoke fully. cigarette only? rum, brandy,whisky, gootka, matka etc.? don't enact plays any more. you came from chennai, andspoil these hyderabad girls?

    l fall on your feet sir.please excuse me. ln chennai people fall on feet,but in andhra they hug. yes, hug him. sorry sir ! we'll never smoke.-good, very good. this is enough for this day.let's see tomorrow. why is this so exciting? why has'nt he come downtill now? madam! lsn't today yourbirthday?-yes. l have practised through out thenight? may l tell you. -yes.

    stop. first let my son tell tell after that. do work. l will be ready within 10minutes and then we'll leave l may forget the song -l will tell now itself. didn't l tell you to let himgreet me first. mother, please come.-shall we go? -yes. madam! she wants us to listen her newsong now. shall we listen? l am late for practice, let uslisten to her in the evening. don't sing at inappropriate timesand pass time

    did you forget anything?-no, nothing. -nothing? yes, now l remember.-l did not have my breakfast. go and have your breakfast.l want you to eat a lot. he doesn't rememberthe birthday of his mother good morning madam.-bad morning. you, you and youyou are only me l do not exist without you when this bond has formed?our happiness is invaluable chandu, chandu. wake up!

    mother! let me sleep for a while you appear in my dreamsand l see you when l wake up my peril and pleasure are for smiles and cries are you you are my companion everymoment. when l can't find you, l searchfor you, when l cry, you console me one more ...-don't be hasty how can eat a big one?-l will give smaller one only you are my light at every stepall my pleasures are with you

    you, you and only youare in me go! go on with your job. what happened?just coming what happened, sir!-an accident! lt may be ok if alorry had hit me. an auto hit me.he says there were no brakes. what has the doctor advisedsir? he advised me to take bed restfor 6 months for complete cure. l know. your tournament isfast approaching.

    this accident is a great lossto you at this crucial period please do one thing. there is acoach in vizag, mr.raghuveer. he is a better coach than me. he is the only one, who wonconsecutively for six times he is a living legend of boxingin lndia. go to him for practice. certainly, you will be thechampion this year. l won't go sir-why? l can't leave my mother alone.she is a heart patient. please sit in a chair and instructme. get yourself discharged.

    but l can't go to vizag leavingmy mother alone sir. are you mad? why do you stopyour coaching in between? mother! l told you not toentertain any discussion! please go. he says thathe is a good coach. amitabh bhachan cinema isreleased in town? shall we go? why don't you answer me? l do not like tall andobstinate people. l am waiting for you only. you wrote as a.p.raju inapplication.

    but here it is coming asappalaraju. l felt shy and made it short. do not make anything shorthereafter. let it be long. what is this? why have yourpaid rs.3,000 in apollo hospital what was your disease?-not for me. for my father. what was the diseaseof your father? some diseases arehereditary causes. no sir, it was for an accident. please give a surety signatureon this paper-what for sir?

    you see, what happens ifanything happens to our girl? this is the only last thing.get ready for nuptials. good morning madam! you are coming to our home.we are happy for your visit. am l came late mr.lyer?-no madam! there is time. this is my wife, gayatri. what is this?-go away! are you mad?lf my head is broken? lt is not broken yet, go - go!

    you come down! how dare youtalk like this? u don't know me who are they?why do you tolerate them? ls this house yours or not? they came as tenants likegood people but... ...within 10 days transformedthis into a club. why didn't you give apolice report? this is not our town.there is nobody to support us. do one thing. l will send my son.he will accompany you. please go to police station andgive a report.

    then they will fixthese rogues properly nothing, you put vermillion l will send my son. then youwill face the consequences sir, they drink and play cards& changed the house into a club club!, but there is no board. sir, does anybody run a clubwith a board? this matter is civil. owner, tenant fights etc. are tobe judged in civil court only. lf we enter into the scene ofplaying their cards, ...

    ... they will say that theirbrother-in-law, uncle and... ... brothers are playingfor entertainment. playing cards in their own homemay not be a crime so also, boozing in home is alsonot a crime lf any crime occurs on road, itcomes under our jurisdiction then law is like that.tell me what we can do do you know to watchif anybody beats them? you keep watchingwhat is the way to upstairs? why are you here?- my friend is here....

    l will come back after l playcards upstairs. stay here distribute the cardsto me also. three a's -lift your hand.-l got three as. you have lost due to those threea's only. lift your hand what is your cheating? which are higher, 3k's or 3a's.?-3a's. such a bang while playingcards can you hear that banging?-yes like that only. beat them

    3a's are only higher-no, kings are higher. yes, kings are higher.then, what's your problem now? no, 3a's are higher. what are those sounds?-sounds why did he push him?-no sir, he simply slipped. no problem if he slips. but if hewas pushed, it is a case. please stop boss. whatever yousay, it is higher. did he jump or fall down?-jumped jumping is not a problem.lf he is thrown, it is a case.

    come on...-whatever you say, it is higher. lt is not that. this place is notworthy for us. let us shift to some otherplace, and play there. come.. take it fast and go take your keys sir. ourpeople do not like this place. this is the way. civil mattershave to be solved like this. lf you call police for everythingwhat can we do? ls'nt it-yes many thanks. go man.

    no please.-why?-l have no such habits, sir. do you think that this is theonly job for me? let us try slowly. why did you came here?lsn't it for me? l came to see upstairs-let us see afterwards. ls this tajmahal?didn't you see it until now? try to understand?-no, please. don't you like? -no.-you may go then hi chennai, would you like to tryonce? -no - your wish, then

    l doubt that ''l love her''- l amwaiting for your approval you may proceed asper your wish. by the way, what is her name?-miss. chennai lt might be '' chinni''-l call her like that only she told me her name once. but lcan't recollect-you are an idiot you love her but don't evenbother to remember her name why is she here?mom, she is the one. ls she miss.chennai? -yes l think l had seenher somewhere

    you be here. l'll talk to her.we are strangers to each other l think l have seenyou somewhere! aunty, haven't yourecognised me? we have met in lyer uncle'shouse- you are correct good morning aunty.-very good morning dear have you come here forshopping? we have come here to buyhairpins for her lt is her marriage-we came for shopping rowdy...-who is it?-that one

    he scares me. whenever lsee him, l start shivering aunty, he is staring at us god does he trouble you? - hello-aunty, please don't call him hello, l am calling out for youonly. come here aunty, let us go from here.-don't worry what do you think of yourself?-aunty, let us make a move don't worry, dear.what do you think of yourself? do you consider yourselfto be a hero? be careful do the girls look likedancing dolls to you?

    don't ever dare to tease ourchild again. we'll break ur bones we shouldn't leave the rogueslike him without punishing wait a minute! do you have anyidea about him? -no do you know kick boxing? -no-he knows it very well he will crush you in toto. lt willbe better for you to keep quiet better be careful henceforth.get lost now. you come aside? -l would liketo have a word with you come this side don't be oversmart. my onekick will place you nowhere

    get lost.-aunty, please cool down shall we launch a complaint topolice? - no he is a nice ''paiyan''-what does it mean? ''paiyan'' means a ''boy'' in tamillanguage that means you like him. - lwill call him then. hello ... .... aunty, please don't call him. l am scared in his presence butlike him whenever he is apart then you will live with him fromafar only. let us move will you come for lunch?will you treat me with chicken?

    will l be offered a virginfor dinner? l will offer it, if you areready to accept will you synergeticallysynchronise with me? lf you want,l will certainly do that will you come to the mango fieldto offer the fruit of beauty you are welcome to enjoy it your touch arouses me how can one feel shy forkissing in youth just a touch of urs is increasingthe warmth of my breath

    the beauty has a lovely waist my heart is dancing-shall we enjoy together this is the time todance as we wish you are the most wanted. will lbe able to fulfil your wishes? you are my brave king. come fora feast for asking my heart. this beauty is like the cashewnut-your one hug fulfils my mind this blossoming youth is onlyfor you, my king my dear beauty, let's shareour happy life together you are only my gold, dearand l am yours

    we can enjoy the beautifulevenings together your pre-final match will beconducted next week you will be qualified for thefinals if you win in this you will soon be a nationalchampion. practice hard for it you should have an idearegarding your opponent you have to face last year'schampion mr. satpaal malik he is a very dangerous fighter mrs. padmavati, please whistleonce. - l'm sorry, l can't mrs. jayanthi, please whistleonce. - l'm sorry, l can't

    can none of you whistle?-no then, l will do that get up & beat are the best he is my son come and sit herecome on excuse me please move a bit aside have you come to see him?-no, l have come for my friends ls he teasing you again?

    he will lose the game,if you offer prayers to god he shouldn't lose aunty, by the way whom are yougiving support to? l have for that fellowwith beard ls he your son?-he is my boy friend look at his body. doesn't helook smart? see there. why are you clapping?-l'm very sportive aunty, l will make a move that girl -what? -that girl-who?- ldiot, your girl friend

    sir, please take this l feel as happy as passing anl.a.s examination you feel the same beforeentering inside that girl is a very good artist she wanted to be like srideviand you got her sir, please bless me.-go ahead-shall l go... do u have any idea regarding theexams that l have passed for u? you own me for the entire dayhow do you want me to be? what? -every guy does havesome unfulfilled desires

    shall l be like your neibouringbeauty or like your girl friend ... ...or like your aunt's daughter? l prefer u to be like a girlfriendas l don't have any till today gopi, why are you so late?-why are you silent? who is gopi? -do you knowsince how long am l waiting? ls this the time to come? l am sorry.come on every one in this park is staringat us. -so, this is a park lt's alright- we will close oureyes and make love. come on

    every one is against ourmarriage in my house. who are they?-my brother he is waiting for anopportunity to thrash you how dare he?l'll kill him and urfather and bury them together no one can separate us.come on dear gopi, it's enough for now. lt's getting darker.we shall make a move now so early? - ok, just waitfor only 10 minutes what are you doing? -lt's alrightyou also co-operate with me

    gopi, what is this?we are yet to marry all the guys belongto the same category they have no respectfor the girls you just need our bodybut not our loving heart since l have paid rs.20,000/-... the guys like you'll be taught alesson for trying to buy a lady you will realise thegreatness of love only then don't show me yourface till then get lost.-my god,

    bye aunty. -convey myregards to all give a call as soon as youreach. -ok come for the wedding withoutfail or l'll kill you-what! l will not come for yourmarriage. this is that girl's house.l haven't seen her since 4 days just go ask themregarding her whereabouts? what is her name? - l have noidea. she has come from chennai that's enough good morning mr.lyer-good morning- how are you?

    she has gone back to chennaiand she is already engaged l was not aware of this.l shouldn't have loved her l am not able to forget her madam is in special class.-will she be getting late? she has asked youto wait for some time did she ask youto inform me all this? don't you have any lectures toattend?-lectures got over then, what are you doing hereinstead of going back to home? we will call madam. - youplease wait here. -carry on

    lnform her that her sonhas come why did he come here?-for his mother he comes here almost every day you unnecessarily lost the game.he has nothing. your defeat is ... ... an absurd insult for all usl should have gone instead of u we do have certain reputationas we know that ... ... we have taken a loyal birthwe can fight with each other lt's very difficult to fight witha bastard child chandu, please cool down.-mother, please leave me

    l will kill him-stop it do you know his words?-you go away this is collegebut not a street are you the one who called myson as a '' bastard'' yes, he is a bastard child he is an icon of our love but, people like you are born outof performing a mechanical duty yes, he is a bastard. but, don't ever dareto call him bastard again

    lf you dare to do so,he will kill you rs. 20,000 again? -haven't youcome for a visit again? but nothing has happened yet.-that depends on your talent ls it a compulsion?-of course, yes rs. 20,000. lnform her -you caninform her on your own.- l'll see that can be discussed later have to act as per my wish that's your choice now we are in ooty.l own this guest house lt's raining very heavily outside.

    you came to my guest house andknocked the door l opened the door andl saw that you are totally wet and later on, ... we are lt's raining very heavily outside you got wet in totoplease wear this enjoy the warmth.-thanks a lot you have provided me shelter atthis hour of the night how shall l pay for your help? l already told you thata short while ago

    what is this? - romance this is not at all fair. -youcan't deceive an innocent like me l have a son. what can l say? my husbandwent away after a child is born l'm struggling day and nightto earn our bread and butter he is studying in ooty school l have come to see himand got stuck in the rain l was betrayed by the destiny.will you betray me once again? l allowed you to come in as lwas not knowing ur life history

    you can stay here itself.l will go away when did you come to ooty? what's wrong with him?what about his shirt? tomorrow in the lunch hour ..madam, what's wrong? condition is very critical.all the valves got blocked this is happening for the thirdtime. we're trying our level best where is mother?-she is inside don't worrytreatment is going on l want to see my mother

    l want to see heryou move aside are you crazy?l want to see my mother l want to know her conditionl want to see her lf you want, you can go and talkto her. we are helpless please go and talk with her l don't want to.l can't see her like that l have one last wish to befulfilled-lt's not the last wish please listen to me, dear-ok mother, reveal it after my death .... ....-mother

    dear, listen atleast now-ok mother after my death, you have tospend rest of your life with ... ...your father. -mother, are youmad? -please do this for me mother, this is not at all fair. did l ever ask you to learnkick boxing? lt is in your blood. do you knowwho is your father? he is the third person in thephoto which u worship everyday you denied to go to vizag,mr. raghuveer... he was a national championfor six times.

    he is your father, my son.will you go? please promise me.-yes mother, l will go. l promise, but you don'tleave me and go, mother mother, wake up!wake up! l have phoned to your father andinformed your arrival l am going to that gentlemanwhom l had aversed and ... ... hated all these days. take these house keys.give for rental. chandu! come...-no problem.

    come, come. l felt a lot after lreceived the death news of laxmi she is a nice girl. what?for calling her as girl? she may be your mother, butfor me she is my girl friend this is our home. sit down. shalini ! l had told you.son of lakshmi. l am your son tootell her. who is this lady?-your aunt there is a sister for you.where is swapna?

    chandu!this is your brother. l felt very much on thedeath of your mother. what will you take son,coffee, tea, bournvita? l do not want anything.-do not want? ok. come, let us go.-where to? not here, l have made someother arrangements for you. l hate you first. since my motheradvised me, l came here. l need not stay in hotels andguest houses. l also have one house,built by my mother.

    l'll tell you, come with me. would you like to stayhere forever? what your mother will lose?she sent you to me. do you think her to be good foroffering coffee, tea or drink? yes, she is good for the firsttwo days. after that it starts. both of you will complainagainst each other. oh! all the time family tensions. since l could not manage thefamily tensions ... ... l left your mother

    this is the property l earnedand my ambition too. namaste sir! -hi!-this boy is my son. son? - very tall. -keep theseinside. he'll be here. this is your lodge. fresh air,beach. a good atmosphere. he doesn't say anything to me.what a man he is? all these boys are practisingkick boxing, a martial art form these boys stand asfuture champions a great pleasure to producethese champions he is anand.would be the next champion

    he wll win surely couldn't you understand? sit herefrom tomorrow onwards. they will pay amounts,collect them. clean the entire premisesevery day morning. there is no wrong in this.all this is our property. the servant will be with you.-what an ill fate for me? there is no fault in working. lt is not for my work, butfor my co-existence with you. high temperament.of course, he is my son.

    mr. balaraju! -sir. -what isthis? -tyagaraya kalakshetram this is a dance schoolimparting music course. the owner sings, and his sonfollows him with mridangam. she is the daughter of master.she teaches bharatanatyam.. she loved a disciple in schoolhe had cheated her & left there is another daughter to him.she knows, kuchipudi, kathak, ... cuttack and calcutta etc.all the dances. she might be busy inside thehouse. carry on with your job sit, sit.

    during my visit to hyderabad,some funny things happened. shall l tell you?-please tell us. lt is a very old bungalow.he exists always there only l do not know whether he wasthere or not l entered to find his existence. he immediatelyappeared before me l warned him thatl am not a good girl. he was seeing meromantically and came near me l immediately raised into air andkicked him with my two feet

    ls it true, sister-he fell down onhis back at such a long distance sister, do you know to kick? yes, he was standing quiteagainst me, l saw & kicked miss chennai! -yes, he usedto call me like this only. l warned that l will cut himif he calls me like this again come here!come here once! why are you here? telugu language!-we stay here itself. are you engaged?-no

    do you have any boy friend? don't enact.-no did you love anybody?-no so you are free-can l try for you? l am here only. l will come foryou now and then. carry on your job. try, try! miss chennai! what is yourname? -moogambiga ammal. what?-moogambiga ammal

    lt's alrightchennai sounds better oh chennai moon!l lost my heart oh chennai moon!let me reach you lf l don't reveal it,l might lose her l want your companionship sweet heart, flower garden isinviting you with love l lost myself at this moment the signs of your lips stealsmy heart lt's a sweet memory

    dear, please come nearmy dear naughty sweet heart don't kill me with your love my heart is ambrosialt'd dedicated to you my heart is filled with love when will he go?-who? -your son when will you send him?-he came to stay here only what is your problemif he stays here? when you married meyou told me ... ...that you have no any relationwith that family ...

    ... and nobody will be comingfrom there. tomorrow you will introduce himas your son to the public then everybody feels, l'm yoursecond wife. ls it nice to u? so my life became as your''keep'', isn't it? you know alreadythat l was married. now lakshmi is no more, andhe will stay here only this is unjust and cheating.-shut up your mouth did you listen?she points me out as a cheater. lt is true that l have cheatedyour mother, then...

    why is she saying thatl have cheated her? what she said is can cheat anybody. take this month's collection. all this is my fate. are you the new entrant?-yes - give me juice. did you mix any thing?-yes, l've mixed glucose. did l tell you to mix it? why did you mix? who willdrink it? you or l? be careful to work here.-boys, what is happening here?

    see sir! l take fresh juice everyday. but he mixed glucose you could have known from him. you have to know them first. he is my son, chandu.-sorry sir. l did not know. lt is all right. committed anunknown mistake unknowingly. mr anand! he is more than myson and my sole heir. my champion! see once again andthen continue what is this?have you lost your mind?

    hey, why are you disturbingthe classes? you had grown your muscles andcoming from there to here? do you export your muscles toforeign countries? you can join in military & serveour country. military? yes, let us sit anddiscuss about it. you can dismiss yourselves. there is no problemto go to military? then there are 2 problems -whether l'll be selected or not no problem if l am not selected.again 2 problems after selection.

    whether l will be selected as anofficer or soldier there is no problem if l amselected as an officer but again there are 2 problemsif l am selected as a soldier. whether the warwill come or not. there is no problemif it does not come. lf it comes again there are2 more problems whether l am made to stand inforefront, or backward lf l stand backwardthere is no problem there are again 2 moreproblems

    whether l will die or be alive?-there is no problem if l alive. again there are2 more problems if l die. whether they will bury orburn me? there is no problemif they burn me. but again there are 2 moreproblems if they bury me. lf they bury me, bushes andtrees will grow. lf the bushes are grownthere is no problem. again there are two problems ifif trees grow upon me. furniture and paper will bemanufactured from trees

    there is no problem withfurniture lf paper is produced again therewill be 2 more problems writing paper as well as tissuepaper to clean mouth and anus. there is no problemwith writing paper but again there are two moreproblems with tissue paper. both males and famales can usethe paper lf a female like aishwarya raicleans herself it is so good, ... but the people like you cleanthen only a problem arises. so l won't go to military.what do you say?

    military! why do theyrequire my welfare? hello, brother-in-law?-how could you come here? l feel bored without you inhyderabad, so l came to vizag. what're these people doing?to develop muscles only? how is he here? you...-how did you come here? as the girl is interested, wecame here for holidays. has she come?-yes, she is in the hotel. could you improve your talent, orremained like that?

    please provide me one morechance. l will show my talent. you need not show to her. l am ready. l feel very happy to see you.get ready with rs. 20,000- what happened? sir, she is with fever. l've tosee her. l can come by evening you don't have to come andyou can look after her. did you take her to doctor?-no sir. -why didn't you? no sir, no. -keep this.-take her to doctor at once. why are you doing this job?where is he?

    his wife is not doing well,so he could not come. his wife is not doing well,if so what is he doing? a feminist creature!-all the people can't be like u. since she is not doing well, heapplied camphor to her legs - ...and serving her. all thepeople cannot be negligent like us do you want to kill me?why're you so angry with me? do l look like a villainto you? l am checking sinceyour arrival, my son! l want to tell you something.-what is it?-shall l come in

    do you have to come so nearto me to say that?-yes -tell! please do not tell my father ofmy cigarette smoking. did you have to come herethis midnight to say that? there are 4 rape cases on me.never come in midnight hours. tell me sorry! -sorry sir.-not like this. andhra style sorry sir. l will not come likethis in midnight again my sister! did you also came tome to say sorry like this? she accompanied me. lt is alright. but never roamaround midnight.

    lf anybody kidnaps you, yourfather's house will be stuck up go away.-good night sir - good night. oh, godcome, let us go. beauty is having a sparklingshine you're a stunning beauty and youare as sweet as sugarcane don't be in a hurry you have got butter and biestingtogether. shall l enjoy? you accept the truth. l can showyou the distant shores together l have come to kiss you as youare a sweet beauty like rose

    come on then. l would prefer toenjoy with you l am helpless. l have toinaugurate your sweet cheeks your thin waist is like arabiaand your beauty is like nigeria l have come for yoult's your wish now you are my life andmy life is for you l have come for you andyou are my life let me curl around youdon't stop me chandu, my son, come down.don't you respect your father? come down. let us finalise ourstrength ourselves

    why are you angry with me.come ... come with me. l did not beat and throw her.we just separated only. l dreamt to become a champion,for which l learnt kick boxing l was getting ready forchampionship, ... then l found her, your mother we have loved each other.we also married. life was very were born. very big companies have comeforward to take me lf l am sponsored, and sent tonationals, l was ready

    the finals were on the next day. raghu. now it is 7. we'll comeat 4 am. we'll go for match mr.raghu. this is a prestigiousmatter. you should win. lakshmi! where is lakshmi? babu is with high fever. shetook him to hospital alone sir. son is unconscious.he is inside lcu what happened, raghu?-my son is serious. what is his present condition?-somewhat better now sir. now the time is 4 o' have no sleep all the night.

    lf you just make a phone call,isn't that we would have come ... ... and look after your son? see the face. he is almost tired.-no problem sir. l can fight. fighting is not important, butwinning. sir, l will definitely win. we spent lacs on you. lf anythinghappens, what about our status? kindly believe me sir, l will win. you can't win spendingall the night without sleep we spend lacs of rupees on you.

    now we should beat ourselveswith our own shoes lt is not that sir?-sir, he will come with you. lakshmi! l have a desire. l canwin this any time in future. l did not regret for my defeat,but the small reasons for it l am afraid, that l may notachieve my goal. lakshmi! l should be a kickboxing champion. l should break the records. l should not have this sort ofdiversions and tensions. l should devote my fullattention on goal.

    l have entered into awedded life by mistake. this is not a dislikeon our son or you. l can't bear family tensionsfor some time let us depart for some time.please ... understand me. after l achieve my goal,let us meet again my goal is important to me.until that time let us depart. yes, let us depart. your goal is important to you.please achieve it. we will not meet again.-lakshmi, what l mean ...

    l too have my goal. l have tolook after my son ... ... so that he will be become aman of worth. l, with my whole heart, wish youto achieve your championship ... ... but once departed, we cannotmeet again we departed like that.but after that l have won. not only for once, but a recordcontinuously for 6 times. everything is ok. but where fromhas this aunt come? that was an obligation. when l was defeated the firsttime, her father only sponsored..

    ...& encouraged me.-so you've encouraged her l did not love her.she only loved me. alas! even then, l had phoned lakshmi& explained. she denied to meet l told this girl. she said ''noproblem''. l am checked. even then, l have phoned andinformed. l'm not bad & didn't leave yourmother without any support she is strongshe has become a lecturer she got a job sufficent enough tobring you up with self respect all the employed women will beleft by their husbands if ...

    ...your foot steps are followed he will never change why are going away withoutlistening? you can narrate infinite numberof stories if somebody listens l will never trust you l can trust anyone but not you he is very adamant like hismother he will not change girl is ready

    l am very impressedwith your sincerity l fell some thing else for you what is it? -let me finish thework first. l will tell you then no hi at all. l can't payrs.20,000 per every visit l haven't come to listen anythingyou have to follow my orders l'm your husband and u followmy orders. 60,000 rs. given why are you so late?ls this the time to come? lt's my wish.who are you to ask me? l asked you to get milk powderfor the child. did you get?

    l didn't.- you have got nofeelings for me. -you are right you might be involved with someother lady in your office that's my wish. l will dowhatever l want to should l act as per your wish?ls wife like a machine to you? did l say that?-my father gotme a collector's match lt's my fate thatl got married to you lmpossible. l knew bad repute ofyour family on wedding day what's wrong with my family?lt's useless to discuss with you they haven't even got silkclothes for my parents

    everyone was laughing at this you got more thanwhat you are worth? lnstead of giving a hero honda,they gave a hero cycle l can't stay with a person whohave no respect for my family even l can't be withpeople like you l am applying for divorcego to hell call the lawyer urgently.l have to apply for divorce he can never have a happyfirst night for sure you really dance wellyou may continue

    who are you? she is a waste and blind. sheis super. you can play with her will you dance with me?-he can dance well shall we dance together? father, father... why did she stop?she might agree for the offer why are you staring like that?will you save her? are you a hero? -not at all l was eating maize. she cameand stood beside me

    you may proceed with your work what are you saying? aren't weneighbours? -so what? please save there any rule? am l nothing to you?don't you like me? -not at all why did you hug me then?-am l in love with you? but l love you. -why didn't youtell me this before? but l am telling you now.-ok, tell then why are you discussing withher? -please wait, it's personal ok, tell now.

    l don't agree for this.tell me in andhra style are you playing drama with us? we met after a long time.please don't interfere do l look like a broker? -mywork is to separate the couple can't you understand? my god! l am a bit confused tofight along with you will you please sitaside for a minute? l myself didn't holdher properly till now how dare you interfere?

    how dare you do like this?aren't you ashamed? can't you learn a lesson evenafter seeing your sister you have disgraced our familyreputation can't you understand? our familyis defamed because of you l will kill you-brother, please leave her mr. balaraju,why have you come here? l just came to see you-ok, come on then lndia has a population of100 crores. out of which, 19 crores areelders. they are of no use

    remaining are 81 crores out ofwhich 25 crores are students out of remaining 56 crores, 22crores are the govt. employees they have no other work. 34crores are the remaining out of that 4 crores are thearmy people 20 crores of remaining arebehind useless marshal arts 8 crores of the remaining areuselessly roaming around out of the remaining, 1.2 croresare the diseased out of remaining, 79,99,995 arethe delinquents the remaining 5 are mr.vajpayee, mr.chandra babu naidu

    ... myself, my son and youboth the p.m. and c.m. are busy we are doing our business. but you are listening to ournonsense talk what is the use of you tothe nation? do some work, fool you disturb every one l like vizag very muchl want to get settled here lt is very absurd very disgusting l would stay with you as yourassistant. shall l?

    why are you slapping him?-are you aware of the situation? of course, who are you tointerfere? l am your brother.-how come? are we born to the samemother? don't try to rule me. we arein no way related we love each other.l do whatever l want to who are you to question meabout my deeds? who is he to slap my daughter? anand is staying with us since 4years like a family member

    they are young.can't they go to pubs? ls he not roaming with atamil girl? did we ever slap our daughter?who is he to slap her? hold your tongue. he is my son who are you to slap her? they are my sister, aunt and youare my father. this is my family even then,why did you slap her? they took my permission andwent. they didn't run away you are a irresponsible father

    you might send your daughterbut l won't send my sister he might be in love with her. -lfso, he wouldn't have done this... ...if he wanted to marryher, he wouldnt take... ...her to the might keep quiet as a father, but l won'tbear it as a brother & l'll kill him lakshmi, you have nurtured yourson in a great manner why have you cheated mydaughter? sir, you have misinterpreted. lnever wanted to cheat her l love her & married her. butmy brothers were against this

    so, all these days l was fetteredby them at my place they wanted him to marryanother girl but, everything went on fineas chandu went there trust us atleast now.-l am sorry. please forgive me thanks a lot for giving a newlife to my daughter that is the greatnessof martial arts songs will notworkout for all this will you get convinced at leastnow for our chandu's match? you have got no time sense atall. -actually, ... -get lost

    do you agree? l didn't get you-dear son-in-law means? -will you marry ourdaughter? ls your daughter a good one?-yes will she follow the orders?-yes will she give a kiss whenever lask her to? say-yes both the lady and her kiss aresweet l will own her in toto shall l come by train or bus orby flight?

    time will be wasted in journey,fly with wings and come come fast, come fast give me a kiss in the morning.l will even if you don't want evening kiss -is asking for help the lip to lip kiss can't beforgotten lt creates raw wounds inheart lt's a very strange feeling hug me smoothly a kiss given to you ...-makes me shine maore

    a kill on the foot ...-awakens the feelings a gentle kiss on waist does ringwedding bells a warm kiss will touch theheart and unite us lt's a great pleasure. l will getthe flowers to enjoy welcome mr. reddy.-where is mr. anand he is not even at home. l couldnot trace him. he will come. he will never come again.-why so? -go and ask him we had spent lakhs on him withtrust with a hope to increase ... ... our company salesafter his victory

    he will be fighting on behalf ofour rival group today his name will beannounced officially someone has misguided you -wecame here after confirmation see mr. raghuveer, anand shouldfight on our behalf at any cost what is this? are you mad? why areyou behaving like this? ls it because, chandu beat you?he will apologize you he will beg for your pardon.let's move don't disturb us. this is acompany party

    l haven't come to createnuisance here he is my student. l have come totake him along with me he will not come.we are sponsoring him he is like my son.l have trained him for 4 years they are my sponsors.l won't come are you mad? l will be defamed.l am your master ls it so? you are not my masterany more. he is my master am l not your master?-how can you be just for fees? ls our relation based on money?l have trained you for 4 years

    take him awaykill him anand, please listen to me yes aunty! -your father hasn'tyet come. lt's 3 o'clock now he might have drunk heavily andslept somewhere. he will come he never does like this.we are very scared. we waited for quite a long timeand finally we came to you he always comes at sharp 9o'clock. but today he hasn't yet father hasn't come. l have beenwaiting for him since 25 years my mother waited for him for 30years. but he never came

    why are you so scared? he willnot die. he will come you have no affectionfor your father. your mother might be the same.that's why he left her chandu, please open the door-what happened? someone has injured your father.he is in hospital now father, who did this?-anand has cheated me what happened?tell me the truth. chandu, where are you takinghim to? chandu,please leave him chandu, where are we going?

    chandu, please wait who has beaten him? whom shall we scared of, youor your handicapped father? yes, we did beat him.what can you do? chandu, they will kill you he is alone. please leave him how could you beata person like him? one should be very lucky to geta coach like him lnform anand, that if l happen tosee him anywhere l'll crush him

    lnform this he is my father. he isresponsible for my birth lf you ever dare to touch himagain, l will chop you all how could you fightwith many at once? chandu, do you knowkick boxing? chandu, answer me chandu dear! please come out l am very glad. l am a fool. l failed to recognise yourcapability

    get lost.leave me l will train should be a great champion lf you want, this bubble gumwill be yours lf you come home, you will begiven bread and jam my name is jasmine and mywork has to be feminine l can jam everyone l will apply zandu balm later on one should have stamina one should have courage toachieve success

    you can follow me if you wantyou can enjoy if you want forget the past, don't botherabout tomorrow. enjoy the day have the courage hard work is the key to success concentrate on your workdon't bother about the rest let us share the perils andperishes together l shall convey the regards andthen let you play l shall convey you the new yeargreetings please come. l bought a newhouse yesterday

    l sold out everything yesterday you can buy furniturewith this money you may go in l can't act like you. l have beenpaying rs.20,000/- per every ... ... visit because l like you verymuch please co-operate shall l keep the light on orshall l switch it off? you should have told me thisearlier you are giving contrastinganswers

    police station is very nearby let us come to aconclusion there are you a coupleor doing business? we are planning to get married we were discussing about thesame but you have interrupted us ls it the truth?-yes sir he promised to marry meand l blindly trusted him what rubbish are you talking?-you may continue and now, he is not ready

    don't try to be over smart-actually, my family members ... do you want to cheat her?l will kill you get the sacred thread. l will getthem married right now sir, l will take permission fromthe family members ... ... have you taken the permissionbefore falling in love? tie the three knots l will tell you the truth l didn't want to marry her. l paidthe money and entered in how dare youcall me a whore?

    you want to get rid of me ls this the pricefor my true love? ls this the respect thatyou have for ladies? wait! no girl will be doneinjustice as long as l am here are you the pakistani terrorist?-do l look like? where did you hide your bossmr. bin laden? since when are you trainingal-quaida terrorists? you can't do this.l will act as per your wish exchange the garlands

    click a snap.give a grin how will l tellthis to my parents? ls everything fine? you have utterly cheated me.-not at all look at her face. she is not awhore. she is my daughter l was worried about hermarriage as l can't afford ... ... to give dowry. luckily l foundyou. -like a fool -not at all on my enquiry, l found thatyou are a gentleman so, l had planned like this-so your daughter ...

    l'm a virgin. l wanted noneother than you but, l didn't want any one l never thought that l will becheated like this mother! -dear son-in-lawconsole yourself l will go away-ok, dear why are you here?get lost why is she crying? ls she in love with youby any chance or .... ... do you love herby any chance?

    continue to love her only if youwant to marry her a true lover always wants tomarry his lover l am not a cheater. l will bewith her till my last breath why do you insult me again andagain? get lost he doesn't want anyone elseother than his mom one lady has just come out ofyour shop. what did she buy? she bought a pesticide for hergarden. -what? father, l am chandu here.-where are you lost? nothing, l just want to knowwhether we have any field ...

    ...near simhachalam? -why areyou bothered about the assets tell me the truth. l have no assets other than youand this training centre he has already disconnected. we have to follow his orders,but he never listens to anyone aunty! what is this?-anand has cheated her she is pregnant now and he isnot ready to accept her l didn't realise your affection onthat day. kindly forgive me when l came to know this,l became helpless

    we have no other optionthan to give up our lives you are not punishing yourselvesrather you are punishing us l already lost my mother but ldon't want to lose you l will talk to mr. anand. pleasedon't reveal this to father mr. anand, l would liketo have a word with you ls it regarding yoursister's pregnancy? l have already asked herto get the child aborted l am sorry, please don'tdeceive my sister am l responsible for yoursister's pregnancy?

    lt could be anyone among thestudents of the lnstitute l will do whateveryou want me to l beg you but pleasedon't deceive my sister look at her. she is innocent she is a whore.l don't want her l beg you.please don't deceive her brother, no need to beg him.he is an idiot dear, have patience.l will talk to him. please listen to me-let me talk to him

    anand, please listen to me.kindly don't mind her words dear, you don't have to beg him-aunty,please let me talk to him no need. let's move. don't begto him. he is an idiot l know, how affectionately yourfather trained him since 4 years let's move. -aunty, let me havea word with him brother, no need to beg to him. lf needed l will get the childaborted, but l won't marry him have faith in your is great. lt's infinite tiredness doesn't last longer.

    new energy will be generatedonly if you get tired you should concentrate only onopponent's face and eyes nothing else should be kept inyour mind forget about the rest. you have to fight rebelliouslywith him. you can do it don't under estimate him. hecould face 20 at once better remember that. lf we have to win, he should bepsychologically impaired this is prasadam. -for what?

    l went to the templeto pray for you. all of us are comingto watch the match you will definitely win before, mother was there.but today she is no more was your mother present on thatday to watch your match? balaraju told me that she is nomore. who is your mother? ls she your mother? -yes-she is a very nice lady why are you wearingthe monkey cap? my mother will definitely cometo watch tomorrow's match

    keep an empty seatfor her next to you -ok father, who has done this? chandu, nothing willhappen to me. you go ahead l will be here itself l want to stay here should listen to me listen to me atleast once we spoke with the doctor.he is out of danger you please go andpractice for the match chandu, please go.-ok, father -let's move

    we will take care of him-father, just a minute l can't leave my fatherhere alone why are you so obstinate?don't you need practice? l won't be participating intomorrow's match we spent quitea lot of money on you lost money can be regained back. but will you get me my fatherback if l lose him? don't under estimate us. lf youdon't participate, we will sue you you can do whatever you want-what nonsense are you talking?

    can't you understand?-chandu, come here what is this? this is your goal.this is your dream lf you don't participate, all yourhardwork will go in vain please go. -father, you are moreimportant than my goal l will go that idiot should becrushed in toto l should see and enjoy that.don't leave that bastard beat him you should not be beaten likethis. lf you can't beat him ...

    ... tell me. l will do that on myown. you should not leave him listen to me. he should not bealive any further. kill him don't leave him that is the way l will marry your sisterif you lose this game chandu, come on why are you losing the game? he promised that he willmarry my sister what! -he promised meto marry my sister

    chandu, you should notlose the game. lt doesn't matter at all even ifhe denies to marry your sister you have to beat him you should not leave him brother, l don't want to marryhim. please beat him lt's alright. -please beat himplease beat him chandu beat him. chandu, please beat him what can you do ifl don't keep my promise?

    chandu, please get upatleast now listen to me now. l won't marryyour sister at any cost look there! she is my would bewife. do whatever you can he is losing for his sisteror else he will kill you chandu, get up and beat him come on. come on, face himif you have the guts tiredness rejuvenates your energy you should win at any cost

    please anandplease marry my sister my sister is very nice look at her. she isleaving you and going away but my sister is not like her she is very good. l know theproblems of bastard child well please listen to me. my sister'schild should not be a bastard chandu, please forgive mel feel like touching your feet shall we get married now?-do you know tamil? my mother is a tamilian andmy father is a gujarathi

    but he doesn't look like that my father is a cross breed of ananglo-lndian and gujarathi lady he got married to a tamilianand so l took birth l am a mixture. do you have anyproblem? -not at all ls your sister pregnant?-yes don't you want it?-not like that then? -marry me first

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