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    ashley furniture television stands

    [♪♪♪] [organ music plays] [organ music continues] i'm real sorryabout dorothy, walt. she was a real peach. thanks for coming, al. father, son,holy spirit. father. spirit. [growls]

    holy spirit. woman [whispers]:it's okay, i can move down. spectacles, testicles,wallet, and watch. [children laugh] look at the way the old manglared at ashley. can't even tone it downfor mom's funeral. what do you expect? dad's still livingin the '50s. he expects his granddaughterto dress a little more modestly.

    yeah, well, your kid'swearing a lions jersey. i'm sure dadappreciates that. the point is thatthere's nothing anyone can do that won't disappointthe old man. it's inevitable. you know, that's whywe stopped doing thanksgivings. you know, that dealwith the boat motor, or the broken birdbath;it's always something. what are we gonna dowith him?

    don't you think he's gonnaget in trouble over there, all by himselfin the old neighborhood? why don't you have himmove in with you? [chuckles] ha, ha, ha. hey. shh. [coughs] [organ music stops] death is oftena bittersweet occasion

    to us catholics. bitter in the pain, sweet in the salvation. bitter in the pain it causes the deceasedand their families. sweet to those of us who know the salvationthat awaits. and some may ask, "what is death?

    "is it the end? "or is it the beginning? "and what is life? what is this thingwe call life?" [beeps] all these questions can frustrate youat times like this. karen: ashley, stop it. janovich:that's why you have toturn to the lord.

    [growls]:jesus. janovich:because the lordis the sweetness... woman:this is so good. man:did you have a chanceto call martha? david:is that dad? daniel:no. that's grandpa walt. "third platoon, e company,march 2nd, 1952, korea"? where's korea? a lot of people showed upafter the service, huh?

    yeah, well, i suppose they heardthere's gonna be a lot of ham. i'll go down in the basementand get some chairs. oh, i can do that, dad. no, i need them now,not next week. cool, i found a medal.look at this. how much longerdo we have to stay? this ghetto is a dead zonefor my cell, and i'm bored. ashley, honey,why don't you

    go help grandpa waltwith the chairs? me? yes, you. go. go help him. grandpa walt, would youlike some help with this? with your chairs? no. you probablyjust painted your nails. [sighs] [whispers]:honey, come here.

    okay, well, your dadis driving me crazy. why did you guysmake me do that? it's okay, honey,we're leaving soon. walt:hey, girl. come on. come on. come on, let's go. [people speaking hmong] how many swamp ratscan you get in one room? [spits]

    [distant siren wails] wow. grandpa, when did youget the, uh, vintage car? 1972. i never knewyou had a cool old car. yeah. well, it's been heresince before you were born. so... ...what are you gonnado with it when you,

    like, die? [growls softly] then what aboutthat super-cool retro couch that you have in the den?because i was thinking, i'm going to state next yearand it would look really good in my dorm room, and i don'thave any furniture at all. oh, god. [doorbell rings] who are you?

    what do you want? hi. i live next door-- get the shit out of your mouth. tell me what you want. do you have any jumper cables?my uncle's car is old and-- no, we don't haveany jumper cables. and have some respect,zipperhead. we're in mourning here.

    how are you holding up, walt? mr. kowalski. huh? mr. kowalski,that's my name. right. mr. kowalski. your wife and ibecame quite close these last few months. she asked that i watch over youwhen she passed on. i told her i watch overmy entire flock.

    but she made me promise i'd keepan extra-sharp eye on you. look, i appreciatethe kindness you've shown to my wife. now that you'vespoken your piece, why don't you go tendto some of your other sheep? okay? dorothy mentioned specificallythat it was her desire for you to go to confession. she said she couldn't rememberthe last time you went.

    is that so? it is. well, i confess that i never reallycared for church very much. the only reason i wentwas because of her. and i confessthat i have no desire to confess to a boy that's justout of the seminary. [chattering in hmong]

    man:great to see you. bye, dear. so long, walt. woman:walt, can you get it started? walt:yeah, it'll be fine. i wish i could help, dad, but, uh, i gottaget the kids home. kids are getting restless. yeah, fine. just go.

    i'll call you in a fewand see how you're doing. fine. kill you to buy american? jesus. did you see the wayhe looked at the truck? jeez, it's alwaysrice-burner this, jap-burner that,you know? even at mom's funeral,he can't let it go. well, at leasthe didn't say anything.

    he didn't need to. the man worked at a ford plantfor all those years. i supposethat's my goddamn fault. just give it a rest,just drive, okay? kids, want the radio on? both: yes. anyone wanna listento some music? good. [people chattering in hmong] [bird squawking]

    [bird cries] damn barbarians. [speaking hmong] [rattling] [all exclaim] oh, jesus. polarski wouldroll over in his grave if he could see his lawn now. [door closes]

    what the helldid the chinks have to move into thisneighborhood for? [groans] are you gone completely deafor something? hi there, walt. look, i'm nota friend of yours, why do you insiston calling me walt? sorry. mr. kowalski. what are youpeddling today, padre?

    nothing. thought i'd drop byand see how you're doing. i haven't seen youin church. now that you've doneyour good deed, why don't you justtake off down the road? i'd really liketo talk, mr. kowalski. not in this lifetime, sonny. why? do you have a problemwith me, mr. kowalski? you don't wanna know.

    no, i do. well, i think you're anover-educated 27-year-old virgin who likes to hold hands of oldladies who are superstitious and promises them eternity. [convoy qbanito's "esto esguerra" plays on car stereo] man:yo! hey! is you--? is you a boy or is youa girl, man? i can't tell. [laughter] hey, chinito, hey,if you was in the pen,

    i'd be fucking you in the'd be my bitch. what are you reading, jackass and the rice stalk? yeah, that's right,keep walking! keep walking! look at mewhen i talk to you, homes! fucking slopes, man,everywhere you look, man. man 1:slopes everywhere we go, man. man 2:go back to your rice paddy. what you looking at, man?

    that's my little cousinover there. you surethat's your cousin, man? fuck, yeah,that's my little cousin. he tight with anybody? no, he flies solo, wanna do something? man, let's go downand see what the fuck they doing over there. man:i like your sandals too. hey. yo, what's up?what's up?

    yo, what's up,motherfuckers? they fucking with you?man, fuck you, homeboy! [all talking] you go fuckingback to your country. fuck you, man. yeah! oh, good,more fucking rice niggers. aren't you supposed to cook mesome chinese food, huh? how many bulletsyou got?

    we'll catch youon the rebound, homey. [tires squeal] spider:thao! smokie:come on, man, get in the car. thao. chill with us, man. get in the car. man:fuck, man, get in the car, man. dog, we just bailedyour ass out, dog.

    come on, dog,get the fuck in here. what you doing, man? smokie:get in the car, man, come on. come on, man, we just bailedyour ass out, dog! come on, thao, man. you need a big cozto take care of you, man. man, fuck it. hey. man:forget it, man. let's go, dude. fuck his ass.

    tomorrow, i'll see your ass. why you gotta bea little girl? tomorrow. come on, man, let's go.we got the gun, man. smokie:let's get the fuck out of here.we've got the strap. man:let's get the fuck out of here. fuck that. man: pussy! hey, thao.

    [doors slamming] hey, what's up? what's up, thao? what are you doing,little man? why you doingwomen's work? what? i can't just comeand talk to my little cousin? he doesn't wannatalk to you. well, i'm here, right? smokie:hey, spider, who that?

    spider:what's up? spider? is that whathe just called you, fong? spider. is there somethingwrong with spider? what are you doing here? hey, so how oldis you anyways? mentally,i'm way too old for you. what? you guys are stupid.i'm going inside.

    sue. help your little brodo this gardening. quiet, stupid. hey, you wannaroll with us, man? come on. dude. come on, ride with us.come on. come on, chill with us. you need somebodyto protect you, man. that's what yourbig cousin is for.

    look, dog, i been there,done it, and i seen it, man. back in the day, everybodyused to wanna beat me up, dude. but now look,nobody wanna fuck with me. come on, man, let's go. we're coz, right? we're coz, right?we're family. look, a brother to spideris a brother to me. dude, man, take this shit off,man, come on. smokie:come on, roll with us. come on.

    spider:this is a woman's work, man. man:come get your hands dirty, man. so, what do i have to do? spider told me that our boynext door got a bad-ass whip. [speaks in hmong] nice. yeah, my little cousinbeing a little man. whoa. smokie:yo, now, that's a nice car.

    hell, yeah. 1972 gran torino,fastback. yo. cobra jet engine. yo, man, it's stillin mint condition. yo, man. it's in mint condition, man. [men laughing] oh, i've got one.

    there's a mexican, a jew,and a colored guy go into a bar. the bartenderlooks up and says, "get the fuckout of here." [all chuckle] so here's wheremy flock congregates when they're not in church. hey, father j. hi, mel.hey there, darrell.

    hello, father. hi, walt. what brings youin here, father? the meat raffle? no, i just came down to talkto walt, if that's okay. damn, padre, you are persistent,aren't you? i promised your wife. all right.let's get a booth.

    i'll have a pabstand a shot of jack and whatever he's having. i'll have a diet coke. bullshit, this is a have a drink. um, i'll havea gin and tonic. attaboy. so, what do you want? i promised your wife i'd get youto go to confession. now, why would youdo that?

    she was very insistent.she made me. well, you're kind of fondof promising things you can't deliver on.right, father? look, let's talkabout something else. life and death. what the hell do you knowabout life and death? i'd like to thinki know a lot. i'm a priest. you get up and preachabout life and death

    but all you know is what youlearned in priest school. right out of the rookiepreacher's handbook. i don't know about that.i think-- "death is bittersweet. sort of bitter in its pain,but sweet in its salvation." that's what you knowabout life and death, and it's pathetic. what do you know,mr. kowalski? i know a lot.

    i lived for almost three yearsin korea with it. thanks. we shot men, stabbed them with bayonets, hacked 17-year-oldsto death with shovels. stuff i'll remember'till the day i die. horrible things, but things i'll live with. and what about life?

    well, i... i survived the war. got married, had a family. sounds like you know a lot moreabout death than you do living. maybe so, father. maybe so. [metal clanging] son of a bitch. [gun shot]

    [panting] spider:come on, get in the car! thao, what the fuck? get in! get in, thao. come on, let's go, man, get in. fuck, man? get in! [line ringing] [drill whirs] [phone rings]

    hello? hey. morning, dad. it's yournumber one son, mitch. morning? it's after one in the afternoon,it's not morning. oh, right. uh, afternoon, then. so, what do you want? no. nothing. i mean, what would i want?

    well, i don't know. your wife's already gone throughall your mother's jewelry. no, dad, i'm just-- just calling to seehow you're doing. just, uh-- anything new with the old neighborhood? yeah. n-no. great. smooth sailing. okay, good. good, then. oh, hey, uh, dad.

    you wouldn't happen to still know that guy from the plant that has the lionsseason tickets? oh, you... [mutters]:fuck. dad--? ain't she sweet. come on, girl. [buddah's "all my hmong muthaf kuz" plays on car stereo] [music stops]

    yo, what's up? what are you guysdoing out here, man? thao:nothing. sue:minding our own business. thao:just hanging out. what are you guys doing here? thao: i told you guys already-- can't i just come hang outwith my little cousin? we have good newsfor you, man.

    oh, really?and what's that? only for guy talk. i don't think so. why not? come on, we gonna give youanother shot. don't go, thao. smokie:mind your own business, girl. spider:come. what are you gonna do, huh?

    smokie: come on, dog. [women shouting in hmong] [dog barking] [all shouting in hmong] [shatters] spider:look, you broke daddy's gnome. walt:what the hell is this? get up. get off my lawn.

    listen, old man,you don't wanna fuck with me. did you hear me?i said, get off my lawn now. are you fucking crazy?go back in the house. yeah. i blow a holein your face, and then i go in the house. and i sleep like a baby. you can count on that. we used to stack fucks like youfive feet high in korea. use you for sandbags.

    okay. but you betterwatch your back. fuck it, man,he's crazy. man:we'll get this crackernext time. thank you. [engine starts] [thudding] what the hell is this? [mutters]:christ.

    no, no. no, no, no. come on, no more. no more. no more. what--? stay right there.stay right there. why can't you peoplejust leave me alone? we brought you some shallotsto plant in your garden. i don't want them. they're perennials.they come back every year. why are you bringing meall this garbage anyway?

    because... because you saved thao. i didn't save anybody. i just-- i kept a bunchof jabbering gooks off of my lawn, that's all. you're a heroto the neighborhood. i'm not a hero. they think you are. that's why they keepbringing you the gifts.

    please, take them. they're wrong. now, i just wantto be left alone. thank you. sue:wait. this is my mom, vu, i'm sue, and that'smy brother, thao. we live next door. so? thao wantsto say something.

    i'm sorry. sorry for what? for trying to steal your car. let me tell you something, boy. you step on this property again,you're done. good afternoon, walt. i told you i'm notgoing to confession. why didn't youjust call the police? i do work with someof the hmong gangs

    and i heard there was troublein the neighborhood. why didn't youcall the police? well... you know, i-i prayedthat they would show up but nobody answered. what were you thinking? someone could havebeen killed. we're talking lifeand death here. when things go wrong,you gotta act quickly.

    when we were in koreaand a thousand screaming gooks came across our linewe didn't call the police, we reacted. we're not in korea,mr. kowalski. i've been thinking about ourconversation on life and death. about what you said. about how you carry aroundall the horrible things you were forced to do. horrible thingsthat won't leave you.

    it seems it woulddo you good to unloadsome of that burden. things done during warare terrible. being ordered to kill. killing to save yourself,killing to save others. you're right. those are thingsi know nothing about. but i do knowabout forgiveness and i've seen a lot of men

    who have confessedtheir sins admitted their guilt, and left their burdensbehind them. stronger men than you. men at war who were orderedto do appalling things and are now at peace. well, i gottahand it to you, padre. you came here with your gunsloaded this time. and you're rightabout one thing.

    about stronger men than mereaching their salvation. well, halle-fucking-lujah. but you're wrongabout something else. what's that,mr. kowalski? the thing that hauntsa man the most is what he isn'tordered to do. there. you finally looklike a human being again. you shouldn't wait so longbetween haircuts,

    you cheap son of a bitch. yeah. well, i'm surprisedyou're still around. i was always hopingyou'd die off and they'd getsomebody in here who knew what the hellthey were doing. instead you justkeep hanging around like the doo-wop dago you are. that'll beten bucks, walt. ten bucks?jesus christ, martin.

    what are you,half jew or something? you keep raising the prices. it's been ten bucksfor the last five years, you hard-nosed,polack son of a bitch. yeah, well, keep the change. see youin three weeks, prick. not if isee you first, dipshit. since everything could godownhill after that. yeah, that's true.

    that would suck. that's cool, you know? mm-hm. man:ain't shit going on. man, look at this.look at this, monk. check this out. man 1: oooh. boy. man 2: oh, yeah. bring that littletight ass over here.

    come here, girl.don't be shy. what, you can't say hi? why you actingall stuck-up and shit? mm-mm. what yousupposed to be, man? yo, it's cool, dog. what the fuck you doingin my neighborhood, boy? nothing. just going downto corner spot, you know?

    get some's all good, bro. see, he called youbro, duke. he called you bro, man. it's all good, bro. man 1: it's all good, huh? man 2: shut the fuck up. call me bro again, man, i'll bite yourmotherfucking face off. man 1:yeah, motherfucker.

    now, what the fucky'all come down here for, huh? you here to bring methis little present? monk? she bringing it to us? this little oriental yummy. oh, don't worry. i'm gonnatake real good care of her. fuck out of here, man. [men shouting indistinctly] i told you we're finished here. man 3: oh, yeah.

    keep your ass right here. oh, great. another asshole who has a fetishfor asian girls? god, that gets so old. oh, shit.what's your name, girl? my name? man 1:get your ass out of here, okay? it's "take your crude,overly obvious come-on to every woman who walks pastand cram it."

    that's my name. man 2:mouthy little bitch. who you thinkyou talking to? who does it look like? you think youreal funny, don't you? oh, shit. ain't she tough? what? you gonna hit me now? that would pretty muchcomplete the picture. hey, you need to keepyour bitch on a leash.

    put a chain on that whoreand yank that motherfucker. of course, right to thestereotype thesaurus. call me a whore and a bitchin the same sentence. this bitch is crazy. i like them like that. man, take this bitch. sue:hey. get off me. oh, shit. you don't knowwhen to quit, do you? i'm gonna teach your assa lesson.

    sue:stop! let go! get your assover there. what the fuckyou looking at, old man? what the hellare you spooks up to? spooks? you better get your ass on,honky, while i still let you. that's what you better do. that's right, bitch. fuck you think you at?

    ever notice how you come acrosssomebody once in a while that you shouldn'thave fucked with? that's me. man, you fucking crazy, man.get out of here, man. why don't you getyour ass up out of here before i kick your old,wrinkly, white ass? crazy motherfucker, man.what's wrong with him, man? what the fuck? this motherfucker crazy, man.

    what's wrongwith this nigga, man? what the hell? get in the truck. this crazy motherfucker, man.what's wrong with him, man? man 1:he put his finger at us. oh, shit. come on, now.hey, pops. come on, now. shut your fucking face. you fucking don't listen,do you?

    now, get in the truck. go on, get inthe truck, girl. shit. trey:way to go, old man. shut up, pussy. what is all this"bro" shit, anyway? want to be super spadeor something? these guys don't want to be yourbro and i don't blame them. now, get your ofay,paddy ass on down the road. take care, now.

    yeah, you too. oh, yeah. man 1:fuck, man, why y'alldidn't fucking do nothing? man 2:man, kick that nigga's ass. man 1:man, you fucking-- shit, man. this fucker. he had that cannonin your fucking face. you didn't do nothing. man 2:trying to stay outyour way, man. what's the matter with you,for chrissake?

    trying to getyourself killed? i thought you asian girlswere supposed to be smart. hanging arounda neighborhood like that's a fast way to get youin the obituaries. i know. i know. take it easy. and what about that goofball guyyou were with? is that a dateor something? yeah. kind of. his name is trey.

    yeah, well, you shouldn'tbe hanging out with him. you should be hanging outwith your own people, with other humongs. you mean hmong?we're hmong, not "humong." whatever. where the hell is humong,i mean hmong, anyway? [laughs] you're so enlightened,you know that?

    no, hmong isn't a's a people. hmong people comefrom different parts of laos, thailand, and china. yeah. well, how did you end upin my neighborhood then? why didn't you stay there? it's a vietnam thing.we fought on your side. and when the americans quit, the communists startedkilling all the hmong. so we came over here.

    well, i don't knowhow you ended up in the midwest. there's snow on the groundsix months out of the year. why does a jungle people want tobe in the great frozen tundra? hill people. we were hill people. not jungle people.booga-booga-booga. yeah. whatever. blame the lutherans. they brought us over here.

    everybody blames the lutherans. well, you'd think the coldwould keep all the idiots out. thanks for the ride. you know something, kid?you're all right. but what about that dimwitbrother of yours? he a little slowor something? thao is actually really smart. he just-- he doesn't knowwhich direction to go in. yeah. poor toad.

    it's really common. hmong girls over herefit in better. the girls go to college and the boys go to jail. [exhales] that old hag hates my ass. "your birthday today." daisy. "this year, you have to make achoice between two life paths. "second chances come your way.

    "extraordinary events culminatein what might seem to be "an anticlimax. "your lucky numbersare 84, 23 11, 78, and 99." what a load of shit. [woman exclaims] [grunting] what the hell is itwith kids nowadays? all right.

    thao:hey, mrs. v. here, let me help youwith those. woman:oh, thank you. i just-- thao:i got it. how about that? thao:here you go. how about that, daisy? thao:yeah, i got it. woman:that was too heavy for the bag.

    thao:no problem. woman:thank you. go ahead, karen,give it to him. here you go. oh. well, what is it? it's a gopher. so you can, uh, reach stuff. you know, it makes thingsa lot easier.

    this is from me. it's a phone. oh, i can see that. i just thought--well, we thought that it wouldmake things easier. well, thank you, karen. there's nothing wrongwith making things a little lesshard on yourself. you know, karen's right, dad,

    you've worked hardyour whole life. maybe it's timeyou started thinking about, you know,taking it easier. jeez.that's another thing, dad. you really shouldget rid of the coffin nails. but, uh, i don't know, we werethinking about the house. you know, what with mom gone, it's gotta be a lotto maintain around here. let alone clean.

    and, uh, i don't know,you're here all alone. yeah, and there are these greatplaces now, you know, these communities, where youdon't have to worry about mowing the lawnor shoveling snow where, you know,the people are like you, active and alert,but are alone and would benefit from being around folks their own age. yeah, dad, look.

    you gotta check it out.we've brought some brochures. these places are nothing likewhat you'd think they'd be. they're great. no, no, beautiful. they're really nice.they really are. these are top-notch,like, resorts. it's like stayingin a hotel practically. they're beautiful. they really are.

    they take care of everything. they'll clean up. they're really nice. oh, they have wonderful can buy new shoes. mitch:they're amazing.they really are. karen:you'd have a good time. play some golf, maybe. [growling softly] mitch:mm-hm, mm-hm, meet other people.

    son of a bitch!kicking us out on his birthday. i told youthis was a bad idea. i know. you were right. he won't let anybody help him. well, we tried.can we just drop it? no one can say we didn't try. the hell with him. you knowwhat we should've done? we should've stayed homewith josh and ashley. at least they weresmart enough to not come.

    goddamn kids have more sensethan we do. we miss mama,don't we, daisy? yeah. sue:hey, walt. what are you up to? we're having a wanna come over? what do you think? there's tons of food. yeah. just keepyour hands off my dog. no worries. we only eat cats.

    really? no, i'm kidding, you moron. come on, you can bemy special guest. no, i'm fine right here. okay, so, what have youhad to eat today? oh, i had a piece of cake and a little beef jerky. come on overand get something to eat. we've got beer too.

    well, i might as welldrink with strangers rather than drink alone. after all, it is my birthday. really?happy birthday, wally. don't call me wally. walt:well, no pabst, but plenty of beer. as they say,when in humong. ha, ha.hey, what am i doing wrong?

    every time i look at somebody,they always look at the ground. you're fine. what's she saying? she saidwelcome to our home. oh, no, she's not. yeah, no, she didn't. she hates me. come on. yeah, she hates you. okay. hey.

    [people murmuring] hey, what are all you fish headslooking at anyway? i think we should gointo the other room. sorry. sue:a lot of people in this house are very traditional. number one, never toucha hmong person on their head, not even a child. hmong people believe that thesoul resides on the head, so, uh, don't do that.

    well, sounds dumb,but fine. yeah, and a lot of hmong peopleconsider looking someone in the eye to be very rude. that's why they look awaywhen you look at them. anything else? some hmong peopletend to smile or grin when they're yelled at. it's a cultural thing. it expresses embarrassmentor insecurity.

    it's not that they'relaughing at you or anything. yeah. god, you people are nuts. but the food-- [sniffs] --does look good.smells good too. well, of's hmong food. yeah. okay. can i come back for seconds? you know, you mentionedabout looking at people.

    he's been staring at methe whole evening. that's kor khue. he's the lor family shaman. and what's that, some sortof a witch doctor or something? something like that. yeah. booga-booga. ha, ha. very funny, wally. [both speaking hmong] kor khue'sinterested in you.

    he heard what you did. he would like to read you. it'd be rudenot to allow him this. it's a great honor. yeah, sure,fine by me. sure. all right.take a seat. here? he says that peopledo not respect you. they don't even wannalook at you.

    he says the way you live;your food has no flavor. you're worriedabout your life. you made a mistakein your past life, like a mistake that you did, you're not satisfied with. he says you haveno happiness in your life. it's likeyou're not at peace. [wheezing] are-- are you all right?

    yeah, i'm-- oh. yeah, i'm fine. fine. i'm fine. [coughing] god, i've got more in commonwith these gooks than i do my ownspoilt rotten family. jesus christ. happy birthday. are you okay?

    yeah. yeah, i'm fine. you were bleeding. no, i-i bit my's nothing. why don't we go down and getsome of that good gook food? you know, i'm starving. fantastic. well, you ladiesare wonderful. this stuff is really good. come on, you glutton.

    what's up? let's go. what for? sue: to mingle. mingle? we're minglingright here. come on. you told menot to leave you alone. thank you very much,but i have to go now. i have to go now. i'll be back.

    now, don't--don't let anything go away. [music plays over speakers] well, well, well.look who's over there. yeah, the kidwho stole my gran torino. my brother, thao. tried to, anyway.yeah. yeah, toad. [laughs softly] it was a little wobbly,but that should fix it. woman:so where are you guys from?

    i'm not far from here. i'm from texas. what's this? uh, a little rice, try it. my friends and iwere just wondering what you're doing here. well, that's a good question.what am i doing here? name's walt. hi, walt. i'm youa.

    yuam. a pleasure. no. youa. oh, youa, okay. so, what do you do? oh, i fix things,stuff like that. like what? well, i just fixedthat dryer there, i fixed my wife'sfriend's sink and i took old aunt maryto the doctor's

    to get her prescriptionfixed up. and then i even fixed a doorthat hadn't even broken yet. you're funny. i've been called a lotof things but never funny. well, i'm gonna take off.enjoy yourself. okay. yum yum. pleasure. look, she's going, man.come on. man:youa, wait up. relax, zipperhead.

    i'm not gonna shoot you. i'd look down too,if i was you. you know, i knewyou were a dipshit the first timei ever saw you but i never thoughtyou were worse with women than you areat stealing cars, toad. it's thao. it's not toad, it's thao. my name is thao.

    yeah, well, you're blowing itwith that girl that was there. not that i give two shitsabout a toad like you. you don't knowwhat you're talking about. you're wrong, eggroll. i know exactlywhat i'm talking about. i may not be the most pleasantperson to be around but i got the best womanthat was ever on this planet to marry me. i worked at it. it was the bestthing that ever happened to me.

    but you, you know,you're letting click clack, ding dong,and charlie chan just walk outwith miss what's-her-face. she likes you, you know?though, i don't know why. who? yum yum. you know, the girlin the purple sweater. she's been looking at youall day, stupid. you mean youa.

    yeah, yum yum, yeah.nice girl. nice girl. a very charming girl.i talked with her. yeah. but you, you let herjust walk right out with the three stooges. and you know why?because you're a big, fat pussy. well, i gotta go. good day, puss-cake. [women speaking hmong] no. no more.

    well, okay,put them over there. bye-bye. no, no. no, no more. no more.come on. no more, now. no more, please. i-- is this that chicken-dumplingthing you brought the other--? oh, all right. come on, ladies. certainly better than beefjerky, i'll tell you.

    what's going on? thao is here to make amends. he's hereto work for you. no, he isn't. he's not gonnawork for me. my mom saidhe dishonored the family and now he has towork off his debt. he'll starttomorrow morning. no, no, not tomorrow,not any time.

    i don't even want himon my property. i thought we went over all that. it's very importantthat you accept, and it would be an insultif you refuse. why is this beingput back on me? he's the onewho tried to steal my car. all of a sudden,i'm the bad guy in this thing. look, my familyis very traditional and would be very much upsetif you don't let thao repay.

    if he doesn't wannado it then-- then let's just go. shut up, shut up,shut up! yeah. shut up. all right.tomorrow, come on. tomorrow. thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. jesus, joseph, and mary, these hmong broadsare like badgers.

    son of a bitch,i never thought he'd show. all right.what are you good at? well, that's whati'm asking. if you're gonnawork for me, i gotta knowwhat you're good at. i gotta knowwhat you can do. i don't know. well, that's kind of halfwaywhat i expected you to say. you see that tree right there?

    you just go over thereand count the birds. you want meto count the birds? yeah, you can count. all you slopes are supposedto be good at math, right? yeah, i can count. good. one, two... so, what do you havefor me today? you want meto watch paint dry?

    maybe even count the cloudsthat pass by? don't get flip with me, boy. i'm not the onewho tried to steal. don't you forget that. go ahead. i don't care if you insult meor say racist things. because you know what?i'll take it. yeah, course you'll take it, because you have no teeth,you have no balls, kid.

    look, i'm stuck here so why don't you just findsomething useful for me to do? because unlike you,i'm not useless, and i maintainmy own property. you swamp rats,on the other hand, you just can't help but... how long do i have you for? toad? how long? 'till next friday.

    [chuckles]:all right. go get the ladderout of the garage. when you get finishedwith that roof there, you can, uh-- you can take that gutterand nail it back up. i'm tired of lookingat it the last three years. [speaking in hmong] yeah, you said it, brother. [jamie cullam's"gran torino" playing]

    [humming] ♪ la-da-da-da da-da-da ♪ ♪ do-do-do na-na-na ♪ ♪ la-da-da-da la-la-la ♪ ♪ la-la-la-la la-da-da ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da da-da-da ♪ ♪ la-la-la-la la-da ♪ ♪ these streets are old ♪ ♪ they shine with things i've known ♪

    ♪ and break through the trees ♪ ♪ their sparkling ♪ ♪ la-da-da-da-da ♪ hello. grandpa says he wants to know if you can have thao clear out the big waspnest under our porch. wasp nest? well, that's terrible.

    yeah, well, i think we canhandle that after lunch. [both speaking in hmong] [dings] [dinging] jesus, lord almighty,knock it off. hey, it's--it's my last day. so, what else do youhave for me to do? take the day've done enough. toad.

    nothing, never mind. [door shuts] the doctor will see you now.thank you. [phone ringing] [nurses chattering] [door opens] koski? mr. kowalski? good morning.i looked over your paperwork and i think we shouldimmediately start

    a full battery of tests. i feel that this wouldbe the best way to go about checking out the issuesthat you've had-- excuse me. what happened to dr. feldman,my regular doctor? dr. feldman retiredthree years ago. i'm his replacement. dr. chu. hm. hm. it's grandpa walt.

    pick it up. you talk to him. mitch. i'm doing bills here. you talk to him.he's your father. hey, dad. walt [on phone]: hi, mitch, it's-- it's me, your dad. mitch [on phone]: yeah, i know. what's up?

    oh, nothing.nothing much, really. how's everything going? i'm fine. fine. doing fine. fine. good. how about karen and the kids? fine, everybody's--everybody's great. doing fine. good. how about work? busy. yeah. yeah, i suppose.

    in fact, speaking of busy, i got a lot on my plateright now, so if there's notsomething pressing... no. no, not at all. so why don't youcall me this weekend? sure. okay. it was nice talking to you, dad. thanks for calling. thanks. yeah.

    [hangs up] [dial tone buzzing, beeps] hm. [rap song playing on car stereo] ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ i want y'all to open your vibe ♪ ♪ believe in something rich ♪ [rapping indistinctly] ♪ we're smoking this don't want to believe ♪

    ♪ if you think it's all smoke ♪ this kid doesn't have a chance. ♪ man, there's no way out ♪ ♪ they try to wipe up the whole waste until the rebate ♪ ♪ because we hopped up ♪ ♪ and you were being all believing that ♪ what do you know about faucets? i know a lot about them, boy. stand aside.

    jesus. for the love of pete. it must be a hundreddegrees in here. why don't you turn on the fan? [switch clicks] the place is falling apart. man, where'd youget all this stuff? what are you talking about? all the tools and stuff. well, it may comeas a surprise to a thief,

    but i bought this stuff, everything in here,with my own money. yeah, yeah.that's not what i meant. i mean, there's just so muchshit packed in here. yeah, well, every tool in herehas a purpose. everything has a job to do. they're all to use if necessary. okay, so, what's that?

    that's a post-hole digger. that? vise grips. wire cutters. you know it's a trowel, come on. those are shears right there, and that's a saw.that's a tack hammer. you can't fool me, kid. all right, what's on your mind?

    it's just, i can't affordto buy all this stuff. well, i guess even a boneheadlike you could understand that a man acquires thisover a period of 50 years. yeah, but... all right, look, here. take these three items,right here. you can have this. wd-40, vise grips anduh, some, uh, duct tape. any man worth his salt cando half of the household chores

    with just those three things. anything else you need,you just borrow it, that's all. okay. cool. walt:fuck me. what's with that? nothing. what? nothing, huh?i just saw you coughed up blood. that's not should really see a doctor. mm.

    look, um, those guys who were herethe other night, on my lawn. what about them? just a gang, a bunchof hmong gangbangers. yeah, i assumed that, but what were they doing here? they were gonna take me away. they were kind of pissedthat i blew my first initiation. yeah. well, you are a--

    you are a pussy, you know, you wanna hang outwith guys like that. what was your initiationsupposed to be? my gran torino? christ all friday. shit. toad, you got a minute? thao:all right. okay. here it is.

    here's the deal. i take the topbecause that's the heaviest. i pull on that,and you stand right back here and you push and help mepush it up each step. just like that. then let me take the top. no, no, i've got the top. no, really, i'll take the looks pretty heavy. look, i'm not crippled.i've got the top. you don't let me take the top,ain't helping.

    i'm going back home. now, listen to me, zipperhead-- no, you listen, old man. i'm here becauseyou needed help. so it's either topor i'm out of here. all take the top and i'll push. just don't let it slip out of your little-girlhands and crush me. don't give me any ideas, now.

    [both groaning] that thing weighs a ton. it runs like a clock, though. they just don't make themlike this anymore. so, uh, what are yougonna do with it? sell it, i guess. how much? uh, 60 bucks. they-- i'm tired of havingit sit around

    down in the basement there. why? you looking for a freezer? the downstairs one kind of died. okay. twenty-five bucksand it's yours. twenty-five?but you just said 60. i know, but this'llsave me money putting an ad in the paper. come on, let's wheelit over to your place. all right. okay.

    kind of ironic, huh? walt: what? toad washing the carthat he tried to steal from you. yeah. he misses one spot, he's doing it allover again too. [giggles] it's nice of youto look after him like this. he doesn't have any realrole models in his life. well, i'm not any role model.

    but you're a good man, wally. i wish our father wouldhave been more like you. don't go calling me wally. no, i'm serious. he was really hard on us, really traditional,and really old-school. yeah, well, i'm old-school. yeah, but you're an american. what's that supposed to mean?

    you like him, don't you? are you kidding?he tried to steal my car. uh-huh, and you spendtime with him, teach him how to fix things, saved him from thatfucked cousin of ours-- hey. watch your language, lady. --and you're a good man. i'm not a good man. get me another beer,dragon lady.

    this one's empty. you know, the hmong considergardening to be women's work. yeah. that's probably why i see you in the gardenover there all the time. besides, we ain't in hmong. funny. you know, you should quit.that's bad for you. yeah? so is beingin a gang, dipshit. didn't you hearwhat i just said?

    i saw you cough up blood. you should quit. so, what's that emblemsupposed to mean anyway? is it your ancientcub scout emblem? first cavalry.i've had it since '51. so, what do you wantto do with your life, kid? well, i was thinkingabout maybe sales. sales, huh?heh-heh. my oldest son is in sales.

    does he do well? oh, yeah. license to steal. i work in the ford factoryfor 50 years, and he's out sellingjapanese cars. you made cars? i put the steering columnin this gran torino in 1972, right on the line. oh, you are old. so cool. so you wanna be in sales.

    you thinking aboutgoing to school maybe? kind of, but school costs money. well, maybe youshould get a job. you can't just sit thereand spread mulch in my gardenthe rest of your life. well, maybe youcould just pay me. yeah. very funny. well, what kind of jobcould i ever get? yeah. you're right.nobody would ever hire you.

    yeah, i know. look, i'm just kidding, zip.i mean, you could get a job. you could get a job anywhere. well, how about construction? construction? you have alzheimer'sor something? no. you could get a jobin construction. i know people in the trades. course, i have to makea little adjustment

    and man you up a little bit. man me up? and i think you oughtto date miss yum yum too. do you a little good. you know, get a little carbonoff the valves. [truck door shuts] now you're just gonnalearn how guys talk. you just listento the way martin and i batter it back and forth.

    you okay? you ready? all right.let's go in. perfect. a polack and a chink. how you doing, martin,you crazy italian prick? walt, you cheap bastard, i should have knownyou'd come in. i was having sucha pleasant day. what'd you do, jew some poorblind guy out of his money?

    gave him the wrong change? who's the nip? oh, he's a pussy kidfrom next door. i'm just trying to manhim up a little bit. you see, kid? now, that's how guystalk to one another. they do? what, you got shit in your ears? now, go on out and come back in,and talk to him like a man.

    like a real man. come on, walt. come on.get your ass out of here. and come on back now. sorry about this. it's okay. [door shuts, opens] what's up,you old italian prick? get out of my shop beforei blow your head off

    you goddamn dick-smoking gook. take it easy. take it easy. what the hell are you doing?have you lost your mind? but that's what you said.that what you said men say. you do,you don't just come in and insult the manin his own shop. you just don't do that. what happens if you meet somestranger and get the wrong one? he's gonna blow yourgook head right off.

    what should i have said, then? martin: yeah, kid, why don't you start with,um, "hi" or "hello"? yeah, just come in and say: "sir, i'd like a haircut,if you have time." yeah, be polite,but don't kiss ass. walt:in fact, you could talk about a construction jobyou just came from and bitch about yourgirlfriend and your car.

    martin:son of a bitch, i got my brakes fixed, those sons of bitchesreally nailed me. i mean, they screwed meright in the ass. walt:don't swear at the guy. just talk about peoplewho are not in the room. you could bitch about your boss making you work overtimewhen it's bowling night. right. or my old lady bitchesfor two goddamn hours

    about how they don't take expired couponsat the grocery store and the minutei turn on the game, she starts cryinghow we never talk. you see? now, go out,come back and talk to him. and it ain't rocket science,for chrissake. yeah, but i don't have a job,a car or a girlfriend. jesus. i should have blown hishead off when i had the chance. yeah. maybe so.

    now, okay, i want you to turnaround and go outside and come back, and don't talkabout having no job no car, no girlfriend,no future, no dick. okay? just turn around and go. excuse me, sir. i need a haircut,if you ain't too busy. you old italianson-of-a-bitch prick barber. boy, does my ass hurt from allthe guys at my construction job. fuck me.

    all set to go through with it,right? yeah, yeah. don't "yeah, yeah" me. just say, "yes, sir,"and, "i'll do my best." yes. i'll do my best. because when i vouchfor somebody, that means i've given my word and i don't want youmaking me look bad. no, i'm good.totally into this.

    don't lay down, either. just look themstraight in the eye, and a man can tell a lotby your handshake. here. put thosein your back pocket. cool. don't blow this. hey, kennedy,you drunken irish goon. how the hell are you? i'm shitty,but who's gonna listen?

    not me, that's for sure. help yourself, there, dumb polack. okay, this is the kidi was telling you about. thao, this is tim kennedy.he's the super on this job. so, what do we got here, walt? well, he--he knows construction and-- and he's a smart kid. he'll do anythingyou need him for. you sure?

    you, uh--?you speak english? yes, sir. were you born here? you bet. i see that walt drove you got a vehicle? not at the moment.taking the bus for now. the bus. jesus christ,you don't have a car? my head gasket cracked and the goddamn prickat the shop

    wants to bend meover for 2100. oh, please. i replaced the trannyin my tahoe, and the sons of bitchesfucked me hard. just under 3200. goddamn ain't right. you got that right. okay, um, come on in on monday, and, uh, we'll findsomething for you to do.

    thanks, mr. kennedy. it's tim.and what's your name again? "tuh," okay. you, uh--you owe me one, walt. yeah. well, i'll buy youa fruitcake for christmas. fuck the fruitcake. how about you just hand overthem keys to that gran torino? why the hell doeseverybody want my car? well, i'm not surprised.

    yeah, you don't knowthe half of it. all right, come on, zipperhead, uh, we'll let the mick stay hereand play with himself. [man shouts indistinctly] [hammering] man:saturday... what are we doing? what do you wanna do?carry your tools in a rice bag?

    here we can use one of these. and you'll need one of i can't afford any of this. i'll cover it. you can pay me backon your first paycheck. here. you'll need something like that. now, this is whati'm looking for. here, tool belt.

    there you go. not to bitch, but won't i beneeding some tools? tools i've got, but i'm not gonnalend you my tool belt. you can pick up tools as you go. i really appreciate all this. forget it. no. i-i really do. thank you. ♪ let me tell you the story about my people ♪

    ♪ rodents in the ghettos of america ♪ ♪ brother educated with these white folks ♪ ♪ that were scared of a soldier who grew up-- ♪ what's up, homeboy?what you doing? man: what up, man? man 2: what you got, punk? just checking upon my little cousin. yeah, man. our little cousin. what's this?

    where you coming from, man? i'm coming home from work. not that you guys would knowmuch about that. so it's true. you got a job. you can't just leave me alone? hey, dog, check this out. man 2: you scared? who bought this shit for you?your dad? what do you want with me?

    your dad bought this? keep your hands off my stuff. give me the fucking hat. why the fuck you gottamake me look bad? smashing's my job, man. man 3: yo, give me that. hey, come on. that's my stuff. man:throw it over the fence,man, fuck it. thao: let me go. let me go.

    man 2: hey, you little bitch. give me that, man.give me that. what's the phrasei'm looking for? man:fuck him up. saving face. [screaming] hey, there. hey. i gotta run. haven't seen you in a few days.where you been?

    been busy. busy, huh? hey. what the hell happened to you? don't worry about it. what do you mean,don't worry about it? look at your goddamn face. i said, don't worry about it.okay? it's not your problem. when?

    grabbed me a couple days ago,right after i got off work. cowards. i did everythingi could possibly do, but they brokesome of your tools. i'll-- i'll replace them. don't worry about the tools. where does your cousin live? no, walt. i-- i'll be okay. i don't want you to do anything.

    if you need any extra tools,you just let me know. well, i could usea roofing hammer. good.go in my garage and get it. that should be the last of them. [cat screeches] all right. here's the deal. you stay away from thao,understand? you-- and tell your friendsto stay away from thao. and if they don't listen,

    you tell them you don'twanna see them anymore. that's it. got it? i'll take that as a yes, because if i haveto come back here it's gonna get fucking ugly. [thunder rumbles] get out of my way. how do you want your dog?i mean, steak? i told you, we only eat cats.

    yeah. well. [giggling] wow. i've never seen youlike this before. well, i'm feeling good. you know, i got beautiful women,great food.and thao. and even thao isn't bugging me. having a good time, i see. and it never ends.

    what happened to yourknuckles anyways? i slipped in the big problem. look, now, yum yum,if he doesn't ask you out i'm gonna ask you out. yum yum:youa, don't listen to him, youa. he's a white devil. yeah, i am.i'm the white devil. youa:i'd love to, walt, but he beat you to it.

    really? no kidding.dinner and a movie or what? they're taking the bus. no, you can't take the bus. we gotta get you somethingmore stylish than that. like what?take a limo? the gran torino? you'd let me takethe gran torino? yeah, i'd let you takethe gran torino. yeah, really.

    yeah. yeah. announcer [on tv]: here's the pitch. and a strike. [woman screaming] walt:is everybody all right? [shouting in hmong] you're all right. you're've got a cut. it's all right, it's all right,it's all right. where's grandma? where is sue? where is sue?

    she-- she went to our aunt's. your aunt's? you sure? get on the phoneand call right now. [both shouting in hmong] i knew this was gonna happen. tried to-- what the hellam i doing here? well, maybe some of her friendscalled and they changed plans. in the war,we just lost a lot of friends, but you're kind of set for it.

    you're geared to it. [all speaking in hmong] [all sobbing] no, no, no, no... you fuck! you rotten fuck! mr. kowalski? [lighter clicks] you okay? yeah. i'm okay.

    the police finally left. no one's talking. one thing about the hmong,they keep their mouths shut. yeah, i've noticed that. you know, thao and sue are nevergonna find peace in this world as long as that gang's around. until they go away,you know, forever. what are you saying? you know what i'm saying.

    i took sue to the hospital. she's scared. they're all scared. thao, especially. he's sitting outthere right now, staring at your front door. you know what he expects,mr. kowalski. what would you do? what should thao do?

    i know what i woulddo if i was you. or at least what youthink you should do. if i was thao, i guess i'd want vengeance. i'd wanna standshoulder to shoulder with you and kill those guys. and you? what would i do? i'd come over hereand talk to you, i guess.

    i know you're closewith these people, but this pisses me off too,mr. kowalski. want a beer? i'd love one. there's some in the chestright over there behind you. [rustling] damn all this. just isn't fair. nothing's fair, father.

    so, what are you gonna do,mr. kowalski? call me walt. what are you gonna do, walt? i don't know, but i'll think of something. whatever it is,they won't have a chance. what are you doing? thinking. thinking?

    thinking time is over. now it's time to knockthe shit out of those pricks. i know you don'twanna hear this, but now's the timeto stay calm. calm? you want me to be calm? we stay calm or elsemistakes get made. we have to step backfrom this thing. no. don't let me down, walt.not you. this is gonna end today.

    sit down. i don't wanna sit. i said, sit down. now, listen to me. we gotta plan this,and plan it very carefully. we can't make any mistakes. now, you know i'm the rightman for this job. so i want you to go home and stay calm,

    and come back hereat 4 this afternoon. and what needs to be donewill be done. i say we go now. right now. and what?kill that cousin of yours and the rest of those zips? mr. tough guy out for bloodall of a sudden? you know nothing about it. now, go home and you stay calm. come back here at 4. all right?

    yeah. i know, i know.give me a break, will you? it's the first time i'veever smoked in the house. let a man enjoy himself,would you, girl? all finished.ten dollars american. i don't suppose yourguinea hands are steady enoughto do a straight shave? straight shave? you've never askedfor a straight shave ever. i know, but i've alwayswondered about it.

    that's unless you're too busy. no, just let me heat up a towel. yeah. and here, here's a 20. keep the change. that's just in caseyou hit my jugular. [scoffs] it's gonna take about one hour. we gonna shortenthe sleeves a little bit. gonna fix the shoulder.

    yeah. i never hada fitted suit before. you look very good. what can i do for you,mr. kowalski? i'm here for a confession. oh, lord jesus.what have you done? just take it easy now. are you gonna give mea confession or not? how long has it beensince your last confession? oh, forever.

    bless me, father,for i have sinned. what are your sins, my son? well, in 1968,i kissed betty jablonski at the factory christmas party. dorothy was in the other roomwith the other wives. it just happened. yes, go on. well, i made a $900 profitselling a boat and a motor. i didn't pay the's the same as stealing.

    yes, fine. oh, lastly, i was never very closewith my two sons. i don't know them.i didn't know how. that's it? "that's it"? it's bothered memost of my life. say 10 "hail marys"and five "our fathers." god loves you and forgives you,

    and i absolve youof all your sins. in the name of the father,the son, and the holy spirit. thank you, padre. are you going to retaliatefor what happened to sue? i'm going over to thathouse today, mr. kowalski. it is. and every other day until you see the follyin what you're planning. busy day. gotta go. go in peace.

    oh, i am at peace. [door opens] so which one's mine? you ever fired a weapon before? well, why don't youput that one down? and i got somethingi wanna show you. come on. thao:what? 1952, we were sent up to takeout a chink machinegun nest. been shredding usup pretty good.

    i was the only onewho came back that day. for that, they gaveme a silver star. here. i want you to have it. why? because we allknew the dangers that night, but we went anyway. that's the wayit might be tonight. there's always a chanceyou don't come back. the hell we won't. we're gonna roll upin there and tear some ass.

    that's foolish. that's the exact reactionthey're waiting for. go ahead and close this up. how many? how many what? how many men didyou kill in korea? thirteen. maybe more. what was it like to kill a man? now, close it up.

    walt. walt. what are you doing? what are you doing, huh? can't get out of there. you let me out right now.let me out. fucking let me outor i'll fucking kill you-- shut the fuck up. you wanna know whatit's like to kill a man? well, it's goddamn awful,that's what it is. the only thing worseis getting a medal of valor

    for killing some poor kid that wanted to just give up,that's all. yeah, some scared little gook just like you. i shot him in the face withthat rifle you were holding in there a while ago. not a day goes by thati don't think about it and you don't wantthat on your soul. now, i got blood on my hands.i'm soiled.

    that's why i'm goingit alone tonight. walt. you take me with you right now.let me out! look, you've come a long way. i'm proud to saythat you're my friend, but you got your wholelife ahead of you. but me, i finish things. that's what i do.and i'm going it alone. wait! walt! walt!

    walt! walt! walt! [grandma speaking in hmong] look, i need youto watch my dog. yeah, i love you too. yeah, she's old too. bye-bye, sweetheart.take it easy. her name is daisy. [whimpers] walt [on phone]: it's walt.

    the keys to my house are underthe ceramic turtle on the porch. let yourself in. your brother's in the basement. i gotta go. [hangs up] sorry, father, we have to go. i'm telling you,if we're not here, there will be bloodshed. we've been here for hours. we can't afford to anchora unit down at one location.

    i'm begging you to stay. just got word from my sergeant.we're pulling the plug. i'm staying. no, you aren't. we have specific orders. you came with us,you're leaving with us. watch your head. thao:sue. over here.over here. come unlock this.

    he left without me.he went to smokie's without me. thao! [chattering within] man:oh, fucker, give it to me. aw. man:what the fuck, man? any swamp rats in there? i didn't think your asswould have came. shut up, gook.

    i got nothing to say to you,shrimp-dick midget like you. yeah, yeah. you go ahead,watch out for your boyfriend. because it was either he or you or someone who raped one of their own family. your own blood, for chrissake. now, go ahead and pull thosepistols like miniature cowboys. so where's thao at? that pussy motherfuckercouldn't come?

    don't worry about thao. thao's got not onesecond for you. man:says who? you? what the fuck you gonna do,old man? what you gonna do,punk ass old man? [gasps] [guns cock] kind of jumpy, aren't we? you shut the fuck up.

    got a light? man 2:what the fuck? me. i've got a light. hail mary, full of grace. [jamie callum's"gran torino" playing] [chatter on police radio] ♪ la-la-la-da-da da-da-dum ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da da-da-dum ♪ ♪ la-la-la... ♪

    yes, sergeant. what happened? you need to step back. he's a friend of mine. i said, step back. hey, hey, did you hear him?step back. hey, step back. he's my friend. officer chang.get those people back.

    you have to step back now, okay? ♪ ooh-la-la-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ ooh, da-da-doo ♪ ♪ la-la-hm-hm-hm-hm ♪ get them the fuck out of here.get them out of here. ♪ la-la-la ♪ ♪ la-da-da la-da-da ♪ ♪ la-da-da ♪ ♪ la-da-da-la-la la-da-da ♪

    ♪ la-da-da la-da-do ♪ ♪ la-da-da-da-da da-da-da ♪ ♪ la-da-da-da-da la-da-do-oh ♪ ♪ la-da-da-do la-da-da-oh-da-oh ♪ ♪ la-da-do ♪ ♪ la-da-da-do la-da-da-oh-oh-oh ♪ ♪ da-da-da-oh-oh ♪ ♪ do-da-do ♪ walt kowalski once said to me

    that i didn't knowanything about life or death because i was an over-educated,27-year-old virgin who held the handsof superstitious old women and promised them eternity. walt definitely had no problemcalling it like he saw it, but he was right. i knew really nothingabout life or death until i got to know walt. and, boy, did i learn.

    "and i wanna leavemy house to the church because dorothywould have liked it." now, which bringsus to our last item, and again,please excuse the language in mr. kowalski's will. i'm simply readingit the way it was written. "and i'd like to leavemy 1972 gran torino to... "my friend thao vang lor "on the condition thatyou don't chop-top

    "the roof like oneof those beaners, "don't paint anyidiotic flames on it "like some white-trashhillbilly, "and don't put a big,gay spoiler on the rear end "like you see on allthe other zipperheads' cars. "it just looks like hell. "if you can refrain from doingany of that, it's yours." ♪ so tenderly ♪ ♪ your story is ♪

    ♪ nothing more than what you see ♪ ♪ or what you've done ♪ ♪ or will become ♪ ♪ standing strong ♪ ♪ do you belong in your skin? ♪ ♪ just wondering ♪ ♪ gentle now ♪ ♪ the tender breeze blows ♪ ♪ whispers through my gran torino ♪

    ♪ whistling another tired song ♪ ♪ engine hums and bitter dreams glow ♪ ♪ heart locked in a gran torino ♪ ♪ it beats a lonely rhythm all night long ♪ ♪ realign all the stars ♪ ♪ above my head warning signs travel far ♪ ♪ i drink instead on my own ♪ ♪ oh, how i've know the battle scars ♪ ♪ and worn out beds ♪

    ♪ gentle now a tender breeze blows ♪ ♪ whispers through a gran torino ♪ ♪ engines hum and bitter dreams glow ♪ ♪ they shine with the things i've known ♪ ♪ and breaks through the trees ♪ ♪ world is nothing more than all the tiny things ♪ ♪ you left behind ♪ ♪ may i be so bold and still ♪ ♪ need someone to hold ♪

    ♪ that shudders my skin ♪ ♪ so realign all the stars ♪ ♪ beats a lonely rhythm all night long ♪

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