About : tv stands for flat screens amazon
Title : tv stands for flat screens amazon
tv stands for flat screens amazon

sarang's at the airport this morning. where is she headed? here he comes... here comes yuto. there she is! hello! - good morning! / - good morning! yuto! yuto, look.
yuto, should we get a cart as well? sarang... yuto, should we get a cart? sarang. what's wrong with yuto? yuto wants to ride the cart too. oh, this thing? i'll push you from behind. hello.
sarang asked when we're going to korea. so i told her that it's after 3 sleeps. she replied, "3 more nights?" after one night, she asked, "so 2 more nights now?" she went around boasting that she was going to korea with yuto. even the kindergarten teacher knew. i think she's really looking forward to going to korea with yuto.
it's a tower. that's the korean tower. are we in seoul? it's that way. for the 1st anniversary of the return of superman... sarang and yuto have visited korea. it's their first trip to korea together. every road must be filled with excitement. - hello. / - okay.
what do you say when you part? bye-bye. see you later. see you later. to thank someone. thank you. yuto, thank you. thank you! - hi. / - hi? say good-bye.
bye. - see you later. / - bye. say thank you. - thank you. / - thank you. yuto, what are you doing? - yuto. / - sarang, do you want to try? yeah. i want to try too. try it.
what are these two doing? how embarrassing. i'm sorry. i'm... i'm sorry. they're having a special recording at the kbs annex. haru's family is the first to arrive. mom, my six friends aren't here. triplets and twins.
and there's you, sarang. that's six. oh, there are six. so it's 6 with sarang. hello, haru. the return of superman. i'll be your host for the 1st anniversary special. i'm yoon jongshin. - hello, haru. / - hello. he's the coolest guy in korea.
yeah, i grew up singing his songs. haru... i have to do well today. aren't we going to see our friends? we will. mom... the latest members, the triplets are here as well. over here. - over here. / - you want this one?
here? come here. daehan, you take this. put your seatbelt on. manse. our manse! i'm going to drive! you're going to drive, manse? you drive then.
manse, you drive. get off now. manse's driving! wow. let's go. the triplets are at the tv studio now. this is so heavy. daehan, minguk, manse. will they get along with the other kids
in their first meeting with them? with the triplets here, four families have arrived. sarang heads toward the studio where they'll be recording the 1st anniversary special. come over here. wait, just a little later. just a little bit later. wait, seoeon. just a bit. minguk!
minguk, come here. the studio is just like a playground for the kids. will they do well for today's recording? seojun. seojun! he's used to the camera now. dad, there are so many people here. this must be some sort of stage. you wanted to join me on stage, right?
should we try today? later? - yeah! / - okay. we'll see you later. watch me sing later! the return of superman 1st anniversary special with the viewers. the entire family has come together for this time. the studio is in chaos as soon as we begin. they're stronger because they're together.
can we just do this via sms today? show her that you love her. i'm thinking of going on overseas trips. the past year that made the families laugh and cry and the untold stories. also surprise visits from welcome guests. the return of superman 1st anniversary special. "the neighborhood is needed to raise one child." part 1 begins now!
it's the hottest and most loved kbs show today... i'm your host yoon jongshin. hello, i'm park jiyoon. hello, i'm gu hara. looking after the kids without the wife for 48 hours. it's more about survival. is it about survival? it's the survival reality show the return of superman. the pilot began on september 19, 2013.
it's been really popular and has recorded really high viewer ratings. you can all hear that, right? normally a studio is really quiet. but with the return of superman, it can't be helped. - i can hear the kids crying. / - hwijae begged us. he asked that we keep the opening short. yes, yes.
it's the 1st anniversary special today. the entire superman family is here. you want to meet them, right? yes! we call out the superman families. all the supermen are gathered together. please greet the audience. tell us who to go first! - work it out yourselves. / - hwijae, go first.
hello, i'm lee hwijae. nice to meet you. hello, i'm the father of triplets daehan, minguk and manse. i'm song ilkook. hello, i'm haru's father, tablo. hello, i'm sarang's mom, shiho. choo sunghoon was supposed to be here but he's training for his ufc return fight. so shiho is here in his stead. are you well?
how embarrassing. so embarrassing. embarrassing. thank you so much for inviting me here. she said thank you for inviting her even though sunghoon can't be here. i knew this would happen today. it went really smoothly during rehearsals. i don't know how we're going to host this. just let them be.
please understand even if they run past the cameras in the middle of a conversation. can't we just do this via sms today? i'd prefer to do this via sms. mom! just as we expected... as you can see from our studio, raising kids is no easy task. just as everything was possible for the supermen
because they had their families... so we've invited other family members here as well. thank you for being here. we also have 100 viewer couples in the studio audience. we introduce the adorable children of the viewers. bang! let's begin the 1st anniversary special with the 100 superman viewers.
september 2013. a challenge for the celebrity fathers that knew nothing but work. taking care of their children alone for 48 hours without their wives. the supermen took on this challenge to represent the fathers of korea. their start was quite worrisome. oh, my god!
our fathers struggled so much from the beginning. but 1 year later... all they have is fun times with their kids. and the small but unbelievable miracle of korea. it's the golden age of daddy child care. they're known as "friendy," friend and daddy. a show about dads and kids. they may be awkward but they're so good to their kids.
there are many fathers that give their all for their kids. the superman effect has moved korea. the 48-hour miracle continues even now. there's a daddy child care craze now in korea. can you feel it yourselves? i do see things that i'd never seen before on weekends. it used to be the moms in the parks. now i see lots of fathers out with their kids too.
but they all glare at me. they have become the public enemies of fathers. the return of superman fathers are used to it. they're good at feeding... my kids don't eat when i feed them. the 48 hours must be really hard for the dads. but for the moms, it's a true time of freedom. i was always curious about how the moms spent that time.
to be honest, at first, i was so so worried. it wasn't really a vacation. but now i'm thinking of going overseas. i've been planning a trip. one person looks really annoyed by that. i think the viewers who have joined us today are the ones who have most strongly felt the superman effect.
many fathers have applied for child care leave at work after watching this show. we have the president of the child care leave for fathers movement. - oh, really? / - there is such an organization? many organizations are being formed at the moment. the president of the child care leave for fathers. is this true? who is it? i'm the father of three, jeongui, jeongu, jeonghyeon.
i'm attempting to have a fourth right now... the return of superman is a great program that has brought on a daddy child care craze in korea. in order for your average dads to participate in child care, we need child care leave to be made part of annual leave. that's right. if you feel moved by something on tv, it shouldn't just end with being entertained.
i hope the show will continue to grow into one that brings about change. - thank you. / - give him a round of applause. that's an honorable thought. it's hard to take a stand. he's doing something amazing. we hope that there can be institutional support too. it's getting difficult to continue the shoot. so we have a playroom prepared for the kids.
we'll connect with the playroom when we want to see how the kids are doing. mom, let's go and play. ta-da! this playroom will look after the kids during the recording. one boy keeps looking out for sarang in particular. who could it be? of course, it's sarang's boyfriend, yuto.
what's happening to the triplets that can't be left alone for even a minute? when my child is sick, i'd much rather that i be in pain. that's the mind of all fathers in this world. if children want to grow up faster... - am i pretty? / - so cute. the parents wish that their children could grow up a little slower.
who said you could step on your brother? they want to raise them better than anyone. they want them to grow as better people. so we always trust and cheer on our child. and that is something only a parent can do. our children grow up as much as we trust them. it's been 1 year now... the entire nation looks upon seoeon and seojun like their own twins.
all they could do was lie down and eat. now they can move about the whole house. then one day... they stood up on their own two feet. you're men now? you've grown so much. now they're practicing to walk. it's a little hard? seoeon!
he didn't walk, but he did succeed in standing on his own. for 16 whole seconds! amazing, isn't he? and the moment that could not be forgotten in the twins' lives... seoeon took 5 precious steps by himself. mom and dad were moved so much. it was a strange feeling.
it was different to when they were born and first came home. i was moved in such a big way. when they first walked, my wife cried. oh, of course. but then a week later, she cried different tears. we wondered when they would walk. now they run around freely. they may fall over but they don't cry.
they're growing so fast. they can even climb tall heights now. there's only one thing that hwijae wishes for now. among all the superman families... we're the only one that can't talk. we look forward to the day he'll talk with the twins. daddy. on the other hand, sunghoon dreamed of communicating
with sarang in korean. butterfly. squirrel. hide, hide, i can see your hair. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! 10! 9, 9! it's not only sarang that has improved her korean. where are you going?
sarang's mom, shiho, is learning korean too. let's eat. good morning. good morn. morning. - morning. / - morning. what was it? welcome? - welcome. / - welcome. sorry. welcome.
sorry. thank you for looking after sarang. you speak well. she wants to communicate in korean with the family. she's as pretty on the inside as on the outside. nice to meet you. good work on getting there. on getting here. loyalty.
because of her boyish looks, haru used to be mistaken for a boy. is it really a daughter? she's my daughter. she's so boyish. son, i'm going. she's telling you to be quiet. but every week haru became more and more like a beautiful girl.
do you remember her first transformation? am i pretty? so cute. she's the pretty and lovable 5-year-old haru. she's even prettier than snow white, isn't she? she's so pretty. haru didn't like dresses in the past. she liked everything blue. but now...
she's seem like a daughter. a really pretty girl. the mackerel... goes like this. you can't leave out haru's random word choices when you talk about her. why aren't you speaking? donkey, what's your name? you must not be able to speak yet. haru, why do you like eating the things you like?
i don't even know myself. haru, please grow up just as pure-hearted as now. and the new triplet family that joined the show recently. - it's dad... / - dad. daehan's really like the eldest son. it's as if they know. he's kind of old school. the second born gets jealous easily. he's just like a second born.
big bow. come on, big bow. the third born is a free spirit. manse, come here! manse... no, no. he has to feed three mouths at once. he has to always play with all three. if one cries, the others cry as well. wherever they are, whatever they do.
the triplets are always together. sparrow... how much will they have grown by tomorrow? when do you realize that your child has grown? when i see things like this. it's the first time in my 22-year career that i'm paying to watch my own show. tablo, what kind of child do you think haru will grow up to be?
since haru takes after me and her mom... she'll probably do as she pleases. it'll just be a headache for me to try and stop her. so i'm going to let her live freely. is it okay if she does hip hop? am i okay with it? are you okay with her doing rap battles? so long as she wins. as i was watching the video...
i realized that sarang's korean has really improved. her pronunciation is great. not only that, she can even sing well. i find that so fascinating. but i heard shiho is learning korean with her. it's okay. so pretty. thank you for the food. she's learned the best phrases.
i think these two will be happier about sarang's korean than her parents. it's sarang's grandparents. choo gyei and yu eunhwa. how do you feel about sarang speaking korean? i'm really happy about it. the hide-and-seek song. she didn't sing it much before. but she sung it at the swimming pool
so i was shocked. even my husband doesn't know that song. he's never expressed things like that before. sunghoon grew up in japan but he's good at korean. you must've worked hard to teach him. we do our best to speak korean. it makes us feel proud to watch. how proud would they feel?
we thought she was a baby but sarang even has a boyfriend. welcome! where are you, yuto? he's embarrassed right now. he's really handsome. he's handsome. is it because you're shy? all kids are the same when they're embarrassed.
are they boyfriend and girlfriend or is it just complicated? i think we need to know for sure if they're dating. a daughter's boyfriend is a very sensitive topic for fathers. it's different to a son's girlfriend. i want my kids to hurry up and date and go out. doesn't sunghoon get jealous of yuto? he definitely does.
he has this unhappy look on his face. you can't hide that face. they're really close. they go well with each other and i think they have feelings for each other. they also fight a lot. they fight? they love passionately and fight passionately too. it's a relationship that's like a war.
too much. yuto's dancing was what stood out for me. she's embarrassed. yuto and sarang race to the playroom. as soon as the music starts, they show off the dance they couldn't in the studio. dancing machine yuto shows his stuff too. yuto's specialty is his dance. he shows off an awkward b-boy dance.
but just then! his nose suddenly starts to bleed. nosebleed! is yuto okay? tissue! tissue! - nosebleed. / - tissue! tissue! tissue! yuto, are you laughing right now? he must be so happy that it doesn't hurt.
the father that i longed for when i was young... the father i wanted would always play with me. he'd be affectionate to me. and make lots of memories with me. the father that i remember in my memories... i was so scared of my father when i was young... so i realized that i shouldn't be like that to sarang. the father that i long for so much. have you been well?
you must be cold. the longer i spend being a father... i long for my father even more. it's like that. the father that i understood too late. grandpa, haru's here. i'm a father now too. because i've raised haru a little now and realize what it means to be a father...
that's how one becomes a father, the greatest responsibility in the world. the beast in the ring becomes weak in front of his daughter. stop that. no... the greatest fool for his daughter in the world. it's sarang's father, sunghoon. is he a real fool not just a fool for his daughter?
- this one? / - no, not this one. sit down. sit down. sarang's excited about meeting peter pan. however... that's not peter pan! sunghoon's become a fool. also... give me minnie mouse. minnie mouse?
do you know the difference between mickey mouse and minnie mouse? i'm not sure yet. not exactly. they're so famous. you're a real fool if you don't know that. at first he didn't really know what his daughter wanted. but by spending a lot of time with sarang, sunghoon has grown more and more.
they make the water clean. with them, the sea water is clean. it takes over 50 years to grow these. isn't it hot? it's not hot. we'll eat now and then take a bath. then brush our teeth and get in bed and watch superman then go to bed.
let's say cheers now. cheers. do you want to eat? stop! you shouldn't hit him. it hurts. no more hitting. - okay... / - good. let's ask. excuse me, is the address 272 here?
is that here? 272 is now this road. and this carpark? oh, so it's here now. sarang, this is our hometown. this is where it all began. but it's quite sad that it's a carpark now. this is our hometown. that's quite saddening.
now he experiences deep feelings with sarang. he's become an even more awesome man. i'll go and wash my hands. excuse me? i need to pee. what did you eat? why are your eyes so swollen? you want to chew. she's saying she needs to pee.
not about chewing. you need to pee? i thought she was going on about chewing. you scared me. do you like mom or dad more? mom. mom? yeah, i thought so. do you like me or jelly? jelly.
good girl. you like jelly more than your father. do you like me or them? them. mom is 1st. then fish. then maybe dad? daddy used to be less important than fish to haru. but there was nothing tablo wouldn't do for her. santa claus is here. but what's with that look on haru's face?
- santa claus. / - are you scared? okay, come with me. let's go out. let's go out right now. no! - haru, it's daddy. / - daddy! haru, come here. it's me, haru. take it off!
i'm so sorry. daddy! it's me, it's me. it's okay. i never imagined she'd feel horror. it wasn't supposed to be scary. when she cried and got scared like that i was so sorry. it really felt like i'd become a monster. he's a clumsy and silly dad.
dad, you grab it. but he'd do everything if haru liked it. dad! dad! it's cold! daddy's quite shocked right now. kiss. through all this effort... daddy and haru became two best friends. i'm not lying.
dad, your my friend and i'm not scared of you. thank you, haru. who do you belong to, haru? you. do you belong to me? who do i belong to? me. you're right. haru, do you want to eat this?
no. it's for mom. haru, why are you so kind? who did you learn this from? it's the miraculous change that arose from a year of effort. if you miss out on these precious moments today, they may never return. our dads know that and will never forget them. holding diapers like that really suits you.
- it really suits you. / - really? do you know how to change their diapers? of course. i'm a god of child care. i'm sorry. you must be so sleepy. hwijae took child care too lightly at first. he even had to go as far as taking his twins to the emergency room. i'm crying because i'm sad. it's tough but it felt strange.
when they cried and kept coming to me. it's tough but i'll never give up. giving up does not exist in this dad's dictionary. superman! peek-a-boo. he may fall over but he'll always get up again. hwijae is a true superman that can call forth the energy for his twins. how are you?
it's really tough being a father. but it makes you so happy that you cry. dads create new dreams and challenges as their children grow up. being with the twins makes these times that much more precious. bye-bye! until the day his two sons become healthy sports stars...
we met hiddink! that was hiddink! hey, we met hiddink! daddy dreams happy dreams and does his best to fulfill them once again. big bow. hello. this is daehan. this is minguk. say hello, minguk. big bow.
even their first greeting was tough for father of triplets, ilkook. if i had one kid, i could travel the amazon with them. i could travel the world with two. every time they head out... manse! he's busy trying to contain them. he can't take his eyes off them. hey!
look over there. everything's a challenge with triplets. v-line! hey, you had to take it off then. will they get a good photo today? let's take the photo. daehan, look that way. there really isn't a single easy thing with this type of child care. you want me to hold you?
okay, come here. okay, come here. minguk, hold my hand. dad, carry me. carry me. okay, let me carry you. come on. wow! he really is a true superman. what's that?
i can't think right now. don't ask. don't ask me anything. i'm about to die right now. if you can't avoid it, enjoy it. the 2014 child care trend. tayo! bye, bus. child care and sports. go, go, go.
we're going over. what could be better exercise than this? they say if you love someone, you become like them. during the past year, the superman families have really become like each other. do you want to eat grapes? who wants grapes? me! who wants this?
there you go. where's haru? i'm here! i'm here. where are you, sarang? - right here! / - here? daehan! where are daehan and manse. happy new year.
it's more fun because they're together. they're happier because they're together. they've gathered as fathers. they're making the best memories ever as the superman families. 1, 2, 3. we'll always root for you. be strong, superman! even in the next life,
i'll be born as seoeon and seojun's father. i wouldn't even hesitate with that choice. these days i say this without realizing... i ask haru to stay as she is and not grow up. if she could only stay like this for around 3 years. i'm so happy with everything right now that i'd like her to grow up slower. i'm scared about when she grows older and she'll say that she doesn't want her father.
that day will come. she'll say things like, "don't you dare wash my panties with yours." even things like that... i'd like to go on dates with sarang even when i'm old. that's how i want to age. i smile without even realizing it. it's 3 times harder
but the joy is to the power of 3. my life after becoming a father... it's like my second life has begun. i feel relieved that i'm a father. because i have a reason to live now. shiho's showing tears right now. i was moved by the love that the fathers show their children. you'd think they change after marriage
but fathers really only change once they have kids. that's right. i don't always realize it... but if work's running long or i'm stressed... before i had kids, i'd complain about life being tough. but these days, rather than complaining i just go to the bathroom and watch videos of the boys. then i tell myself that i'm not alone. that makes me realize that i've grown as a father.
let's speak with the wives. jeongwon, when do you feel that hwijae has changed the most? he did complain a fair bit when we were newlyweds. but after having the kids, he seems to hold back his complaints. that makes me feel sad at times. complaining and being annoyed is what hwijae is like...
- but now... / - that wasn't complaining. it was supposed to be a dish cooked in soy sauce, but all you had was just soy sauce. that's what i was saying. lee hwijae! he still has to change. he has a long way to go. still long to go. a long way to go.
how dare you talk back! ilkook, you must've changed as soon as your triplets were born. it's called a sudden change. he's like a completed superman. right. i feel like an adult now that i've had children. it's like... yes...
many thoughts must be crossing your mind. he probably became an adult as soon as he saw the ultrasound. the ultrasound? what has changed in him from the mother-in-law's point of view? from what i've seen, i'm so thankful that he cares for the kids so much. plus there are three kids and yet
he doesn't complain. i'm so thankful for that. i always wondered if you really had the cameras rolling for 48 hours. many people are curious about that. it begins thursday morning and finishes at saturday afternoon. 12 to 1 o'clock. then it's not 48 hours.
if you add it up... around 50 plus hours? it's like 3 days and 2 nights. it's longer than 48 hours. i noticed there are tents throughout the house... - for the cameramen. / - yes, for them. are they really with you for 48 hours? early in the morning, the cameramen wake up and prepare for the 48 hours earlier than anyone.
sometimes they're harassed by the children. but they get energized as they're the ones who can witness the children closer than anyone. you can do it, cameramen! i asked the cameramen later. they didn't realize it'd become a regular show. if he was a bachelor, he might not want to get married now.
but among the cameramen that come to our house, two of them got married. after they started the show? yes, and they don't turn up anymore. they have to be supermen at home. there must be men in the audience that have changed with their children just like our supermen dads who can tell us about their experience?
i'm sure many dads changed after watching this. hello, i'm eunjae and podong's father, jeong uyeol. when eunjae was born, i was a full-time father until her first birthday. at first i was quite anxious. but after trying it, it was a lot easier than i'd thought. so i got a little arrogant and learned a huge lesson. i had post-natal depression. that can affect men too?
my occupation... i'm a psychiatrist. so the thing is... i couldn't understand why women had trouble with child care. but now i know. i'm sorry but what are the symptoms of that? - is this a free session? / - the symptoms are... you feel really lonely.
lonely? and it feels like no one can understand how i feel. it feels great because of the kids but it's also very difficult because of them. those are just some of them. getting depressed when the sun goes down? yes, please come and see me. you look quite depressed. we'll book in a time.
hello, i'm dani's father, choi myeongsu. i have one daughter right now. seeing hwijae and ilkook live in the hustle and bustle of raising kids... they look so happy seeing their kids grow. so we had a family meeting. and we've decided to have a second child. she's actually pregnant right now. she's pregnant?
initially they only wanted one child but through the show they've decided to have more. it's a show that encourages childbirth. - it's playing a big role. / - you're right. the kids and their actions make raising them worth it all. we've gathered the best moments of each child. when it comes to cuteness, it's the choos.
let's start with sarang's best moments. my princess. my princess. sarang's kisses knock out her fighter dad. even grandpa can't escape. grandma will scold you. another one of her charms is her ultra-cute dances. dance joyfully then stop on the spot. stop on the spot.
sarang's dances can come out at any time and any place. sarang's boyfriend yuto. he dances just as well as her. yuto only does this head spin when he's in the best mood. if they're together, anywhere can be an exciting stage. and it's not just dancing.
being cute is a group thing. the triplets have a different charm each. three times the cuteness with daehan, minguk and manse. their best moments. we can't leave out this gator dance moment. among the triplets, he's clearly no. 1 when it comes to cuteness. let's check out minguk's best moments.
wink. - mom. / - say you miss her. minguk. shrug, shrug, well done. well done! butterfly, butterfly, come fly over here. tiger butterfly, white butterfly, dance and come to me. dancing...
let's go now. minguk's secret weapon is his wink attack which melts ilkook. all the fatigue from the day has melted. all thanks to you. haru is a born artist. let's check out her dance skills first. where did you learn this? i'm with you and you and you and you, yeah.
various urchins. you and me are crayfish. the fish are you and me, hello. we're caught in this net. is this the birth of a hip hop prodigy? mama, money. i see what i put out and get shocked. - haru! / - i caught it. you caught it already? do you want to shake hands?
there's another talent that only haru can do. say hello. that's befriending animals. kiss. there you go. haru has the mysterious ability to be able to communicate and befriend animals. it's probably possible because haru has a beautiful mind and pure heart. the twins are growing faster every day.
they're talking more and more as well. mommy. you just want mommy? so sour. oh, my. i love you. sometimes they show us slapstick comedy and make daddy laugh. seoeon, don't you think you're too big?
why pretend to be a baby? you guys almost look the same age. his stomach cracks me up. please. seoeon say please. milk please. act cute. seojun's talents are growing by the day. seojun, act cute.
you're acting cute and walking. you really make me smile. who wants to eat mangoes? mommy's here. auntie... how will they make us laugh in the future? girl twins are different to boy twins. the adorable twin girls, rahui and rayul. are you dancing?
bounce, bounce. you can't lie about genes. they have extraordinary dance skills. two fairies that look just like their mom. let's meet them right now. it's the national twin sisters rahui and rayul. welcome. they really look alike. they're so cute.
please welcome them with a round of applause. who's rahui and who's rayul? hwijae should know by now. hwijae, who's who? take a look at me. their cheeks are a little different. rayul. no, hwijae. - is this rahui? / - this is rahui.
that's rayul. she's the national fairy that's given birth to fairies. i never thought we'd be on tv together like this. i've changed a lot. when i used to shoot all night in the past... i wanted to quickly go home. but now, even after an all night shoot, i feel happy that i can work for the kids. i'm thankful for a lot of people.
you seem more relaxed. your outlook on life has changed. how about you, ilkook? don't you want twin girls? one more? oh, i want more kids. i do, but i can't tell my wife that. if your wife agreed, would you want more kids?
i've already thought of names. really? with daughters in mind? if i had twin girls... - uri and nara. / - uri and nara? uri and nara. they're beautiful names. we'll cheer you on! i'm sorry, mother.
his mother-in-law is sighing. that's just a dream of mine. my own small dream. don't worry. hwijae, you must want daughters too. if i could guarantee that it be a daughter, then i'd like to try. but in the case it's a son... they say mothers who raise three sons aren't scared of terrorists.
i'd be too worried if it was another son. jeongwon's still very feminine. i don't think she'll change with another son. she's already changed a lot. i'm sorry, i wouldn't know. tablo, don't you ever want a son? i honestly don't want a son. i haven't thought about it even for a second. since i've been a son myself...
i don't think they're very good. how do you feel, hyejeong? do you want a son? it's not that you can create a son whenever you want. i'm just happy to let things be. i didn't plan my second child either. but with shoo... i've heard you want a fourth child. i actually want to feel the pains of childbirth.
there are many women like that. the joy of holding your baby after such great pain... it's crazy with kids like this... but there are so many things that make you smile. when we did the rehearsal, we said that rahui and rayul would be good. they'd be fine for the shoot. but you just don't know with kids. there, there.
i think she likes me. she's not crying. she's stopped. she's different. is there anyone here who raises more than 3 kids? there are quite a few. let's interview one of them. hello, i'm from ansan. i'm the father of seungju, seunga, seungye, seunghwi. my name is choi beomjin.
he's a father of four. he had twin girls. then 3 years later another set of twins. he overcame 100,000 to 1 odds to have two sets of twins. when i first got married, we planned to have 3 children. but since we had twins, we were really happy. then 3 years later, we saw on the ultrasound...
- twins again. / - the second kids were twins too. we were happy plus we could prepare for the worst. - just slightly? / - yes. what's the best and worst things? we don't have to do anything... they're each other's friends and siblings. the worst thing would be bathing them. i wash each one then send them out
then my wife wipes them down. then i put another one in... you put them in? it's just like cleaning a product. the laundry for four kids must be overwhelming. hello, i live in jeongneung. i'm the father of five... my name is song il. father of five song il.
he's a father of quadruplets. it's hard to believe even when you see it. the eldest daughter yeonseo and the four naughty boys. each day is filled with challenges. a family that's filled with joy. this is a true superman family. each parent has to take care of two children each. and that's barely enough hands to do it.
when is it most difficult? there are so many difficulties... just everyday life... tell us the worst case. we go to the emergency ward often. they fight often and get injured. those things happen often. that makes it hard. - normally... / - i can't speak.
- you can't, right? / - hwijae's shocked right now. please give our twin and triplet fathers some advice. some words to cheer them on. you just have to do your best. - that's true. / - just do your best. after the talk between the parents of twins and triplets... rahui and rayul have joined the playroom. it's your friend, rahui.
look at him. he's grabbed the whole bunch. rahui. good girl. one for me too please. grandma. one for grandma. what about this time? oh, dear... my goodness.
another one for me? go live with her now. what? i'm starving right now. even the mighty father of triplets can't stand being hungry. good work, boys! i went to buy pastry after watching this. you need to eat to look after kids.
you should eat first before looking after kids. who is eating this huge meal? it's yeonu's mom, yoonjeong. that's when yoonjeong needed to eat a lot. even before she got married she would never be happy with one dish. - she has to order various dishes. / - really? she has to always eat at least two servings. she heads to the fridge again to find more food.
i really don't have an appetite. she's barely eaten. she's eating that to get her appetite back. does she really have no appetite? gyeongwan, you must be full from watching. the scene that made everyone want toast. that crunch from the toast made me crave toast for ages. it must taste better since her husband made it.
i'm really feminine when i'm alone. it's such a shame. yoonjeong, we'll look forward to seeing you eat more. honey, that's a vendor! haru, look at that! there's someone else who has a huge appetite. it's gourmand hyejeong. it's the grilled squid. grilled squid!
honey... that... it's really delicious. haru, it's really delicious! she's in the best mood when she has food. i'm supposed to be on a diet... i can't diet when i'm with my family. there's too much to eat. they say that no one can defeat hunger and the same applies to actress kang hyejeong.
she eats well. where does all that food go? hyejeong's joyful appetite will continue to grow. it's good. shiho's appetite is as big as sarang's. that looks so good. this is delicious. she eats and eats. she makes it look so delicious.
she has the ability to make the viewers feel hungry. so amazing. i can't eat anymore. so delicious. did you order two? she eats new food with an open mind. it's the top model's surprising appetite. it's tasty. something's strange.
spicy raw crab. that's the way to eat it. will she enjoy spicy raw crab too? how is it? it's really delicious. is it good? korean food is spicy but good. it's spicy. shiho has a great love for korean food.
we wondered who sarang's appetite took after. it was her mom. yes, really. she eats so well. and she looks pretty too. do you like korean food? i really like it. i eat a lot whenever i'm in korea. you really get big appetites when you get pregnant.
the couple that made an issue out of toast. yoonjeong and gyeongwan are here. let's call them out. yoonjeong and gyeongwan! hello, nice to meet you. he's asleep right now. he's so cute. he was waiting quietly... yeonu.
he has to wait too long. he's fallen asleep now. how old is he now? it hasn't been 2 months yet. 8 weeks. many people wanted to see him. please greet our viewers. i was kkomkkom's mom, now i'm yeonu's mom. i'm jang yoonjeong. nice to meet you.
i was jang yoonjeong's husband, then kkomkkom's dad and now yeonu's dad. i'm do gyeongwan. nice to meet you. i was shocked when i saw you on tv. i didn't know that gyeongwan was such a romantist. what do you love so much about yoonjeong? rather than loving... i find her very reliable and cool. my husband says the same thing.
i'm very dependable. i can rely on her. she's still a goddess, right? since i've already said it... she'll continue to be a goddess. once a goddess, forever a goddess. you know there are different types of goddesses? that's enough. did you cry when seoeon and seojun were born?
just like gyeongwan. for me... they were born when i was working. so as soon as i finished, i rushed there at 1 a.m. and saw them. rather than crying, i was shocked. they were so wrinkly. what about you, ilkook? - when they were born? / - yes. i was too busy shooting video.
trying to get the best angle. i added inserts and the follow... the lights turning on in the delivery room. coming outside and shooting the incubator and my mother-in-law crying. it's a documentary. after i shot all that, everything was over. i had no time to cry. march 16, 2012.
the exciting and somewhat scary day that daehan, minguk and manse will enter the world. are you worried? unexpected things keep arising. i'm scared... daehan, minguk and manse entered the world after a long wait. daddy ilkook saved every moment... you boys need to be really good to your mother.
- he's the first born? / - yes, the first. - so mature. / - he is. don't cry. he stopped when i told him to. what a good boy. thank you for being born safely. another couple that has earnestly waited for this moment for 10 months. do gyeongwan and jang yoonjeong
will never forget june 13, 2014. they've been born again as parents. who is this? look at his face. kkomkkom. smile for the camera. he smiled! from the moment he was born, yeonu grew up fast and
brought great joy to his parents. i didn't wake you. they're all similar at that age. he's sleeping. he smiles while he's sleeping. did you sleep well? yeonu mumbles words now. where are you headed today? it's yeonu's 50th day today.
we're going to the photo studio. - it's his 50th day? / - he's already this big. he's grown up so fast. perhaps he's inherited his parents' talents. his pose is quite cool. you must be reminded of when sarang was that age. i'm really reminded of that time. of course... the baby that's become my everything.
and parenthood continues to make me stronger. we're a happy family because we're together. our mothers would be reminded of when their children were 50 and 100 days old. shiho cried earlier because she was reminded of those times. it's cute to see them through video. that feeling of giving birth for the first time... i was reminded of that time.
so i cried without realizing it. i think that's the memorable thing about raising kids. when they're in high school then in their 20s, they're still the same child... but it's like having said good-bye to the current child. this child in the present doesn't exist. so you have to do well with the child now. - each and every moment. / - they change. the thing i related to most was tablo's words.
wanting haru to stop growing for just 3 years. that thought hasn't changed, right? yes, so i stopped my life for around 2 years. so... you're so unique. no, the thing is... i stopped releasing albums without realizing it. so you stopped being tablo the musician. and just focused on being a father?
i did for over 2 years and stayed home... i did a lot of things with hyejeong and haru. but i honestly don't regret it. how about you, yoonjeong? do you think you've changed? you were bright and happy in the past. now you possess a different kind of beauty. this is what i thought. a child is born but a mother is born also.
is he awake? he's opened his eyes. he's awake. yeonu, open your eyes. - he's opened them. / - so pretty. how cute. is gyeongwan still as good to you? the thing i'm thankful to this show for... we began doing child care together for this show.
but it's become a habit now. he's still doing the things he did then. he came out as a kind and romantic husband on the show... they edited it so well like that... he has to keep living that way. now he can't stop. - it can't be helped. / - i really dug my own grave. so many people are watching.
you won't be able to go and have a beer alone. - i know. / - right. they'll ask what he's doing instead of raising his kid. you have to go where there are no people. i realize once again that mothers are strong. we hope you raise yeonu to be a great kid. - we'll cheer you on. / - thank you. he's awake. i'm leaving.
the mothers get a holiday. it's a party for me. i'm going to the disco. i'll have my first drink in ages. the 48 hours of freedom that's a gift from the supermen... bye-bye. the mom's actually leave like that. she's gone. mom is really gone.
and leave the fathers with this reality... crying, crying and more crying. 48 hours is not at all easy for the fathers. i can't do this. how do the fathers really feel? i don't want my wife to go. the thankful people that helped fill the void mom left. the entire neighborhood is needed to raise one child.
last winter, hwijae went to the mart with the twins. this is trouble. are you busy? you want me to look after the baby? please look after this one for a minute. where's the restroom? that was when they had intestinal problems. he has to wash them and dress them too. i've had all three get intestinal problems together.
all i did was clean poop the entire day. i know. you can't get any sleep. hey, help me out for one second. just one second. just a second. hold him. hold him tight. don't drop him. don't drop him.
do you want me to hold your baby? yes, please. that's better. - yes, yes. / - thank you. wait there, let's help this baby. all mothers can empathize. they can't just walk by. there's a sock in there. oh, right.
there's a sock in there? the neighbors all helped like it was their kids. oh, thank you. thank you so much. you're so thankful for those helping hands. lee seoeon, why are you crying so much? i'm here. come here. - put him in your arms? / - yes, yes. thank you, ma'am.
a father realizes a lot from the help of neighbors. life is a sharing of work. that's why child care is a sharing of work. there's another superman who desperately needs help. are you heading over there? no, we're taking a break. please grab him. daehan, hold his hand. hold his hand.
a father who needs more hands can only be thankful for neighbors who help. this time manse's gone missing. can you go up and grab manse? manse, hold him. that's it. come down now. a neighborhood boy grabs manse. help me. i'll help you.
put your foot there. he comes to help whenever manse shouts for it. - no. / - me too. minguk asks for his help too. thanks to the boys, ilkook can relax for a minute. the triplets learn to ride bikes from the older boys. a kind-hearted boy that even lends them his hat. where is manse? manse? over there.
ilkook could never have done this on his own. they complete the mission with the boys. if you see me or the triplets on the street, please lend us your helping hand. thank you in advance. girls' generation. i miss you. sarang's met a lot of stars. if sarang can meet girls' generation,
i'm sure she'll be influenced in positive ways. i really hope she can meet them. mountain rabbit, where are you going? sarang focuses on the girls singing. this time they're reading a children's book. save me! don't bite my shadow! growl, growl, growl... he flew into the air...
sunghoon looks more excited. sunghoon's even gelled his hair. the end. peter pan was fun. they even play magic carpet. looks like daddy's more excited again. one more time please. she enjoyed fun times because of the things she couldn't do alone with daddy.
sarang's made some precious friends. haru, sing into this. follow, follow. straw! i almost swore at you. a special project by the musician fathers. i can't live without straws. babe! i only love straws. straws! red, yellow, blue straws!
thick, beding, flat straws! i'm always happy when i'm drinking through straws! so many juices and so many fruits. the special song haru made with talented uncles. what could be a better form of education for a child? there are joys from looking after kids with other parents. the children are excited to be with friends. he's so pumped. this isn't developing their sense of touch.
this is just a buffet. you can eat it. it's more delicious when they eat together. touch that. there you go. sharing the load is good for the parents too. the children discover new joys by meeting lots of new people and they experience new things. this is why the entire neighborhood is needed
for one child to grow. child care is doable when you do it together. grandpa! the family is what a child really needs. the grandparents seem like the best of friends. that's so great. i'm happy. she's so pretty. i can't express it in words. grandpa will put it on for you.
grandpa can't help but be cute in front of his granddaughter. grandpa will... even yeonu's gruff grandfather can't help but be cute. i didn't realize my father could be like that. that's the first time i've seen him like that. seoeon. even scary grandfathers become cute men
in front of their babies. something's not right. you have to push the stroller. i can do that. but you've never done it before. - stroller? / - yeah. i have no recollection of it. then you've never done it before. they do things that they've never done before
just for their kids. hwijae's father is the typical father for our generation. this is the first time he's ever done this. it's a historical day. so many things have changed with the birth of kids. i'm choked with tears. because my father's never done that before. i'm beyond shocked. father and son were awkward in the past.
fathers and sons barely talk. as they look after the children, they're enjoying more things together. it's a great joy that the family never knew before. the entire neighborhood has changed through raising one child. they say that the door becomes open when you have kids. you become closer with the neighbors
and parents nearby as you raise your own kids. without the help of others, you just have to stay home. going out for walks... or teaching them to ride a bike. you can't do any of that without someone's help. it's said that you need the neighborhood to raise kids. but at the same time, there are people who drift away. don't you drift from your hip hop friends?
you drift away from your work. you've drifted from hip hop. because those friends gather at clubs and such. they're different neighborhoods. you have your early morning neighborhood. and the neighborhood that gets up late. the neighborhood that sleeps in the morning. yes, the sleepers. and those who talk about partying.
they're just different neighborhoods. since i work too, if both husband and wife have to go to work... your mothers and even sisters need to help out otherwise it's impossible. there's a family in the audience that has 4 generations in one house. 4 generations. where are you? hello.
hello, i'm from bucheon, gyeonggi-do. i'm juhwan's dad, kim dongjin. we have juhwan's great-grandmother, his grandma and grandpa, and then me and my wife and juhwan. we have 4 generations living in one house. my parents help out a lot with the child care. and even my great-grandmother plays those old games with them.
i think that all of us living together like this is going to help juhwan's grow and development. most kids these days wouldn't play those old games. but those old games are very scientific and are very good for child development. how does this interaction with neighbors and various family members help child development? it has a very positive effect on the kids. when you gather together, the child
naturally becomes the center of attention. it's not just the parents, but those around them show love for the child. and so the child naturally gains confidence. you can expect the kids to develop from that communal living. i think that's worth paying attention to. if you hear a baby crying nearby... don't think that it's noisy.
please look out for them and give them attention. haru, look here... it's our show's birthday today. let's try... oh, my god. geez... there's no way to fix this. lee haru! this is just so pretty. i'm sure they'll like it.
they'll like this, mom. yeah, you're right. haru, can you greet the men and women who have given you lots of love? hyejeong wanted to thank everyone here. so she's prepared gifts. is there something? there's something even better. please tell us why you prepared these gifts?
we were kind of secluded from the outside world before we started this program. but through this program, we were able to gain the world again. we really want to thank the viewers. this is our 1 year anniversary. let's have hwijae address the viewers. i won't talk long. as you can see, we're one neighborhood.
please look out for us. if you see us on the street, don't think much of it. just think that we're one family and one neighborhood and lend a helping hand. thank you very much. we'll end our 1 year anniversary special on that note. we'll see you for the 2nd year anniversary. please keep tuning in to the show.
we'll return for the 2nd year anniversary. for the past year... there was laughter and tears that allowed the families to grow. we want to truly thank the viewers for cheering our families on with joint hearts. we were happy thanks to you. until the day that every father becomes superman. let's go, supermen of korea!
next episode. the twins have challenged their father. who will win? haru, i love you. haru's family are connected through talent. we'll see their random family battle. the triplets are filled with love. will ilkook finally find some peace? and sarang and yuto's seoul date.
what will they experience? the return of superman. episode 44. part 2. don't miss out.