About : tv stands for flat screens argos
Title : tv stands for flat screens argos
tv stands for flat screens argos
hello, and welcome to the argos report writertraining. my name is berni, and i'll be leading the training today. the intended audiencefor this training is the argos report writer. the prerequisite for this training is theargos report viewer training, or a basic understanding of the argos product. the goal of this trainingis to demonstrate the functionalities available to the report writer, and how to create eachof the four types of reports available in argos. we will be covering the following objectivesin this training: we will be doing an overview of what the report writer role is; the differencesbetween a shared report and a private report; how to create each type of report; how toadd filters, sorts, and expressions to a report; and how to add objects to the library of objectstool. first, we're going to provide an overview
of what a report writer does. to create areport, there are three things we need: a datablock form, a report query, and a reportformat. as a report writer, we use information coming from the datablock and create and createreport formats for the report viewer's views. so, as a report writer, we are dependent onthe information coming from the datablock to create our reports. for example, here wehave created a report from a datablock returning students that have an outstanding balance,and have a past due balance on their account. we like this report format and want to returnall the students that have an outstanding balance, even if they're not past due. forthis, we would need a completely separate datablock because we're accessing a broaderpopulation. another example would be if we
wanted to add a new data element to the report,such as a phone number. again, we would require an entirely new datablock at this time becausethe data elements have changed. even though we're still working with the same population,we would still need a modified query for this new data element; in this case, a student'sphone number. this ultimately comes down to communication. discussion will be necessarybetween the three parties that will be involved in the report creation process. this willensure that the created report contains all the required data elements. when creatingthe report, we can have the datablock designer create a datablock that is multi-functionalbecause it can be difficult to go back and modify a datablock after it has already beencreated. next, we will discuss the differences
between a shared and private report. let'sget started and launch argos through our elauncher web page. i'm also going to go ahead and login as a viewer. for your information, google chrome has disabled npapi support in septemberof 2015 and it will no longer be possible to use java to launch maps and its associatedapplications. in order to better support our users who prefer the chrome browser, evisionshas added the option to launch without using java by using the evisions application launcher,which was released in maps version 4.5. for more information on this feature, please referto the maps 4.5 release guide, or open a helpdesk ticket if you have any questions. i'll goahead and launch argos. so, now you can see my screen. on the bottom right-hand corner,you can see that i am logged in as a report
viewer. i'll go ahead and expand our folders,and go down to the report writer folder. under our address information datablock, you cansee that we have four reports: the dashboard, the extract, the csv, and banded reports.now, if i log out and log back in as a writer, you can see that we have another report. it'sslightly different from our other reports because it has an eye superimposed over thebanded report icon. this indicates that this report is private, and can only be seen bythe person who made the report private. only roles that can edit a report are able to makereports private. a good use for a private report is to make a report private while you,the report writer, are developing the report. when the report is ready to go into production,change the security settings to "shared" so
that everybody can see it. the next concepti want to go over is only informational. as a report writer, you cannot implement it.but i do want you to be aware of it. let's say that you have a report that is wantedby different people in different departments, and they all want pretty much the same information.the information is not sensitive in nature, so a report is created for everyone to use.later, one group needs a piece of information that is sensitive in nature. this could bea social security number, a disability indicator, or an indicator that someone is getting financialaid. this information should only be viewed by the users with the appropriate permissions.the datablock designer role has a way to restrict access to pieces of data based on who runsthe report. let's say that the last name data
is private information. the datablock designerwill grant access to the last name field only to people in human resources. when the reportis run by a member of human resources, the report will include the information underthe last name. when the report is run by anyone else, outside of the human resources department,the report will not contain information under the last name. it will be blank. and thisgives you a lot of flexibility to broaden the users of a report. but, again, this requirescommunication with your datablock designer to create the required report. next, we willbe creating each of the different reports. let's go back to argos. to create a report,highlight the datablock we want to create the report for, and then we'll go ahead andclick on "new" under the report writer actions.
this pops up a create a new report or dashboardwindow. here, we will give the report a name. alright, someone asked a question: how canwe recognize that a field has security turned on? that, we will actually be going over intomorrow's training, the datablock designer training, since that is the training wherewe show how to actually implement the security. as i was saying, now we have this window tocreate a new report or dashboard. in here, we can go ahead and our report a name. andthen we can make our report private by clicking on the "private" radio button, and give ourreport a description. please note that we want to be as descriptive as possible whencreating our descriptions so our users know what this report does. and, as you can see,we have our types of reports here. the dashboard
essentially just creates the same dashboardthat we created in our datablock, so it's just a shortcut to the dashboard. so, we'llactually be using our three other types of reports that actually can be created. so,the comma delimited, the banded, and the extract. we're going to go ahead and give our description.and then we're going to go ahead and choose "comma delimited" and click on "create." andthis will automatically take us to the edit report window. and you can see that we havesix tabs. we have the general, filter, sort, refresh, api, and saved execution states.we'll talk about the filter and sort tabs throughout our training. the refresh tab allowsyou to refresh variables within the datablock. the api tab is for administrators to set upapi calls. and the saved executions tab is
used for managing saved states. if we wantto find more information about the different options of these tabs, we can click on ourf1 key to launch our in-product help for this topic. at any time you are working in argos,you can press the f1 key to launch our in--product help, which will open to the article basedon your location in argos. so, we'll go back to our general tab, and we'll go ahead andclick on the "design" button. and here is our design window for the csv report. noticethat we have the title of the report on top of our design window. and remember, we arecreating a csv report , which is a flat text file. so, the design work can be minimal.first, we will select the field for our reports, which are listed on the left-hand side pane.and there are the database fields that are
returned from the datablock query. if we needa field that isn't in this list, we will need to work with our datablock designer to getit added. we can select our fields for our reports in two ways. one way is by double-clickingon the field to add in. we can also use the control key to select multiple fields anduse our arrow to move them to the right-hand side. you could also use these double arrowsto move all our fields to the right-hand side. and to remove fields from the right-hand side,we'll use this x button. so now, for our report, we'll go ahead and add the field lastname,firstname, street1, city, state, and zip. to reorder our columns, we can use these upand down arrows. we can also rename our headers by selecting our field and clicking on this"ab" with a little pencil icon. and notice
that we can also have spaces in our columnheaders. this is because it's just a column header. we're not actually renaming this field.so far, we have added all our fields for a csv report, but we can also add expressions.by clicking on the e=mc2 button. this will bring up the expression builder, which willhelp us build our expression. the fn icon brings up a list of available functions, theabc icon brings up a list of user-defined variables, and the signal icon brings up alist of dataset fields. for a simple demonstration, we will be adding the expression returningthe report date. i'll click on the function to report our date. i can either click onthe "all categories" to see all our available functions, or select a sub-category. we'regoing to go ahead and use the date, so i will
select the date and time category. i'll choosethe now function, which brings back the correct system date. and, as you can see right here,if you select the field, you will have a brief description of what this function does. so,we'll click on now, and this brings us back to our expression builder. that's all we needfor our date, so we'll click "ok." we will give our field a name, and we'll click "ok."and now, we're back in our edit csv report window, and we'll go ahead and save our report.and we'll execute our report to see what it looks like. there it is. so, we're going togo ahead and choose our required parameters, and launch our report. alright, and here wehave our csv report. let me expand our fields, then you can see we have our fields selected,and our column headers have been adjusted
in our csv report. and we have our date andtime field. alright, so now that we have a report, notice here that we have a varietyof different states being returned. our report is also ordered by the last name, and thenfirst. so, let's go ahead and close out of our report, and we'll go ahead and add somesources and filters to a report, so we can bring in a different type of sort and onlythe states that we want to return. so, we won't save this. and now we'll go ahead andedit our report. so, now we're going to go ahead and move on to filters, sorts, and expressions.so, in our edit report window, we'll click on our filters tab. filters and sorts arepart of editing a report. when activated, they can only be deactivated by a report writerrole, or above. to activate a filter, you'll
need to check the "activate" box. somethingthat should be noted is the filter setup in the report filter tab brings up all the filtersand conditions coming from the datablock's report query. so, if used, the filter tabis essentially tacking on additional conditions to the existing datablock. in the case wherewe have a large recordset, this will add additional processing time. however, sorts that are setup in the report sort tab will completely bypass any sort order defined in the datablock,and use the report sort order instead. first, we're going to go ahead and add the filters,and we'll check "activate additional filtering." and we'll go ahead and use pennsylvania (thatwe saw in our report viewer training). we'll go ahead and add the state, and either double-clickto add it, or use our blue arrow. in here,
we will set this equal to single quote 'pa'since we only want pennsylvania to be returned. so, now if i wanted to add and additionalstate, we can do this by typing 'and' and adding our state. however, we have multiplestates that we want to add. we don't want to do this for each state we want to add.we can use a function to do this. if you're familiar with sql, many sql functions willwork here. and we're going to go ahead and use our 'in' function to include all our userinput. so, we'll type 'in' open parentheses (pa, ca) and close our parentheses. now, we'regoing to go ahead and work with our sort tab. we override the main report query sort bychecking this box. and we're going to go ahead and sort by state and then city. and we willclick ok to save our changes, and now we'll
run the report. and, as you can see here,the only records that are being returned are from our state pa. it unfortunately did notreturn enough records to get anything from california, but, as you can see, it is beingsorted by state and then city. and the records that aren't showing up are just not part ofour recordset, but they are still part of the dataset that's been returned by the reportquery. we're just not using it when writing this report because we're adding those additionalfilters. if we would have added those additional filters when we first created our report,the first time we ran our report we would have seen those additional filters. i justunfortunately didn't choose enough records when selecting our query here. that's whywe didn't get anything from california. if
we re-run this, we should get our californiarecords. yep, and now we have some california, and you can see it's sorted first by state,and then by pennsylvania and then by city. let me expand this so it's clearer here. alright,so let's go ahead and move on to our extract report. the extract report is a flat textfile report, and it's similar to a csv report. it's designed to meet our predefined outputspecifications. it can also create a comma delimited output that is more complex thana csv file. and it also can create fixed width and xml files. we're going to go ahead andcreate an extract report that will output the fixed width format. and we'll go aheadand start by a new report underneath our datablock. we'll go ahead and give it a name, a description,and we'll go ahead and select "extract report"
from our report type and go ahead and click"create." and this brings us again to our edit report window where we can add our filtersand sorts. we won't be adding any filters and sorts for our extract report, so we'llgo ahead and go straight into the design by clicking on the "design" button. and thisis the extract report design window. notice that we have the name of the report on thetop of our design window, and we have three sections. for our design, we have a reportstructure, our configured report, and datasets. i want to talk about the dataset region first.the dataset region contains the sql queries that can return data for our report. the argosdata(main) dataset contains the data selected by the report query in the argos datablock.notice that these are the same fields that
we had available in our csv report. the otherdatasets contain results from our other queries in the dashboard. we can use these as partof our report as well. the middle area is where we will configure each section, andwe will start by configuring the report settings. some programs, such as microsoft excel, requirethis "byte order mark" in order to render some utf-8 characters. so, if you need thischecked, you can go ahead and add it by clicking on the "include by order mark" checkbox. andnow we will be creating a fixed width report, but i want to go ahead and show you that youcan choose a different type that you can choose a different type of delimited or extract byclicking on the report format. if we click on delimited, notice now that we get a warning.it notifies users that undo information is
not stored for this action, and you will loseall configuration data specific to the correct format. so, for right now, since we haven'tadded anything, we'll go ahead and click "yes" that we do want to change it. and for thedelimited extract report, notice that we have a field called "delimiter." the delimiteris used to separate data most commonly by using a comma as the delimiter. for some casesa tab can be used as a delimiter. the icon here that has two arrows pointing oppositefrom each other will insert a tab into our delimiter. you can see right here that ourtab has been added. so, for our example we will be creating a fixed width report, sowe'll go ahead and change our report format to fixed width. we'll go ahead and click on"yes." for our example, we're going to go
ahead and keep the defaults that we have sethere in our "configure report setting" section. and to the left is our report structure area.here we can add sections to the report. if you click on the little drop-down arrow, wecan set up the different sections we can add. the detail record is the most important sectionwithin a report because it contains the record information being returned from the data source.one detail section contains information for one record, and then will repeat for eachrecord returned from the report. the report structure area is also where we will add oursection for our common objects just as we saw in our report viewer training. if youwould like more information on the report format, check our in-product help documentation.first, we will be adding our title section
to our fixed width report. in the middle configurationarea, we can see that we can configure the section properties, and note that have thisoption to print conditionally by creating an expression. and in our fields tab, thisis where we will be adding our fields that we want to include in our title section. byclicking on the drop-down next to this plus sign, we can see the different types of fieldswe can add, a dataset field, and an expression. an ez expression will allow you to use morecommonly used expressions, constants, and a variable. alright, so we're going to goahead and add a couple constants to our title section. and the first constant is going tobe our school name, so we're going to name this constant "school." next, we will setthe width to 45, and we will go ahead and
type in our value. so, we'll go ahead andtype in the value of "evisions university." notice now that, when i'm typing, it's changingthe width. it's variable, so we first need to type in our value and then adjust our width.we'll go ahead and change this back to 45. we're going to go ahead and add another constant.and this is going to be our contact email. and we're going to go ahead and add our valueand adjust our width. and adjust our width to 45. alright, so now we want to add an expressionto generate today's date. to do this, we will add an expression field. we will rename ourexpression to "report run date." and we will change the width to 10. we can change thewidth here first because it's an expression and not a constant. now we're going to goahead and create our expression to retrieve
today's date by clicking on the ellipses nextto our expression. and this will bring up our expression builder just like in our csvreport. so, we'll go ahead and go to our function button. go to date and time, choose the nowfunction, and click "ok" to get back to our configure section. so, now we're going togo ahead and apply a formatting mask, so we can display our date in the way we want. so,we go ahead and scroll down here. we can see that we have a formatting math section, andwe'll go ahead and click on the ellipses to see the different types of formats we canadd. notice now that this format (the month, day, and year) has 10 characters, so we willgo ahead and use this one. so, we will double-click. make sure you see it right here before clicking"ok." and now we have our formatting mathematic,
and it's going to generate a date that is10 characters wide, which is the width of our field. alright, so next we're going togo ahead and create a comments row that we saw in our report viewer training. we're goingto add a child section. we'll click on our drop-down. and we're going to go ahead andadd our child section. and now we're going to go ahead and go into the section properties,and we're going to go ahead and change the name of this to "comment." and then, noticehere that our parent section is the title section, and we want this to be the titlesection because we want our comments section to write after our title section. so, nowwe're going to go ahead go into our fields tab, and we're going to go ahead and add ourcomment variable by clicking on the "add variable."
and then we're going to go ahead and chooseour comment variable. and we will set the width to 100. so now any comments that aretyped into the comments box will be included in our report. next, we're going to go aheadand move on to our detail section. to add a detail section, we can click on the plusbutton. and this will add our detail section. and we can rename the section in our sectionproperties tab, and we also can change the associated dataset. but, for now, we're justgoing to accept the default and go to our fields tab. so, here we're going to go aheadand add our fields. we can add our fields by clicking on the drop-down, and going downto variable, and then choosing our fields. excuse me, we don't want a variable, we wanta dataset field. go to add dataset, and then
we can choose our dataset, our argosdata,and then we can go ahead and select the field we want to add. we can always just use ourdatasets section to add our fields as well. so we can select one and drag to our fieldssection, or we can double-click to add as well. so now, for our report, we're goingto go ahead and include the id, the lastname, firstname, city, state, and zip. now we willclick on each field and configure the width based on our report specification requirements.remember that the width of the field defines the number of characters that we will display.so, if someone's name is longer than 25 characters, the name will be truncated. so, we're goingto go ahead and change the id to 15, the lastname to 25, firstname to 15, city to 35, stateto 4, and zip to 10. now our report is complete.
let's go ahead and see what it looks like.up here, notice that we have our test button, which is this play button right here, thatallows us to preview a report without leaving the design window. so, we'll click on our"preview" button, and our parameter entry window pops up. we can't test it without populatingthe variables, so we will need to fill out our required variables for the date, entitytype, and address type. and we'll also go ahead and include something in our commentssection. so, notice now that we have this maximum marker count on the bottom left-handside of the screen. setting this to zero will return all the records in our dataset. whilerunning a test of a report, we don't need to return all records, we just need to returnenough records to see the design of a report.
so, we'll go ahead and change this to 100,and click "ok." and here is our report. and you can see that we have our title sectionwith evisions university, our email, and today's date. and then we have our comments that weentered in our comment parameter. and then we have our detail section here, and eachcolumn has a fixed width. alright, so we'll save our changes, and we will close out ofour report. before we get started on creating our banded report, i'd like to go over somebasic concepts. it's called a banded report because it's arranged in bands. it is similarto our extract report, except that extract report data is arranged in sections. there'sa great deal of similarity between the two different types of reports, but they do workdifferently. and knowing how bands work is
crucial to being able to build a banded report.the first band that we are going to talk about is our detail band. the detail band is themost important band within our report because it contains all our current information beingpulled from the data source. one detail band contains information for one record, and thedetail band repeats for each record to the end of the report. while the rest of the bandswe're going to discuss are optional, a report must have a detail band. my first optionalband is the page header band. the page header prints at the top of each page. we can alsohave a page footer band that prints at the bottom of each page. the next band is a titleband, which prints only on our first page. and, just like a title band, we have a summaryband that prints only on the last page. we
also have a column header band, which printsat the top of every page. the next band is a grouping band. there is a group header thatdefines the beginning of a band, and a group footer that defines the end of the band. groupingbands are bands that group detail records based on the definition. in a grouping band,the header band is required, and the footer band is optional. the next band is the childband, which always prints after its parent band. we have a child band here, followinga group header that contains the column labels. and it's difficult to see, but we also havea child band following the group footer. in this case, this band does not contain anydata and is just being used as a spacer to separate our footer from the following groupheader. the in-product documentation covers
the definitions for all the bands, if youwant to review this information later. alright, so we're going to be creating a report thatlooks similar to this banded report that we have here. so, our resulting banded reportthat we will be creating today will look similar to this one. alright, so we're going to goahead and close here. and then we will create our banded report by selecting our datablockand clicking "new" underneath the report writer actions. so, we will go ahead and give ita name. and select the banded report icon, and click on "create." and we can add filtersand sorts to our banded report just like we did with our csv report. we are actually goingto be adding a sort to our banded reports. we're going to go ahead and check to overridethe report query. and then we're going to
sort by state first, then by city, and thenwe'll sort by last name. and last name and first name, since i added first name first,we're going to go ahead and move up our last name using our arrows here. alright, so nowwe're going to go ahead and go back into our general tab, and click on the "design" button.when we click on the "design" button, we will go into the banded report wizard, which willhelp us create our report. the banded report wizard has two tabs: report type and reportstyles. we have different types of templates, and, as we select them, we can see a sampleon the right. so, we select list, tabular, blank, form style, and mailing labels. ifwe have a specific template, it can be selected from the library of objects by clicking onthe library of objects button. and this is
a collection of different types of objectsyou can create and use again in your report. when running the banded report wizard, wecan select the template and/or style from the library of objects. a template is a pre-builtreport, which can contain images or preset fonts that you may want to use in your report.a style is a set of colors and fonts. we're going to go ahead and go back into our reporttemplate, and return to our standard type selection, and we will click on the list report,and click "next" in the bottom right-hand corner. and in our report data section herewe have the available fields from the datablock, and notice that they are the same fields thatwere available in our other reports. we can go ahead and select them by using our arrows,or double-clicking to add. so, we're going
to go ahead and add the last name, first name,the city, state, and zip. notice now that our preview window has adjusted to fit ouritems that we've added. if we forget to add a field in our banded report wizard, it'salright. we can always add fields when we're editing our reports. so, we're going to goahead and click on "next." and this window allows you to choose some default bands. bandsare added or removed once inside the editor as well. so, we're going to go ahead and adda page footer band to hold our page number. and in our page setting tab, we can changeour report title, the page settings, the size, the margin, the orientation, the number ofcolumns can also be modified here. we'll go ahead and leave these as default, and we'llclick on "finish." and here is our basic report.
we'll discuss the toolbar throughout our trainingas we use our objects. so, we're going to go ahead and preview what our report lookslike by clicking on this page and little magnifying glass icon. and, again, we have to enter ourparameters. and see that we have a very basic report to work off of. this is a great startingpoint, so we're going to click "close" and we'll start modifying our banded report. so,before we get started, let's go ahead and go to our banded report interface. the reportname up here is in the top, just like we did with our other reports. and i'd like for youto focus on our structure panel here on our on our left-hand side. this is implementedin the latest argos 4.5.0. before, we would have a drop-down that displays all the bandsand objects. with the report structure panel,
it is more organized and easier to searchfor bands and objects in the reports. this shows all the bands in the report and everyobject that is placed in the band. as we add content to the banded report, you'll noticethat the structure pane will be filled with our bands and objects, and we will use thisthroughout our banded report creation as well. first, we're going to go ahead and add ourdata to our page header. for that, we will need a system variable. to add a system variable,we'll click on the "sys" icon here. and then we'll click on the band we want to add ourvariable to. and then we're going to go ahead and add our text note of that. when we addan object to our band, we first click on the object and then click on the band where wewant to add it. adding bands is a bit different,
and we will see that later on in our training.so, we're going to go ahead and give this some text: "report printed on." alright, andmake sure that when you are adding text to a system variable that you do add a space,since the variable will print directly after any text, so we do need that space there.so we're going to go ahead and click on date from our type drop-down. we're going to goahead and leave these default here, and go ahead and click "ok." and now we can go aheadand move our "report printed on" to the corner. and i'm not sure that they're visible throughthe webinar, but we can see some blue and purple guide lines that let us know if we'reat the top of our band, or if we're aligning with a different object within our bandedreport. so, we'll align this up here. and
that is all we will need to do for our pageheader band. alright, so now we're going to go ahead and add a page number. we could usethe system variable again to get a simple page count. but we want to do something abit more compliant, so we'll also include the page number as well. so, we're going togo ahead and use an expression to achieve this. to add an expression, we will firstclick on our e=mc2 icon, and then click on our page footer band where we want to addour page number. this will open our edit expression field window. and, to get to our expressioneditor, we will click on the ellipses, and this is our expression window. this is a bitdifferent from the expression builder that we saw in our csv and extract report, butit does have the same options. it just doesn't
have the same icons as it did in our otherreports. so, we want to add something that's like page number of page count. so, firstwe're going to go ahead and add a function. and this will bring a list of all the availablefunctions, and we can look through all the functions by clicking on "all," or if we knowour sub-category, we can click that as well. i know that our page number is under thatother category, so select that and we will select our page number. and click "continue."and now we have our page number in our expression. we will add some wording with leading andtrailing spaces. and we will include a plus sign in between each variable to concatenatethe variable with our text. so, we're going to do a plus sign to concatenate, and we'regoing to do a single quote, a single space,
and another single quote, a plus sign to concatenate.and then we're going to go ahead and use another function to bring the page count. so, nowour expression reads page number of page count. to confirm the expression is constructed properly,we're going to go ahead and click on "validate," and you can see our page 1 of 0. and thisis just a test, so it's not showing correct counts. and that's fine, we just need to makesure that there are no errors. so, we'll click "ok." this looks fine, but i think we alsowant to add the word "page" in front of the page number function. so, we're going to goahead and put our cursor in front of "page number," we will add our single quote, type'page', and then make sure to add a space, so we do have a space between that page numberand our text, type another single quote. and
let's not forget our plus sign to concatenateour variables. we're going to go ahead and validate again. and this looks good. now,we have "page 1 of 0" and there are no errors, so we'll click "ok." click "ok." and now wehave our expression in our expression field. now we're going to go ahead and set the alignmentto center, and we're going to go ahead and set the autosize width. now, we're going togo ahead and move our object to the top of our band. a i notice that we have some wastedwhite space here, and to eliminate that we're going to click on our band. and now we havethese guide squares. we can select, and then drag to minimize our band size. now we wantto align our field to the center of our band. and we can use our alignment toolbar. so,we want to align it by the horizontal and
vertical of the band. alright, we have a question:what does "autosize width" mean? so, the autosize width means that this field width will dependon what is being brought back. so, let's say that now we have page 1 of 2. so, it's goingto automatically size this so it'll be large enough to hold that text. if we had a fieldthat was page 10,000 of 1,000,000, that number is much larger than 1 of 2, so this will autosizethe width of this field to automatically fit the extended size of the page. if we wouldhave had this set to not autosize width, and we would have just set the width by changingthe size of this field, if the number were larger it wouldn't automatically resize thisfield to fit the entire text that we're adding. so that's why the autosize width is very useful,especially creating an expression, or bringing
back database text fields. so, let's go aheadand move on to our title band. so, in our title band we have the default title, whichis "new reports." we're going to go ahead and double-click to change this. we'll changethis to "address list." we also have autosize width checked on this. we really don't needit because this is a constant variable, so we could uncheck it if we like. i'll justleave it default checked. now we're going to go ahead and click "ok." so, now we'regoing to go ahead and move this guy to the right-hand side by clicking and dragging thisguy. notice now that the t is right at the edge. if we want to move it just a few pixels,we can always use our arrows in our keyboard. so, we'll just shift it just a little bitthere and we're going to go ahead and align
it to the horizontal center. i wanted thevertical center, but we can always just use our undo, which is this arrow. i'll just goahead and click and drag this guy. we want this guy to the vertical bar band. so, nowthat we've changed our logo, we can also change the fonts by clicking on our fonts toolbarhere. we're going to go ahead and change the font type to verdana, and then we're goingto go ahead and change the size to 22. and then we're going to go ahead and change thefont color to this blue. and, since we changed the font size, we have to readjust our titleto stay within our band. now that we've added our title, we want to add a logo to our titleband. to add a picture file we can click on the icon here that looks like a little mountainscene. however, this should only be done the
first time you add an object to argos. argosis not designed to modify images. if modification is performed on an image, it will begin topixelate. we want to prevent this, especially when creating the banded reports, since theyare designed to be printed. we recommend using a photo manipulation software, such as photoshop,to resize your image first and then add your image to the library of objects. we will bediscussing how to add to the library of objects later in our training. for now, we're justgoing to go ahead and retrieve our object, our logo, from the library of objects. thelibrary of objects is this icon here that looks like a book. so, we will click on ourband where we want to add our object, and then click on our library of objects icon.and this will take us to our default folder,
and if we have access to a different folder,we can also grab files from there. so, we're going to go ahead and grab our logo, and wewill click "ok." and now this is automatically added to our band here, and we don't haveto do anything. and notice that it's placed on the left-hand side of our title band. andthis was because when this object was added to our library of objects, this image herewas in the same position. so, we can also use our toolbars to align our address listwith our logo by selecting our objects. so, if we want to align our logo to our address,we first need to select it. and then, using our control key, we will select our logo.and notice now that both of our objects are selected. you can see this in our structuralpanel. both our objects are selected as well.
and now we can use our alignment toolbarsto align them to their centers. that looks good. so, now we're going to go ahead andwork with our labels. first, we want to select our labels and we can select multiple labelsby using our shift key. we can also hold down our control key and draw a lasso around ourfields we want to select to select them all. and, again, we can use our structure paneland our shift and control keys to select our logos. now that we have all our labels selected,we're going to go ahead and modify these labels, so they change in unison, by clicking on ouredit button. and then we're going to go ahead and set the properties to be the same as theband. and then we're going to go ahead and set our alignment to the left-hand side andour color to transparent. we're going to go
ahead and leave the default and click "ok."so, now let's go ahead and take a look at how our report is coming along. so, we'regoing to go ahead and save our report by clicking on this floppy disk icon, and then click ourpreview icon, which is this magnifying glass. and notice now that our parameters are stillselected, and that's because we haven't left our design window. and we'll click "ok" here.and here is our report. and you can see that we have page 1 of 1. we have our title, whenthe report was printed on, and our logo. so, now let's go ahead and add our grouping mask.so, we're going to go ahead and group our records by state. to add our grouping band,we will first click on our band object and then click on our reports. it doesn't matterwhere you click on the report because the
bands are automatically placed where theyneed to go in our banded reports design. right here, notice that we have some different bandobjects. we have our single band, which is used to create our title band, page header,we also have our child band icon here. that is the white and blue square. and we haveour group band, which is the dark blue. and then the white square. and then we have oursub-detail band, which is this white band with the little blue square. so, we're goingto go ahead and add our band group. we'll click on our band, and it will be automaticallyplaced right above our detail band. we'll want to add a group footer to return our statecount, so we're going to go ahead and click on "create" next to the footer band. as youcan see here, it automatically created our
group footer band. so, a band group meanswe need to define what we're going to group by. so, we can either group by a data field,or an expression. so, we'll click on our ellipses to go into our expression window to add ourgroup by field. so, we're going to go ahead and click on "database field." since we wantto group by state, we're going to go ahead and select argosdata, and then state, andclick "ok." and click "ok" once again to go back into our band editor. and now we wantto go ahead and make the color of our band the color of our example, so we'll click onour color and click "ok." and then we also want to re-print this band on the new pagein case we have a grouping that doesn't finish printing on one page and goes on to a nextpage. the group header will reprint so we
know which state we're actually on. so, we'regoing to go ahead and check that, and we also want to add a top frame. and now we will click"ok." so, now we're going to go ahead and edit our group footer to be a different colorso it stands out. so, we're going to go ahead and go to color, we'll choose this grey righthere. and then we're also going to go ahead and give it a bottom frame, and click "ok."now we have a grouping band that contains a header and a footer band called header 1and footer 1. the first thing we should do after adding a new band, is to rename header1 and footer 1 because the labels don't mean much to me. i want something that is a bitmore meaningful. so, click on the group header band. i could always right-click and go tooptions, or i can click on the options here
right underneath our structure pane. and thenwe can go ahead and rename this. we're going to go ahead and rename it to "state groupheader" and click "ok." and we'll do the same thing with our group footer. we'll renamethis to "state group footer." and click "ok" to save our changes. notice now, that in ourstructure panel we have our state group footer and our state group header. so, now let'sgo ahead and save and preview our report. and notice now that our grouping is correctwith our grouping by state. and we can see that here. and also you can see that our groupheader prints right after our footer, so we'll want to add a child band to add some spacing.and since we're grouping by state, we don't want the state to print on each record, sowe'll go ahead and change this to print in
our group header. so, we'll close to applythose changes. first, we're going to go ahead and add our child band as our spacer, so we'regoing to go ahead and click on our child band icon. and then we're going to go ahead andselect our parent band to be the state group footer. and notice now that it's easier toselect which band we want because we did rename these from header 1 and footer 1. and that'sall we need here since this is just going to be used as a spacer, so we'll click "ok."now we're going to go ahead and go to our options. we have a question: why did we selectthe footer instead of a header? because after each footer print we wanted to add a spaceafter our footer, so there's a space between the group header and the child band. if wewould have added the child band to the header,
we would have printed that spacer right underneaththe group header, so we would have had a space between our header band and our details. whichwould still print that group header and group footer close to each other. so, that's whywe need to add it to the group footer, so that there's a space between the group footerand then the next header. since we are going to be removing this column header, there won'tbe a band on top of our group header that would print on each page to have the spacerthere. that's why we're adding it to our footer. so, we have a question: i thought that wewere going to be putting the states code in the child? we're actually going to be puttingthe codes in the group header. we won't be adding a child band to our group header. wewill be actually moving our fields, these
column headers, into the group header. wedon't need two bands for that. sorry about that, i should have been a bit clearer aboutwhat we were going to be doing. so, we will be moving our labels into our group header,and our child band is tied to our group footer. so we're going to go ahead and rename thisto "stategroupchild" and we're going to give it a height of .15 and click "ok." now, ihave a band that will always follow our group footer band to create a space between thefooter and the following header. so, now we're going to go ahead and complete our group header.so, we're going to go ahead and extend our group header to add some more space to workin, and we're going to go ahead and expand our detail band as well. since i mentionedthat we're going to be moving our state label
to print in our group header, and not foreach record, we're going to go ahead and move our state database text field to our stategroup header. but notice now, if i select this guy and try to drag it up, i can't. andthat is because a band is essentially it's own object. we can't move objects that arewithin a band to a different band by clicking and dragging. to move an object, we will haveto right-click, and we will have to cut and then paste into the new band that we wantto add an object to. so, we're going to go ahead and we will move our state to the topleft-hand side just like we had in our report that i showed you at the beginning. so, nowwe're going to go ahead and change the font size to 16. so, now, since we moved our stateinto our group header band, we don't need
it in our column header. so, we'll go aheadand delete it. so, now we have some extra space in our band. so, we're going to go aheadand add our street, since our record's only returning our name, our city, and our zip.so, we're going to go ahead and make some room for the street by resizing our objects.we're going to go ahead and make the city just a bit smaller, and then we're going tochange the size because it won't be affected. so, now we have some extra space to add ourstreet. and we're going to go ahead and move these guys as well. we know our zip isn'tthat large, so we're going to go ahead and resize this guy and then we're going to goahead and move our city. notice, with our guidelines, we can align these guys to printat the same area. okay, and then we can go
ahead and align our objects using our toolbar.so, if we want to align it by the first name, we're going to go ahead and align them bytheir tops. and then we're going to go ahead and do the same thing with our database textfields. okay, so now that we've added some space to add our street, we're first goingto go ahead and add our label. so, to add our label, we're going to go ahead and clickon this "a" icon, and click on our column header. and then we're going to go ahead andadd our properties here. and we're going to go ahead and name this "street." and thenwe're going to go ahead and leave the default and click "ok." so, we're going to go aheadand align these guys. and then we're going to move this a little bit to the left. again,we can use our arrows and our keyboard to
move these. now that we've added our label,we're going to go ahead and add our database text field to our detail band. so, to addour database text field. we'll click on this "a" with the little database icon. and we'llclick on our little detail band to add it. and then we're going to go ahead and deleteour argos dataset. and then we're going to go ahead and click on "street1." so, thatlooks good. and we're going to go ahead and click "ok." and notice now that the defaultfont for our details is tahoma 8, and when we added our object, that changed to arial.so, we're going to go ahead and change this to match our other fields. and now we're goingto align our objects. and then we're going to shift this guy just a little bit so it'saligned with our label. so, now we're going
to go ahead and move our labels from our columnheader to our group header. so, we're going to go ahead and select our labels, and thenwe're going to cut and then we're going to paste them in our group header. and now becauseour formatting didn't change, notice that our formatting didn't change because, before,we had set these labels to change with the band. so, we have our transparent labels hereto match the same as we saw in our preview of our report that we were going to be creating.so, we're going to go ahead and change these too. just a tad bit larger, so we can changethe size to 14. and then we're going to go ahead and change the color to white. i thinkthat would look better. let's go ahead and do the same thing with the state. that's muchmore legible now. so, now that we have moved
our labels to our group header, we no longerneed our column header band. so, we will select this, and we can right-click and delete. wecan always click on delete in our keyboard, or we can click on our "x" to delete the object.and say "yes" we want to delete our band, and click "ok." so, now that we have our groupheader the way we want in our detail, we're going to go ahead and resize these guys backto their original size. and we will go ahead and save and preview our report. okay, noticethis is looking much better. we have our state and our headers and our group header band.and then we have the street, the city, and the zip code. we have a space between ourgroup footer and the following group header. and this is looking good. now we just needto add our count for each state, and the total
count for our report. let's go ahead and dothat. i'll click "close." so, we're going to go ahead and add a summary band to addthe total number of addresses for the entire report. we'll click on our single band icon,and then we will change this to our summary band. and then we're going to go ahead andwe won't change anything here, so we're going to click "ok." so, we're going to go aheadand rename our band from "band 2" to "summary." we will click "ok." so, to count the totalnumber of addresses, we will be using an expression. so, we'll click on our expression icon (e=mc2),and click on our band to add it. and we're going to go ahead and click on our ellipsesto bring up our expression wizard, and create our expression. so, we're going to go aheadand click on the function, since we will be
using the counts to bring back each recordbeing returned. the count of each record being returned. we will click "continue" here. so,at this point our expression will only return the number of records. and we are going togo ahead and add some wording before the number. so, we're going to add a cursor in front ofour count, and we're going to go ahead and add some text. so, we will add total statecount. and add a space, a single quote, and a plus sign to concatenate. so, we can goahead and validate, and there's no errors so now we'll have the total state count, andthen the count of states. that looks good, so we're going to click "ok." and now we'regoing to go ahead and align this guy to the center. and we will check "autosize width"so the width changes as our number gets larger.
so, let's go ahead and click "ok." so, nowwe're going to align this. actually, we're going to resize the font. it's kind of tiny,so we will change it to 16 and now we're going to align it to the center of our band. andnow we will have a new count for our entire report. now we want to have an individualstate count for each state being printed. so, we're going to go ahead and add an expressionto our group footer. since our expression is going to be similar to the one that we'vealready created, we're going to go ahead and make a copy, and we'll paste it in our groupfooter. and now we're going to go ahead and edit our expression to modify it. and thenwe're going to go ahead and click on our ellipses to get to our expression wizard. so, we willgo ahead and delete the total state, so we
will have right here a count. so, now we'regoing to go ahead and add our database field so the actual state appears. so, we'll havethe state count and then the actual count of the states. so, we're going to go aheadand put our cursor at the beginning, and then we're going to open "database text field,"go to argosdata, and click on "state." and again, we will add a plus sign to concatenate.so, now our expression's going to read argosdata.state, count, and then the actual count. we're goingto go ahead and validate. that looks good. there are no errors. and we'll click "ok."and we're going to go ahead and modify this guy to be centered to the left. and we'realso going to check this "reset after print" option. the "reset after print" is importantbecause we don't want this count to be continually
counting for all our records. we want to resetthis after every state. we're going to go ahead and click "ok," and then we're goingto go ahead and move this guy a little bit to the left as we saw in our preview. so,we'll go ahead and save, and preview what our report looks like. so, we've actuallycompleted our report. we're going to go ahead and return all the records to see how ourreport turned out. we're going to select all these address types. and click "ok." so now,as you can see here, our report's very similar to the report that i demonstrated at the beginningof our training. we have our states, our group header with the states, and our labels, thenour detail, and then the count of the states. and then we go to the end of our report, wecan see the total state counts. the next topic
we're going to go ahead and cover is our libraryof objects. we've added our logo to our banded report by retrieving it from the library ofobjects. now, i want to show you how to add objects to the library. we have created areport almost completely from scratch, but there are many elements in our report thatwe probably want to use some time in the future. so, instead of recreating these objects everytime we want to use them in a report, we can save them into the library of objects andwe can save objects, bands, object groups, band groups, and even templates to the libraryof objects. back in argos, we will first select our object that we want to add to our libraryof objects, click on our logo, and then we'll click on this book with a plus sign icon toadd objects to the library of objects. it
will automatically take us to a folder of the person we're signed in as.but if we have access to a different folder, we can always select there and add it. so,we're going to go ahead and give our object a name and description. and then we will click"ok" to add it. and that's all we need to do to add an object to the library of objects.so now, what if we want to add an object that has multiple objects, such as a band thathas both our logo and our label. so, we can also add bands by selecting the band thatwe want to add, and clicking on the library icon, which is the book with the plus sign.and we can give our name, and then our description, and click "ok" to add it. we can also createtemplates that can reset fonts and images. for a template, we recommend that any datathat's related to the database is cleared
out. otherwise, it will conflict with anydata added by the user in the report wizard. to create a template, we will click on themargin of our report, so nothing is selected. once we verify that we've clicked on the margin,we will click on the book with the plus sign to add to our library of objects, and thenwe can give it our name and a description. and click "ok" to add it. and one more itemi'd like to go ahead and point out is right here on our bottom right-hand corner, we haveour help button here. so to get to our in-product help, we can always click the help buttonhere. we can press the f1 key as well and that will take us to our in-product help.and if we press the f1 key here it will take you to the in-product help of the sectionyou're in. so right now, we're inside the
banded report editor, so it'll take you tothe banded report editor section in our webhelp. okay, so before we end our training, i'd liketo go ahead and go over our knowledgebase. so, if we close out of our banded report,we can get to our knowledgebase by clicking on our "support" icon inside of argos, andit will take you to support.evisions.com. and in here, we have our knowledgebase. youcan see it right here on the top right-hand corner. and if we click on the knowledgebase,it will take you to our knowledgebase. and our knowledgebase will help answer any commonquestions or issues. to use the knowledgebase, you can navigate to the argos section, andselect the subcategory. or if you have any keywords to type in, we could also use oursearch bar here, so we want to see if we can
run reports in argos web viewer. so, we willenter that in our search text bar, and then the knowledgebase will any articles it finds.and then you can select an article and then review it. thank you everybody for joiningus in our training today. please sign up for our trainings for the datablock designer andargos advanced if you'd like through our evisions.com website. you guys have a great day and thankyou.