standard furniture and appliance maui

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Title : standard furniture and appliance maui

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    standard furniture and appliance maui

    i really don't have too many real early memories. i know i was born in the middle of a big snowstorm and the doctor had to come on snowshoes and stay overnight. doctor hoxey and and we lived down in the little house south of the corner for five years and rita says she remembers having the measles joe she had themeasles

    and every night after supper mom and dadwould come up and you had to be careful of your eyesyou know so they wouldn't get affected with the measles and they'd read the paper behind kerosenelamps while we were jack and i were in the other room iguess and and then we moved up to the big place in 1926 '24 and dad went with red & white in 1929

    and bought the house in scipio that we grew up in in 31. (is that different than the big house?) thee big house. (that was the one?) yeah. (what did he do before red & white?) he was he had to be independent likefor five years because i see that um all in voice that man has a bed caddythat's the 24th i didn't think he moved up and killbutts 1924 i mean two years before i was born

    so they were in the store at thetemplate five years before they wept red and white does a into or yeah yeah and i can remember i've piling so baton the shell was and and fells nap for an act of god i'm lifebuoy problem i love and we're in seoul soap powder and great bear also a problem molasses andcare seen in the bear

    hundred-pound say it's the flour andsugar and just a little compartment of papergoods now you have a whole store paper puts and iremember that everybody working the storeeverybody worked in the store and call to go to go back to sleep before i was bornbut a when when rita was born i i r %uh brother billy died five days before read it wasborn

    when he would have been the oldest inthe family and then jail and then reader and i remember good going over cool rom can now lease and granny powersis and world we went every sunday but onesunday when frank was here from mar readingpennsylvania week coming home we had a really badaccident and actor atwater our dentist fromauburn have ran into us i think coming aroundthat curve

    and a dead broke ribs and mom had a bigcut on early jack and i went with maman de adam reedngor left at home because they were we would weren't able to be taken care of i guessby that may wear for to smoke i heard about that exit inever knew it was someone in your room here for her i didn't know that either in toallow so subtle that was doctor atwater at soul he down i'm frank was up i remember

    and i remember both my grandparents for both my grandmothers me theirgrandfather and man he had four brothers sisters in a brother five sisters and brotherand deadhead for brothers and three sisters sold most abar playmates were cousins that live groundcorn and jams people and jordan powers and carmen's mother andfather and and there were just that i guessthey were our

    playmates who whenever we played and we had a pet a deadhead prince he was a packer spino and after prince died on we head back then back i remember beingaround with who because she was like 10 r-twelve whenthey have died and she got the dog before he died and i remember make and first fridays on going to confession and

    communion on sunday and you couldn't you couldn't go to holy communionwithout going to confession before hand quilting good now we don't go to confession anymore atall and i guess so story far for the scores hyped old father gordie i'll i had gone two or three times andhe a and he's it said to meet jane and thatkinda through me because i didn't think they were sparse

    no who we here well we were any said what is always stealing your going isaid candy from the store and he said he thought he knew that leave know i was taking it so thattook care that's and i had to scrounge around for other sins after that and a i remember grown over did good grammya.m. powers is and nellies on sunday afternoons and no i taking care beds p court verygood

    when she word once a month trim hiskearns and take care of a scale so this then on a and thats i'm pretty sure where we were when we heard that to um pearl harbor was bombed bombed on asunday in 1941 and on dead um when i was the year i was born hebought a rate on radio and i was the radio babybecause i think there were radios before thehead but i'd

    i just found a met in eckardt's and i bought one that looksexactly like the radio but to for charity or at waterpark and so i remember that and i'm work rules over all lowellthomas and i can't remember what else beside sold to a 0 for your shows ever hurts so bad for so far yeah federalmight be in my lap a massive air yeah

    i remember thinking that gave would'veliked any missed television by three or four years you know he wouldhave liked television lap because it was kinda cartier invalid for 68 months before hedied and redif i'd one time i remember being realsick and i had typhoid fever a couple years after we moved to thehouse and cpl and i remember being real sick because back to guard the doctor a that tookcare of me

    was kinda geffen he sony was talking tomom and dad um i could hear quite a better partysaid and he was saying that i couldn't am eat anything very much at all and i sawmommy bed crying so i know that i was kinda bad there at thefoot of my bed i can see them and for so for a couple months icouldn't need henry did i remember saying that all shecared for her birthday cake position credit we needwith a candle in it because we couldn't cope

    much benny full dispel would make mesick home and i said i just couldn't waituntil i could do get up and go over to thestore and get some bologna and bread make sandwich with south but iget better and after i remember or 8 nanny i that dad and mom could be there cool world syracuse to edwards and we rolled on me escalator and igotta yellow and brown polka dot dress

    i think our where we left off okay this are our talk about one room school are goingto school there to collect ago and and are i went to school its appeal biscuit number one just needsto the corner walk to school a didn't carry my lunchcame home for lunch and it was real special days that wecould take our lunch to school and the secondor third day i love school eldon colson

    are bigger boy that lived on the corner he tipped over one of the outhouses and i it was my turn to go in next yearso that kinda upset me and then later on quinn started to go toarm share word to school in seventh grade onthe bus arm about the first month the school album was a little different a hero's a kinda weird really and he but peoplewere tolerated him because he was eltman and he um we're getting off thebus a line a bus

    in front of our house and he hit me overthe head with a his lunch back and i started bleedingand that was quite a bit of power excitement for the day for he didn'tmean album is over is to secure some players livingby himself kinda like a hermit when he's down has a sister irene andshe got really upset and i know mom and dad goodtool but we didn't say anything to his either rupert and i can't forgethis mother's name because we just to curb elvin you knowhe wasn't quite like the rest of us anyway the i didn'thave to go to have stitches but it broke

    my broke the skin i remember but going downthe back my hip anyway um and i remember spelling bee using in school by teacher was making agreen a dead sister prayer six years and then we went shareword in the seventh grade on the bus and i remember mister myerscoming 4 a.m. spelling bee he is superintendentof schools and reno was bomb our little larger housekeeper

    for young woman and she year she drove describe each word issue goodand cheap said i am a little horse and she meant we were doing synonyms and antonyms andthings like that spelling and somebody spell that i get that couldhave been me i gets hoer hora si i'm a little harsh and she didn't think that was very funny but we've got a lot alright and then wewent to share with the score on and i'd arm goal really rememberanything

    to irene was my teacher mime mother and map sister for seventh andeighth grader prior to seventh grade and and we went through basketball games on the bus and oh i forget tell you about the contractsthat add joanne read a made-up and we had a andjack and i kinda got stuck with the hires jobs up for the most me know past jobmake the contract up we'd all have to sign a

    and a i saw it but one i remember from earlier her propertyit was in the store in the store been in the house likedoing addition and i remember use and the main goal inthe house we had a big main go to do sheets and pillowcases andtablecloths you know like to see your mark its for an iron like a like they havebeen wronged urs i'm 100 or presses her big big bang and that was kinda buttreat to be able to do that instead of

    do the regular ironing bit on we had thefirst up inside bathroom in mississippi ok but itwas real proud that i can remember and we really had inside the pilots but not inside plumbing because the two outhouses were cared to the backto the big house you didn't have to go out you just readgrowth through the woodshed to go to the bathroom and when we will when they were aroundthe back to the house there was one on each side i reallydon't remember use knows too much though

    it's almost been we've got the bathroomfairly quickly and if you remember we you when i put carping down from mom and that's goingback to acquire her of course are hope i think they wereunusual share we had pieces left over from here there bowling green are yeah and i'm i don't know how old you are then you'restill one high school i think for and more that the interpublic group what that would bethat before picking her

    i was a class a big like walk-in closet because the good bedroom for the sparebedroom we called it the good bedroom was right of that and then mammals andbirds bedroom was the other side at the dining room and nobody use the good bedroom unlessyou were sick there was a spare bedroom i providecompany for are yeah you wanted to be callin therewere two parlor in the living room and one sidewhen you went into the dining room or an arab guy straight ahead for thedining room than a bit better manage

    side our and i member now later a man must havecourses that nelly gave in egypt the boys um bird's eye maplebedroom so up for wedding presents nets that light i don't even know if they have itanymore life better and more and that was in our sparebedroom and and that's what i had type right fielderweb and 30 the kitchen

    for the kitchen for the feedback if youknow who yeah yeah the i have ever we're that work that was the corel painterused to be they made the purse marketed you know 3 and think kitchen with and now they're herb when we left to that washer anddryer where their when its rating career okay no i wouldn't say where wehave paper k we did have the first indoor plumbing ohand i remember day at running for

    supervisor in the town its appeal andthe last but man wasn't very happy about electiontime i remember of 20 because it just made for latter uproarin the store you known and george room had been democratic supervisor fortwenty years me was twenty years after the pres.-elect and let's see i remember going to juniorprom from mama i were sippy all and remy drake or

    all around but young coming after me and all the man sitting out on the frontwas in the spring or summer time for the store on those benches and jack run up and down the prompter he wasn't he was old enough to knowbetter than to do that but he and then a huge course i had like had won the kentuckyderby or something you know that i was pretty good sized girl to or not so it covered my chest just up and

    and then we went over and picked upsomebody's mother her father brought us because we couldn't grab every picture do you work for ha andpictures for no i don't think so no and and then in high school we chris get the usual things like thiswhere so far or career paths on a or the hall all year i they were cool one the first was a in my secondyear

    in high school and eva swayze and i ended up giving the same one we didn'tknow about it the button and neither one of us one but the next year it was a chair wouldand i won are with the tell-tale heart by edgarallan poe and and i took advantage %uh a knowing north monologues with sisterceleste in trade and because she thought the funny ones werevery funny and week do anything to make her happy andalso they'd hit me

    play the piano and singing or do themonologues and rightfully or over the phone girl cooper quite knowthat wasn't very fun i had about hiram wherever they were for you want that youmay have a row so they were written river one but and theni made up someplace else to i made i cook i lifted some love them from mom fromone's already done you known and then i made up some of my own whichyou like dole's

    so i used to do those and took the bus to inova perfect score yeah we had for your i lived in then nurses residence atnursing school and the i'm took the greyhound bus from harburg andwe were home every weekend every other weekend to begin with in theweekend we didn't come home i'd call home and wanna come home anddad mom would say give it another week keno on see how it is so i kept givingit another week and then i

    i have to write got through the firstsix months we have hate when on the floors i'm to work and there was this one no look forward right that would begeriatric now and i remember them nurse and it was murray think and she she would say to the students go in andmake shared their cleaned out there for bed words a make sure they put they haven't had abowel movement give them an enema

    and you couldn't get anywhere near thecar decks to find out what else they were having done to himso i remember going in and haven't 3024 have hit animos and one lady i do all the barium out of her that shehad taken night before for rum intestinal tests and we headed i will lady who taught us anatomy and physiology and she really made life miserable for me for a coupledays she said we haven't owners here that cost a patient

    are a lot a money and ruined her treatment and a lab a from and then i really almost came home cut i can i just couldn't handle theyhave and she was very unfair and fence the year after we graduated itshe went into the sisterhood she was a verymean person would you netstat was the only lay person with it shia and then we in professional ethics are she'd pass the word along for them tomention

    that i didn't read my paradox in youcouldn't get any place near the car decks first thing in the morning but i'd beout two were go to class at 11 o'clock and i thoughtthis woman told me she hadn't felt as good as that in many for many days so i i didn't know about it until after i getback from clan at her noordin heard of it be feel good i don'teven remember the aftermath they hit but

    you and i when did he had his firstheart attack i came home and stayed for two months so i had twomonths to make up over three years and i are stayed up there and worked on themsaying a private for and studied for state board and lived in the nurses home and had a goodtime much to them was that was fun and seewhat your professor when you're there you know we never got out a whole lot tomuch to fit you but we have we graduated from theeastman theatre

    her from yeah and just the other day the somebody sent me a thing juliet highlands my picture out approved training and ididn't i'd never had 1i don't know where theywere or i for our your graduation for an hour with isabel this abandoned 46 and quoted was nice for

    yeah and i can't think of anything anything elsei worked for years before we were marriedand for five years for a merry for yearsafterward huge upgrade over kirkum through itindia area i kinda want to stay in rochester because i i liked register but i year will home was around here you knowalright here because the whole yeah you or

    an hour where for but i didn't dry see i couldn't crack and now and i am lived in the nursing home pro edward ayeah or better all yeah and when i lived a three day in jail and forcouple years or for her every street no never her legacyworry on green street around are for was he was state west buffalo street they let first and thenwest state street a big house that's been torn down

    great big hole build and no north aurora street we lived onperspective and and then and they had baby so i baby say it youknow they have earlier her get it can be any trisha or their own room her ever ralph barely i mean not much ok career homers their living room theyhad have put this place downtown and and they work run in the ambulancethat can

    56 seven years later and are under joanna water always aware that just go he'd he boughta lotta furniture or her demands furniture store and yeah around well got out at the grocery business noi work for jail for a year before i went training because icouldn't get in fourth i was fully on 16 orkut or as a for no i work in aurora

    all while he was scareware and yeah furniture and appliance heone-upped watertown but were of roar riverfest or grocery store yeah an appliance store hestarted in in in and an accident in his home and now saw them he didn't take overwasn't ready for the takeover business sobil he already bought a storein aurora or very well soon hoover carry our family business here no notreally

    chris jack was ready you know no when i be quiet when in from high school i workdown there you're n roll back and forth with him cuz weboth married yet and now and then he a i'm ice proud maybe while i was workingfor he met jane who cuts cool down there and they're married i'm and when i don't know how i i think i'd i'dfinished

    they were married the year year i wentin training and thence to work form profile when shewent to weld for a couple years and see your sister rita had already been to thesame nursing school hope you were but you that i wasn't happy with a greatway to your eye when she went with joan me have yeah and then came back and she started workingin at the cuckoo then and then the second year out shehad polio

    and quits with a picture of her home the year mike powers was born because iremember i remember them being in the hospital same time when i was working up there it sharing about the over will 18 stillbother quit in i guess i talking to our loool shereminded me that to how much she enjoyed coming overshe'd meet your nice weather if i want to walkdowntown

    she'd say in fact last time i was upthere she said it over to 13 tagged remember you could come over and saywould you like to watch time and great for a little while now godowntown because i block down scenery you're good at thestore or something nothing over for yeah for future generations at10 let three s3 yesterday yeah and we here off without me people story for appear the or the emergency room in a here

    um came in with eileen and any word ahead and allergic reactionto a bee sting and he could have to get turbinesmeaning and now and then i don't think i start goingwith the right away that i remember and but then we hear i forget how long wewent together for amiri and then would lived in anapartment in at the cannes westhill on elm street after married and no

    for three years and i he went to schooland i worked with him sometime but everybody was doing that becauselast 15 shino soul papers was kinda prime time in men we moved out to working fairy and so that was kind of a change from thepublisher or month for you were barred then we took your by back and forth darlene's every mornin early and eileen was real good to hear i think enjoyed it as much as you knowwe pay picture and

    and then great pain the next year so ihad to scrap i stopped work given and at forster five years but everybodyprime it was in the same bowl you know we didn't have the her somebody was sayin they're sayinlike in watertown at the there in this last big flood bit would still holds and generators caught and somebody was trying something up i kerosene heater and gardens that we usedto work dried diapers above that big

    kerosene heater in the dining room at home and we did and thenwe got to or somebody gave me diaper service for the year hers six months that gripthere we draft you up for darlene so she didn't have toworry about 2.8 per and that i remember more than but here yeah it was the lead over stake or so hunger 0 you are drive i was

    for i learned to drive when i waspregnant per mile our yeah sell their persona i couldn't drive seem like though i i remember gene bayern common why doyou say that at work when you're flat we'll always remember that work well i was i can remember you that driving a ferrari driver your starlunar it seem like like we were up here whenmolly was born yeah but i remembered and other peoplesaid

    gene bayern taught me how to drive in itook driver ed from george more were um it seem like miley was that i was pregnant with her when i waslearning to gripe but at then there been other things thatmake me you know think that it's was a bit latebut i guess maybe it was could we didn't have two cars and tail ilearned guy clergymen are a driving instructor female no i never learned from georgewhen we're he was the driver ed

    down at school and between bayern wasjust very good shouldn't could where we wentaround stuart parr can out you know here here shimmy we know them because they believejohnnie and arlene tells or a parent to bear was your builder the fair he was a but he built houses there's wasthe first house and no love calculator in here yeah he built houses and now

    to order so i'm person who has footballthat three 3 we went down there swim in it howwithout pursuing her yeah downed a red cross buddy lacy yeah bar throughout our dead air time like prossay i keep thinking you can thank a few her or prevails over a wave pictures above over boatersfamily and the powers family but there were over

    expect about the picture we're gonnashout later where the two primary radio good they have over 32 yr old people voter old you know rio there i aunts anduncles all grampa and grandma and grandpa hours or a michael in merry old nurse and george and ellie in bed and jen and elizabeth and frank and then

    and i and our and i and television nothing are over i would prefer the real rokar foreseen from this is irene inlet three and willie and gertrude and genevieve in man and grammy and grandpa bone and that service was manner good word-for-word

    for through it is to your right thing over says kramerthis is the one we had finished for the picture in the paper you know they are nice picture twenty20 event after this word but theyjust took it out over and offices recruit hold up really yeah i don't know for a fact one way oranother girl it's too bad because the whole book is filled well i can't be too bad but i haven't toforever

    and workers for hill this is what's thats veryinteresting appear you know for the price her a this was in 24 price if things have beenlike gonna quadrupled and maybe more than totally powered polls oils your on her well it it no it doesn't but he hadbread and sugar and raisins i have this everybody charge a and a this is

    my uncle at kennedy who was one of thewelfare man incipio current by other he was quite a bitolder than my aunt jenna going genevieve died young with leukemia right here and but i think about everybody charge out here in my you have the world isyour hey ek pay something i go government grew a noel he didn't he truck did when helooked down hey he couldn't he grew what because theyown the mccormick place

    %uh he stood where his corner and our you he was quite a bit older and genevieve and now she was a reallynice lady it didn't help either but heard doctor no a hoax arthur i think probably everybody charged man'swriting pork and beans a 42 cents for kenyans to bread 24 cents and now

    and then one place who so here love usto get the place to here for 98 cents n roll and brett this is all on the same fignewtons 13 cents and now there too 49 account factory beef and red issues so he carried a variety of things and isee in a arctic ice cream and gulf oil on and best and

    paints oils in benicia agency forweather rolls at was paying and i remember those threebig guy mir's over each year the prior places uphome in the living room dining room he got go out there at pittsburgh plateplayers and they made him a dealer matheny when they bout to no mir's so so that others could hurt worsefor person if the package i hope to talkabout yeah yeah it was at all the stover ago well from your i don't think there isany more to it

    above what the barbershop and a realtor prime yeah franken hand and that's where the where prison guard from harvard and the men around sobil played 45 once a month what forty but creek rdfrom a illegal operation no well there i don't know pose a legal butto i know the ladies didn't like it raided gamble a little at plus theydrank some

    you know prison guard in well peoplearound serbia work burston cranking i'm up a burger to follow our i don't knowwiper paul daugherty murray and father friend mind he was a prison guard and make him from new york someplace and he may have started it i don't know butit was the big from ground serbia once a month maybetwice a month maybe more often than men but to

    and jake had the barber chair for quitea while till he sold it to somebody or don't remember their confirmer program you know for well what about the car that thedirector or writer director or a big great okay or both yeah that was pannedpowers as georges saab are she's built a new house and but all one is torn down and we used cool rom long time ago aherp christmas sound arm like

    parties up above and i remember singing christmas party there up and no have a witness is still there in the new house and george who was oneobject pallbearers remember george he was the one who dressed just on likeeverybody else but he charges george and hamas died and um i membered when when bid first get

    a sick like two or three years before hedied a bill powers another nephew okay he was set up you he was jonesbrother he came from california %uh had gotten outta service and bobthat store um on the other side to pursue it was agrocery store to begin with to her extra up a profile are in little food bill and and dad used toarm walk from one back but just iight usedupset him terrible because here

    bill with his nephew and he came andstarted up a store but he didn't last very longit to like okay haven't heard half are you ok yeah you talk about a over or worried by the piano go oh yeah or right cut promises grassland for bell 3 to three years foreign papparidge and i played the organ and her

    lovable bill i really got me there mean a for all three or four years when wefirst came down and men jenny kennedy died down here and i start playing her father whilefather maloney i care for rather well and i stand up in ludlowbill and what we agree with her to play are 9 89 so you could think that friends that idon't think probably have

    miss for best safe desk i remembered your at christmastimecoming home from arlene's and years steganos will have the horses and elected leader there and they werejust think to review them i it occur a cape fear for his pocket of herfor her worker about about size to give us thewhole their armor make up higher and it seems like theirroom with her small i can imagine you know two queen beds in there a greatwe're

    both their workers or order to crypt look good maybe they were war i guess who i whatever got that holds the were thankscora can you but your own see i should remember more than your only finite when you left i will bethere barrier all right down are rivers and back again we are in betweenthose who truly your never got around to help her

    cursor maze no so who it was in her car i think of their safeguard of courserecord gave us the see that we took some pussyfor senator ever got about where her bigbrother two weeks later authorities will takeplace arial cranks back still remember we just we start with a chronic for outabout it here the plan think that they came up

    weeks later there will be a surprise andgrade remembers but and danny must've been ababy you when he putting um being any in lose dryer opened from partner are always be i her lover for beta it was a great writer that wasinside the greater the dryer your k but if i think with growththought about with their for girls and i remember how to getthere anything for like his character asuperhero flick

    you don't added with on our no whereeither over for spending it while we were inthere why we're half fed ok more k and a few writer i remember hope coming over ithink i was pregnant for grade because youwere around and i was talking to her with myback to the kitchen saying and i know my head kinda funny but i was going to faint and ice i saidhey

    better love be careful or something andi painted and i'd ever paid for my lifeand he get really scared forgot lou but i was i was awake forgettheir under i'll with her beau yeah he being pregnant again for or big pitcher dwight k our skater at least one pair korea or over because i was just i was

    rely rivers but while he was on his wayout the door we were so the city for that or so see it and all he was onhis way out the door was said something i have to go to theiri did what i saw him come through the door although no i don't let me ask tell me that pic though if a charactercome back ulcer or pic friday that or where year oh yeah i guess i do

    yes they do forthright about one year orher yeah iraqi is eva he was a good 3 or white but i don't know if you developyour yet whether for the holiday year old daughter reallyworth it we went up i don't give up yeah where you work friday beappropriate rallies were nice we went up there quitea bit with you hey writers through a record i prepared what the other error occurred a couplewho were

    for three or were group above eltham clear ellison and their brother art somebody kulbir and a really nobody much are agers georgebernard down want from them stella greatly and harlem on the other sideabout us we didn't neighbor too much only withhome to know but i can remember and we used to our wheels

    to work when we were toward the end upliving down there we had party and out i can remember like poll badly and all and and they had and marine in orem and i forget that at too many others but to what we start to have been like you know christmas in saint patrick'sthan one in the summertime and i can remember one party we're herewe had a good time tiger or we have some here

    yes here we thought you got all for people good data that you canpurchase being around town see if the store everever budget bill green bay at all people for for can't remember because we were kinda isolated up not to the car you know can remember howard got no marine thank her view overdraft her

    where going really a week there thenight that benny was born alright i'm other stuff i'm yeah and we just gotback from my wrong watertown owner up a place where joan joan had a like theblack river someplace for it came you know we won't keep you hadbarely remember that are here and she gave us a member pecansandies he packed lunch brought back one bowl and or that i have for right red

    did you hear thinking of going aboutthat so they got all beat-up diphtheria i overall i thinkit's like recovered or yeah or crawler of a reallygood rest or report that we were slightly higher 0what was that on the black river it was replaced by a little late ithought maybe it was too late atoka ok that was a big how so for both our service sleep but your book powerful are yeah you know but it was fun

    we're the paper over ok because it hurt for i don't know likei don't know i have idea that must be we i can't remember aquiet we want that for timer i felt pretty good when we wentdown to eat down to palmer the like her or their or have a headache ever they were pinkberry cook the recruit or did shecry green tomatoes yeah i paper bill no for different yeah because the copies of their

    if it did it was her or home those day rebuttal longer than over there yeah you know mahler or we were here number yeah and i membered when you were born ma'am get came and hope but they but you're born i guess imsaid to that i was having to keep going tothe bathroom i was having pressure but i was trying to get a cake mix in tobe open

    betty cracker head she reminded me ofthis many time people small pope everything complete one backfor 10 for royalty and the cake and theprostate and i said i she said quote from erica kane and isaid i i just seem to have a lot of pressureshe said are you sure to pressure i wouldn't doubt i think get that get better with it so iremember her taken me and we went to readers i never got that cakebaked a and then they could be they took me iguess down to doctor hall's i'll

    so then right up to the hospital and iit was a very long you have to work but you're more router or i was stopping at a doctor'soffice no up no hair career there they say it back president church for her was a paper route got her no hope for a record you you and jan standard i think it musthave been

    practice sir caman behavior people it stood up for you or like jenny ruth cards best form sort by bright spring on the next the my godparents were and stanford and danny lacy who work for lacey'sfather alarm race issue no column hearing boardand lolita and alma and and hannah stanfordin there and other story by themselves they were relativeshave grave in bonuses

    from new york city she was a real hall are redhead and her husband franey worked like a head sure ahead andi have shorter and she they came every summer for many summers to visit grammy i'll and neighbors or both was a great timebecause she'd she talked a great deal could spareforget she was by got about kit speak and she just

    yeah i member we had clean the house upgood and we'd have dinner and she just wouldshoes cookbook quite good i you know when i'maway she just would keep us up all night you know harking and should talk with their warmfront story here yeah yeah about what she'd did you know and they both talked with the name ofaccent and her brother who was real i don'tknow quite relation they were peter stafford was asome

    crap in new york so they had a couple up the you know occupations that were i remember that when she all sure manstyle home or its corporate provide 0 if you paper well like those pics here reporters for your favorite books i really we used to read quite a bit

    but ward who her or for songs are korea free me can remember the bank but i'd taking the time to write thingsdown i wouldn't or what's release part is keeping ajournal girly little late now but it cuz you don't remember ulanda things youthink you're going to

    really no or your personal you see her out for well for that there are some good apps rightbaking here hoover good so i'll settle for your before you arriveremembers yes it simply no were favorite refer to our hey there when he was littler anti-worker her

    do this the rover yeah about huge furore yeah here occurred forever what was the first car thatherman's head when i was there are forever car but no for i think the 48 plymouth bid you totrade %uh every other year and pay poor and forrester alright was you know i'm surprised he didn't do when theywere first married john and was his brother john was twoyears older

    and that's why they got the fire mileysold them the firearm on the corner the bank brick house andthe firearm arm and batman want farming and near between venice and cpl when acenter on a hill house isn't there anymore and they didn't yeah they didn't do verywell and then they were all good night forkatniss they've moved up through well north at the corner across from thekorean that's where rita was born are for that or

    the quarry bears and the way to obergarthur corey stone core we used ice skate on the stone corethink all dollar for her all yeah anand and and that's where billy got meningitis are they think hedid so he dead wasn't doing very well atprime in any way but he got out a fireman and made went day when all over as far as they could go northpaved to get somebody

    to help diagnose quite a whole did youknow and he yeah old for when he died he died fivedays before edith was born ok which must beenpretty hard and rabbit a so he'd he was he was for you for when joe was born it was four years old and your was born or anyway there's two years between them and three years between read and chill

    and but are man never talked a lot about our but she just most been real hurt and they got out a fire going and i don't know how well it but thestore you know from mom can stay under in of those are his career there was astore got started just good merchant any on the house for they're probably thereto the pic

    one next door now overview he did his store there hit bad but the store is the store from home and julia and at the housewith the voters obama you what about the czech girl what'sthat there was grammy bonuses or for ma'am grab her went deeper you know granny and will let their well in everything and the girls werevery close

    would genevieve case led peace to thecorner you know irene request really a greatmany others say the store and lizzie and gertrude lived in now can carry anna i just feel sorry for theno on kids when they come to the store because you know we'd be all round there that was like the city us becausethey for ice waited outside the primeminister that used to visit significance if you know every occurwith you forever

    or other however overheard all for wells fire rover korea k because i want for better was it was replying orsomething that right for enhancing you hardware say it's okay alright character okay think all events but rather i carter techno carhartt workwear don't worry renfro go fast it back

    i awk and i several right to for auditor three or four on my event it was with her for i three or four he broughtin we put at after some places they you my own though fun packed this i so its defensive but or overall her keys to the stuff here all of it all if you like he thought stop

    yeah so debate over follow stuff now i've want it i just i soul throwback media for so he won't forget that i don't wantpeople to think you're you didn't i did for me yeah rose why would we have a make youmad why would she have a mickey mouse thing around that longformer toys yeah somebody have hair grandeur visit

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