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    media furniture stands

    (upbeat polka music) - [voiceover] let's polka! - thank you verymuch, hi everybody. once again, welcometo let's polka. here on wskg, we enjoyso much being with you, thank you for joining us. studio audienceis ready to dance, you folks at homeare ready to watch, terrific band tonight.

    the son, one of the son'sof the late eddie blazonczyk and the versatones,we've got with us today, from chicago, illinois, tonyblazonczyk and new phaze, let's get started. (audience clapping) ♪ my joanie from chicago ♪ she's found another man ♪ i can't even kiss her now ♪ can't even hold her hand

    ♪ every time i see her now ♪ she's with some other guy ♪ i guess i'm just a loser ♪ with teardrops in my eyes ♪ love 'em and leave 'em ♪ kiss 'em, deceive 'em ♪ that used to bemy motto one time ♪ till my loving joanie ♪ left me so lonely

    ♪ now i've got theseteardrops in my eye ♪ i used to run around a lot ♪ when joanie was my girl ♪ i would flirtwith with every gal ♪ i'd meet throughout the world ♪ i used to be a killerwith those women, me oh my ♪ now i'm just a loserwith teardrops in my eyes ♪ kiss em, deceive 'em ♪ now i've got theseteardrops in my eyes

    ♪ i used to slaythe the pretty girls ♪ from maine to illinois ♪ everybody used tocall me polish lover boy ♪ there've been somany pretty eyes ♪ i've filled with bitter tears ♪ when i was known as lover boy ♪ throughout my swinging years ♪ now i've got theseteardrops in my eyes ♪ thank you everybody andwelcome here to let's polka.

    yours truly, tonyblazonczyk and the new phaze all the way fromchicago, illinois. and we started off with a tunecalled love 'em and leave 'em written and recorded bymy dad back in the 1970s, and we'd like to keep it going with all these greatdancers we have out here. here's another polkaoff our latest cd, the cd is called breakdowns,the phaze that never ends, and our concertina player tim,

    he's gonna sing some of hisfavorites that he likes, some of the old standards,we hope you like them, sing along with ushere in the studio, sing along with usat home, here we go, some of the old time favorites. (energetic polka music) (singing in foreign language) off our latest cd, thisone, called tj's favorites, with a little bit of momnears farewell, bright star,

    and shiva coin polka, and folks, if you enjoy what you're hearing and you'd like to checkus out in the future, visit our websiteat you can purchase cds andget our entire schedule, see photos on differentevents that we post up there, and hope you followus in the near future. all right we're gonna doanother one for ya right now, this is an oberek for you,

    this is off one ofour cds as well. here's one calledmy daughter oberek. - we'll be rightback with more great polka music in justa moment, but first, let's learn more aboutthis great polka band. tony blazonczyk, newphaze band, what a thrill to have them with uson the show today. tony, you're suchan interesting guy, it's so good to see you.- [tony] thank you bill.

    thank you for having us. - well you're welcome, i haveto start at the beginning. your dad, god rest his soul,was one of my favorites, and i'm sure the inspirationfor you and your brother came through eddie blazonczykand the versatones. - oh absolutely, i mean,growing up as a kid, my father was thegodfather of polka music. so it's such anhonor to be his son, and the way we grew up, wehad the recording studio

    that was below ourhouse and then we had club antoinetteand polonia grove, and as a kid growing upyou run around these places and you got to run aroundwhen louie and my dad and lush were playing and, pictures ofus sleeping on the band stands and the music is in our blood,it was just a great thing. - no doubt you grew up with it. ♪ and we don't evenknow why we're around ♪ it sure is great itmakes us feel just grand ♪

    - [bill] on stage you'resmiling and i just saw your dad as i looked up at you, doyou hear that from people? - [tony] i hearthat all the time, but you know what it is is, when you're on that stageand you look out there and you see these peopledancing and clapping, you're having fun, so whynot have fun with 'em? it's a happy music. - one of my favoritepolkas by your dad

    was the bandleader song,tell me about that. - that's right, he wrote thissong back i believe around 1985, 1986, and whata great tune it was. so here we go with melvin, he'sgonna sing my dad's version of the bandleader's polka. (playful, upbeat polka music) the bandleader polka,thank you very much. - [bill] did you knowthat many historians credit a bohemiangirl named anna slezak

    for the choreographywork in the steps of the first polka dance. (enchanting polka music) ♪ so walk throughthis world with me ♪ come take my hand ♪ no matter what thefuture might bring ♪ i'll be your man ♪ i'll promise the world to you ♪ but i'll give what i can

    ♪ our love willbe strong and grow ♪ as long as we live ♪ and let our lives live ♪ go where i go ♪ you make my life so complete ♪ oh i need you so ♪ thank you. (clapping and cheering) - thank you very muchladies and gentlemen.

    great walls, an oldstaunch calanka number with tony blazonczyk'snew phaze, and that's all the time wecan spend with you for now, but we'll be back to dothis again another time. thank you very much, all ofyou folks here in the studio, and you folks at home watching. we'll see you back hereonce again on let's polka, this is bill flynn, solong, till next time. - did you all have a goodtime, folks, on this show?

    how 'bout it for bill flynn? here we go, one more time,going to poland polka. (playful polka music)

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