About : tv stand for flat screen mount
Title : tv stand for flat screen mount
tv stand for flat screen mount

oh, hello. you're, uh, you'reprobably here about the, uh, the story. elves love to tell stories. i-i'll bet you didn'tknow that about elves. there's, uh, probablya lot of things you--you didn't knowabout elves. another--anotherinteresting, uh, elfism-- uh, there are only three jobsavailable to an elf.
the firstis making shoes at night while, you know,while the old... the old cobbler sleeps. lazy bum.couldn't evenmake a clog. you can bake cookies in a tree. hey! as you can imagine, it's, uh, dangerous having an oven in an oak tree during the dry season.
( screaming ) i wanna make shoes! but the third job--uh, some call it, uh, "the show," or--or "the big dance," it's the profession that every elf aspires to, and that is to build toys in santa's workshop. only two weeks lefttill christmas! ( cheering ) i-it's a job only an elf can do.
our--our nimble fingers, natural cheer, and active minds are perfect for toy-building. they--they tried using gnomes and trolls, but the gnomes drank too much... ( burps ) ...and the trolls weren't toilet trained. ( farts ) no human being has ever set--set foot in santa's workshop.
uh, that is untilabout 30 years ago, and, as youmay have guessed, that's whereour story begins. wow! whoa! ooh! ( humming ) ow! ow! are you sleepy?
here we are. we're just going to make youfeel so comfortable. there you are. it's time to go to sleep. maybe by next christmasyou'll have a home. merry christmas, my angel. ( creaking ) santa: mmm... ( bars clang )
( music playing ) all right, all right. we've had anothervery successful year. so, afterall that hard work, it's timeto start preparations for next christmas! what in the nameof sam hill is that? elves: wow... male elf: a baby...
elf: "little buddy diapers." his name is buddy.he must've... snuck into your sackat the orphanage. what do we do? papa elf: so, santa had a decision to make, and fortunately, when it comes to babies, santa's a--a pushover. so, buddy stayed with, uh, an older elf who had always wanted a child,
but had been so committed to building toys, he... he, well, had forgotten to settle down. santa. yes, yes, i--i raised buddy. i was his adopted father. though buddy grew twice as fast, he--he wasn't any different from the other children. ( chuckles )not too fast, buddy. i mean, not--not really.
before we learnhow to build the latest in extreme graphicchipset processors, let's recitethe "code of the elves," shall we? number one. "treat every daylike christmas." number two. "there's room for everyoneon the nice list." number three.
"the best wayto spread christmas cheer is singing loudfor all to hear." and one day, when buddy was old enough, i made him my own personal apprentice. i've never beenin this room before. well, i thinkit's time you start your tinker training. ( gasps )santa's sleigh. you're gonnahelp me make it fly.
i thoughtthe magical reindeermade the sleigh fly. and where do the reindeerget their magic from? christmas spirit.everybody knows that. well,silly as it sounds, a lot of peopledown south don't believein santa claus. what?! well, who do they thinkputs all their toysunder the tree? well, there'sa rumor floating around
that, uh,that the parents do it. that's--that's ridiculous. i mean, parents couldn'tdo that all in one night. what about santa's cookies? i supposeparents eat them, too? yeah, i, uh, i--i know, uh, and every yearless and less people believe in santa claus. i mean, we have a realenergy crisis on our hands.
oh. i mean, just see how lowthe, uh, clausometer is. that's shocking. that's why i came up with this little beautyin the '60s. ( engine hums to life ) wh-what is it? it's a kringle 3000-- a 500-reindeer powerjet turbine engine.
without it,the sleigh couldn't get more than, uh,a few feet off the ground. well,it looks like we got a shortin the thermocoupler. you wanna give mea hand with that? you want me to help? as much as, uh,buddy was accepted by his family and friends, there werea few drawbacks
to being, uh, a humanin, uh, an elf's world. ( music plays ) ( chattering ) hey, ming ming. um... i'm gonna be a little bitshort on today's quota. it's all right, buddy. just how manyetch-a-sketches did you get finished?
come on, buddy.how many? i made, uh...85. eighty-five? that puts you... 915 off the pace. female elf:ooh--that's bad. why don't youjust say it? i'm the worst toy makerin the world. i'm a cotton-headedninny-muggins.
( gasps ) no, buddy, you're nota cotton-headedninny-muggins. we all just havedifferent talents,that's all. seems like everyone else has the same talents,except for me. you--you have, you havelots of talents, uh... special talents in fact,like, um, uh... special talents? you changed the batteriesin the smoke detector.
you sure did--aaa's. and in six months,you'll have tocheck 'em again-- won't he? and you're the onlybaritone in the elf choir. you bring us downa whole octave. in a good way. see, buddy? you're not a cotton-headedninny-muggins. you're just...special.
and so, buddy was sent where the--the special elves work. ( devilish laughter ) aah! ( pop goes the weasel playing ) ( laughter ) ah! ( sighs ) hey, foom foom-- i hate to do this to you,but you think you could
help me pick up the slackon those etch-a-scketches? no problem. i appreciate it. buddy is killing me. i already gotlum lum and choo choopullin' doubles. that wasquick thinking yesterday with that"special talents" thing. ming ming:i feel bad for the guy. i just hopehe doesn't get wise.
well, if he hasn'tfigured out he'sa human by now, i don't think he ever will. foom foom: if he hasn't figured out he's a human by now, i don't think he ever will. i think they're too small. ming ming: you're just...special. ( snores ) ( buddy sings deeply ) ( sneakers screech )
you don'tlook so good, buddy. are you okay? i'll be okay,i just needa glass of water. buddy... unh! aah! ( knock on door ) buddy, are you okay? i'm sorry, papa. i just needsome alone time.
buddy, i--i thinkwe--we have to talk. buddy, uh, i thinkthere's something i--i probablyshould tell you. you probably should havefound out a long-- a long time ago. i then proceeded to tell buddy of how his father had fallen in love when he was very young with a beautiful girl named susan wells, and how buddy was born
and put up for adoption by his mother, and how she had later passed away. i--i told him his father had never even known that buddy was born, and most importantly, i told him where his father was-- uh, in a magical land called new york city. my dad works there? empire state building.
hey, buddy, wannapick some snowberries? not now, arctic puppet. hello, buddy. oh...hi, leon. why the long face, partner? it seems i'm...i'm not an elf. 'course you're not.you're 6'3" and had a beardsince you were 15. papa says my real father
lives in a magical placefar away. i don't know what to do. at least you have a daddy. i was just rolled up one dayand left out here in the cold. but the thing is,i've never evenleft the north pole. buddy, i've beenaround the world many times when i was a youngcumulus nimbus cloud. it's a wonderful place, filledwith wondrous creatures-- except dogs.
oh, by the way,don't eat the yellow snow. oh, i know that. all i'm sayin' is, this mightbe the golden opportunity to find out who you really are. so,i hear you're going on a little journeyto the big city. yup. ahh. i'm kinda nervous.
( chuckles ) leon says new yorkis pretty different. oh, don'tpay attention to leon. he's never been anywhere.he doesn't have any feet. i've been to new yorkthousands of times. really? mm-hmm. what's it like? well, there aresome thingsyou should know.
first off, you seegum on the street, leave it there.it's not free candy. second, there are, like,30 ray's pizzas. they all claimto be the original, but the real one'son 11th. and if you see a signthat says "peep show," that doesn't meanthat they're letting you look at presentsbefore christmas.
can't wait to see my dad-- we're gonna go ice skatingand...and eat sugar plums. yeah, that'sthe other thing i wantedto talk to you about. you know, buddy...( sighs ) your father... well...he'son the naughty list. no!!! you're takingthe books back?
see, i--i see whatyou're trying to do here. y-you're tryingto make me feel bad, when, in actuality,you're the one that missed the payments. but the childrenlove the books. i know that, uh... you know, i'm the onethat ran the focus groups, but i like hearing that. listen, some people,they just lose sight
of what's importantin life. that doesn't mean they can'tfind their way again, huh? maybe all they need is just a littlechristmas spirit. well, uh, i...i'm good at that. i know you are. and i'll... i'll always, uh, i'll alwaysbe here for you.
now, uh... go...uh, get. bye, guys. bye, buddy. bye, buddy. take care. bye-bye. bye-bye, buddy. ( sobbing ) there, there.
huh? oh! ohh! bye, buddy.hope you find your dad. thanks, mr. narwhal. bye. hey! what's your name? my name's buddy. does someone need a hug?
( raccoon chirping ) aah, aah!that's not cool! ( screech ) i just wanted a hug! ( pennies from heaven playing ) hi. hello. thank you. you did it!congratulations!
"world's best cup of coffee."great job, everybody. it's great to meet you. ( horns honking ) santa, san--uh, nope. not santa. hey, you know what? no. no, all right? get outta here,get outta here. ( elevator chimes )
ooh... ( gasps ) beautiful. looks like a christmas tree. a reprint? you know how muchthat's gonna cost? two whole pagesare missing. the storydoesn't make any sense. what, you think some kid'sgonna notice two pages? i mean, they--all they dois look at pictures.
sorry i can't ride with youthe rest of the way up, but this iswhere my dad works.well, have a good-- oh, i forgotto give you a hug! oh, i don't know,connie, i've never declawed kittens before. how many? ( gasps ) eight? uh, i don't knowif i'm gonna have time. oh, all right, just bring'em by the camper this week,
and i'll see what i can do.i'm not gonna charge you. just bring 'em by,and i'll see what i can do. i have to go. excuse me. i'm here to seea walter hobbs. i'm buddy the elf. ( laughs ) you look hilarious!who sent you? papa elf.
papa elf? mm-hmm.from the north pole. from the north pole? yes. so, you really thinkwe should ship 'em? no, i think we shouldtake a $30,000 bath so some kidcan understand what happened to a puppyand a friggin' pigeon-- ship 'em.
( phone rings ) yeah. mr. hobbs? it's me on the intercom. go ahead. yeah, i think someonesent you a christmas-gram. dad! all right, uh,let's get it over with. i walked all day and nightto find you. uh, you look like youcame from the north pole.
( chuckle ) that's exactlywhere i came from. santa must'vecalled you! oh, yeah, sure, he, uh... just got offthe cell phone with me. you did?! so, go on. go on with what? well, are--are you gonnasing a song or something,
or can ijust go back to work? a song? uh... yeah. anythingfor you, dad, uh... ♪ i--i'm,i'm here with my dad ♪ ♪ and we never met ♪ ♪ and he wants meto sing him a song ♪ ♪ and, um, i was adopted ♪ ♪ but you didn'tknow i was born ♪ ♪ so, i'm here now,i found you, daddy ♪
♪ and, guess what?i love you ♪ ♪ i love youi love you! ♪ wow, that was weird. you know, usually you guysjust, uh, you know, put my nameinto jingle bellsor something. it's me, your son. susan wells had me, and--and she didn't tell you, and, and, and,but now i'm here-- it's me buddy.
susan wells. uh, you said susan wells? who sentthis christmas-gram? what's a christmas-gram?i want one. ( whispering )i think we shouldcall security. good idea. i like to whisper, too. it's okay,walter's my father. well, your dad'sbusy right now.
okay,i'll come back later. yeah, you know,you're not gonna come backfor a while, okay? you're gonnago back to santa land. okay. yeah, why don't yougo back to gimbel's? ( sleigh ride playing ) sorry! sorry. passion fruit spray?
fruit spray? sure. ( crying ) sorry. do you wanna go? ( toilet flushes ) hey! have youseen these toilets? they're gi-normous! "for that special someone." psst!
( grunts ) hey, come--come here! me? what are youdoing down here? you're not supposedto be down here! you can shopon your break, you don't--come on,get upstairs! okay, i didn't know. well, you should know!
are you mad at me? no. are you sure? yes, i'm sure. just do your job. okay, fair enough. ( gasps )wow! what's this? this is the north pole.
no, it's not. yes, it is. no, it isn't. no, it's not.where's the snow? why you smiling like that? i just like to smile,smiling's my favorite. make work your favorite,that's your favorite, okay? work is your new favorite. fine.
it's timefor the announcement. okay, people,tomorrow morning 10 a.m., santa's comin' to town! santa!!! oh, my god!!! santa here?!i know him. i know him. he'll be hereto take pictures with all the children.
yeah! just keep your receipts.10 a.m. tomorrow. 10 a.m. tomorrow. santa's coming to town. can you sign this for me? ohh! hi. ( whispers )santa's coming. are you enjoying the view? you are very goodat decorating that tree.
why are youmessing with me? did krumpetput you up to this? i'm not messing with you. it's just niceto meet another human who shares my affinityfor elf culture. i'm just tryingto get throughthe holidays. get through? christmas is the greatest dayin the whole wide world! please stop talking to me.
uh-oh.sounds like someone needs to singa christmas carol. go away. the best way to spreadchristmas cheer is singing loudfor all to hear. thanks, but i don't sing. oh, it's easy,it's just like talking-- except louder and longer and you move your voiceup and down.
i can sing,but i just choosenot to sing. especiallyin front of other people. well, if you sing alone,you can sing in front of other people.there's no difference. actually, there'sa big difference. no, there--no, there isn't. wait. ♪ i'm singing ♪ ♪ i'm in a store,and i'm singing ♪
hey! there's no singingin the north pole. yes, there is. no, there's not. we sing all the time. especiallywhen we make toys. see? manager over p.a.: attention, all gimbel's shoppers, please make your final purchases. we'll be closing in ten minutes.
well, it's time for meto go home. but...but santa's coming,there's so much to do. yeah, um...( laughs ) i'll see you tomorrow... buddy. jovie. ( nutcracker suite playing ) hey, uh...i'm gonnaeat in the bedroom, okay? i, uh, i got
a bunch of stuffto go over. i'm--i'm just way behind on a bunch of stuff. can i eat in my room? why not? dad's eating in his room. ( imitating father )i got a bunch of homeworkto go over, and i'm way behindon a bunch of stuff. you're eating here.
jovie: ♪ i really can't stay ♪ ♪ i've got to go 'way ♪ ♪ this evening has been ♪ ♪ so very nice ♪ ♪ my motherwill start to worry ♪ ♪ and fatherwill be pacin' the floor ♪ ♪ so, really,i'd better scurry ♪ ♪ well, maybejust a half a drink more ♪ ♪ the neighbors might think ♪
♪ baby, it's bad out there ♪ ♪ say,what's in this drink? ♪ ♪ no cabsto be had out there ♪ ♪ i wish i knew howto break the spell ♪ ♪ i'll take your hat,your hair looks swell ♪ ♪ i ought to sayno, no, no, sir ♪ ♪ mind if i move in closer? ♪ ♪ at least i'm gonnasay that i tried ♪ ♪ what's the senseof hurting my pride? ♪
♪ i really can't stay ♪ ♪ ah, but it's cold outside ♪ ♪ baby, it's cold outside! ♪ ( water turns off ) get out!don't look at me! get out! ♪ just hearthose sleigh bells jingling ♪ ♪ ring-ting-tingling, too ♪ ♪ come on, it'slovely weather ♪
♪ for a sleigh ridetogether with you ♪ ♪ outsidethe snow is falling ♪ ♪ and friendsare calling yoo-hoo ♪ ( muffled )dad? ♪ come on,it's lovely weather ♪dad. dad, hi! it's me! ( muffled ) buddy.dad! dad! dad! ♪ giddy-yap,giddy-yap, giddy-yap ♪ ♪ let's go,let's look at the show ♪
♪ we're ridingin a wonderland of snow ♪ it's okay, i just havea gift for my dad. okay, i'll take this. okay. well,just make sure he knows it's from me buddy,his son, okay? and that i love him so much, and that i think he'sthe greatest dad in the world. you guys are so strong.
kids: wow! ♪ my cheeks are nice and rosy ♪ girl: this is neat. ♪ and comfy cozy are we ♪ ♪ we're snuggledup together ♪ ♪ like two birdsof a feather would be ♪ ♪ let's takethat road before us ♪ ♪ and sing a chorus or two ♪ ♪ come on,it's lovely weather ♪
hey, you. come here.i wanna talk to you. what do you wannatalk to me about? how come you were in the women'slocker roomthis morning? i heard you singing. you sure it hadnothing to dowith the fact that i wasnaked in the shower? i didn't knowyou were naked.
why were you hereso early? they shut my water off. what were youdoing here so early? building this. you built this? they're kindapissed about this. hey, guys. have you seen the place? it's pretty good.it's a little too good.
corporate must havesent in a professional. i don't know whysomebody's gunnin'for my job, but, look--let's remaina team, okay? 'cause if i go,we all go. if you get windof anything, call me on my radio,channel three. code word is "santa'sgot a brand new bag," okay? six-inchribbon curls, honey.
that's impossible. six...inches. by the way...i think you have the most beautifulsinging voice in the whole wide world. santa... hey, hey!ho ho ho! santa, it's me buddy! it's me!
hey, buddy, how you doing? are youready to see santa? who the heck are you? what are youtalking about?i'm santa claus. no, you're not. uh, wh-why,of course i am! ho ho ho ho ho! well, if you're santa... what song did i sing for youon your birthday this year?
uh, happy birthday of course! uh, so,how old are you, son? four. you're a big boy,what's your name? paul.and, uh, what can i getyou for christmas? paul--don't tell himwhat you want. he's a liar. let the kid talk. you disgust me.how can youlive with yourself?
just cool it, zippy. woman: smile. you siton a throne of lies. look, i'm not kiddin'. you're a fake. i'm a fake? how'd you liketo be dead, huh? fake. no, he's kidding.
you stink. i think you're gonna havea good christmas, all right? you smelllike beef and cheese. you don'tsmell like santa. ( kids screaming ) he's an imposter!he's not santa! he's a fake! he's a fake! come here. come here! i saw!
he's a fake! ha ha!where you going now?where you going--? manager: ohh! ohh! no! ( grunting ) he's not santa claus! he's not santa! "to someone special." what's that?
intercom. all right. yeah? mr. hobbs, the police are on line one. police. hello? ( chatter ) dad! i knew that you'd come,i love you for coming. officer tom,this is my dad. this is walter--he came.
he bailed me out. they gave meone phone call. they gave meone phone call, and i said, "i knowwho i'm gonna call-- walter hobbs." and sure enough,you showed up. you did, they saidyou weren'tgonna show up. they told meso many times-- shh shh shh shh shh.
just who the heck are you,and what is your problem? i-i'm buddy,i'm your son. wait, um... tell me, tell me,tell me, uh... where'd you get this picture? papa elf gave it to me. listen...is thissome kinda game? what do you want,some money? no! i just wantedto meet you,
and i thoughtyou might wanna meet me. who wouldn'twanna meet you? i thought maybe we couldmake gingerbread houses, and eat cookie dough,and go ice skating, and-- and maybe even hold hands. uh-huh. come with me. okay.what have we got here? buddy, don't eat those.
we gotta reallyhurry up, walter, 'cause i'm double bookedthe rest of the afternoon. am i sick? yeah, but that'snot why we're here. we're hereto do a test, come on. what kinda test? just a test to find out if you're my son or not. why am i sitting on paper?
because it's sanitaryfor the other patients. now, sit still so i cando the finger prick. ( gasps )finger prick! ohh! it's cold. yeah, just pleasesit still, please? okay, can i listento your necklace? no, you can't.will you justsit still-- why is therea skeleton over there? i don't know.
walter, can you pleasehave him sit still? does he have a name? no, he hasn't got a name. i'm sorry, ben,i am sorry. i have a lotof patients waiting. would you pleasesit still? please. he got mad at me. yes, he did. he did. the sooner you sit still,the sooner we can
get this mess over with. okay. then can weeat sugar plums? you betcha--we'll eat sugar plums, have gingerbread houses,and we'll even paint eggs. well, paint eggs,that's easter. ow!!! ohh... my finger has a heartbeat. it won't hurt so muchafter a little. what's your name?
i'm carolyn. what do youwant for christmas? a suzy-talks-a-lot. i'll put in a good wordwith the big man. thanks.your costume is pretty. oh, it's not a costume.i'm an elf. well,technically, i'm a human, but i was raised by elves. oh, i'm a humanraised by humans.
hmm. cool. ( door opens ) so? it's a boy...buddy's your son. that's very impossible. you--you sawthat guy out there. he's--he'scertifiably insane. he's probablyjust reverting to a stateof childlike dependency.
an elf? what he needsis to be nurtured. oh, i see. so, um, uh... you'd like meto breastfeed him? walter,just bring him home. introduce himto emily and michael, and once--once hecomes to termswith reality, he should dropthe whole elf thingand move on with his life.
i mean, that'swhat i would doif i were you. oh, my god!walter, this is... this is wonderful, you--you have another son. wonderful.oh, gosh, i-- i guess i never reallythought of it that way. this isincredible, i... you know, it'sa little complicated, but it's nothingthat we can't handle.
honey?what? he thinks he's an elf. i'm sorry, what? he thinkshe's a christmas elf. oh, come on, walter, i'm sure he doesn'tactually thinkhe's an elf. and then, i traveledthrough the seven levels of the candy cane forest, passed the seaof swirly-twirly gumdrops,
and then, i walkedthrough the lincoln tunnel. so, where were youfor the last 30 years? the north pole. can you passthe maple syrup, please? i--i didn't put...it's spaghetti. oh, you know what?i think i have some. you like sugar, huh? is there sugar in syrup? then yes.
we elves try to stick tothe four main food groups-- candy, candy canes,candy corns, and syrup. so, will yoube staying with us, then? you mean i can stay? of course you can. emily. how--how long do youthink you'll be with us? i--i hadn'treally planned it out, but i was thinking,like...forever.
emily? can i just speakto you for a minute in the, uh,kitchen, please? are you crazy?he cannot stay here. clearly he hassome serious issues. we can't justthrow him out in the snow. why not?he loves the snow. he's told me 15 times. walter, he's your son. ( belching )
did you hear that? you are so weird. dad? what? ( whispering )i can't go to sleep unless i get tucked in. i can't go to sleepunless i get tucked in. i am notgonna tuck you in. i--i promisei'll go right to sleep.
tickle fight, tickle fight! buddy, stop. tickle fight. tickle-- stop, stop, stop. it's all right. hey, uh... ( clears throat ) you just lay thereand go to sleep. hmm?
i love you. okay.go to sleep now. well, this isreally something. i'm usuallythe one making breakfast. that's good,that's good. oh, that's good. good? good. so, did you, um...
did you sleep okaylast night? great.i got a full 40 minutes. and i had time to buildthat rocking horse. uh, oh, my gosh.you actually made that? where did youget all the wood? good morning, honey. good morning, dad. walter, buddy hasmade us breakfast. isn't that nice?
and lunch. emily: bye. so, dad, how many scoops? i'll stick withthe coffee now, thanks. so, dad... i planned outour whole day. first, we'll makesnow angels for two hours, and then we'll go ice skating,and then we'll eat a whole roll of tollhouse cookie doughas fast as we can,
and then,to finish, we'll snuggle. i've got to goto work, buddy. oh, andanother thing-- if you're goingto be staying here, you should think about,you know, getting ridof the costume. but i've worn thismy whole life. you're not inthe north poleany longer. you wanna make mehappy, don't you?
more than anything. then, lose the tights.i mean, as soon as possible. as soon as possible? as soon as possible. emily: i almost forgot-- ( sirens wailing ) good morning. ( cell phone rings ) ( ring )
walter here. ( gasps )it worked, it's you. how'd youget this number? emily leftan emergency list. i see. and, uh, is thisan emergency? there's a horrible noise coming from the evil boxunderneath the window. it sounds like this...
( screeches and wails ) it's, uh, it's--it's not evil, buddy, it's, uh,it's a radiator, and the heatmakes noisewhen it comes on. no, it doesn't.it--it's very evil. it's scary to look at.it's...okay... i'm going toward...oh, wait. yes, it is. okay, it's okay.it's okay. everything's fine.
you were right. okay, good, uh,i'm gonna hang up now. i'll call youin five minutes. no, no, buddy,don't, uh... you--you don'thave to call me, okay? good idea,you call me. okay. i'm gonnahang up now. i painted a pictureof a butterfly. good.i'm gonna hang up now.
i tuned the piano. okay, i love you. bye. mmm... mmm...mmm. mmm. hobbs. how you doing? please, sit down. i haven't seen yousince the retreat.
you're looking good. oh, thank you very much.you as well. to what do i owethe, uh, pleasure? well, to be honest,i got a call from my niece. she wants to know how a certain puppyand a certain pigeon escape the clutchesof a certain evil witch. believe me, uh, we're alreadylooking for new printers.
this one has obviouslygotten a little sloppy. maybe it isn't the printerwho's gotten sloppy. that's your signature,right? you know, we could sit hereand point fingers all day. i've got news for you-- even if those two pageswere in there, the book stillwould have sucked. have you seen the numbersfor this quarter? uh, they'll be here today.
oh, they're in. that friggin' puppyand pigeon are tanking hard, hobbs. my people estimatewe're gonna post a minus eightfor this quarter. a minus eight!that does not happen! you know, we'll--we'll bounce back, we-- no, no, no. no? well...
we're gonna shipa new book the first quarter. first quarter? i'm gonna be backin town on the 24th. at that time,i would love to hear in exact detail what your plans arefor this new book. uh, wait a minute,the, uh, the 24th,that's christmas eve. and?
and, uh... no problem. be greatto have you in the loop. ( school bell rings ) michael: all right, i gotevery weapon in the game. i got full health,i got full armor. michael! i got full... it's me buddy! you know that guy?
no, i've neverseen him before. it's me buddy!your brother! oh, man. no, michael! wait!it's your brother bud-- ( tires screech ) sorry. sorry! ( horn honks ) michael! michael! michael, wait up!
wow, you're fast. i'm gladi caught upwith you. i waitedfive hoursfor you. why is your coatso big? so, good news--i saw a dog today. have you seen a dog?you probably have. how was school?was it fun? did you get a lotof homework, huh? do you haveany friends?
do you havea best friend? does he havea big coat, too? go away! ow!son of a nutcracker! run! boy: get him!get the green guy! ( boys cheering ) oh, no.these guys are bad news. we better get outta here.
you know what?we can take 'em. okay, just start makingas many snowballs as you can. ( grunts )you ready? let's go. aah! ow. ow! boy: run! michael: oh, man.one got away. snowball.
kid: unh! wow. where did you sayyou were from? ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ candles burnin' low ♪ ♪ lots of mistletoe ♪ ♪ lots of snow and iceeverywhere we go ♪ ♪ choirs singin' carolsright outside my door ♪ ♪ all these thingsand more ♪
i wish dad were here. why? 'cause he's the greatest dadin the whole wide world. are you kidding? he's the worst dadin the world. what do you mean? all he does is work. working's fun. not the way he does it.
all he cares aboutis money. he doesn't care about you,or me, or anybody. well, he ison the naughty list. you like her? like who? the girlyou're staring at. oh, uh... why don't you ask her out? out?
you know,on a date...to eat food. food? yes, real food, not candy. and if she says yes,you're in. it's likea secret code girls have. well, look who it is. hi, jovie. oh, uh,this is michael. i'm his brother.
so, what are youdoing here? did gimbel'sgive you your job back? no. but thingsworked out pretty good. they gave mea restraining order. well, um, you shouldprobably get outta here. ho ho ho! but...i reallywanted to see you, and--and i thinkyou're beautiful,and i, um... i feel really warmwhen i am around you,
and, um,my tongue swells up. so... do you wannago eat food? do i--do i wanna eat food? you know, uh,the code...food. well, i just hadmy lunch break. oh, okay.i understand. but i'm free on thursday. thursday! thursday!
come on.that'd be great. buddy: was that okay? you did great, man. what should weput on it first? lights! oh, good. and then, after that? ornaments! ornaments, okay.
what the hell's that? michael:a christmas tree. a christmas tree? buddy chopped it downin the park. i don't know what you'remaking such a big deal about. they werejust having a little fun. oh, fun?so felonies are fun now? i thought, see,felonies were felonies. okay, the tree thing was bad.
i'll get himto plant another one. but at leastmichael is happy for once. what, uh, what's thatsupposed to mean? well, i don't thinkit's any secret, walter, that you haven'texactly been there for him. i'll tell you what,why don't we just pull him outta schooland let the, uh, deranged elf manraise him? then they can havelots of funcommitting felonies.
how are we gonnaget the star on top? i got it. i mean,what are we gonna do? we can't--we can'tleave him alone here. he's gonnadestroy the place. why don't you, um... why don't youtake off tomorrow, you know, and you couldstay home and watch him? oh, no. no, i can'tstay home tomorrow,
i havea budget meeting tomorrow. well, honey,i can't take off, i'm one--onebad pitch away from getting fired--one. well, i tell you what,i have an idea then. why don't youtake buddy to work with you? hey, walter. morning, jack. oh, good morning,mr. hobbs.
good morning, sarah. that's a nice purple dress.it's very purple-y francisco. how's it going, mr. hobbs? francisco, that's funto say--"francisco." hi!hi. do you remember me? i do.i didn't recognize you. i know,i'm in work clothes.
thank you, deborah. thanks, deb. deb, you havesuch a pretty face. you shouldbe on a christmas card. you just made my day. eww. you don'thave to drink that. buddy? ( whispers )am i too loud?
just--just a little. sorry. yes, bud? why is your nameon the desk? i bought the desk. my name's thereso no one steals it. that's a joke,isn't it, dad? yeah, buddy,that's a joke. so, what are wegonna build?
no, uh, we don't do that kindof work here, pal. buddy the elf,what's your favorite color? put that down. hello? hello? ( dial tone ) please,don't touch anything. hey... bud, have you--have you--
have you everseen a mailroom? a mailroom? no. no? oh, i mean, wow. wow...listen,it's a placewhere mail from all overthe world comes, uh-huh.and they sortit out there, see? and you can touch it all, and they put itin these shiny bins.
shiny bins? right. what do ya think? it sounds great. can we go there? well, um... i gotta work here, maybe--maybe you can work there. okay, i'll work there. ( rap music playing )
oh, i don't thinkthis is the place my dad was talking about. is therea different mailroom? no. this is the only one. it's not very shiny. now...over here'sthe trench. all the mailcomes out that shooter. scan and find the flooreach piece is moving to. put it in a canister
and shove it up the tubewith the same number. you got that? i think so. this place reminds meof santa's workshop. except it smellslike mushrooms, and everyone lookslike they wanna hurt me. uh, greenway'scoming in tomorrow, so, what--what do we got? well, morris and ihave been brainstorming,
and we've come upwith what i think is a pretty big idea. great, what? you're gonna love it,it's fantastic. okay, picture this-- we bring in miles finch. the miles finch? the golden ghost. we bring him in!
he's writtenmore classicsthan dr. seuss. it ain'tgonna be easy, but i thinkit's worth a shot. my two top writers,my crack team, my fun squad... you came in herepitching me the ideaof hiring another writer? miles finch. i like it.( chuckles ) i like it.
then i traveledthrough the seven levels of the candy cane forest and passed the seaof swirly-twirly gumdrops. ( gasps )ooh! wow...it's sucky. ohh, it's wonderful. yes! that is marvelous how that-- oh! (laughs ) oh, it's very sucky.
it's very...sucky. whoo. so, how'd you get here? work release. mm. oh, syrup and coffee? why didn't i think of that?can i try some? be my guest. very generous of you.
mmm. ( gasps )i love syrup. ohh, i love it. you know, i know i soundlike a broken record, but we are buddies. you're my best friend,that's it. you're my best friend. you know, buddy,nobody around herelistens to me. i got really good ideas. yeah? i believe it.
i know, i'm right,i listen to you. you have great ideas. i just try to gowith the flow, you know? good, you gowith the flow. go with the flow. no, i gottaget out of the flow. well, thenget out of the flow. i'm in the flow,that's what got me here. i gotta--i'm 26 years old,i got nothin' to show for it.
you're young.you're so young. my papa... yeah? he didn't make master tinkertill he was 490, so... ( laughing ) four-hundred and ninety? tickle fight! tickle fight! my favorite book of yourshas gotta be gus' pickles. it's existential,yet it's so accessible.
uh, mr. finch, uh,eugene dupris here. it's a thrilljust to be talking to you on our speakerphone. miles, um,so, what do you think? can you fly in tomorrow? i'll give you five hours tomorrow, not a minute more. oh, that's--that's great. i'd like a black s500 to receive me at the airport.
i need the interior of that car to be 71 degrees exactly. we can do that. deborah: mr. hobbs? there's a situation downstairs. finch: i'm sorry, what? no, hold on, miles.deb, hang up. finch: i do not hold. do not put me on hold. deborah: we have a problem in the mailroom.
what's going on? don't speak--deborah, hang up! finch: that's it, i'm gone. miles! finch: i'll be there tomorrow--71 degrees. deborah: sir, chuck in the mailroom needs to talk to you. chuck...what, chuck? i mean, what couldbe going on down there
that's so importantyou had to interrupt me, what? ♪ whoomp, there it is!a little louder ♪ ♪ whoomp, there it is!come on, y'all ♪ ♪ whoomp! there it is ♪ ♪ upside downand inside out ♪hey! ♪ i'm 'bout to showall you folks ♪ ♪ what it's all about ♪ ♪ time for meto get on the mike ♪ ♪ and make this motherof a party hype ♪
♪ i'm takin' youback to the old school ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm a old foolwho's so cool ♪ ♪ if you wanna get down,i'm gonna you the way ♪ ♪ whoomp, there it is,let me hear you say ♪ ♪ whoomp! there it isa little louder ♪ ♪ whoomp, there it is! come on, y'all ♪ ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ ( door buzzer ) coming.
( you make me feel so young playing ) you look miraculous. so do you. what would you like to do? i got some ideas. just reach outin front of youand--and take a sip. don't look.there you go. well? it tastes likea crappy cup of coffee.
( chuckles ) no. it is a crappy cup of coffee. no, it's the world'sbest cup of coffee. the trick isto not get your armcaught in the door! also, never close your eyes'cause then you'll get sick! okay, when youfeel comfortable,you just jump in! ( laughing )what are you doing? i'm skipping.i'm skipping. i'm skipping. wait, wait, wait--one more, one more.
now, look atthe size of this one. watch out. (tires screech ) yellow onesdon't stop. the yellow onesdon't stop. wow...that's a big one. i'm sorry. you missed. what do you meani missed?
all right, let's do this. miles, i'm so happyyou could come, uh-- i'm walter hobbs. yeah, let's get the, uh... taken care of sowe can get started here. here you go. finch: great. all right...( clears throat ) what have you guysgot so far?
uh... we were thinking, uh,something like this, uh-- we open on a young tomato. he's had some tough timesdown at the farm with, you know,a rabbit, and-- no. no tomatoes... too vulnerable. kids, they're alreadyvulnerable. no, you see?i--i told you guys.
i told themthe very same thing-- and no farms. everybody'spushin' small town rural. a farm bookwould just be white noise. what about this? uh, a tribeof asparagus children, but they're self-consciousabout the way their pee smells. apparently, all we haveis vegetables. i have no time,so, you know,
if you'vegot a story here-- i've got about five or sixgreat starts here. i've got one ideathat i'm especially psyched out of my mind about. you know,it's one of those ideas where you're just like, uh... yes! whoa!( chuckling ) uh, great,c-could we hear it?
i'll start with the cover.picture this--you got, uh-- dad! i'm in love,i'm in love, and i don't carewho knows it! buddy, not now, uh, can you please go backto the--to the pit? i'll come and visit youin a little while, okay? i didn't know you hadelves working here. oh...boy, you're--you'rehilarious, my friend. he doesn't, uh...get back to
the story, please. all right, okay. so, on the coverabove the title-- does santa know thatyou left the workshop? you know, we're alllaughing our heads off. did you have to borrowa reindeer to get down here? buddy--go backto the basement. finch:hey, jack weed, i get more actionin a week
than you've hadyour entire life. i've got housesin l.a., paris, and vail, each one of them with a 70-inchplasma screen. so, i suggest you wipe that stupid smileoff your face before i come over thereand smack it off! you feelin' strong,my friend?! call me elfone more time!
( whispers )he's an angry elf. ( growling ) look at you. ow!hey, what-- i wasn't ready for that. aah! hey, hey, hey! hey, hey, hey!whoa! call me elf! you're an elf.
( glass shatters ) miles, i'm sorry, he--he thinks he's an elf. listen, miles... listen, miles! ( door slams ) he must bea south pole elf. you get the hell outta here. where do youwant me to go? i don't carewhere you go.
i don't carethat you're an elf! i don't carethat you're nuts! i don't carethat you're my son! get out of my life now! emily: hi, it's me. i really can't talk right now. well, just tell mehow the pitch went. i'm gonna be a little laterthan i thought, okay? well, don't betoo late, walter,
it's christmas eve. walter... wait, um. honey, i gotta go, okay?love ya. oh, say hi to buddy. walter, breakthrough. we found thisin the conference room. what is it? it's miles finch'snotebook.
this thing is chock fullof genius ideas. i mean, look at that. and his best idea is abouta peach that lives on a farm. what's more vulnerablethan a peach? what, uh,what do we do? i think we should go withthe first pitch--it's genius. uh, how much time we got? we got, like, 45 minutes. well, come on, let's, uh,
try to get a storyboardor something ready. come on, let's do it. just try. no, you can't sit downand get a storyboard ready. go and geta storyboard ready. oh, boy! go. "i'm sorry i ruined your lives "and crammed 11 cookies into the vcr. "i don't belong here. i don't belong anywhere.
i'll never forget you. love, buddy." god... hey, buddy. as you know,we need a big launch fast to get the companyback on track. so, i think i speakfor my fellow board members when i say...this better be good. before i get intothe story, uh, let me startwith the cover, okay?
now,just picture this-- dad! i gotta talk to you. walter:michael, what is it? buddy ran away. he--he left a note. i'm scared, dad,he's gone. uh, let me justfinish this meeting, and then, um, we'llfigure it out, okay? figure out what?buddy cares about everybody.
all you care aboutis yourself. hey, michael. we're gonna haveto reschedule this,uh, mr. greenway. we don't have timeto reschedule. i wanna hearthe damn thing now. son, you'll have to wait. no, d-don't tellmy kid what to do, uh... can't--can't we do thisanother time, mr. greenway? i flew injust to hear this pitch,
and i intend to. it's gonna have to wait. if you wannakeep your job, hobbs, you will pitch methis book right now. well...up yours. yeah, up yours. hey. hobbs...hobbs! hobbs,you walk out of here,
and--and you're finishedat greenway! you're finished! i don't belong anywhere. buddy! buddy, where are you?! prancer, pull!come on! come on! vixen, up, up! santa? come on,you can do it.
pull up! pull up! michael,where you going? back off, slick.don't scare the deer. buddy, is that you? boy,am i glad to see you. the clausometer suddenlyjust dropped down to zero. there's just nochristmas spirit anymore. and then the strainwas too much-- the enginebroke free of her mounts.
i need an elf's help. i...i'm notan elf, santa. i...i can'tdo anything right. buddy, you're more of an elfthan anyone i ever met, and the only onewho i would want working onmy sleigh tonight. really. will youfix it for me, buddy? i'll try.papa taught me how.
you gotta find it first. it dropped off the sleighback over there a ways. the engine? the engine, yeah. go, buddy.go, mr. elf! i'm standing here outside central park where it is unclear exactly what has happened. what we do know is that authorities have closed the park
and are in the process of clearing it. the only thing that people can seem to agree on here is that they saw something fall from the sky. i've got an eyewitness with me who claims to have seen the whole thing firsthand. what did you actually see? you know, i was walking around and i saw this thing, and my daughter actually pointed it out to me. oh, your daughter saw it?
sweetheart, can you tell me what you saw falling out of the sky? it was santa's sleigh! ( news woman chuckles ) santa's sleigh, well, there you have it. santa's in manhattan. sorry to interrupt your first big news story, charlotte, but new york one has just received some exclusive amateur news footage
that you just might wanna follow up on. there seems to bea strange man dressed as an elf wandering through central park. now, i don't know if this is the kind of hard-hitting news you're used to covering in buffalo, charlotte, oh, my god. but here at new york one, news is top priority. what the heck...?
you found it. i needto tell you something. no, no. buddy,there's something i have to tell you right now. um, i didn't mean anythingi said back there, not a word. i know you may bea little, um, um... uh, chemically imbalanced, but you've been rightabout a lot of things. i--i don't want you to leave.
you're my son,and i...love you. uh, buddy, uh... what was ityou wanted tell me? oh, right.come with me. come on. i'm here with another eyewitness who has his own version of what happened. sir, what did you see? i think you're great, charlotte.
uh, i saw something fall from the sky right into the middle of central park. i mean, you're a great news lady. thank you. could you tell me a bit more about what you saw fall from the sky? yeah, yeah. your eyes tell the story, that's what i love about you. you've got a great mouth. the thing just dropped in the middle of central park.
it was amazing, and everybody's, like, going crazy. dick, uh, according to authorities, the area has been cleared. only the central park rangers now remain in the park. these forces are highly trained, but rarely see action. some have accused them of being too gung ho when called into duty, and their controversial crowd control tactics
at the simon and garfunkel concert in '85 are still under investigation. i knew you'd find it,mr. elf! slap it on real quick,we've got to get going. thatta boy. so, uh...you're, uh... santa claus. would you mind taking thisto your firstborn? sure.
um, uh, and my firstborn,he's an elf? actually, i'm adopted. uh, michael, would you openthis hatch for me, please? thatta boy, thank you. so, you'rereally santa claus? you never can tell, kid. tell me, michael, i wanted a skateboard. oh, not just a skateboard.
a real huf board.lookee here. lookee here-- how do you like them apples? go look and see. whoa. what happened? you made my sleigh fly. well, beforethe turbine days, this baby used to runsolely on christmas spirit.
you believed in me.you made my sleigh fly. hold it--if you'rereally santa claus, then we can just getsome news cameras in here, and everyonewill believe in you, then your sleighwill fly, right? christmas spirit is aboutbelieving, not seeing. if the whole world saw me,all would be lost. the paparazzi have beentrying to nail me for years. ( horse whinnies )
hey, look! oh, no. it's the central park rangers. ( horses whinny ) dad, michael...i got a plan. santa: whoa, wait!wait, michael--my list! you bring that list backright now, you hear me?! come on, give meyour hat and coat. mrs. clausmade them for me.
hey! hey, here i am! hey, ho ho ho!hey! hey! excuse me.thank you. excuse me. so the authoritieshave not discovered any reindeerin the park? no, no reindeer. sleigh bells? no, no sleigh bells, either. elves?
excuse me, please. none of that, we reallyjust need everyone-- it's him,it's the real santa! his sleigh won't fly, 'cause nobody believes in him! charlotte: did you see something in the park? everyone out there, santa needs us to believe, i can prove he's real. look, this is his list! okay...well, further confirmation
that there has beena santa sighting tonight. we have the naughtyand nice list. lynn kessler wants a power puff girls play set. mark weber wants an electric guitar. yes! carolyn reynolds wants a suzy-talks-a-lot. thanks, buddy. dirk lawson wants a day of pampering at burke williams spa.
stan tobias wants a power pumper water pistol. must beanother dirk lawson. dave kecklerwants some nike shox. okay, uh, well,obviously we have a new developmentin the story, uh, a confirmation that santamust have been sighted because we havehis book right here. uh, i'm charlotte denon,new york one. "d," "d..."
charlotte denon wantsa tiffany engagement ring and for her boyfriendto stop dragging his feet and commit already. ( crowd oohs and aahs ) we've got power! newsman: charlotte...charlotte? hey,turn the cameras back on! who told you to say that? it's the real santa.
we need to getthese cameras back on. he needs our help! hey, michael,are you okay? yeah, i'm fine. but buddy, he's--he'sin the park with santa, the sleigh won't fly 'cause there'sno christmas spirit. mom! michael! ohh!
i'm fine. the best wayto spread christmas cheer buddy--better get going,get in now! santa, i'm not donewith the engine yet! can't wait! on, dasher, on, dancer... i'm not donewith the engine! ( santa cheers ) that's okay.
you get started,i'll catch up! you know,he wasn't lying. ( chuckles )merry christmas. santa, i can't-- stop messing aroundand get in! ( toy squeals ) santa,why are they chasing us?! i put themon the naughty list, and they never forgave me.
♪ you better watch out,you better not cry ♪ ♪ you better not pout,i'm tellin' you why ♪ ♪ santa clausis comin' to town ♪ santa: yaah, yaah, yaah! santa:up, up, pull up! buddy! we need power,we're gonna crash! ♪ he's makin' a list,checkin' it twice ♪ ♪ gonna find outwho's naughty and nice ♪ ♪ he sees youwhen you're sleeping ♪
♪ he knowswhen you're awake ♪ ♪ he knowsif you've been bad or good ♪ ♪ so be goodfor goodness sake ♪ ♪ oh, you better watch out,you better not cry ♪ ♪ santa clausis coming to town ♪ santa: you can do it!come on, dancer. that's my boy. pull, cupid! pull, dasher!
i'm getting too oldfor this job. now! the engine's gone! we're toast! well, still no sign of santa, but some spontaneous christmas caroling has broken out right here in front of central park. let's have a listen in.
♪ he seesyou when you're sleeping ♪ ♪ he knows if you're awake ♪ come on! santa:just a little more! hai-yah! ♪ he knows if you've ♪ wait--you're not singing. yes, i am. no, you're not.you're just moving your lips.
santa! michael, please,what's the big deal? dad. ♪ i'm tellin' you why ♪ ( santa chuckling ) ha ha ha! santa: now, my beauties! santa:just like the old days! newsman: charlotte? charlotte?
well, i guesswe'll never know for sure what happenedthis christmas eve in central park. ho ho ho!merry christmas! papa elf: and so, with a little help, buddy managed to save christmas. and his spirit saved a lot of other people, too. ♪ should auld acquaintancebe forgot ♪ ♪ and never brought to mind ♪
walter started his ownindependent publishing company. his first book was written by a brand new, critically acclaimed children's author. the book was elf-- a, uh, fictional story about an adopted elf named buddy who was raised in the north pole, went to new york, ate spaghetti, worked in a shiny mailroom,
and eventually saved christmas. "first, i traveledthrough the seven levels "of the candy cane forest, "passed the seaof twirly-swirly gumdrops, and then, i walkedthrough the lincoln tunnel." and as for me,i can't complain. buddy comes up to visitfrom time to time. ♪ in the meadowwe can build a snowman ♪ ♪ and pretendthat he is parson brown ♪
oh, thank you, jovie.that's very sweet of you. you're welcome, papa. ♪ but you can do the jobwhen you're in town ♪ hey, suzie. come here, little one. ♪ when it snows,ain't it thrillin'? ♪ papa wants to see you. ♪ though your noseget a little chillin' ♪ buddy...
♪ we'll frolic and play ♪ buddy...buddy... ♪ the eskimo way, walkin'in a winter wonderland ♪ ♪ he'll say, are you married,we'll say no, man ♪ ♪ but you can do the jobwhen you in town, brother ♪ ♪ later on, we'll conspire ♪ ♪ as we dream by the fire ♪ ♪ to face unafraidthe plans that we made ♪ ♪ walkin'in a winter wonderland ♪
♪ but, baby,it's cold outside ♪ ♪ been hopin'that you'd drop in ♪ ♪ i'll hold your hands,they're just like ice ♪ ♪ beautiful,what's your hurry? ♪ ♪ listento that fireplace roar ♪ ♪ beautiful,please don't hurry ♪ ♪ put some records onwhile i pour ♪ ♪ baby,it's bad out there ♪ ♪ i wish i knew how ♪
♪ your eyesare like starlight now ♪ ♪ to break the spell ♪ ♪ mind if imove in closer? ♪ ♪ what's the senseof hurtin' my pride? ♪ ♪ baby, don't hold out ♪ ♪ ah, but it'scold outside ♪ ♪ i simply must go ♪ ♪ the answer is no ♪ ♪ this welcomehas been ♪
♪ i'm lucky that youdropped in ♪ ♪ so nice and warm ♪ ♪ look out the windowat that storm ♪ ♪ my sisterwill be suspicious ♪ ♪ gosh, your lipslook delicious ♪ ♪ my brotherwill be there at the door ♪ ♪ waves upontropical shore ♪ ♪ my maiden aunt's mindis vicious ♪ ♪ oh, your lipslook delicious ♪
♪ well, maybejust a cigarette more ♪ ♪ never sucha pleasure before ♪ ♪ i've got to get home ♪ ♪ but, baby,you'll freeze out there ♪ ♪ say,lend me your comb ♪ ♪ it's up to your kneesout there ♪ ♪ you've reallybeen grand ♪ ♪ i thrillwhen you touch my hand ♪ ♪ but don't you see ♪
♪ how can youdo this thing to me? ♪ ♪ there's boundto be talk tomorrow ♪ ♪ think of mylifelong sorrow ♪ ♪ at least there willbe plenty implied ♪ ♪ if you caughtpneumonia and died ♪ ♪ get ridof that hold out ♪ ♪ ah, but it's cold ♪ ♪ outside ♪