tv stand for flat screen in dubai

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About : tv stand for flat screen in dubai
Title : tv stand for flat screen in dubai

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    tv stand for flat screen in dubai

    we've finally arrived in dubai! we're really in london! this is crazy. (they travel two countries in europe with a stopover) (it was short but impressive!) it's so amazing! it's amazing. (dubaitaly 92 votes vs. bb tour 71 votes) (dubaitaly won for the stopover trip)

    (which team will the judges choose today?) (numerous great tips on trips) (lee hwijae, san e) (kim sook, sung sikyung) travel is war! battle trip! the last two episodes were about traveling two countries with one ticket through a stopover... - we've watched the stopover trips. / - it was fun.

    - it was very worthwhile. / - we left asia... - for the first time. / - yes. - and people went crazy. / - it was unbelievable. now, they will leave their stopover destination to go to their actual destination. - this is the main event. / - that's right. they will go to the czech republic and italy. - they are beautiful countries. / - czech. a lot have said it'll be hard to watch without beer.

    the czech republic is famous for beer. - of course. / - that's right. it's the perfect time for drinking while watching. drinking too much is bad for you. - but it's the perfect time for a glass. / - it is. you already sound drunk. - his tongue is twisted. / - just thinking about it. just the thought of it makes me happy. you need a can of beer and some dried squid.

    that way, the show will be even more fun. you're watching a high-class alcohol promotion show, battle trip. please come on out, travel planners! (who planned the trips for italy and the czech?) - welcome. / - welcome. (kim kibang, lee kyuhan) - hello. / - high-five! (lee chungah, seo hyorim)

    they look really happy. - yes. / - they do. you had a stopover on the way there and on the way back. wasn't it tiring? not at all. for allowing us to travel to the most beautiful places in the world, i'd like to thank the battle trip crew and kbs. - it's like watching a rerun. / - thank you!

    - is this a deja vu? / - he's such a smooth talker. he said the same thing last week. didn't you feel sorry that you lost last time? - we felt very sorry. / - you did. - but we accept our defeat. / - dubai was good, right? i wanted to go there too. i planned the czech republic trip and it has the raw feeling to it. you will be able to experience

    a totally new prague and czech republic. i dare to tell you this. - here we go. / - yes. london and dubai were just the appetizers. this is the final game. - this is the main dish. / - the main dish. kyuhan, why do you sound like a swindler? - the way he speaks. / - it's very convincing, isn't it? - it is. / - he feels like a pyramid scheme.

    - pyramid scheme! / - you can press the button now. - already? / - already? - they can't. / - you can press the button now. just press away. anyway, this week is the main match. it's italy vs. the czech republic. we could have the advantage this week. the czech republic is very cheap. - you'll be shocked. / - we have a good chance.

    - of course. / - it's very cheap. it's unbelievably cheap. it's the number one city most people want to live in. you're lying. - it's not. / - he means he wants to live there. it's the city where i want to live in the most. it's the number one city where i want to live in. - he's talking about himself. / - i want to live there. it's the city i want to live in!

    but it's too dangerous. - that's not true. / - it's very dangerous. in the czech republic, there's a korean automobile company. - even our president visited. / - but it's still dangerous. when people asked where i was from, i said korea and they tossed me in the air. - that's how they steal your wallet. / - stop him. - you'll have your pocket picked. / - i'll take care of it.

    he's on our team, so we'll take care of him. everyone, you see? it's way more dangerous in here. it's so scary here. things like this... may happen once a year. i've never seen such thing. some of you may know what burgernomics is. korea is ranked the 16th and the czech republic ranked the 28th.

    - tell us how to calculate. / - i'll tell you something. i checked my card balance once i came back to korea... 38 cents, 47 cents, the most expensive thing was $2. - most of them costs in cents. / - really? how much is a can of beer? it's between 50 cents and $1 at a supermarket. - what about bread? / - how much was the bread? between 40 and 70 cents.

    - unbelievable. / - fine, okay. this is all exaggerated. with ham or sausages, it's around 30 cents. - that would be around 30, 40 cents. / - anyway... how was southern italy? - it must be nice. / - many people may think... it's expensive in italy because we calculate in euros. but southern italy is different. italy is ranked 6th in burgernomics.

    southern italy doesn't count. - are you sure it's southern italy? / - yes. - that's not the south. / - korea is ranked 16th. italy ranked 6th and the czech republic ranked 28th. - exactly. / - however, southern italy... when compared to the other cities in italy, southern italy is more cost-effective. - it's much cheaper. / - you can see great sights. can we spot a scene of you two drinking?

    of course. they were strong drinks too. - they were strong. / - they were fierce. the two actresses drinking wine... i believe the votes will be fair. please welcome our 100 judges. - welcome to the show. / - hello. i love you! - i love you. / - it's like they're campaigning.

    kibang, bow. big bow. even a big bow? - he's bowing? / - hi, hi! let me suggest something. since we lost last time, can we watch our footage first today? - sure. / - let's watch the czech republic first. - it'll make a difference. / - that's right. what should we focus on for your trip

    to the czech republic? when it comes to prague... why does it feel like he's about to tell a lie? - i'm serious this time. / - please be honest. i'll say it briefly. there once was a man named hitler. he loved this country the most so he didn't touch it during the war. - it's that beautiful. / - in europe...

    it has many heritage sites well preserved. - we've got them. / - the entire city... is declared as a unesco world heritage site. the whole of southern italy is declared as a unesco world heritage site. - wait. / - are you sure? - wait. / - unesco? - kibang, add something. / - the czech republic... is the country that drinks the most beer.

    - really? / - yes. you must be all hungry right now. we'll let you eat with your eyes. this is their final destination. bb tour in czech republic. - let's watch it together. / - the czech republic! the czech republic. lee kyuhan... and kim kibang's...

    - bb tour! lovely. / - they truly are fashion people. (they travel 2 countries with 1 plane ticket) they went to england then they visited prague. it's similar distance from seoul to tokyo. prague is one of the cities i want to visit. going there with a stopover... - is inexpensive. / - it's the cheapest. so we've decided on london and prague. we're actually in london!

    london was so pretty. amazing. (from landmarks to hot places) that's when they imitated g-dragon. they lost because of that, right? - we lost because of that. / - that's right. too fat to be g-dragon. (bb tour enjoyed london with a stopover) (the final destination of their romantic trip to europe)

    - prague. / - prague will be hard to beat. (charming red tiled roofs) (declared as a unesco world heritage site) - charles bridge. / - charles bridge is so beautiful. - my goodness. / - the night views are amazing. it's not a painting. it gave me a bit of chills. we're here. (wow)

    everywhere in this neighborhood is an attraction. prague, the czech republic. let's go! i love the czech republic! - we are here! / - where is this? it's a beautiful place. welcome to the czech republic. welcome to prague. we're at the vaclav havel airport. the interesting part is...

    didn't you see it on your way here? - there was a lot of korean. / - that's right. - yeah. / - there's korean everywhere. there is korean on all the signs at the airport. is it because of the drama, "lovers in prague?" that's not it. in 2013, a korean airline company bought a bit less than half the shares here. that's why. are we going to take a taxi?

    taking a bus is easy here. i looked it up. and the bus tickets are valid for 24 hours from your first usage. that's how you use your pass. a day pass is not only for that day, it's 24 hours from the first use. if it was bought in the evening, you can use it until the next evening. let's go with the english option.

    - we're practically londoners. / - of course we are. let's press the one for 24 hours. what currency does the czech republic use? - they use koruna. / - koruna. (mostly accepts coins and bills below 1,000 koruna) it took it, i think it did. okay, here. so it's 24 hours from the first use. it's pretty, isn't it? the tickets are very classic.

    - a one-day pass is $5? / - yes. - you can go everywhere you want with it. / - exactly. - that's cheap, indeed. / - the back. in here... (insert your pass here) is it stamped? - it's stamped. / - what did you do? the time gets stamped on the pass. what will we do today?

    - kibang planned the trip, right? / - yes. when we first arrived in england... - we had the famous fish and chips. / - right. since we're in prague, we should try koleno. it's a pork hock dish. - koleno is a must. / - it's good. - koleno is a must. / - we'll have traditional lunch. since we couldn't eat 10 bread per day, we'll have bread for our dessert.

    (first day of their trip in czech is basic and best) (first up, a traditional beer pub and a bakery) just looking at the buildings amazes me. - so beautiful... / - everywhere looks like a painting. it's a photo shoot all on its own. we kept walking in admiration. - it's so pretty. / - isn't it? is this the pub that makes its own beers? only sells its own beers.

    i love traditional beer pubs! it's like traditional korean restaurants. we don't have a traditional beer pub in korea. yes, in the czech republic... - like that. / - this place is... - 500 years old. / - look at that. it's 500 years old. they have their own brewery. (it's like a scene straight out of a movie)

    (a traditional beer pub in prague) kyuhan, this place is 500 years old. - 500? / - 500 years. then the owner must've changed about 60 times. it would be something like my dad's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's. he must be super rich. way above their ancestor line... wow.

    excuse me. beer for you. - homemade? / - yes, special dark beer. they only sell that one beer. they brew it themselves. (a special homemade dark beer) the dark beer. i want to drink it. - it's unbelievable. / - seriously...

    isn't it black coffee? (beer is one of the czech republic's specialties) - it's so good. / - it's delicious. wow, it's so good. even women who can't drink much would love this. - honestly, i'm not too fond of dark beers. / - me too. - but this is so good. / - it doesn't taste like dark beer. it tastes like the barley soda we used to drink. it's almost as strong as a beer mixed with soju.

    beers usually are about 4% to 5% abv. but this is about 13%. - it has three times the alcohol. / - it's very strong. it's almost like beer mixed with soju. we might be running around with red faces. it's as if you've been slapped from your first beer. like this. - in order for the viewers to feel... / - our food's here.

    i want to express it but the food is here. (the food came out really fast) goulash. - goulash. / - goulash. with dumplings. - what is it? / - that's so good. - goulash? / - all of that cost $20. - bread. / - bread? yes.

    the thing is, we didn't order it. - we didn't. / - you have to be suspicious. don't they always give this? when i visited italy... they gave us a huge loaf of bread. i ate it, then they charged us. and they also gave us two beers that we didn't order. - if you're not going to eat it... / - tell them straight. you have to tell them no so they don't charge you.

    if we cover it and leave it as is, they won't charge us. it's european culture. we assume that it's a free appetizer that they give you... but you must pay as soon as you touch the dish. if you don't touch the food, you don't have to pay. first, let's try the dish kibang kept talking about. - koleno, koleno. / - let's try the koleno. it's really tender.

    - it's roast pork knee. / - it's pork knee. - it's like our pork hocks. / - it's much tenderer. it smells amazing. - it smells so good. / - try it. you're a great speaker so tell me how it is. kibang. have some first. - my goodness. / - i like the skin... so i'll try this part first. - the outer part is crunchy. / - that's right.

    the reason why i told you to try first is because this shouldn't be called pork hocks... the only similarity is that it's pork feet. it's totally different. - it's so tender. / - very tender, isn't it? - look at them. / - you can tear it so easily. if it tears so easily, kibang will eat it all. no, i won't... i think that's the case...

    - this is so good. / - yes. (he was purely focused on eating) (did i eat too much?) you should've ate some chips. you just ate the fish. did you burn the roof of your mouth or not? - i did. / - you burned it, right? - you ate so quickly! / - he burnt his mouth last time. - the meat comes off so easily. / - it does. you crazy jerk!

    (oops) - i only had two bites. / - he wanted to savor it... - but it was gone. / - it was just way too delicious. - then, i'll have the goulash. / - goulash. - goulash? / - yes, goulash. - he said these are dumplings. / - dumplings. they're similar to chinese flower buns. the texture is like the chinese flower bun. it's...

    (sniffing) there's meat inside too. i want to try as well. it tastes completely different from the smell. i'm not saying that it smells bad. normally, when we smell the food, we expect that it would taste accordingly. i wonder what it tastes like. when you taste it, it's meat stew

    that's similar to hashed beef rice. - it's much richer, though. / - i want to try it. this feels like it has been cooked for a long time. it really suits our palate. seriously, this dish makes me feel like rice. i really want to have rice with it. what's your impression of prague? isn't it nice? - for now, i feel good. / - looking forward to more? we did everything possible in england

    but we didn't keep the promise. - 10 bread per day. / - 10 bread. - we're bb tour, right? / - that's right. - bread and beer. / - indeed. - let's eat 10 bread per day. / - alright. now and again as we tour... - it sounds weird but... / - why say it like that? it's like cursing... (czech bakery)

    they have very unique bread in prague. the place we're going is where we can fulfill our promise of 10 bread. - let's each choose five kinds. / - five kinds? they're on me. let's go in. - since you'll pay... / - i'll pay. everyone, come on in. kim kibang is going to pay.

    it seems like an old bakery. - it's incredible. / - there is so much variety. it's a small bakery... but it's a traditional czech bakery. the bread there are really pretty. - my goodness. / - i'll have to eat bread after this. you must get bread of each kind. they're totally different from the bread in london. choose five.

    i'll do the same. i'll have this one for sure. my turn. smiley. smiley, one. that chocolate chip bread looks so cute. and this cute one. (oh, that character bread) he's picking the ones that aren't good again. (shakes his head)

    (kibang is just excited) (i'm excited) kyuhan, look at the stuff we bought. - give me the one with chocolate. / - here. i picked both of them. i picked this one. (why did he choose that one?) that's what you'll have? that seems a bit...

    (let's just eat) how do i eat this? just take a big bite. what is that? it's all cream. try some. it's so... it's so sweet! it's strawberry-flavored fresh cream.

    is it that sweet? it's way too sweet. it's the sweetest thing i've had in europe. - it's not bread. / - the sweetness lingers. you know the ice cream cone dipped in chocolate? it's just like that. - try yours. / - i'll give them a try. - it's very sweet but good. / - i'm sorry. how can you possibly eat that?

    how cruel. - good job. / - what's wrong with you? i can't even eat fish eyes. i think with this... i feel bad but i'll just bite into it. - is it tasty? / - it is. it's a cookie. a very soft cookie. there's strawberry jam inside.

    it looks delicious. (you did say 1 bread each...) - what is this one? / - tiramisu. ♪ hi, tiramisu ♪ ♪ i'll have a bite of you ♪ is it good? (kibang, let's just put it back in) (which one is the most delicious?) i think the one on the top would be delicious.

    - no. 1 must be inside here. / - it has to be there. you made terrible choices. - let me pick a good one for you. / - okay. this one has to be delicious. it's pastry. it's sweet. it's sweet. it must be sweet. that wasn't it? - too sweet. / - with this...

    - this is the really good one. / - it has to be good. there's cheese, apples and... (it's a bread filled with cream cheese and apples) why, what's the matter? the smell of apple is subtle yet rich. it's delicious. - this one has to be good. / - it's a babovka. this one is no. 1. this is so hard to watch. it's because san e loves bread.

    i see. he's just like us. kyuhan, let's take the tram and go to the prague castle. - prague castle is up there, right? / - yes. st. vitus cathedral is inside. kyuhan, it's here. it's red and cute. they're all connected like a train. you can use the day pass to take the tram too.

    this is what it feels like to be in a tram. riding this makes me feel like i'm a tourist. it's so long. - it's wonderful. / - it's really beautiful. (once you enter the north gate of prague castle...) (you will find the presidential residence) this is the presidential residence. the president of the czech republic works here. if the flag of arms is hung,

    it means the president is inside the country. - that flag. / - if it's not hung... it means the president is not in the country. interesting, right? since the flag of arms is hung up, he must be in the country. (next, they go to visit st. vitus cathedral) ("prague" by mozart) it's grand.

    (the magnificence that makes you admire) it's really wonderful. st. vitus cathedral. - this is a cathedral, right? / - yes. you know, today is sunday. we should have gone inside but since it's sunday, only those who attend the mass can go in. (avoid sundays to view the inside of the cathedral)

    - my goodness. / - it's incredible. - it's different on the other side. / - was it carved? it's a bit different here and there, don't you think? as the rulers have changed over the past 500 years... the style of architecture changed accordingly. perhaps that's why. i took many pictures of you in london. - please take many for me too. / - i will. not like the tourists but like the regulars from here.

    (kibang's photo studio has opened) follow me. - where you can see the whole castle... / - go, go! look at that passion. (he delicately adjusts the angle) (in order to take the photo of his life) (lying on the ground is not a problem) someone gave him a coin while he was lying there. (he ended up disappearing from the screen)

    did you get it? - give it to me. / - it's nice. (am i shaking?) this is unbelievable. - i did it. / - i look like i came for the mass as usual. that came out so well. it's a work of art. (prague castle, kim kibang photo studio) - i took that picture. / - nice angle.

    oh, dear! isn't it obvious that he lied on the floor to take them? did you take that with your phone? - yes. / - and yet, he did such a good job. that's only the tip of the iceberg. i want to see the village... - with red roofs. / - oh, that village. where is that? did i not see it correctly? - it's still there, right? / - it's still there.

    (it's time for the last gift of the prague castle) (when you go through the main gate of the castle) i thought the castle was amazing. you can see everything from the castle. you can see everything in one view. it's really amazing. it feels so nice. it feels liberating. it would've been better if it was a little less cloudy. i know, i wish we had a better field of vision.

    - it's amazing. / - this place is truly... - unbelievable. / - it's really amazing. should we take a picture like them too? leaning over the railing? oh, gosh! - you see that railing, right? / - don't do that. - there's a cafe there. / - there's a cafe. - it's a cafe. / - i see. wait.

    it's going to be a good memory. - wouldn't it be dangerous? / - with this view... i have a fear of heights. do you want to do that? i will take a picture of you. - i want to give it a try. / - i'm too scared. that's amazing. how do you feel, kyuhan? i'm scared. you can see all the red roofs from there.

    (this platform is prepared for the tourists) (it's open for the tourists) you can take the picture even if you don't buy drinks. you can just go in and take the picture. that's such a beautiful photo. walking alongside caucasians like this... i feel like we've become europeans. - i don't feel like that at all. / - really? kibang...

    let's go eat first then to the old town. by the way, kibang, we're taking a totally different route to the one we took up here, right? - yes. / - it's a completely different route. i think the other team went to sorrento for sure. - it's so relaxing. / - it's similar to sorrento. the old town and the new town are connected by a bridge and you can walk to one another. even these bricks on the road

    can't be removed because... - they are listed as world heritage. / - of course. when we turn right from that wall, there's the restaurant. i heard it has an amazing view. - is that right? / - yes, let's go in. it's already nice. look, kyuhan. isn't it splendid?

    (the red roofs stretch out before their eyes) - it's like eating on top of the roof. / - really? that part of town is beautiful. - the view is amazing. / - it's fantastic. do you want to press the button now? i feel full even if i haven't eaten anything. isn't it just lovely to look at? look at that end. how can the clouds be so low?

    it's crazy. i haven't travelled much but this place is probably the best. it looks like computer graphics. the view is amazing. it's like it has been photoshopped. (they offer bread for free here) brioche for me. - he chose it well. / - he chose brioche.

    - you can choose bread too? / - yes. is it like sticky sesame bread? - thank you. / - it's called brioche. it's nice. i realize this overseas but... - the butter is so good. / - the butter is good. european butter is good. it's of a different quality. the butter is different.

    actually, it's not the bread koreans would approve. because the texture is... it's really dense. (what is that?) (a long explanation) - enjoy your meal. / - thank you. he said egg roll jelly, didn't he? duck roast with cranberry jelly. egg roll jelly!

    it sounds similar. - did he accidentally spill this or what? / - one drop. i don't know if you can see the size of this. it's not even a bite. how are we supposed to eat this? am i supposed to lick it? it's too small. it's done. perhaps we should've had it with bread. - i think you're right. / - right?

    it turns out it was for the bread. - it's not to be eaten by itself? / - it was for the bread? gosh. it's like packed butter... it was foie gras... - like butter. / - it was whipped. - dish with a lid on... / - it was the first for me. (thick beef tenderloin steak and tomato pasta) let's eat.

    - there's truffle too. / - they garnished it with truffle. it's really thick. it's thick like a ball. (mmm) try this meat. i will cut it. (kyuhan slices the steak) this restaurant is amazing. i will express the taste like on those food channels... - the meat is juicy. / - the meat is...

    wonderfully juicy and the delicious steak is upgraded by the grilled foie gras. it's as if foie gras and beef are counter suing each other. counter suing? that's very difficult to grasp. (homemade tomato pasta with ricotta cheese) the sauce has the roasted pepper smell and this pasta is the type vegetarians would love.

    isn't that spicy noodles? (kibang came all the way to prague for spicy noodles) is it spicy? - it's not spicy at all. / - it's not spicy? it kind of tastes like rose pasta. but it has the roasted pepper scent. (it tastes different from what i thought) isn't the pasta really unique in texture? - it is. / - you don't taste tomatoes too much.

    it's garnished with sliced peppers and the scent of the roasted pepper engulfed the whole dish. this is kyuhan and kibang's bb tour. veranda. - bravo! / - bb tour! veranda and bravo! we were on the veranda. what are you singing?

    when you're there, you say weird stuff... - from being in good mood. / - yes, exactly. what's that? look at those people. - that's the charles bridge. / - is it? you know that black roof we saw before? that's that. this is the first bridge ever built on the vltava river. it's the most beautiful bridge. it's the oldest one as well. you can cross that bridge to enter the old town.

    - yes. / - walking through here like this... i feel like i've become european. i feel very free for some reason. why do we feel so good just by walking here? the sky is so beautiful. seriously... look at the back. it looks different at the back. the sun is even brighter now. that bridge is voted as the

    most beautiful bridge in europe. - right. / - in the whole of europe. this is like a work of art. don't you hear music? two guys went there by themselves. that's just insane. that's insane. he goes insane right away. - i understand now... / - severely insane.

    why classical music was born in europe. the czech republic is amazing. i don't want to think about winning or losing right now. (they get drunk on the beauty of the moment) it must be the statue that makes your wish come true. it's the st. john of nepomuk statue. the queen committed a sin so she confessed it to the priest. the king found out and tried to force the priest for it.

    and you know how priests aren't supposed to talk about other people's confessions. so he was martyred for keeping it to himself. - this is where you touch. / - it has faded... - because of touching. / - people keep touching it. i hope battle trip will gain the highest ratings. i hope our team will win. don't touch the buttocks. i didn't know it was the butt, i had my eyes closed.

    people are standing in line to touch it. - right. / - they're all standing in line. (old town square) - i want to go there. / - it looks like europe. we took a long walk in prague but we weren't tired at all. that's the prague astronomical clock. the church of mother of god before tyn. there are a lot of churches in europe.

    that's a gothic church. - that's how a gothic church looks. / - right. people gather around the clock every hour to hear the church bell chime. you should be careful around that time. - should be careful of the belongings. / - he's right. this is the old town square. prague, the czech republic, let's go! it looks beautiful.

    running around to be out of the shot. kibang just did something normal that every traveller does and you've seen a lot on tv. (average, seen often, everyone does it) let me try. (expectation) this is something we haven't seen on tv? (kyuhan is in search of a female lead)

    it's moving. you know this, right? (i'll find you, wherever you are) where is she? (he's spinning the camera from below) (kibang is lying low for kyuhan's alone-shot) (shall i finish it off now?) (spin) bravo!

    it's 4:50 p.m. already? is it time for sunset? the sun is about to set. everything looks beautiful under the sunset. - right? / - it's really beautiful. (the buildings look so amazing under the sunset) (night falls on prague after the sunset) - the night view. / - oh, my god. prague.

    (they head to the beer pub) i want to go there. you should stop for a beer. what's that? i thought you two were kissing. - no way. / - what are you on about? - we got too happy? / - it's over now. they had nothing else to shoot. - no way. / - they became too immersed? we look like pirates, don't you think?

    (pirates?) (hahaha) we should spill some beer while drinking it. go on. (kibang does what he's told) - it looks like he had a couple already. / - clean up. already? (a beer mug that makes you feel like a pirate) what's that? if you normally get that much head, you're in trouble.

    - cream beer? / - the customer gets upset. but there they can adjust the amount of head. - there are 3 or 4 different types... / - wow. (this is how they serve cream beer in prague) people enjoy the taste of the froth. you have drink it fast like that. - because of the froth? / - before the froth subsides. this is incredible. the beer doesn't taste flat because of the froth.

    women will love it. i'm so envious of you. it's so soft. japan has a beer that looks like a slushy on the top. it's delicious but this one is even better. this one really has flavor. - it just makes you happy. / - the beer... this isn't just ordinary froth. is this hard for you?

    do you want to drink now? it was the best. i wonder if i decided to host battle trip for this. apparently, they serve the best fried cheese here. should we order it? fried cheese? (it looks more like a pork cutlet rather than cheese) tartar sauce? thank you.

    try this, kyuhan. what is fried cheese? that's really delicious. - dip it in the sauce? / - dip a lot of tartar sauce. (he takes a big bite) this is the same as the one in korea! the cheese is amazing. (he's captivated by the cheese) this is so delicious.

    this is the best food i've had during this trip including the food in london. i don't remember eating other foods because of this. hwijae, come to your senses. - sorry? / - come to your senses. - no... / - stop drooling. i'm fine. i'm totally fine. - this is the best one. / - it's really good.

    this is even better than the michelin star restaurant. it's just amazing, isn't it? just once... (kibang longs for kyuhan's compliment) i have no choice. this is so good. they have good dairy products in europe. i think this is delicious because the cheese is good. - they won't taste the same in korea, right? / - no. i wish i could take the chef here with me.

    this is so good. i don't care about tomorrow. by the way, what's our plan for tomorrow? are we going dancing tomorrow? do people dance like that in czech republic? this is where we're going tomorrow. (not drunk, just surprised) we have to do this to win southern italy. we need the drones and everything to win.

    (stares) you... why do you have so many girls' numbers? he was looking at something else. kyuhan. i can't believe this. - not the scenery. / - why would you say that. - it's just unbelievable. / - stop it. in the entertainment industry, it's said that

    women are divided into two categories... those who know kibang and those who don't. that's not true. anyway, that was a beautiful scene. let's make a toast for tomorrow. - go, bb tour! / - go, bb tour! cheers. (the second day in czech republic is coming soon) we totally lost track of time watching the video.

    it was so fun. i've never been to prague... but i saw it in the movie, "mission: impossible." so i wanted to go to prague someday. but i didn't know it'd be this good. it's great. as soon as you arrive at the airport, they have signs written in korean so it feels warm inside. you don't feel scared.

    if you want to take a taxi at the airport, there are yellow taxis standing in a line. they're the aaa taxis. they're the ones certified by the government. they are safer. if you take another taxi... - thank you. / - i appreciate it. - she's sharing information. / - right, that's not too... we should step hard on them while we're winning.

    in fact, i walked from the old town to the castle... - on the first day. / - without the filming crew? they are within walking distance from each other. i reached my destination before i knew it. - alone? / - you get carried away... - while looking around. / - i understand that. it will carry you away. ♪ you will reach prague castle before you know it ♪ is there a song like that?

    a lot of the musicians i know go to czech republic. - like the symphony orchestra. / - right. a lot of musicians go there. the producers or singers that go there usually come back in bad health. - because it's so good. / - the beer? i swear, sikyung and hwijae will never be sober there. again, it is the city you want to live in the most.

    - who said that? / - kyuhan did. - kyuhan did. / - i did. i think we'll see a different side of czech republic. let's watch the second half of the bb tour. let's watch. where is that? is that czech republic? it's like one continuous watercolor painting. (bohemian switzerland national park) where is this?

    that's exactly what i want. isn't this nice? we travelled around the city yesterday. so i wanted to spend the last day in nature. - we will ride a boat today. / - what is that? is this the famous... - rice wine place? / - no, no. this... (they will visit two places today)

    isn't this the amazon? it looks like the amazon, but it's not. we will be touring this river by boat. (this is exciting) there's something under the water. (everything they see are surprising) - it's this big. / - this big, right? it was this big. kibang prepared a lot for the trip. yes, i did a lot of searching...

    (a day immersed in nature) you need to drive there from prague. when you go to prague, if you hire a guide, there's a tour you can enjoy that course on. let's enjoy this rock face... these cliffs and natural surroundings. how long does it take? it takes about 20 to 30 minutes. really? that sounds cool.

    - the picture itself is wonderful. / - isn't it? we'll follow this river like this. this is our course. what's the name of this place? it's pravcicka brana. if we go up a little, there is a national park and we'll follow the river down here. then we'll take a boat and do some trekking as well? we'll do that too and visit the national park.

    that's our schedule today. - do you like it? / - please tell me what's at the end. will we get acorn jelly and rice wine? without them, i won't hike. the last course of hiking should be eating them. - acorn jelly and rice wine? / - without them... - it cannot be a proper hiking. / - kyuhan. (i'm very serious) you'll taste something as delicious

    as the fried cheese yesterday. - really? / - look forward to it. to take the boat, we have to walk in the forest for 10 to 20 minutes. (enough talk, let's just fall into the autumn scenery) (these are the actual views you see on postcards) (enjoy the fall in bohemian switzerland national park) this is so nice. (they finally board on the boat)

    (the boat departs) this boat has been down this river for 126 years. (they first sailed this river in may, 1890) since may 4, 1890? it's been 124 years since they sailed this river? there are lots of huge fish here. (where are they?) i think there is one here. they're seriously this big.

    - that's huge. / - there is one. it's huge. - it's as big as a carp. / - it's this big. - there it is. / - it's this big. it's a carp. - is it a carp? / - it's a carp, isn't it? we said a carp is as big as a carp. (that rock looks like a cartoon character) that looks like homer simpson.

    - on the right side. / - do you mean a bear? - a bear? / - it's a bear, isn't it? it's homer simpson. that one. it does look like him. - which part? / - there's his face. (there is water dripping from one side of the cliff) he says if women drink this water, they get three years younger. - i need to drink it. / - that dripping water.

    - i have to drink it. / - it'll run out of water. - what if men drink it? / - if men drink it... he says they'll live very long. (you're watching a man who is desperate to live long) i want to live long. you have a drop on your face. you drank it. (i'll drink it to the last drop) (i'm going to live long) here comes the waterfall.

    - what is it? / - that's awesome. did he plan this? was there a remote control? how is that possible? - maybe it's turn on by someone. / - how can that be? - is it artificial? / - it is. what is it? (the rower presses down the rope) - like that. / - the rower presses it. (it's so refreshing)

    - this is funny. / - that's ridiculous. many families visit there with kids. they love it. you can even take your dog too. it's the first time i've seen a manual waterfall. (lots of families travel here) (so this is made for them as an event) (it's a great photo spot) (an old man under the manual waterfall) ♪ prague in czech republic and the river ♪

    ♪ the night view of charles bridge was amazing ♪ what was that? you can't help but sing out loud, right? that's a tune from my army days. - this is breathtaking. / - it really is. do you know the movie "the chronicles of narnia?" that was the background of it. it's the background of the movie. pravcicka brana.

    there will be the national park if we go up there. we have to go up a slope like this for about an hour. after that, you'll see the national park. the trees are sky-high. these trees are amazing. in europe, both people and trees are tall. they're incredibly tall. they're enormous. i always go hiking alone. i run up and down the mountains.

    - okay. really? / - let's run now. - let's go. / - wait, kyuhan. kyuhan, please. i'm holding the camera. i can't run. (kyuhan, the master of hiking the mountains alone) (his motto is to conquer all mountains by running) he's a good runner. (nobody can surpass kyuhan) (kibang gave up)

    i can't run. it's too much. (he stops here for the sake of the cameraman) look at this. it's like a scene from... the movie "robin hood" or something, doesn't it? watch out. we don't know where the arrows will come from. something like this.

    (he copies a famous movie scene) (mountains are best enjoyed in silence) he folds his hands behind his back often. (a scene you'd want to hold in a postcard) (and what about kibang?) (he's been silent for a long time) i don't think you'll see the heaven's door, kibang. - i almost didn't. / - more like hell's door right now. that's right.

    (i want to say something too) (light steps) (he doesn't seem tired at all unlike kibang) it's been a long time since i went hiking. it's difficult but i feel really great. - he's lying. / - i look forward... to the scene at the peak. he keeps repeating the same 3 sentences. there is something like a castle.

    - is it a resort? / - what is that? this is the filming site of "chronicles of narnia." look at that. this is awesome. this is it. this is the place we saw in the picture. (this is pravcicka brana) it was a shame, it was very foggy that day. that's breathtaking.

    it's unbelievable, isn't it? this is awesome. - gosh, you really did it. / - wow, right? i keep my promises. i really can't believe this. he grabbed my collar. wait, kyuhan. (what's going on?) my goodness. we hiked for more than an hour to see that.

    (it was windy and foggy so they couldn't see it well) this fog is incredible. it's so foggy that we can't see anything. i have a really good vision... geez. (he wants to deny reality) it's a shame. this is what you should see. - that's how it's supposed to look. / - goodness.

    (you can enjoy great views in good weather) - that's magnificent. / - since we're here already... - let's go over... / - over there? - to the rock. / - okay. you should squat walk when you go down. what do you mean? - start squat walking now. / - we'll miss the plane. (the fog reminds them of a song) ♪ mist in the fog ♪

    ("my dear in my vague memories" by hyun jinyoung) i couldn't help but sing the song. i ruined the background music. this is the point where the picture was taken. they look exactly the same. this was the right spot. i made up for the bad weather with my great idea. my great idea compensated

    for your clumsiness and the bad weather. that means we're a good pair. - what are you talking about? / - you need me... - don't cling onto me. / - wait. - kyuhan... / - kibang is clinging everywhere. - get off of me. / - for you to stand out... there should be someone clumsy. anyway... since we hiked while breathing in phytoncide

    from the morning, i feel like it's a nice finish to the trip. let's get going. it takes 2 hours to prague from here, right? yes, it's a 2-hour drive. let's go down. i should re-watch "the chronicles of narnia." go, czech republic! you should always end the trip with

    a great scenery and be healed. we didn't just travel the city... (chimney cake, prague) - many people bought it. / - everyone carries it. - what is that? / - it's chimney cake. - you like cake, don't you? / - yes. it looks like a conch with a hole in the middle. and the hole is filled with chocolate or cream. i want to taste it too.

    since i can enjoy the cake and ice cream together, it's like doubling the joy. everyone's got one in their hands. they're all holding a cake. they all have a chimney cake. (you can tell this place is the most popular) (so crowded) it looks like a chimney. what do they call chimney cake in their language?

    - it's called trdelnik. / - trdelnik? trdelnik. (the batter is baked on a hot rod for cylindrical shape) it's kind of like churros. until last year or so, they sold just the bread. but now they have toppings like ice cream and chocolate. - they add a variety of toppings. / - wow. - it's really delicious. / - that's so...

    there are many varieties but the ice cream is the best. thank you very much. - ta-da, here you go. / - thank you. (hello, chimney cake) - this is the one with ice cream inside? / - yes. (chimney cake with just the ice cream) a soft serve. the type that you like. - i'm going to eat it. / - go ahead. (how does the chimney cake taste?)

    - goodness. / - is this the stuff? it's a regular ice cream but it's thick. i love it. of all the soft serve ice cream... this is the stickiest i've ever had. it's really sticky. it's kind of like gelato. exactly. this is... (this is it) this is similar to the regular vanilla soft serve.

    - but it's much thicker. / - it's really sticky. - it's this sticky. / - like that. - that ice cream is so dense. / - yes. i thought it was a dumpling. i saw how it was made, it's similar to how churros are made. - similar to how churros are made. / - hey! - what's that? / - there's a cookie inside. wow, jackpot.

    i've won, right? don't i get another one? - they put this at the bottom. / - to plug it. like a cork. it'd leak otherwise. can i make it a double? no, you can't. i ate it so fast. - eat the bread now. / - it's time to eat the bread.

    it doesn't taste like churros. - doesn't it? / - no. like i always say... european bread is much denser than korean bread. - it's like it's packed? / - yeah. (chowing down) - you eat like it's your first meal. / - yes. - it was so good. / - you already ate a lot of bread.

    it's like you were just rescued. from being trapped in a tunnel. coconut, chocolate, gummy bears... there are many different toppings too. each topping costs around $1. depending on how many toppings... it can cost up to $5, $7. the plain kind is less than $5. let's open a shop next door...

    (a brilliant business idea pops up) and make one with kimchi fried rice. - inside the cake? / - it'd sell like crazy. bulgogi would sell really well. - we'll call it korean chimney cake. / - right. warm rice with 2 slices of mustard stem kimchi on top. it would sell really well. - a collaboration is possible. / - that's true. they wouldn't know what hit them.

    (it's an awesome idea) including london... - this is the best food. / - this? this is the best. (czech has the highest beer consumption per person) (bb tour tasted a wide variety of beers here) (chug) (however, they haven't had the best beer yet) (to find the best beer)

    (heading to a beer spa) - beer spa? / - beer spa. it's incredible. - what is that? / - pay attention. it's a beer spa. - beer spa? / - when we began... i told you we ordered enough beer to shower in. you can actually shower in beer. - we have to relieve our exhaustion. / - oh, my. i heard you like spas.

    spa. that's why i have a special spa prepared. this is no ordinary spa. sikyung and hwijae would love it. you can drink beer at the spa. it's not bathing in beer. the tub is filled with ingredients used to brew beer. it's not just drinking beer while bathing... you can drink beer while bathing.

    the beer is unlimited. - goodness. / - the beer is unlimited? so is the bread. goodness! when you go to a spa or sauna in korea, they don't allow drunk people to enter. the signs say that but it must be different here. i guess so. if sikyung and i go there, it'll be game over.

    seriously. sikyung would drink from the tap. (he's captivated) (it's now time to try the unique beer spa) (two tubs stand side by side) (they've undressed for the spa) first, here's some information. please smell this. those are hops used to brew beer. does it smell like beer?

    it's an ingredient used in beer. hops, yeasts and herbs. it contains vitamins b, d and proteins. (she adds it to the bath) we're bathing in ingredients used to brew beer. like yeast and such. - can i eat? / - no. it's not good. - thank you. / - thank you so much.

    the bubbles will dissipate after 30 minutes. we have to disrobe, right? - that's what you normally do. / - right. (they're avoiding others' eyes) (stripping) - it's hot. / - this is great. this is great. shouldn't i do this? how hot is it?

    it's around 40℃. don't call it quits after 30 minutes. alright, i'll wait. let's stay here until tomorrow morning. that's amazing. how can you drink beer like that? (so, this is the best beer) - the scent is distinctive. / - are you okay? - the smell of hops. / - sikyung, are you okay? are you crying again?

    let's send sikyung to prague. seriously, this isn't just called a beer spa... - it's really is a beer spa. / - a real beer spa. excuse me, sir... - there's seaweed fulvescens on your chest. / - yes. i'll hide myself. it's hot underneath while drinking cool beer above. goodness... (nice and warm)

    wow, i'm so... - you're getting sleepy, right? / - so sleepy. take a nap. (i'm getting sleepy) (zzz) (peaceful) - i'm so relaxed. / - i know. when i made a reservation, it was about $140.

    it's not that cheap in czech republic but it's a unique spa experience. it's good for the skin and mind. i have to go there. (3 win situation) you're sweating a lot. - no, i'm not sweating. / - isn't it? - got it? / - is it toxins? it's not sweat. it's worry, stress

    and exhaustion... and toxins are all being released. if i'd known about this earlier... i would've stopped by here every day. - final glass. our time's almost up. / - i'll fill my glass. it was a success. cheers! (chugging down) (i'm so envious) (what is the finale that will end the bb tour?)

    the czech republic is like heaven on earth. (a boat passing underneath adds to the romance) (bb tour is at a restaurant with a view) here's your rack of lamb. alright. with the demi-glace and french mustard. eggplant... (they each ordered different dish) (the rack of lamb costing about $45)

    (beluga lentils) (lentils are one of the five healthiest foods) (the grilled halibut costing about $45) (thank you for the food) it's delicious. - try some lamb. / - lamb? it's different from traditional lamb chops. there's some kind of wasabi on top. the crust tastes like wasabi.

    it helps with the strong smell of the lamb. it doesn't have that smell at all. - the lamb is good. / - right? sikyung, you would love the lamb chops. i'm still stuck in the tub. i'm still drinking in there... you're still drinking. - the fish i ordered... / - how is it? (the fish dish that kyuhan ordered)

    it's so good. the fish isn't flaky, it's meaty. the sauce is great. try this. it tastes like potatoes. isn't this roast cheese? perhaps ricotta cheese? the black stuff is a mixture of potato and caviar. - it's like gnocchi. / - right. - gnocchi. / - the taste... - it's good. / - it's amazing.

    - it surprised me. / - right. i found something that goes perfectly with bb. (you'll be surprised) it's perfect for us. (what's the final addition to the bb tour?) hwijae sang this. - what? / - "blessing you." (it's the good old days of the past) we are the bb tour after all.

    blessing me, blessing you. that's nice. ♪ by chance, do you know? ♪ - i know that song. / - that's not right, kyuhan. (♪ my thought towards you ♪) just enjoy it, hwijae. everyone has become one. during that short time and tight schedule... - we did so much. / - so much.

    - we did it all. / - right. although good memories always remain after a trip, they say you always remember the tough times. regardless of your financial status, doing a lot during a trip... - is the best. / - pack it in. hwijae has already been to prague now. (do you need consolation?) (why not consider taking a trip?)

    (that's it for the bb tour!) - let's hear it live. / - it's finished. ♪ don't be sad, even though it's hard ♪ (emotions are flowing in the studio) ♪ i leave all of our love behind ♪ ♪ you are in my heart ♪ ♪ i'll remember czech republic forever ♪ everyone, that was prague! (he's back in despair)

    lee hwijae! you know these days, there are lots of songs that peak late. at any rate, i shouldn't be so envious and happy for another team... but the czech republic is really... - it's tough. / - the czech republic is great. we should keep this mood going. - we have to keep going. / - keep going.

    i'm impatient. it's a great atmosphere. if you have anything to ask... no need to ask! tell us about the national park first. it's as beautiful as switzerland that's why it's called bohemian switzerland national park. - it's also nearby. / - right. it's known as the heaven's door among koreans. - it's well-known. / - i've never heard of it.

    - heaven's door. / - yes. as a tip, there aren't any convenience stores nearby so it's best to take food and drinks with you. - in a bag? / - yes. in order to preserve nature... there are a few places but there aren't many. that's why it's best to bring food and drinks. the chimney cake is famous. - i took a picture there too. / - right.

    - i've had it too. / - you took one too, right, hyorim? i was eating alone. i was traveling alone and wearing sunglasses and some koreans approached me... they said, "seo wu, you're so pretty." seo wu? - i wasn't upset though. / - psy never gets recognized. so he puts on sunglasses and hair mousse in the restroom.

    they don't know him without sunglasses. oh! "gangnam style!" i'll give you a tip about the chimney cake. ice cream is the best topping. - the most basic? / - yes. it's fantastic with coffee. should we vote? would you go to the czech republic following the bb tour?

    please vote! (what will be the judges' vote?) the flower of eastern europe, czech republic. the 1,000 years of living history in prague. you can also experience the nature of czech. the bb tour's perfect itinerary. what will be the judges' vote? please. no, no. - it could be zero, zero. / - i'm so curious.

    they're standing like leaders of a nation. like in "assassination." they imitated many movies. if we get a 5... - it's a 97! / - 7! - 97? / - it's 97? - no way. / - that makes no sense. - no, no! / - 97! 9! 9! 9!

    - don't get greedy. / - 87 would be amazing. (how many votes did the bb tour receive?) 87 would be amazing. (the bb tour received 97 votes) that's impossible. the most votes to date! - no. 1! / - the best score! - the highest. / - the best. - thank you. / - that's incredible.

    - thank you. / - prague, czech republic! - thank you. / - no way... hyorim and chungah. - do you think you can beat this? / - it's too high. - of course, we can. / - really? - she doesn't waiver. / - in my opinion... if their trip was picture-perfect... amalfi is heaven. i'm totally confident.

    let's see if you can beat them. we can still get 98, 99 or 100! but we... (next time) they say you can't say you've been to italy without visiting southern italy. (here comes dubaitaly!) (trademark cuisine of southern italy) - it's refreshing. / - this is delicious.

    this is just my style. it's so refreshing. (everywhere they go is like heaven) wow, that's amazing. it feels like i'm going to get sucked into the ocean. it's so beautiful! - see you in italy. / - bye. (battle trip) ("feel so good" by imfact)

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