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are you out of your minds? tonight it's the mother of all swaps. a notorious mother and daughter duo... oh, my god. i'm turninginto my mother. trade lives with the daughters of the most controversial mom in america. it's definitelya love-hate relationship. ♪♪♪ who the school trampin wasilla?
how will melissa rivers and bristol palin cope with their new lifestyles? don't you color on me. don't color on people. (bleep) yeah. so you are the adultlast time i checked? (tripp) mm. mm. mm. they can teach him anythingor not. he's stilla 4-year old rowdy boy.
you got some tough womenin your crew. sarah's dad has told me, "just pretend like you're deafall the time." (laughs) they're kind of on the attack. (joan) don't play the victim. in my generation,she would be known as the little whoredown the block. could anyone tell joan rivers what to do?
less work and more play. ugh. i drive, though. (laughs) melissa saidthat you're not... you'll see. (bristol) careful. what am i doing? (engine revs) what do i do?what do i do? (screams)
and accusations fly at the round table. i made sure that youwouldn't feel ganged up on. it was kind of intimidating. people want to dislike you. you must have thought,"that bitch set me up." yeah, no kidding. i'm melissa riversand i am best known as being a tv hostand a tv producer. hello, i'm joan riversand i'm exhausted.
(both laugh) i work with my mom. i'm the executive producerof "fashion police." and now the highlight of my week... (audience laughs) worst dressed. (melissa) my mom and i havea reality show you know what thistells me. what?
there are no gay decoratorsin wyoming. (chuckles) we're launchingour own channel. and we have 20 episodes,dear. 20 half-hours. i live in los angeleswith my mom and my son cooper. you can do the fake arms.(chuckles) no. (chuckles) my mother's been stayingwith me now
for at least three daysa week. good night, kid. good night. she'll tell you she stays here,but let's be serious, she's living here. let's go. i live in the house, whichi think is so good for cooper. he knows his grandmotheris here, his mother is here, and there's another anchorin his life.
(melissa) with all the showsthat we have going, my entire home has beentaken over as an office, studio,production house. we have two assistantsin los angeles. i have a full-time nanny,and i have a housekeeper that also does someof the cooking. when it comes to cleaningmy house--i admit it-- i have help. my mom really helps mewith all my sports
and all my musical instruments. (melissa) in our family,education comes first. if you're gonna do it,do it well. (joan) i am very formal. use your napkin, honey. i am the one that insistswe sit down to a nice dinner every night. (mouth full)this is delicious. i also think it's niceto dress up.
(clink) fashion is obviously a big partof our family's brand. and i always try and beput together because if you're gonnaproduce a show that criticizes how people lookand what they're wearing, you better make surethat you look good, too. if the wife comes in and says,"no cell phone, no work, "no jewelry," um...
it would--it would kill me. my name is bristol palin. my mom, sarah palin,was governor of alaska, and then she was picked to beon the republican ticket for the presidential campaignin 2008. i will be honored to acceptyour nomination for vice presidentof the united states. (crowd cheering) (bristol) i was pregnant at 17,and it was a big deal.
since then, i was on"dancing with the stars" twice. and i wrote a book called"not afraid of life." it was on the new york timesbest seller's list. i live here in wasilla, alaska, with my sister willowand my son tripp. mnh-mnh-mnh! (bristol and willow gasp) i just graduatedcosmetology school, so i was gone for a year,and i didn't want to come back
and live with my parents...(chuckles) so i moved in with my sister. you gonna help me? (willow) no. sweet. living with bristol's fun.she's like my best friend. i think willow justlooks up to me a lot. no. it's definitelya love-hate relationship. i agree.
(willow) bristol's reallyindependent. she got the houseon her own. she redid the whole entireplace on her own. she doesn't feel the needto have, like, an assistant, a manager,or anything like that. i pride myself onmy independence. and workingis a key part of my life. bristol does everything.she runs the show. here... aah!
(shouts indistinctly) (bristol) my son tripp is 4and he's rowdy and he's all boy. (spits) you want some fruit? (blows noise maker) yes or no? aah! my parenting styleprobably sucks
'cause my kid owns me. i hate you. tripp gets away with murder. he can pretty much do anythinghe wants to around here. this is his house. (bristol) tripp? if you clean up this mess,you can have a popsicle. i use popsicles to bribe trippbecause it's just hard to enforce the rulesaround here.
stop it! (chuckles) don't. i see trippas a little brother, so i do egg him on.i do get him riled up. and it's fun to pick on him. (thuds) here, in alaska,it's outdoorsy and it's fun. and we're not into fashion. i wear, like, scrubs, boots,and coats,
and we don't have paparazzi.we don't really care. we're not camera readyall the time. someone who wouldn'tfit in with us is someone from hollywood who lives a glamorous lifestyle. it's the morning of the swap, and melissa and bristol are preparing to leave home for one week. (melissa) i'm going to gointo this experience thinking of it as a producer.
i'm going to seewhat i can change. and it'll be interesting to seewhat i take away from it. are you gonna miss me? mnh-mnh. it'll be interesting to see whatanother mom has to say about how i raise tripp. just be careful. i will. what i hope to take awayfrom "wife swap"
is somebody else's ideasin our environment. (tripp) mnh-mnh. no cussing. (crying) the celebrity moms have no idea where they're going or who they'll be living with. i never thought i would begoing to alaska. i'm kind of narrowing it down. sarah palin lives here.
i've been to l.a. a few times, but i've never reallyventured out to this area where the beach is. it looks pretty expensive. bristol and melissa havea chance to look around their new homes before they meettheir new families. wow. jeez. this is a formal dining room that looks likeit's hand-painted.
everything's pristine. (mouths word) (door creaks closed) this is a really pretty house. oh, my gosh. this looks like a store. this does not looklike a closet. i'm guessing there's a kid. it's a pretty young kid.
this must be joan rivers' house. i wonder what my mom'sgonna think about me being here. she's criticized my weighta couple times. people have lots to sayabout us behind our back. it will be interesting to seehow she acts towards me. oh, my god. bristol palin. i cannot begin to imagine what this poor girl is gonnago through at my house.
(paper rustles) each celebrity mom has written a manual as a guide to the running of their homes. "the palin family-- welcome to my modest home!" this is not a modest home. "i live with my sister willow,18, and my son tripp, 4." "as of this moment,you are officially a member
"of team rivers,so i hope you packed a pair of stylish high heelsthat you can run in." so i'm the first sentenceinto this household manual, and i'm already screwed. "our days are notset in stone. we love to ice fish, hunt,or go muddin'." oh, my god. "my home is whereour production studio runs "and my family lives.
the lines can definitely get blurred." it sounds like her whole lifeis, like, running the show. you can never clock outof something like this. "moose and caribouare constants in my freezer." sorry. i'm just like, like,so completely nauseated by this. "do not let my mother drive. "she's under the impressionthat certain rules of the road are simply recommendations."
are you serious? "tripp's favorite foodis popsicles. "i always keep plenty on handto use whenever i need to bribe himto do something." you know, it's not great whenthe 4-year-old is in charge. that might be somethingwe need to work on a little. "look your best--melissa rivers." fashion is not my life. at all. never will be.
i don't really like fashionthat much. with the manuals read, it's now time for melissa and bristol to meet their new families. (door creaks) hi. (willow) hi. hi, i'm willow. i'm melissa rivers.nice to meet you. nice to meet you.yeah, i've heard of you.
this is tripp. hi, tripp. say "hi." i just met willow. she was much more down-to-earththan i thought she was gonna be. so you live in california? (trip mutters indistinctly) i live in los angeles. that's where bristolis right now?
that's--bristol is at my house, which overlooks the pacific. i wonder if she's having fun. sit down now. we're not gonna go outside. i'm going to get... something for me. sit down now. no, now. you're not gonna go outside.
no. it was interesting watching himmanipulate willow. tripp knows there'sno consequences. he already knows how to work it. he doesn't listen to me. i can see that. hmm. hello? oh! okay. i know you because
i saw you on"dancing with the stars." nice to see you. bri--yeah. i'm bristol palin.nice to meet you. (kiss) i figured.and this is cooper. hi, cooper. nice to meet you. i guess that meansmelissa's in alaska. she is... (chuckles)
oh, that's fabulous. she's cool,but we're really fancy and she's not that fancy. so she doesn't know whatshe's getting into this week. i'm sure i've done jokeson the whole family. i'm trying to rememberand i can't remember any jokes. you remember any jokesi did? you made fun of my weight. i don't know if joanremembers what she said
about me or my family,but she definitely did criticize my weight. no it's not funny,just mean and nasty and i don't want to bein a house like that. whatever i said was business. you have to leavepersonal thoughts behind. i bet. you look perfect for alaska. really?
bristol's a very sweet girl,and a little insecure. she has no ideawhat's ahead of her. coming up, melissa and bristol are tested by their new lifestyles. so do they have gay bars? do you feel like youhave to defend your mom? what happens if you disagree with something thatyour mom says? i have no desireto talk about it.
famous fashion gurus joan and melissa rivers have agreed to swap lives with outdoor-loving sisters bristol and willow palin. so far, melissa and bristol have met their new families. bristol, why don't you gohead over here to the window and put up the, uh, panel. the swap is under way in los angeles. and the rivers production team has arrived to set up for a segment with joan.
uh, so let's get the sign upright above the bed. here, today is my first day,and already there's a million different peoplein and out of the house. it's a big production. you know,it's a lot to take in. meanwhile, in wasilla, fashionista melissa is taking on a different kind of work. i was warned. shoveling snow is somethingi left behind when i left collegein philadelphia.
i just haven't done itin a long time. next up, it's dinner time, but due to lack of structure in the palin household... he's falling asleep. tripp is left to fall asleep on the sofa instead of being put to bed. have you ever had moose,or... (whimpers) w-were you raised on
this kind of verysort of rustic food? yeah. my mom normallycooks it, so... oh... lord. (dog whimpers, barks) this is so nasty. (blood drains) i appreciate organicand farm fresh and local. but moose liver? you keep thinking,well, maybe it'll look better
once you cook it.it didn't look any better. while tripp continues to sleep on the couch, melissa and willow sit down to dinner. ugh! (mouth full) okay. (silverware clinks) (gags) yuck! (chokes and coughs) well, she hated it,which is fine.
it was her first time.at least she tried it. in los angeles, while joan does an interview for a television show, bristol follows melissa's rule to strictly monitor cooper's cello practice. that's awesome. yeah. and then you play drums,too? i play drums, yeah. oh, my gosh. and keyboard?
and keyboard. cooper's very disciplinedand has a very set schedule just like joan and melissa. (cello squeaks) does that sound good? (chuckles) almost. i don't really know whatbristol signed up for because my mom is hard. in wasilla, it's 10 p.m.
and due to alaskan spring season, it's still light outside. despite falling asleep on the sofa at 7 p.m., tripp has woken up and is far from ready for bed. he just decideswhen he's going to bed? yeah. he likesto hang out with everyone. whatever everyone elseis doing, that's what he'll do. i'm ready for bed, tripp.are you ready for bed?
(whines) it was a flat-out "no." and it's gonna get worseas tripp gets older. i'm gonna watch tvwith him until he settles downsome more. okay. then we'll go to bed. did you want to checkthe lights in there and see? we'll just putthe bed in place.
it's the second day of the swap, and the rivers' production team are back in preparation for more filming, and it's time for bristol to get her schedule for the day. it's a jam-packed day. it looks pretty detailed. we have to preparefor our "fashion police" writer's meeting. and then we startthe production.
first up, bristol joins joan and "fashion police" head writer tony to come up with material for the show filming later today. this is the fun part. this is the fun partof fashion. courtney love. courtney love.you gotta admit she's asking for it,this--right? i don't know. i don't knowmuch about fashion.
patricia arquette. you remember herfrom the show "medium"? clearly not a medium anymore. (tony and joan laugh) i don't like to critiqueand judge people. i think it's ridiculous.just mean and nasty. don't you feel bad aboutmaking fun of her weight? this is about fashion. (joan) i'm sure bristolis used to that.
she's got a mother whois not what you'd call a shrinking violet,you know? get to be governor of alaskaby being like, "ooh, gee! i gotta call the plumber!" in alaska, melissa is trying to get tripp to tidy up his toys. so tripp, did you putyour stuff away? no? he pushed back.and then i remembered
the popsicle bribe. would you put your stuffaway if i gave you a popsicle? (toys clacking) yeah? as soon as we offeredthat popsicle, boom! done. (willow) good job. (drawer clatters) popsicle time.
there you go. thank you. tripp? no! the kid has absolutelyno manners. it's a little toughfor me. after a successful bribe, bristol and willow's dad todd palin stops by to take tripp out for the day. (melissa) you got sometough women in your crew.
my dad wouldunderstand that. "just pretend likeyou're deaf all the time." (willow laughs) so are you worried aboutbristol down in l.a.? oh, i'm not worriedabout bristol. you know, she's a tough galand open-minded and--and, uh...she'll have a good time. what you doin', buddy? (grunts)
tripp and todd have an amazing bond. tripp is wildabout his grandfather. all right. bye. see you later. take care. you, too. this is where we doour "fashion police". in los angeles, bristol heads to the "fashion police" studio
to fill executive producer melissa's role. this is a whole bibleof the show. however, following an uncomfortable writer's meeting earlier in the day, bristol is becoming increasingly nervous to act as a producerduring the filming of the show. these are what we call our fivemust-see looks of the week and the five ones thatwe think people would be most interestedin talking about.
and you have no idea whatthe other people are gonna say? no. so it's really like friendssitting around gossiping. that's what makes it fun. i think i'm mostcomfortable observing. fashion is just notanything i'm really into. i'll show you the set. there's more important thingsin life than criticizing what other peopleare wearing. it's not something thati would want any part of.
so we'll do it without her. we'll let her sit there,let her watch. the whole point of thisis that each of us, we hope, will learnfrom each other's lifestyle and take something away. (man, amplified voice)ladies and gentlemen, joan rivers! (cheering) hello! hello, hello!
20 minutes later, joan starts the show without bristol's help. (joan) the sad thingis that she didn't participate in the thingsthat we offered her. with tripp spending the day with his grandfather, city girl melissa agrees to embrace a typical alaskan activity-- mudding. (willow) nice job. (melissa laughs)
it was great to justditch my cell phone, shut it down fora couple of hours. whoo! it gave willow and i a chanceto, like, laugh and joke around.it just was great. after some exhilarating, muddy fun, melissa takes the opportunity to bond with willow. it is incredibly...pretty. so pretty out.
i wouldn't liveanywhere else. but you went to schoolin arizona. i know. i went therejust because they had a really goodcosmetology school. and what did you learnin cosmetology school? hair, nails, skin--everything like that. but i'm just gonnafocus on hair. i want to rent a chairat a salon for a couple years until i get, like,enough experience
to open up my own salon. i got a chance to talkquietly with willow and hear what her plans are.and i wanna help her 'cause when you're 18,i don't think you really realize how much is in front of you. at the rivers' house, the production team is setting up for tomorrow's filming... are we gonna do lights? make sure all the bulbsare--are on.
and cooper is home from school, so bristol must oversee his homework for the night. is it hard to studywith all the craziness going on in the house? i usually just sitin my closet and... (chuckles) really? bristol is cool. she seemed to have interestin all my sports and school. there's so many peoplein and out.
it's always crazyand hectic. cooper is groundedand well-rounded, but he needs more family time. in alaska, following melissa's disastrous first meal, willow takes the family out to a local restaurant for dinner. can you write your name? (crayons clatter) no! (mutters indistinctly) ahh!
(plates clink) (cries) you drew all overmy bubble letters. i don't care. yeah, you don't-- unh-unh! don't color on me. (gasps) don't coloron people. trip doesn't listen at all. ow! stop. (grunting)
don't. that's not funny. (continues grunting) it's gonna get harder and harderto reign him in. at one point they're goingto hit an age where it's too lateto get brakes on him. (tripp coos) back in los angeles, joan has invited a group of her close friends over for a formal dinner so they can meet her new houseguest.
they have lots of helpfrom lots of different people, so it's all a big production. upstairs, bristol is busy getting suitably glammed up with joan's style team. looks good. (woman) beautiful. i planned a dinner partytonight to welcome bristol,and a formal dinner party. i don't know if she's usedto my kind of lifestyle.
but please be very gentle.don't embarrass her. (laughter) (joan) oh, here we go. this dinner is super fancy.it's not something that i'm really interestedin doing myself. okay, so, everybody. (all) hello. this is our guest of honor.this is bristol palin. welcome to california.
(bristol) how do you eat it? here, let me show you. just think tiny lobster. (man) it is delicious. bristol doesn't see thisin alaska, and, um, it's a little awkwardfor her. i'll hold it. okay. i didn't really know what to do.i don't eat lobster. but cooper wasvery comfortable in here.
(man) what's the dumb questionthat everybody asks? oh, do you have this in alaska or can you really seerussia from your house? if we live in igloos-- people still ask thatall the time. do they have gay bars? i don't know. i don'tgo to the bars much. was there a school slutin high school? i'm sure there was.
do you feel like you haveto defend your mom sometimes? i-i-i asked becausesometimes melissa then has-- absolutely. and i'm suremelissa stands by your side like i stand by my mom's side. to a point.no, no, she does. (lowered voice)they're kind of on the attack. i would much rather be at homethan eating... clayfish. what happens if you disagreewith something your mom says, then someoneattacks you for...
do you defend your mom? she is in the political world,and i'm not, and i usually just don'ttalk about it. i have no desireto talk about politics. if my mom was here,she would tell me to kill them with kindness. it's the third day of the swap, and in wasilla, melissa is witnessing some playtime with tripp and willow.
dude, i'm beating you. hey, that's not fair.(speaking indistinctly) (toys clatter) i think you need a nap. did i hurt your feelings? (chuckles) did i? the thing that makes mea little concerned, is that willow eggs him on. at the rivers' house, it's another day of
busy preparation and filming, and bristol has agreed to check the set in joan's bedroom. were you happywith last night? i just felt like i wastotally on the attack about-- on the attack? i thoughtthey were so nice. what did they--i think they let it go. i am here for you.come to me. talk to me.i will help you... even though i'm a democrat.
i just--i wouldn't putmelissa in that position of having to defend herselfin my home. to what? like asking me if i go togay bars and stuff like that. just politics. i don't wantto debate anybody. you said they brought uppolitics, which i didn't evennotice they brought up. i feel like it wasbrought up a bunch. tell me. tell me where.
honest to god about,like, ten different times. don't play the victim. if she wants to be a victim,where do we start? in my generation, tripp wouldbe called "illegitimate." as the little whoredown the block... that would have had to goto reno to have a child. joan and melissa rivers have agreed to swap lives with bristol and willow palin. so far, they spent the past few days
living under the house rules, and melissa has been shocked by tripp's bad behavior... at one point they're gonnahit an age where it's too late. do you feel likeyou have to defend your mom? do you not like her? and joan and bristol have not seen eye-to-eye. i wouldn't put melissain that position it's the morning of the rule change, and the celebrity moms now get to run things their way.
tripp is at an age wheresome structure is going to make bristol's life as a single moma whole lot easier. (bristol) this house doesn'treally feel like a kid really lives in here. it needs to be less about workand more about family time. hello. it's time to changea few things. maybe new rules are gonna be a brand-new outlook.
i may go bra-less. the first one is less workand more play. less schedules,less of a production office, more of a home. that's gonna be very difficult. bristol doesn't understand.i love my work. that made me very unhappy. now it's my rules. stop.
the first one pertainsto you, little man. uh-oh. look at him. he doesn't listento anyone. let's call this one"sleepy time." you're sleepingin your own bed. that sounds likea good deal. (whines) i don't want to. yeah, we'll see about it. the next one is a low-key dinnerwith no staff.
whatever you've gotin the kitchen-- paper plates... ab--ugh! okay, the next one--dressing down, less formal. dressing down,peuw, peuw, peuw. sometimes it's fun to justdress down. you have never been poor. sometimes i like gettingdressed up, but, like...not most of the time.
the second onei'm really excited about. you just graduated fromcosmetology school... mm-hmm. and i've set up a reallyexciting opportunity for you. which is? you'll have to find out. i hate surprises. the last one--i thinkwe need to go on a fishing trip. you know i don't likefishing.
i like fishing. all right. i will--again... i'm glad to try everything. i'm glad you guysare game for it. the last one. we've made a chart. every time you're good,you're gonna get a sticker. when you get enough stickerson your chart for being good, you get a reward.
we'll try his sticker board, but i don't knowhow it's gonna go. we'll see. with the new rules in place, melissa starts off by setting up tripp's sticker chart so he can learn positive behavior for positive rewards. think you can try and fill upthese boxes? you want to try and encouragekids through behavior. (whispers)let's go upstairs.
with the sticker chart in place, it's time to put tripp down for a nap. but this time, he must sleep in his own bed. getting trip to bedis really gonna be the biggest challenge. i'm not sureif it's gonna work. (whines) i don't wantto sleep here. (whispering) okay. give me your glasses.
(whines) mnh-mnh. close your eyes. i'll sit with you,okay? (glasses clatter) i'll sit with youand we'll have some quiet time. and you're gonnafall asleep, okay? (whispers) okay. good job, buddy. by sitting togetherand having some quiet time,
tripp started to get sleepyand started to doze off without that much of a fight. he did so good. (whispers)fingers crossed. in los angeles, in an attempt to make the rivers house feel more like a home and less like a production set, bristol is sending all the staff home and has invited cooper's friends over
for a casual dinner. do you guys wantsome mac and cheese? (boys) sure. (boy) i love mac and cheese. do we sit wherewe always sit at the table? let's just eataround the counter. (speaks indistinctly) (joan chucklesand speaks indistinctly) i think it's fun to breakthe fancy type of ritual
that they have going on. do you have somepaper plates? then we don't have to dodishes. (joan) paper plates? yeah. let's usesome paper plates. paper plates. (joan) this is delicious. i compliment you, bristol. thank you.
and tomorrow--i'll tell you right now-- bristol, i'm going backto place mats. back in wasilla, and after a disastrous dinner out the night before, it's time to test tripp's behavior and manners with another outing. so we sit down. i don't think trippis going to be able to sit still at dinner.
they can teach him anythingor not, he's stilla 4-year-old rowdy boy. what's the first thingwe do when we sit down? what's this? wait, what's the--tripp? you put your napkinon your... hey. do you not rememberany of the stickers? yes. (melissa) we spent some timeworking on table manners...
and that really doestake time and consistency. you're too slow, then. you can't give me a high five.you're too slow. oh. uh... i mean, willow just quits,and tripp knows that. he knows how to win. tripp... easton mitchell.
(mouth full) mmm. watch. watch. watch. watch. (mouth full) mnh-mnh, willow is old enoughto step up and be helpful. go. so you are the adultlast time i checked. in wasilla, melissa and willow have taken tripp out for dinner
to see if he'll change his behavior in exchange for rewards on his sticker chart. (mouth full) mnh-mnh. the thing you're--that you are gonna have to work on with him, i think... is not being, like, such, like, a big sister,yeah. instigator? an instigator?
she needs to feel a little moreempowered to be an authority figure to him. he needs to respect herin the same way that he respects his mother. wait. sit down.we're not done yet. please have some more bread? yes, you may. thank you for beingso polite. mm.
do you think we'remaking some progress? i think so. (mouth full) mm-hmm. i think the chartis really helping him. i think so, too. this dinner comparedto our last dinner is a night and day difference. good job. bravo.
it's the second day of the wives' new rules, and in los angeles, country-girl bristol is getting fashionista joan to dress down so they can get outdoors and go fishing. these are my old jeans. and i've gained weight. can you see? (laughs) you put some elasticon them? i added elastic.
all right, so whatare we planning? we're gonna go fishingand we're gonna take a truck that i borrowed. all right. i drive, though. (laughs) melissa saidyou're not to drive. oh, melissa, melissa,melissa. you'll see. this is it. (laughs) i knew it wouldn't be a limo, but i didn't know it was gonnabe "beverly hillbillies" either.
a little pushwouldn't kill you. okay, ready? yeah. (strained voice)all right. there we go. got it? (starts engine) good luck. careful. i'm careful. i'm careful. no, you're... (laughs)
okay, stop! (laughing) (laughing) i think i should drive. in wasilla, melissa finally reveals her surprise opportunity for willow, so she can advance her career in cosmetology. i called the abc affiliate, and we pulleda bunch of strings. you have the opportunityto do the anchor's hair tonight
before she goes on-air, and it's your firstprofessional credit. i'm not--i don't feelcomfortable yet. i'm just fresh out of school. i had an educator by me24/7. you shouldn't be a wimp. i haven't even startedworking yet, so i'm just not comfortable, and i just don't wantto do it right now.
part of starting your careeris you gotta take the leap. i'm really surprised. and i was hopingthis opportunity to do hair professionally for televisionwould inspire her, but it didn't. i don't want to do it. back in los angeles, sabrina has brought cooper to meet joan and bristol so they can start their fishing trip.
go back. but be careful. look out. look out.look out. and go! and then start reeling. (cooper) got one. (bristol gasps) good job, coop! oh, good, cooper! (screams)that's great, cooper. good job!
(woman clapping) yeah! yeah! oh, my gosh!look how big that is! she went right for it.she knew how to slice it. it's a whole different wayof life. i think it smells great. and i'm going to havea delicious meal. good! it's not bad. it was really fun seeingmy grandma out here with us, and i had a blast.
to bristol. (chuckles) cheers! and to our catcher. (bristol) i know. yes! in alaska, melissa and willow are pleased to see the sticker chart for 4-year-old tripp is still working. (melissa)time to clean up.
oh! tripp's super bright,so he picked up on the concept of earninghis rewards really fast. look how many goalsyou've already gotten today. he has been racking up stickers left, right, and center. do you want to go and putfood in the dog food bowls... without whining? the new board is awesomefor tripp.
it motivates himto be a good kid. oh, the cars. bristol is gonna beso proud, and i'm sure she's gonnause that board once melissa leaves. (grunts and hums) at the rivers' house, with no production team or staff and cooper studying in his bedroom, bristol gets some relax time with joan
to bond and paint each other's nails. when you were on, uh,"dancing with the stars" did they let you keepyour costumes? i would have no usefor 'em. it was fun to be ableto just sit and relax and not be rushed aroundwith a schedule. it's just nice to have thatgirl time. do you have melissado your nails a lot? she touches them up for me.
do you ever do your mother's? sometimes. we do, like,pedicures and stuff. i like bristol. i think there's a great warmththat comes out of her. right away, my motherlyinstincts take over. and i hope she'll remember this. accusations fly at the round table meeting. i made sure thatshe wouldn't feel ganged up on. you must have thought,"that bitch set up me."
it's the final day of the swap, and in alaska, tripp's good behavior has continued for another day... which means he gets rewarded with two hours at his favorite indoor bounce house. tripp seemed to be havingthe best time. i hope he's startingto put together the pieces that if you're good,you get a reward. tripp does deserve this little reward. he's been doing a great job.
in los angeles, it's been 48 hours since bristol released the production team and staff from the rivers' home. i'll be going,but be gentle. okay. got it. i'm an old lady. and with cooper's friends in tow, it's time for joan to get more actively involved with his hobbies.
here we go. i wore a lot of outfitsby a lot of designers, but this takes the cake. and you're in the goal. are you ready, grandma? i am so ready. yeah! (bristol) ohh! look at her! (joan) after beingin this business 46 years,
i can take it a hit. ready? ohh! good! (muffled voice,speaking indistinctly) (bristol gasps)not in the face! i thought it was really funwhen my grandma dressed up. we got to shoot really hardat her. that was fun.
(exhales) ahh. you're a trooper. i like seeingthe normal side of joan, like her having funwith her grandson and just doing regular things. so do you need meon the team? (boys) backup. backup. the nice part for mewas that
cooper loved that i wasparticipating, 'cause i'm always sittingon the sidelines. but i think he really enjoyedhaving me in the gang. in alaska, todd palin is back to watch tripp before melissa and willow head to the round table... how you doin'? good. and he's pleased to learn about progress for tripp. (melissa) so, todd,what do you think
of the sticker thing? it's pretty cool. you know, anything to doto kind of, uh... keep him in line. keep him in line? you've raised five kids. who was the wildest? who was the wildest?um, they all had their moments. every one of 'em.
after an eventful week, melissa and bristol prepare to reunite with their loved ones. i hope the familylearned from me that a little bit of structuregoes a long way to make tripp earn things. i'm gonna miss you, buddy. bye, buddy. say, "bye." (bristol)i really like cooper
and i think he's a nice kid. i think he's groundedand well-rounded. and it just gave mesome thoughts of what i have to look forwardto for my own son. bye, cooper. do you think melissa'sgonna like me? are you worried? (melissa) i'm really excitedfor the meeting. i want to hear about cooper.
the celebrity families must sit down to discuss their experiences before they return home. all right.where are we? thank you. hey. oh, my g-- how was it? you have no idea. mom, this is willow. hi. nice to meet you.
and guess who? bristol. bristol. really nice to meet you. right off the bat,i want to hear about work. now that's the only thingwhich upset me. and i think she was justoverwhelmed when we went into"fashion police." i'm not one to justimmediately judge others. and i understood that.so we kept saying,
"just... come on." but she didn't produceon "fashion police." so i observed. she observed. well, i tried to get willow her first professional credit. and i had arrangedwith a local abc affiliate to do the anchor's hair. i just didn't feelcomfortable right now.
i refused to do it. i was scared.i just got out of-- scared of what? i just got out of school.i'm, like, not even licensedor anything yet. yeah, but you've been--you do, like, our hair, mom's hair, all the family'shair all the time. maybe in a little bitwhen i get more experience. but it's sort of the same thing.it's... for me it was just like,
god, do it. jump in.you know, have confidence in yourself. (chuckles) don't pinch me.you know it's true. you know it's true. it's true. uh, with bristol,i wanted her be welcomed. everybody wanted to meet you.so i thought i'd give this over-the-top,amazing dinner party. and--
and i know what-- i know whatover-the-top means. i tried to geta big cross section so i had republicansand democrats. i made sure that you wouldn't feel ganged up on. why? tell me--see,that's fascinating. it's hard. trust me. everyone walked awaysaying they liked you. i felt like they werejust digging at me--
talking a lot about politics. honest to god, you thinkyou were on the attack? i felt like i kind of hadto defend myself, yeah, definitely. you must have thoughtshe--she set me up. well, you didn't show it. i think your manualwas very helpful. especially the tipswith tripp. the popsicles are key.
did it work? he loves his popsicles. (chuckles) yeah, i know. now, clearly, he worksthe two of you. he works-- big time. yeah.... (chuckles)everyone. that's so funny. the sooner you startto put the boundaries in,
the better it will belater down the road. it's like, almost likea double-edged sword. one of the things we changedto the new rule was we did a sticker systemso that he had to earn the popsicle. instead of, like,bribing him. like, rewarding himinstead. did he get it? he was looking to do thingsto get more stickers.
life was so much easier whenhe was behaving and whatnot. you gotta make him do it. we also talked about youbeing a little bit more of an authority figurethan a buddy. yeah, i don't know if that'sever going to change, so... she has to be careful. gotta be a little bitof a disciplinarian. but he's likemy little brother. i don't see myselfas a parent to him.
i see that as bristol's job. yeah, but you're notmaking her job easier. she makes it hard. she's like, "oh, tripp.you can get out of time out, come on out here." you can't do that.you saw yourself how much more he waslistening to you. it was probably so much moreenjoyable. after living in your shoes,i think that sometimes
you just need to take a break and, um, just have fun. i loved more time--actively--with cooper. and then another rulethat i wanted to change was dressing down. 'cause they justare dressed to the nines all the time. not us. for me that wasvery difficult, yes.
(melissa) oh, i bet. when we were doing"fashion police," you have to look good (bristol) your beauty. because if you don't look nice,they're gonna say, "who the hell do you thinkyou are..." "to talk about somebody else?"life is tough. so you should makeyour environment as pretty as you can.
one of the big thingsthat i learned was i think that i needto start enforcing some rules, um,because i see cooper and i see how great ofa kid he is. and that's like, i want trippto be like that, and just havinga structured upbringing. and i want that for tripp. i liked melissa's rules.and i do think i need to maybe help you out more--'cause you are a single mom--
and not be, like,a friend to him. be more of an authorityto him. okay, good. our family is soschedule-oriented. i like the idea of having ita little bit looser. try and sort of findmore of those moments, even if it's only20 minutes here, or 20 minutes there... during the day.
what i really learned wasa much deeper thing with you. i learned how nobodyshould judge anybody from where they comeor who they're related to. good or bad,you are your own person. (voice breaks) and here i go.i adore you. (bristol) aw. (sniffles) i just thinkyou're great. (chuckles)don't make me cry. i ju--i know.
i just had the best timewith you, and i think you're terrific. i think you guys are, too. (chairs scrape floor) i'm glad you had fun. pleasure. (kisses) it was good. it was awesome.
i think it's coolmeeting melissa 'cause we have thatcommon bond with her... just in the spotlight. how was work? terrific. but, boy,we need you on set. (bristol) this week made mereflect on my own life. and just made meappreciate it more because i do lovemy life here.
i love how close my family is. it's just real life. did you miss me?did you? i'm so glad to be home. coop! guess who's home! mom! oh, my baby! the absolute best partof this experience
was coming home to cooper. how'd it go? it was really fun. i am so glad to havemy family back together. i would love the palinsto come here. i can see catalinafrom my house. that's a big plus.