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    plasma tv stands wood furniture

    ♪ ♪ man: everyone gambles. they may call it something else, like the stock market or real estate, but make no mistake, if you're risking something, you're gambling. and if you're gambling... hey. then i'm the guy you want to see.

    do you ever, like, follow up a mistakewith, like, a... another wretched mistake? i hate the expression"i hear you," because what it usually meansis "i'm ignoring you." but, professor hornstein,i hear you. it's justthat i was... planning on takingmy wife skiing in vermont on break,and now...

    and now the online sports bookhas your money. the poker site hassome of it, too. i was hoping... perhaps you couldget it back for me. i can't get you backwhat i don't have. i gave you a coupon fordiscounted play on the site. you used it. lost.that's it. you got all the answers,don't you? course you do.

    okay, uh, professor, you everheard of rush street capital? yeah. i worked there. one year away from becominga portfolio manager and a seven-figure bonuswhen the meltdown happened and the firm blew up. but i learnedtwo things from it: hard work alonedoesn't protect your downside, and nobody plays for free.

    newsman: what do college campuses have in common with las vegas and atlantic city? gambling is now so prevalentamong college students, it's creating serious problems with few easy answers. newsman 2: across the nation and worldwide, online gambling has reached epidemic proportions. anderson cooper: four years ago, the big nevada casinos thought

    of online gamingas the competition. now they're realizing that withtheir brand-name recognition, they can maybe get a big pieceof the online action. newswoman: with access to high-stakes gambling just a mouse-click away, teenagers are the latest group to fall into the gambling web. newsman 3: ...reports of revenue in excess of $30 billion a year. newsman 4: anyone with access to the internet can gamble away their life savings

    without stepping foot out of their home. newswoman 2: the department of justice has indicted the top three major offshore online poker sites... newsman 3: players are convinced that a cheater can somehow see his opponent's hand. newsman 4: department of justice officials announced that ivan block has become a major target of federal investigation and continues to operate outside federal jurisdiction in costa rica.

    newswoman 2: ...with no legal recourse whatsoever. man: at princeton, you're either bred for it or you bleed for it. and i can't seem to stop bleeding. dean: my general concern, mr. furst, is that you are promotinggambling on campus. (sighs):my more pressing concern... the one expressed to meby mr. arnaud's father, is that you are encouraging paul

    to gamble. you told your dad that, paul? it's his credit card. dean:the point is, mr. furst, mr. arnaud did not send his boy3,500 miles from home in order to start himon the road to perdition. you are supposed to be earningyour master's in finance and serving asa graduate teaching assistant. instead... you are running

    some kindof virtual casino. gambling is forbidden on campus. bookmaking isforbidden on campus. and if you don'tchange your tune, you're going to beforbidden on campus as well. now, if you'll excuse us,i'll... (sighs) finish with mr. furst alone. paul... thanks, man.

    dean:looked at your transcripts, spoke to your professors... even read some of your papers. you have a real gift. i want you to makethis place proud. but you've got your hands inyour fellow students' pockets. i've never stolen anythingfrom anyone. dean, i'm not eligiblefor financial aid because my past incomeis too high.

    but that money's basically gone. i owe $21,000 tuition,due next week. 60 grand totalbefore i get my degree, and that's if i don't eat. welcome tothe real world. doesn't mean you can liveby your own rules. i'm not a bookie. okay? m-my official title

    is "affiliatefor online gaming." i steer traffic to the web site,they pay me a commission. hands off, arm's length. i get a small feefor each player i sign up. i'm not living someelaborate lifestyle here. it's how i'm paying my waythrough this university. what we touch touches us, too,mr. furst. dean... i'm in marketing. as am i.

    and what i marketis this university. you will close up shop, effective immediately... or you won't havea school to pay for. (drops folder onto desk) man: the thing about this game is, you can't win unless you're ready to risk it all. so, there it is. everything i have.

    that is a lot of yourbankroll in play. all of it, craigger. what do you say we shutit down real quick? it must be really nice to haveyour education paid for. the rest of us still haveto grind for our master's. so is your plan just to gamblefor your tuition money? whoa, whoa, whoa, it's notlike i'm shooting craps or playing blackjack or something. you're playingpoker, richie.

    i'm playing pokeragainst fish, craig. there's a big difference. and $17,000 means zeroto me right now. this is my shot, okay?and statistically, it's the right play. look, i've been three-tabling. i find a guy on the fourthwho's acting like it's his life's missionto give all his money away. okay, hold up,wh-why'd you just raise?

    non-weighted game theory. 'cause it'll outperformthe e.v. of flatting and he'll spaz in anyway. look-- see his starting handsand betting patterns? this guy's a weak player. this is the type of suckeryou find once a year, maybe. okay, what are we at? fifty. 50. fantastic.hey, richie, it's me, craig.

    i'm a very good friend of cracked 50. what do you say you justpull back some of that cake? 50 doesn't get meto graduation, craig. what'd i tell you?this is the one you wait for. no, no, no, got to be kidding me. aw... how'd you know to fold? all right, we got the next one;here we go, baby. richie, let's go.stay in. let's go.

    (richie exhales) come on, don't betat that. fold! shit. how'd you knowto bet at that? how'd they knoweight-high was good? richie: if you're a poker player, a real poker player, there is no such thing as luck. richie, you gotto stop, man. i can't let short-termvariance slow me down. that's the sucker play. this guyplays too bad for me to stop.

    if you lose over the long term, there's a reason. and this guy was too bad to be the reason. he never showed his cards, he'd just raise or fold, raising when i was weak, folded when i was trapping. that's not good, that's great. and this guy wasn't great. when you get beat straight up, it hurts like hell. when you get hustled... it's a fuckin' dagger in the eye.

    (tapping on keyboard,computer beeping) you were right.see this right here? this is way outside the norm. i knew it. that's why i brought it to you. i compared it against thousandsof players, right? with at least2,500 recorded hands. look how far outsidethe normal win rates

    the guys who beat you are. what's that, like,over a million to one? dude, it's like winningpowerball four times in a row. man: richie? what the hell? christ, i haven't seen you in what, four years? richie: i don't know, dad; i stopped counting. dad: you stopped counting; i count. you, uh, you got a minute? well, yeah.come in, sit down.

    what the hell you doing here? are you okay?is everything all right? i'm fine. what do you need? have you got any connectionsin costa rica? why? you going down to costa rica?you gonna gamble? you a chipoff the old block now? no, i'm not.

    i always thoughtyou were an action guy. hey, dad,i'm not looking to gamble. oh. well, what, then? i was hoping you knew somebody who could get me closeto ivan block. no. i don't knowanybody like that. that's out of myleague; way out. he started that site,and he had a dozen competitors.

    yeah, i know. you're sure? there's nobody fromall the years at the tables? nobody who owes you... no. there's nobody. all the chits are goingthe other way now, son. (whispers):yeah. now, wait a minute.where the hell are you going? come on. stick around,play a little bit. here.

    (sighs)man... craig: richie. richie, you're noteven listening to me. richie, whatabout finals, huh? i got extensions. okay, but whereare you going? costa rica. did you get your shots? because there aremonkeys there,

    monkeys that bite youwith disease. odds are, the monkeys willbe the least of my worries. do you have any ideahow crazy this is? look, block isa businessman, and it's bad business todefraud your customer. if anything, i'm doingthe guy a solid. a solid. this isn't about block,though, it's about you. you don't knowhow to lose.

    you ever heardof meyer lansky? yes, i know meyer lansky. right. one thing he wouldn't allow is a bent table atany of his casinos. every flip, every spin,every roll of the dice had to be legit because he understoodwhat gambling is about. so, what's gamblingall about?

    (sighs) everybody gets a fair shot, whether you have one dollaron the line or a million. let's think this throughfor a second. you're about to jet off toa country you've never been to with a languageyou do not speak, bluff your wayinto ivan block's posse, somehow call him out in frontof everybody he knows, and you expect him to justgive you your money back

    and say, "oh, that's my bad,dude, my fault." this school, this degree,what that means in the world. mm. this isn't my second chance,craig, this is my last chance. (woman speaking spanishover p.a.) pasaporte, por favor. welcome to costa rica. gracias. richie: there are hundreds of affiliates already down here

    for the gaming convention, and they run the gamut from the guys with all the money to the guys trying to get some. hey, hoss,if you're looking to gamblein your hotel room later... i'm all right, man. shit, you're pet. i'm richie furst.

    hey, i steer playersto your sites. richie, dude. andrew c. hey, richie f. nice to meet you. you here for the expo? yeah, i'm hoping to get face-to-face with ivan block. do you know him? the man is like the wizardof fucking oz,

    and no one getsbehind the curtain, no one. (horn honks) all right, man, we got to go. take it easy. good luck. yeah, you, too. we understandyou're homesick. ivan:it's not that i'm homesick. i'm not away at camp.

    it-it's an issue of freedom. you know what napoleonsaid he missed the most when he was in exile in elba? pussy. (laughter) you know what he missed second? paris. now, myself,i don't give a fuck about paris. and i got a whole gripof pussy down here,

    but i can't walkdown michigan avenue. i can't walk down broadway. i can't walkdown art rooney avenue and have a primanti'skielbasa and cheese. you know what that's likefor a lifelong steelers fan? i can only imagine. we can raise itin committee. the table's ready. who's first?

    (ivan and masseuseconversing spanish) look, guys,we all know what's going on. you're about to getthe kind of blowjob your wife hasn't given youin 30 years, and that's great. i want to helpour vaunted leaders let off a little steam. that's why we're lucky, 'cause you got me down here.

    (clapping) enjoy your massage. (dog barking, people shouting) male announcer:welcome, affiliates, to the 2013 midnight black expo. please join us poolsidefor poker and blackjack. affiliates,please go to the lower deck to redeem your vouchers. super affiliates, please meet

    in the poker pavilionon the lower level. (music playing,indistinct chatter) angle shooter:five minutes. i'm just looking for fiveminutes with mr. block. and i'm looking to beon the cover of italian vogue, but it's not gonna happenfor either of us. hey, it could. maybe for me. why don't yougive me your card?

    i'll put you onthe call list. ooh, triage this for me, best you can. great dress, by the way. thank're gonna have to like it, 'cause i'm gonna be in itfor the rest of the night. no time to breathe,much less to change. i know. i'm buried with partyrequests for tomorrow night. woman:it's going to be amazing.

    i've just been over allthe details with ivan. excuse me, ms. shafran? oh, god, i haven't been called that sincethe last time i was deposed. it brings back bad memories. it's rebecca. rebecca. i'm richie furst and... you smell like an affiliate.

    not anymore. but you want something. okay, so there's a couple waysi could respond to that. i could say "yes,"and you walk away. i could say "no,"but then you'd know i was lying. and i walk away. but you haven't walked away yet. don't try to con me. just tell me straight upwhat you want.

    okay. i need to come to that partytomorrow night. there. how easy was that? security guard:hey, you! get down, now. richie:all right, fellas. guard:let's go. (laughing)

    ivan:is this the guy? okay, you got in. what do you want? my name is richie furst. i was cheated on your site,midnight black, and i'm guessing by the lookon your face, you don't even know it. if i had a dollarfor every bad gambler who lost money on my siteand turned around

    and claimed they got cheated,i wouldn't need a site. mr. block, i ran a multimodalsample distribution at the plasma physics labat princeton. these numbersare negative-3 sigma. that means they fallsubstantially below the standard deviation. i could have gone to the internet forums,chat rooms, exposed the whole thing,but i didn't.

    i brought it to you. well, i appreciate that. thank you very much. have a good night. guard:sir? (rooster crows in distance) (knocking on door) (distant buoy bell dinging,gull squawking) come on aboard.

    it's not gonna make you sick,is it? no, no, no. i'm fine. good. i'm a big believerin being the person who kills what they eat,you know? the indianshad that figured out. and not a whole hellof a lot else until the casino racketin the mid-'80s. let's try this part again.

    my name's ivan. richie furst. it's a pleasure, richie. welcome aboard. this is the house. i never in a million years thought i'd havesomething like this. just got to the point where meand my old partner, alex maynard,looked in the atm account

    and realizedwe had so much money that it was morally incumbenton us to buy something. so we ordereda set of these boats. we had a good time. a lot of fun. is he still involved? no. alex, um... you know, this lifehas a lot of temptation,

    and it just gets a holdof some people. alex died of a drug overdose a little morethan three years ago. he was a good guy. he was my...he was my best friend. why the house? because the house always wins. which is whywe don't have to cheat people. we have the greatestbusiness model in the world.

    50,000 players, three cents a second,average rake. that's just poker, okay? the rest of the site, we're doing $1.2to $1.9 million a day. that translates into $750,000net profit per day. but the math is right. am i missing something? no, no,you didn't miss anything.

    we missed something. we had a coupleof our programmers who decided it would bea good idea to write a backdoorinto the code so that they could seeplayer's hole cards, and they cheated you. and they cheated other players. and i'm really sorry,and i'm embarrassed. and that has nothing to dowith what this company

    and what this site stand for. you saw it. the donkeysin compliance missed it. this is why they'reon airplanes to wherever the fuck donkeysfrom compliance come from, but you came to me. didn't tell anybody else, 'cause you know rumorsof cheating and bullshit can affect these siteslike fucking bedbugs,

    and you can never get rid of it. that took a lot of balls. honestly, i couldn't getto you any other way. regardless, i'm very grateful. i am nothing if not world-classat showing my gratitude, so we have checked you in to one of our company's executiveluxury penthouse suites, and your accounthas been credited with the amount of moneythat you lost.

    i don't know what to say. thank you. just do me a favorand don't try to win your tuition online again, okay? how do you know about that? how do you think i know? studying my player history, ran it throughyour algorithm, saw that i was playingway above my mean.

    no, none of that shit. we bribed your roommate craig. look, richie, i understandwhy you did what you did. i know about what happened with that jobon wall street. you were tryingto get rich, and you were tryingto be respectable, and you would have, if you hadanother year and a half.

    those people tookyour labor... and my fucking money. ...and your fucking money,and they burned it all up. and now you're fucked, because wall street'sa different place. the rules have changed. the odds of getting a jobat a good hedge fund on wall streetare roughly the same as hitting runner-runner flushin a hand of texas hold 'em.

    you probably know what the oddsof hitting a runner-runner flush in texas hold 'em are,don't you? roughly four percent. "roughly four percent." well, listen... i put a little something extrain here for your troubles. that will get youthrough your master's. i think that endsour business here. unless, of course,you feel like sticking around

    and taking a shotat a real business. guaranteed seven figuresin the first 18 months. guaranteed eight figuresin the first three years. i have met very few people in my career who i think can be really,really exceptional at this, and you are one of those people. the most important rulein the world is that nobody gives you shit.

    you want to do somethingin this fucking life, you go out and build it. what do you say? is it newark, or you stick around herewith me? (chuckles) what do you think? i think any question that starts with "either are you backto jersey or x,"

    the correct answer is "x." richie: i was in, and i took to it like a gambler's son. he gave me the full run of the place. i started right in tuning up the affiliate business. learned about payment processing, off-shore banking. see these two empty desksright here? he even let me bring in my own people.

    they needed some princeton math, so i gave it to them. 30 billion in online gambling, and i was there to make sure we got our piece. yeah, all right. um, it's important that you... three months went by like a weekend in vegas. suddenly, i have everything i want. do that,i'd rather...

    well, almost everything. (horse whinnies in distance) this is a good one to bet on. his name is ojo rojo. next time bring 500. (scoffs) here we go. you may find thishard to believe because of how welcoming

    my country can be, but some of my colleaguesin the legislature believe your kindis ruining costa rica. but they go on and on about how the gringosand their online gaming money attracts undesirables, breeds prostitution, even drugs. we've been a democracyfor over 50 years because we don't give the peoplea reason to unseat us,

    and the peopleof this country would love nothingmore than to haul an american in as the faceof corruption. so that's whyit's gonna cost you more money. good luck with the horse. ("uh la la" by chocquibtownplays) richie: all i had to do was make sure the numbers added up and maybe shave the player edge here or there.

    0.8 for blackjack, 0.6 for craps and 3.4 for poker. everybody was happy. there he is. ivan. how you doing? thanks for having me, man. um, crazy. it's a little over the top,but what are you gonna do? i invited your buddies, too.

    i just can't catcha fucking break. what are youcrying about? you dropped,like, three grand. you'll pick it uplater tonight. it's likethey want me to lose. yeah, that's whythey build casinos. no roll. shooter, can't slide the dice. no roll? fuck you, pay the bet.

    sir? pay the bet, youfucking greaseball. whoa, whoa, whoa,hey, hey, hey. take it easy, man. the stickman is justtrying to do his job. he fucks up again, he's gonnahave that stick up his ass. why don't you let me take over? ladies and gentlemen, the point is still eight.

    get your hard ways in whilethe dice are in the middle. oh, that's great, zorro,work the stick. guess you don't havethe stones to play? how about this? i'll fade your action. just me, or the whole table? (crowd murmurs) the whole tub. (applause)

    huh? how about that? if this goes bad,i may need some credit. 30k cover it? we'll call it an advance. hey, shooter,try to hit that back wall. believe me, she'llappreciate it. what shot jesse james? a 45.

    (cheering) centerfield. press it. all the hard ways. shooter wants to press it. shooter, shooter. six, the hard way. (whooping)

    if he doesn't roll a sevenand crap out, this is gonna cost you100 grand. the house can't sweat the money. hey, shooter, do me a favor. i'm thinking of a number. (crowd groans) that's the number. cinco, dos, adiã³s.

    let's go. man:way to go, richie. thanks for playing. let's go.i said, let's go. you know,you forgot the eternal truth: the house always wins. ("sã­ seã±or" by control macheteplays) that was pretty impressive. that was pretty lucky.

    (chuckles) thanks for backing me. it was business. no thanks needed. this is a single malt. it's really good. you should try it. you know, i'm more ofa pizza and beer guy myself. baked potato with cheeseand baked beans.

    and look at us now. look at you. wow. you really do wear it. is this howyou worked ivan over? (chuckles)i didn't work him over. you know, part of my job is getting close to the peoplewho are close to my employer. so that's it?

    just checking me outprofessionally? pretty much. "pretty much." what's wrong with that? this is what it looks like. right? (phone blips) (water splashing) (insects chirring)

    good luck, sir. (sighs, splashing) it's the casino toss. you know how at the casinowhen they give you chips, they say "good luck, sir"? they don't tell you that "sir" means "dummy", and "good luck"means "fuck you." holy shit. those are fucking crocodiles.

    yeah, this guywants me to invest in a crocodile farmfor their skin. he sent me these as samples. ivan... hmm? appreciate the invite, man. that was...tonight was a blast. good. you had fun. you should have fun.

    i didn't have fun. i fucking hated it;i don't know why. it used to be fun. started out, it was fun. fuck. started out, it wasthe greatest thing in the world. it's like everythingyou ever thought you wanted when you were 13 years old. listen, i got a guy.

    he's coming in from london. his name is brett sheck. we call him "shecky." he's a super affiliate. his players would represent overten percent of our business. currently, he's withthese pussies at ultimate bet. i think you can sign him. if you do, it's gonna be on for you,because you're gonna

    commission everythingyou bring in, and that's when the realexponential money starts, and i'm excitedto see you spend it. you up for it? i'm on it. all right. (chuckles)good. you want to throw one? what kind of question is that?of course i want to throw one. (grunts, chuckles)

    (splashing) i lovethose little slimy bastards. they remind me of everybody who wants to takea piece out of me. looks like somebodymade a new friend. rebecca:yeah, i did. ivan: well, good. man:you have a good night? rebecca:you want me to stay away.

    no. i want you to dowhatever you want. god knows i do. (chuckles)you certainly do. (grunts) get some rest, yeah? (tires screeching) (grunting) (engine revving,tires screeching) man: you called him on cheating you

    and got yourself a job. i think that deservesa round of applause. (panting)what is this? who the fuck are you? now, if i uncuff you, you're not gonna do anythingstupid, like run, right? 'cause i'll shoot you. (panting) the fbi isin the kidnapping business now?

    i do whatever i want. man, i'm in fucking costa rica. (laughs) look, i wanted to get you alone, and i didn't want your bossto see us together. you should be thanking me. my name is eric shavers. don't call me eric. call me agent shavers.

    and you work for me now. can we just back upfor a fucking second here? like i said, youcaught him cheating. but what about... what about bribingan official? what about racketeering? what about stealing theplayer list from his former job to start his new web site,midnight black? now, there's rumblingsthat he wants new territories.

    you are gonna bemy guy inside. i don't know what you thinki can do, man. i'm an independentmarketing consultant. look, don't playme for stupid! you're too smart for that. i'm too smart for that. you could have workedat any respectable place. any legitimate casino. caesars palace--that's a nice place.

    but you chose to sign upwith ivan block. i'm not even a principalin the fucking company. i can go wherever i want. you can't goto new jersey. or any place that hasreciprocal arrangements with new jersey,like new york. what the fuck have i donein new jersey? huh? or new york,for that matter? you're not that brightfor a princeton man.

    it's sad. i was talking to my associate,agent mohr, and he has a sworn statement from a dean monroethat says you were promotinggambling at princeton. now, if you were my guy,i could make it all go away. wipe the slate clean. but if the sun comes up tomorrowand you're still here and you're not my guy,

    then i pull the trigger. and you can forget aboutworking on wall street or any legitimate casino. 'cause you need a license forthat, and felons don't get them. see, i can stand here and sayi'm doing it 'cause it's my job. or i'm upholding the law,blah-blah-fucking-blah. but the truth is,i'm doing it 'cause i enjoy it. i love fucking overprinceton guys. 'cause i went to rutgers.

    (crowd cheering) ivan! hey, it's important. oh! ivan, i need to talk to you. (whistle blows) (panting):what's up? fuck, i'm so fucking terribleat this game, man. they only let me play'cause i own the team.

    i just fucking got kidnappedby the fbi. oh, that's good? well, i knew they'dhit on you sometime, i just didn't know whatyou'd do-- now i do. is it that guy shavers?he give you the whole line about how i'm a bad guy, you gotto leave town, all that shit? yeah, he's threatenedme with jail. he said i'd be barred fromreentering the country. look, listen, you're notgonna go to jail, okay?

    you got grabbed up by the fbi. i get it.that's really fucking scary. i was terrified the first timeit happened to me. i wouldn't judge you at allif you want to get on a plane and just get thefuck out of here. just ask yourself one thing:are you doing something wrong? are we? i make it possiblefor a fat guy in cleveland to play omaha hi-lo in hisunderwear in his living room.

    shoot me. i mean, these fuckingshoe companies, they pay a chineseeight-year-old two nickels to hand-stitch these fuckingthings till their fingers bleed, then they sell themin the ghetto in the united states for $250. and i'm the fucking criminal? then why is this guyall over me, huh? why is hefucking with me?

    because he's jealous. he's hating on you, that's why. he sees what you have,he sees what you're gonna have, and he's plugging awayin a bad suit and heavy shoesfor chump change. look, man, even if it wasa crime, okay, there's nothingthey could do about it, because they don't haveenough jurisdiction to write us a fuckingparking ticket down here.

    richie, i look at you,and i see myself. you got that same"fuck you" look in your eye. you've been beat up,you've been knocked down, you've been kicked around, you've been toldyou weren't good enough, and you have something to prove. now is the time to do it. but let me know. either way, someone's gotto deal with shecky.

    (referee blows whistle) ("dejala corre" by banda loshijos de la nina luz plays) richie:block is a one-manindustry, shecky. he figured out how totake online gambling and make it sexy, withthe money and the women. because that's the truecrave-able experience. know what i crave? name it. 33% rake-backon my poker players

    and cost per acquisitionon my casino gamers. we're at 30% and rev-share. well, i'm getting my terms at uband they're happy to have me, so... think i'm gonnastay where i am. tell you what, give me a day. i'll talk to him about matching,we'll lock this thing up. all right,i'll give you a day. but then i got to get home. my wife and i are about to haveour first kid.

    ah. salud. cheers. so i spoke with sheck. yeah? a few little things,and we're pagando blackjack. what few little things? he wants an extrathree points rake-back and to stay atcost per acquisition. i know it's notthe original deal,

    but, uh, we stillmake a huge profit. no. fuck him. if we give him that,every piker who thinks he's an affiliate is gonnawant the same thing. no. well, then i don't thinkwe get him. well, then i guess that's it,you don't want the bonus. you know what i mean?pack your shit, leave your keys... no, no, no.

    ivan, hey, hey, wait. i've got this. tell me how much roomi have to negotiate. you have no room to negotiate. you already tried negotiating. now you try leverage. everybody has something theycare about more than money. find out what that is. then you got to dothe hard thing.

    that little voice in theback of your head right now? it's not your conscience. it's fear. ("donde se fueron" by ozomatliplays) hey, man. thanks for hanging in there,giving me the day. how could i pass upthe chance for marlin? we good to go? just got to wait forthe crew to board.

    who's this guy? oh, he drives the boat. it's, uh... here comes your crew. permission tocome aboard? god, i love that accent. permission granted. come on, girls. look, man--eat, drink, fish.

    compliments of ivan block. he's not gonnamatch the ub terms, but we do want you tothink of us as friends, so, if you everdecide to switch, we'll be your first call. have fun. i'll try. hi. well, hi.

    how are you? shecky:i'm a fucking idiot. they are verygood-looking. it's my own fault. i can't blame you;you're nothing. i've got everything. got a great wife, a babyon the way, a business. and i've got to come to costarica and act like an asshole. i'm sure block's gonnapress the terms now.

    no, actually. the terms arethe same ones we offered you. block wants you to feel greatabout working with us. question is:where am i gonna be working? you can still work in london. yeah, but will my checks becoming from a costa rican bank or caymans or maltaor somewhere else? i've heard the whispers. (pen clicks)

    block's not too populararound these parts anymore. one of the reasonsi was gonna stay away. player list. my man. you got it? got it. you're a fucking genius. come here. watch this.

    wilson, can youget 30 racks. 500,000 newinternational players. e-mails,betting history. by sunday,200,000 of these penguins will be bettingfootball on our site. by the weekend, we'llbe doing nine million. now, we'll losesome of them, but luckily, we got shecky outthere bringing them back for us, so we're gonna be all right.

    and this is my thanks to you. it's a little bonus,show how much we appreciate you. you're a fucking manand you did what you had to do. spend it allin one place. knock yourself out. do some degenerate shit. do it in my car. which one? whichever one you want.

    (pats back) thanks,'re a good man. (latin dance music playing) richie. honestly, this is thegreatest night of my life, man. i-i can't thank you enough. (laughs): right. pura vida. all: pura vida! (music fades)

    you don't look likeyou're having any fun. you know, we, uh...we can't do this. if you like me,what's the problem? you know what the problem is. you're right. i should probablycall you a car. immediately. get you out of here. mm-hmm.

    i think... i thinkthat's the best idea. ("el tren" by natalia clavierplays) my father described this placeas a gambler's paradise. to be honest, i never reallyput too much stock into what my fatherhad to say, ever. especially about gambling. well, as a gamingprofessional, that's exactly the type ofcustomer i want in the world. you would love him then.

    but as your friend,i'm sorry. as my friend? let's just... no. no, you're right. let's not gettoo excited, okay? (laughs)no, no, no. too strong. um, wrong word. uh, colleague. much better.i can work with that.

    how do you getused to all this? well... well, there wasno "all this" when we came here. we built it all, ivan and i. so you two were together? it was a moment. um... but it wasn't like this. andrew: put your bags down. pet: no fucking way, man. i'm getting out of here, andyou should do the same thing.

    come on, man.the three amigos. you got to stay. what's up, boys? hey, richie. what a night, huh? crazy. yeah, fun ride,richie. i'm out. out to where? out to home.

    i'm all the way out. what are you talking about? tell him, pet. just tell him. tell me. i'm leaving my girl'shotel room this morning when this real hard-ass, agent whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, from the fbi rolls up on me, tells mei'm breaking u.s. fiduciary...

    i got braced, too. same guy, same speech. you could tell himto kiss your ass. he can't touch us down here. he said some scaryshit about block. he's a governmentfunctionary, pet. that's what they do. block is the biggest trophy thatshavers could ever take down. who gives a shit what he says?

    he told me i could be barredfrom reentering the country if i didn't leave now. so what are you gonna do,try and reopen your skin? my brother owns a broker-dealer,he offered me a job. wall street? pet:so i'll be rich,not super-rich. i can deal. (sniffs) what the fuck?

    what? oh. i hide it inthere from the maids. they hate bran. they eat everything elsein the kitchen, but they don't eat the bran. do me a favor, invest it for me. i just don't have timeto spend it while i'm here. i'm in a basement all day. you should come with.

    nah. i'm finally in the real shit,optimizing the platform. that's where thereal money's at. to be honest,super-rich works for me. pet:richie, i understand the path you're on. but you should pack it in, pal. can't do it, hoss. my future's here.

    all right, hoss. see ya. (cell phone ringing) hello. ivan: young richie! i got somethingi need you to do. gonna be a crash coursein client relations. excuse me, richie. i'm sorry,what's the problem?

    send someone else. why would i do that? i mean, you don't haveany personal feelings in this. (scoffs)please. okay, look, here's what ineed you to do. meet wilson at the casino. wilson will give you a key. you are gonna use that key to go to the cage

    and open box 765. you are going to remove the contents of that box. 300 racks, domestic. ivan: i want you to give what's inside that briefcase to mr. herrera. (women cheering) he's the gaming commissioner, which makes him caesar in this country. without him, we can't operate.

    (women laughing,chattering in spanish) my friend. how are you doing? good, how are you? i'm really great.let's make a hug. i want you to meet a magical unicorn. very rare. would you like to partake?

    i'm fine, thank you. okay. come have a seat. (herrera speaking spanish) (woman laughs) sit. sit. let me show you something. let's talk about the... it's, uh, something else. first class.

    not coach. uh, it's a very nice gesture. i'm-i'm good to go. right here! (speaks spanish) (whispers in spanish) (repeats in spanish) is, uh... is there somebody elsecoming with the rest of it?

    the rest? the rest. no, that isthe entire selection. well, maybe we have hada misunderstanding. or perhaps your boss istrying to send me a message. um... i'd be happy to let him knowthat you're unhappy. and, uh, why don't i take careof your tab for the evening? just,'d be my pleasure.

    you know what? it's very generous. i will let ivan knowabout this misunderstanding. (man shouts in spanish) (two gunshots) (shouts in spanish) (gun cocks) (people shout in distance,dogs barking) (speaking spanish)

    (groaning) you think you can buy mewith some cheap whores like some fucking congressman? tell your puto gringo bossi'm sending a message. (coughing) block! did you get in a fightwith your kid sister? funny guy.where is he? richie, you were just a little

    too good-lookingfor this racket. why'd you short him? i didn't short him. it's an ongoingnegotiation. well, then you got more thanan ongoing negotiation. you havea fucking problem. did he take the money? yeah, he took it. then what'sthe fucking problem, richie?

    i mean, it's the gamblingbusiness in costa rica. occasionally, you getpunched in the face. you let me walkright into it, ivan. this is your job. you understand? if you want a safer job,go work for the post office. you want a clear conscience,go start a charity. but if you wantyour own fucking island and your boss says you got togo out there and take a beating,

    go out there, take it,come back to work and say, "do you need meto do it again?!" because right now, i'm givingyou the keys to the kingdom. how'd you know i'd evenmake it out of there alive? how did you know? because you're a winner. because i believe in you. and you got hurt;i'm sorry. but if i'm telling the truth,i'd do it again.

    what the fuckyou looking at? you see this coming? six months ago, herrera wouldn'thave touched anyone i know. and six weeks from now,that could be me. or it could be you. we're moving up the timetable. por favor. richie: when the wrong card hits the board, you can go from a great hand to one that can't win.

    woman (over p.a.):...for flight 455to guadalajara... and if you're smart enough... (man speaks spanish) get out while you can. (guard speaks spanish) problema? (men conversing in spanish) (guard speaking spanishurgently) what the f...

    hey, what's going on? what... what is the... â¡silencio! (handcuffs clicking) you have been selectedbecause of suspicion of drugs. i don't have any drugs. we'll see. "we'll see"? i don'thave any fucking drugs!

    (mutters in spanish) i think the lab is going to testpositive for mexican brown. that's not fucking mine. tar heroin. come on, man, you planted that! ay, pasaporte, united states, huh? you're notgoing to need this anymore. (door opens) oh, richie, richie, richie.

    you're makingme look bad. shavers, look, i...hey, i believe you. everything you said aboutblock is true, okay? i'm trying to go home. well, you can't go home now,now that the fun's starting. especially notwithout your passport. and i know you can't go home now that the sergeanthas his hands on you. he's been a bad boy.

    now, richie, this is whati'm willing to do for you, man. so i'll talk to the sergeant andhave him wipe the slate clean. you'll never know this about that? you want me to dothat for you? huh? sergeant, can you do that? see that? look at that smileon his face. see, that's the problem,richie. i keep fuckingdoing for you,

    so when are you gonna do for me? when's it gonna be my turn, huh? sergeant:when's it going to be our turn? what are you, man, the only guyhere not on block's payroll? (yells) all right! richie:fuck, man! why don't you justfucking arrest him?! you guys don't have

    jurisdictional issueslike the fbi! but if i walk him intoa station house or a courtroom, what do you thinkhe's going to do, huh? he's going to buy the judgea steak dinner, and i don't have a job! all you got to do is help us, and all this goes away. otherwise, you better brush upon your prison spanish, 'cause they don't take too kind

    to gringo drug dealersdown here. andrew: richie. jesus. where the hellyou been, man? what the fuckhappened to your face? nothing.what'd you want to show me? so they got me running these credit cardsecurity protocols. i get in there, into the code, and i decide to freelance arounda little bit, right?

    so i find there's nothing in the individualplayers' accounts. what do you mean, "nothing"? nothing.practically drained, dude. they keep enough in thereto cover the floats. so if any given playerwanted to cash out, the software would findthe money and then pay him off. in the meantime,block's just using everybody else's fundsas his own. what are you saying? this whole fucking thing'sa ponzi scheme? block's upstairs;he wants to see you. (typing) ivan:hey. come on in, richie. have a seat. so, richie, here's the thing. people often make poor decisionswhen they're desperate.

    you know what i mean? what do you mean? let's say you're beingcharged by a bear. you're supposed to stand still. most people run,and they end up getting killed. it's understandable, right? i really have wilsonto thank for this. he don't look like much,but he's a dog with a bone when he getsan assignment.

    this is some surveillancefootage he dug up. would you look at that. take a few years off him,and the old guy really does kind of look like you,doesn't he? this is the trop in ac. if i wasn't your friend, i'dsay your dad was a deadbeat. there isn't a casino,a bookmaker or a shylock, from vegas to new york, that the old man isn't intofor some serious wood.

    you owe money like that,you get a reputation. that's how i knewhow to find him. and now hopefully wecan get him some help. and get yousome help, too. this is my favorite partright here. look at this. that isn't just card counting,that's passing a bobo. turns out, theold man's been kiting counterfeit billsfrom tunica to nevada.

    they were about to arrest him, before i grabbed him up. in fact, i have him over atthe intercontinental hotel, just down the street. here's the thing, richie. your dad owes $187,000 to some guysthat don't fuck around. but you're my man, andyou took some hits for me. and i don't forget that.

    so this is what i did. i bought the debt. i own the paperon your father. the only person who cando anything to him now is me. which is good news, 'cause i would never doanything like that. i hold the debt,your dad stays healthy, and we can all go backto exactly how it was.

    yeah, thank you. uh, i appreciate it. richie? uh, come in. sit. see this? this is wherethey put me. it's a realsoft spot, huh? it's real nice, dad.

    yeah, it reminds me of that, uh, suite we werecomped in atlantic city once when you were a kid. talking about the timeyou left me all alone in the hotel roomwhile you were at the casino? look, rich, you know,i wish i had a time machine-- i'd go back and i'd fixeverything-- but i don't. we're here now. and where do you think"here" is?

    huh? paradise? well, you know,it kind of looks that way to me. let's go out on the balcony. check out the view. look, i know where i am,all right? and i knew exactlywhat was happening the minute my debt got boughtand they offer me this trip. come on. been around gamblingall my life,

    and that would be a miracle. and miracles don't happen. so you know block owns the debt. and i know that's worse than anywise guys walking the boardwalk, because it isn't just methat he's got under his hammer. yeah, i know. apparently, this shitruns in the family. it doesn't have to. i just don't want to see you...

    making the same mistakes i made. going after this bullshit. chasing the action. come on, don't let them use meto keep you here. go. run. run, for christ's sake. just run. go back.go back to school. i mean... (sighs)

    i've been a dead man walkingfor the last 15 years. dad, try and sit tight. i'll figure a wayto get us both out of this. no, no, no, no, no.come on. after all these years,you're still worrying about me? you're my dad. that's your mother talking. (both chuckle softly) she raised you right,i guess.

    (machines rattling, beeping) richie: payoffs are how the casino business in costa rica works. it's why this government doesn't shut block down. but now it's time for me to buy some goodwill of my own. (kids chattering playfully) (dog barks in distance) andrew:hey, richie, it's me, man. agent shavers was rightabout everything.

    we should have left. shavers? you saidhe didn't even approach you. listen, afterthe players' accounts, i found something else. it's a way bigger scam thani thought. we're screwed, man. cronin, slow the fuck down, man. what are you trying to tell me? just come see me.i got to show you in person. (phone beeps)

    where you going, babe? going home. why don't you do that later. come take a ride with me. wilson. where are we going? don't worry about it. enjoy the ride, man. so neither of you guysare gonna tell me

    what the fuckwe're doing? get off the boat.come on. ivan:richie! how you doing, bud? fellas. hey, richie, remember,um, that whole thing i was telling youabout the indians? not the casino thing,but the, you know, like, respecting what you kill.

    or whatever that hokum shit was. all right,h-here's the deal with this. the over-underis 90 seconds. bet is $10,000. do i pay you guys enoughto jump in on ten grand? yeah, i take the's that? what the fuckyou talking about? it's so fucking dark,it's gonna be two minutes before they evenget the fucking scent.

    i brought two idiots to latin america, richie--it's like sand to the beach. (laughs):but what are you gonna do? what the fuck is this? this is wherethe rio tarcoles lets out. herrera:ivan... hey, herrera, if you hadn'tacted like an asshole, you wouldn't beon your knees right now. so don't try to be noble.

    basically, this placeis to crocodiles what goldman sachs isto pricks with skinny ties. there's justa fucking ton of them. cruise ships come down here, they dump offtheir edible waste, the crocs have learnedto swim downriver, and they know to bitewhatever jumps in the water. this shit is chicken fat.

    i don't know why,but for some reason, these fuckersreally like poultry. all right, go ahead. all right, ready? ready to fire it up? wilson, keep the we go. one, two... (screams) (wilson laughs)

    (ivan grunts) fucking christ, ivan! (gasping) swim! you scared the shitout of them. can we fuckingpull them back in? hold on. shh, shh. you hear them? i'm fucking talkingto you, motherfucker!

    we got fucking moneyon this, dude. chill. why don't you justpull them back in? what the fuckis wrong with you?! (herrera shouting) dude, i'm doing this for you, man. 80 seconds. what? what do you want?

    would you justpull them in? let's make a fucking deal, man. ten dimes. 90 seconds. richie:jesus christ! fucking bullshit local legend,i guess. give me thefucking thing. all right, all right,calm down, okay? fuck me.

    it's just a little, uh, little fun, that's all. hey. (whistles) come here. (screaming) oh, shit! now they fucking come! do something! i got it. (gunfire)

    are you all right?i'm not getting them out. you get them out. fucking pull them in. holy fuck, man.come on. what are the odds? i was kidding around. i didn't really thinkcrocodiles would come. (laughs):we just got lucky, i guess. (herrera groaning)

    are you all right, richie? you seem a little worked up;a little sweaty. is it the hot night or...? are you okay? yeah, i'm good. okay, good. terrific. all right, clean them up. let's get them out of here.

    (groaning loudly) hey, how'd that horse do? ojo rojo. i'm fucking with you.i'm fucking... i know this isn't a good time. all right,let's go, let's go. see you soon, richie. cronin? andrew?

    (whispers):fuck is he? (whispers):fuck, man. what's happened? did block send you? no, he didn't send me. something's happened to cronin. he was cooperatingwith the feds. but you knew that already,didn't you? i didn't.

    bullshit. let me ask you a question. when i talk to you,am i talking to block? i wish i couldbelieve that. you can trust me. no, i can't trust you.i did trust you! i didn't know thathe was gonna use you. stop fucking lying to me! ivan is set to pull outof this place in a week.

    we're movingto antigua. and? and he's lookingto hang things on someone. a mark. me. and when he's gone, all ofthose people that we've crossed, they're gonna comelooking for you. how long have you known this? i started wonderingafter two years.

    by the third year,when we left the caymans, i knew for surethat he was stealing. but by that point,i was too far in. i'd signed a contract,there was a paper trail. that's what ivan does to you. he figures outexactly what you want, and he gives it to you. i'm sorry. i hope so.

    because what i have to doto get out of this, i can't do it alone. richie: the payoff merry-go-round has to keep spinning. and i need operating cash to buy my way out. so it's less for them, more for me. i'm just hoping i'll be gone before the hammer comes down. ("contigo jamas"by ocote soul sounds plays) (clamoring continues)

    boys. got to lovethis country. yesterday you wanted to kill me,and today we're like brothers. we are not fucking brothers. i need to talk to herrera. then we need to talk. woman:esteban? esteban! where is he?

    richie: i put together a savings account for this guy... ...el capitã¡n. yeah, that's his real name. (car approaching,tires screeching) (chickens clucking) (dog barking) (horn honking) oh, fuck...

    where the fuck is cronin? you tell me; i thought he wasworking for you guys. you don't understandcooperation, do you? you're supposed to keep meposted on block. circumstances have changed. what's changed? block has my father. well, if you had told us,we could have kept him safe. but you didn' where the hell is cronin?!

    i'm on thephone with him, the next thing i know,he fucking disappears! shit. you guys are so full of shit. you blackmail me,you beat the shit out of me! you say you can protect me,protect my father! you can't even protectthe only source you had! fuck both of you.i'm done. (yelling)

    hey! you're going tofucking help us! you understand me?! i'm not doing shit! you want to arrest me?fucking arrest me! let him up. i'll fucking kill you! i don't give a shit! all right, let him up!

    we went about this all wrong. i'm sorry. are you okay? but i don't have time tofucking play with you. ready?take a picture with me. happy smile, gringo. now you have 48 hours toget me what i need on block: a piece of evidencethat'll hold up in court. if you don't,he gets that picture, and your life goes to shit.

    come on, cronin, what the fuckdid you do with it? richie: cronin really got his nose in it-- layers and layers of financial crimes. block using player accounts as his own piggy bank. laundering money and, of course, block's contingency plan: me. oh, my god. there's enough evidence on here

    to put block or me away for a long time. have you been booking travel? i have. i put everythingi have into it. planes aren't cheap. block has been siphoningthe player account money and directly routing it to bank accountswith my name on them, but when this goes public,

    it's goingto look like i own them. all the bank account info, and the missing money,everything. ivan's told me to pack. we leave in 48 hours. everything's readyin antigua. you know i'm with you. ivan:new love. (chuckling)

    what are you doing? uh, you know, uh, i was just leaving. i was gonna go make the rounds. richie: one last payoff to el capitã¡n. this isn't poker. this is my life, and i have one play left. push all my chips in and hope to get lucky.

    wilson:hey, where you going? you know, for beingsuch a smart kid, you makesome dumb fucking moves, you know that? you don't think i knowwho that guy is? where he works,what he does, huh? you don't think i knowwhat you're trying to do? you're done, richie. i think you shouldjust walk outside

    and get in my car. look, there's got to be some kind of dealyou and i can make. thank you, richie, buti'm well taken care of. i think you should stopembarrassing yourself, walk outside, and get in themotherfucking car, man. you don't thinki'm taken care of, too? (grunts, groans)

    (phone beeps,grunting continues) (phone line ringing) shavers (over phone):richie furst. shavers. we found cronin beat halfto death, but he's alive. thank god. where are you?are you bringing me evidence? i'm bringing yousomething better.

    richie: block timed it perfectly. he's out the door by the time the bribes stopped, and the police took everything down. (tires squealing) (phone rings) hey, richie, where are you? at the... at the office. ivan, what the hell is going on? the site's been frozen.

    ivan: listen, richie, you're about to get arrested, okay, and i'd love to tell you that i was gonna come down to the police station and bail you out, but we both know that's not true. sorry it worked out this way,but i like you. you're a good kid,but it is what it is. sorry, pal. bye. (sighs)you all right?

    yeah, set. you'll find another boyfriendwhen we land at the next stop. younger and dumbernext time. dumber won't be easy. where the fuck is wilson? i haven't seen him. let's go.he'll have to fend for himself. do you mind? sun.

    (sighs)i love new beginnings. any new industry,the first ten years, it's like russiaafter communism. it's all strength and will. and now it's time fora little nuance and finesse. richie: every player has a leak in his game. even block. all you have to do is find it. you really saw me coming,didn't you?

    the cars, the boats, the money, everything. you handpicked me, and youslow-played it perfectly. what did you expect meto do, richie? walk into my party, accuse me of cheating infront of all my friends. i can't let that go by. that's the problemwith your generation.

    you guys sat aroundwith your vintage t-shirts and your participation medals,and you never did anything. and you got too bigand too greedy. what are you gonna do about it? you don't thinki own this place, too? and where exactlydo you think this is? bienvenidos a puerto rico, ivan! territory ofthe united states of america. richie: the captain,

    a man of his word. i knew deep downyou were just homesick. (sirens approaching) you know whatyour biggest problem is, ivan? you talk and you talk, but you don't actuallyhear yourself. well, i did, and you're just likeevery other gambler who comes onto your site.

    you press it when you should have foldedand moved on. later on,when you're in prison, that voice you'll be hearingin your head isn't your conscience, it's fear. shavers:ivan block, you're underarrest, my friend. how's it going, fellas? better than laundering,

    racketeering, wire fraud. look under your feet--that's american concrete. kiss it, 'cause you'llbe sleeping on it for a long time. yeah, we'll see. that's the great thingabout america, we go soft on financial crime. maybe eight months on a farm,something like that. maybe i'll see you around,richie.

    get this piece ofshit in the car. what about him? him? he's a cooperator. yeah, don'tworry about him. think about him banging yourgirl while you're in jail. now, here's the good part. you have the rightto remain silent. anything you say canand will be used against youin a court of law.

    you have the rightto an attorney. if you cannot affordan attorney, a really fucked-up onewill be provided for you. (car engine starting) listen, i want youto get richie furst. i want to start thisdebriefing asap. sir, you don't think he'son that plane, do you? oh, you gotto be kidding me. go with the ground crew!

    â¡vamos, vamos, vamos! hey, somebody stop that plane! we had a deal! (engines revving,tires squealing) shit! crewman:agent shavers? i have somethingfor you. (sirens wailing) he's a free man.

    richie: what would you do? back to jersey, or... i've never even been on a private planebefore today. you get used to itpretty quickly. maybe i already have. ♪ sticks and stones ♪ ♪ don't break my bones ♪ ♪ you make believe ♪

    ♪ it's lock and load ♪ ♪ it's a dead-end road ♪ ♪ to you and me ♪ ♪ so can you not go away ♪ ♪ impossible, possible ♪ ♪ how do you feel now?how do you feel now? ♪ ♪ run away ♪ ♪ and i can't getenough space. ♪

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