patio furniture umbrella stands

patio furniture umbrella stands - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled patio furniture umbrella stands, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

About : patio furniture umbrella stands
Title : patio furniture umbrella stands

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    patio furniture umbrella stands

    long live! people who havecome to see me... long live! are you asking mewho am i? i am the daughter-in-lawof asvapthi maharaj! ...satyavan's better half! name is savithri! that lord yama (god of death)is a king of injustice in real is my husband a thief?! he has done injustice intaking my beloved's life in spite of usbeing newly married..

    ...why have you taken the lifeof this virtuous woman's beloved? is this justice?is this fair? this in injusticeto a destitute woman this is an insultto virtuous womanhood madam, please listendon't jump down! sir, please come...come! sir he's that madam's... ...okay...okay! ...i'lllook after it ...sir, i had phoned andcalled him here!

    hey! you go away...get lost psychiatrist means? doctor of human psychology! that means.... he's a doctor for mentallyimbalanced people! why don't you say itplainly as a mental doctor? that's what, i was tellinghonourably! who are you? -so you are his mad junior!-you just shut up

    doctor, you're that madam's doctorisn't it? -yes! somehow talk to her andbring her down! -lf we near her, she maybite me suddenly! ...if you want, i'll tryfrom here only! madam, do yourecognise me? oh! i know you very well! come on, say, who am i?'re a mad man! there are only 2 ways forher to come down!

    what are they? one, she has to come downby herself or jump down! what this doctor you'veleft us in lurch? doctor is it you? doctor, i am an avid fan of yourmental or medical tv programme? hey! come! your programme is excellent! yes, i too watch if, it isvery useful to me! yes, doctor!

    he's mental...he's doctor! come little close!take a close up shot! that's nothing, kailash why are you speakingwithout respect? you know how greata doctor he is? why shouldn't i?he's my junior! now he has become a little famousby showing his face on tv ...and made a little money! doctor, why all thisbetween us?

    her life is in danger!...can i try? can you do it? ..she is my patient... doctor, whom you said you can'tdo it please go away! sir, she's our patient!-go away! sir, i want a fire servicecrane! you know telugu languagevery well isn't it? i have acted in many plays he is getting popularin front of our own eyes don't come up! if youcome, i'll go further up!

    i am ordering yoube careful motherhood! please don'tproclaim order you remember 'sathi savithri'isn't it? you don't worry sir!i'll create a ripple! you said you've acted in many playscan create a ripple don't come up! otherwisei'll jump down! don't be in a haste, savithri! what did you say? s-a-v-l-t-h-r-i..virtuous savithri?

    do you accept meas savithri? not only me, every citizen hasaccepted you as savithri they're planning to take2 movies on your life too that's okwho are you? i am the lord yama! oh! are you the lord yama who hadunjustly killed my husband? when did i kill your husband?he's standing in front of you! is he? yes, he only...yuck! he'syour husband sathyavan

    sathyavan, you look like thejambavan in sampoorna ramayanam you won't believe me, isn't it? that's why, i am wearing theanklet you gave me! -don't confuse!-just now, i have redeemed it! ...didn't i teach you a songfrom 'sathi savithri'? sing that oh dear! look at me..'ll sing! oh lord yama!are you bidding farewell? good! ..excellent! ..fantastic!

    you've got it right! please, come on to this! watch out! we will go, not up but down..sing man.. here we go. . . oh lord yama! you're avery good man! you live long! your philanthrophywill make you prosper! you live a very long life!live long... watch out his publicitycraze!

    doctor, how could you gothere daringly? ...but, dr.panchabhootham hadrefused citing his inability! doctor, she's asking somethingabout you! wait...wait... he doesn't know very wellabout his own patient! pulled the leg! that is! they say we've to takeout a thorn with another thorn! to cure a patient! ...that psychiatric doctor shouldbecome like that patient himself!

    do you mean by say this, thatdr.bhootham doesn't know anything? what i mean to say is thathe has become old! thinking why to take unnecessaryrisk and fall from there somehow, he knows all truthsabout you hey! i am already jealous areyou cracking joke on me? ...go and send the patientsone by one! go! i'll send them, only ifthey're here, isn't it? after seeing his interviewno patient is coming here! ...this is injustice.. injustice! i was running my livelihoodwith 10 patient safely! he has put a breakto it! already! already they've dislodged me fromthe presidency of the association ...and made him asthe president who is he? he was my junior! what has he got?

    look at me! ... it's very ugly sir! hey! watch my grey hair's man! what's there in it? you said it was because of bile! hey! it's experience mandoes he have it? useless, brainless, lucklessfoolish man sir, you're using verylow abusive language! hereafter, i am not going totalk about him!

    he has spoiled mylivelihood, isn't it? now onwards it's going to beonly action! are you going to spoilhis livelihood? i am going to reducehim to ashes! kailash...hereafter youwill face only loss how? i am going to ruin thatkailash with just a patient! which patient? clap...clap nicely!

    you're a mad doctor!why? why sorry, i am indeedmad people's doctor isn't it? ...carry on, there's nomistake in that! that isn't it... if you want to ruin anybodyits normal to send strongman ...why are you sendinga coward? thenali is a coward! but, if he gets scaredhe's a disaster! thenali is the synonymfor fear psychosis

    his fear would afflict the town hey! man, close the hole in daytime he's scared of darkat nights he's scared of daytime he's scared offire as well as water he's scared...he's scared he is scared of shadows and women it is fear all through dreams scare when eyes are closed thenali is scared of everythingthenali is scared of everything

    dear, someone else is taking me!why are you going of leaving me? this fear will never end this fear will never endthe life will also not change this fear is surging highand couldn't get any relief whatever he does ends in a fiasco he went to put out the fire but itturned out to be festival of lights mother's lap is like a temple he fears everything in this world seeing a rope he will be scaredthinking it as a snake

    thunders and lighteningstoo scare him would prespire even seeing a tree his walk with frightwould shake the earth as you had said, to ruin that kailashthis 'sulali' is the right man sulali? who's this sulali? the one who poked youwith a spear! if he pokes me with a spearwill he become virali? his name is 'thenali'? hey! kailash! i am sendingthenali to get you ruined!

    are you tenali? they said, you get scaredfor everything! come on, tell me.what all fears you have? you can speak inany language! tell me, in which languageare you going to speak? ...come on tellwhat scares you? are you keeping it forconfidence? they say lord shivais omnipresent ...but for me its fearthat is omnipresent!

    too much of fear! it is said that if time (kaalam)ends one has to die (kaalam).. i am scared whether my leg (kaal)would break before that time i fear poetry, story! i fearstory of bheema or raman i fear eating & seeingi fear even the door i fear a little opened dooror a fully closed door i've fear of even alocked door also i fear even open doors and windows i fear shadow, nest, cow dung!

    i fear ball and alsoa flower bouquet! i fear even the girlwho sports flowers! i fear the biting dog, cat andthe rat which is eaten by the cat i fear the treeswith branches spread! ...and also the snakemounds under the trees! i fear the snake & centipedemay bite which hide in the bunkers i fear crowds and aswell as loneliness! i fear water and fishes! i fear insects, sneezingand dust!

    i fear day or nighti fear water or fire! i even fear the english! this there are manyphobias in english! dr.panchahbootham saying that i've allthe phobias and only god can save me ...saying this, he had sent meto the god! when i went there i fear chanting, cursing, takinggiving, happiness, enduring i fear temple belland sacred fire! i fear scolding someonewho comes to beat me

    i fear beating someonewho comes to scold me i fear boats, shipsi fear night and day! i fear seeing something newi fear remembering the past i fear sorrow, speed, diseasehurt, coming & also going! i fear to live as wellas death i also fear getting thirstyat odd hours! can you givesome water please? no, i'll havefrom this itself! even a doctor's half left wateris also like medicine!

    why do you talk non-stop? gulp it...gulp it..andthen tell me! not always,only when i talk about myself if i talk, others get scared what? still, you being the doctor,don't be afraid doctors are equal to god you're fearing so many things! actually, when did thisfear neurosis started in you?

    doctor, i fear even tothink about it why do you think about it?tell about it without thinking i'll cry even if i tellwithout thinking! you shouldn't cry! without crying...youmust tell with a smile! with a smile? it is very difficultbut still i'll try! in my childhood people usedto say i was very brave i too was like that only

    at that time, clashesflared up in our town! i couldn't understand at that timewhy there were clashes? still i haven't understood! suddenly bombs fell from skytearing the roof into the house my parents shouted 'extremists'caught my hands & took me out! then a bomb fell onmy father's leg! leg shattered into pieces! there was blood all over! my mother crying, bandagedthe leg with her saree corner

    ...carry on! ... at that time... 4-5 people wearing iron hatsand carrying rifles...came there! in my village all people saythat my mother was beautiful this is true! those iron hatted people saw thatbeautiful lady with bad intensions! they killed my fatherwith a bullet ...and carried away my cryingmother into the house! i was a kid isn't it! still i hurledon them, what i could get on my hands

    one among them caught hold offme by hairs and threw me! i got hurt on my headand fell unconscious when i got back my consciousand woke up! all i saw was my mother was sittingdazed after losing all her beauty! on one lap, i was there and on theother lap my dead father! i was crying loudly! mother didn't cry! ...and asked me alsonot to cry! look son! you're a boyyou must be brave!

    ...and told me not to fearfor anything from that moment, i started fearingfor everything! you told me to say all thiswith a smile, but i cried... after that mother also diedin a trouble! how can you carry on, if youfear for all these? got this fear neurosisafter that incident, isn't it? yes! how did youfind out doctor? everyone say, that i am madbecause i got hurt on my head! ...they say i am mad!

    ...i didn't get hurt on my headbut on my heart! there's nothing wrong withyour body! only your heart is... little anxiety will you give medicines formy anxiety? why do you needmedicines for this? no need of medicines then, the medicines givenby dr.panchabhootham... put the medicines into the dustbin given by dr.panchabhootham... ..have you kept all thatin that briefcase?

    take it out! be happy with all worldly riches no, i got it wrongly what's this? after my mother's deathas a remembrance of her ...i sleep holdingit tightly take out the medicines put everything into it hereafter, i am your doctor

    the chapter of dr.panchabhoothamis closed from today why do you get excited forsuch small things? briefcase...briefcase... do you've anything else inthe briefcase? your father'sdhothy (lower garment)? no...finger father's finger? ! my thumb you said, we can startthe treatment

    ...when are we going tostart the treatment? that, we can startfrom 28th oh! today's day aftertomorrow? no, this is april 26thwhat i am saying is may 28th one month! till thenwhat about my condition? the same condition inwhich you're now my spit splattered on you i am going to kodaikkanal with myfamily for a month on vacation i'll come back on 27th and i'llstart the treatment on 28th

    oh! god! doctor, police, ambulanceare essential services ...they can't go on leave ...doctors also have someessential services, isn't it? ..i mean, i've a familyat my back.. the house! i've a wife..2 children don't i've to spend some timewith them also isn't it? yes...but still, doctorwhat about me? take your hands offthe coat

    when you've a problemyou'll come to us, isn't it? if we have a problemwhere can we go? oh! god! you must never have anyproblem, doctor if you've problem, thenwhat about me? if i am always treating patients like youthen my condition will be like you now, what do you want? i've to cancel my vacation and startyour treatment, that's all isn't it? okay, our flight tickets uptomadurai for kodaikkanal shall we put this also into thedust bin with dr.bhootham's medicines

    we can put... take that out come on, you throw it that lord murugan... go...go...go... phone is coming...'s not's going hey! leave it this's dr.kailash's dispensary

    ..i am dr.kailash's patientspeaking ...i am like a patient here..., i am seeing a patient yes...come later go go... i'll come.. don't come...go isn't it enough if you say yeswhy are you shouting?

    what happened? sir, he pricked me withthe spear you too? where? here...sir -go and get thetellophane cape -what? go and get the cellophane tape thenali means..thenalihe's great in the midst of a week ...and famous doctor like dr.kailashcloses his shop and goes away

    ...where did go away? he left the town withhis family left the town... left the town itself hereafter all mad people what? ...what man? he doesn't want you to say'mad people' before me! he knows it why are you callingmy attention? keep quiet man! hereafter, all mad patientswill come to only me

    did he vacate vizag andwent off? doctor, he didn't vacate vizagand go off! he has gone on a vacation! vacation? yes, it seems he'll be backonly after a month! till such timewhat about my condition? keep quiet man! doctorwhat about your condition? keep quiet man! what are you saying?

    the prescription given by you, thatdoctor put everything into the dust bin oh! poor man! doctor, give him thatprescription. what were those medicines? who knows it? i had writtenit in a flow, can you keep shut? look thenali, i've given youfor adoption! can i take back the childgiven for adoption? hereafter that dr.kaliashis your doctor oh! he's on a vacation, isn't it? we shouldn't sparethat dr.kailash this you could've toldthere itself!

    i don't care how much everit may cost me! do you also want togo on a vacation? -i won't spare him-what are you going to do? leave him! oh! god, tell me clearly are yougoing to spare him or not? i am going to leave thenaliwith him ...and i am not going to sparethat doctor! understood? ...come there! where did the doctor go? kodaikkanal! for my sake, why do you wantto come there? how do you know thatwe are coming there? you both went that side andtalked something secretly! that's why! we could'vetalked here itself! you can do as you wish but.. it's no wish, but it's his efforts! what's he saying? he too wants to came to kodaikkanalthat's what he's saying!

    come here..we are goingto kodaikkanal! ...then...what about my condition? hereafter, thenali isour kodaikkanal! ...the place now you're watching isthe mountainous part of kodaikkanal! -got caught! . . .-who? dr.kailash is caught talk in whispers, hemay hear it? hat wearing django! oh! doctor's wife! she'seating something!

    she's shaking her headacknowledging it's nice next! doctor's daughter is playingwith a ball! next! doctor's son is takingout the catapault! ...picks up a stone! ...aims! ...he's aiming at someforest animal! he's going to hit...he has hit! doctor, i am unable to see anythingleft side everything is dew! you go, bad omen!

    left side of my rs10, 000 worthbinocular has become blind he has already goneto dr.kailash! ...his treatment hasstarted! treatment is not for is for dr.kailash! am i don of a smuggling gang?...speak decently i'll follow you, headless man! do you know why this valley got thename of hat returning rock? come on tell, guide! if we throw our hatit'll return it!

    shall we see it? let's see it! the hat has vanished! you said it, a hatreturning rock! sometimes it'll return back! now, i think it's little tiredunable to lift it! father, the hat is returning! why are you comingfrom this side? doctor, as soon as i saw youi've lost the fear of dangers! first come up!

    shouldn't i overcome alldifficulties to obtain medication? doctor...your hat! how come you are here? -i've come to see you only!-to see me? -yes didn't i tell you already, that i amgoing on a vacation with family? yes! then, why did you come here? ...go to vizag! ...they are...-i know them?

    how do you know? your wife! nethili is mingling with themhe's not nethili...he's thenali! you have hit the bull's eye! -i don't know your name!-why do you want that now? oh! sister-in-law's nameis jalaja sister-in-law? who's that? who else? ...your wife only! then, am i youelder brother?

    i can take it like that also! you're saying he's a patientbut he doesn't appear like a mad! please, don't say like thatokay, mad man! it isn't like that look anyone coming for treatmentto a psychiatrist, are they mad? a forgetful person comes,a depressed man unable to sleep comes! -he's...just a coward!-coward? sir, what all do you fear? they say, lord shivais omnipresent!

    for me, fear is omnipresentit is said that if time... ...enough...enough... ...please let him say it! when did you say you wantedto go for boating? at 3 pm! is it? till then, he'll besaying this only! -so many fears? !-yes! it isn't just enoughto say 'om'! if you think about lord subramanya'sspear all your fears will vanish!

    not only in the heart! i've kept a bent lord murugan'sspear in my pocket! for the fears i've thisspear is not enough! ...i've to keep the whole ofpalani hill in my pocket! wait here only! ...i'll sendhim off and come back! there's food in this, isn't it?-yes! you've to go up to vizag, isn't it?you can have it on your way! why are you callingyour father as uncle? -i was calling you only!-me!

    give back my father's hat! you're the originalhat returning rock! i feel they are nearing us! when you see in binocularyou'll see like that only oh! kailash is coming towards us-we may get caught! your wife, your childrenare very good! you had seen them just nowhow could you say that? the inner beauty is seenon the face..., where are you going?

    what's this doctor? didn't i tell you... then, is it anoracle you fear everything, then how couldyou come alone to kodaikkanal? when did i come alone? that dr.panchabhootham and hisassistant bhootham brought me here -panchabhootham? -yes!-what are you blabbering? you're thinking that i amblabbering isn't it? dr.panchabhootham is in vizag...

    ...come with me, i'll show youcome, under that tree! where? here! where? ...come on show me! where did they go off? they werestanding here only, isn't it? they've vanished surprisingly!'s all your imagination! why should dr.panchabhoothamcome to kodaikkanal? do you think he doesn't haveany other work?

    yes! when they heard my tale theysaid they didn't have any work this is panchabhootham'svizag telephone number speak with him! he's only speaking, but he'sspeaking in a different way! i think he's drunk! on the whole, he isn't here! -come!-is he there? yes! i'll send you,where he is! ...come! your food is in this!

    conductor, drop him atmadurai bus stand! why? won't he getdown by himself? sir, he's a little cowardso i told you! if possible pack him intothe vizag bus! why? won't he get into thebus by himself? thenali, he is worstcase than you! now! sir, i think there's an errorin my horoscope! you get in

    i am there to whistle, isn't it?why are you whistling? thanks! why do you thank me? no, i said that for him! on the first day itselfhe has put panchali on a bus! hey! it's not panchaliit's thenali oh! i blabbered in water?what's there in it? are you drunk? doctor, i meantthis water! bus has left

    you don't worry! i'll go bya jeep and intercept the bus! i'll bring back thenali and put himinto the cage of dr.kailash again before you go upto the jeepbus would reach madurai! will the bus reach?i know all shortcuts! you know only that! i'll show you all aroundthe kodaikkanal!! sir, what's this there are so manyplaces to visit in kodaikkanal! leaving all that, what are youdoing inside the pond? ...l...i am searching the ringwhich fell into the pond!

    that, you've, isn't it? that isn't this man diamond ring! it wasa little loose hey! he's little crazy!where are you going off? don't you want me to searchfor the diamond ring? you've really gone mad! we had searched and didn'tfind it isn't it? we've more important...thenalijeep...we've to search! come -i'll go, kuppusamy!-sir, my name's kandasamy!

    now, is it necessary!go, he's some 'samy'! ring...ring...ring. what's this? why are you shoutinglike this? what happened? -look at the valley!-i've seen the valleys! tell the driver todrive slowly if he drives slower than hiswe've to reach by walking! even then, please recommendfor me is it an office jobto recommend? stop talking and go to sleepi am getting sleep!

    -i slept all the night!-but i didn't sleep -why? ...any problem?-do i've to tell you all that? shut up and go to sleep! oh! lord murugan is your god too! oh! god! irritating! why don't youtravel, without speaking? why are you laughing? on seeing your face, i had expectedthick hair on your pate yuck's i spoke with himand got embarrassed! don't talk!

    don't make noise! when did i make noise? -you?-yes, it's me! dear! the person next ismaking gestures of kisses to me! hey! what's that man? who's that? he! what's that? will you give kissesto a newly married couple in bus -me?-yes! you only!

    i'll give kisses in the busafter marriage will you give? how many people arethere like you? oh! so proud! hey! conductor, come here! you know, who i am isn't it?you know who my father is isn't it? you know how big shothe is, isn't it? allowing such rogues into busare you troubling us? first throw him out of the busif not, it'll end up something else

    ...i'll thrash you upsit down...sit down what's this man?what's this man? i didn't do anything look here! it's itchingare you able to see it? if it is itching youhow can i see it man? when i am scratchinglike this... are you giving a kissto me also? i am not doing that when i bring my lipstogether like this

    ..someone else is dubbingvoice for it hey? are you accusing me?to put me into trouble? hey, first throw him outof the bus oh lord muruga, keep this spearwith you let's keep this basket safelyin a place ...please get down get down, boy...get down...get down... please, sit down here are you going to put theseluggage's on the roof?

    first, we've to keep it downthen, we've to put on the roof sit down shall i go? if you go awayhow can i go? while going back, i'll take youdefinitely, now, please spare me please, look at that basket tricked me and went off are you thinkingam i a mad man? hey! stop..stopcatch him...catch him

    didn't i tell you to wearmonkey cap why didn't you wear? father, i wore monkey cap, buta monkey took it away hey! of lately, you've also startedblabbering like your father hey! what's a servant doing here?go and serve the breakfast yes sir jalaja, you go inside you'll play for 10 moreminutes only after that you must came andhave the breakfast daddy, you're a big bore!

    why are you so strict withchildren even on a vacation? how much i've beencalling you? how much time you'vebeen calling me? i've been calling you for 1/2 hourwhat are you doing? ...i was cooking! cooking? ! are you playing? you know that i was playingthen, why are you asking? what's this? why did youdrop the fruit?

    did you drop the fruitfor this? children may came inat any time! the servant is passinghere & there only whenever i get mood, i'll dropsomething like this ...and when you bend downto pick it up...i'll kiss you then, shall i also drop somethingwhen i get the mood? why do you come sonear and say it? sir, you had only told me! ...not to yell froma distance

    ...but to come nearand say it! that's why, i've said it! hereafter, whatever it may beyell it from a distance okay!-go what's this? you're veryhappy today! my sister! she is arriving fromabroad - that's why? i've forgot to send the carto the airport! ...a person from bombay willcome to pick her up!

    from bombay? who? her future husband! you know very wellabout janaki! if we talk about her marriage! ...she'll tell how can imarry a stranger? ...she'll be adamant in marryingonly after knowing about him fully! that's why! i've arranged somethinglike this from bombay you talk humourously!

    in my business circle theycall me as 'diamond babu'! what's that 'diamond babu'clower krishnan? spade raja it appears like somerowdy's name sir sauce! serve me! serve him! his name is rajesh babu! do you know, why he iscalled as diamond babu?

    he's a very big diamond merchant thank god! you didn't dooil cake business? why? why? come on tell! then, you would've been called as'oil cake babu'! hey! don't say like that? he's worth 40-50 crore rupees! he has taken over all thebusiness in the town diamond business is not simple!i earn a lot of money! we can live like this in richesonly if we get money isn't it?

    ...i am saying thisto you also i've a brother to arrange agood life for me! that's why i've made the cotton& fire to travel together okay! but the cotton mustlike the fire, isn't it? that is janaki should likethat babu isn't it? already, babu has okayedjanaki after seeing her photo by this time he would'veproposed i love...snacks very much go slowly! i am feelinguncomfortable!

    in this chilly weather! even after 2 children we aregetting the mood, isn't it? ...a youthful babu! ...a mountainous road! ...chilly breeze! eucalyptus trees onboth the sides! whoever it may be in such asituation, will love not flow out ...come, my sister has come! how are you?-i am fine, sister-in-law!

    are you fine? i am fine! what's this dress? couldn't youwear some loose fitting dress? i had come wearing loosefitting dress only! ...but the cracky man whom youhad sent to pick me up! because of that cracky man,my loose dress became tight! hey! you shouldn't speak likethat about your future husband? where is babu? that one! come with mei'll show you!

    look over there! what happened, sir? hey! open the boot doctor, is this your house? then, she's your sister! then do you know him? that is...that is...-he knows the real hat returning rock' how do you know him?

    -he's my...-it's a long tale! not such a long talebut a short story! ...that's me! hey! babu! what happened?are you not feeling well? ? did you take any medicines? except the medicine he hastaken everything! that's why he's vomiting! did i ask you? that's nothing! in car feelinglittle bored i had some snacks!

    plus 4 cool drinks! with that innumerablehairpins did you have hairpins also? that's why you're vomiting! why did you have hairpins? on the plat of mountainous womanso many hairpin bends while negotiating themhe has vomited! hey! in this yournew wave poetry too! ...don't utter that word!

    what? vomit? that's what i had said! how did you come with them?i had put you into a bus! doctor, you had only put meinto a bus! but, the bus itself threw meout of it! when i was walking! there was a loud soundlike a water fall! when i turned and i sawthere babu sir ..was----!

    what's this -------? it's vomit! didn't i tell you not toutter that word? that's why, i said----! okay! leave it! you came this side! if we say in bits, doctor maynot understand the full story! we'll tell him thefull flash back why are you showing me a film?

    it is film only in old films it's a tradition to showcircle to start the flash back! do you know what's theflash back? i got scared, fearing itmay've been a lion? you are vomitingwhy? is it a festival procession toknow the reason for doing it? when you vomit, yourtemple region will pain! shall i hold it for you? already i am feeling someoneis squeezing my head!

    i haven't caught you!you're hallucinating! hereafter, whenever you eatmunch it nicely before gulping why i am telling youthis because... this will give the completelist of items eaten by you did you see? i'll give you a lime!bite it and lick it! who's that shoutinglike a tarzan? i've caught the rat! what's all this magiche's showing?

    it's martial arts, buddy!be careful! rat...rat...rat... he's saying chan. . .chan!is he jackie chan's student? rat...rat! why are you troublinga girl? get lost man! hey! don't move! stay stilldon't move...stay still! hey! if we fall, everyonewill get hurt hey! don't shake!

    i am unable to balance don't shake...! please sir, you must definitelycome to my house! my brother will feel very happy! this is what had happened! keep it therei feel like vomiting! brother, i've never seen a morecourageous person than him! ten people are surrounding him! do you know how he hadfought with them?

    he isn't thenali!he's bruce lee! i am not bruce lee!practically you had only told me aboutpractical treatment! that's why you had put arat into my basket! what? did i put a ratinto the basket? don't play act you put a rat into the basket andbrought out the courage out of me! okay! no! medically! is this treatment?non-sense

    i am the non-sense!you are the sixth sense! look there! nothing is seen!what is this binoculars? can't you buy one with a wiper? if you've your say you'll ask onewith headlight, steering and horn! it is a binocular! mad man! they're of your size! wear it! for me? yes, it's for you only! you had lostyour clothes trying to save me, isn't it?

    they are my dresses! why don't you give it to him?you've so many dresses! half of them were ruined by rats! rat? of late, rats have because a bigproblem in this home! - come...come... doctor! kailash is pullinganjali out! where are you taking me out?-to vizag oh god! to vizag? ! mountains, bus, hairpin bendsi am scared of everything!

    don't be afraid! i'll drop you in mycar driving slowly upto madurai madurai? ! are you afraid ofmadurai also? that, i'll know only aftergoing there! what's this brother? let him go inthe morning it's raining isn't it? i fear even the rain i fear even the lightening. if i get my head drenched in raini'll catch cold. it i catch coldi'll get fever!

    if i get fever.... let's see that when you get feveryou stay here only! wait you listen, if i say once? i've became like a fishstuck to a dragnet you're pulling me! you be there! you can stay little away! i can! catch the other end!

    what are you going to do? if we cut and pull down the treehow'll kailash cross the road? hereafter, how much ever it mayrain, you'll never get wet! thank you very much for all thehelp you've done for me! how am i going to repay... why are you talkingto her secretly you've tightened the noosethat's why! i couldn't talk clearly! come...come...come...

    ...that rain! cut it fast! he seems to be very scaredmore over its raining! let him stay for a coupleof days and then go! why? will it take 2 days forthe rains to stop? please brother, take himafter rain stops i know it. you all shut up and go insidethenali, sit down not here...inside the car!

    is it a job to be doneby a psychiatrist? don't blabber and bore me? do you want me to cut or not? cut! hey! i am here only! were you going to kiss her? go man....go man! get in! doctor the car has stoppedcome let's start cutting!

    now, what's the use of cutting it?on whose head is it going to fall? why did you shout now? did youget scared right from here? i've given my spearto sister-in-law! my lord murugan's speari'll go and get it! hey! you wait here onlyi'll ask her to bring it! wait! that...thenali's.....what is that? ...lord murugan's spear! hey! go man!

    that thenali's spear islying there! bring it! why are you askingsister-in-law to come? it's slushy all the way, ifshe slips and falls down? she'll not fall! in case she slips and falls i know very well that my wifewill never slip and fall down your spear will come nowyou just wait sister-in-law has fallen downdidn't i say it? couldn't you walk carefully?

    what's another yell?he has also gone there hey! the tree is shakingcome here man hey! where are you going? don't you want meto save kapali? hey! he isn't kapalihe's thenali if we go to save him, we'llget caught, so keep shut lift it shut up what's this thenali?

    when you fell down couldn't youfall a little away? what's there in my hands, doctor? my whole family is there, isn't it? lord murugan will help us outyou lift it somehow -why are you laughing?-he's tickling doctor, you lift it somehow and thatlord murugan will help some in the confusion created by thenalilook kailash is getting tensed up oh! mother carefully

    sister-in-law! lord murugan! oh! my god! why are you creating so muchchaos for applying an ointment? why so many people? what to do? he's getting scaredeven on seeing this ointment i am not scared of ointmenti am scared of pain only i am scared of travelling to vizagwith this pain and jerks don't worry thenali! you can stayhere till your pain is relieved

    you're saying that i can stay herebut, if doctor says, no... brother, say yes! you've already told him to stayagain, why do you say, brother say yes? ask her and tell me, am ihusband or she? oh! god, i've told in my schoolthat father is the husband mother, who's the husband? whoever may be the husband? does husband only hasall the rights tell him, that wife hasalso got rights

    she'll have rights only for whichshe is entitled, tell her.. tell him to give mea list of it mother, don't you & father speakdirectly to each other? is father not in speakingterms with you i don't have even the right ofnot speaking in this house that too only yourfather has it excellent, everything hasbecome alright what has become alright? look, even if you're angryshow it directly on me

    i don't have any anger on youmy sprain has been relieved heavy sounds are coming from roofsomeone is throwing stones on it they're not stonesthey're hail hail means? in your language you cansay it as rain of ice enough! everyone go and have dinner enough of your laughterhave dinner and go to sleep do i've to eat-yes then, ask mother tosing a song

    please sing sister-in-law, please sing we'll all sing together no, janaki, i can't sing oh! i've understood it now the wife is waiting forthe husband's permission father has giventhe permission when did he give? father, you've given thepermission, isn't it?

    yes sister-in-law come on sing does the rain dance rhythmically? is it jubilantly looking out? has the moon arrived tobring a compromise? have the little fightscome to an end? now, you've come forgettingthe past to hear the new all little fightswere blown off by wind

    this is just a drizzle noise at this age, should not live apart a lovely family, like theshadow of a moon in a pond... ..should it vanishby a stone throw? like this moon shadow,these are symbols of our first love why this stone like statuein this ecstatic family? when, love light falls on a stonewill it become a statue? insanity is curedand the problems are over this effusion has brought the rain

    even his shadow is anxiously waitingfor that moment to compromise the grass on the river bank isshaking hands gently with the breeze come, let us also handleit friendly plucking fruits of a palm andchurning out butter from seed ... will it ever happen ifanyone wishes? will a flower blossomed inone grove reach another? this sparrow is nowclosely related to me when everyone is walking together.. why should one man's shadowbe left behind?

    amidst so many goodpeople i am also one thenali has come to bringabout a compromise small fights have been reconciled jumping lively is decreasingthe age now, laughing has got ridof all diseases tell me that it's not a dream dance merrily inthis delightful melody you're walking so brisklyis it for good health the place where we are goingcan't be reached by walk?

    oh! god! then you'll get tired shall we go on a horse? it's not possible! we aregoing to vizag vizag? that you're fully fit ..that's why i am going to sendyou back to vizag doctor, shall i tell youa thing? you mustn't mistake me i'll mistake

    even if you mistake iti'll tell shall i also spend my vacationhere with your family? you can't stay with themyou're not my family member're a third person in that sense, then babuis a fourth man infact he's a four and a half manhe's from bombay but he's going to by family'sfuture son-in-law no one in your familylikes diamond babu but, i like him

    you can't marry him, you'realready married isn't it? for cracking a good joke come, let's go home andtell everybody why do you wantto tell him? i'll not tell him..come....come what sir? ...emergency? where's the vehicle going? it's going to madurairailway station sir, it'll not go tothose places

    that isn't it sir, can you drop himat madurai railway station? someone has booked for a pick upi am going there what's wrong in dropping onewhile going for a pick up? there's nothing wrong in it please sit inside sir this vehicle isn't goodthere's no door to get in it's on the other side if isn't there also if isn't there, i'll cut opena door for you

    greetings to sister-in-law i don't mind even if youdon't tell it to babu my sweet kisses to children importantly, to janaki, tell my bye-hey! start the vehicle man to the tv viewers all overthe world watch my performance please, tell raj tv viewers poor people, aren't they'recoming from vizag to interview you? are they coming simply?how famous doctor i am?

    doctor, i had kept a foreign rasagolla tinit's missing, who has taken it? to thenali fans allover the world why are you now, talkingabout thenali? doctor, when will thenalicome back? why? to find out and give youthe rasagolla tin? babu, don't you know any otherthing...than eating? he knows to vomit also hey! you mustn't remindme all that father, tv people have arrived-they're calling you

    is it? come...come...come... where are you rushing off? they'll picturise usalso isn't it? they've come to interview thedoctor not to interview the family then we? you can! come & watchthe fun how do i start? put forward the right leg that isn't it! what's thefirst dialogue

    to raj tv viewers allover the world madam, where shall i fixthe camera? outdoor will be better than indoorso set it up there take everything there welcome...welcome...greetings you may've faced difficulty infinding out my house? didn't find any difficulty, your manhimself came and showed us my man?who's he? doctor, again the 'bepuli'has come back?

    hey! it's not 'bepuli'it's thenali here, he's a tiger only-why? how many times you may leave himhe'll always come back to trouble hey! thenali, where's thatforeign rusk tin? hey! did you come with them? he came back and got into thevan again by himself-didn't i.. oh! what a great acting, as ifyou don't know anything? i, who feared to travelin a bus to bring courage in me to travelin a bus, he sent me in this bus

    didn't i tell you?this is treatment this is our troupe's vanwe've kept it for a tv serial on the way, while talking to himwe got an idea what idea? if we go an ask you questions you'llget bored, as well as viewers! that's why, we'll keep himalso with us! if we keep him it won't be..-it will be good! now it a cookery programmethey'll prepare and show!

    what you're going to do?that's why? put two chairs! you've all dressed upfor the interview isn't it? even i am good in thesedoctor's dress, but... ...i fear they may saydress is loose! if you've a coat like thisgive it to me..-we have! i'll... there's no compulsion for it!i am ready! are you ready? what ready? it is just a tvinterview isn't it?

    greetings to innumerable raj tvviewers all over the world! isn't it good? you may not know much aboutpsychiatrists-how's this? oh! we didn't tell him! he's an intelligent man! he's sayingit without, by hearting it then are you saying thatdoctor's a fool? yes, i couldn't understand! now tellme so that i could understand to raj tv viewers allover the world my greetings to the raj tvviewers all over the world!

    sir, can you now tell us in shortabout psychology and mental illness now, you may not have had theopportunity of knowing psychiatrists ...but to tell about mental illness mental illness means-that is..that is.. ...something that's insidethe blouse oh! ...heart...heart! that which is in heart isseen outside, that's all! that's it! ...he is...

    sir, till now you haven'tintroduced your patient to us! it's enough if you say itfrom there itself! why did you get thetitle 'thenali'? once when i did something sillya man made fun of it! after that, what he had saidabout me, stuck on as my name original thenali raman doesfoolishly but ends up cleverly how would you do? nothing can be said aboutme like that! if i do something foolishly, it'llalways ends up foolishly

    doctor, how do you treat apatient like thenali? first we must bring out slowlywhich is inside them! ...after that... after that we mustcut it out no-sorry! child! ... tell him to speak! like children... i've understood...i've understood!

    doctor speaking about himselfisn't good sister-in-law feels thati must talk about him! isn't it? you tell about doctor! it struck me! first, we mustn't call himas a doctor at all! he's god of gods! my first god isdr.panchabhootham doctor, your rating is increasingon tv! -god is great

    he's the one who hadtreated me first! but, that god didn't knowwhich boon i should be given? oh! he has downgraded meimmediately that god had sent meto this god so... he's my god of god! is it a trunk call? you cantalk in a low voice isn't it? can they hear me?-they can hear! god of gods! because of you dr.kailashrating is going upwards

    because of this god of gods.. all my fears subsided slowly what are your fears? they say lord shivais omipresent but for me it's fearthat is omnipresent, fear of death standing on a leg, kicking... ...this is an 1/2 hourprogramme it's nothing, i'll tell you since his childhood a few incidentshave hurt his feelings

    this is known as psycho nuerosis! actually, what's to be done is? no sir, it'll be better if hehimself narrates it! mr.thenali you carry on! everyone in this worldhas fears but they fear it under amask of braveness! i am fearing openly! i've never feared to fear you're speaking philosophy alsois it also doctor's treatment?

    that, i can't say! i can't say it as justdoctor's treatment... his family's...can youspare me a moment please? children! come here! ...come! take everyone's pictureon camera! look, how thenali is disturbingthere dr.kailash looks stunned! she's doctor's..?-what? -greetings means wife!

    they are doctor's children this boy is... this girl is... this...this is sister! your sister? oh! you're spoiling the story! she's doctor's they speak as wellas sing very well come on sing

    what's all this? an interview is going onisn't it? family members have beenintroduced isn't it? what's there after that? move out..come on move out quickly i've to look aftermy work isn't it? ...hurry up sit down no problem, you sit down mr.thenali, how did you getinto this family

    if you ask me why?..they're very good natured people in hospital there areinpatients problem, you carry on small interview you carry on -where did i left?-at inpatient.. . . there are inpatients andoutpatients as far as this house is concernedi am a permanent inpatient upto 'vanta gathi!

    vanta gathi means?-vanta gathi means kitchen i am permitted to go upto thekitchen in this house nobody can say anythingbad about this doctor he's a full doctor in a way...two legs oh! doctor, get upget up nothing happened isn't it?oh! your pant's torn everything's seenit's a big tear don't shoot itdon't shoot it

    this is your pant isn't it?shall we exchange it? please, close your eyes ...i'll come back afterchanging this dress? it's torn so big not that much..but this muchthis much-still much more i've so much moreto speak after, i come back... till such time you all relax he's the one who gave me clothesto wear! his cloths got torn

    they say it isn't goodtime for doing good in the same tv interviewhe had degraded me now, he has degraded himself not only that he got himself tornedwhere as you didn't are you married? if you ask so.. it's a long tale -shall i narrate it?-yes please when we were comingfrom our place..

    i and my mother, we both onlymy dad already expired isn't it? i am the only sonmother's family is... with good intentions they hadarranged for my marriage they had searched a beautifulgirl and arranged the marriage a beautiful girl before the scheduled dateeveryone had arrived i didn't have any experienceof getting married isn't it? i didn't know, what to do? first day, i went to that girland talked with her

    after that i was dressed like groomand was brought to the canopy but, the bride didn't turn up everyone was talking animatedly tears were flowing continuouslyout of my eyes everyone was consoling menot to cry...not to cry i never cried! tears wereflowing out because of the smoke after that only, i could know thereason for the girl not turning up -why?-it was my mistake didn't i tell you, i was talkingto that girl on the first day

    that was the mistakei had committed when i talk with anyone, there's achance of thinking me as a "thengrodu" 'thengrodu' means 'thengrodu' means mad man that girl mistook me as one i can't say that asa mistake also that girl wrote a letter andleft the home after that, i never felt itas a big issue but everyone were cryingtogether

    there were as big commotionat one corner i too grew curious andpeeped into see... mother was lying still there were tears flowing outof my eyes this time it wasn't becauseof the smoke for my mother i tried to wake up mothermany times she never got up her pulse had stopped

    i didn't have anyonein this world also orphan...orphan...there'ssuch a word in telugu i could understand the full meaningof that word on that day even after that i was likethat only after that. . . this doctor family's love made meunderstand that i am not like that today, if i am happyit's all because of... ...i've hurt your feelings my mistake..i shouldn't cry on tv

    why should they? let themwatch it happily let them laugh...i only... do you want to sayanything else? let's talk something humurously i'll ask you a questionyou mustn't mistake me no, come on ask when you came, you spokein good telugu normal spoken telugu but on coming here as soon ascamera was set and took a mike

    suddenly you're speakinganglicised telug ...speaking in a anglicised telugulike this why do you do like that? unable to answer it? i think you're torturing telugufor being stylish, isn't it? let's talk humoursly shall we go? we can watch, isn't it? no, i didn't know at that timeso many people will watch it

    silly, like kapil devi cried on tv come on hey! the man who's on tvit's him tenali thenali, hereafter you're notan orphan even, if my brother's family hatesyou, i'll be your life partner all my life means, till mydeath isn't it? no, till i die what's this? holding my handyou're talking like a lover yes, isn't it?

    hold my hand and carryon talking without saying yes or no bothsay just, yes that... how am i to say andexplain myself to you? love is pushing me towards you heart... duet? don't want on streetseverybody will watch it we'll go home, sleep and singin our dreams then, we can change locationsdresses isn't it?

    you have come in my thoughtsand did something you have hidden dreams in my eyes at a time when i am not with you my soul sleep with in me,come before me and sing ..and be my companion my soul soulmy soul soul looking at me, your eyeshave stolen my dreams at a time wheni am yearning for you

    eyes are the abode for dreams you are like the cupid's arrowthat plucks the heart like a swing,your beauty swings joyously godavari rises up in caprice we both can pluckall the bloomed flowers love that is in slumber must wake up today for the melody thatthrobs in the heart.. ..our love will bethe sweetest from now on

    my youth has wingswill that suffice .. a time whenwe cross all bounds i am the hidden melodyof the string instrument you are the pipe instrument i have come to youas you are my pair ...where? there, on the horse you don't get tensed upthat i may get angry anyhow, after marriage she mustcome with me on the horse

    oh! god! brother slowly...slowly... ...take janaki home shall i go on a horse? horse? my wife is herechildren are there take everyone inthe car to home oh! then, i've to drive throw that and go no need to waste it

    as you had said, no needto waste it let the crows,sparrows eat it take them! ..go! why did you get in? get down...get down.. get down from that sidethat side...that side not this hey! get down leg...get down fully

    you stay here, i've somework with you you go brother, you seemed to betensed up we can go home anddiscuss isn't it? what tension? it's all about you only go..babu you're moving so closelywith my sister? is it just a friendship?

    hey! stop the vehiclestop the vehicle why? ...why? don't worrynothing will happen? ...stop the vehicle after that your brother willget angry on me -listen to me -don't go janaki-don't go aunty don't go janaki listen to me -oh! god! vehicle is moving-vehicle! catch it

    someone save usoh god! come someone do something oh god! come quickly it's our good fortune, we gotsaved by a whisker madam, don't tell thiswith doctor then, he'll not get his sistermarried to me what i shouldn't tell him? you've abandoned the vehicleas well as janaki this is qualis, it's a goodquality vehicle

    nothing will happen to it it isn't just enough if thevehicle is good even the driver shouldalso be good by this time we would'vereached heavens will i leave you to die like that?i am here to save your family what did you save us? all youknow is to eat, nothing else what can i do madam?i am a diamond merchant give me an uncut diamond i'll cut & polish it. i'll sellit at a high price

    how can i do this? .. if we leave you, you mayeven sell our family who will buy your family?-what? .. i said, i'll start the car.. yes, you take the car.. take it to the front.. brother.. brother... did you call me?

    hey! i called an idiot..shit! i called a car.. why are you so hot inkodaikkanal? here, there are so manyplaces to cool down.. that's all, isn't it? .. if we say 'govinda' in tirupathitravels, they'll send a car i want a car to followthat taxi necessity knows no law. you? .. sir, did you get yourdiamond ring?

    why are you so casual about it? how much it costs? who knows...may be1.5 lakhs. 1.5 lakhs you should follow that taxi-i'll follow.. will you give me a lift? get in-hey! fool! she iskailash's sister why are you taking her? our plan of following kailashwill be known through her itself

    she doesn't know us? how will sheknow, that we're following kailash? unnecessarily you're getting intotrouble..sir please follow them.. 1.5 lakhs? ..1.5..1.5..1.5... what's the problem?who's going in that taxi? sir, my brother is going.. please, follow that cargo fast she's also following kailashshall we make her our partner? sir, why have you put the brakes?go fast.. we'll go...we'll go...

    who's going along withyour brother? thenali is going with himhe's my lover.. i haven't trodden, why didyou put the brakes? doctor, there's a turning pointin the story... turning point inwhich story? not in the story, on the road-move.. sir, it's police casegive one more fifty. it's your time. haven't you seen the namekodaikkanal police station? -i knew.. knew can't you say 'car'..? i didn'tlisten to me.. why are we going tothe police station? i thought of giving a send-off toyou at the railway station but for, the work you did..policestation is right for you... oh god! i'm very much scaredof police had i not told you that i'mscared of police weapons like olden movies, i'll getthe past memories...

    i'm also feeling like that, if ithink of my sister's life oh god! you don't haveto be scared. your sister is abrave girl. little bit shy type. that tooonly when she sees me come, let's go.. i'm talking to your sister... i don't like it.. inspector, he..-i knew... i've seen him on the t.v

    you holded my handand said 'keep it up' i came here to give a complaintagainst him-complaint? .. he's your patient but..he's not an ordinarypatient there'll be a danger for myfamily because of him even a murder can take place-what? ...murder? .. sir, now, what shouldi do? i don't know, what youwill do.. but, hereafter, if he comesto my house

    or if any danger arises to myfamily because of him then, i'll go upto commissionerlevel-sir, what's this? ...commissioner? .. you want to file a complaint, isn'tit? sit down...please sit! what's it? 'thorn plant'.. like what he doeson the t.v... you stand there.. stand erect. -what? -thorn!turn this side

    sir, you see here & writea complaint. sir, tell me.. what's the complaint? thorn...thorn... you don't talk..-you don't talk.. thorn...-thorn.. -please strike out that-striked out psychiatrist... oh that...-you don't talk-you..

    -you've already said this-inspector, that, i said to him.. this i've said atthat time.. you strike out this! this i'vetold him..after that.. sir, it's been long, sincei've written.. you said 'commissioner' soi started to write it.. taxi is returning fromthe police station? have they come to know that we arefollowing them? shall i reverse the car? hey! it's coming empty. oh, here itself then, shall i put the brake?-sir don't put the brake here.

    put the brake at thepolice station. hide... may fall down. hey, leave her nothing has happened to youisn't it? brother, thenali hasn'tcommitted any mistakes i told you to go homewho told to come here? you are in love also, ithought you're innocent what's that "omam"?

    that means, 'yes'-i knew. -doctor, one idea..-what? immediately, we should go backto our town-why? then? ...we can't believethenali because of inspector's beatingsif he reveals the truth we both will be in trouble so, we don't know, what weare going to do! ...immediate.. first, we can'tbelieve him... don't beat me!i am innocent!

    doctor, please, tell them..-brother, ask them to stop.. oh god! why do you put mebehind the bars? go inside -i'm very much scared of lockup..-brother, tell them to leave him.. it's not fair. i can'tstay here in the night. -send my mother's saree-do you want saree? it's not justice it's alright, if you don'tcure me also don't make me to go mad! !

    doctor, listen to me..., unnecessarilyyou're acting too smart-don't stop me.. why are you calling raj t.v? raj t.v made kailash a 'worldfigure' by interviewing him.. on the same t.v., i'll revealsecrets & bring his market down! hey! mad... is dr.panchabhootham mad? no..dr.panchabhootham isnot mad.. my son is mad whom i hadtaken to dr.panchabhootham please, listen to him..

    talk like a mad how can i talk? you talkas usual, it's enough... mustafa...mustafa...bearded, moustachemustafa...-this's too much.. now, do you believe? .. why should we bother whetheryou or your son are mad? tell me the matter.i've work.. we thought of taking ourson to dr.panchabhootham we saw you interviewingkailash on the t.v we thought of meeting kailashdirectly & we came here

    but we found the entiretown is laughing at him did you hear themlaughing? you don't know aboutdr.kailash. what's so great? he was unable to curehis patient thenali and he charged him for murder&put him in the police station. thenali in the police station? ... don't ask me everything, you cometo the kodaikkanal police station. interview thenali

    you will come to know your'world figure's' weaknesses he doesn't know anything.. these details should betelecasted on your t.v! only then, you can withstand yourpopularity-nothing bothers me.. i can save my son somehow bytaking him to dr.panchabhootham when i talk about dr.panchabhoothami remember one thing.. even you can interview him &telecast it on t.v, isn't it? oh! we can...-she is saying'they can' sir, ask her to put me also

    first, let them telecast me, thenthey'll telecast about you! okay! who is panchabhootham? ..what has he achieved? in the international, nationalsouth india & andhra pradesh.. on the kodaikkanal platform he has done nothing.. why did you disconnectthe phone? what i did was right-no, the patient whom you should treat you've left him inthe police station.. only now, i've startedhis treatment rightly..

    the police will mercilesslyhit him. police will hit him on the solewith the baton.. do you know, where can we findits reaction..into the ear.. like this, it'll be heard. then, his nail...his ...nail.. they will pluck his nail one by oneby cutting tool only then, he'll get sense all these days, i hadn'tgiven right treatment because he's not anordinary patient

    if he's totally madi can treat him he's mad...half mad why are you talkinglike this? you only said that we shouldn'tcall patients mad that day, i said it, becausei was in a jolly mood.. now, i'm in this mood.. do we have to spoil itfor another person.. -eat-i don't want.. if you don't want, go. . .why should i not eat?

    do i've to fastbecause of you? look what is this? there, a battle fieldhere, a flower is withering! ! at a smiling agei have lost the smiles your love pops upas ganges in my eyes it was stolen nicely who stole it? my soul melted down today this is a vernal age of..

    ..undefeated love is the one whichis in front far away? is the heart so heavy? when i glanced you thepast is gone and future has come the eyelids didn't bat andlike the pupil in the eye i am living on yourthoughts as a creature seeing your facei experience the dawn if you can't be my pairwe are no one i have lost mysmile and become dumb

    with the words spoken by lips the song cannot be sungit is like a day time shadow shall i sing a lullabyfor you in heaven? every my dream &in my thought-i'll live with you! ! even in your thoughtsi am living as your slave it's not a battlebut an illusion flower is not an illusion we're from raj t.v. oh! from raj t.v.? ...againokay, come

    this time, i'll perform nicely therewon't be any disturbance whom are you consideringas trouble? what's the troublefrom thenali? no trouble from him.. then, why did you leave himat the police station? who informed you? we got the message. the news which we got if another t.v channel gets this newsthey would've telecasted now..

    then, your image & our imagewill be spoiled sir, why did you leave thenaliat the police station? i left him at the..police station..because.. you know that thenaliis scared of everything! ! he's very scared of policethat's why...just for treatment i left him at thepolice station.. we disturbed you a lot.. then, again, we've planned to come tokodaikkanal regarding t.v serial can we interview you again?

    when are you coming? we may come anytime when we come, thenali willbe there, isn't it? thenali will be here, hewill be here..where can he go? come any time... now, i'm going to the policestation to bring him sir, there's no other doctorgiving treatment like you dog is running ahead... after dog, i'm running, after methose girls race is over

    everyone is in abig confusion whom to give cup... tothenali or to that dog.... doctor, come.. sit down.. what's the matter? i want to....he... i know, what you'regoing to say... sir, even if you go to anycommissioner, it won't happen. you sit down.

    because, in your complaint youhad stated that the is a 'psycho' patient we can't keep a 'psycho' patientin the jail & we can't beat him.. inspector, it's not that... he himself agreed to goto vizag van will be coming now till such timewe were talking.. it was full of comedy, jokes.. what? ...didn't i tell youthat i'll send him? inspector, you don't have tosend him anywhere

    i came here to take him.. you said that he is a 'psycho' patient& he's trying to murder you... he will.., he may murder.. what i had said was all lies-did you lie? sir, why did you lie? are we here to chat& enjoy? get up... i want to tell youone thing openly.. no need to tell it here...come..

    you're not an ordinary doctoryou're a god. you're a celestial doctor. i've to build a templefor you.. i'll offer milk at thepinnacle of a pagoda and add decoction to it& stir it with sugar no...that's coffee i'mtalking about consecration okay. leave it.. we can't leave it like that. without knowing, why you left mein the police station

    i misunderstood you... but, only now, i came tounderstand. that your every action istreatment...! ! doctor, what's this? this is not a treatmentmy back is itching shall i scratch it?-no.. okay, scratch it withthe spear you can scratch it becauseyou're god.. i shouldn't, becausei'm a human being

    i'll kill you... is this also a treatment? take it, there are fewrupees in this you go to vizag sister-in-law, what's this? you'veshifted to the other side? i haven't, i'm always onmy husband's side. yes, thenali. you go to vizagwe'll come & see you there oh! you too... i thought of saying itbut, you've said it

    what happened to you all? to send him to vizag-did i take somuch pain to bring him out of police station? i haven't seen you likethis for so many years how disgusted you would'vebeen with thenali that you had shown so muchof anger on janaki don't want hereafter, do thanali'streatment in vizag itself let him go...-why i shouted? why? problem with thenali...

    it's my treatment, like this, ifthey had come to know before itself she would've revealed itto him, isn't it? they are thick friendsisn't it? then, my treatment would'vespoiled, isn't it? would have got ridof the fear of police? brother..then, youshouted at me... you've pinched...nowon this hand... so, you don't have any angeron thenali-i don't have, i don't have... he has promised also...

    sister-in-law, you also..what's allthis like children? ... dad, why are you angry? it's not angerit's treatment enough of treatment..thenalifirst go to vizag babu, why are you alsoeating like this? then, what doctor? ... i'm not able to have breakfastwith janaki alone not able to have lunch...not able to have dinner... correct, how do you know? -i'm withyou...wouldn't i know even this?

    already, i'm riding something in mymind and outside but, i...selfish man... doctor who has come hereto enjoy his vacation i'm disturbing him bysaying 'treatment'... doctor, you enjoy yourvacation nicely. thenali, wait... don't increase my 'television'..-what...'television' i mean...don't increasemy tension... thenali, you can stayhere itself

    you need not go anywheretill our vacation gets over there's no problem becauseof you... then, this vacation willbe spent in your treatment it's not anger, it's acting... oh! god... you too... why are you smiling? kailash fellinto the ditch, dug by himself hereafter, if thenali also wants to gokailash won't be able to send him how are you saying?

    lf, t.v. people come, his imagewill be spoiled, isn't it? soon, he's watching... doctor, what's this? ...even inwater, there's a traffic jam? sir, it's you sir, have you started searchingby yourself? -what? you're trying to hide..1.5 lakhs if i keep 1.5 lakhs in the water..will it not get wet? sir, how can it become wet?diamond ring... oh! you're referring tothe diamond ring...

    you haven't got yet if i had got it, wouldn't havebrought it to you? don't worry, searchit over there if you get it firstit's yours and if i get it firstit's mine..go... let's go... where to search, berkly-not berkly, it's...thenali his every hit is four, weshould call him 'naladiyar' what name, will yougive me?

    by seeing your bating...wecan call you 'tendadiyar' be careful, you mayfall down.. you will get hurt atthe same place hubby, give the ball.. oh! by thinking it's a mango, whyare you peeling it off? only after knowing it's a balli peeled it... enough of your prankssit down... hey, sit down... brother...-you too...sit down...

    no...thenali & i...-sit down.. what's this? ... do you want to taste it?-doctor, i'll ...i'll what's that book? you're reading it very keenly come... everyone is herehey! come... what? -don't want... we'll take an umbrella-this is also an umbrella

    hey come...-slowly.. only now, our son-in-lawhas got romance mood they were talking aboutlove...romance etc.. if we were there, willthey get that mood? .. how's it? what?'re laughinglike thenali.. i'm always with him, isn't it?that's why, i'm behaving like him i'm trying to change it.. i'm scared..

    don't be scared.. comewith me... now, what is seen?-closing of your zip is seen. shit! you see there dr.kailash & his wifeare loving on one side another side, kailash's sister& that fatty one is loving. that girl loves thenaliisn't it? all that was before goingto the police station now, she has changedthe person have you eaten thisarea apple?

    apple in this area? it'll be superb-really? like kashmir apple... sister has gone tothe other side.. she's sending a bag tothe child... children have gone tothat fatty one where did you go?-i..okay okay! this is the problem ofhill station.. hey! big apple isfor me..

    don't eat everything where is janaki? janaki is plucking apples &sending it to them..-through whom? first, she sent themthrough children.. now, she said, she'll sendthem through thenali adam & eve thenali is becominglord raman, you... am i becoming thenali? ...-you'rebecoming 'ravanan'(devil) where have they gone?come ...we'll search.

    and umbrella...hold it! come.. you've thrown the umbrellanow, it will rain as though you're a chaste womanif you say it must rain? savoury not only that, even you must'vea talk that's hot like a savoury! oh! move.. you fool... where is your aunt? to sing duet with thenali

    just now, one duet is soon? .. mother, it's alright, leave it.. thenali, in your town-how a wifewill call her husband? ... if your brother sees youyour life will be in danger. only for my life? ... forget about my life whenever it gets scared lf(life)will roam here & aletter of its wrong postal address mentioned you should live..

    with you... doctor, i can't go beyond no, doctor... anyhow, thenali will be comingonly this side hiding myself, i'll bitehim nicely.. don't you know any other thingthan eating & biting? doctor, i know'snot working out. come here...come here..hold it..hold it as you say, thenali will becoming this side

    blindly, you hit him.. not once..twice, thrice..hit him nicely.. you hide.. hold keep thisalso with you! blindly you hit him. let anything may happen, i'vehenchmen on all sides where will they gobeyond this area? sir, will you me give yourbinocular? -have it.. that is...this

    why isn't it seen clearly? you're asking as thoughyou don't know... sir, how can i know? one side is broken...sirhow did it break? that's your son.. what would've been a major problemhas frittered to a minor problem.. doctor, we've gotour binocular doctor, why are you alwaysfalling on me? how did you come to mefor the first time?

    you came out of fear..'ve become braveto kiss my sister. if i leave you like this don't you get sleep? what? ...-nothing mosquitoyou sleep only after sending you outof the house, i'll be quiet why am i talking in thatvein again & again? this is... do you think, i'm mad?

    hereafter, i'll not talk inthat language banana... hey! get up... hey! get up.. hey! i said, get up... hey! you're sleepingupside down... why slippers in the hand? by the treatment, doctorall my fears have vanished but...still...i've slight fearof ghosts & devils

    they say, if you keep slippersdevil won't come.. when did you come?-hey are you teasing me? go...sleep in my bedroom-why? i should sleep here your room is a big roomthis is small.. if i beat you, it'll bemuch bigger than that.. rhetoric poet.. did you've that much guts? .. hey! my room is bigvery cool...

    you're a willnot bother you.. secondly, i've a dining roomnext to this..go.. what? ..are you saying go... go that side...this sideand threating me? what? i don't mind doctor saidit's treatment.. oh god! couldn't you say thisearlier itself without knowing that-i'marguing with you thank you very much hey! who is it? ..

    who's it? .. hey! did i not askwho are you? ... how many times, i've askedyou! who are you? i don't care about your moaning..i won't care whatever you do.. do you think i'm mad to performmy sister's marriage with a lunatic in your language, so youthink i'm an insane? today, why there's nodog or fox? have they gone ona vacation like me? hey! lf i leave you like thisyou may come back

    i'll myself make them come... oh! has the tiger also come? today, you'll be tornby the nails.. son-in-law, get up.. i've solved allthe problems. hereafter, you're theson-in-law of janaki at the next auspicious time.marriage.. why? ..can't you believe?you should believe it.. marriage in kodaikkanaland honeymoon in vizag

    shit! vizag will be hotisn't it? here itself marriage & honeymoon.. that's my wish he has made you to burnwith jealousy immediately, i should performthis marriage only then, that soul willrest in peace son-in-law, what's the problem?have you not eaten properly? doctor, thank you come you're here?

    that's a trick if i keep my head onthe place of leg ghost will get confused, isn't it?-i'm not asking that how are you here inthis room? he only said that you asked me tosleep in this room for treatment.. who was sleepingin that room? diamond babu-oh god! in joy you feel like singingand i feel like dancing.. you're not an ordinary man

    you're my brother-in-law who accepteda patient as his son-in-law not an ordinary brother-in-lawyou're a godly brother-in-law swear.. i swear, you're a godlybrother-in-law, not that.. the marriage matterwhich i said just now you swear that "i won'ttell it to anyone" oh! suspense? this fortheir treatment? .. swear...-we promise that, wewon't reveal it to anyone. hubby, for how many days willyou hide this from us?

    is he scared of janaki too? brother, thank you very much...bless me.. by marrying long! ! blessings'live long'! ! babu is a poor man..he'sstill a little mad... he would've escaped...i hadtied him tightly.. i'm saying the same thing. unnecessarily, he has beenimagining things.

    should we not tell him aboutthis marriage immediately? don't be scaredfox is howling.. what's this? today, fox ishowling in a different way it's not howlingit's belching if fox eats more, it'llbelch like this... i've seen on thediscovery channel. marriage matter, isn't it? he'll besleeping, let's tell him tomorrow. not marriage the fear.. i'm going to the auspicious time..-what? ..

    ...i'm going to fix theauspicious time. at this time?-otherwise, it will tear... i'm saying about priest..thatpriest is a very busy man.. all are seeking itselfi'll go & see him.. tomorrow, we can see to that.. by then, he may go? ...-who? he's the priest of vizag. before he goes by the morning train..i should go & bite him...-bite? no...i should catch him..catch?

    now itself, he's tensed upto perform your marriage he should.. hereafter, you shouldn't addressme without respect because, i'm not anordinary "thenali soman" i'm 'thenali uncle' who'sgoing to marry your aunt. somehow, everything ishappening as i wished yes, sister-in-lawyes, sister-in-law. if we both call heras sister-in-law sister-in-law sentiment will turninto aunty sentiment

    if doctor is my brother-in-lawyou're my sister-in-law. hey! go & sleep...go...go... oh! in my ears, tell me, this isnot a dream it's not a dream... oh! god! nothing shouldhappen to son-in-law son-in-law, nothing willhappen to you.. these tigers...i just lied nothing will happen... don't worry...hold me tightly..there's a bump, be careful!

    son-in-law... hey! you idiot, can youever be happy? ... son-in-law, i'mdoctor kailash... what? doctor kailash?..look here by this time, you would'vesent me to heaven. you stupid..why do youneed respect? how many times i murmuredwhile coming in the car..? did you ever listen to me?you dog.. babu, i thought that wasthenali's voice

    if you close the mouth, everyvoice sounds alike.. first, you come to the housei'll cure you.. even, my sister is waitingfor you.. are you trying to mesmeriseme by using chloroform? .. for the rest of my life, i don'twant your house & your sister.. thank god! because i was wearingdiamond rings on all my fingers dog & fox died byeating them.. otherwise, i would've died... babu, still 2 or 3 ringsare remaining...

    if you would've thrown those alsofox wouldn't have bitten you they're here, onlybecause of this... you come to the housetake bath & have dinner... i'm leaving you becauseyou're my old friend. hereafter if you altera word i'll ask police to put you in thejail...sir, please come...-i'll come oh! my dear husband...oh! my husband... unstoppable joysunstoppable small joys it is a glossy slithery joy

    orgy in dreams.. i dance in irrepressible delight i would orbit the earthand would jump to the sky i have become the throbbing soul your feet may not rest on earthand your happiness would last forever don't know what marvel happened? oh! little sparrow, somethingcurious have happened i've changed into anew human being.. i have understood you

    this moment is freshmy thoughts waver like waves my figments havesplintered and i am in love this girl can notwithstand your figments find out once whathas happened to my mind the secret dreamshave been revealed this age and bondwill not to know life rainbow has descended to earth. you have come to make me happy all the resplendenceof a butterfly.. around you why are you sayingthat, i've to say? boss, my hand.. did you notice? in front ofme, he's holding her hand... my hand, boss...he's the son-in-lawso he can hold her hand... oh! really? ...-my god... what are you doinginside this? what's the gift inside the car?-marriage gift as a woman, go & help yoursister-in-law in the kitchen

    give your hand to me.. you stay there... shall i massage? if i get hold of him... what is a servant doing herehey! you go... you are 21 inches, do you wantto see 21 inch t.v? come...turn... why are you looking at me?is my face a t.v? thenali,you shouldn't do all these!

    what's this, thenali? you're cutting ladies fingerwith a knife..? i'm no more scared of knives they used to say knife hasgone, spear has come like that, "beard has gonecourage has come" yes, thenali, now only i'm noticing..where is your beard? shall i tell you whereit has gone? -where? .. thenali, why are you telling allthese things to me? ... why are you feeling shy?

    janaki won't feel shy at all..-thenali, stop it.. who's it? . . .-who's it? .. i've switched off the t.v.isn't it? then, why are youlooking at me? go & study.. daddy, these are holidaysisn't it? even if these are holidaysyou should study.. whenever i tell you to studyyou should study.. daddy, you're a big bore..

    punch him nicely if you play like this, itmay fall down..-oh! god! ! who has done this? that.. . .-why? i did it for a reason... why did you throwthe fruit? you will throw down somethingand be calm.. thenali, don't want.. oh! please, listen to me...

    after doing what you shouldn'thave done, why this? ... it's wasted... what's this? ...likelord krishnan? .. look, a little bit isremaining.. oh god! don't want, doctorwill scold you -once-don't want only once... enoughlisten to me... what? ...

    kis..kiskinta, vali, hanuman,lord ram, ntr, tv.. why flour is on your head? yes.. . .flour. . .as i am hanumani would turn mountain into flour hanuman clad in shortsisn't it? joking? ... are you scared? ... you... i would fight and defeat vali.. ..and kiskinta willbe all yours sukreeva

    every action of his, isa treatment to me.. godly brother-in-law...! !-i got scared. who switched off the t.v? you're successful, brave,chaste woman i know a woman's mind oh! my dear..come dear you and me are onewhy all this? this is the yearning of cupidshow some mercy the lips are longingfor kisses only

    my mind has tangledwith yours, girl! i have looked at you with lust i looked at you for your embrace did gestures through eyes i was immersed in your smile come to write apoem on my hip beauty come and keep theswinging age engaged if i hit hereit would be ecstatic and enjoyable if i hit thereit would be pleasurable and great

    it would be ecstatic and enjoyable devote this virgingirl's beauty to you why are you shouting 'knife'in the middle of night why should you shout? knife...stabbed...-whatknife? ...stabbed...where? here on the neck...-nothing is there. this has come this side..-here, no knife has stabbed... thenali stabbed me bya knife... did you stab thenaliby the knife?

    not that.. oh! because you've stabbed him, he haslost the fear of knife, isn't it? what's this? even in dream you'regiving him treatment-sleep... -remove your hand-what? oh god! i'm scared... today don't want... today, i'll finish it off... -how to finish him..-sir, come...come... don't you've any otherplace to lie down?

    hey! come...come quickly..-what did you say? hey! come... whom are you calling withoutrespect? leave my hand... these are deepavali crackers-oh that one... why there's so muchof smoke in that? ... 100 people are smoking over there-which cigar is that? 'dying cigar'-lf you were there bythis time, you would've been dead sir, will you comefor a minute? did you think thati can't do anything..

    i've kept...i've keptthe time bomb.. it's not an ordinary bombrock bomb... if it bursts, you will be torn intopieces ..with that your chapter.. bye, bose...shit! hubby, are you not coming? only 1 more week is therefor the marriage shouldn't we do shopping? that...i've an important workyou go & come... what's it brother?

    you know driving, isn't it? so you're not coming? no... i'll see you in the night... why are you taking him-come... where are you taking thenali?-for shopping had i not told you thati've an important work? it is with thenali... what's that important work?

    i knew... what else willyou think.. it's all regarding me.. oh yes! you do treatment till theyget married & go to nuptials why for so long? i'llfinish it today itself please, you finish itby today...please... did i not tell that i'vean important work.. go & prepare tea.. oh! my god! when i hearyou talking-

    i feel like as if, i'm hearingsweet melody...! ! it will will be.. then, today, it will be blasted..wait & see! what's this? ...a nice smile.. oh! god! ...knife.. the treatment is to saveourselves from knife! throw it... do you want to marrymy sister? doctor, i've become brave

    you give more... if we stay here, things willbe damaged-shall we go out? don't run... beat me... leave... doctor, what's this fight?-oh! god.. is he giving any trouble? he is trying to kill me... look, first you catch him & handhim over to me..i'll burst him

    no...i'll send him tothe jail.. first, you come &catch him... i'm here... doctor, where areyou? -shit go & beat him... doctor, i've won! ! what's this? i feel drowsy your chapter is closed from to-day thenali, your story isended.. thenali, you willbe ruined today...! !

    today, your story is over oh! my dear son! todayyour story is finished.. today itself... where has your father gone?-who knows? where is thenali? -who knows? oh! you're sad because son-in-lawhasn't come? then, go & search him...-carhas broken down, isn't it? he's laughing like his father doctor, you're not an ordinaryhuman being. you're a god..

    godly brother-in-law! ! knowing that, i'm stillscared of ghosts to get rid of thattoo, you're tied me here... fear has gone...! this bomb...? thank you, doctor! ! i'll win..., godly brother-in-law... oh! god! ... hereafter, we'll be happy

    what happened to you? oh! janaki, only now, you'llbe in peace..! ! brother, what are you saying? where is thenali? we faced problem because we alloweda stranger inside, go... i've won...! ! it's a bomb laugh! .... why suddenly bomb?

    they say, "marriageis made in the heaven"! your marriage is going to beperformed on the earth... thenali's marriage is goingto be performed in the heaven... brother, where is thenali? ...where are you? ..! doctor, i'm here... hey! how are you here? as you had planned, iescaped & came here... where is that bomb?

    dummy bomb? .. yes, where is that dummy bomb? thinking that, it may be useful foranother patient like me... i've kept it safely insidethe house inside the house? in which house? which house? ... house...! ! ? sir, greetings... in the world, there's adulterationeverywhere!

    doctor who asked forthe dummy bomb... someone adulterated the bomb... and deceived him bygiving a real bomb doctor is not much worriedabout the loss of the house- but, if i was lost... what would've happenedto your life...? because of that worry, he hasbecome like this... you don't cry. i've askedthe saviour to come here everything will become alright

    when he's in such a condition... what's the urgency ofperforming this marriage? what to do? ...he had onlyfixed the date... moreover, it's his only lovablesister's marriage... i asked, why this marriage now? he only said 'yes'by shaking his head is it? ... look, even now he's saying 'yes'by shaking his head... sir, i'll go...

    'thekkali' has ruinedkailash's life... it's not 'thekkali' or 'kavali'... you're not uttering 'thenali' theright name, even once okay...kailash is ruined... then what are we here for?we can go, isn't it? the happiness which we getfrom others sufferings- we don't get it, otherwisein our life...! good moral! ... since how manydays, we're searching him

    look, still he's behavinglike a child... doctor, you too... shit! look over there..i'm very happy.. who are they? why is he with them? if you ask me? ...let's go & ask them... sorry, 'son-in-law'... call me like that... take janaki with youand enjoy the cool breeze

    why, here also we've cool breeze? oh! shit! you don'tunderstand anything.. that's why earlier itself,i told you- why should we go alongwith them for honeymoon? look, he's saying 'yes' byshaking his head... you don't understand? what's the meaning of honeymoon? when we should be togetherwe should... at other times, this familyis important for me

    only, because of this family,i got a new life..! a girl is coming insearch of 'barkali' it's not 'barkali' or 'charminar'..say 'thenali'! ! ramudu, what are you doing here? didn't you say that you'll comeafter taking treatment for 2 months? how many months have passed? not even a single letter.what do you think of yourself? let us go near & see... what? ...what are youthinking?

    have you forgotten us? she's your wife... at least, do you rememberthis? she's the one to whom youhad tied auspicious thread.. you had left her after2 months of marriage, isn't it? now she is 9 months before giving birth to yourchild- she wants to see you... we searched you a lot,and finally, we came here

    i'm talking to're silent...? in your town, how will a wifecall her husband? why are you silent? someone is coming hereand blabbering... you're keeping silent.. i'm not calling you.. hey! you sinner! you'veruined my sister's life? leave him... brother, ask him to stop it..

    tell him not to beathim... doctor, you're beating mewith your hands...! ! then what else...? you're talking in anger..! ! i'll talk.., then, should ikeep quiet? now, you're talking nicely...! ! i've come to kill you.. your hands & legs havebecome alright oh! my god! !

    how? ... it's all that you'vetaught me.. a small treatment... what? ...what are you saying? you've given me so manytreatments, isn't it? to cure you... i had given only onetreatment! ! everything was a drama... did i not told youbefore marriage? -

    i have a dearest friend he's the dearestfriend balasubramaniam! only to help me.. he got the help of cinema troopand played this drama. . . then, who is she? who? ... who gave you a kiss... she is a cinema actress.. didn't i tell you before itself? ...

    you said, only iwas confused.. why she is still crying? ...that is... she won't listen to us... where is he? he's in the car-who? driver? ... ask her to stop crying... to ask for acting chance... you will get caught

    will it be worse thangetting caught by you? .. they only acted.... i knew, they will act nicelybecause they're artistes acted nicely by admiring your acting, iforgot to say cut thank you... he's the director ravikumar whomakes us act.. why are you thanking me? for me, all thisare nothing...

    not for you... now, you're a doctor... for all these things, there'sa man to thank.. i know... he is lord 'subramaniam', isn't it? not god... "bhootham"... because, i'm in black dress, willyou call me as "bhootham"? i'm not referring to you...

    where are they going? is he taking the director himselfto show the location? oh! god! ! you're saying 'thenali'..'kailashi'and in the end you're confusing me! ! this man seems tobe familiar, isn't it? that's in the lake..ring... because of you, half of my lifegot wasted in the water... what is he saying? now, in kodaikkanal, there'sa water scarcity

    i've drunk all the water... even after drinking all thewater, you didn't get the ring? i've got all the rings... but i didn't get the big'diamond ring' which you had said you fool! when we throw it onlyyou'll get, isn't it? that's why, i'm here... why? ... you fools, have youdeceived me? stop it...

    sir, both of them havemade me mad that is their work... kailash is there tocure that... unknowingly, we'vecommitted a mistake... on behalf of me- my junior will fall at your feetbeg your pardon beg pardon...-why? fall at thenali's feet forgive me...

    don't take the trouble... wait... really, i'm falling atyour feet do i've to fall evenat servant's feet? it's alright even if he's aservant, fall at his feet... he has done everything and do i've to begpardon for that? kailash, even thoughi'm senior- still, nothing wrong in beggingpardon for my mistakes....

    please, forgive me.... you...falling at my feet...

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