hallway stands furniture stores

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Title : hallway stands furniture stores

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    hallway stands furniture stores

    smoking and drinking|is injurious to health. hail! hail! hail the supreme lord! are you crying when cutting onions? are your tomatoes becoming pulp? is it hot when cutting chillies? then you have to purchase this slicer. it costs only rs.1499 only. but if you order in next five minutes,|you can have it for rs.625 only. with this latest sharp edge technology..

    ..you can cut vegetables|in the size of your choice. badaliya slice wizard! wow! are these just for vegetables?|- what else? wow! bedaliya slice wizard! your kitchen will turn|into a heaven with this. badaliya slize wizard! cut it! everything is fine, mr. venkat. are my dialoges okay? - perfect.

    your schedule for today is over. hey, venky! it seems you|are enjoying your job a lot. do you mean tele-shopping anchoring? no! don't know how|long but it is irritating. how long were you working? by next march, it will be four years. that means you must have|been famous tv actor by now. nothing like that.|no one even recognizes me. are you serious?

    why doesn't anyone recognize|when you are there for 4years? don't you believe me? come with me. here, can any of you recognize me? don't feel bad, venky. but i heard that the ladies|at office are your close friends. oh, feeling shy?! venky! do you have|any work this evening? i cannot. what's the work? - a small shopping.

    this time sari!|you selection is always best. oh, how can you ask|me to select a sari for you? i gave my appointment|to someone else. sorry! are you bored even after such fans? there is no relation|between job and this. i don't want to do this job. what did i think of|doing and what am i doing? what did you think of doing?|- my father's name is n. bhanumurthy. did you hear his name?

    bhanumurthy means the person|in dooradarshan(tv channel).. yes, he is. i too wanted to|become famous news reader like him. that's good. i didn't see him lately. after cable tv was introduced in 1991.. ..he suffered paralysis. after that he lost his ability to speak. oh, no! how is his treatment going? there will be one hour|session every sunday.

    another typhoon in bay of bengal. coastal people are in fear. mr. venkayyanaidu assured|that they will win in four states.. ..and madam sonia denied that. onions rs.100,|petrol rs.80 and rs 70 dollar. these rates are making people cry. did you see? he moved. government and oil companies conflict|regarding gas companies dispute. kholi helped india win with a ton.

    the news ends now. we shall meet here at|the same time next sunday. your's, n. venkateswara rao. such an improvement|in just ten sessions. he will become normal|with 40 more sessions. when your father read the news,|everyone used to feel great. you should also become famous like him. oh, no! by the way i heard the channel.. ..you are working is going|to start news bulletin.

    why don't you try in that?|- i already did, sir. there is a twist in that too. there are two demons standing|between me and news reading. who are they? first is vamanrao. give it. - just try. oh! listen, it is not enough|if you want to become news reader. you need to work hard.

    if you waste your time all day.. ..who will supply news|for you in the evening? listen, mr. vamanrao!|if you read news with that voice.. ..you will need a guy|like me to do the dubbing part. you just watch.|i will be reading news tonight. hey boy! it is not the voice|that is need to read the news.. ..you should have honesty in your heart. courage to say any news without fear. more than anything else..

    ..you need to know current affairs|and not these affairs. who is the second person? - my boss! a. udayabhaskar. what is it, uday?|why are you standing alone in the photo? i am like this since childhood.|i am different. yes, venki told me that. did venky tell you? about what? he said that you hate humans|and go to zoo every sunday. that you don't know|how to speak to people.

    especially with ladies. - he is nuts. he might have said it because|i didn't made him news reader. what else did he say? since you are motherless|and grew up studying in hostels.. ..and since you possessed|everything that you need.. ..you became like this. just a moment. i hate people who behaves|like him in the office. you are jealous that|he speaks well with ladies.

    it is not a big deal. everything is written in this book. people bit dust by following such books. i don't think so. do you want to see? friends! that was a fine presentation.|let us meet after the lunch. okay. katti! - yeah? can i speak with you for a moment?|- yes, sir.

    when are we going on a date?|- excuse me? just to have some fun. i am the executive vice-president|of this company. is this how you behave with me? how long are you going to hide?|i understood your true intentions. how did you understand? it is written in this. if a girl wears short|clothes like that.. ..it means she like|that other person a lot.

    showing her open hand means,|'i am open..' '..and i have nothing to hide.' what if i stand like this? if you stand like that then you are.. ..my slave. - oh! it says that you are ready|to live together with me. what is the meaning|if i slap you like this? it is not in the book but i understood. i got it pretty clearly, actually.

    oh, she didn't consider|that you are a motherless child. don't worry. ladies behave differently sometimes.|i don't mind. but your prestige is ruined. i don't tell this to anyone. what if she says?|- i can counter in a thousand ways. who will trust her?|anyone didn't see this. if you are so dumb, how are you going|to get married? do you have any plans? about the marriage?

    my dad is searching matches. what else did venki say? venky! i spoke to your boss. is that true? what did you say to him? if you insist.. ..he might give you news reader post. what do you mean by insist?|- confidently. all the best. bye! come in!

    hey, celeb boy!|i have edited your ad yesterday. it was wonderful.|you are made for this, man. how long should i do this, mr. uday? you promised me many things. you said you will give|me news and gameshow. you said many things. but i heard that you|are giving it to vamanrao. yes. - sir! please give me evening|news reader post, sir.

    listen, venki! a host of the gameshow.. ..don't know who plays and who wins. what do we get from that? if it is news reader, it's about scams.. ..foreign trips and assembly sessions.. ..releasing of movies.. ..just telling everything.|they don't show your talent. just look at you. badaliya slize wizard.

    it was wonderful. sales increased|because of your anchoring. venki! that is your talent.|don't waste it. okay? don't waste my time too. sir! - yes? you are stone hearted. venki! please! what is it, venki? why are you crying after|using badaliya slice wizard? what is the reason? what is it?

    hello? yes? greetings, sir! how are you? match from karampudi! my son is busy launching tamil channel. he said he doesn't want|to get married this year. hello? actually my son is very tall. it will be better if|the girl is at least 5'9''. her birth star is 'aslesha'. hello, are you listening?

    it is said that her mom-in-law|dies if this marriage happens. but groom's mother is already dead, sir? that is why we want to be extra careful. my son studied mba. it would have been nice if|the girl finished her graduation. hello? the girl is.. ..more educated than the guy.|it doesn't sound good. sir! my son is running a tv channel. he has to attend to|parties with big shots.

    his wife shouldn't|be too much traditional. he said it would be nice|if she can move in society. my son is outgoing,|if she is also outgoing.. ..who will take care|of our traditional values? we showed it to our family priest.. ..he said their|heroscopes did not match. even we approached the same priest. he said they were nicely matched. we say many things|if we don't like the match.

    you shouldn't question us directly. i cannot do this. earlier you used to|get three matches per week. now.. it became very rare|like olympics medals. that is the situation. when do you want to get married? when i get that mood. how many matches should i send back?

    didn't you like any of them? there is just one match that i like.|and that isn't it. that is why i have decided.. ..no matter if the|girl is from middle class.. ..i just want her to be beautiful.|that is why i called him. sir! you are playing too|much with marriage proposals. if you still adamant..|- i am not adamant. i am intelligent. i see! too much intelligence is also harmful.

    have a look. wow! look at this girl.|she is wonderful. take a look. oh, no! how can you reject without|even looking at the photo? is it okay if i reject|after looking at it? she is a doctor. but it is written that she is a dentist. yes, she is a dentist.

    she is very involved in her occupation. but her family members|wanted her to get married. did you like her? fix the marriage date.|i will get married soon. we should go and see her first. excuse me! why did you call me urgently? i didn't call you|for office work, venki. then?

    i saw you talking to girls many times. sir! i will stop that, sir. are you not afraid? don't you feel tensed thinking|'they like me or not?'. why should i feel tensed|if they don't like you, sir? that's not it. how can they speak so closely with you? i don't know how to approach them. i don't know how to express my feelings.

    i don't know anything regarding women. what happened? i had marriage looks yesterday. did she say that she didn't like you? there wouldn't have been|choice if she said that. oh! she said she wants to talk to me. she said what we saw|and spoke there is not enough. she said we have to talk over dinner. i want her to choose me, venki.|- that is fine.

    i didn't see you like this before. i don't know but i like that girl. this is really unexpected.. ..but i really want to marry her. but i don't know|how to make her like me. what will you do if you are in my place? you are praising me a lot. i will give a nice advice|to the boss and get good impression. okay. did you go to|their house yesterday?

    yes. you did. so what did you saw there? a sweet plate on the table,|light snack in the hand.. ..two incense sticks.. i didn't mean that, sir. did you see some|cupboards or racks there? yes. i did. there was a cupboard|and an old fridge next to it. what did you see on the fridge|and also on the table in front of you?

    did you observe anything?|- what work do we have with them, venki? by looking at the furniture in|her house, you can find her interests.. ..and can try to understand her. oh! that is what you mean? "black clouds are forming.." there were many|photographs of her taken.. ..at different cities sticked|on the fridge. mr. uday!|what can we understand from this? that girl..

    is a wanderer. she likes travelling, sir. so, you can say that|you love travelling. what else did you see? and.. i saw md.|raffi song collection in the cupboard. she likes md. raffi, isn't that true? no, she likes his songs. if you study about md.|raffi's greatness.. ..and play his songs in your car..

    ..and display your greatness. okay! okay! okay! - next? next? i saw a book on raja raghuvaran's|paintings near the window. super! with painting scheme in center.. ..i know a restaurant. ravi varma's paintings|are displayed in a corner there. take her there and|speak about ravi varma. i saw many books in the cupboard.

    i will say that i like reading. not only that,|you can gift her a nice book. yeah, definitely. when speaking with her.. ..i can use big english|words in the middle. that's it.|did you see how simple this is? thanks, venki! it is nice|when you encourage me like this. you can take your scooter tomorrow. i will drop you in my car. come on.

    by the way venki,|you move so closely with girls. didn't you like any girl? yes, i did. but.. oh, didn't she like you? she did. we liked each other. what is the problem then? that is a beautiful story.|- you tell me the story. i will decide whether|it is beautiful or not. not now, sir.|- it's alright, venki. come on.

    is that necessary? - of course! few years back, for summer holidays.. ..i went to vizag. there i met a girl. rs.40 for rs.80! rs.40 for rs.80! rs.40 for rs.80! pavan kalyan's latest movie.|rs.40 for rs.80! madam! what? you are selling rs.40|ticket for rs.80? - yes.

    i feel like giving it for rs.|70 for you. but i don't want give|you more than rs.50. this has become common everywhere. i will not take anything|less than rs.70. okay, i have two tickets. if you take both of them,|i will give for rs.100. okay? okay, get lost. hello! i have a boyfriend.

    i too have a girlfriend. name? n. venkateswara rao. - no. listen, please! shall we take those|two tickets for rs. 100? i will give you fifty rupees. or i can give you sixty. - what?! do you think that|i sell tickets in black? no. - that is not the problem.

    how can i sit next|to you to watch the movie? granny! please tell her, granny! yes, child! he is a good guy. he sat with me last week. he bought me popcorn in the interval. okay, let us go. i don't want money, but i want|popcorn and coke in the interval. so?

    you said that you stay at sitanagar. even i stay there. if you don't mind.. ..i can drop you on my bike. it's alright. i will go. okay, come on. yes. - okay. come! actually! i have to tell you something.

    i don't have any bike. i came here by bus. - what? why did you say that|you would drop me then? i thought it would be romantic. i have a scooty. come on, let us go. one minute! when you came by scooty,|why did you agree to come with me? you stay at lic apartments and so do i. still i don't know your name.|- prabhavati.

    nice name. - i don't think so. my full name is sri|sai sirisha prabhavati. nice names! it should be either|sirisha or prabhavati. i don't like both of them together. how will it sound if a|boy is named ramudu bheemudu? rama krishna is a common name for boys. what is there in the name.|just leave it. i have to tell you something.|i don't have any boyfriend.

    i don't have any friends in this city. i am from delhi. i came to vizag for the first time. to my grandmother's house. i am from hyderabad. i came to my aunt's house. to spend the holidays. i think you too don't|have any girlfriend. should i lie or tell you the truth?

    i don't mind whatever you say. just tell me whether it|is truth or lie before saying it. i didn't have any girlfriend|the day before yesterday. i didn't have any|girlfriend even yesterday. and no one till today morning. it's enough. get down. today also no girlfriend. - oh! we reached the apartments. this isn't delhi.

    if you have any phone number.. hey, srinu! - yes? do you have pen or pencil? why would i have such things? you can take a piece|of coal if you want. how? - you remember|the first four digits. i will remember the last four. thank you very much. uncle?

    i agreed to your trip thinking that|you might like going to beach and enjoy. uncle! - you'll be fine. you will pass time|for two months and go. but i am the one who stays here. i understood, uncle.|- i don't think that you will misbehave. but it is better to be cautious. uncle! what is it? did you really remember|the last four digits for real?

    hey, you are over cooking it. you are slow. are you sad because you|couldn't note down her number? how did you know, aunt? you have grown up now. don't you know that you should|carry a cell phone with you? it's alright.|you can use my cell phone while here. what happened now? why are you crying? had you given it yesterday,|i would have noted her number.

    by the way do you think|i can see her tomorrow? why are you so desperate? nothing like that. delhi girl in our apartment!|just curious. she is mrs. rukmini's granddaughter. her parents are having some fight. that is why they sent her here. she is very nice girl. go and give these rotis to your uncle.

    i don't understand|uncle's behaviour at all. he is suffering a lot|because of sugar problem. hey, venki! venki! please bring half liter milk. why don't you ask the|milkman to deliver at home? hey, go and bring it. oh, is that you? i was waiting for you. what for? is it for movie?

    aren't you ashamed? i thought you were a nice|guy and gave you phone number. how dare you give me|eleven blank calls at night? do you know what a|disturbance it is for others? me?! i don't even remember your number. shut up! it is my mistake to give|my number to a person like you. hey, how dare you make|eleven miss calls at night.. ..and blame me for that?

    she gave that number to me.|why did you write it down? how dare you? krishna taught bhagavad gita to arjuna. aren't we all had|it printed and reading? this is also same. self satisfaction. how dare you write her number down.. ..make eleven blank calls|and shift the blame on me? forgive me, sir. please! if you do such stupid things again..

    ..i will kill you. sorry. anyone who knows my number.. ..tries to call me a lot. this happened many times before. those blank calls were from.. ..that srinu. i am gemini! i am a bit short tempered. please don't mind.

    gemini means your birthday is june..|- may 31st. sorry! - what for? it is true that srinu|is the one who made.. ..those blank calls|the day before yesterday. but it is i who made|12 blank calls yesterday. i was afraid to say anything.|so i hung up. i am vergo. so a bit coward. please don't mind. - what? virgo! august 26th.

    hi! i want to ask|you something personal. what gift did dad give on|your birthday and how did you feel? he gave me a teddy bear. stupid gift but since shekar gave it,|i was thrilled. sandhya! what gift did your boyfriend|gave on your birthday? lokesh gave me a cellphone. sailesh gave the red shirt. rupesh gave mp3 player.

    anyone else? take her to a five|star restaurant for dinner. tell her that diamonds|are girls best friend.. ..and gift her some nice diamond set. oh, diamonds? do you mean diamonds in cards? diamond king and queen. - shut up! you liked a girl for the first time.|can't you do that? yeah! yeah! hey, listen.

    can i take her to dinner|without diamond set? hey, you are hopeless. okay! okay! i got it. venki! grandpa's train will be missed. we have to go to the station.|bring the auto. hey, auto! would you come|to the station? - do you want me? what will you take? - money. i mean how much? - sixty rupees, sir.

    he likes us a lot. yes, he do. - by the way.. how much did you pay for auto? hundred rupees, uncle. hundred? four hundred and seventy, uncle. for fixing a fan? eleven hundred and fifty.|- for provisions? it is seven hundred and ninety.

    he didn't give the bill. - let it be. i am happy that he didn't ask for fine.|- he did, uncle. thirteen hundred and fifty, uncle. but cylinder is three hundred only. i got it in black. nine hundred and ninety|five rupees, uncle. change. - it's okay. you are young. keep it. thanks, uncle.

    "what is this feeling in my heart?" "why my heart beat increased?" "this typhoon that started inside.." "..but cannot hear|slightest sound outside." "i cannot think of it.." "..as a big problem either." "what is the need to hide.." "..when i enjoy this feeling?" "when you touch casually.."

    "..or do something unknowingly.." "..it feels all okay.." "..and my heart surrenders|to you silently." "this happiness that|i never experienced before.." "..made me forget everything else." "this is the way of romance." "that our heart is|asking us to understand." "this is something|our heart encounters.." "..and drives us mad saying|not to waste this boon."

    i am bored. is that so? why are you laughing? i am bored. bore? you have to dig ninety feet. oh, is anyone with you? yes, just next to it. you can dig. why don't you come aside and speak? no matter where you dig,|you will find water.

    water! - then come to my house. there is no one at home. so, how long will you take to come? dig more. ten.. you will get it in ten minutes. okay? where are you going? i cannot see this program. my dear! would tension|ease if we spray scent? did you swim in scent?

    isn't this too much? hold your nose. your face is nice only. come inside. i was getting mad with boredom.|that is why i called you. you should called me|after you are completely mad. we would have had a|lot of topics to talk then. stop it! i remembered|you when i felt boredom. i didn't know my|name is so entertaining. your name is normal but you are.. ..entertaining.

    without thinking that we will be in|youth someday, we were given old names. prabhavati venkateswara rao. hey, didn't you like my name? but it is you who said that. if it is really a problem,|why don't you change it? i don't like changing my name. okay, i have an idea. you just marry a guy with good name. then his name will|join next to your name.

    okay. good idea. suggest a name. you are from delhi. find some singh. prabhavati singh. what about dubay? prabhavati dubay? or else prabhavati.. bhattacharya? kolkatta! prabhavati prabhakaran, chennai.

    two times 'prabha'? it is very bad. prabhavati sharma? varma? malhotra? maharotra? khan? khanna? suksena! prabhavati suksena! it is very sexy!

    why don't you say some|entertaining name like yours? then prabhavati.. ..venkateswar. how is it? - no! it is like combination|of maheswari parameswari. should i tell you a truth? i didn't like.. ..my name a lot earlier. but when you call it, i feel it is nice. why is that?

    because.. - why is that? because.. why is that? - because.. hold the pinky! what?! - pinky, venki! it is getting late. i have to go. - good night. when will we meet again? it has been many days since|i am here but i didn't go to beach yet.

    will you take me to the beach? if you ask.. ..i will definitely|take you to the beach. i know every part in the beach. my friends call me son of the beach. this is the first time.. ..i visited a beach in my life. so, coming to beach for the first time.. ..how do you feel? - feel sad!

    huh? since i cannot come to|beach for the first time again. my granny always tells me.. ..that my feet resembles|a lot like my mother's. what is the problem between us? there is no problem. marriage at an younger age.. no problem. what about your parents?|- mother is house wife..

    my father is my role model. he was a big tv celebrity once. he was a news reader in dooradarshan. his popularity was very big. he loved his job a lot. but after the introduction of cable tv.. oh.. so you too want|to become tv news reader. right? - no. i want to become famous news reader.

    it is a dream of me and also my parents. ajanta toothbrush for mom.. ..dad.. - hey! - brother.. - hey! and also mine. by the way what do you want to become? i am very practical. i keep my foot on ground always.|- i am a dreamer. my eyes always looks into the sky. coconut? - okay.

    hello? - venki.. is it prabhavati? - yes. venki is here. your mother. - mom?! mom, her birthday is not today. tomorrow.|i will call you again. hang up. would you tell your mom|about every girl you meet? not about everyone. by the way..

    ..i want to meet you|tomorrow morning again. what for? i think you forgot. tomorrow is your birthday. - o god! how did you know? i heard it in the tv news. 19th birthday celebrations of u.|prabhavati from delhi.. ..will be celebrated|grandly at vizag tomorrow. her friend and neighbour n.|venkateswara rao..

    stop it. i remembered.|i told you in the lift that day. your birthday.. ..i should be the first|one to wish you and also meet you. what for? - because i like you. i like you too. i love you.. i love like you. hi, baby! we love you.

    darling! prabha, just a moment. i will be back in a moment. where are the people|who commented prabhavati? did you see how strong they are? like the stunt masters in movies. they are also same. they definitely are good fighters. terrible! - will you shut your mouth?

    i have to get down in the next floor. just come up once. i will do the first aid.|you can go when pain goes. what if it takes three days? it's alright. you can stay. what if it take the entire life? i told you not to get|involved in silly things. she lives in fourth floor. don't bend too much. you will fall.

    hi, dad! happy birthday. - thank you. i am the first one, right? happy birthday. and the second one too. yes. - happy birthday. i am third. come on, let us celebrate. i have planned a surprise today evening. please, venki! i don't like it.

    hey, prabha.. prabha! prabha! prabha! please! listen to me, please! prabha! please! don't deny! - no. i was planning this for a month now. please! prabha! please, prabha! please!

    please! please! please! - oh! seriously? - yeah! yeah! hey! venki! venki! put me down. put me down. wouldn't our prestige be ruined.. ..if anyone sees you? - oh! she asked me to find her weight, uncle.

    nothing more than that.|- if she asks you to find the weight.. ..you can give some approximate weight. but is it necessary to be so accurate? stop it now. thinking that it would be romantic.. ..i asked him to find my weight. he gave me rs.1|and showed the weighing machine. do you think everyone will be like you? auto!

    how much do you take for station? sixty rupees, sir. sixty rupees? he will agree to fifty if we ask. i doubted the moment you said hundred. pulses, rice, salt, oil.. ..i was thinking why|everything was so costly. all round figures. if everything in vizag|becomes so costly..

    ..how a middle class man|like me can live. i was worried. so, all this is your scam. why do you like her so much? uncle! you scold me for taking money. but i really like that girl. you are thinking like that. why you like that girl.. ..can you write ten|reasons for it on a paper? you cannot. not only on the paper..

    ..you cannot write it on slate too. because there wouldn't be any. i thought of writing|the same about your aunt. i couldn't find more than three reasons. i couldn't find more than two. oh! - you don't have more|than five reasons in total. then why did you get married?|- because my dad didn't agree. it would have been nice if he did. please stop the vehicle, uncle.

    what for? - stop first. i will tell you. not ten, i can give you hundred reasons. i wrote hundred reasons. is that true? come on, sing it to me. "i cannot say that.." "..i didn't see more|beautiful girls than her." "but no matter how|many beauties i see.." "..my heart didn't|have this feeling before."

    "when i thought for reason,|i don't know.." "..why this happened|and is very confusing." "my heart is listing|more than hundred reasons.." "..one by one in detail." "yahoo! yahoo!" "yahooooooo!" "no matter if she gets angry.." "..or looked at me in anger.." "..i felt everything was wonderful."

    "this is some kind of madness." "i agree if anyone says that." "but even then.." "i cannot stop my heart.." "..from loving her even more." "i like that madness.." "..and i want to live with it." "if everyone dreams about movie stars.." "..and want to marry only them.."

    "..i don't think there would|be so many happy couples in this world." "if you look at her with my eyes.." "..you will find that she|is the only beauty in this world." "even if i say so,|if everyone wants to see.." "..her with my eyes,|i cannot allow that." "i want to tell her|that she is only mine." "but i am not able to say it to her." "yahoooooo!" oh, god!

    when you give tip for|the server in front of her.. ..you should show some dignity. here, keep this money. three rupees per reason.. ..keep this three hundred with you. once again happy birthday, madam. thank you. i feel so good. you wanted to ask me something.

    venki! you said you|want to ask something. can you tell me which of these|two is salt and which is pepper? did you spend so much money|for the party to ask this? if the holes are less it is salt|and it they are more then it is pepper. i thought salt would be salty.. ..and pepper will be spicy. come on! ask it. do you think i would punch you? do you love me, prabha?

    i will punch you. that's true. i like you a lot. me too. i like myself a lot. come on, prabha. i know you understood|what i want to say. i wait for the moment|to meet you everyday. whenever my phone rings,|i think that it might be you. hey! what do you want to say now?

    how would you name|the relation between us? is it necessary to name it? i like you.|that is true. you are special. that is also true. is it necessary to name that now? do you mean i am just a friend to you? best friend if you want. it isn't even an hour since|i cut my 19th birthday cake. it is not good to ask me|to decide about love or marriage.

    such decisions are taken now only.|not after you become old. are all these necessary now? there is a lot of time for such things. so, what do you want us to do? let us be in touch.|let us see what happens in future. let life unfold. i understood. is it delhi culture? it is new to me.

    parties, pubs and picnics. your parents do not|have enough time to fight. how can they think about you? prabha! prabha! i am sorry, prabha. fine! be sorry! prabha! you will|be in delhi by saturday. i will be at hyderabad by sunday. these two.. at least these two days..

    i am really sorry, prabha! i thought a lot last night. i behaved very foolishly. i think i don't have|the maturity that you have. prabhavati is not here. she went back to delhi. do you have any contact|number of her at delhi? delhi code is 011! prabhavati told me|not to give you her number.

    this happened in 2009! it is very old story.|don't you have any latest stories? sir! this is the matter of love. i cannot think of second one. okay. i have to go right from here. will you get down here? let us meet at the office tomorrow.|see you tomorrow. okay, sir. once in olden days people went to god..

    i want to ask you..|- sir! do you want some buttermilk? do you know what self|praising is called in english? gasconade! mr. ravi varma brought god to every|house through his paintings of god. are you listening? seriously. are you listening? do you want to have some tea, sir? do you know the biggest word in english? i don't know, sir.|- then don't bring tea.

    supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! to our country.. to our country.. to our country.. to our country motion|picture was brought by.. dada saheb phalke.. ..raja ravi varma.|do you know about his assistant? this is a song from film 'lofar'.|music by laxmikanth pyarelal. lyrics by anand bakshi. and singer is md. rafi.

    what is this md. rafi madness? is he such a great singer? in the voice of rafi sir.. ..there was a magic.. ..i cannot express it. sir! whether it is|dilip kumar or dharmendra.. ..when he sings for them, wow.. ..when he sings then wow.. what a traffic!

    move fast! i have to go for lunch. with my would be wife. i think you are bored. should i play some songs? hey, what cd is this? there will be many cd's in the car. it is better to play it. "don't leave me in|a stage of restlessness." "please come back, i swear."

    hey, do you like md. rafi? even i like md. rafi and his songs. when he sings then|the magic of his voice.. what can i say?|- i want to tell you something. oh, let me finish. wait! it will feel like a thousand|violins are playing when he sings. the emotions that we have|buried in the depths of our heart.. ..will come up with overwhelming joy. it feels like the sadness of our|heart is blown away by a gust of wind.

    that song was sung by hemanth kumar. hemanth.. - yes. hemanth kumar? who is he could be? this is hemanth kumar.|but md. rafi sings well. like violins and removing sadness.. to which restaurant are we going now? welcome to rinaessence, sir.|how can i help you? i have a reservation|under the name udaya bhaskar.

    it's a parsi restaurant. not that but i like to travel a lot. travelling,|you know like ship, train, plane.. good! even i like travelling. what are the places did you see? ashok nagar,|balnagar, varasiguda, chandrayangutta.. funny! are you joking? i thought you were serious. what are your likes and dislikes?

    books! books! - oh! books? - i like to read a lot. in fact i brought|a book to gift you. - oh! beginners guide to alhabad. this book? - yes. i mean you like travelling and.. ..i like books. so combining both.. this.. oh! do you really like to read?

    yes. - what is your favorite book? how can i name one?|i read a lot of books. did you read roald dahl books? - yes. what is your opinion?|- i think he is simply.. ..supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! what is it?|- i think i used very big words. i do giving to my|sescopedal edges sometimes.. ..but i like books and libraries. and also universities.

    in fact if i have two sons then.. ..i will name them as|nagarjuna and venkateswara. do you mean the movie|heroes names? - no. i meant the universities. would you name osmania if it is a girl? yeah, good idea. i names dog in our street|as kits and cat as bits. hey, raja ravi varma's painting is here.|i didn't observe it till now. do you like raja ravi varma's paintings?

    of course!|i do want to too some gasconading.. ..but in my college days|i was a good student by the way. i got a gold medal for|the thesis on world paintings. really?! - yeah. that means you have a lot to tell me. yes. - explain me about it. raja ravi varma, the painter prince.. forget about things on the right.. look at the breast look, they look|so unincombat by the time she was in..

    ..in olden days when everyone|was not allowed to enter the temples.. ..to show people how the god looks, he|started to paint the pictures of gods.. ..and took the god to peoples houses.|he is great. - hello, sir. -yes. so, there are like|1220 web sites about him. master of arts.. hey! oh, no! - bloody hell! sorry, sir! sorry! i am sorry. sorry! sorry! sorry!

    it's okay. it's okay.|i thought of this when i came here. that it would have been|nice if we sit at different table. let's take another table.|- no, we have reservation. we should sit here only. - come on! restaurant is empty. you know what! i didn't like|water spilling on your clothes. let us go to another restaurant.|come on. - no! no! we are here. if someone meet accident once,|does it means it happens always?

    let us sit here. i like this place. service here is also not good. when i asked for fork once,|he pricked me with it. wow, monalisa! is that her? i am hungry.|shall we order something? please! we can. let the waiter come here. what is your opinion|about this painting? this painter do not have|the talent that ravi varma has.

    come on, da vinci.. what?! - you know,|da vinci is a mathematician.. ..cum engineer cum sculptor cum.. ..writer cum musician.. ..cum anatomist.. - is he not a painter? monalisa! this is the painting that|inspired many poets around the world. can you say some poem? "monalisa is my sister"

    "her smile is super." "come on, let us party." "who is this girl?" "where did she come from?" "what she gonna do to us all?" "she broke my heart.. heart.." hey, prabha! did you like the guy? just wait! let her speak.|prabha! did you like the guy? i don't know.

    what is the problem?|- no problem at all. no problem means you liked him. no, that means i cannot|say that i don't like him. he seems to be a good guy. but he tried a lot to impress me. his attempts kind|of nice at that moment.. ..but i was scared|after a second thought. attempts?! - yes. he tried to convince me|that we have same interests.

    he tried to use big english words like|a student appearing for gre coaching. what is that? if you cannot come to a conclusion,|what should i say to the mediator? how can i marry him just|because you don't know.. ..what to say to the mediator, brother? he liked you a lot|when he first saw you. is it enough if he only likes me? marriage is one time event in this life. i cannot take a decision|with just two hours of acquaintance.

    listen, prabha! you just keep quiet. i will talk to her. prabha! do you want|us to look for more matches? we cannot get a good match than this. he is well educated and also rich. i will see just one more match. if that person is worse than this guy.. ..i will marry this guy. okay? promise me that. - promise!

    worse than this guy?! isn't it hard, sir? can't we find one? i am out of ideas, venki. if sirisha doesn't marry me.. ..i will close the channel|and go to himalayas. sir, just listen to me. i lost my impression|because i heard your advice. what did i do, mr.|uday? aren't there any other girls?

    there are many other|girls out there. - no. i tried a lot already. searched a lot. looked a lot of girls. there isn't anyone else.|this is the only girl. but she is not coming into my hands. mr. uday!|don't worry so much. i have an idea. there will be many fools in our city. let us send one of them to her house.

    after seeing him,|she will definitely marries you. oh, no! i cannot risk. what if she likes him and marries him? that's a good point.|but where can we find a loyal fool? there is one. who is that fool? it is you. since your future is in my hands.. ..i cannot do anything|if you think of betraying me.

    sir, i can give you advice|but don't involve me in this. listen, venkateswara rao!|think of this as a practice and do it. what is this, sir? he is going to|play the game but i should do practice? venki! you are my loyal employee! can't you do this for me? this is the correct opportunity|to show your respect for me. don't think i would plead you.|if you don't do what i say.. sir! i have a small doubt. what if i fall in love|with her in this process?

    then i would kill you. what if she falls in love with me? then you will be killed by my hands. sir! emotional blackmail wouldn't work. just because i am working with you..|- venki! venki, stop! how dare you speak against me? i heard that you met|gemini tv creative head. you have attended the interview also. he called me and enquired about you.

    if i say anything bad about you.. ..you will be finished. if you prove yourself useful to me.. ..i will give you news reader post. are you trying to trap me with this?|- hey, come with me. come with me. i have a work with you. you need to adjust|in some circumstances. you have to. you should choose wisely|about the circumstances.

    are you suggesting to take his offer? if you want the job of your choice.. ..you should go around sometimes. attend marriage looks just for fun. otherwise you will lose|what you have and want. don't i have any other choice? i don't think you have. first agree to this. i will count up to ten.

    ten! nine! sir! - eight! - sir! sir! seven! - sir! don't do anything out of anger, sir. i will do any help you ask for. in your plan to cheat and marry her,|i will give you my 100percent support. don't mind that i held|your choler a while back. what did you say, sir?|why would he mind? you are his boss, so you can do that.

    when are we going to start the project? immediately. plan of action. first you should make me|eligible bachelor and send there. i can take care of that. oh, then you will make her|believe that you are a complete fool. she will marry me and|i can live happily with her. is that all? - no. she will say that she|want to see another match.

    that is why i asked you to be patient. she will ask that guy|too to take her to dinner. then i will behave|in a way that she likes. then she will marry you and|i have to search for another girl. no, sir. i cannot find any for you. listen, sir!|when the matter moves ahead a bit.. ..and she chose to marry me.. ..we will place some heartbreaking|things in front of her. then her heart will be broken.

    and she will decide not to marry anyone. then both of us will have|to search for new matches. please don't speak about|searching for new matches, sir. we do not completely break her heart,|mr. uday. we will bring just a crack. while i am trying to break her heart,|you should befriend her. when i move out of the scene,|she will approach you.. ..and tell you that she|cannot find a good guy than you. then you can console her|that it is not a big thing..

    ..and forgive her. then you will get|married to her happily. huh! done? - done! - done! greetings, madam!|how are you? - greetings! i am fine. have some coffee! he has half acre land|at his native place. half acre is nothing these days. oh! - no!

    reject! - reject! look at him, sir. his five sisters are educated. but he is.. he is rich instead. are his sisters married? first he will get married.. - no. no to this too. - look at this, sir. this is second marriage|for him but he is rich. he love marriage attempt failed..

    ..so he wants to opt|for arranged marriage. that means his first|marriage was a failure. no, it was super hit. he want to continue that.|- reject this too. look at this, sir. he looks handsome. who is he? he has finished his degree. works in a software|company and earns a lot.

    why did you show those stupid|matches when you have this? you have selected it before|i came to that decision. since you have selected venki,|she will be married to mr. uday. what did you say? i was saying just leave the rest to me. let me have some coffee first. congratulations, sir. i had arranged different|match for he girl your son liked. i don't understand what you say.|just get my son married. that's all.

    hello! - sir! from the list i showed.. ..they have selected our venki.|- i am proud of my boy! i hope they didn't|see venki in tv program. who will watch that, sir? then search a good parents|for him and arrange marriage looks. that is very complicated process. bringing a mother and father.. ..and teach acting to them..

    ..and then making them perform|correctly is very difficult. let us arrange marriage|looks in some place. just the guy and the girl. okay? - okay. where did your brother keep the photo? it's alright, sis-in-law. you said that you liked him. and i like the name n. venkateswara rao. what if you go without|seeing the photo and confuse?

    nothing will happen. she will search for faults|if she sees this photo now. okay. okay, sir. prabha! you can start. he will wear a blue|shirt and kakhi pant. is my sari okay? - superb! brother! is he software side? isn't he news reader? - deloitte! salary of 7lakh 20thousand.

    hello? hello! i wore blue shirt and kakhi pant. what is she wearing? yellow?! oh, yellow sari? okay, i will take care of it. nice shirt! - thanks! new one! my boss bought for me. did you come here to see|a girl for marriage? - yes. she is wearing a yellow sari and i|have to wear blue shirt and kakhi pant.

    oh, got it. what a coincident.|i too came for that purpose. tomorrow! i can wear any color shirt. is that why you wore such a shirt? my name is chinta gurumurthy. her name is swapna. nice meeting you.|- my name is venki. her name is sirisha. boss's name is uday. nri! i went to us on l1 and..

    ..changed to h1 recently. oh, is that good, sir? yes. next is green card. for the safety and health|of chinta gurumurthy.. ..this is an offering made to god. why did you come to this temple now? i visit temple occasionally|and ask the god to fulfill my dreams. that is called worship. even the god tells me what i have to do.

    that is called madness. - mad?! what do you do, sir? didn't you get visa? i don't have the idea of going to us. it is difficult.. not easy you know? just see me now struggled hard in sap in india.. you did sap? - yes you should call it s.a.p

    what does it mean? don't know exactly.. it is something.. i think it is german leave me alone.. i am a bit tense why be tense? it'll be set it shouldn't be set..|mine is a long story my things should get set..|mine is a normal story i want apply for h1 visa soon wow!

    hello.. i didn't see his photo didn't he see my photo either? ok then.. i'll look for the blue shirt the one in the yellow saree..|her name is prabhavati surname starts with 'u'.|born and brought up in delhi native place is vizag her date of birth is may31st 1989..|zodiac sign is gemini her name is not prabhavati but sirisha.. her full name is sri|sai sirisha prabhavati

    how do you know all this? why didn't you tell me|all these details earlier? even a man who wants to|marry won't seek so many details does she know any details|about me by the way? it seems she didn't see your photo even she knows only your name ok.. i'll face my troubles ok.. do so your name is.. - n venkateswara rao

    is that the correct name? oh.. is it you? - yes i'm sirisha.. nice name! your name is very nice.. - so nice?! is better than chinta gurumurty? i don't mean that a friend of mine too has|the name n venkateswara rao so there are two persons|with the same name there are three of them..|the third one too is here abouts

    is it ok for you if|kids get educated in us? why am i bothered where|your kids get educated? - ah? i'll make a short call and return hello father.. please cancel|the marriage proposal tomorrow i have chosen a girl already i think she's the one father.. if anyone pings from office.. ..reply with brb..|it is work from home anyways hey.. why are you overplaying|the role given to you?

    you don't want it anyway let me make my efforts i'll take along on h4 for now..|and then through my consultant.. sap.. oh, sorry! i'll get trained on s.a.p|and get it converted to h1 one can earn upto 75 dollars per hour that's good income in edison..|the school district is also good. you are a great planner..|but do what you are told for now if you play out the role without reading|the script.. this is what results

    i am trying to help,|but you are not giving me any freedom let's go sorry madam - what? you are not my type don't feel bad that|i'm saying this in your face but just a minute ago.. had we met a minute ago.. ..the result would|have been something else you.. what?!

    alas! hello, father! i just broke up! hey prabha..|how did he say that he didn't like you? we never expected such an outcome even i too didn't|feel like talking to him but, how arrogant he is! if he didn't like you,|he should have found some excuse how dare he tell you in the face!

    what are you thinking about, prabha? i should speak to him once more but he said he didn't like you is it enough if he is the|only one who doesn't like this? what do you mean?! you said you would take only 15 min..|- i had to fill petrol why are you so angry?|didn't check the zero? no, i didn't..|neither for petrol nor for marriage! hey, sit here..

    that's a 5-year old issue, venky! what is the point in|raking up age old matters? what is the guarantee|that she still likes you? that she is ready to seek|other marriage proposals.. ..don't you realize what it means? if i meet her once,|the matter will be resolved what about the other issues around you? one shouldn't be afraid in|love or shouldn't fall in love at all but if the one you love is your|boss' love too, you better keep mum..

    but she was so disheartened|to see that man with same name as me what is the guarantee that|she won't be disheartened to see you? venky, marriage happens|only when both like each other but if two people like the same person,|trouble happens but it is me who that girl likes think hard about this, venky if things go wrong, you could|lose both the girl and your job! take my advice and let go of her there is no cure for|love like we have for headache

    love is like pneumonia, venky it is cured in 3 days even|if you don't take any medicine one has to keep blowing|the nose till then i am not going to sit quiet i think, i still love her it is fine that you|feel all that.. but.. is it the same sirisha that mr.|uday wants to marry.. prabhavati..|- whatever! - my boy, venky! i'll manage all those matters

    but you shouldn't try|to meet that girl at all i take your leave you know that father|will be treated on sunday still why did you have to go?|- sorry, mom! get in. the headlines in the news today. news being presented by n. bhanumurty in bollywood, in a movie called 'maine|pyaar kiya', rakesh roshan's son.. hritik roshan acted well and|stood up to his father's reputation

    in america,|the son of george bush senior.. george bush, became the president in uttar pradesh, mulayam|yadav's son akhilesh became the cm and in cricket, playing against england,|yograj singh's son.. ..hit 6 sixes in a single over! i who read news in doordarshan.. ..earned a great reputation and titles. but my son fell in love with a girl.. sorry, father!

    she wasn't there yesterday..|i am fine still she wasn't there the day before either..|i am happy all the same it means that i'll be happy|even if she wouldn't be there tomorrow you never told me any time|that i should become this or that.. you were my childhood hero! i used to feel great|when others praised you i used to feel very happy! i too wanted to become like you one day i'll be.. i'll be like you

    you shall feel proud|of me that day, father! it seems that you changed|the plans on the spot it seems you said you didn't like her that's why i got a gift for you so i shall go after sirisha right away.. for me to assume your wit, smartness.. ..pace, energy and intelligence..|this device will help you'll keep coaching|me what i should say and do.. ..and i'll make the|girl fall in love with me

    this is for you..|via bluetooth.. what do you say? so.. if i coach you on the fly,|you'll snare her - yes.. what was your rank in the entrance exam? i got in via nri quota..|didn't like the plan? venky, know what they call|a person who promises but fails? they may call him n venkateswara rao! but my problem is not that.. here.. take this 3g phone.. from now on, you shall ensure|that i don't talk like a fool

    the plan looks fine mr. uday! but i can't keep advising|you on wireless an entire life you shall do that too if required i think i forgot|its charger in the car.. i shall go and get it..|you pay the bill meanwhile okay? how much is it? - 310 rupees, sir. how are you doing, venky? - ah? i'm fine.. how about you?

    i.. i have to leave. are you angry that i left|vizag without telling you? nothing of that sort.. why don't we share|a cup of coffee together? for old times sake.. come this way.. i remembered those summer|times when i saw your photo it was such a nice time nice feeling!

    yes, indeed.. we were young and foolish.. did you go to vizag again? no.. did you go there? what do you think? didn't you ever remember|me before you saw me again? you ran away even after you saw me but you were the one who|disappeared in the first place but now i appeared on my own wish

    no.. you got this wish after you saw me otherwise you would have|assumed another surname.. that's what you want.. i want to be prabhavati|venkateswara rao! i came to spend some|happy moments with you.. in that case, you keep|talking and i'll return shortly! where are you going? - to the washroom! sir, give me the charger..|i'll get it charged.

    you make a move. venky, sirisha is here.|i'll go and talk to her.. you go - sir.. wait, let's implement our plan. you go the washroom|and coach me the sentences.. go in there, venky - sir.. hello! - hey! hey.. what are you doing here? what are you doing here?|- me.. - i came for some fresh air.. came for some fresh air.. - fresh air?!

    what!! you? - i didn't come for fresh air.. i came to meet a friend i am inside! ah! don't reveal the name!|- don't reveal the name! why? do you like the suspense? tell me something! what shall i say? you say something.. did you like my shoes?

    what? - but are wearing slippers! they are fine..|'what a strange person'! tell me the truth..|aren't they too bright and gawdy? but they don't look like shoes at all? they are slippers..|called flip-flops in america! no! they are fine.. so if any friend of|yours wears such shoes.. ..and goes out with you for a movie|or shopping, you won't feel insulted? i wouldn't.. what's wrong with them?

    they look really nice.. then i shall come in these shoes..|why don't you join me for dinner? where shall we go? to the taj or... not now, sir..|my friend is waiting outside.. i thought you will|get angry on seeing me.. regarding the marriage proposal.. ..i am not at ease with myself. i want some more time|to take a decision.. you don't think about that..

    we shall go for a dinner|once more meanwhile.. we may do so.. but just had my lunch! a dinner once more? i don't want it - but i agreed|at once when you suggested.. you should agree when i ask for it that is the rule i can't follow the rule..|will pay a fine if needed.. that is true too but i don't want it. things|will get complicated unnecessarily

    trust me.. nothing extravagant! ok.. i too have something to tell you by the way..|you were mentioning a friend earlier who is that friend?|- who is that friend? is he handsome? - is he handsome? do you like him very much? your boyfriend?|- nothing like that, sir. we are just good friends, that's all nothing like that..|he belongs to a family i know..

    ok then.. friday 7 pm at taj banjara.. you are forcing me into it..|let me finish this first! thanks venky,|it all happened because of you i shall see you in office tomorrow..|leaving now, see you. sorry, i got delayed. were you bored? - no.. i was talking to a friend who dropped by he is so funny! it takes a minute to|guess what he is saying

    how do you know him?|- through a marriage.. i met him at a marriage.. but why did you want to|check proposals at a temple? i am 25 now.. you know that my|feet are always grounded i'm very practical! yeah! i know that quite well! and you said your eyes|are always looking at the sky.. what happened to your dream|of becoming a news reader?

    listen, i have to go.. when do we meet again? - friday, 7 pm.. friday, 7 pm.. i have some other thing to attend ok then.. go to attend that thing.. prabha, shall we tell gopal|rao that you liked uday proposal? or we shall seek any|other proposal if you wish but you won't find|a better one than this don't look for any other proposal,|sis-in-law.

    shall we fix the marriage dates then?|- i'll marry venky and none else but how? i'm going to meet venky|today and ask clearly what shall we say if|uday's side calls up today? i'm going to meet uday too today i'll tell him clearly - no, prabha! there can be confusion but|not double clarity at the same time. give me a week more, brother i don't know what you will do

    if you don't decide within a week,|i shall do what i like hello.. - it's me.. - it's me here too! venky, please.|i want to speak something with you i don't mind even if you get angry will you please meet me once? - sure! i have a holiday next week.|shall we meet then? venky! i don't have that much time. i have to meet you urgently. we shall meet today.

    i don't have any important engagement. i will cancel it for you. shall we meet at 7 o'clock?|- not needed. you can look after your work. let us meet at 9 o'clock. bye, prabha. who is it? prabhavati from vizag? where did you meet her again? i went to marriage looks the other day.

    oh, marriage looks?! will you invite us|for the marriage at least? i will take you too|if she invites me. okay? what do you mean? sir? - venky!|did you write a love letter before? why did you ask that, sir? nothing. i want you to write one for me. oh, no! why would i write|a love letter to you, sir? if necessary, you write it yourself.

    i will sign it. you should write the|letter and i will sign it. i want to give it to|sirisha during dinner tonight. is that so, sir? i cannot do that, sir. you are the one who is love|then how can i write the letter? i will love the girl and you love the|letter. i know it will come wonderfully. sir? - don't say anything.|just write it. show some teamwork. "there is no doubt,|your beautiful smile.."

    "..brought this excitement." "there is no doubt, your shyness.." "..is driving me towards you." "there is no doubt, your sweet voice.." "..fills my heart with happiness." "my heart is floating high in the air." "when i think about you, my dear." "i want to walk with|you like a companion.." "..this is the request of|my heart expressed in this letter."

    "there is no doubt, your beautiful|smile brought this excitement." hi, venky! do you think she would come? what should i do if she doesn't come? you can have the order parcelled|if she doesn't come, sir. not that. should i give her the letter as|soon as she comes or before she leaves? this is not some movie ticket|to show as soon as we enter. this is a letter. you have to give it|romantically before she leaves.

    sir, what will you have? okay. okay. venky! venky! here she comes. yes. oh! hi! why do you always keep|a bluetooth in your ear? actually.. - like the|chakra in lord vishnu's hands.. like the chakra in lord vishnu's hands.. like the trident in lord shiva's hands..|- like the trident in lord shiva's hands i keep bluetooth in my ears.

    you speak wonderfully. you have a saint sense of humor. really? - yes. for a new friendship. what is new in this? this is fourth time we are meeting. correct!|but i have a confession to make. difference! this is not a church. i am not a father!

    but you must hear my prayer. i said some lies in the|beginning of our friendship. interesting. go on. actually.. i am.. ..an ordinary man. i know that md. rafi is a singer. but i don't know about his songs. i used to think painter ravi varma|is related to director ram gopal varma. i tell the pa to book the tickets|when it comes to travelling..

    ..but not so interested. but i lied to you. what for? - because.. i like you. sir! should i bring you something? mr. uday! i don't know how to tell you.. oh, no! just idly! oh, no! just idly. idly?!

    idly! i..d..l..y.. i do love you. mr. uday! how to say this.. i went to spend summer holidays|with my granny five years back. idly will be nice, sir.|that is our speciality. guntur? uncle? vizag! grandma! oh, i too want to tell you something.

    i have attended three|marriages after meeting you. i thought about the same|thing in every marriage. is it how to marry me? hey! actually why.. when sirisha is there,|how could this groom marry that bride? that was my doubt. do you know why they did that? because they didn't see you.

    but i saw sirisha. it's true.|from the moment i met you.. ..everything i could think.. ..is you and only you. that is why.. ..i am not able to see anyone else.|- i am not able to see anyone else. why are you looking at me like that? there is something on your face. is it gone? - no!

    now? - no. there is beauty on your face. sir! do you want ginger|chutney or coconut chutney? oh, beauty cannot|go even if you wipe it. beauty cannot go even if you wipe it. what is beauty? hey! - sir! do you want|ginger chutney or coconut chutney? beauty means.. give it. - do you want ginger|chutney or coconut chutney?

    hey, give it back. - sir! do you|want ginger chutney or coconut chutney? beautiful eyes, nose, lips.. so, beauty means what you see outside. beauty means what you see outside? anybody? anybody? no, not only what appears.. ..but i believe kidneys,|liver and lungs will also be beautiful. i don't understand. sir, ginger chutney or.. - idiot!

    i am sorry, uday. i don't know how to tell you this. in vizag.. - ginger chutney|or coconut chutney.. - you.. i will fall at your feet,|don't tell me anything. no, uday! i cannot let you wait.. ..i feel very bad. i hate myself for this. i am not able to look|straight into your eyes. your eyes are..

    ..very beautiful. just like fish. your eyes are also nice. - my eyes? i don't think so. but when i look at your eyes.. sir! do you want coconut|chutney or ginger chutney? i'll eat one with coconut chutney.. ..and the other with ginger chutney.|would you mind? what?!

    sorry! you fool! i am sorry. i am sorry. no! no! it's okay. i have to meet a friend at 9 o'clock. very important. then let us meet again tomorrow. not possible. my family members are going out.|i must look after the aquarium. bye! venkateswara rao asked|me to come at 7.30pm.

    this girl is with him.|something is wrong. you forgot about letter, sir. siri! siri! siri! siri! siri! all that i couldn't tell you|directly are written.. i mean wrote them and signed. "i am under the moonlight,|but it is very warm.." "..when i think about you." "no matter where i am.."

    "..i remember only you." "your eyes entered into my dream.." "..and showed me a new world." "after knowing the truth|that sleep has deserted me.." "..my heart is seeking your shelter." "like a companion.." "..walk with me.." "..this is a request|i made through this letter." come, prabha! - venky!

    don't play games with me. please. if you are angry with me,|let us finish it later. anger? how can i be angry with you|when i don't even think about you? i like you a lot. i too like me a lot. i know that you like me too. is that why.. ..you are looking for other matches?|- venky! please..

    i always think about|those summer holidays. most beautiful two months of my life. venky! if you are with me,|rest of my life will also be like that. i really believe it.|- it has been many days. had i committed some crime then,|i would have been released by now. but i am unable to get rid of you. i don't have time to argue with you. i will ask you straight.

    will you marry me? please! sorry, prabha! did you see this letter? how beautifully he wrote it? i read it three times while coming here. why? do you have to return it tomorrow? there are people who love me a lot. but i was longing for you.

    go and marry him then. go! "did you hear the voice|of the birds chirping?" "the shower that clouds|bring to the earth.." "..is coming out of my eyes." "no matter what happens or what i do,|can i sit quiet?" "i am not able to move ahead." "my heart is being crushed|between my love and your hatred." "for everything that has happened.." "..my heart is sending|this silent letter of apology."

    i have won. hello! - prabha!|don't forget to give food to fishes. okay. - milkman will come.|i kept the vessel outside. think about uday too. sis-in-law! hello, angel! why are you here? you said that there wouldn't|be anyone at home today. so i came here.

    i am in a bad mood now.|- boss! finish it quickly. there is no battery.|- i will not stay for too long. battery is about to finish. you know what.. thank you for being so patient. friends? come inside. - thank you. i have read your letter.|- really? - yes. did you like it?|- yes. - i didn't read it yet.

    what do you mean?|- i wrote it but didn't read it. sorry! i didn't offer you coffee. like to have some chips and tea? hello? hello? - venky! hello! - boss!|where are you? signal is not reaching. venky? hello? hello? venky? hello! hello! hello! venky! hello!

    i thought of proposing her tonight.|but there is no signal in the balcony. and there is no charging in your phone.|what should i do, venky? sir! i have another bad news for you. talk time is also less in my phone. don't you have any balance? you just cut the phone. i will call you. no, sirisha is here. keep talking. you are strange. why don't you come|here and say something?

    how long can i talk|when talk time is less? come and sit here. i always like to sit here. these plants.. ..this cold breeze.. ..full moon and it's silvery light.. ..what else do we need? - it would have|been nice if we had cell phone signal. what happened to you? to tell you the truth..

    ..the way you revealed|your feelings to me.. ..i liked it a lot. thank god! didn't you like me? i didn't say that. i couldn't react because|of the situation i was in. what did you like in me? should i tell you now? - yes. let us speak about it at some|other time under some cell tower. but everything is written|in the letter. nuisance!

    the thing i like the most|in you is your way of talking. oh! - very funny. please! not in the letter.. ..i want to hear you saying it. there is no battery, balance and signal. forget about talking and let me do this. please.. leave me. - just a minute. hey, what are you doing?

    what are you doing? i love you, siri. i wanted to put this ring|and make you agree to our marriage. but i did something else in tension. sorry! please! i like you a lot. please forgive me and try to understand. or understand and then forgive me. no matter what the sequence,|do those two things. please! - get out of my house.

    venky! this is terrible! everything is destroyed. lower your voice, sir. what happened? - i thought|of putting the ring on her but.. o my god!|- siri! - sir! - siri! - wait, sir. she will ask why i behaved like that. please, venky! please help me. sir! light is dim here. she cannot see who is speaking.

    i will handle it. leave it to me. leave it to me. sir! sir! please! call out for her. - siri! loudly! - siri! she is out. what should i do? say sorry. - i am sorry, venky! not to me. i am sorry, siri. why did you do that?

    because i am a fool. because he is a fool. who is he? - i mean.. me.. do something, venky! please! - ah?! siri! - siri! why did you change your voice? i change my voice when i sing. you asked me why i like you. now i will tell you. listen!

    "i cannot say that i didn't|see more beautiful girls than you." "but no matter how many beauties.." "..i see my heart didn't have|this feeling before." "when i thought for reason.." "..i don't know why this happened|and is very confusing." "no matter if you get angry.." "yes, it is." "but even then, i cannot stop|my heart from loving you even more." "if one looks you with my eyes,|they will find.."

    "..that you are the only|beauty in this world." "..you with my eyes,|i cannot allow that." why didn't you tell this a while ago? tell me why i didn't. when you are in front of me.. ..not only with you.. ..it is very difficult|even to speak to myself. very difficult, siri.|hey, make it simple. i am sorry for throwing you out.

    will you come upstairs once? please! if you say that you will marry me.. if you say that you|will marry me. - huh? venky! just now a war is over.|why do you start another one? will you.. ..marry me? i love you. let us get married happily. stop it. just come here.|we can think later.

    wonderful! it seems she will|agree if i ask again. shall i? i am coming.|- she is almost agreed. yes! thank you, venky! thank you so much! yes! yes! shit! where did you go? i know everything. why are you cheating|yourself and also prabhavati? and also cheating mr.|uday.. - not so many cheatings, mom.

    i really don't like prabhavati. hey, you don't have any|reason to like her. is that true? yes, mom. then what is this, my son? if people think about|marrying to movie stars.. you read the name wrong, mom. it's kareena. - than what? mom! i am very close|to fulfilling father's dream. don't say anything at this time.

    you innocent fool! if he make you news reader|in his channel after this.. prabhavati will come and ask mr. uday.. ..why is venky, who came to see her.. ..working in his office,|what will he say then? do you think he is using me, mom? he is just playing with you. listen! you can read news|in some other channel if not in this. but can you marry some|other girl than prabhavati?

    you make friendship with many girls.. ..but you never spoke about|them like you speak about prabhavati. listen to me and do something quickly. hey, congratulations! - what for? first bulletin of the evening|news is today. go and get ready. i heard that boss's marriage is fixed. oh, no! venky! resign this job.. ..and become a marriage broker. aren't you ashamed to do such things?

    hey, venky! come on in! you know? i am the happiest|man under the sun today. why did you come here now? i have to|go out. i have an important engagement. engagement? small shopping with sirisha,|engagement.. my engagement.|tomorrow is my engagement with sirisha. i have to tell you something, sir.|- are you resigning? yes, sir. vamanrao is coming|to tell you the truth.

    to tell the truth.. vamanrao is sitting in front of you. sorry, mr. vamanrao. boss will give you an opportunity. just wait for a while.|- innocent kalyani! i am a practical man. you forgot your pants. we should spend money for|the clothes that appear on screen. there is no need to buy something|when do not appear on screen.

    it is a waste. vamanrao is coming to|you to tell you the truth. so the sirisha whom you|loved is my prabhavati, sir. venky! you can get any|girl because of your talent. i doubt that you have many girlfriends. if your girlfriends form a human|chain on hearing your marriage news.. ..it will be as long|as mahatma gandhi road. listen. leave sirisha to me. no, sir! the only girl|whom i loved is prabhavati.

    venky! this is my order. if you don't leave sirisha to me,|i will dismiss you. you don't have to since i am resigning. do you remember, three years back.. ..i appointed you here|because of your anchoring.. ..in college anniversary function. i gave you an opportunity to|fulfill your dream. ungrateful guy! do you know what loyalty is? i spoke nicely just because|you helped me. or else i hate you.

    chit-chatting with ladies in the office,|disrespect for seniors.. ..but come on time for the salary. you say that you are poor|at expressing your feelings. but you expressed your|hatred on me very well, sir. it is because i hate you a lot. my hatred made me speak like that. if you really love prabhavati, your|love would have made you express it. but you cannot express your love. that is because you didn't love.

    but i can. i will go and express|my love to prabhavati immediately. i don't want this|evening news reader post. and i don't want the salary|which comes in the middle of the month. please leave me, sir.|i will take care of my life. sir! four years back|prabhavati liked me. what about four years after? even after four years,|she liked me who reflected in your talk. how sad? but sirisha is|going to marry me and only me. but i won't let her.

    i will go and tell|the truth to prabhavati. leave me! leave me, sir. i said leave me. hey! hey! how dare you hit me? you! you! - hey! hey! sir! leave me, sir! sir! sir! leave me! please, sir! leave me.

    sir! leave me, sir! - now, this. sir! you can do whatever|you want but prabhavati is mine. is prabhavati yours? how dare you turn against me? you will stay like this till|my engagement with sirisha is over. i will think what to do|with you till marriage later. sir! - yes? - our first|news bulletin starts in an hour. we can take care of|everything once venky is here. it is vamanrao and not venky.

    why is that, sir? - venky has resigned. he didn't even inform|the program director. i told vamanrao to get ready.|you make everything ready. venky! are you here? i still doubt it. if you are inside,|knock with your left foot. right foot at least. i saw him going inside. you forgot your bluetooth?

    i understood the way,|so i wanted to manage myself. shoes! shall we buy some shoes? how many times should i tell|you not to pull your shirt like that? i should have some signature moment. today you are not saying anything. is there some problem? what can anyone say|anything after being tied? i mean my mouth. today is the first bulletin|of our news program..

    still i came to meet you..|i like you that much.. is it true? - yes.. see? idea! welcome, madam - please|tune into ubtv please. no problem, madam. it is vaman rao presenting you the news. this is the first news|program being presented.. ..by ubtv and we assure our viewers.. ..that we'll make all out|efforts to bring you the truth..

    ..and shall be in the|forefront on that count. when opposition party is|offering 2000 bucks for a vote.. ..the ruling party is|offering only 1500 bucks.. claiming this, people from|ponnur mandal in guntur district.. ..pochipalem village residents|have started an agitation they have boycotted voting. but still there was 75 percent voting.. he is vaman rao and|has a fantastic voice.. famour cine star kirit kumar..

    ..if you want to know what|his second son virat kumar is doing.. ..keep watching the evening news! by god! how hard is this|job of news reading, subba reddy! hey, check it at the top! - kalyani! could anyone see my shorts|when i was reading the news? tell your venky that pants|are not important for news reading.. one must have courage in his heart.. we are live on air, sir.. - live! is it not a break?!

    welcome back to evening news.. famous cine star kirit kumar's.. ..second son virat kumar is also.. ..set to enter the|cine field in near future. for the same, to give a fillip|to his acting, he is learning.. ..horse-riding, karate, gymnastics.. ..culturing silk worms etc..|and for the same he went to hollywood. now we present business news.. - what?! the stock market|has crashed in a heap..

    on monday, nifty hit its first block.. ..at 5722. the first support value is 5544. why is he getting so confused? stock market news is like that! for several prominent|cities across the country.. ..we bring you the weather bulletin. venky, this is your chance! 1-2-3.. roll!

    i am n venkateswara rao|with the weather updates.. oh.. shucks! - venky! what is venky doing there? first, we go to delhi! normally the max temp|over here should be about 25. and the min hovers around 15.. i never been to delhi.. but|it is here that my prabhavati was born.. that's why i like that city a lot.. next come mumbai, kolkata and chennai..

    let's drop these and come to vizag.. i don't know much|about the weather here.. ..but met prabhavati here.|- hey, your son-in-law! what is he doing on uday tv? one afternoon to see movie|jalsa at mourya theater.. c-16 and c-17 the seat nos.. i bought the tickets|in black for a 100 each.. the two months that summer we|roamed all over vizag.. - i'm coming.. dolphin's nose,|rk beach, kailashgiri etc..

    but after that for two years,|the summers of 2011 and 2012.. ..i went back to vizag|but prabhavati didn't come. you went to vizag for me?! after four years, i and prabha.. ..met in hyderabad again|under unexpected circumstances. your eyes must have seen a different|person.. but your heart saw the real me. i still love you, prabha..|it is me who you liked.. ..and it only you that i love. i don't want to leave you this time.

    kalyani! it was because some commented|about you at the beach.. ..that i picked a fight there.. what was the result.. a broken jaw! may i tell you something? if they comment about you again,|i will fight them once more! you know why? i still love you! you asked me many times|that day on necklace road.. ..i couldn't tell you that i like you.|but today i tell you..

    i love you so much, prabha.. i really love you..|in the past, present and forever! shiri! shiri! i want to talk to you.. she is going away! hey.. who are you after all?! chinta gurumurty!|- what do i care who you are?! why are you obstructing me? hey, what is the problem with you?!

    no marriage or marriage proposals! hey! hey! let me out! auto! will you take me to ubtv office? i will take you to|ajay tv office.. - what?! i know hyderabad auto guys well..|let me talk to him! auto, will you take you to|ajay tv office? - i'll go to ubtv.. get in now! take her to that place.. h4.. kids..|their school in edison! - let's go! marriage..|remember me? - go fast! - this is goa!

    if prabha agrees,|we'll have our honeymoon at this place. else it could be shimla or even manali. wherever prabhavati wants to go. so it is you who ran the|entire story in the background! yes, i'm not only venky|but also very cocky! you scoundrel! ah! - how dare you?! is it you who wrote that letter too? the script is mine..

    ..but directed and produced|by my boss! - boss! why are you beating me? you! would you play with|my feelings like this? i had no other option -|why did you tell so many lies? i had to do it, prabha. it was you who wrote|that song too, right? such lies! - what about you? didn't you ask him to come up?

    it is you that i called! - is it?! but it wasn't i who came up. neither was it me who|put the ring on your finger. and when i proposed|the friday meeting.. ..you had a dinner|program with mr. uday.. ..and lied to me that you have|some other work to attend! - venky! i wanted to meet mr.|uday to reveal the truth to him. guys.. just relax! phone my pinky..

    this is great.. hello! - sir,|our program is a great hit! is it so? - our trp ratings|have beaten the competition! thank you! thank you very much! sir! did you see this? please dismiss him immediately, sir! hello! - my boy! did you see the tv today? - i did.. that's why i came to|dismiss him right away!

    you fool! did you see how|many people watched the news today? venky has become a big star now! we'll get a very bad|name if we dismiss him now.. what about his treachery? - our|trp ratings are higher than competition! trp ratings are important|than personal issues.. is that your final say?|- don't you agree? what about my situation, sir? are you suffering financially? are you going through family problems?

    is you health on a thin line? if worshipped properly|even lord shani gives blessings. so buy today the yantra|for appeasing lord shani! it will cost you only rs|199 if you order immediately.. cameraman, hope it is presented well.. i take your leave.. for latest|news updates stay tuned into ubtv. so you have become|a news reader at last! what did you do to your boss?|- what else? i can't shed him midway!

    there is something stuck to your face.. is it gone? - no.. a little towards the right..|over there.. beauty got stuck to your face.. oh.. but beauty can't|be wiped away from the face! beauty.. is it? action! "find it.. find it.." "..find out what you feel.."

    "in the beginning and in the end.." "..the difference|between your feelings." "when you reach your goal.." "..find the joy that you experience." "the happiness of your friendship.." "..cannot be expressed in words." "is that so?" "i don't know!"

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