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american drew furniture night stands

new york city! we've traveled abroad to manyfar off corners of the world; however, we've yet to find a city that quite lives up tothe big apple. join as we share our new york city travel experiences in the form of a top50 things to do in the city guide where we cover top attractions along with extendedfootage in the form of vlogs where we visit places we didn't cover the first time around.from the high line to brooklyn bridge and smorgasburg to governors island our guideoffers a bit of something for everyone. our recent week in new york city was an actionpacked one. we decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possiblycould, and that gave way to this video guide which highlights 50 of the top a city like new york this means we barely

scratched the surface, but hopefully thisvideo will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the big apple. most journeys begin at penn station or grandcentral terminal, and if you arrive at the later you'll be wowed by the building. we're now visiting the high line, which isan old section of rail tracks that used to run from chelsea all the way to the meatpackingdistrict. this area has actually been reclaimed and turned into a park which is pretty cool. the meatpacking district was once home tomarkets, slaughterhouses, and packaging plants, but times have changed. today you'll finda mixture of trendy restaurants, clubs and

boutiques. the village used to be a bohemian neighborhoodthat drew artists and musicians, but today you're more likely to find upper middle classfamilies living here. the streets are shaded and quiet, and it's a nice place for a casualstroll. before coming to new york city there werea few things i absolutely wanted to do and one of them was to walk across the brooklynbridge and i'm doing that right now. completed in 1883, brooklyn bridge is oneof the oldest suspension bridges in the united states. it connects the boroughs of manhattanand brooklyn. today we are over in williamsburg which isone of the more popular neighborhoods here

in brooklyn. it definitely has a very youngfeel. i'm seeing a lot of twenty something year old's and that means lots of flea markets,independent restaurants and art galleries. williamsburg has become quite popular givenits lower rent prices. university students and young professionals have been flockingto this part of town. we got to see a lot of cool street art aroundwilliamsburg, including murals along bedford, fillmore, and roebling. this is a massive park located in brooklynand it was designed by the same landscape architects who brought central park to life. we are now visiting the historic districtof dumbo and that stands for down under the

manhattan bridge overpass. you can walk along the riverfront for a greatview of the brooklyn and manhattan bridges and the manhattan skyline. you can't come to new york and not have aslice of pizza. i can't think of a better place to have it here than in brooklyn. we were kind of tired from a long day of walkingand we decided to take a little break at bryant park. low and behold we found that they havefree board games that anyone can use throughout the day. you'll catch friends, couples, and familiesplaying games like chess, dominoes and scrabble.

during the summer months, bryant park alsobecomes a popular hangout spot for people looking to relax and even work on their tans. after visiting bryant park, you'll want topop into the library for a look at the beautiful interior. the staten island ferry is free of chargeand this makes it really popular with visitors who want to catch a glimpse of the statueof liberty from a distance. if you want to get a closer look at lady liberty,you'll have to buy tickets to liberty island. if you make reservations well in advance,you can even climb to the viewing platform inside the crown.

battery park is located on the southern tipof manhattan. it is home to a few different memorials and you'll also catch a lot of visitorshanging out in this area as they wait to catch a ferry. little italy may be slowly shrinking, butit's still a great place to grab some italian food & a gelato for dessert. having both lived in south korea, we werethrilled to come across manhattan's own little korea. we seized the opportunity and founda restaurant serving kimchi, pajeon, and kimchi bokkeum bap. if you're looking for a bargain, chinatownis a fun place to visit. the storefronts usually

spill onto the sidewalks. it's one of thefew places where you can haggle on the price of things. coney island is all about good old fashionedfun. you can ride roller coasters, stroll down the boardwalk, enjoy some beach time,and then head over the nathan's famous hot dogs. we happened to be here during a parade,which explains why the streets were so busy. and that's our next tip - if you're here injune, don't miss the mermaid parade! we are now in the northwest end of manhattanvisiting the cloisters and this building was built in the medieval architectural styleand it is home to some really lovely sculptures and paintings so we're going to be visitingthose.

the cloisters will make you feel like you'vetraveled over to europe. this place a peaceful retreat from manhattan's busy streets. the apollo is one of the most famous musichalls in new york city. amateur night is on wednesdays, and it's great for spotting upcomingtalent. we're in harlem for some soul food and we'veheard some great things about sylvia's. we can't wait to go and have some fried chicken. we ended up having smothered chicken, andit melted in our mouths. delicious! while in the city we also dropped by the nationalseptember 11 memorial. we then made our way to trinity church whichholds one of the oldest burial grounds in

manhattan and is the final resting place ofmany historic figures. we're here now at wall street where millionsare made and lost. we're now visiting the lincoln center, whichis a space that celebrates the performing arts. it is home to the opera, the balletand the theater. art aficionados will love the possibilitiesthe lincoln center offers. while i wouldn't recommend biking manhattan'scongested streets, central park really is a great place for a bike ride. if you're lookingto cover a lot of ground, you can pick up a bike from one of the many rental shops. one thing you absolutely have to do when youcome to new york is watch a new york yankees

baseball game. right now we're at yankee stadiumand this is the most historic baseball franchise. they've won more world series than any otherteam. we have a very exciting day of museum hoppingahead of us. our first stop is the met or the metropolitan museum of art and i'm reallylooking forward to browsing the different galleries. admission to the met is by suggested donationonly, meaning you can give whatever you can afford. this triangular shaped skyscraper is one ofthe most iconic buildings in the city. if you approach the building from a certain angleit looks 2-dimensional.

washington square park is popular with familieslooking to cool down during the summer months. there is a large fountain where kids liketo climb and splash around. the park is also known for its arch which is reminiscent ofthat in paris. and while you visit washington square park,you can also take the opportunity to swing by the nyu campus. the national museum of the american indianhas a very interesting collection, and the best part is that admission is free of charge. the american museum of natural history islocated in the upper west side, and it has an extensive dinosaur collection.

we are now in times square - the busiest intersectionin all of new york city. if you're going to be visiting i recommend you come at nighttime when all of the lights are on and it is just crowded. times square has often been nicknamed "thecenter of the universe" and "the crossroads of the world". an estimated 330,000 peoplepass through daily. modern art lovers can pop into the moma fora visit. a really fun way to get over to rooseveltisland is to take a cable car from manhattan. this tramway runs from manhattan to rooseveltisland and the ride lasts 3 minutes. it's a fun way to get an aerial overview of thecity, but it's also slightly unnerving if

you don't like heights! ahh, fifth avenue is a shopping mecca. thestreet is lined with prestigious high-end boutiques, and it's considered to be one ofthe most expensive shopping streets in the world. the top of the rock observation deck is locatedon the 70th floor and offers 360 degree unobstructed views. the empire state building was the world'stallest building for almost 40 years. while it has been surpassed many times since, itstill boasts some of the best views of new york city.

carnegie hall is a concert venue and it oftenplays host to classical performances. this morning we're exploring central parkalso known as the lungs of new york city. now this park is massive and there are somany different entrances. it is almost like a bit of a maze. if you really want to seethe park properly you've got to come several times and you've got to enter from differentvantage points. central park is massive and there are so manyplaces to visit within its boundaries. we managed to visit belvedere castle, the greatlawn, shakespeare garden, the ramble, the jackie onassis reservoir, the alice in wonderlandstatue, and we still left feeling like we barely scratched the surface.

strawberry fields is a section of centralpark dedicated to the memory of john lennon. this was a place lennon used to frequent,and travelers from far and wide stop by to leave a rose and pay their respects. we're just outside of the met and i've gota giant pretzel in my hand. it is piping hot. it is delicious. i'm going to try a is really dough-y and wow is it ever salty. you can't come to new york without takingin a musical. there are so many different ones you can choose from mama mia to phantomof the opera. we are here now at madison square garden whichis home to the nhl's new york rangers one of the most historic hockey teams. this buildingis one of the most famous in the whole world

for entertainment. you can watch concerts,you can watch shows. this is where lots of live performances happen. this is a memorial site to the unnamed freeand enslaved africans who were buried here. it was only rediscovered in 1991. the cool thing about this intersection isthat it's the point from which all official distances from new york city are measured. one of the best ways to get around new yorkcity is of course by metro. i've got this metrocard over here and i paid thirty dollarsand this has allowed me to go around the city for seven full days with unlimited use.

if you want to really explore new york city,we recommend picking up a metrocard so that you can zip around the city with no's cheap and it's efficient. and that concludes a look at our very busyweek in new york city. i'm still shocked we managed to cover so many attractions, butthe great thing about this city is that distances aren't very long and there's always somethingreally cool worth checking out around each corner. have you been to new york? what are your favoritethings about this city? feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. alright, so we are going out for a bit ofan unusual breakfast this morning. we are

here in the lower east side to have breakfastat katz's deli. now they specialize in corned beef and pastrami sandwiches and i am let's go in there and order some food. so here is the food we ordered. we ended upgetting one corned beef sandwich, one pastrami sandwich and they both came with a whole bunchof pickles. check it out. look at those pickles. wow. this looks fantastic. katz's deli has been around since 1888. itis a true institution. and what makes their meat so special is the curing process. apparently,it takes over 30 days. alright, so you're starting with pastrami.just show us like how much meat is in there. like that is ridiculous. you will not finda sandwich that thick with meat. yep, so it

is served on rye bread with lots of mustard.and i love pastrami sandwiches so i have high expectations. wow. that is so good. the meat is so just falls apart the minute you bite in to it. and it is so tender, so flavorful.and it is just perfectly paired with the mustard. that combination is fantastic. one more bite. mmmm. check it out. alright, and so i have the other sandwich.the corn beef sandwich. look at that. oh, wow. the behemoth. i'm going to try to eat it without havingtoo much of it falling off.

struggling there? a little messy. that was way too big of a bite. but oh my.that meat is as tender as it gets. and i like that they keep a little bit of the fat onit. it is really juicy and it has got a bit of a greasy feel as you are chewing it. soso good. and let's not forget the pickles. yeah, forthis type of sandwich you can not have it without pickles. like it is also the perfectpairing. you've got to have your mustard and you've got to have your pickles. that's nice. so out of the two sandwiches which one doyou like the most? my favorite is definitely

the pastrami. this one that i'm holding here.i just find that the meat is a lot more tender. it is just a lot easier to eat. um, and the flavor. yeah, i don't know whatit is but this one is pretty special. so if you come to katz's i highly highly recommendthe pastrami sandwich. it's great. so again there is a montreal new york connection.while in montreal you can go to a place called schwartz's which specializes in canadian smokedmeat sandwiches. which is similar to the pastrami one. there is a bit of a difference. it ishard to say which one i like better. i love them both to be honest and if you can trythem both. if you are in montreal and in new york i highly recommend you do that.

alright, so the price. how much did thesesandwiches cost? well, they are not cheap because this place is really famous. theyeach come in at just under $20. but at the same time they are quite filling. like i'mstill struggling to finish my first piece. like this is going to be more of a brunchthan a breakfast. yeah. yeah, so bring your appetite when you come here and yeah bringyour wallet as well. so it is a saturday here in williamsburg.and we are at smorgasburg which is a really fun outdoor food market. they have over 100hundred vendors that are just setting up right now. so we're here to have breakfast. we'rejust going to sample some food and it just seems like a really fun spot to meet somefriends, have a late brunch. so yeah, let's

get started. we're really hot so i think we're going togo for the ice cream sandwich first, right? excited about that? sure am. so this is my oat chocolate chunk ice creamcookie. it has got fudge and sea salt. and it looks amazing. let's get a close-up ofit. check it out. i'm going to take a bite before it starts melting in this heat. how is that? wow! that is a gourmet ice creamcookie. mmmm. feeling seriously parched huh? it is timefor some lemonade. so it is time to try this lemonade which ithink is made with organic cane sugar.

like there is nothing more refreshing thanice cold lemonade on a hot day. alright, so we've got an original black bubbletea. and basically the theme of this afternoon has been trying to cool off as you've probablynoticed we've just been having things like ice creams and drinks and lemonades. now we'vegot bubble tea. it is really refreshing. i love the tapiocalittle bubbles. oh, show us the bubbles. right there. there they are. it looks good. andlet's share. hahaha. alright, to wrap things up here at smorgasburghere in williamsburg we had a really good time kind of just wandering around. we sampledsome different food. mostly we were just eating things and drinking things to kind of cooloff. the prices are a little bit high. so

it does add up after a while but it is thekind of place where you come to socialize, to be out in the sun and to have a good time.and to sample all kinds of different food. so it is a beautiful sunday here in new yorkcity. and we decided to take the ferry over to governors island. it is less than halfa mile from lower manhattan. so here we are just enjoying nature, walking around and ithink we're going to go grab some food soon because, as usual, we're hungry. so right now we are visiting castle williamsand over the years this place has been a fort, a prison and now a community center so itis pretty cool. they have some interactive art and music happening. so yeah, we're justtaking a little tour.

so far i'm really enjoying the relaxed vibeof this island. it is just so calm here. and there are these really neat things to there is a little flea market behind us. we know where to go when there is a fork anda knife. alright, so we just hit up a little food truck.and we've got burritos and quesadillas. i don't know what you're having for lunch butmy lunch looks awesome. ha. alright, so i'm starting with the burrito. mmmm. that is quite nice. i'm starving sohonestly anything would taste good right now. looks like we've got dessert over here. yeah,so we were craving a little sweet treat after

that lunch. which was just okay., so overhere we have organic apple cider ice cream sandwich donuts. which is something i've neverhad before. it looks amazing. it is a little melty. i've never had that either. i've hadhomemade ice cream sandwiches. doughnut form? how is that? oh, yeah. wow. that is amazing.a little messy. and it is melting fast because it is so hot out. so i'm just going to eatit. so after stuffing our beaks, what do we do?well, we found the hammock grove which is a lovely little spot with lots of hammockswhere you can just hang out and digest your meal pretty much. siesta time huh? oh, yeah. so right now we're touring the commandingofficer's quarters. let's have a look.

so the home is empty now and all of the furniturehas been removed but it has kind of been turned into a like a little art gallery. so you'llnotice that there are paintings on the walls but that is it. everything else is bare. andi love how on this island you can just kind of walk into these homes and just like youknow. yeah, they have big welcome flags so thatyou can just go in, have a look and see what the home was once like. alright, and that concludes our visit to governorsisland. it was just a short trip. um, one of the things that we noticed was that theisland is even smaller than what we expected. it is the kind of place that you can probablyvisit in two to three hours including a lunch

time. so today we are having lunch at one of ourfavorite hamburger joints. we are here at shake shack which is a name that is widelyknown across the us. we try to eat here every time we are in the states and new york cityis no exception. now today we are not just at any shake shack. we are at the originalshake shack which is located in madison square park. and this actually started out as a littlehot dog cart and now it is grown in to a huge franchise. so super excited to be eating hereand i'm also really hungry so let's go order. and this is the line to order shake shack.and we're going to stand here and get our food.

so we've finally ordered and now we're justwaiting. but along with a whole bunch of other people. look who just came back. i was so scared todrop it. it's finally here. check it out. so the wait is over. our food has finallyarrived and if you have look over here we got the smokeshack. i got the single and samgot the double because he's a hungry boy. and we also have our french fries. cheesefries actually. that looks delicious. and that is not everything. we have a cheesecakemilkshake. not just cheesecake. strawberry cheesecake. awesome. so let's dig in. look at that thing of beauty.

oh, yeah. that is why we stood in line forfifteen minutes and waited another twenty minutes for our food to be ready. this islike the best hamburger i've ever had. seriously, one of the best things we did whilewe were in las vegas was try shake shack there. now this one here in new york city is theoriginal and so i have high expectations for this burger. i've got the shake shack doublewhich means it has two patties, it has got lots of cheese and it has got bacon. wow! fabulous is it? it is just unbelievably good.this is my favorite burger by far. okay, so now it is time for the cheesy fries.right over here. it looks sloppy and greasy and cheesy. just the way we like it. it kindof tastes like french fries with cheese whiz

poured on top. like hot gooey cheese whiz.mmmm. wow! okay, just a little tip if you want to visitthe original shake shack. we came here and started standing in line at about 11:20 or11:30 and it was already busy. now that it is past noon i think there is about two tothree times the amount of people standing in line. so if you want to come i would suggestmaybe right around eleven when it opens and then you won't have to wait as long for yourburger. and because we're not piggy enough, what dowe have? well, a milkshake was not enough so we've gone back for custard. so this isa vanilla custard with fudge. oh yeah. digging that? i've never had frozencustard before. so it is a new flavor for

me. it's like custard ice cream but's smoother. alright, to wrap things up. i'm not even entirelysure what makes this burger better than other fast food burgers but i think it has to dowith quality ingredients. the meat is just so juicy, there is a lot of cheese and thebun is delicious. they also have like these like red hot chilies that just really enhancethe taste. it is just my favorite burger right now and like we've said before i'm willingto stand in line and wait a long time for it. so hello from new york city. sam and i arehanging out in queens for a few days and we're just going to be visiting friends, checkingout some sights and mostly eating. so today's

video is actually going to be a taste test.we tracked down some of the best new york style bagels in the city and today we're goingto be sampling a whole bunch. this large bag over here holds 14 different kinds of sam, i hope you're feeling hungry. alright, i kind of went overboard with mypurchase. but i'm going to show you all of the bagels. one by one. egg bagel. pumpernickel bagel. poppy seed bagel. french toast bagel.

blueberry bagel. cinnamon raisin bagel. everything bagel. and there is a whole bunch more. and if getbored i can always use this bag to exercise. it is seriously heavy. so last summer we traveled to montreal wherewe tried a whole bunch of bagels. so what is the difference between montreal bagelsand new york bagels? well apparently the montreal ones are smaller, thicker and sweeter whereasthe new york city bagels are larger and doughier. so let's start eating them.

the first thing that comes to mind when itry a new york style bagel is just how massive these are. like these are huge. like checkout this thing. it is like holding a brick. if someone ever stole my wallet i could throwone of these at them. wham, right in the head. that would knock them right out. but instead of throwing them at somebody ithink we'll try eating them right now. so i've had my eye on this one for a while.this is the everything bagel. and it smells amazing. i think there has to be some garliclike in there because the aroma it is giving off is just wonderful. so i'm not even goingto bother putting cream cheese or any kind of spreads on it. i'm just taking a big bite.dig right in.

hmmm. well, it really is doughy and chewy.look at that. oh yeah. so that is poppy seed and roasted garlic on the exterior and sesameseed. that is just wonderful. like you can eat it plain. it is flavorful as it is. amazing.i know this the first one i'm trying but i think it is my favorite. alright, i'm going to be focusing on moreof the sweeter bagels. this one here is the french toast bagel. and i've decided to pairthis with one of the cream cheeses that we bought. this is raisin and walnut cream cheese. okay, i'm totally being lazy as well. i'mnot cutting open the bagels. i'm just putting a bit of the spread on. time to bite.

yeah, like seriously you couldn't find a betterspread for this particular bagel. like they compliment each other perfectly. this is abit of a sweeter bagel and it is just amazing. okay, so next up we have the egg bagel whichis the size of my face. let's be honest here. um, again i'm going to try this one withoutcream cheese. i think that might be the biggest one. yeah. the biggest one of the bunch. my bite was too big. hahahaha. well, greedy pants, how was that? alright, so. that is the egg bagel. it isyellow. a huh. um, i thought it would be a little fluffierthan the other ones. kind of like egg bread.

but it is really not. it is still quite dense. it is nice. i think this one would be nicewith like salty butter. alright, and next up i've got one of my favoritebagels of all time the cinnamon raisin bagel. and not much needs to be explained about thisone. let's just bite right in. that's really good. my personal tip for whenhaving this particular bagel is to toast it and then put peanut butter on. that is anamazing combo. and the last one here is pumpernickel andit smells fantastic. if you like german bread you're going to like this one. mmmm.

again the bite was a little too big. now ican't speak. this bagel. this would be perfect with creamcheese and some smoked salmon on top. mmmmm. hmmmm. alright, and the last one for me here is theblueberry bagel. and if you look closely here it definitely is purple. um, i've never tireda blueberry bagel before. i love blueberries so this should be exciting. oh yeah, look at that. you can taste the, it is not overpowering like you still have like the normal bagel taste but it isjust like that extra little blueberry flavor. it is really good.

seriously, those bagels were fantastic. we'reboth really getting stuffed at this point. if you want to buy them you can go to newyork city bagel and coffee house which is located in queens astoria. the coney island mermaid parade is an annualspectacle celebrating the beginning of the summer season in late june. thousands convergeto watch performers dancing and singing. even elvis showed up! it was mostly a happy event;however, a select few decided to brawl instead. with perfect weather we marveled at the extraordinaryand often times risque marine costumes. what an event! if you're in new york in june definitely considergoing to the mermaid parade. i promise you

that you won't be the only one there.

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