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    standard furniture regency

    [ gavel ] we're going to start a little early today. i beg your pardon. i'd like to reintroduce you to danny trujillo. trevino. our intern-city manager-resident in training, and whatever. who's going to lead us in the

    pledge of allegiance. danny. [ pledge of allegiance ] >>mayor hobart: we to roll call please cindy. >> sure. councilmember kite. here. councilmember townsend, here.

    councilmember smotrich, here. mayor pro tem weill and mayor hobart. >>mayor hobart: here. at this time i'd luke to call up battalion chief john cortez who's going to present the ritz carlton with a presentation concerning a lifesaving event at

    the ritz carlton. mr. cortez. >> good morning, members of the council, mayor hobart, staff, chief co cortez couldn't be hero i'm here inned the, as youto we've focused very heavily in the three communities particularly rancho mirage has

    been very invested in the paramedic program and advanced life support over the last years, been very cutting edge, based on what we have in our community with eisenhower medical center and some of the things that have come along with that.

    what we've noticed, trends over the year is cpr sai saich saves. as we've brought the automatic external def defibrillators out, though have saved lives. a use of an aed, an automatic external defibrillator, as well as cpr. increase in survivability as a

    result of that. on the afternoon of may 23rd, 2015, a -- one of the ritz carlton employees was working in the valley area, apparently he fell ill, collapsed on the ground. others recognized immediately that this employee was having a

    medical condition. they responded appropriately utilizing the training they received in cpr. they applied an aed to their co-worker. >>mayor hobart: what is an aed? >> it is an automatic external defibrillator, a device that can

    sthok heart bacshock the heart e working. that electrical shock can actually reverse rhythm and put the heart back into a normal cardiac rhythm. on this day they applied this device to their co-worker and

    shocked him. station 1 on highway 111 responded, as did jn 69 from giffoengine 69 fromgerald ford e to rei be vief this gentleman from very minimal to no significant remnants of the cardiac arrest. often time brain damage sets in

    within four to six minutes. their ability to provide adequate and excellent cpr and early defibrillation, they saved a life tra came ba that came ba. what we would do is recognize these three employees, as well as loss prevention manager jesse gagallegos, linda and matthew

    grisovick many loss prevention sister. i'd also like to bring up my staff from fire station 50 and paramedics from station 69 to help present these individuals with that award. after that i'd like to give jesse gallegos an instant to

    recognize his staff, if that's all right with you sir. >>mayor hobart: it is. can we get him a microphone? >> stand over here how is this. >> hang on a second. bring one to you. >> perfect. >> on behalf of the city of

    rancho mirage and the rancho mirage pharmacist riverside county fire department we'd like to present you guys with this certificate of appreciation and recognition for your actions that day. your action he saved a life. but it wasn't just a life.

    of anyone. it was a life of a co-worker, a colleague, and probably most importantly a friend. you are able to look to today. so on behalf of the department i'd like to give this to you guys and you can share that. [applause]

    >> and i'll turn the mic over to jesse gallegos from the ritz carlton. >> thank you, chief griggs. thank you, councilmembers, mayor our director of sales and marketing, and our director of hr, cheryl. we're here to kind of show

    support for our employees here our ladies and gentlemen. you know it's a great thing to save a life. i mean, the paramedics, the fire department do a great job, they serve this community, not only our hotel, we're new but they've been here for a while and they

    do an excellent job at that. for them to show up on scene, one big thing i took from this, have my gentleman and vanessa say, include clu what you're co, we're advance life support. continue what you're doing. i can't say enough about lennon, vanessa and matt, they saved a

    life but they gave the family members of scott a chance to live another day with him. so again i'm very proud of you three. wouldn't want to work with anyone else and congratulations again. this is great city recognition

    there. is >> for those people that don't know it, the aed, the automated external defibrillator, was invented by dr. max harry wile, a rancho mirage resident, he started the iccm, that's the building that you see at the

    cormcorner ever gin of ginger rb hope. he is the inventer of the ied. >>mayor hobart: move on. it's now time for nonagenda public comments, for anyone who would like to speak to any marty that's nmatter that's not on tos agenda.

    two that have submitted cards, nicole vendel. >> hi, are we working, mic check, hi. >>mayor hobart: state your name and city? >> nicole vendel, i live up in desert hot springs. i amg very uncomfortable being

    in this room. i grew up i an eveni evangelical background, i see symbols tar very negative to me. i don't know if anyone has ever been in an oppressive religious environment as a child but that's a lot of work to come out of and to come into a government

    which is supposed to be a neutral space, and be face wednesday me the symbol of satan and you have a seating position that is very -- you separated the people and the representatives of the people, in my position, by separating the body of how you are sitting

    with employees that are here to do our work. and so by splitting that up, to me that also sets up a very interesting thought construct for this space and the work you do here. i came here to say be kinder. don't seclude yourself from this

    valley. -- don't exclude yourself from this valley. we all need to be here together. if you need to bring a project into the city that makes the cv link make sense to you, there are soful opportunities. virgin active just started up.

    we should have a triathlon, you folks can host it. do it with us because that's how we do it in america, right? anyway thank you for your work. >>mayor hobart: thank you. the next speaker is stanley levinson. >> i must confess that's quite

    an act to follow. anyway, i'm here again to give you councilmembers and administrative people here a brief update on where the world war iii is commencing, at rancho mirage country club against the golf course as a new owner. the physical conditions have

    only gotten worse and i think they're now starting to impose some additional burdens that reflect on the city in that the grass is all dying, and gone to weed, in the -- on the outside perimeters, both bob hope and frank sinatra. there are no lights operating in

    the dark, and i go out walking sometimes at 4:30 in the morning and i can assure you that it's real dark out there. the only lights on frank sinatra are on the median landscaping that you folks did such a wonderful job a couple of years ago in putting in.

    today i attended a board meeting of our homeowners associations and learned as of today they spent $15,000 in legal fees and they're just getting warmed up. and so we're looking to achieve some justice. and we know that things in this -- in the city of rancho

    mirage that conformity has to come with the general plan and the specific plans that gofn oun our facilities. as i said to you the last time i was here i would strongly like to urge you all to come over there and take a tour. and you will see all of the

    conditions that have been addressed and where we stand. sandra johnson your code enforcement officer has assured me that the golf course owners are now at the stage 2 development of fines. and there's 11 fines, 11 violations and they're now at

    $200 a day up from $100. and as of october 31st i'm assuming that they go to $500 per day per your city fine schedule. so maybe you'll just generate enough income on paper and use it with your lien that's been filed and you can take it over

    and we'll be happy to pay a little more in our homeowners fees to help you own a really nice rancho mirage city owned golf course. that will be discussion -- >>mayor hobart: good try stan. >> thank you and i appreciate coming up here.

    >>mayor hobart: is there anybody else that would like to speak on a subject not on today's agenda? seeing no one we'll close that portion. at this time i'd like to ask danny trevino if he would like to present an award to -- or recognition to united way.

    >> yes mayor, i would go ahead and -- >>mayor hobart: floor is yours. >> good afternoon mayor and members of the city council with a special thanks councilmember kite. this presentation is about united way of the desert.

    at the request of the city manager last thursday councilmember kite and i attended the united way luncheon at the heig hyatt regi regency n wells. and rancho mirage took first place. this campaign turned out a great

    success. we are looking forward to a great 2016. we'll fill this cup with babe's award winning beer. >>mayor hobart: told me it would be cristal. now we're on a high. now continuing on with the

    business at hand. is there a motion to approve the september 3rd minutes of the regular meeting? >> move. >>councilmember townsend: i'll second. >>mayor hobart: please vote. richard did you not vote or were

    you abstaining or -- >>councilmember kite: i did vote. i'll try it once again. >>mayor hobart: now it's going from bad to worse. all right i'm betting on red. really good. i see we have some work to do in

    that department but we'll take it for granted that richard has just voted aye. >>councilmember kite: aye. >>mayor hobart: ata boy. we'll move right along and leave that to later. moving on to the consent calendar.

    randy, what's -- what do we see here? >>city manager binder: thank you mr. mayor, members of the city council. today's consent calendar has seven items on the alien. the first one is to read the ordinances that are introduced

    or adopted today in this agenda. item number 2 is second reading of an ordinance that amends chapter 15.84 of the municipal code. this is a permit stream streem lining act that would require the city to expedite approval of solar permits.

    the city of rancho mirage already expedites the permits. we've been in compliance of this for a year or so. this is an ordinance that would go into effect in 30 days if the council approves it. item number 3 is a notice of acceptance for the mirage

    estates parkway rehabilitation landscape project. there are about three areas of the city where the city collects a, drought tolerant plants, verbena, and mediterranean palms, new led lighting that was installed in this. the city council appropriated

    $77,000. i think this was through the rops, successor agency bond proceeds, this is a photograph of what it looks like at nighttime with the mediterranean fan palms and the name of the neighborhood lit up. the homeowners pay about $420 a

    year and the city maintains it. the intention obviously is to conserve water and reduce our long term maintenance so congratulations to the public works department and randy villegas for a wonderful job on this. item number 4 is an mou,

    memorandum of understanding for the crossroads collision program. this is a five year mou with the county, and it provides access for the city of all crash and accident-related data from the county transportation department.

    the city can use that information to determine where our accident problems are, where our hot spots are, and it will help us obtain grants in the future. this is a five year mou and the city is asking for the council's approval so we can implement it

    wp we will have to download that to our server but essentially there is no financial impact to the city. item number 5a was added this week, supplemental agenda item to appoint for city council consideration to appoint two people to commissions.

    actually one board and one commission. mayor hobart represents michael monroe, to represent the coachella valley mosquito abatement district. item number 5 itself is a request that the council approve a subordination of the city's

    deed of trust that's recorded against a property, residential property on kersten road. you might recall in 2014, the city completed significant road improvements in the kersten keenan neighborhood including installation of sanitary sewer system.

    couple of property owners the city fronted the money and a deed of trust was recorded against i think about six or eight properties for a total of $18,000. this couple would like to refinance their house, and they are asking us to subordinate the

    city's deed of trust which is down to about $16,400 at this point in time. this agreement has been prepared by the city attorney and is ready for your approval. item number 6 on your consent calendar are a list of three contracts and item number 7 are

    demands and we are here to answer any questions. >>mayor hobart: does anybody have any questions? >>councilmember weill: yes, mr. mayor, i do. on item number 4, will this require any additional sheriffs department personnel to update

    the data and have we determined that there will not be any problem installing it on our city hall servers? >>city manager binder: the answer to the first question is there's no additional cost to the city from the sheriffs department to continue to

    collect and assemble and assimilate this data. the answer to the second question, i don't know the answer to that. josh do you know, do we require any additional server memory or additional programs? >> no, i don't think we'll

    require any additional servers. >>councilmember weill: i think you answered part of it, on consent item number 5 on the subordination. i think you just said the unpaid is 17,000? >>city manager binder: 16,475. >>councilmember weill: what was

    the original amount? >>city manager binder: 18,000. >>councilmember weill: is it current? >>city manager binder: yes, it is current. >>councilmember weill: those are my questions. >>mayor hobart: any other

    questions on this consent calendar? anybody in the audience? seeing none. >>councilmember kite: i move approval of the consent >>councilmember townsend: second >>mayor hobart: agenda item 5a had to do with the appointment

    of two rancho mirage residents to boards and commissions. i'd like to is, is michael monroe, michael are you here? there he is back there on the left. michael is being appointed to the coachella valley mosquito vector and control board.

    if you have ants in your pants, red ants in your yard, as i do often, he's the guy to call. michael, check in with randy, or anybody, to get whatever letter or note you need to introduce you to the vector control board. also if you have any questions, steve quintanilla, our attorney

    has been the attorney for the vector control board for many years until just recently. so thank you for your willingness to serve. and is darryl mulvihill here? darryl, hi. darryl is being appointed to the emergency preparedness

    we thank you for your willingness to serve darryl, and if there's anything we can do to help you, call on any of us. but if you need real detail and you need somebody for a couple of hours at a time, charlie townsend's your man. >>councilmember townsend: that's

    right. welcome, darryl. >> thank you. >>mayor hobart: all right there's a motion, moved and seconded to approve the consent please vote. motion carries unanimously. we will now move forward to

    reports. the first coming from burrtec waste. where is that burrtec guy? >>city manager binder: randy villegas our project manager will introduce the matter and then he'll bring up the burrtec guy.

    ken stevens i believe. >> that's correct. thank you mayor and mr. binder. according to the contract each quarter burrtec is responsible for providing a verbal presentation of that quarter's activity and absolutely, ken stevens is the representative at

    a. once ken is completed his presentation we're here to answer your questions and our recommendation is to receive and file that report. kenken, i'll pass it over to yo. >> good afternoon, mayor, what i'm going to talk about

    today is we're going over the second quarter report as randy mentioned. we would have done this last month but i know council was dark so it rolled over to this month. usually i'm up here giving you numbers but what i would like to

    do today is talk a little bit about our food waste program. i know you're all aware of what's been going on because it's been going on for a very long time. we've got restaurants over 30 of them that are recycling their food waste with us.

    we're taking them to a compost facility. you may or may not be aware that rancho mirage was the first city in the valley to do that. i kind of want to go over rancho mirage's involvement in this program and how it relates to the state requirements.

    what i'm going to do today is cover organics diversion, assembly bill 1826 and some of the requirements that are associated with that. oh good, it worked! here are the basics of 1826. 1826 requires most businesses and institutions that produce

    organic waste to divert this material from the waste stream. there's a tiered implementation program starting with the largest organic waste producers and then eventually over the next few years tapering down to smaller producers. there's a few ways that

    businesses can attain compliance. those -- oh it's going by itself, okay let's go back here. they can transport the material to a composting facility which burrtec does for them, they can eliminate unwanted food and they can engage an on site composting

    to a certain degree and i'll go into that further. let's talk about the implementation schedule. as of april next year larger businesses that produce organic waste eight cubic yards or more are going to be required to divert this material from the

    landfill. at this point in rancho mirage that would be your larger businesses like cheesecake factory, eisenhower hospital, because they are a large generator. by january 17, businesses producing 4 or more will have to

    be required to compost. that brings us down to the roy's spaghetti factory and others, then under 4, by january 19. you'll notice the difference, in the first two tiers it's requiring businesses to produce that am of organics to recycle. when it hits january 19 it's

    going to be businesses with four cubic yards of solid waste or more. and at that point it's going to require smaller businesses maybe even an office building that has organic waste, if they've got four cubic yards of organic waste or more, they're going to

    be required to have a container of organic waste. that may just be lunch containers. by 2025, if organic waste is not cut in half, cal reliable can reduce that to two cubic yards or more. lets take a look now at the

    history and some fun facts about rancho mirage food waste collection or organics collection. the program began in late 2001. los cosuelos and later others came on board. restaurants are not only one that can recycle organic waste.

    we've got rancho mirage florist they just joined us in june. we started pick up their cuttings and other organic they found it difficult to get the rhythm down and separating, but i spoke to them a month ago and it's going much better. then we have fleming steak house

    in aspen mills who are donating unused foods to food banks. if you are not familiar with aspen mills, they're situated inside clark's nutrition, they're on the program and aspen mills uses their containers. since the inception here in rancho mirage, about 30 million

    pounds of food waste have been diverted from the waste stream. hopefully that gives you a little bit of idea what you're doing and the level of compliance that we have here in relation to the state requirements. any questions?

    yes, iris. >>councilmember smotrich: you mentioned about the businesses having to recycle their solid and you mentioned lunch trash. does that mean that the businesses will need to go through their lunch leftovers, and separate the food from the

    containers? >> well, in theory, according to the state, yes. but hopefully, by then we'll be creative enough and we'll be able to give them some assistance on maybe separate containers in the employee lunch rooms and things like that so

    that the employees can separate you know unwanted food at that point. but this program is a little bit like the mandatory commercial requirements was. the state is not going to come down really heavy at the beginning.

    they'll monitor and see where the hangups are and go fro >>councilmember smotrich: thank you. >>councilmember kite: a question. as far as the participation in rancho mirage how are we doing towards meeting our goals?

    30 restaurants now participate. how many more do not? >> well, if we've got 30 we've got about 60 i would say altogether in the city give or take 5 or six of those. but as i mentioned the implementation schedule there's only very few that are going to

    be required as of next year. so as that tightens, that threshold tightens up we can get more on board. but i can tell you i've personally talked to just about all the restaurants. some are reluctant because they have some space constraints or

    they maybe just don't want to jump onto the program until they are absolutely required to. so we get a little bit of resistance on that. >>councilmember kite: how costly is it to the restaurant to get in this program? >> the cost is built into the --

    it's kind of built into our overall cost of operations. so they get the first three barrels free. and those are collected up to three times a week. after that there is a charge for additional barrels and you are looking at according to our rate

    sheet, $100 per barrel for additional barrels per month picked up three times a week but most restaurants seem to get by okay on the three barrels or less. that's quite a bit of food waste when it's separated out from everything else.

    >>councilmember kite: thank you. >> any other questions? >>mayor hobart: well, thank you very much. >> all right, thank you. >>mayor hobart: give our best to the team. we'll move now to number 9, cv link update.

    first we have a resolution, proposed statement that is in your file. do we need to read this entirely into the record? >>city manager binder: yes. yes i'd recommend that it be read into the record. and if anybody wants a copy.

    >>mayor hobart: there are copies of this document i have to read into the record. if anybody wants a copy let us know and we'll provide it to the subject is the proposed statement of the city of rancho mirage proposed position on the cv link alignment.

    the proposed statement is as follows. no portion of any cv link road path trail or other alignment into upon or otherwise within the jurisdictional boundaries of the city of rancho mirage, shall be permitted without the proponents of any such route

    path road trail or alignment, without them first obtaining approval from the city council, together with the signed agreement in writing, with the city of rancho mirage, this requirement applies to any route, path, road, trail and/or any other alignment regardless

    of the entity proposing it, cvag, st or any private or public organization. the requirement of prior city council approval applies to any and all proposed routes paths, trails, alignments, whether or not they were previously proposed by cvag, cv link, ctc

    riverside county or any other organization. city council will require the parties to agree to several conditions including without limitation environmental, economic and otherwise. for example: rancho mirage must agree to the formula that sets

    economic responsibility on the city respecting the long and short term operations and maintenance expense. another condition requires agreement of the owner of the land adjacent to the eastern portion of ramon road on the north side, approving the cv

    link intrusion and design that's adjacent to said owner's property lines. the city of rancho mirage has offered, and does hereby continues to offer, to favorably consider ramon road from the vicinity of bob hope drive, to da vall drive, as a possible

    route to the city to enable cv link to link with palm desert and cathedral city. we note that cv link has not indicated a interest of dinah shore drive. recently informed rancho mirage that the september 28, 2015 meeting of the cvag executive

    committee will consider authorizing environmental impact studies on one or more of the routes paths roads trails or other alignments within the city that were previously rejected 50 city of rancho mirage as -- strike that, that were previously rejected by the

    rancho mirage city council. strongly opposes the wasteful spending of taxpayer funds by performing unnecessary environmental impact studies on potential cv link routes, paths, trails or other alignments which by direction of the rancho mirage city council are not

    available. therefore, the offer making ramon road available for cv link shall automatically be nullified and withdrawn if the cvag executive committee votes in favor of an environmental impact study pertaining to any portion of a rancho mirage route, path,

    road trail or other alignment including highway 111, which were previously rejected as potential routes by the rancho mirage city council. i move adoption of that resolution or statement. is there a second to the motion? >>councilmember smotrich: secon.

    >>mayor hobart: it's been moved and seconded. >>city manager binder: is there any public comment? >>mayor hobart: i just wanted to get it out on the record. toss anybody in the audience have any comment or want to comment on this matter?

    i have two cards here. first joyce virtue. is. >> good afternoon, mr. mayor, city council and guests. i was fortunate enough to speak on monday at the transportation i believe meeting at the cvag offices.

    i had some questions that i think were salient to all of us here in the desert, i think of course, transparency and due diligence to cvag is of utmost importance to us. we are individual cities with individual identities and one of my questions that i proposed and

    asked was, the $100 million taking care of the cv link, is that donors, where does that come from, will the contracts be fixed or would it be a cost-plus. i had a number of questions that i had asked and in speaking with mr. kirk afterwards, he took a

    copy of my speech and said that he would send a link to me answering the questions. as of this time i have not received a link or any answers to the questions that i had propounded. my question of course is the sand issue on any kind of a

    roadway. because if you're a runner bicyclist, whatever, slipping is going to be a problem. i've done that. and i had an acl repair that had to be done because of slipping on sand. so i know how dangerous it can

    be. and can i see that tic seeand ig to be a problem. in one of the cities where they have fallen. i also brought to the attention of cvag is that there is a similar roadway in los angeles called the marvin brawley

    19-mile roadway. and recently the city of santa monica -- los angeles county maintains that 19-mile roadway. recently the city of santa monica had to take back 2.9 miles of the their roadway. they had to buy a sweeper for over $230,000 and an operator at

    $80,000 a year. plus backup staff. are these each individual cities going to have to pay or the this kifor thistype of maintenance og going to pay or the this? these are the questions i asked and i have not yet received an answer from mr. kirk or cvag.

    i would appreciate if the lady that's here from cvag would give me an answer to these questions. thank you. michael harrington. >> michael hairt, thank you. harrington, thank i wanted to follow up on the resolution that the mayor

    pointed out. i'll suggest something, each individual city are unique and the public safety issues are unique and have to be dealt with by each individual city. recently, public safety committee under the last chairperson, paul lewen, they

    moved cv link in the bike path or whatever it is going to be golf cart they moved it into the public safety committee taking away from maybe other important needs that the valley has. i would suggest that each individual city assess their own needs and maybe make known their

    requirements and that if cvag wants to put something in your city, or in any city, we can only talk about this city, that they also come and discuss the impact on public safety. rather than do it in a general fashion, the public safety committee at cvag, and i'll

    address this at cvag also, i could also point out a few more things. there's a need for transparency at seeftion, that cvag. that was pointed out by the first speaker. they have these committees and these committees break out into

    subcommittees. they don't necessarily call them ad hoc or standing. i don't know if they really have updated bylaws at cvag. i heard in the news they don't. and i'm concerned that these subcommittees are really, by the legal definition, standing

    committees. because they're dealing with -- they might meet infrequently such as the goals committees that met recently that those goals committees help make up cvag's budget, they are pulling time into cv link as one example.

    and it is really an ongoing issue. it's a it's not a one time short term project that's done and over with, it's what ad hoc. it's continuing jurisdiction infrequent meetings, agreed, but it's really a standing committee.

    and so i'm concerned that there's brown act violations, or at least a very disturbing lack of transparency. where the power is usurped to cvag and cvag hides it away and have these little meetings that are decided secluded outside of the view of the public.

    i couldn't find out when the goals committee met or participate or anything when chairman lewen handled that as one example. so okay i appreciate your time and again my name is michael harrington, thank you, thank you mayor.

    >>mayor hobart: thank you very much. is there anyone else who would like to address this subject? seeing none is there any further discussion on the resolution from anybody? okay we have a motion. and a second.

    notion carmotion carries unanim. we're glad mrs. velche is here so the matter will be carried forward. >>councilmember kite: is that on the 28th? >>mayor hobart: you never see a cvag agenda until the last minute but i'm assuming they're

    going to do what they said they were going to do and that they're going to -- they will have on there whether or not we conduct a -- they conduct an environmental impact study on routes that have previously been reject beddity city, as well as a route or two, make, that has

    not. including ramon road which we had offered in spirit of keeping the cv link alive. just today richard i had been invited to speak to these issues by the city council of indian tom kirk was, as well. he spoke before i did.

    and we went through our own presentations, as well as some questions and answers from the committee to us. and i made it clear at that time that we are resolute in our intention that we not have any of the routes that we have already rejected, which includes

    as i said highway 111, bob hope, gerald ford. maybe another one or two. oh the butler abrams trail. we will not allow cv link to go the question is why are they going to conduct an the roads that we're not going to make available under any

    circumstances? well, as somebody who was at the tac committee, that's technical advisory committee of cvag which is comprised of city managers randy was not available but isaiah hagerman was there. the issue of eirs, environmental impact reports that are being

    proposed by cvag, mr. hagerman our finance director asked why they would do that. why would you spend and waste money for an impact report when you know you can't go down that road? well there was a little joking around, and there have been

    other places where similar comments were made, such as the friends of the cv link facebook page, was that ce, well, the pee on the city council may not be reelected or they're getting old and there will be a new council, maybe have different ideas, maybe highway 111 would come

    available under a different well, that sobering thought was digested, and we'll deal with that later. but it shows you that they want to have an environmental impact report ready if circumstances change to see well, we've already studied highway 111 and

    the environmental impact report says there's no problems using highway 111 and the influence city council does not oppose it then they're in position of taking that environmental impact report now, hear in a position to use it later. so that's a clumsy somewhat

    diabolical approach to local government. but if that's the approach they want, that's the approach they'll get. so if that motion passes, at the cvag executive committee on september 28th, our offer of ramon road as a connecting route

    so they can keep the cv link intact which we've always said we wanted to do, we just don't want it disturbing our business and residential communities, our effort, we're saying well if that's the way you're going to treat us by this motion, we withdraw ramon road and you do

    not come through rancho mirage as long as this council's around or unless this council changes its mind. so that's what this motion was all about. and what's coming, you'll be able to know more after the cvag meeting on september 28th.

    but if they want to play rough politics, believe me, it could be fun. and i would look forward to such an event. if we're going to have a stick stuck in our eye after we're trying our best to find a route for the cv link.

    so anyway, that's my long answer, richard, to -- >>councilmember kite: that was a yes, hmm? >>mayor hobart: what? yes? >>mayor hobart: that was a yes, thank you, or yes, please, one or the other.

    does anybody else have any comments on this? if not, let's take a vote. all those in favor, vote yes. we've already voted? i thought we did but i didn't hear anybody say anything until just then. so with respect to the cv link

    update there's one other point i'd like to make. in today's presentation i addressed this subject and our city attorney and i have discussed it at length. right now, according to the most recent of cvag documents, cv link/cvag is planning on taking

    somewhere around $600,000 per year and applying it to the maintenance costs of the cv link when it gets constructed. measure a funds as you know are the funds that are accumulating, voters of riverside county voted to increase our sea sales taxesy one-half cent per dollar.

    that amount is required to be spent on our roadways, our disabled roadways. some of that money can be spent on maintenance, preventative maintenance under certain circumstances. in other words, the money can be spent to build new intersection

    if that's what's needed, to help repair bridges, help repair highways, all that sort of thing. but when it comes to maintenance, annual progressive prevent preventative peanut, its in a slightly different category.

    preventative maintenance of these measure a funded arterials, that these refers to the debilitated roadways. that are on a list, a priority list that cvag has and we have and we all live by this priority. there's 250 or so projects

    throughout the valley spread out among these cities, the 9 cities of bad roads bad bridges bad intersection in various states of repair. this is called the tips it says in this ordinance these, that is, these projects that are on the tips list, will

    be allowed if a majority of the coachella valley local governments give approval. cvag i believe is taking the position that they don't need a vote of each government that the one representative from each city to cvag, usually the mayor but it doesn't have to be, that

    that one representative, along with the others, can vote to allow preventative maintenance to be used, the funds to be made from mer a measure a to be usedr preventative maintenance, sorry. the way we read this document it says prevent tifs main preventas possible if the majority of the

    not a representative of the local governments, at a cvag executive meeting. right now i know that i'm certain i should say i never know things change fairly quickly. bit ribut right now they're plag to have an executive committee

    committee vote to scied that. if that is the case, the executive committee which has nine members from the various statisticiancities, one each, wm fair warning that we think this is a matter that the people have not had an opportunity to express themselves in any way

    regarding cv link. people are constantly writing letters to the editor, saying why can't we vote on that subject and cv link and cvag do not want a public vote on it and to some extent they can enforce but when it comes to using preventative maintenance, it

    means representative governments, this council that council that council, that is something we end up agreeing on or it will be tested in a court of law. we will not let that slide. that is the other update from today's meeting at indian wells.

    and they wish you all well. we'll move on to item 10. randy. >> this will be presented by josh altop. >> thank you randy. this property involving the historic destination of 70-168 sonora road, existing land use

    is very low density residential, owned by dan schwartz, architect is daniel wechler. 27,000 square foot lot. the dwelling includes expanses of glass, shelter by deep overhangs, vertical wood siding natural stone walls, open

    atriums and an overall orientation towards rear patio and pool area which creates a seamless indoor outdoor dwelling space, the commission recommended historic designation. this is a public hearing and all property owners within 500 feet

    were notified of today's meeting. staff did receive one letter in opposition to the designation and that letter has been distributed to daw. if the home is designated, the ownerhomeowner is eligible to participate in the mills act.

    if the home participates in the mills act i.t. wou, it would, qe flooded with similar applications. there is no evidence of negative impacts, homes participating in the mills act within rancho mirage. staff recommends the city

    council adopt the resolution and designate this property as an historic resource. that concludes my presentation. i can answer any questions the council has. >>mayor hobart: any questions? >>councilmember townsend: yes i do.

    josh, will you elaborate the mills act is a separate step and does not automatically give a historic designation. >> correct, the homeowner has to opt-in if they choose to. >>mayor hobart: anybody in the audience like to speak to this subject?

    seeing none, i would like to mention for record that there was a letter received from thomas richards, who apparently lives next door to the residence in question. he objected to the designation. any further questions? seeing none, all in favor, say

    yes, those opposed say no. >> mayor did we have a motion? >>councilmember townsend: are we going to have a motion on that or just voting. >>mayor hobart: you didn't make a motion? >>councilmember townsend: i will make a motion.

    i'll make a motion. that the city council adopt a 70-168 sonora road be declared a pursuant to the appropriate municipal code. >>mayor hobart: is there any further discussion? okay please vote. okey-doke.

    f. the matter passes unanimously. 11, historic resource issue. mr. alsop. >> thank you sir. historic designation of the property 39-906 morningside drive. just north of the intersection

    of country club and morningside four units per acre. single family homes surrounding and private open space. the single story residence is owned by ruth star, the architect of this home is unknown. the resident is 2369 square feet

    with three bedrooms two and a half baths on a 15,000 square foot lot. the orientation of the home and the house and low straight roof lines are characteristic of mid century modern home. the building does include expanses of glass, natural stone

    walls, the property has a high level of architectural integrity in its design materials and workmanship. ms. stark consented to the historic landmark commission obserobserving her home. and the staff recommends this property as an historic

    resource. >>mayor hobart: any question of mr. alsop? >>councilmember kite: since we don't know who the architect was, what are the primary reasons that it falls under historic? >> the historic commission has

    seven options or findings that they can choose from. if the architect is not civil if known, it can be described as a piece of rancho mirage history, thunderbird, it did have architectural merit that they were basing it on, the quality of the architecture itself.

    audience like to discuss the come right up here and make yourself at home. >> i'm 97. >>mayor hobart: you're 97? >> yes. i'm very happy i can be here today. >>mayor hobart: i'll bet you

    are. you're looking awfully good and chipper. >> i want to thank the council for what you've done for me so far. the architect as far as i'm concerned -- >>mayor hobart: can you find

    that microphone somewhere? bring it down close make you comfortable speak into it and we will hear what somebody 97 years old has to say. >> okay. the houses on this property were all built at one time. there were eight of them.

    and to the best of my knowledge, kite and wexler were the only two architects that represented these homes. no it was not recorded it was my understanding that it was wexler and all eight members were members of thunderbird country club.

    i think you know the history of the country. the block was bought by eight members, the eight homes were built at the same time. i have lots more information but i don't want to burden you with it. i want to thank the committee

    for the consideration so far. and i also want to thank you for your work on the trail. because i'm dependence it. against it. okay? i enjoy being with you this afternoon and hearing all the other information.

    i've been in rancho mirage for almost 50 years and i've enjoyed every year of it. thank you for taking care of me. >>mayor hobart: well let's make a daylight. date. why don't you come back four years from today and you tell us

    how things are going. >> i want you to know my daddy lived to 92. >>mayor hobart: daddy got nothing to you. >> my mother said, as i lie he e there, if you listened to me you wouldn't have died. and she lived to 101.

    >>mayor hobart: thank you for coming. >> an driving. >>mayor hobart: and driving! just let us know when! >>councilmember weill: you are an inspiring. inspiration. >>mayor hobart: is there a

    motion to accept the recommendation to make this an historic resource? >>councilmember townsend: yes, i will make this motion that the city council adopt this resolution next in order, designating the property 39-906 morningside road as an historic

    resource pursuant to rancho mirage's municipal code 15-27. >>mayor hobart: motion, been moved and seconded. any further discussion? seeing none please vote. move to item number 12. and what's this about randy? to whom -- oh this is another

    >>councilmember townsend: yeah, we're on a roll here. >>mayor hobart: one of these days you're going to identify some of us -- >>city manager binder: as historic resources. >>mayor hobart: no tax break for >>city manager binder: josh can

    you describe the next one in order. >> yes, sir. this request is for the historical designation of the property located at 40-233 club view drive. this property is located on club view drive loop overlooking the

    ninth fairway of thunderbird country club. two dwelling units per acre, surrounding uses are single family homes and private open space. the l shaped western ranch style house was built in 1950 and is owned by ms. claudia foster.

    the city has an historical designation for this home but the architect was not identified. 26,000 square foot lot. the north facing residence is topped by a low pitch hip roof, shade the walkways of the house a wide exterior slump stone

    chimney is located on the west end of the entrance, sliding glass doors that open to the covered patio and pool areas. ms. foster consented to the historic commission touring in june of this year and they recommended designation at their summer meeting.

    58 properties, including the two we just did. property rn owners within 500 ft were identified. staff recommends city council designate this property at 40-233 as an historic resource. >>mayor hobart: any questions of staff?

    >>councilmember weill: josh, this is another example of where the architect is not identified yet the committee feels that it's representative of the particular period and merits the the fact that celebrities live next door, in this case it says desi and lucy arnaz, does that

    constitute ground for historical designation? >> i've had this discussion and we're going to try to set up parameters and criteria to consider and look down that road in the future, if we're going to go on designation, we kind of randomly picked people we're

    trying to pick instead of guidelines that we can follow for the future. once those duet in place we'll have better idea where we want to go. this one was done for architectural merit and not celebrity status.

    >>councilmember weill: that's good. >>councilmember kite: josh are you sure this is ninth green? >> this is according to historical survey. to be honest you're more evere an expert. ifof anexpert.

    the clubhouse is opposite on the i'm not sure exactly. according to the survey it was on the 9th hole. >>councilmember kite: okay, i think it's the 10th but i'll check on that. >> i'll make the note on that. >>mayor hobart: okay, any

    questions here? anybody in the audience like to -- does anybody in the audience have anything they would like to add to this? yes. >>councilmember smotrich: dana when you close it i'd like to make a comment.

    >> councilmen and mayor, i'm ray keleher chairman of the historic preservation commission. around carol. >> carol le liebowitz, previous chairman. >> and dan schwartz. >> just reviewing and commenting on what josh said.

    brit was actually the staff advisor during these commission meetings where these three projects were adopted. just wanted to confirm and assure that the latter two which the council was questioning were definitely adopted and approved by the commission because they

    are excellent examples of the period of architecture that they denoted, the '50s modernism, and falls under the category which is part of the national meetings or national standards for adopting historic resources of excellent, excellent examples of a particular style which

    could be or should be maintained for their value as historic architecture for study purposes and maintenance of an example of an architectural style. carol. >> and they meet our local criteria. >>councilmember townsend: thank

    you everybody, thank you ray. just a note to say they are looking at the differential between celebrity and architectural. because we do have a lot of celebrity who are famous, kay ballard to say one and then there are other people like the

    firestones and that goes on. there is a real definition line which this commission is working on to correct and give guidance. so to answer that question further that's the way we're doing it. okay, thank you. >>councilmember smotrich: all

    right i'll go ahead with my comment because i want to thank a couple of people who have served so diligently in connection with the historical preservation commission and one you just met is carol liebowitz who has been chair for last couple of years, they've done an

    outstanding job, as has the rest of the commission. they have worked so well together. people should realize that this is something that they take very, very seriously. they go out there in the heat, they analyze every aspect of

    these homes tapped architecture and thearchitecture, and it's a beautiful commission who works so perfectly together and we thank them all for all their efforts. they put in a lot of time. and i would also like to thank charlie, who is now a part of

    the participation, and he goes to all the meetings and he has now contributed a great deal of his effort and knowledge in making the -- our contribution to modernism week. by the historic preservation it's a cohesive group and we're lucky to have charlie

    participating and we're so lucky to have all the members for all their efforts. i appreciate that. it's great to work with. >>mayor hobart: okay we're moving unless i'm forgetting something here. >>councilmember townsend: we

    have to make a motion. >>mayor hobart: i was advised we had. is there a motion pending? >> there is a motion pending. need a motion. number three so number 3 if i may will make the motion that the city council adopt

    resolution number next in order. i voted down, even. approving the designation of the view drive as an historic resource, pursuant to rancho mirage's municipal code chapter 1527. and i think that ends my part of this program.

    >>councilmember smotrich: and i would second that. >>mayor hobart: okay, is there anybody in the audience that would like to discuss the matter? seeing none we'll vote. now move to item number 13. am i right on that?

    item number 13. >>city manager binder: number 15, thank you. our management analyst burt wilson. >> thank you mr. binder. good afternoon honorable the matter before daw is consideration of a resolution of

    intention to annex territory owned by da vall place into community facilities district number 1. back in 1990 the city council to help offset the cost, established a communities facilities districts under the mello-roos act, annex under that

    territory and upon issuance of permits they do pay the special levy allowed under that. if you will look at the screen my colleague will put up here this is the annexation number 166 at the top of the screen, off of da vall drive, off the rancho mirage high school, they

    were required to annex and there is a process now we have it is sort of an expedited time process where they actually file a petition to start the annexation proceedings. and they have done that. it's on file with the city clerk's office, a fairly routine

    document. this neaxg annexation is compri7 residential lots. if these lots would have been built this year the income would have been approximately $9500. so the steps to take, you're accepting the petition, you're accepting and preliminarily

    approving the annexation map and you'll do that through the adoption of the resolution. so your motion should be item c on the front of the staff report, that would be your motion. items a and b are technically rolled into the resolution, so

    you don't actually need to take separate action on those. >> i think you can do alls there action he provis provided the ae the same. >>mayor hobart: thank you brit. does anyone have a question of mr. wilson, seeing none would anybody in the audience like to

    discuss it? i move that we accept paragraphs a b and c under the recommendation as spelled out by staff on page 1 of 13-1. starting with the words accept the petition, is there a second? >> second. move now to item number 14.

    >> i'll do this one. mr. mayor and council what you have before you is a proposed amendment to the city's transient occupancy tax chapter of its municipal code. there's been some issues with respect to certain management companies or owners of vacation

    rentals and other operators that are in the business of renting out vacation rentals in the community. nardz to them not rein regards g or itemizing certain t.o.t. properties. amended to require when reporting transient occupancy

    tax reason that revenue that thn reporting the tax item each piece of property. easier for city staff to determine whether or not the appropriate taxes are being paid pervasion rental property. so this is simply going to amend it to just require that, for --

    that the amount of the tax collected for transient owches be fully itemoccupation be itemh property. >>councilmember kite: steve do we have a form that the owner has that they fill out? it would seem to me if we have one standard form for everybody,

    they could not omit some of the data that would be shown on that form. >> yes, isaiah we do have a >> we do have a form in place and it's still happening so with these changes it will allow us to change the standard form. >> yes, this will allow us to

    insert this in the standard >>councilmember kite: so once the new form is complete then we should be able to track all the data correctly is that right? >>mayor hobart: anybody else have a question? >>councilmember weill: yes, my question is do i understand that

    we didn't have a report on a property by property basis before? in other words, what is changed was it lumped together with other properties? >> yeah, the issue was with management companies that manage multiple homes, they were

    reporting as an empty being thee management company not the individual properties they were managing. >>councilmember weill: it was just the addresses and not the occupation factor? >> yes, most were willing to comply with our request to

    provide that information. this just gives us the authority to make it mandatory. >>councilmember weill: thank in the audience that would like to address this subject? seeing none, can we have a motion please? >>councilmember kite: i move the

    city council adopt ordinance amending chapter three.24 transient occupation tax of title 3 revenue and finance to require operators of hotels, vacation rental management companies and owners of rental properties to itemize transient occupation taxes collected per

    each property rented. second? >>councilmember weill: second. motion is carried unanimously. we go to item 15. >>city manager binder: finance director isaiah hagerman will handle this matter mayor. >> thank you, mr. binder.

    members of the city council, this is a request for council to approve the elimination of the accountant position in my department, the finance department with an effective date of december 5th, 2015, currently the finance department has seven employees.

    this would take us down to six employees. the accountant position in the finance department has had a significant reduction in overall work volume as a result of entity level and operational changes which are outlined in the staff report.

    the existing duties that will remain, if this position is eliminated, will be reallocated to existing staff. and we really just believe this is within our fiduciary responsibility to bring these things forward when we can no longer fully utilize a resource

    or we no longer need that resource that the city should no longer carry that resource. i'd be happy to answer any questions. >>mayor hobart: there are any questions? seeing none anybody in the audience have any questions or

    statements? seeing none we'll close that. please, we have a motion to approve or otherwise. >>councilmember smotrich: i'll move that the -- for approval of the elimination of the accountant position in the finance department effective

    december 5, 2015. >>mayor hobart: second, is there a second? >>councilmember townsend: secon. >> mayor pro tem weill would you please affirm your vote. >>councilmember weill: you want me to vote twice. >>mayor hobart: matter is

    approved unanimously. 16. >> gloria griego. >> thank you, mayor and council, before i present the report, the project is due to go to bed in november, award of contract is to be done in november, construction should be complete

    in may or june of 2016. if you have any questions regarding the project, randy villegas is here for questions. >>city manager binder: that was her preamble. she's about to make her report. >> i'll move on for the staff report for dome for the

    observatory project. this is a request that council waive the general liability waiver of subrogation for ash manufacturing. ash manufacturing is supplying the dome for the project. previously, the council approved the contract, however, the

    contract was strictly for the purchase of the dome. staff has six learned that minor install services will be provided. ash must provide certain insurance requirements. the only requirement they are not able to meet is the waiver

    of subrogation for general liability policy. council's waiver of such requirement would eliminate the prohibition of ash's general liability carrier from suing the city after a claim is paid. because ash will only be providing supervisory services,

    there appears to be a low risk of liability arising from their services. according to the city attorney the risks to the city appears to be minimal. staff and ash are requesting that council approve the waiver. >>mayor hobart: if there's no

    objection, i'd ask that the matter -- this matter be continued to the next meeting. >>city manager binder: october 5th. >>mayor hobart: october 5th and we secure some additional information. so if there's no objection.

    >>councilmember kite: is there any type of a time cutoff? >>mayor hobart: i don't know about that but i doubt it based on what we're doing here. i think we've got to find out a little bit more information about it. the cost of the dome is

    significant. and we want to see what happens if something did happen, who's -- >>councilmember kite: as far as the insurance goes. >>mayor hobart: who's going to eat that loss. so will you take it back,

    ms. griego, talk to randy and me about it, and we'll proceed further. >> absolutely. >>mayor hobart: let's move to item number 17. having to do with the library carpet and tile replacement. >>city manager binder: steve at

    tdoes the council need to make a motion to continue that item? >>mayor hobart: i said without objection, there was no objection. >>city manager binder: item 17 is our library director david bryant, talking to you about >>mayor hobart: would you talk

    about it to my wife for our bathroom? >> the project can be expanded, i can tell you that whatever results will be beautiful. >>city manager binder: we can tell by your tie. >> mayor hobart, members of the council, i bring before you the

    request to spend $112,691.07 for rops funds for carpet. the building is coming up for 10th anniversary in january of 2016. we estimate that 2.5 million people have come through our doors since we've opened in january 2006.

    we've had more than a quarter of a million people at our programs and that's 10,000 programs. and we have an opportunity here we think to merge two things and that is to take advantage of a relatively new product, these are carpet squares that come to us from a company called

    petcraft and sean tate is here from that firm if you have any questions about the technical nature of this product. it is made from recycled material. we will mention we are very green in terms of the library being responsible and

    sustainable. steve eisen is here from the company we recommend to install the product, the works floor and wall company in palm springs. we had three quotes on this and we think this will be not only an esthetic product for the library but by using carpet

    squares we'll have more flexibility in the future to replace those squares that are stained or damaged. and also, i think the really exciting news within a carpet project which may not have in its very nature excitement we are putting in loop technology

    in three of our rooms. this technology is relatively new and allows the message or audio, and we have dustin ingham here from the library as well if need be to talk about this. this is a marvelous technology that looks into hearing aids. when somebody is a presenter in

    our lecture series the library will get the best possible audio, to those people who need the best possible audio, and typically have not had that opportunity. we think this is a break through for us, we decided to do it in three spaces.

    so i think this is really great value to the city. we put out this proposal, we had three quotes come back to us. we had a quoak from the works floor and wall company as i mentioned palm springs, we had cathedral wall and flooring, they came in at 117,000 plus,

    dreamworks in la quinnta came at 119,000 plus. we have got to know steve the installer pretty well and we are confident we can put in this loop technology and end up with a really good project. the entire project is 2377 yards, dividing that into the

    112,000 figure, comes in at $47 per yard. that's pretty good price these days. much, david. does anybody have any questions of our line librarian or libray director? >>councilmember kite: david are

    we doing the full library? >> no, we're doing about 45 -- i think i have the percentage in here, it's a bit less than half the library. we've got other areas that have held up pretty well. actually we're doing 56% of the library.

    the staff area will not be impacted by this at all and we think when this is all done and our paint work which you thankfully have approved for us earlier, i think we're going to have a pretty good looking library for you to be pleased with on its 10th anniversary.

    >>councilmember smotrich: just one question david, is that loop technology going to be throughout the rooms that are being recarpeted? >> the three rooms will be the community room, that's our large room, popular reading room, that's as you move in and go to

    the left. that's where the magazines are stored, et cetera and we want to make that a double-pergs room, because by moving some furniture around we can have overflow from the writers festival et cetera, and in the anneburg room, those are the three areas.

    three of those areas -- >> they will have loop technology. >>councilmember smotrich: that's amazing. >> we have video that we were able to find. it's amazing how simple it is to put in this technology.

    so the good news for this council and the good news for our budget is, this is going to be a bit of a do it yourself project. i don't mean i'll be in there with a hammer but with assistance of mark and his great public works crew we think we

    can put this technology in ourselves. it's very straightforward. >>councilmember smotrich: and how fortunate we can do things like that for our community. especially in light of the fact we are also for our city council meetings we do have closed

    circuit subtitles for the hearing impaired when they watch our council meetings. >> our goal clearly is the best possible communication with the residents. we're -- i think we're achieving and i think with our programming, this loop

    technology will move that froomg to aneven higher level. >>councilmember townsend: what is the time line? >> time line is a bit dependent on shelving and painting. we found out today, shelving will take place in mid october, so we're looking at the second

    third week in november we should get cooking with this. and it's pretty straightforward once we begin. >>mayor hobart: anybody from the audience want to make a comment? seeing none, motion please? >>councilmember weill: i'll make a motion that the library board

    expend an amount of 112,691.07 from rops funds, for carpet and flooring replacing placement where heavy wear is evident, the works floor and wall in palm springs is the vendor. second that. we'll move to the next item, number 18.

    we jump right to isaiah on this one? >>city manager binder: sure, absolutely. >> the item before you today is the city council acting as the successor agency to the former rancho mirage redevelopment agency, adopt the rops schedule

    for period 15-16b. every six months we are required to flow these schedules through the successor agency u.s. city council the oversight board and the california department of finance. this is a schedule showing how we are winding down the affairs

    of the former rda. these schedules have become somewhat routine for the city of rancho mirage and our successor agency, so there are no new items on the rops schedule, we are continuing with the spending of the excess bond proceeds, we are adding no new projects to

    this rops cycle and the one new item that is going to be funded with property tax dollars is $125,000 to cover the cost of issuance of a potential bond refunding plan. i would be happy to answer any >>mayor hobart: thank you sir, anybody in the audience have any

    questions or want to make a statement? closing that we'll have a make the motion that city council acting as successor agency to the former are redeveloredevelopment agency. adopt the rops 15-16b pursuant to ab 26x 1 and 1484.

    >>mayor hobart: moved and seconded. we now move to item number 19. and again back to you isaiah. >> thank you, mr. mayor. this item, the city council acting as successor agency to agency allowing us to move forward with a bond refunding

    plan. the successor agency is a trust fund to the city. what that means is, these are not the assets or the liabilities of the city of rancho mirage. we only act in a fiduciary responsibility.

    which essentially means, we manage their books and we need to make the best financial decisions on behalf of this trust fund, other people's assets and liabilities. in the course of winding down the form are redevelopment agency, there was a lot of debt

    carried, and since interest rates are at historic lows, it makes sense to refinance those bonds. the committee consisting of mayor hobart and councilmember kite, we did identify three issues of the saight of the sucy that looked like they made great

    sense. the debt service on these bonds, the payments of the debt are funded with property tax dollars. so by reducing the cost of this debt, you save property tax so those property tax dollars will flow through to taxing

    agencies instead of being paid out to bond holders. i have a slide that demonstrates this point. so as we save a property tax dollar there are many agents that share in the property tax dollar. this is approximately the result

    of the 2013 bond refunding plan. as you can see, by reducing overall debt service by 37.2 million, that will now flow through to each taxing agency. this is what is demonstrated on the screen, so our shares are highlighted in yellow. so the city of rancho mirage,

    the top one, is our general fund and then we have the rancho mirage community service district which supports our fire services, that's the other one that is tied to rancho mirage. everything else on the screen is other governmental entities. it is good for us but it is also

    good for the whole. the three issues that were identified is a north side subarea, 2003 series and the 2006a series and our whitewater subarea, 2006 series. at the end of the day, simply by taking advantage of low interest rates we're estimating a total

    reduction in debt service of $4.3 million. when you calculate this out on a present-value basis, it's averaged out to 7.55%. the industry standard for this of measuring whether you continue forward with a refunding or not is 3%.

    so we are well above that. and again any dollar we reduce in debt service that property tax dollar will then flow through to the appropriate government agencies. if you approve this plan today we will take this to the oversight board at their meeting

    on september 22nd. if the oversight board proofs it approvesit, it will be carried d to the department of finance. they take a 65 day process they don't ever come out early so we're looking at sometime in december. what we'll do at a staff level

    is we'll review it in december, current market conditions, if it seems like this still makes sense, we'll have a closing somewhere in january. does anybody have any questions? of mr. hagerman? seeing none, anybody in the seeing none i'll move that we

    adopt staff's recommendation as set forth in paragraphs a and b of page 19-1 of the staff >>councilmember kite: second. for those who are wondering we'll now find out what's going to be in the closed session. >> mr. mayor, city council is going to adjourn into closed

    session, to discuss veronica juarez, under code 54956.9, and potential litigation, tbowrn nine 56.9 (d), and with five are you 4956.9, and 54956.8 for real property negotiators, for

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