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standard furniture tallinn

a mosfilm studios production the gagarin regionaldistrict court of moscow has studiedcivil case no.2. 688/6: lidia miroshnikova vs. fyodor miroshnikov. the aforementioned partieswere married in 1967 and have one child,ivan born in 1969. the plaintiff requeststhe court to dissolve the marriageon the grounds that

her husband loves another woman. the defendant doesnot contend the suit. - give me a hankie.- i don't have one.- what did you say?- i don’t have one! that's very kind of you.i have one. i’m going to drop by the store andwait for you at the bus stop. we'll go to the zoo andthe planetarium. okay, mama. good-bye. your mother is an angel.

i'm sorry it turned outthis way, old boy. relax, dad. i hope we'll be seeing a lot of each other.sure, dad. she's really got class. d' you really like her?i'll introduce you natasha! come over here. this is my son, ivan.this is natasha. pleased to meet you.congratulations. your dad's told me a lot about you.

i can only imagine. nothing bad, old boy. take care of him.he has an ulcer. my mom brews herbal tea. i can copy the recipe for youon the q.t. thanks. that'll be great. i have to go. - come visit us, ivan.- sure. i did go visit them and even took them my mom's dad, a construction engineer,

soon went off to work in africa. i finished school and began my adult life. t h e m e s s e n g e r based on a storyby k. schakhnazarov starring fyodor dunayevsky anastasiya nemolyayeva oleg basilashvili inna churicova

featuring svetlana kriuchkovaalexander pankratov-chorny vladimir menshovalevtina evdokimova evdokia urusovavladimir smirnov tell us, young man, when did kiev russ adopt christianity? kiev russ? you don't know that, either. i've never been good at dates.

why'd you decideto become a teacher? my mother teaches historyat a technical school. she said: "applyto a teacher's college. "so few boys'll have a chance." we're short of boys,but not that hard up. i see. i just didn'twant to argue with her. - six clubs.- whist. you don't have a single trick.then i'll pass. what do you mean pass? just play.

that's stupid,'ll sit there with no twos. you're stupid yourself. we're playing for stakes.damn, i can't play. what do you mean? just play. lead with a diamond. i want to get a jobat the vegetable store, bazin. your dad works there,doesn't he? yeah, he's a loader. could he put in a word for me? i'll ask him. why there? d'you like carrots?

it's close to home. carrots! i'll becalled up soon anyway. why'd you lie to your father?what do you mean? "congratulations on being accepted. "what a surprise. as i recallyou didn't exactly shine in school. "awaiting great discoveries.(singed) papa" i wanted to make him feel good. feel good! he'd feel good if you'dactually gotten into the institute. enough with the institute! darwin wasn't muchat first either, but look how he turned out! you're no darwin. he didn't hang outwith bums all day.

it's time you got a job, darwin! i'm going to work atthe vegetable store. bazin said he'd help. your friend bazin is an idiot. it's easy to call a person names. listen to his history paper: "the peasant serfs "were angry when theyfound out "about the tartar invasion."

were they supposedto be happy? you understand good and just said that to hurt me. you're always trying to hurt me,just like your father. why bring dad into it?you enjoy tormenting me. you're cruel and heartless! if i were dad, i'd have left you, could drive anyone crazy. ivan, how can you talk to me like that?why do you hate me, ivan? stop crying! stop, or i'll burn the house down!

i found you a job. - nothing less than a minister?- practically. as a messengerfor "cognition" magazine. i always dreamed of beingan errand boy. you're really lucky, then. fill out the applicationand write your autobiography. including your family, schooling- - can i sit here?- yes.

all done? let's see it. "i was born in languedocprovince in 1668, the son "of an impoverished,though ancient, "noble family. "my father, le duc de- " de brissac. "- fought in m laval's regimentand was wounded "by a spear during the siege ofmontfer... ferrat, "while hoisting the king'sstandard. "i resided in the family castleuntil the age of 17.

"thanks to my mother,baroness de monjou, "i received a decenteducation. "now, desirous of servingmy country in battle, "i wish to be enlistedin his majesty's "blackguard company." rewrite it. - i was just joking.- so i see. this is ivan, our new messenger. hey, he's not bad.zinochka

to some i'm zinochka,to others i'm zinaida pavlovna. i'm stepan afanasyevich,the editor. i'm ivan panteleimonovich. you mean your father's namereally panteleimon? - what's wrong with that?- nothing. i want to remind you thata messenger's duties are: sorting and delivering letters and runningbusiness-related errands. he is not to be sent

out for cigarettes or purchases. got it, old boy? - what's so funny?- that's what my dad calls me. there's something of a fatherin each of us. of course, but he doesn'tlive with us now. - i'm sorry.- for him or for us? here's your first assignment. take this articleto prof. kuznetsov.

he's a big name in education. ever see "school chums" on tv? get going! he's waiting for it. bazin! hey!why aren't you at school? i'm excused from p.e. i'm goingskate-boarding. where'd you get it?my aunt from tallin sent it. come with me. i can't. i'm working.i have to deliver this. you can deliver it later.skateboard first and then deliver it.

watch out! faster! head towards mosfilm! prof. s. p. kuznetsov - who d'you want to see?- you. i've been in love with you sincethe 1st grade. i started school in leningrad. it wasn't you, then. actually, i have a manuscriptfor semyon petrovich.

a crazy guy's brought youa manuscript, papa. send the scoundrel in.he's kept me waiting 3 hours! i'm not a scoundrel. take off your shoes. - my socks, too?- you can leave them on. give me some slippers. - who're you?- a messenger. because of you, messenger, i'vewasted 3 hours of precious time. here's your manuscript.

show him out, katya. i'm in no hurry. i'd appreciate a cup of tea.and a bite to eat. i told you he was crazy.- what's so crazy about that? i didn't ask for a hundred rubles!i'm hungry and asked for a cup of tea. - what's wrong with that?- actually - take him to the kitchenand pour him some tea. - you're all right.- meaning? - you've a good figure. nice legs.- i got them from my mother.

- i'd like to meet her.- she'll be in later. i had this realcool teacher. she was interesting lady. one day she was showinga science film to our physics class. i was in the last row. she sat down beside was dark. i got excited - and moved closer. she acted like she didn't notice.and what happened?

when i put my armaround her, she said: "see me after class, miroshnikov."that's my name. i did. she was in the lab.her breasts were heaving. she said, miroshnikov, my dear boy.and she fell into my arms. can you imagine? i had a crush on a teacher, too. he was very handsome.he taught russian literature… what happened?

i wrote him a letter, but henever answered it. i'm a girl. i couldn'tthrow myself at him. of what do you do? i'm a freshman at the university. i could've been, too. i scored 100 at the entrance exam, but decided i'd get somework experience first. join the army… i didn't want to go to school,either, but my parents- my parents never interfere.

i'll comefor the manuscript tomorrow. i don't think i'll saygoodbye to your father. good idea. you kind ofgot him riled up. bye. listen to this, ivan- thy glass will show theehow thy beauties wear, they dial how thy preciousminutes waste; the vacant leavesthy mind's imprint will be and of this book this learningmayst thou taste. the wrinkles which thy glasswill truly show

of mouthed graveswill give thee memory- - did pushkin write that?- no, shakespeare did. once, prof. rosenfeld said: "this is your third attemptto get into acting school. "each time you do tragedy, but "you've a real talentfor comedy." did you want to be an actress? yes, but your father said: "don't knock at a locked door."

i was in love with him. we had an office party today. they asked me to recite something. i didn't want to,but i pulled myself together. i recite "they are beating a woman…".it's by voznesensky. at first, there was silence.then, can you believe it, an ovation and flowers. everyone congratulated me. men offered to take me home.

a colonel even invited meout to dinner. but i came home alone. the earth is visible belowthrough the round porthole. we miss it as a sonwill miss his mother, for it's our oneand only one. and all the same,the stars are cold, though they are near us. and just as inthe darkest hours, we wait for light and dreamour earthly dreams.

we dream notof the launching pad, nor of this light-bluestillness, but of the grassaround our house. of all the green,green grass. are you crying? no. go on back to bed. what'd you do at kuznetsov's? why? he called this morning andsaid not to send you again.

- i said there's nobody else.- what'd he say? he said, it was too bad our fineorganization hired such punks. - what'd you say?- i said, "he's just a cog in the wheel." you look like a corpse. what'd you do there? his daughter fell in lovewith me. now he's scared. you're a fast operator. and smart. kuznetsov'san important man. why're you sitting around?

go pick up the photographs. then get the msfrom kuznetsov. it's stuffy in here. open the window, ivan. way to go, clutz! should i open it? never mind. are you okay? what d'you think? the paperpunch landed on my head. who put it up there?

i've been looking for itfor 3 weeks. being brained by this - it could draw blood. yeah, if it fell from high up. - it could even kill you.- i doubt it. if it hit you full-force? let me see it. sure, if it were full-force,it could kill you. hello, oleg. what was that crash?

our messenger fell offthe windowsill. imagine, the paper punchlanded on his head. no, yours is small. but oursis an office-size punch. not a scratch. okay, i'll be right down. go get those photos, ivan, andthen go by kuznetsov's. i've come for the manuscript. come in. you're just in time.we're having dinner. i won't let you go withouteating.

hello. pull up a chair. serve our guest, katya. this calls for wine. is today a holiday? you now have the honorof meeting a typical representativeof today's youth. a mix of nihilism and impudence. he's a fascinating specimen.

- what's your name?- ivan. you might've thought to askthat before. well, ivan, well, you know me.and katya. this is my mother, agnesivanovna. my wife, maria victorovna. everything becomes part ofan act. clowning as a principleof life. they know it all.

- why're you ribbing him?- it's a matter of principle! our generation wants to know what we lived and fought for. who will take overthe edifice we erected? why should that trouble you? i'd like to know, young man, by what principles you intendto exist in society? i'd like to have good pay,a car, an apartment in the center of town,a dacha -

and a cushy job. true, earthly possessionsare necessary. there's nothing wrong in that. but you don't get themfor nothing. one must work hard,acquire knowledge - then you'll have earnedthat flashy car. sounds pretty grim. i guessi'll do without the car. right. it's the only way. not at all. if i seduce yourdaughter and marry her,

i'll have it made. you have connections and don't want to make your only daughter's life'll find me a cushy job and buy us a condo.right, agnes... ivanovna? a condo! did you hear that? out! get out!senya, senya, calm down! get out, you punk! wait, ivan! you were great. he'll complain to the office.

no, he won't. here'sthe manuscript. - where are you going now?- to the office. give me your phone number.i'll call you this evening. 543-71-60all hell's broken loose. it's great. you're funny. i like you. - what's up?- i'm going home. someone's gonna call. how about a double date?the one on the left is yours. - what'll we do?- go to a movie or for ice cream. - hey, bazin!- wait a sec!

by what principles d'youexist in society? - what edifice? are you turning philosophical?- don't play dumb. answer me. by what principlesdo you exist? my main principle - is to serve the humanisticideals of mankind. good for you! you and the girlsgo to the movies. - may i please speak to ivan?- it's me, katya. how's your father? okay. he cooled offafter a while.

mama thinks you're eccentric.for some reason she likes you. don't dad won't complain. why should i worry?i'm not responsible for anything. irresponsible is more like it. i don'twant you to get into trouble. thanks. what're you doingtomorrow? i've classes in the morning.nothing in the evening. we could go somewhere. okay. let's go somewhere.what time? head on over to mayakovsky 5. ok?

okay. that works. so long. stepan afanasyevich - what's your mostcherished wish? that the barometer not fall below 740 mm in moscowregion. - why?- the fish bite better. my wish would be to marry a japanese. why a japanese?

they've got the best technology. couldn't i interest youin a georgian? there's this fella i know - why can't you be serious? how about you, ivan? i wish communism triumphsthroughout the world. by the way, we're to sendone person to do a day's work at the vegetablewarehouse. you're elected, ivan.

- not bad at all.- merci. what'll we do? - how about a kiss?- what on earth for? are you chicken? no, but i'm not kissing you.i've got my principles. what makes you think i don'thave principles? ok. so, why'd you ask for a date?so that we could kiss. are you mad?i was only joking. what are we going to do?

how about a movieor a cafe? i'm sick of them. want me to show youa leopard's den? why'd you bring me here? it's the leopard's den. this is a quarry. how'da leopard come to be here? it ran awayfrom a travelling circus. - did you see it?- no. what makes you think it's here?

i heard it was killed here. how could it live here? look, see its tracks? come on, let's get out of here. all together now!everyone clap! -what would you like? -what do you have?- coffee or ice cream? - i don't want anything. i know a joke. a plain crashed. everyone died exceptfor this one monkey. the investigators questioned it:

"what was the pilot doingwhen the plane crashed?" "oh, lucienne, lucienne!" "what about the stewardess?""oh, jean, jean!" "what were you doing?" - i remember another joke.- two guys are out and see two guys fighting.- are these your friends? - yeah. study, work-would you hold these sunflower seeds,i'll be right back. i have to make a call. the phone's over there. why d'you snortlike a horse, bazin?

when'd i snort? you snort all the time. you say something stupid and snort. ivan, it's my girlfriend's birthday.she's invited us over. - don't you like it here?- i do, but it's her birthday. okay, come on. are they all into karate? igor studied for six years in japanwhile his dad worked there. what stupid dresses.

that's not what they'rewearing in paris. were you in paris? i spent the summer in belgrade. nina's dad is postedin yugoslavia. but were you in paris? no, i was not in paris. are you at school, ivan? nobody'll have me. i've served 5 years.

- where?- in prison. five long years. got any pure alcohol? - no.- any perfume or cologne? -dad's probably got some cologne.-domestic or imported? there's french perfume. i don't like french perfume. okay, let's have it. open the door, ivan!are you okay?

why'd you do it? were you mad on accountof your friends? i need to go home.-i'll see you home. -no need. where were you? - don't you feel well?- i'm nauseous. it's probably food poisoning. - should i call an ambulance?- no, i'll be all right. - what'd you eat?- ice cream. why, you smell of perfume.

- were you out with a girl?- i was out with bazin. is "madame rochas"a good perfume? excellent, butvery expencive. - want to give someone a gift?- i already have. two bottles! - where'd you get the money?- i won it at cards. you mean you playfor money? no. bazin's uncle rothschilddied in america. you and your jokes. go to sleep.

good night. how are you, old boy? i'm fine, dad. why'd they go to the country? papa's working on a book. writing, writing!everybody's writing. they should try football. i can just picture himplaying football. it's not a sightfor the weak - hearted.

that's enough.sorry. remember what you told meabout your teacher? - the one you had an affair with.- me? an affair? it was you who told me. yeah, i remember it now. but bear this in mind, sometimes i can say anything -i surprise myself sometimes. why? -i don't know.i start and get carried away d'you play the piano?

- i used to take lessons.- play something, and i'll sing. what'll i play? play anything. how do i know what to play ifi don't know what you'll sing. why don't you begin?play something else. that's not good for singing there once was a goat,not a snake, not a stoat, but a real billy goatwith a long, shaggy coat - what's going on?

come, mamma. - what's the body count?- it's pretty awful. really, we didn't doanything wrong. not it wrong to laugh? well, yes, i guess it is.i'll be going could you spare a few minutesof your valuable time? i have come to the conclusionthat your company is extremely detrimentalto my daughter. man-to-men,i request you to cease

all social contact with katya. that's impossible, sir. how's that... sir? your daughter and i loveeach other. i admit it wasn't right of me to conceal the truth from youfor so long. now that you know, i ask youto give us your blessing. wait. have you decided to get married?

our relations have gone too far. as a decent man, i request yourdaughter's hand in marriage. you what? katerina is expecting. - what?- it's true. when'd you have time to? - what do you expect to live on?- hardship doesn't faze us. i understand...but you're so young. do you plan on goingto college?

that's not an end in itself. i trust you don't intend toalways be a messenger. - i write poetry.- ever publish anything? not yet. - are your poems any good?- i can recite one for you. "a monument i've raisednot built with hands, "and common folk shall keepthe path well trodden "to where it unsubduedand towering stands - not bad, though it doesremind me of something.

perhaps it'sthe old-fashioned style. - care to hear another one?- no, thanks. - i'll be going, then.- yes. drop by any time. - why not invite your parents over?- by all means. and may i call you papa? well? no problem.we had a nice chat. don't worry.i'll call you this evening. is ivan there?

how could you?why'd you do it? - who was that?- nobody special. could you tell me wherethe language department is? it's in the humanities building. french 7 is already out. hi, katya. i decided to take a walk. it's such a nice day. then, what happened, ilya?i'm dying to know.

well, mitya and i went in. they were sitting around,all of them sober - why's this weirdo standing here? - want us to get rid of him?- no, he's my cousin. he arrived fromvitebsk yesterday. you've got a strangelooking cousin. i know. he's a bit touched.he fell off a thresher. so long. i'll showhim the university. - why'd you come here?- to apologize for yesterday.

okay, i forgive you. there's something elsei want to say. - i'll be good. honest.- don't act like a baby. you made things reallyhard for me. i had a terrible timewith my parents. - i'll apologize to them.- it's too late for that. i told them i was expectingyour child. - are you nuts?- what else could i do? - they threw such a fit.- what'll we do now?

- have a baby.- how? you're a man. you should know. no, i'm with mean right now? why wait?i've a lecture at 2 o'clock. right here? with peoplepassing all the time? - where, then?- where we can be alone. let's go over there. this isn't bad. what d'you say?- oh, what flowers! -they're medicinal.rats! now what?

are you a man,or a piece of dog shit? -what should i do? -think of something!-get us a room or something. i need a pad, bazin. - what for?- i just do. my aunt's herefrom tallinn with her kids. - they're driving me nuts.- are serge's parents at work? his dad broke a leg.he's at home. would the basement work?i've got the keys. what a rat hole.

d'you think i'm a loose woman? of course not. well, i am. did you ever? you know, with a woman - no. did you? - no. just petted.- me, too. - d'you like me?- yes, a lot. i like you, too.

sometimes i can'tunderstand you, though. what the hell's going on!and in broad daylight! making out in public! -you bastard!-what? - wait, katya! i hate you! this is all your fault.don't you dare follow me. there's a letterand gifts from your father. it looks good on you. "it's hellishly hot here.i was in the savannah

"and saw the masai hunting."-who? -the masai. "the chieftain gave me a spear. "he's really powerful.a real hercules and smart. "i'll be home on vacation soon. "regards to mother.write me. papa." i take it this is thespear in question. he always liked toys. they sparked his imagination. why'd you do that?

ivan? i thought it was stepanov. hello, hero. we weren'texpecting you. i want to apologize, sir, ma'am,and to katya for what i did. relax... katya told us all about it. let bygones be bygones. katya, a cavelier'scome calling for you, excuse me, excuse me!i'd like you to meet ivan. he's the most original of allof my daughter's friends. is this the one you told us about?

the very one! he recently saidhe wrote poetry and recited a poem by pushkin. imagine, i nearly fell for itlike a first-grader at a magic show. that was stupid of me. young people today are an enigma. the most enigmatic of enigmas! but,we must communicate with them. -oh, you communicate alright,but it's all work, work, work! i repent, i repent!... that's why i ended upgetting messed up. -eat, eat, vanya, don't be shy.the day's fast approachingwhen we'll cease

understanding our own children. you're complicating things. they're just spoiled.their life has been too easy. it's trite, but true. my father whipped meuntil i was 17. for all the good it did. take my son, for instance. he's a good boy, a sportsman. it's hard to find fault with him.

but he loves to drink milkout of the can! it's those yellow cansof evaporated milk. i ask himwhy he drinks it undiluted. he says, "i like it." it's the same old song: we had it hard, so whyshouldn't they? that's just stupid. today's youth is heroic. i watch tv and know our youth. but he goes on drinking itfrom the can!

why does it upset you so much? to hell with the milk!i want to understand him! why does a big, burly fellow punch a hole in a can and - when i talk to him,he won't answer. he listens, says nothing andstarts sucking another can! he doesn't want to study,he's sloppy about his job. i thought he wanted to becomethe judo champ. but no. "why spend so much timeworking out, then?" i said.

"why all those biceps, triceps…""what for?" so he picked up the empty canand... scrunch. "you can't do that," he said.tell me, why would he say that? calm down. you're exaggerating.i know your son, he's a good're just too strict with him. i want to know what he wants! i want to know what i fathered!don't i have that right? don't i? if he said: "you're an ass.your entire life was messed up." i'd understand. but he acceptsthe good things and is silent! he's at a difficult age. our sonnever said a thing. now he's in grad school.

he'll outgrow it.isn't that so, ivan? yes. we'll sow our wild oatsand be just like you. why just like us? be even better than us.keep pressing on. we'll press on. "friends, this is just like work: talk and more talk." i hope you'll excusemy fatherly pride if i ask my daughterto sing for us. lovely!yes, do! sing "the nightingale"for us, katya. she sings it great! i don't feel like singing.

- why not?- i just don't! i'll sing it. can you sing? i was in the school glee club. nightingale,my nightingale, sweet-voiced nightingale. whither are you winging? where shall yousing the night away? fly away,my nightingale,

far, far away -sing "electric train" next! wait, wait. forget "electric train."can you tell me what you want out of life? what you wish for?enough, oleg, enough! wait, wait! let him answer me.- i'll tell you what i wish for. i want to be irresistible. i want to drive a fast sports car,wearing a long red scarf, to drive men wild.and have a stereo and a lap dog. that's what i want. - why, katya -- i will sing for you, after all.

- some other time, perhaps?- you wanted me to. there once was a goat,not a snake, not a stoat - stop it! don't come to see me. and don't call. it's all right, katya. it's all right. our company's gone.let's go home. i can't, papa.i just can't. everything will be all right.

it'll be all right. come on, it's late.let's go home. why're you wearing a coat?are you cold? d'you have a wish, bazin? what d'you wish for? - i wish i had a coat.- is that all? winter's almost here,and i don't have a coat. i wore a jacket last yearand always caught cold. can't your folks buy you a coat?

my dad's has to pay won't give me a kopeck. she says i don't need money. she's sick in the head.what can you do? stand up. -why?-stand up, i say. it's all yours. wear it in good health.-have you gone crazy? -i'll be called up soon anyway. wear it and wishfor something great. written byalexander borodyansky directed bykaren shakhnazarov director of photographynikolai nemolyayev

production designerkonstantin forostenko music by eduard artemyev sound recordistvitaly shemelkin

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