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    tv stands furniture india

    new delhi's national sports stadium..the stadium is filled to the brim. only 2 minutes left in theworld men's hockey championship.. india is one goal behind pakistan. vijay, pass it here! indian captain kabir khan, asia'sbest center forward pushing his team come on! come on! suspense in the audience. tension on the facesof the officials.. like every india-pakistan match,

    this match means so muchmore than the game itself. only 1 and a half minutes now and india will have tofight quickly to save itself. ball with pakistanidefender waseem.. scoop! but indian defender uttam singhsnatches it.. india is now on attack! and a penalty stroke for india.. a breath of lifethey desperately need.. but who will take this stroke.. ball! ball!

    saini has the ball, but captainkabir is taking the stroke himself.. maybe a good decision. india's best playeris its last hope.. coach, is this the same teamthat defeated pakistan last year? no comments. do you not think ourteam is taking it too easy? please, please, no comments. hey, look, it is kabir!- kabir! he is here!- kabir.. kabir.. kabir,

    do you have anything to sayabout such an embarrassing defeat? do you really believepakistan's performance was better? maybe. - why did you takethe penalty stroke yourself? i made a mistake rumour has it that the pakistaniplayers are your good friends.. you were the only indian tocongratulate them after the match.. excuse me! people are saying..there is a rumour that you.. or someone else in the indian teamhas deliberately thrown this match?

    do you think we lostbecause someone sold out? what! what did you say? kabir khan, hassomeone sold out their team? sold out! you piece of.. how dare you.. how can you disrespect the media! disrespect the media!you son of a.. come here. you do not know howto treat journalists! you bloody -.. sold out

    come back here! you just witnessed afrustrated captain of the loosing team attack the media violently. his outburst cannothide the fact that there.. definitelysomething fishy going on. we have our answers. but it is now up toyou to decide whether kabir khan has playeddirty with the country or not. satyavrat yadav,national stadium, new delhi..

    news from the world of sports. pakistan has become thenew hockey world champions after defeating india by one goal. today the chairman of thehockey association denounced kabir khan, declared hedid his country wrong. and all this is thanks to you..the indian public. we have two special guests.. down with kabir! what do you think? didkabir khan fix the match?

    do not know if he fixed the match,but we lost because of him. and what would you say? these people shouldbe hung upside down. and you? these kind of people should have movedto pakistan during the partition. the public is upset withthe team's performance. and kabir khan hasconveniently disappeared. he was not at the hockey stadium, northe sports authority of india campus. where is kabir khan?

    do not look back mother, let us go. how can i not, kabir.. your grandfather saved everypenny to build this house.. your father's first pay checkwent into making these windows.. i stepped into thishome as a young bride.. whatever happens, i know all thesepeople will stand by us, trust me. my master traitor do not look there, son.

    you can close your eyes ifyou can not bear to see it.. i want to see everything. come son. let us go! the third colour ofyour being, that was i papa, papa, i want to seewhat a traitor looks like. come, see! your tune was the rhythm of my life just some food for the road.. do you want us to bethrown out of the neighbourhood?

    my divine master, you are my pride my master, my life is yours to take so, what have you decided? uttamji, you are alwaysharping on the same thing. what should we do about the coach? hey, why don't youbecome their coach? the women's hockey world cupis just three months away. the team cannot just gowithout any training.. no matter how much youtrain them, they will loose..

    the indian women's hockeyteam has never achieved anything and it never will. it is a government trip. why do you not go as their coach? the team will be out in acouple of matches. exit! you and your wifecould enjoy a holiday. i do not get it - why do you nottake women's hockey seriously. and we do no get whyyou take it so seriously. uttamji, indian womenare born to cook and clean.

    they cannot runaround in short skirts. how can an associationmember say such things? it is because we arein the association and have travelled around the world,that we can say such things. look, you have done your part andselected the top 16 indian players. punjab, tamil nadu,jharkand, andhra, railways. you have even been toremote manipur and mizoram. but now where will youfind a coach? from the moon? is this also the girls' fault?

    no, it is not the girls' fault. it is the fault, of people likeyou with expectations from them. no sponsors.. no tv coverage, nor media.. now which coach will want to jumpinto this mess to ruin his career? is there anyone? no one. there is one man. who? kabir. kabir khan.

    the kabir khan who.. yes that one. since when has he developedan interest in women's hockey? he even left men's hockey years ago. no one has seen himfor six-seven years. you can see him now. where? outside. in the reception. do not attack the opposingteam's goal but their minds.

    you will win the goal automatically. sir- hmm? you have been called inside. sir- kabir. how many years has it.. seven years, three months.. ten,eleven, twelve, thirteen 7 years, 3 months, 14 days. what.. what were youdoing all these years? i was preparing for this meeting.

    he wants to be the coach ofthe indian women's hockey team. you are not a child mr. kabir khan. you know in a country like ours, a women's team exists justas a formality, not a reality. your reputation is already.. and you wish to redeem yourname by coaching this team. a team that is not fit to playagainst european high schools. this is exactly the team i want. i do not understand..

    i do not think you would. so shall i consider myself hired? in any case, you donot have another coach. i have done all i could, but you should think about it. i have. kabir this not a is a graveyard. why are you burying in it? this team will never geta better coach than you.

    but think about yourself. i am thinking about myself. you have have changed a lot. i have not changed. nothing has. you know we did not losethat match because of you. you did all you could toscore a goal against pakistan but they scored against me, my team,my country.. and my family. everybody is allowed one mistake. everybody?

    kabir, why have you come back? to help this team towin the world cup. which is impossible.. is what needs to be done. when are your 16 girls coming? they should reach here tomorrowmorning from their respective states. states.. nothing has changed. there were states then,there are states now.. there you go..

    well ma'am, once again it looks like the association hasdumped all of india on us. so these are the best? that's what they say. wasn't she thegoalkeeper for the railways? what was her name? vidya.. vidya sharma. heard she got marriedand quit hockey? well she's here..

    100 rupees? my foot!is the meter for decoration? the meter is broken, youwill have to give me 100. i will give you 100 slaps!- what sort of talk is that? the kind you will understand! take the50 or i will shove the hockey stick! don't get angry. your head willexplode one of these days. but grandma, you are notsaying anything to him. is he my baby or are you? i am.- so?

    cool down, come, come.. drink it in. hey! what the.. you brats! hey komal! these pansies! thoughti'd show them how to play! you haven't comehere to play with boys! no.. just wanted to check out whether these delhi dudes can play. there's no way i'm letting mygirl play in a big city like delhi. come on. let's go,get back in the car

    oh come now! we have come this far.. let her do what she wants. after all, she will be playing a homemaker for the rest of her life. i will never give up playing! oh yeah? what will you feedyour husband when he is hungry? this! enough! i don't wantmy girl playing hockey. once she slips out of our grasp,who will ask for her hand? let them try!

    gul, your grandfathers,your father, your brother all have excelled inthis game, my dear. now it is your turn.don't let the iqbals down. name please.- ho? ho? name. what is your name? soimoi. i asked for your name.not your medical condition. is that your name?- ho. ho again? your full! name!

    soimoi kerketa. shedoesn't understand english. and you are?- rani (queen) have you escaped from an asylum?what do you want? rani dispotta. are you from the travelling theatre? the stadium won't be availabletill the new year. go away! ghamorni.. state board.. jharkhand.. oh dear! these two are hockey players!

    ho, ho, ho! name?- nethra reddy. so you are a madrasi? telegu.- tamil. not tamil, telegu. same thing. what's the differencebetween tamil and telegu? the same difference that isthere between punjabi and bihari. oh really? can i go?

    what? ho ho! man! look at that vanilla icecream amidst all this chocolate! must be heading to adisco or a nightclub.. looks like they lost their way. you think they are players? definitely players. but not here.. ya? wonder what the going rates are.. why don't you ask them? theywon't get our language anyway

    hey, how much are those melons for? what the.. they understand hindi! thought they were chinese or nepali.. molly zimik, manipur.mary ralte, mizoram. wow! you have come from thefurthest reaches of india. you are our special guests. welcome! what.. are you not happy? would you be happy being treatedlike an alien in your own country? bindia, aliya how are you?

    pretty fit. how's your injury gunjan? an injury madam will takeits own sweet time to go. you are the senior players.behave like one. be respectful around the new coach. respect, madam, willtake its own time to come. sukhlal! become older! my name is kabir khan.i'm the coach of the indian nationalwomen's hockey team..

    which i have beentold are you girls. all the players here, krishnaji? yes sir. only one's missing..uh, preeti sabarwal reporting time was 10 am, wasn't it? is this theregistration for the women's team? the registration for the indiannational women's team is over. bloody hell! i'm preeti sabarwal. bloody hell preeti sabarwal!you are very late. try next year. sorry?- next year.

    sorry?- next year! everybody, fall in line please! come on everyone, line up. she is a good player, sir. i will be the judge of who is a goodplayer or a bad player krishnaji. thank you. you.. you can't keep outa state team captain.. which state team's captain are you?- chandigarh is this the chandigarh team?

    no. but i'm a captain of a state team. and i'm the coach of theindian national women's team. i cannot hear or seethe names of states. i can only hear the nameof one country - india. and in that team, there isno place for late comers. everyone understand that? ok.. ok, kit up. kit up and do 10rounds in exactly 7 minutes.

    if you are done in 7 minutes,come join the team. if not, take the trainback to chandigarh. sir, 7 minutes! sshhh, krishnaji. now each player will stepforward and introduce herself. you! balbir kaur, punjab again. break away from theteam and step aside.

    komal chautala, haryana- out! molly zimik, manipur- out! nethra reddy, andhra pradesh out- rachna prasad, bihar. nichola sequeira, maharashtra- out vidya sharma, india hmm?- vidya sharma, india once more loudly. thank you. you are on the team.

    anyone else who is playing for punjab,himachal, tamil nadu, railways? understand this once and for all,because i won't repeat it. this team needs only thoseplayers who first play for india, then for their teammates, and then if they have anylife left, for themselves. not those who are playing for agovernment job or a railway flat. hmmm? ho!- ho? let's try one more time.come, please. balbir kaur, india

    komal chautala, india molly zimik, india nethra reddy, india rachna prasad, india nichola sequeira, india. gul iqbal, india rani dispotta, india soimoi kerketa, india raynia fernandes, india

    mary ralte, india aliya bose, india gunjan lakhani, india bindia naik, india preeti sabarwal, india come on, move it, move it didi (elder sister), didi!you are bindia naik, aren't you? you hold a nationalrecord of 42 goals! so?

    i am so happy to meet you! yay! go dance then! on the list this is my bed. there's the list. go sleep there. forget it molly! correct. hello! i am nethra.- vidya. i know. you saved 4 goals inthe south zone tournament. didn't save them,just happened somehow.

    it was all luck. only good players have good 'luck'. whoa.. what's this? ho? what is this? 'moke daayar se laglak' she is saying a branch scraped herwhile travelling on an elephant. you came to delhi on an elephant? no, only till gha-morni.(morni - peacock)

    peacocks? what peacock?peacocks, elephants.. you live in a zoo? jharkhand. we are from jharkhand.[jhadi=bush] oh! lots of bushes there? jungle. it is a jungle there. jungle? are you junglees? you eat snakes and scorpions?i hope there aren't any in your bag? are you upset? alright! here- you sleep on the floor.

    what are you doing?- sorry? nothing to be sorry about..move this.. what the- what do you think you're doing? this is my bed. did you not seethis big bundle here? so? i put it here first,so the bed is mine. just because you dumped this bundle,it is your bed? of course! haven't youever been on a state bus? i have reserved this bed first!

    it is mine on the list. oh you.. what the.. i will smash your face! hey kid! get here. c'mon! there is a time andplace for every fight. save this one for another day- when you have the upper hand. get out!

    come. be on this side with us. the travelling theatrewould have been better! i am told that fromthe 250 million girls in this country you arethe 16 best hockey players. you're lucky, but also unlucky. because now i'll be the judge. for me, you are only 16girls who dabble in hockey. don't expect'll regret it. ten kilometers. everyone come on!

    come on, girls! training us for amarathon or a match? hey! running at 4am won't makeus better hockey players. how dare he treat nationalplayers like this! we're not kids. does he think wedon't know how to train? move, you.. take your positions.what's going on?

    what's the problem? you are playing right in. but sir.. i think you willplay better as right in. but.. i have always played centerforward for our haryana team.. ok, go! play for the haryana team.everybody in position! what is it? coach sir has instructed meto play on the forward line. go home and play.

    listen- push her out and take her place. but the coach has asked meto play in this position. so if the coach asks youto jump in a well, you will? but the coach.. look, coaches will come and go.but you will be with us, right? yes, but coach.. see, she's leaving todrink water. grab her place. don't take my name. what's going on?

    i play forward every year. yes but in this teamyou are the centre.. this team or that team itdoesn't make a difference. it makes a difference to the team. you're a senior player,a strong player. the team needs you at centre half.go to your new position. sorry. hmmm. out.- what..

    sit out and letthe others play.. out! move! good goal! very good preeti sabarwal! come on everyone, back to one! komal! pass the ball! i'm free, dammit, pass the ball! komal! komal! what was that? i scored a goal sir!

    out! but you didn't seewhat that girl was up to! i saw everything that'sgoing on here. when she scored the goalthere was no one around her, but when you scored, she was there. and the only one inthe scoring position .. everybody can only see thememsahib but are blind to her faults. the british have gone but leftbehind their memsahibs in cities. just step in my village once!

    if i don't tie you up with thebuffalo's tail, you can change my name. coach took memsahib's side. he's only a coach, not god. come let us rest for a while. out.. so chowmein!get angry once more and they will pour chillisauce on you and chew you up. come, come here! take it, take it,take it, damn you!

    moka! moka (pass to me!) stop it, stop that, stop the ball.. you piece of.. go killyourself or i will kill you. the bloody.. what happened? did you not see?this witch let them score a goal! you know she can notunderstand punjabi. she should have learntit before coming here! she was only supposed to havelearnt hockey. which she has.

    apologize to her. i have never apologized- not even to my father! out..- what! out! out! why do you not tell her off? she is not worth talking to i have always said- do not play with junglees! you look very angry. you looked like youwould break her head..

    should i break yours? sir, how long shouldthese girls be benched? don't know. i do not think anyone can teachthese girls to play hockey together. teaching them hockeyis a long way off. i need to teach themsomething else first. good evening! what is going on? new sleeping arrangements?

    old.. according to the old list. so? tell them the list tore.. come on, go to your old place. no girl will stay withanother girl from her own state. it is the coach's order. so let him say it. who cares? everyone else has agreed. if you have anyproblems speak to the coach. bake in sun all day,switch beds at night..

    is this a nationalcamp or a refugee camp? why doesn't he make everyone sleep on the benches? how are you? i have had enough, please come back. i can not come. it is uncle samir's sister's and dad asked me to call you. rakesh you know thisis the national camp- but vidya.. look, family comes first,games later..

    but, father-in-law.. look, you insisted,so we let you play. now we are calling you,so come back by the next train. yes.. but i.. rakesh please understand.i cannot come. i have waited a longtime for this camp. vidya, you are a saint.but i am not. i cannot keep waiting.the wedding is day after tomorrow. come if you want or forget it.

    they wanted atraditional daughter-in-law.. ..grandchildren, thewhole work from me.. ..but all i have isthis hockey stick. oh! is this how youscare them away? if you want, you can gohome for a couple of days. if i go now, i will not come back. it is either this side. or that. but.. when you weregetting married.. i told them everything.they were thrilled then..

    i had a job thanks to the sportsquota as well as a government flat. so now? they have gotten used to the flat,.. they want somebodywho will take care of it. you think it is crime toplay hockey in this country? no, no you can play politics,cricket.. you sure can play cricket! but hockey? it is a little difficult.

    have you heard ofmohammad bin tuglaq? is he cute? he was an emperor- five hundred years ago. crazy guy! drove everyone mad. stopped making gold andsilver coins for copper ones. out in five years. that is how this coachis going to go. thinks he can do anything. if you have such a sharp brain,why do you not use when you play?

    he will be out in a few days.the association will kick him out. the system does not work like this. the name suits him- tuglaq. molly, balbir, komal, bindia, aliya - you are benched. so till we do not play by hisrules he will not let us play. tuglaq has lost it.

    alright. we are no less. we will now playonly at the tournament. sir! hey sir! sir, i would like to play too. ok, ok.. i am really sorry. sorry hey, ok enough.. come on,accept my apology accepting it, or should i hit you? really sorry.

    actually, she is not a bad player. when she whacks the ball hard,it takes four girls to stop it. admiring your enemy? please do not pull my leg, didi. the coach has alreadystopped us from playing. and then.. oh man.. oh.. oh! come didi, let us play..

    if we play, we will play in ourown positions. shut up and sit down. god, look there is bull chasing her.. you've already scored your fortytwo goals. i haven't even started. sir let me also get apardon from the memsahib. hey missy, do you wantto accept my apology? or do you prefer going to the jail?- what? look, if you do notpardon me, i will fight you.. in the fight either i will smashyour head or you will smash mine and we will have to go to jail..

    anyway.. so tell me do you accept myapology or should we go to the police? time is up. come on! krishnaji, is anyone injured? ok, now we willreverse the play order. defenders will attackand attackers will defend. sorry sir! go attack! ball on the centre. with all your heart! come on! in the world cup final,the team lost to pakistan.

    wasn't he the team captain? captain? he was pakistan's captain,in an indian uniform. what are you saying? it is not only me. everyone says so. so how did they make him the coach? this is india. anything is possible. he mentioned takingus to the world cup. he has already sold his country once.

    this time he may justsell us as well! you guys will keep scrubbingshoes for the rest of your life. come, see who is downstairs.- who? take a wild guess is it a film star? abhimanyu singh! you are kidding! what! go see for yourself.bro is here to meet someone.

    he maybe your 'brother'! but who is he here for?come! let us see! let us go she is a sly one.. did nottell anyone she is his fiancã©e.. coach has given herleave till tomorrow morning.. wow! leave till tomorrow morning. why, whatever willthey do all night long? it is confirmed.

    they are making me the vice captain. bullshit! really? i do not believe this! i knew it. how long willthese clowns hold out. vice captain of theindian frikkin cricket team! now you watch how i teachall these seniors. you see who rules this team now! get out of the way everyone!it is my turn now. why do you not quit all this now?

    quit what? your silly stick & ball game come on baby, forget about it now. forget about it and do what? do what? live it up! be with me!travel the world with me. live life king-size, with the king. as the wife of the vicecaptain of the indian cricket team! wife?

    oh, forgot to tell you. had a chat with your dadover drinks yesterday. i told him i am all for it. he said we do not wantto delay it anymore. so it is all fixed. anyway, my career is all set. and what about my career? what about my career? what career?

    abhi, i am in the indian hockey team yeah but that is not a career,preeti. that is just a stupid game. so is cricket preeti! i know you like to think of your little dribbling andstick work as a big thing. but let us face it- it is not exactly cricket is it? look at her enjoying herself! damn it, let us go play. come on, we have been rotting onthis same bench for the last 7 days.

    we are players, notassociation members who sit around. come on. come on! i will show him my game! if he is not forced tomake me a forward again, my name is not bindia naik. or his is not tuglaq. sorry sir, it will not happen again.we are sorry. ok, you can play center half. thank god sir.the situation is under control now.

    no, krishnaji. it is justabout to go out of control. right! left! right! left! faster! faster!faster! run faster! move. faster! faster! run faster!i mean fast! right, left, right! to the ball! ok, let's go! right! left! pass the ball! make a pass! pass,pass, pass, pass, pass, pass pass! trap and pass! move the ball ahead!come on, move it! no player will keep theball for more than 5 seconds.

    can you count? 5-4-3-2-1! faster! faster! run faster!i mean fast! quick, quick! faster, faster, what is your problem? do you not seethe ball, or are you afraid of it? want to practice with atennis ball for a few days? left, right, left!leave the ball, sit! go, right! go to hell! trap, look and pass!stop, look and move it ahead..

    do not move yourself forward.move the ball forward! do one thing pick up the ball. pick it up! put it inyour pocket and go home. go play on the chandigarh teamfrom tomorrow. no need to play here. and you! what are you so angry about? raise your game firstand then raise your voice. once more if i hear you shout out, you will be out! hey you! why are you the center half?

    because you are the seniormost player in the team. your job is not to push theforward line but to teach them. and one more thing. there can only be onebully in every team. and for this team, it is me. you! call this a pass? you are only good enough toplough fields in your village. forget about hockey! and why are you standing around?go get the ball!

    right, left, right, left, right, left! relax! nethra! krishnaji! give her waterand take her out! quickly! so! you are india's best players! you will go to theworld championship! hah! to raise india's flag! the association is right. how will this lot ever play hockey!

    they cannot play as one team. how the hell will theyever win a world championship! what are you staring at?she is unconscious not dead! krishnaji! take her away! out! i had said it on the first day. this team needs only thosewho first play for india, then for their team mates and then if there is anylife left, for themselves. let's start again.

    right! so! did you see what happens whenyou let the coach think he is god! the blood will not stop. i warned you guys. do you want to eat something? wake up at 4am, run for 20 km. andon the field, he does not let us play. what kind of a camp is this? does it hurt a lot? here! it hurts here.

    he insulted us! hit with the ball! he knows damn well youcannot speak english. but you have to learn it! what you have not learnt in yourwhole life, learn it in a day! else get out of the team. hey, he cannot throw you out! do not worry, i will teach you. how can he cut you out of the team?

    what do you say aliya? no freedom to eat, to move aroundand when we play, he insults us. this is not a primary school. eachgirl is a national level player. a champion from her state- that is why she is here. if there is any failureamongst us, it is him. sold his team out in the world cup! was thrown out ofthe team, the country. what else can i say?i am ashamed to say any more. does it hurt?

    i have a spray.. how is nethra? ok. the doctor says she will beback to practice in a couple of days. practice? have you lost it? from now on, therewill be no practice! there will be nopractice from tomorrow! look here.. you look here!we know you like him but you should also realisethat the team is on this side.

    it is time you choosewhich side you're on. yes. definitely. i have thought about it. now only the association candecide how this team should run. the way teams havealways run in this country. or the way tuglaq wants it! let us sign this. now, it is eitherthe coach or our team.

    sign this, gul! sir.. hmmm? have some.. wasn't that too much? they are girls after much can you push them? if you look for the strength of boys.. i am not looking for strength.i am looking for team spirit. you do not need strength to makea team. you need team spirit. but sir, at this rate, youwill become their enemy.

    if by making me an enemythey can become a team, then it is a smallprice to pay, krishnaji. why are you not on the field? what is the matter? the team does not wantto practice with you. what rubbish! we want a new coach. i will give you one - why krishnaji? why will you hit us?

    we are not the oneswho sold our country! quiet!- sir! 7 years. after 7 years i came back to hockey,with the belief that this time i will beat the one thing thatdefeated my team once and for all. but today, once again,i have lost to it. you do not have a problem with me. you have a problem with the fact that instead ofmaking you play against each other,

    i am forcing you toplay with one another. because i have forcedyou to think about.. ..your team before youthink about yourself. forced you to play for indiabefore you play for your own state. fine. you have won. i have lost. but i am not sorry loosing to you. i am sorry i havelost to my country. which even after taking my blood,sweat, my love,.. life, does not believethat i played for it once.

    and i will play for it all my life. i resign as the coach of this team. please, just think it over, sir. you have worked so hard. today is my last day in this camp. before i leave, i amtaking the staff out for lunch. you are welcome tojoin us if you wish. no obligations. hi beautiful! come on,join us babes! hey come on!

    she's red hot ya! hey baby, hey! harassing girls, are you? try it! hey! hey, how.. balbir! hit him! do not let him go! not from behind. have gutsto attack from the front. you see, in hockeythere are no cowards. is this a team or an army of devils?

    i told you, krishnaji. it is not strength,but spirit that makes a team. for the first time,i have seen team spirit. sir.. i was just..just trying to say that.. i mean.. letsleeping dogs lie.. i mean.. hey tell him! sir what she means.. what we all tomorrow morning, 5 am sharp. i want everyone on the field.

    chak de! india (go india!) come, come, come. we will run two morekilometers today. come on guys! do something, do something my veins are bursting o please do something for talk and sermons bite the dust it is time to do something

    be stubborn if thatis what it takes do or die- all is at stake! in the fighting kite,in the riot of might in the games and the fair,in the bumpy trains so bare in the sweetness of sugarcane,in the clothes of the rich or vain seek and you will find,heat that bricks bind a colour has emerged,and it is spreading converged this colour of the reign,is embedded in your veins stand immovable, invincible,obstinate in times of trouble

    scraped and scarred,move on even if marred how can you go?- why? because we are getting married! you can not go on the 25th,we are getting married on the 2nd i have fixed the dates afterdiscussing it with your parents and me? do you not needto discuss this with me? what is the point of discussing it? you want to getmarried to me, do you not? but, not like this! i need time.

    what for? i am playing forthe world cup, abhi! have you gone insane? you want to postpone ourwedding for the world cup? what if it was your world cup? that is a totally is the cricket world cup. it is really important. this is really important.. for me more important than our marriage?

    i have to go. good night! go. go play the world cup.. if you loose you will become my wife. if you win, you will become my wife.. it is not like when you come back, the whole countrywill remember your name. one thing i promiseyou mr. abhimanyu.. this will definitely happen. the team is shaping up well, sir.

    the captain of this teamwill be vidya. congratulations, vidya! give it a break. i have nothing to say to you. for the first time somethinggood is happening. take part in it. you already did! the way bindia is using her brain.. do you think it is rightfor her to be on the team? i do not know krishnaji..but it is also not right.. keep the mostexperienced player off the team. i do not think we with her we cannot win without her either. is this not yourworld cup silver medal? what are you doing with it? trying to scrub it into gold. if i ever need to sell itin the flea market, at least i will get a good price. mr. kabir, it is best if youforget about the world cup.

    and tell these girls as well. the ones who you havegiven such high hopes too. but our deal was to trainthis team for the world cup. it was not like we signed on a legaldocument you cannot hold us up to it. you discussed it infront of me, mr. tripathi. we will discuss it infront of you once more. look, on one hand, there is the indian men's teamwhich at least gets a bronze medal. and on the other, thereis this team of misfits.

    but this team is readyfor the world cup! tomorrow if they are ready forthe moon, we should send them? huh? this team can not go the world is decided. be honest. tell usyou are taking money.. ..from the women's teamto give to the men's team. you guys are athletes. why do you want to get involvedin things that do not concern you? shall we? but mr. tripathi!

    let us have a match. yes. let us have a match.between my team and your team. you mean men's team v/s women's team? i mean between my team and your team. if we loose, we loose.but if we win, then - world cup. think about what youare saying, mr. kabir. do not make pandavas' (indianmythological characters) bet you will be left standing naked. it has already happened to you once.

    all right. day after morning. but we need time to train! day after - yes or no? mr. tripathi.. - day after morning.we will meet on the field. even your team needs to practice come out.. shit! we will never win.and by some chance, if we do.. chance! huh!

    imagine how manygoals we will loose by. and once we lose,it is over forever! what have you done, sir? we are like sitting ducks. ducks? i have belief in this team. does this team believe in itself? come on! let us go. look, you are notplaying against these boys. come on, get ready! hurry!

    do not think- here let me have it. do not think you areplaying against 16 boys. you are fightingeveryone in this country who thinks girls cannever match up to men, cannot hold a job as well as a man, cannot make decisions like men.. you are fighting each foolwho has forgotten that if a girl has given life to him, she can do anything. anything.

    it is a huge matchperhaps bigger than you or me. and that is why i should betelling you play fearlessly, play together,play with all your might, play like this, play like that.. but i will just say one thing chak de! good morning, ladies & gentlemen! good morning sir! but sir! that was a foul!

    very good! well played! good job boys! come on! come on girls! well played! don't tire yourselves running!smaller passes! should we stop ifyou have had enough, mr. kabir? or do you still want to play? the match isn't over yet. your girls could noteven reach the boys' half. you cannot expect anything from them.- mr. yadav what..

    well, he's right krishnaji. we always said it - these aregood old fashioned indian girls - how will they run aroundin shorts and mini - skirts? yes, mr. yadav,tell them like it is. what can you do? you will fallflat on your faces, you'll see! oh, mr. yadav! you have fallen!will you get up by yourself? or should i ask thegirls to give you a hand? oye! attack, girls!

    yes! go komal! they played well! good defence! good job! well played girls! should we (send them) sir?- send? where? oh, this? yes.. send them yes! kabir! world championship! when could i imaginedthat this would happen

    when did i ever believe,but it has, it has indeed happened pinch me, i am not in my senses hold my feet,they are soaring in the air are my feet on the clouds,or is this a land of illusion now it has taken off,our boat has taken sail it is the taste of the sky,after eons my trembling heart beats hard,is it day or night? you have finally been magnanimous,god! thank you! the mates have embarked,the paths are unknown

    but we can do it,i know there's a way the dreams we saw blindfolded,we live today greetings from kapil verma! welcome to melbourne's state hockeyand netball centre! in the world women'shockey championship, today india are playing 6 timesworld champions australia. the teams are greeting each other - australia exudes the confidenceof world champions.. the teams pay theirrespects to their flags..

    a deep sense of pride in the eyesof coach kabir khan and his team.. excitement in the stands.. teams are raring to goand the match begins! australia has the ball.. back pass! a long scoop, straightto india's 25 yard line.. left the indian defenders behind..cross pass.. and goal! and perhaps the fastest goal in thehistory of the world championship! from the very first minute,there's pressure on the indian team.. it is alright!lots of time. come on!

    coach kabir tryingto bolster his team.. but one more strong attackfrom australia and goal! goal! the witches kick!hey, that's not fair! anyway.. india, australia's goal. hey! that big moose kickedme hard, did you not see that? india, careful! balbir! don't argue! just play go get your eyes checked!you need glasses!

    be careful! australia's ball. i'll show you! hey, that's completely wrong!totally unfair! what is she saying? go back to your goal. - how go backto your goal! wrong decision is there! calm down!- wrong! wrong! sir, what is she doing?she will get a card! if you open your mouth one more time,you will be off. go back to your goal! you go back, you idiot!

    a yellow cardand the way out for balbir.. and a penalty corner for australia..could be dangerous for india what a pig headed referee? is she a pig headed idiot or are you?we are left with ten players now! krishnaji, give her water.. and penalty corner specialist.. ..abernathy has been waitingfor this moment. push, trap, hit and goal! a last ditch attempt to savethe match by coach kabir khan..

    didi, where should i hit it? any where you please didi, please! don't ask me. go ask your captain? seems a move is made betweensenior bindia naik and soimoi but.. some confusion between the players..and once more australia scores and in the second half, australia- 5, india - 0 indian centre forwardpreeti sabarwal on attack.. with her is right in komal chautala..- preeti! pass!

    both playing the worldchampionship for the first time.. proving a challenge for australia.. preeti's off! dodges one defender,another one.. keeping the ball for so long.. komal's ready.. but preeti..doesn't pass.. komal pass! what are you doing, komal! pass! pass komal! no one on this side! a preciousopportunity lost because of..

    ..the lack of coordinationbetween the indian forwards.. and the old indianattitude strikes again! good save, good save! yeah?- they are playing defense. get the coach to usethe dutch tactic.. ho! ho! a minor confusion.. looks like soimoidoes not understand the referee.. and one more penaltycorner for australia. match over! australia - 7, india - 0.a shameful defeat for india..

    well played! - how did you evermake it to the world championship? bindia! bindia.. what were you up to? me? where? what were you doing on the field? nothing you are not going to playany more in this championship! what's so special about her? tell me, what doesshe have that i don't?

    your captain, sir. if we have to get down to it,why don't we just spell it out? neither of us is naive here- neither you, nor me.. i can do all that she isdoing to be a captain.. and much more.. now tell me,why can i not be captain? you have just answered your question. and you wish to redeem your nameby coaching such a team. ..association denounced kabir khan -declared he did his country wrong.

    someone has sold out? down with kabir khan! allah.. bring me strengthand bring victory closer after such a debaclein the first match itself.. is almost certain that indiawill be out of the championship. there is one chance of survival -defeating england in tomorrow's match. but looking at india's formit is highly unlikely. very good! pass to aliya! come here! come here everyone! ok!

    now we are makingthe same mistakes again. - water.. so, set piece a6- from balbir to rani,.. ..rani to molly,molly to gul, gul to preeti, preeti to komal, fromkomal back to preeti, .. ..from preeti to komalagain and komal to goal.. set-piece a6- does everyone remember? yes sir!- good! repeat it! preeti to komal, komal to preeti,from preeti to gul to komal.. uh.. that's b6

    i will beat the crap out of anyonewho cannot remember. balbir.. if you do notcontrol your temper,.. ..the situation canget out of control. ok? yes sir. - if it becomes a teamof ten again, there is no hope. is there anything left, now?- plenty.. ok, let's begin allover again. everybody!.. ..20 minutes more!concentrate on defense! go! full power!play with all you've got! greetings and welcome tothe world championship .. melbourne where england isplaying in group a for 2 points, but india is fighting to stayin the championship. good! let's go! the uk coach haspromised to beat india by.. ..even more goals than australia. maybe that is why there arenot too many spectators around. uk has gone on the attack immediatelyindian players struggling.. half press forward!

    komal chautala blocks.. great job komal! balbir, soimoi! no6 today india seem tohave better coordination.. ..but the ukforwards attack once more - and india saves!- yes! good! foul! keep calm! i got hurt here! ok, fine,guess it's a part of the game

    that's rubbish! good balbir! thank god, she didn't hit her! 20 minutes left in the first half england gets a penalty corner..could be dangerous for india. go! and india has made no mistakes. i am confused.which one of them is didi? second half -india has not given up any goals.

    but hasn't scored any either. preeti come on! fall back!on the double! save! well done! well done gunjan! last 3 minutes of the match..both teams goalless. england is trying hard to score.. but indian defender soimoi has theball.. soimoi to mary.. to preeti. pick it up! pick it up! preeti i'm free! pass!

    pass preeti.. and goal! unbelievable!!! wow! what a goal, sir!she made the british .. ..forget their english!great job preeti! jesus! bloody hell!what was she doing? last 20 seconds of the match.. and with this final hooter,the unexpected has happened! .. ..india has defeated uk by 1-0 managing to stay in the championship..and get a new lease of life!

    well played!- congratulations! well played! well done!it's a good thing .. controlled your temper, balbir! let's go girls! come on! the future may beunclear but for now,.. ..india has retained itselfin the world championship. india v/s spain! a superb goal by komal chautala! for talks and sermons bite the dust

    be stubborn if that is what it takes do or die, all is at stake chak de! ho chak de india!(go india!) keep it up! didi, can i get some water? shall i give you a kick instead? give the battle cry of warand give it again and again.. don't lag behind inthe race, my friend, let them pull youback as much as they can

    won't budge an inch. bull headed,you think? yes i am! the scraping, the squeazing,grating of life, be done with it! preeti has sprinted ahead. buck upkomal, get even in the next match. surprising everyonewith its sudden rise, kabir khan's team isplaying a match that.. ..may stop it in its tracks tomorrow. if india wins,it enters the semi finals.. ..and if it loses,it is out of the world cup. tomorrow india plays argentina,a team well known ..

    ..for its rough playand injuring opponents. hey! it is a foul! one second! she's hurt!krishnaji, go to her! gul are you alright? water! here drink this!stretch, stretch.. from this moment on, i don'twant to see the ball in our half. balbir, you play your game. i'll -i'll beat these girls! so beat them. if they hit one of us,you hit 4. if they hit 4, you hit 8.

    rough them so bad that they're scaredof picking up a hockey stick again. sir- - don't let them dare comein the way of preeti, komal, nethra. attack them. don't stopattacking them till they break. or you break! forward up! chak de! yes! yes! the indian team coached bykabir khan has reached .. ..the semi finalsof the championship.

    we are in the semi finals! did you ever doubt it? but now india will be upagainst south korea .. ..a team that hasn't let asingle team reach its goal. man to man marking? ya. a player behind each player.this is korea's game. we will be paralysed by this game,leave alone scoring goals. who can crack this kind of game? there is one player.

    you were right. you do havesomething that she just doesn't. and that no othergirl on this team has. take this. why? because right now india needsits most experienced player. only you know how tobreak man to man marking. the match is about to begin. go. go and break it. as expected,korea's man to man marking..

    ..has paralysed the indian forwards.. aliya bose, preeti sabarwal, komalchautala - no player can move an inch.. mary! substitution! no.5bindia naik on field.. there's a sudden shift.. the gameseems to be changing direction.. defenders bindia naik andgunjan lakhani are on attack - they are playing in a unique style..korean players are confused.. and goal! we won!

    india has reached theworld championship finals! by the sound in this stadium,you can guess what .. ..the state of theindian team must be. and what state its coach must be in..who couple of months ago was stopped from bringing his teamto the championship. who could have guessed that one ofthe world's best center forwards would score such asmashing goal in world hockey without even lifting a hockeystick or entering the field.. hi bill!- well played!

    you are definitelygoing to be the highest .. ..scorer of the world championship. but you have got competition. see!8 goals. komal's ahead once more you idiots! you have your ownworld championship going on. hello.. sukhlalji! speak up! amazing krishnaji! these devilshave been raising quite a hell! with your blessings, sukhlalji the travelling theatrehad come by, didi.. i made it very clearto them that this is ..

    ..the indian womenhockey team's ground. it is waiting for its team. i'm notgoing to give it out to anyone.. now there will only behockey practise here. hello, here! speak here! oof! hello! i am really missingyour curd rice, sukhlalji. if you guys winthe world cup, child i will make curd ricefor you all my life. don't lose now. don't lose. we will not, mr. sukhlal. we willlose our lives, but not the game.

    i was your third colour once you were my master,you were my pride what are you doing here, sir? look. it is the first time i've seena foreigner raise the indian flag. we have reached the it a dream? what do you think? it must be a dream. it is your dream, isn't it? thank you very muchfor being here ..

    ..tonight is the night for anofficial reception for the finalists. the federation of international hockeyis holding a dinner in their honour. so that tonight they canforget about winning or losing and just celebrate that they arethe two best teams in the world. ladies and gentlemen, the six times.. cup champions,the team from australia. oh.. sorry! best of luck! yes, yes.. happy diwali! what's she saying?

    she's saying.. watch out for thefireworks tomorrow - excuse me! do we have to wear this? it is a pain.. do you care for a drink?- no, thank you what is it nethra?- nothing.. what is it?- what do you mean? i mean why did you call me here? me? you're the one who called me did a mad dog bite me?no way i would call you!

    i have called you. you.. but why sir? to tell you that tomorrowwe are going to lose the finals. what? why? because tomorrow,two of our players are going to play for australia. no, no, sir, it is not like that.. what do you think? that theaustralian coach and team are blind? you think they haven'tfigured out that india's ..

    ..main forwards donot pass to each other? you think they will nottake advantage of this fact? sir, whatever i do is for the team.. komal, you cannot fool me,at least do not try and fool yourself. you fought with you father,mother, brother, .. ..your village to comehere and play hockey,. but now you are playing atsomething else. even you know this. tell her sir. she's theone who started it all. and you are the one whowill finish it tomorrow?

    is that the plan? and you, preeti sabarwal, chandigarh captain.. you lost your sensesto join this team.. but now you havelost all sense.. why? neither of you is a child. you know very wellthat if you do not play.. ..together for thesame side tomorrow, we will never win the finals.

    once upon a time,an indian team had lost a final. you don't know what it islike to bear that cross.. but when you do,it will be too heavy to bear. neither of you hasthe strength to bear it. nobody has the strength to bear it! you both know what the problembetween you two is. all i know is that whether youboth play on our side or not, the rest of my team willplay together against australia. and if necessaryagainst both of you as well.

    the ball is in your court. do you want to play withyour team or against it. whatever happens,i will score the most goals.. what are you trying to prove? i am not trying toprove anything, komal. i just want to show a foolish boywhat a woman is capable of. i will score the most goals,no matter what happens. i want to see you try and do it. and tonight is the night thateverybody has been waiting for.

    the night of the women'shockey world championship finals. a match that iscompletely unexpected. because tonight we have current and6 times world champions australia playing against india - a teamthat has risen like a juggernaut. a team that has won thehearts of many with its .. ..dazzling display ofdetermination and skill. but winning hearts and winning theworld cup are two different things. and this is the ordeal byfire of coach kabir khan's team. by what strategy,what skill, what magic

    will this team from india beat thegame of the six times world champions.. girls! seventy minutes. seventy minutes is all you have. perhaps the most importantseventy minutes of your life. today, whether youplay very well or badly, you will always remember these seventyminutes for the rest of your life. today i won't tell you how to play. all i will say is:

    go! and play for all you'reworth in these seventy minutes. because in the days to come whetherlife goes well for you or not, whether you have somethingto call your own or not.. ..whether you win or lose, these seventy minutesare something .. ..that nobody canever take away from you. nobody. so i thought, i will not tell you howto play today's match.

    you will. by playing it. because i know that ifin these seventy minutes, each player of this team playsthe best hockey of her life, then not even god can takeaway your seventy minutes. so go! go and steal those seventy minutes -from yourself. from your life. from god. from anyone who did nothave any faith in you.. go and steal your seventy minutes.

    go aussies! come on girls! towards the left side! in the very first minute,india has shown that it will not play thismatch as an underdog team. just how important this goalwas for the team's psyche, is reflected in the look ofpride on coach kabir khan's face. what the hell just happened? they have changed something.find out what it is.

    australia's counter attack - and save! australia is not a team totake things lying down.. and its the attack couldbe a danger to india.. gunjan to komal.. nice dodge.. komal! pass to preeti! pass! preeti sabarwal has scored8 goals in the tournament, half time

    and somehow india has managedto hold on to its advantage. but the second half has alwaysbeen australia's strong point. australia's strong attack..india under pressure.. reverse hit.. and goal! a pass..- move with them! once more, australia on attack.. push.. and goal! india-1, australia-2.

    only a few minutesleft and australia's.. ..strategy is to notlet go of the ball.. and kill india's chancesof scoring an equaliser.. australia has the ball..but india has snatched it! come out! she won't pass! preeti! show the idiot! thank you! move back!

    emily! get out there! come on! there is still time! and end of extra time..smiles in the indian camp because now they will face theaustralian team in a tie breaker.. for india it means a genuinechance to win this tournament. because now, the winner will bedecided by a penalty shoot out. each team will have a chanceof hitting 5 penalty strokes.. and the team with the most goalswill become the world champion! didi, now everything is up to you.

    save us vidya didi! preeti, aliya, bindia, mary, nethra..come! quick! come here girls! you girls are taking the penalty. remember one thing - don't attackthe goal but the goalkeeper's mind. we can win it.come on girls! well done! sir, if komal can take my stroke.. komal! quick! preeti wants you to take her stroke. alright, let's get this going!come on everyone! all the best!

    australia-2, india-2. india's first striker is rightout nethra reddy from andhra come on nethra! goalie ready? yeah! striker ready? and india has wastedits first chance. every missed strokecan prove costly. now it is australia's turn.

    defending the indian goalis vidya sharma, india's captain australia's no. 1 sarah abernathy. ready! and goal! a swift ground shotthat can leave any goalie stumped. india-2, australia-3. aliya bose.. another miss! opportunities wasted andthe cup grows further away striker sheryl jones..

    and another goal! australia is growing stronger.. now to stay in the game indiawill have to stop every stroke.. ..and convert everystroke into a goal. at this crucial moment,we have komal chautala.. centre forward fromharyana and the team's right in. come on komal! just hit it! aussies! a beautiful strike and goal!india manages to save itself.

    india-3, australia-4 vidya sharma ready once more.. rachael taylor room for mistakes.. and a great save! there is still hopefor india, but to win, it will have to convert thenext two strokes into goals. india's next striker, penaltyshoot out specialist - mary ralte. a great scoop and goal! making india on par with australia..

    but australia hastwo more strokes and.. ..india, one.- come on vidya didi! save it australian striker emily jones. india's last chance.. it isimperative to score and that is why experienced bindia naikwill take this stroke. come on bindia didi! maybe this is whatthey call experience! we come now to the laststroke of the penalty shoot out. if australia scores,the shoot out will continue.

    but if vidya saves the goal, thenthis indian team will make history. india-pakistan just one penalty stroke betweenindia and the world championship.. but captain kabir istaking the stroke himself.. why did you take thepenalty stroke yourself? you do not know what it islike to bear that cross.. she will hit on the left -her stick is turned to the left. but her foot is facing right- she will hit right. left, no right, no left.. oh my god!

    she is going to hitstraight into the goal! vidya! look at me! look at me, vidya and now ladies & gentlemen.. ..we present to you the newworld champions, team india.. jaya hind! (hail india) by becoming world champions,the indian women's hockey.. has madeevery indian's heart sing and the man who gave india thisvictory is none other than kabir khan,

    one of asia's best center forwards. the thrill of our victoryis singing in the blood .. ..of thousands ofindians waiting here at the airport for the manof the moment - kabir khan. but he does not seem to behere in this moment of glory.. what do ex - players haveto say about the man .. ..who returned tothe game after 7 years? as long as playerslike kabir khan exist,.. ..indian hockey canhold its head high.

    brother khan has proved thatthere is no greater motivation.. .. than playing for your flag kabir khan - the spirit of india!kabir khan - the pride of india! the credit of winningthis trophy, is being .. ..given to the team's coach- kabir khan and what does the man onthe street have to say? there can be no one morerespected than the man .. ..who raised thestatus of our national game. he makes you feel proudto be an indian. - ..

    ..kabir khan has showed usall who a true indian is chak de! chak de india!(go india!) o chak de! so preeti has no clue thatyou are going to propose .. her before the entire country? no, she has no idea. what if she says no? preeti.. will you marry me? preeti, tell us,will you marry abhimanyu?

    no she's only joking. move! the truth. where are you going? to my team. but what about us preeti? you and me? us? we never existed was only you.. but now even i exist.i don't need to be your wife. have a good life, and learnsome sportsman spirit if you can

    preeti has refused.what is your plan now? this is for you. how are you mum? how are you dad? i just want to say one thing komal.if i ever stop you from playing again, just give me a couple ofwhacks with this very stick. no dad! no, komal. if anyoneelse's father stops.. ..her from playing,whack him as well! when his daughter makes a name all ..

    ..over the world,he will forget everything. dad! madam! madam?- mr. sukhlal! call us an army of devils,mr. sukhlal. now that the rest of theworld calls us by that name, .. ..why are you shying away from it? what do you want 400 rupees for? just because you brought meto the airport, .. can't chargeme whatever you wish! don't get so angry!you are going to .. ..self destruct withanger one of these days! here, drink some water! be calm! and brother, pleasedon't charge us extra. come along peacefully now. you won'tget anywhere by having such a temper. congrats vidya..- thank you! come on, everyone is waitingfor you, especially dad. he says that his daughter-in-lawhas made him really proud.

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