tv stands furniture in hyderabad

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About : tv stands furniture in hyderabad
Title : tv stands furniture in hyderabad

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    tv stands furniture in hyderabad

    sins are hell... it is punishment for strayingthe right path... good deeds are heaven... the final destination of good... my dear soldiers and friends, the purpose of this meeting is, we got tired doing our dutywithout taking rest for eons, except this world, all theother worlds have entertainment, so, on chitragupta’s advice,

    the older generation includingme are going to heaven, hail lord yama! i am handing over the reignto my son junior yama, and install him as the king! son junior yama! greetings to father! god bless you! the responsibility you are giving me, i will fulfil it to make gods praiseand sinners shiver with fear,

    and do justice to everyone. may you succeed in your endeavour! lord, we are getting late. ramba, urvashi, menaka arewaiting for me to come to heaven. calm down your raising hood ofdesires for some more time like me. son, i am tell you a secret of godbefore leaving this place. what is it, father? take on people of any languagecoming to hell, you will never face any trouble,

    but be extremely careful withpeople of one particular language. english?- no! hindi?- no! - then? telugu! father, your name sends shiversdown the spine of 3 worlds, why are you shaken byuttering telugu? telugu people as dangerousas they are good. though they may be telugu people,they are just lowly humans, right? i will show them the heat andtaste of my youth power.

    lord, your son got your sizebut not your brain. tell him about your pastto make him realise. son, a telugu man came in 1972, how am i to describe greatnessof the man of the era! citizen of india!a revolutionary! wipe out the dictatorship!leader of workers of hell! a human! he shut the hell with pickets andmade your dad wet his pants. before i could forget itas bad dream,

    in 1985, another telugu man came, his dance and poses, terrific! though it was my mistake,your father got the stick. before i could forgetthat as bad dream, recently an enfant terrible came, though not yet 30, he stoleyour father is death rope, he made him go to pillarand post to get it back. son...son... lord, he may have got shockedhearing about telugu people.

    son! keep this in mind anddo you duty with utmost care. you are short tempered too! though your father had problems,i managed it with my experience, do not know how many troublesyou would face with new chitragupta. come lord... go! father!- what is it son? after hearing from you,i have started to have an unknown fear.

    it is good for me to havean experienced man here. where can you get an experiencedman instantly like me? why someone else? let it be yourself.- prince! great! good decision!- lord yama! good decision!- soldiers! lord!- chitragupta! serve my son with devotion! already i am late. i will go toheaven and have a ball... the idea is mine andenjoyment is yours!

    lord!- what are you thinking? that is... get on the duty immediately andopen the account of sinners! hey you junior yama! you spoiled my idea of fun,i will see that you too do not have fun. the telugu man who is scaring you, i will make wrong entries andmake him come here, and show youwhat purgatory in hell is! unable to bear his torture,

    what a grave mistake you havecommitted chitragupta! and make you sayplease go away from here! where is that hot likechilly telugu man! here! andhra pradesh!- chennai! central prisonpuzhal, chennai beat! like nobody can sachin is100 centuries record, nobody can beat your recordof going to prison 100 times.

    this is proud moment for the classof professional goons like us. did you bring the fir?- bullet too is ready, raja. - come! where is our first stop?- apparel shop in pondy bazaar. where is the next stop?- t. nagar. which one first? do not do it, please. to hell with your shyness, go away!- you are different. beat seven people! one!

    four! where is the seventh? please do not do anything with me. why are you creating havocin my place? will you lodge case on me?- why are you beat us? your neighbour paid rs.500to warn you by throwing stones, what was your complaintto the police? broke my apparel shop.- done it. broke jewel shop.- done it.

    entered home and broke things.- done it. i have done full justiceto your complaint, bye. if the mistake is mine,i will accept any punishment, if anyone punishes mefor framed charges, let it anyone orhusband of his mother, i will have a ball with him!mind it! i found you bullet raja! let me see how long can you carryon this life of happiness! as soon the right times come, i will geta telugu man to terrorize you.

    search the skies foran emperor like him... roam around with prideand collar up... there is nothing like good or bad,no shame or shy either... i do not give a damn about anyone,that is my attitude... i cannot sit like three monkeysto teach morals... i will change to the directionwhichever way my heart takes... i am a thread less top...i am a ring without finger... i am a good man to myself anda bad man to everyone else... i will live as like,who will dare ask me...?

    god gave me everythingexcept fear... look son, for every man, education, character,intelligence, knowledge... good-bad, peace-patience,learn this to come good in life... is it, shashti? cannot hear anything?develop brain! not come good in life,first you will escape from here. the man who pays me the highest,i will listen to him only... there is no greater thing thanmoney in this world...

    mass...mass...he is pure mass... if you cross swords with him,your base will get blown up... move...move...burning...burning... you said about fire?- nothing sister! last night had a raw drink,so it is burning... stomach is burning!it will cool off. you bloody bugger!- how pleasant telugu scold is! do not get sleep unless i getinvolved into trouble... i do not care if you thinkwhy is he so proud?

    to tell you point blankly,i have no fear of death... sorrows and difficultiesdare not come to me... neither i have wife nor is she pregnantor my son is named soma lingam... i do not any excess baggageto hold on... one who has riches will havehigh bp and diabetes... a man who has nothing willhave little proudness... do complete justice to the money taken, boys!- we will do it, raja! catch them! do not leave them! marriage is going on here, good place to escape.- is it?

    let us go in. this time was fixed by meespecially for my disciple, many relatives are enteringas evil elements to stop this, so i request you to takenon them strongly. okay sir.- where are the rich women? - why dear? to save them and their jewellery, i like you! i see royalty in your face.- i know it sir. a wonder would happenin your life today. i want to know this, bye sir.- god bless you.

    you go right, i will go, left.- okay. more the women, their necks are good. you want sweet, dear!- i stole half kilogram gold. i stole 50 kilograms of gold.- where? you cannot get her.- why? is she cm or pm is daughter? bride! should i sacrifice?- saw her just minutes before only. should it happen to me? god! what is this?- where are you going?

    it is all over, uncle. engagement is not yet over. what did you say now? i said engagement is not yet over. you want two sweets, dear! i think her curly hair is blocking! hey girl, i love you! i said to one and four girls fell you have any idea? what happened?why is she so shocked?

    what did you tell her? with your blessings,i told her 3 beautiful words. all the best? no, i love you! brother! somebody here is sayingi love you to would be bride of yours. how dare you say i love youto my fiancã©? she is your fiancã© not wife, right? moreover you look smart, seetha, geetha or sangeethawill work out for you.

    i have liked a girl after years,please leave her. he too blessed not it, sir? we have come to an understanding, so you too take a good lookand select one of us. she is looking at me, i am feeling shy. look at him also, he may feel bad. look, he is wearing good clothes too, she will see you also.- move! you have fallen in love with a girli have been desiring for 10 years. i will not spare you alive.

    boy, if anyone sits in the chair i bookwith my kerchief, i will rip his skin, if anyone dares to covetthe girl i love, everyone is head will get blown up! kill him boys! leave me! i am simbu shasthri. brother, he has escaped. fools! catch him.- stop! you can get him again but notthis auspicious time.

    present the ring! raja, i love swetha. you do anything but do not feel shy,i cannot tolerate that! what?- i want swetha. is she sweet or chocolateto get her for you on asking? she is the goon is would be wife,they will kill us. i do not care about death!i want swetha! will you kill our 25 yearfriendship for 10 minute love? you are too much!

    would anyone give upwhite rice for fried rice, or give up silk smithafor vidya balan? how could you think i would give upour friendship for my silly love? got any news about him? is it about the man who saidi love you to sister-in-law? do you have to give details? brother, it seems he is very dangerous man.- what is his qualification? he has not qualification,that is his qualification. he is shameless, no pride,no honour or respect.

    he himself does notwhere he will be next moment. if i do not find him,i will kill you. get lost! where are you going?- to dance class. if you learn to danceand give shows, should i sit in counterand tear the counter foils? my course would be overin a week. in 10 days, we would be married. no brother-in-law...- go inside. you are forcing me to marry yourbrother for helping us in trying times.

    will he not allow me tolearn dance also? who are you? who dared to stop artand artiste? you? you?you? it seems you are not allowingher to attend dance classes. do you know what dance is? this is kuchipudi dance. this is kathakali dance. tell me what is that look mean?

    what is he, master? one who makes money is not manbut one who wins heart is! how many times i have told youto remove the old paper? why are you talking aboutpaper, you loafer? what am i saying?what are you talking about? please tell him, master! what am i saying andwhat is he talking about? please tell him, master. how many times i have told you to removethe body immediately after i kill?

    was i talking to adead man till now? i am a fool, please forgive me ifi had hurt you with my words. marry her or send her to class,it is your will and wish. if you please remove it,i will take leave sir. did you call me sir? you said something inemotion just now. something about heart and money. you are confused in anger. i like your philosophy.

    i too want to keep swetha happy. take her. if any man comes within5 feet of swetha... my dead body would lie on your sofa. i will, i will go. come. you are so excited early morning,where are we going, raja? got any good business deal?- remembered swetha. you said about rice andfried rice last night. will say anything underthe influence of drinks.

    can we remember everything? stop...stop... how dare you come fromone way! come out! my leg! what have you decidedabout yesterday is proposal? i think you would have forgotten,i will tell you again. why are you coming in between?- do you want to die? if anyone comes in between,i feel like killing him. are you that strong man?are you a macho man?

    will you kill? who are you?- a duty conscious indian. i do not feel like that.- how do you feel then? do not you know?- what man? stop guru... hitting all the carscoming in between, teasing every girl you see, will not you let girls walk on roads? my one punch will make youbleed a litre blood!

    you are alive becausei am not carrying a weapon now, if not...- if not? you cannot even dare touchher shadow till i am alive. leave me... what do you think of yourself? get in.- leave me i say! to get your sister-in-law into line,must do something with this short man. save me... who are you?- i am a woman in distress, save me.

    i am here to save you,who are you? what happened to you? he is trying to rape me.- who is he? who is he?- it is me! in day time, it is her,at night this lady, with how many women will youplay day and night matches? how come he is supporting you? are you keeping him alsoalong with me? what is he? not even thesize of this bottle, come here...come here...

    i am a drop of rainon lotus leaf! let any number of such women come,nobody can tempt me. are you still virgin? i cannot hold on anymore. come to me.- no she will not. i am waiting here.i will rape her. will you come to me or not?- go to hell. hey virgin, leave her sari... just one kiss...

    how dare you come betweenour romance! come to me. why are you coming between us? are you raping her or me? i will not let you desecratethis holy place! what happened? my bramara...what happened?how can you leave me? will not you give meat least a single? you killed her!

    did i kill her?she died falling on flowers. she fell into coma gettinghurt on chin. my dear grew up very tenderlyand softly. tender and softly? she is like a chimp in sari! you killed her and nowpassing comments on her too! jaya tv, gemini tv, etv,sun tv, sakshi tv... is she an artiste tocall tv channels? i beg you, i will do as you say!

    will you?- i will. promise.- promise. again.- promise. my hands and legs are tiredteaching you dance. so, i am appointing a man asmy heir to this dance school. who is he, guru? a man whose anklet soundswould make flowers bloom, a man whose rhythm couldcharm thunders too, a man whose walk teacheseven peacocks to dance,

    he is my disciple! greetings guru!- god bless you. greetings to all artistes! you do not about him, master! last night i knew about him, thought he is thorny like pineapple,his heart is butter! that is your affection, guru!- no master... how can you argue with master?shut up! either he stays or me!

    do not ruin your aim because of me.i will go, guru. good decision, go...go... i am going to bramara! to bramara? stop disciple! are not we so close tomake fun of each other? you must stay here too must stay here only. he is winking at me, master! have you started it?- the poses you taught me, master. eyes and lips beauty!

    these eyes and these lips! new poses, learn withoutgetting confused. what now?- i cannot see her waist! can you not see her waist? shall i make her dance in your lap? do not cross limit for giving youextra rope, i will rip you apart! you come to the fore! you showed like this butshe is doing like this. why is her hand soft like butter?

    is it okay, master?- it is okay to you, right? this waist...this side & that it okay to you, master? do not involve me,you have decided it, right? it is okay to master. what if master killshimself for beating him? guru, your disciple is runningtowards suicide point. stop... a man is peeing here andyou are watching fun! turn that side!

    i will take you to task.- what happened girls? for the extreme love andaffection you have on me, thank you very much! why are they leaving?is he dead? looks like you are disappointedthat i am still alive! what feelings do you thinkswetha has for me? that you are a bad man,a rogue, a rascal! i did not ask about your feelings,but about swetha is feelings. she thinks you must not enter her life.- is it?

    the day i entered this place sheshould have called her brother-in-law. why did you come running after me?what does it mean? heart wishes...something is happening... god! see that swetha does notfall for him. what happened?why are you laughing? you have not fallen, right?- nothing like that, master. what is this, shasthri?so much of change in swetha. auspicious time is fastapproaching, right? this is nothing, future haspleasant shocks for you.

    guru, stop... where are you going?- to class room. that is sea not class room.- sea? i am confused with his arrival. yesterday i drank phenolmistaking it for milk. go away! have you come? what is this?- birthday! yours?- yours!- mine? he is planning something.i must be very careful.

    what is your plan?- i want to do much! for the present,i will take students to a party. without her,why would i throw a party? what do you think of me, you idiot? what are you planning to dowith girls in the party? i will slap you, crook! did you slap me now?- it is sin, guru! did you not beat me?- what about the birthday party? can you not understandif i tell you once.

    if you ask about party again,i will beat back! what happened, guru?- what i say is happening to me! what about the birthday party? how many times to tell you?he will pinch your thigh! what you say too isapplying on me! if my guru gets angry...- shut up your nonsense! birthday party is betterthan getting beaten up. where have you arranged it? what is those tears are for, guru?

    not tears but happy tears! there are no such celebrations inmy life other than dance and music. why do you like me so much? what is this?- cut the cake. i do not see my name on it. you are worried about no name butnot the love i have for you. what?- what will you say? - what did i say? that is why god did not give youheight and brain too. what did she say?- you wait, guru!

    how could you say that?- what did you say? what did you say?- what did she say? it seems today is swetha isbirthday too! had i known this, i would haveordered two cakes! one eye is you andanother eye is swetha, unable to decide which onewould get justice! you planned it well withouta name, why this act now? let her cut the cake. what a great decision!do you need to cut cake?

    let her cut it... you cut it, please.- i will not cut the cake. i think you are still carryingyesterday is incident. from today. we are good friends. if you have any other feelings,then forget it. you have to cut the caketo cut him. cut it. how did you know todayis swetha is birthday? is it big deal to knowlover is birthday? lover? you said friend now!

    i knew it as a lover andcelebrated it as a friend. you are not ordinary man! first time i am seeingyou so happy! hit her again,sorry...sorry again. let is dance that side. benz is in the cellar,flat is nearby! vijaya hospital on lift sideand apollo hospital on right side. what is it dear? do you need heroism at this age?

    you please save her. it will become a big problem.- what problem? do not we see in films? a goon teases heroine,hero comes and beats the goons, then, love, dance, song,i cannot do all that! tell him, there will not beanything like that. she takes an hour toget out of shock. i am telling you,she will not love you. promise?- promise on me.

    he is urging you andyou are making fuss about it. will you beat me really?beat me i say... your reaction may changebut not yours! look, it will change... he is a fool anyway, should not youadvice him as his friends? we became lovers from friendsbecause of you, look, how she is smiling! she is still smiling! i see a twinkle in your eye! by any chance,are you in love with me? thank god! there is nothingbetween me and swetha. you won again. why are you crying, guru? then? look below! i should have only two hands,why four? what about the promise on guru? to hell with him,let the short man die!

    let her say anything,please do not change your heart. whether the thorn fallson sari or vice versa, sari gets torn, right? what was that sound?- sari has really got torn! tell me the truth,how much do you like me? i like you more thanthe vast sky... tell me why do you like me? it is very difficult toexpress in words... what did you see in meand fell in love?

    i do not know but i fell in lovewith you at first sight... there is a handsome manin every street... who would be like you whentwirling the moustache... i am a short tempered man... short temper is your addsbeauty to you... i do not know to cajole or pacify,my world is different... just a touch is enough,that is my heaven... i cannot leave my workto praise you... that will not reduce yourlove for me...

    if i get angry, i will go berserk... women love a scolding husband... i am a wandering kite withouta thread or aim... i will hold on to you likethread all my life... i am a lonely man withoutanyone in this world... i am there for you,no need to worry... i am a wastrel...everything is reverse to me... with such a good heart,all that is nothing... i am asking you innocently,what else you like in me?

    i will tell in your ears,come closer to me... the death moments are nearing. he gave her engagement ring, butswetha gave it to me with love. you cheated that masterand trapped swetha. that fool believed youin a lady is disguise. how could that short man believei died by falling on flowers? who is that? fool! short man!- did you hear us?

    i have seen you, fools!- please do not lock it. how dare you cheat me? who are you calling?- your death! tell me, vidya balan.- where are you? i am catching fish in port. a man trapped your girl and i have trapped him.- who is he? come here in 5 minuteswith the same emotion. i am vidya balan whileteaching to dance, when i get angry,i am angry balan!

    please leave us,i will do anything for you. i beg you. tell me what do you want? what is that? this is rajinikanth’s ringi stole, it is worth a crore. a crore? i will give my lifebut not this ring. are you mad? if you are alive,you can steal kamal hassan’s ring. give it to him.- no, i will not. promise on our friendship.give him.

    this basha’s ring willchange your future. what will you tell harbourbabu if he come here? i will tell he escaped. if he asks about swetha.- she is in dance class. can you not tell himshe has eloped with him? why?- yes. he eloped with her. where is he?- i do not know. he escaped. where is swetha?- i do not know.

    she eloped with him.- who is he? i swear i do not know who he is!trust me. show me the ring. that is my ring.worth a crore! be stand for babu not balan. neither is it babu or balan,it is basha! that is the engagement ringi gave to swetha. this ring will changeyour future. tell me how he looks like!

    why is he calling you? he is the man who eloped with her.- shut up. you pimp! did you setmy fiancã© to him? answer the call!switch on the speaker. guru, there is a fool next to you,give the phone to him. fool? who is fool here?- it is me! are not you babu but a fool? do not shout!do not waste energy. do not talk too much,do not waste money on call.

    i am in red hills, come directlyhere, let is settle it out. between you or me?come quickly, buddy! what makes you so courageous?are not you scared? god did not give me anything likename, education, status or handsome. he gave me only one thing,if i decide this is mine, i have the guts to takeanyone for it, i have fallen for this! i was scared about spendingmy life with him. you came and changed my life.

    then, give me a kissand change my life. come on kiss... first kiss of my life!how dare you ruin it! could not you have come 10 minutes lateinstead of disturbing us? stop boys! brother,let is come after 10 minutes. stop...stop...tell me, why are you beating me? you love that girl, right?- will beat if anyone loves? then what? great lovers like laila-majnu,devadas-parvathi gave life for love, can you not at least getbeaten up for it?

    should i get beaten up for love?then i do not want this love. take her away, i do not want this love. look, how dealt with him!take your girl, brother. be happy! hey you!- what? - why did you give my darling to him? he loves her, right? brother too loves her, right? he loves her for the past 10 years. when i got beaten upso much for 10 day love, how much he should get beaten upfor his 10 year old love?

    logic is right, brother!- who would dare beat me! till now i beat people formoney, food, drink or friend. first time i am going tobeat someone for my love. everyone is bases will get blown up! i am tired of getting beaten up,blow me a kiss for energy! come...come... brother-in-law, no! why did i get such a bad dreamthat i am being taken to hell? this is not dream but reality!

    where am i now?- in hell! where is swetha?- earth! you died few moments earlier,have you forgotten the incident? they killed me unjustly! that man looks like rich andthis man looks like a beggar, he is getting tortured andbeggar is carried in a palanquin. what is this injustice? though he is rich, he never shareda morsel of food with poor. that is why he is in hell.

    though he is a beggar,he helped others. that is why he is going to heaven. in hell only sins andgood deeds matter not money. without knowing this logicpeople are fighting for money. they will come,over 90% would be here. so many screens? multi special? it is visual media of sinsand good deeds! a human is sins and good deedsare taken into account here. who are they fighting it outto do or die?

    they are testing sins and gooddeeds in the far end of life. green pillar is good deedsand red pillar is for sins. if they wish to many to live,- green will raise to add life, pillar willraise to kill them. this looks fine, please showmy sin meter please! lord yama! show his sin meter!is mine so powerful? pathetic...utter pathetic! that is why sin meter did notshow yours! lord brahma, did not give meanything on earth,

    at least here, what is that?- sin meter! that too is not here! what fate have you writtenfor me, brahmi? to hell with my life! lord yama is court has begun! chitragupta! start the session.- lord! lord!- what is this hell quake? the man here is not englishman buta telugu who will rip you apart. come!- king, you look just as shown in films.

    but you look little fat,if you walk and exercise, you will be slim and smart. where is that short accountant with a cap?- human! are you doing fine, gupta?- i am fine, are you fine? open the account of sins of this man. i would not have done many sins, king! did i make schemesor created scans? all i did was to love a girl. did not have any fun ofgoing to films or parks,

    she said everything aftermarriage only, king! human! lord!- show half of that interest in your work. yes, i will put fire under your throne. lord, a small mistake happened!- what is it? due to oversight i took the innocentman is life before his time. committed a mistake againwith a telugu man! send the life back into his bodybefore he comes to know this. we cannot lord, his body hasbeen reduced to ashes.

    what a mistake you have committed! had you let me go with your father,you would not have faced this, if you say yes at least now,i will fall into ramba is lap! what is going on therewithout accounting for sins? what are you blabbering? do you know the magnitudeof the problem we are facing? stop, my lord! you should have been aliveafter that accident, due to our oversight,wait my lord!

    we killed you well beforeyour time! will you send the court outto cover your mistake? i will not spare you,i will fry you both in oil, i will make dum biryaniof you both, and spread a feast for your soldiers, and show you what hell is! the man i fear most, you havebrought him to torture me. had this happened on earth, tv channels would have painted thetown red with injustice of yama,

    and sms polls against you! is not there a tv channel totell my sorrow or to hear it. the doors are closed!how could you enter, sage narada? my way is short cut!i smell something fishy here! yes, they both joined toruin my life. human, please keep quietfor some time. i am tired without any breakingor shocking news! give me one news and i willspread it around 3 worlds. what had happened...?

    lord!- drop narada faraway beyond 6 worlds! as you order, lord!- this is injustice...unjust! where ever you may drop me,i will get your secret out! if anyone points your mistake,you will send him away from here! he is sage, so he left silently. i am not that type,i will blow all of yours... i will send you back toearth by tomorrow. till then, take rest in my quarters. serving drinks with hands thatpunish sinners is horrible.

    i cannot see it,i will go to ramba. great! i had every drinkavailable on earth, but never had anything like this! what a kick! great kick! if you go away, who would play game with me?- play game? i will not get sleep until i play games.- no way! narada is waiting foran opportunity near door. one word is enough for him tocreate book of rumour to spread. please accept.

    what will he play witha pumpkin on head? i will hit that with this arrow. this is very heavy, lord. this is very small. very light! aim now! do not move!king...king... stuck! stuck deep! two arrows are chasing us, lord!who would save us? narada is here,i will open the door.

    welcome narada!- why were you raising hell? two arrows hit your back. why?- no time to tell reason. two more arrows are chasing! what are you doing between us? i thought you opened the doorfor feast not for this. king, nobody can escape from me.only you remain! i got you! he is sleeping!

    i learnt a moral from him.- what is that? if you are free, chant narayana, butnever put finger into other is issue. he aimed 3 arrows at you,where is the third one? do not know where it got stuck? i have to go home to check.- good. king, promised to send by morningand sleeping like log now. i am not getting any ideaof sending you back. if you give me some time...- take a month. his words are harshbut his heart is gold. do not know why my lefteye is batting, lord.

    father! you are a telugu man, right?- how do you know that, senior king? it is you telugu people who have beenriding over us for generations. is this your intelligence? i will get it right. son, brahma creates 7 similarlooking people in this world, 4 have died including him, find who is going to die next, and send his life intothat man is body.

    is it okay, man?- what can i say after you decide? i need a body to live, right?do it. he is a chinese warrior,ready to die in 2 days. do you want his body? no, i will take a trial.- trial? i have to live in that body for life, i will test that body for an hour and decide.- okay. about me? he says i am warrior andhe is sneering at me.

    what is happening here? why is he saying gone again? why is he always jeering at me? i am naked, girls too are almost,why body temperature is not rising? what is the matter? king, get me back! how do i look like to you? do you want to escape by givingme that eunuch is body? what is wrong with him? good body,great physique and strength!

    but he does not have themost important thing. do you know the pain offusing a burning bulb? there is another man likeyou in north! test his body. king! king, take me back! i must punish you short man!one who made the mistake! man, do not get enraged. test the third man.- no, king. who is he? what is his story?show me everything from here.

    show me, if i like, i will settle.- see! singapore let is join and party...have a ball... my youth is rocking watchingyour sleek figure... rocking...shocking...its rollicking if we meet... search the world map,i do not know where i would be... but you can find me at nightin the arms of beauties... great beauties are theoxygen of this world... it is good for heart,take a deep breath, my dear...

    how much pleasure is there...?can realise when he comes over me... hail home minister! is he the home minister? long live home minister! how was your singapore trip, sir? with my father is blessings andaffection of 10 crores people, how would it go? wonderful! will you please tellabout the discussions, sir? i cannot disclose forsecurity reasons,

    but this tour was unforgettable! so many sweet memories! is it nice?- you are super! change the expression. our future cm! you have more following than cm! this is the property leftby my father to me. where shall we meet?- at our regular meeting point. pavithrananda ashram

    go ahead, english child! what is the meaning of those words? ding means supreme soul,chaka means soul, ding chaka is that mergessoul with supreme soul! may you be blessedwith early marriage! not for me! bless for the prosperityof this world. first people, then we! may all people live happily!

    in a second turnedmy devotees into his! i am a thief myself...- i am smarter thief than you. you have already gone overboard,shall we go in? change the expression! this is plan of seven star hotelwe are building in singapore. invested with 4 equal shares. you are the conduit of our5 year illegal earnings! since you became minister,in a year we made rs.2000 crores. black money became whiteas devotion...

    reached foreign shore... the only one thing remains,your dream of becoming cm. your father served the partyrefusing the seat of power. at least you... leader is one who leads peoplefrom the front, like my father, neither they have moneynor position, political leader is one who staysbehind people to loot them, like me!

    i got money!i will get position too! people are waiting near chamber, sir,we have to go there immediately. i will serve people for some time. minister! it seems they will rise downour colony to build a factory. we will be on streetsif we vacate now, sir. is the govt. here to protectpeople or loot them? you be brave, i will look into it.- okay sir. tell me, balram! malaysian group inside areclose to us, deal carefully.

    i will take care. we want security clearance to buildthe factory in the colony site. very difficult. people will not allow.did you see? hundreds of families! they trusted and voted for me. you cannot buy an honest man like me. home minister’s residence is mother at home?- no sir. she will not come. i will go to her.

    hello mother! my dear mother!greetings! did you have dinner?did you take medicines? you will not answer my will not enter my home. you say this is a temple builtwith honesty of my husband. had your husband made money insteadof fame, i would not be like this. close the door as usual! a great mother who has disownedher son for her husband is ideals. you be as yourself andi will be as myself. it was all his mistake.i cannot be like him. i cannot!

    i will live alone! no father... are you interested toenter his body? you are frying in oil, apply chilipowder for smaller sins, he is looting billions, his mother closed thedoor on his face, if i enter such a sinner isbody and reach here, you have a well plannedrevenge on me! why do not you say, gupta?

    do not rush, nobody knows when fatewill change your life. watch now! a govt. building under constructionin khairtabad collapsed, hundreds of people arestuck under the debris, fire service people aretrying to save them. home minister too has reachedthe place to inquire. your friend shantaram is thebuilding contractor, what is your comment? opposition says you got himthis contract. your answer to it. before central govt. starts inquiry,to divert the issue,

    you must get arrested,i will take care of the rest. it is my responsibilityto make you cm. home minister surrenders topolice on opposition is charges. ravinder’s supporters arepicketing and rioting in protest. few youth self-immolated in protest. to avoid such incidents,he was released from jail. greetings! brother!- why did you do like this? you are my leader!

    look brother, he has come to see me. did you see? it will be goodto see me recover. you are my god! you do not worry, i am not sadfor losing my brother. every born will die, how many arelucky to die in your hands! madam! did you see him?my son died for your son! who is there for me now? we committed a mistake, balram. mistake? thousands of soldiersdie for a king is victory.

    do not think about these labour! for whom we did this?is not it for you? if you care about this,you will get tears, if you do not,you will get cm is seat. how dare you sacrifice innocents likeus for your raise in politics? my brother died for a crook like you!you must not live! ravinder, you will die inmy hands only! i will leave you! i think he has gone mad over hisbrother’s death, take him away! with good intentions,i and your father got cheated.

    but people are getting cheatedthinking you are a good leader. when i was pregnant with you, you kicked me but idid not feel any pain. you have kicked on so manymother’s hearts! i cannot bear it son! for your mistakes i forgaveyou and remained silent, do you know why? i had a little hope thatyou would change some day. my hope has died.

    you will never see me againin this life. you could not achieve yourfather is aims as his son, at least fulfil my wish, if i die, please do not playpolitics with my body. future cm! any breaking news? i am going to distribute themoney we would looted till now. have you gone mad? i will surrender before mediatomorrow accepting my crimes. should we also surrenderalong with you?

    you too along with me. listen to me.- i did not call to listen to you. to tell you about my decision.- you have ruined us! now i have understood the meaningof your years silence. i am coming, mother. job done! tell me now, do you acceptto take his body? for my mistake, this is thelast chance you have now. the decision is in your hands.think over it.

    home minister ravinder died ina road accident last night! many vips including cm laidwreaths to pay last respects. though i was in opposition,we were like brothers. he was first in everythingincluding death! i am asking god only one thing fortaking away ravinder from us, if i have supreme power andif my tongue has the power, i want my ravinder back again! he must get all our lifespanand come back alive! to wipe the tears of millions,he must come back!

    from the cries of people, like a raging fire,he must get up!... how many people came when ourbeloved leader ntr died, how many had come whengreat leader ysr died, i was just testing how manywould turn up for my funeral! i have good following! people who came with loveand sorrow are saved, for people who are sheddingcrocodile tears here, i will give a run for their money!

    what are you waiting for?play music! we got rid of that telugu man! for my mistake, a mighty lionlike you had to run like a rat, as a punishment for it,i will leave hell. where can you go withoutgetting punished for your sin? punishment? you will not serve me but great grandchildren and their grandchildren too, and die serving us tillyour last breathe! he must get up!

    plant must come... you said get up! the man who should go to burialground came back alive. you fool! i am a tobacco chewer!i do not have that power! even my dhoti will not listen to can i bring him back to life? no use in beating me. call the bihar manwho did the job for you. sir!- are you not ashamed? we sent you to kill him,you got drunk, enjoyed with girls,

    and leave him alive! you said he will kill silently and leave,look, what has he done now! you said single paymentand single attempt. the interest you have on money,show it in your work too. must beat useless guyslike you with slippers. one more word and notone of you three would live! if he is alive as you say,i will come back with his head! if he says so confidently,is it man or ghost who came back? no good or morning, cut the line!cut it, you fool!

    are there so many bad words in telugu?where did he learn all this? sir, carry on... stop it, home minister! come quickly, people arewaiting for you. there is lot of change in your bodyafter coming alive from death. you will a lot more in future!where are you going? call me pa!- something, where i have to go? one more time! one more time!- people are waiting there!

    home minister sir!- what is this pa? malaysian people are razingdown our homes! stop...stop...stop... take away these people,they will not listen to us. if you give what they need,they will leave quietly. may be he will take another 100 crores!- yes! brothers and sisters! these documents are original andmy signature too is original. you cannot do anythingeven if you go to court.

    if you say like that,who would save us, sir? i said you cannot do anything,i did not say i cannot do anything. now cheating and then beating! show them how we dance to local beat! bash them up!do not spare anyone! you were like bin laden, how couldyou become anna hazare suddenly! you are great sir! do not praise me like that,i feel shy! i think ravinder has gone mad.

    he drove away malaysian industrialists! wish the dead man had not come back! water glass come! we are seriously discussing here andyou are saying water glass come. you are making foolish gestures! it was all because ofyour loud mouth! how many time i have to tell?i do not have that power. watch now, i will prove it. file has not come.

    home minister, come from that door! i am here! i do not know anything,my damn mouth! are you planning to kill me again? kill you? are not we friendssince long time? just for fun! what have you decided aboutthe matter i told you on phone? phone? what did you tell? speaker! did not i tell you to donateentire looted money to people?

    why should we donateour hard earned money? what?did you work hard to earn it? did you work as coolieor pulled rickshaw, crushed stones orcarried bags! you looted people is money, right? i am giving you a week is timeif not... if not? i will play drums on your backs! what is this dance?

    why are you watching my legs only? you have a doubt if i am manor ghost, right? i am not ordinary ghostas you think, i am fire eating ghost! should we donate ourproperty fearing him? got wings just now,let him fly high! let is see how high can he fly! an ambulance is stuck on roadwith a pregnant woman, her husband is runningaround for help...

    i have to take my wife to hospitalimmediately sir. stop sir... stop the car! sir, please help me sir. sir, my wife is pregnant. fifth month,suddenly had some problem. ambulance broke down sir,nobody is helping me sir. i will break your windowpane! go! any problem if we go toassembly 30 minutes late, uncle? that is...- why are you thinking, uncle?

    we will get late to abuse each other,here we can save a life. come...come i say! do not worry dear. let is send her in that vehicle, sir. if that too breaks down, cm’s caris the safest, is not it uncle? first time in the state is historya cm is standing on road. a never seen or heard before thing! this news is exclusive ofour people is tv, venkatalakshmi. home minister is coming backafter seeing off cm to car,

    he has come to me, venkatalakshmi. give this to me, please. venkatalakshmi, anotherbreaking news for you! jogi naidu who got beaten up by home minister!- why sir? what are you doing here? i came when ambulance broke down,running live on it for 30 minutes. instead of running liveshow for 30 minutes, you could have taken her tohospital in 5 minutes, right? people is tv! no use running livewith dish antenna and mics!

    be useful to people! ravinder, you have becomevery speed now. to reduce it, must finda good bride for you. marriage for me, uncle? marriage? chennai, tamil nadu did you die without fulfillingyour last wish of love? he will become a ghost if diedwith unfulfilled wish. he would be roaming here only.

    i expected you would come backas fly or mosquito, have you come back as human? soul? i am alive! do not cheat me because i am drunk!- will not you believe me? where did you go all these days? i will tell that later,where is swetha? stop it! man who loved swetha is dead.he is marrying her. why are you torturing mefor a month?

    thanks for stopping it. now, do this movement!do it. that is not a movementbut a punishment. my knees will breakwith that movement. why such a big sharp knife forthis small dance movement? you want that movement, right?music starts! bad time created a hurdle foryour marriage due to oversight, so i have made you conduct thissacrifice to stop all hurdles. confirm?- which company shoe are you wearing?

    bata.- beat me if i fail. nobody can stop this marriageunless the dead man comes back. get ready quickly! hey girl! i love you! come! brother! raja has come back alive! you fool! tell him,he is eloping with the girl. brother, he is elopingwith sister-in-law. you stay inside.

    no dead man can come back! juts a hello!are you fine, shasthri? jump! your marriage is cancelled. you thought you would killed raja. he came back like a bullet andsped off with her like a rocket. no chance. stop...stop...get down.- cannot you see passenger inside? if my words fail,beat me with shoe.

    where are you?- chasing him, brother. turn...turn... did you find him?- how can he escape from us? by the time you come, you willget sister-in-law and his body. you were like fish in aquarium,how come you have become a tiger? i have a small wish.- make your wish. can i blow a whistle? are you a little boy?what will you get from it? blow it! get in...

    hey you, this is my last wish. where are they? where is swetha? how can she be here?he eloped with her. eloped with her?why are you blowing whistles then? when he did helicopters came,so we are also trying! where ever he may take her,swetha is mine. why are you still shocked? shocked to see helicopter, gunmenand dead man coming back. what had happened was?

    that is heaven is secret! if you try to tell,your voice will not come out. words will not be heard. why are you talking to the pilot? i am home minister of andhra pradesh.- minister? is it so easy to becomeminister in andhra? i suspect you. pilot, go back, let us drop her back. where?- with harbour babu. - please no. you should hug me forcoming back alive,

    why are you askingquestions like cbi? not you, i meant you. with ravishing waist and cannot walk... with lightning beauty,do not burn my heart... i am a river on rampage andyou have built a dam to check flow... youth without partner is waste,why did you join me as partner? o dimpled beauty! the trumpcard is in your shake... when you are near me,my heart races up... o rain drop with a moustache,my little nose pin...

    you made my pulse to racewith your trick... love has hit high andleg are slipping... will you please give me a hand? if i pity and give hand,you will pull my leg... hey girl, i have lost my sleepand i am no more hungry... your touch vanished shynessand my cheek turned pink... my body is hot andmy youth is on the verge... what is happening to me? desires have added andyouth turned bad...

    i too have the same feelings... o my dear, i am mad about you...when i see you... o bullet raja, when the rosegets on you every day... is this our home?- not we but you! - then you? do not ask details now,i will tell when it is time. should i be alone insuch a big home? i am there for you, dear.- how did you come here, mother? before coming for you,shifted your mother first. she is shocked, will take time tocome out, i have work, take care.

    wait...wait...i have many a pastaccounts to settle with him. so go back to your homes and relax. i am your home minister,when i close and open my eyes, neither you nor yourvehicles must be here. that is it! for the power of comingback from death, for the courage to stand alone, i have become your fan!not even god can save you. take your phones and talkto your dear ones happily,

    because only two thingsyou can remember lastly, one is my face andsecond is my punch! why is he escaping afterdelivering punch dialogue? stop! why?- look there once! burial ground i am scared of burial groundand ghosts since childhood. moreover he came back from death. i am scared!

    hey narsing! come in please! did you see kanchana?chandramukhi? come, i will show youtwo films at a time. where are you going?- i have seen both films. i can go, right? i will go.- go in! go... have you forgotten the next? am i scared of ghosts?ghosts are afraid of me! i grew up playing with ghosts. i will play football with their heads.

    hello!- tell me, brother! is this football okay?- which one? goon uncle, please come back. slowly...there only!come...come... i am a young girl lost way at night!- young girl? if you show me the way ahead... come. she is ravishing! let us share 50-50!- i saw her first.

    will not you give me a share in it? no, she is all mine.- no, mine! do not fight, only one please! i am that one man! narsing, you have gone blindwith desire. look down! why you are here soldiers?are you here for me? you will go up...up...come fast! he was in hurry,bloody brain less man! our job is done.- we will go.

    tell i inquired about king! is he dead, bihar? the man you are trying toreach is going up! please in next birth if hecomes back as human. i told you become humans,are you trying to kill me? till now i saw you play,watch out how my dance would be! i am parthasaradhi fromincome tax office, sir. tell me. you will be raided in an hour, sir.- raid?

    we will be raided by tax authorities! pack all the agreements, documents, money!- come quickly! do not you know to play fluteif his bp raises! play! fill the cars with it and roamaround city without stopping. go...go... come back on my call! tell me. - latest information,raid cancelled.- cancelled? raid is cancelled,come back home immediately. tell me!- raid is on, sir.

    what man? you say raidthen no and then yes. this time it is confirmed raid. raid is on, keep driving around! sir, i am parthasaradhi here. you have been pushing mesince morning about raid. me? pushing you? i am calling you now only!- first time? i mean property... is my money safe?- safe sir. come home immediately.- okay sir.

    what man? is your property safe? money safe? is everything safe?you want help, take it. the cars are as they were,how could you steal it? you told them to roam in citywith cars, are not they humans? will not they stop for food? will not they stop for thirst? will not they pee? thee are many stops like that.

    return my money! hey pa! he is holding my collar,do something. manhandling ministeris manhandling state. he is my darling, my heart!take him away, i cannot see it. i cannot see giving him a public bashing!- bash him boys! next item, marry happily!must become talk of the town! who are there for us?are not we orphans? do not talk like that. we are not orphans.- then?

    we have mother!- mother? where? i will get mother, stay here. greetings sir.- greetings. you are here...- parvathamma... she is here sir. she is...- my mother! your mother?- yes. she never told us.please come in sir. greetings madam.- greetings. your son is here.

    mother! let is go to our home, come. mother, trust me.i am not what i was. i have reformed.mother, please come home. why do not you believe meif i say i have reformed? where is mother?- refused to come. - why? do you know why mother refused to come?- do not know. she has many friends here. when kids make friends in school,they too refuse to come home.

    if we send everyone to their homes?mother will come with us. is not it wrong to send them out? what if it is their own home? you are great!- change the expression! you are really great! bring all the families that areenjoying leaving parents here! what is this nasty behaviour? if govt. is yours,will you do as you wish? what was our mistake, sir?

    we are asking seriously andyou are giving us lemons. why did you bring us here? is not it wrong to leave parentsto old age homes? that one! what is wrong in it? we are paying rs.10000 every month,if needed we will pay rs.5000 extra. we will buy new clothes for festival,and make a phone call monthly once. never troubled my mother till now. so according to them, leavingparents in old age homes is better. you got the clarity,if you clear us, we will go.

    since you look after your parentswell, i will entertain you now. join us and be our friend, sir.- we are going to play a game now. the game is known asmother, father and a lemon! title is good!- game will be much better! start the game sir,cannot wait anymore. keep the lemon on your heads!- we have close your eyes!- we have. open your eyes slowly! i will shoot the lemons onyour head with rifle.

    there is specialty to this game,first time minister is using gun. i cannot play this game,please eliminate me. am i foolish?would i spare anyone? come here. when life is danger,you cried mother and father! did you cry saying wife and kids? what did you say? i said never troubled my mother. whether buddha or jesus, nobody wasborn without giving pain to mother. your homes must have mother andfather bedrooms not master bedroom.

    what did you learn from this? is there any god better than mother,is there any meaning better than soul? look mother, people areleaving to home happily! come, let us go home, mother. will you come or not? come i say...come mother! i will not do anything wrong,if i do, punish me, mother. please come home, mother.i want you, mother. get room of mother ready quickly!

    stop...stop...mother! take it back! did i bring you back to cry?to keep you happily, mother. i did not expect change in you,this is more than enough. for this? i have lot to doand you have much to see. father is ideals, my marriage! grandchildren, you have to getthem married, right? why do not you answer, khaja? is it your wish or of mother? who is he?- my childhood friend, mother.

    childhood friend? khaja, we have lot of work, come. mother, take rest.take mother inside. we do not have work accordingto schedule. i too know, come. we must search every nook andcorner of hyderabad to catch her. if we go back from here,we are going with swetha. what are you thinking? how could helicopters come with a whistle?- brother!

    i am very happy!why were you late by an hour? i had a tough time tomanage the security. you say an hour late. why should we search streetson somebody is suggestion? would he be here? turn the vehicle! go...go after him! he is applying brakes,any clutch problem? road is fine, right?why are you applying brake?

    why did i take the risk to ride a bike?- why? for this! it is touch problemnot clutch problem. pay rs.500!- why? one word and it will be rs.1000.stop...stop... take out your license, pay rs.10000. asking fine throwing my license. talking rules with me? who is she?where are you coming from?

    where are you heading?what are you going to do? did i ask? take out money! rs.10000 is too much! am i taking everything?home minister takes 50%. home minister too? he will not move a leg withoutbribe, take out money. why did you just rs.5000 only? you said rs.5000 would goto home minister, right? i took it. are you the home minister?

    si! home minister is roamingwith a girl on bike! what happened, sir? you are using my name very casually. you were asked to do duty,are you collecting money? we will pay everything we collectedto you, please leave us. useless police! move...move...must beat youfor supporting them. what can i do sir?i am a middle class man. getting up morning, go to work,come back home, eat and sleep.

    likewise accepting corruptionas routine. it has become a habit. like there is a temple in every street,there is corruption in everywhere. sir, please one photo! one thing i have understoodfrom your words. corruption, let is remove it. it seems you are introducing anew scheme to remove corruption. yes, that is send mms andtake gift. it looks like a tv game show. is not it? but this is not a tv game.

    i have only one thing to tell people, till now you watched mutelyeverything happening around, hereafter watch it with cameranot with eyes, record any incident of corruptionand send an mms to 6888888111. my squad will take actionand give you a gift of rs.5000. power is now in the handsof people not politicians. loan was sanctioned six months ago, sir.i have been coming here since then. if you give the loan,i will run a telephone booth. if you pay rs.10000,i will buy a ring for my wife.

    why should i pay you?this is injustice! injustice? okay, let is talk justly! what is the proof that you are disabled? first get a birth certificatefrom mro office, and handicapped certificatefrom govt. hospital, send all these certificatesfrom post office, when it reaches me,i will think about it deeply... i beg you sir.please do not do it sir. do not beg me, beg devoteescoming to a temple.

    you will get alms! go away! where are you going son? i wanted to live with self-respect,but he wants me to beg, i do not want to live. do not feel sad son. i recordedthe incident on camera. please press this buttonwith your finger. why did you come again? what is this? admission only if you pay fee.

    get the full list of peoplewho sell education! why this notice?should we take fee as you decide? 30% free seats to poor students. if you increase fee like thishow can middle class afford it? if we think about them,we cannot run this business. rich will study, poor will die. you are making millionsrunning schools, you will go poor if we givefree seats to poor, right? there is justice in it.- we will take leave.

    stop...please sit down. since you are here, let is play a game. game with lemons? education, children and a lemon! title is good. game will be much better. we will do as you say, sir. lemons are for juices or pickles,what is this playing games? i am education minister,how can he trespass into my domain?

    then, i will resign!- do it! come on, sign it.sit down! you form groups orthreaten resignation! it has become a fad! you are gifting crores forsend mms for gift scheme. whose money is it anyway? you are looting billions,whose money is it anyway? gave just rs.50 croresto public as gift, we got back rs.150 croresas black money.

    we shut down your liquor factory,we got just rs.10 crores from it. not that sir...- shut up! uncle, i do not careabout departments, i will take to task whereveri find corruption, if you have problem with me,suspend me. if you think i am right, follow me,if not sleep like him. but if anyone troubles me,i will tear your seats! uncle, c means seat!bye. why are you silent, sir?

    i was silent to all your dirty work, he is the lone doing good work, i will be silent again.- why? if you create trouble,i will give my seat to him, he will place lemon your head, and play mla, minister anda lemon game with you! do you want to play?- no! my father mended shoes, i too did thesame but my son will not do it. go, my son is studyingin this big school.

    grandpa!- do not come here! be careful, glass pieces! greetings balram brother.- greetings. why is chennai harbour in hyderabad? i have helped you a lot in chennai,first time i am asking your help. tell me what is it?- i am here for a man! i almost got him buthe vanished. this is his photo. it is me shantaram!i am scared alone!

    you do not worry,i am arranging for your bail. thanks balram. if i put you in jail,who would bail you out? if i get you ravinder... photo...why are you destroying it?are you mad? we lost only our cool,he has lost everything. let us go. gala release tomorrow! tihar productions, political superstarbalram is, chalo cherlopalli jail tomorrow entire day i will bewith foreign minister of uganda.

    z category security will be there, if you are a man andif you have guts, arrest me! a glass piece hurt me.what happened? ravinder says he will arrestme by tomorrow. watch out, i will plant a bombin his car and kill him. are you taking my videofor rs.5000? no, i will have him arrestedby his own mms scheme. you attend the conference. greetings minister!

    i have to discuss with her. minister will discuss with her,please go out. you too.- sit, that is... is this your discussion, sir?- change your expression. women is wing president is hereto discuss, please go out. sit down... let it be pm or president,we will discuss openly. i think we have not discussedfor quite some time now. let is cover the gap,people here are in good mood.

    let us have a group discussion. no sir, i will go out. you are the senior most member,we need your experience sir. what about my positionin the discussion? you were always with me, will not yoube there in the discussion? you are great sir,i will be there sir. are you ready? why is she running away? will not she? discussion means...

    you mean that is discussion? did he agree? what agree? he will get entirestate for discussion. agree, it will be fine. that was for fun. where haveyou arranged the discussion? our regular guest house! indo-uganda conferencetaj residency gandipet guest house ravinder, you will have fun with sona.

    this camera will send you to jail. how far the plan has come to? he has already left with sona.may get breaking news anytime. wait a minute.i will switch off light. you get the mood in light, right? i am getting mood now only in darkness. it is getting ruined! one minute...something is troubling me. sweet! oiled my shirt, i will wash it.- come fast!

    senseless woman! i am coming! how long will you take?come fast! you?- will you do it with anyone in the flow? he is not co-operating.- you must make him. canmera is here,how to make him do it? this is another camera.before that... this is another camera. make him sleep on lap and kiss him. keep hand here.- shall i caress like this?

    now you are in the mood! he is coming! what is this?- why is he covering face? i am feeling very shy. can you not remove it with cg?can you not? okay come. brought him to this camera,top angle, very good. he will be visible clearly. why are you wasting time?

    now this camera?low angle, very good. i like it this way. what is your problem? how many intervals will you take?will not you do anything? instead of showing his face,you are showing your base. here is the camera. got it? he is coming, let us do it later. i got you ravinder! ravinder is romance!a film by pavithrananda!

    swami, you saved my honour in time. please, pavithra... media people too are hereat right time. i will show them your film, right?- wait...wait... watch today! pavithra is romantic episodes! home minister, you savedmy honour in time. how did you record it? no use in using cameraor saying action, cut.

    you must know who isbehind the camera, who is he? is he your man? who is knocking door?- media friends. breaking door for breaking news. shall we leak out news?- you come here! i will give whatever you want,give the cd to me. give your entire property to me.- i will give 50%! will you keep the other 50%?

    breaking news... i will give everything, give my cd! media children!did you have breakfast? have a glimpse of me and go home. already state is having your glimpse.- what glimpse? romantic glimpse!- romantic glimpse? but the cd is with me, right?- what is this terrible? already piracy copy is out! this is a game played by you!

    the game was yoursbut i netted the goal. is home minister arrested?- swami is arrested. sir, foreign minister is wife is missing.- missing? she was here only,where did she go away? sir, we kidnapped minister iswife as you ordered. did i order? will you come and rape hershall we rape her ourselves? why are you talking nonsense? kicked him off!

    why did you cut the line silently, sir? who are you guys?my friend... who are you guys?why are you calling me? why are you acting innocence, sir?- am i acting? sir, you told we can make billions if we kidnap minister is wife.- me? how dare you hold thecollar of my friend? where are you going?officers take him away! what about his position? my name is electric singh!

    i am internationalcriminal specialist! i will make him sing!- no, i will make him dance. north and south isfantastic combination! you take first half,you take the second half. second half to me?most sensitive part is mine. whatever torture you may use,i will not give what you want. this is rusted rod!i will shove into you! this is kerala stick smearedwith hot chili! if i shove it insideand churn it...

    i will churn it well... do not shove it where ever you like. i will sign wherever you ask me. slowly...poor balram!he has become weak. who is it? it is me your mother! please come in, mother.soap my back! take the soap. take it.

    looks like raja does not love meas much as he used. he is looking after you well, right? no, he used to be after me always. now he is after people. find another good proposal for me. what is that, silly woman? for a woman, one back,one word and one husband! he is a good man, silly girl. changing voice and enteringwoman is bathroom,

    a man who rubs backs,how can he be good man? you called me in knowingwell, you thief! come, give me a kiss... no need of silk beds,just a tiny cot is enough... no need of perfumes or scents,just jasmine will do... no need of class husband,i love mass husband... i love his fightsand fisticuffs... play the band andhave a blast now, raja... you are a desire oozingscented rose...

    you are making my blood boilwith passion... come, i will relieveyour pleasant pain... the fun ride is ready, girl... o parrot, you come to me... you are ravishing...outrageous... if you are with me...i forget my mom and dad... your look is blocking my mind... temperature is raising to 106and freezing to become ice... i mistook you for innocent,but you are too smart...

    your hand touched me andincited fiery passions... an astrologer told me thati will marry only you... flower in my tresses told me,you are the best man for me... luck hit me big timeto make you my partner... in near future i will delivera photocopy of you... prisoners! have you started it here also?- yes! then, spend your life doing it here. we got bail, we are going out.- wait, take me also out.

    my sister shakila is there,double the size of sister-in-aw. if you say yes, we can becomebrothers-in-law. a man is following home ministerwith a gun! leave me! i will kill him!he eloped with my future bride. our home minister? home minister?he is not a muslim! thief...a fraud! leave me, i will kill him. what do you know? helicopters come if he whistles!- move away!

    how does he know him? he is not a minister,his name is bullet raja. get me down...he is my man!leave him. what brings you all here? jail food is good i think,you are looking glamorous. i will get govt. loan for tostart a phone booth. i will help you to starta provision store, i will help you starta beauty parlour! name will be dinka chaka!

    if we send him out now, would hego to jail or beg on streets? i think you are not satisfiedwith the dose. no need to talk to him. my mother will not speakto rogues like you. when she accepts a fakelike you as son, will not she talk torogues like us? bullet raja! mother! why did you come out?you go inside, go... are you worried for truth comingout or mother coming out? whatever it is, let is discusslater, go out now.

    you wait! mother, he is...- what happened? injustice happened! he is not ravinder who is cheatingyou as son and minister, he is bullet raja who islook alike of your son. he was a cheap goon in chennai. he killed ravinder for money. they are lying, mother! they are playing not believe them, mother.

    yes, we lied and played drama. do you have evidence or witness? but we have 100 evidences toprove you are not ravinder. will you believe me nowthat he is not your son? if we spare him,he will sell this state. he killed your son for position,, what is the guaranty thathe will not kill you for money? what are you saying?- leave him! no, mother!- leave him!

    rogues like you do notdeserve words but... he is my son! the only heir ofharishchandra prasad and parvathamma. you say he is your son,what is the evidence? what more evidence you need thana mother saying he is her son? no madam... one more minute here andmy son will throw you out. get out! i am telling you, get out! i like the girl you love.

    when shall i fix the marriage date? what happened, son? i want to tell you truth, mother.- what is that? mother, i am not your sonas you think. i know, son. i knew the day you came searchingfor me to the ashram. my son tortures peoplebut never shows empathy. what had happened was... i do not care why orhow it happened,

    the way i wished my son to be,you are just like that. though you are not my son,you are fulfilling my dreams. that happiness is enough, son. king, you gave a great life! lord! did you see how my mistakehas done a great job? a mother got son tofulfil her aims. people got a compassionate leader. why you are sad, lord? you are happy forwhat has happened,

    i am sad for what is to happen! his life will end tomorrow! not just people, his mother toobelieves he is ravinder. we cannot harm him. this is the party meetingravinder is going to attend. crowds will start pouring at 8 am, he will reach the venue at 9 am, he will start the speech at 9.20 am, exactly at 9.25 am, bomb placedunder dais will go off.

    with one bomb, entire cabinetswith mla is will perish! it is wrong to killso many for one man! we cheated men but never killed, please listen to me. are you real god?why are you saying no? move...move...- i will not let you go. swami has become a leader suddenly. take him out andliberate him. go! welcome to party men, leadersand media for 25th anniversary. i now request honourablechief minister to address you.

    instead of what our partyachieved in 25 years, let is talk about what ravinderachieved in 6 months, he wiped the tears of sad,saved lives in danger, in these days when politicsis fast becoming business, you have brought back the gloryto politics and politicians, i wish you reach moreheights in politics. not just high,he will reach top in 10 minutes. i now request home ministerto address you. my daughter...

    my wife... if you move, i will kill you. what will you do saving yourfamilies at this age? i will kill any numberof people for him. today i want to start a foundationin the name of my father, in which i wish to, there are no schools inover 3000 villages, no hospitals in 5000 villages, no drinking water in 6000 villages,

    this foundation willadopt such villages, and fulfil all theirrequirements. our state must be happy,it must not have problems. stop...stop...he is makingcalculations well, it will cost billions, did not you get doubthow i would manage it? so, i am giving my entireproperty to the foundation. my close friends balram,shantaram and pavithrananda, they too have donated theirproperty to the foundation.

    due to some reason,they could not attend this function. so, if their families come andhandover the documents to cm, donors would be very happy! he turned cheap people like usinto great philanthropists. if he dies, many millionsdreams will get dashed. you run and save him.i will take care of him. go! there is a bomb, move...move... come fast! come... where is our son?

    take him! ravinder, unable to understand you,we tried to kill you. please forgive me. this is too much!this is enough. you escaped from the bombbut not from my hands. why did you stop me? you have only one gunthere are hundreds around you! go to jail, at least you will be alive.- you too! lord, your prediction failed,he is alive.

    it is impossible for him to die. birth is union of two lives! death is culmination of manydirections meeting at a point. death may come in any form! nothing happened to me, mother,i am fine. come immediately to home,- i will be there in 5 minutes. lord! is not there any wayto save his life? you know everything.look at the sin meter! his sins and good deedsdecide his death and life.

    the more people pray for hislife will add to his lifespan. doctors say it is risky since bullethas entered very near heart. they say home minister issurvival chance is 50-50! people are afraid ofhearing bad news! if you say there is truthand if there is really god... then the patient is live be saved... if truth is everywhereand sorrow is pleaded... if god is there,patient is live be saved... let our voices of concern becomeholy hymn to save his life...

    peoples prayers are yours, god! accept our prayersand save his life... sea has no last has no end... sunlight has no death...even if god himself asks... to fill the dying heart with breath... ready to sacrifice lives... people are moving unitedly as one... lord, sins and good deeds are equal! if one more human wisheshim to live,

    he will win over death! lord! he has lost thelast opportunity too! it is my duty to take his life! death is inevitable! your wife is having labour pain! lord yama! gupta!have you killed me again? you have won over deathwith your good work. thank you very much forsaving my life.

    neither we nor god saved your life, the good you did for the people! it has given you full life! do you know who our enemies are?your good deeds! not only us, even fatewill bow before it. do good and good will save you! king! escaped! swetha, i do not see smile on your face! chitragupta!- lord!

    you can go to heaven! what about the troublewith telugu people? now i do not fear telugu people,in fact i respect them very much now! i have the courage to faceany problem and solve it. you can leave happily!

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