tv stands furniture in bangalore

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Title : tv stands furniture in bangalore

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    tv stands furniture in bangalore

    panditji, why did youmake a map with the colors? it's not easy to fixthe marriage of a power-star. this is magic. five! the stars in a bad constellation.rejection is for sure. look pandit, i got four. who told you to roll them again? what have you done?- i thought it was a game. calm down.

    playing with your lifeand astrology isn't easy. this is not some ordinary birth-chart. baba rao, whose birth-chart is it?- it's my son's. why are you getting sohappy without knowing the truth? when i tell you,you'll get a heart-attack? what's the matter? tell us? many people are schemingagainst him with wrong intentions. and you're busy celebratingwithout knowing the constellation. but what do you want to say?- you'll soon go through a bad phase.

    your planets are against you. there must be a solution for it. no matter how manysolutions we try to find.. ..we cannot change theplanetary constellations? know this..soon your happy family.. ..will be destroyedand reduced to ashes. my astrology's telling me..thatall your plans will be foiled. stay alert regarding your family,baba rao. is it true?

    there's no difference between.. ..vishwanath anandand gupta's predictions. i would say shouldthink before taking each step. try to understand the situation. otherwise what?- you'll invite destruction. what must i do? your silence is the only solution. catch him! stop!

    if anyone crosses this line.. ..he'll get cookedlike a stuffed chicken. beware.. death is waiting for you ahead. you will all turn into ashes. we've heard such threats before. you go. come on, go. his body will seem okay.

    he can hear everything.but he can't speak. it's so terrible. hey..we sent youhere to find young madam. what are you doing here? come on. stop..don't cross this line. our death is waiting for us.- who told you that? that swami did. who are you?how dare you scare our people? when time closes his fist..

    ..even the earth starts to quiver. what? whoever he is?i will squeeze his life out. he's no wet soil that you can squeeze. he's made of iron. if you make him furious,he'll ruin everything. come with me. he was fooling us. forgive me. - this was just a charade?

    where is he? - he's somewhere around. he paid me to do all this. you can keep this if you like,just let me go. how did he get injured so badly? he gave me 5000 to puton this paint and pretend. who is he? tell me. english song. sippy, i'll call you oncei get at the check-post with choti. be ready.

    neetu, i am in. enough! all of you go out, i'll get ready. i am in the line. - don't be so hasty,or i'll make a mess. here i am. you? who is it? it's the groom. - groom? yes, i am the groom. any doubts?

    no, no. sniff him. what's wrong?why do you look so tensed? who's back there? - no,'s a surprise gift for you. closer your eyes. come on, close it. eyes open. i got this special perfumefrom france, only for you. perfume.

    i love perfumes. wow! what fragrance. oh my..someone'seloping with your sister. vicky risked his lifeto unite me with my life. neetu, most of thetimes i use my mind. i only use my hands when i need them. come on. come on.the train's leaving. listen, girish. i'll get thesetwo married and take them home.. ..and then come back.

    but don't tell anyone about this. especially my papa. - okay. we couldn't find them, boss. someone eloped with my sister evenwhen so many people were watching. this means one ofyou is involved in this. find out who it is. it's the young madam, boss. yes, boss. who can elope with herwithout the young madam's will?

    hey..find out who it is.. ..and bring his mother-father,siblings or friends..anyone! hurry up. - come on. and now for this hour's breaking news. someone has kidnappedvarangal area's.. ..well known personalityshashtri baapji's younger sister. this news has spreadeverywhere like fire. the people of vrangal are scared. no one knows what might happen.

    everyone's scared..baapji's men will find those two. here you go, your juice. did you see the news?- no. did kohli hit a century? no. baapji's been humiliated. someone eloped with hissister from the marriage alter. baapji's face mustbe worth watching now. this is their problem,what do we care? "all the rajni fans." "don't miss this chance."

    "lungi dance." uncle's dancing. uncle, did you watch the news? do you know, son?someone eloped with baapji's sister. do you know who did it? - who? your son! - what? uncle! uncle! - what happened? you were just dancinglike michael jackson.. ..why did you fall down like a log?

    do you know what your son did? where's the fool now?- he isn't here now. he's run away somewhere far. baapji's gangsters are tryingto find his family and friends. if they find any evidence,they will kill us. evidence? what are you doing? don't do it. uncle, what's this? what have you done? - shut up.

    he's no longer my son,nor am i his father.. ..and you're no longer his friends. don't let me catchyou here again. get out! hello. yes, mom. - son, where are you? hyderabad. - son,the conditions here are not good. don't come back untili don't tell you. don't worry, mom. i'll bestaying with shyamlal for few days. okay. i'll hang up. shyamlal, is the boy and girl safe?i hope there's no problem.

    you don't believe me, do you? i light a lamp every day. my grandma used to saythis way i will find a good wife. i say you should light one too. this way you willfind a very good wife. don't drag me in your sentiments. you can continue doing this. you will believe it.someday you will believe it too. sister, give me too.

    no, i won't. sister, please.. catch me if you can. chandu, come quickly. why did there haveto be a power-cut now? catch me. catch me. i'll get the candles. okay, if you finished allthe candles here, let's go inside. let's go light the candles inside too.

    she's a nice girl. really very beautiful. i'll feel very sad if we kill her. but..we're helpless. kill her! shankar,make her suffer before she dies. she should have a interesting death. you must have passionwhile killing her. only then will the fireburning inside me calm down.

    even i should sufferwhen i see her dead body. even though there's so many of you.. still couldn't catch one man.only one. you couldn't even findout his parents, or siblings.. ..or even his friends. he's much better than all of you. at least he's a man. - boss.. shut up! i am sure my sister's still safe,wherever she is.

    i didn't find her body,means she's still safe and sound. every one of my man hasfailed to find out where she is. boss.. 'what happened? - my phone'snot working, get me your phone.' where is my phone? 'sippy..i am coming there with thegirl, park the car on the left. okay.' 'hurry up.' that day he called from myphone and asked sippy to get the car.

    it's ringing. yes, sippy here. hello! hello! what's wrong? why call if you didn't want to talk? you were supposed to marrybaapji's sister? is it done yet? he thinks he's a big goon. you know a fact about him.. ..there was a time whenhe couldn't afford a cigarette.

    hey. - hey..why are you yelling? it's me..baapji. baapji, oh no! - hey. where have you kept my sister?- i don't know anything about it. i swear on myself. hey..don't you value your life? i don't know where they are?i dropped them at hyderabad. i am here to pick them up,but they haven't come yet. give me his phone number.

    tell me quickly. i didn't see his number properly. will you give me his number or die? i think they're close-by. sir, sir, sir..just wait, sir. tell him any random number. sir, write it down.. - wait a minute. yes, go on.. - 8977303799. dial this number.

    sir, it's busy. - dial again. we must find out wherever he is. sir, this is our special episode. until now we targeted family drama. this time we're going totarget mass audience as well. don't divide the audienceby mass or class. i am a famousactor..everyone is my fan. tell me about the scene first. you see, sir.

    you pick a fight witha gang of thugs at haji peth. and then he calls you. and you give him a warning. i get the scene.. i'll make this scene shocking.- the dialogues are same too. when there are punches in the scene,who needs dialogues. right you are. hey..where's the production guy? get the phone. - here you go.

    what timing. - ready, start camera. action. hello. - hey..this isbaapji speaking, from varangal. bollywood famous star babru speaking. dare youelope with my sister? who are you talking about? comeand say it to my face if you dare. hey.. - hey.. you're frustratedand i am in sensation. you don't know me.if you don't handover my sister..

    what will you do? i will kill you too. listen..tell mewhere you are right now. who do you thinkyou are to threaten me? i won't be scared by your threats. this is bollywood star babru. i am in hyderabad's aingapuda studio. hey..i am coming.- i am waiting for you. are you really there?- if i lie, the crow will bite me. if i'm telling the truth,i'll distribute sweets.

    this is war between us. hey.. - shut up! what acting. marvellous. you made every dialogue come alive. like i said..i'll turnmy character into a sensation. the one against meshould be appreciated too. so who's the guy against me? he's tamil artist. - tamil?

    i love tamilians. they act very realistic. sometimes they slur while speaking. why didn't you introduce me? i'll introduce you whenhe arrives in the afternoon. let him come. i'll reward him. who's bollywood bablu here? "he'll be here.." who are you?

    where's my sister? where's my sister? this tamilactor doesn't know the truth. now i'll show him who i am. yeah.. what's wrong, baapji?what's the matter? where's my sister?- i told you she's been raped. are you joking?- why are you hitting me? even after they pay meextra for getting beaten up.. ..they still don't hit me. they overlap it.

    enough! enough! where's my sister? what kind of an artist are you? don't you have any sense? don't you have any timing?- what artist? we appointed you thinkingthat tamilians are realistic actors. we would've taken some big actor..ifwe wanted this to be so realistic? haven't you read your character yet? there's no camera rolling now.- what nonsense? where's my sister?tell me where's my sister?

    again the same dialogue. you got so emotionalwith one dialogue. i wonder what will happenif you read the entire page. you'll ruin the entire serial. shut up! tell me..tell me where's my sister? hey fatso, why don't you explain him? you.. - tell me. what sister?whose sister? get out of here! dare you assault my boss?

    we won't spare him today.- i am bollywood star. beat him. beat everyone. what are you doing? oh, god! director. is he an artist or a goon? he's really beating us up.cut the scene. forget the cut..youstill didn't get it, do you? what? - he's no artist.

    then? - he's theson of varangal's don. oh, god. i am dead.- he's here to kill you.. ..thinking that youeloped with his sister. look there. he'll actually kill meif he doesn't find his sister. it's better if i surrender myself.- that's right. i'll run away too. is he a serial hero? sir..sir, please forgive me. i am just a tv actor sir.i mistook you for a tamil actor..

    ..and said absurd things. sir, please let me go, sir.i made a mistake. boss, this hero's absolutely right. that rascal gave ushis number and fooled us. he must be hidingin this city right now. if we find him,we'll find the others too. come on. sir..even though indianpolice failed to find dawood.. ..but we'll findthat wrong number, sir.

    my fans are all over hyderabad. i will help you if you want, sir. hey, go get him. we've already telecasttwo episodes of this serial.'ve lockedhorns with baapji. i'm scared to even go out with you. hey..don't cometoo soon in the evening. meaning? - so that no one sees you. you're a danger. - why you..

    no! they are coming to kill satya. what the.. why are they scared? who is satya? he's the don of this city,he also has a sister. she looks beautiful.but she's trouble. once you get involved with her.. will go crazy, crazy, crazy.- how nice.. then this is all about style.

    i'll go see who she is.- hey, you go, i am not coming. come on. - i don't want to go. "what's up" "she is the girl i'm looking for." shyamlal, she's the samegirl i saw at the temple. you saw her at the temple. then don't worry. smoke now.. she'll first break your bones,and then lock you.

    get it? what are you saying? this girl looks beautiful.. ..but her character's nothingshort of any horror character. let's go. i don't step backonce i make up my mind. what's the name of this trouble?- chandrakala. chandrakala. what a beautiful name. my crazy friend,don't fall in love with her body.

    first check out her behaviour. you two must keep up just like this. if anyone's scale moves, he loses. what if i win? she'll be your lover. - yes. and what if he wins.- you'll do as we say. lose? fine, we'll see. ready? - ready. did that hurt? sorry.

    now your turn. why did you hit me so hard? what happened? nothing.. come on. come on. okay. - okay, now your turn. yes, i am ready. let me chack. it's the same scale.

    come on, do it again. - hold this. hit me with this. - fine, will do. i'll try. - yeah, try. try. - yeah. i am going. what happened?why are you looking so suspiciously? do you accept defeat? no chance,he's from the karnamaleshwari family. yeah. yeah.

    come on. come on.once more. - once more. come on. wait. give me that one back. what happened? - it's paining. why are you crying?- i want to go home. you're so big,why are you crying like a kid? i am not as strong as i look. now do you get it? this is what happensif you challenge chandrakala. no matter what, but i reallylove chandrakala's character.

    her brother will kill you. once i concentrate on someone.. ..i don't care if it's her brotheror the ak-47 standing in my way. if anything happens to me,my brother won't spare you. those who hit on my sister,never lives. no..don't kill me. no! gift wrap his bodyand send it to his brother. i wonder what did i get stuck in.

    they've ruined my entire career. yes, listen. no need to worry. i'll make it there somehow. we'll telecast 100 episodes. listen..don't appoint some otherbig and famous actor in my place. otherwise your trprating will go down. i'm hanging up now. boss..let's get the detailsof that sippy's number. he really gave us the wrong number.

    we can't do anythinguntil we don't find him. try calling him from your number. who's sippy? - he gave us your number. that's him. he's ruined my career. sir..with your permission,shall i show a sample of my acting? yes.. hello. - hello, who is this? hello, sir. my name is anandi. may i know your name?- my name's sippy.

    hi, sippy, welcome. we're calling from airtel, sir. you just won one millionrupees for the best customer. give me your address,we'll send it to your home. you want my address? - yes. i am so lucky. take down my address. yes, go on.- flat no. 32..nagarjuna circle. kaali ghat, graveyard.

    s*** baapji, i know thisis one of your tricks. my sim's docomo,how can airtel give me any prize. do you take me for a fool? i'll find you. i am slippier than mercury,i'll slip out of anything. tell me where you are. tell me. i'll send you my photo,see for yourself. don't get so restless.

    send me quickly. sent, take a look.'ll take fourhours more to repair the car. boss..if there's anything else,we'll get that done. no one should knowthat we're in this city. arrange for some taxi. "sippy." will you take us? - cabbie is my job. where to?

    there's four of us, willyou take us wherever we want to go? okay, get inside. get in, boss. i've heard your voice before.- i've heard your voice too, sir. sir..aren't you bablufrom the tv serial? yes, that's me. i watch all your episodes.- thank you. you didn't get it. i mean..your an expertin mimicking many types of voices.

    it's not easy to recognise you. the car. come on, drive. hey..look at him. watch. hi! what's this? you always said you'll findsomeone with an extra-ordinary figure. and now you're flirtingwith this ordinary guy.

    shut up. be quiet, i'll see what he really is. hey handsome, hello. chandrakala..he spat at you.- first time. first time someonehas rejected chandrala. i'll make him followme around like a dog. just wait and watch. - right. follow him. what's he doing here?

    this is the right placeto make a fool of him. hey.. hey..why are you so arrogant? i know you like me,yet you're avoiding me. when someone sees my figure.. ..his mind heats up like a microwave,i know that. and you are rejecting me. attitude, huh! or you're confident that..

    ..any girl will fall for your height. you know who i am. satya. satya's younger sister. and do you know who i am?- who are you? who? acp shankar narayan. 500 encounters.30 transfers. 200 medals. and i'm still single. i've been transferredin this city to kill satya.

    i even know there aremany ragging cases against you. within a will be your turn. go on..someday youwill fall in my trap. chandrakala's face must beworth watching in such a situation. that's how i am shyamlal. i study the situation andmake a stunning presentation. as far as i can say,i think you like that girl. listen..every girl has her own style. if you recognise that and givea fitting reply in her own reply..

    ..then you canconsider your job done. madam chandrakala. i am sorry, madam. the central's given the signal. he has made his entry. hi! - hi. what's wrong?why are you looking so dull today? tell us. - it's nothing. nothing.

    chandu, we found a nice one today. ragging everyday is not good. it's wrong. - what are you saying? no more ragging. you're saying this. we won't. no more ragging. that's it. we'll do it! we'll do it! we'll do it! no! - we'll do it,and you watch. what's your name? sattar singh aka goggle-guy.

    who's your favourite hero? - who else? arundhati's villain. - i see. then tell us a dialoguefrom arundhati. "you look like a doll." why are you standing like this? stand still like her. tell me something.. you dragged me here,troubled me, you're happy.. ..after attacking me..andwant to dance around celebrating.

    i won't spare you.oh, god! oh god! help! - don't beat me. what's this insanity? do i look like some goat or sheep,is this college or a place to hangout. no one hits kids like this. what is my fault? hey..what's going on? how do i say this? these girls are beatingme up like a small kid.

    why are you hiding your mistake?you're not some kid. sir, we're so terrorized by them.. ..that you'll be forcedto make them suffer. did they trouble you as well? girls like you are troubling boys,this means.. you girls are spoilt brats. location shift. who is your gang-leader? why do you always target me?

    these days girls get aseat easily at bars and colleges. do you know why? girls like you have defamed colleges. and you rag hard workingboys like them.. ..who come here with an intentionof studying and getting a job. what does this mean? what do i say, sir? they wear such skimpyclothes and walk with attitude. i wonder they come hereto study or to do cabaret.

    see for they'reexposing their legs. - oh, god! when someone disrespects girls,it makes my blood boil. where did he come from? what are you doing here?are you pretending to be descent? i've a phobia since i was a kid. i start shaking wheneveri see the police. and what are your hobbies?- listening music, and dance. oh my..she's a dancer. dance for me then. - sir, i am scared.

    everyone's watching. come here. when you're alone in the room,and no one's watching you.. what you do then. i dance on my favourite music,shall i do that? of course, go ahead. may god protect you. item song. 'regional language song'

    i won't go. spare me. don't make me the scapegoat. i want to live. if you fall on me, i will die. "my youth is beautiful." "boys drool when they see me." young madam. are you going to the college?- yes, college. there's some acp shankar narayan.

    he's torturing us a lot. i'm going to tell brotherto teach him a lesson. wait, acp narayan. leave it to us. you see..we pay them morethan what the government pays them. i'll explain him.this is a small issue. no need to tell the boss. i'll handle this. now go to the college. go i said.

    hello, madam. i am acp shankar narayan. you're acp shankar narayan. you told your brotherthat i've been bothering you. but that day.. i think there's beena misunderstanding. i'll talk to brother, you can go.- thanks, dear. you're trying to save that fake acpinstead of complaining against him. listen, when the truth's exposed,you should be patient.

    the fish has beenserved on the platter. we just need to cut it and fry it. that fraud's coming. we'll pretend like wedon't know the truth about him. okay? - okay. hello, acp sir. chotu, acp sir's here. get tea.- the situation is complicated. sir, i've realised my mistake. right, girls?

    yes, sir. we have. can we sing a song? - alright. "under my veil there is such a beauty" "lifting it, you will be mesmerized" okay, okay. what's the matter?everyone knows that i am not the acp? yes. we do. you were cheating me. you dared to lock hornswith satya's sister.

    i'll use your blood like nail paint. i want to say something. chandu. chandu? who gave youpermission to get so close? listen to me. you think you can do anythingyou want to impress me. say sorry. say sorry. i don't want to hear anything.just say sorry. listen to me, chandu.- buttering up. i would've forgiven anyone else.

    but you made this mistake,i won't spare you. look..small kids and young girls.. ..should never forget their manners. i slapped you only oncebecause you did this here. otherwise anywhere elsei would've rearranged your face. go. do you know what's going on? - smile. what was that sound? oh..that sound. i don't know.

    can i go now? it's our turn next. let it be, maybe some other time.- okay, okay. i'm leaving. - go. go away. go. bunty. - yes, boss. call him again. boss, his phone's ringing. hello. yes..what is it? don't you know thatyou're not supposed.. answer the phone while driving? stop at the side and talk. - hang up. just tell me where you are.- what will you do if i tell you? i will cut you into pieces. play the guitar in frontof the buffalo, not godzilla. no matter where you hide,but you can't escape me. if you walk,you reduce blood pressure. if you diet, you reduce weight. don't challenge me,son..or i'll reduce your age.

    i'll find you. definitely find you. but what for?why are you so eager to see me? if you've got loads of money.. ..fill your car withdiesel and travel the world. you.. what's he saying? so where to next? - hell. what for? first take us there,then we'll tell you.

    do you know the road to hell?- it's right next to your house. shall i take you home?- who told you to take us home? just tell me where you want to go. i made a big mistake by helping you. i'm having a headache. - why happened? why did you slap chandrakala?'s said thatwomen are worshipped. but she shuns those who worship here. that's why i used my hands.

    one should use differentformulas in love. the day that girl approaches you.. ..i fear that hermen will come to kill you. are you bothering our child? who is your child? she your child? i've only two duties in my life.-what's that? first, i can't seetears in my child's eyes. second, i always protect her honour.

    you're no match for me. you brought tears in her eyes,say sorry. i didn't bother her.. i said say sorry..and you'reuttering nonsense. - but listen to me. say sorry. i said say sorry.- i did nothing. is he strong or is the pole weak? the pole's weak, so it got bent.don't be scared. be calm. know i don'twant to fight this guy.

    i'll just give hima warning and let him go. understand. see you at lunch. i'll tell you what he looks like. you see what a huge gang i have. they eat raw meat everydayand workout all day. one only needs powerto beat these fools up. i am still telling you..ididn't bother your child. i tried to explain her softly..

    ..when she didn't listen,i slapped her. what's this, dear? you say that he troubled you. he says that he slappedyou when you didn't listen. i don't understand whatyou two are talking about. he didn't slap me,he only troubled me. why are you discussing this with him? go beat him up. that's not it, dear.

    if i beat him up,it'll prove that he did hit you. think about it. beating him up is not a big issue. then let him go. tell him to say sorry. that's fine, isn't it? - yes. i'll tell him that. saved. think bendingthat pole will scare me.

    i don't use my mightfor small guys like you. i don't like to stretchan issue unnecessarily. go and apologise to my child. you're such a sweet, intelligent kid. i am serious, and he's joking. listen, madam.. i love you! i'll tell my brother. i'll still say i love you.

    did he say sorry? - he did. thank god. - let's go. hello. your voice sounds justlike shreya goshal over the phone. how many girls did youcheat before this, you pervert? after hearing you abuse,i can't stay without meeting you. talk to all the girls you rascal. the voice is coming from here. die you rascal. - hello. speak softly, i am getting disturbed.

    if you show your face,i will scratch it. fighting in the open. hello. - sir. before you do something,can i give you a suggestion? go on. smartphones can doa lot of things these days. as soon as you enter his number,you'll get his location, sir. please, sir. give me a chance.i'll prove it to you. show me.

    look, sir. give me the number. - tell him. 98.. - 68.. sir, say that again. 98.. - 2840. such a menace. say that again. 98.. - 248.. give the phone to him,how long are you going to waste time?

    did you write that down? - get out. come on, get out of here.- who does he think he is.. 9848.. sir, it's connecting. look, sir, he's in madhopur.- madhopur. look.. - he's right here. where is he? where is he? he's in this building, sir.- this building? yes, this building?

    which floor? can you tell us? - yes. hurry up! - calm down. it takes time,the application's searching. dave's cafe. - dave's cafe. you fool..there's dave's cafe. we're looking for that fool,and your phone's been fooling us. there goes your phone. i wonder when we'll find him. sir, why did you come here? you could've sent a message,and i would've come instead.

    i was going to the airport. thought i would choti on the way.- hi, brother. i came here to meet you,and you showed up yourself. i love you. didn't i tell you i'llsay it in front of your brother? not just your brother,i'll say it in front of everyone. i love you meghna reddy! she's chandrakala, not meghna reddy. chandrakala? - yeah.

    one minute. shyamlal, i made a big mistake. i was supposed to sayi love you to meghna.. ..instead i said it to chandrakala. hey. - yes, sir. yes, sir.. you said i love you.. ..without knowing who is megna reddy. 'how do i tell him thati said it intentionally?'

    facebook love, sir. i think she put up someoneelse's photo and confused me, sir. this is fraud, isn't it? thank you for forgiving me. look after your sister. or someone else mightsay i love you to her. look after yourself, choti. i am going out for few days,and be back soon. okay. - bye.

    'oh god, that was a close-shave.' was it. you went weak aftergiving such a build up. no guts, huh! sometimes you got to play it safe. one has to use such tricksto cajole a girl like you. sit. no matter how hard you try,you cannot change my mind. you know, i've been tryingso hard because i know i can.

    my name's one can cajole me. fine, spend one entire day with me. if i still fail,then i will never follow you again. okay? what happened? what are you thinking? thinking that you'll changeyour mind if you come with me. i will come. - all the best. why did you bring us to the temple? he said he'll cajoleme in a single day.

    i'll make sure thathe end up in a hospital bed. what are you going to do? have you seen chennal express? - yes. shahrukh lifted deepika in herarms and climbed these stairs. - yes. you think he can climb thesestairs with you in his arms. he will definitely do it. what good is that?- you fool, this is not some film. nor is he shahrukh khan. by the time he climbs these stairs,he'll be dead for sure.

    look, he's coming. hi. - hi! why did you call me here? today's tulsi ekadasi. we're visiting the temple to pray. so our journey starts from here. ohhh..i think godwill surely bless our love. let's go in, temple. - come on. what happened? - what happened?

    i slipped. i sprained my leg. i can't climb up now. should we drop the idea? see..our love's beencursed even before it started. what are you staring at? will you pick meup and climb the stair? correct? i will lift you inmy arms and climb up. no, no..if you give up in-between..

    ..i will feel humiliated. once i make up my mind,i never back down. come. what's your weight, chandu? - 40. i think i made a mistake. now i'll have to pay for my mistake. let's go, son. am i too heavy? our legs are tired.

    you love your wife so much.. ..that you broughther here in your arms. may you two always stay together. bless you! look..he brought you allthe way up here in his arms. that means he really loves you. chandu.. ..time for us to separate. i know your heart hasn't melted yet.

    i will never bother you again. hey..i think someone jumpedover the wall. - yes, boss. let's go take a look. look, boss.i think he's trying to steal flowers. you! people are scared to crossthis boundary even in day-light. and you scaled the walls at midnight. what do i tell you, sir? this is ragging. - ragging?

    yes..sir. i must jump over this wall.. ..and bring a flowerfrom this garden.. climbing that wall likespiderman, that's what madam has said. she's torturing me a lot. did she say that? - yes, sir. fine, if she saidthis then you can go. will anyone come up when i go there? don't be scared, i am there.

    she's ragging with him. so let him go up, don't stop him. i'll tell you what happenedwhen he got up there. don't fall asleep, stay awake. sir..this is difficult,can i use the stairs? be like spiderman,why will you use the stairs? go up this way. no, no, i am notyelling at you, bharti. go up.

    not you, bharti. did you climb up? - thanks sir. okay. hi. - hi. do you know what willhappen if my men see you? your men? - yeah. let me show you. sir. sir. now why he is calling me?

    what happened? - i forgot the flower. flower. where is it? where is it? find it. there it is. here..catch. thanks. - super catch. boss, phone. - i know. it's my bharti. see..they're being so cooperative. how did this happen?

    madam's ragging with me. yeah. i was about to message you,you could've replied. i would've repliedif we were just friends. but i took this riskbecause i love you. if brother finds out,he won't spare you. we take so many risks for our friends. so can't you take alittle risk for your love? aren't you scared? those who fall in love,don't see anything else.

    are you scared? lovers don't see anythingelse other than love. first tell me your name. venky. it's venkateshwar, chandrakala. hey..are you our serial star bablu?- yes, this is bollywood star bablu. i know you're bablu. tell me..why did you rape bhanumati? bhanumati?

    bhanumati, who? mean thatgirl from choti bahuraani! her father wasn't agreeingto my terms, so i raped her. and you wouldn't havedone it if he had agreed? if he says yes, i'll even do you.- rascal! i think it's him again. boss, sippy's disconnecting our calls. this phone's for my personal use, son. when i don't need it, i switch it off.

    i'll give the finaltouch to your phone call. hello, sir. - what is it? i need your help.- we're tensed, and you want help. what help do you want?what can i do for you? someone's calling me everyday and bothering me, sir. just teach him a lesson. call him here,i'll give him a warning. i've warned him a number of times,but he doesn't listen. he's a stubborn fool.- so what do you want?

    show him a glimpse of your anger. take your big daggerand stab him number of times. or throw acid on hisface..and make him ugly. when he turns into a dead body,you'll be feared more. call him! call him! call him here. boss..sippy's calling. give it to me. here you go. - i'll talk to him.

    hello..sippy. sippy! why are you flutteringso much when i called? hey..where are you? i called to tell you that. where are you right now? i won't waste anothermoment to kill you. that's why i've gathereda bunch of goats to kill you. i'll cut you into pieces and feedyou to do the dog. where are you?

    listen, baapji. wherever you are, a storm will come. wherever you go,the storm will follow. in the end,you're surely going to die. show me your face if you dare. how dare you threaten me? even dogs play with falling leaves? you didn't get it? every dog has its day. you fool.

    where are you now? indira park. - indira park. i am right here too. show me your face,and i'll show you your stature. i won't spare you today. i am in the park too. where are you? i am standing next to bhai's statue. even i'm standing in front of it. show me your face. don't inviteyour father over the phone.. ..and a lion with a cycle. you won't understand. show yourself. face me if you can. stay there. face to face.- stay there, i am coming. come on.. sippy.. - baapji!

    baapji! 'play the guitar in frontof the buffalo, not godzilla.' 'he thinks he's a big goon.' 'you know a fact about him..' '..there was a time whenhe couldn't afford a cigarette.' 'if you walk,you reduce blood pressure.' 'if you diet, you reduce weight.' 'don't challenge me,son..or i'll reduce your age.' bloody midget, so he's sippy.

    this bloody fool has ruined my trp. finish him! hey..who is he..tell me where he is. sir, i don't know where he is. but i do know where his father is. take him along. he's saket. real-estate king. - hi. we've done so many projectsin mumbai and delhi. so we want to establishour new ventures in hyderabad.

    nice, beautiful. for that we need your support, sir. who is he? boss, this is a serious issue. they often roam around in bikes. hey.. - yes, boss. i don't know who he, but pick him up. if you don't, i'll finish all of you. boss, i'll get him right away.

    venky, we're riding out in the open. what if my brother's men see us?- so what, what can happen? look, there they go. stop. my brother's men are following us. let's go, venky. faster.faster. - why are you scared, chandu? there he goes. he's stuck now. oh no, they have seen us. hurry up, quickly.

    drive faster. bharti, i'm in the middle of a chase. call you later. he took a right, turn right. hurry up, come on. there he goes, turn the car around. oh no.. you drive like a blind man. there they go, boss. look.

    we cannot let him go. i'll show him. hello, boss. venky, what if brotherfinds out about our love? sooner or later he'll find out.don't worry. sit, i'll go order coffee for us. don't let them escape. catch her. follow them. hey, bring her here.

    hey, i would've toleratedif you had beaten me alone. but now you won't survive. she's my life, my sister. chandu's his sister. she is everything for me! i can kill anyone who hurts her! venkatesh,baapji's men abducted your father. what's the statureof the guy she loves. i thought she'll be safe with you,that's why i sent her to hyderabad.

    but what were the consequences. who has she been roaming around with? who wants to kill her?you couldn't find out that. i knew that shankar'sman would attack her. they don't have theguts to attack face to face. it's important to know whoyour enemy is, and what he can do. this proves that theenemy is lying in wait. she's in love. what now?

    brother..i didn't do anything wrong. i will marry him onlywith your permission. not a word more. you've already expressedthat you want to.. ..go against yourelders and get married. but i don't accept it. i will get you marriedto the guy of my choice.. ..and fulfil my desiresand regain the honor that i lost. the one he loves maydwell in her heart..

    ..but he shouldn'texist in this world. i will kill him in his own home! did you hear that? if they don't find him,we're dead for sure. or we lose our job. what do we do now? death is certain. we must find him at any cost. we killed the guy whoeloped with your sister.

    yeah! bravo. boss, we'll get rid of him.don't worry. baapji isn't worriedabout killing him. it's a different reason. - who else? he knows that shankar is our enemy. and he's using that asan advantage to kill my sister. who is that? varangal's keshav reddy.

    those who work with me fail indoing one of my jobs then that's fair. but when my men deceive me.. ..then that's betrayal. if he reveals himself,it'll be his duty. i'll get a call onmy mobile within a minute. if the one who leaked myplan to baapji, shows himself.. ..then i will forgive him. otherwise..he'll die for sure. boss.. boss..

    mishra, we know. hang up. boss..forgive me. i won't do it again. i will never make this mistake again.i apologies. you've been betraying me. forgive me. the security around my house.. ..along with my kinshould be tightened. take this gun.

    forgive me. forgive me, boss. you lost your golden opportunity. last chance. try it. boss.. - what? i heard that baapji's youngerbrother is coming to varangal. who will save him from me now? hi. how are you friends? - we're fine.

    baapji's coming to varangalfor his sister's marriage. why did you come here tocreate obstructions in her marriage? what do you tend to do? lovers don't think before they do. there's still time, think about it. did you have to fallin love with baapji's sister? couldn't you fall for someone else? i didn't fall for herthinking she's baapji's sister. the one i loved turnedout to be baapji's sister.

    that's not my fault. - venky.. ..whether we fall on thebomb or the bomb falls on us. we'll blow up any way. baapji's men are lookingall over to kill you. if they find out you're here,they will kill you. why are you doing this? i will try to convince everyone. what if they don't? then i'll speak to themin their style, with violence.

    how do you know me? how did you know i was playingcards at lakshmivilas club? your son. he's scared because of the fraud case. what's your name?- my name is megha baba rao. pet name pappi, and.. hey. - sir. how do you know what my name is? sir, my name is sippy rao sridhar.

    everyone calls me sippy. what do you do? after i eat i sleep. and after i wake up, i eat again. he means he rests after eating. and after resting,he gets up and eats again. that means he keeps eating all day. tell me where your son is. tell me! quietly tell me where your son is.

    he told me that he'sgoing to hyderabad. i don't know anythingelse other than that, sir. after i found out thathe eloped with your sister.. ..i burned down all his pictures. so you won't tell me where he is. he's telling the truth,we don't know where he is. tell me! sir..there's no point in hitting us. we really don't know anything.

    you two will stay hereuntil we don't find him. boss, time to attendthe minister's function. hello. - hello, baapji. how are you? - i am fine. there are too manypeople around the girl. talking to her is difficult. alert. if anyone tries to act smart,i will kill him. smile, please.

    madam, i am talking to please. madam, look at the camera..andyou will find your smile. venky, i wasn't sure you'll come back. that's what i thoughtwhen we separated that day. why did you come here?- this is my village. tell me..who triedto kill you the other day. who were they? do you know keshavreddy from this village? i do. he's attending this function.

    he's the one who tried to kill me. why? keshav reddy is thebiggest enemy of my brother. fights often happen betweenhis family and my family. one day being forced by villagers.. ..keshav reddy broughthis sister to our house. i have come to yourhouse after deciding.. get my adorablesister married to you. she says that if she doesn'tget you then she will die for you.

    forgetting our enmity.. ..accept my sister, baapji. i have made her understandmany times that this is not possible. as my brother hadpromised his mother.. ..on her death bedhe refused the marriage.. ..and asked them to leave the house. after brother refused keshavreddy's sister committed suicide. baapji, for your sistersyou forced my sister to die. i will not be at peace till i donot ruin the life of your two sisters.

    my brother sacrificed hislove for both of his sisters. but my sister without thinkinganything ran with someone. there is major problem here. that is why my sistercheated all of us.. get marriedaccording to her choice. my brother is veryannoyed because of this. chandu, i want to tell you something. he will see us.let's go from here. whatever happened is not good.

    by helping sister run from thewedding canopy you made a big mistake. if brother comes toknow that you were the one.. ..who helped sisterin getting married.. ..then he will never accept our love. my brother will neverforgive you, venky. my brother sacrificedhis life for both his sisters. my brother has really beeninsulted for the mistake sister made. i don't want to makethat mistake again. you are right, chandu.

    a brother fulfilledhis duty towards his sister. now i will do whateverneeds to be done for love. hey, shanta.. - yes brother. park the car on the side. come, we have to meet baapji. greetings.. - greetings baapji. find some auspicious day forthe engagement of my younger sister. first you avoided me and whenthere is need you again consulted me. you insulted me once andthen preferred me again. am i right?

    that is not the case. that time you werenot in the village so.. look baapji,you should never hurt a cheated man. it is dangerous. there are many hindrancesduring the auspicious time. what do you mean? this means that vaastu ofthis mansion of yours is not right. that is why staying in sucha big mansion you are restless. there must be someremedy for that, priest.

    till you stay in this mansion youryounger sister will not get married. why so? you made this mansionstrong with cement. you got it paintedwith nerolac paints. but you did not payattention to vaastu baapji. you have to follow vaastu sir. kindly pay attention. you wasted the west. you neglected the north.

    that is why restlessnessprevails here. your sister has cancer. does younger sisterhave cancer? - yes. your good name. bunty. - i thought youwill forget your name also. listen son bunty. i am not talking about thedisease cancer but sun sign cancer. i have paid attention to her sun sign. she can fall in love baapji.

    yes. that is not the problemof age but that of vaastu. now just tell mewhat needs to be done. you will have to shift toa new house with the correct vaastu. that house should be such. the main entranceshould be facing east. it should have blue swimming pool. there should be big doors for beauty. for entering there should be stepson right side as well as on left side.

    now tell us where wewill find this type of house. you will find your target through him. look at this. eating yourfood he thinks more about others. i'm leaving. find out where is thistype of house in this area. on one shot the red coin went in. this is a bad omen thatbloodshed is going to take place. what is this dear priest? you call me dear thatis why i have to listen to you.

    cool dear, cool. i am cool but that baapji is not cool. what needs to be done of him? why are you getting worried?i am there for you, dear. what will you do? he will not spareme if he comes to know.. ..that i have fooledhim by talking about vaastu. just think. there are so much wrong thingshappening around his house.. shifting would be risky for them. dear, gods in temple, peace at thebeach and risk for baapji is for sure. it might happen thatin few days baapji.. ..gets fed up ofour house and runs away. this is just thebeginning of the game. just watch out for the result. oh god.. - what happened? you are asking this entire body is paining. okay, okay we need to getspanking in the fight of love.

    so tolerate it. how do i tolerate it?you are talking about it so easily. look, i beg of is time for him to come. yes i have seen it. hold on. -now just think of escaping from here. if i knew it i would have told you. i got scared on hearing this. i knew that hell isgoing to befall on us. because of this feari burnt all his photographs. now really don't know where is he?

    for this i have an idea.- what is that? i have a childhoodphoto of mine with me. look at this. we will show this photographto that tyrant and tell him.. ..that this is the boy. he will believe us andthen we will escape from here. if your idea works thenwe can easily escape from here. just imagine thatour life will be saved. wow! it was a great shot.

    sir.. what is the matter? both of you have come together. we wanted to talk to you, sir. - yes. last night we both thoughtdeeply on the same matter, sir. so what did you think? i love my son a lot. but i very well know thatyou love your sister more than that. i know that my son has made a mistake.

    that is why we wantto show you his photograph. is whatever you are saying true? just imagine that missingmalaysian flight has been found. keep this proof withyou and you will find my son. just look at it. not his but he seems to be your son. sir, chaar minar has four towers. there are four towers in taj mahal. then how can taj mahal bechar minar.

    correct. i cannot understandhow to return your favor. i shall release you. go. sir, when you findmy son then hit him hard. and then hand him over to us. what are you talking bappi? will a person keep sitting topublicize the movie after watching it? he doesn't even know this much. hey, seeing you i am feeling pity. that is why from today..

    ..eating, drinking andstaying everything will be here. sir, have you come to know everything? next time if you try to escapeby making stupid excuses then.. have you understood properly? - go. we are going sir. sir, we have foundthe house we wanted. it would be goodif we shift there today. welcome, welcome.. welcome to my house, sir.

    sorry, your house sir. welcome madam. is it you? sir, he is the owner of the house. he lives in this building. bring both of them. whose house are they taking us? why should we botherwhosoever it belongs to? we just need a room.we have to stay in that only.

    absolutely right. hey, they have broughtyour father also. the matter will get opened. hey, they have theirscript and i have mine. what happened, bappi? why am i feeling asif i have hugged him before? don't just speak anythingby tying a band on eyes like blind. what is the matter, madam?you have become silent. keep right foot first and get inside.

    come, come.. the house is really amazing. why are you barging in? stand quietly. i have recently got this house made. it is my hobby to dointerior designing, sir. this voice seems to be familiar. what are you doing, sir? just like dashrath you areguessing by just hearing the sound. you maybe dashrath or not..

    ..but your son is the target. and i will kill him here only. you have just entered new houseso please do not talk inauspicious. leave him. you please come in. come in. hey sippy. yes. - be careful. i did not see, sir. whom did i bang into?was it some ladies?

    bunty, - yes sir. take both f them and lockthem in one of the rooms. - okay sir. light has gone. sippy, this is a golden opportunity.- anyone switch on the inverter. let's run away from here. hey, we have come to verengar. we are on the highway. our house is very close from here. very good.

    you go to your place andi shall go to mine from the highway. listen, you have come so far with me.. least have halfcup tea with me. - why? no.. - listen.. we will sit together, have food.. for some time andthen you can leave. - okay. auto.. bappi, you thought last we have reached our house. the mouse that is trappedescapes in this way. - superb.

    it would be fun towatch baapji's face. keep quiet. with great difficultywe have escaped.. ..and again you arereminding me of baapji. what do you want?that tyrant should capture us again. sorry, sorry.. let's celebrate our success. look, we both are a great combination. you just wait here.

    i shall go inside and getlungi for us along with light. here sippy. wear it. great, the lights havealso been switched on. bappi, after being jailedfreedom is real fun. - very true. who brought them here? after running a mile we had thoughtthat we have reached our house. we have again reached their compound. even i am confusedthinking about that. - shut up. tell me one thing.

    why did you leave andwhy have you come back? we did not go anywhere sir.only the light went off. so big mosquitoes were biting us. so while roamingwe reached the highway. we forgot the way. did you forget the way or ran away? do we have this kind of status?how can we escape from you? no. till your son is notfound do not try to escape.

    otherwise i will bury you alive. you caught us when we showedsomeone else's son as mine. now showing someone elseand saying that this house is his.. sir, we have a small doubt. if i tell you that he ishis son then how would you react? i will cut you intopieces and fry you. now he will never believe me. you believe it or notbut this is the truth. you are searching forhim and he is his son.

    who is whose son? is he matching with me? look at his height and my height. then how can he be my father? how does height matter in this? jaya bachchan is shortand amitabh bachchan is tall. isn't their son so tall? what are you talking? just talking nonsense.- i am saying the truth.

    vaastu of his house is not correct.. ..that is why they havecome to stay here. - enough of it. no sir. this man has doubt on us. i shall show you my family photograph. come, i shall clear your doubt. hey, where are you taking me?- open this. this is me,my father and my grandfather. where is your mother? mother's photo was eaten by termites.

    sir, this is a fakemade photograph sir. hey, i think you are out of your mind. do you think thisis a made photograph? i shall.. leave him sir. he is frustrated. he is torturing me. just think it to be entertainment sir. i will take care of them. take them inside.

    go inside now. - go. what is all this happening, son? why have you goteveryone to our house? father, i lovechandrakala. believe me father;i am not doing anything wrong. no, is not wrong to be in love. i am scared of the factthat what will happen.. ..when baapji comesto know about this. the truth is that if youtell him then he might forgive you.

    buw what will happen if hecomes to know from someone else. before baapji comes to know whowe are i will somehow convince him. understand the matterson.. - leave that.. did you like chandrakala or not? the same qualities thatyour mother had are in her also. i really liked her. thanks father. bappi, bappi.. i am coming sippy.

    actually i am not ableto understand what your plan is. that is why i am very confused. i have shifted you all here to make.. ..your brother understandabout our love. i just want to removehatred from his heart.. ..and fill it with loveso that he gets us married. you stay in our house every day. so that my love staysin front of my eyes. wait.

    priest, as you hadsaid we have shifted.. a house with correct vaastu. now as i think will happen? look, any tree gives oxygen duringday and carbon dioxide during night. similarly there is a differencebetween vaastu study and vaastu. why is he standing here?he is inauspicious. send him to some other room. go. brother, what typeof priest have you called? priest, will my sisterget married in this house?

    even after marriageshe will stay in this house. priest.. i mean till his marriageshe will stay here. you are unnecessarily takingtension about this matter. bride is here,bridegroom to be is also here. priest, not i but heis the bridegroom to be. for your heroine like sisterhero is standing in front of you.. why you are afterthis character artist. character..

    if you want your sister to be happy.. ..then get her marriedto a boy like him. priest, do as you are told. find out an auspicioustime for sister's engagement. next month's 9th is very auspicious. i suggest you toget the engagement done. it will surely happen. thank you. i am there.

    when i am here let me seehow you get this marriage take place. sir, keshav reddy is makinga new plan to attack us. we all need to be alerttill this marriage takes place. no, people who fearhave no right to live. and the one who lives is not scared. sir, you are neitherscared nor you have brains. hey sippy, what nonsenseare you talking? - obviously. you are losing such a nice opportunitythat has come your way, sir. hey, talk respectfully with sir.

    tell the matter. sir, your baba rao's familyis just like ddlj family. for them familyemotion really matters. so if i slap him infront of the entire family.. ..then entire truth will be revealed. just think it over sir. rascal sippy, you aretrying to reach till my family. your idea is good. - thank you, sir. send someone andbring his family here.

    if they are not foundthen get his family. if they are not foundthen i shall get your family. good joke, sir. i am still not married. sir, if you don't mind thenget me also married to a nice girl. i don't have any big demand sir. okay, i will see to it. find and bring hisfamily wherever it is. okay sir.

    "i like to move it, move it." okay ready. one, two, three, four.. one, two.. just stretch it more. fine, and left.. and up go your hands. what a girl she is? is she sippy's daughter?

    she is his wife. - what? wife.. hey, wake him up. what has happened to her? hey, get up. seeing her it looks asif she is a marble statue. and he seems to be a monkey? who got them together, buddy? actually giri, have you heardthe proverb when you are in love.. ..with donkey thenwhat to do of a horse.

    their story alsoseems to be like this. what logic? excuse me. what do you want? can i talk to you for two minutes? sure. my name is venky. my name is hansa sippy. - i know it. i have come to tell youabout the tantrums of that sippy.

    what has happened to my sippy? now what will i have to do?- do as i say. what are you lookingin the paper, bappi? i was just readingmy horoscope of this week. what did you see? something good is goingto happen in my life in future. there will be happiness everywhere. i will meet nice people. it is written that therewill be good at every step.

    why are you findinggoodness at this age? within two days yourfamily will get this news. why has she come here? keep the phone.i will talk to you later. oh my.. move. hello darling. hey, how are you? - what? you were fat like mohan lal.. how have you becomeshorter like chandra mohan. now who is she? i will tell you, sir.she is venky's mother. i missed you darling. who are you? and what is all this? who do you think i am? hey, why are you doing drama now? i am not doing drama sir. i know that she is your wife.- my wife.

    thank you sir. i am out of my mind. i could not recognize my wife. how are you, darling?you have really lost weight. you have become very slim. get a side. what are you doing? what nonsense areyou talking since long? look at him sir.look at his height and age. and look at her height and glamour.

    how can they be husband and wife? they are cheating you. i think he is goingto make my plan flop. what is your confusion, sir? what is your problem? why can't she be his wife? - yes. yeah, she's my third wife. she is tomato and you are date. how should i make him understand?

    this sippy always has doubt. if you agree to him thenyou will get trapped, sir. don't listen to him. don't forget that i amhis son from the first wife. absolutely right.- yes, he is from his first wife.. ..and i have brought him up as my son. tell me respectfully where is he. i will not tell you. after knowing where he isi will be able to find my sister.

    where is she? sir, don't hit her. she will die. you had said that if we get her familythen the truth will be revealed. maybe she is someone else'swife but after all she is a wife. keep quiet.tell me where is he. hey, i know the entire truth. i shall bear as much as they beat me. don't take any tension. tell me. - i will not tell.

    are you telling me or not?- it is not right to hit ladies. we can sit comfortablyand ask her about this. listen, i give bothof them two hours of time. take them to the roomand ask where his son is. sir, why are you keepingboth of them in one room? take them to separaterooms and let them think. why are you getting tensedbecause of this woman? till she does not tell wherethat boy is she will stay here. take away both of them.

    come on. move. this was also your plan. any doubt. how did you come toknow that she is my wife? i always keep aneye on beautiful girls. you are an insectwho has spoiled my sleep. you can still put worse allegationson me. i can prove them. sippy, that bappi'swife is very beautiful. seeing her beautifulbody my hands are itching.

    have you not seen any woman earlier? no, i have not seen. it is bad to keep aneye on someone else's wife. you are saying as if she is your wife. wife is a wife even if she is someoneelse's. - i will not spare her. chandu, come and hug me today. what if anyone sees us? let them see.why are you getting scared? till today i had keptour love as a secret..

    ..but today i am going toreveal it in front of everyone. come. leave me, venky. why are you getting scared?put me down. - close your eyes. someone will see us. - iam there with you. close your eyes. please put me down. now open your eyes. open them. hey, what are you both doing? what is this madness? you are romancing here.

    what if anyone sees you here? who will see? - what do you mean? no one will see. - why? because everyone's eyes are closed. hey, what is this? bharat, open your eyes. sippy, even if earthquake comes.. ..then also do not openmy eyes or remove the cucumber. remove the cucumber only then you willbe able to come to know the reality.

    engagement is there in the eveningso we want to look nice, buddy. only if the engagement takes place. open your eyes otherwise you are gone. tell me.. tell me. sippy, shall i putcucumber on you too? you cannot fool me. by putting cucumber.- hey, where are you? "listen, listen you boys of the lane." "they die for my style."

    "everyone gets lost,such is my style." "wherever i go,they follow me like honeybees." "everyone is thirsty for mylove and wants to be close to me." is this sweet for me, dear?- no, this is for him. for her husband. have it, please. very nice. why did you all remove the cucumber?put the cucumber back. chandu, chandu listen to me.

    there is no such matter. listen to me. what is happening? look sir,it is her engagement in the evening. i have done facial for everyone. i am asking her to getit done and she is refusing. i think she is nothappy with the marriage. whether she gets facial done or not.. ..but this marriagewill surely take place. you come.

    look bappi, just because wemight not escape under the pretext.. ..of this function theyhave locked us in this room. hey, hero.. nice dress. you..are flirting with my wife. greetings. have you eaten anything? did you drink coffee? child, i know every plan of yours.

    are you the groom or he? he will be the one on whosefinger she will put the ring. hansa.. venky is calling youupstairs in his room. venky.. venky can meet her here. why is he calling him in his room? i understand as to why sippy. as soon as she will reach the room..

    ..he will switch offthe light and kiss her. i'll go. why are you getting worried? he wants to kiss your wife. she is not my wife.he has arranged everything. brother, shall i tell you one thing. actually she is my.. 'religious chants' sir, the auspicioustime is passing away.

    quickly make her wear the ring. take it son. bharat, you also. brother! wait, sir. brother.. what are you doing? who is this girl? she is my useless sisterwhom i loved and brought her up.. ..and she ran from the marriagecanopy to marry someone else.

    i have not marriedanyone till now brother. you are lying. wait sir. what are you doing? she made a mistake by runningso that she could get married. she has come back afterrealizing her mistake. forgive me, brother. i will forgive you. ask that man to fall at his feetand apologize with whom you ran away. then i will forgive you.

    tell him. she is in no conditionto tell you but i know. girls usually get trappedin loving talks of boys. and because of that theyrun away from their near.. ..and dear ones andthink that they are theirs. because whenever bad time comesthey know that they have a support. a brother like you is there. your anger cannot be the solutionof her problem and helplessness. just think it over.

    your sister has come backhome after she realized her mistake. is it right to throwher out of the house again? the relationship of brother and sisteris not limited to sacred thread. when sister is in problem then youshould hug her and share her problems. brother, cool down. our sister has come back home.bharat is also present here. sir, the auspicioustime is passing by. if you say then shalli continue the ceremony? priest, cancel theengagement ceremony.

    look, she left you alone andhas come back without getting married. her repentance isclearly seen in her eyes. otherwise why would stayalone in her room like this? leave it.whatever had to happen has happened. i will talk to bharatand get you married to him. you go and share her sorrow. sister. sister, what is all this? you did not like the boywhom brother had chosen for you.

    you ran away to get marriedto the boy of your choice and now.. you returned without getting married. hey, why are you laughing like this? who told you that i am not married? to stop your marriage ilied that i have not got married. she lied. but why? i.. knowingly or unknowingly i hadto keep her away from your brother. that is why i madethem meet again today.

    but why did you say thatshe has not got married. any student who failsin examinations.. ..and comes home and tellsdirectly then anybody would get angry. instead if he comeshome sad and tells us.. ..that he has failed theneveryone consoles him. isn't it? just to gain that sympathywe had to lie to your brother. brain is very sharp from childhood. it is not easy tounderstand his actions. did you see how my fatheris supporting our love?

    listen; there is notmuch difference between job.. ..and business and love and marriage. thanks father. anyone might hear us. keep quiet and got out quietly. oh god.. you have heard everything. now what will be my condition?- you act so well. what have i done?- you have done everything. you have amazing confidencewhile delivering dialogues.

    son and father aredoing drama with me. and you have included my wife also. why are you fighting amongst yourself? why don't you become his uncle? i will be his uncle onlywhen i will get free from this trap. hey, the discussion is goingon as to baapji's elder sister.. ..should get married to bharat or not.understood. now this marriage willnever take place. - son.. mother..

    who is it? who is it? who is it now? son.. mother.. - my dear. son.. - mother.. instead of hugging eachother why are you screaming? i am seeing you after so many days. how many days is has been? i was very small wheni last saw my mother.

    if you were small thenhow did you recognize her? i had seen her photograph. you had seen her photograph.i did not understand. hey, mother has understood. he is sippy, my friend. how are you? dear.. have tea. tea, which tea?why did you get it so late?

    i slept late at night that is why. yes, tell me why? who is she? my mother. his wife. wait, wait i thinkthere is something wrong. his wife is present here and heis saying this one also as his wife. tell me when they get married. exactly.

    it is difficult to control him. idiot, you are interferingis their life and reveal the truth. i did not call her.i had called her. then why did both of them come. direction changed. shall i tell you? it is correct. from where has he come?he is absolutely right. venky, did you recognize him? chhote..

    this is not a movie or adrama going on. tell me who he is. he is my younger brother. he ran away in childhoodso mother also ran to find him. his mother also ran away. then why didn't she die? mother wanted to liveso that is why she didn't die. so why doesn't she go now? why should she go?she has come back. you all have confused me.i cannot understand anything.

    what will you doeven if you understand? are you going to solve anything? you idiot, rascal.. i understood. you are cursing me. what happened, venky? nothing has happened. get away. hey, sippy. tell me who is she? she is my mother, sir.- greetings, my son's father-in-law.

    often my mother gets emotional. she accepts anyoneas my father-in-law. she is younger sisterof baapji, mother. greetings, mother-in-law. even she is like you mother.she also gets emotional soon. in-laws are staying here. even after marriagethey will stay here. she is such. she acceptsanyone as my father-in-law.. there is problemin what she says.

    thank you for consideringmy sisters as your daughters. take her inside. yes sir. - i'll just come back. what is it? i have a doubt in my mind. tell me. are you really son of the second one? is baapji not aware of anything or heis purposely agreeing to everything. i will ask him and then tell you.baapji.. - no, no wait.

    bappi.. - why i dead?wait, i am coming. sir, baapji's sister whohad ran away has come back home. everything will happen well. there is a lot of tensionas when what will happen. venky is undertakinga lot of risk for us, aunt. my son is very intelligent. no one can defeat him. greetings, are late today. i will give this straightinto the hands of baapji.

    bharti's calling. hi, chandu. how are you? - brother. satya. - yes brother. come sit. bharti, i got here safe and sound. nothing can happen tome as long as you're with me. i'll give you a hug when we patient. sir. are you from hyderabad?

    who are you? - my name's sippy. i am parrot trapped in this cage. you look like a carrotand say you're a parrot. - oh my. that rhyming, sir. post-marriage everyone gets sweets. why did you bring milk? there's no milk inside this,it's a urn filled with ashes. is it baapji's father? - no. younger sister's lover, his ashes.

    but it smells more like ponds.- he loved ponds talcum powder. oh.. younger sister means baapji's sister,right? - yes. did you kill him? - yes. congrats, sir. - thanks. he's the guy you killed, right?- yes, him. keep that in the right place. what's he doing here?- he didn't come here. you're in his home.

    if baapji finds out about this,or if you tell him.. ..then consider your game over. this is terrible. - how? i told boss that i killed him. and satya boss gaveme this chain as a gift. if he finds out i didn't kill him..- he'll take the chain back? he'll behead me.- what are you saying? how did she come back? she returned after she came back.

    i am getting hermarried to bharat again. everything's goinggood since we got here. but whose house is this?- this is venky's house. he's a really nice guy. wait, let me introduce you. bunty, go call venky. i wonder where's venky right now. what can i do to keepvenky away from satya? sim 2.

    hello. - hello,this is your death speaking? old city das wants this house? and you've been hiding in this house. i am all alone, where are you? don't try to challenge your death. or else i will shelf yourdream project chandrakala in a box. i will kill you! - hang up! he's too much. what happened, satya? any problem?

    something urgent has come up,i'll be back in 2 days. what's this, chote? it's your sister's wedding.- it's serious. serious? what's wrong? sit, let's sit down and talk. you sit, brother, i'll deal with this. where to, boss? - old city das. he was talking toomuch over the phone. i won't spare that das, boss.

    i can't sleep without killing him. i can sleep peacefully when you leave. yes, boss. even i willrest in peace when das dies. sit, boss. sit. come, boss. sit. come on, driver. drive. didn't you feel ashamedof doing such a thing? you tarnished my honor. now i will make myyounger sister marry him.

    i did tell you. they're discussing about you inside.what are you doing here? about me? you go, i'm coming. don't talk to me. sir, why are you getting so furious. she did something terrible. she got pregnantbefore getting married. get her married to bharatbefore he finds out..

    ..that your sister's pregnant. and no one will find out anything. brother-in-law, what is all this? such a deceit. we're not stopping your marriage. everyone knows who used her. i won't marry her. hey, where are you going?- let me die. you will get married.

    how? and with whom? i'll get her married, sir. gurudas vivekanand. - yes, brother. i am an ideal for my brother. he respects me more than himself. he can even give his life for me. your brother's saying..youmust marry this girl. your wish is my command, brother. thanks, brother.

    are you ready to marrymy younger brother? if my brother agrees, than so do i? they both like each other,what's your advice? how will i get these twomarried in front of the villagers? what will i say to them? sir, i've an idea. we'll say that your sisterloved my younger brother. and that's why.. ..we're getting these two marriedin the presence of the entire society.

    we'll tell them this. i'll say that i told your sister torun away, against your will. - venky. can't i do this much for my family? boss, he's got a great plan. right. that's what you'lltell everyone. - yes. first you explain them. hey, sippy come here. do you know who my sister loved?- who, sir?

    this boy here. - sir. do you know who elopedwith my sister from the altar? who, sir? - venky. sir, it was him.that's exactly what happened. if anyone asks, tell them this story. story? what's the story, sir? i think there's some confusion, sir. take him away.- forget, i'll explain you.

    this is not a story, sir.- come, sippy. let me explain. what's all this? i made baapji's sisterpretend that she's pregnant.. ..and fixed her marriage with anand. but she's already married. we know that, not them. you're an embodiment of ideas. it's the blessing of god. bravo. bravo.

    okay from sippy. - very good. problem's completely solved. so sippy sir's organizingfor a dance party. right, sippy. "all the local boysare crazy about me." "they all whistlewhen they see me." "such is my beauty." "when the bud blossoms,the bee come after it." "everyone's crazy about it..they all want the nectar."

    "my life's in trouble." "i am worried..yes, i am worried." "some catch me, some hold me,some hug me.." "everyone comeand dance with me." "'s you." "super..super..super..super.." "hey beautiful,you're really super too." "everyone's talks about you." "my beauty's like ice-cream."

    "it makes everyone's mouth water." "all the young boys and men..everyone lusts for me." "you're the one who spoils everyone." "you're super gorgeous." "how do i stop myselfwhen you cast your spell?" "my dress is such that.." "wherever i go,i make the entire area crazy." "everyone looks at my body." "every part in my body blossoms."

    "you're like heaven.your eyes are intoxicating." "your crazy lovers areat every nook and corner." "they all whistle when they see me."such is my beauty." finally..we're getting marriedwith brother's permission. - yes. with god's graceeverything is going great. now talk to her brotherfor your marriage. i'll make a plan for that too. no time to make plans. thank you very much.

    what for, sir? after we came in this house,you came in our lives.. ..and everything turnedout in a positive way. i haven't done anything. i was really worried forwhat happened with my sister. but you showed her the right way. there's nothing more i want. brother-in-law, i am going back. bharat, where are you going?

    i'm going back to america. i said yes to marrying your sister.. ..because i thoughtshe would be decent. i always agreed toeverything you said. but look at what happened with me? yes, you're right. you always agreed to whatever i said. if i go back on my words now,i won't be able to face myself. keeping my promise..

    ..i will get youmarried to chandrakala. i won't go back on my decision now. that's final. she'll get married in the hermitage.. ..of shellum mallikarjunwhich is our family diety. after that you will get married. you're really lucky, bharat.- what do you mean? you lost the elder one, but gotthe younger one. - second. i think i left my purse inside.

    i'll go get it. just wait for me. - okay. he paid through hiscredit-card for everything.. ..then how did he forget his purse? you're worried about everything,but not our marriage. do you have any clue about my worries? cool. cool. don't worry, chandu. we still have 24 hours. look, when problems hurt us,my mind works better.

    i'll definitely make some plan. if you tell bharatthe truth instead.. ..then that willsolve all our problems. what am i seeing, chandu? he's really running. chandu, keshav reddy's menare trying to kill you and me. go and sit in the car with her. listen, brother. just like you said, i sent my men.. get rid of that venkywho's an obstruction in your marriage. they will attack you firstso that no one doubts you. just marry that baapji's sister. after that i'll make him my slave.. ..and make him lick my boots. just four more days,no one should know that you're my son. these four days are difficult for us. hey..stop.- stop..where are you going? he works for baapji.

    kill him. i know bharat is your son. hey..move back. what do you want to say? just that bharat is your son. not just me, even baapji knows this. he even knows thatyou want to kill him.. ..under the pretextof his sister's marriage. how do i believe thatyou're telling the truth?

    if you don't believe me,call him yourself. the phone's switched off, isn't it? he's snatched his phone. saving his life is in your hands now. venky, what are you saying? bharat is keshav reddy's son.- yes, chandu. come, let's tell brother about this. i don't want to marry him. wait..we must clear lotof things before i tell him.

    meaning. as soon as he sees us,keshav reddy will attack again. that's when i'll clear everything. so that's his plan! sir, i doubt that someone'sgoing to attack us. sippy, don't troublebrother unnecessarily. sometimes one's fear comes true. sir, look there. i think the villain'sare going to attack.

    look at how he's staring at us. sippy, you're worried for no reason. we need to take a right.- no right, no right. take left. he's worried for no reason. take a left. keshav reddy, let me go. i don't want any bloodshedbefore my sister's wedding. baapji, handover my son to me. - son?

    or else..i won'tlet anyone leave alive. who is your son? hey..stop pretending. you want to take my sonto shri sellum and kill him. i know your plan. hey..if i knew who your son is,i would've buried him alive. why go there? i know that you know who my son is. son..who is your son?tell me.

    if you two keep fighting,no one will understand a thing. you keep quiet. - hey! you're 6 feet tall, but no brains. you don't know who'scalling the shots. - sippy. shut up! it's all your fault. i'll expose the truth right here. baapji, these two aren't married yet. the truth is, these two areonly pretending because he said so. who's your relative.

    we're not related. she's fooling everyone too. do you know who she is? she's baba rao's only wife. and do you know who they are? they are his parents! and look at her. she's taller than a palm tree.looks so innocent. this beautiful lookinggirl is my wife.

    he's put up this charadefor the sake of his love. don't make still don't get it. you will never understand. your younger sister and him,they're having an affair. they're loving to each other. that's enough. stop it. what? you're telling me to stop. you're so big,but you've got no brains. he told you somethingand you came here immediately.

    why don't you tell us who your son is? idiot! dammit! rascal! sippy. - what? bharat is his son. he staged that attack on your sister. santosh! - tell them to let bharat go. no! - otherwise your sister will die. tell him. - brother. let him go.

    i wanted to bring yourelder sister in my home.. ..torture her in every way..andsquash her under my feet. but he interfered. and now when we set oureyes on your younger sister.. ..he interfered gain. and they both survived. you wanted to fool me bytelling me about my son. - no. now i will get these two married. let's see who can stop me.

    listen, director. - yes sir. why did you plan the openingscene of this serial with action? if some artist leaves the serial,it won't make a difference. that's why we alwaysshoot the climax first, sir. what's the scene?- nandu, hand me the file. the villain haskidnapped your sister.. ..and getting away in a car. and you suddenly comein front of his car. it's an emotional scene.

    is the supporting actresskannad or tamilian. you know about my range. i specially broughtgirls from mumbai for you. so tell me the nameof my character. - dhoom. atom bomb for thosewho lock horns with you. i am coming. i'll show you. hey..ask her to shut up. "he is a legend."

    a lion for my enemies. a brave-heart who can die for justice. a bullet for equality. tell me who you are. tell me what you want.- handover my sister to me. sister? is she your sister? i hope the camera stays onme until i remember my next dialogue. how did you get hold of my sister?

    why are you lookingthat way and talking? this news has spreadaround everywhere. handover my sister to me. - i won't. i will kill you. - kill me. i am not some rope or log. i am bomb. i am a six feet bomb. i think he's crazy. show him what a real bomb is. hey, catch this.

    this won't do anythinguntil you don't take the pin out. are you crazy?- there's more fire inside me. my entire body is made of bomb. ammonia.. in my attack. phosphorus.. runs through my veins. so tell me you rats..what to do,what not to do. hey..if you don't move now.i will kill your sister. let me go. - hey, let her go. let me go.

    who's this? new character entry. hello. who are you? you took a suddenentry and didn't tell me. and why are you saying my dialogues? hey.. - hey. shut up. don't you see two heroesare discussing something here? look, if there's any kindof confusion between us.. ..then we won't get paid. i suggest that you get back. -to hell with your movie, this is live.

    go catch them. smarty. he tricked me andeloped with my sister. am i the hero, or is he? hey, this is not a multi-star film,it's a single star film. wait, i am coming. stop. is this running performance? no one's following you with a camera. first time i am doing a action serial.

    i am the hero,don't try to dominate me. handover my sister to me. i said hand her over. the enemy is coming,i say hand her over. i am the hero.. hero getting beaten up. venky! hey! he eloped with my sister,so why did you take her back from him?

    you think i am a fool. this action hero ismore than a match for you. what is your concept actually? let the girl go. mom.. dad.. - get lost. what are you doing? no! chandu! venky, pull me up. i need to win your brother's sympathy,be patient.

    how dare you try to kill my sister? now watch your brother melt. just pretend with me. you've deceived everyone until now. but today you've taken a risk. you brought us hometo understand your love. i know your love is true. and i'm giving away mysister's hand in marriage to you. is this a ravine or a hole? - oh, god!

    today i've understoodone thing. - what? with a friend like you, onecan challenge someone like baapji too. what do you mean to say?- the power of love. i thought this was a serial fight,but this is a real fight. oh, god. director sir. umesh rao sir. hello. - is this hot bablu speaking? now i am cool bablu. how can you change like this?- no, it's..

    who is speaking?- i am a huge action director. go ahead, sir. actually, i want to makean action series with you. sir! i want to do comedy, not action. you don't get beaten up in comedy. "super..super."

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