office furniture printer stands

office furniture printer stands - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled office furniture printer stands, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

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    office furniture printer stands

    hi everyone, i'm alejandra costello, creativeorganizing expert from and in this video i'm going to give you a tour ofmy super organized home and show you all the organizing systems that i have in place thatwhen followed on a daily basis, you're more efficient, more productive, things are lessstressful and life is just more enjoyable. let's go. welcome to my house. i'm so excited you'rehere. in just a few moments i'm going to show you some of the major organizing systems ihave in place inside my house that keeps us really efficient and productive on a dailybasis. let's start in the kitchen. okay, before we get started if you were just beginningto declutter and organize your home, there's

    link below to help you get started for free. the kitchen is one of those communal areasthat everyone in the family uses and it's important to have organizing systems in placeso things are easy to find but also easy to put back. let's start in the junk drawer.okay, so here is our junk drawer. it has everything that we need and use around this area insidethe house. i used aqua organizers to make this drawer a little bit more fun becausewhen you're organizing system is more fun it can inspire you to maintain and keep upwith the organization. now that i've showed you the junk drawer letme show you what's in this cabinet right here. this cabinet right here has everything thatwe use as a family. everything that's like

    communal. okay, on the cabinet door righthere we mounted sheet metal because the front of our refrigerator is not magnetic and thisis really easy to do. cut sheet metal, mount it with double sided mounting tape and nowwe have all of our important reminders, cards, checklists, right here, nice and accessible,easy to find. right here i have a really nice check list. it's called, in case of emergencyand it has all of our important phone numbers for neighbors, utilities, doctors and so forthand so whenever we need a phone number, we come here, find exactly what we need, it'sfast, easy and it keeps us productive. on this shelf right here we have all of ourmedications, vitamins, first aid kit and i use a lazy susan for all of the round bottlesbecause you organize round things on a round

    organizer to maximize space. right here wehave a little recycling bin. this is for all of our expired medications. every time wesee something that's expired or we notice it, we pop it into this little recycling binand then when it gets filled we responsibly dispose of our medications. over here we have these two tackle boxes thathas all of the first aid stuff and medications that aren't inside bottles. i use a tacklebox because it's nice and easy to access. whenever you need some kind of band aid orsomething you just come here. you find exactly what you need. it's nice and fast and youjust grab it immediately. there's no looking for things. there's no messing around. it'snice and easy.

    on this shelf right here i have my batteryorganizer and all the batteries are sorted by category, like by size, making it reallyeasy to find the right battery when you need it. no frustration. i use a tackle box againand i just labeled all the sections with a bright yellow label tape from my label makerso everything stands out. you come here, grab exactly what you're looking for, and put itback. when you have a dead battery, on this shelf i have this little recycling bin. it'sso cute. it says batteries and you just pop in your dead battery and then when this thinggets filled you just recycle your batteries properly. up here i have all of my essential oils insidethis wooden box that's away from sunlight

    because you should keep essential oils awayfrom sunlight and my husband and i made this together. all we did was we took a woodenbox that was two dollars and then we took a gardening knee pad from the dollar store.we punched holes and now all of our essential oils won't touch each other, they won't fallover and they're nice and organized in this nice box that cost less than five dollars.the top two shelves are empty because we don't have anything to store up there. it's okayto have empty space. now that i've showed you this cabinet letme show you one of my favorite drawers in the kitchen. the tea drawer. this is my tea drawer and i love this drawer because i open it and it's this rainbow assortment of tea bags and

    you just feel really calm. it's fun to look at and it's easy to find exactly what kind of tea you want to drink. now that i showed you the tea drawer, let me show you the spice cabinet right next to the stove where you want to have your spices nice andaccessible, easy to access. all of the spices are organized on a lazy susan because again,you organize round items on a round organizer to maximize space. you just come you here,spin this, find exactly what you need, put it back. it's really easy and when your cabinetsare organized and everything in the kitchen has a home cooking in the evening is a loteasier, faster and a lot more enjoyable. okay, so now that i showed how to organizethis cabinet, let me share with you how i've organized a deep kitchen drawer. all right,in this drawer right here i have all of my

    food storage containers and this is a largedeep drawer. what you want to do when you have a space like this is break it up intosmaller sections using drawer dividers so things aren't floating all around. i organizedall the bottoms together and all the lids together and everything is stacked on topof each other so when i need something i come in here, grab exactly what ever size containeri need, close the drawer and it's very easy and frustration free. now let me show you one of my entertainingdrawers. this drawer right here is all about entertaining and entertaining is fun and soi used hot pink fun organizers to make the drawer feel more fun. now that i shared withyou this drawer let me share with you what

    i've done in the pantry. okay, this is the pantry and i've set up abunch of organizing systems to make everything nice and easy so when you come in here youfind exactly what you're looking for. there's no frustration and you stay focused. righthere we have a tiered shelf that we use for all of our canned goods. you walk in see all the labels, grab what you need and go. the cool think about this tiered shelfis my husband made it. he took wood, stained it, assembled it and we're not using feels homemade and the theme of this pantry is i wanted it to feel really homey and ididn't want bright colors and stuff and it just matches the theme of the pantry. up here,we use glass canisters to organize all the

    dry goods and things come out a package andinto a jar. my grandma hand wrote all the labels to give it a nice, special homey i just love grabbing them. they're so nice and accessible. they're air tight sothings will last long. what you can do when you have dry goods ina container is cut out any information you need like cooking instructions or nutritional,whatever it is, and pop it on the back here. this is a business pocket adhesive sticker.popped it onto the jar and then cut out the important information, stick it inside andnow you'll never lose it. on this side over here i used two lazy susan's for all of theround condiments and any other round bottle in the pantry. this was actually my mom'slazy susan from the '70s, which again makes

    it feel homey, it feels warm and it's stillaccessible and easy to grab. down here i have these free standing drawersfor all of the things that come into a package. you just take them and you toss them insidehere. right here there are snacks, there's sweets and there's chips. whenever you wanta snack you just open this drawer and you just fish around and grab exactly what you'relooking for. when you have boxes like this, you take the snacks out and you just tossthem inside the bin just like that and you reuse or recycle your box. this drawer righthere has all the sweets. same thing, if something comes into a package, you take it out of thepackage, toss it into the bin just like that. down here is the chips drawer and when youhave chips they're bulky. they need a lot

    of space so i use the biggest drawer possibleto organize all the big bulky things. when you're setting up your organizing systemsin the pantry figure out what you buy often and then set up your systems around the thingsthat often come into the space. on the drawers on the sides there's just a bunch of refillsfor all the glass jars that i showed you above. on this wall right here we had a lot of deadspace so what i did was i found this organizer. it's actually for organizing file foldersand i put all of our produce. there's onions. produce that doesn't go in the fridge. there'sonions, there's potatoes and this is an overflow, which i doubt will ever get used. we justlined the bottom with burlap so none of the shedding of the onions or potatoes will dropto the floor and make a mess. right here i

    just have a bag organizer for all of our plasticbags that we reuse around the house. if you ever can't find the pantry inside the housewe have a label that says pantry. now that i've shared with you how to organize the pantrylet me show you my office where i spend a lot of my time. this is my office where i spend a lot of mytime running my business and teaching people how to get organized and so it's importantto have the right organizing systems in place so i stay productive, i stay efficient andi stay focused on whatever i'm working on. let me show you the desk area first. i spenda lot of time right here working and what i wanted to do was have minimal things onmy desk distracting me so i stay focused.

    all i have here is some pens, markers andstuff and then right here i have all of my bills to pay, things that are like one taskand done. anything that's more than one task like fivetasks or ten tasks and becomes a project, up here i have all of my projects so anythingthat is more than one task gets a folder, becomes a project and all i do here is i putall the papers inside here and i label the outside with the name of the project so iknow exactly what is what. when i look up here there is no confusion, out of site, outof mind. i just look here and i know exactly what everything is. once a project is donei'll take out all the papers. i will recycle them if i don't need them. shred them if theyhave sensitive information or archive them

    if i need to save them. up here i have cards and thank you notes frommembers around our community just expressing their gratitude and whenever i'm having abad day or experiencing some kind of challenge i come here and i read the cards and it justreminds me to keep going, keep sharing and just keep taking steps forward even if they'rebaby steps. down here in these drawers i have everythingi need to be productive at my desk. this top drawer has all of my office supplies thati need to stay productive at my desk. instead of using plastic organizers i found thesecardboard gift boxes from the dollar store and they fit perfectly and they're hot pinkinside which makes them a little bit more

    fun and you know what, this drawer it so funit inspires me to keep it that way. this next drawer is my shipping drawer, whichhas everything i need to mail something, to pay a bill and i use drawer dividers to breakup the space and create little compartments for each type of item. this bottom draweris more like receipts, technology stuff and the cool thing about this drawer is i usedtension rods as drawer dividers. it's less expensive, it's easier to find tension rodsthan drawer organizers and it works perfectly. this next system is one my favorite organizingsystems in the office. it's my shred bin, my trash bin and my recycling bin. any timei check the mail, which is every day, i come here, i take the mail and i sort it accordinglyso piles don't stack up. if there's shred

    i toss it in the shred bin. if there's recyclingi put it in the recycling bin and if there's any trash, i toss it in the trash bin. i doa little bit each day. does not take longer than like two to three minutes and by theend to the week there's no piles of mail. this right here is my organizing workshop.i have all of my organizing supplies that i need to set up a system and also officesupplies, craft supplies, and anything i might need in the office to stay productive. onthis side of the closet all i did was i saved seven ice cream containers that we've beencollecting for awhile and then i sorted all of my markers and pens and pencils by's really easy to get this look. all you have to do is eat seven pints of ice cream,save the containers, and then organize all

    of your writing instruments by category. popthem in here and they're easy to find and they're nice and accessible. down her i have more containers so these arelittle tins that have hooks inside. instead of using a label from your label maker orhand writing a label you can just glue something on the outside and it tells you what is inside.on this side of the shelf i have these four recycling bins for properly recycling pens,pencils, markers, ink cartridges, label cartridges just like this that when you're done you canrecycle it, gift cards. when these containers fill up we responsibly let go of them as opposedto putting the in the trash can. it's all about responsibly decluttering your home.if you're going to take the time to bring

    things in, you should take the time to letgo of things. this is part of my new program on simplicity. there's a link below to checkit out. on this shelf right here i have all of mypaints and i made my own lazy susan using two baking pans and a pack of marbles fromthe dollar store and this is what it looks like. there's two baking pan, a pack of marbles,then when you assemble it, which takes two seconds, you spin it and you have a homemadelazy susan for three dollars. right here i have a file box that has all of my greetingcards organized by occasion. next time i have an event i just come here and i find the exactcard i'm looking for. you don't have to rush out to the store. come here. looking for acongratulations card. grab a card. pull it

    out. then put it back. right here i have a letter hook that we putinto the wall and now all of our gift bags hang by size and every time i need a giftbag i just come here and i quickly look for the right one, grab it and i'm done. righthere i have all of my gift wrap and wrapping paper that's out of the way. it's off of thefloor so it's not going to get damaged and all i did here was i took a pipe cleaner,i wrapped it around the open wrapping paper and now the ends aren't going to get unraveled,ripped or torn and you'll be able to give a gift that's in nice shape. right here i have all of my sticky notes andeverything is organized by color so you can

    find whatever color you want, nice and easy.over here i have all of my books, my binders and printer and scanner up here. everythingis very accessible, easy to grab and easy to use. down here i have all of my bindersfor my work and my business and stuff and every single thing inside each of these bindersis super organized, making it even easier to find exactly what you're looking for. this is our home binder and inside this binderthere's a nice cover sheet, which all the binders have, and then inside here there'sdividers and all of the dividers are labeled by what categories, keeping you focused onwhat you're looking for, no distractions. there's no searching for lost documents. everysingle thing is accounted for. one other thing

    i wanted to show you is this little cord organizerthat just pops in the back of the furniture and it prevents your wires and cords fromfalling behind and getting lost. this is my filing cabinet which has all ofmy tax documents and then all of my files. this is my tax drawer and everything is organizedby personal tax documents and business tax documents. everything is labeled by year andif it's personal or business and everything is organized into these nice folders so smallpapers like receipts don't fall out and permanently get lost. it has my tax return and any kindof supporting documentation and everything is labeled by year and if it's personal orbusiness. if you have all your documents super organized it makes accessing things supereasy, simple and frustration free.

    okay, now that i showed you some of the majororganizing systems i have set up inside my office to keep me productive on a daily basislet's go upstairs and i'm going to show you how i've organized my closet and my bathroomso getting ready every single morning is super easy and i get out the door on time. now ifyou're watching this video and you're just thinking, wow i'm so behind on getting organized,my house is a mess and i just don't know where to start, just pick one small project that'shigh priority, start it, finish it completely and move on to the next thing. if you starttoo many projects at once it can get even more overwhelming on top of the overwhelmingclutter you have around your house. here i am in my closet and this is a closetthat my husband and i share together. half

    of it's my stuff, half of it is his stuffand every single thing is in an organizing system which makes getting dressed in themorning super easy and efficient. all i've done here is i've organized all my clothesby category and then once everything's organized by category i've organized it by color. allof my hanging stuff is here and then all of my drawers here. all of my drawers are organizedby category and then i labeled each of the drawers so i know what is what. now if youdon't like to have a lot of labels in your house but you want to know what's inside,you could temporarily label your systems using them as training wheels and then once theinformation is memorized, just peel the label off and you know what is what and what goeswhere. i don't mind having labels and it helps.

    in this drawer right here i have all of mypajamas and when i reach for pajamas i normally just grab whatever is on top and so becausei do that everything is just stacked one on top of the other as opposed to filed and storedvertically like another drawer down here. this drawer down here has all of my long sleevedshirts. again they're filed vertically so when i open a drawer i can find exactly whati'm looking for and find the right long sleeved shirt that i'm looking for. at the very top of the closet i have a donationbin for all the clothes that i try on, they don't work out, i wear them, they're not comfortableanymore. any time that does happen i take the article of clothing, i toss it in thelaundry basket, when the laundry basket gets

    filled i take it down, i itemize it and theni make the appropriate donations. i use uniform hangers inside of my closet because i likethe matching look. you don't have to do that. the important thing to note here is that allof the clothes have room to breath. nothing is scrunched together like this. it's reallyeasy to take something out. to put it back. before we moved to this new house we declutteredour home of hundreds of pounds of stuff and i got rid of a bunch of clothes and it feelsso much lighter inside this closet. it feels a lot easier to get dressed because everythinghere i actually wear. i feel nice in it. i love it and i only have the things that iuse, need and love. nothing more, no distractions and when the space has only the things thatyou use and need it's a lot easier to maintain

    and you just feel lighter. on this wall right here i have this jewelryorganizer that my husband and i made together. i have all my necklaces hanging here. my bracelets,my rings, earrings, very easy. there's not a lot of jewelry. when there's less optionsit's a lot faster to get ready in the morning. at the very top of the closet you can seethere's an empty shelf. there's nothing up there. i don't have enough stuff to fill thiscloset and just because i have open space does not mean that i should go out and buymore stuff. it's okay to have empty space. it actually feels lighter. there's more, itfeels like it's easier to breathe in here when it's not jam packed.

    on the inside of the door is a great placeto maximize space so what i've done here is i used over the door hooks to hang all ofmy scarves and sometimes there's sweatshirt or two here but you want to do is don't hangtoo much weight on the back of the door because it's going to make it really heavy to openand close. keep it light, keep it simple and only hold onto things that you actually use,need and love. now that i showed you how i've organized my entire closet let me share withyou how i've organized the bathroom so getting ready is easy in the morning and cleaningis even easier. okay so here we are in the bathroom and i'mgoing to show you all the different organizing systems i have in place. the first one ismy bathroom counter top. as you can see there's

    not a lot of stuff on the counter becausei like to keep it minimal so it's easy to clean because every night i come down andi wipe the excess water and any dirt and other gross stuff. it's really fast when there'snot a lot of stuff. i just have just what i need and nothing else. over here is the medicine cabinet and i haveeverything that i need and use on a daily basis nice and accessible but also out ofthe way. on the door of the medicine cabinet i took a bunch of information that i wantedto memorize. i laminated it. i hung it on the door to maximize my vertical space andi've read these things so many times that now i just have all this information memorized,which was the point of putting all the stuff

    right here. right here i have this magnetic strip. it'sactually sheet metal i just cut and then i wrapped it in fabric tape from the dollarstore, which is awesome tape, and then i just put magnets on the back of my tweezers, justlike this, and now it just stays out of the way but nice and accessible on the door. righthere i have my scissors and i also have nail clippers that again they hang on these hooksand they are super easy to access. okay, no let me show what's inside the drawers.the top drawer right here has all of my makeup. as you can see there's not a lot of makeupbecause i got rid of a bunch of stuff and now i have just the things that i use, needand then the products that i love to wear.

    basically there's like one or two of everythingand i took a bunch of clear organizers, lined the drawer and i sorted everything prettymuch by category. some categories are mixed in but for the most part brushes are together,lip stuff is together, eye stuff is together and so forth. now everything is super accessible,it's easy to put back and it's also easy to clean if i took everything out, wiped it down,because there's not a lot of stuff. this drawer has all of, this little sectionright here, has all of mojo's stuff for brushing her teeth, combing her and stuff and thenall of the feminine care is back here and i sorted everything by category to make ita little bit easier to find exactly what you're looking for when you need it. when you havea big drawer like this, if you don't want

    to use drawer organizers like i showed inthis drawer what you can do is get drawer dividers just like this and you cut them tosize and then you place them exactly where you want them. they're just a little bit morecustomizable. the last drawer down here is a deep drawerand it has all of my hair stuff. all i did here was i used the same dividers that i usedinside this drawer. i got taller ones and i created this little section right here soi could take all of my hairbrushes and then stand them up as opposed to just letting themlie in this deep drawer and then they get lost and they're hard to access. that wayyou're maximizing the, you know the height of your drawer. back here i have my blow dryer,my flatiron and the cool thing down here is

    i lined it with contact paper that's kindof like a cushion contact paper so when you put something in here, this is a wooden drawerand it makes a lot of noise if you just stick what's in here. when i put this back, it doesn'tmake a loud noise. now let me share with you what's inside thecabinet doors right here. this is under the a vanity sink. let me share with you what'sin the door. on the door i just have two command hooks for hanging a cloth for wiping downthe sink every night before i go to sleep. that just hangs right here nice and out ofthe way. right here i just have another tool for removing fuzz on clothes and stuff. backhere i just used stackable organizers to maximize the vertical space in this cabinet becauseyou have this pipe that's in the way so the

    best way to organize a space that has thispipe, annoying pipe, in the way, is to build up and you've accomplished that using stackableorganizers. right here i just have bulk supplies for the bathroom and down here i just haveelectronics that i use inside the bathroom as well. over here, on this side of the cabinet i havea household recycling bin so for awhile i was noticing that a lot of the things in thebathroom could be recycled and instead of saving all the stuff and walking down to thekitchen i thought it was easier just to add a recycling bin in the bathroom for emptyshampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, the ends of the toilet paper tubes, all that stuffcan be recycled. now i'm finding that ninety

    percent of the stuff in the bathroom is recyclingand like ten percent is actual trash. this has been great. over here i have a makeup recycling bin andthen a dental recycling bin. every time i have empty makeup containers or empty dentalcontainers or tubes or something, they go inside here and then when these things arefull i responsibly recycle them and responsibly declutter my bathroom cabinet. on this cabinetdoor right here i have a over the cabinet door organizer to maximize your vertical spaceand then i have cleaners right here for cleaning around the house that i made all them myself. all i did was i grabbed a glass bottle fromthe dollar store. this is a garlic wine vinegar

    bottle and then i took a plastic bottle top,again from the dollar store, added it here and then i grabbed a koozie from the dollarstore, put it around the bottle to make the glass more insulated, less noisy but alsobecause these cleaners have essential oils inside them and essential oils shouldn't beexposed to sunlight so this keeps the sunlight out. then i labeled the top with what thecleaner is. this says glass cleaner. then around the bottle underneath here it has therecipe for what the cleaner is so when this runs out i know exactly how to refill it andthere's no stopping to research how to make this again. that goes there and that's thebathroom vanity. that's everything. i've shown you a lot ofdifferent organizing systems that we have

    inside our home that keeps us productive,efficient around the house, easy to find things but also easy to put things back. i hope thisvideo has inspired you to begin decluttering your house and begin setting up organizingsystems that are going to work for you and your family. if you're looking to begin declutteringand begin getting more organized there's a link below to help you get started and ifthis is your first time watching any of my videos you can check out my website alejandra.tvfor more tools an training on living a more organized life. also subscribe to my youtubechannel for more videos on getting organized. thanks for watching and i will see you soon.bye.

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