tv stands furniture in chennai

tv stands furniture in chennai - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled tv stands furniture in chennai, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

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Title : tv stands furniture in chennai

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    tv stands furniture in chennai

    'a marriage called wedding' 'jai' nazriya nazim 'introducingheebah patel' shall i kill him?he is starting the bike don't do anything start the car "cash, dough, dollar, rupee, money" raghava, don't agreeto this wedding

    i already did'party' is waiting i'll finish it andget back soon i have just one daughter can i get her marriedto some stranger? and then can your sister and ibe dependent on some random folks? raghava, i love mythiliheart and soul you know i have written downyour house address i'll finish madipakkam... ...nanganallur andcome there straight

    i'm slightly busy today i'll take voluntary retirement next year, my wife and iintend settling down in chennai change your sacred thread if i start the marriage topic, he sayshe has to go to usa and germany officially "nectarine flower in germa-" won'tget a priest today just read the mantrasfrom your book yourself bachelors...please wait

    married men, take your sacred thread at least by this time next augusti pray raghava gets married to mythili please find out for me he has already left you can leave nowwe can manage what did you ask? i asked you to find outand let me know i'm leavingthis evening, pa to america?

    no, to coimbatorefor office training i'll be backin a week's time i'll put it on silent mode 'charity with reluctance serves no purposegiver should not flaunt his wealth' thanks, i'll completethe sacred thread ritual sitalakshmi, change your seatthe ticket inspector will get confused - mayil bro...?- what, krishna? he needs a ticket totravel to coimbatore why do you bring him so late?

    coimbatore? you might have to spend50 bucks more, is that okay? - give him 50 bucks- bro is an expert at this! as it is, you're a fraudput your liquor back in let's go hurry up why are you goingto coimbatore? change my seatto s2 compartment which coach did i give you?

    both coaches willreach coimbatore only! the bride is in that coach, bro how are yourelated to the bride? i'm the groom! i'll change her to s2you come to s1 such morons get brides easilybut i'm not so lucky! - are you married?- not yet parvathy, radha, sudha, namitha those are all ladies' names

    did i say they werenames of men...? moron...shut up! sukumaran, madhavan - sir...?- balan, ajay, vijay that train goes to trivandrumthis ticket is right for your age did i ask you how old i was? still i'm a bachelor, you know? bachelor...even now? serve the customer properlyto earn your salary

    what's the problem? where on earthdid you find him? sir, calm downwhat's the problem, da? he's not taking the ticketnor is he leaving - in what name?- kattaipuli you are truly blessedlook up there 'kattaipuli' our owner's father's name he'll reserve the 1st ticketin his father's name sentimentally

    real lucky mascot worked in the railwaysunder the british he is our guru guru...? sounds goodbook my ticket in this name you know my name?roshan kumar from when, sir? sir, if you want to travelgo as kattaipuli otherwise take an open ticketand hang out or hide in the loo clear out nowgive me the pad

    book a ticket for sirto coimbatore you have a ticketyour name is abu bakkar this name sounds goodhow much is this ticket? don't be a pain this ticket holderis 24 years young! i can adjust my age i'll get tensedjust go i'll go as whatever name you said pay me first

    - how much?- rs 600 abu bakkarkattaipuli time for you toboard the train yov! a man's curse is lethal! sir, our professionis like social service don't know why you arein a rush or a rash mood you suddenly needa ticket to go somewhere you need us only for tonight your namesare kattaipuli and abu bakkar

    don't feel sad aboutbeing kattaipuli for a night i'm mayilsamii call myself... ...'peacock god' to foreigners if someone sits next to you andasks your name...what's it in english? wood tiger hahn! wood tiger next time you cantravel as 'bull god' - god who is fully drunk?- my grandpa, bull god! abu bakkar, upper berthkattaipuli, lower berth for you

    get in...get in sir, take care of kattai - hello, sir- my name is roshan kumar kazhu...kattaipuli - what's your name?- vijayaraghavachari - that name...?- abu bakkar loudly abu bakkar, sir kattaipuliabu bakkar

    let me tell you openly everyone should be seatedin their respective seats please move to your seat can i ask foryour pen openly? i'll open the capand give you, sir height of pj! brother, kattaipuliis spelling correct? check your spellingof abu bakkar i can't stand thisi'm leaving, abu bakkar! sit down mr abu bakkar, cheers! kattaipuli?call that numbskull, sir turn your head whenyour name is called out don't give the game awayto the ticket inspector then my social servicewill be razed to the ground! what's the initial for kattai?'s rehearse

    just zip your lipsyou'll be in a fix i am kattaipuli terrific, sir! i just bought itin the platform - want it?- your lifeline, sir i change namesto redefine destiny! dr j vijayalakshmi dasan that's a girl's name maybe he also hasa ticket problem like me!

    you must haveseen me on tv sir, what's your date of birth? october 2nd i share a birthdaywith mahathma gandhi such a disaster happenedon the same day! - year?- forgot - sir, you have 'sukramedu'- i live in soolaimedu, sir i meant you're favored by venuschange your name to... ragesh...rogesh...roshanadd a 'kumar' as suffix

    roshan kumar for more detailsplease come to my office mr kattaipuli, roshan kumar i'll punch you yov! just shut up - i am kattaipuli- that's better as-salaam-alaikum abu bakkar...!'peace be unto you'

    come here, sir you sit right there whatever it is, should bebetween the 3 of us his name is kattaipulihindu name your name is abu bakkar as-salaam-alaikumwa-alaikum-salaam learn to greet this way he's struggling withsuch a long name - shall i borrow that name instead?- don't be a royal pain!

    when 2 muslims meet, this ishow they exchange greetings similar to our hello,hi or good morning once i sent a passengerin the name abu bakkar ticket inspector wasalso called abu bakkar! my bad social servicegot raided and razed to the ground 1 minutelook at the timing 2 muslim girls aretravelling with you! "who is this head-turner?looking at her, won't my mind stutter?" "will words tangle and struggle?hiccups in my adam's apple?"

    sir, don't forget wa-alaikum-salaam! that's not for you, smart alec that's your seat you got all your stuffwith you, right? thanks a lot for goingcall me if you need anything "mixing sandalwood and turmericyour face appeared like magic" - as-salaam-alaikum- wa-alaikum-salaam they are also the same clan

    salaam...! let me get off the trainperform well, i'll pray for you aayisha...! she's calling you - thanks- bye bye - i'm sunil- hello i've forgotten my namei'll recollect and tell you greetings, sir you look familiar

    psg collegein coimbatore? grd college? srm in chennai? sathyabama? leave iti'm sunil aayisha feels like you arepart of my gang hello, i'm sunil what is your problem?

    shaju, when i see youi'll tell you all my problems he is my friend yes, i'm a malayali born and brought upin coimbatore even if you step into the moonmy people will be selling tea! your folks will betallying credit! are you just aayisha ora banu, begum, beevi add-on? my senior in collegewas aayisha-something which college are you from?

    anna university i'm also right oppositeiit...didn't study there i had renteda room behind iit i've visited your universityfor counseling sir, sit down - what did you major in?- ece i also wanted thatbut i didn't get it so i opted forcomputer science were you selected inthe campus interview?

    brother...your beltsacred thread is seen! - tell me your name- roshan kumar 'i memorized for so longand messed it up big time' roshan...? my friends call me bythis pathetic pet name but my parents named me'kazhudhaipuli' so fondly oops...not 'donkey-tiger'i am kattaipuli! tell me properly, sir my name is kattaipulihis name is abu bakkarpuli

    i mean abu bakkar ali your ticket? brother, success yov...!! people think it guys earn... ...a 6 figure salaryand lead life king size but our life is filled with ip addresses,watching a java program in a channel eating an apple while we workwith apple with no other go- take a deep breathyou might die

    get caught in network trafficand work in a microsoft office they think we're leading a jolly lifeonly we know the crap we are in not yet finished your dinner?i ate right up to my throat! that's why i was late have you broughtmutton biriyani? chicken...prawn?at least egg? you disappointed me i thought i could have a goat moghul's biriyani i don't eat heavy foodwhen i'm travelling

    oh good!can i taste it? won't you share? enough...enough nice tamarind rice 'what's so niceabout tamarind rice?' he seems to be'hitting' on her oh! sorryyou were inside? let go, man what's happening?

    give it to me stop it don't get me caughtin your tussle you shouldn't indecentlyfight in a public place yov! help me call the police the new boy is caught do you know what he did, sir? this rascal triedto touch her

    i caught him red-handed she is my friend aayisha, tell him yov! tell him let me tell you openly, sir from the time he got in, this boyhas been sitting quiet as a mouse such boys will beup to these tricks, sir without her knowledge, he hastaken a video of her in his phone nothing, siryou can check

    he's lying he deleted it you can see iton my phone i knew he'd delete it so i forwardedthe video to my number if you call the numberthe video was received from...'ll get your man he was such a chatterboxfrom when he entered, sir such boys-

    move, man what are youlooking back for? go, i say all of yougo back to sleep lie down, dear - thank you, sir- it's okay hello...? such a criminalincident has happened who is sleepingcovered head to toe?

    more importantnot to give a free show has the police departmentdone its duty? now i must do mine wake me up whenwe reach coimbatore he was truly amazing he sent a video andnabbed the victim! let me ask you openlyis he your son? he's my great great grandsoni'm still a bachelor, you know i thought the waythey spoke last night...

    ...they are close friendsin fact very 'close'! when will the train start? when on earth will wereach coimbatore? thanks no problem coffee? - that video on your mobile?- i deleted it last night no...last night- past is a waste

    can we go back tothe previous station?! anyway, i am- aayisha? major in eceyou are in it you don't eat a lotwhen you travel why do you look surprised? not only me this entire compartmentheard you last night because you spokenonstop with him

    a girl traveling alone should notreveal details to a random stranger that's why last nighthe took advantage if you don't mindour girls usually- yesterday one of your friendswho came with you wearing a black color- purdha? hahn! our customwhy don't you wear it? i don't wear it at home,at work or on a train - you don't wear...?- but it's in my bag

    if you had worn it yesterday,this wouldn't have happened born and brought up in saidapetbut studied in america abu bakkar i am- aayisha begum, beevi, banu? "speak...words dipped in honey"(old hindi film song) (tamil film song) mocking me?! which place are you from?

    'delhi, bombay, calcuttai'll pull your hair with a vendetta?' what did he say? - bro...!- pipsqueak (hindi film song) "in a dizzy dither, brotheri understand your fluster" "come below life's canopy" "all glory will always beto the one and only almighty" jai ho...! "train...come"

    "rail...welcome" "love and laughter en routerail...whizz past in a minute" "train, happiness in total synctrek and transit double quick" "jet black with legs a hundredheroic smoke skyward bend" "carriages of iron speed at largerail, like troops in a battle charge" "swell and stylish messengerkoel's call to every passenger" "streaming like a rivertrain, come closer" "choo-choo rail, wheels on trackchug chug train, welcome back" "charcoal black with legs a 100fire-eating soot skyward bend"

    "iron-bodied brave soldierventure ahead, voyager" "awaiting your arrival, dear railanticipating you, don't curtail" "whatever whatsoeversign language however" "with 100 songs trains movewherever, to be in the groove" "no journeywants to be lonely" "train-travel memoriesteenage always carries" "train forever and evermeandering wanderer" "oh mind...reservoiryou're a trooper survivor" "does rainfall signifyfarewell from the sky?"

    "does an autumn leafdenote a root's grief?" "life moves onpros and cons...!" "whoever whomsoevervaried endeavor" "distance howevereverywhere wherever" "love into a train swingswith no legs or wings" "friendship with no boundaryis journey's legal dowry!" "meet by serendipitydefine whose destiny?" "in whose mindblossom unconfined?" "will this travelagain unravel?"

    "will the moon be readyto accompany me?" "search and serenade?or wane and fade?" "rail, in 'pursuit of happiness'blazing trails, a jillion fearless" "rail, happiness to ever lastramble and scramble super fast" "choo-choo rail, wheels that chugwe welcome you with a warm hug" brother...? hey dodo! will anyoneask my name again? no, they won't by the by,my name is kattaipuli

    no...roshan kumar i forgot your namewhat is it again? the other name? vijayaraghavachari i'll see you how long are youin coimbatore? 'a girl traveling alone should notreveal details to a random stranger' day after tomorrowsame train you forgot this

    you bought it? i didn't like itso i didn't buy it i don't like it either let's throw it somewhereshall i put it back in there? maybe i should havegot her number...?! "unusual and extraordinary,enchanting illusion i saw before me" "till i knew my eyes didn't lietransfixed, i stood to verify" "which is the best way to broach,i wondered how to approach?" "won't you tell me, pleasewhere this serpentine path leads?"

    - how are you, aunty?- hello, raghava! your friend is still sleeping when did you get here? if only you had told mei'd have picked you up throw your damn phoneinto the bay of ben- sorry, you were the onecalling me nonstop? so as usual your uncle and aunthave come here with mythili i have seen hershe's very pretty why don't you marry her?

    who'll marry her? i've known her ever sincethe day she was born i've hit her so many times if you make pancakesshe'll eat 10 in a row her mother likesactor gemini ganesan she likes actor madhavan - what about me...?- get lost, fatso she'll come to chennaievery month with her family my aunt will shopin saravana stores

    uncle will be drinkingfilter coffee at saravana bhavan their daughter will visitamusement parks, mgm and vgp come back with migraine andswallow tablets by the dozen! the girl i marry should be likea question paper without answers i shouldn't know anythingabout her likes or dislikes i should do a lot for her i'll keep making silly mistakesand she'll tick me off as 'pass' i don't understand 1 word! have you seen a mermaid?

    no, i haven't seen if i see one,i'll ask her to marry me you must fall in loveand then only get married mukunda, where do muslimsgenerally stay in coimbatore? okadam, palladam, kottaimedu dude, can i swipe your cardfor this yellow t-shirt? - put it down- you can't escape from me who will payif you stand here? i need to go to chennai tonightbook a ticket for me please

    you said you'll stay for a week! i have to meet someone - yellow t-shirt?- cheapo! hello? me your ticket ma, bye raghava, i'm late for collegecan you please drop me? in this dress?it's disgusting get lost!

    i wanted to attendyour wedding at srirangam i'll deal with you then go inside, entire srirangamclan is waiting for you - get lost, madcap- you get lost - hi ma- go inside grandpa, how are you? come inhow was the trip? super! uncle...?

    your work got done?you're back earlier the train was in a hurry! come, raghava i was thinking of youjust this morning what lies! i'm not touchabletill i finish my prayers have you sent offthe srirangam kidnappers? or are you stillfeeding them? they left yesterday

    komalam, you can get awayfooling only my mother, not me right, ma? like he's somebig shot gemini ganesan put the knife down see...he is geminiof our house - come- where? come shucks...uncle...! come back soonin the evening

    i need to talk to you raghava, it is easy to tellmy father, mother, grandma but i'm scared of unclei want to marry mythili where do muslimsstay in chennai? it snapped raghava, i just can'tlive without mythili where do muslims reside? shall i kidnapmythu in a tempo? isn't this a good idea?

    hey...where do muslimsstay in chennai? how the hell doesthat matter to you? do you want mealive or dead? go ahead and die but 1st tell me wheremuslims live in chennai then i'll get youmarried to mythili saudi, iran, iraq, dubai in chennai - that's what i also said- i'll hit you

    i'll find outfrom your father priya, are youcoming back just now? 1st thing in the morning to see youwithout a 'bindi' on your forehead... is so inauspicious it got rubbed off in the trainwhen i washed my face, grandma wear a 'bindi'your mother is looking for you will you check the computer? don't torture me withyour 'games' obsession? my sister is backalong with brother-in-law

    muslim brother-in-law! couldn't you findany other auto? what's earth shatteringin your office? how can your boss send youto coimbatore suddenly? sadagopan will come, ask himto return these library books tell him i'll come tothe university by 9:30 a.m should you goto office today? i can go late come, boysno class today?

    where is that 'angry bird'? i'll download it for youin the evening, grandma sahana...? you still haven't worna 'bindi'...go wear one! teenage girls shouldn'twander around without one you're saying if we girls don'twear a 'bindi' it is inauspicious but muslims don'tis it bad for them too? oh lord vishnu she has no ideawhat to talk where

    grandma and granddaughterstarted squabbling already finish your prayer quickly please hi priyawhen did you come? morning did you click that snap ofmansoor at the airport? yes...last night10:30 flight his family had come herei hope he gets a job soon you like mansooryour dad has a good job why can't he find a job formansoor and get you married?

    only 1 problem regardingmy wedding and his job what? studies what has he studied? i'm a graduatehe failed his 10th grade! there's a good offerin the u.s for this does my plightseem like a joke to you? try falling in lovethen you'll understand might as well fall in love!

    if my dad agreesto our marriage... ...i'll quit this job and stay happilyat home raising a dozen kids, priya hey, it's so cutewhere did you get it? your mansoor got itfor me from dubai then it is mine priya, please hi, sarang this is why 2 friends shouldnever share the same cubicle must changeyour seats soon

    very good, vishnu priyavasanthi mailed me it seems your presentationin coimbatore was well received you rocked it! she wants youto lead the team i'd have done wellif i had gone too, right? of course but you owe her a treat for takingthe risk to perform on your behalf since you got the creditmeant for aayisha... treat her

    but please call me whenboth of you treat each other now please get back to work priya...there's an offerto visit usa on work will you go? might as well go! - when?- i need to ask my dad - will you ask him?- might as well ask! and then- - what?- nothing

    iyer is staying overat our place tonight we'll give iyer a rude surprisebeer in his curd rice tonight! i saw my friend go pasti'll just see him and be back come soon move aside watch your step pah...!3,330!! she was 3,229 you are 3,330

    i don't understand i've been chasing after so manypurdhas in chennai looking for you why? i got you coffee onthe train that day won't you get me at leasta cup of coffee in chennai? might as well get you! at coffee day? here? how easily you arewriggling out of a treat

    why don't you get me coffeesome other day? might as well call - how will you call me?- abu bakkar abu...? super!that sounds nice raghava...? when? i'll call you how?

    on the phone number? raghava, come up soon look raghavan sir,someone is calling you not you...i'm calling him 988 424 8389 okay i'll give youa missed call

    note it down andcall me when you're free where did you go by the timei went to the restroom, priya? we are late 'hey, how many times have i told younot to beg where i take kickbacks!' 'how many times have i told you notto collect kickbacks where i beg-' "my face you'd like to seei'm unable to show, you see" "fair and handsomefrom an iyengar family" "my precious lover,you stole my-" "praise be to lord narayana-"

    '- are you okay?- batsha...manik batsha!' "you are my true love, dearif i get rich, will it change ever" dude, why isyour wife so angry? then what, iyer? i stopped at the signalbecause of the orange light she screamed at mefor stopping you said the sameyesterday too! yesterday i drovepast the orange light she yelled 'if you want to die,do so, don't drag me with you!'

    iyer, if you get marriedand she's a working wife... ...don't choosethe same office try your best to finda girl from another area another area?actually another border! 'peace be upon you'this is abu bakkar here no, she has gone tothe pantry for coffee thank you aayisha, you got a callbut on priya's cell! - who?- some male voice

    mail this - did you ask for the name?- hmm...muslim name - mansoor?- something like that priya, i was the one whogave your number to mansoor just in casehe's unable to reach me no signal herei'll go out and try if mansoor calls, tell himi'm trying his number priya? sorryi'll speak to you later - aayisha?- who's this?

    - i'm abu bakkar- hmm, tell me you told me you'd call,but you didn't - why?- for coffee i'm free this sundayhow about you? - i'm very busy- then when can we meet? - right now- now? evening? i'm very busy this eveningi said now! afternoon? afternoon, i'm way too busy

    - right now- i'm now at work my office is40 kms from chennai don't go onmaking excuses can you come to ten cafe inmount road in 10 minutes? is your office rightabove that coffee shop? you plan withsuch lightning speed assume that coffee shopis right inside my office can you come herein 10 minutes? okay...aren't youon facebook?

    my face won't bein any book wow! you're soooper! priya, who's onthe phone...mansoor? my face also- hello, mansoor? any sunday next month, i willdefinitely meet you in 10 minutes that's okay, but nowcome here in 10 minutes i'll leave even if youcome a minute later then don't ask for'coffee with me' again

    i'll be there see you in 10 cafe i'll be thereplease don't delay why are you so dull? if he doesn't call you today,he'll call you tomorrow not tomorrow,he'll call me tonight but this minute he musthave felt like talking to me even if we can'tmeet in person... ...we can at least talkover the phone, right?

    when people we love look for us,we should stand in front of them this is 'love ethic'you won't understand, priya! - mansoor?- no, it's a different call finish your call fastand disconnect please - hello, we'll meet next sunday- no, i'm at adyar now in adyar already? hello, i'll just goup to the bank hello...mansoor?can you hear me? oh god!purdah...?

    hello?another day- i've crossed nandanam oh lord vishnu, help me! - where are you?- i'm looking at you phone to your left,glass of water in front, correct? i'll come insidei'll be there now hey, start your bike hey, sorry...sorry...sorryjust 2 minutes late, no? hope you didn't ordercoffee without me?

    let's go in why are you so slow? madam is very hotserve her cold coffee i'm chilled outget me hot coffee nice place it's already latebill, please from the time i met youi've been wanting to ask you you won't mistake me, right? you speak brahmin lingo

    most it professionalsare brahmins actually talking to them,like brahmins- you also talklike a brahmin? my office securityis also a brahmin but like youi'm 100% muslim peace be upon you!peace be upon you too!! - aayisha?- i like that name a lot it's getting late it's okay if you go 'home' around8 or 8:30, no one will be worried

    where's your office? is it behind this buildingin the 5th or 6th floor...? a girl should not reveal detailsto a random stranger! you got an elephant's memorybut forgot your purdah! take itwear it our girls when they goto work or shop- wear it where should i drop you? if you drop me, who willdrop my 2 wheeler?

    do you have license? i'm sure you do "what to profess, how to expressi rehearsed to impress" "your scented smile without worriesi saved in my casket of memories" "hues 'vibgyor' of the rainbow heresparkled right before me, my dear" where did you disappear? - where's aayisha?- gone for lunch - had lunch?- yeah "you, in my eyes' socket i'll nurturecome, krishna, my pure treasure"

    "within the tap of merry feetjoin our doll-show treat" "in vain to catch you i tryoften; i end up with a sigh" "but you sign with your fingeryou won't talk to me ever!" "my lucky mascot dear" "mischievous krsna, come here" "in the alcove of my eyes, i'll reverecome, krsna, my dear savior" "into our steps of rhythmdance and indulge our whim" "i try to latch on to you indeedbut in vain, i don't succeed" "you signal with fingers bentyou'll not be my friend"

    "god krsna, shining armored knightvisit us, you naughty delight" move dai padma!i have a doubt hindu households arrange 'doll show'what will muslims do? they'll make 'kurma'! hello, aayishaas-salaam alaikum - it's me, abu bakkar- yes, tell me i have a small doubtcan you clarify? might as well clarify!

    these 9 dayshindus celebrate 'golu' what kind of festivaldo you celebrate? oh my god! the same festivals you do true, never occurred to me! "just a pinch of affectionto change into a vast ocean" "let all the time in the worlddissolve within half a second" "mind as rain on soil greencherishes the moist feel" "why get flustered, dear?for the union of 2 souls so eager"

    "you became 'radha' to mewithout saying so explicitly" "scent of every single red flowerin your perfumed words shower" "thanks to youi think anew" "i yearn for that moment in timewe wed; your finger clasped in mine" "i'll cherish you in my eyes' nichegrace us with your presence" "into our bharatanatyamdance and cosset our every whim" "impish playful kanna, dearcome and join us here" "soul searches to unitemind follows with insight" "2 single souls together1 and similar path prefer"

    "lies whatever a veiled threatwords of truth as litmus test" "to be or not to be...?answer will step aside surely" "sharp thoughts convergelike the mirror's edge" "what didn't exist previousnow new different views" "you make me smileand my life worthwhile" "i sew in your smiles and laughtera string of spanish-cherry flower" "in the socket of my eyes i'll nurturecome, krsna, my pure treasure" "my lucky mascot dearmischievous krsna, come here" everybody escape

    tell me priya...? nataraj, are there anymuslims in our floor? no - how about other floors?- not that i know of but check inthe organizing structure i want to clarify a doubt mr ahmed subeidhwho's that? he is our vice president

    do you want to becomea partner in the company? what's bothering you? i have a doubt about marriagei mean about management by the way, do youhave any muslim friends? yeah, i do sunday morning 8 to 8:30 fat free muttonbone marrow lamb boti curry madewith lamb gizzards i know the muslimwho supplies the meat

    - iyer, coming home for lunch?- dude, attend to your work 'pakistan today announced willingnessto talk with india about terrorism' 'people who were arrestedafter the mumbai blast...' - what do they want?- for whom? those people whoannounced on tv now in my days, india and pakistanbonded like mother and child now, i don't knowwhat's got into them grandpa, same attitudecontinues for both of us ooops! i meanboth countries

    even in cricket,pakistan always cheats even our people make mistakes bybetting, cheating and fixing matches hey, give it to me in this movie see how they useak 47, rdx to kill innocent people! uncle, this is just a movie they'll bring a chap from afghanistanwho doesn't know a word of tamil and torture him to speak4 pages loaded with dialogs poor aayisha, uncle - aayisha?- all of them!

    actor sharukh khan once againin an american airport- hey, give it to medon't irritate me difficult to differentiate who isgood and who is a terrorist...? like how all nepalisare not gurkhas... ...same way all muslimsare not terrorists, uncle if you consider them as terrorists,then america, where you head to... ...after your education to makemoney, will be the 1st terrorist! there are lots of good stuffwe can learn from muslims there used to be an engineer by nameshahul hameed who worked with me

    children in his family only marriedwhomever he pointed to, obediently follow the samein our house too! ask him if a muslim girl marries a guyfrom another religion, then what'll he do? - why don't you ask him?- dai, srirangam...mythili! uncle, raghavan is asking- dai...! okay, raghavan wants meto ask you, uncle- if muslim guys marry girlsfrom another religion... ...what will their fathers do?

    - chop...chop!- ahh!? raghava, do you knowwhat they'll chop?! - dai!- uncle...? priya, your phone is ringingshall i pick it up? no, just leave it hello as-salaam-alaikumi'm abu bakkar priya, someone istalking in english! she take bathcall after 10 minutes, okay?

    priya, shall i borrowyour phone to play a game? grandma, i'll kill you my friend, dad - hello aayisha- yeah, tell me - i have a doubt- about the festivals we celebrate? no, this is different if i ask, you won'tmistake me, right? mistake?tell me i want to ask youabout marriage

    marriage? no, i was about to say i wanted toask you about our muslim weddings - what?- friend sure...sure if you leave meand go i'll kill you - yeah, tell me- i'll finish it right away your children,my children our children- i think it'll be right onlyif we talk in person

    coffee...? again? i can't keep collecting'coffee credit' from you this is free offer i want to ask you somethingwhen i meet you in person - shall we meet this evening?- we are going out as a family so are we! okay, we'll meettomorrow then - tomorrow too- next week? sorry...sorry

    next month? next year? 2020? no chance at all! my lunch! you are being unreasonable!! where's ganesh? come here? what, sir?don't you have work to do? what does it look like?

    have you beenplaced on 'the bench'? i'm waiting foran on-site call okay, then wait not todaythat's tomorrow today? 10 cafemy treat i won't make you racewith a 'come in 10 minutes' you come slowlywhen you're relaxed but come by today

    sorry, siri'm busy who is your close friend? - aayisha- super what a philosophy! ask your conscienceif you can come or not that's what i did - aayisha- tell me i have a doubt you love mansoor now

    he's a muslimand related to you in spite of the common factorsyour dad doesn't agree suppose you- sarang! suppose you fell in love withan iyengar boy like sarang... ...what will your dad say? what will your dad say if youloved a muslim like mansoor? he'd kill me my dad wouldburn me alive

    i haven't thought of mansooronly now for a short while - 1 more question- what? do you want to know how my dadwill react if i loved our office security? security?get lost even he won't- you...! what if i supported your love forsarang and spoke to your dad? he'd do 'kaima'! - what's that?- mincemeat!

    get lost depressing meearly in the morning he'll make mincemeat out of you you said you won't comebut here you are i don't want coffeei need a favor from you if you want ask my teacheri'm good at helping out what help? - you must come home- okay, let's go not nowwhen i ask you to

    you have to comeand meet my 'vapa' your dad?i'll be happy to hi, brother come on, darling shucks! ages since we saw- oh...madam brother...sooperyou've rocked it! i forgot your namechari...?

    no need to feel sorry - it's okay- chari...! no problem, sir aayisha, remember him? kattaipulimr wood tiger that's great okay, abu bakkar ellaiamma, let's go toa different tea shop! i got an account in that tea shopin anna nagar, refer my name

    i have accountsall over the city you wanted my help? actually i don't have a boyfriend you're my only boyfriend and that too 'bhai' friend who else will help me? help...what help? i love an iyengar boywho works in my office... ...with all my heart!

    we want to get married no one will accept this at home i'm scared tobroach this topic you're a muslimand so is my father maybe he'll listen to you help us get married, bhai look here...! being a muslim, we shouldget married only within our caste otherwise it will bea case of chop-chop

    what have you done! i wish i had known i have somethingto tell you too i too feel- i have to go now see you raghava, you are busy countingthe beams on the ceiling? i have a share in it too i'll give you the whole roof!will you ask uncle something?

    i won't ask him no, you'll get me caught - ask him- what should i ask him? they other day he said if a muslimmarries a hindu they'll be chopped- what will happen if a muslim girlmarries someone like raghava? what will her dad do? chop...bits and pieces what if he marriesthat muslim girl?

    i'll skin him alive raghava, i need togo to the bathroom "words she vocalizedwhatever she verbalized" please, priya, can you putyour phone on silent mode? "like a fish even mockery wiggleswith a last laugh at life's squiggles" hello, this is abu speaking i've been trying tocall you for a week whom do you want? aayishacall for you

    as usual on priya's mobile priya, you know who it is mansoor fought with himthis whole week that's why he has called you i asked him a million timeswhen he was getting his visa... ...if he needed money he acted pricey and said nothen you know what he did? he sold his sister's jewelsand bought a visa

    couldn't he havespoken to me? what will his family thinkof me when i marry him? people we trustshouldn't lie to us here, priyayou talk to him yell at him hello? please don't hang up i've been trying for a weeki haven't even gone to work you said you were in lovewith an iyengar chap you said you neededsome help at home

    come to 10 cafe tomorrowi'm sitting there right now let's go to your houseit's okay even if they hit me or kick me even- - hello?- yell...yell give him a royalpiece of your mind till now talking ormeeting you for coffee... not only because of whathappened in the train that day i liked what you said about how a girlshould behave to a guy she just met but when you keep calling andyou keep wanting to meet me...

    ...i feel like you're tryingtoo hard to impress me i'm not the kind of girl to fallin love with whomever i meet i'll only marry whomevermy parents choose for me only to make youstop calling me... ...i lied to you the other dayby saying i love someone today there's no differencebetween you bothering me... ...and the guy who wrote all thatyucky stuff about me in the loo who i am... family

    ...our customs if you knew- give it to me, priya! "your long veil will you liftand wipe away your mindset?" "will you, from decibel levels intensehear my mind's sound of silence?" "words she vocalized" "whatever she verbalized" "out of the body, love wriggles" "who is this heart-breaker?gazing at her, won't my mind stammer?"

    "will words entangle and grapple?hiccups in my adam's apple?" you want anything else? iyer, nisha has conceivedlady luck is smiling on us! congrats hello, mansoor what happened? why are youoffline on skype? i called youin the morning, no? paramatma (god) isdifferent from jivatma (self)

    this is what madhvacharya hastermed as dvaitam...dualism as a matter of fact this iswhat islam says as well sir, do you think it is commonbetween islam and vaishnavism? exactly it is commonthat is called dualism - good news for all of you- sarang, have you resigned? good news is we aregetting a new team leader he's now in a discussionwith the management team actually i interviewed him he is very talentedgot good experience

    so friendlyso humorous we kept laughing during the interviewand he's a very, very talented person so you'll like him a lot our project will always be green many of you will now getopportunities to go to the u.s what, priya?will you go? i'm sunilsunil kodavatur hey!aayisha? no, sunilshe's aayisha

    she's priyavishnupriya hi vishnu...priya?! 'if you knewmy family background...' '...our customs and traditions' i have only a 500 noteno, i need a favor- 'he's giving me rs 500at a traffic junction...?' 'escape!' bhai...? i was trying to getyour note changed for tens

    - sorry, bhai- i couldn't get please keep iti need to know about muslims their lifestyle and preferenceshow do they fix any alliance? what festivals they celebrate? seems completely'screw loose'! teach me, bhai i'm an expert at this, sir go to royapettah, sir it is my area filled withbig shots and top cats

    meesapet, jani johnkha road,mir bakshi ali street, ice house go there tell them peer masthanreferred you peer masthanbless you! you gave bhai rs 500what about me, bro? - this is for you!- thanks, bro come in, bhai "a poor man's prayer" "to his lord and master"

    "a voice from the tomb saysyou're mine always" "shining...lustrous...shimmeringyour holy crown is glimmering" "shining...gleaming...glitteringyour holy crown is glistening" "make my destiny toogleam similarly true" "khwaja...the preserver" "king of hindustan is the creatorkhwaja, the seer and sustainer" "the king of hindustanis the all praiseworthy sultan" "the owner of all sovereigntythe witness; the trustee" "performed the miracle of a barren womanbecoming a mother, oh the beneficent one"

    "the giver of life; the patron" "the entire water in a pond you filledinto one jug, the sublimely exalted" "the expediter, he who brings forward" "grant the requestof this girl in distress" "accede to her invocation, lorddon't send her empty-handed" "the withholderthe defender" "king of hindustan, the absolute rulerthe protecting friend, patron, and helper" "the eternal giverequitable requiter" "the guide, infallible teacher, and knower"

    "king of hindustan is the extenderkhwaja, the all glorious expander" 'in the name of allah,the most beneficent and merciful' 'praise be to godlord of all the worlds' 'the most compassionate' 'master of the day of judgement' 'guide us onthe straight path' 'the path of your grace,not the path brought down by wrath' 'not a path ofthose who wander astray' 'allah is one and only godhe is eternal refugee'

    'allah is the curer of all illnesses' 'the one who bestows all favors' 'he begets notnor is he begotten' - ameen- amen 'and there is none like unto him' 'glorified by thy lord, lord of majesty,from that which they attribute' amen! 'peace on the messengersand praise be to allah' 'lord of the worlds'

    - who is he?- no clue 'with allah's blessingslet all harm endangering us flee' '...due to our prayers in right earnest' 'help us to overcome tough situations' nazima...? your kerchief? what are you doing? i don't know you what's your name?

    - sir...?- your name? name, huh? ra...abu bakkar oh! you are a tamil muslim i know some frenchlittle bit of chinese too are you a muslimwho speaks tamil? i know tamil very wellwhat is this function, sir? this is mushir - that means?- fatiha

    i participatedbut i didn't understand! the way you read fatihawe do 'mushir' what is fatiha? what did you sayyour name was? you are a muslim, right? i am 50-50 muslim, sir i don't get it if you won't mistake mecan we sit down and talk? it's okay, i can evencome tomorrow, sir

    it's okay, come nazima, bring some tea - yunus...?- what, dad? lower the tv volume nag-nag at me! what's that 50-50 muslim? my name is abu bakkar, sir my father's name isvijayaraghavachari he is a brahmin

    my mother is aayisha, muslimshe's from okkadam, coimbatore they met on the trainen route to coimbatore fell in loveand we want to- they got married, sir then they were notaccepted by their family they were alienated my mother fondly named meabu bakkar and passed away, sir after that, only my dadbrought me up neither a full brahminnor a complete muslim

    that's why i said 50-50! where does your father work? he died when i was in college, sir after that, i cameto work in chennai i am now almostlike an orphan! my earnest wishfor my aisha-ma's sake to learn muslim customs will you teach me, sir? i'll pay the required feesthat's no problem, sir

    yunus, didn't i ask youto lower the tv volume? what now? how many timesshould i tell you? a boy raised by a brahminis here to know more about islam my own son is busy body-piercingflouting our sacred islamic rules why don't youadvise him, ashraf? who listens to me? abu, in this worldno one is an orphan you can come hereanytime you want

    i will teach youeverything about islam this is my daughter, nazima i know only thisvery well, sir your parents are not alivemy children don't have a mother this is my nephew, ashraf ali let me take leave sorry to have disturbed youin the midst of a function it is all allah's willto make you come here! your name, sir?

    shaukat aliunani doctor hereditary profession thanks, sir sorry, i forgotwa-alaikum-salaam 'khuda hafiz'may god be your guardian! sorry hey priya!did you check this project? the codes are all wrongi think the logic is missing you should send a mailand verify with them

    i think we should befinishing it by this week 1 second 'aayisha begum, beevi, banu?' abu, sit insidei'll join you soon - tea- thanks - shukriya- i don't want any sweet shukriya means thanks really?then shukriya! yunus, don't watch tvwhen you are on fasting

    sir, tea? i'm on a fast i don't drinktill i finish my prayers's getting delayedcall all of them so you want to learn aboutislam religion from today, huh? but what do you knowtill now about muslims? shah rukh khan acted ina hindi film, 'my name is khan', sir amir khan acted in 'fanaa' sir salman khan-

    abdul kalam president, sirzaheer khan is a bowler, sir 'akasat patitam toyamyatha gacchati saagaram' 'sarvadeva namaskaarahakesavam prati gacchati' do you know what this sloka means? i swear i don't know, sir like raindrops from the sky eventuallymerge as rivers, streams into one sea... ...even if we are of different religions,ultimately we all reach 1 god holy quran says'lakum deenukum waliya deen' to you is your pathand to me mine

    though we travel throughdifferent paths... ...our final destinationwill be the same true, sir for one to travel the islam routehe has to follow 5 principles 1st is kalimah worship god there is no god but allah andmuhammad is the messenger of allah 2nd is to pray 5 times a daythinking of our supreme god it is a kind ofdeep meditation

    have you ever prayed?, sir i will teach you start praying have you been circum-we'll discuss this later 3rd principle is to behealth conscious diet and fastingfollowing vows 4th principle is zakatmy favorite decree communists and socialistsendorse this principle

    if we have 3 apples... ...keep 2 apples for usand our kith and kin give the 3rdto the have-nots 5th is hajj, after finishingall our duties, we should go... ...on a pilgrimage to mecca one who follows all these5 decrees is a true muslim let us break our fast sit down, quick please sit, grandma

    'o allah! i fasted for you andi break my fast with your sustenance' whatever the religiondeath is certain for all of us the years we live on earth... ...we should not hurtor backstab anyone what are you thinking of, abu? shall i leave, sir? who will eat all this? eat with us i have an important work to do

    i forgot about iti'll take leave abu, day after is ramzanyou must be here in the morning you must spend ramzanthis year only with us i'll definitely be here, sir abu, are you vegetarian like your fatheror non vegetarian like your mother? i am...vegetarian, sir see you, sir vegetarian or non vegetarian? he looks like a vegan

    hi aayishahappy ramzan hey biriyani...yummy you can leavetake priya with you no veggie here for you sarang, you'd have dumpeda waste project on our heads! we'll dump the full projecton sarang's head - priya will help you- okay, priya 'mami'? okay, see you - i've ordered 'veggie food' for you- oh! then we are leaving!!

    enough...come in this is my 'vapa' we can seehe is here! 'vapa' means dad finance controllerat the harbor this is sarangproject manager he never grants leave, sir ma, this is priya she has told melots about you

    how are your folks at home? they are fine please stay and enjoy - kaalamma, how are you?- i am fine kupima, this is priya didn't i tell you, when mansoor left fordubai she went to coimbatore for me? mansoor also knowspriya very well on a festive day like todaywonder what my son is doing alone? don't worry, ma

    by next ramzanthey'll be happily married abu...! mansoor called me yesterdaybut i forgot to tell you aayisha, i'll just step out abu, come here abu...abu bakkaryou must eat, dear you shouldn't keep running abu, why are you late? eid mubbarak

    mashah allahgod's will i thought you wouldn'twear a new dress i got one for you ashraf, bring the dress here why did you have totrouble yourself, sir? whatever the functionyou must wear a new dress go and change i'll go home and- go and changein one of our rooms

    you look awesome in this stop hey yunus! you thought he was yunus? she mistook youfor her brother abu is alsopart of our family put 'surma' for him, dear you've never lined your eyes? it will suit you

    don't ask for a 2nd helpingand put our office to shame sarang, this is my brotherjaffar hussain serve mutton tothat corner seat oh no! i'm vegetarian aiyaiyo!yuck! vegetarian, huh? sorry, sarang enough next year for ramzan,even if you don't invite us...

    ...we'll be here to tasteyour yummy biriyani! ramzan is notonly to eat biriyani underlying reasonis to forget enmity to spread loveand friendship whomever we have fought withwe should call a truce before ramzan or at least greet each otherwith ramzan wishes and start talking you don't have tobe a muslim for this whoever may have proclaimed, it isgood to absorb the best of any religion can i ask you a doubtif you won't misunderstand me?

    by all means will all muslim girls marry onlythe groom pointed by their parents? it's not only muslimsall parents will wish this i'll be happy if my daughter marriesthe groom i choose for her give, dear eid mubarak come here, abu "oh my lord, the ever-livingthank you for your blessing" "the all praiseworthythank you for your mercy"

    "i sprouted wings to flyin the breeze wafting in the sky" abu, music is beyond languagesing a tamil song, it's okay "i sprouted wings to flyin the breezing of a cloudy sky" "in the orange sky, 'mehendi' bedeckedi searched and meandered" "our folks near and dearcomply the same here" "while love's drizzlecontinues to sprinkle" "your charm is endearingyour words are enchanting" "a feather from the sky descendedto etch a poem on the cheeks of the wind" "i sprouted wings to flyin the cool wind weaving in the sky"

    "i spread my wings alongsidei searched far and wide" "oh the expander, the munificentthank you for your present" "oh my lord, the all-seeingthank you for your offering" 'praise be to allah' will you answer my question? abu, she wants to knowif you'll answer her question? "world spins on its axis-" "can our ears hear, i'm wonderingthe sound of earth rotating and revolving" "in the silence of any worldom and amen can be heard"

    "even if your breath stops all of a suddenwhat is the bond within you unshaken?" "even if i rest eternally, it is my shadowleaning towards you forever true" "today i saw a girl, my carbon copywho that clone is, can you tell me?" "one who gave birth to youor one you gave birth to?" "will i get the words to professmy love that i want to express?" "i sprouted wings to flyin the drifting wind of a cerulean sky" "in the amber sky with 'mehendi' glossi sang as i flew breezily across" abu, carefulgive me the phone "dark night, stars galorecrescent moon to adore"

    "like a poor man's torn parasolmy mind was out of control" "amidst ray's warmth and cloud's mistwhat's this emotional oscillating twist?" "it is a shower of friendshipa call of unexpected kinship" "flowery thoughts with you as my worlduntil now unuttered, tell me that word?" "love unconditionalor affection eternal?" "oh king of my heart!when will you be my consort?" "my life is with you till infinitywelcome to unite with me" "you are everything to meyou are me in perpetuity" - hello...?- wish you a happy ramzan

    eid mubarakwhy can't we meet and wish? might as wellwish in person! - where?- ten cafe "the vast and all encompassingthank you for your blessing" "i sprouted wings to flyin the cool breeze of a clear sky" "in the orange sky painted with 'mehendi'i sang as i flew across carefree" "the forbearing, the indulgentthank you for your consent" "the bountiful, the generousthank you for watching over us" "the reinstater who brings back allthank you for catching us when we fall"

    sir...? abu, i'm herecome upstairs why did yourun away yesterday? did you think we willforce you to eat biriyani? i got an urgentphone call, that's why what's that? - sweets- why all this? no, i didn't buy anythingfor eid yesterday why did you bother...nazima?

    - abu, you've changed?- really, sir? - thanks- shukriya?! what kind of dress is that? influence ofcinema on kids! abu, though we havemany sweets in our country... ...our biriyani isking of foods you aren't telling me aren't you a vegetarianlike your father? like my mother-

    leave that, have youtasted arcot ambur biriyani? no, sir it's colorful and delicious - i'm late, shall i leave?- what's the rush? senkotai border biriyaniis simply ultimate! in this hyderabad biriyanimeat will be bigger than the rice! i swear, i have to leave, sir it's not only muslimswho make the best biriyani in dindugul, biriyani bythalapakattu naickers...

    ...abu, shall we try it once? let me leave, please in chennai, the biriyanithey make at weddings- i know it tastes goodi'll leave now, sir you haven't tastedour nazima's biriyani, right? i believe, she has kepta little for you in the fridge if you heat yesterday's biriyani,it tastes really delicious today it's getting late, sir they'll yell at me at 'home'ooops i mean at work

    you don't have to eat, abu but at least will you servebiriyani in your wedding? only you'll presidemy wedding, sir bye, sir aayisha, i have a doubt priya has a doubt yeah, tell me you'll address mansoor'smother in some way oh gawd!

    - kappi, kippi...?- puppy, tommy, jimmy...! - hey please, tell me- kuppi, kuppimma - means?- mother-in-law - then 'father-in-law'?- mamu - dad's brothers?- chacha - mother's sisters?- kaalamma, chachi grandparents? dhadha, dhadhimananna, naanima - grandfather's grandfather?- yah allah...!

    what does 'yah allah' mean? 'mami', if there's power cutand you're stuck in the lift...'ll call your vishnusame exclamation! perumalay! yah allah if allah wills...? where's that ship heading to? dubai? my kuppi's sonmansoor lives in dubai

    - does he own a biriyani shop there?- no, only 'chacha' owns a biriyani shop will it be very colorful likethe arcot ambur biriyani? i don't know 'chachi' has tasted that biriyani will it be like hyderabad biriyani... ...with mutton piecesbigger than the rice? i must ask only'nanna' and 'naani' do you know to make biriyaniwith 'jeera sambha' rice? i learnt it from my 'kaalamma'

    how'll it be if youcook biriyani? it'll be very hot! - can you bring it?- kaalamma...? - kaalamma...?!- biriyani, ma i'd also love to eat biriyanibut they add garlic in it you know how even the smellof garlic is taboo in our house! my mother-in-law willstrangle me to death i bought a bottle of garlic pickleand left it on top of the cupboard- how do you cook biriyani?

    did you suddenly getreminded of our biriyani? you could've eaten to yourheart's content on ramzan! not muttonvegetable biriyani how do you prepare it? hey 'mami' we've cookedfish biriyani, want to taste? lord vishnu, help mevegetable biriyani even if we are unwell,we'll not cook veg-biriyani! you don't kill people with your food,just go to saravana bhavan 1 chicken and1 mutton biriyani, right?

    bhai, bill 3 mutton and2 chicken biriyani don't be in a hurryit takes time to pack don't touchit's piping hot - excuse me, give me biriyani- what biriyani, madam? what's on your menu today? chicken, mutton, egg, beef,prawn, quail, partridge and turkey what biriyanido you want, 'mami'? how dare you ridicule me! - fish biriyani?- i have tortoise biriyani

    but is it okayif snail paced? - give me mutton biriyani- half, full or quarter? chee-chee, he doesn't drink!'s quantity, 'mami' give me in this forjust 1 person to eat - in the tiffin box?- add an egg let the goat hatch an egg,i'll keep that too! did you add gravy? give an inch take a yard!you will ask for a gourmet meal

    everything is neatly packed kaalamma...! 'i'm in such a mess' 'priya, throw it away' biriyani...! aayisha, you didn'task me why i'm late? i was very hungry so on the wayi ate up to my throat! - what did you eat?- biriyani

    - biriyani?- mutton biriyani up to your throat?what about this? it's for you keep it why are you pushing it? - chickpea salad- go away uncle scrooge to the core! you got it from home, huh?at least eat that and scoot - hit you!- have fun, boss

    - biriyani...?- right...biriyani? it'll get cold ate to my stomach's content! that's okay, you're herewon't you lend me a hand? share? ah, this can be eatenonion 'raitha' 'perumalay' save me! eggplant gravy my mom makes it very well

    in my home too! 'what do i do now' 'lord vishnu, help me' 'why is it like this?' aayisha, do you knowislam's 4th principle? communistic philosophy if we have 3 apples then we mustgive 1 apple to the needy it seems let me go andgive this 'apple' my savior!this is for you

    "you are my star always twinklingmy sky sparkled with sequins glittering" "you fill my eyes with your twinkleto my eyes' content i see the sparkle" "as mirrored images you sail eloquentlyglinting in the rippling waters gently" "before me" "with your love gliding towards memy shyness speaks hesitantly" "i'm your star always twinklingmy sky glistened in space glittering" "my eyes sharpened into focusyou're my brave-heart bonus" "as mirrored images you sail gracefullyshimmering in the rippling waters softly" "ahead of me"

    "with your love walking towards memy shyness chats cautiously" "today why is it, i wonderi am your 'mine' forever?" "you and i are 'we'not just you or me" "are you a swingor a bait waiting?" "drizzle sprinklingor mirage twinkling?" "special silence you offeredas my words got transferred" "as pseudonym in a strange city" "our love will flourish till eternity" - going out?- got to run an errand

    okay ask him about marryingmy daughter mythili "with your stride and gaityou increased my heart rate" "i saw in your eyesglittering fireflies" "you stirred my dreams in slumberwith a rise in my temperature" "when eyes opened wideyou gifted moonlight" "you gave me a treasure trove indeedmy days sped with lightning speed" "in the warmth of your feetour love will bloom sweet" "our search will be complete"

    "in front of me" 'even the cakeis iced with a fish!' yes, father mythili's father passed away we are leavingfor srirangam come home soon okay, i'll come now hey, what happened? aayisha, i have to goout of town with my family

    i'll be back in2 days, okay? bye is sir at home? sundaram, someonehas come in a big car you are still spot-driving?change your shorts and come - sir, excuse me- it's okay this is sarangan, my only sonproject manager in priya's office - this is rukmani- greetings look how muchhe loves your daughter

    he mailed me your family's detailsas a power point presentation why all this now? who asked themto come now? so you did notask them to come? hi...ramakrishna girls' school? maaaa...! affluent family only son well settled

    salary will be more thanrs 2 million per year super! same office can go to workin the same car! ma, you give the coffeeor ask sahana to serve is he working with me? are we asking youto marry right now? take this prostrate, dear we are all very happy

    sir, i like you a lotyou are so upfront i know details about your daughterwhich you are yourself unaware! give it to him if it's a cdis it a new game? grandmaaaa! she's a good girl but sometimes she'll forget towear a 'bindi' on her forehead that cd has his birth date, star,job, aim everything in power point if you take a lookand get back to us...

    ...we can hold the engagementon an auspicious day there's an offerto go to usa hey, let them firstgive their offer! - we'll be in touch- definitely raghava, changeyour sacred thread priya, good newsmansoor has got a job dad has also agreedto us getting married next week, engagementas soon as he lands in chennai then he'll go back to dubai4 months

    hey saranghelp yourself you are a real 'cat'i didn't want to talk to you heard you're gettingengaged to sarang since when is this brewing? when you said sarang, iyengar guy,love and things like that... ...i thought as much you planned your moveand trapped him hey tamizh!wait, i'm coming hello, what happened?

    sorry, aayisha my relative passed awaythat's why i had to rush i want to meet you immediatelyto discuss an important issue actually, i also want to sharesomething important with you okay, you go first the other day at the railway station,the train was crowded, ticket was- it's okay abu, i'm caught in a problemyou have to solve it for me didn't i tell you aboutmy cousin mansoor in dubai?

    my family has decided toget me married to him next week isthe engagement what can i do? you have to decide we can get marriedeven tomorrow i'm helpless let me repeat this whatever you decide... ...i am ready

    you were about tosay something, no? i wanted to say i couldn'tget a ticket by train nothing else "in hussein's martyrdom, you believethen be in a state of abject grief" "people of karbala, oppressedbe in a state of mourning, distressed" "and as for imam husseinhe bore every injustice unshaken" "o followers of the faith,this was his journey herewith" "and as for imam hussein, he boreevery shred of rage and rancor" "o followers of the faith,this was his journey at any rate"

    "imam hussain chose to carryevery injury thrust on him gory" "let us commemorate, my companions,the martyrdom by our lamentations" hello, raghava ramanujam, i'm askingon behalf of my daughter i'm asking your son's handfor my granddaughter i promised to conductthe engagement this wednesday hey raghava, i don't knowif you're going to office or america but before you go... ...marry this girland take her with you

    ...or leave her behind here raghava, if youmarry my mythili... of the 2 will happen i'll split your heart into 2 oh gawd bloodi didn't do anything! hello, pa? priya, the groom's family has fixedthis wednesday as an auspicious day come homewe'll talk in person but dad...?

    - abu, what have you decided?- i really don't know what to do i intend telling my folksat home about you what is your plan? i need to tell you something i'm in love with someone what a clam! i'll get married only to her wowww! i don't know ifall of you will like him!

    you will definitelynot like her i like him very much i adore her! i'll marry only him 'this is the circle of life, most of usin our urban lives have lost touch with' i've told my whole family so have i they want to meet you my family too

    i've told themi'll bring you i also saidi'll bring you but i didn't tell themyou're a muslim i didn't tell either how did you knowi'm not a muslim?! so you are not a muslim?! no, i'm not she looks beautiful are you also workingin raghavan's office?

    their happinessmatters to me most actually, her colleague... ...of his own accord askedif he could marry my daughter coming wednesday we hadplanned their engagement we'd also planned the samefor him with my niece out of the bluehe told us he's in love they've both plannedtheir love brilliantly! last month,my manager's son... ...also an iyengar

    ...without his family's knowledgemarried a christian girl we were worriedhe may also bring home... ...a christian or a muslim girl - give it to me, i won't break it- you will, grandma you were so busy gossipingyou forgot the bindi on her forehead! go in and wear a 'bindi' i won't spare you,my dear grandson 'pah...!3,330!!' 'what?'

    she is sitting over there mythu, next is our wedding for sudarsan's wedding,they had ordered sarees... ...from kancheepuram sm silks our whole familyattended that function they are related to us see, it's such a small world! - raghava was also there- raghava, did you meet priya there? priya, did you meetraghava there?!

    (formal wedding announcement) "is this you, is this me?i struggle inside confusedly" "disguises unveiled, game overwhen will life offer a curtain raiser?" "will the heart forsakeall the bitter-sweet ache?" "mind's defect when acquainted" "till the pain gets evacuatedsmeared stains painted tainted" "who is this sizzling stunner?seeing her, won't my mind stutter?" "will words tussle and topple?hiccups in my adam's apple?" "won't you tell me, pleasewhere this crescent path leads?"

    "this state of solitude may stabilizewill you rescue me and revitalize?" sir? who is it? tea? no...1 minute what is that? please give thisto your father tell him i cameto invite him hello, invitation shortagecan you give me some?

    - where should i come?- evening...beach...? sorry...! watch your step, sir sorry...sorry, sir 'have you seen a mermaid?' 'no, i haven't seen' 'if i see one,i'll ask her to marry me' this is what will happenif you let in such fellows who listened to me?

    - when is the wedding?- coming friday - in which marriage hall?- desika bavanam, mylapore congratulations, bride you're such a sly female you were so closeto me all this while and you fooled even me even our u.s client knowsabout my love matter but you...hid everything! really miss clam

    abu bakker, don't touch it priya...i have a small wishtomorrow you'll be married before that will you pleaseintroduce me to him? please? come...comelet's meet him when did you guys come? - hi- this is... i'm aayishapriya's friend you must knowa lot about me

    but she didn't tell mea single word about you this is my sisterthat's abu...abu bakkar abu is very fond of priya i'm engaged to mansoor he's in dubai she must havetold you about him i'll invite you speciallyyou must attend my wedding abu? abu likes you a lot

    hey...what is this, priya? the two of you don't evenseem like you're in love did you both have long faceseven when you were dating? we've spent a lot of timetogether as abu and aayisha but you are notthe aayisha in my heart and i'm not the abu in yours doesn't seem like we fell in love i need some- we need some time

    let's not get married have you comefor the wedding, bhai? wedding was stopped boy doesn't likethe girl it seems both families are fighting leave...leave uncle...don't worry there he is! - let go of him- listen to me

    what did your parents name you? wait...let go do you love my daughter? is that why youcame to my house? sir, listen to me did you ditch the brideyour folks fixed for her sake? will you leave everythingand come here? sir, i never wanted to fool you at your age, you'll justleave home and come

    but in my age, only i knowthe pain your parents will feel these boys will rip you apartand a doctor like me will treat you what i will do to you is... ...forgive you! i'll say it even now, sir only you willpreside my wedding actually client requirement togo on-site is only for 1 person this is a short term assignmentmostly near new york it's better if someone witha good client rapport goes

    i think the right choice excuse me dude...move, please aayisha! no, no, i can'ti'm getting married then aayisha, project will finish1 week before your marriage sarang, you already knowhow hassled i am i can't add this to it priya, why don't you go?you know the client too

    it'll be relaxing for you too - excuse me?- yes? can i take the offer? priya, do you remember? we met on an official triplike this, on a train i was waiting for this aayisha...sorry, priyayou take this offer i disturbed you a loton the train that day i'm sorry

    anyways, congratshave a nice journey take care thank you, sunilthanks a lot look at my son!isn't he like nisha? very cute nisha, he works nowin our bangalore office we scared him away! iyer! keep in touch - bye bye- bye, priya

    bon voyage bye, aayisha - why are you going to bangalore?- boss decided to send me bye, dad priya! 1 minutecan i talk to you? first we saw a groomyou said you didn't like him i said 'okay' why did you reject that girl? you said you love someoneand you'll marry only him

    you said you werein love with her on your wedding dayyou rejected him i said 'okay' to that too why didn't you like her?she liked you, didn't she? ma, pleasei'm late for the train suddenly last week you saidyou're flying to america ma, what is this?behaving like a child leave me alone for a whilethen i'll tell you all about it i've said so many okays for youwill you say 1 'okay' for me?

    tell me, pa after you get back from america,i'll find a suitable boy for you and you should 'okay' him okay, pa raghava, take leavefrom your father father?i...i'm sorry hello, siri'll see you excuse me, sarangif you don't mind... ...can you drop us home?

    sure, sirwith pleasure ticket, please name, please abu bakkar!brother, we rocked it that day i was roshan kumar remember? that day on the trainlike a hero you helped the muslim girl i was on silent mode if i had got tensedyour story would be mine why did you ignore mein ten cafe?

    did you marry the girl? where is she? she's gone what, brother? i thought you wouldbe honeymooning you're mooning around here mr sarang, why don't youcome in for a cup of coffee? if you don't mind... ...can i come another daywith my parents for coffee?

    hi, mami!how are you? mixed meat sandwich,chicken sub, chicken noodles have you eaten all that? yuck! my grandma has given me enoughmasala to last me for 3 months then money you'd spendon food is well saved you must have earned a lotthat's why you've forgotten me i keep talkingto you every day that's official

    did you checkmy personal mail? what have you sent? i'll wait on skype open your mail anddownload the attachment congrats, aayisha you're attendingmy wedding for sure, mami september 23rdis your flight 25th chennai 27th marriageand you'll be with me

    if you screw it up,that's the end of you you went instead of mei'll steal all your dollars - dishum!- oye, abu your impish friend, abu bakkar oye abu!say hi to your friend - talk to her- - how are you?- good okay, mamidon't forget come for the wedding

    hello, sistercan you hear me? i think the connection is slow - what is this?- apple - to eat?- no, it's an ipad don't touch iti know what to do will you talk to the groom? i'll talk to herfrom the office he'll talk to you from the officeis that okay with you? - how are you, priya?- i'm fine

    priya is returning next week if you don't mind,i need to talk to her can i go to the airportto receive her? take a picture with priya sonny, apple!next is me 1 snapwith sarang take a good picture of her how are you?, that's okay

    i was expecting you 2 days ago i came till new york but because of heavy rainthey cancelled the flight what date is today? 27th today is aayisha's wedding? i didn't goi preferred to pick you up please let's go there directly you must be jet lagged

    no, it's okayshe'll get angry take me there "he dwells in the heartsof his true devotees" "he feeds the hungryand ensures prosperity" aayisha must be insidego in and see her when did you come? just now if you had missed my wedding,i would have killed you you must stay forthe entire function, priya

    i need to talk to you a lot i invited everyone by maileven raghav from bangalore my brother said he has come toomeet him and talk to him, priya i feel he's better for you abu...!abu bakkar meet him right nowdon't miss the chance where's abu? he was here somewhere - how are you?- i'm fine

    i don't want youto regret later i saw him wajid called me afterseeing him at the wedding hall rascal! i met aayishamy head is aching can we leave? i'll wait outsideyou come just- i told you...jet lag

    no...just- abu...abu here you are! he found you? can you take care of him? - hi, priya- hi, raghavan hi, i'm sarangan - were you in the u.s?- you aren't in chennai now? i forgotwhat's his name?

    abu...abu bakkar do you agreeto this wedding? i do is everyonegood at home? how's everyoneat your place? sign here you didn't comefor our engagement please comefor our wedding sure, sir

    i'll leave now - do you agree?- i agree i agree "you stirred my nights with your eyesyou made my temperature rise" "alcove of my eyes you alignedwith moon's silver beam to shine" what is this atrocity? raghavan! don't hit him i misunderstood him

    let him go i'll tell you even now, sironly you'll preside my wedding you suddenly need a ticketto go some place in a rush people like us come tothe rescue of folks like you only for tonight your nameis not madhavan, get in even if you forget the citydon't forget the name joseph matthew success brother, come here

    what is around your neck? my 10th yearly vow tovisit iyappan temple wear it for 10 or 15 years but just for tonightfasten your top button okay, bro subtitles by rekhs

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