tv stands for flat screen 46 inch

tv stands for flat screen 46 inch - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled tv stands for flat screen 46 inch, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

About : tv stands for flat screen 46 inch
Title : tv stands for flat screen 46 inch

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    tv stands for flat screen 46 inch

    1 , 4,, 7, 8. these cards make you wonderwhen you would win the game. walk on the wild night. take a walk on the wild night. mumbai, lt is said that peoplespend their entire lifetime.. get their livesfrom slow to fast track.. ..but little did lknow that in two.. ..and a half hours my lifewill take a complete turn ..and shift from aslow track to fast track.

    l had 70 rupees and now l havetwo and a half crores in my pocket. l missed the last localtrain and it changed my destiny. they saying 'whatever happensfor the best' is really true. l am glad l missed my last train. '2 1/2 hours- 2 1/2 crores! wow! l appreciate this turn of destiny. the 1 .4,0 train is the last local. lt will halt at all the station. the train on platform number one isthe last train at 1 .4,0 to kalyan.

    you are not allowed to sit here. but l missed my train so? so should l bring it back for you? no. no.- don't stutter. by the time you finish saying.. ..what you have to; youwill miss the next one too. l'll take the next one. this was the last, the nextone ls come back in the morning.

    only after two and a half hours. hey! can't u tellsomeone's asleep below? move. get out. you too. don't spread filth.this is a platform. people complain abouttheir days going bad.. my nighthas turned miserable. friends and cigarettes,both should be filtered. lf my friends hadn'tforced me to have a beer.. cheers.

    ..l wouldn't be here. you will get late. why you worried? relax! rs. 70 won't be enough for a cab,can't wait at the platform. listen saajan let's not go today. the city is on a red alert besidesits saturday, it's inauspicious. let's go back. l assure you thatthe payment will be made. saturday is a veryinauspicious day. yes, you were bornon a saturday too.

    moron! don't u remember panvacame under a train on saturday? even deepak cut his finger onsaturday and even aslam kharcha.. and now its your turnto die on a saturday. you idiot! finally! hey, willyou go to vikhroli? will you take go to vikhroli? driver. driver. driver. will youtake me to vikhroli? very smart! on hearing awoman he wakes up at once.

    we are on strike madam. strike? but autos were workingin the evening? weren't they? the bomb blast tookplace in the evening itself.. ..and the driver inwhose auto the bomb blasted.. ..his own family was arrested. lt's so unfair. we are guinea pigs. go ahead find another auto. ok. ok. l didn't have themarrested, come on lets go now. brother. l said no.find someone else.

    you both want to go to vikhroli,share an auto together. middle class girlsand their attitude. they see a decent guyand start acting pricy. l've got nothing to lose but shesurely is losing out on good company. l knew she would come. my charm is like a tube light.although late it works. l am sorry. ya tell me. you told thepolice about the location? l told you not to!shut up! just shut up!

    lf something happensl will hold you responsible. ok. understood. stupid woman. this is bajaj speaking.l was coming to bkc.. ..but my wife informed the policeabout the location by mistake. no. no, don. l am nottrying to be over smart. she made a mistake. please suggest another place.where? vashi jetty? all right. l will be's almost 2.00 l can be there in an hour.l am carrying the bag.

    yes. lt's for you. ok. thank you. this is a great moment. there is a faint intoxication. a beautiful girl is my companion. we have made each other. destiny has given you a will regret if you miss it. who knows whatwill happen tomorrow. who knows what will.. ..happen tomorrow.

    there is no auto in sight.look there's a taxi. come under the umbrella,or you'll get wet. bombay rains! love is in the air and lhave beautiful company too. what else do you need! lt's been ages sincel spoke to a girl.. ..and even my night shift isfull of boys at the call centre. come on nilesh, makemost of this opportunity. lt's 2:10 already? meetingwith boss ended very late.

    high post. high responsibilities. are you coming back from work too? no, had been to a friend'sengagement party, got delayed there. and they dropped me here. l thought the lasttrain was at 1 :45. but it was at 1 :40. she smiled. come on strike nilesh. lf you don't mind,can l know your name? name?

    your good name? madhu! nice name. l am friends call me neil. hey neelya! l work at new york's an mnc's call centre. call. call centre? they collect paymentsbut in a foreign accent. mr. donald. your july bill ispending. please pay a.s.a.p.

    ln between l bringin some hindi too. you idiot, if you didn't havethe money, why did u spend so much? nothing, sir. just few wordsof appreciation. that's all. hey! bunty babli!get out of the way. that was close. how will we reachvashi jetty so soon? why this lastminute location change? but..ok. that guy was a complete hottie.

    why did you abuse him? you've always been this way.all you ever do is get angry. maybe it's because of tobacco. eat some bubblegum. doctors say itscleans your system. do you want it? don't chew my brains! thelocation has been changed.. ..its vashi jetty now,another corner of mumbai city. we have on hour and thecity is on red alert too. never mind. next time when lstep out, will buy gum for you. let's focus on work now.

    must be drinking and driving idiots! rich spoilt bratsflaunting their father's money. ln delhi , l used to bringthese fools back on track. would enter their home andbeat the hell out of them. did u check the car number? let's go.- yes. that's why delhi is delhi. not like this city. 1 :4,0 isyour last local, 4,:10 next local. and look at thecondition of the roads..

    ..and they want toconvert mumbai into shanghai . l don't understand. vikhroli is 10minutes from here by train and.. have to wait for 2 and ahalf hours for the next one! why stop trains in the first place? but they need time torepair and maintenance too. then reduce the frequency.but who cares. mumbai dogs. oh, no! lf they were from delhi , you'denter the lane and beat them right! lt's raw and adulterated.

    l take this path is close by.. stand is around the corner.we'll find a way out. do you have matches?wanted to spark off something. aunt will do. you were left should have called me. they are druggies! one blow and they'll crumble. l had to control myself.. ..because you arearound or else two chop..

    ..and- you understand chops right? you mean mutton piece? no, not mutton piece. ln karate,a slap is known as a chop. l've learnt it for 6 months atprakash karate coaching, ghatkopar. the moment you feelangry..yeah yeah yeah. you twisted it. are you making fun of me? yes auto!

    stop him.- thank god. at least he stopped. but he's entering the bar. make an attempt. who knows,he might be ready to go. but? but what? once he goes in,he wont come out. ok. and listen, tell himwe'll pay him extra and .. ..also say that youhave a woman with you.

    look there. nana patekar's duplicate? l am the original. the guy onthe big screen is the duplicate. he snatched it all away from me. my destiny. my world.what do you want? will you take us to vikhroli? will you feel bad if l refuse? err..yaa let it be.

    but l have a woman with me. who told you to loiteraround with a woman at this hour? no autos. no trains.unpredictable rains. vikhroli isn't that close thatyou can hop, skip, and jump. listen to me. spend the night here. one mosquito can turna man into a eunuch. not a bad idea. we could kill two and ahalf hours at the bar.. ..catch the extlocal and head back..

    ..and l am in themood for some beer too. what happened? let's go? he didn't agree? never mind, there arestrange people around. we are stuck. don't worry. there'san auto stand ahead. let's try there. come under theumbrella or you'll get wet. no buses. no trains and vikhroliisn't close either to hop there. l mean, we can't walk.

    then? well, if it's ok.. we could go to the bar. ln the bar? are you crazy? lf l roam in the rain for 2 hoursl could become crazy for sure.. what will l tell auntyif l return in the morning? where am l returning from? aunty? l am a pg. l am a paying guest.

    go a little later. say yourfriends had asked you to stay over. and if you have any problemthen my house is in vikhroli. lf it's ok with you thenyou could come to my house.. ..and freshen up and lmake some great coffee. you must come and experience adelhi resident's hospitality. we can be here on the road too. she's thinking; butif she decides to come but l don't want tocause you any inconvenience. lnconvenience is inevitable.

    you are very heavy. will haveto carry you on my shoulders. shall we go in? come. never thought thatpunishment would turn into pleasure. thank god mumbaididn't turn into shanghai . step carefully and youmight end up getting married. or else you will staylonely in your house. eh! why did we take a u-turn? brother saajan. tell me. sonu.

    location has changed from bkc to vashi jetty. lt's a trap laid by the police. brother saajan, if we gothere we might be arrested. look police! where?- right in front. lnspector is going toshoot us, duck down. stupid coward! laugh all you want,but if the cops spot us..

    ..we'll be flashedin tomorrow's paper. you will be shot in the abdomen.then you won't be able to laugh. talk now. come on talk. what did you do saajan?killed your own man? l missed the speed breakers. now look at what you've done. l didn't see the potholes.the trigger got pressed. he is alive. my ear

    he was bugging us andyou pierced his ear. don't cry. find it,the doctor will fix it. will the doctor fix it? yes, earlobes and shoesoles are somewhat similar. cobbler fixes solesand doctor fixes ears. help me find it. help him. look to your left. lsn't it there? lt's a peanut looked like your ear.

    don't joke. help me find it. look at the glass behind. hey! hold it. willget dirty if it falls. lf you look into myeyes you will go crazy. you love has cast its magic. l have become crazy. because of your magical touch. you'll sit on my head or what? beer . beer

    exact. lt's for 70 and l haveonly 70 rupees in my pocket. today's my lucky day, even if l wishfor katrina kaif, she'd be there. one..what about her? will you have something? no. thank you. get me a beer and you'd havesomething to munch with it right? alright , 1 cold drink for me too. oh no one cold drink for me.

    one beer and one cold drink. which beer do you have? kingfisher. foster. 5000. 10,000. do you have mona lisa? there's no such beer. l have it daily. you don't get it inthe entire country. do you go abroad to have it? do you have it or no?

    no. then cancel my beer. just a cold drink? yes . we'll order you can go. listen. l have money. lf it's because of money.. lt's not about the money butthere is nothing like mona lisa. l didn't want it that bad anyway. how do l explain! that my wishto have beer remains a wish.

    lt's all about taste. my youth is restless. soothe it with your love. the emotion has become dead.the intoxication is increasing. damn! he came inside tooand he's staring at my woman. soothe it with your love.l will become crazy. madhu! come sit here. why? lts hot that side.

    better. you didn't get my ac.'s too hot here.l will sit there. would you like to order? bathroom? l'd like a bedroom. go carefully, thebathroom is wet. lt's shaky. wassup? chaman charlie. what will you have sir?

    give me a 36 size underwear. moron ! what else will l come to abar for besides drinking! make an imported large,haven't had one in ages. god has gifted me witha handsome face and.. ..a glass of beer willsurely give it a glow. hmm. should l ask madhu for money? l can give it to herwhen she comes home! wow! great idea. she willhave to come to my house. two birds with one and women both!

    good deal. you will become crazy. duck. what is he doing here? madhu. do you have.. what is this guy doing here? patrik. c'mon , give me a hug. you here? what are you doing here?

    missed my last local train,so came here to kill time. got a girlfriend or no?or still single . oh! your girlfriend? no buddy! she also missed herlast train. madhu this is patrick. pat. -hi.- hello. we've livedtogether for a long time. 8 months. we've shared it all likebuddies including our underwear. we were very close.

    and where's your glass? he only drinks mona lisaand its not available here. what? you still areplaying that trick! madhu give us 2 minutes. pat! you've cleaned up good. yea! l've done well. see my rolexwatch , my lancer , flat in chembur. all this in one year? l am settled now. tell meif you every need anything. one large more.

    pat you recall you oweme rs. 1500 because.. hadn't paid yourrent before you left. stop thinking small,think big. size matters. there's a game goingon inside. teen patti. card game. would you like to come? l'll put the first 10,000 you are a genius at teen patti! what did you say - fifty fifty. but pat, how will l?

    c'mon man!opportunity knocks only once. ln one night you canchange your destiny. he's calling's my lucky day. are you coming? forget it. just return my rs.1500. that's enough. damn. you always talk small. alright, take it when you leaveand if you feel like it join me. hey waiter, look after himwell and make the bill in my name. ok. bye.

    he changed in one year.what did l get? an increment of 2500. my life is moving slowlywhile others sped ahead. l have to dress up for my beloved. for my beloved. feeling better? don't mess with's already 2:4,0 ..we have to reach vashi inhalf an hour. how will we make it? call bhai and tellhim we are not coming.

    they are in the lap of luxury.. ..and are making usrun around the place. do you know what no means to them? am a woman; will be spared but you! mangesh chilke will get you good! strange places thecity has doesn't it? like this one? no like my call centre. should l ask for another cold drink?

    'take care of this gentleman.l will pay the bill.' - sure. one cold drink and one beer. but we don't have mona lisa. get whatever you have and nocold drink for madam. get a juice. your friend seemsto be a wealthy man. what rubbish! lt's all blackmoney earned by wrong means. l'd be rolling in croresif l'd do whatever he did. and he was offering me10,000 for a gambling game inside. l refused.

    very good. this is not astable source of income.. ..and no one can behappy with a load of guilt. she's so sweet and innocent.. ..and you are thinking offooling around with her. you can order something if you want. there is something on your shirt! where? towards the left? be careful. thesestains don't go easily.

    so sweet. mom has beenpressurizing for marriage. does my destinywant me to marry her? now no excuses. go to work.- no. my buttons are also loose. madam. what a night this is! missedthe train, got myself a wife.. ..met patrick, and got some freebeer and then patrick's offer. he's right, opportunity doesn'tknock twice! should l take it up? lf l win l will berich and if l loose..

    ..patrick will haveto pay the money. but she'll feel badabout me gambling. what will she think!but am tempted too. you are tempted to play cards right? no. err.. there's nothing wrong with it. everyone does it, ifyou want to, go ahead. ok. lf you're ok,then let's go play. listen, first you go and check,if everything's fine then call me.

    but how can l leave you alone? don't worry, l will be fine.l will order another juice. best of luck.- sure. yes.- thank you. can't you see? do youwant to crash into my car? money.- where is my child? we will return him. we don'twant to raise him to be a goon. show us the we send a bag. lt's in it.

    you open the bag of money whilewe open the bag with the child. you have put him in a bag. we can't keep him loosebecause he is a spoil brat. he was showing attitude as.. ..if he wasn't kidnapped buthe was on a picnic. puppy. don't abuse him. he has called him a puppy. achild of a dog. he didn't abuse him. take your child.- come to papa. father, ice-cream.

    sure. l'll get you one sonu. superb! we share the same name. let's shake hands. hurry up, l am in pain. here, keep this. now, let me drive. he was more worriedabout his car than his son. come on. sorry dad. lt won'thappen again. ha, ha!

    you bloody rascals! hey! duck down! he's got a gun. my ear. let's see whatcards l have this time. pack up. pat.- nilesh, you have come. come sit. you look tensed ya. just lost one lakh.

    you have no money on you? lordered beer and juice outside! damn! you always think small.. ..l have enough to pay for that.think big. size matters. come again alright haha l think l have seen him somewhere. who is this fathead? sachin malhotra. he wason tv the other night.

    cop's were taking him to court.he's a big bookie. look, that's karan johar. karan johar? can't there be more than onekaran johar in this world? he owns 12 petrol pumps.50% petrol. 50 % kerosene. and the guy next to him is bhaskar,a college principal. preaches in the day time tellingchildren how gambling is a vice.. ..but at nigh he isgambling away at ponappa's place. and you see that guy on the sofathere, cockeyed, he is bhujang.

    he is ponappa special man. who is this ponappa? you don't know ponappa? he is aiyappa big devotee andleader of the shetty's in mumbai. he is a hunter. he does 2 things.prayer and murder. he was eight years old whenhe committed his first murder. since then he has killed 4,5people according to the police. according to him he has killed 56. come on get up.

    midget? sssssh. lf anyone heard, you'd bchopped down to the same size. poanna, this is nilesh my friend.he is a genius at cards. lf he plays on mybehalf would it be alright? come on let's go. rules of the game and if anyone breaks the rules some walnut anyone? come on begin the game

    give the pack to the new boy. will you just keep shuffling?or play the game? l haven't even started yet get everyone a drink from my side. and make it large for this new boy. ten ten? that's it? the firstone must be atleast 100. eh! neelya. poanna said 10k. oh! 1 1000!

    what is this pat! he is new to the game. hey! you can't be less than 10k. o duck! 10 more 10 lakh 15 lakh nilesh, 15 lakh. 1 , 4,, 7, 8.- sometimes while walking around.

    someone steals our heart. ln a moment it feels.. 15 lakh. if the destinyhas become bright. damn! lost 25 laks. l haven't shown my cards yet so. hey! rao all drinks on meand make it large for ponappa hey! what are you talking?poanna is fasting today.

    no cigarettes. no drinks. no girls. but he gambles during his fast? never mind. he is new. let's begin. the desires are young. the world is before you. make use of your brain. don't get too greedy. get out of this place orelse you might lose everything. great.

    what! pat! your friendseems to be your lucky charm. begin the game, don't think. 23 lakhs in one night! and l earn few thousandsslogging for an entire month. lf l hadn't missed my last local.. ..l wouldn't be hereand winning all this. all this is a dream. lf it goes welll might win 2-2.5 crore from here. free money, free beer,and a woman! oh no! madhu.

    l have a friend. can l bring her in? ya ya go. l'll be back. l'll get you good ls this your shop? l need some color paint at this hour? don't you have any shame?

    no! the color will go after a shower. will you give me a shower? shut up! you are inthe wrong profession. should have been in a brothel! l went there. but lmet your mother there. she said to come when she retires. have you been to a whore house ever? shut up! the whole worldknows that l am a virgin.

    don't worry, at the rate youare going, you will remain one. did you see thatgirl who was with me? waiter. - yes, sir. - did you seethe girl who was with me? - no, sir. 4,5 lakhs! what say ponappa? did you see the girl? yes. - where is he? - were with her too. not before at that time. now. l don't know my car and house, altogether?

    still left with a rolex watch. did you see thegirl who was with me? my parents saiddon't eye another woman. where is that guy who was with you? first get us a beer. let's show the cards. principal. your turn. play. show your cards. show it.

    here you go. ponappa. you lucky s.o.b! 3 queens! today was my lucky day. ponappa you need tohave 3 aces to win. you lost 1 lakh patrick you owe me money! sorry. how dare you touch her?

    sorry.- nilesh. come you bastard. nilesh madhu. come on. let's go. you murdered him? l didn't. he was trying torape her! lt was an accident.. ..and he hit hishead against the sink. he is dead! you killed topya?

    raghu. rock. he is runningaway after killing topya! hit him on the face. hit him. l don't know how.. occurs in dream.. such a way. l feel the shade ofyour drape on my face. the dream cast amagic like a comet. l don't know whatwill happen tomorrow. leave me alone..

    ..don't beat me. l am innocent! leave me. leave me. where are you? mother mary. whydid l take the risk? nilesh. one minute.l said one minute. who is he? does anyone want tea? duck. a tea-vendor. brother bhujang. beatme but with respect.

    don't let any tom,dick or harry whack me. wait. bhujang don't you trust me? l didn't bring him here. he is not from our field. l swear. he is very inauspicious. l didn't kill him. he slipped. who do you work for? max york.

    who runs this place? mr. aiyer is the ceo inlndia and mr. donald in america . ls it a foreign gang? lt's not a gang, it's a call centre. he is an innocentboy and not one of us. he just wanted to save thegirl from getting raped. rape? of this whore? you are misunderstanding. shealso missed her last train.. ..and she is a simple andinnocent respectable girl.

    she is a prostitute. she traps passengerstraveling in the last local. wherever they have to go, shesays she has to go there too. driver, will youtake me to vikhroli? now tell. but l am innocent. thisbroke fellow was wasting my time. topya was calling me and lsaid l'll come in some time. he wanted to take me home for free. had to send him off and then lwent with topya to the ladies loo.

    we hadn't started doing a thing.. ..and he entered and hit himon the head with a bottle. she is lying. yes. he did it. and lgot trapped because of him. sir, she is lying. give me the medicine sorry. l made a mistake.- mistake. have never seen ponappa cry? he cried like a child overhis brother's dead body.

    younger brother. of all people, youfound ponappa brother? ponappa's brother. told you not to getinvolved with women. but you never listenedto your elder brother. the guy is conscious didn't know he was your brother not my brother he was my son. he hasn't committed justone murder in his life.

    he must have slept with over4,00 women; but never raped any. ..and you killedsuch an innocent guy. why are you surprised? you bastard! police has come. who is this rascal? lt's me malvankar. to control the crime on thisearth and destroy demons like you.. ..god has sent me malvankar.

    had sent a packet with tavde?didn't you share it? he shares everythingwith sir excluding his wife. this is the only bar open inmumbai! where is the rent? what are you looking at? stop this habit. relax naidu. don'tdo a rajnikant now. l need 50 now that's a lot. next time if weare wrong will pay 1 crores. you can't bargain with him.he doesn't spare anyone.

    consider some give us some discount lf l make a mistake..- you have made one. there's no point arguing. sir please. he said it once. that's it. give these dogs a 50and ask them to get out. did you call me a dog? bastard!

    l allowed you to work andyou're screwing me over! now see how these dogs bite you. naidu take actionand seal the place.. you'll be finished. ..and who is this girl in here? she is a prostitute sir. have you opened awhore house in here? come on get her in the car andwho is this boy all tied up? he hasn't paid up his dues yet.

    so you've opened up aremand room in here? ponappa planning totake law in your hands? sir there is adead body in the room. what the hell is going on here?and get that knife of his neck hey! he is mine. dare you touch him? don't argue with me. lnspector, you will be killed. don't threaten me. lwill beat you up.. ..pretty badly.

    lnspector! bhujan. you fool. arrest them all. arrest them all. don't spare anyone. mumbai police saved me; theyare as good as scotland yard! here's one lakh. what are you looking at?- nothing. put them in the van.- yes sir. let's go.

    topya is dead? how? ponappa is fasting for lordaiyappa so he cannot kill anyone. you should deal with ponappa. yes, so? last month you killedjugnu in khandala, didn't you? jugnu was a ruffian. will give you 3 lakh where the hell are you going?

    behave, she is a woman l know what should we do with her? l lakh for her what did l do? he hit topya. let me go women are responsiblefor crimes and children l'll pay you 5 lakh including her. make this pat witness

    l'll sign wherever you ask me to. promise. but pat request, l need rs. 500 notes. ln bundles of 100 notes. sir. sir l didn't was an accident. my name is mala.- ask her. l am saying the truth we are an hour away from khandala.there will be no population beyond.

    do you want livequietly for a hour or.. ..die talkingnonsense in ten minutes. sir give me a chance. lkilled 4, men in chennai last year. only gents, no ladies! you are still a fresher. first learn from him. he's getting to aggressive.he doesn't understand. till then you junior me senior. you are having old monk!

    l live next door and l have somered label whisky to offer you too lost the house in 3patti game with ponappa l will remove some costly itemsfor you until you have a glassful. whatever l have left? slow down a bit. we are quiet near.there in this lane to the left. right here. you can take a left here not there. to the left. oh! attitude! allbecause l am requesting you. don't think l am poor.

    l have contacts with dcp mowgli;you just watch what l do next wait and watch. mowgliwill deal with you harshly. oh no! sir, the lady is crying. he's getting it and you're crying ls he your private customer? l need to go to the loo. within half an houryou will be free forever. come on go.

    one of you accompany her. yes sir. madam, shall we? you're an officer you sit let's go. this is very bad sir. you can do it here. don't look.- what if you run away? stop you bitch she is escaping

    catch her! she has escaped! you go!- yes sir. - she has escaped. hey stop!- go on! - sorry sir! you didn't take me seriously.she gave you a clean sweep. sir, where are you going? just look at him. l told you to stopyou didn't listen. the girl said youstopped and she tricked you. come on let me see your face andhow you are feeling at this time.

    sir, sir. no birth, no death,the spirit is immortal.. ..the body is thecloak and it's destroyed. and if you talk too much,l'll do the same to you. bloody hell! rascal! you are sitting here! tavde, she's here! she's trapped! hold this. - tavde. - yourun too fast, don't you? tavde, let me go. l'm sorry.

    you've made me run.l'll teach you a lesson. tavde, what are you doing? you are still too childish! tavde, don't!- you've made me run too hard. tavde, let me go. tavde!- let you go! tavde, let me go! naidu!- he will not save you! mr. naidu!

    get off! mr. naidu! mr. rajani, help me! mr. rajnikant help me! tavde! madam, your drape! nilesh, listen to me, please. get lost you whore! l have hadenough because of you already. stop following me! sorry l was really scared.

    l couldn't think of anythingat that time, please forgive me. l told you to go yourown way and leave me alone. switch it off at once oryou'll get me caught as well. l was scared the same way too. l rescued you and l got trappedand instead of being grateful you were trying to get me trapped.. ..and save yourself in the process? give me a minute it's acustomer on the phone. hello.

    to hell with your customer. you idiot you broke my phone. shut up you fool, you'llget me caught you whore! you're the whore andwhat about the fact.. ..that you wanted tosleep with me for free? stay in your limits! yes, l am a whore and.. ..the men in this societyhave given me this title. l am illiterateand when l tried to.. hard people stillwanted to sleep with me for free. l have an oldmother to feed at home. lf you were in my place.. would have becomea porter, wouldn't you? my body is all l have, it'smy strength and my skill.. ..tell me what would l do?where would l go? have you ever thought.. sleeping with prisoners,diseased men.. ..and all this because lhave to earn a living.

    lf a woman sleeps to earn aliving she becomes a whore.. ..and if a man sleepsfor his pleasure he's not? and you broke my mobile too! now don't cry, l'llget you a new one. sorry l shouldn't haveraised my hand on you. hey listen l am going to vikhroli,will you come with me? tavde! you rascal! come on! the voice was comingfrom this direction.. ..but l can't see anything.

    now wake up therajnikant in you and find her. shut up you rascal! then find her on your own.- tavde, you talk too much! she's too smart! she's not here. let's go! - tavde, isshe behind this tree? she's waiting for you to show up! let's go!- come on! eh! are you crazy? you bit me! are you angry?

    they do the samething in foreign movies! you are out of your mind!once a whore always a whore. listen. l don't want your handkerchief. can l offer you mine? let me handle this. shewas trying to trick you. let me take her in an encounter. tell me how muchbhujang is paying for me? l'll give you morethan that right now.

    give it to me whateverthat is you're giving. you got one lakh for a dead body.. ..l'll pay you 2 lakhs for aliving one, what do you say? she's talking nonsense. lf l lie,you will shoot me eventually. what do you say we go to.. ..sai-siddhi chawl in dharavi ,it's a little walk inside. lt's a late nightshow going on in here. who is it at this time? lt's the police.

    don't make so much noise.. ..the public is gettingdisturbed in their sleep. hey, come on! who the hell is atthe door at this time? habiba, it's me.- what is it mala? habiba!- what? have you brought the customers? oh my god! you've gotthe cops with you. why? l'm in trouble.- what happened?

    topya is dead! thatcalls for a celebration. that rascal, used to sleep with womenfor free, wonder who killed him. l did. just some sweets won't be enough. we need two lakh rupees as well. ponappa has paid themone lakh to kill me.. ..and l have told them.. ..that l'll give them twolakh rupees to let me go. we want it right now in cash.

    you idiot! did l askyou to open your mouth? she seems to be talking too much. tavde. so, are you giving us the money? habiba, l'll repay you every penny. don't say a word. you are my child. check how much we have in there. you are turning me on! wait, l'll switch onthe air conditioner.

    'cold winds, dark clouds.' nobody's going to pay for you. forgiveness. ask malvankar for his forgiveness. ask for his forgiveness. sir, please don't kill me. sir, please! l'll do as you say. sir please don't kill me , illbe grateful to you all my life.

    sir, ill repay youevery month from my salary. sir please, let me go. gratitude is lessvaluable than 3 lakh rupees. l will pay you. l will pay you theamount you want. l will surely pay. please let me go. you are free to go. sir, ponappa will beunhappy with what you are doing. shhh. 6 lakh rupees this very moment.

    you can buy a scooterwith installments not life. habiba! habiba, sir l mean madam, pleasegive me 6 lakhs to save my life. get out. habiba madam l'll repay every penny. how will you do it? she will sell her bodyto earn every penny. what do you have to sell? l will repay your money.- get away!

    you've loosened my sari. ba, can you come here for a minute? habiba. lf you want me to take his side,then l am not a part of this. l have been watchingyou since you came here. habiba, he hasn't killed topya. then? - he's losing hislife all because of me. pay for him as well,l'll repay everything. see l told you once that's it..

    then there's no needto pay for me as well. what was the outcome of the meeting? ba, all we have is rs.56,000 in here. hey! you fools!you wasted our time.. ..put them both back in the car. don't touch my girl or else.. a lot can be donewithout touching too forget it sir. you wanttwo lakhs, l'll pay you and.. ..if all goes well l'llpay you 6 lakhs for the boy.

    come to kurla with meand you'll earn 8 lakhs. you mean 2 lakhs for the boyand 6 for the girl, total 8? what do you say? eh! can you take meto a hospital first? the pain is getting unbearable. lt's already 3:15! lf wedon't take the money.. poanna till 4, weare in deep trouble. hey saajan! he's lost his ear.. ..l don't think hecan hear anything.

    let's divide the money amongstthe two of us and will say.. ..that kanti tookit all and escaped.. ..we'll shoot himand leave him to die! yes right. you bloody rascals! stop the car. hey he can still hear with on ear. are you going to kill someone? you're going to run into somebody. he's going to kill somebody.

    he'll remember it well. you have the bottle, don't you? yes. - get ready!give me the flowers. flowers. hey look ahead,it's the same red car. did you bang into someone? l told you he will. he has hit and run away.he should be punished. looks like a woman.

    no it's a man. lt's a woman. you don't know what youare saying, it's a man. hey shutup. lt's a man.- l think it's a woman. now say whetherit's a man or a woman? excuse me! murder! murder! murder! please let me go ..don'tkill me ..please let me go!

    don't kill me! don't kill me. l beg of you.don't kill me. let me go. on one condition, doyou have a painkiller? comb flam,aspirin, disprin anything? no l don't.. ..if l had one l would haveconsumed it myself for my ear! why should we spare you then? you don't have a tablet?l've got one. have you had something to eat?

    then its fine, otherwiseconsuming a table on empty stomach.. ..can make you dizzy. are you feeling better?no? have one more. come on hurry. l am coming. why are you shouting? where did he come from? looks like he's calling the copslet me kill him once and for all. leave him.- rafiq, we'll be trapped. l said let him go.- let me kill him or..

    ..else we'll get trapped. l will not spare him. l want to go to parel. youknow the way, don't you? you have to take a u-turn.have you seen parel? enough! don't say it to me.sir was posted there. where are you taking us?- l'll tell you later first get in. all right. no,doors! lt's wonderful! lt looks like flying machine. can l drive your car?

    we've not yet received your money. sir can still kill you. what are you laughing about? lam trying to get the deal done. for 6 lakhs? and l can repay itmyself and l don't need you. so, should l say no? sir, let's go. there are cops behind us. they must have told the cops..

    ..l told you weshould have killed them. you'll get killed andtake me with you as well. apply some henna on your hands.decorate the palanquin. eat some bubblegum. thank you. give one to sir as well. we don't need him to shuthis mouth, you need this more. you are very sweet. the jeep is all packed. theyhave a lady inspector as well.

    she looks pretty furious. drive faster! sir, my brother lakshmanhas worked in this movie.. ' dilwale dulhaniye le jayenge' really? - yes, he was thedriver of the train that.. ..amrish puri andkajol travel to lndia in. he works for the railway.- we all saw him. sir have you seenthe film ram balram. dharmendra and amitabh starrer?dharmendra..

    do you know who was in the bag?- tavde's uncle! we all have seen him! don't irritate me! look back. they are getting close. whathave you thought about them? why you slowing down the car?come on speed up! the city is on red alert. lf l speedup, the cops will come behind us. are you going to getme arrested as well? l am like a daughter to you. don't chew my brains.pick up the gun.

    meaning? so how are you planning to divide.. 8 lakhs amongst the 3 of you? four for you and two to each? what's the point of counting thechickens before they have hatched? who the hell was that? all of you. get the car out. you rascals!

    stop stop! hey what are you up to you havegot us to mangesh chilke's place. so? - last month itself sirhas killed mangesh's brother.. ..jugnu in an encounter. l know. lf you are getting scared.. ..then sit in the car andlisten to your wireless. l'll get the money. come on mala,get this boy with you. wait.- but sir chilke?

    l don't have this gun for nothing.. ..if he talks too much l'llkill him in an encounter too. come on. sit down. don't trouble yourself. what is it?- l didn't do it on purpose. don't show off. how are you?- take this l have higher card. hey jitya! tell brother l am here.

    go tell brother. come back soon. go on. he is with me. l didn't want to kill him. lts work, it happens. he was a good man. l couldn't sleep for twonights after l killed him. he's calling you all inside. l'll just come back. no police.

    'you are foreigner. you can'tbe my companion for too long.' mangesh brother. come my darling, my habiba. how are you my sweetheart you smell the same. like you have notbathed since years. good. he's a passionate man,my mangesh bhai. wont you offer ussomething to drink?

    come on, listen. listen to this couplet. l have a lot of bottlesof liquor in this gathering. take whatever you want. lt's allyours. lt you don't want liquor then come and drink my blood. did you see? who's this? this mala is my childand this boy.. wont believe me ifl tell you what he did.

    he's the one who killed topya. come here. come here. come here! come here! he's just like a teddy bear!how did you kill topya? mangesh bhai willyou give us 8 lakhs? all you have to do is ask.. ..whether it's 8 lakhs or8 crores it's all yours. thank you mangesh bhai. jitya is sittingoutside; he will give it to you.

    habiba you bitch! youforgot your promise. you told me you will get mesomething special for the night. where is my gift? mangesh bhai! the lord has made us eunuchsbut he has given us intelligence. we do what we say. and l have donewhat l had promised. l've brought it. mangesh bhai, of course here she is. she's totally fresh and a virgin. what are you saying?

    really! l have gother especially for you. someone wisely said.. ..the world is run by the woman.. ..she runs the entire show. she can get you into trouble andthen she rescues you right back. right. long live women! you can keep her for aslong as you like. let's go. thanks.

    habiba, where are you off to? vikhroli.. err ..home? hey come on! what are yougoing to do at home. wait here. me? why me? wont you be here andentertain mangesh bhai? he's totally fresh and a virgin. a virgin? - l have paid 6 lakhs foryou. be grateful and lie down here. habiba, me.. me.. don't hesitate. l knowmangesh bhai's tastes.

    you will be here for a month. live like a king and do allhe says and enjoy yourself. hey habiba, he's a fresher inthis don't make him nervous. lt's between two men now. habiba please don't! come on stop your love story here. let's get out. you wait here. mangesh bhai?- what? - don't.

    hey, where are you going?come on stop. don't go away from me, let's play. hey! don't be shy. wait. now you are in the right position. you like it? hang on,l'll be back in a minute. he has agreed to 8 lakhs. where is the hero? he has gone to play the heroine. he is warming up. you are soscrewed, you must have thought..

    ..this is how you aregoing to loose your dignity. only god can save you. you are allowed to be's your first time. you should be afraid. a little hesitation is good. or else the other guywill not respect you. he will think this guy is a regular. but l promise you a good time. who the hell is it?

    mangesh bhai?- yes. what is this?- what? that malvankar murdered our jugnu. lnstead of giving him8 lakhs shouldn't .. ..l shoot him with 8bullets in his brain? give it to him. lethabiba and the girl go. later you can murder the copsand hand them over to ponappa. our money will come back to usand ponappa will be happy too. wow, that's an excellent plan.

    come on leave now. youcan praise me later. sorry for the interval in between. will you have a drink? 8 lakhs. yes sir. sir, can we leave now?- yes. let's go. let's go. hey, who did this to you? nobody. l am the one whokilled ponappa's 3 men.

    meaning? did you get the money? obviously, 2 crores!ls the boss inside? but wash your facebefore you go in.. ..or he'll be angryto see you this way. don't think too much about him,atleast he's alive now. hey! stop it! come on have a drink. on the rocks! come on sit down. come on. drink it.

    l know why he's offeringme a drink. no nilesh don't. you are thinkingabout something else. what are you looking at? what areyou thinking about? come on tell me. come on tell me! there's a beauty spot on your face. beauty spot? did you like thedesign of my beauty spot? l have many more, should l show you? hey lollypops count them!

    1 .2.3.4,.5. there's one more. shall l show you? have l become too fat? help me get this off. l can see it.- did you see it? yes.- the lord has given this it to me. this is to save me from thebad vibes. so how many are there? there are totally 6. there'sone inside. should l show you? are you feeling shy?come on now let's see yours.

    no. - that's cheating. yousaw mine, now it's my turn. that's enough. don'ttouch me or else.. or else? oh my god! jackie chan! prakash karatecoaching centre, ghatkopar. l was there for ayear and a half too. lf you had cooperated lwould've look after you well. now our love story isabout to get violent. daag, the fire!

    will he shoot me? will he hang me? don't kill me. please don't kill me! l had told you, we shall play. now how can you refuse me? now no intervals, no hesitation. hollywood style love. you must be feeling shy,l am a little shy too. no. no.

    lovely. what the hell is going on here? boss it's done. you got it? 2.5 crores. you asked me to get somethingdone and l didn't finish it.. ..has that ever happened? you are my child.. youhave dirtied your clothes. no problem?

    ls rafique dead? no. he is trying torecover from a tooth injury. this new boy looks pretty cute. you liked him? you can keep him for a day ortwo once l am done with him. now empty the bag in the suitcaseand get the hell out of here. there are cops there something wrong? you don't worry. myboys will take care of it. sir, shall we go?

    leave it naidu. youcan't handle this. sir, l've done it. you have put it with your hands. he saw it too. come on tell sir. come one tell sir the truth. you rascal! come on you rascal stop right there! rascal! will you kill us? don't lay your hands on me!

    so you were the one who fired at me? will you shoot at me?will you kill malvankar? will you kill me? 'these people! these same people!' l must have not dreamt aboutthis in your worst nightmare! thank your stars thatthere's no one around. now whatever has to happenshould get over and done with. he killed my brother last monthand now l killed him and his men. now it's your turn.

    rascal! more bullets? ponappa! here! you rascal! you backstabber! ponappa, what are you saying? l.. how dare you take my 2crores and kill my men? poanna what are you saying lhave worked under you for years. what money? l am like your child. l think there's beena misunderstanding.

    you have lived a life of dog. but you will not die like one. lam going to kill you but slowly.. ..and softly bytorturing you step by step. shoot him on his hand. you rascal ponappa,you'll die a pig's death. on his leg. all night l had beenrunning from my death.. ..and now it's righthere in front of me. l hope they don't see my face.

    ln exchange for our 2 anda half crore information.. ..that whore had taken apromise from us that.. ..we should rescue you from here. . you mean madhu? are you crazy? can money ever bebigger than someone's life? and that too ourlittle brother's life. sorry we re not goodat keeping promises.. ..and it's time for you to die.

    that's it nilesh. pack up. my friend's are responsiblefor my death that made me sit.. ..and have beer because ofwhich l missed my last train. what should l call myself,fortunate or unfortunate? l don't know whetherluck was on my side today. ponappa, bhujang, mangesh,police amongst all their bodies.. l missed the train, found a girl. llost the girl, l got my life back. l was the only onewho was breathing and.. ..then l noticed thebag that had two..

    ..and a half croresamongst the bodies. some one should takecare of the money. the train on platform number1 is a slow local to kalyan. mumbai. l had heard people workhard to come have a life of ease. l had 70 rupees when l came l have 2.5 crore rupees. l missed the lastlocal and l got lucky. thank god, l missed thelast local of 1 .4,0 am. l have got 2.5 crorerupees in 2.5 hours. the train on platform number 1 is slowlocal for kalyan leaving at 4,.10 am.

    this train willhalt at all stations. what is it? look at the way hewas staring at me. does he at all know what this is? two dangerous gangs, police,encounter. l have come outalive from all this.. ..and here l have mytwo and a half crores. 2.5 crore rupees! l've earned it.l'll have two houses. two kids and no job.

    l will enjoy now. happy birthday nilesh, ..this is like a new birth.from zero to hero. open this and show me what's in it. yes check this luggage. pavaskar? -yes sir. - check properly. come on. what is in it? move it. check this.- yes sir. - whose it this? come on open your badand show me what's in it. what sir? what what? there was abomb blast in ghatkopar.

    the city was is on a red alert. we have got a tip-off for thisarea as well, come on show me. nilesh you are screwed. he is going to make youopen your bag as well. what are you going to say.. ..where did you getall this money from? what should l do? should l leave it? no.two and a half crores.. ..that's a lot of money.don't be greedy.

    you can work hardand earn the money too. hey you! whose bag is this? hey, come here! doesthis suitcase belong to you? not, it's not mine. ls this yours? no. lt's his. he wascarrying it. he hit me with it. he says, it belongsto you. come here. l swear its not mine. what happened sir?

    come ahead, a gokhale, get him here. no sir, this isn't mine. bring him here! bring him here! what are you looking at?l say come here. catch him and bringhim here. catch him. hey catch him. there is bad luck, there isno hope and l hadn't thought.. ..that the worst is going to happen. l had not thought lwould be so unlucky.

    l lost the 21/2 croresand injured my elbow too. from hero to zero. l wish lhadn't missed the 1 :4,0 local. lf l had not dreamt so high mydreams would not have broken. alas! no two houses, no cars,no job, no women! and the sweetestmemory of all that .. ..happened was madhu,whatever she was, she was lovely. whose bag is this?whose bag is this? whose is this? lt's mine.

    sir, you threw the suitcase out? there could have been a bomb in it. lt could also be a time-bomb. lt seems it is abandoned. ganya, pick it up. then come and take it. lf it is yours then take it.- wait. lt's mine.- why did you leave it here? l forgot it here. thank you.

    what kind of a person are you? my money, my life,my houses, my cars.. jobs and my madhu,its all back. bag. oh shit. will you go to vikhroli? mister, will you go to vikhroli? mister, vikhroli..- madam. l knew you'd be here. lmissed the 1 :4,0 last local..

    ..have a rolex watchand a house in chamber. lancer? lt's parked right here. l have a beautiful girl with me. we are sitting and have a laugh. you have got a chance, if youthink too much you'll regret it. who cares about tomorrow? whoknows what happens in the future?

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