bassett furniture night stands

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bassett furniture night stands

(girl screaming in film) (girl screaming) (screaming) help! (screaming) help! somebody! (screaming) (audience screaming) (dialing phone) (girl in film screaming) (girls giggling)

that scared theliving crap outof me. meryl streepthat girl was not. who's meryl streep? oh, zoe, she's likekatie holmes to ourparents, okay? so, what's next,ladies? i have to go home. no. yeah, make thata block from home. i can'thave another closeencounter with my parents.

they thinki'm home in bed. dave:were you kids in bedat a reasonable hour? i stayed up till 10:00. after 9:00,rhett was fast asleep. dave:who's drivingthese monsters? i will. nicki's selling coffeeat school and i promisedi'd help her. hmm. i know, it sucks. do not say "sucks."say "disappoints"or "bites."

i don't need a lunch. i canwalk across the street withtash. and have pizza threedays in a row?i think not. that's really good. the proportionsare perfect, but are you drawingwhat you're reallyseeing? the simplest thingis the hardest. to see what's reallyright in front of you. hey,so what mad funis on for tonight? oh, i amso grounded.

i got busted by my 'rentssneaking back insidelast night. damn, girl,how'd you manage that? my dad set themotion detector. it seems like our parents aregetting paranoid about usin their old age. mine still trust me. (all laughing) grace: it's beautiful. well, it hasn'tbeen a bad couple ofdecades, considering. for me?better than thefirst two without you.

to 20 years of you and me. and toour children,safe at home. (tires screeching) (whooping) (all cheering) cool, you lost them! totally machomustang boys, too boot. boo-yah! we strucka blow for sisterhood. that'sthe only "blow"you know, sister.

diss. (girls oohing) so what's the ravescene this weekend? full moon underground. i've been hearingsan bernardino.probably saturday. i'm gonna tellmy mom i'm staying overat your house, okay, tash? i cannot believe you canstill work that old scam. what can i say? my 'rentsare just adorably clueless. so, i'll bring the glowsticksif somebody else buys the gas.

tash: oh, that's sucha good idea. nice try,beams. rest up, it's gonna beone hell of a weekend.bye, tasha. don't letthe bedbugs bite. hasta. all right. (scoffs)now they callthe cops on me. (voices chattering on police radio) hello? i'm sorry i'm late.

ruby baker? yeah, i'm ruby. and, you know, whateverthey said, i'm not missing. i just went out. your parents werein a car accident. are they okay? ruby,why don't youhave a seat, hon? my partner's gonnahelp you to havea seat. ruby.

i can sit down myself! i understand. i said, are they okay? relax. i need you to relax. why won't you answer me? we're here to help you. you're gonna be okay.relax. ruby? ruby! ruby!

officer 1: she will be okay.get her pulse. officer 2: canyou hear me, ruby? minister: they are as asleep. in the morning they arelike grass which groweth up. in the morning,it flourishethand groweth up. in the evening,it is cut downand withereth. for weare consumedby thine anger, andby thy wrathare we troubled. thou hast set ouriniquities beforethee,

our secret sins in thelight of thy countenance. for all our daysare passed awayin thy wrath. we spend our yearsas a tale that is told, so teach us tonumber our days. so that we may applyour hearts into wisdom. i think rhett baker wantsto come up and say something. rhett? (stammering) i just... i...

(voice breaking)i just wanna say... i just... it's okay. i didn't workwith dave and graceor see them every day, but i knew themboth for ten years, and i'm sure if theycould hear all this... well, grace would do herdismissive little giggle. you know the one. and dave would mutteran expletive deleted.

(crowd chuckles) they would just hate to beremembered as anythingbut ordinary. whichis exactlywhat they were. anything but ordinary. but they will live on through their childrenand in all our hearts. (people chattering) do you remember me? i'myour uncle jack,your mom's brother.

i'll go waitby the car,okay? look, i just wantyou to know if there'sanything that you need, anything i can do... i don't mean in the nextfew weeks or months,i mean anytime. how come i haven't seen youin, like, i don't know,ten years? have you even metmy brother rhett? of course i have. i haven't seen eitherof you in years,but, first of all, i livepretty far away, inchicago.

thenhow are yougonna help us? i don't know. there's the phone,there's e-mail. youand my mom never didwrite each other though. that's true. you know, ruby, as siblingsget older, sometimes theygo their separate ways. i knowyou and rhettare close now. no, we're not. discounting dna,we have nothingin common.

i used to feelthat way aboutyour mom. it's not true. i used to think thatwhen things slowed down, i'dtake a month offand come out here, andget to know youand your brother and grace again. it's nice to see you again.i'm sorry things didn'twork out. i'll call you later, okay? okay.

hi. i'm alvin begleiter. i'm so sorry. i'm your... wasyour parents'estate lawyer. i helped themplan their wills, what it is that they wantedto do with their moneyand... well, actually the mostimportant issue right now, is who's going to betaking care of and rhett.

i'm assumingthat you knowthe glasses, correct? they weremy next-door neighbors.i've known them my whole life. that's good, because iknow that your parents chose them aftera great deal ofconsideration. you know,there's something else. your parents wereextremely thrifty, and withyour mom's shareof the inheritance, your dad's life insurance, there's more thanenough for you and rhettfor the rest of your lives.

well, then, obviouslyyou don't know rhett. that's good.i like that. i'm gonnagive you one of my cards.i don't expect any trouble. butif you haveany concerns, any problems, i'm an estate lawyer, buti'm also what they calla trust lawyer. and i wanna be someoneyou can trust. you call me, okay? begleiter:mr. glass.

thank you. my momand dad would havereally loved that speech. they wouldhave loved it. come here. that's good. we're gonnaget through this. we're gonnaget through ittogether, okay? (sighing) oh, ruby.

you're in good hands. hey! you guys ready for malibu? it'll bea big change,we won't lie. terry: but it's notthe worst place either. rhett: cool!is this your car? you in there already? my company's,on loan for today. rhett: sweet.

this place is huge. hey, rubes,check out this view. ruby: yeah,it's pretty amazing. cool!a meteorite. it's's art, rhett. terry,give themthe grand tour. stall them whilei order some dinner. let'sget the layof the land. so, master suite.

home gym. home theater. sweet. it'slike you neverhave to leave home. oh, if only. this is vicki.she comes inmost days. (both speaking spanish) hello. this is your room.

it's just temporaryquarters, of course. well,you unpack,get settled, andi'll meet youin the kitchen. we're sharing a room? if you even glanceat me when i'm changingfor bed, you are so busted. okay, we havea little calamari, we havea little risotto withportabella mushrooms. mmm! anda little green saladwith some swiss chard. do you have any garfield?

what is that? it's crap in a can. if it's crap,how come youeat it? come on, kids.try the calamari. isn't that squid? (chuckles impatiently) honey, tonight... i'll call domino's. (rhett making beeping noises)

(screeching) can'tyou just turnand face the wall? who are you,the blair witch? no, i'm worse.can you just facethe goddamn wall? turn that stupid thing off. erin: honey,there's public school, andthen there's public school. trust me, there won'tbe any bloods or crips. i'm not scared ofgetting gunned down. ruby,you're a great're gonna have...

it's not about being greator not great. it's aboutbeing... new? middle-of-the-year new. look, there's a little sayingthat we teach to the patientsin the pain ward. this too shall pass. (bell ringing) (students chattering) hi. why don't you justtake a seat in the back? we have a new addition.

would you introduceyourself, miss baker? you just did. i'm ruby baker. i usedto go to shady lane.that's in the valley. that's not my choice, itwas just an accident ofbirth. (students chuckling) so how come youmoved here now? that's another accident. let's all make rubyfeel welcome.

thanks for the lift,vicki. sweet! i can't believe it.i can't believe it! neither can one of those isn'tnoisy and obnoxious enough. no, rubes,because you can't play pokemon snap on playstation. but youcan play ape escape,but you can't on n-64. mom and dad wouldtotally just freak out. don't talk about mom and dad. (playstation beeping)

(video game music playing) ruby:i haven't even seen, like,one girl with blue-black hair. and all theguys spend all daysurfing and swimming, that whole bizarre physicalculture of sun-worshipping. well,that sounds fairly hot. so, anyway, i was crazychecking my pager all day, 'cause i figuredyou'd call, andyou didn't. i was just dying to call you at lunch but the cell phones are banned at the school. and,like, the kidsjust don't care.

you know, they justcan't see that they'velost their civil liberties. probably'cause they haveso much sunstroke, they're, like,permanently wasted. erin: ruby? i got us an assortmentof different thingsthis time. some cold pastas,some salads. ruby, i really think that youwould be well served bya better attitude. it's... it's okay.i don't mind take-out.

i know that you guys are's not like it's fromwendy's or anything. i'm speakingabout your attitudetoward your new school. my attitude? i overheardyour conversation. you were listening inon my call? no, i was trying to geta line out, but that'sbeside the point. the point is, you needthose kids to like you. otherwise you're just going toisolate yourself, sabotageyourself. you'regoing to havea miserable time.

okay, i get it. i learned something. grace: ruby? wake up. i'm awake. mommy? (gasping) my god, you scaredthe crap out of me. well, i heard noises.

i thought it wasa burglar ora coyote. i'm not used to having kidsin the house. you gotta be freezing. so no more 3:00 a.m. swims,okay? with all the glass,you can hear everything. i gottastart settingthe alarm at night. are you coming? man: though drunk-driving among california teens has been steadily decreasing, we can still do better.

as these images starkly attest, alcohol remains the number one drug problem among young people today. this year, more than 20% of teenage drivers... (laughing) (tires squealing) (glass shattering) so, how wasyour first dayof driver's ed? fine, i guess. they still showthose gruesomemovies?

honey,those werethe dark ages. i'm sure they have moreenlightened ways of teachingkids today, don't they? may i be excused? stupid kid-proofpiece of crap. was it awful? i mean,the driving class? i can just imagine. no, it's... i have my period.

oh. well, come with me. four out of fivedoctors recommend. this cramp,too, shall pass. (engine revving) i'll turn it offjust as soon as iget to a safe point. (slurring) it's cool.i don't care. it's kind of relaxing. (rock music playing)

(groaning) (music stops) terry: (through wall)erin! get out of there! (pounding on door) what were you doing in thebathroom? tell me the truth! erin: whatare you implyingwith that question? you tell me. no, i'm not goingto answer you.good night. what the hellwere you doing?

getting ready for bed.i'm tired. watch your language.there's kids inthe house. don't play gameswith me, erin. don't play games with know exactly whati'm talking about. i'm tootired to even guesswhat you're picking at. i am sick ofyour accusations. tired?is that whatyou call it now? how many timeshave i asked... i've done everythingyou've asked me to do.

(shouting)so help me... ruby?hi, i'm hannah. so, there's this rumor youwere on academic probationat your old school. cut to the chase, huh? (chuckles) i was, and then i had sexwith the dean of students,and he took it off my record. oh, not really. (laughs) i was supposed tobe at my friend tasha'shouse one saturday night

doing an essayon the yalta conference,and went to this rave instead. come sunday, i was totallyfried and downloaded thisthing off the net. tuesday, i was busted. hannah! hey!i gotta go. bye. hey,what are you doing? hey, ruby. there's a premierein westwood,

and mycompany's drivinga bunch of people. i gotta stop by and make sureeverything's running wanna come? well, i have homework tonight.probably three more hours.pretty heavy, so... that's perfect. so, are we going to catch thetail end of the movie or gostraight to the party? actually,the hell with westwood. if my drivers can'thandle a lousy premiere... valet:evening, sir. mud pie for the lady,ketel one, rocks,for me.

great. that party'dbe a mob scene. what i really wantto do is talk to you. waitress: here you are. terry: thank you. i rememberwhen you guysmoved down the block, what, 11 years ago? it was funny. i noticedthe furniture asthey brought it in.

erin noticedthere was a little girl. but you were upset. i guess aboutmoving cross-country. you wouldn't say a word. justhugged this plastic dollagainst your little chest. malibu barbie,i think it was. prophetic, huh? i think youmean "pathetic." no, no, no.

i guess you moved onyears ago. from what? from hugging plastic dolls. i should hope so. last night,when you twowere fighting, it had nothing todo with us, right? no, no, no, no, no. married peoplesometimes like to pusheach other's buttonsjust because they can.

it's another form of intimacy.a lower form, but nothingserious. there'sone thing i haven'ttold you about erin. itcan be lonelyliving with her. but that's my cross to bear.not yours. i think it's pastmy bedtime, terry. of course it is. let's get you to bed. (horns honking) terry.

you're not wearingyour shoulder belt. hey. try not tomake too much noise. i'm sure rhettand erin are asleep. okay? hamlet senses something'swrong right under his nose, that he alonecan set right. i want two pages nextfriday on what he means, and whether he succeeds. mr. begleiter,before my parents...

um... did they ever talk toyou about finding differentguardians for rhett and me? differentfrom the glasses? mmm-mmm. well, i thinkthat they wanted to. theytalked aboutthat with you? but my parents weren't nearlyas friendly with them afterthey moved. well,ruby, the glassesaren't your parents. they're nevergonna be yourparents.

butif erin or terryhas done anything... we sleep in one room,rhett and me. well, that's not ideal. and then, the other night,we were alone in terry'scar, and he... what? what'd he do? he just putmy seat belt on. but the wayhe leaned across me,it wasn't... it just... and i felt... i know it sounds stupid.

but...and then i walked inand erin was shooting up. i saw herholding a needle. anyway,she lookedreally baked. ruby, try andunderstand this. the accident, in effect, orphaned youand your brother. so, if this doesn'twork out with theglasses, you have no place to go. you're gonna becomewards of the state.

and i'm not tryingto scare you. i'm justtelling youthe facts of life. i drove halfway herefrom malibu with thehousekeeper, and then i hitchhiked the restof the way, and i was reallyscared. but i kept telling myself,once i made it, you'dhelp me and rhett. when we met,you said you weresomebody i could trust. i believe you,and i know who toget in touch with. it's not gonna be easy.i can't promise youany results. but i can promise youthat i will look intothis.

you have my word on that. when we spokeafter the funeral... mmm-hmm? uh... you had said that...we had more thanenough. mmm-hmm. how much would that be,exactly? well, that'sreally a questionfor the trust officer over at thela federal bank.

but between us? four million dollars. so you can see, you'refinancially very secure. yeah. now why don'tyou run on home anddo me one more favor? no hitchhiking. this is out, okay? yes, sir. yeah,alvin begleiter calling.

i justhad a real disturbingvisit from ruby baker. rhett,why don't youleave that now? go and do some homework. ruby: i have a bunchof homework to do, too. stay a minute, would you? terry: what you walkedin on last night isn'twhat you think. erin suffersfrom diabetes. i've kept that private. it's not something i wantto worry you or rhett about.

the diseaseis under control. so what yousaw last night waserin giving herself hernightly insulin injection. it must'vebeen a shockto walk in on. one more thing. terry tells me that... you gota little skittishwith him last night. that makes us feel sad. we want you totrust us, ruby.

we need your trust. i know i overreacted.i'm sorry. there are still some thingsthat i need to get used toaround here. we all do. we're all under stress. i'mgonna go beginmy hamlet paper. well, hey,if you need anyhelp, let me know. that'd be great. that's fine,and now you're gonnaput the car in park...

and step out. and ruby,you're going to getbehind the wheel next. you can applya little moregas, ruby. (engine accelerating) (brakes screeching) i'm sorry,i'm a realbad driver. there aren'tany bad drivers,just inexperienced ones. now take a breath, ruby.let's start drivingback again. secretary: no, mr. robinson,i'm sorry, he's not inright now,

but i'll have him callyou back as soon ashe can. hi. uh... i'm ruby baker.i'm, uh, terry's... i know who you are, ruby. okay, cool. i stopped byto catch a ride homefrom terry when he's ready. he's having a powwowwith some people right now, but if you want to wait,there's a really nicelounge behind me. (phone ringing)

okay, thank you. secretary:glass may i help you? man on pa: any available service technician, please come to the office. secretary: may i havethe phone number please? okay,is he arrivingat 8:00 p.m... man: so, what'sgoing on, terry? terry: oh, the usual. but not to worry,'s nothing that can'tbe handled. mr. glass,we had a payment plan.

the dates arrive,the money doesn't. terry:about that payment plan,in the cold light of day, i would have tocall it unrealistic. you proposed that plan. yeah, i know. i know. it's not gotta give me that. what is it, terry,if not dishonesty? naive optimism. (man laughing)

but then again, i'man optimist by nature. that's how isucceed in business,by betting on myself. i'll be right with you. (muffled conversation) man: where is the moneywe loaned you, mr. glass? terry: you'renot listening.the money will be... (grunts) don't say "will be," alwayssay "is," as in "the moneyis..." can i help you?

whose car is this? hell if i know.just showed upone day. one day when? uh, i don't know,a few months ago. we usedto have a carkind of like this. you know, you reallyshouldn't be back here. terry: ruby! ruby! what happenedbefore was nothing. itwas just a business glitch.

hopeyou didn'tget freaked. people get very weirdabout money. i didn't mean to, uh,just show up like that. you know,i waited for vicki,and she never came. yeah,we had tolet vicki go. erin was coming for you,but she got held up atthe hospital. wait, back up. youhad to let vicki go? yeah, we had to.she drove you somewherewithout anyone's permission. just to santa monica,to the promenade, tohang out with some kids.

howdid you knowthat she drove me? (chuckling)how did we know? it's our job to know. (thunder rumbling) didyou have a hardday at work, erin? oh, it was fine,ruby, thank you. (chuckling) hamlet. don't you hate howhe can't make uphis mind? to be, not be, not,not be, be, be, not.

(terry laughing) my father drove a saab. terry! you know,finishing my paper. ah, that would be wrong. (chattering) yeah? would you mindcoming with me? sure.

nancy: ruby baker? i'm nancy ryan.i'm an inspector with thedepartment of social services. your estate lawyer let usknow that you may have someproblems with your guardians. is that right? ruby, please relaxand be open with me. everything said herestays private, okay? so, you're 16, andyour brotheris 11. andyou're currentlysharing a bedroom.

yeah, for now. and, you saw erin glassinjecting herself? they saidshe has diabetes. diabetes?okay, i'm gonnadouble-check that. you'rewriting downeverything i say, so thatnow it's gonnabe in writing twice. my word's still notgonna count for shit next to terry glassand dr. glass, right?

which is why,when we're done, i'mgonna phone the glasses and ask them to meet me attheir home so that i canverify everything with my own eyes. but... then how am i gonna livewith them if they knowthat i told on 'em? do you want to live with them? sometimes things are fine. last night,terry helpedme with something, but maybe that was just tokeep me happy, keep mymouth shut.

i knowthis is scary for you,but you don't have to worry. ina situation like this,we tell the guardians that we're performinga routine site inspection. if it'sstill in progresswhen you get home, you just act likewe've never metor spoken. you have no ideawhy i'm there.okay? ms. ryan, this is myhusband, terry glass. is this really necessary inthe middle of a business day? i mean,15 minutes notice?

we're gonna get this doneas quickly as possible,mr. glass. feelslike an intrusion.let's get it over with. may i... terry: of course. it looks like onlyone child sleepsin here. yes, rhett. rhett, yes. and the girl, ruby,she has her own room? of course.

she's 16. nice accommodations. i think the kids are home.would you like to meet them? yes, i would.just to say hi. oh, butfirst, dr. glass,may i look upstairs? i know this is awkward,but it's also important. it's a matter of child safety,just ensuring there's nothingdangerous in easy reachof an 11-year-old. "humulin l and u."

diabetes.i'm type one,insulin dependent. and we have it totallyunder control. it would appear that you do. there's the twobest kids inthe world. hi. youmust be rhett.i'm nancy ryan. nice to meet you. nancy: nice to meet you. so,rhett, how do youspend your evenings? well, when i finishmy homework, i read.

and you must be have a very niceroom. sorry for theinconvenience. you've madea wonderful homefor these children. thank you, dr. glass. nancy: oh. erin: we'll see you out. (conversation continues) you read? you lie.

guess who i learned from? good-bye now. whydon't we ordersome dinner, hon? so, how do youlike your new room? it couldn't havecome at a bettertime. (electronic warbling) come on, mr. begleiter. man: so sorry to disturb you at your home at this late hour. but i found myself wide awake and wondering, "where's the money?"

terry: well, you might as well know. six months ago, i took on a partner, a silent partner. and, it just recently came to my attention that the little son of a bitch was skimming cash. man: you lost me. what does this all have to do with our little loan? i'm waiting, mr. glass. mr. glass, you still there? terry: he was charging a whole host of personal expenses to the company. guess what, terry.

whenever i want to hear a heartbreaking human interest story, i can watch the local news. meanwhile, your next payment is due tomorrow, close of business. do you fully understand me, mr. glass? mr. glass? yeah, i'm here. and i'm seeking fullrestitution from mysilent partner. plus,i found a wholenew source of equity. my big, newpersonal piggy bank.

so you can expect another30 grand from me rightoff the bat. that barely covers the interest. you need to start paying off the principal, my friend. of course, but the point isthat i need some more time.not a lot more time. a week at the most. a week at the most? we'll give you two days, as a favor, because we like you, and because we'd hate for you to come home tomorrow night and find your beautiful house burned down with your wife inside.

(hangs up) (redial beeping) (line ringing) man: yeah? "i could a tale unfold whoselightest word would harrowup thy soul, "freeze thy young blood, "makethy two eyes, like stars,start from their spheres "and each particularhair to stand on end. "if thou didst everthy dear father love,

"revenge his foul andmost unnatural murder. "murder most foul... "but this most foul,strange, and unnatural." woman: begleiter, tepper and brice. hello, this is ruby bakerfor mr. begleiter, please. one moment, please. begleiter: hello, ruby. did you get my e-mail? no, 'causeterry trashedmy aol account. or maybe the bill just didn't get paid in the confusion of your move.

whatever. did youfind out aboutthe bmw? right, the bmw. yeah, it was registered to a business, g.t.i. glass transit, incorporated. terry's company. so now don't you get it? ruby, pleasecome with me. i think i have tocall you back later. bye-bye.

this ismiss bassett,our vice principal. ruby, the paperthat you turnedin to mr. kim, that was your work,nobody helped you? not even harold bloom? the phrase "hamlet'sdance of contraries" didn't sound likeone of my students. i found it and othersentences and phrasesin mr. bloom's recent book, shakespeare: the invention of the human. we were told there's alreadyone case of plagiarism onyour school record.

do you understand why we haveto take decisive action ina situation like this? you were told? by who? that ishardly the issuehere, young lady. this sortof cheating has tohave real consequences. we'vealready spokento your guardians. of course you have. and frankly, we're not surewhether you can continueat this school. well?

why don't you ask terry? or maybe it'stime you started taking somepersonal responsibility, ruby. yeah, maybe it's time. jack on answering machine: hi, you've reached jack avery. i'm out of the country, but i'll be checking my machine occasionally, so leave a message. (creaking) come on, rhett. wake up. oh...

shh, don't make a sound, okay?i'm gonna get you dressed.we're gonna go. where? with who? away with me. hey, quit're looking. right,like there'ssomething to see. it's raining.i was sleeping.i don't wanna go. yes, you do, it'sgonna be really fun. they're giving away freedragon ball z tapes atblockbuster and we can get in linereal early and avoidthe rush.

really? whoa! close the door. what if they find out? i'll takethe blame, okay?just get in the car. (engine starting) youdon't know whatyou're doing, huh? you wanna slow downa little? one thing i learnedfrom terry, buckle up.

whoa!rubes, terry'sgonna kill you! maybe so. turn that off. turn that shit off! (horn honking) rhett: look out! you almostcreamed that guy. that's turn it off! (music stops)

i wanna go back. we're not going back. what do you mean,"we're not goingback"? that's what i said, genius.figure it out. we have to go back! youtricked me into this, andnow i'm gonna get in trouble. no, they tricked you,the glasses. what do you mean?did not. they were sleeping. (car horn honking) what i mean is they were gonnasend me away to the middleof goddamn nowhere,

so i couldn't be anymore trouble, and you'd juststay home with terry and erin. i like terry. i like erin. no, you like allthe shiny shit thatthey blinded you with, so you couldn't see whatwas right under your nose. they made you lieto that social worker.she could've helped us. i didn't know that she wasa social worker, okay?all i knew was... that you didn't wantto be separated fromyour beloved nintendo. they bought you off. where are you taking us?

i don't know yet.the point was justto get away. ruby: crap. just don't sayanything stupid. thehighway is closedfrom here to sunset. there's a mud're gonna have touse malibu canyon or... can i seeyour driver'slicense, miss? my driver's license? and your registration, too,please. it's over therein all of my stuff.

i think i saw it over here. i'm gonnahave to ask you topull onto the shoulder and step outof the car,please. terry: officer! these are my kids. terry glass,glass transit. the limos we loaned youfor last year's parade? oh, yeah! officer: how are you?

rhett, you poor baby,come with me. it's okay. we have a littlebehavioral problemback at the old homestead. she's going through a reallyhard time right now,sweetheart. erin: god only knowswhat's going on inher mind. terry:well, you know,teenage girl stuff. gotcha. good luck. move over, hon. you can turnaround right here. thanks.

don't you have anythingto say to me? you killed my parents. that's not just insane,it's hurtful. you wereobviously threatened byyour business associates. i saw it. like erinsaid to me the other day,"we need your trust, ruby." you need my trust, for sure.four million dollars' worth. i got a thriving wife is a successfuldoctor. i got a big, new...

new personal piggy bank! that's just wordsout of context.just words. what about your bmwmy dad was drivingthat night? and what about it? for yourparents' anniversary,i lent them a beamer so dave wouldn't have to drivegrace around in that dinky oldsaab, which i hammeredout and repainted. no good deedgoes unpunished, huh? because in yourtrashy teenage mind,you twisted that into...

what do you think? i what?cut the steering linkage?stripped the brakes? it's understandable. it'sbasic psychology, you know? 'causeyou don't wanna blameyour dad for what happened. the factthat he had too muchbooze in him that night. then you'd have to askyourself why your momand dad were hittingthe bottle so hard. whose bad behaviorhad driven them todrink? get this straight, ruby. you and rhett are mine.

now i suggest you forget yourlurid, adolescent femalefantasies and start... (screams) help! help! let go, you bastard! better calm down, little girl. help! ow! what's happening out there? your sister is havinga tantrum, honey.come on.

come back to bed. no! let me go! get off! let go! (panting) nowlisten hard, ruby. anything happens to you,we got rhett for sevenmore years and all we need isone surviving child. erin! erin, stop him, please!please!

erin, please come help me.please! he's not gonna hurt you,i promise. please! shh. no! erin, please,no! erin, no! no! (spits) thank you for beingsuch a good listener. erin: you'll feel better now,ruby. rest, relax. now where to, ladies?

i vote the mall. hey, wait, timeout.has anyone heardfrom ruby? me? not for a month. same. won't evenanswer my e-mails. what up withlittle miss malibu? too busy bodysurfingfor her old gal pals? well,then, we aretoo busy for her. man: where is the rest of our money, mr. glass? you're just notgonna believe this.

the bank mailed me a check,but with the wrong zip code. some incompetent jerkat the bank invertedthe last two digits. so basically iwill need another... woman: next in line. we gottaexpand the house.a wing for the kids. sir. our little boy is gettingbigger and bigger every day. of course, the girl's a teen.i don't know if you've gotany kids of your own... anyway, construction costsin malibu are off the charts,

and i'm estimatinga quarter million,minimum. well, we'll need tosee blueprints, mr. glass.there's an approval process. well, youcan't get blueprintswithout an architect, and my architect is lookingfor cash down payment.he's in demand. i believewe advanced you $30,000 forthat purposejust last month. but that was for a room,ted. beforei realizedi needed a wing. and isn't it a generalprinciple of a guardianship

to keep thechildren comfortable? here's the trust document. it authorizes meto use trust moneyto enlarge the house. and isn't it alsoa general principle that the guardians aren'tsupposed to suffereconomically in the fulfillmentof their obligations? ted: mr. glass... i'm payingtwo tuitions atthe westcott school. i'm employinga full-time nanny.

these kids are seeingtop therapists to helpthem deal with a tragedy. i'm planning family tripsto broaden their horizons, and it's like a root canalevery time i needreimbursement. where did you get that? i thoughtyou faxed itto us last week. which is whyi'm surprisedto hear you say you haveboth childrenenrolled at westcott. did i say westcott? we changedour minds aboutwestcott. it's too glitzy.

listen, we gotta dowhat's best for thechildren. isn't that the truth? man: thank you for waiting, doctor. i can take your order now. yes, i need five dozen10 cc syringes fentanyl, and i need two dozen20 cc syringes demerol. we sent up 60 of fentanyl on monday, doctor. yes, but as i notedin the chart, i had to doublethe pc infusion rateof demerol in six patients. dr. glass?

deidre,i'll be right with you. i'm on the phonewith the pharmacy. dr. wise wants tosee you in his office. the medical director. wake up, ruby. sleeping beauty. all you do is sleep. it scares me. so you're losingyour medical license.

that's wonderful. i have a sickness. it's called self-pity. complicated by being bornwithout a freaking backbone. so i'm weak, am i? maybe i am. but at least i'm nothopelessly greedyand reckless, borrowing a million dollarsfrom some loan sharksand tarzana and... which i would'vepaid off by now!

we had a good thing goinguntil you stuck your handin the cookie jar. a good thing?you son of a bitch! i was a doctor. yeah, but you turnedyourself into a junkie. not untilyou did what you did. where were youwhen i did it? right. i saw an opportunity, erin. i sawan opportunity,and i grabbed it

because i hadwhat you didn't. i had the nerve, the will. since nobody was giving mea second chance, i justtook it. i'm not doing this anymore. listen,it's already done. what this is about iscontaining the damage,you understand? good. you know we're gonnahave to get rid ofthe girl. speaking of which,we're dry, aren't we?

we've got nothingto take care ofruby with, so i guessi have to go outand get something. and ifi can't finddrugs in la... hi. erin: wave at the camera, ruby. wave at the camera. they can't catch me. come in the water, erin! erin: wait for me! i'm coming, too! okay.

spin me, erin! faster! whoo! (breathing heavily) rhett.rhett, move away. it took some doing, butfinally i found somepharmaceutical morphine. erin? god, not now. erin. ruby: (whispering) 1875 montego canyon.

well, i thoughtyou'd want to know. honey? terryneeds to sit downand talk to you kids. (muffled shouting) (screaming) you kidsare a handful,you know that? where's your sister, eh?where's your damn sister? (yelling)let go off of me! this is wherei should've putyou from day one.

ah. what's happening? he just pulled out the jag. he just walkedback in the house. okay, just keep working. (snoring) he's sleeping. he fell asleep.there's gonna bea change of plans, okay? why would he do that?

he's bombed!he's finished offa bottle of vodka. look, it's right thereon the floor. i think i see what'sreally right in front of me. (doorbell rings) begleiter,what's going on? mr. glass, you ought to haveyour wife take a look at that. she's not at home. you know, i called your officeand they said that you'd be athome. i kept calling hereand nobody answered,so here i am.

the bank has blockedyour guardianship account, pending an investigation. the trust officer, he believesthere's malfeasance. the sons of bitches. mr. glass, i wentout on a hellof a limb for you. i warned you about thegirl's claims, abouther e-mails, about her accusations becausei trusted you and the bakerstrusted you.

but if you've been lying,then the courts aregoing to step in, and if these children aretaken from you, they haveno place to go. he thoughthe was helping us. mr. glass,where are the children? at theirmusic lessons.their piano lessons. you just, i'll have tobuy them a steinway, and the chintzy bastardsat the bank will say, "can'tthey learn to play the kazoo?" that's my testarossa. no, that's our testarossa.

you see, untilwe get our money back,it's our testarossa, terry. so you planned to skip townthis morning? leave us ina lurch, buddy boy? that's nuts.where'd you getan idea like that? well, your wife waskind enough to callus this morning, give us a little heads-up. my wife? uh-huh. so before you leave town,how about repaying theentire loan in one lump cash sum?

that son of a bitchdoesn't have our money. what's going on, terry? ask him. your silent partner? bastard robbed me blind. oh, my god.i'm leaving. you're not going anywhere. yeah, i thinkwe're entitledto an explanation. from me?

i have absolutelynothing to dowith this. (begleiter grunts) (gasps) nobody listens anymore. you happy, terry?feel good about that? damn it, terry,you're a troublemaker. i guess that tookcare of the problem. no, no, no, come on.we're gonna discussthis in the car. come on. there's nothing to discuss.

terry,just walk like a manout to the jag, all right? that wasthe whole problem,you've dealt with it. the rest is pure profit. just not the jag, okay?the volvo. wait here for one minute,okay? nice little drive in our car. no, not in there! no, not in there!no! not in there! i don'teven have thekeys to the damn car.

don't sweat it, terry,we've got all the keysto all the cars. take the volvo,not the jag, huh? let's go! hey, let's go! okay! you win,you win, you win! you win? it's over, okay? but just pleasetake the volvo.okay? you're making thisdifficult, terry.whatever. take the volvo. brandloyalty. i like that,ter.

oh, that little bitch. you know, you'resome kind of joker. we're gonna take the jaguar. no! (engines starting) hey, you haven't beento our tarzana office,have you, mr. glass? we evengot a handballcourt and a sauna. and wayin the back we havethis, uh, special room. totally soundproof.

what the... what the fuck! (truck horn honking) what'd you do to this car?what'd you do to this car? hi. you guysneed some help? yes. got everythingunder control? yeah, we got it covered,thanks. you two kidsstay in the car.

5-l-1-10, i have apossible tc over the side.southbound, malibu canyon. i'll be out to investigate. woman: copy that. 5-l-1-10,i have a rollovertc with one fatality. i'm gonna need twobackup units. 10-4. (dispatch responding) rhett: ruby, go! drive! where's the stupid key?

quick, get us outta here!let's go! come on, find them! rhett: ruby! terry: need your help. he's getting closer, ruby! i got 'em! he's getting closer! (engine starts) drive, drive, drive!

why areyou stopping?get us outta here! it's okay, honey! buckle up! what are you doing? it's all forgiven. rhett: ruby,what are you doing? you two okay? goback and wait bymy car. things will geteasier from here on. they already have.

let's go home.

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