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    standard furniture vacancies

    [horns honking] [people talking indistinctly] (interviewer) hey, man, why do you guys wear the mask? get that shitout of my face. come on. just answer a couple questions. i said, get that shitout of my face. dude, easy, all right? i'll fucking show you easy. i know who you are,i know what you're doing,

    and i'm going to smash your shitfucking right up. [punk rock music] ♪ ♪ no justice, no peace. u.s. out of the middle east. no justice, no peace... (man #1)♪ north to south. ♪ ♪ empty. ♪ (man #2)it's the first major, uh,political convention

    sincethe september 11th attacks. (man #1)♪ as if to say,as if to say, ♪ ♪ as if to sayhe doesn't like chocolate. ♪ ♪ six out of ten. ♪ ♪ better luck next time. ♪ ♪ just like his dad,just like his dad, ♪ ♪ same mistakes. ♪ ♪ some thingswill never be different. ♪ ♪ hungry and dumb,hungry and dumb, ♪

    ♪ so wait in line, ♪ ♪ queuing upfor some more junk food. ♪ hey, gotta wait upa little bit. well, i guess the policehave decided that they want to talk to me. i'm not sure what they wouldlike to talk to me about. ♪ why can't you be... ♪ we're not hereto provoke anyone. we came here to exerciseour first amendment rights

    and to stand up and saythat we disagree, that this partyis for a police state. coming up to the line! ♪ i'm thinking 666... ♪ you corporate mediaare fucking awesome. we'll kill you!we have nothing! jordan! (man #1)♪ are you hopingfor a miracle? ♪ ♪ are you hopingfor a miracle? ♪

    (man) police riot! ♪ it's not enough. ♪ it's great. so who was worse,the cops or the anarchists? the anarchists. the cops were pretty chillall day. it's all good, jake,but i can't use it. well, what aboutthe other stuff? (woman) it's all compelling, but i don't know.

    they all seem a little bit too dirty. well, that's funny,because you didn't say anything about my footage of the iraqishanging all over our troops. they were dirty. yeah, but that's different. they weren't american.they had an excuse. (jake) can you cue that up? d, can you rewind that back? yeah.

    yeah, i know who you are, i know what you're doing, [atmospheric piano music] (woman)as the city braces itself for the upcomingrepublican national convention, mayor bloomberg yesterdayissued a warning about the possibilityof terrorist attacks on new york during the event. in response to the threats,

    homeland security chieftom ridge has raised the terror levelto orange or high alert, the second highest level on the government'sfive-tier spectrum. hey. is chloe in there? yeah, they're in therewaiting for you. jake. bob.

    heard you shotsome great stuff up in boston. you going to air it? bob wants to runa series of segments on how the city is preparingfor the convention. snapshots of new york at a timeof great political upheaval. it's not really my gig. see, that's the thing.

    everyone shits on itbecause it sounds boring. that's why i want youto do it, jake, because you have an instinct for conflict. you do that, and i'll see if chloe can't geta prime-time special scheduled during the convention itself. all right. [punchy rock music] you still, uh, humping chloe?

    do you have to beso crass about it? all right, you still making loveto that woman? i really don't think that's any of your business. what else are we going to talk about all day? let's talk about you. who are you seeing? i told you about that girlfrom upstate. why are they always from upstatewith you?

    i don't like dating girlsfrom the city. they're too fast and busyfor me. right, so you must see her a lot. ah, there's kind of a situation. oh, yeah? she's, uh, married. oh, you must be proudof yourself. there's a kid. great.

    so have you met the kid yet? yeah.he thinks i'm his uncle. how do you feel about the rnccoming to new york? i'm actuallylooking forward to the demonstrationsor whatever is going to happen, all the mischief and craziness. i hope it gets blown upand out of control. (jake)do you think the protestersshould be allowed to march? well, of course theyshould be allowed to march,

    but they don't realizethey're not doing anything. they're counterproductive. who goes to war? not bush's kids. not kerry's kids.not cheney's kids. it's--okay,it's that guy over there; it's this guy over here;it's his son, her daughter. the ones who arepunching in their time clocks, making minimum wage,those are the people who go.

    [laid-back electronic music] mom! (woman) yeah? can jesse and ruizstay for dinner? (woman) oh. they can't, baby. i didn't get enoughfor all four of us. would you guys wantto come over next week? all right, that's cool.ask your moms.

    [groovy instrumental music] i'm kind of tryingto get a pulse of how the city's feeling,you know? my question: why are we in town? why haven't we leftlike all the smart people? [laughs] i think a lot of new yorkersare thinking the same thing, that, you know,they're blitzing every tunnel

    before the onslaught arrives. just having the juxtapositionof these two conventions-- okay, i watchedthe democratic convention. i felt it was showbizall the way. oh, shoot 'em in the head. do you know what they dowith white women over in saudi arabia? they fuck youand throw you off a ship. so why haven't-- oh, come on.

    oh, yeah, you don't know that? so wait,you were embedded in iraq? yeah, for about six months. what was that like? it was like a mass experimentin the stockholm syndrome. what does that mean? okay, i don't know about you, but i'm certainly not goingto sacrifice profits to honor some idealistic viewof what journalism should be.

    you know, that's funny, because that's the way it was30 years ago. that was the ideal,you know, standard, that journalistswould risk their lives to tell the truth. yeah, but truthis subjective. we gave the publiceverything that we had, and it was up to them to makea decision about the war. what about the imagesof dead iraqi children?

    what, don't you get aljazeera? hey. what, are youleaving already? yeah, i thinki'm going to walk home. you know, i'm not muchfor small talk. oh, come on. stay a little longer. come on.let's go get a drink. there's some reallyimportant people in there.

    yeah, i know.maybe for you, okay? but i'm not goingto stand around pretending to beinterested. well, then stay for me. you can still pretendto do that, can't you? come on, look. that's not what i'm saying. okay? hey, i'm just overall this shit.

    these people can opendoors for you, jake, for both of us. i know, okay? but just try to listen to mefor one second, all right? i don't care what's goingto happen to me in five years, all right? and i'm sure as hellnot going to start sucking up to these corporate fucks so that i can get a job

    running a news division. oh, thanks, jake. [quietly]oh, my god. you know what i want? no. what do you want? i want to do something that'simportant, okay, to people, something that i--i actually care about. yeah, so do i,jake. that's why i'm workingat a major news network.

    i know. since i got backfrom baghdad, okay, i care less and lessabout this shit, about bcn, ratings,kramer-- me? no. not you. chloe, i love know that. you're just--let me loose now.

    of course. [siren blaring] [speaking arabic] [chanting in arabic] [gunshots] [gunshots and yelling] (jake) how do you feel about the rnc coming to the city? i think the city is gonna be in complete chaos, frankly.

    [tense electronic music] (woman) is this what we're exporting to iraq? [tape whining] and thieves, okay? that's not supposed to be what happens in a democracy. is this what we'reexporting to iraq? [knocking] hi, isyour mother home?

    do you knowwhere she is? working. how about your dad? can you tell mewhere he is? he's fighting the war. which war? the one in iraq. now, what do you wantto talk about? tell me.

    how much longertill you got to go? well, that'scoming up soon. shipping offin a few weeks, i guess. i still don't understandwhy you have to go. give me this one. we don't want any more buildingsfalling down, right? mm-hmm. right? i want to come too.

    no, no,little man, no. it's no place for kids,you know? only adults can go to war. besides, i need you here. you're gonna bein charge now, taking care of your mamaand everything. and the pigeons. that's right. and the pigeons. hand me the 16.

    (man) hey, man, turn your camera on over here. actually,we're late for something. bullshit. you're just afraidof the truth. okay. you've got one minuteto tell me the truth. all right, then. just tell me when. you're on.

    the neocon-controlledbush administration staged the 9/11 attacks in order to justifythe imperial conquest of american military powerinto the oil-soaked middle east. this "war on terror"has nothing to do with al-qaida. al-qaida was createdand sponsored by the cia during the afghanistan warin the 1970s right on upthrough the late 1990s. you don't believe me?

    just hop on the web and google the namehashim thaci, leader of the kla, a group the republicansthemselves call the drug-traffickingterrorist organization with links to osama bin laden,and you can find pictures of u.s. officialsshaking hands with this man. but you don't evenhave to go back that far. just check outthe september of 2000 manifesto

    from the right-wing think tank the projectfor the new american century. you know,the one cheney, rumsfeld, and wolfowitz belong to? anyway, the manifesto is called rebuilding america's defenses, and it lays out a strategy for americanglobal military dominance and calls for a transformationthat will be slow if not for, and i quote,

    "a catastrophicand catalyzing event like a new pearl harbor." there is no war on terror. there's a war on freedom. you got that? educate yourself. (jake) you really think those kids believe what they're talking about? probably not,but what are you gonna do?

    let's just get some food. we just ate15 minutes ago. i'm still hungry. jesus. hold this.hey! what'd you do to the kid? nothing.little shit got away. well, what's that? lunch.

    we're here,all right? fine. excuse me. does this belongto anyone here? actually, yes.where'd you find that? just over in this parking lotover by the bridge. richie! it's cool. i got it.

    richie? so is that your husband? is he in country? you know iraq. yeah. i mean, i was embeddedover there during the invasion. huh. he'll get back safe. actually, no,he won't.

    he was a machinist, but they had himout raiding villages. he was in baghdadabout two weeks when his convoy got hit with a rocket-propelledgrenade launcher. died instantly. [sighs]kid who fired it was 16. i'm sorry. you must have seena lot of that, though, yeah?

    you're a reporter? cameraman, mostly. so what do you do? you just ride around in tanks filming u.s. troopsinvading foreign countries? as long as they pay me. i'm sorry,and... it's okay. i hope everything'sall right.

    oh, yeah. i wasn't--i wasn't surewhat to feed it, so... oh, it eats just aboutanything, but thank you. bye. (jake)dex, you see what's going onover there? (dexter)yeah, it looks like some guyjust got pulled over. (jake)all right, well hold on.i'm going to go get this. it's clean. i know it's clean, dawg.

    thank you. your license flaggedon our system. just a routine check. we're on high alert with the president coming to town. yeah, y'all motherfuckers betterbe on high alert, a'ight? you got a lot bigger problemsthan terrorism in this motherfucker. this is the oldest warin america, a'ight,

    and y'all know that. a war against the poor,a war against people-- sir, would you please get in the car and leave? you know, you don't need to talk to me like that. i know what terrorism is,man. back in the day,all y'all needed was a rope and a treeor some tar and some feathers, and that's all y'all needed. you know what?

    what you gonna do,arrest me, beat me up? that's right. a white cop ain't never done that to me before, right? beware of the man who ain't got nothing to lose. we don't got no oil contracts; we don't gotno weapons contracts. niggers don't got health care in the hood. we don't got nothin' to lose. you better be on high alert,you motherfucking pig.

    what an asshole. a controversial rulingshook up the nypd yesterday as judge robert sweetprohibited blanket searches of protestersmarching outside of the rnc. police officials planto urge mayor bloomberg to appeal the ruling, saying it is giving an open doorto terrorists. the nypd is planning to have over 35,000 police officerson duty for the convention.

    estimates put the overtime costs somewhere in excessof $59 million for the four-day event. what's up? it's about the texas segment. what about it? they're not going to run it. why not? the guy had chemical weapons in there.

    he had a cyanide bombbig enough to kill everybody in a 30,000-square-footbuilding, and you're telling methat's not news? yes. jesus. you remember jose padilla? huh? see, there's a guywith no bomb-making material and no way to get it,and he winds up

    on the front pageof every paper in the country. it's bullshit. so if you're not gonna air my shit, then don't send me halfwayacross the country to get it. you done? whatever. good. how isthe rnc run-up stuff coming? it's coming.

    daniel's got most of the tapes. well, anything i can usefor this week's show? yeah, dex and i came acrossthis traffic stop up in harlem, a couple of copssearching this black guy. he went off on 'em. i mean off. it turns out, he's actuallya pretty well-known rapper. huh.could be good for a segment. hey, will you seeif he'll do a sit-down? or better yet,

    get him walking aroundthe streets of the hood. i'll see what i can do,all right? good. thanks. [somber hip-hop music] ♪ harlem streets,they flooded in white powder ♪ ♪ like the motherfuckersrunning away ♪ ♪ from the twin towers. ♪ ♪ gunshots rock the earthlike a meteor shower, ♪ ♪ bowling for columbine feargivin' the media power. ♪

    ♪ innocence devoured ♪ ♪ like a chicken spotsnack box, ♪ ♪ government cocainecooked into ghetto crack rock. ♪ ♪ corrupt cops, false testimonyat your arraignment. ♪ ♪ check to check, ♪ ♪ constant struggleto make the payments, ♪ ♪ working your whole lifewondering where the day went. ♪ ♪ the subway stays packed ♪ ♪ like a multiculturalslave ship. ♪

    ♪ rush hour 2:30 to 8:00nonstoppin', ♪ ♪ and people coming homeafter corporate sharecropping. ♪ ♪ and fuck flossing. ♪ ♪ mothers are tryingto feed children, ♪ ♪ but gentrification kickin' 'emout of they building. ♪ ♪ a generation of babiesborn without health care, ♪ ♪ family homeless, ♪ ♪ thrown the fuck offthe welfare. ♪ i like that.

    keep it at that level. turn the cuts up a little. beautiful.yeah. just like that. a'ight, a'ight. yo, yo, yo. ♪ it's like here a movie,y'all... ♪ you know where i can findimmortal technique? door toyour left, bro.

    watch this, dex. to the left, right? you guysa television crew? takes two of youto operate that thing? i do sound. sound, huh?me too. so what's it sound like? what? out there, does it sound?

    well, we have good microphones. no, man. i'm asking how it sounds, this worldon the brink of apocalypse. what does that sound like? or can't you hear it? you already that far gone? 'cause i mean, to me, all i can hearwhen i go outside

    is the thunderof a coming storm, the crashing of wills, man. you know, the sound of reckoning coming our way. a'ight,i see you a little scared. maybe your ears ain't attunedto the right hemisphere and whatnot. we'll fix that. tell me what you thinkof this sound. this is the soundsof the street, motherfucker.

    [heavy rap beat] you fucked up, dawg? whoa, whoa. you can't just come up in here like that. back off me. (immortal technique) you look familiar, dawg. who the fuck are you? (guard) yeah, where do i know you from? i saw you guysthe other day.

    bullshit. yo, yo, yo. he had the cam-- remember when we gotpulled over by the cops? yo, money had a cameraon the sidewalk. what you with, man?you with fox, nigger? no, bcn. what the fuckdo you want, man? i just came down to askif you wanted to do an interview

    for a news segmenti'm working on. i don't want no interviewwith you, you scrawny bastard. what are you gonna do? you're not gonna put the truthout there, man. you're just gonna putwhat you want out there. you don't care aboutwhat really goes on in the hood. what if i say i'll give youthe first and last word? just a chance to tell it like it is.

    i mean,what you want me to say? what you want me to talk about? you don't want to hear knowledge. you don't want power. you know, not for us. you just want us to be sambosand be happy and do our little jiggaboo danceon mtv or bet. that way, we can please y'all,get y'all to clap, buy some records,and fuck off.

    things change, man. things change? for who? for you? for me? things ain't never gonna changein the hood, b. the shit's gonna fall. babylon gonna fallbefore it change, man. you know, i ain't no prophet,but that's the fuckin' prophecy. (jake) hey, dex,

    why don't you head on back to the office? i'll catch up to you later. (dexter) sure. no, it's cool.i'll get back by myself. look, i'm not madabout the rims. i wasn't trying to takethose cheap-ass rims off your car. yeah, i know. look, hey.

    i'm sorry i chased youthe other day. i didn't mean to scare you. did you get your bird backall right? it's not a bird;it's a homing pigeon. so you fly those?you train 'em? me and my dad. i'm taking care of themtill he gets back. cool. you know, i was thinking aboutgetting something to eat.

    you can come if you want. come on.i'll buy you a burger. hey, um,can this camera make movies? sure, it can. why?you want to give it a shot? could i? yeah. you think you can handle it? i can handle it. all right.

    put that up to your eye so you can seewhat you're doing. you see those buttonson the side? these two? those let you zoom in and zoom out. [laughs] hey, that's cool. could--could i make a movieof the pigeons to send to my dad? i don't you think your mom will mind?

    we don't have to tell her. all right, i won't say anything if you don't. deal. deal. you ready? what'd you get? not much. no? i think i got a pigeon,actually.

    really? i think i got oneon a lamppost. so you know howto use that thing now, huh? let's go film the pigeons. after you. cool, see how easy it is? okay,now zoom right in on that. go really slow. really slow. all right, ready?

    what do i do, just-- throw him up. ready? (richie) when one goes, they all go. (tina) richie? see? it's just slowerthan the other one. the one on the sideis a lot faster. are we that muchof a charity case?

    actually,it's not charity. it's just an attemptto atone for my ignorance. well, richie never getsto have anyone over for dinner, so if he feels like it,you can invite him. if it'sall right with you. i'll be readyin about a half an hour. and i'm not buying youone of those. [laughing] wonderful story, sweetheart.

    that's why i don'tmake friends anymore, mama. oh, goodness. how old were youwhen you had this guy? 16. yeah? cruz and i didn't think twiceabout it, but i had to quit schoolonce i got too big, and he went and started workingat his dad's garage as a mechanic,and...

    and it's all my fault. stop it. if i had my way, actually, i'd never let youout of my clutches. good thing you don't have your way. [laughs] are we done? yeah, i guess. hey, mom?

    yes? can me and jakeplay freedom fighter? did you finish all the chaptersin your book? well, you told me to read nine.i read eight. right, exactly. i did most of them. finish the--finish, and then you can play. and no skimming, 'cause i'm goingto test you on it.

    do you want some coffee? what? nothing. no, nothing. you're doin' it. all this with richieand whatnot, it's, like, making me feel like i'm an adolescent. well, i'm definitelya long way from martha stewart,

    so... i don't know about that. no, having kids is definitely-- it's different. i mean, before i had richie,i didn't-- i didn't really think abouttrying to change the world or control itor affect it at all. i was just tryingto navigate my way through and get the thingsthat i wanted. but i don't know.

    since i've had him,i'm sort of inspired to... make it better,more fair, humane. for him, you know? there's one thing i've learned: the world is one nasty,complicated mess, and we are way too insignificantto change anything. i mean, you're just-- you're really just better offfocusing on richie and preparing himfor the future.

    i used to think like thatbefore cruz died, but it's different now. does richie know what happened? um, well,he knows his dad went to war, and he knowsthat he's not coming back, but, um, i don't think he'sfully grasped that he's dead or what that means. it's a hard thingfor a kid to accept. mothers too.

    want the coffee? (woman)with just one day to go before the republicannational convention, mayor bloomberghas refused to grant a permit for over 250,000 protestersto assemble in central park, claimingthere just isn't enough room for a demonstrationof that size. in response, several hundred activist groupshave threatened to use the park

    as their base of operationsduring the four-day convention. while the mayor's officedownplayed the potential for conflictbetween protesters and nypd, officials statedthat they haven't ruled out the use of force if demonstrators do not complywith the city's laws. oh, yes. i'm sure the protesterswill protest, and there may be some abuseof civil liberties.

    i love that guy. you really like him? i love him.we have to use him. mark him. okay, good. okay, kramer likeswhat you're getting, but we need to get somethinga little more, um... spit it out. dangerous.

    translation? militant, dramatic,whatever. just get into the enemy's camp,you know? find out what the protestorsare planning. find out who the leaders areof the anti-bush movement. chloe, that'sa whole different type of job. i can't just walk intoan activist planning meeting with dexter and a boom. okay, but, well,

    maybe you need to goand do stuff on your own. just be more low-key. you know the conventionis in a few days, don't you? all right,i'll see what i can get. thank you. oh, check out this guy, arthur robins. see if you can get a clip. dinner later?

    sure. rewind that one back. (robins)and out of 90,000 artists, they happened to choose the onethat doesn't despise bush. okay, but go backto the beginning. i mean, how did youget surveilled by the joint terroristtask force? well, i was going to show my artin front of the met, and it was raining,

    so i actuallywent into the museum and decided to look at the art, and after about a half hour, the security officersstopped me, and they took me to a little room and then interrogated me, and then they claimedthey had some kind of tapes that showed that i hungsome painting up on the wall, and then they let me goafter about a half hour.

    then what happened? well, that night, five nypd detectivesburst into my house and demanded that i answer some questions. what did they want? well, i videotaped it.i could show you. they let you shoot them? well, what, i can't shoot peoplein my own apartment? i wasn't saying anythingabout that.

    well, that wasmy argument to them, because, i mean,they didn't even have a warrant. right. do you have the stuff? yeah, it's right here. it's already ready to go. we just want to knowwhat you're protesting. what i'm protesting? yes, sir.

    who saidi'm protesting something? your artspeaks for itself. what are youtalking about? (man) why are we here, arthur? (robins) i don't know. i really don't know. well, we do. well, tell mewhat you know. arthur, look.listen to me.

    i'm not gonna,you know, get into this with youright now, all right? i'm going to just ask youone quick question. you ever been livingwith any psychological problems? no, never.never. all right,do me a favor. put your shoes on. you're going to haveto come back with us. you're kidding.

    nope. (robins)am i under arrest? (man)i'm asking youto put your shoes on. (robins)but am i under arrest? no, sir,you're not under arrest. okay, do ihave to go back? no, you don't haveto come back. you want to ask mesomething then? you can ask meany question you want here.

    (man) what we're just trying to find out right now is who and why. the bottom line is,all right, you understandin this day and age, there's some serioussecurity concerns, terrorismand everything else. yeah, right. and i really fitthat bill, don't i? no, i don't thinkyou're a terrorist at all.

    (robins)by the way, would it betoo much for me to-- can i photographyour ids? no, that would not go on. could i--could i video your ids? no, absolutely not. [tense music] (man) my name is elisha herrik blaine. uh, e-l-i-s-h-a, last name is blaine,b-l-a-i-n-e.

    i'm from somerville, mass. [break beat music] (woman) so the 831 action coalition is calling for a day of nonviolentcivil disobedience. (man) in the past, large protests-- all violence has been initiatedand perpetuated by the police forces who try to disperse usfrom the streets. i think the state believesthat we pose a threat to them.

    i think they're very muchconcerned about us, and i actually think very specifically what we're dealing withright now in terms ofthe terrorist threats that they're posing out there is very muchbecause they're concerned. [spacey rock music] you wouldn't happen to knowabout any meetings being held for the protest of the rnc,would you?

    yeah, sure. have you triedunited for peace and justice or not in our name? yeah, i looked intoall that stuff. i was just-- i was just looking for somethinga little more radical, you know? radical? you know anythingabout the black bloc? yeah, the black bloc'sa street tactic.

    it's not an organizationper se. yeah, i know, but they have,uh, you know, they have meetingsto plan their activities, don't they? people are meeting. there's plenty of meetings. you might check outthe west side. cool, thanks. yeah, take care.

    jake? what are you doing here? i went throughmy little red book. had to restock. what about you?what are you doing here? i work here part-timeon the weekends. it's quiet,so i get to do a lot of reading. seriously, though,what are you doing here? just some researchfor this thing we're shooting.

    how's richie? he's good. it's been a little difficultwith him lately, but i got him withthe neighbors tonight, so... so you got the night off? me and a few friends are gonna go downto the union hall and listen to some speechesbeing given by the revolutionarycommunist party.

    i knew that. richie had a really good timewith you the other night. it's kind of hard for him to make friends with peoplearound his dad's age, so it was actuallyreally nice to see. anyway, i just--i want to apologize if i came off a little too harshthe first time we met, and... no,'s cool. i apologize too,so...

    so i was-- hey, what are you doing-- you go first. you want to go for a rideafter you get out of work? by ride, i assumeyou mean motorcycle. um, actually, i havethis thing tonight, so... okay, that's cool. and if you're interested,maybe you could give me a ride.

    i don't know,if you have the time. uh-huh. so you want to use mefor my bike. well, i'm not too sure if it would beyour kind of thing. depends. on what? on your crowd. actually, forget it.

    i actually--it's not a good idea. i changed my mind. oh, okay. so you're going to give upon me that easy? you come here around 5:00,and we'll see if you can hang. 5:00. don't steal anything. you lost? i'm just coming infor the meeting.

    what meeting? you know what?it's cool. don't worry about it. no, it's not cool, actually. isn't there a meeting herefor the rnc protest? who told you that? are you fucking kidding me? you guys serious? that's a friendly wayof saying, "push off."

    this is a closed cameras allowed. so i'll leave the cameraoutside. you're missingthe point, brother. [loungy electronic music] well... here i am. yeah, you definitely are. i can't. me neither.

    (woman)today new york is the center of the americanpolitical universe as the rnc has officially begun. inside madison square garden, hundreds of delegatesare gathering to celebrate the candidacyof george w. bush while outside the convention, hundreds of thousandsof activists are expected to hit the streetsin protest of his candidacy

    and the republican party. but with the terror threat alertnow raised to orange, there will be unprecedentedsecurity measures taken to protect the cityfrom terrorist attacks. [phone ringing] hello? hey, chloe. where were you last night? i crashed early.

    we had dinner planslast night, jake. i called you, like,six times. where were you? yeah, i'm sorry, chloe,all right? i was outside lookingfor your militants all night. well, did you get anything? i got a little bit. all right, because there's beena development. i need you to go outand shoot street-level protests

    at the rnc. no, wait, wait. i agreed to shootthat setup shit for kramer, but that's it. i mean, you guys shelvedall my footage from boston last time. i'm not going to go run around and get chased and beat upand tear gassed for nothing. plus, there's going to be 100news trucks out there anyway.

    okay, but this isdifferent, jake. really?how? we got a green light. fuck off. you got a prime-time special? it airs right after bush's speech. oh, that's great,chloe. it could be, jake, but i need you to get right in there, you know,

    as if you were embedded in any other war zone. kramer wants it to look like modern urban warfare or some shit. i think he alreadyhas a lead. you got to hear this shit. "while american troops fightguerilla mercenaries in iraq, "america's youth are battling police in the streets of new york." you got to befucking kidding me.

    nope, i'm not, but you really got toblend in, you know? i mean, get in there. get me face-to-face with all ofthe most radical groups, the anarchists, communists,peaceniks, feminists, fucking botanistsif they have a gun. i don't give a shit. just get methe edgiest stuff you can.

    i will. (woman) if what you're trying to do is stop hate, why would you want to just dosomething you're trying to stop? you're totally going against yourself and being hypocritical. no, it's--it's a measurethat's taken before-- it's stopping hatebefore it starts, okay? that's what we do. by doing more hateful acts?

    we're a 200-year-old country. we've already beenin ten major wars. the world is's not just us. (man) okay, but guys, guys, we could spend all day arguing about how we're gonnatake power back from the political and economicelites of this country, but at the end of that day, we'd still be sittingin this small, sweaty room

    looking at the same 20 faces i've been looking atfor the last month while uptown in air-conditioned offices, those who truly rule this country, will be plotting out the next 50 yearsof global domination, so let's getreally fucking serious, okay? this revolution is not aboutvoting democrat or republican.

    it's not about being liberal or conservative. shit, it's not even aboutbeing capitalist or communist, because those are justfictitious emblems propped up by the elites to further dividethe american public. and look at us.they succeeded. just look at this country. we're divided, and in this way,

    we're rendered impotentof any true political power. i am not doing anything wrong. why can't i cross the street? (man)♪ and you're tired of your mom,and you're tired of your dad, ♪ ♪ got you jumping through hoops,got you shaving your legs. ♪ ♪ let it pass,let it pass, ♪ ♪ let it pass over you. ♪ ♪ and you're tired of your face,and you're tired of your nose, ♪ ♪ let it pass through you. ♪

    if you don't leave, you're gonna be arrested. (woman) you don't even stop me. you stare at your own dicks. al-qaida, september 11th,that is me! (man)♪ you've been lying to me. ♪ we were just walking bywhen they arrested us! we weren't doing anything. this is're violating my rights here!

    they should be locked up for making an assout of themselves in general. free speech doesn't meankids getting together and tying up a whole city, spending money... [crowd chanting]we are peaceful people practicing non-violence. we are peaceful people bush wantsto silence his opposition,

    but they didn't knowwho they were fucking with when they came to the city. you understand? we don't roll over for nobodyin this town. (man)♪ there will beno justification. ♪ ♪ there will beno way at all. ♪ i'm gonna give youone warning, man. move back!back! move back!

    (man)♪ and your nose is bleeding. ♪ ♪ and your nose is bleeding. ♪ ♪ you've been lying to me. ♪ ♪ come back to methe way you were, ♪ ♪ the way you werewhen we were young. ♪ ♪ i'm trying to tell youeverything. ♪ ♪ i can heal the blind;i can cure the sick. ♪ ♪ i can say the right things.i can say the right things. ♪ ♪ where'd you get so cruel?where'd you get so cruel? ♪

    ♪ where do you go?'cause you're never here. ♪ (jake) hey! what the fuck are you guys running from? the pigs dressed as black bloc. fucking provocateurs. yo, get the fuck out of herewith that camera, man! yo, he fucking saved our asseswith that camera. how? he turned it on the cops,and they scattered like hippies.

    what's with all the shoes? (woman) it's the fucking black bloc, man. they can't get picturesof anything else. it's how they identify us ifthey catch us after an action. what do you sayi run with you guys for the rest of the day? you want riot footage, take your ass backto madison square garden. this ain't a fucki''reality tv show.

    chill out, man. just let himdo what he wants. (man) fine, do what you want, but you get in our wayor slow us down, don't expect usto sacrifice our asses to save you. look, i'll just bea shadow, all right? (man) are you guys ready? let's go.

    (man)watch the back. how you doin', officer? a guy got shot 41 times.he wasn't hurt? a guy got a plungerstuffed in his ass. he wasn't hurt? the state is the only onethat can sanction violence? so when i do violence,it's wrong, but if the state does it,it's great, right? (jake) so when you throw bricks through windows and you get--

    but see, that'scorporate property. corporate propertyby its nature-- by its nature is violence, so when you're breakinga starbucks window, it's not hurting anybody. that's hurtingthat corporation. you said you were going to bea shadow. shadows don't talk. yo, get that out of here, man.

    get it out.'s a public place. you can't do that. it's a public place. i know who you are, man.get out of here. it's just a documentary. get out of here. it's not a news station. come on, man.

    that's a good wayto get arrested. what the fuck you doin'? let's stick together and chill out. fuck're masked. he can't see you. you know, that's really gonna steer us, you know, whether it's iraq, somalia, afghanistan, nicaragua. (jake) so do you guys think

    free speech is alive and well in the united states? they're trying to terrorizepeople into submission, but the revolutionwill not be terrorized. i'm a pro-bush anarchist, and i don't think thatthat's an oxymoron at all. actually, i know anarchistswho voted for bush last time because they predicted this. they predictedhe would be so fucked, it would absolutely causea revolution.

    it doesn't fucking matterwho's going to end up in office, 'cause they're gonnatake their cues from the fucking pentagon,the military-industrial complex. i mean, it's a fucki'' multibillion-dollar industry. you think anybody's gonnafuckin' listen to the voters? no, fucking boeingand fucking mcdonnell douglas and all the fuckingabrams tank people and all those motherfuckers are gonna spend moneyon whoever the fuck's in office.

    it's not gonna change. they're gonna do whateverthe fuck they tell them to do. what about dr. evil? we got to be there, man. they've got to feela sense of siege. they feel that, then maybe they'll stopholding events in cities. what the fuck? what the fuck is going on?

    yo, you said hecould fucking stay with us as long as hedidn't get in our way, so he hasn'tever fuckin' left. he's talkingto all of them, and they're alltalkin' shit high, and... you guys are talkingto the camera without your mask? (man) just chill, max. don't relax. i see you get high too.

    look, man, if we wantto talk to the fucking camera without our mask,it's our prerogative, all right? these masks represent militant resistance, man. okay, so leave your mask on, man. hey, get that fucking camera out of my face. whoa, all right? what's your fucki''problem, huh? all they're doing is breaking down the philosophyof the movement.

    i don't give a shitif they're reciting malatesta. take that cameraand go home. show's over, man. look, i'm gonna getmy last shot. fuck. stop, dude! all right, that's enough. shit, man. give me the fuckin' camera!

    give him the fuckin' camera, yo. that's enough. that's enough. it's got a whole day's worthof fuckin' work on it. dude, it's a nine-story fall, man. back up.back up. stop. pick your fuckin' battles, right? this isn't one of them. let's check him out.

    this is not whatwe're about, man. get him the fuckout of here. he's goin',so fuck off. get himfuckin' out of here. yeah, you weren't fuckin'talking to him. shut the fuck up. [pained grunting] you all right? fuck, fuck.

    fuck! shit. you a'ight? you know you crossedthe line up there, yeah? i mean, you gotta understand.anonymity's all we got. otherwise,we can't be effective. the only effect you're having is making a spectaclefor the networks. you're a news producer'swet dream.

    masks, broken windows? are you kidding me? you guys are a ratings bonanza. well, what do you expect? are we supposed to justfuckin' walk in organized lines smiling at the policeand fuckin' carrying puppets? so you're the radicals,huh? yeah, call us whatever the hell you want. if you think it's radical,

    that says more about you than it does about us. as for those other protesters, they can do whateverthe hell they want. they don't realizeall they're doing is propping up the lieof democracy and giving these fuckin' politicians an excuse to call this a fuckin' free society where there is no censorshipof opinion,

    where there is no class warfare. but this is a class war, and if they're too comfortableto fight it, then we will. give me a fuckin' break. i'll bet you've gotmiddle-class parents from brooklyn. you talk about a class-- what the fuck do you know about a class war, huh? is that some shityou read in some pamphlet?

    you don't know me. oh, yes, i do. i used to be one of you. let me tell you something. the whole militant idealism fades about one week afteryou get the first paycheck. you don't believe in anything. you have never had to fight for fucking anything. you have never lost anything.

    oh, yeah?what have you lost? what have i lost,motherfucker? what have i lost? huh, jake? what the fuck have i lost, right? i don't knowwhat the fuck i'm talking about, right? i'm sorry, tina. [sobs]

    the media just looksat these masked kids and just immediatelywrites them off as just a-- spoiled bratswho have no reason to complain or juvenile delinquents who just use these protestsas an excuse to fuck shit up, but that's bullshit,because i know those people, and they're just doingwhat they feel is necessary to have to fightagainst something that just seems so largeand unconquerable.

    i mean, people just seemto have forgotten that this fucking countrywas built as a reaction to that kind ofimperialistic, fascistic bullshitin the first place. i'm telling you, jake, when i lost cruz, i started really thinking about what it isthat i was gonna do about it, because the richwill always be fighting wars

    over oil and landand cheap labor pools. especially now that there'sso much less of everything. and we're always going to beon the front lines. we're the ones who have to throw dirton the coffins of our families, whether it's my husband... my cruz from harlem, or some--some poor kid's fatherfrom saudi arabia or italy or the philippines.

    and where's that story? where's thaton the evening news, jake? 'cause it's the only storythat we got, and if the fucking media triedto sell that story as much as they fucking soldthat war in iraq, there'd be fucking fightingin the streets, and then all this shitwould have to come down. that's what i want to see,all right? fuck you.

    [applause] listening to nixon speak sounded more likea breath of fresh air. i said to my friend,i said, "what party is he?" my friend said,"he is a republican." i said,"then i am a republican." jake, what happened to you? jesus, jake.who hit you, the police?

    i just got a little too closeto some of the militants. they wonder why we don't givethem any positive coverage. activists, my ass. they're a bunch of fuckingdrug addicts and thugs. they deservewhat they get. you don't knowwhat you're talking about. oh, really? no, you don't. you ever think maybeit's our fault

    they getso goddamn pissed off? those kids i met today were some of the most articulateand level-headed kids i've met in a long time. jake, it is just like youto romanticize them. hey, what, you spend one daywith the great unwashed, and suddenly you're one of them? you know what?fuck you. i was just kidding, jake.relax.

    yeah, you were, and you weren't. i don't know, you know? i mean, yeah,they beat me up. i was pissed at first,but you know what? they were suspicious of me, just like the iraqis were suspicious of us when we rode into baghdad with the troops. [softly]fuck, i don't know.

    it's like i've becomeindistinguishable from the empire itself. the empire? jake, come're delusional. those protesters are out therebecause they don't have jobs. they have nothing better to do. they're on welfare,for fuck's sake. chloe, do you hear yourself?do you? 'cause you soundlike fuckin' rush limbaugh.

    yeah, and you sound likefucking ani difranco. you done? fuck you. lower manhattanerupted into chaos yesterday as protesters defied police and refusedto clear the streets. over 1,200 people were arrested and held in makeshift pensat pier 57. with one day to go

    before george w. bush delivers the keynote speechof the convention, the city is bracing itselffor another day of marches and mass demonstrations. bcn, good morning. is chloe there? actually, jake,she's in a production meeting. can i have her call-- shit.

    [energetic techno music] chloe, where are my tapes? relax, jake.they're getting dubbed. okay, listen to me. there's something on one of themthat you can't use, and i need it right now. well, you can't have it. chloe, why not? can you wait a second,please?

    i'm sorry, mark. can you just have thismessengered over right away? okay.thank you. jake, what the fuck isthe matter with you? you can't come in hereyelling-- where are my tapes? they're not here. what do you mean,they're not here? look, there's somebodyon that tape

    that can not affordto be seen, okay? i shot herwithout her permission. now give methe fuckin' tape! i don't have them.they'll be back by noon. what do you mean,you don't have 'em? back from where? well, i might as welltell you, because you're the last personon earth to know. kramer made a dealwith homeland security

    that they could scan the footagefor potential terror threats. and i-- oh, my god. you got to beshitting me. chloe, tell meyou're kidding, huh? listen, you get-- so what, i'm out there nowspying on the protesters, huh? i'm doing surveillancefor the feds, and you don't even tell meabout it?

    jake, i didn't think that-- you didn't think what? you didn't think 'cause you knewi wouldn't do it. i do not do surveillancefor fucking homeland security. now here'sanother thing, okay? those kids out therein the streets, they know exactlywhat the fuck we're doing, okay? and you want to knowsomething else? if you want to send me out thereto risk my fuckin' ass,

    you've gota whole nother thing coming. dude, you gota camera in here? just a 170. is there a tape in it? yeah, good to go. what happened to you? is kramer in? um, yeah, but can't go in-- hello, jake.

    hey, bob. what happened to your face? this? it's modern urban warfare, bob. isn't that what you wanted? no, not if it put youat risk. if it put me at risk. that's funny. 'cause you knowwhy i got beat up, don't you?

    no, i don't, jake,but maybe-- well, i'll tell you. you see, these crazy kids,they got the idea that some of ushere at the network were shooting protest footageand giving it to the feds. that's crazy,huh, bob? i don't know whatyou're talking about, jake. but if you want to betransferred off the assignment, i would understand.

    you know what?cut the shit, bob, okay? 'cause i already spokewith chloe. is that thing on? would it really make a difference if it was? listen, you arrogant shit. you don't come in hereand start threatening me. now, turn that thing off. no, listen to me, okay? you send me out there onsome goddamn covert spy mission

    which almost gets me killed? now i want to knowsomething, okay? i want to know exactlywhat the fuck is going on at this network. turn the camera off. turn off the camera,and then we'll talk. now, jake,let's be clear. when i send you outwith this company's cameras into the protest masses,

    i own that footage. and if i can use that footageto put this station and its parent companyand its shareholders in a better positionwith the government, you can bet i will do itevery single time. bob, have you lost all senseof ethical perspective? jesus christ. you want to talkabout ethical perspective? as an officerof this corporation,

    my ethical perspectiveis focused on profitability and market share. officer of the corporation? you're a journalist. this is a news organization. no, jake, i am the presidentof broadcast operations. that's my title. i stopped beinga journalist years ago. tell me, how do you thinkthis whole apparatus works?

    or do you everreally think about it? as long as i keepsigning your checks and sending youaround the planet so your adrenaline addiction doesn't turn youmanic-depressive, you don't really thinkabout it at all. what the fuckare you talking about? i'm talking aboutplaying the game, jake. i am talkingabout competing

    in the most aggressive corporatemedia environment in the world, for christ's sakes,and winning. how the hell do you thinki got you embedded with the top militaryofficials in iraq? you were the first reporterin baghdad. you ever wonderabout that, jake? is he in? yeah, but jake'sin there with him. what? how long has hebeen in there?

    ten minutes.what's going on? and when the pentagoncalls me up and asks me not to broadcastyour footage of dead iraqi civilians, i don't. and when homeland securitycalls and says, "hey, we hear you've gotjake cassavetes on the ground "with the boston protesters. "we'd like to lookat that footage

    and scan itfor possible terrorists," those tapesare with a courier over to their officethat minute. bob, don't tell meyou actually think that they're scanningthose tapes for terrorists. they're collecting a databasefor the protesters. we did a whole report on itfor chloe's show. jake, i don't give a shitwhat they do with it.

    if it's not us,it's gonna be somebody else, and we can't affordto lose that opportunity. you've lost your mind,you know? you want to know something? news flash, bob. it's 2004, and reporters are spyingon dissidents for the feds. 20 years too late,but you know what? orwell was righton the fuckin' money.

    call security. [dramatic music] (tina)when i lost cruz,i started really thinking about what it is that i was gonna do about it, because the rich will always be fighting wars over oil and land, and we're always gonna beon the front lines. we're the ones who haveto throw dirt on the coffins of our families.

    [knocking]tina? [knocking]come on, open the door, tina. open the door. (woman)for a long time with her baby to the mothers across america that said that theywill not be invisible in the united states of america! [cheers and applause] [tense rock music]

    (man)♪ it's so coldin this house. ♪ ♪ open mouthswallowing us. ♪ they just pen people in,and then they arrest them. i didn't do anything. (man)♪ the children sent homefrom school ♪ ♪ will not stop crying. ♪ ♪ and i knowthat you're busy too. ♪ ♪ i know that you care. ♪ ♪ you got your fingeron the pulse. ♪

    ♪ you got your eyeseverywhere. ♪ disband!get back! get back! (man)♪ and you haven't got the time ♪ ♪ to remember how it was. ♪ ♪ it's so cold in this house. ♪ [sirens blaring] put your handson the car. we didn't do nothin'!

    put your hands--back 'em up. put your hands on the car. yo, yo. step back, please. put your hands on the car.put your hands on the car. handcuffs?for what? put your handsbehind your back. what the hell are youhandcuffing us for? no, no, no, no.

    yeah, you have no fucking ideawhat you're doing. (man)♪ come, come, come, come,and show me... ♪ ♪ how it was. ♪ ♪ we got crosseson our eyes. ♪ ♪ we're walking intothe walls again. ♪ ♪ we're walking intothe furniture. ♪ ♪ we got crosseson our eyes ♪ ♪ for richer, for poorer,for better, for worse. ♪ ♪ we've been walking intothe furniture. ♪

    [telephone rings] yeah? hey, d, did you get my protest tapes infrom yesterday? no, they're not here. okay, can you call meas soon as they come in then? yeah, but i just got an email that you're not allowedin the building. just call me when they come in,all right?

    hey, daniel.this came in for you. thanks, brian. yeah, i got 'em. you got editing softwareon your laptop? you wanna fuck some shit up? don't i always? people tell me senator edwards got pickedfor his good looks, his sex appeal, his charm,and his great hair.

    i said, "how do you thinki got the job?" it's open. anybody askwhere you were going? no, no one even saw me. you got all that shitloaded, right? all six tapes? yeah, man.i got 'em in. [dramatic orchestral music] after three daysof star-studded galas,

    the rncwill officially close tonight with george w. bush'sacceptance speech for the nominationto lead his party in the 2004presidential election. in other news, bcnhas obtained exclusive footage of a radical anarchist group who were arrestedoutside the convention for wearing black bandanasover their faces, an act that isin direct contravention

    to the city's mask law. we're in. support, and i acceptyour nomination for presidentof the united states. jam it. it's your show. what the fuck are you asking--what are you, the fbi? this is payback--payback--payback time on live tv.

    you will hear testimony today. i am the presidentof broadcast operations. i stopped being a journalistyears ago. you corporate mediaare fuckin' awesome. (kramer) when the pentagon tells me not to broadcastdead iraqi civilians, (woman) images banned by the military and by media organizations. the journalistswho covered the war

    are now speaking out. (kramer)let me make it really simple. when homeland security calls, you better believe i do what they want. [faintly]daniel. open the door! daniel. daniel, open the door.daniel! (woman)who goes to war?

    not kerry's kids. it's my cruz from harlem or some poor kid's fatherfrom saudi arabia or italy or the philippines, and we're always going to beon the front lines. we're the oneswho have to throw dirt this revolution-- (woman)this partyis for a police state. the democratic partyis for the patriot act,

    and they're are forthis police state atmosphere-- (tina)people seem to have forgotten as a reactionto that kind of imperialistic, fascistic powerin the first place. what a cheap shot. get people active. (tina)and they're just doing what they feel is necessaryto fight against something that seems so largeand unconquerable.

    we had never been confronted with anything like this before. and have young kidsbeing beat up outside. the equation for disaster. (tina)there'd be fucking fightingin the streets, this revolutionmust unite the american people under a banner of fearless--fearless questioning. look at the arsenalthat is surrounding us. these peoplecould occupy france.

    it's fairly absurd. and you never knowwhat's coming. this revolutionis the only possibility. keep the hands off the people. (man)the state is the only onethat can sanction violence? when i do violence,it's wrong, (tina)where's that story, huh? where's that on the evening news, jake? because it's the only story that we got.

    [peaceful piano music] for those viewers disturbedby the pirate transmission that interrupted last night's broadcastof president bush's speech, we'd like to offerour sincerest apologies. bcn was unfortunatelythe target of a criminal breachof our broadcast signal. we've begun an investigationto find the culprits. captioning by captionmax

    (immortal technique)♪ they say the odds against meare crooked and impossible, ♪ ♪ like i was born with a holein my heart, it's an obstacle. ♪ ♪ i left to die by the doctorsin the children's hospital. ♪ ♪ but i never lose hope;success is psychological. ♪ ♪ the world is volatile,and the street is my education,♪ ♪ shaping the nationlike the blueprint of a mason, ♪ ♪ while shawshank record dealsget you raped on occasion, ♪ ♪ so i'm focusedon my economic situation. ♪ ♪ i'm like the little kids on tvthat dig through the trash; ♪

    ♪ i hustle regardless of the wayyou talk shit and laugh. ♪ ♪ a lot of niggers drop science,but they don't know the math, ♪ ♪ because their mind is narrowerthan the righteous path. ♪ ♪ it's funny how on the blockniggers will kill you for cash ♪ ♪ but never raise the gunand cry out "freedom at last." ♪ ♪ the cold war is over, ♪ ♪ but the worldis still gettin' colder. ♪ ♪ atlas walkingthrough the projects ♪ ♪ with the hoodon my shoulders. ♪

    ♪ i would like to raisemy children ♪ ♪ to grow to be soldiers, ♪ ♪ but then the generalwould decide ♪ ♪ when their lifewould be over, ♪ ♪ so i work hard untilmy personality split ♪ ♪ like the black panthers ♪ ♪ and to the bloodsand the crips. ♪ ♪ they said i'dnever be shit, ♪ ♪ but now i sit and reminisce ♪

    ♪ like yeshua ben yosefflippin' through genesis. ♪ ♪ ignorance is venomous,and it murders the soul, ♪ ♪ spreading likea virus running rampant, ♪ ♪ out of control. ♪ ♪ so if i should ever falland get caught in a hustle, ♪ ♪ let 'em know that i diedwhile i fought in a struggle. ♪ ♪ from the hood ratsto the rich kids ♪ ♪ lost in a bubble, ♪ ♪ spray paint it on the streetsand in the subway tunnels, ♪

    ♪ write it down and rememberthat we never gave in. ♪ ♪ the mind of a child iswhere the revolution begins. ♪ ♪ so if the solution has neverbeen to look in yourself, ♪ ♪ how is it that you expectto find it anywhere else? ♪ ♪ immortal techniquein the streets, ♪ ♪ back on the hustle, ♪ ♪ cause three strikeswill get you life ♪ ♪ for stuffin' cracksin a duffle. ♪ ♪ upstate behind steel gatesintact in the scuffle, ♪

    ♪ razor blades stuckon the side of pencils ♪ ♪ hack through your muscle. ♪ ♪ but the emptiness ♪ ♪ is what bleeds you to deathwhen it cuts you, ♪ ♪ and its the lawyers,not the inmates ♪ ♪ scheming to fuck you. ♪ ♪ trying to fight the systemfrom inside ♪ ♪ eventually corrupts you, ♪ ♪ but that's what you get ♪

    ♪ when you put a corporationabove you. ♪ ♪ and it's the peoplethat love you ♪ ♪ that seem to hurt youthe most. ♪ ♪ sometimes when they die, ♪ ♪ you find yourselfcursing their ghost. ♪ ♪ but you make success.nobody delivers your fate. ♪ ♪ sometimes you giveand you take ♪ ♪ since prehistoric vertebratescrawled out of the lakes. ♪ ♪ and that's the truthabout life, ♪

    ♪ more to do with the ghetto ♪ ♪ than your car,rims, and your ice, ♪ ♪ because even thoughwe survived ♪ ♪ through the strugglethat made us, ♪ ♪ we still look at ourselvesthrough the eyes ♪ ♪ of people that hate us. ♪ ♪ but i'm going to make it ♪ ♪ regardless ofthe trumped-up charges ♪ ♪ and semi-automatic barragesthat empty the cartridge, ♪

    ♪ post-traumatically scar kidsthat try to be brave, ♪ ♪ because niggers backstabeach other ♪ ♪ just to try to get paid. ♪ ♪ turn cannibal like knightsduring the crusades, ♪ ♪ afraid of responsibility,addicted to greed, ♪ ♪ beating their girl,purposefully losing a seed, ♪ ♪ as if we were boundto the destiny ♪ ♪ we used to receive. ♪ ♪ spray paint it on the streetsand in the subway tunnels. ♪

    ♪ write it down and rememberthat we never gave in. ♪ ♪ i used to wonderabout people ♪ ♪ who don't believein themselves, ♪ ♪ and then i saw the waythey portrayed us ♪ ♪ to everyone else. ♪ ♪ they cursed us to only seethe worst in ourselves, ♪ ♪ blind to the factthe whole time ♪ ♪ we were hurting ourselves. ♪ ♪ i used to wonder. ♪

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