television stands and furniture

television stands and furniture - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled television stands and furniture, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

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television stands and furniture

this is done for the enjoyment of kpafans all over the world. :) episode 24 - omer, omer open your eyes!- (arda) yes, it's an emergency... omer don't leave me! open your eyes!do you hear me? open your eyes! don't leave me... - don't you dare to leave me.- (arda) hurry up, it's an emergency!! don't you dare to leave you hear me? arda, do something! something needsto be done. do something! my love... don't leave me.

don't you dare to leave your eyes... elif, they are here. ambulance arrived. everything will be very nice. you'll be fine. hold on, ok? nothing will happen to omer. omer, please hang on!hang on, for god's sake! we'll go to the hospital, ok? hang on... everything will be well. i'm by your side. i hope this time you are bringinggood news, ali. things did not go as planned, tayyar. what do you mean with "things didnot go as planned"? where is metin?

there is no metin.they saved his mother. what?! - who did it? was it omer?- yes but one of your men did greatjob too. they wonded omer. he is very seriosly injured. really...? - what have i done...- pelin? - what have i done... what have i done...- pelin?! pelin, don't scare me,snap out of it! pelin!

what have i done... - pelin!- what have i done... nothing will happen to omer.he will recover. what have i done? what have i done? tell me what happened immediately! what have i done? blood pressure is very low. what's going on? he's not breathing, it'sgetting worse.

do something, please do something!do something! please! move away, i'll do defibrilation.move your hands away. take him to our department. wait for me.i'll interrogate him personally, ok? noone can see her until i come!come on, hurry up. arda, please come to the stationto give your statement. chief, how about i go to the hospitalfirst and see omer? - okay, i'll deal with it.- thanks. i won't forget your irresponsibility, commissar pelin. because of you, omermight lose his life.

you know this won't end here, right? chief! look, we're sufferingas much as you are! omer is our brother. we wouldn'tput him in danger on purpose. i'll go to see metin andthen to the hospital. pray to god that nothing happens to omer. - if something happens to omer, what will i do?- pelin! - pelin! pelin!- if something happens to omer, how will i live? chief is right.what have i done?! everything happendbecause of my mistake.

come on, angel, get up. come on. get up.let's go to the hospital. - it's because of me, arda.- no, pelin. it;s okay... - is the operating room ready?- yes, it is. do you know his blood type? - no, i don't. the patient is a policeman, doctor.- it must be on his id card. - it's 0+.- we need four units of blood. hurry up! doctor. i'm not going anywhere. youalso don't dare to go anywhere.

otherwise poor you. how much longer do ihave to wait? where is omer? omer? where is my mother?? who am i talking to, man? man, for 2 hours you've been blabberingon and on! sit like a human being or... - i'm gonna smack you. - go ahead! smack me in the mouth. what's happening here? is omer back?where is my mother?

come in. - mom!- son! mother... - are you ok?- i'm fine. i'm fine, you? i'm muche better now thati have seen you. well done to omer. he kepthis promise. where is he? he has been shot. one of the men who was with youmom shot him. he's in serious condition. i will go to see him after i takeyour statement.

come mom, come... now that you have seen youmom, we can get started. you'll tell me everythingas it happened. just like you promised omer. then i'll go after tayyar. - chief, he wants to see you urgently.- what does he want? i don't know chief. probably somethingrelated to today's case. ok, i'm coming. i'll be right back.

and you, stay by this door. please don't do it, fatih! don't say anyting bad about tayyar. even if tayyar is jailed, he'll killboth of us. he can kill nilã¼fer. please don't talk. - where is nevin now?- at the station. did metin say anythingafter seeing his mother? i don't know. sami hastaken to the station. metin and his mom are now in his hands.

this is not good.this is not good at all! omer stepped us very badly.we underestimated him. then, what do we do now? find out if fatih has said anything or not.let's decide what to do after we know that. i'll try. sami is thereso it will be hard. do not try, ali! do not try!find out and immediately!! - is omer's condition that bad?- they say he won't make it. we'll put him in the ground.get fatih and your butt is saved. ok, does hã¼seyin know?

i called but his phone is off. either he has heardand is praying incessantly for his brother... or he doesn't know andhe's sleeping like a baby. if he knew he would havecertainly called me. he doesn't know anything yet. scrambled eggs are ready. since you're going toschool do not delay. fatma abla, pleas join us! - no, i'm not hungry.- how that is posible? look at all this nice stuff i made. menemen (scrambledeggs, onions, tomatoes and green peppers) nice and hot.

abla, if you want anythingelse, i'll make it for you. - no, no.- come here. son, move aside. move... i'm beig a burden to you. the bread has arrived! where is hã¼seyin? he's outside with the pigeons.he's coming. - i'll get it!- i can get it. you just do your stuff. - yes...?- elvan auntie, it's elif.

i recognized your voice, elif my girl. howare you? good morning my pretty girl. her face is shining while saying "my girl". alã³? i think the call dropped.hello?! elif, are you there? i'm here, auntie. i have something to tell you. what's happened? we're at the hospital right now. please don't mention omer, elif.elif, do not mention omer!

uh? did domething happen?has something happened to omer? ã–mer is well. there was a clash. ã–mer was injured. - my ã–mer!!- mom! mom, what's happened? - mother what's happened?- auntie elvan! - whst's happened?!- huseyin, ã–mer... - girl, tell me what happened?!!...- what the hell do i know hã¼seyin?!

elif called and mom became like this. ã–mer...!! - calm down.- calm down a little, mom. alã³... elif? it's me hã¼seyin,my girl. what's happened? hã¼seyin abi, there was a clash. ã–mer has been shot. we'll be alone wheni take your statement. i can only allow yourlawyer to be present. if you know a safer place than this,we can take my mom.

chief, i came. pelin stayed at the hospital. do you need help? how is omer?is he out of surgery? we're still waiting for news. we need to take mrs.nevin to a safe place. - ok, i'll take care of it.- you get fikret... go to the police quarters ans have hersettle there under his mom's name. son, you were going to givestatement and go to the hospital... but if you wish stay with her andwatch her, then... okay, abi.

are you sure? noone will hurt your mom.don't worry, i'll keep her safe. mom, you go ahead and get some rest. my son, don't forget what i told you. come on, let's go now. come... for few days, untill we catchtayyar, you'll be our guest and after that we can takeyou somewhere you want. and my son?

he's already at the station. no one will allow any harm tocome to him. don't worry. actually, we wanted to take your statement. why? what do you mean with "why"? they broughtyou here against your will from bulgaria. - aren't you gonna press charges?- no, i won't. what do you mean with "no"?! that tayyar had you kidnapped. you'll tell us what you will press charges!

- who brought you from bulgaria?- please, no one ask me anything. look, today my brother was shotwhile trying to rescue you. he's struggling for his life. we helped you. we have guaranteedyour son and your safety. please! please, you also help us. i can't do that. now that your lawyer is here,we can get started. now i can either ask youquestion after question... or you tell me everythingfrom the beginning.

there's nothing to tell. what do you meanwith "nothing to tell"? absolutely nothing. my agreement waswith omer. i'll speak with him only. omer has been shot. right nowhe's struggling for his life. then, he and i'll speakwhen he recovers. he was shot while rescuting your mom.he was shot so you could give this statement. that's why you'll tell me everything. i'll not speak with anyone but him. are you playing games with me?

i'm using my right to remain silent. you'll talk to me!you'll tell me everything! chief, please! not this way. scream and shout all you want. my agreement is with omer.i won't talk to anyone else. period! - elif! how is omer?- he's still in surgery. the surgery is over. we tooktwo bullets from his body. one to his shoulder. anotherone very close to his heart.

i think the patient must havehad a watch in his pocket. it was a gift from me.a pocket watch. your gift saved mr. ã–mer life. the bullet hit the watch andricocheted missing his heart. - thank god!- will my son recover, doctor? his life is still not out of danger.the first 48 hours are very critical. is there anything we can do? does he needto be transferred to another hospital? no, we've done what we could.the best you can do now is pray. may it pass.

- ok, can we see him?- all of you?! his mom and brother are here. only two people. separatelyand five minutes at most. thank you. they'll let you know when theytake him out of operating room. - go on and tell me, ali...- congrats, fatih didn't talk! he said he'll give hisstatement only to omer. they'll take him fromof the judge tomorrow. what happend to others?those who were with nevin?

- thet were released.- what about nevin? they couldn't take her statement.she's under protection of the police. should i take here from there? wait, wait... let's seewhat happens in court. we must not rush with thedecision and have to be careful. that's true. for now, theyhave nothing against us. how is omer's condition?is there any news? i told you he won't bea problem anymore. we'll be burying him by sundown.

may he rest in peace, but huseyin couldcreate serious problems to us, ali. that won't happen.when he is cornered... ...he yells and threatens for a wihile... but at the end, just like an obedientlamb, he does what you want. don't you worry. i'll let youknow if something happens. mom... we moved the patient. by doctor'spersons, only two persons can see him. you'll be entering one by one.i'll help you to prepare. come with me if you want to see him.

mom, hã¼seyin, go...! you go first, son.see your brother. ok. please, come this way.visitors enter through other door. wear this too. let me help you. sister, tell me... so i can ay it to my mother... my brother will live, won't he? we should not lose hope.

this way. it's room across,but only for 5 minutes. god, what did i do?may god punich me. take my life instead of his. damn you hã¼seyin! damn you hã¼seyin!!damn you hã¼seyin!!! hã¼seyin! hã¼seyin, it's not your fault.why are you cursing yourself? don't say that, hã¼seyin!please don't do this to yourself. hã¼seyin... this was his fate.

this is not fate. this is not fate, melike! there isno such thing called fate, melike. hã¼seyin, stop ! hã¼seyin! this's not your fault. he wanted to be a policeofficer. you can't watch him all the time. don't blame yourself! melike abla's coming. where's hã¼seyin, my girl? he left. after seeing his brotherlike that... of course he lost it. patient's mother can enter now.

i may get affected likehis brother too, girl... his fiancee should enter. did you hear this? fianceeshoul enter. my goodness.. please mom! uff! come on, move! my beloved... i have come. signorina. i was afraid i wouldn't get to see you.but mom elvan was so kind. she insisted and give me her place.she said your fiancee should come in.

did you hear that? shecalled me your fiancee. i couldn't tell people there "no captainomer hasn't proposed me yet." ã–mer... look, don't you dare to cop out.we have a long life ahead of us. i met you very late; i can'tlose you so soon. look, i didn't even know your blood type. there're so many things thati don't know about you. for example, how were you when you werea kid? what kinds of things did you live through? what was the first thing you didwhen you lost your father?

what does make you upset? or whatdoes make you happy the most? you will tell me everything, ok? you entered my life now. youbecame the owner of my heart. captain, you have responsibilities. we haven't even gone to a movie, yet. i mean, you came that day and said"let's go to a movie." but, we didn't go. we have never wstched thesunrise together. holding our hands and walking for hours. wehaven't been shivered, feeling the warm breeze. we haven't gone to a vacation, either.

we haven't gone swimming together. we haven't sung togetheron a moonlit night. captain, we don't even have a song.have you noticed? what should our song be? but don't letit be a sad or tearful song, ok? because, we both cried enough. today, you told me once againthat you loved me... ...and then closed your eyes. when you first told this, in thatbreakfast... i wasted your confession... and now your life...

captain... come on, open your eyes! open your eyes and tellme that you love me. - i'm here to see mr. tayyar.- he's waiting for you. come in. just a second, i need topat you down sir. - and who you are?- that's the order, sir. if i don't search you, you don'tget to see mr. tayyar. go ahead. - come in!- your guest is here.

- salaam aleykom, cousin (hello).- aleykom salaam, cousin (hello). come, sit here.look, make sure no one disturbs us. i was passing time doing a puzzlewhile i waited for you. this is my other great passionbut no one knows that. one piece is missing here and i can'tfind it no matter how hard i try. and unfinished things driveme crazy, hã¼seyin. - are you like this too?- of course! i don't like to leave behind... ... myself neither the meal nor the dirt.mother taught me this from an early age. come, sit down and tell me...what is it that omer learned about?

there is no needfor you to know. are you... are you this upset becausei have never invited you to my home? there is no need for that, hã¼seyin. after all this years, finally hereyou are as my guest. there is no need forhiding anymore, right? ****! why don't you admit that youwere hiding because you are afraid? sometimes people are left without options,tayyar; and they can become dangerous. have you ever felt hopeless?have you? what happened? it looks like you'rescared. and you should be.

if i were you, i'd be afraid too. look hã¼seyin, i didn't mean forthings to happen like this. this ia exactly how you wanted thingsto happen, tayyar. exactly like this! you wanted me to kill my brother,you wanted me to be your pet. you wanted to chaine not only y neckbut my soul and fate as well. do you want to know what i wanted?wanna know?! this is what i wanted.this is what i wanted, tayyar. - this is exactly what i wanted!- let me be, what are you doing? taking your soul!taking your soul... tayyar!

i never lied to you, tayyar. never! i told you not to mess with my brother. that ifyou **** do, there would be consequences. see, i'm keeping my promise. say your final prayer.say your final prayer... see you in hell tayyar!see you in hell... we should go to a vacation after youdischarged from the hospital. only you and me. it'll rain or become sunny inistanbul with or without us. i used to want to see new places wheni go to a vacation in the past.

or scout by walking over hill and dale. now only... i only want to lookinto your eyes... ...and be quiet. for hours... for days. once you told me "everywhere is rometo me when i'm with you, signorina." it's enought for me if you're with me;the rest isn't important at all. you need to leave, now. please, five more minutes. we'll get permission again. otherwise,the doctor will get angry with me.

i love you captain. good bye! mr. tayyar doesn't want to be disturbed.i'll take what i entrusted to you (gun). halil, where is tayyar? he had a guest who left a while tayyar is in his office. i wonder how is omer.elif hasn't come out yet. see that girl how she is?she went inside. she doesn't update us either.his mom and sister in law are here. she has completely glued to omer.

how is my omer, my girl? elif, how is omer?is he ok? his condition hasn't changed.i believe the doctors are hopeful though. ohh, death doesn't seem to leave us! why is this black soil so insatiable?why is taking young lives? mrs fatma...omer is not dead. he's still breathing. please stop grieving makes us all anxious. don't upset yourself or us, please.

who do you think you aretalking to me like that? who?! - who are you?- mrs. fatma, please stop. i don't understand what i did wrong.i'm not doing anything like that. i'm hurting's burning. of course for you wealthy people,money is your religion, money! how would you know what frieving is? you're only acting here.all this is acting. please stop or i'll say somethingthat will hurt you! - do you hear what she's saying?!- mom!

- it's ok elif, calm down. let's not bother.- mom, it's ok, sit down and be calm! - look at her!- mom, please sit down. my girl, hurry up andbring some water. calm down.are you alright? halil! come here quickly, halil!call an ambulance! call the police! don't call police! no police!call my surgeron batur. don't call police! tell the doctor tocome and don't interfere. okay, tayyar... okay. come on, answer it!

♪ why is my destiny black? ♪ ♪ my destiny is black... ♪ it was dificult recreate anoperating room in a home. but i have done the best i could.i hope there will not be any complications. - what is his condition?- he's not in critical condition... but there are still some risks.things will be clearer tomorrow. he'll wake up soon. if you wish to benext to him, you can come with me. of course. his blood pressure is good.

he's waking up slowly. mr. tayyar? mr. tayyar canyou hear me? i'm alive. yes, mr. tayyar.congrats! - how are you feeling?- good, good... i'm good. mr. tayyar, you'll probably thinkit's not the time but... i have to inform the police. - if you allow me...- no! certainly not! nothing happenedand you didn't see anything.

- but you could have been dead now. why?- do as i say! should i call mert, tayyar? i said no. no one willknow about this. alo? you're not coriouswhat's going on, cousin? i wanted to congratulate you, hã¼seyin!congratulation, i escaping death. may you receive god's punishment. don't be mad, hã¼seyin!be glad, be glad! i went to see what's on theother side and came back.

we're now more connected. thing about this and be happy. we superiors, what **** are we here?donkeys maybe? commissioners are the oneswho are the forefront, right? why was not i informed? why? chief, everything happend fast andthere are some thing we all know. what are those things, what?!tell me so i can understand. chief, everything happened very fast.chief sami took part in the action as well. you know that their departmentparticipated in the action too.

- you're right, we should have told you...- you turned this department into joke! omer came and turnedeverything upside down. you went after him andlook what happened? today it was omer.tomorrow it could be one of you. listen to me, be carefulwhat you do! >from now on you'll not go anywherewithout telling me first. or else, you'll only do thepaperwork just so you know! i'll send one to anya and the other to konya.(i'll send you to the opposite sides of the world) chief, ok, omer got shot...

but fatih was caught. he'll talkand the masks will fall. then tayyar dundar will follow and thosewithin the department working with him. what i mean is we'll expose a large criminal organization. i hope so arda.i hope it will happen that way. anyway, you can go.i told you what i had to tell you. i have some things todiscuss with pelin. i wanna stay as well, abi. fine. as you wish. chief sami is naming you as responsiblein omer's shooting.

and for giray drank thewater that brough his dead. it will be done an enquiry.a very thorough one. in other words, you'rein big trouble. it's claimed that you participated in themurder and attempt of murder. it's also been said that youexceeded your authority. you're dismissed until theinvestigation is completed. take it, it's an order. - are there any news?- no, there is not. you look very tired.

take this, drink it to warm you up.i didn't know what you like, but... thanks you. - there are also biscuits.-it's enough, thanks. it's hard to wait here like this. whan there's nothing you can do. he was small as the palm when my momgave him into my hands for the first time. she said "this is your brother." i didn't really know what it meantto be an older brother. what a brother should do?

he used to cry a lot. and i wanted to silencing him. to make him stop crying,i started to play with him. later i played to make him eat. i took care of him and protectedhim so he wouldn't be sad. and unknowingly, ibecame a brother. pardon me. i'm sorry. you also have a younger sister,yuo know haw it is.

a love for a sister or brothersettles in one's heart. and while thinking what should you do,you're completely overtaken by that feeling. a tiny baby became such a great man. when he was older, i still had to coverhim with a blanket overnight. what else could i do when he usedto uncover all the time. you had to keep remindinghim to eat. he's very stubborn. "brother, i'll do this.brhother, you'll see." "you'll not be ashamed of me."

you know, omer has neverashamed me. but i... yo weren't there.please, don't blame yourself. everything happened out ofthe blue. i was there. - everything happened out of the blue...- out of the blue. out of the blue... and look, everything turnedupside down. then you try to fix things if possible. can i tell you something?

you're a very good girl. to be honest, i didn't thinkomer and you would last. because you're rich girl, i didn't thinkyou could live in our neighborhood. also, it's not easy to stand by a cop. i was afraid you'd sadden omer.i'm sorry. i misjudged you. it's clear that you'll firmlystick together. elif, as your brother, let me give you anadvice. you should get used to hospitals. get used to the lonely night.

it's not easy to be with a cop. i always asks melike to give halalbefore i leave in the morning. it's never clear whetheri'll be back or not. we live knowing that we candie at any moment. is not easy at all to be a cop. it's not the same to be a wife of policeofficer and a wife of businessman. keep that in mind. it will be hard for you, my girl. elif...

- if something happens to my little brither...- please... please, don't take me away eventhe slightest bit of hope. please. - ok, ok...- okay? he'll be fine. he'll be fine.... he'll get well and we'll gethim out of here. i wanted to punch him inthe face and tell him... "you're the sneak, that's why we didn'ttell you anything!" but i restrained. pelo! pelo!

pelo, my girl, stop! pelo, we both know that it's notyour fault. the truth will come out. arda, omer is dying because of me. pelin, don't talk nonsense.nothing will happen to omer. ok? look, i could have been in your all happened so fast, in a split second. please, let me go. please! pelo! i won't. i can't let you go. please, if you respect meeven a little, please! please...

- is the chief ali still here?- yes, in his office. just before pelin was suspended andi was just coming to see you. - now is not the time.- not the time?! today you suspended a great police officerwho's fully committed to it's profession. her life is her and night, everything. to err is human, arda. pelin doesn't make mistakes.she can't make mistake. she's not a mole and wayor another i'll prove it to you. the worst part is that today yo tried to blamepelin for trying to kill her closest friend, omer.

no one knew you were going there.neither tayyar nor ali. only the 3 of you andtwo people from my team. ok, omer's shooting was an can convince me of that. but how things could takesuch a turn so suddenly? in particular, that it all happenedjust as tayyar wanted? look arda, if the mole is not pelin,then who is it? tell me! who? i'll find him. i'll find him, chief and i'll make you'll have to apologize to pelin. doctor, how is omer?any news?

like i told you before. we'retrying to wake him up. - the result?- we haven't been able to, unfortnately. omer will wake up. i hope. doctor, you don't know omer.he's the world's most stubborn man. he can handle anything. he's tough andhe'll never leave whom he loves. as a doctor, i ask you not totaje away my hope. please treat him accordingto what i have said. i'll keep that in mind.

you come as well? - can i go?- you can help us inside. it's obvious that from time to time youneed to argue with him. it benefits him. chief, i think we should insist his motherto help us to convince him. who knows, they cangive us a new trace. the woman is very afraid, it's unlikelywe'll convince her to talking. the hearing ended,they are coming out. defendant fatih dã¼ndar! how is ã–mer?

the same. we're waiting. maybe when i get out of here we cango together to see my brother in law. stop talking nonsense!take him in. - do you think they'll detain him?- i don't have high hopes. i don't think prosecutor will convince thecourt becasue we gave him a blank record. i'm not that hopelees. i think the judge will get at least suspiciousbecause of omer's wounding. i hope so, i hope so. otherwise, omerwas wounded for nothing. will you tell me why i'amin this condition, doctor?

to be able to tell yousomething with certainty, i'm waiting for blood resultsfrom this morning, mr. tayyar. just tell me what you think. doctor, they are callingfrom the hospital. excuse me. - are you available mr. tayyar?- come. just before our mancalled from the court. metin will remain in custodywhile investigation is running. first hearing was postponedto the next month.

what did he say to the juudge? nothing. "i'm innocent. i had nothing to dowith that" he said. good. he's still usinghis brain. the results came and theyare not good at all. ambulance is on the way here. we haveto take you to the hospital immediately. i'm not going anywhere, doctor.this is already like a hospital. what's the problem?tell me openly. whatever happened to"the operation went very well"? your left kidney was damaged.i had to remove it during surgery.

is the right one not enough? after the operation, your indicatorsdropped which means that... ...the right one is also damaged. surely,the right kidnet will try to perfom... ... a function of the other but we'llhave to wait to see what happens. this means it's perhapsa renal failure? hello, doctor. good morningcommissioner! doctor has been waiting for youto woke up last 2 hrs. they stop your medicine.but yoy still didn't wake up...

i told them you liketo sleep, but... it's rude now,time to wake up. ok? please, don't took hopeless.don't lose your hope, please. come on, ã–mer...wake up! look, i don't have anyoneelse to pick on. i love you. i will always love you. open your eyes, my love. i'm really sorry. i'll waita bit longer.

come on, time for you to leave. can i stay little longer? okay. god please hear me. i want nothing else. just give him back to me. please. - what's up signorina?- omer! thank god!

you have imprisoned mejust while ago. who came to see me?do you know who it is? how would i know? whatam i, your secretary? you'll see when youenter. come on, in. what are you doing here? hello brother. how are you? i'm fine brither. and you? i said it was my brother and theylet me in. they believed me.

is it a lie that i'm your brother? yes, it's true. i'm glad you believe me. so, whay are you here?you came to listen to my story? i thought a lot, you know?and remembered some things. my mom has hinted somethingabout you before her death. then i didn't understandwhat she was saying. but now i know. she wanted to tell me about youand your mother.

a conscience torturedher until death. your mother was a good person.may she rest in peace. but i understand she was not ableto confront tayyar dã¼ndar. i was never angrywith your mother. i talked with him too. my father. i confronted him. so you turned out to be aman after all, brother. do you know, i wasalways proud of him.

the man who built an empireout of nothing. but it turns out itwas not quite so. all that dirt came outfrom underneath. my father, while rasing mewas different, special. he never hurt me. but what he did to you andyour mom can't be accepted. i couldn't act as if nothing happened. that's why i have left him. and given back all he gave me.

my enemy's enemy is my friend. and we share the same blood! therefore, hello again,my dear brother! hã¼seyin...! - any news, son?- no, mom. where's elif? she was here. we were here togetherall night. i fell asleep. she'll come now. good orning. - good orning.- good orning.

elif...? elif, what happened? good news. omer is awake andeverything is normal. - mom!- thank god! see, everything turned out well. he made it. why are you crying, girl?look, omer is fine. come, my beautiful girl, come... you were so upset.let it all out. my girl.

it's's over. for years i wanted to run into night i talked to you. i told you that day, i didn't wantthings to be like this. as kids, i've always watched you. you were always in my sight. as yougrew up, i always compared myself to you. will you become bigger than me,stronger than me? will the girls like moreyou or me? i've always watched you.i was always around you. in high school you played basketball.

i came to watch the game.i wanted you to lose, to be sad. i wanted your girlfriends tomake you unhappy. i wanted you to be unhappyand i to be happy. all the hatred i felt towards tayyar dundardeflected onto you. but that day, at the match, some guyhit you. do you remember? i wanted to jump and punch himin the face. i was so upset. that day i understood how niceit's to have a brother. having a brother is to lovewithout accounts. despite everything, i feel wecan be good brothers.

we can do whatever we haven'tbeen able to do until now. >from now on there will beno regrets in our lives. we'll never say "i wish." if you had told me this 5 years ago... i would go with you to that jerk (tayyar)and punched him in the face. i would have made you my brother. in spite of my father... in spite of the time between us,i would have made you my brother. but that's not possible now.

you're not my're my enemy. because nilufer is between us. i know that you're notgood for her. you were filmung her without her lied her and tormented her. you made her sister an enemy to made her to belive your lies. i was by her side through it all. you made her cry andi comforted her. now i'm even closer to her. because i'm stayingwith nilufer's family.

you said i had become a real're right. moreover, you know very well whoseblood runs through my veins! so you watched me,followed me... then you know that i'ma scatterbrain. eh? but nilufer is good for me.she changes me. don't you ever saynilufer's name again! am i going be afraid of you? eh? you think i'll obey you if you tell meto stay away from your wife?

i love nilã¼fer. in time she'll love metoo. just letting you know. - and you won't be around.- mert, mert... uh? i'll kill you! don't worry. by the time you get out ofhere, you'll have died in her heart. i will succed. you'll see. stay away... stay away from nilufer.

mert... mert!!! 3 days later... i don't need help, i canlay down myself. let me help you brother,it's okay. - ah, melike?- mom...? check the fire and put more inso it doesn't get cold here. mom it's like sauna here,i don't need to be cover either. stop refusing everythingand put your leg up.

mom, he wants to act likemacho man because elif's here. otherwise you know him, he wouldkill us with his whine. brother when did i ever whine? don't get me started. when youwere in grades school... ...after vaccination you didn'tmove your arms for 3 days. he was a kid then.leave him alone, son. anyway, take care of him. call me if he doesn't listen andi'm gonna make him do it. - can i put this in kitchen?- i'll do that for you, elif.

i went to herbal store to get somethingforinmune system. my daughter hatice is in medical school.she can look after her brother omer. no question about that. omer musttake all his medication first. these're just herbalto help him out. fatma, abla... remember your famous tea,why don't you make soe for omer? - of course, i can do it.- let's go.. - do yo have everything?- we have everything, i'll show you. - let's go.- let's go...

- come on over signorina.- i can't, i have more important things to do. what can be more important than me? to take care of my beloved,to heal him. dry fruits. you need to eat all thesecommissioner. you have to finished it all, ok? and honey woth pollen prohibitic.i'm going to give you a spoonful now. - i don't like honey.- i don't like whinny either. open you mouth. let's go! otherwise, i'll do plainflying "wohooo.." and you'll be good story for huseyin...

come on. good morning. omer was discharged.he's fine and at home now. really? i'm so glad! did he ask about me?did he say anything? yes, he did. he said "tell to that pelo... ...that she's my sweetheart. it's enough, sheshould stop running away and to see me." we're invited tonight.we'll go.

and before i forget,i have something for you... - again you have redeemed the world.- look girl, relax a little. look, this is a good american one, policemovie... woe to you if you don't watch it. if you get bored, here you have 2 booksof agatha christie. you like her. thanks. actually, these stories are pure fiction. if wewrite a book about everything... ...that happended to us, i swear, it'll bethe best-selling book in bookstore. especially about last case.and about me. come in, let's drik a tea. i also have yourfavorite cookies with walnuts. come on...

is it so, pretty girl? so now when i work you'reinviting me to have a tea... ...and didn't call me wheni was on vacation. - i was waiting for this day 2 months.- come in then... you're dangerous. but now you invited me.just so you know, i'll take advantage of it. - don;t eat everything.- ok... i'll not. arda what are you doing?! this is my neighborhood. is it righttime for this?! my goodness! - arda...!- who cares, my girl. i'm in love.

my goodness... here you go my dear.will help you get better. i'm going to your me if you need anything. thank you, auntie fatma. elif, can you empty this tea in the pot? it'ssmells horrible. let's not aunt fatma see this. ã–mer, don't be ridiculous. i saw when shewas making it; there's a lots of herbs in. - drink it.- uff... smells bad. look, if you want something else,i'll make it later. yes, i want something....

for god's sake, tell my brother not to tellmy childhood memories and make fun of me. tell my mother to take off this cover and tellmelike to stop firing and making this room so hot. it's like sauna here.i'll die from the heat. i see you're whinny as they said.come on, drink this. when you have your loved onesaround, you can become whinny. see... everyone is trying to please me. and you, how many days did younot sleep? you're tired. go in, get some sleep orgo to your home and rest a little. huh, you want gestapo to leave,so you can get comfortable?

even koking about it, is bad. i don't want you to leave even for one secondafter we got this second chance. but you're tired.i'm worried. do you know something? when i was in the hospital by myself... i only hear your voice andmy beloved father's voice. father's? because my father's casewas never solved... whenever i could not finish the work,i remember my father.

i feel like i'm oaying my dues to him,solving other cases. okay, let's drink're trying keep me busy. - let's go! i'm on duty until you finish this.- elif, it really smells bad. come on! taste is not bad. elif, dear, can you open the door?my hands are dirty. ok, i'm looking. welcome. - how is patient? is he awake?- yes he is. come in.

- come in, welcome! take slippers.- ok. - it can be dusty, please don't mind.- never mind. ã–mer, how are you, son?are you alright? omer, what are you doing?please, lie down. - elif, chief is here.- don't disobey. - come please.- relax tiger, relax. enjoy. chief, you see don't you...?i'm ruined now. - tell me how are you?- i'm fine. i'm much better. good, good.

for days you didn't separeted from stayed with me that's my job, mrs nevin. good morning.enjoy your meal. - come, join us, my brother.- no, thanks. i already ate. - how are you, aunt nevin?- i'm fine. the same as yesterday.and the day before. you're coming for nothing every day.i have nothing to say to you, son. aunt nevin, i understand you'll notget tired of sending me away. but i also won't get tiredof coming here.

we'll talk. you'll tell meeverything you know. you'll tell how and who broughtyou here from bulgaria. you'll tell what they looked like.later you'll identify them all. so you know.okay? i'm going... enjoy! what is it? who are you to not answer my calls?! you're digging the grave to yourself. go ahead, i'm in the office.come on!

you're crossing the line, hã¼'re crossing the line! what line?! i sent you to the other side. look! why are you silent? iknow... you're still afraid.aren't you? whwew have i hid evidenceabout you? to whom i gave them, eh? if you only knew... you'd eliminates me immediately.but that will not **** happen. i'm at least as much powerful as you.just try to destroy me.

try it! i'll take everything i collectedagainst you to the police. you'll take your lastbreath in the jail. what is metin doing?he is still not talking? he said he'll not talk to anyone exceptomer and has been quite since then. for security reasons, i put himalone in a cell for two. he stands there alone. good idea chief. then, tomorrow i'll come so we cantake his confession. no! you can't go anywhere, omer.

doctor said you need to rest on week,then you have sick leave for 3 months. - elif, but...- no! you can't move your arm because of thebone injure. arm must be immobilized. what, you want to haveanother surgery? no. he has trial one month later. tayyar will do everything hecan to kill metin. i can't take that risk.i have to see metin tomorrow. i need to go. get well soon. - thank you, chief.- i'll see you out.

you can see what he's asking. can't you?he's going to learn in the end. are you sure about your decision? maybe you can change your mindwhile he doesn't know yet. i'm not going to change my decision. ok, then... when are yougoing to tell this to him? once he feels better i'mgoing to talk to him. ã–mer isn't going to be happy.when he finds out this... even your relationshiocan be jeioardized... don't say later i didn't warn you.

omer, dear... mom is cooking lunch.would you like to eat? - no, sister in law. thanks.- okay then. what did you talk tochief this long? nothing... i mean, he said you were stubbornand that i shouldn't let you out of sight. good. come one, eat some. - i'm really full. you take it.- okay, you take it too. elif will not come untilomer gets well. i'll take care of everythingwhile she's away.

of course, i'm not asexpert as elif. therefore, i thought you helpme until adapt. - i'll do everything i can, mrs. aslä±.- nice. when pregnancy is advanced, i'll take maternity leave. but until then... we'll work together, right? - we can begin whenever you want.- great! where are the pots?i want to cook the soup. look, in that cabinet, below.take it from there. as if this small kitchen isn't alreadystuffed. (we're to many here)

- elif, what are these?- grechko and quinoa. - what?!- grechko and quinoa. i found god recipe on the internet.omer will be delighted. with such names, who knowswhat they will taste like. elif, just so you know,omer doesn't eat everything. he'll have to eat it whether he like it or not,because these are very useful (healthy). they contain proteins, iron,vitamins, minerals... so what's wrong with our tarhana (food based on a fermented mixture of grain and yoghurt)? is it so awful?

you thought well, but mother senthasan to town to get us some meat. it will be useful for omer. mom alwayscook broth when one of us is ill. it's very tasty. that's what i'm saying. what for dowe need that... grechko? aunt elvan, yours look better. let me help you. i need to learnhow it is made since omer likes it. elif, it looks like our bulgur.can it be used to make pilaf? yes, it can. then you use this to make pilaf since it willdo good to omer, and i'll cook broth.

why do you flatter her? i'll make great pilaf,every grain will be divided. (she mocks to elif) you're lucky, other's cheerful (in the mood).usually she's not kind. demet, get up and go to safiye.get us a table and chairs from them. it will be very crowded this evening.this table is too small. am i going to carry it alone, mom? yes, one by one. come on, you won't out a little, come on. demet! - why are you still standing? go!- ok mom, i'm going. ok, since you complain, here,i'll move the blanket.

however, stay lying in the bed or elsemom will scolf you and i'll not interfere. ok, sister in law. listen to me... when her elder sister is here, do you want usto ask for elif's hand in marriage? what do you say? you think they give her to me? they should die for a man like you!you think they can find better than... oh! melike, may your hand be broken!may you become tongue-tied! - omer, are you ok? did i hurt you?- ok, i'm fine. it's ok...

i'm very sorry... hasan, that's enough! you've beeneating since this morning. come on get up, put your dress on.they'll come soon. come on! who am i talking to?! come on get up! tell your sister that it'senough that she fancied up. hurry up! - fatma abla, you tired yourself.- no, i'm not tired at all. bless your hands... here's bread with pepper!it smells great. stop it already mom! i'm jealous.what should i do, shoot myself?

i was also wounded, why didn'ti have the same treatment? for god's sake, i make iteveryday for you. go ahead girl, go ahead. - are you ok?- i'm fine. - uff! what else you'll put on me?- shhh! - you're such a cry baby!- don't you see this?! ah, they are here,they are here! - good evening!- good evening! we were waiting for you.

- should i take off the shoes?- yes. what? are we going tosrand barefoot? we're doing like that for years andit didn't do us any harm. let me give you slippers. and if you fellcold, i'll also bring you knitted socks. okay, as you with.never mind, go ahead. welcome! my dear... don't move, commissionercolombo! i'll punish you if you do. you've been wounded recently and haven'trecovered yet. you must not get up.

is not that right, sheriff? of course, he's better not to move. so, how are you?do they watch over you well? too much. i have no words. since i left the hospital, they dond'tleave me alone even for a moment. - please girls, go ahead, sit. hurry girl, we're late. arda... i can't do it. pelin!

my girl, pelin!pelin, pelin! don't be silly! arda, i'm not ready toface omer yet. how will i look him into the eyes?maybe he thinks the same as chief sami. maybe he don't trust me anymore. can things be the same asbefore between us? because of me he got almost killed. look how they dressed up, as if theycome who knows where. mother!

nilã¼fer, how are you? i can say i'm well. but you'll be even better, right? - is there anything i can do?- we fixed everything, thanks. son, bring eau de cologne so theguests can refresh themself. so sweet, as if is bayram(religious festivity). they arrived. our friends are here, noweverything is alright. - welcome, come in.- good evening, dear...

- why are you so late?- evening traffic, abi. - welcome...- welcome... won't you come (to me)? - i don't know how to apologize to you...- what apology? come here. it's ok girl, what apology?it's ok, don't be a wimp. you're my dear sister. look, look how she howlslike a little girl. - please, omer!- what "omer"? you're offending me. do i not know you?i know it hurt you more than me.

i would die if somethinghappened to you. it's okay... ok, it's enough. you'll make us cry as well. come on,we're hungry. you too son, sit down. hasan, come next to me. won't it be too tight there, fluffy? are you calling my son "flyffy"? no, i... didn't mean to say that... don't worry, he sits inmy lap anyway. right?

in this house omer's brotheris crazy one. asli...! - melike, go bring broth.- i'll do it right away, mom. i looked at all donors that wehave at our disposal, mr. tayyar. unfortunately, no onehas your blood type. what are we going to do then? we'll have to look among yourrelatives, there is no other way. i have only mert, and he has thesame blood type as his mother. isn't there anyone else?

my dear wife... look, beautiful girl, i loved you verymuch. i don't want to die without you. do you need help? no, we sorted everything out.thanks, you sit down too. how nice it was like we hasa wedding, right? hatice, daughter, if you're done with thework in the kitchen let's go to our room. - demet is making coffee.- no, i don't want it. i don't drink it this late.come on girl. good night. fatma abla, you can't justleave us now.

we can, we can...of course we can. come on, good night. good night. go ahead, abi. take this. you'll catch a cold!why did you go out, son? mom, it was only for two minutes,nothing will happen. come, coffee is coming too son, come. what is your name?

- nilã¼fer.- nice name. don't you have any homework?go to your sister's room. come on. abi, he's going to be very firtatious.he'll make you worry a lot, just so you know. you should learn something from him,or you'll stay at home with pelin. - which one ir with medium sugar?- this one. god bless your hands my daughter. drink it! drink it! i'll tell coffefortune once you finished. - fortune telling?- hmm... i don't believe in fortune telling. i think youshouldn't believe in it either. it's like a drug.

we don't believe in it's just for fun. you know what they say... don't believe infortune but don't stay without it, either. - the weather is getting cold, isn't it?- hmm... the winter is around the corner. they say it will snow this year. let it snow, because the naturehas become unbalanced. please, enough! even bunyamin surmeli... (famous cnn-turk weather anchor) hasn'ttalked about the weather as much as we did. what's so funny about this?it's just the weather. i baked very nice kunafah,frech from the oven.

thank you very much. the food wasdelicious. we're really full. thanks. try that kunafah first,then we'll talk about it... should we playbackgammon, brother? superb idea! elif is a very goodbackgammon player. if only she didn't count itby her fingers... ok... but, she's a verygood tennis player. and she's a very good swimmer, too. but shecan't swim now because she's afraid of fish. she also has acrophobia. what i'm tryung to say is that everybodyis a little bit crazy in our family.

we're normal, thank god. but i guess you're alittle bit chatterbox. elif, your sister is very funny. mom... do you remember? ã–mer was a little kid.we sent him to get some kunafah... when he was coming back,he stumbled and spilled all of it. i was going to middle schoolthen. i was very little... true... but, he was clumsy whenhe was a teenager, too. mom would send him to a grocerystore to get some yogurt...

he would come to the house but he would fallin front of the door and spill entire yogurt... he was very energetic.because he was excited. he would try to help everybody.have you forgotten? you're right, you're right... if you'll excuse us... patient visitationshould be kept short. i would bring a dessert. thank yo very much.everything was delicious. let us go. asli needs to rest as well. yes. please don't get up.

we already kissed each other whe wecame. let's not kiss each other again. - i hope you feel better.- thanks for coming. thanks for everything.thank you very much. have a goo evening. i hope youfeel better, ã–mer! - thanks nilã¼fer.- come on, nilã¼! let me see them off.i'll be back. mom, don't mind her. she's thewacko of their family. obviously. arda, we should leave now.look how late it is.

he's sitting for too long, let himlie down and rest for a while. where are you going? there's so many things to discuss. metin wasdetained, but tayyar is still dangerous. - tell me what did you do.- i'm at home omer. i was supended.i'm under investigation. i'm upser with elif. why did she called melike"abla"? how quickly she grew closer to them. i didn't like melike at all,she's annoying. i can't belive you asli, they arekind and warm people. - meaning?- they're nice people.

they did everything tonightto make us comfortable. so, you're saying being good resolveseverything. this's what you think? yes. - congrats girl, you justkeep thinking that way. obviously, that was what brough youwhere you're now (it led you to this situation). although we don't know yetis your man good or bad. - asli, please!- don't say please, think. thisk, when was kindness sufficient?kindness does solve problem nilu. i hope a elif is thinking this too.they're very poor, very poor.

bravo, now you're putting down peoplebecause they're poor. never! i want everyone to livein their own world. i'm worring how will elif adjust to them andsame for omer, how can he adjust to us. give me an answer to this. it's impossible.because there's a deep gap between them. i know these clichã© talk, mother used to say itand i mocked her, but she was right, nilu. it;s impossible. omer is a goodman, i like him a lot. i see he's in love with elif, i'm not blind. butit's not possible, they can't find the middle. they may be okay at the beginning of the relationship but then problem will arise... you'll see... i'm telling's impossible.

i can't accept something like that, abi. i'll talk to investigator. this is can thay doubt my partner? and to you, bravo! how couldyou hide it from me? what's the difference even if you knew?let them investigate. anyway the won't find anything. what is tayyar doing? it's unlikelythat he's just waiting quietly. to be honest, he didn't harassneither nevin nor metin. he certainly had a plan, but since metindidn't say anything, he feels relieved. he doesn't think i'll recover in twodays and interrogate metin.

whatever, it is late and not righttime to talk about it. huseyin abi is right, it's late.we should leave now. you can escape now but intwo days i'm on my feet. - take her at home.- ok, abi. i love you very know it, right? i love you too. - good night.- good night. arda, don't be late.last few days you're always late. - good night. thanks for coming.- good night.

- good bye!- see you, bye! good bye. good night.visit us again. thank god, everything went well. you got tired. so what? we'll lie down, get somesleep. don't you worry. i'm going to take careof the kitchen. if you don't mind, i would like tostay a little bit more. omer's medicine time is close.i'll give it to him and then leave. what are you saying, my gir? i'll consideri haven't heard anything of what you said.

this is yous house too. we'll arrangea bed for you and you'll sleep. i won't send you alone in themiddle of the night. ok then, let me help youin the kitchen. i left my handbag here andmy medications are inside it. here it is. don't act like we're strangers, whatever make you feel good. i don't feel comfortable at all. you gaveus your room. we're disturbing you. we're family now. family memberscan't disturb each other. but, it;s winter time and you'll sleepon the floor. you'll catch a cold.

so what? mattress and quit are thick.why would anyone catch a cold? besides, i don't prepare thisfor myself but for elif. what are you saying? will that girl sleephere with omer? - good night.- to you too. yes captain, time tomake your medicine. pardon me! do weknow each other? what? why are you looking at me like this?i was washing the dishes inside.

- take this.- ok, ok... i'm just kidding. - when i see you like this...- i think is very comfortable. but, when you wear has turned into something trendy. you can't do withoutmocking with me, can you? you look very nice. my elif... you don't have tomake sacrifice for me. this is nothing afterall you did for me. you got shot because of me.because of me and my sisters.

come on. i prepared omer's room.go and get some rest. ok, mom. come on, lean on me.-mom, i can do it myself. - maybe it's just an excuse to hug you. come.- then, it's ok. let's go. demet, i wanted to askyou something. i took off my silver bracelet and put it nearthe sink but can't find it. have you seen it? - no, i haven't.- ah... i left it somewhereelse obviously. good night.

- come here.- it's ok, mom. do you need anything? - no, abi. thanks.- sweet dreams. i brough the quilts. wll done, my girl. put it down andleave. let children to sleep. - good night.- thanks mom. these quilts are from my mother.they are warm. it's not very warm here sowe cover up with them. you're not used to it. it may seemto you that it's little heavy.

every summer we wash the filling, thenwe put it back inside and sew up. there's a lot of work.but mom won't give up on them. it's made from wool and fluff. will this be aproblem? will you be able to sleep here? no, it's not a problem.i'll lie down there. no problem. elif if you want, come sleep here.i'll sleep down there, i'm used to it. no omer, look, it's very nice bad.i'll sleep there. your eyes are closing and your facegot pale. you're very tired. close your eyes and rest. true, i got tired.

- sweet dreams.- thanks, sister in law. let me take it off. - are you ok?- i'm fine, i'm fine. - did everyone go to bed?- yes, they did. mom will perform nigh prayerand then go to bed. so what if she prays? who knoswhat will happen there tonight. mom, it;s a shame. what shame? actually, it's dangerous to placethe fire and gunpowder in the same room. they're not engaged. how canthey do something like this?

she'll stay during the nigh to give him mdicines andmeasure the temperaure. what's it to her? he hashis mother to do that! the girl got stuck toomer, i'm telling you. sister fatma, please know that iwas the one who asked elif for help. how many days the girl ws in the hospitaland the doctors didn't say anything. what we learned, what we realized...she wants to take care of my son. she'll take care of himbetter than me. - mom?- ah? fatma abla is right.

have i ever come to sleep herebefore i got married? if word gets out, we'll be ashamedin from of the neigbors. don't hassle my children. what they went through... they facedwith death and you two talking like this. gril, can you give mea prayer mat? thanks my beautiful gril, good night. - good night, mom.- good night. good night... my god, thank you!

i'm not going to die, can't get rid of me. always be with me, ok? i promise you. i promise you that i'll be. - elif...- hmm? come next to me. let me fall asleep whilesmelling your scent. your mother is inside. no. and what will the think aboutme if they see us?

what can the think? they'll thinki'm madly in love with you. not without getting married! signorina, are you proposing meto marry you? you're so bad!i'm just kidding! see... your cheeksblushed again. come on. my shoulderhurts, a lot... a lot... good night, signorina (little lady). good night, captain.

are you ok?do you have pain? my stiches hurt a little. it will pass. come on get up.i brought you some breakfast. i like this situation a lot.should i get shot again? don't! don't you dare tosay that word again. please, don't scare melike this again. - ok, i was just kidding.- don't. don't joke about this. it's not nice.

yes, simit and cheese... but, this time, you'll drinkmilk first, then tea. - will i have tea later?- yes. and... you have a pill you need totake before eating anything. elif, i will go to see metin today. no, ã–mer. elif, don't tell me how to do my job.let me finish my unfinished job. - morning coffee. here you go.- thank you. there are cookies too.those you like..

and that is today's book. - daisies seem to surprise you a little...- you're crazy, arda. well, i can spoil you a little. - what's that in your hair?- what...? - look what else is here.- arda...! ok, i know being this romantic is a bitunusual for so stiff cop like me, but... i didn;t want to be as always.i wanted to impress you a little. anyway, i'm leaving now. arda...!

thank you. i didn't call a lawyer,didn't i tell you? this isn't my the door. visit is over. mr. fatih, please. i just brought you a letter from your father.i'll leave as soon as i give it to you. tell him to go to the post office if he's goingto send a letter to me. he knows my address. the letter is you are. - you must read it. it's very important.- hmmm... ã–mer, please!

i can't let him slio away now that wecaught him. so don't interfere, i'm going. chief sami is following the case,don't you trust him? elif, this has nothing to do with trust.this is my case, and i'll finish it. - is mrs. asli in the office?- yes, she is. asli, what happened? - asli!- i'm bleeding. something happened to baby. what more do you want from me?i don't know anything, don't you see? but you know who broughtyou from bulgaria. here's an album with criminals.maybe he's among them.

aunt nevin, you wereforcibly taken away. if we didn't arrived on time, maybethey would kill you or your son. the man we caught refuse to speak. but if you recongize him here, you'll dothe best for yourself and for your son. or else, all the blamewill be on fatih. please, aunt nevin, please. or i'll come every day, every night,and show you these photographs. i'm trying to help you,don't you inderstand? was it this man?

son... i still hear you voice in my ears. you were right. i should havecalled you "my son". i shouldn't have refuse you. you're my son no matter what. one finally understands one's mistakeeven though it may be too late. i apoligize to you. i forgave you.forgive me, too. - ã–mer!- elif, please.

i have to tell you something. i'm listening, tell me. we... nilufer and i withdrew ourcomplaint pettition. you heard me. we'll not file a complaint for metin. right now, they're holding himbecause of the conflict. probably, he'll be freeafter his first trial. nilufer's kidnapping case willmost likely be abated.

metin will be a free man again. ok, you don't have to rush...we have a lot of time. come this way, mrs. nevin. who is this man? a friend of ours. he'll watch you.i'll welcome fatih. god bless. is this the man? aunt nevin... is this the manwho brought you from bulgaria? elif, how coul you do this?

did we live through allthese for nothing? to make that man walk around freelyand continue his cruelty? i'll never allow this. and i'll never let anybodyhurt me again, captain! i lose my father. then ilost my mother. it still hurts, omer. and, i can't lose you! i can't bear this.i can't live like this. elif, nothing will happen to me. really, captain? you were incoma 3 days ago.

i thought i was losing my mindwhen i saw you drenched in blood. thinking that you woul die,i would go crazy until you woke up. omen, i can't do this.please understand. i can't live without you. i don't care if tayyar dundar wins... long as we're happy. i want you. i want to be happy. i want yo be with you. i don't accept this.

- i want to you file your pettition again.- i won't do that. i made a choice. i've chosen the love of my life. i let this case go. you decide... either give up on this case... ...or give up on me. subtitles by the community

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