television furniture stands

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television furniture stands

(could it be forgotten easily?) (it made every korean's heart flutter.) i do not permit. she is my person. i shall try that bad love. (for those who can't forget "love in the moonlight",) (happy together prepared a parody of the drama.) (jun hyunmoo as lee yeong) (uhm hyeongyeong as hong raon) (park myungsoo as eunuch jang)

(today, across hundreds of years,) (they come to happy together.) (take a deep breath.) it's so quiet in front of the station. (the cast members appear at kbs building.) (the citizens wandering around are shocked.) what did you say? did you say i look like park bogum? your highness, please hurry.

you don't have much time before the show begins. i do not permit. (we do not permit any more of your poor acting.) she is my person. (we'll wrap up here for the viewers.) hello! (he's still in character.) on my right side, actor lim ho is sitting.

(lim ho?) - please look at hyeongyeong. / - she looks great. - she looks like kim youjung. / - this is how youjung would look like 15 years later. - please don't say that. / - she's denying it, but i bet she took a lot of selfies. - she must be very satisfied. / - she should be. there's a reason - why you're dressed like this today. / - that's right.

it's "love in the moonlight special". "stay within one step from me." the crown prince's favorite servant, - actor lee junhyeok. / - lee junhyeok. (it's lee junhyeok who played as the adorable eunuch.) - he played as a eunuch. / - right. she has an evil instinct beneath her graceful looks. the evil queen, han sooyeon. (han sooyeon has two opposite charms.)

she played as the evil queen. he made the drama more fun in the latter part. the charmingly intelligent man, ahn seha. (ahn seha played as a charmingly intelligent man.) he sacrificed his life for love. he turns out to be the genius singer-songwriter. jinyoung of b1a4. (jinyoung is good-looking and good at writing songs.) on three, i will attack them. please run to the back.

he became a sensation with his character. the 20-year-old royal guard, kwak dongyeon. - he's only 20 years old. / - he's 20 years old. we're with the cast members of "love in the moonlight", the most popular drama in the second half of this year. you know you filmed the drama in the palace for a long time. we haven't seen you wearing modern clothes for a while. you look weird in modern clothes.

i've finally found myself again. i heard junhyeok has been suffering from aftereffects since the drama ended. - yes, it's... / - you look like you're sick. no. i'm not sick. i'm healthy. - you played a eunuch. / - exactly. my character confused many people about my sexual identity. your highness. there are many people watching us. (he whines.)

(he moans.) your highness, did you get hurt? a dog bit me. (he blows on the wound.) - i have three children. / - i see. - are you confirming your sexual identity? / - yes. since you did a great job in playing a eunuch, - this is fun. / - the character suited you. he has so much facial hair for a eunuch.

i'm growing it for my next drama. i have three children. my wife and i worked so hard many nights to have them. (he worked hard with his wife all night long.) he's talking as if he made pottery or something. - we understand. / - i put a lot of effort. telling that you have three children - is enough to prove it. / - all right. - okay. / - you played as a eunuch in this drama.

what kind of roles did you play before then? - in your movies... / - before then, i played a pedophile, a rapist and a thief. they were just his roles in his movies. i played many odd characters living lowly lives. but in fact, i performed in some plays in japan and france - very successfully. / - what did you do there? - where did you go? / - is that true?

- i joined a french theatre company. / - really? you must be good at speaking french. when i was in france, my interpreter helped me. - can you not speak in french? / - no. i can't. what kind of performance did you do? - i played in street plays and mimes. / - what plays? i played in "frankenstein". - did you play as the monster? / - yes. - you were the lead actor. / - i played the monster.

- i studied abroad, too. / - i used to... how does he look to you, crown prince? take off that attire you're hiding in right now! (did she study abroad?) - i studied abroad, too. / - where did you go? i studied in hungary. - did you study in hungary? / - really? - what did you study there? / - i studied music. - i see. / - you didn't major in acting.

- i think she looks like a musician. / - me, too. - really? do i look elegant? / - pardon? do i look elegant? i didn't mean it that way. i guess you can speak hungarian. of course. i'm fluent in hungarian. i lived in hungary when i was a child. you know children learn languages more easily. none of us can speak hungarian.

i'm proud of myself because i think i'm the only actress in asia who can speak hungarian. - you must be the only celebrity in asia. / - exactly. - right? it's rare. / - that's right. i haven't even heard hungarian language before. - could you speak in hungarian? / - please show us. then, may i say something to each of the hosts? - sure. / - of course.

(she speaks hungarian.) something sounded like, "you're ridiculous." (she laughs.) (i have no idea what she's talking about.) it seems like she's criticizing me. (myungsoo is excited.) i think she said she hates him. (it seems obvious.) "you idiot. i hate you." i think that's what she said.

"get out of my sight!" (he's so funny as always.) - "get out of my sight." / - "you idiot." - i heard "tteokgalbi". / - "you're ridiculous." - "don't call yourself a show host." / - right. - this gesture has a good meaning. / - right. - she spoke nicely to him. / - what did you say to him? - i'm curious. / - i think she talked about his face. - i think i heard a swear word. / - hyunmoo's face...

i said that hyunmoo works too hard. - i asked him to focus on happy together. / - right. to jaeseok, i said he's very cool, and i like him, - but he shouldn't take off his glasses. / - i see. - what did you say to myungsoo? / - i said... (she hesitates.) - it's okay. / - tell us exactly what you said. i bet i've heard harsher things than that. i said, "get out of my sight."

(then, i'll feel free to say it.) (this is what his generosity brought to him.) - you were right. / - see? i understood what she said. i don't speak hungarian, but i understood her. - i could feel it. / - you can tell by her gesture. three cast members of "love in the moonlight" made women's hearts flutter. they're park bogum, jinyoung and kwak dongyeon. (park bogum, jinyoung, kwak dongyeon)

i didn't recognize you in the drama, jinyoung. - me, neither. / - i thought you were a newcomer actor. in the drama, jinyoung looked - very handsome. / - also, the traditional hat - made his eyes look even sharper. / - exactly. (he took women's breath away) (with his beautiful, sharp eyes.) (the way he portrayed pure love) (proved that he's a professional actor.)

- it happens a lot. / - right? when i let my hair down and walked around the street during breaks, not many people recognized me. - is that so? / - even the staff members didn't. even the staff members? i greeted a staff member. i thought he'd greet me friendly, but he greeted me formally. while he was leaving,

he turned around and said, "are you jinyoung?" - i see. / - people really can't recognize you. they didn't recognize me whenever i let my hair down. it's surprising that you wrote almost all b1a4's songs. - that's true. / - did you learn to write songs? he composed all the hit songs of b1a4 we know. (every song he wrote was ranked top on music charts.) (he composed b1a4's best-selling hit songs.) - what's happening? / - "what's happening?"

- and "solo day". / - that's right. did you learn to write songs somewhere? when i was a trainee, i wanted to be of help to my group, but there was no way. one day, i found a laptop. - i installed a song-writing application / - i see. - and started writing songs. / - that's amazing. - i found it so much fun. / - it's fun, indeed. - how did he do it by himself? / - you can just

click each note with a mouse these days. i just clicked a few times, and it became a piano song. it was fascinating i could compose a song. you can write a song even if you can't read music. that's right. so i composed a piano song. it sounded good. i recorded the song and completed it. while we were practicing together, i played my song without letting them know.

my group members said the song was nice. they asked me about it. i let them hear my song, and they really liked it. my agency staff even considered it as the title track. they all thought of my song very highly. - so... / - he must be a genius. what's your first song? do we know that? - it's "baby good night". / - it's also a hit song. it was the first song that had become a hit.

as an experienced musician, - i can tell he's a genius. / - it's not easy to do. - it's not easy. / - he didn't even learn it. - he's very talented. / - thank you. - you're an actor / - that's right. and singer-songwriter. how much do you earn? - he works really hard. / - it's funny - myungsoo always asks about income. / - he's curious.

he always asks about the first and most recent kisses. i'm interested in our guests' love lives. he also likes talking about others' break-ups. - he likes talking about money. / - that's right. - i won't ask you how much you earn. / - okay. - from which do you earn the most? / - the proportion? - i guess it's royalties for his songs. / - is it? - i guess it's royalties, too. / - is that so? do you still earn much from the royalties?

- i receive... / - he worked with i.o.i recently. - that's right. / - he's amazing. (he worked with i.o.i for their last album.) i wrote a song for their last album. he must've been paid a lot for the song. i'm jealous of him. jinyoung, i love you. dongyeon became very popular. he gained the nickname "hat dongyeon".

(he won women's hearts with his hat.) (in every scene,) (he exuded his charisma.) you plan training sessions to make you stand out. you hat byeongyeon. you are mistaken, your highness. your friends tell you to wear the hat all the time. my character's looks were loved by the viewers. my friends told me i look good only in that hat.

they told me to wear it all the time - you looked so cool. / - or grow my hair, at least. - is that so? / - yes. in the beginning of the drama, my friend sent me my photo saying, "you should get a part like that." really? you were playing that role. so i told him that it was me. - is that true? / - yes.

even your friends didn't recognize you. i looked very different in the drama. he played janggoon in "my husband got a family". - right? / - yes. - you didn't recognize him, right? / - no. i didn't. did you play janggoon? yes. i did. he's janggoon from "my husband got a family". if you have to choose between dating iu

and entering seoul national university, what would you choose? between iu and seoul national university? (is this just a performance or is he always like this?) (this child actor who played a teenager perfectly...) gosh. what should i do? (became park bogum's right-hand man,) (and gained the nickname "hat byeongyeon".) i didn't know that was dongyeon.

he's cute. - isn't he cute? / - did you know it was him? - no. i didn't. / - right? - i understand. it was my debut drama. / - right. seha had a romantic relationship with the princess. that's right. (seha was in love with princess myungeun.) your highness, i have... (their romance was the fun of the drama.)

go away right now. i will call the royal guards. please... i have something... i have to give you... what are you doing? is anyone there? - hyesung appeared on this show. / - i watched it. she didn't say anything about seha. she was supposed to talk about her partner actor,

but she kept talking about park bogum. all she talked about was bogum and a sloth. i would've talked about bogum as well. talking about me wouldn't be of any help. it was your first time acting in romantic scenes. - that's right. / - due to your mature looks, people misunderstood that you harassed the princess. - but it was a romantic scene. / - i know. the age gap between bogum and youjung is

the same as the one between me and hyesung. - you have the same age gap? / - yes. bogum and youjung made a cute couple. - they looked great together. / - right. however, when hyesung and i kissed in the drama, people said i looked like her uncle. they said it was as if an uncle was kissing his niece. it makes me feel sad. you two have the same age gap.

all i need is you. (you're my love.) myungeun. (uncle...) (it looks like he's kissing his niece) (while bogum and youjung look like lovers.) whenever we talk about this drama, we can't avoid talking about bogum. - i wonder if he's really that nice. / - me, too.

we heard a lot about how nice he is. how was bogum as your fellow actor? - i thought he must have a flaw. / - right. i tried to find out what it is. (at last,) (is the secret going to be revealed?) i couldn't find anything. he has no flaw. - is that true? / - he doesn't seem like a human being.

- he's too perfect. / - i think that's his flaw. - he doesn't seem like a human being. / - right. just as they had bogum, we have jaeseok here. - they're similar. / - right. i hired someone to follow him around and find his flaws. - he has no flaw. / - it's been 20 years. the investigator takes a nap in his car as he has nothing to look into. - he has... / - do you disagree?

(she knows something.) - he has a flaw. / - please tell us. - please go ahead. / - i was preparing for my debut as a trainee in an agency. i went there for a meeting, and he was there for work. he and i moved to the station in the same car. jaeseok was sitting straight confidently with his legs crossed holding newspapers. he didn't say a word to me all the way to the station.

he's so cold-hearted. - while we were in the car, / - he's heartless. he didn't talk to me at all. - did i do that? / - he was a hard-headed and cold-hearted person back then. he wasn't the nice person he is now. my goodness. - however... / - i think... why were you so cold towards her?

i don't remember that clearly, but i'm sure i was thinking this way. "she's so cold for a newcomer." it was a war of nerves. - i must've thought, / - she didn't talk to you. "why doesn't she talk to me at all?" - i was daunted. / - i couldn't talk to her first. - right? / - you wanted her to greet you first. - i understand. / - if she'd greeted me first,

- i would've talked to her. / - do you remember it? no. i don't remember it. - i thought he was... / - you misunderstood each other. jaeseok, i go to the same dermatologist as you. - do you go see a dermatologist? / - of course. you always tease me for getting laser treatment. i go there once a week. - do you get laser treatment, too? / - yes. - really? / - yes.

- you're both addicted to it. / - when he's there, he turns his body towards the corner to prevent other people from seeing him. but anyone can recognize him from behind. - everyone knows it's him. / - do they recognize me? - everyone recognizes you. / - i see. there must be one thing that you didn't expect to see from bogum. is there anything like that?

- bogum has this playful side. / - is that so? - the entire team travelled to cebu recently. / - yes. - i'm jealous. / - at night, all the cast members played water polo - in the outdoor swimming pool. / - really? - it must've been fun. / - did you wear a bikini? why would i wear a bikini? (here comes the queen.) - we all wore rash guards. / - you have a temper.

- indeed. / - i think sooyeon has a temper. she was like her character in the drama for a moment. women wear bikinis when they play in a pool. - everyone wore rash guards / - i see. or shorts and t-shirts. some women with nice bodies would wear bikinis. women don't usually wear bikinis these days. - she said... / - some actresses might've worn them.

none of us wore a bikini. - we wore shorts and t-shirts. / - that's ridiculous. the ball flew far away, and i swam towards it. suddenly, i stopped. - why? / - i turned around. it turned out bogum grabbed my ankles to stop me. - that's not a flaw. he's cute. / - pardon? - i'm sorry. / - things like this... did you just say, "i wish i'd been there"?

- what's wrong with you? / - were you imagining it? shall i grab your ankles? shall we grab your ankles really hard? - no. that's okay. / - shall we twist your ankles? we can do that for you. shall i strangle your neck? the four of us can grab her arms and legs. shall we do that for you? how about we stop you from playing in your new drama?

- do you want us to do that? / - no. please don't. it was unexpected that bogum was the one who did it. - that's not surprising. / - that's not a flaw. i didn't say it's his flaw. i said he was playful. did you see bogum in a swimsuit? he was wearing a rash guard. - is his chest saggy or... / - these days, everyone wears a rash guard. jaeseok's chest is sagging down to here.

- he has a flaw. / - i've heard about that. she said she had heard about it. it's a little above his belly button. do you know any secrets about bogum's body? please don't talk as if you're his close friend. he was wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts. - he looked so fit. / - i see. i see. he's also very good at swimming.

he's amazing. - you know what snorkeling is, right? / - yes. the cast members were enjoying snorkeling. in the middle of the sea, bogum suddenly took it off. - did he take off his shirt? / - no, he didn't. he took off his life jacket. then, he dove deep into the sea. - i think he just wanted to show off. / - me, too. i bet he looked around before diving.

(no one could see you.) i know how to swim, so i dove into the sea, too. did you meet him underwater? bogum was chasing a fish under the sea. he looked like a prince of the sea. so i followed him chasing a fish. it felt like we were alone in the sea. - it was new and fascinating. / - what happened next? i was there, too.

(her dream has been crushed.) - my goodness. / - i didn't see him. - he was there, too. / - she's so mean. i can't believe you. i think she didn't see dongyeon. sooyeon, don't treat dongyeon like that. you didn't see anyone else other than bogum. (he's disappointed.) - i'm much older... / - as he took off his life jacket,

she took off her life jacket. - as he dove into the sea, / - right. she dove into the sea following him. you dated him in your imagination. no. - under the sea... / - that was good. that's not true. i'm much older than him. he's like my little brother. you're talking about when bogum swam around like this.

- that's right. / - he saw everything. please go on. i just thought everyone was having fun together. how did they look from your perspective? she said it was as if they were alone in the sea. - how did you feel? / - did he look like a prince? he did, but the water was a little muddy. - that's good. / - it feels so good. - it feels great. / - it makes me feel so good.

(it was never a paradise.) honestly, i told this story purely to tell bogum's fans a new story about him. i didn't know it would backfire. - i see. / - i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. - she seemed like she was enchanted. / - exactly. when you're in love, - you can't see anyone else / - that's right. - other than the one you love. / - it wasn't like that.

you don't care whatever happens around you, right? - that's right. / - that's funny. your mother was looking for you on the deck. - was her mother there, too? / - yes. - was she there? / - i went on the vacation with her. - you should have looked after her. / - my goodness. - "sooyeon. sooyeon." / - "where are you going?" you abandoned your family member. you made your mother watch your bags.

did you make your mother watch your bags? - i feel bad. / - she was a bad daughter. love can drive one to abandon her parents. being here left me in tatters. - we couldn't help it. / - you're the target. i'm sorry, but we can't help but attack you. let's give sooyeon a lot of screen time. (she will get a lot of screen time.) - in the drama, you were bogum's enemy. / - yes.

i heard you couldn't stay in character due to his face. when you look at bogum... my character is filled with malice and evil. why aren't you moving? who would do that? look at me! you need to understand what bogum is like. "hello. you're here." when he gets something wrong, he goes, "i'm sorry."

how cute. one look at him will disarm you. here's another example. when actors are filming they help each other where to look. let's say hyeongyeong is me. when the camera is on you, you have to look in my direction. - that's right. / - let's say i'm bogum. "sooyeon, is this good?" - that's so cute. / - this is what he does.

i have to act angry when he's doing that. it makes me go, "please don't make that face." (until when) (do you need) (to see this?) i can't stay angry. what are you doing? everyone else is staring. - what are you doing? / - you're acting. - no, i'm... / - why don't we get a cup of coffee?

you should go and get your hair styled. it's styled. (maybe it was too much.) you should go and shave. there's a black hole in bogum's eyes. really? you think that even though you're a man. yes. his eyes narrow my field of vision. - i see. / - i believe him. - he has captivating looks. / - in an emotional scene,

we exchange lines. my heart grows hotter when we do that. therefore, while going over a serious scene during the rehearsal, bogum and i ended up crying. - really? / - i couldn't stop my tears. - that's how great he is. / - yes. - was bogum absorbed in the scene, too? / - yes. when he becomes the king,

my character puts a crown on him and says something. here comes the king. (this is the line.) there is a great distance between the people and i, (he became a king and wore the king's robe.) but i wish to work with you and become closer to the people. (thinking about the past struggles) (made them shed tears.)

when he gave his speech, my heart grew hot. he said, "it's very sad" "and touching." we shed tears together. junhyeok, you were so absorbed with your role - that you envied youjung. / - why was that? youjung's character can love in the open. my character couldn't do that. i was envious. the fans

- did they make a drawing? / - cut the photos out and put us together. (he got a piggyback ride from the crown prince.) your face is too big. - bogum looks small. / - his face is much bigger. fans made me this. i was so grateful. this is amazing. you look like psy in that one. they made my wish come true.

i heard you refused your role at first. yes, i... - how suspicious. / - your stories don't add up. - sooyeon was the same. / - excuse me. i will explain. - i will explain. / - please explain. i was in "six flying dragons" before this drama. there were 50 episodes. the shoot lasted half a year. it was very hard to put on a beard all the time.

that's why i didn't want to be in a period drama. - you made a vow. / - you did? - then you were offered a role. / - i talked to them. - my character was a eunuch. / - thus, no beard. that's right. eunuchs don't have a beard. they also told me bogum is the lead. i said, "yes." (bogum was a bonus.) - "yes." / - "yes." (he accepted without hesitating.)

it was perfect. you accepted since there was no beard, and bogum. what if you had to put on a beard and had bogum? then i would have been conflicted. what if you didn't have bogum, but a beard? would you still be conflicted? would you have accepted the role? i would have looked at the money. "i would have looked at the money."

he's practical. "i would have looked at the money." that's hilarious. - he was like the rapper, bewhy. / - his words rhymed. let's say both yoo ahin and park bogum are in different period dramas this time. - this time? really? / - no. - it's a hypothetical question. / - i see. - it's an example. / - it's an example. who would you choose between yoo ahin and park bogum?

- in one, two, three. / - in one, two, three. (who would junhyeok choose?) who would you choose? bogum. - why? / - what? - why? / - i want to continue this relationship. - that's why. / - yes. there are talks of a commercial, too. - will you be in it with bogum? / - yes.

- will you work together? / - it's being planned. (he made up his mind because of the money.) - it's still behind the scenes. / - i see. in kbs dramas, we have park bogum and kim youjung, song joongki and song hyekyo as well as cha inpyo and la miran. there will be a fierce match for the best couple award. i heard that dongyeon has his eyes - on best couple award. / - really?

with whom do you wish to win it? i'm not usually greedy with awards. but, i want to win the best couple award with bogum. i bet junhyeok has his eyes on the award, too. don't even think about winning it. (i have seniority, okay?) you have many opportunities ahead of you. - there are so many competitors. / - competitions. there are youjung and dongyeon.

i'm surrounded by enemies. you're hoping you and bogum will win. - i bet he is. / - for "sungkyunkwan scandal", song joongki and yoo ahin received the award. - they won the best couple award. / - that's right. song joongki and yoo ahin. (best couple award, song joongki and yoo ahin) - am i the recipient? / - yes. - what, am i really the recipient? / - yes.

what do you think about the current situation? they are mischievous. who voted for us? - i see. / - i might get lucky and win the award. i think it will be very meaningful. is junhyeok your biggest rival? i think youjung is my rival. she's the most obvious choice. dongyeon, did you cry at the end of the team vacation?

- why did you do that? / - why did you cry? maybe you cry a lot because your eyes are big. - why did you cry? / - i wasn't the only one. on the last day, we had dinner together. we congratulated each other on the hard work. it was the last time we came together. - that's sad. / - did everyone cry? when bogum thanked everyone, i felt so sad. many viewers complimented me,

but my co-workers helped me every step of the way. it brought back memories. hugging them one by one warmed my heart. (i will forever carry that warmth.) (in their youth,) (they painted together) (a picture of happiness.) (goodbye, "love in the moonlight".) i realized that junhyeok did

some impressive work. "scandal makers", "sunny", "masquerade", "the yellow sea", "a werewolf boy", "the classified file", "queen of the office", "misaeng" and "six flying dragons". it's an impressive filmography. everything was successful. - yes. / - in films, you often played a criminal - who's a bit lacking. / - that's right.

- you often got such roles. / - yes. i want to play someone who lives a life of a luxury, but i don't get any offers. it will be hard to relate to. - my goodness. / - it's not your image. - which role do you want? / - tell us. i want to play the youngest son of a rich family. - the youngest son. / - the youngest son. - you want lee minho's role in "the heirs". / - yes.

i think i can pull it off. please promote me. - do you want me to promote you? / - how can we? (please talk to those in the industry.) i thought you debuted a long time ago. i debuted with "scandal makers". - it wasn't long ago. / - no. it hasn't been long since i acted before cameras. i acted in plays and taught at schools. i met director kang hyeongcheol of "scandal makers".

is he your student? he wasn't my student in a strict sense. he was a student at a university i lectured in. that makes him your student. he didn't take my class. he was in film studies while i was in theatre. it was by chance that we made a short film together. as he was a student, i said, "hyeongcheol, sit down." "let me tell you about films."

(hyeongcheol, do you know anything about films?) that's how our relationship used to be. after a few years, i came to run over whenever he needed me. (he runs over when he's called.) - you're like a eunuch. / - that's right. "thank you for calling me." how did you call him when you filmed "scandal makers"? - it became awkward. / - i bet.

even actors who were older than me - called him "director kang". / - that's right. i couldn't go, "hey, hyeongcheol". that goes without saying. which character did you play in "scandal makers"? i played a photographer. i used to be one. - did you work as a photographer? / - yes. - he takes nice photos. / - i did everything for money. you must have been wealthier than you look.

you majored in piano. i didn't major in it, but i entered competitions. you entered competitions. back in the days, international competitions - were generous with awards. / - it's still impressive. she wasn't able to enter international competitions. - are you talking about sooyeon? / - yes. sooyeon's face hardened. don't channel her evil character.

how well can you play the piano? - can you play chopin? / - i can do this. do we have a piano? (he plays with his elbows.) - for goodness' sake. / - that's impossible. there's no way you play the piano like that. i was more focused on the act of playing the piano than the sound i was making. i was absorbed in the act. my teacher scolded me a lot.

- why? / - you need to play like you're holding eggs. that's what they teach you. despite the slaps, i continued to do this. - i was absorbed in the act. / - you focused on - what's seen on the outside. / - that's right. i think that's when i began acting. you'll do well in films about music. - "secret love affair". / - yoo ahin's role? it'll be hard for him to take yoo ahin's role.

i can pull off any role except for that of a cactus. i can pull off any role. i'm sorry to say this, but "secret love affair" has a specific mood. you're not like yoo ahin. the lead actress can be na moonhee. you don't want kim heeae. i want to be in a romantic comedy film with him. - we can play the piano together. / - that's right.

i'm capable of playing a character in love. it's not only the youth - who experience love. / - you're right. - you have a point. / - he's captivating. - he has a point. / - that's right. what kind of a role are you thinking? i want gary oldman's role in "immortal beloved". even though he's old, he falls in love. - he rides a horse. / - it's nice.

if you have a role in a romantic film, would you be okay with a love scene? i like it. - my goodness. / - he's ridiculous. you should've said, "i'm okay with it." i said i want to be in a romantic comedy film with him. - that's right. / - i can do it well. - it seems like junhyeok is ready. / - right. he's enthusiastic.

- i like it. / - "i like it!" - "i like it." / - it's an important part of a film. - yes. / - you're right. i watched this film. - were you in "a hard day"? / - you weren't in it. i was very surprised when i went to the premiere. i watched the film until the end, but i wasn't in it. your part was edited out. - it must have been a hard day for you. / - seriously.

- that's why i didn't see you. / - you were edited out. - you didn't get any screen time. / - did you complain? - i was notified beforehand. / - what did they say? they said that i'm too funny for the mood of the film. you were too funny. the comic scenes didn't suit - the overall mood. / - i'm not in the film industry. do actors still get paid even if their parts are cut? actors work after they get paid.

- they get paid first. / - they don't work otherwise. (they don't work otherwise.) they don't work before the wire transfer is made. actors in dramas get paid later. actors in films get paid first. they need to receive a wire transfer first. you keep the money regardless of the edit. yes. when i receive a wire transfer, i go, "let's go". (let's go.)

- you don't go to work otherwise. / - that's right. junhyeok's life is full of ups and downs. i heard that you had to slap an actress once - before you even learned her name. / - that's right. i didn't know dramas were like that. i debuted with a film and got many minor roles in films. one day, i got a minor role in a drama. i only received the location of the shoot.

i was also told that the scene involved fighting. i went there, but the team showed up four hours later. the cars finally came. they shouted, "get out!" then, cameras were set up. i asked, "with whom am i in the scene?" the lead actress came. as soon as i greeted her, they yelled, "action!" hello. you little... it was ridiculous.

i had to beat her on the spot. - they were behind the schedule. / - that's right. we completed the scene. then they said, "let's move out!" i had no way of knowing if it was over or not. i said goodbye to the actress. "thank you for your hard work." i beat her up and said, "goodbye." that must've been a hectic shoot.

- i didn't know dramas were that hectic. / - funny. - you were acting, right? / - yes. - jinyoung debuted with a minor role. / - really? i dreamed of becoming - a celebrity. i wanted to act / - a celebrity. - and sing. / - you wanted to have many talents. there were no opportunities in the countryside. i moved to seoul on my own and applied for auditions. - really? / - you did that.

- you wanted to be an actor. / - no, a celebrity. - you wanted to do everything. / - that's right. i got many minor and background roles. after taking a course in an academy, jieun... - what was that? / - it's "crisis escape number one". you were in "crisis escape number one". is that him? that's him. he walked past. - there he is. / - my goodness.

(he got a background role.) - my goodness. / - that's him. no one would recognize him. she inhaled cigarette smoke. - that's him. / - that girl will die. it's painful to watch. - who's that? / - is that him? - is that jinyoung? / - delinquent number three. he isn't even in the screen.

it's okay. (he even had an action scene.) who fights like that? he was beaten up. (i can't bear to watch it.) the lead actor loses. look at him. (gosh) - that's jinyoung. / - he was very young.

- my goodness. / - my goodness. - how old were you then? / - i was in tenth grade. - how cute! / - you looked so young. - the second one was a drama, right? / - yes, it was. - what was the title? / - "supermom". - you played delinquent number three. / - yes. - you had no idea, right? / - what? - jinyoung was... / - right. i was surprised. i thought he was successful from the start.

- he composes songs and writes lyrics. / - right. - he's handsome, too. / - he looks elegant. he looks like he lives a life of luxury. i know. i'm so jealous. (behind the good looks, he made strenuous efforts.) we briefly talked about this. many people take on background roles - to gain experiences / - you're right. - with the hope of becoming a celebrity. / - right.

- many people succeed in the end. / - many people do. i heard junhyeok has a story about an actor who shares his name. one time, i was offered a role through a phone call. since i wasn't with an agency at the time, i loved getting a call from an unknown number. it has to be work-related. "it has to be a job offer." i answered the call. "is this lee junhyeok's phone?" "this is he."

"how are you doing these days?" "i'm doing well." "the job offer involves a romantic scene with a lover." "it's a beautiful scene. would you like to take it?" i asked, "are you sure it's not a rape?" - "a lover?" / - you were confused. he asked me for my measurements. when i answered, he said, "you gained a lot of weight." - i hadn't. / - that lee junhyeok? he looks very different.

he was looking for the younger lee junhyeok. it was a mistake. there are many similar stories. - junhyeok said that / - that was hilarious. when he stands at the photo wall, - he realizes he should work harder. / - it's scary. - i felt miserable one time. / - what happened? i was at a film premiere when an acquaintance called me to the photo wall.

i was in no position to stand there. however, he called me to the photo wall. celebrities wait in a queue. let's say lee jungjae entered. flashes fill the space. "sit down!" - "move out of the way!" / - it's a commotion. let's say jung woosung entered next. - "sit down!" / - "move out of the way!" "please wave!"

- "please look over here!" / - "sit down!" then, i entered. (it's just one flash.) (who are you?) (he was humiliated.) - then... / - there was one flash. - it must have been embarrassing. / - in the corner, someone started taking more photos. i thought to myself, "why is he interested in me?"

i looked and realized he was testing the flash. that's why there were flashes. he was checking the camera. (he tested the camera before the next celebrity.) you must've broken out in a cold sweat. my face turned red. i couldn't wait to exit because no one was taking photos. my hands shook and my face turned red.

- you must have dressed up, too. / - my goodness. it won't happen now. - are you having fun? / - are there more funny stories? if we rank the guests like we did in the past, - junhyeok would take first place. / - i'm sure. can you tell us another funny story? does it have to be related to the last one? - it doesn't matter. / - tell us any story. i have a friend whose nickname is "sleepy".

- sleepy. / - let's go. even the nickname is funny. he and i were very close. - sleepy, stuve and me. / - what does "stuve" mean? he was stupid, but brave. ("stuve" stands for "stupid, but brave".) - he was stupid, but brave. / - thus, the nickname. - did sleepy sleep a lot? / - yes, he did. if classes lasted seven hours, he slept through them.

he would sleep for 50 minutes at a time and wake up for the break. he would wake up to burp. (he's burping.) that's funny. - that's funny. / - he would wake up to burp. one day, the math teacher became very angry. he was known for slapping students with his hands in the glove.

teachers used corporal punishment back then. - it was like that. / - i was in middle school. - that's right. / - it was a long time ago. he said, "everyone, gather at the hallway!" - sleepy was sleeping. / - he didn't hear the order. we said, "wake up." (they woke up sleepy.) he wiped drool off of his face and came out. slap! "next!" slap! "next!"

it was sleepy's turn, but his cheek was already red. - his cheek was squashed. / - he slept like this. after slapping 40 kids, the teacher became confused. "did i slap you?" sleepy nodded. "next!" sooyeon, people misunderstood you when you went to a motel as a rookie.

- why were you at a motel? / - this is what happened. for a movie titled "bad man", i lied in a pool of blood for eight hours. i played a corpse. i was in a pool of blood for so long that my skin became stained. after the shoot, it was sticky and messy. i found out there was a motel nearby. so, i asked the owner there if i could wash up.

then, he totally freaked out when he saw me. he said he doesn't accept people like me. i said, "oh, no. i'm shooting a film nearby." "i'm not hurt at all." - "it's fake." / - your smile would've scared him more. - that's freaky. / - i know. - the owner really got scared. / - i know. when i explained to him, he allowed me to use the bathroom in the condition

that i won't get a drop of blood in the bathroom. - he would've been surprised. / - blood makeup is hard. don't you get misunderstood quite often? - you've done it a lot, haven't you? / - yes, i have. - when i was shooting "the yellow sea"... / - oh, dear. - i enjoyed that movie. / - that's a good movie. there was jungwoo's action scene inside the ship. we shot that scene for about 40 hours. - really? / - after shooting for 40 hours,

the actors who were acting as dead bodies fell asleep. - they were too tired. / - yes. when the director shouted "shoot!", they were supposed to be acting dead, but... (who's calling me?) (they were turning and tossing in sleep.) (then, director na hongjin got frightened.) he was taking a close-up shot, so he shouted.

(he was shocked.) - they were tired. / - yes. - so, what happened? / - he got upset, and he shouted, "get up!" we get the situation, but it's funny. they must've been so exhausted. - they must get sleepy. / - they must get sleepy. - they just had to lie there. / - for such a long time. i was close to the assistant director who helped me.

he said, "after you get hit, go inside the doorway." - why? / - he was considerate. that way, only my legs would show. - then, you can rest. / - yes. - i could get some rest that way. / - i see. other actors had to stay like this for 40 hours. if you weren't close to him, you would've done that. - they couldn't move for 40 hours. / - like this. they're covered in blood and fell asleep.

when you're asleep, you move. they snored, too. (he snores.) they snuggled up to each other, and they put their legs on each other. but the assistant director helped you get the rest. he came to me and whispered. "you should just fall." - so... / - after getting stabbed, what did you do? after i got stabbed, i flew out.

(hongjin, you can't see me!) - that's funny. / - you know. since you brought it up, i watched the movie. i thought it was real. people were debating if the bones - were real human bones. / - they're trotters. however, it was made for the movie. there was a scene where we ate jokbal. - the director asked us to eat like pigs. / - right.

yet, the trotters weren't seasoned. (gosh, director na.) - it was just boiled trotters. / - just boiled. - they weren't seasoned. / - no. i love jokbal. unlike what we think, junhyeok is actually picky with food. - he's a delicate man. / - that's right. i'm very sensitive.

- are you sensitive? / - yes. you ate a lot of boiled pork. - i love formal dining. / - those trotters must've smelt really bad. when the camera started rolling, we ate like this. but when it was cut, we all threw up. (he threw up as soon as the shooting stopped.) (his description is so vivid.) isn't he one of the best guests we've had?

you said you were close to the assistant director. are you usually the one who breaks the ice? yes. you know i started my career with small roles. when you're a minor actor, you join the shoot - in the middle, and nobody knows you. / - right. when you get intimidated, you can't act well. - it's hard to show half of what you can do. / - right. so, you have to be sociable. how do you act when you first meet new people?

we usually just say, "hello." - we're very shy. / - "nice to meet you." we usually do that. as soon as i meet someone new, i say i love the person. - how? / - "hello. i love you." like this. at first, people get flustered and think i'm crazy. they get scared. (but he soon makes them loosen up.)

i was surprised when i met him for the first time. - why? / - i said hello. - that's when i first met him on the shoot. / - yes. when i said hello, he went like this. "yes. have you been well? let's take a photo." then, we took a photo together right away. - he's very sociable. / - he asked for a photo. so i pretended i was hitting him, - and he pretended to be hit. / - i pretended.

- did you do that as soon as you met? / - yes. so, i posted the photo on my social media account. (we met for the first time.) jinyoung, you're expected to win some awards at year-end awards ceremonies. in the show, i was doing one-sided love. - right. / - so, - my fans tell me i make them sad. / - right. i'm expecting an award for the saddest character.

and i hope youjung to present the award to me. bogum's famous line came from that scene, right? (lee yeong doesn't allow yunseong to meet raon.) i won't allow it. your highness. she's mine. - "i won't allow it. she's mine." / - right. you did look miserable there. the saddest part was when i was dying.

you watched the scene where you die three times. you really love yourself, don't you? that's not an easy thing to do. - watching your scene three times is tough. / - it is. he's similar to me. myungsoo only watches his parts. really. he never watches the entire show. - you only watch your parts. / - yes.

he only watches the parts in which he did a good job. (he loves himself.) in my case, i check my acting as well. however, my goal was to compose a song for a tv show i'm on. - did you do it this time? / - yes, i did. the title was "misty road". for some strange reasons, it was unusually foggy that day. - really? / - we couldn't see anything.

we were shooting the scene where i die, and i felt like there was going to be a misty road. then, it turned out that - my song was inserted in that scene. / - your song. - you didn't even ask. / - i didn't ask. they didn't use it for a while, yet they used it again in that scene. i was so touched. i was so happy.

when it was first aired, i just listened to the music. i didn't get to check my acting. - you didn't. / - no. so, i watched again to check it. - and then? / - then, i watched again to check both. so, i checked it several times. (he watched) (and watched again.) (he watched it three times.) (stop watching, jinyoung.)

there's a backstory. there's the main director, and there's the co-director. they had contrasting opinions on whether to insert "misty road" or not. in the end, one of them strongly pushed for it. they told me that, too. - the song is lovely. / - it is. i often watch this show. sooyeon always had

- spiteful eyes. she was scary. / - what do you think? (sooyeon was the spiteful queen.) (she had the murderous look.) there was a funny incident. the crew went to cebu together on a vacation. i thought she was still trapped in the role. - did you think so? / - yes. she was grilling meat. i told her not to do it,

and i volunteered to do it. suddenly, she said, "i will! i will!" what was that? (she's ashamed.) - sooyeon, / - she's... - she's still acting. / - when did i do that? - she did that, right? / - she was barbecuing. - when jinyoung offered... / - why did you do that? - that's not it. / - do you think you're still a queen?

that's not it. perhaps you haven't gotten out of your character. she spoke with the queen's tone of voice. "i will. i will." - that's it. / - so, you did that. - you did it. / - you did it. (there's still queen in her.) (i'm just sad it's over.) sooyeon, did you slap youjung too hard?

yes. at the first and second time i met her, i slapped her very hard. it was before we became close. i felt really bad. youjung said i could slap her hard. so, i did. come near. (she's got a tough hand.) (i should've gone easy on her.) after the shoot ended,

i found out that youjung was crying in a corner. it must've hurt a lot. - we talked about it during the vacation. / - did you? youjung is such a good actress. she said this. "for various reasons, i got separated from my mom" "at an early age, dressing up like a man," "became a eunuch, and got slapped by the queen." she was speaking as raon. she told me that she was able to

get deeper into the character raon after the slapping scene. you're saying you made her a better actress. - no. / - right? - is that what she means? / - she's praising herself. she means she helped youjung get better. that's right. but youjung cried because it hurt. dongyeon, it was about two years ago on a show hongchul tried to introduce you kim sohyun,

and you almost died of happiness. - really? / - he got to talk to her. who do you like more? youjung or sohyun? that's the question dongyeon hates the most. i need to ask, though. that's my job - on this show. / - he really liked sohyun. - i see. / - he was very shy talking to her. - and... / - but you hate this question. you can tell us the truth and go.

honestly, who is closer to your ideal type? this is just for fun. also, they'd love to find out. all right. - between the two? / - kim youjung? (kim sohyun versus kim youjung) be honest. (who would he choose?) (they're both 18 years old.)

(he's 20 years old.) i'm sorry, youjung. he still likes sohyun. - he likes sohyun. / - he looked different. he likes sohyun. (do you mean that?) (yes. i like sohyun more than you.) (no way.) (i'm sorry.)

(you're mean.) there will be an article with the headline "dongyeon still likes sohyun". - so, he likes sohyun. / - no. it will be, "dongyeon opens a subscription deposit for sohyun". let's tell everyone, so it'll be on the news. let everyone know! ("dongyeon opens a subscription deposit for sohyun.") it's lovely.

- we're going to bring it up every time. / - yes. it's like that. - jinyoung. / - yes. dongyeon said that he was jealous that you can instantly change your tone of acting. yes. i was really surprised at first. if the director asks him to act a little plainer,

he instantly acted plainer. he changed to the director's request. - he's very quick. / - actually, we get what it means to act plainer, but it's not - easy to make your expression plainer. / - it's - possible when you're cooking, but... / - plainer... can you give an example? yunseong has many lines - that are cheesy. / - is that right?

"isn't it a foul that a eunuch is so beautiful?" there are lines like this. there are famous lines hyunmoo said here. "a girl like you" and "you've gotten prettier." those are hyunmoo's famous lines. the lines themselves aren't cheesy, - yet they sound cheesy when i say them. / - yes. you've gotten prettier. who's your type, hyunmoo?

a girl like you. - should i say them first? / - yes, please. (here's the original.) sir, it's raon. (he added a wink, too.) let's move on. - all right. / - it's making me vomit. - all right. that's how he acts. / - it is. there's one more line.

"what's your ideal type?" (he smirks.) (oh, my gosh.) you hate it, don't you? don't you hate him even more? i can hear people complaining from another studio. can you do it plainer? it's not easy. it's not easy. please say the two lines. "you've gotten prettier."

- and "a girl like you". / - and "a girl like you". i think i'm going to copy him. (hyunmoo is like a swamp.) - please make it plainer. / - it's not easy. (it's not easy to copy hyunmoo.) hyeongyeong acts differently. no. it's the same. - no, it's not. / - it's... can you try it, junhyeok?

- you wanted to shoot a romance. / - right. - should i be plain? / - make it plain. - yes. / - okay. (he can't do it.) (he's no better than hyunmoo.) are you ill? (eunuch jang is currently ill.) he sounds very unwell. seha, i heard you released a trot album.

- i know. i heard that, too. / - he's a musician. i did release a trot song. originally, i wanted to become a singer, too. i didn't release my album. my song was included in a compilation album. - which song is it? / - what's the title? the title is "it's a lie". "it's a lie". is that the song title? many singers worked on that album.

k.will was one of them. my real name is ahn jaewook. - your real name is ahn jaewook. / - right. nobody believed that ahn jaewook would release a song titled "it's a lie". some people thought ahn jaewook sang the song. - can you sing it for us? / - please sing it. (they're excited.) ♪ lie, lie, lie ♪ ♪ it's a lie everything is a lie ♪

♪ only i know it ♪ you didn't just come up with it now, did you? - i didn't. / - but the song is not as good as i expected. the introduction was a little... starting with "it's a lie" is a little... - the lyrics are... / - it's really like a lie. ♪ it's a lie that you went to a prestigious school ♪ - trot is not your forte. / - you vibrate too much.

what do you think of this song, jinyoung? it's really... (the genius composer gives his opinion.) (how was it?) it doesn't suit him very well. (even jinyoung betrays him.) jinyoung doesn't usually say mean things. the song doesn't suit you. it's his first time to say something mean.

it goes like that. ♪ it's a lie, a lie, la la la lie ♪ (they crack up.) ("one meme is worth a thousand words") ("meme" is a humorous image spreading on internet.) (perhaps i was the only one who didn't know?) please get back to me. have a great day. (now, we communicate with images.)

(we'll create a meme) (which will express your feeling.) (did you pass or not?) (what's your meme communication score?) (guess the title of today's memes!) this is "one meme is worth a thousand words"! kian84 is with us again today. hello. hello. hello. the star is here.

(he's the star of meme world.) the producer showed me the viewers ratings table. yes. - we previously shot two episodes together. / - right. the ratings went up at this timing. so? this show was in crisis, and i saved... what are you talking about? i can't believe him.

- he's holding his head high. / - seriously. i heard dongyeon loved kian84's webtoon "fashion king". - yes. i loved it. / - thank you. he also said he was put off by the series after that. you don't read it anymore. i stopped reading it. you must've studied at a prestigious university. i didn't go to a university.

maybe it's because it's about college students. - gosh. he justifies himself. / - hey. - he should've said, "i'll make it better." / - right. - i just... / - he's self-centered. did you watch "love in the moonlight"? you like tv drama series. - i watched some of it. / - what did you think? i love orthodox period drama series. does that mean you didn't watch it?

but it won't make any difference if i don't. i have to talk smart. - you already said it. / - you did. i heard you're a big fan of youjung. she's lovely. do you love everyone who is lovely? - well. / - how about sooyeon? - how's sooyeon? / - she's really lovely, but - but what? / - she looks a bit old.

he's so mean. sooyeon is on the rise. - she's getting famous. / - she is. here's how it works. - kian84 will draw a meme. / - yes. (if the guests correctly guess) (the title of the meme he drew, they pass.) (for example, this is "love in the moonlight".) - this is a group game. / - yes.

- your team has to do well. / - he's right. (all the teammates have to guess the answer.) the ones who get the answer first will get one of these prizes. - is there anything you need from here? / - all. all of these. - you get to pick one. / - just one. people who get wrong answers will be punished. - i see new things there. / - there are new things.

- some really hurt. / - we'll be getting more. (the punishments will be funny.) - like this. / - that's a good one. kian84, let's get started with the first one. - all right. / - cheers! let's go! (try to guess it.) - that's... / - he's good. - it's... / - what's that?

this one's tough, isn't it? it's tough. isn't it a guitar? what's that? what's playing the guitar? doesn't it look like this? - it looks like that. / - right? - you did well. / - right? - you drew well. / - what's that?

- we don't know what he's drawing. / - that's it. that's what you're supposed to guess. who's playing the guitar? isn't that what it's about? you play the guitar. tell us. - i don't know what it is. / - i got it. - write it. / - write the answer. - junhyeok. / - what's that? all right, junhyeok. - what's wrong? / - have a seat.

sitting down doesn't feel good. he's very witty. he said "lilac". (his answer was lilac.) - that's not it. / - where did he get that? - it's a lighter. / - the lighter is doing rock. - lighter and rock. / - that's why it's "lilac". - he's creative. / - is that a lighter? - gosh. / - all right.

- it's a lighter. / - it's a lighter. okay. (saeho gives it a go.) i'm close to guessing it. "play with fire". why did you say that? there's fire. it's like hong seobeom's song. ♪ play with fire ♪ - like the song? / - his mouth is so big.

(saeho's incorrect.) i thought you guys would easily guess it. (standing up) come on out, junhyeok. i was just stretching my legs. (he was getting cramps.) (he feels pressured.) let's see. (seha gives it a try.)

(please tell me it's right.) - it's an sbs television show. / - oh, really? - "flaming youth"? / - i had no idea. - do you watch the show often? / - not really. aren't you too young for that? (seha's incorrect.) that's incorrect. (hyeongyeong gives it a try.) (i'm right, aren't i?)

i know it's right. "playground"? why did you say that? it's because the lighter is singing. (it's a singing lighter.) so, that's why you said "playground". (it kind of makes sense, but it's incorrect.) i don't have a clue, but i have to try anyway. - i don't think it's right. / - what's this? - that's incorrect. / - is it food?

that's not the right answer. - it's not "fire show". / - isn't that right? - what about "fire dance"? / - that's incorrect. - are you sure? / - yes. (a lighter?) (did jinyoung figure it out?) (jinyoung gives it a try.) (is he going to get punched?) that's correct.

he's so good. is this one difficult? - how did you know? / - how did you figure it out? you have to think about it in english. i think you should color it now. - okay. / - you should've said that earlier. (the answer's in english.) - that was a big hint. / - english? - lighter is an english word. / - english?

- what about english? / - lighter is english. the answer's in english. - i don't get it. / - lighter is already english. fire? - how did he get it right? / - this one's clever. she said "fighter". (fighter) - fighter? / - fighter. - it's too simple. / - it's fire and lighter combined.

- that's why she said "fighter". / - that's incorrect. - i don't understand. / - jinyoung's hint was crucial. oh, my goodness. i get it now. - what is it? / - i don't get it. it was so easy. - did you get it now? / - how did i not know sooner? - it's easy, right? / - i'm confident. it's right, isn't it? (hyunmoo's very confident that he's right.)

- that's correct. / - i knew it. that's clever. - kian84 is so clever. / - thank you. - come out. / - there's a reason why jinyoung got it. he himself is the hint. (jinyoung himself is the hint.) jinyoung himself is the hint. - jinyoung is the hint. / - what? (does he get it now?)

- jinyoung is the hint. / - what does that mean? (the title of this meme will be revealed.) - didn't you write most of the b1a4 songs? / - yes. did you study music composition? (he writes and composes his own songs.) (the answer is a singer-songwriter.) (sing along with this meme in your hand.) - that's clever. / - he's so smart. we have two eunuchs with answers.

(did hyeongyeong get it right?) - how did she do? / - she's missing something. what? - that's incorrect. / - you're too bad. i'm not good at english. - you don't have to be good at english. / - no, you do. - this is basic english. / - she's missing one letter. - just one. / - i think you'll make a good actress. - that's correct. / - really?

i'm now the only one left on our team. - dongyeon's the only one left. / - let's see. there's only one person left for team park. come on. i don't want to get penalized. - got it. / - jinyoung is the hint. i could be the hint as well. - right. technically. / - i'm like that, too. - i see. / - yes. jinyoung, can you give them another hint?

are you serious? (he got it.) - we're going to win. / - you can win it for the team. you don't get it? if you get it right, your team will win. junhyeok, you got the lighter part right. - is it wrong? / - that's correct. what is it? - good job. / - everyone of team park got it right.

- the rest of you still have to guess it. / - gosh. what do people call jinyoung? - a singer? / - you're getting close. a musician? she just said the answer. - say it. / - a singer-songwriter? - that's correct. / - finally. - i got confused by the guitar. / - what about it? - it was... / - it was a big hint for other people.

- i see. / - stop making excuses. let's get started, kian84. what's the next one? - this one is... / - how hard is it? (kian84's about to start sketching.) (the set is falling apart.) is that the fate of kian84? (is it an ominous sign?) - i don't think so. / - i'm hungry.

i don't think so. (kian84 starts sketching.) - what? / - a smart and sexy man? (he's wincing.) (jaeseok looks flustered.) i think it's right. how could you guess it right already? - why'd you do that? / - are you serious? - what? / - you guessed it too early.

it's a smart and sexy man? - why did you do that? / - that's way too easy. you gave it away. did i? should i do something else? - i won't say it out loud. / - he's flustered. - here it goes. / - how hard is it? this one's very difficult. it's not a common word. you might not be familiar with it.

(the difficulty of the second meme is three stars.) isn't it a baby lying down? (a baby lying down?) write it down. - what's that supposed to be? / - is it the sun? (the sun?) - this one's hard. / - i don't get it. - it's in a hospital. / - what's that? it's going to catch fire.

- what's that supposed to be? / - is that the face? is that fire in a hotel room? a fire's going to start. right. - 911? / - lighten up, junhyeok. your face looks very grim. - can you put on a smile? / - i'm sorry, but this isn't a quiz show. you have to talk a lot. say something.

this is a variety show. you should talk a lot. i got it. - really? / - go on. - give it a try. / - i want the prize so badly. - come on out. / - he's very materialistic. the sun's lying down. - that's the sun? / - bring it here. - is it the sun? / - i can't tell you that. it's sleeping.

- why is it on fire? / - is that it? please take a seat. oh, no. should i sit down again? (that means it's incorrect.) - what's that? / - you'll figure it out. well then. his answer was "the sun is dreaming." - that's incorrect. / - what kind of answer is that? he's too obsessed with the prize.

- he just wrote something up. / - that's incorrect. i want to make my wife happy. he's here to win household goods. - should i color it now? / - yes. - you should. / - this is hard. - i think the fire's a hint. / - i think so, too. - i'm sure of it. / - he's using the red color. - he's going to color the fire. / - chat could be hint, but it could also mislead you. keep that in mind.

i don't get it. what's that yellow thing? is it an egg? - get up there. / - come on out. (i don't hope he gets it right.) - is it a yolk? / - it's not an egg. (will seha get the prize?) - what's that? / - why is it yellow? what do you need? (he won the prize.)

- junhyeok's not happy. / - i'll take the coffee. you can have it when you get it right. - please put it down. / - is it wrong? - "night watch" is incorrect. / - "night watch"? (he got his hopes up for a second.) - that's incorrect. / - "night watch"? (night watch?) - that's incorrect. / - it's right, isn't it? i'm sure it's right.

it's fire in a room. this one's easy. what's wrong? (please try harder.) (myungsoo's incorrect.) it's not "cbr training". - "cbr training"? / - it does make sense. - is this right? / - i don't get it. that's such a bad answer. - it could be right. / - come over here.

(that's incorrect.) was it that bad? - i'm sorry. / - it sounded like cracking a gourd. i'm getting all sorts of answers. is it a garden tiger moth? is this a bad drawing? hyeongyeong. i don't know what to say. is it close?

- what? / - i'm good at everything except for english. (i'm good at everything except for english.) - take your prize. / - this is a surprise. she did it. - it's easy. / - how did she figure it out? this one was very difficult. how did she figure it out? i think i'm on track, too. - who knows? / - show me an impression for a hint.

you look too desperate. what was that? i'll do an impression if you want. - i'll do philosopher kim yongok. / - okay. let me say something. it takes a good drawing for us to get it right. - that was good. / - junhyeok. a prize is... you'll have to guess the correct answer. (you'll get the prize when you guess it right.)

- that's correct. / - okay. - what? / - are you kidding me? next up is myungsoo. - you're good. / - everyone's thinking too hard. it's actually very simple. - there's a fire, right? / - yes. it's "hwa" in chinese character. - combine with that. / - write down the answer. - it's also covered under a blanket. / - right.

- there's the answer right there. / - i doubt it. he said "hwayobi". what's wrong? i can't see like this. ♪ butterfly ♪ ♪ i'm calling out for you ♪ i don't see how my answer's wrong. - the sun's tired. / - i think we're thinking too hard. - you guys are over-complicating things. / - right. - the answer's simple. / - yes.

- the sun's tired. / - that's the answer? (the sun's tired.) - what made you guess the answer right? / - me? i just wrote down what i found in the picture. i think i get it now. (what's the title of this meme?) kian84 did a good job. junhyeok's obsessed with the prize. i hope he gets it.

i'll give him something. where did those glasses come from? kian84 did a fantastic job. here's a hint. how many letters is the answer, kian84? - it's a three-letter word. / - that's right. - don't think too hard. / - three letters. the sun is sleeping. (the sun is sleeping.)

it's a hint, not the answer. - that's way too simple. / - that must be a big hint. the sun is sleeping. you can see the nose on there. - the sun is sleeping? / - the sun is taking a nap. you're giving all sorts of answers. the sun is taking a nice nap. i think i'll draw a hint. kian84 will draw the hint. - is it taking a nap? / - this is the hint.

(this is the hint.) i'm not sure whether they'll get it. - it's taking a nap. / - he'll make it easier for you. is it the sea? - the horizon? / - he just said it out loud. junhyeok just gave you a hint. - i did? / - what did he say? the sun and the sea? - i got it. / - i figured it out.

i figured it out now. (he figured it out from the hint.) (junhyeok's giving out all the hints.) - that's correct. / - i get it now. - that's correct. / - so, that's what the answer was. - what? / - i still don't get it. (junhyeok gave it away.) (he gave everyone else hints.) the sea?

(the answer is related to the sea.) (sea level) the sea level will rise for about 10m. (this meme will go nicely for the weather news.) their team's on fire. there's only one person left for them. dongyeon's the only one left. saeho's the only one who got it on their team. i have no clue.

- here's another hint. / - this is the sea. you can see it from here. (he's at the sea level.) (myungsoo's swimming.) that's enough, myungsoo. stop giving it away. oh, my goodness. (he still doesn't get it.) you know this already. don't make him nervous.

he's almost there. - i know. / - he is. we can do this. it's a three-letter word with the sun in it. "the sun is sleeping." that's what you said. - it's sleeping? / - yes. sleep. (they got it now.) does he not get it?

(what's the answer?) (junhyeok and seha are correct.) that's correct. what about sooyeon? - it's the sea level. / - i feel stupid now. this is the last meme. please start sketching. - here it goes. / - this is the last one. - we'll make it easy for you. / - okay. isn't that a hen?

- write that down. / - it's so fat. it's a hen. - is it a pigeon? / - write it down. - world peace? / - it looks like a pigeon. this is not a speed quiz. write down your answer. if you get this one right, we'll give you two prizes. (there's still a chance.) you're making it too easy. that should do it.

are those wild geese? - what are those? / - what's that? this one's simple. that's it. (saeho gives it a try.) (it's not yet clear what the drawing is about.) (can he guess it right?) it's not "goose father". (goose father?)

junhyeok's coming up. like i said, you could win two prizes. i think he's incorrect. (please give them to me.) i think he got it right. have you always been obsessed with the prize? i go nuts over them. - is it wrong? / - "sales" is incorrect. - "sales"? / - what does that have to do with it?

he derived the word "sales" from the oil spill. should i color it now? once it's all colored, you'll be able to see. i'll have to do a good job. i'm going to try my best. (looks like the colors are the key.) (he starts off carefully.) it's a raven. what's wrong with it?

it's not the color i thought it'd be. is it a sulfur duck? "sulfur duck"? (he's painting the colors on.) gosh. the colors look strange. (something's not going right.) you have to do better than that. i saved this meme from last week.

this isn't working out as intended. (he's flustered.) it's not looking good. (he paints over it.) - what's that? / - it's tteokgalbi. i think you should draw it over again. kian84 is flustered. it's not coming out as he intended. the paint is about to go through the paper.

what are you doing, kian84? what's that supposed to be? is it a chicken, a raven or a pigeon? what kind of color is that? - what's that? / - it's supposed to be colorless. it looks bruised. oh, no. i'll give you a hint. (he adds something in as a hint.) (is that a magnet?)

is that a magnet? (hyunmoo gives it a try.) (he can't believe it.) how did hyunmoo get it right? don't mind the colors. isn't it a name of a singer? i think it's ns yoong. - ns yoong? / - yes. (he got that from the magnet.)

ns yoong? what do you need, junhyeok? - this is amazing. / - which one do you want? i want the big one. - the magnet's a big hint. / - do you want body wash? (jinyoung gets it right.) (he doesn't seem to care about that any more.) - jinyoung's really good. / - the answer was simple. (honey, i won a prize.)

(his dream came true.) - that's incorrect. / - isn't it koo jacheol? it's not. but it's a magnet and a migratory bird. it's him. i still don't understand the drawing. doesn't it have that texture? (a texture?) - i get it. / - someone yelled out the answer already. he's right.

the magnet's the hint. - it's a big hint. / - that's right. "hey, you little magnet"? come on out. - what kind of answer is that? / - come on out. hey, you little magnet. what's that supposed to mean? here's another hint. - it's a two-letter word. / - two letters?

- i knew it. / - i told you it's simple. (everyone figured it out from the hint.) - i don't get it. / - kian84 isn't very consistent. - really? / - will we be able to come back? we need to have a little talk after the show. (we need to have a little talk after the show.) - what's that? / - i lost faith in him. - i mean... / - it was a bad drawing. - i know, right? / - we need to have a little talk.

kian84 says he's sorry. - i'm sorry. / - i'll see you after the show. - i got it now. / - the birds in the sky are a hint. you're right. (even junhyeok got it right.) (he celebrates like he just won a gold medal.) seha. (he made it easy even for junhyeok.) he finally guessed one right.

- it's all in the drawing. / - seha. (did you guess it already?) i'll give you a hint. (it's a magnet.) (it's attracted by the magnet.) (it's a metal bird.) (migratory bird) i think this one's a failure. you paid me too many compliments on the other ones.

- i got too confident. / - right. (people praised kian84.) - you're the best. / - what's that? i heard this show was in crisis, but i saved... (i think i got overly confident.) (kian84 admits he did a bad job.) i thought it would look like that when it rains. - you're right. / - that's another hint. it looks like that when it rains?

it's easier than i thought. seha and hyeongyeong are the only ones left. - you can do it. / - come on, seha. (the winner of this round will be the final winner.) please. - you can do it. / - oh, no. (seha goes first.) he wrote "bird". (he got it right.)

here it is. seha's answer was... (i doubt it.) "posture". (they're disappointed.) - are you kidding me? / - you're almost there. what do you mean, "posture"? - you're almost there. / - stop it now. (is it my turn now?)

- what was that? / - stop it now. stop giving them hints. - oh, no. / - did you get it? - don't do it. / - go on. - come on out. / - please don't be right. what's wrong with this guy? give it to me. (seha and hyeongyeong try at the same time.) looks like she got it wrong.

that'd be perfect. the winner will decide which team wins. did one of them get it right? i have the answers here. one of them got it right. i knew it. this is nerve-racking. (everyone's on their toes.) - i think mine's wrong. / - you don't know that.

(this battle will decide...) (which team leader gets penalized.) (who got it right?) hyeongyeong's answer was "straight face". seha said "migratory bird". that's correct. (let's celebrate.) "straight face"? (i thought she was good at everything except english.) (team jun is the final winner of the jun-park war.)

(the genius gets humiliated.) hyeongyeong did write "migratory bird" once. that was my first answer. - hyeongyeong. / - i thought it was too simple. can you at least pretend to look sorry? you don't look sorry at all. - we lost because of you. / - good job, everyone. (do you have any idea what the penalty is?) ("you are you are you are" by wax)

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