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    outdoor furniture plant stands

    >> problem -- a lot of problems, obviouslyfor australia. but the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafor tough-to-treat lines and crow's feet. (female narrator) the firming eye serum isa complete anti-aging treatment that helps visibly smooth and tighten the delicate skinaround your eyes. crepe erase is backed by a 60-day money backguarantee from trusted guthy renker. if you are not astonished with your results,send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, even if the containers are empty. one phone call. that's all it takes to solve the years ofstruggle and suffering looking for a solution

    to your crepey looking skin. so what are you waiting for? (female narrator) time is just about up. (male narrator) now it's your turn to experiencethe power of crepe erase for yourself just in time for summer. so call the number on your screen or go onlineto crepeerase.com right now. (female narrator) the preceding has been apaid presentation for crepe erase, brought to you by trusted guthy renker. (narrator) imagine, wiping away the appearanceof crepey skin.

    on your arms... (female narrator) on your legs... (male narrator) and even your neck. (female narrator) what would your reactionbe? -can i look now? -yes. are you serious? oh my goodness! (female narrator) and now a paid presentationfor crepe erase.

    (male narrator) a breakthrough targeted bodytreatment brought to you by trusted guthy renker. (female narrator) and featuring emmy awardwinning actress jane seymour. (male narrator) beloved little house on theprairie actress melissa gilbert. (female narrator) figure skating legend, dorothyhamill. (male narrator) and 12-time olympic medalistdara torres. plus, everyday women whose lives and skinare being transformed with crepe erase. (female #1) i never thought i'd have my mother'sskin. i had the turkey neck.

    and i started purchasing turtle necks. even in the summer. i had crepey skin on my neck, chest, elbows,knees. it's kind of an everywhere thing a littlebit at my age, you know, i'm 52 years old, things get crepey. (female narrator) so what exactly is crepeyskin? crepey skin is basically skin that has becomethin over time and has lost its elasticity. it's that dehydrated, cracked, crinkly, wrinklyskin that resembles the look and texture of crepe paper.

    no matter what kind of moisturizers you use,it never looks like it's moisturized or healthy or plump. (female narrator) sound familiar? (male narrator) finally, there's a solution. introducing crepe erase with trufirm. (female narrator) a breakthrough targetedbody treatment specifically formulated to improve the appearance of crepey, crinklylooking skin on your chest, neck, arms, legs, and even your hands! (male narrator) these are the areas commonlyreferred to as your agegiveaway zones.

    i will always be stuck in people's minds aslaura ingalls from little house. i'm sort of stuck in time as this 12 yearold girl, you know, with the pigtails and the perkiness and the buckteeth. but i'm not so young. i'm 52 years old, i'm a grandma. i use crepe erase everywhere. my shoulders, my elbows, my arms, my legs,everywhere, and it works on everything. there is nothing wrong with wanting to bea sexy grandma. (male narrator) the secret to crepe eraseis our exclusive trufirm complex.

    as skin matures, the netting that keeps skinyoung and elastic weakens, making skin look dry, wrinkly, and crepey. trufirm's triple complex of skin restoringplant actives can help visibly treat and improve the look of aging and slackening skin whilehelping promote the natural production of healthy collagen and elastin. trufirm actually supports and reinforces yourskin's own netting, giving it that youthful snap back so it looks smoother, firmer, andyounger. i'm 59, i'll be 60 this year. crepe erase makes me feel like when i lookin the mirror i recognize that skin.

    i recognize that skin from before. and it feels younger and fresher. what woman doesn't want to look younger andlook good? i mean, every woman wants to look her best. i feel better when i look better, and crepeerase has made such a difference in my skin even my husband has noticed and said, "yourskin is so soft." i can throw my hair behind and show my neckto the world and i feel sexy, youthful, beautiful. (uplifting music)(jane seymour) if there is one word that would describe crepe erase to me, that is confidence.

    total confidence. (photographer) nice! good! you look better and younger and healthierthan when we shot 20 years ago. (jane seymour) who knew i just had to age? when i look at jane seymour and i see herbeautiful skin and her chest, and her arms, and her legs, i think, "i want what she'shaving. i want that." the great thing about crepe erase is thatit's a treatment.

    it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion or--or,um, buy a cream, it's a treatment that really, really works. (female narrator) best of all, crepe erasestarts to work immediately after your very first use! and in just 60 days, truly astonishing resultslike these! the results i got after just one applicationof crepe erase was miraculous. now the results are just getting better andbetter. (male narrator) and now, sharing her own crepeerase success story with our live studio audience. (female narrator) she's everyone's favoritemedicine woman.

    (male narrator) please welcome mother, grandmother,and emmy award winning actress jane seymour! (cheering, applause)(jane seymour) hello! welcome! welcome, everyone, and thank you! so what exactly is crepey skin? it's those wrinkles on your chest called "fountainlines" or the crinkly old lady skin on your arms and legs. or those neck creases sometimes referred toas a necklace. not my favorite type of necklace.

    (chuckling) in fact, crepey skin can be outrightdepressing. but here's the good news, finally, there isa real solution to improve the look of crepey skin, and it's called, quite perfectly actually,crepe erase. and if you think this is just another creamor lotion that only masks or hides the problem of crepey looking skin, think again! and here's the proof! these are 100% real results. no fancy lighting or camera tricks. i mean, look at this arm before and aftercrepe erase.

    and decollete before and now here, after. absolutely incredible! and look at how crepe erase actually appearsto transform the skin on this leg. now you see crepey skin, now you don't! truly, have you ever seen results like thisbefore without any procedures or doctors' visits? i mean, it's astonishing, which is why i liketo say with crepe erase, you can reveal more of yourself without revealing your age. (dara torres) i started training again forthe olympics in my early 40s.

    and there i was in my bathing suit with crepeyskin on my neck and my arms and around my knees and upper legs. my skin looked older than my age. until i started to use crepe erase. uh, lookit now, i mean, i'm in this dressand i feel so comfortable because i feel like my skin is kind of shiny and it's very hydratedand i just feel like i look good. my mother used to say to me when i was a kid,"if you ever want to see how old a woman is, look at her neck." and so i've been so focused on my neck forso long.

    and to see these kinds of results, simplyby using crepe erase, it's amazing to me. i will never stop using crepe erase. the first time i tried crepe erase, i--i wasshocked. immediately i saw a difference on my neck,on my chest, my elbows, my knees, the backs of my hands. everywhere was completely different. crepe erase has done so much for my chest,my legs, me elbows, my feet. it's--it's been a miracle in my life. i'm about to hit that 50 mark.

    50 these days is fabulous, and i'm startingto feel that way again. (jane seymour) shortly after i began usingcrepe erase, we had this crazy idea to have me put this bikini on then take some photographson the beach. why would i pose in a bikini at the age of62? why? i mean, what an insane idea. i didn't want to pose in a bikini when i was17, so why now? and i don't think i would've done it if ihadn't been using crepe erase. i feel that using crepe erase makes-- it justmakes me feel like i'm turning back the clock.

    the first time i saw the before and aftersof crepe erase, i honestly felt like, "these are too good to be true." then i started using crepe erase on myselfand on my patients, and that's when i knew that crepe erase was a really special product. (kirsten) i went through breast cancer lastyear. i mean, everybody hears you lose your hairand all that kind of thing, but i'd never heard or even thought about how dry my skinwould have become, going through radiation and all that. my skin was just gross and like dry and flakyand, you know, mini little wrinkle lines.

    and it was depressing. on top of everything else i was going-- youknow, going through, i just kind of felt like i looked 90. nothing worked for my dry, crepey skin. the very first time i got home, i tried crepeerase that night. and my skin was like rejuvenated. i mean, like right away. it's just good to kind of feel good aboutyourself again. these are tears of joy.

    (jane seymour) crepe erase is different, and,most important of all, it works. here's your chance to experience crepe eraseright now. (female narrator) now, just in time for summer... (male narrator) you can wipe away the appearanceof wrinkly, crinkly, crepey skin, revealing smoother, tighter, plumper looking skin thatmakes you look and feel younger. introducing the crepe erase system with trufirm. (female narrator) a breakthrough in skin careinnovation the beauty industry has spent years searching for. i have tried every moisturizer, lotion, potionthere is.

    and you know... nothing really helps. after a few days of crepe erase, i was thinking,"wow, this is really different." and i looked down at my knees, and i realizedthat they looked different, and this was working! it was doing something that the other productshad never done. i'm 49 years old, i have been exposed to thesun and the chlorine in water since i was a baby. i've tried every possible lotion, cream, thickestbody butter you can find, but nothing would help.

    i'm so glad that i finally found a treatmentlike crepe erase that works, that can help my skin and make me look younger. crepe erase has been life saving for me. (male narrator) crepe erase can revive yourdry, dull skin to reveal more hydrated, glowing summer skin the first time you use it. and with continued use, the results are nothingshort of astonishing! i've been giving my patients crepe erase forabout a year now, and they're raving about it. i can't keep it in my office.

    they want to give it to their friends. they want to hoard it for themselves. everybody loves crepe erase. (male narrator) crepe erase is the first andonly system with trufirm designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin. (female narrator) first, prepare your skinwith the exfoliating body polish. this gentle yet powerful polish sweeps awaydead skin cells, and helps to resurface your skin. (male narrator) it reawakens and renews theappearance of skin while delivering your first

    dose of trufirm. next is the intensive body repair treatment,the powerhouse of the crepe erase system. (female narrator) this super potent reparativetreatment infuses skin with trufirm, the miracle botanical blend you won't find anywhere else. (male narrator) luxuriously decadent and loadedwith seven super hydrators including coconut oil, legendary for its healing powers. the body treatment helps to dramatically plump,firm, and lift the appearance of even the crepeist looking skin. (female narrator) so stop hiding and coveringup from crepey skin, and forget about expensive

    machines and treatments that are painful andcan cost thousands of dolrs. (male narrator) because you won't pay thousands,or even hundreds of dollars for truly incredible results like these! as part of this first time ever summer iscoming tv offer, call or go online to crepeerase.com and all you pay is the unbelievably low priceof only $59.95. we give to everybody else, now it's time togive to yourself. you deserve it, why not? (female narrator) but listen to this! order in the next 18 minutes, and first timeshoppers can save an additional $20.

    (male narrator) so you pay only $39.95 forthe chance to experience incredible results like these for yourself. (female narrator) and it gets even better! be one of the first 500 callers and you'llreceive our advanced firming eye serum with trufirm. a $30 value absolutely free. (male narrator) you've seen the amazing resultscrepe erase can have on your body. now see what it can do for tough-to-treatlines and crow's feet. you won't find crepe erase available in anystores, so take advantage of this special

    offer and order crepe erase right now. (female narrator) get your skin summer ready... (male narrator) and experience the magic ofcrepe erase yourself for only $39.95. plus, a free upgrade to rush shipping. (female narrator) remember, the first 500callers also receive the eye treatment absolutely free. (male narrator) so call the number on yourscreen or go online to crepeerase.com right now. (jane seymour) and now i am so excited tointroduce you to the woman responsible for

    bringing us this remarkable crepe erase product. please welcome a dear friend of mine, kimparrish! thank you, jane, it's great to be here. (applause)(jane seymour) kim, you're a beauty expert. you've been featured in countless beauty magazines. you know, you're the expert on all of this. how did you discover this breakthrough beautyproduct? (kim parrish) when i turned 40 i started tonotice crepey skin on my chest, on my arms, and well, even above my knees.

    i was so frustrated because i have accessto so many different types of products that are out there, and yet, i couldn't find anythingthat was effective in treating crepey skin, until finally i found crepe erase. (jane seymour) now kim, these are your ownbefore and after pictures we're seeing right i mean, the results on your leg from crepeerase are astounding! they're truly incredible. (kim parrish) it was better than anythingthat i ever expected. this is the first product i've ever used wherei really feel that it appears to visibly plump and give my skin volume.

    well, plump and volume are great ways to describeexactly what crepe erase does. let me show you a quick demonstration of exactlywhat i mean on these slices of dough. yeah, well, like your skin, dough is susceptibleto drying and cracking, and losing moisture. so what i have in front of me are two slicesof dough. one has been treated with crepe erase forfour days, and the other hasn't been treated at all. now, take a look at this. when i touch the dough that hasn't been treatedwith crepe erase, it's actually dry and crumbly. you can see it's flaking.

    and when i go to pull it apart, there aredeep crevices, very similar to crevices you might find in aging skin. there's no snap back, there's no bounce. and in fact, there's absolutely no elasticity. this is the dough that has been treated withcrepe erase for four days. as you can see, and i can feel, it's incrediblymoist. it's supple, and in fact, it's elastic. it has that bounce, that snap back, like youthfulskin has. this is exactly what happens to your skinwhen you use crepe erase.

    crepe erase reconditions your skin so thatit's tighter and firmer, and it's plumper, and it feels like it has more volume. it looks like younger skin. (jane seymour) it's just incredible! i mean, look at the difference between thedough that wasn't treated with crepe erase versus the dough that was treated with crepeerase. the difference couldn't be more obvious. and that is why we're all experiencing resultsthat are absolutely mind-boggling. crepe erase is different than any other bodytreatment i have ever seen because it's specifically

    targeted for crepey skin on the body. crepe erase really works, it works fast, andit works really well. and that's why i recommend crepe erase tomy patients who have crepey skin. i'll never forget, um, after i delivered mydaughter, i swam in a meet about three weeks later, had to put a swimsuit on and be aroundsome of these young kids. and it was very intimidating. they have no age spots and no crepey-ness. and i'm looking at myself and i'm like, "whoa,you know, i'm definitely 20, 30 years older than these kids."

    and it shows. it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion or--or,um, buy a cream. it's a treatment that really, really works. crepe erase is a treatment. it's not a body lotion. it's a skin treatment. look at the outfit i'm wearing now. i never would have worn this before. i'm speechless.

    it's just absolutely amazing. i'm 63 years old and my arms before crepeerase were very crinkly and old looking. made me feel old too. and now since i've used crepe erase, the skinis just beautiful. i mean, i've noticed even the clothes thati wear are different. i'm exposing more of my skin. since crepe erase, i love the skin i'm in. crepe erase is miraculous. it's the most phenomenal product i've everused.

    it does exactly what it says it's gonna do. crepe erase works like a dream. i won the gold medal in 1976. i was 19 years old, i was a kid! and now, today, people meet me and they go,"you can't be dorothy hamill." when i first noticed the crepey skin i rememberedthinking, "oh my goodness, this is my mom or this is my grandmother. or this is the old people that i've seen with,you know, crepey skin. and now it's me."

    crepe erase makes me feel like i have younglady skin instead of old lady skin. after having tried, i think, every producton the planet, finding crepe erase and having the opportunity to use it, it's changed--it's changed everything. (female narrator) it's time to shed your dry,dull, crepey skin. (male narrator) introducing crepe erase, thefirst and only system with trufirm, specially formulated to target and restore the lookof aging crepey skin. call or go online to crepeerase.com rightnow and all you pay is the unbelievably low price of only $39.95. (female narrator) plus, be one of the first500 callers and you'll receive our advanced

    firming eye serum with trufirm, a $30 valueabsolutely free. so, stop hiding your skin. (male narrator) and show off your confidencewith crepe erase. call the number on your screen or go onlineto crepeerase.com right now. (uplifting music) i grew up on a farm, soi was outdoors all the time in the summer time. and i didn't use sunscreen when i should've,and time marches on, and here comes the crepey i covered my skin up, especially when i wasaround other people. when i look at my before picture, it, um...ihate it.

    it's depressing. underneath it all you're just-- you just feeldefeated, and you can't reverse it. at least, not until now. the after picture looks 20 years younger thanthe before picture. and there's only, like, a 60 day difference. look at the smoothness, look at the difference. i can wear a pair of shorts, i can wear askirt, i can wear a dress. i can go sleeveless. this skin is firm, it's tight, it's smooth.

    it feels wonderful to have my skin back again. it's given me a whole new level of confidencethat i haven't felt in a very long time. it is very emotional. i cannot say enough good about crepe erase. i am walking, living proof that crepe eraseworks. pure and simple, it works. (male narrator) crepe erase is different becauseit specifically targets the crepey skin on your neck, chest, arms, legs, and even yourhands. (female narrator) these are your age giveawayzones and they're making you look older than

    you really are. (male narrator) crepe erase is the first andonly system with trufirm, designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin, revealingsmoother, tighter, younger looking skin, you'll be excited to show off again. (jane seymour) one of the hardest things todeal with when you're aging is when your skin starts getting really crepey and you get thatold lady look. you know, there are a ton of products outthere. i didn't really see a major difference inany of them. and i didn't expect anything when i triedcrepe erase, and then the amazing thing happened.

    putting crepe erase on, suddenly my skin looked--it just looked firmer, it was less crepey, you know, i used it on my knees, and i couldn'tbelieve it. i mean, just absolutely smooth, and, you know,amazing texture. i feel comfortable, and i feel beautiful inmy own skin. the best thing about crepe erase, and thebest thing that i've discovered from people who've been using it, is they have confidence,and they feel good about themselves, and they feel happy. and at the end of the day, what is life about? happiness. for the past 15 years, i have trieda number of advanced technologies to treat

    crepey skin, but they can be very expensiveand, you know, sometimes they hurt when you do them. and so a lot of my patients, i've been givingwhen they've been complaining of the crepey skin, the crepe erase. and like the before and after pictures yousaw before, i was seeing those exact results in my practice with my clients. and let me tell you, they are ecstatic. it really does work as well as the picturesshow. crepe erase has changed the way i feel aboutmy skin and about myself.

    i didn't think that that was possible shortof, you know, surgery or--or lasers or something. and to see these kinds of results that i'mgetting from simply using this product, this crepe erase that is-- it's so simple to use,it's stunning to me, it's really stunning. well, i'm 58 years old, and i'm proud of it. and i like being 58 years old. and with crepe erase, it's one thing i don'thave to worry about anymore. i know my skin looks as good as it can. crepe erase is the one product that worksfor me, it does what it says it's going to do.

    i love the fact that crepe erase brings outa woman's natural beauty. it allows me to be the best that i can be. it's so refreshing to find a product thatfinally does what it promises. crepe erase delivers. (jordan) when you're feeling good and you'relooking good, you know, who knows what's around the corner. i have told all of my friends, my sister,my friends back east, my friends locally. i tell them, "feel my skin, seriously. come on, feel my-- feel my arms.

    you won't believe how soft they are." this is the new me. i feel younger, i'm happier since crepe erase. they've sold me for life. i did all, like, over the counter stuff. i did stuff from dermatologists. i mean, i tried everything. to be perfectly honest, i used crepe eraseeverywhere from my neck down. it really works.

    crepe erase really, really works. there comes a point in hollywood, usuallywhen you're 40, where they basically write you off and you're done. and i'm looking at myself in the mirror andi'm going, wait a minute, you know, i'm actually in my prime. so let's do all the things that i'm excitedby. let me go out, let me wear the kind of clothesi want to wear. let me feel good about my body. i don't have to give up.

    and, you know, my skin is just not done lookingyoung, it's just not. it's gonna be with me for a while. (male narrator) introducing the crepe erasesystem with trufirm. they wanna give it to their friends, theywanna hoard it for themselves, everybody loves crepe erase. right after i used crepe erase, my neck lookedten years younger. crepe erase is not a cream or lotion, it'sa treatment. and it's a magic one at that. the secret to crepe erase is our exclusivetrufirm complex.

    crepe erase is the first and only system withtrufirm, designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin. this gentle yet powerful polish sweeps awaydead skin cells and helps to resurface your (male narrator) luxurisly decadent, and loadedwith seven super hydrators including coconut i would say to someone who is skeptical, "trycrepe erase one time. i guarantee you, do it one time. and you will see such a huge difference. just once." (female narrator) so, stop hiding and coveringup from crepey skin.

    and forget about expensive machines and treatmentsthat are painful and can cost thousands of dollars,(male narrator) because you won't pay thousands or even hundreds of dollars for truly incredibleresults like these. as part of our first time ever summer is comingtv offer, call or go online to crepeerase.com it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion orbuy a cream, it's a treatment that really, order in the next six minutes and first timeshoppers can save an additional $20. (male narrator) so you pay only $39.95, plusa free upgrade to rush shipping. don't wait to experience incredible resultslike these for yourself. be one of the first 500 callers and you'llreceive our advanced firming eye serum, a

    $30 value absolutely free. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisementfor the shark rotator powered lift-away from sharkninja. in 2014, shark reinvented the vacuum and redefinedthe very idea of what an upright could be. shark proved a full-size upright vacuum couldhave incredible maneuverability... >> the maneuverability with the rotator isamazing. >> announcer: ...unparalleled versatility... >> they've given me every tool i need in oneproduct to clean my entire house. >> announcer: ...and true no-loss-of-suction.

    >> the most powerful vacuum i've ever used. >> announcer: it's the complete transformationof the upright vacuum -- the shark rotator powered lift-away. but shark didn't stop there. with the rotator, they solved a problem thatstopped other uprights dead in their tracks -- furniture. to truly clean your carpets with other uprights,you have to move the furniture. but not anymore! no more bending over, no more back-breakingcleaning, no more moving furniture, and no

    more leaving dirt behind. the rotator powered lift-away can reach itall. >> the powered lift-away makes it so simpleto get under beds, under couches, under chairs. it's convenient, and my house is a lot cleaner. >> i love my shark because i can actuallyvacuum underneath my bed. i could never do that with any other vacuumcleaner. >> with the lift-away, you don't have to stop,move your furniture, move the chair out of the way, vacuum, put it back. this is really easy to do.

    >> announcer: the secret behind the rotatoris its ability to deliver power to drive the brush roll when you go into lift-away mode. power travels through the hose, down the pole,and right to the powerhead. now you can reach the tightest spaces in yourhome, all while the cleaning head is still powered, continuing to drive the roller brushesdeep into the carpet, providing deep-down cleaning that never stops. then simply reattach the canister. there has never been a vacuum that could dothat. that's why people who own a rotator poweredlift-away can't imagine using any other vacuum.

    >> this is a big game-changer for me. i would never go with any other product. >> there's no way i could go back to my othervacuum after trying powered lift-away. >> suddenly we didn't have to move the couchto clean underneath the couch, and that made a huge difference. >> or i didn't have to wait for him to comehome to move the couch for me. >> announcer: but don't just take their wordfor it. go online for yourself and see all the 5-starreviews of the rotator powered lift-away from real shark owners.

    keep watching to see how folks trying thepowered lift-away for the very first time feel about it versus other uprights, likea eureka, a hoover, bissell, or even a dyson on our real life real mess challenge. >> wow! >> this is awesome. >> it has a lot of power. >> announcer: the shark rotator's power, versatility,and durability also make it the ultimate pet vacuum. and more importantly, the rotator keeps thepet dander, dust, and allergens locked inside.

    here's a dirty, little secret other vacuumsdon't want you to know. the truth is, a hepa filter is only as goodas the vacuum around it, and if your vacuum doesn't have a system that's completely sealed,dust and allergens escape back into the air before they even reach the hepa filter. and for the first time ever, we'll show youwhat was impossible to see until now with our blacklight emissions test. >> all that is going back into my house? >> announcer: but the fine dust and allergensthat go into the rotator stay in the rotator. >> well, it's going into the canister andstaying in the canister.

    >> announcer: in fact, the rotator poweredlift-away's anti-allergen complete seal technology locks in 99.9% of dust and allergens, keepingthem in the vacuum and out of the air you breathe, making the rotator an absolute must-havein homes with allergy and asthma sufferers, young children, or pets. >> we all have allergies. but with this new powered lift-away, it'scompletely sealed in there. i can vacuum. i don't have an allergy attack, i'm not sneezing. it's just picking up everything, and it staysin there.

    >> announcer: compare the top-of-the-linedyson cinetic big ball to the rotator powered lift-away and decide for yourself which isbetter. both give you a system that's completely sealed,both provide powerful pet hair cleanup with superior no-loss-of-suction technology andswivel steering. but the shark rotator gives you so much more,because all this no-loss-of-suction power is truly portable. it's lighter weight and has more cleaningcapacity than dyson's cinetic. plus, shark actually has more suction powerat the hose than the $700 dyson cinetic big ball, and shark puts more suction at the floorwhere it counts for cleaning bare floors with

    the hard floor genie. plus, the rotator powered lift-away lets youeasily clean areas no dyson upright can even reach. shark gives you all this at about half theprice. >> hands down, the shark rotator is the bestvacuum i've ever purchased. >> mark, you must be very proud. shark is the best-selling upright vacuum brandin america. that's impressive. >> we're all very proud, amy.

    that's why i'm so excited to present to youmy shark rotator powered lift-away. >> folks, this is the most versatile and mostpowerful vacuum shark has ever created. >> amy, you know one of the biggest problemswith ordinary vacuums -- furniture stops them right in their tracks. to get your home truly clean, you have tomove the furniture. >> i don't know if i have the time or strengthto do that every time i clean. >> the shark rotator solves that problem. whether you're in upright mode, lift-awaymode for above-the-floor cleaning, or now our powered lift-away mode, you can have shark'samazing maneuverability, suction power, and

    deep-cleaning power wherever you need it. why don't you have a seat? let me show you what it can do. >> okay. wonderful. >> all right. first of all, we have the power control uphere on the handle. that's really, really helpful. >> very convenient.

    >> now, look at this swivel steering. >> that is awesome. >> if you have an obstacle like this, pressone button, and you can go underneath so easily. the motorized brush is still turning. i've got the power through the hose and throughthe pole. this is the world's first powered lift-away. >> with the powered lift-away, i'm able toget in a lot of different places that i couldn't before. i was able to clean underneath the bed.

    the first time i did it, i kind of went likethis and went underneath, and i was like, "oh, my gosh." i could go all the way underneath the bed. >> i'm able to really cut my cleaning timesignificantly. as tight as those corners are, i can get waydown in there without having to move the table. makes my life easier. >> one of the main reasons why people lovetheir rotator is because of the incredible no-loss-of-suction power shark uprights have. >> but dyson often makes the claim that theirvacuums have more suction than any other vacuum.

    is that the whole story? >> i'm glad you asked that question, amy. let me show you something people will findvery interesting. >> this is the dyson ball multi floor. it claims more suction at the cleaner headthan any other upright vacuum. well, today we're going to do a test of pure,raw suction power at the hose. to make it interesting, we're going to testsome other popular upright models. we have the bissell cleanview pet, the hooverwindtunnel, the dyson ball multi floor, and, of course, our shark rotator powered lift-away.

    now, this -- this is a water-lift suction-powertest apparatus. >> wow. this looks really impressive. >> we connect the hose of each vacuum to atube, and whichever vacuum lifts the water higher, that's the one that has more raw suctionpower at the hose. >> okay, this is exciting. >> all right, first, let's turn on the bissell. [ vacuum whirring ] whoa, look at that. that's a good amount of suction power.

    >> pretty good. >> all right, now let's turn on the hooverwindtunnel. [ vacuum whirring ] all right, that's alsopretty impressive. >> uh-huh. >> okay, now it's time for the dyson. i bet you'd think it has a lot of suctionat the hose, and you'd be right. all right, let's see and turn it on. [ vacuum whirring ] wow. look at all that suction.

    look how high the water is, amy. >> yeah, that raised the bar pretty high,mark. >> but that's okay, amy, because our sharkrotator has more suction at the hose than any of these vacuums, and we're gonna proveit right now once and for all. turn on the shark. [ vacuum whirring ]>> wow, mark. it's true. shark has more suction at the hose than allof them, including the dyson ball multi floor. shark wins.

    >> my shark rotator powered lift-away hasmore suction at the hose, and just now we've demonstrated that live. that means more suction for above-floor cleaning,plus amazing bare-floor cleaning with the hard floor genie. and, of course, that incredible true no-loss-of-suctionpower combined with our deep-cleaning brush roll that gives you the ability to truly deep-cleanevery carpet and rug in your home. >> the suction -- i mean, it's incredible. it's so good. >> you could really tell that it was goingdown deeper and getting a lot of stuff that

    had been left behind by previous attemptsat cleaning the floors. >> that was the huge "wow," was look at allof this stuff that was in our carpet that we never got up. it looks like a brand-new carpet. >> announcer: the shark rotator powered lift-awayis the total transformation of the upright vacuum, delivering incredible deep-carpetcleaning, and now even more suction at the hose than dyson's top-of-the-line cineticbig ball. once people experience cleaning with the rotatorpowered lift-away, no other vacuum will do. >> and there's never been a better time toput the cleaning power of the rotator powered

    lift-away in your own home, because we'reabout to make you an offer that's simply too good to pass up. for a limited time, shark gives you a dealvalued at $540, but here's your opportunity to cut that cost in half. order now, and we'll send you the rotatorpowered lift-away. you'll also get these onboard tools -- thedusting brush, 11-inch crevice tool, and the pet upholstery tool. >> announcer: shark stands behind their product,so mark has something special to offer you when you order the rotator.

    >> i know you're going to love my revolutionaryshark rotator powered lift-away, but if you're not happy for any reason, just send it back,and i'll even pay the return shipping. but if you order direct from shark today,i'm going to take my incredible five-year v.i.p. service guarantee and upgrade it, at no charge,to an industry-first lifetime v.i.p. service guarantee. if anything goes wrong for as long as youown the rotator, we'll take care of everything, even the shipping costs both ways. you pay absolutely nothing, guaranteed.

    >> i would say shark's customer care is probablythe best experience i've ever had. when i called in and i used the warranty service,i think they really, truly wanted to make sure everything was perfect, and they did. >> and we're not done yet. >> announcer: be one of the first 500 to order,and shark will also give you the rotator canister conversion kit. it transforms the ultimate upright vacuumwith lift-away portability into a complete powered canister vacuum for incredible convenience. it's like having three vacuums in one.

    the canister conversion kit is a $50 value. it's yours free, but only if you're one ofthe first 500 to order. could this deal get any better? yes! order within the next 16 minutes and you'llalso get shark's incredible under appliance wand for getting impossible places incrediblyclean. it's the easiest way to tackle the toughestcleaning jobs in your kitchen. but you must act now. >> but if that's not enough to convince you,today, i'm also giving away my best-selling

    shark steam mop for free just for trying myrevolutionary shark rotator powered lift-away. >> announcer: just look at all you get -- therotator powered lift-away with three onboard tools, the canister conversion kit, the amazingunder appliance wand, the free upgrade to lifetime v.i.p. in-home service guarantee so your rotatoris warrantied for life, plus the free steam mop that's yours to keep no matter what. >> that's a total value of $540. that's right -- a $540 value can be yoursfor about half of that. you heard right.

    you pay only half. you can get it all for only five paymentsof $49.95. >> announcer: with a full 60-day money-backguarantee, you have nothing to lose. shark will even pay the return shipping. >> and if you're a pet owner, be sure to askabout my true pet package, designed specifically for cleaning up pet hair and dander. you'll also receive the true pet mini motorizedbrush and the hard floor genie. so if you have a pet, my true pet model isfor you. >> announcer: the true pet package also includesthe dust eliminator kit.

    it's the ultimate set of tools for reachingeverywhere pet hair, dander, and mess hides. you'll get the amazing multi-angle dustingbrush. and, for those delicate items and fine wood,shark includes the ingenious dusting crevice tool. be sure to ask about the true pet packagewhen you call. more reach, more versatility, more performance,more cleaning power. call now. >> i'm here at this outdoor mall in sunnycalifornia to let people try out the shark rotator powered lift-away, along with someof the other best-selling brands of upright

    vacuums. real people, real life, real messes. so, this is a vacuum similar to what you haveat home? >> yeah. bulky. so what vacuum do you have at home? >> i have a dyson. >> you have a hoover at home, yes? >> yes, we do.

    >> well, we've set up a living room here withkind of a mess. >> how would you go about cleaning this room? [ vacuums whirring ] show us how far you canget under this table without moving it. >> it's not gonna go very far. it hits right there. >> how do you get under this table? >> i'll probably move the table. >> with me around, you guys probably gonnaget some dinged-up furniture. >> well, the under the sofa stuff is reallyhard, right?

    >> it's quite a workout here, huh? [ chuckling ] don't hurt yourself. >> oh, man. >> the ball gets in the way. >> that's it. [ laughs ]>> so, let me show you the shark rotator powered lift-away. you put your hand here. it pulls right up.

    >> oh, that makes it real easy. >> i love that. >> you ready to try it? >> i am. let's do it. just lift that off. >> yep. >> try this. wow.

    that's nice. >> can you do that with your vacuum at home? >> definitely not. >> so when you're at home with your vacuum,how do you go underneath the furniture? >> turn off the vacuum, and i have to actuallymove the coffee table away. >> how often does that happen? >> this is so cool! >> so much easier than my vacuum. look at that!

    >> oh, wow. this is amazing. >> so, can you do that with your vacuum athome? >> no, i can't. that's amazing. >> i've never been able to do that. i think there's probably a lot of dirt undermy furniture. [ both laugh ]>> i love how it steers. >> it turns really easily.

    >> definitely gets around the corners verynice, too. >> has using it made you a believer? >> yes, definitely. >> it makes my job so much easier. it's a dream come true. >> so this is very easy. i really like this. definitely gonna get this for myself. >> something you'll truly love about the sharkrotator powered lift-away is simply this -- what

    goes inside the rotator stays inside the rotator. >> that's right, amy. the shark rotator powered lift-away's anti-allergencomplete seal technology locks in 99.9% of dust and allergens, keeping them in the vacuumand out of the air you and your family breathe. >> and for those people who own pets or haveallergies or asthma, especially parents with young children, this is great news. >> announcer: it's true. no other vacuum emits cleaner air than theshark rotator powered lift-away. >> if you suffer from allergies, if you sufferfrom dog hair, dust, dander, any of that stuff,

    you need to get the shark vacuum. >> it's a very important feature of the sharkto be able to contain all of the dust that i am sucking up. my oldest child has allergies, and to be ableto get fully underneath her bed, i know she'll be able to sleep better at night. >> announcer: to prove that shark's amazing,patented anti-allergen complete seal technology locks in fine dirt and allergens, we askedeveryday people to bring us their own vacuums and let them watch as we ran them throughthe blacklight emissions test. >> i'm a little nervous.

    >> i'm hoping that my vacuum is actually doingits job. >> oh! what? >> everything that he's vacuuming is prettymuch going right in one end and out the other. >> [ gasps ] oh, my god! this is telling me that i have not been removingany dust out of my house at all. >> you know, now, when i think about it, afteri would vacuum, i always would sneeze afterwards. this -- this kind of makes sense now. >> for somebody with allergies, i mean, thisis horrific.

    >> announcer: but then we showed these folksthe shark rotator powered lift-away with its anti-allergen complete seal technology takingthis very same test. >> absolutely nothing's coming out. >> i don't see anything. i mean, it's completely encapsulated in thedust cup. >> there's no smoke and mirrors here. we're seeing the real deal. it's -- that is absolutely wonderful. >> there's no doubt in my mind that the sharkvacuum -- it does what it says.

    >> having an excellent vacuum such as onewith powerful suction, hepa filtration, and a completely sealed unit absolutely contributesto a healthier indoor environment for one's family. >> announcer: the rotator powered lift-awayis a must-have for anyone with allergies, asthma, young children, or pets. and no pet mess is too tough for the sharkrotator powered lift-away. with the powered lift-away, you can have motorizedbrush-roll cleaning power anywhere pet hair lives. other hand tools are driven only by air andcan slow down or even stop under the pressure

    of cleaning. but the shark mini motorized brush has actualpower driving the roller brush, combined with shark's huge suction to pull out the deep-downmess, making the shark rotator powered lift-away the ultimate pet vacuum. >> the suction on the motorized brush is amazing. it takes all the pet hair off. it's a great tool for any pet owner. >> when i saw that vacuum take the dog hair,the pet hair, out of my sofa, i was sold. >> announcer: once people experience cleaningwith the rotator powered lift-away, no other

    vacuum will do. >> there's never been a better time to ownthis amazing vacuum, because shark has an offer for you valued at $540. but for a limited time only, shark is cuttingthat cost in half. call or go online right now to order yourown shark rotator powered lift-away for only five payments of $49.95. >> announcer: you'll also receive the dustingbrush, 11-inch crevice tool, and the pet upholstery tool. but wait, because this deal gets even better.

    when you order, we'll also include a lifetimev.i.p. if anything goes wrong, shark will take careof everything, including any shipping costs both ways. you pay absolutely nothing guaranteed. be one of the first 500 to order today, andyou'll also get shark's canister conversion kit to turn your rotator powered lift-awayinto a complete canister vacuum for ultra-convenience. a $50 value, it's yours free if you're oneof the first 500 to order today, so don't wait. order within the next 10 minutes, and you'llalso get the under appliance wand for getting

    impossible places incredibly clean. it's free! and if that's not enough to convince you,order right now and shark will also include their best-selling steam mop, a $100 value,and it's yours free just for trying the shark rotator powered lift-away. you get all this, including the lifetime v.i.p. in-home service guarantee plus the free steammop. and remember, you get to keep the $100 steammop even if you return the rotator powered but through this limited-time offer, sharkwill cut that cost in half.

    that's right. get it all for half off. you pay only five payments of $49.95. >> announcer: shark will even pay the returnshipping. with a full 60-day money-back guarantee, youhave nothing to lose. do you ever wonder what the folks who appearon commercials tell their friends and family about the shark rotator after the camerasare turned off? just listen to this great story from sisterskelli and cori. >> i first heard about the powered lift-awayfrom my sister, who had just gotten it, and

    she was very excited. >> i'm kind of a vacuum freak. i love vacuuming, and i just told her, "youhave to try a shark." >> "you have to try this vacuum. it's amazing." and how amazing could a vacuum be actually? >> as soon as she tried it, she loved it. >> i was shocked. >> it was like, "oh, my gosh!

    you are right! it really is a great vacuum." i cannot imagine going back to a vacuum thatdoesn't have powered lift-away. it's unlike any vacuum i've ever had. underneath your coffee table, underneath yourchairs. it's allowed me to clean my home like i'venever cleaned it before. >> you can get literally under the entirebed. it will reach all the way under the bed. and it's just so easy.

    once you try it, you will see. now that i have my own shark powered lift-away,i can understand why she loves the vacuum. well, i don't really want to admit that shewas right. >> [ laughs ]>> but she was right. now i'm going out and telling my friends,"you need to get one of these vacuums. it's the best vacuum ever." and anybody that's, "oh, i wish i had a bettervacuum," i'm like, "this is the one you need to get." >> you'll love it.

    >> there is nothing available that can dowhat my hard floor genie does. it cleans in two ways. first is the straight suction up front forlarge and small particle pickup, followed by the microfiber pad that literally wipesthe floor to remove the finest dust and stuck-on dirt. plus, it's washable, and that saves you money. >> the hard floor genie picked up things immediately. and not only picked it up -- it dusted thefloor and cleaned the floor at the same time. >> announcer: when it comes to your home'smost difficult cleaning challenges, no one

    listens to their customers more than shark. and shark rises to the challenge with innovativesolutions. the under appliance wand, for getting wherebrooms and traditional attachments can't reach. >> i love the appliance wand. i was never able to get under my stove before. that's what was underneath my stove. >> announcer: the multi-angle dusting brush,for cleaning surfaces high and low. the pet upholstery tool, for pulling hair,dirt, dander, and dust out of lampshades and fabrics.

    when a vacuum can totally change the way youclean your home, it's easy to see why these shark rotator powered lift-away owners wouldnever want to use anything else. >> the shark vacuum has replaced all of myprevious tools. i'm able to use it for vacuuming upstairs,under beds, in corners. i'm able to do curtains, ceiling fans, hardwoodfloors. i'm able to do the tile in my bathroom. i basically have one vacuum that i'm ableto use for my entire cleaning of my house. >> the shark rotator has definitely exceededmy expectations. i want to be able to clean every surface ofthis house so that it's a healthy environment

    for my kids, and the shark rotator has allowedme to do that. >>.nd there's never been a better time toput the cleaning power of the rotator powered >> i called them. i said, "this is my problem." they're friendly. they make it easy. they stand behind their product. you become part of their family. order within the next 4 minutes and you'llalso get shark's incredible under appliance

    the preceding was a paid advertisement forthe shark rotator powered lift-away from sharkninja. >> announcer: you'll also receive the dustingbrush, 11-inch crevice tool, and the pet upholstery >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisementfor the wonder core smart system. you've seen it all -- miracle pills, crazyworkouts, and those unbelievable claims of incredible weight loss. but none of it has even come close to workingfor you. well, quit wasting your time and money andget the body that you've always wanted now by doing it the smart way. that's right -- with wonder core smart.

    the wonder core smart is the revolutionarynew fitness breakthrough designed to target your entire core like a laser, focusing onyour upper, middle, lower abs and your obliques. in fact, wonder core smart is so effectivethat it's guaranteed to get you the strong, sexy six-pack abs you've always wanted oryour money back. but wonder core smart does so much more. in all, it combines six great exercises pluscardio to give you the ultimate total-body, calorie-blasting workout. >> the first time i used wonder core smart,i couldn't believe it. it's such a compact machine, and yet i wasable to work out my arms, my legs, my core,

    and the next day, i was sore. i didn't realize i was getting such a workout. >> announcer: the secret is in the wondercore smart's ingenious patented design. it has cleverly hidden interlocking springsand precision dials on each side that provides adjustable resistance, delivering an amazing24 pounds to 48 pounds of resistance per side. the resistance allows you to work in bothdirections on each and every rep, so there's no wasted time or effort. your muscles are firing through the entirerange of motion, giving you the ultimate total-core workout in just a few minutes a day.

    whether you're big or small, young or old,with wonder core smart, you can dial in the exact workout that you want. just twist the precision dials down for lessresistance and more heart-pounding repetitions for that leaner look. or if it's muscle size and definition thatyou want, just dial up the resistance and get the results that you're looking for. so now you can get the body that you've alwayswanted quickly and effectively. and if you're just starting out, you can usewonder core smart's resistance to spot you. it's like having the hands of a personal trainerthere to gently help you back up on each and

    every rep. or if you're looking for an advanced workout,you can do static holds and get the absolute most out of your workouts. easy to use with precise adjustable resistancealso means that everyone in the entire family can use it. and best of all, it's compact and easily foldsup, so you can take it with you and get the workout that you want anywhere, anytime. another great thing about the wonder coresmart is that you can store it just about anywhere.

    six great exercises plus cardio to give youthe ultimate total-body, calorie-blasting workout. not to mention you can also use your wondercore smart to do other great exercises, like pilates. the wonder core smart does it all, and hereto tell us more about it is core-fitness expert and celebrity trainer julie wiesman. >> hi. i'm julie, and i'm gonna show you exactlyhow wonder core smart will get you incredible abs and get you into the best shape of yourlife.

    first thing that you have to understand isthat your body's core is the key to total-body fitness. it's like the trunk of a tree. if it's not in great shape, then nothing else,like your arms, butt, or legs, will be either. that's why wonder core smart's primary focusis on giving you an amazing core workout. then it goes the extra step and gives yougreat upper- and lower-body exercises plus cardio to round out an incredible total-bodyworkout. now let's take a close look at exactly howwonder core smart works. to help me do this, i'm gonna bring in mygood friend jordan.

    hey, jordan. >> hey, julie. >> thanks for coming in. great abs. >> thanks. but i couldn't have done it without my wondercore smart. >> you know, i was gonna explain how i liketo blast my abs with the wonder core smart, but looking at you, what don't you tell usexactly what you do to get such incredible abs.

    >> i'd love to. first, i decide what kind of workout i wantto do. if i want to focus on getting leaner, theni'll do lighter resistance and more reps like this. this feels great and really gets my heartrate going. then, if i want to try and get more of a show-offsix pack, i turn up the resistance and do fewer reps. my abs are now working really hard to crankout each and every rep. >> with the wonder core smart, you have anamazing 24 to 48 pounds of adjustable resistance

    per side. this is great for people that are just startingout, because the resistance can work for you and help you get back to your starting position. it's like having the hands of a personal trainerthere to spot you. this is perfect for older people or anyonethat's just starting out. >> that's right. precise adjustable resistance to dial in theexact type of workout that you want, whether you're a beginner or pro. wonder core smart can target that stubbornmidsection and get the results that you're

    looking for. >> the wonder core smart has worked greatfor me. it's helped me tone my midsection, my arms,and my legs. not only have i gotten great results, butit's so much fun to use. >> ever since i started using the wonder coresmart, i've seen a complete change in my core. it's convenient, it's easy to store. i absolutely love it. >> now, come over here, jordan, and see this. just grab any stable chair, and now you'vegot ab tucks.

    >> that's impressive. you can really see it working the lower abs. >> now, over here, we have another core exercise. bridges. it's a super-effective way to get a tight,toned midsection, all while strengthening your core. plus, it also burns fat on your thighs, hips,and buns at the same time. there's no question that you can build anamazing, strong core with the wonder core smart and get that midsection you've alwayswanted.

    now, tell us about how you use wonder coresmart to get great results on the rest of your body. >> absolutely. once you've built a really strong core, youcan move on to upper body, lower body, and cardio. the wonder core smart does it all. so, here we go. let's start with upper body. i'm gonna sit down on this comfortable pad,place my hands behind me, and press down.

    >> that's great right there. now, how's the tension feel? >> it feels pretty good, but, you know what? i could take a little bit more, please. my arms are on the skinnier side, and i'dlike to build some more defined muscle on this part of my body. >> no problem. with the wonder core smart, you can easilyand precisely dial up the tension. now, how's that tension feel?

    >> perfect. i can really feel it working the back of myarms. this is such a problem area for us women aswe get older. my mom would love this. get a good triceps workout, and you'll definitelyfeel it the next day. >> here. you can take a rest now, julie. it's my turn. from your triceps workout, just flip over,and here you go.

    biceps, forearms, and shoulders. this is a great resistance workout. again, i can do heavier resistance and fewerreps for muscle size and definition or less resistance and more reps for a leaner look. absolutely great for both girls and guys. >> those are great upper-body exercises thathit all the right places. you can finally turn that unsightly jiggleto fine, toned, and sexy muscles. and you know, as you start to fatigue, justkeep going by dialing down the resistance. >> that's intense.

    now, let's do our third upper-body exerciseon the wonder core smart. push-ups. your turn, julie. >> you know, push-ups are very hard for mostwomen as we're just not typically built with a lot of upper-body strength. but that's what makes the wonder core smartso great. you just place the pads across your hips,and here you go. the resistance from the wonder core smartactually helps you and spots you as you go. you can do way more calorie-burning, muscle-shreddingreps than ever before just doing push-ups

    on the floor alone. >> most people can only do just a few push-ups. well, not anymore. with wonder core smart, you can help spotyourself and do a lot of push-ups and really build up the strength in your upper body. >> before wonder core smart, i could maybethree, four push-ups. but with the help it gives me, it's like havinga spotter. i can do maybe 15 or so, and it's fun. and it's helping me tone my whole body.

    i can feel the difference. >> now it's time to get some lower-body workin. let's take a look over here. scissor kicks -- what woman doesn't want lean,sexy, toned legs and butt? really hammering away at any unwanted faton her butt and thighs and getting her heart rate up. >> and finally, we're gonna finish it allup with probably the best cardio-blasting exercise there is -- cycling. just look over here.

    again, you can pull a stable chair and reallyget that heart rate up, burn calories, and melt away that unwanted fat. >> the wonder core smart is amazing. you can target your core, do upper body, lowerbody, and cardio all in one compact, ergonomic design. >> exactly. and it doesn't matter which exercises youdo first. in fact, i always recommend that you mix upyour workouts to always keep it interesting and fun.

    >> let's not forget one of the most amazingfeatures of the wonder core smart. just look at how compact and neat that itfolds up. you can take it with you and work out anywhere,anytime. now, here's how you can get your own wondercore smart for you and your entire family to share for an incredibly low introductoryprice. >> announcer: you've seen it all -- miraclepills, crazy workouts, and those unbelievable claims of incredible weight loss. and the next day was sore. >> announcer: whether you're big or small,young or old, with wonder core smart, you

    can dial in the exact workout that you want. start out with wonder core smart crunchesand say goodbye to that unsightly midsection once and for all. next, wonder core smart ab tucks will reallyblast away that pouch. then do bridges to completely tighten yourcore plus sculpt your buns, hips, and thighs at the same time. then move on to upper-body exercises likepush-ups, shoulders, biceps, and triceps to really blast those flabby areas on the backsof the arms and get the sexy, toned arms that you've always wanted.

    and don't forget about the lower body. with wonder core smart scissor kicks, youcan really get shapely legs and tight, toned buns. then finish off with wonder core smart cyclingfor the ultimate calorie-burning, fat-blasting it's like having six expensive, bulky exercisemachines plus a cardio machine all built into this one great, cost-effective, ergonomic,portable design. not to mention you can also use your wondercore smart to do other great exercises like with the wonder core smart, you get the total-bodyblasting, ab-toning workout that you've been looking for and in less time than it takesto drive to the gym.

    so stop doing regular, inefficient ab exerciseson the floor. with wonder core smart, you'll finally beable to transform your entire midsection and your entire body faster than you've ever dreamedpossible. call or log on right now to find out how youcan try wonder core smart risk-free in your own home for just six payments of $19.95. and if you call right now, we'll take offan entire payment for you. that's right -- just five payments of $19.95plus shipping and processing. but that's not all. because wonder core smart comes with an entiresystem.

    we're gonna send you the wonder core smartexercise guide that shows you exactly the perfect form on each and every exercise. plus, we'll send you the wonder core smartnutrition guide, packed with tips and tricks for turbo-charging your workouts and gettingthe fit, lean body that you've always wanted even faster, all for the amazing price ofjust five payments of $19.95 plus shipping and processing. but hold everything, because we're not done. we want to see you get the most out of yourwonder core smart, so we created this incredible 30-minute full-body stretch and wonder coresmart workout, hosted by fitness-competition

    champion jessica starr. and we're still not done, because we're gonnatake you all the way to the next level with our advanced jordan nevels total-body blasting30-minute wonder core smart workout. you'll take your results to the max. you, too, can have incredible body-shreddingresults like these by calling right now and getting it all -- the wonder core smart, exerciseguide, nutrition guide, full-body 30-minute workout and the advanced 30-minute body-blastingworkout, all for the amazing price of just five payments of $19.95 plus shipping andprocessing. wonder core smart also makes a great giftfor loved ones and family.

    give the gift of fitness and something thatthey'll really use. start getting the body that you've alwayswanted right away. we can't keep this introductory price thislow for long, so you must call or log on now. >> there's no other machine on the planetthat gives you so many different exercises in such a small, compact form. big, bulky, expensive machines are simplya thing of the past. >> you know, i bet a lot of people out therewatching this are going to say, "yeah, right. this sounds way too good to be true." >> well, not a problem.

    because we took the wonder core smart outto south beach, miami, where people from all around the world come to enjoy the sunshineand show off their incredible bodies. let's hear what they had to say when tryingit for the first time. >> man, i can really feel this working myabs. >> this is so much fun. i can really feel it working. and this feels great in my arms. >> this is a lot better than regular sit-ups. >> it's easy to do, easy for someone who'solder.

    and you feel like you're accomplishing something. >> this is fun. i can really feel it working my legs. >> talk about a tricep workout. i like the fact that it has adjustable resistance,too. >> i love how compact this is. >> you can store it anywhere. >> this feels great. >> i can't believe something so small worksmy abs so well.

    that's amazing what first-time users had tosay about using the wonder core smart. from the very first rep, they can really feelit working. >> first-time users aren't the only ones. experts agree and use the wonder core as well. >> one of the main things i try to explainto all my clients is the importance of having a strong core. whether you're young or you're old, liftinglight weight, heavy weight, having a strong core is something you're gonna need for everydaylife. and that's why i like the wonder core smart.

    it puts the emphasis right where it needsto be -- on building a strong core. >> it's very important to have a strong core. with our clients, they've seen a huge differencein their core and their overall stamina. i love with the wonder core smart that i canwork not only my abs but my shoulders, my arms, my legs, my whole body. it's just great. >> well, there you have it. amazing core-strengthening exercises, upper-bodytoning and definition, lower-body blasting for your legs, buns, and hips, plus an amazingcardio workout to round it all out, all with

    adjustable resistance so that you can dialin exactly the workout that you want. and finally, it's compact and lightweightso you can easily store it or take it with you just about anywhere. >> now's the time to make a real change inyour life. lose the ugly fat, tone and tighten, and getthe body that you've always wanted. here's how you can get the wonder core smartin your home for you and your entire family right now. we can't keep this introductory price th long,so you must call or log on now. >> it's incredible to see just how many fat-blastingcore exercises you can do on the wonder core

    smart, plus strengthening and toning the upperand lower body, all in one compact, simplistic >> yes, but don't let the simplistic designfool you. as you know, looks can often be deceiving. and the wonder core smart was successfullydesigned to be the smallest and most effective full-body workout on the planet. just what you need and nothing else. >> and to prove this, we recently gave outwonder core smarts to everyday people just like you to see how they used it and justwhat kind of results they would get in just a few weeks.

    >> as an occupational therapist and healthcoach, it's really important for me to stay fit and look healthy for my clients. i got a little out of shape, and so i usedthe wonder core smart to get back into shape. i was amazed that something so small, compactcould give me such great results. >> i could put it under my desk, and you startpushing back and forth on it with your feet, and before you know, it raises my heart rate,and i lost a bunch of weight as a result. it's really convenient to use, and it works. >> it's great seeing everyday people makinga real change in their lives. it just proves that anyone can use the wondercore smart and get real results.

    >> no gimmicks and no games. just real people getting real results. with the wonder core smart, you get six amazingexercises plus cardio. another great thing about the wonder coresmart is just how compact it is. just fold in the knobs and lower the handlesfor a super-slim profile. store it easily in just about anywhere inyour house. you can take it with you wherever you go. put it in your car or even in your suitcaseso you can workout while on the road. now there's no more excuses for not gettinginto and staying in great shape.

    >> and the beauty of the wonder core smartis that with its precise, adjustable resistance, anyone, any age can use it -- mom and dad,younger folks all the way up to grandma and granddad. beginner, professional -- it works for everybody. >> after seeing what the wonder core smartdid for me, now my girlfriend loves to use it, too. >> i was getting such great results with wondercore smart that my husband took notice and my sons, and now they're working out withwonder core smart, too. it's great having one piece of equipment withadjustable resistance that my whole family

    can use. >> now here's how you can call or log on nowto get your very own wonder core smart delivered to your door right away. >> announcer: with the wonder core smart,you'll get the total-body blasting, ab-toning workout that you've been looking for and inless time than it takes to drive to the gym. >> announcer: six great exercises plus cardioto give you the ultimate total-body, calorie-blasting we can't keep this introductory price thowfor long, so you must call or log on now. the preceding was a paid advertisement forthe wonder core. welcome, everyone, and thank yo

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