ethan allen furniture night stands

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About : ethan allen furniture night stands
Title : ethan allen furniture night stands

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    ethan allen furniture night stands

    "last man standing" is recorded in front of a live studio audience. we are gonna needto steam these tablecloths. they are too wrinkly. then do ed. i take a steamevery morning. for five minutes,i look like scott baio. then the mirror un-fogs,and i'm sir ben kingsley. gentlemen,the outdoor man grill,

    featuring exotic meatsfrom around the world, is right on schedule fora soft opening tomorrow night. yeah, this dry runis a great idea. you get to work outall your screw-ups, like you dowith your first kid. hey. i'm your first kid. and you see how welleve's turned out. aww.

    i don't know, mikey --it feels a little chilly. mike:yeah, i know. uh, studies show that lower temperaturesincrease food sales. people can't eat as muchwhen it's hot. yeah? have you everbeen to the south? "mississippi burning" hasnothing to do with calories. i'll tell you that. i'm talking aboutambiance.

    i like a placethat reminds me of meals sharedwith family and friends and -- yeah, yeah, like whenthe indians brought the corn, and you brought themturkey. that's funny.excuse me. i'm gonna discuss the menuwith the sous chef. and you're still friendswith the sioux? hey, mr. b?can i talk to you? um, i was wonderingif i could be a waiter.

    i don't wantto spread you too thin. you're already in a jobyou're no good at. it's just i could reallyuse the tips. the tip is get better at the jobyou're no good at. kyle, i-i told you you couldhelp us out with valet parking. is that okay with you,mr. b? fine. all right. i mean, "valet" does notclass up the rã©sumã©

    like the word "waiter." who am i kidding?i'm gonna die in this place. why did kyle ask youif he could be a waiter? he didn't even thinkto talk to me. so, him not talking to youis a bad thing? dad -- dad, if i'm gonna betaken seriously as a manager, i need everyone to knowthat i am in charge. mr. baxter, which napkin folddo you prefer -- bishop's hator pyramid?

    i think you shouldask the manager. pyramid --simple. classic. thank you, dad. that was a good call. nobody wants a bishop's hatin their lap. oh. oh. andre tells me you're not planning to havebread on the tables? people who fill up on free breaddon't tend to buy dessert.

    that's nonsense. we want the inviting aromaof baked goods wafting through the air. ed, i'm the manager, and i getto decide what wafts, okay? trust me.i know my customers. bread on every table,hmm? what, but -- uh, but we don'teven have bread baskets. yes, but we have a warehousefull of bait buckets. throw the bread in those.

    i'm sorry. i didn't really see this as a bait-bucketkind of a place. no need to'll catch on. i lovethese little hat napkins. go with these. -- captions by vitac -- [ laughs ]hey, mrs. baxter. hey, cammy.

    oh, there's my math book. i told you i left it here. where have you guys been? batting cage. mm, and to escape, you had to give themall your girl clothes? now, don't feel bad. mandy made fun ofmy outfit, too. i apparently look likea float in the a.a.r.p. parade.

    thanks for helpingwith my swing. this church softball leagueis rough. well, remember what i told youabout trash talk -- don't cry. sorry. you're justreally good at it. i'll be in the standson saturday. anyone triesto give you a hard time, they'll have to talk to me. [ chuckles ]

    oh, watch outfor pastor clark. when the collarcomes off, commandments 3, 4, 8, and 10go right out the window. see you. bye. see you. ahh. [ sighs ] so... was your datewith cammy?

    shut was just batting practice. ooh, anyoneget to first base or... [smooches] second base... or...adopt a cat together? hey, i know that she came backfor her math book, but what i sawwas all chemistry! cammy's my friend,okay? sure,she thinks i'm awesome, but it would be weirdif she didn't.

    mm. did you see her blushwhen she hugged you goodbye? her cheeks got all rosy... o'donnell! there's a bat right here, and i knowexactly how to use it. of course,mom's gonna be sad when she finds outshe'll never be a grandma. well, she is a grandma.

    and i like guys,all right? yeah, how you gonnabreak that to cammy? want some tea, kris? what i wantis some damn respect. want some tea,your majesty? ed keeps overruling me on every single thingat the restaurant. he's undermining mein front of my staff. oh, i have been there.believe me.

    in my career, i've had to deal withplenty of old-school guys. geology attractssome pretty macho men. so did the village people. some men just have issueswith strong women. that's not true. no? men like strong women. uh, margaret thatcher,angela merkel, huh?

    bush couldn'tkeep his hands off her. well, i don't thinked is being sexist. he's just known meforever. how can he think of meas a boss when he's seen mein my diapers? walk in on him getting dressed,and you'll be even. hey, dad,we are opening tomorrow. can you please talk to ed and tell him to stopsecond-guessing me

    in front of the staff? i could,but i'm not going to do that. mom, can you please talk to dadabout talking to ed? i don't havemuch pull with him. you're better offgoing through eve. i'm listening. dad, you have been ed's partnerfor 25 years. i think you would be better offhandling him. if you want edto take you seriously,

    you don't want your dadhandling this for you. you want to take charge? take charge. dad's right. and you wonder how come she has so much pullaround here. [ indistinct conversations ] are you sure i can't tell youwhat kind of meat you just ate? nope, nope, 'cause i really,really enjoyed it.

    was it in"the lion king"? [ chuckles ] had a big numberin the first act. oh, no, please. stop talking.just -- all right.hakuna matata. ohh! it is going great. yes. we are booked solid,and there is a line outside.

    is that your way of sayingyou need the table? no, enjoy yourselves.order dessert... to go. i couldn't possibly. i'm so fullfrom all this bread. it's some night, mikey. ah, vanessa,you're enjoying the bread, huh? oh, yeah, i am. what happenedto the bait buckets?

    the buckets on the tablemade it look like the roof was leaking,so i went with baskets instead. that's a littlemiddle-of-the-road, but it's always saferto drive there, huh? actually, ed, it's not. well,let's get going. we got to get on the roadbefore ed does. sweetie,you've done a great job. thank you.

    and it looks like you figuredout a way to deal with ed. now we give our valet ticketto kyle and seewhat car he brings us. [ laughs ] you ordered the antelope,huh? a little tricky to huntbecause they're so fast. fortunately,bullets are faster. and you've gotthe quail. beautiful plumage.

    yeah, you should hear themsquawk when we yank them out. just kidding.we twist off the heads first. is everything okay here? no, it'scertainly not. uh, we need breadon the table here. um, maybe they would liketo save room for dessert. hugo. more breadfor these lovely people. excuse us. can i talk to youfor a minute?

    yeah. excuse me. make it quick.i have a restaurant to run. do not send hugoto do something when i have himclearing a table. i have an efficient systemin place, and you are gumming it all upwith bread. people are having fun, and having fun is more importantthan just efficiency. the people outside

    waiting for that tablemight disagree. i'm on it. hugo, some bread for the peoplewaiting outside. oh, hey, mr. alzate.your guests have arrived. oh, there you [chuckles] welcome,welcome, welcome. kristin,get these folks a table. do they havea reservation? uh, they don't needa reservation

    to eat atmy restaurant. they do when we don't haveany place to seat them. kyle, uh, get somechairs and tables from the back. all right?just push them together. it'll be a little crowded,but fun. you know,family-style fun. w-we don't have enoughwait staff for extra tables. i can fix that. kyle, you are now a waiter.

    a waiter? i've always wanted to say,"fresh pepper, madame?" kyle,you are not a waiter. you're firing me? can i at leastfinish my shift? i need youto park cars, kyle. and i need youto stop interfering. you may be the bossat outdoor man, but you don't knowthe first thing

    about running a restaurant.i am the manager, so please get out of my way,and let me do my job. so, i'm in the way,huh? all right, well,that can easily be resolved. it's not right for youto talk to mr. alzate that way. he's a great man,and he deserves our respect. i'm the one not gettingany respect around here, kyle. maybe it's hardfor people to respect you when the only reasonyou got this job

    is because of your dad. oh, uh,and by the way, applebee's might be calling youfor a reference. i trustyou'll be professional. did you likethe leftover venison i put in your omelet? yes, i did. would you go so far as to say it wasdeer-licious?

    no, i-i wouldn't. and i --and i wish you wouldn't. what are you gonna do about thisblow-up between kris and ed? i'm not gonna doanything about it. none of my business,you know? they fight it out, and maybethey'll kill each other. we own the restaurant.we become rich. [ knock on door ] you know why i hatefrench doors?

    you can't pretendlike you're not home. vanessa:come on in, cammy. hi, mr. baxter.hi, mrs. baxter. is eve okay? because i textedher a bunch of times, and she didn't text back,so i called her, and she never called me back. so i came by to see if she washere. is she here? uh, yeah, she's here. you, uh --you want some coffee?

    aah! you know the best thingabout having a job? i get to leave. i love you, honey. oh, i love you, too,mr. baxter. he was probablytalking to you. yeah. hey.what are you doing here? i brought you something?

    wow. a mugwith pictures of us. mm-hmm. at school, at soccer. huh. i don't rememberthat one. oh, uh, i didn't have oneof us hugging, so i pasted your faceover my mom's. that is so great. eve, you are so lucky to havea girlfriend like cammy. y-you know,boys may come and go,

    but i feel like you guysare gonna be together forever. just backpackingacross europe, maybe sharing an apartmenttogether. that would be great![ chuckles ] you're gonna needanother travel mug for all thosememories you make. oh, uh,i forgot the best part. look inside. okay.

    wow. tickets to ed sheeran. yeah, he's playingthe pepsi center on saturday. i know youreally like him, so... yeah, i do. um... so, it's a date? what's wrong? um...i-i don't want to go.

    you...don't want to go, but [chuckles] i got the ticketsfor you...for us. i-i just don't want to gowith you, okay? i mean,we see each other a lot, and i have other friends that don't make weird mugs of ushanging out together. uh, i thoughtyou'd like it. well, you put my faceon your mom's body, and she's wearinga bikini.

    it's justall kinds of wrong. i'm sorryif i made you uncomfortable. just, um,keep the tickets. wait,no, no, no, no. you -- you bought them. you must havesomeone else you can take. not really. i don't even likeed sheeran. i just like that you did.

    oh, and i wouldn't thinkit was weird if you put my headon your mom's body. yeah. it'd be an honor. dad, i told younot to let him watch tv. he's not watching tv.he's sleeping. he fell asleep... watching tv. ah, you made himwatch pbs? that's right.

    put him out quickerthan benadryl in his pudding. i assume. i saw the receiptsfrom the restaurant. you're having a great week,honey. yeah, we are really settlinginto a nice rhythm. ah! big tanks are mine! those are mine! it helps that ed isn't therecomping drinks and trapping peopleat their tables

    with his endless stories. trust me,his stories aren't endless. they're all gonna endin about four or five years. he gave away $200 worthof appetizers that first night. he's likethe obama of calamari. he figureseverybody should get it, even if they're too lazyto order it for themselves. are you comparinged to obama to try and get meto take him back?

    i'm just saying ed has always beeninto customer service. it's a good thing --shaking hands, telling stories. turn your friendsinto customers. customers into friends --and the best kind of friends -- give you moneyand walk away. so, you think i was wrongto get him to butt out? i think ed has somethingto offer the restaurant besidesthe affordable calamari act.

    but, honey, ultimately,you're the manager. you got to make that call. okay, well,if it's my call, i-i think we're doing betterwithout him. there you go. got to get up. [ sighs ]he's really out. you were joking about the benadrylin the pudding, right?

    yeah, i-i -- yeah. army practicewent late tonight. we expecting a big war? i wish. just night maneuvers. [ chuckles ]night maneuvers. i used to enjoy thosewhen i was in high school. yeah, but i sure as helldidn't dress like that for them. look, i thinkyou might be right about cammy.

    duh! saw yourlittle love mug. mandy,it was so awkward. she asked me to this concert,but i said no. and nowshe won't talk to me. [ scoffs ]break-ups are hard. okay, this isn't funny. i've known cammysince kindergarten, and i still wantto be her friend. well, i'm sure you saideverything that you needed to --

    that you're not interested,but you still care about her. you'll support herno matter what, et cetera. i may have skipped overthe caring and supporting part. look, i've been in your shoesa million times before. not those shoes. [ laughing ]those might be the reason why girlsare hitting on you. the thing is, when a friend hasa crush on you, you kind of wantto let them down easy.

    do you thinkthere's a chance that cammy and ican still be friends? yeah, totally. i'm friends with tons of peoplei've rejected, like, um, tyler, kevin, connor,uh, jennifer. um, ethan, mr. jenson -- mr. jenson?wait. what? oh. no, not the science teacher.don't be gross.

    no, i'm talking aboutbecca's dad. honey, you want to ordera few plates to share? or i could just orderwhat i want and eat all of it. or you could just be nicefor once. which one of thosegets me more shrimp? sorry i haven'tchecked in. we are swamped. i have had to bus tables,run credit cards. some old guy asked meto blow on his soup,

    which might be a good reasonto retire this top. you want me to punch him? you said he was old,right? excuse me. are you the manager? sure can i help you? could you tell meabout the elk? wonderful choice. it'sa marinated strip steak

    served ina red-wine reduction. no, i meanhow did it die? i'm...sorry? the last timewe were here, the other managertold us a colorful story about ostrich huntingin senegal. i loved it. herb thoughtit was a bit dry. the story or the ostrich?[ chuckles ]

    the ostrich. the story was whywe came back. could you excuse me a minute?[ chuckles ] dad. quick. uh, how do you killan elk? oh, all right. you want to wait outsidethe lodge until last call, then hit himwith a tire iron. no.

    apparently, ed told this ladyone of his hunting stories, and now she wantsanother one. sorry, tonight,i'm just a customer. you know,once i killed a yellow jacket with a rolled-up newspaper,you know, if that helps. it doesn't. honey, you've hunted elk.why don't you help her? i am helping her. oh, i know.

    you're doing your"helping by not helping" thing? is that it? yeah? that's kind of howyou helped me raise the kids. look, in a good puppet show,you don't see the strings. right this way. how did youhear about us? a reviewin the denver post. oh, i thought that wasn'tcoming out till tomorrow. it's online tonight,and they're very complimentary.

    oh, wonderful.enjoy your meal. dad. we got our first review. ooh, what is it? don't worry about whatthe food snobs think, okay? they loved us. yay! very often, they're --they're right on target. "great food,great service,

    but the highlightwas the personal touch provided by owner ed alzate regaling patrons with his talesof hunting and adventure. felt like dinnerwith a favorite uncle. flawless experienceall around." well, they probably didn'tvalet-park. that's great, honey.congratulations. mr. alzate? yes?

    hey, uh, one ofour customers wants to hear a storyabout hunting elk, and i don't knowanything about that. could you help me out? well, you sure i wouldn'tbe in your way? no. i wouldreally appreciate it. do you have a minute? it'll take 20 minutesto do the story justice, 30 if i show my scars.

    uhhh...let's dothe 20-minute version. you're the manager. but if i need a big finish,the shirt's coming off. hello, hello, hello.i'm ed alzate, the owner. [ doorbell rings ] hi, cammy. eve, right?[ chuckles ] i recognize you from a mugi wasted 10 hours on. what do you want?

    you're ignoring me at school,and you won't take my calls. and to you, that means,"please come over"? look, i -- i just wantedto say thank you for the ed sheerantickets. i'm on my wayto the show now. have a good time. and i was hoping to takea really good friend, someone i've knownsince kindergarten who reallymeans a lot to me

    and i didn't realize how muchuntil i treated her badly. i guessi should feel better i'm not the only oneyou did that to. i'm talking about you,idiot. i'm trying to apologize. i know. i'm just making youwork for it. look, i don't knowwhat's going on with you about guys or girlsor...whatever.

    i might be betterif i went with "whatever." i just want you to knowthat none of that matters to me. i want to be your friendno matter what. i want that, too. cool. so, should wego to the concert? i have to change. no, cammy,i accept you as you are. i mean my clothes, idiot.

    i know. i'm justmaking you work for it. next time,try the salmon, and i'll tell youa great story how i wrestled oneaway from a bear. or try the bear, and i'll tell youthe same story. ohh. we had a really good night,partner. that's great, 'cause i'm runningout of hunting stories.

    earlier tonight, i startedstealing from hemingway. hey, mr. alzate? yeah? uh, can i close upthe valet stand now? all the cars are gone.oh, and good news -- this time,no keys left over. from now on, direct allyour questions to the boss. you mean the personwho only got her fancy job because she'srelated to someone?

    no, no, no, no, no, no. you're talking abouta first-rate manager, all right, that we're lucky to have, whose judgmenti've come to respect, especially since she recognizedthe value of my advice. i'm sorry, kristin. i mean, miss b. it's okay, kyle. go aheadand close up the stand.

    hey, thank youfor coming back, ed. and for notmaking me eat crow. you're not missinganything. it tastes just likesea gull.

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