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    standard furniture heights

    so hello from london! time for a new destination.this is a city that i haven't visited in almost 4 years and it is actually sam's very firsttime here. so we're both very excited to be in london. and we're going to be making alittle video guide. actually a really big video guide because we plan on showing you50 different things to do around london. so let's get started. london is one of the most visited cities inthe whole world, and it's easy to see why. it is vibrant, it is exciting, and there'ssomething to do every single night of the week. you could spend a full year in londonand never run out of new places to visit, but since we were a bit more limited withour time, we decided to film a city guide

    highlighting 50 things to do in london. wehope this will help showcase some of the sights and attractions this city has to offer, andthat it'll come in handy for anyone out there planning a trip. let's begin! our first stop was trafalgar square. thissquare leads to a lot of central attractions, so it's a nice place to people watch, getyour bearings, and plan out where you want to go in the city. st martin-in-the-fields is an anglican churchat the north-east corner of trafalgar square. they hold classical concerts and they alsohave a cafe located in the crypt if you want to grab a bite of food in an unusual setting.

    the london eye is a giant ferris wheel onthe south bank of the thames. it offers a bird's eye view of the city - just make sureyou don't go on a foggy day. it is lunchtime. in my hands i have a boxof delicious take-out. this is fish and chips an authentic british staple and we're goingto sample it here at this local park. so i'm really excited to finally try the fishand chips. the aroma coming out of this box is just wonderful. and i think this is a dishthat most people are familiar with in north america. you can also get fish and chips there.but in case you're not it is usually just breaded cod or haddock and you get it withchips are french fries. so enough talking about food. this is the real deal. let's actuallydig in.

    oh, i'm going to dunk that into the tartarsauce. wow. that's amazing. i think that is prettymuch my favorite british food. absolutely love fish and chips. it is something i'vebeen eating all of my life but they just do it extra special over here. it is authenticand it is really really amazing. and you have a few pigeons trying to stealyour food. they are slowly inching their way over. oooh. oooh. right now we're visiting borough market, oneof london's most famous markets. and there is a lot of wonderful smells right now sowe're going to check it out. dating back to the thirteenth century, boroughmarket is the oldest market in london. it's

    a foodie's paradise with plenty of fresh produce,baked goods, and specialty foods. one fun way to get around london is aboardthe iconic double-decker buses. you can opt for public transport, or take the double-deckersightseeing tours around the city. we are now about to travel to a magical place.we are here at platform 9 3/4 in king's cross and we are going to take a train to hogwarts. this is a must for harry potter fans! alright, so next up we're off to buckinghampalace to see if we can visit the queen. oh my! buckingham palace has served as the officiallondon residence for britain's sovereigns

    since 1837. the state rooms at buckinghampalace are open to visitors every year, however, that's something that you need to plan monthsin advance. we're here now to watch the changing of theguard. clearly, we didn't come early enough. we came about 30 minutes prior to it startingbut it was already packed. st. james' park connects buckingham palaceto the horse guards. it's a nice leisurely walk with plenty of wildlife and nature. the palace of westminster, also known as thehouses of parliament, is the meeting place of the house of commons and the house of lords.the palace along with big ben are two of the top london attractions that dot the city-scape.

    we are now at regent's park here in londonand it's a beautiful day outside so we're just going to go take a stroll. regent's park is in northwest london. it ishome to an open air theatre, the london zoo, as well as a variety of cafes and restaurants. westminster abbey is right around the cornerfrom the houses of parliament, and despite the long lines, it's worth a visit. the abbeyhas been the coronation church since 1066 and is the final resting place of seventeenmonarchs. you can also visit the horse guards and thehousehold cavalry museum, which are right next to each other.

    the hms belfast is a museum ship moored onthe river thames. it is operated by the imperial war museum, and once you're on-board you canfreely roam around the ship. so we are going to have tea aboard the hmsbelfast. i've got my scone with butter and jam. no cornish cream unfortunately. and yeah,i don't think i've ever had tea on a boat before. on a ship. another way to see london is to take a rivercruise of the thames. there are a variety of cruises available including dinner cruises,afternoon tea cruises, or your regular sightseeing cruises. so it is getting quite chilly over here butwe're going to cross this bridge right behind

    me and i'd like to point out this is towerbridge not london bridge. london bridge is very plain, very simple. a little bit ugly. the tower of london sits on the north bankof the river thames. though this castle served many purposes, it's mainly remembered forits use as a prison in the 16th and 17th centuries. traitors! god save the king! from the outside this place actually looksreally small but once you get inside it is almost like a mini city. so next up we're heading into one of my favoritemuseums in all of london. this is the tate modern.

    the tate modern is housed in the former banksidepower station and it focuses on modern and contemporary art from the 1900 to the present. alright, so good morning from london. we areup bright and early to do some sightseeing around town. but first up we need our energyso we've stopped at a pub for a full english breakfast. ooh, look at that. so what exactly is in a full english breakfast?alright, so before we tuck into this breakfast let's take a look at what we've got. so we have toast over here. we've got sausage.we've got baked beans, egg, tomato, hash browns and bacon. so that is going to be a lot ofcalories. that seems quite complete. yes.

    alright, i'm loading up a little bit of everythingon here. so i've got my beans, my hash browns and the sausage. you know what? it's very greasy, very hearty,it is almost like having lunch for breakfast but it tastes really good. i'm really hungryright now so i'm just going to keep working at it. right now i'm visiting arsenal football club,one of the most popular teams in london. and i just picked up a hat. i've been collectinga series of hats of different football clubs from all of the cities i've been visitingin europe. and what you can do here of course is watch a game during the season and if itis the off-season you can check out the team

    store or take a stadium tour. camden market is made up of a series of marketsand stalls. it is the place to shop for vintage clothes, get a new piercing, people watch,or sample international food in an outdoor setting. on a sunny day, you'll also find people hangingout along camden lock. okay, so this afternoon we're at a place calledcereal killer cafe where you can have breakfast anytime of day in the form of cereal. so i'vegot myself some fruit loops and lucky charms and some coconut milk. oh ho ho. a little bit of sugar in there. ah,'s going to be good.

    mmmmm. my two favorite cereals. it's likebeing a kid all over again. and what are you having this afternoon? i'mhaving reese's peanut butter puffs because chocolate and peanut butter is a winning combo.take a look. i'm going with coconut milk as well. almost as good as a chocolate bar. okay, so it is tea time and this afternoonwe're doing something a little bit different. we are in camden town at the basement tearooms. and it is kind of like an alternative experience. instead of going out for afternoontea at the ritz, at a fancy hotel that might cost you around 50 pounds. here it is only13 and it is a very casual laid back experience.

    so, waiting for my tea. feeling pretty relaxed over there? nothinglike having tea in bed. so my absolute favorite thing about afternoontea is getting scones with cream and jam. and we've got six whole scones. my goodness!not just any cream. cornish clotted cream. my happy place. alright, we tried the sweets. time for meto have the savory sandwich. little finger sandwiches. what kind of sandwich is it? it'sdelicious. it has cream cheese and salmon. wow! that is why you haven't been sharing becauseit has salmon. that's right. you've been keeping

    it a secret. is someone going to take a little afternoonnap after all that food. another fun thing to do in london is to checkout the street art. one of the best places to do so is in shoreditch. of course, the london experience wouldn'tbe complete without riding the tube around the city. just remember, pass on the left,stand on the right, and have your pass ready to scan on the way in and out. if you canremember all of these things, you'll make londoners very happy! so as a money saving tip when you're in londondefinitely consider purchasing an oyster card.

    we've been using it a lot on the tube. ithelps us save a lot of money. you can load it, reload it and you can use it just basicallyanywhere you go. another alternative for getting around thecity is to use the city's bike hire system. though this is best if you're exploring outsidecentral london where traffic isn't so heavy. so now we are having lunch at convent gardenand i have a beautiful balloon art instillation happening behind my head. it looks like i'mfloating through the clouds. we also have some opera drifting through, so it feels prettyfancy but we're actually having shake shack for lunch because we really like our northamerican burgers. we're going shopping inside harrods. how fancy!

    harrods is an upscale department store. ifyou make it all the way out here, we suggest visiting their food court which is truly impressive(and expensive!) pub's are an important part of the culture,so make time to drop by for a pint of beer or two. st. paul's is one of the most easily recognizedlandmarks in the city. if you don't have a problem with heights, climbing to the topof the dome is a pretty cool experience. shakespeare's globe is a modern constructionof the original theatre associated with william shakespeare. the theater sits around 230 metersaway from the site of the original theatre. the natural history museum focuses on lifeand earth sciences, and it's a popular one

    with families. the victoria & albert museum is focused onthe decorative arts and design. it spans 5000 years of art ranging from ceramics to textiles,and jewellery to furniture. if you want to catch a theatre performance,london's west end is the place to be. next up, if you haven't had your fill of palaces,you can always swing by kensington palace which is set in kensington garden. they alsohave an exhibit of beautiful gowns worn by the royals. the sherlock holmes museum is a privatelyrun museum in london. it is dedicated to the fictional detective sherlock holmes and itsits on baker street.

    the shard is a 95-storey skyscraper in is currently home to the city's highest viewing platform. you can alternatively go up to the walkietalkie building, soak in the views, and visit the sky garden. the british museum focuses on the art, history,and culture of the world. the collection spans over 8 million objects. portobello road is a street in notting hill.while you can visit any day of the week, it is most popular for its saturday market. so one spot you should definitely make timefor when you come to the regent's park is

    queen mary's gardens. and there are lots roseshere. and the ones right over here on my left are called the pride of england. very beautiful.very impressive. regent's canal is over 13 kilometres longand you'll find many house boats moored here. it's also a popular spot with joggers andbikers. for a little bit of art in your life, youcan check out the national gallery which sits right behind trafalgar square. then just upthe street, you'll find the national portrait gallery, which houses a collection of portraitsof historical and famous british people. so today we are having something called asteak and ale pie. and this is something that sam has been very excited about so time forthe unveil.

    tell us about this dish. i first tried thisin edinburgh, scotland about a year and a half ago and fell in love with it. so it isbasically like a pastry. you can see right here. and inside of it you've got stewed meat,you've got veggies and of course ale. let's check it out. and there is also gravyas well. crispy. sounds real crispy. maybe you shouldjust use your hands and forget about the spoon. alright. here we go. mmmmm. wow. that pastry filing or sorry not filingouter layer is delicious. and the next bite should be the middle layer.

    okay, so they also gave us a little bit ofgravy. i'm not even sure if we're supposed to be doing this but we're just going to pourit all over the meat pie. yeah, why not. make it a little soggy. that's how canadians eatbritish food. and i'm just going to go ahead and throw somepeas on there while i'm at it. why not? why not. time for your first bite. see if you can getit into the middle inner layer there. inner layer? the filing? yeah. exactly. okay, this probably would have been a lotmessier if we just ate it at the pub. mmmm.

    wow. that is good stuff. what do we have inhere? okay, so this is steak. i don't think this one has veggies actually. so i think we maybe just got a standard meatpie because there are no veggies in the filling that i've come across so far. well, the peas we threw in. well, yeah, thatmakes it kind of healthy right? um, it is really nice with the gravy because our, iguess the pastry was a little crispy, so that makes it a little soggier and easier to getat. um, so yeah, i'm really enjoying this. it'spretty good. the churchill war rooms are home to an undergroundcomplex that was the british command centre

    throughout the second world war. the museumalso explores the life of winston churchill. and lastly, there's madame tussaud's wax museum,which will give you a glimpse of uk celebrities. and that's a wrap for london! like with anymega-city, it's impossible to cover all the sights and attractions you can enjoy here,but hopefully this video will give you an idea of what london has to offer. as always,if you have any other suggestions of things to do in london that you'd like to share withother travellers, feel free to include those in the comments below. alright, and we have one more to try here.this one is on whole wheat bread. it appears to be egg salad with spinach. tasty.

    i like the salmon one better though. it'sall over your mouth. snoring. and after tea you can do a little bit of shopping. that was really good afternoon tea. totalbargain. normally you'd be looking at spending anywhere say between 20 to 50 pounds per person.and we got that for thirteen something. total. time for the big unveil. do do do do. woah! okay, the last one too. oh, it looks like they gave us guacamole.are you serious? i've never had guacamole with fish and chips.

    mmmmm. i'm going to start with a chip. andthat is not guacamole. mmmm. i have no idea what that is. mushy peas? i think i'm havingmushy peas. it is not guacamole. oh my gosh. hahahaha. why would there be guacamole? i don't know. mexican influence. so what kind of historical or background informationcan you can give us on fish and chips. well, i can tell you today, this day in historythat we spent about two minutes to finish that off. all that is left is a little bitof sauce and grease. now some history about the dish. the firstshop opened up in 1860 and so i guess it has only been around for a hundred and fifty years.that is hard to believe. so fish and chips

    are kind of new. yeah, and i've been eatingthem for about 30 of those years. and price point. so in terms of price we paid12 pounds which i guess if you're earning a local salary isn't so bad but if you'rebringing over your canadian dollars you're getting pounded by the exchange currently.anyways, yeah, that was really good. it was enough food for the two of us. i mean, i probablycould have ate my own but that is only because i'm a pig. well hello, we are in london where the weatherdoesn't appear to be cooperating. it was beautiful and sunny about two minutes ago so we camehere to the park thinking 'hey' we'll have a picnic and it has since started pouringrain. so we are doing a little taste test

    under a tree. wow. that pastry filing or sorry not filingouter layer is delicious. alright, time for your first bite. see ifyou can get it into the middle inner layer there. inner layer? the filing? yeah. exactly. this one has veggies actually. so i thinkwe maybe just got a standard meat pie because there are no veggies in the filling that i'vecome across so far. enjoying it? okay, so do you think that youcan taste the ale in your meat and ale pie? yeah, a little bit but it is not overwhelmingthat is for sure. you mostly taste the gravy and the sauce that comes with it. and it comeswith chips. chips. what pub food would be

    complete without chips. just as we finish our meal the sun emerges.yeah, exactly. so the price point for this, we picked this up at a pub for about sevenpounds, we've also visited a few other pubs where we've noticed it is more expensive i'm not sure what a typical price is. this, i think, was a decent deal. and very tasty.very tasty. so we've got here is fairly complete but itdoes vary by region and sometimes you can get it with black pudding. i'm kind of glad this one doesn't have itbecause i'm not a fan. i'd try it. time for my first bite. oh man, that sausageis tasty. it actually reminds me of a canadian

    breakfast that i'd sometimes order at a restaurantwhich includes a lot of these items but also sometimes it comes with waffles or this is a huge hearty breakfast. more like a brunch than just a standalone breakfast.and we can't forget canadian maple syrup. yeah. so what is the price point for this deliciousfull english breakfast? so basically you're looking at paying roughly around just under4 pounds for the breakfast. and we paid one pound for unlimited coffee and tea which wasawesome because we're going to take advantage of that for sure. well, when in england just about anywhere.we're having breakfast right at a pub right

    now but you can also get a full english breakfastat a hotel or at a restaurant. so you'll have no trouble finding one if you really wantto try it. yeah, and it is really well advertised. mmm hmmm. alright, so this morning we are off to a is called blogstock. and as you can guess from the name it is a blogging festival. sowe're just heading over there. it is taking place in a park just north of london. andyeah, the weather isn't really cooperating but hopefully it'll get sunnier later on inthe day. alright, so we've arrived at blog stock. i'vehad my hot cacao so i'm all warmed up. and now we're going to give you a little tourof the place.

    what are your sort of like top tips for astartup youtuber? okay, my top tip would probably have to dowith seo. i see a lot of people who don't write a proper title for their video. theydon't include any tags. they don't have a description. and you have don't have the audienceon your channel yet and you want people to start finding you your video needs to rankwhen they're searching for the best beaches in thailand. or you know, the best restaurantsin new york city. so do really good seo on your videos so that you'll show up in thesearches, people will find your channel and maybe if they like what they see they'll endup subscribing. so good seo can help grow your audience. even though seo is kind ofboring and some don't want to learn about

    it. your favorite thing about blogstock? if i had to narrow it down to just one favoritething it was networking with other bloggers and brands in the same industry as us. thereis so many creative people doing amazing things. it is great to get to know them as individualsand to see what they're doing in terms of projects. and what was your most memorable experiencefrom blogstock? i think getting to talk about youtube andvideo just because it is something i really enjoy and i wish more people would try makingyoutube videos. so that was a lot of fun.

    so tell us your name, your blog and what wasyour favorite thing about blog stock? my name is elizebeth. my blog is rosaliliumand awesomewave. there is two blogs. and my favorite thing about blogstock was meetingso many people in real life that i speak to on twitter everyday. i'm raj. i'm from awesome wave. my favoritething about blogstock this year has been finally meeting people that i've only known throughmy computer screen, getting to see them. everyone else has probably said the same thing butit is true. getting to the festival, getting to events and seeing people face to face.meeting them, getting their humor and what they're about is definitely what somethinglike this is for.

    my name is macca sherifi. i am the brit froma brit and a broad. i think one of the most important things i've learned from blogstockis the importance of accounting. i think most of us are in this industry that we kind oflike make a bit of money on the side and we just think we can brush it under the carpetand not worry about it. when at the end of the day we're trying to be professionals.and being professional means that we have to earn an income and doing that you haveto pay the taxman. unfortunately, but we do. so i think it is very important that we haveto think about you know getting a good accountant on board and making sure we you know do theright thing. so my name is brenna holeman and i'm fromthis battered suitcase dot com and i have

    to say i've had the pleasure of hearing audreyand samuel speak twice today. and i have to say that i learned the most from them aboutvlogging and it really inspired me to get into vlogging and get on youtube because idon't use that. and it was so great to hear about their experiences doing it. so thatis what i learned the most from blogstock today. paul, so tell us why should people come toblogstock? if you're a blogger you should come to blogstockbecause there is lots of different sessions from different niches where you can learnall about blogging obviously. instagram, photography. you can learn about how to make money fromyour blog. how to be more professional. how

    to pitch. all sorts of different sessions. we also havelots of varied sessions so some stuff is more inspirational as well. like how to conqueryour fears and live life to the full. that kind of stuff. and we have some great food. some wood-firepizza. a great bar. also craft beer and lots of different things going on. we've got fancycastle going on, lots of fun games. yeah, it's great so come along, camp for the weekendand it is loads of fun.

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