custom aquarium furniture stands

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    custom aquarium furniture stands

    (32nd class at the foreigner school) we're introducing a new group of students today. first we'll introduce our cast members. again, it's robert holley, sayuri, and tony hong. welcome. hello. so did you all go on vacation? what's the point of that?

    why? too many people are at all the nice spots, so you can't even move, and you feel even hotter. i went to bangkok. - sayuri, what about you? / - i didn't go anywhere. i plan to go on a blind date next week. - as a vacation? / - you have blind dates... all year long. that's right.

    but since it's vacation, i'll go on 3 dates a day. who will show up at the foreigner school today? let's bring them in. (the show's venue, dongdaemun design plaza) - hello. / - hello. (who exactly are they?) (another group of guests) (the largest number of people on set!) (who are all these people?)

    (we'll find out now!) come on in. (welcome) - so handsome. / - so handsome. very handsome. two of them look similar. you two, introduce yourselves. yes, she's definitely my daughter, isn't she? (jenny from usa) my husband and me,

    one son who lives in the states, and then 11 other children here with us. (yikes!) - 11? / - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6, 7... 11? 12 altogether. (a big family of 13 under one roof) (a stair-step family) everybody else lives here.

    i bet you split the chores up with so many kids. alison, what do you do? (alison, age 16) i mostly clean the kitchen. scrub the tables, the counters, sweep the floor, put away food... think about it. it's a family of 13. 3 meals mean 39 servings a day. i don't get 39 customers a day at my restaurant. who misbehaves the most?

    james. just because he's so little, mostly. (2-year-old james) james! (toss) (10th child james is the troublemaker) there's a saying in the states. they say "the terrible twos." just like they say "bad fives" in korea. they say "terrible twos."

    it's terrible twos and horrible threes. age 3 is worse. you raise 12 children. isn't it hard? (jenny) yeah. but we've trained our children to all have their own jobs, and to take care of themselves a lot. everybody has things to do, so it's not as hard as you would think it is.

    (alison) they have their own chores, like... savannah. she's 6. she takes care of our cats. erin... she's 4. she sometimes helps savannah. and then the younger ones... (8-month-old twins) they're too young - to really help. / - they have no jobs. so you start working at age 4. i've hardly even heard of families with 12 kids. what's the best thing about having many siblings?

    (alison) there's always someone to talk to... to play with... there's always someone, usually either older or younger, right between that you can go to. our guests sonya and nikita from ukraine are waiting. they seemed really nervous at first... they're like, "what's with this family?"

    "we've never seen a family like this in ukraine." that's what they're thinking. yes... sonya and nikita, please introduce yourselves. (nikita from ukraine) we're from ukraine. we work at an aquarium in ilsan. i'm a diver, and sonya does underwater ballet. we came from the same neighborhood in ukraine. is she your girlfriend?

    sayuri said that nikita was cute. she was like... - too bad, sayuri. / - too bad. what do you do at the aquarium? (sonya from ukraine) i did underwater ballet, so i do performances. nikita dives. it's a hard job, but performances are easier than underwater ballet. synchronized swimming is like...

    very tiring. (amazing performances at the aquarium in the city) so what brought you to korea? (sonya) while in ukraine, our manager suggested that we try working abroad. underwater performances for me and diving for nikita. that's great. you two are a couple,

    but if you had different jobs, only one person could come here. you'd be too far apart. long-distance dating is hard. this is so great for you both. you've been in korea for around a month. what do you like most about it? (nikita) i really like koreans. they're warm people. at work, my scuba tank broke,

    so i borrowed a coworker's tank. when i came out, i saw that my scuba tank was fixed. koreans are good at doing things quickly. what a fun group of guests. we just met a very large family and some ukrainian underwater performers. let's check out their stories now. (my neighbor, charles) (an aquarium in the city)

    (bet you've never seen a school of fish like this) (the 150kg pitted stingray) around 2,000 fish live here. (the 70kg grouper) breaking news. (5 new students are coming) (5 of them?) (1. sonya from ukraine) now introducing the new students.

    sonya, who has a beautiful figure. (2. sveta from ukraine) the pale mermaid sveta. (3. nasta from belarus) and nasta. (4. nikita from ukraine) water warrior nikita. and the jokester outside the water, igor. (5. igor from ukraine)

    let's plunge into their underwater story. (july 20, incheon international airport) (sveta) i am waiting for my friends. (3 people who just flew in from ukraine) (you're finally here!) the 5 fresh-faced newbies are together. (5 newbies from ukraine and belarus) they look excited. (igor) it's my third time in korea.

    it's his first time in korea. (sonya) i like kimchi. there's a reason why (sveta) they are all together. (nasta) when we will be training? (lee hanyeong, ceo) we have not enough time. only 3 days. we have only 3 days. only 3 days until the performance. i bet they're tired, since they just got here.

    i'll let them rest before we start. (3 days before their first performance) (goyang, gyeonggi-do) please. look at the camera. they have a very tight schedule. (i'm a ukrainian gentleman!) i'm shin cheol. i'm in charge of performances. what is your name?

    - mr. shin cheol. / - shin cheol. - nice to meet you. / - nice to meet you. sonya. igor, sveta, nasta. too much? nikita, igor. (they go to where they'll be performing) this place is a large aquarium where visitors can see all sorts of sea creatures.

    igor seems excited, as he's never seen this. this is where you all will be performing. nothing in here is dangerous, so don't worry. (2,000 fish of 52 types) this tank is where the members will perform. they must work with these countless fish. how do they feel? (welcome!) (sveta) it's a small tank, but there are many fish. i'm really afraid of the stingray.

    this big stingray has been here the longest. they have to get along with him. the performance will be starting now. (performances are held 5 times a day for 10 minutes) the performers seem like real mermaids. these are korean performers. (the performance delights spectators) (oh, yeah! they're good) these 5 newbies will have to perform here soon.

    are they intimidated by how good the koreans are? (sonya) i don't know. i can't say this. people will see and people will say. we will see. (what brought them to korea?) (ukraine is experiencing civil war) the economy is in trouble in ukraine due to ongoing conflict.

    many young people are leaving their homeland to find jobs where they can use their skills. (sonya) ukraine is in the middle of a war. many people can't get jobs. you can't get paid there like in korea. so we came to korea. their lodging is 10 minutes from the aquarium. (their new home) this is where the 5 newbies will be living.

    (we should decide on the rooms) everything is unfamiliar and new to them. over here. (empty) they need a lot in terms of furnishings. (a year's worth of luggage) everyone is tired due to jet lag. (what is the eldest member igor doing?) igor has lived abroad a long time.

    he already seems used to the place. let's take a look at his luggage. plane maybe broke. maybe. or maybe no. (makes his own sound effects) what is it? an umbrella? (the umbrella is just the right length and weight) this is no ordinary umbrella. igor has long been using it in his performances.

    no wonder he regards it as precious. (a colorful outfit) he has all sorts of unique items. what is it this time? (suitcase that is filled with magical items) (a toy ball?) (juggling 3 balls with one hand) (throwing his hat onto his head) (success)

    he even does magic tricks. (watch carefully) (give it a zap) (where did it go?) i saw you put it in your pocket just now. oh? (it's not there!) where did it go? he calls in the interpreter. (really?)

    wow, igor! that's amazing. (igor has all sorts of skills) (igor) in 1977, i joined a circus school in kiev. i've been doing circus-related work for 35 years. i've gone halfway around the world. due to my experience, i get ready to work as soon as i arrive. who is their first guest? (the choreographer)

    (they'll hear details about their performance) (jeon hojin, choreographer) black swan, white swan. the black swan wants to become a white swan. a god rules the place. but that god disappears. the black swan put her wish in the wish box, but it won't come true, since the god disappeared. they can't understand what he's saying. (oh, no...)

    but the dice have been cast. (we have to do it in 3 days!) let's go! (2 days before their first performance) they have special training today. (swimming pool) they are very much at home in the pool. (nikita's family runs a pool and teaches swimming) the pool is a playground to scuba diver nikita.

    (sveta has 15 years of experience) sveta is a former swimmer. sonya was a swimming coach. nasta was a synchronized swimmer on the national team. they've been in pools all their lives. (the kids are amazed by the foreigners) (hey, kids) (what a fun guy)

    let's see how good their swimming is. she's like a seal. it looks like their performance won't be a problem. (nikita suggests a swimming race) nikita stirs up the girls' competitive spirit. a freestyle swimming race starts now! (one lap is 50 meters) (go!) here they go!

    lane 1 is nasta of belarus. lane 2 is sveta of ukraine. lane 3 is sonya of ukraine. a very close race unfolds. the swimmers have turned! they turned at almost the same time. they're showing us their last spurt. will a world record be set here? lanes 1 and 2!

    sveta in lane 2 wins the gold medal! she was 8 seconds away from the world record. that's too bad. they'll show off their real skills now. let's take a look. these are basic synchronized swimming moves. they've done water sports since childhood, so they have great teamwork. (synchronized swimming matches moves to music)

    just watching makes me out of breath. (1, 2, 3!) (i want to try, too) the kids like doing handstands. can you teach them to do handstands in the water? (shy) they've never tried this. can they pull it off? (sveta demonstrates) i can do that, too!

    1, 2, 3! see that? plug your nose. she just put her head underwater. (they just go underwater holding their noses) sonya shows them her underwater secret. (what is this for?) i want to try that, too. a nose clip makes going underwater much easier.

    now she's ready. (keep your wrists at a right angle!) doing a handstand in the water is easy for sonya. but it's tough for a beginner. (let me try!) the little girl tries it with a nose clip on. (she does it with sonya's help) (this isn't easy) (i'll get it right someday!)

    (afternoon training at the ilsan aquarium) (9m deep, 12m wide) the performance is held in the main tank. it's 9m deep. (climbing stairs to the entrance) they must go two floors up to get into the water. this is where they can enter the main tank. (9m deep) they will enter this tank

    for the first time today. (flexibility is important to handle the depth) to handle the water pressure of 9m, they need to properly warm up their muscles. (her entire body is muscle) they're as flexible as gymnasts. (upright) their toes are as strong as those of a track star. they must stretch to avoid danger

    once they're underwater. now she'll finally go into the 9m-deep water. (oh...) cold! come in. (the water is 24 degrees celsius) the 9m tank looks really deep. there are huge fish swimming around, too. it's unfamiliar and scary,

    but it can't be avoided now. (first step is adaptation) but they soon forget their fears and try to get used to the small sea. (nasta looks around the water) (sonya wants to befriend the fish) (hi) oh! it's this guy! (150kg stingray) (let's be friends)

    now they'll try underwater choreography together. after much practice, the two seem to be in sync. (enduring the water pressure at 9m deep) (doing the choreography) (smiling) (gasp, gasp) they have no time to rest. they start practicing individually.

    (they must hold their breath for a full minute) she seems as light as a feather, but it's very hard to endure the water pressure and keep holding her breath. (this is tough...) i think the spectators will like it. i hope so. we should work hard so they like it. we'll find out. it's all up to us.

    that afternoon... (nikita found food delivery flyers) (they're going to order food) i'm not eating. that black sauce doesn't look good. this is good. the noodles with black sauce are good? it's good. what's the black sauce? soy sauce and onions?

    this is surprisingly difficult. scuba diver nikita heads out to find a way to order food. does he have a way to solve this problem? (i'm hungry, so i hope he succeeds) nikita found a way... (the security guy will help him) (explaining with body language) he asks the security guy to call for him.

    (phone number?) telephone? (they communicate with facial expressions) it's here. he wasn't asking me to tell him the phone number? that wasn't it. (he fails on his second attempt as well) (failure) (nikita heads back home)

    the security guard didn't understand. it's their second day in korea, and it's hard to even get food. (nikita feels upset and frustrated) he feels angry. (nikita) i can't speak korean, so i have to just stand there smiling sometimes. i get really angry when there's a language barrier. they just eat whatever they have at home.

    banana korea. good. (i'll just eat some chocolate for today) (chocolate hazelnut spread) korea? it certainly is hard to live in a different country. (the day before their first performance) (the last performance by the koreans) let's give a round of applause to our performers (hi!)

    who've worked so hard for so long. (the foreign performers will take their places) (in the afternoon, there are few visitors) (they'll give a preview to the workers) they will give the aquarium employees a preview of their performance today. this is their first test, so everyone is nervous. (white swan sveta, black swan sonya)

    (nervous) (white swan goes in here, black swan goes in here) (specially made flippers) it's for dress. it's like costume. (they need nose clips) sveta, what's that? i don't use a nose clip. i do this. (earplugs made of rubber clay) (the performers prepare to enter the water)

    (nikita is getting ready, too) (the cameraman lifts his scuba tank) (nikita's equipment is heavy) you lift all of this? (adding 10kg of weight) nikita is finally done putting on all his heavy equipment. (10kg weights + 20kg tank = 30kg total) (serious)

    and one person is putting on makeup. (igor applies his makeup) (he's turned into a clown) (i have to do well today...) the employees will see this preview performance. they're both worried and excited. we will start the preview now. give them a big hand. (igor appears first)

    (so much work to do!) oh, no. it looks like igor is nervous, too. our god who grants us wishes has disappeared. (igor is the god of the water!) with so many wishes... (what a complicated story) (above the tank, the performers are nervous) (white swan sveta goes in first)

    (she must get the timing right) goodness! what happened? (something black swims below sveta) oh, it's the stingray. (sveta barely gets the timing right) (white swan sveta pulls off elegant moves) that huge stingray swam into me. (a shark gets in the way)

    the fish unexpectedly get in their way. (startled!) (the fish have thrown them off their path) (the box containing the black swan's wish) (black swan sonya makes her appearance) oh, no... don't bump into that. (sonya bumps her head on the wish box) (sonya) it was new music and our first-ever performance in that tank...

    everything was new, so we made many mistakes. (nikita plays the god's correspondent) (a magic trick where the key goes into the water) everyone, gather your energy and count to 3 for the key to be delivered. (they key is delivered already) (he missed the timing, since he doesn't know korean) (embarrassed) (what was that?)

    the employees don't look pleased. (it's a complete mess!) it's all wrong! (anna is interpreting) nikita took out the key too fast. second... that's not our fault. (i'd better do a good job!) sonya is in charge of the final highlight. (the black swan transforms into a white swan)

    she flawlessly transforms into a white swan! (whoa) the stingray is really getting in their way today. (oh, dear) (how did the employees feel about the performance?) (park beomjun) i don't know what they tried to say. the story... (park seongho) the story's too complicated for kids. (kwak geunyong) the clown doesn't seem to belong.

    (jeong taeyeong) the performance wasn't that good. they need a lot of practice to improve it. (crisis) it was a short time, but they tried their best. (nikita is gloomy after his big mistake) they tried hard, so they feel a lot of regret. i couldn't hear the music at all. you should've told them that through gestures. i couldn't hear the music because of my breathing.

    did you play your role properly? was that the right way? no. when we practiced, the music came out, and the clown counted 1, 2... then i'd swim away. it's just a day before the actual performance. will they be able to perform properly tomorrow? let's meet an amazing family now.

    (greg, father) lauren... colin... savannah... james, can you come stand? it's not 1, 2, 3, or 4 people. it's 13 people. the story of this really big family starts now.

    (family home in pyeongtaek, gyeonggi-do) (7 a.m.) (10th child, james, age 2) (moving in the darkness) the 10th child, james, wakes up first. (good morning) get her. she's awake. get her. wow, look at all their beds.

    they have 3 sets of triple bunk beds and a crib. their father made all of these. (one older sister makes her bed) (her younger siblings follow suit) (did you sleep well?) james woke up all his older siblings. now he'll say good morning to his parents. (greg, father age 46, and jenny, mother age 42) good morning, twins. (sarah jane and amelia)

    (twang, twang, twang) (jenny) i would always be playing along, and... i know. my hand's just not the same after i hurt it. (play something good) (no more, dad) in 1988, greg and jenny got married. from their oldest son aaron to their youngest twins, they have 12 children.

    it's rare to see such a large family in the u.s. greg is an accountant on a u.s. army base, and they've lived in korea for 7 years. (how did you have so many kids?) (greg) it just happened. we didn't plan. they just kept coming. (jenny) we get lots of staring, lots of pointing... lots of people stop and count.

    you can actually see them counting us. 4 of the 12 kids were born in korea. these 4 little ones. (the little ones rule the living room) (the older daughters run the kitchen) oldest daughter alison (16) and second daughter heather (14) prepare breakfast in the kitchen. (they work very well together)

    (alison) more vegetables. we can do cucumbers and peppers. (molly, age 10) that's pretty good for a 10-year-old. (heather, age 14) can you clear the table, erin? okay. they listen to their older sisters. (erin, age 4) (let's eat) there's a reason why this house

    with 11 kids is so peaceful. (the kids eat calmly) everybody has a job to do. (jenny) preparing the food in our house is a combined effort. usually the children take care of themselves for breakfast and lunch. and then we plan a bigger meal. but there is always a troublemaker.

    (drop) pick them up now. (troublemaker james) pick them up. the biggest troublemaker. it's 2-year-old james. his oldest sister is scarier than his mom. (alison is very strict with james) the rule in this family is to take responsibility for your actions.

    she won't go easy on him just because he's young. (throwing a tantrum) you need to go lay in your bed until you decide to be nice. stay in here until you want to be nice. (let me out) stay in your bed until you decide to be nice. (stop crying!) (why are you doing this to me?)

    will you settle down? (wah) do you want to go eat lunch? (yeah) can you stop crying then? (he stops crying!) he can be a good boy if he wants. (i was like you at your age) (my older sister is scary, isn't she?)

    oldest daughter alison stopped james's tantrum. (alison, age 16) she's in charge of cleaning and discipline. (she must clean 4 times a day) she must sweep the area where her siblings were. (alison's magic touch) she's a reliable oldest daughter. time for laundry. (let's see how much laundry there is)

    this is how much laundry 13 people produce in a day. (how many towels do you use a day?) maybe 60 or so. 60 towels. we go through a lot of towels. second daughter heather (age 14) still smiles as she goes through all this laundry. (3 years of experience) she's been doing the laundry since she was 12,

    and she can tell everyone's clothes apart. she even delivers them to the right places. what a great worker. (is it my turn now?) next up is third daughter lauren. she gets into position. (really stuck on hard) (chipping away) (struggling)

    (sigh) yes, that was hard. like a half an inch thick. it was bad. but most of the time, i just soak them if they're bad. lauren is 13 years old, but she talks like an experienced housewife. lauren is in charge of dishes.

    (so many dishes) there are chores to do every day, but they have such reliable daughters. (jenny) there's no way i could possibly do it all myself. and they need to learn how to do these things so that when they leave our house, they can take care of a house for themselves. (greg and jenny get ready to go out)

    (the living room is a mess) listen. when you're done playing, you need to kind of clean it up. if you're done playing, you need to start clearing up this, so people can walk around. the couple heads to a big supermarket. they almost never go out due to the kids, but they must go grocery shopping twice a week. (everything is in korean...)

    what is she looking at? where's it from? i'm looking. did you find it already? it's domestic. did you? - i can't read it all... / - very good. yeah. (domestic) we don't want chinese chicken.

    so... domestic. (the family's main staple is meat) the couple always checks the country of origin and the price. so that would be about $10 for what i usually pay $4 something for at the american store. so i think i won't buy my beef here. since the family is so big, their cart fills up fast

    even when they only buy necessities. on the way home after shopping... give us 4 chickens, please. (they frequent this chicken place) - this is a documentary? / - yes. you'll be famous. as regulars, they always buy 4 chickens. the owner must love them. good.

    (greg) i gave him the bottle of rice wine, and the next time i got chicken, it was 4, but he gave me 5! on the house. meanwhile, the kid are busy. (cleaning up fast) (dad will be back soon) daddy. (yeah!)

    yummy stuff? nobody asks them to do it, but it's the kids' job to bring in the groceries. (they spent $300 on groceries today) i thought it would take forever to sort, but it's over quickly when the kids help. colin is in charge of collecting bags. so orderly. the 11 kids are still growing,

    so all this food will be gone in 3 days. (it's finally time to eat chicken) james, how many chickens are there? 1... 2... - hot, hot! / - it's hot! (this is good) greg appears in a baseball jersey in the evening.

    his only hobby is watching korean baseball. (delivery) the kids bring their dad snacks so he can enjoy the game comfortably. (a cold beer) he really wants to take his kids to a baseball game, but it seems impossible. (i want to go to a game) he makes a big decision.

    they'll go to the jamsil baseball stadium! but... (greg) something to do, so i think i need to discuss with the wife. i know they wanted to go to a ball game, but that's just too long. well, i don't know. the easiest thing to do would be to take the bus. - see? i love the subway. / - where?

    - because it's easy? / - it's easy. that's two transfers. yeah. no. two different trains. and i don't know which one to get on. remember i got on the wrong train once? go by bus or subway? the two are at odds. (the kids' opinions?)

    they finally let the kids decide. - train! / - train. bus. (the subway wins) it's 42 subway stops from pyeongtaek to jamsil. that's a 2-hour trip. that's quite a venture for this big family. (family home) it's finally game day!

    greg puts on his custom baseball jersey. but it looks like jenny and the younger kids aren't going. do you want to go? yes, i want to go. i've never gotten to go. not fair. i have to stay with the babies. colin, lock up the windows. erin, take all these plastic bags into the kitchen.

    colin. put the napkins up, please. and that other stuff. bye-bye. i predict a tough time for greg. (pyeongtaek station) check t-money. go now. check t-money. greg starts nagging his kids as soon as they're out. tickets, tickets, tickets... go. go. go.

    okay, put it right up here. okay. do you know where we're going? the baseball game, i think. (savannah, age 5) this is your first time? (nods) the kids are excited to go to their first ball game. but greg has to stay alert, since he must look after 6 kids. let's get off here.

    they're supposed to transfer at noryangjin station! the kids all get off, trusting their dad. oh, no... now he looks bad in front of his kids. (it sure is hard to get to a baseball game) (they say it's tough when you leave home...) where are you from? 5 kids? 12. one mother. 12? wow...

    - how old are you right now? / - 46. (this guy is amazing) i started late. (showing his family photo) - this is all your family? / - yeah. (they arrive at the sports complex) (beep) thank you again. - enjoy the game. / - yes!

    who wants boomwhackers? - me. / - me. 1, 2, 3, 4... 4, please. who wants ears? who? now, come on. seriously. who wants ears? me. kids are the best at spending their dad's money. money is flying out my wallet.

    (crowded) our tickets... (they bought their tickets!) wow, this outing must cost a lot. pepperoni, and also bulgogi. that's $49.80. he spent over $240 just to go to a baseball game. what if all 12 people had come? (they finally go into the stadium)

    3 hours after leaving home, they finally enter the stadium. (excited) between every pitch, watch him, sadie. he'll do this. 1, 2 and the leg comes up. 2 round with the bat, and the leg comes up. watch. 1, 2 and the leg. every single time. (focused) bathroom...

    just walk down there. you'll eventually find the bathroom. (dad, i need to use the bathroom, too) (he has to focus on both the game and his kids) a dad with lots of kids doesn't have it easy. the 8th child, savannah, looks upset. (alison) she lost one of her bangers. that's why... we don't know where it went. her older sisters take action to help out.

    (the heated baseball game) i bet he's probably going to lose his voice tomorrow. jeong myeongwon, hyundai unicorns player. yeah, yeah, yeah. hyundai. current kt pitcher coach. - they're all your kids? / - yes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... - is that all? / - no.

    no? where are they? (he always likes to show off his family photo) wow! amazing! (be a good daughter) (the game ends) good-bye! good-bye! (doing his park seokmin impression)

    (alison) there's a lot more energy when you're actually here. it was much more enjoyable than just watching it on tv, i think. (greg) very tiring. i wouldn't do the train again. it's just too tiring. it was a tough day for greg, but it will be a nice memory for the kids.

    (the family home) what is all this for? are they having a feast? i'm cooking chili. put the meat in. cook it. then once it's cooked, you put the beans in... (molly will cook 10 servings) a 10-year-old is going to make chili? (mash, mash) can she really do it?

    (first cook the beef) it's hard to cook it, because it's too much. (her older sister is busy reading) alison, aren't you going to help? (alison) she's capable of doing it by herself. we take turns, so if she wants to cook it, she can. (cooking from a young age) the kids learn things as they grow up together. (it looks like she's doing well)

    instead of helping, they give each other chances and watch over each other. this is how the kids become independent. (that's my daughter) how's it going? (i hope it's good...) wow, molly's first chili. the kids are ready to eat as soon as it's ready. they all seem to like it.

    molly, you are the chef. (sadie, age 11) colin, stop playing in the sink. (is it good?) (lauren, age 13) it's just good. can you cook like this? (shakes her head) i don't know how to cook chili. no, no. (what a headache)

    so much for peace... bad boy james made another mess. here. you knocked it off. (oof...) here. do it funny. like this. - can you do it? / - no. yes. scrub it. scrub it. (have mercy, alison!)

    put it in the hamper. what a little rascal. (time to blow off some stress) (great song choice) 'let it go' (what awaits this family tomorrow?) (next episode) (unfamiliar with korea after being here for 6 years) korean is so difficult.

    (the big family's final mission!) (getting their kids to remember korea!) (the 12 siblings experience korea!) yes, we can. (the performance has changed) (will the spectators like it?) (2 large stingrays will be added to the tank) (what if we bump into them?) (stingrays are scary)

    (befriending the stingrays) (i'll be waiting) (their stories in korea will continue)

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