standard furniture dresser

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    standard furniture dresser

    ( sharon jones & the dap-kings' "this land is your land" playing ) ♪ this land is your land ♪ ♪ this land is my land ♪ ♪ from california ♪ ♪ well, to the new york island ♪ ♪ from the redwood forest ♪ ♪ to the gulf stream waters ♪ ♪ i tell you this land ♪ ♪ was made for you and me ♪

    ♪ as i went walking ♪ ♪ down that ribbon of highway ♪ ♪ i saw above me ♪ ♪ oh, that endless skyway ♪ ♪ now i saw below me ♪ ♪ that golden valley ♪ ♪ and i said this land ♪ ♪ from riverside, california ♪ ♪ oh, to staten island ♪

    ♪ well, on down to georgia ♪ ♪ or houston, texas or l.a. ♪ ♪ yeah, you know this land is your land ♪ ♪ ah, this land is my land ♪ ♪ whoa this land is your land ♪ ♪ ooh, you've got to believe oh, it's my land ♪ ♪ oh, hm ♪ this is what i getin return for 30 years of servicefor my company?

    and they send someyo-yo like you in here to try to tell methat i'm out of a job? they should be telling youyou're out of a job. you have a lot of gallcoming in here and firing yournumber one producer. and then you're goingto go home tomorrow and make more money thanyou've ever made in your life, and i'm going to go homewithout a pay check. fuck you. i just-- i guess youleave me dumbfounded.

    i don't know wherethis is coming from. how am i supposedto go back as a man and explain this to my wifethat i lost my job? on a stress level, i've heard thatlosing your job is like a deathin the family. but personally,i feel more like the people i worked withwere my family and i died. i can't affordto be unemployed.

    i have a house payment.i have children. i don't know howyou can live with yourself, but i'm sure thatyou'll find a way while the rest of usare suffering. who the fuckare you, man? ryan: excellent question. who the fuck am i? poor steve has worked here for seven years. he's never had a meeting with me before, or passed me in the hall

    or told me a story in the break room. and that's because i don't work here. i work for another company that lends me out to pussies like steve's boss who don't have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason. because people do crazy shit when they get fired. ( gun cocks ) uh, did i dosomething wrong?

    i mean, is there somethingi could do differently here? this is not an assessmentof your productivity. you gotta try not totake this personally. ( whispers ):"don't take itpersonally." steven, i want youto review this packet. take it seriously.i think you're gonna find a lot of good answersin here. i'm sure this is gonnabe very helpful, a packet. thank you.a packet.

    ( clears throat ) well, anybody who ever builtan empire or changed the world sat where you areright now. and it's because they satthere they were able to do it. that's the truth. i'm gonna needyour keycard. great. okay. now, i want youto take the day, go get togetheryour personal things,

    and then tomorrow, you getyourself some exercise. you go outfor a jog, you give yourselfsome routines, and pretty soonyou find your legs. how do i get intouch with you? don't worry, we'll bein touch with you soon. this is justthe beginning. ryan: i'll never see steve again. ( cool jazzy theme playing )

    thank you. to know me is to fly with me. this is where i live. when i run my card, the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement. pleasure to see you again,mr. bingham. it's these kinds of systemized, friendly touches that keep my world in orbit.

    ( jazzy theme playing ) all the things you probably hate about traveling, the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi, are warm reminders that i'm home. do you wantthe cancer? the what? the cancer?

    the can, sir? ( chuckling ):oh. no. i'm fine, thank you. how much doesyour life weigh? imagine for a second thatyou're carrying a backpack. i want you to feel the strapson your shoulders. feel them? now i want youto pack it with all the stuff thatyou have in your life. you start withthe little things,

    the things on shelvesand in drawers, the knickknacks,the collectibles. feel the weightas that adds up. then you startadding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances,lamps, linens, your tv. the backpack should begetting pretty heavy now. and you go bigger. your couch, bed,

    your kitchen table.stuff it all in there. your car,get it in there. your home, whether it'sa studio apartment or a two-bedroom house, i want you to stuff it allinto that backpack. now try to walk. ( all chuckling ) it's kind of hard,isn't it? this is what we do to ourselveson a daily basis.

    we weigh ourselves downuntil we can't even move. and make no mistake,moving is living. now, i'm gonna setthat backpack on fire. what do you want to takeout of it? photos? photos are for peoplewho can't remember. drink some ginkgoand let the photos burn. in fact,let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrowwith nothing. it's kind of exhilarating,isn't it?

    welcome back,mr. bingham. ( phone rings ) ryan bingham's office. you put me in a dodge stratusin kansas city. they were completelyout of all full-size sedans. did you try-- yes. i reminded them of your remarkable no.1 gold club statusand years in the program.

    they are literally movingmountains to see you in a sebring. fair enough.any other messages? uh, your sister kara called. needs to speak urgentlyabout your sister's wedding. i told her you were mid-air and not even i knewyour final destination. well done. and you got an invitation tospeak at goalquest in vegas.

    goalquest 20? ryan: every once in a while, i do speaking engagements, motivational kind of stuff. but goalquest? we're talking major tony robbins shit. it's gota hologram on it. they're calling itdos equis. all right,i'll check in. hold on. i've gotcraig gregory for you. wait-- ah, fuck.

    how is mylittle road warrior? hey, 20 minutes fromboarding into a world of bliss. real good numbersout of phoenix, ry guy. hey, you know thatbig auto is about to cut another 10k before the endof the month? no kidding. yeah. christmas came early. i wish i could have youin five places at once, but i do need you back herein omaha by the end of week.

    i thought youneeded me everywhere. well, you know, we gotsomething real big here, a real game changer. what are wetalking about here? you'll see. today i took my first crapin two weeks, hallelujah. that's mehanging up on you. great, love that sound. are you satisfiedwith maestro?

    yeah, i am. a little stingy withtheir miles. i like hertz. no, hertz keeps itsvehicles too long. if a car has over 20,000 miles,i won't drive it. maestro doesn't instantcheckout. i like to park and go. hertz doesn'tguarantee navigation. funny. you don't seem likea girl who needs directions. i hate asking for directions.that's why i get a nav. that new outfit,colonial, isn't bad.

    is that a joke? yes. because their kioskplacement blows. they never haveavailable upgrades. basically, it's a fleetof shit-boxes. i don't know how they'restill in business. i'm ryan. i'm alex. ( ryan chuckling )

    oh. maplewood card. how dare you bring thatinto this palace? hilton offers equal valueand better food, but the maplewood gives outwarm cookies at check-in. they got you withthe cookies, did they? yeah. i'm a sucker forsimulated hospitality. you know, there's anindustry term for that. it's a mixture of "faux"and "homey." "faumey." oh, my god.

    i wasn't sure thisactually existed. this is theamerican airlines... it's a concierge key, yeah. oh, what is that,carbon fiber? graphite. oh, god,i love the weight. i was pretty excited the daythat bad boy came in. yeah. i'll say. i put up prettypedestrian numbers.

    sixty thou a year,domestic. that's not bad. don't patronize me. what's your total? it's a personal question. oh, please. and we hardly know each other. come some hubris. come on, impress me.

    ( sighs ) i bet it's huge. you have no idea. ah. how big? huh? what is it,this big? uh... this big? i don't want to brag. oh, come on! come on.

    let's just say i have a numberin mind. i haven't hit it yet. this is prettyfucking sexy. hope it doesn't cheapenour relationship. we're two people who getturned on by elite status. i think cheap isour starting point. there's nothingcheap about loyalty. so, we came up with thismaster plan, which was for me to put gauze, to put bandageson both my hands. ( laughing )

    then we goton the plane, transatlantic,flying to, uh, zurich. walked up--waited till it was dark, and walked up to the bathroomwith her. everybody was watchingthe movie, and i was like... opened up,went inside. she openedthe door for me, and came in like she wasgonna help me. and then, you know, we gaveit our best shot.

    it wasn't great.but it was fun. it was tricky. give me some details. well, it's not so easy. have you ever tried it?it's not so easy. yes, i have. really? really. ( laughs ) you've done that?

    i have done that. on a transatlantic flight? on a domestic flight.regional, actually. hm, like nighttime? no, like daytime. you... what? i mean,how do you do that? oh, i'm really flexible.

    look. oh... ah. i shouldthrow these out. ( both laughing ) we can always use that roomwith the ice machine. here, look. ( sultry exotic theme playing ) good callon that towel rack. i like how you burritoed mein the sofa cushions.

    i was improvising. shame we didn'tmake it to the closet. mm. we gotta do this again. oh, yeah. all right, i'm in newarkon the 12th, modesto on the 13th, oklahoma cityon the 15th. any southwest?

    i'll be swinging by albuquerqueweek of the 16th. no, but i'll be inflorida on the 20th. fort lauderdale? miami. that's nothing. forty minutes. ( both sigh ) i should probablygo back to my room so i canwake up in my bed.

    i think that would bethe ladylike thing to do. nice meeting you. a pleasure. ( chuckles ) ( mellow theme playing ) ( cell phone ringing ) hello? kara: hey, ryan, how you holding up? ryan: every family has the one person

    who keeps the genealogy in check. that's my sister kara, the glue. and the kids? missy's outstanding, matthewmade varsity. how's the road? couldn't be better. kara: good. so, ryan? yeah? i didn't even want to have to ask you this because i know how you areabout doing things for others,

    but we're coming up on three weeks to go to julie's wedding and there's something we couldreally use your help on. we've been sending people these kits so they can print out photosof julie and jim on cardboard and then take photos of themin interesting places, kind of like that gnomein the french movie. why? because it's julie's weddingand she thinks it would be fun. does it matter why?

    how is julie? would you call her? she thinks you've turned to butter. you're awfully isolatedthe way you live. isolated?i'm surrounded. so, your assistant said you were gonna be in vegas. did he? can you geta photo of the cutout in front ofthe luxor pyramid? the place is a shithole.nobody stays there.

    jesus, ryan, i'm notasking you to check in. can you justtake a stupid photo? i'll try my best. thank you for trying your best. ryan: last year, i spent 322 days on the road, which means i had to spend 43 miserable days at home. ( sighs) hey, neighbor. hey. hi!

    hi. hey, i signed for thiswhile you were gone. oh, thanks. i hope it wasn'ttoo much of a bother. nah. wow. yeah, it's my sister.i haven't met the guy yet. they're getting married. hm. lots of luck. i know, right?

    what are you doing tonight?you wanna come over later? um, i've startedseeing somebody. oh. okay. great. hey, it's goodto see you. you too. it seems like it's beena while this time. ( door closes ) okay. i am just--i'm thrilled that

    everyone's backunder one roof. welcome home, boys. i know there's been a lot ofwhispering about why we're here, so let me jump right in.retailers are down 20%. auto industryis in the dump. housing marketdoesn't have a heartbeat. it is one of the worst timeson record for america. this is our moment. now, last summer,we received a dynamite

    young woman herefrom cornell, and she had somepretty big ideas that she challenged me with.and my first reaction was, "who does this kidthink that she is?" but after i gave it a listen,she really knocked me out. so, with a peek into our future,natalie keener. if there's one word i want to leave youwith today, it's this. ( all murmuring )

    "glocal"? glocal. our globalmust become local. this company keeps23 people on the road at least 250 days a year. it's expensive,and it's inefficient. when i came to craigthree months ago with this, he told me,and quite astutely, it's only a problemif you have a solution.

    well, today i standbefore you with just that. you all knowned in reception. today i'm gonna fire ned. sorry, ned. i'm sure hr willhire you back this afternoon. we'll see about that. ( all laughing ) now ned could beany employee in any one of our clients'locations worldwide. strategy packets willbe shipped in advance.

    ned would begiven a seat and find one of our transitionspecialists waiting for him. mr. laskin, the reasonwe're having this conversation is your position isno longer available. i don't understand. i'm fired? hearing the words "you'vebeen let go" is never easy. change is always scary,but consider the following. anybody who everbuilt an empire or changed the worldsat where you are now.

    and it's becausethey sat there that they wereable to do it. that's my fucking line. but what happens now? this is the firststep of a process that will end with youin a new job that fulfills you. yeah. but how does it work? i want you to takethe packet in front of you. review it. all the answersyou're looking for are inside.

    start filling outthe necessary information, and before you know it, you'll be on your wayto new opportunities. now, ned, i need youto go back to your desk and start puttingtogether your things. as a favor to me, i'd appreciate it if youdidn't spread the news just yet. panic doesn't help anyone. i understand.

    give it up for ned. ( all applauding ) natalie:you can startthe morning in boston, stop in dallas over lunch, and finish the dayin san francisco, all for the priceof a t1 line. our inflated travel budgetis eviscerated by 85%. and more importantlyto you guys on the road, no more christmasesin a hotel in tulsa,

    no more hours lostto weather delays. you get to come home. tell me you're nottaking this seriously. that's why i brought the entirecompany in from the road, because we're nottaking it seriously. there is a methodologyto what i do. there is a reasonwhy it works. coke and ibm have been doingthis for years. are you familiarwith them?

    now just likeanything else, you know, it's gonna take a few monthsof sort of transition and then everybodyis gonna settle in. who are youtaking off the road? how are you not getting this?you're grounded. everybody's's done. what we do here is brutal, and it does leave peopledevastated. but there is a dignityto the way i do it.

    by stabbing themin the chest instead of the back,is that right? you wanted to see me? well, um... yeah. you know what?yeah, come on in. come on in here. great job out there, natalie. thank you. how's everyonetaking it? great.

    listen, uh, i admireyour, uh... your zeal. and i think you havesome very good ideas. but you know nothing aboutthe realities of my industry. you can set up an ichat, but you don't knowhow people think. actually,i minored in psychology. craig:nice. okay, kiddo, fire me. craig: ryan.

    ryan:she's gonna be doingthis on a regular basis, don't you wanna knowif she can fire somebody? she's fired ned. my dog can fire ned. fire me. you don't need to do this. no, it's okay.i got this. mr. bingham,i regret to inform you that your position at thiscompany is no longer available.

    hm. who the hell are you? my name is miss keener. i'm here today todiscuss your future. my future? the only one whocan fire me is craig gregory. mr. gregory hired meto handle this for him. handle what?handle me? mr. gregory hired me, he'sthe only one who can fire me. you know what?i'm gonna go talk to him. mr. bingham.

    no, no, no. you can't follow me. you're on a computer screen,remember? ryan. all right. let's try this again. fire me again. i just did. actually, you didn' me. that's enough.i think we get it. mr. bingham,i'm here today to inform you

    that your position isno longer available. i'm fired? yes, you're fired. never say fired. you've been let go. this is a mythical situation. how could ipossibly know why? why doesn't never know why. it's important notto focus on the why

    and rather to spend your energythinking about your future. well, i'm gonnaspend my energy on suing youunless you give me a good reason whyyou're firing me. the reason'snot important. you're firing mewithout grounds? now i really have a lawsuit. i get what you'retrying to say, ryan. don't take this personally.

    personally? this is the mostpersonal situation that you areever gonna enter, so before you try torevolutionize my business, i'd like to know that youactually know my business. that's a hell of a wayto welcome her to the team. am i the only onethat sees that by doing this we're makingourselves irrelevant? no, frankly,we're making you irrelevant.

    nice. don't blame me. blame the high fuel costs. blame insurance premiums.blame technology. you know,you better watch yourself. you're a little too youngto become a dinosaur. i'm not a dinosaur. i want you toshow her the ropes. what do i know what goeson here? get ferguson to do it.

    i'm not talkingabout here. no. yeah. you're very,confident this girl doesn't know whatshe's doing, so... i'm sorry. i don't thinka myspace page qualifies you to rewirean entire company. well, then's your chance. go out there,take her through the paces.

    i'm not a fuckingtour guide. now here we go. bingham,here's the boat. and here's you want to be in the boat? yeah, alone. we're ringing the bell.we're rounding everybody up. you want to stay out therea little bit longer, you're welcome to do it,but you will not be alone, okay? you let me know.

    oh, christ. ( suitcase tires squealing ) follow me. i really likemy luggage. that's exactly whatit is, it's luggage. you know how much timeyou lose by checking in? i don't know.five, 10 minutes? thirty-five minutesa flight. i travel270 days a year.

    that's 157 hours.that makes seven days. you're willing to throw awayan entire week on that? ( quirky theme playing ) you don't need this.sorry, you don't need that. you're notgonna need that. they have neck pillowson the plane. this, they havebetter ones there. i'll get rid of this. i can just meetyou at security.

    ryan:bingo, asians. you can't be serious. never get behind peopletraveling with infants. i've never seena stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes.old people are worse. their bodies are litteredwith hidden metal, and they neverseem to appreciate how little time theyhave left on earth. here you go.five words.

    "randomly selectedfor additional screening." asians. they pack light,travel efficiently, and they've got a thingfor slip-on shoes. you've got to love them. that's racist. i'm like my mother.i stereotype. it's faster. ( metal detector beeping ) ( speaking indistinctly )

    ( typing noisily ) are you madat your computer? i type with purpose. what is it that you'reworking on so furiously? i'm building a workflowof firing techniques. it's questions and responses,actions and reactions. it's a script taking you throughthe steps of firing someone. who's it for? well, theoretically,

    you could put it inthe hands of anyone and they'd bedownsizing immediately. all you have to dois follow the steps. natalie, what is ityou think we do here? we preparethe newly unemployed for the emotional andphysical hurdles of job hunting, while minimizinglegal blowback. that's what we're's not what we're doing. okay. what are we doing?

    we are here tomake limbo tolerable, to ferry wounded soulsacross the river of dread until the point where hopeis dimly visible. and then stop the boat,shove them in the water and make them swim. that was really impressive. are you gonna putthat in your book? ( continues typing ) i got to grab this.i'll meet you at the car rental.

    hey, i was hopingi'd hear from you. i'm in hotlanta, and i needa rib-joint recommend bad. fat matt's.bring a bib. you never called. well, i wasn't surewhat was appropriate. appropriate? ryan, i'm not some waitressyou banged in a snowstorm. that word has no place in our vocabulary. i am the woman thatyou don't have to worry about.

    sounds like a trap. listen, the next time that you'reworried about manners, don't. if you wanna call, call. just think of me as yourself,only with a vagina. when am i gonna see you? well, i'm out ofhartsfield into iad, with a connectionat ord into sdf. oh, sorry.

    yeah, tell me about it. how long's your layover?they got multiples into sdf. think you could push? yeah, i can push. ( suspenseful theme playing ) all you have to do todayis watch and listen. and when i talkabout a strategy packet, hand them one of those. sounds great.

    so, although i wish i werehere with better news, the fact is that you and iare sitting here today because this willbe your last week of employmentat this company. why me? what am i supposed to do now? am i supposedto feel better that i'm not the only onelosing my job? this is ridiculous!

    i have been a fine employeefor over ten years, and this isthe way you treat me. how do you sleepat night, man? huh? how's your family?they sleeping well at night? electricity still on? heat still on?refrigerator full of food? gas tank full of gas? going to chuck e. cheesethis weekend or something? not me.

    no, my kids,we're not gonna do anything. what do yousuggest i tell them? perhaps you're underestimatingthe positive effect that your career transitioncan have on your children. the positive effect? i make about 90 granda year now. unemployment is what,250 bucks a week? is that one ofyour positive effects? well, we'll getto be cozier,

    because i'm not gonna be ableto pay my mortgage on my house. so, maybe we can moveinto a nice fucking one-bedroomapartment somewhere. and i guesswithout benefits, i'll be able to holdmy daughter as she, you know,suffers from her asthma that i won't be able to affordthe medication for. well, ahem,tests have shown that children undermoderate trauma

    have a tendency to applythemselves academically as a method of coping. go fuck yourself. that's whatmy kids'll think. your children's admirationis important to you? yeah. yeah, it was. well, i doubt they everadmired you, bob. hey, asshole, aren't yousupposed to be consoling me? i'm not a shrink, bob.i'm a wake-up call.

    you know whykids love athletes? i don't know. because theyscrew lingerie models? no, that's whywe love athletes. kids love athletes because theyfollow their dreams. well, i can't dunk. no, but you can cook. what are youtalking about? your resume saysthat you minored

    in french culinary arts. most students,they work on the fryer at kfc, but you bussed tables atil picador to support yourself. and then youget out of college and you comeand you work here. how much did they first pay youto give up on your dreams? twenty-seven grand a year. and when wereyou going to stop and come backand do what makes you happy?

    good question. i see guys who work at the samecompany for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. they clock in,they clock out, and they never havea moment of happiness. you have an opportunityhere, bob. this is a rebirth. now, if not for you,do it for your children. he just waltzes inand cuts in line?

    we reservepriority assistance for ourhilton honors members. the promotions are should check it out. hungry much? our business expenseallots $40 each for dinner. i plan on grabbingas many miles as i can. okay, you got to fill me inon the miles thing. what is that about? are you talking about,like, frequent flyer miles?

    you reallywant to know? i'm dying to know. i don't spend a nickelif i can help it unless it somehow profitsmy mileage account. so, what are you saving up for,hawaii, south of france? it's not like that.the miles are the goal. that's it? you're savingjust to save? let's just say that i havea number in mind

    and i haven'thit it yet. that's a little abstract.what's the target? i'd rather not. is it a secret target? it's 10 million miles. okay. isn't 10 millionjust a number? pi's just a number. well, we all need a hobby. no, i-- i don't meanto belittle your collection.

    i get sounds cool. i'd be the seventhperson to do it. more people havewalked on the moon. do they throw you a parade? you get lifetimeexecutive status. you get to meetthe chief pilot, maynard finch. they put your nameon the side of a plane. men get such hard-ons fromputting their name on stuff.

    you don't grow up. it's likeyou need to pee on everything. oh, now who's stereotyping? fear of mortality. it's like, "yeah,you're gonna die one day." why do you supposethat's singular to men? probably becauseyou can't have babies. the baby argument. if i had that many miles, i would show upat an airport,

    look at the destination board,pick a place and go. ( cell phone buzzing ) thanks for the advice. oh, jesus. okay. closer. way closer. still closer. closer. okay. uh, a little left.

    okay, down a little. too far. up.up one more inch. i don't get it. why doesyour sister want a fake photo? my sister is kooky.she thinks this is charming. it's likethe gnome thing. no, why would your sisterwant a fake photo in front of the st. louisairport? are you kidding,lambert field? the wright brothersflew through there.

    that domed main terminal,it's the first of its kind. it's a precursorfrom everything, from jfk to de gaulle. pretty sweet. just takethe picture. ( clicks ) well, that's a keeper. let me see it. why she wantsdozens of reminders

    of all the placesshe hasn't been is beyond me. well, i'm sureshe'll be crushed for havingmissed this airport. before lindbergh couldcross the atlantic, he took off fromone of those runways. you ever wonder why they calledit the spirit of st. louis? well-- man:do you know how fuckedthis place is now? i am the one thing,the one thing,

    preventing this place from beingtotally fucked in the ass. sometimes theyjust need to vent. please, for the love of god,can i fire the next one? miss barnes,thank you for joining us. i'm here tobe fired, right? well, we're here to talkabout your future. you don't have to sugarcoat it.i get the drill. what are they offering? inside the packet,

    you'll find a clearlyworked out severance package. give methe bullet points. it's actually pretty good. three months' pay,six months' medical, and a full yearof placement services through our company, ctc. placement services.that's generous. commonly, it takes one month ofsearching for every $10,000 you expect to earn in salary.

    so, i could belooking for a while. not necessarily. don't even sweat it. i'm pretty confidentabout my plans. there's this beautiful bridgeby my house. i'm gonna gojump off it. ryan:natalie. hey. natalie!

    people say thesethings all the time. it's part of the trade. they do? i mean,they say crazy things. they get worked up. she was really calm. i thinkthat's a good sign. so they don'tever actually do it? no. no, it's just talk.

    how do you know?do you follow up? i mean, no. nothing good'sgonna come of that, but... i wouldn'tworry about it. this is what we do,natalie. we take people attheir most fragile, and we set them adrift. you ready to go back in? all right, let's go.come on. ( dan auerbach's "goin' home" playing )

    ♪ i've spent too long ♪ ♪ away from home ♪ ♪ did all the things ♪ ♪ i could have done ♪ no, i'm fine.tell me something sweet. i'll be back soon.i'm not really sure how long this whole exerciseis supposed to last. no, i don't even thinkof him that way. he's old. ♪ i'm not the only one ♪

    ♪ so long ♪ ♪ i'm goin' ♪ ♪ goin' home ♪ ( both laugh ) ♪ i saw the streets ♪ ♪ all ripe with jewels ♪ ♪ balconies and ♪ ♪ the laundry lines ♪ ( stammering ):i'm done?

    i wasn't expecting this.not at all. just like that? i'm disappointed that i've givenso much of my life... this is not fair. there are people that are gonna be way morequalified than me now. i don't know what to dowhen i wake up tomorrow. are you okay?

    are we going? ( "goin' home" playing ) ryan: this is how i start every day of my life. now, this is gonna be a littledifficult, so stay with me. you have a new backpack. only this time, i want you tofill it with people. start withcasual acquaintances, friends of friends,

    folks around the office. and then youmove into the people that you trust withyour most intimate secrets. your cousins,your aunts, your uncles, your brothers,your sisters, your parents. and finallyyour husband, your wife, your boyfriendor your girlfriend. ( clicks tongue ) you get theminto that backpack.

    don't worry. i'm not gonnaask you to light it on fire. ( all chuckle ) feel the weight of that bag. make no mistake, yourrelationships are the heaviest components in your life. do you feel the strapscutting into your shoulders? all those negotiationsand arguments and secrets and compromises. you don't need tocarry all that weight.

    why don't youset that bag down? some animals were meantto carry each other, to live symbioticallyfor a lifetime. star-crossed lovers,monogamous swans. we are not those animals. the slower we move,the faster we die. we are not swans. we're sharks. ( men chattering )

    ( tense theme playing ) natalie: never? ryan: no. ever? you never wantto get married? nope. never want kids? not a chance. that so bizarre?

    yes, it is. i just don't seethe value in it. all right,sell it to me. sell me marriage. okay, how about love? pfft. okay. stability, just somebodyyou can count on. how many stable marriagesdo you know? somebody to talk to,someone to spend your life with.

    i'm surrounded bypeople to talk to. i doubt that'sgoing to change. how about justnot dying alone? starting when i was 12,we moved each one of my grandparents intoa nursing facility. my parents wentthe same way. make no mistake,we all die alone. now, those cult membersin san diego with the kool-aidand the sneakers,

    they didn't die alone. i'm just sayingthere are options. ( sniffling ) oh, fuck. brian left me. ( sobbing hysterically ) hey, all right. okay, okay.all right. all right.

    ( shushing ) yeah, um... ( sobbing continues ) oh. uh, natalie, this is alex,my friend. this is natalie. i should giveyou both a moment. no. no,that's fine. i'm fine. it's a pleasureto meet you.

    maybe we should just all goup to our rooms and freshen up. or maybe a drink? now you're talking. he broke up with youover text message? it's kind of like firingsomeone over the internet. what a weasely prick. yeah. but what doesthat make me? someone whofalls for a prick. we all fall for them.

    pricks are spontaneous, they're unpredictable,and they're fun. and then we're surprisedwhen they turn out to be pricks. i followed him to omaha. you did? i had a job waiting for mein san francisco when he got an offerfrom conagra. he said we couldstart a life together. so i followed him.

    to nebraska? i thought i'd beengaged by now. no offense. none taken. that's all right. when i was 16,i thought by 23 i'd be married, maybe have a kid, corner office by day,entertaining at night. i was supposed to be drivinga grand cherokee by now.

    yeah, life canunderwhelm you that way. i mean, where did you thinkyou'd be by, um... yeah, uh, it doesn'twork that way. at a certain point,you stop with the deadlines. it can be a littlecounterproductive. i don't want to say anythingthat's anti-feminist. i really appreciate everythingthat your generation did for me. it was our pleasure. but sometimes it feels like nomatter how much success i have,

    it's not gonna matteruntil i find the right guy. you really thoughtthis guy was the one? i could havemade it work. he...he really fit the bill. you know? the bill? white-collar, college grad, loves dogs,likes funny movies, 6'1'', brown hair,kind eyes,

    works in financebut is outdoorsy, you know,on the weekends. i always imagined he'd havea single syllable name like, um, mattor john or dave. in a perfect world,he drives a 4runner. and the only thing he loves more than meis his golden lab. and a nice smile. what about you?

    let me think, uh... you know, honestly,by the time you're 34, all the physical requirementsjust go out the window. i mean, like, you secretly praythat he'll be taller than you. um... and not an assholewould be nice. someone who enjoys my company,comes from a good family. because you don't think aboutthat when you're younger. i don't know.uh, someone who wants kids.

    likes kids. wants kids. healthy enough toplay with his kids. ( chuckling ) um... oh, please let himearn more money than i do. you might notunderstand that now, but believe me,you will one day. otherwise,that's a recipe for disaster. uh, and hopefullysome hair on his head, but, i mean, even that's nota deal breaker these days.

    a nice smile. yeah, a nice smile. nice smilejust might do it. wow, that was depressing. i should just date women. tried it. we're no picnic ourselves. i don't mind beingmarried to my career, and i don't expect it to hold mein bed as i fall asleep.

    i just don't want to settle. you're young. right now you see settlingas some sort of a failure. it is, by definition. yeah. but by the timesomeone is right for you, it won't feel like settling. and the only personleft to judge you will be the 23-year-old girlwith a target on your back. so, what's the planfor the evening?

    well, we weregonna hit that party for the tech conferenceat the hotel. oh, i didn't know youcould just attend those. i thought you hadto be registered. well, technically,i don't think it's open to the public. just gonna stop by. you're gonna crash it? they throwa really nice party.

    well, they have more moneythan they know what to do with. and they havea good time, usually. no, no, i get it.i'm in. ( crowd chattering ) jennifer chu? shit! ah, it'll be fine. ( naughty by nature's "o.p.p."playing over speakers ) ♪ army with harmony ♪

    ♪ dave, drop a load on 'em ♪ doing all right? yeah. this wasa great idea. you're so pretty. you're exactly what i wannalook like in 15 years. thank you, natalie. you should dance. ♪ it's sorta like another way ♪ ♪ to call a cat a kitten ♪

    come on. no, no, no. ( chic's "good times"playing over speakers ) ♪ good times ♪ ♪ these are the good times ♪ ♪ our new state of mind ♪ hi. i'm dave. i'm natalie. who's jennifer?

    i don't know. dj:how's everybody doing out there? ( all cheering ) all right.right about now, give it up for a very specialalphatech guest. young mc! what's up, alphatech? i got a busted computer at home.can somebody fix it for me? ( "bust a move" playing )

    ♪ this here'sa jam for all the fellas ♪ ♪ trying to do whatthose ladies tell us ♪ ♪ get shot down'cause you're overzealous ♪ ♪ play hard to getfemales will get jealous ♪ ♪ okay, smarty, go to a party ♪ ♪ girls are scantily clad and showing body ♪ ♪ a chick walks by you wish you could sex her ♪ ♪ you're standing on the wall like you was poindexter ♪ ♪ next day's function high-class luncheon ♪

    ♪ food they're serving you're stone-cold munching ♪ ♪ music comes on people start to dance ♪ ♪ but then you ate so much you nearly split your pants ♪ ♪ a girl starts walking guys start gawking ♪ ♪ sits down next to you and starts talking ♪ ♪ says she wanna dance'cause she likes to groove ♪ ♪ come on, fatso, just ♪ all: ♪ bust a move ♪ say, "yeah!"

    all: yeah! say, "oh, yeah!" all: oh, yeah! say, "bust a move!" all: bust a move! let me hear you say, "yeah!" i want you to havea key to my place. wow. i had no idea we were atthat point in our relationship. oh, yes.

    ( both chuckle ) where is she? ( singing flatly ):♪ lying in my bed ♪ ♪ i hear the clock tick ♪ ♪ and think of you ♪ ♪ caught up in circles ♪ ♪ confusion is nothing new ♪ ♪ flash back to warm nights ♪ ♪ almost left behind ♪

    ♪ suitcase of memories ♪ ♪ time after ♪ ♪ sometimesyou picture me... ♪ back home i don't get to actthe way i do with you. that's why i don'thave a back home. i know. you're so cool. mr. empty backpack. you know about my backpack?

    i googled you. it's what us modern girls dowhen we have a crush. ah. did it bother you? it depends. is the bag emptybecause you hate people or because you hate the baggagethat they come along with? i don't hate people.i'm not exactly a hermit. you just don't wantto be tied down with the wholeresponsibility thing?

    i don't know what originallysparked the backpack. probably neededto be alone. recently, i've beenthinking that i needed to empty the backpack before i knew whatto put back in it. man 1:oh, no! man 2:i think we're out of gas. hey. you're up? yeah, i have to fly standby andmake a meeting in cincinnati.

    oh. okay. aw, i made you feel cheap. it's all right. just leavethe money on the dresser. i'll text you laterso we can swap schedules. i really like you. i like you too. good. go catch your plane. last night, uh...

    it was kind of out of hand,and i said things... i'm not actually sure ofeverything that i said, but i didn'twant you to think-- just relax. it was nice tosee you cut loose. so, did you wake him upor slip out? this morning.your new friend. did you wake him upfor an awkward goodbye or did you just slip outand make him feel like a whore?

    i just left. protocol's always tricky. what happened to alex? she had to leave town earlyto get to a meeting. that's too bad.where does she live? chicago. thinking of goingto see her? we don't really havethat kind of relationship. try right over there.that direction.

    what, um, kind of relationshipdo you have? well, you know, casual. sounds pretty special. it works for us. ( camera clicks ) don't you thinkthere's a future there? i never really thoughtabout it. what's going on here? really neverthought about it?

    how can you notthink about that? how does it noteven cross your mind that you might wanta future with someone? it's simple. you know that moment when youlook into somebody's eyes and you can feel themstaring into your soul and the whole world goesquiet just for a second? right. well, i don't. you're an asshole.

    i'm just dicking around.come on. give me a hand. don't you think it's worthgiving her a chance? a chance to what? a chance at something real. natalie,your definition of real is going to evolveas you get older. can you stop condescendingfor one second or is that one of the principlesof your bullshit philosophy? bullshit philosophy?

    the isolation,the traveling. is that supposedto be charming? no, it's simplya life choice. it's a cocoon ofself-banishment. wow. big words. screw you. ah, screw you too. you have set upa way of life that basicallymakes it impossible

    for you to have any kindof human connection. and now thiswoman comes along and somehow runs the gauntletof your ridiculous life choice and comes out onthe other end smiling just so you cancall her "casual"? i need to grow up?you're a 12-year-old. i don't havea gauntlet-- ( water splashes ) fuck.

    ( grunting ) ( blow dryer whirring ) now, listen, these detroit guyscan be tough. they've beengetting hammered. so, you don't get distracted.stick with the simple stuff. you get these packetsin their hand and you get themout the door, okay? ( ryan sighs ) hey, welcome to detroit.

    what's going on here? i've been looking at those numbers over the last few days. i thought maybe we should nut up and give this a try. we could usea little more time. well, you got to leave the nest at some point, huh? this is a real company, craig.we're here to do some damage. i know. it's a good thing we brought our best, okay. let's stop screwing around. just give me a minute to prepareand get my things together.

    i was thinking that natalie was going to take this one. she's hardlyready for that. i've been watching her results the last few days. she's great. this is a whole other animal. you know, she created it and everything, right? natalie, are you not up for it? yeah, i'm game. that's my girl. just remember,don't apologize,

    don't tell them howhard this is for you. today's one ofthe worst days they're ever gonna havein their life. how we feeldoesn't even compare. got it. just keep it'll be fine. what's all this? what's going on? hello, mr. samuels. i wishi were here with better news. however, your positionhere at wertheimer's

    is no longer available. what are you talking about? just like that? who are you? my nameis miss keener, and i'm here today to talkabout your options. i worked for this company for 17 years and they send a fourth-grader to can me? what the fuck is this?

    it's perfectlynormal to be upset. however, the sooner you cantell yourself that greater opportunities arewaiting for you-- greater opportunities? i'm 57 fucking years old. anybody who ever built an empireor changed the world sat where you are now. and it's because they sat therethat they were able to do it. there's a packetin front of you. i want you to takesome time and review it.

    all the answers you're lookingfor are inside those pages. the sooner youtrust the process, the sooner the next stepof your life will unveil itself. ( sniffling ) i need you togo back to your office now and start putting togetheryour personal things. ( sobbing ) mr. samuels, that's allwe can discuss now. mr. samuels.

    ( sobbing continues ) mr. samuels! ( door opens ) you did good. you okay?you want me to take over? no, i'm all right. no. look, we just got here. that's one place. i thinkwe need to try a few more. maybe it doesn'tmake a difference,

    but it's comforting to knowthat we're in the next room. i know you don't give a shitabout my comfort. i think we could try a few more,that's all i'm saying. fine. all right.okay. all right. he thought youdid a great job. you did.i'm real proud of you. thanks. they're pulling usoff the road.

    we're going home. really? for good? good job. i'm sorry about whati said about alex. that was out of line. it's all right.i understand. i mean, who am i to be dolingout relationship advice, right? are you gonna be okay? what do you mean?

    in omaha? it's better thanyou'd think. ryan.where are you going? i'm grabbing another flight. something i've gotto take care of. i'll see you back in--uh, home. ( majestic theme playing ) okay, just walk itin a little. a little more.

    there you go. yeah. they're a cute couple. you think so? yeah, they'llmake cute kids. how do you likewisconsin in february? i like itif you're there. and i know a killerburger in milwaukee. northern wisconsin. what are youdoing this weekend?

    what, i haven't-- well, you want meto be your date? yeah. uh, yeah. at your sister's wedding? it's not like iknow her that well. look, i'm notthe wedding type, right? but for the first timein my life, i don't want to bethat guy alone at a bar. i want a dance partner.i want a "plus one."

    and if you can stomach it,i'd like it to be you. excuse me.are you available? this line's for membersof our matterhorn program. kara:hey. ryan. kara. hi. hi. hey. hi. alex, this ismy sister kara. well, hello.

    ryan's told menothing about you. so, you two are dating? ( ryan & alex laugh ) no, not exactly. well, hey,don't worry about it. we're allgetting a little old to be callingsomeone girlfriend. i remember when mom usedto call jack her boyfriend. god.drove me up the wall.

    boyfriends are for kids,right? so, what are youdoing at the hotel? yeah. okay, uh, frank and i are trying outa trial separation. oh, i'm sorry. so, you'renot staying at the house? no, there wasa room on hold here, so i thought i'd justtake it for the weekend. ah. so the rehearsal dinner.

    yeah, tonight.i'll see you two there. nice digs. there's a packet. hey, look who's here. oh, my god! he finally made it. oh, my god! ryan! oh. you must be alex. yes, i am.hi. how are you?

    oh, you are so beautiful.kara was right. gosh. heh. you lookso grown-up. i do? you're the onethat's getting married. oh. i know, right? oh. you haven'teven seen my ring. wow, look at that. oh, it's lovely. jim designed it. ryan:that's...

    hey, jim. how's it going? hey. i'm ryan. jim. good to meet you. alex. pleasure. jim: pleasure. well, thank you, guys,for coming. brother. it's true, though.

    yeah, it's crazy. uh, ah. i got the picturesyou asked me to get. you can just putthem right there. yeah, okay. ( all chattering ) you got so manyof them up there, i almost didn't have room. i know. it's so great.everyone just chipped in.

    what gave you the ideato do something so... substantial. julie:well, jim has a lotof our nest egg invested in this real estateventure. mm-hm. it's a realestate investment. it's exciting, but we wentover our finances and... a honeymoon just kind ofat this state in the game just doesn'treally seem affordable. so, you know,we just thought,

    "just becausewe can't travel doesn't meanwe can't have pictures." no, i thinkthat's a fabulous idea. yeah,it's a good one. i mean, the conceptis turnkey everything. okay? you buy a maintenancecontract when you get the home. you know,we'll whack your weeds, we'll changeyour light bulbs. furniture,you can bring your own

    or else you can pick oneof our beautiful packages. seamless traditionalism,yet all the perks. and we all needa place to call our own. this is america.this is what we were promised. it's a nice touch. the bit at the end aboutthe promise. i like that part. oh. thanks. you, uh... you still rentingthat one-bedroom?

    no. i gave it up. so you own now? but you're looking? no, not really. so you're just good? i'm good. well, that's good. can you believe it's tomorrow?how are you gonna sleep? well, do you wantsome xanax?

    i don't thinkthat's for sleeping. yeah. no, i think i'll justhave a glass of warm milk. that'll dothe trick. okay.see you tomorrow. bye. hey. there's anotherbox inside. i'll grab it. you sure? yeah, yeah, yeah.

    jim seems likea good guy. yeah, isn't he great? he's going tomake a great husband. you know, julie,i was thinking, you know,with dad not being here, um, i was wondering if you had anybody towalk you down the aisle. yeah. um... no, jim's uncleis gonna do it.

    he's beenreally supportive. julie:he's been great. well, good.that's great. i just wanted tomake sure that you... i wanted youto be covered, that's all. so i shouldbe there, what? yeah, the guestsare arriving around 5, and things get goingat 5:30, so around then. ( footsteps approaching )

    let me-- i'm gonnahelp you with those. ( whispering ):it's's okay. it's okay. ( elliott smith's "angel in the snow" playing ) ryan:none of that was here. uh-huh? this is all new. is that all you got? give me a boost. watch--

    hang on. ah. i took geographyin here. you ever fool aroundwith one of your teachers? no. did you? no. not until college. ♪ all crushed out on the way you are ♪ ryan:that's me on the right. it's kind of hard to tell. you can tellby the eyebrows.

    you played basketball? i was a point guard. don't act so surprised. i didn't know you weresuch a jock. that's me too. and that. ♪ only a cold still life ♪ my first fight. how'd it go?

    got my ass kicked. this is wherewe used to go to make out. oh, yes. yeah.this is very romantic. go, cougars! ( whistles ) i'm really happyi came here. so am i. it's kara. ryan, where are you?

    we're havinga meltdown here. what's going on?what happened? it's jim. can you getback here? we need your help. we gotta go. ♪ only a frozen ♪ i'll grab your suit. ♪ that fell down here ♪ ♪ to lay beside you ♪ what happened?

    jim's got cold feet. today? yeah, that's howcold feet work. what do you want me to do? talk to him. you want meto talk to him? hey, it's eitheryou or me. you know my track record.i've already struck out once. i haven't been to bat.i haven't been in the dugout.

    don't you talk for a living?motivational-type stuff? i tell people howto avoid commitment. what kind offucked-up message is that? it's a philosophy. it's stupid. hey, it could havehelped you. ryan, you haven'tbeen around much. fuck, basically,you don't exist to us. i know you wannabe there for her.

    well, here it is.this is your chance. hey. what's up, ryan? jim. you ever read this before? yeah, it's prettypowerful stuff. yeah, i'll say. uh, kara mentioned that you were, uh,having some thoughts. i don't think i'm gonnabe able to, uh--

    to do this. and why would yousay that today? well, last nighti was kind of laying in bed and i couldn'tget to sleep, so i started thinking aboutthe wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a houseand moving in together, and having a kid andthen having another kid. and then christmas andthanksgiving and spring break and goingto football games.

    and then, all of a sudden,they're graduating, they're getting jobs,and they're getting married, and, you know,i'm a grandparent. and then i'm retired. i'm losing my hair.i'm getting fat. and then the next thingyou know, i'm dead. i'm just, like, i can't stop from thinking,"what's the point?" i mean,what is the point?

    the point? yeah, i mean,what am i starting here? jim, it's marriage. it's one of the mostbeautiful things on earth. it's what, uh,people aspire to. you never got married. that's true. i mean,you never even tried. well, it's hardto define try.

    i don't know, just... you seem happier than allmy married friends. look, jim,i'm not gonna lie to you. marriage can bea pain in the ass. and you're kind of right.this all is just stuff that leads to youreventual demise. and we're all onrunning clocks, and they can'tbe slowed down or paused, and, you know, we allend up in the same place.

    there is no point. there is no point.that's what i'm saying. ( inaudible dialogue ) you know, uh, i'm not normally the guy you would talk to aboutstuff like this. if you think about it, your favorite memories, the most importantmoments in your life,

    were you alone? mm, no, i guess not. hey, come tothink of it, last night, the nightbefore your wedding, when all this shit is swirlingaround in your head, weren't you guys sleepingin separate bedrooms? yeah, julie wentback to the apartment, and i was just by myselfin the honeymoon suite. kind of lonely, huh?

    yeah, it was pretty lonely. life's betterwith company. everybody needsa co-pilot. that was a nice touch. so, uh, what'sthe mood like out there? it's not good. she's pretty pissed? she's upset. what should i do?

    go get her. ( sad brad smith's "help yourself" playing ) i'm such a fuck-up.i love you so much. will you bemy co-pilot? yes. yes. welcome home. ( "help yourself" playing ) ♪ i know you'll help us when you're feeling better ♪ ♪ and we realize that it might not be ♪

    ♪ for a long, long time ♪ ♪ but we're willing to wait on you ♪ ♪ we believe in everything that you can do ♪ ♪ if you could only lay down your mind ♪ ♪ i... ♪ ♪ want you to try to help yourself ♪ ♪ oceans of water underneath our feet ♪ ♪ terrible design ♪ ♪ dusty rooms you cannot sweep ♪

    ♪ clouding up your mind ♪ ♪ and we realize that it might not be ♪ ♪ but we're willing to wait on you ♪ we believe in everything that you can do ♪ if you could only lay down your mind ♪ we believe in everything that you can do ♪ okay, this isyour stop. when am igonna see you? you're just gonnahave to come visit.

    oh. so settled. you're not gonnachange on me, are you? no. same guy.just one address. woman ( on pa ): this is your final boarding call for american airlines flight number 3972 to chicago. all me when you get lonely. i'm lonely. natalie: some guy sits down in a conference room somewhere and our serverroutes his session

    to one of ourtermination engineers. "termination engineers"?really? i preferred "terminators,"but it bumped with legal. can't imagine why. they follow a workflowthat takes them through anything from a standard dismissalto a violent aggressor. what are they doing now?are they practicing? well, beta testing,role-playing. um, we go liveat the end of the month.

    kyle, you're running throughthe events too quickly. you need to give them time toacknowledge each statement, okay?it's a legal thing. ryan? oh. yeah. there's more? ( crosby, stills & nash's "taken at all" playing ) ♪ were you looking for signs along the way? ♪ this is ridiculous. craig:legal's really startingto come hard at me

    on this term"terminate," so... ♪ is this road really the only way? ♪ ♪ can this road be taken ♪ ♪ taken at all ♪ ♪ can you see by your lonely light of day ♪ man:ladies and gentlemen,put your hands together for today's challenge speaker,mr. ryan bingham. ( audience applauding ) go get them.

    last year,i flew 350,000 miles. the moon is 250. i want you toimagine for a second that you'recarrying a backpack. you feel them? start with the little things, the things onshelves and in drawers. excuse me. what the fuckare you doing?

    okay, everyone,just relax. ( mellow acoustic theme playing ) hey, you gotta sign. thought i didthat already. okay, thank you. hey, you forgot to give meyour hertz no.1 gold card! ( doorbell rings ) so i was inthe neighborhood. ( children shouting inside )

    boy:hey! hey, wait!wait, wait. man:hey, honey,who's at the door? alex:it's justsomebody who's lost. ( melancholy theme playing ) alex? alex:what were you thinking, showing up at my door like that? what do you mean?i-- i wanted to see you. i didn't knowyou had a family.

    why wouldn't youtell me that? look, i'm sorry i ruinedyour evening, but, i mean, you could have seriouslyscrewed things up for me. that's-- that's my family.that's my real life. i thought i was a partof your real life. i thought we signed upfor the same thing. try and help me understand exactly what it isthat you signed up for. i thought our relationshipwas perfectly clear.

    i mean, you are an escape. you're a break from our normal lives. you're a... a parenthesis. i'm a parenthesis? i mean, wh-- what do you want? tell me what you want. you don't even knowwhat you want. i'm a grown-up, okay?

    so, if you wouldlike to see me again, then give me a call. okay? stewardess ( on pa ): ladies and gentlemen, we have a special announcement to make. our pilot has justinformed me that we are passing overthe city of dubuque, which might not mean muchto most of you, but means a lotto one of our flyers today.

    oh, no. because he justhit 10 million miles! congratulations. such an amazingaccomplishment. stewardess 2:you must bevery, very excited. hi, captain. captain. that seat taken? no. no.

    you're the youngestyet to hit 10 mil. don't know whereyou found the time. yeah, i--i don't know. here you go. seventh card we've made. small club. we really appreciateyour loyalty. you know how many timesi thought about this moment? played outthe conversation

    that you and iwould have right here. what did youwant to say? you know,i don't remember. that's all happens to all of us. so where areyou from? i'm from here. woman: hello, mr. bingham. how did you knowit was me? this is your dedicated line.

    we reserve them for our most loyal and appreciated flyers. i'd like to transfersome of my miles. can i open up an accountto jim and julie miller? certainly. how many miles would you like to transfer? how many miles does it taketo circle the globe? we have our round-the-world tickets. they're 500,000 miles each. that'd be fine. got a second?

    uh, i'll call you back. what the hell happenedto you yesterday? i was trying to getyou all day. i was... some personal stuff.what's going on? do you rememberkaren barnes, part of a 30-person reductiona few weeks back in wichita? natalie fired her. i fire dozensof people a day. i--

    she killed herself,jumped off a bridge. ah. fuck. i need to knowif you remember any woman that gave you any signals,uh, depression... they're all depressed.we're firing them. hey, i need to ask youthis stuff, okay? no, i don'tremember anything. you never thinkthat they're... you don't remember any womanthat gave you any signals?

    anything at all, ryan? no, nothing stands out. natalie all right? natalie quit. she quit? text message. ( scoffs ) yeah, fucking nice, right? no one's gotany manners anymore.

    she say whereshe was going? no. she wasa little upset. i shouldgive her a call. i need youback in the air. hey, did you hearwhat i said? i thought you'd bethrilled about that. it's fine. what aboutthe videoconferencing? ctc is going to pausethe new-media front. they're gonna give itsome more thought.

    we are gonna getour workhorses back in the air, doing what theydo best, okay? how long are yousending me out? we're gonna letyou sail and sail. you send us a postcardif you ever get there. man:so, what happened? how exactly do you mean? you graduatedtop of your class. you seemed to haveyour pick of employment,

    including right here. instead you went to omahato fire people for a living? it's challenging work. i'll say. i can't imagine doingthat day in, day out. not in this climate. i followed a boy. hm. well, i guess everybody doesthat at one point or another.

    this guy saysi'd be lucky to have you. ryan: to whom it may concern, i can't even count the number of people i've fired in my lifetime. so many that i've actually forgotten what it's like to hire somebody. we've never met, but i know you'd be lucky to have natalie keener. my advice? take her and don't look back.

    she'll be the best decision you've made in a long time. i sure hope he's right. ( upbeat acoustic theme playing ) woman: well, i don't have a lot of hope, and i really don't knowwhen it's gonna get better. there's a lot ofpeople unemployed, and i really don't know when there's gonna be lightat the end of the tunnel. i can't findmuch to talk about.

    talk about being proud.i'm proud of my kids. i think the angercomes from the fact that, uh, i justwasn't needed anymore. i would say,you know, uh, without my friendsand my family, i wouldn't have made it. it would have beena lot tougher if i would have had tomake it on my own. when i wake upin the morning

    and i look overand i see my wife, uh, that gives methe sense of purpose. it's not all about the can keep you warm. it pays your heating bills,you know. it can buy you a blanket. uh, but it's not as-- doesn't keep you as warmas when my husband holds me. let me get up. let me get out.let me find something. so my kids are my purpose,my family.

    ryan: tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. their spouses will ask about their day, and tonight they'll sleep. the stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.

    ( graham nash's "be yourself" playing ) ♪ how does it feel when life doesn't seem real ♪ ♪ and you're floating about on your own ♪ ♪ life seems uncertain so you draw the curtain ♪ ♪ pretending there's nobody home ♪ ♪ don't theorize look in your eyes ♪ ♪ they can't tell lies ♪ ♪ though you disguise what you see ♪ ♪ your reality ♪

    ♪ we needed a savior ♪ ♪ and by our behavior ♪ ♪ the ones that were worth it are gone ♪ ♪ but songbirds are talking ♪ ♪ and runners are walking ♪ ♪ a prodigal son's coming home ♪ ♪ don't theorize look in his eyes ♪ ♪ and they won't tell lies ♪ ♪ but if he defies what you see ♪

    ♪ here is a key ♪ ♪ be yourself ♪ ♪ why don't you be yourself? ♪ ♪ come on and be yourself ♪ ♪ oh, be yourself ♪ ♪ you can be ♪ man ( on machine ): hi, jason. my name is kevin, and i recently lost my job. i wrote this song, um,

    as sort of a statement about uncertainty and, uh, having a certain amount of anxiety about the future. um, so maybe you can use it in your movie. ( kevin renick's "up in the air" playing ) ♪ i'm up in the air ♪ ♪ choices drifting by me everywhere ♪ ♪ and i can't find the one ♪ ♪ that would help me do the work i've left undone ♪

    ♪ 'cause i'm up in the air ♪ ♪ i'm making some plans ♪ ♪ finding out there's always new demands ♪ ♪ and i can't be precise ♪ ♪ when people ask me what i'm doing with my life ♪ ♪ i say, it's up in the air ♪ ♪ i'm hearing from friends ♪ ♪ it's that tired old advice again ♪ ♪ you just cannot keep floating all around ♪

    ♪ oh, you got to get your feet back on the ground ♪ ♪ but it's hard to come down ♪ ♪ when you're up in the air ♪ ♪ da, da-da-da, da, da ♪ ♪ da, da ♪ ♪ da, da-da-da, da ♪ ♪ i'm talking with my peers ♪ ♪ listening to them tell their inner fears ♪ ♪ and some have lives that haven't gone ♪

    ♪ the way they planned ♪ ♪ and some are trapped in situations ♪ ♪ they can't stand ♪ ♪ well, i don't want the same for me ♪ ♪ so i stay up in the air ♪

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