standard kitchen furniture size

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Title : standard kitchen furniture size

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standard kitchen furniture size

this is john kohler from have another exciting episode for you we are right here in houston texas.. yes thelone star state.. actually i am sweating because i am not used to the high humidity here, butit's definitely nice weather we've been having and houston is one of the best place to actuallygrow a garden because you can grow all year around. just the other day i actually sawa garden that had papaya trees in the front yard, growing things like dinosaur kale orred russian kale and a whole bunch of other hers and things like that. so why i am heretoday is because you know, as you can see we are just in suburbia. there are lawns andlawns and lawns and not many people are growing their food here. so it's my mission to helpspread the message of growing food in your

front yard, in your back yard, wherever youcan... and a my friend's place that i am visiting today is currently renting, so we can't justlike dig up the whole front yard and plant a garden and maybe can't even... dig up andplant a garden in the backyard. but what we are gonna make today is a portable raisedbed garden out of a commonly used... and a thrown out resource that may be availableto you. so anyways actually let's go sit on the stoop, and share with you more about howwe are going to make a garden today. now i am sitting on the stoop, and i like that wordbecause i don't think that we have too many stoops in california but we got a stoop hereand that's like the front-stairs to the house or a landing or something like that. but anywaysnow i am going to show you guys what i am

gonna be using to build this raise bed, becauseonce again he is renting and he can't like be digging up the garden and all this kindof stuff, so... building a raised bed; like i am gonna show you guys today an excellentway whether you -- rent, whether you own, whether you have commitment issues, because...this is a not a big commitment because you can literally lift these guys up and moveyour garden wherever, plus, there is so much flexibility in making a garden like this becauseyou can arrange it in any shape you like. plus you can move these it to get more sun,to get less sun, if you don't like where to put it you can move it around. so this isa really... cool way to garden as the first time i set up a garden like this because youknow, wherever i go, whenever i am looking

for, place to garden, how to grow; i am liketaking many factors into consideration okay... how much money does he have to spend to likebuy materials to make the raised beds, can he buy wood, can he use concrete, you know,or any resources locally available that he could use for free or inexpensive, to builda garden, because i always want you know to be able to , grow a garden in a the most affordablyand meet their specific needs so his needs. hey john i might move in a little bit, i don'twant to be tied down, i don't want to mess up the yard, for the owners or whatever. sothis is a least non-committal way, but to get excellent growing result, that we aregoing to use in, what that simple is, these guys. we got this little plastic bins hereso these plastic bins is what like the produce

comes shipped in to like different grocerystores i have seen them often time to the back of the mexican restaurants because theyget tomatoes and onions are.. i go to the wholesale produce terminals they often justhave these laying around that they are going to throw away, but these are great to reuseyou could also use like something like the milk crates that the milk comes in, off courseyou shouldn't be stealing you should like try to buy or ask what they do with them whenthey are used up or whatever , and this are the crates so these crates are actually particularlygood because the holes are actually quite small so that means there is not going tobe whole lot of dirt running out of it and ah.. if you are concerned about and you doget a crate that has larger holes, like the

milk crates size holes are larger if you getmore like coconut coir or ?????[3:37] in your mix it will tend to stick together and clump.but even then it still might run out so then you can line it with some aa.. landscape fabricmaybe some newspaper or cardboard which will help contain the soil or ????[3:48] betteror you can use something like the.. coconut coir kind of sheeting stuff to keep the soilin there. so, there is options to keep the soil and if you think you need that, in thiscase, the holes are so close together, i don't think we really need that, and if the soilcomes out just put it back in.[pause] the other thing is that you do need some drainagein these as these can't be solid bottoms and you can't just use like some plastic storagecrates with no holes because that's not ????? [4:12]

gonna work good. now the main benefit to usingthis is that these were free.. free 99 as i did like to say. so aa.. he got these forfree, aa.. you know and we just would be able to literally fill this up with a good soilmix and literally just start planting in it. by far soil is the number one thing that youwould want to pay attention to, and that's where you would definitely put your money.if you don't put your money in the raised bed or the place that is gonna hold the soil,you want to put your money in the soil, because the quality of the soil you use is the qualitythe plants you are gonna grow. and i mean, everything that the plant is comes from thesoil because it pulls the nutrients out of the soil. that's what we are going to do.we are going to go ahead and pick up the soil.

we are gonna go ahead and... get the soilbefore we get the plant because the soil is much more important than the plants you growalthough ????[4:57] in season that can be grown at this time we will talk more aboutthat in a little bit. so i think next aa.. you know i found this cool local place youguys saw that was mentioned last episode. aaa... with jacob, and we are gonna go upto the ground up to get a good aa.... vegan compost mix and it is actually called theraised bed mixed up with a bunch of other good stuff. so, aa.. i guess next.. get somecompost. now we are getting the soil. now the soil is the number one key component togrow a successful garden. thanks to jacob of a houston urban farm co that's led me to this place here. it's called

the ground up. and the have beyond organicmixes. so i am really having ?????[5:30] vegan plant based mix that they mix in all kindof other things to make the perfect raised bed garden mix. so that's what we are hereto do today and it's kind of uncommon for them because both of ????? [5:50] by the bagswhich is really expensive. but you come here, by the, by the yard or half yard. and i recommendyou to come here buy it by the by yard because the half yard in most places would sound itfor 50 percent of the price of the four yard but they charge 80 percent of the full priceso definitely by the yard is the best. so what we are doing today is we are buying itby the yard and we are gonna have it dump it on a big ????[6:12] pit actually into themiddle containers that we are growing so actually

i think that they are doing that now so let'shit over there and check it out. this is where they have all brought their different mixesand different mulches and different vegan compost for what we are getting today is theraise bed mix. now that's what i would recommend if you are growing in a raise bed or evena container this will be a good mix to reuse. now when i buy this stuff in california, they,they are used to me, and my place, they know my compost, so if you are in california youknow that ????[6:38] california, check my past videos on that. but uhh.. here most peoplewhen they buy up here, they buy in bulk, by the half yard or by the full yard and youjust drive up with your truck, and they dump it in the truck and you drive off. that'sthe best way to do it. unfortunately we don't

have a truck today. so we are gonna do ita little bit differently. so what i do in california. i just get a big tarp, and i tellthe guys, "ok guys. dump the load on my tarp, and then i'll worry about bagging it up ina little feed sack bag, which i also have a video ???? [7:06] transport half a cubicyard in my volkswagen golf. and up here, that's all the new concept ??[7:13] because i guessmost people don't garden as john kohler does. and you know they don't... most people havetrucks ????[7:17]doing their stuff. so, we have an suv, and we are going to haul thecompost in suv. and so the idea here was to lay out the tarp, like i do it in california,and then we are gonna lay out the little aa.. bins that were growing in, and then they aresupposed to dump all the compost into the

bins and on top of the tarp and will brushit off ??[7:39] put up the bin, put it in the car. and any leftover residues that isgonna be on the tarp, we'll fold that up and then take that with us also. but instead theyhave the bright idea to actually to just shovel it from the loader into the van. so that'swhat they are doing. now so aa.. let's check it out. as you can see, we got the loaderhere and the guys were helping us to fill this stuff up. you know, they are definitelynot used to doing this and they didn't seem too friendly helping us out. well i do likethe soil, i definitely don't like the customer service here, thought they could be a lotmore pleasant and nice. you know, helping us out with all this stuff. so we got abouthalf of this stuff loaded and we are going

to fill up more but unfortunately looks likewe got a lot of extra compost that we may not be able to take with us. so we are gonnadiligently work, and get these into the, the s.u.v. and see how much more we can we got nine of the twelve bins in here and it's working very well. once again wegot abandoned by the people that were helping us but that was all right because we did ratherdo it ourselves and, you know, that just in my opinion they should have took our adviceand if you come here and demand to do it, like i am going to tell you now because thisis going to be far more efficient than the way we did it. so what we want to do is, youwant to make sure you have two nice tarp, one to protect the back of your car because, let me tell you, dirt will get everywhere.

it's like trying to have sex on a beach andyou know you have sand right. so dirt gonna get everywhere so get a nice tarp and, aa..we were gonna use sheets and but i highly discourage that against and get the tarp anddefinitely glad we did because the dirt would have got everywhere so you goanna have onetarp to protect your car one tarp on the ground and set these beans on the tarp and that wayyou are goanna get all the dirt instead of having at fall all over every where its goannamake it much more manageable if you don't have the beans to put the soil in like wedid today then i encourage you guys to go by a feeds, feed store and get the empty feedsack bags that's only the best way to fill the soil up and then put it in your car toable to transport it back home or off course

run a truck, get a truck or find a friendwith the truck it will prior make this a lot easier sure you lift with your legs and nowyou are back we filled our 12 little [9:44]here and even one /five gallon bucket but one ofmy motto is no soil left behind if you go to buy the soil at the local nursery it'slike 10 bucks for one or two square feet but we get all the soil that we paid for theydumped it on the ground so now. we are shoveling all this stuff up into the tarp here so thatwe can take it we got a bunch of tarp up and then take that wood thus because you knowwhat everyone on two cubic feet of this feet is worth 10 bucks and you know there is nosubstitute for soil in your gardens using the best soil that no 1 key to success inmy opinion now we are loaded up and let me

tell you this is the easiest way to buildthe raised bed because we got the crates full that all we got to do is take these cratesout and set them in a place and literally plant the ...[10:26] i mean it really is thateasy we goanna head home alright now we are carrying the compost and you know i couldcarry it with two fingers so the stuff you know looks nice easy workout for two strongguys so next we are goanna start actually a mineralizing and adding some worm castingto our already good mix to make it better. one of the cool things about using one ofthe plastic crates to build the garden is that we put the soil in here and we transportin here so that's really cool and the bad thing is we got to add some supplemental thingswe are not in the standard mix that we got

so the first thing we got overhear is rabbithill farm organic worm castings and the reason why i like the worm castings is not becauseit's like really nutrient dense ah.. mixture which we have in a compost reason why i likeit is because microbial aspects like the beneficial microbes in here that are goanna now be inyour soil and help basically make the nutrients bio available for your plants so what we aregoanna do now is take a blue solo cups and we ran out of red ones and all we are goannado is we're goanna take a couple of scoops of this stuff and check out this stuff i meanthis black gold right here this is dark nice and rich wow this is really castings and itreally doesn't smell like much but you know don't tell anybody that this is literallyworm poo.. especially when you are playing

with it so we are just goanna do like maybe i don't know two, two and a half scoops on there and then just we are goanna kinda mix it with your hands the other thing we are goanna do we got to add to do every beenas well and this is the thing that's super important if you don't get anything else youcan leave the worm castings out but you have to get this one if you just get the soil andthis stuff you are golden but i definitely recommend the worm castings you want to getthis stuff right here what this stuff is the minerals plus now i normally get this stuffcalled azomite or gaia green glacial rock dust or some other wide spectrum trades mineralsegmentation but in this area in huston i wasn't able to find anything like that butwe were able to find the mineral plus so basically

the minerals plus is wide spectrum of differenttrace element that's we are looking for mean all life exist on earth because of mineralsi mean as we know plants are normally fed three minerals n,p,k but there is a spectrumthat should be in the soil that was in the soil before the man came the top soil re-rottedthis kind of stuff so when you add minerals back into the soil the plants are goanna behealthier they are goanna produce more they are goanna taste better there goanna be morebug and disease resistant so in this particular minerals plus it has decomposed granite, sand,lava sand, granite sand, basalt, soft rock fast[13:13] with collateral clay, humate,green sand and [13:17] so what you know for basically not been having find of anythingelse its pretty good but i still prefer the

rock test overall but once again we are goannago ahead and add this to each bean like two, two and half cups now the general recommendationfor when you are adding things like rock dust and the minerals you want to add one poundper one square foot of space so this crate is about, you know, two square foot approximatelyon the surface and we are goanna add about two pounds and once again and we are justgoanna go ahead and mix that along with the worm castings and if you don't mix this allthe way down to the bottom it not big deal you just want to definitely get it mixed inso that it's just not blown away in this strong huston winds so once you do that these areall ready to be planted as you guys could see we got all the bins enriched and we gotit all setup and check out what does it look

like it looks like a raised bed garden madeout of crates and i mean that's how easy it is to set up a garden and the next thing weare goanna do is that we goanna top this off we got a extra bucket here for the mix andwe are just goanna top it off and we all got to do is plant the plants and that's how easyit is to start a garden in your backyard with some crates we visited several different nursery'sto buy the plants we are goanna plant today now before you even getting to the plantsone of the things i want to talk about is you know hey john should i plant my new gardenfrom seed or from the plant starts so know there is pros and cons in each one in generalif you are a new gardener how'll i encourage you guys to plant from the plant starts it'smuch easier now if you do want to plant from

seed it's important to plant the right seedsat the right time you might be thinking john how do i know what seed to plant when wellwhat you want to do is you want to find your local extension office and i found that actuallyhere in the huston area and actually and there is a two organizations that can help you thefirst one is this, this is actually called the agrilife extension from texas a&m theyhave a vegetable garden planting dates so this tells you the time you can or you shouldplant your plants now just because it says these dates on here can you plant, plantsat other times absolutely will it work optimally probably not but it might so you could seehere it tells you know for asparagus crowns you want to plant them between like mid januaryto mid february may be you could go down for

mustard greens you can plant that from allthe way from april through july so you know through the hot summer there i mean you canplant like southern peas you know that's like april all the way through middle of augustand its different shading so it says ideal planting time, marginal planting time so thisis available at many different university extension offices available near you to findyour local planting times if you don't know but in general if you are buying plant startsat the nursery they are only goanna generally sell you what's good to plant right now nextalso is we have another lsit from the agrilife extension here at texas a&m for umm..harriscounty which is where we are in huston and this recommends a certain varieties of plantsthat they have tested that grows fairly well

here so for example if you want to grow carrotsthey recommend you grow danver 126 carrots, scarlet nantes [16:40] and betasweet now theseare the ones they have trial tested in that, that reliably produces well. you know thereare many varieties of different plants seeds and i always encourage you guys to try differentones because you may get once a [16:55]or you might want to grow red atomic carrotsand that's not on the list, does means that i cannot grow it? absolutely not you. i didn'tencouraged you guys to try everything and see what happens. you might grow [] and thered atomics and the red atomics might kick the [17:06] butt in yield and how well theygrow. but more importantly how well they taste to you when you're eating them because yougrow your garden to eat, hopefully. so here

you have all the different varieties of corns,kale, garlic and eggplant, cucumber, peppers, squashed tomatoes that they recommend forthis area. so while we did took a look at this list and we do actually have a coupleof plants they recommended, we actually got some cool other plants that actually aren'ton their list because they might be aa.. rare, different or unique. so let's go over therenext. in this garden we are planting things that would be considered annual and thingsthat would be considered perennial. so you might be thinking if you are new to gardeningjargon, what's annual and what's perennial. the easiest way to look at this is aa.. annualplant is a plant that you like, aa.. plant every season or every year and, you know,you got to keep planting it. so for like example,

tomatoes are annual because once it freezesthey are gonna lose their live and you have to start again next year. a perennial plantis a plant that you could plant it just once and it will grow day after day, year afteryear, literally forever until you don't water or don't take care of it or something happens.sometimes perennial can also be classified as plants that you plant once then it actuallyflower grows to seed and drop seeds and stats re-growing on its own. so we got a good mixtureof perennial and annuals in here and this is important especially because, you knowwhat, my friend here wants to have food year around and some of these are gonna be yeararound. sources of food and some of are just going to be more of a seasonal for like thesummer season here. so i guess without further

ado let's get into the different kinds ofplants we got. of course we got some different basils, we got like four different varietyof basil. this here is dwarf bush basil and one of the coolest things when we were selectingout the plants, i took my friends and said, you know, "hey there is six different kinds,there are ten different kinds of basils. try a little pinch of a leaf and see which onestaste good to you." they ask, " john which ones should i grow?" and i am like, "i don'tknow. which ones do you like to taste." so they tasted all the little ones and ones theyliked the taste they bought and that's what you guys might also want to do if you arebuying them from the plant [19:10]. four different kinds of basil, in addition to the basil wegot some mints. so the mints are gonna grow

in their own specific bins because the mintscan actually aa.. root out and spread. but in this way they are gonna have little mintleaves to flavor up their smoothies and juices and even chop it up and put it in the salads,definitely gonna be good. this is actually unique because when i haven't seen it's called red stem apple mint, has a nice color to it. they also have one of my favoritemints called the chocolate mint. in addition to the herbs they got or the things like theoregano, so when i plan up this garden i'll try to [19:43] plan things in sections. soi am gonna have a section of the garden towards the house which gets a little more shadedout in the late afternoon with the herbs and the part of it which is definitely going toget the full sun is gonna be like the tomatoes

and some of the peppers. as you guys knowi am really off on my greens. growingyourgreens is the name of my channel and i want to guysto grow your greens because it's one of the most nutrient dense food on the planet. sobecause it is, you know, later in the spring time here it's actually past the ideal timeaccording to planting guides. to plant leafy greens, we couldn't actually find the [20:14].so we did find a few and those two are actually right here, one they call in this area iscalled "rub raw spinach" or i actually call a "red malabar spinach" which many of youguys may bought the seeds from me. and this delicious, edible, succulent leafy green,it's not related to the standard spinach so it doesn't have the oxalic content that standardspinach does. and we also got "sorrel" which

actually does has some oxalic acid content.but this is also delicious, leafy green to eat. so those are some leafy green in addition.some other things we got were the other standard of course, the peppers, tomatoes. we alsogot some of the [20:55], so the [20:56] are already flowering and hopefully put out somefruits pretty soon. and let's see, we are going to wound this up by talking about the,this guy. this is my favorite oregano, this is actually called the "hot and spicy oregano"so it doesn't taste like the standard "mountain oregano" or the "hilltop oregano". they gotit's a lot more hot and spicy. it's like i like to use these instead of using hot peppersif i don't have hot peppers. now then they got that's really cool is the stuff righthere. they actually call this "vietnamese

mint" or actually i would call it aa.. [21:24]or [21:25] and this [21:25] isn't like a mint family. i like this actually a lot too. it'sactually high in omeg-3 fatty acids. and of course we got the "cilantro". so check thisout. we got three different kinds of cilantro, with [21:38] two different kinds of we got the standard cilantro here, and this is "cilantro confetti" and check outthe leaves on that, how like different they look than the standard cilantro. so i'll encourageyou guys to grow different kind of the same plant. i mean we got different varieties oftomatoes, we didn't just got cherry tomatoes, like five different kinds, same thing on thecilantro. now what you will learn is that you might like one flavor better than theother they all quite taste pretty similar.

but what you also might learn is that onegrows faster than the other, that means that, you know, these, these plants, the cilantrolifecycle will be done much quicker than any of the either plants in here. but they boughtthese two and then i found while i was shopping at an asian market, i found this other onehere. this is my favorite cilantro over all, especially for the summertime for one mainreason. actually this is not even cilantro, it's actually called "culantro". so the culantrohere has like the some really nice jagged leaves like a weed, if you don't, you know,what it is. but these leaves actually taste like the cilantro next door. but these fairfar better in the hot summer than these guys because these guys grow really fast and theseguys are, you know, meant to grow on the tropics,

like the summer weather here in huston witha, with a nice humid weather here. for another herb i like this one, it's actually calledthe "cuban oregano", a nice succulent that should may be a potentially be a perennialdown here if it doesn't get too cold. we got this one. it's actually called the "mexicanmarigold". and of course my favorite and i wish i was growing this right now, i shouldprobably take a plant right back with me. it's actually called the "gotu kola". thishas a nice unique flavor and oh man, it's even really flowering. that's really cool.the gotu kola has a unique flavor and gotu kola is kown more like a medicinal type ofherb if you go to the health food center, they will sell gotu kola in little pills andthey say it's good for building your memory.

but i like to just eat it like a saladry witha couple of leaves mixed in my salad. this guy is a spreader so whatever little containeri have planted it in, it may just take over the whole container, which is a good [23:42]to have because you will have an endless supply of gotu kola leaves. in addition to we gotsome stevia here, so stevia here is the plant that tastes like sugar without the if you are diabetic this is definitely good for you. and i recommend, you know, pickit, put in some of your juice or in the smoothie to make it sweet without adding sugar if youare sugar sensitive. and let's see the final thing that we are going to talk about todayis aa.. i always like to make the garden look pretty. now besides making the garden lookpretty with these marigolds here, were going

to inter plant these which may help with theinsect challenges. also many people do not know that these marigold leaves are edible.they actually contain lutein and zeaxanthin that are helpful for eyes. so every time youmake a salad, pick a flower petal and sprinkle it all on your salad so that you can get somelutein and zeaxanthin in here. hmm.. has a unique flavor if you are not used to it. youmight not like it so much so just add a few. well i think the next thing we are going todo is i am going to go ahead and get these guys planted out, i mean it's not too hardto plant these out. dig a hole, put it in, cover it back up. most of the things i amgoing to plant at the same level they came with. so you know, these aa.. cuban oregano,i am just going to plant it to the level of

soil in there. on something like tomatoes,you know, i am going to actually plant the tomatoes like up to here and this is gonnaroot more and grow bigger in the long run. so we will come back at you when we have gotthis whole project finished. i just finished out planting out this bed with some help frommy friends. and as you can see, everything is nicely implanted out and the space [25:13]and he could have got a few more plants, plants because i am john kohler and i like to packthe plants in there and get maximum growth and maximum food out of my garden. but thisis first time gardening so, you know, he didn't buy as many plants i would have bought, butthat's all good. plus the selection was a little bit limited this time of the year becausewe could not find a lot of greens and i really

wanted to plant in a lot of greens. so weplanted, you know, a lot of herbs that you can use as greens and a lot of [25:27] perennials,of course got the standard tomatoes and peppers and [25:43] and we got some of the malabarspinach which he can eat as a green. but, i also wanted to plant in some more greensfor him. so we are gonna plant some arugula which should work pretty much anywhere andit is really fast to grow. and i brought him some of my very special tree [25:58]. so ileft one little bin here open so i so i am going to plant the tree [26:01] and the arugulain this bin here. in addition they wanted to plant some beans, so they got some organicyellow golden wax beans. so instead of green beans you got some yellow beans and, you know,they got some different nutrients which are

benificial for you. before i plant out myseeds, the thing i want to talk to you guys is about is this raised bed mix. as i havementioned before many times in my show, that soil is the most important thing that youwant to invest your money in because you want to have the highest quality soil. not likethe soil in the yard here which is mostly like, "man it's hard as a rock." probablydoesn't have good microbial action in there and we got the raised bed mix here which isso far so good but when digging through it, i found a whole bunch of different rocks andthings like that. and actually wouldn't bother me it's just rocks. but some of this stufflooks like, it's actually like a broken up concrete which is rather interesting in some rocks would be acceptable to me but,

you know, these are far too larger rocks wehave in a raised bed mix, they are probably just fill in just old aggregate material inthere to like dilute it down and make cheaper to produce. let none of the less i want togo ahead and read you guys what is in this premium raised bed and square foot gardensoil. it says, "light weight and custom design for growing a raised bed and create amazingraised bed garden perfect for planting veggies, fruits, herbs and perennials. create ultimateraised bed grow and plant top dressed raised garden. build an edible garden, introducenew plant transplant or propagate one cubic foot bag or in bulk." and they have a littlecoding system here with little different colored dots which means it contains certain there are premium raised and square foot

garden still contain handcrafted vegan compost,dark aged pine bark, [27:56] expanded shell, large grain angular sand, coconut fiber, vermiculite,specially reserved green sand and finally the microbial foods and essential, you know, i think overall that sounds like a really good mix, i wish i saw the [28:15]onit. i mean just after working with this stuff i, kind of, still prefer my [28:19]compost,i am a westie at heart, for those guys who know what i mean. but i am happy that my friendwas able to get this stuff. this mixture is far better than any mixture that you wouldfind it like a big box store or home [28:30] or anything like that. and i will always encourageyou guys to support local companies. nonetheless i wish they were a little bit friendlier whenwe picked all this material here. as you know

you guys could see, i have done planting outthe seeds, planted the plant [28:43] and i watered them in and it's all ready to go.actually i got a jet off, and have to catch my flight back to the west coast here. buti want to let you guys know that there is always a way to grow your garden today. heythat's a poet and i didn't know it. but anyways what we used today were these standard plasticcrates and we produced the garden as you see it right behind me. now if you look reallyclose you can see it might just look like a standard raised bed. you know this was freematerial and the coolest thing is because of my friend here rents he could literallypick up [29:16] carry up with them when he moves to have his garden aa.. have a portablegarden so i think that's totally amazing.

you know this thing is a amazing free resource,whether you want to check [29:27] check behind grocery stores or ask [29:31] for some ofthe produce or just go to the produce terminals. see if they are just disposing off these plasticcrates. you can get some crates, fill it up and start growing in it. whether your paddyor a full on backyard. hopefully by next year when i come back, he has rows and rows ofthese and this will be the backyard crate garden and this was inspired by me. so youknow, i always enjoy bringing you new and different ways of thinking new and differentways of growing foods. and hopefully this was inspiring to you to let you know thatthere is always a way to grow some food at home because i definitely believe that everybodyshould be growing at least a small portion

of their food at home instead of dependingon this system for your food. once again my name is john kohler with growingyourgreens.comand we will see you next time. and remember keep on growing.

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