office furniture computer stands

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    office furniture computer stands

    [♪♪♪] [alarm clock beeping] [hair clippers buzzing] [watch beeps] man 1 [over pa]:associate to builder services. associate to builder services. woman 1: right? man 2: yeah, we'll cut it here. [saw buzzingand people chattering] thought you finished this joblast week.

    the owner wantsthe driveway wider now. heh. when they pay... they say. thank you. marcus:the newer guys take tests. like firemen. yo, pops, bet you didn't haveto push dollies at your old job. guilty as charged. [woman 2 speaking indistinctlyover pa] how you doing, jenny?

    mm-hm. better now. robert: ha-ha-ha. how's it going, mr. mccall? all right, ralphie. what you got there? tuna. bread? whole-grain, gluten-free. okay. condiments?

    sprouts, avocado and vegenaise mayo. okay. there's a bonein the tuna. oh... what? potatoes are a vegetable.i like crunchy things. carrots are crunchy.dried seaweed. i'm a human, not a rabbit.

    to make security guard,you gotta lose weight. you asked me to help you, butif you don't apply yourself... yeah. hey. progress, not perfection. no more chips. who needs flavor? right? ha, ha. [rock musicplaying over speakers]

    [people chattering] billy: all right, see you later. jake: have a good one, billy. [makes kissing noises] fuck you. [men laugh] robert: thank you. jake: you're welcome. he catch that fish yet?

    just hooked it. teri:it's about damn time. well, it's a big fish. don't knowif he can hang on, though. oh, no. tooth and nail right now. yeah, well,maybe he's just too old. [chuckles] thought you were gonnagive up refined sugar.

    i am. when? any day now. yeah? bad for your vocal cords. body, mind, spirit,remember? i bought a little machinefor making demos. yeah?i bet you're good. what makes you say that?

    intuition. all right, well,i'll see you later, jake. jake:okay. see you later, honey. you let me know what happenswith that, uh, fish. all right, i'll see you. hey! marcus:you'll owe me $100. watch. yo, pops. we betting on whatyou did before you got here. jay:like, for a living.

    i'm saying insurance, claims. he was a stock dude, man,on wall street. i was a pip. yo, you were a pimp? no, not a pimp.a pip. p-i-p. pip. the fuck is a pip? why you curse so much? you know, like gladys knightand the pips. like this: unh.

    man 1: check this out! jay: oh, come on! marcus: stop it. jenny:yeah. break it. marcus:uh-uh. don't do that right now. oh, the spin? jay: what? wait a minute. gonna blow the whistle? oh!

    come on. i'm gonnalook it up right now. man, i'm looking this up. [upbeat theme musicplays on video] yo, so which one were you? the one on the right. man 2: hey, do it again! yo, that's not him right there. man, that's him with an afro. he's bald.

    so he had a wig on. that's gone, yo. that's him. ♪ love ♪ ♪ get it ♪ ♪ i am sharper than a razor ♪ man:damn, girl!bring it over here now! teri:hey, jake. what a fucking night. jake:yeah, it's toughout there, honey.

    ♪ too long i've been out here on my own ♪ ♪ now i'm about to bring it home like a rolling stone ♪ jake:here you go, kid. thanks. [sighs] he ever catch it? hm? the fish. oh, yeah. yes. yeah, he did.

    it's a happy ending. well, not exactly. old man tied the fishto the side of the boat, had to row back to shore, fish bled in the water, sharks came and ate the whole fishtill there was nothing left. that's just kind of a waste,isn't it? no. depends uponhow you look at it.

    the old man methis greatest adversary just when he thoughtthat part of his life was over. he saw himselfin the fish. came to... came to respect itthe more it fought. why didn't he justlet the fish go? the old man'sgotta be the old man. fish gotta be the fish. gotta be who you arein this world, right?

    no matter what. [car horn honking] ♪ i gotta give you what you love ♪ [ringtone playingon cell phone] man [in russian over phone]: you've got a client. [in russian]i don't want to. what? can't you get someone else? he wants you.

    but this customeris a pig. he's waiting outside. ♪ take what you love ♪ ♪ and when that baby cry you better look at that baby ♪ how much? don't worry about it. go make your living. thanks, jake. ♪ but never too much baby, take your time ♪♪

    [sniffles] teri [in english]:hey, honey! how you doing?you ready to have a good time? robert:come on. pull, pull, pull. pull, pull, pull! come on, come on. eight, seven, six, five, four, four, four. unh! oh, come on, now.come on.

    i can't. you can't? what if that were me? you gonna leave me to die ofsmoke inhalation? i'm a buck-90. how will you pull meout of a burning building if you can'tpull a tire 20 yards? i'm not strong enough. don't doubt yourself, son. doubt kills. get up.come on. get up. get up.

    giddyup, giddyup, giddyup! on your mark, get set, pull. come on. who's gonnamake security guard? i am! who's gonna make security guard? who's gonna makesecurity guard? there you go. [panting]

    i like it.let's do it again. [over earbuds] ♪ all eyes on me as i'm leaving the scene ♪♪ loaded with poison,just like you like it. is it your birthday? no, it was some guy at work.i didn't want to waste it. teri:happy birthday,some guy at work. how old are you? doesn't really matter. i'm sorry.i'm breaking protocol, right?

    no, no. listen, hey,come on, sit down. sit. sit. sit. come on, sit down. all right. sure i'm notinterrupting anything? so? i don't know. you know, i just kind offelt like a quiet voice.

    before it all goes crazy. i'm teri. bob. ow. that's good. you know, you don'tlook like a bob. oh, yeah? thank you. you look like a robert. robert reads bookslike this,

    and bob watches tv. my real name's alina. what happened to your face? something stupid. look, it's not professional. just tell mewhat you think, okay? oh, wow.alina the singer. you and i know what i really am. i think you can beanything you wanna be.

    maybe in your world, robert. doesn't really happenthat way in mine. change your world. there's no ring. on your wedding finger,there's no ring. no. no mrs. robert at home? was there ever? once.

    did you break her heart? she broke mine. you know, i seea lot of widowed guys. something in your eyes. you know, it's not sad. it's just kind of... lost, you know? you always read books? my wife did. she, uh...

    she was working through the 100books everybody should read. she made it to 97,so i figured... i'd give it a shot. and one day we'd havesomething to talk about when we get together. wow, a hundred books. holy moly. heh, heh. how many have you read, robert?

    ninety-one. sorry, this damn thing. ninety-one books, though. you're almost done. almost. what are you gonna doafter that? take singing lessons. then i'm gonna opena donut factory. heh-heh-heh.

    i am. what? why you laughing? [both laugh] alina:i love being up at this hour. robert:yeah? alina:yeah. you know,everything's so dark. it makes everythingseem possible again. yeah, me,i can't sleep at night. alina:yeah, well, i getto hear your stories. what's your new one about?

    oh, it's about a guy who thinkshe's a knight in shining armor. the only thing is, he lives in a world whereknights don't exist anymore. kind of sounds likemy world. heh. robert:i'm just up the block. alina:i'm gonna grab a cabor something. thank you for the quiet voice,robert. you are very welcome,alina. catch you around, all right?

    good night. shit. see you. slavi [in russian]:what did you do, huh? what did you doto that customer? [in russian]slavi, he hit me. slavi [in english]:who do you think you are? hm? [in english]it's all right. [in russian]understand.

    it's all right, robert. slavi:let's talk about younot answering my calls. bitch! [in russian]should we give him a card? [in english]this girl, she's no good. call this number.i send you another one. better. [slavi speaks in russian] don't be shy. make the call. understand.

    jake:coffee? man:we need more sugar out here. i heard she's at the icuat shawmuts. someone beat her up real good. [ambulance siren wailing] woman [over pa]: dr. paley to icu. dr. paley to icu, please. dr. mark to the pharmacy. dr. mark to the pharmacy, please. [monitor beeping]

    alina. [mandy speaking in russian] [groaning] [in english]hey, you'll be okay,'ll be okay. [sobbing] robert:oh. watch it.don't you worry about it. mandy: it's okay. it's okay. here you go. i can-- it's fine. thank you.

    got it. how's she doing? alina. how's she doing? who are you? just a friend. a guy hit her. and she hit him back. a guy called slavi. so slavi madeexample of her.

    they do that. they burned one girl's facewith battery acid. keep her around as a reminderfor the rest of us. they brought teri oververy young. think she gotto the point where she thought her lifecould be hers one day. slavi reminded herit never would be. he said he'd cut her throatnext time. he said a whorewho fucks and can't talk

    might be worthtwice as much. alina: you and i know what i really am. it's something in your eyes. robert: change your world. anything you wanna be. mandy: he said he'd cut her throat next time. [woman laughingand people chattering] [techno musicplaying over speakers] [in russian]why is that piece of shitin my parking space? [chattering in russian]

    [classical musicplaying over speakers] bartender:hi, slavi. [in english] are they upstairs? yes. [russian hip-hop musicplaying over speakers] [men speaking in russian] [in russian]tevi. you collectfrom that fuck, dmitri? he asked for forgiveness. forgiveness?

    tevi:i told him. what am i, jesus christ?ha-ha-ha. [men continuespeaking in russian] [knocking on door] [in english]you lost, dedushka? [in russian]how did he get up here? tevi:i don't know.should i get rid of him? i'm here for that girl. you gave me thata couple of nights ago.

    [in english]we give out lots of cards. you still can get it up, dedushka? [men laughing] i'm here abouta certain girl. she got beat uppretty bad. i'm thinking that maybe you havewrong address, dedushka. this girl, she have name? her name's alina. alina?

    mm-mm.ah... no, it doesn't ring a bell. but whoever she is, she mustknow how to suck the cock. uh... okay. um... look, i understand. these girls that you, uh... that you represent. i understand it's likethey're an investment, so, um... i can give you $9800.

    it's cash. you're wanting to give me $9000? ninety-eight hundred. cash. for what? her freedom. uh-huh. heh, heh. [in russian]can you believe this guy? [in english]this guy gonna give me $9000for one single piece of pussy. ah, must be ferrari pussy.

    you fucking americans thinkyou can come into my place and buy whatever you want. beautiful russian girls,no problem, just throw downthis bullshit money. you fucking insult me. ha-ha-ha.i'm just fucking with you, man. but you got very big ballscoming in here. i like that. so, $9000 for the troublemaker.

    one month. that's it. you thinkthis is one-time payment? i make this off this girlin two weeks. that girl is still child. i still can sell heras virgin, huh? this makes prime earnerfor good while. take your fucking money and go back to your houseand jerk off 9800 times.

    then come crawling back hereand talk to me, huh? she'll be used upby then for sure. maybe then i will let youhave her for nothing. hm? you're okay, dedushka? bye-bye. you know amerikantsy. [chuckling] you forget something? [men chuckling] sixteen seconds.

    one one-thousand, two one-thousand,three one-thousand. [screaming] [yells] [grunting] eight one-thousand. [in russian]understand? twenty-eight minus 9, 19. nineteen.

    your heart's beating three timesthe normal rate. because you're losingso much blood. about 30 seconds,your body's gonna shut down and you're gonna suffocate. alina, the girl you beat halfto death, her life will go on. yours is gonna end right here,on this funky floor over $9800. you should have taken the money. twenty-six one-thousand,

    27 one-thousand, 28 one-thousand. i'm sorry. [saw buzzing] ralphie:mr. mccall, it's lunchtime. mr. mccall.lunchtime. you test tomorrow, andyou're still eating that? these are for you. open it.

    i made the weight. tomorrow i'm gonna acethat test. thanks to you. what happened? uh... hit it on something stupid. [thunder rumbling] woman [on tv]: in what investigators are calling a gangland-style execution, five men were killed at some point last night

    in an office above this restaurant. police sources have said the killings have all the earmarks of a turf war between rival factions. names are not yet being released-- [airplane engines whirring] masters:how's it going? pederson:how you doing, sir?morgan pederson. teddy:i know who you are.get in the car.

    take me to the murder scene. [groans] [man groans] masters:we figured two,maybe three guys killed them all that quickly. pederson:if it was a power play,no one saw it coming. none of our informantsheard about this going down. security system's drive wastaken so we're blind in here. at 11:17, a waiter goes up witha tray of food, finds them dead.

    i want images fromevery security camera within a six-block radius. if you have any trouble,call that number... and it will be taken care of. [cell phone buzzing] phones charged and on.i tend to call at odd hours. now, if you could drive meto my residence. hey, wait a second,mr. sunshine. um... what do i look like to you?a chauffeur?

    this is our're a fucking guest. let me apologize for my conduct. it was a long flighton short notice, and i like to focus,to work quickly. the deaths ofmr. pushkin's men have interruptedhis operations here. imports, movements of goods,have all ceased. that's unacceptable. i'm the one mr. pushkin calls inwhen people like you fuck up.

    mm. i don't like your tone-- i'm accountable now. you have takenmr. pushkin's money for years. money that comeswith conditions. non-negotiable conditions. problem you're having with me isyou think you matter. you don't. i am all that matters.and so we're clear: i'm not here to say "please." i'm here to tell you what to do.

    be ready for business. we open tomorrow. [forklift beeping] brian, you seen ralphie? supposed to be taking thatsecurity guard test after work. called in and quit. quit? no notice, right? [latin musicplaying over speakers]

    we're closed. mr. mccall. ralphie. heard you quit today.i got worried. oh, uh... my mom had a littleaccident here last night. there was a fire. robert:i see. so i'm gonna help outaround here now.

    [speaking in spanish] [woman & robertspeaking in spanish] we have a lot of work to do. yeah, so-- need some help? yeah, if you're not doinganything, that'd be awesome. helping you. [laughs] masters:teddy, i checked this out.the irish are clean on this one.

    they hadnothing to do with it, huh? you gonna sit downwith all these guys? i'm telling you. teddy: yes, i understand. duly noted. masters:listen, huh?do me a favor, all right? whatever you do, don'tcall him "little john," okay? frank, why you workingfor these fucking russians? my money not good enough?

    masters:john, you knowi respect your business. mr. looney, you understand why i'm compelledto make this visit. i don't know shitabout what went down or who you should beout looking for. if i wanna take over anything,i'd fucking do it. there'd be nothing left to you. so maybe you just don'tunderstand who the fuck i am. john. easy, huh?

    don't "easy," frank. shut the fuck up!fucking flipperhead. see, i hate youfucking russians. you're all crazy,and you're arrogant. now, the irish, we came here fora piece of the american dream. you people come over hereto steal it, so fuck all of you. well, mr. looney,i appreciate your candor. it's refreshingand lets me understand you're not smart enoughto have done this.

    the fuck? which brings meto my next issue. we pay you 15 percentto do business here. the additional 10 percentyou steal, we ignore. we anticipated it,as you people are such clichã©s. the fact thatyou're a rat to the feds is also tolerable, little john. what we will not tolerate is getting nothing for our money:no information, no protection,

    no understand, little johnny? who do you think you are? who i am or what i am? who i am is complicated. whati am is easier. i'm a threat. i alter outcomes. throw this motherf-- unh! man 1 [on radio]: whoa, doctor! call a doctor. unbelievable! it's napoli in the clutch! holy cow!

    oh, fuck! a tie game. unbelievable! that ball was absolutely massacred by mike napoli. a home run by napoli. boy, can things change. man 2: they certainly can. this game was over before this half-inning started. it is certainly over now! the final: six to five, boston over new york...

    hey! hey. this is my town. do youunderstand me? this is my home. you cannot run aroundlike a wild animal. what the fuck was that? it's a message. it says, "i'm here." robert:what really happenedin there, ralphie? faulty wire or something. we both knowthat's not true.

    i'm sorry i wasted your time. hey, you didn't waste my time. my mom doesn't have muchexcept this place. and when stufflike this happens, i just gotta put everythingon hold for a while and help her out,you know? what was i thinking? i wasn't gonna passthe security guard test anyway. was there anythingunusually strange

    about slavibefore he was murdered? did he mentiona name perhaps? agitatedabout something? slavi never did his businessin front of the girls. tevi handled us. we can't locateone of the other girls from slavi's stable.teri. you know her? where we might find her?

    no. sorry. i didn't know herthat well. pushkin [on speakerphone]:was my message received, teddy? teddy:yes, mr. pushkin. all of our associates--irish, italians, armenians. --are all denying any knowledgeor involvement. we cannot show weakness.i need this wrapped up quickly. it will be. [in russian]of course, don't worry.

    [in russian] good. [in english] now enough of what you don't know. tell me what you do know. [in english]well, i'm stillsifting through things, but the killingswere spontaneous. whoever did thisspecialized in killing. i've rarely seen skillslike this. i don't think it's someonewe've encountered before. whoever it is, just find him, teddy.

    i'm talking over a million barrels, this delivery. [in russian] understand? [in russian]it will all be well. [in english]i'll take care of it. [in english]when you do, be loud about it. i don't want this happening again. [in russian]of course. [cell phone beeps] come on.

    stuff it in. see that? that son of a bitch. gilly: yeah. harris: come on. [speaks in spanish] we're closed. get out. harris: let's go. time to go.

    [gilly speaking in spanish] harris:nice to see you. see? you pay on time,no more problems. ha-ha-ha. all right, let's go. [in spanish accent]mamacita, you need to cleanthe grease. it'll cause a fire. good accent. harris:see you next week.

    gilly: let's go get a blowie. robert: hey, officers. harris:whoa, put the light down.what's up? robert:i'd like to report a crime. really? call 911. gilly:let's get out of here.fuck that guy. harris:should've shotthat motherfucker. take it easy. how did you get this job?

    i blew the commissioner. [cell phone ringing] robert [over phone]: why waste city services when i got two corrupt copsright in front of me? it's that guy. this fucking guy? back up. how'd you get that number? wasn't hard.

    harris: yeah? neither was this. harris: ask the lady down the street. the one who had the fire. same thing could happen to you with your whole family inside. gilly: open it. harris: you pay like everybody else. how many copies? one.

    you must havea death wish, pal. what the fuckdo you want, huh? huh? those peopleyou took the money from, you should give it back. ha-ha-ha. why would we do that? that would be in the bestinterest of everyone. really? maybe our best interestis to tie a block around you and throw youin the mystic, huh?

    let's do's a good idea. you're supposed to standfor something, punk. fuck. protect and serve.uphold the law. justice. remember? who the fuck are you? robert: tomorrow you'll have returned all the money you extorted from those people.

    tell them it will never happen again. do that and this video will never be seen. you don't, and a half an hour later, you'll watch the uncut version on every news outlet in the area. now, i'm offering you a chanceto do the right thing. take it. that fucking hurt morethan the beating. ralphie:mr. mccall. are you donestanding around or what? [footsteps]

    teddy:all the other girls have... claimed that you werevery close to teri. huh? you lied to meabout that. [soft music playing] it's pretty. [sniffling] when did you lasttalk to her? over a week ago. mm-hm.

    i went to the hospital. uh, i saw her there. did anyone elsevisit her? a man. a man? customer? a nice man.a black man. he wanted to knowwhat happened to her. his name?

    he didn't say. and your friend, teri? no one saw herafter she left hospital. after what they did to her. and you contacted her? no one saw her. [whispering]look at me. are youtelling me the truth? you telling me the truth?the truth? [whispering]yes. yes.

    you telling me the truth? telling me the truth? [in normal voice] yes. [in normal voice]would you like some water? [speaks in russian] moisten your throat. [faucet running] thank you. sweet.

    my angel. hm? yes. please. please. [speaking in russian] so beautiful. please, please, teddy.please, teddy. but so deceitful. please. please don't. so fucking deceitful.

    please don't. you're--you're hurting me! please stop. [teddy grunting] [dog barking] [crowd cheeringand clapping] man 1:let's go, home mart! man 2: let's go! man 3: keep it going, home mart!

    here we go. oh, oh, oh!i got it! i got it! i got it! man 4: yeah! man 5: yeah! man 6:there you go! way to go, bobby! man 7:there's no placelike home mart. both:oh! marcus: i see you! jay: ralphie, bravo! jenny:you passed your test!

    marcus:looking good, man. hey, did theygive you a gun? pederson:what the hellhe call us in here for? masters:maybe he's finally donechasing his own tail. he needs to go home. remar: waste of fucking time. masters:yeah, that sounds about right. i matched the arrivaland departure times of everyone going inand out of the restaurant.

    i discovered a curious thing. this person walksin the front door several minutesafter slavi arrived, but never comes out. all right. later. all right. jenny, jenny, jenny. can you doa quick card refund for me? gentleman's in a hurry. open that fucking register.

    move, move.empty the register. now. go ahead,open this thing up. tell this bitchto fucking move it. open the register upright now. move. [register opens] all of it.give me all of it. come on.move, move, move. that ring too.give me that ring.

    jenny: no. give me that fucking ring. jenny:please. it was my mother's. fuck your mother.give me that ring. [boy giggles] take it off. jenny: it was my mother's. shh. i don't care.give me the fucking ring.

    jenny: please. robert: it's okay, jenny. [indistinct radio chatter] you okay? hey, listen. police saidthe guy's done four like this. shot a guy over in somervillea month ago, so... it's only money. hey, ralphie. stilla little freaked out. well, if you need anything,let me know.

    jenny:thanks, ralphie. oh, my god. my ring? mr. mccall. sorry to bother you. we're looking into a homicidethat occurred two weeks ago. five dead.russian restaurant. i heard about it on tv.happened to be there that night. oh, you were? you wouldn't be hereif i wasn't.

    that's right.we're just checking to see if any of the patronsremembered anything suspicious. not that i recall. may i ask why you dinedat that particular restaurant? i like pirozhki. there's five russian restaurants in walking distanceof your apartment. i assume they allserve pirozhki. wow. i was meeting a was her idea.

    then i guess i should talk-- sheila saunders. but she won't be any help. she wasn't there.her daughter had a fever. didn't stay long? i didn't check my watch. i see. well, thanksfor your cooperation. very welcome. tell me, do you know this girl?

    yeah, i don't know... i don't remember where from.what happened? she fell downand broke her neck. did she? i'll be in touch. don't you wanna leave meyour card, officer? in case i remember anything? that's what you policemenusually do, right? must have given them all out.

    how'd you find me? i paid cash. no'd you find me? well, that's what we do,mr. mccall. we who? we find people we need to find. everything about himis wrong. [camera shutter clicking] teddy:and his military history? keep digging.

    this is what we haveon mccall so far: college-educated. worksa straight 40 at the home mart. bank statements,tax returns, all jive. looks pretty normal. all lies. fabricated. teddy: we need to take him cleanly. alive. a place without cameras,no witnesses. a man with his skills,i want to know who he really is.

    i want to knowwho he's working for. man:how you doing? give me a coffee, please. an egg sandwich too. on a cheese, please. jake:you got it. i'll be back in a minute. [door opens then closes] is it just you, or are wewaiting for someone else? i'm sorry. what?

    your hands. if you really workedthe power lines, your hands wouldn'tlook like that. we gotta be waitingfor somebody else. motherfucker. hands where i can see them. we're gonna take a little walkacross the street. black denali. here we go. masters:what the fuck?

    vary from these instructionsand i'll kill you, understand? stand up. what the fuck is this?masters, let's go. no witnesses. man:what's going on out there? what the fuck?let's go. masters:what the hell is this guy doing? masters:remar, you got a side.front, follow. you got c. i got b.

    masters:yeah, yeah, alive. i'm on it. [train approaching] [remar grunting] motherfucker suckered me. goddamn it. [lock clicks] masters:shit. masters [over speaker]: pederson, check the closets, the kitchen, the back porch. pederson: closet's empty.

    nothing on the back porch. remar: fucking guy. lives like a monk. this guy's got a lot of books. masters: remar, stop fucking around. check the computer. [keyboard clacking] masters: this place is way too clean, boss. something doesn't feel right. masters:we've got an empty script."meclizine." it's used for airsickness.

    travel items purchasedthree days ago. bought an open-ended plane ticket to mexico two days ago. leaves logan 10 a.m. tomorrow. guy knew this was coming.he's on the run. remar:get someone at the airport. teddy: he is not going anywhere. masters: what are you talking about? teddy: he's watching us. masters:what do you wanna do?

    find him, or i willbring people who can. [brian chuckles] if you've come for help,i can't give you any. i understand. do you? just came for tea. just, uh... robert, i have very littleinfluence these days. i'm not at the agency anymore.

    i consult on a few things.that's it. susan, i just need to knowwho this man is. who is he to you? that's why i'm here,trying to find out. tell me what's going on.please. you had a nice funeral,in case you were wondering. [both chuckle] you know, when they told susanyou were dead, she couldn't comprehend it.

    she said,"oh, no. not robert. uh-uh. and not from somethingas trivial as a car bomb." that you're alive is a big relief. but it didn't comeas a complete surprise to her. we used to talk about youover the years, and she said if anyone could havefigured a way out, a way to walk away from it allfor good, you know, like a real fresh start...

    it would have been... you. [helicopter whirring] susan: you didn't take out five pimps, robert. you took out the east coast hubof vladimir pushkin. robert: pushkin. he's similarto the other oligarchs who jumped in bedwith the russian mafia, only he funds everything:

    gasoline, weapons,girls, you name it. he's built an intricatenetwork on both u.s. coasts that are incrediblywell-insulated. his money and political tiesmake him untouchable. your friend here is who pushkinsends when he's got a problem. teddy rensen.real name, nicolai itchenko. skill set honed in spetsnaz. he's formidable and smart. ran a wing of the secretpolice for years.

    went privatewhen the union fell. basically, he's a sociopathwith a business card. robert:mm. thank you, know these two? boston p.d. probably onpushkin's payroll, i assume. three years. detective remarand detective pederson. only now they're dead.they found them yesterday in the trunk of their carin the precinct parking lot. suffocated. testicles blown offand shoved down their throats.

    classic russian mob hit.teddy's work. third one,detective masters hasn't shown up for workin several days. robert, i don't haveto tell you what happens next. he won't stopuntil he kills you and anyone you care about. susan:didn't sleep a wink, did you? mm. robert, that girl,alina...

    why? i couldn't tell youwhy it mattered. why what they did to her,that mattered to me so much. one day somebody doessomething unspeakable to someone else to... someone you hardly knew, and you... do something about itbecause you can. because it's who you are? hm?

    who you've always been? sometimes we makethe wrong choices to get to the right place. i know a part of you diedwhen vivian did. but not the partshe loved the most. go be him. yep. don't forgetto say goodbye. goodbye.

    brian:everything all right? were you able to help him? he didn't come for help. he came for permission. [car alarm wailing] [alarm continues wailing] what the fuck? [alarm chirpsthen stops wailing] [remote beepsthen engine starts]

    [remote beeps] [coughing] testing one, two, three, four. [gasping] pushkin. i need to know everything:who, what, when, where, why. before you tell meyou're not gonna talk... you can go fuck yourself,you know that? you're gonna give mewhat i need.

    or not. you're such a fuck. why don't youget out of here and go fuck yourself,you fucking motherfucker? you know who you'redealing with, huh? i am a cop, you moron! i swear to god,i'll fuck-- okay. open it. open the fucking wind--

    huh? i'm boston p.d. i don't have a lot of time. which meansyou don't have any. look, you are ina lot of trouble. just let me go.just let me go. i'm gonna let you go. i'll be back. no!

    motherfucker! wait. wait! we're here to see andri. [door buzzing] [chattering] [man speakingindistinctly over pa] masters:hey, andri. listen, thislocation's been compromised. get all your shit out of gotta truck it all out. the fucki'm going to do that.

    and who's this fuckingpiece of shit? pushkin made the call.i'm just the new guy. pushkin. i-- pushkin's money. what the fuckyou give a fuck, andri, huh? is that a heckler koch? this? robert: yeah. what is he saying? i don't fucking...

    can i see it? oh, you want to see my gun? uh, yes and no. masters: oh, fuck! all right, all right, all right!whoa, whoa, whoa! you're so fucking nuts!fuck! all right.everybody settle down. frank tells meyou're the man, andri. yeah? he says your guysare incredibly loyal toward you.

    if you tell themto put their guns down, lay down on the floor,they'll do that, won't they? indulge me, andri. tell them to lay down. robert:there you go.thank you very much. there you go. mr. pushkinthanks you very much. we're going out of business.closing down shop. mr. pushkin thanks youvery much. there you are. here you're welcome.

    accept these parting giftson behalf of mr. pushkin. three, two-- look at that,perfect. --one. thank you.thank you, sweetheart. right around to the right. call it in. [keypad beeps] woman [over phone]: boston p.d. detective frank masters. i am 10-13 at 155 warren street,rear entrance.

    repeat: detective frank masters,10-13, 155 warren street,rear entrance. anything else i can do for you? you tell me, frank. i know you got an escape plan.where do you keep it? heh. yeah? what'syour escape plan, huh? not about me. it's about you.where do you keep it? fuck you, you have fucked me so fucking bad!

    you did this! do you hear yourself? you did it to this badge,frank. you disrespected this understand me? fuck you,you motherfucker. i got nothing, all right?you hear me? i got nothingbecause of you! you think they're not coming foryou, you're not fucking next? i am a fucking dead man!

    do something about it. you don't knowwho these people are! i'm a fucking dead man.i won't last a fucking week. then do the right thing. motherfu-- do the right thing, frank. police officerfor 22 years, i know you didn't get this farand not have an out. where do you keep it?

    i was a fucking good cop. [police sirenswailing in distance] i was. do the right thing. do it for the good cops,frank. just let me know whenyou're done, detective. [siren wailing] man 1:this guy here. he was cuffedto the pipes back here,

    200,000 in the trunkof his car. recording of the whole dealwith these guys on the seat. crazy. and that was tackedto his jacket. that's not the best part. man 2:we're on scene for the duration. man 3:get ids on all those guys. check this out. agent 1:holy shit! agent 2:oh, yeah. oh, yeah.

    agent 1:who's gonna fucking count this? man [in russian over phone]: we've searched the city. no sign of him. mccall has disappeared. mr. pushkin has been notified. my men will find him. good. [neck cracking] i got to piss.

    robert:he's not coming back. had enough? you certainly have my attention. because i can keep going. brick by brick.dollar by dollar. body by body. or you can call your boss and tell him to shut downhis operation. tonight.

    that's not much of an offer. only one you're gonna get. when you pray for rain,you gotta deal with the mud too. when you look at me... what do you see? the answer's nothing. i have no feelings about youone way or the other. you're like... like lint or a bottle cap.

    you're just a thing to remove. i knew a russian police captainback in the day. he told me abouta case he worked on. can't rememberthe guy's name. he was a famous scholar,lived in moscow. he was a humanitarian,an author. anyway, he decidedto share his abundance with someone less fortunate. and even thoughhe had five children,

    he opened his home to a sixth. an orphan,12-year-old boy. kid had been poundedby the system from an early age. troubled. prone to violence.a lost cause. stop me if you know this one. oh, no. carry on. okay. so this good manopened his home to this boy. and when the boy stole from him,this good man loved him anyway.

    when the boyfailed in school, this man showedunderstanding and patience. when the boy lied and cheatedand clawed and fought, this good man showedcompassion and love until the boy,who had never felt anything like beingwanted or loved, he finally did. the man had broken was a miracle. one week later, intrudersbroke into the man's house.

    killed the manand his wife in bed. they said some small thingswere stolen, things a child might steal. no one knows for sure. the man's childrenwere sent off to relatives. the boy, the orphan,shipped back to hell. just when he finallyhad a chance at life, it was snatched awayby two bullets. it's a well-known story.

    mm. they ever catch who did it? did they? maybe they didn't lookin the right place. sometimes the answer'sin front of you. [in russian]i think the boy killed them. [in english]i think the boy did it. the boy was scared his fosterparents would wake up one day and realize he wasn't worth it,like all the others had. and he couldn't bearthe thought

    that this good manwould do that to him. would throw him away like a piece of lintor a bottle cap. so... he decidednot to find out. what do you think,nicolai? you think you know me? you strike me asa sentimental man, mr. mccall. that's surprising.

    i... i don't possess that chip. i never could understandwhat comes from feeling that way except weakness. the men i killed,your men, i gave them a chance. they made their decision. i'm giving youthe opportunity to make yours. you're welcome.

    you let me know when you decide. of course. i've done some bad thingsin my life, nicolai. things i'm not proud of. i promised someonethat i love very much that i would never go backto being that person. but for you, i'm gonna make an exception.

    you asked me what i sawwhen i looked at you. what do you seewhen you look at me? [phone line ringing] woman [over phone]: fbi. how can i direct your call? agent mosley, please. mosley: agent mosley. heard you foundsome money today. who is this? concerned citizen.check your personal e-mail.

    make sure you'resitting down when you do. pushkin [over phone]: he hit my tankers. and you tell me not to worry? that you'll take care of things? only i've been further embarrassed. nicolai:i have a new's simply a matter of time. [in russian] you're out of time. [in english] new york had to shut down. nothing is moving. my calls aren't being answered. i've lost tens of millions today alone.

    stop the bleeding or don't come back. [line disconnects] go fuck yourself. yes? [in english] mr. mccall. nicolai. your life for theirs. whose? [line beeps]

    you'll want to answer that. mr. mccall? ralphie? they came into the store. who's with you? jenny, brian, jay and marcus. what's going on? wait-- my men there will kill themin 30 minutes. unless you're here in 29.

    you know the place. you can still smellthe burning gasoline. nicolai [in russian]:he's close. get ready. man 1 [in russian]:here comes the bus. nicolai [in english]:just checking on you,sentimental man. robert [over phone]: yeah? you willing to diefor your friends? are you? nicolai [over phone]: when you see him, shoot him.

    [man 1 speaks in russian] man 1 [in russian]: the bus is empty. nicolai [in russian]: kill one. man 2 [in russian]:kill one of them. man 3 [in russian]:you wanna be first? [soft pop musicplaying over pa] man 4:where is that coming from? [man 4 shouts in russian] i don't know!

    jay:they're gonna kill ralphie, yo. marcus:they're gonna fucking kill him. ♪ too much for the man ♪ ♪ he couldn't make it ♪ which way? the song. which wayis it coming from? the p.a. system'sin the security office. stand! now. ♪ ooh, what's left of his world ♪

    ♪ the world he left behind ♪ ♪ not so long-- ♪♪ [music stops] [neck snaps then body thuds] ralphie:mr. mccall? what's going on?who are these people? robert [over radio in russian]: come here quickly! i need your help. [in russian]report. where are you? [shouting in russian]

    ralphie:don't shoot. don't shoot. i--i can't understand you. okay, i'm going down. [in english] get down! robert:psst! get everybody out of here.don't leave anybody behind. you use the service doorsin the back. okay? go. [keypad beepsthen line ringing] [phone ringing]

    very clever, mr. mccall. i've decided to comeand see you. i'll be waiting for you. nicolai:find the hostages. [doors beeping] [scope powering up] ♪ before i die alone ♪ ♪ let me have vengeance ♪ ♪ i will have vengeance ♪

    [choking] ♪ before my time has gone ♪ ♪ there's just one thing i have to do ♪ ♪ before the fire and stone ♪ ♪ before your world has gone ♪ ♪ have you some patience ♪ ♪ 'cause i will have my vengeance ♪ [grunts] [gas hissing]

    [drill whirring] ♪ i will, i will ♪ ♪ i will have vengeance ♪♪ [clinking] [clattering] [yelling] [both grunting] [screams] it's me, mr.'s ralphie.

    [ralphie grunting] you said not to leaveanybody behind. buck-ninety, my ass. ralphie:come on. aah! oh, fuck! unh. [gunfire] you all right? aah. i've been shot. can you walk?

    i'm gonna need youto do something. look at me. ralphie, focus. focus. can you make itto the breaker box? [gunshot] forty seconds, exactly. forty seconds exactly. [panting and grunting] [beeping] [fire alarm buzzing]

    [nail gun fires] who are you?! [nail gun clatters] shit. oh, shit. [car horns honking] [people chatteringin distance] [shower running] robert:i'd stay in there if i were you. everybody wants to know.

    gun's not there.just put the towel on. what do you want? i want the headof the snake. so it's you. and now you've come to kill me. and tell me,what do you gain from my death? peace. peace is expensive to buy. but i can purchase itfor you.

    what is your price? are you there? [in russian]guards, guards! [pushkin screaming] alina:hey! hey! hey, robert. i rememberedyou lived around here, so i've been swinging bythe last few days. yeah.pretty different, huh?

    night and day. yeah, well... i get my stitches outnext week. um... i'm reading now. yeah. i know. very good. i got itfrom a used book store. the guy there recommended itto me. it's good.

    i got a job too. a real job with real hoursand stuff. you know, when they gave memy stuff back at the hospital, there was this envelopewith my name on it. almost $10,000 inside and a ticket out of town. probably hush money, right? probably. who cares?

    a new start. alina the singer. someone once told me i could bewhoever i wanted to be. body, mind... spirit. i'm gonna missyour stories, robert. you got your own now. for everything. i'll catch you around.

    bye, robert. goodbye, alina. ♪ a change of scenes ♪ ♪ a change of style ♪ ♪ a change of hopes ♪ ♪ with no regrets ♪ ♪ a chance to watch ♪ ♪ admire the distance ♪ ♪ still occupied ♪

    ♪ though you forget ♪ ♪ different colors different shades ♪ ♪ over each mistakes were made ♪ ♪ i took the blame ♪ ♪ directionless so plain to see ♪ ♪ a loaded gun won't set you free ♪ ♪ so you say ♪ ♪ feels like a close it's coming to ♪ ♪ fuck am i gonna do? ♪

    ♪ it's too late to start over ♪ ♪ this is the only thing i-- thing i know ♪ ♪ sometimes i feel like all i ever do is ♪ ♪ find different ways to word the same old songs ♪ ♪ ever since i came along ♪ ♪ from the day "hi, my name is" dropped ♪ ♪ started thinking my name was "fault" ♪ ♪ 'cause any time things went wrong ♪ ♪ i was the one they would blame it on ♪

    ♪ the media made me the equivalent ♪ ♪ of a modern-day genghis khan ♪ ♪ tried to argue it was only entertainment, dog ♪ ♪ gangsta? no courageous balls ♪ ♪ had to change my style said i'm way too soft ♪ ♪ and i sound like az and nas out came the claws ♪ ♪ and the fangs been out since then ♪ ♪ but until the instant i went against it ♪ ♪ it was ingrained in me ♪

    ♪ i wouldn't amount to a shit-stain, i thought ♪ ♪ had to unlearn everything my brain was taught ♪ ♪ do i belong in this game? just wanna play my part ♪ ♪ should i make waves or not? ♪ ♪ so in my brain the tug of war wages on ♪ ♪ and i don't wanna seem ungrateful ♪ ♪ or disrespect the art form i was raised upon ♪ ♪ but sometimes you gotta take a loss ♪ ♪ and have people rub it in your face ♪

    ♪ before you get made pissed off ♪ ♪ and keep plugging it's your only outlet ♪ ♪ and your only outfit they're gonna talk about it ♪ ♪ better find a way to counter it quick and make it ♪ ♪ feel like i've said this a kabillion-eighty times ♪ ♪ how many times can i say the same thing ♪ ♪ different ways that rhyme? what i really wanna say is ♪ ♪ if there's anyone that can relate to my story ♪ ♪ bet you feel the same way when i was in the same place ♪

    ♪ when i was afraid to ♪ ♪ i was afraid to make a single sound ♪ ♪ afraid i would never find a way out ♪ ♪ afraid i'd never be found ♪ ♪ i don't wanna go another round ♪ ♪ an angry man's power will shut you up ♪ ♪ trip wires fill this house with tip-toed love ♪ ♪ run out of excuses for everyone ♪ ♪ so here i am and i will not run ♪

    ♪ guts over fear ♪ ♪ the time is near ♪ ♪ i shed a tear ♪ ♪ for all the times i let you push me around ♪ ♪ and let you keep me down ♪ ♪ now i got guts over fear guts over fear ♪ ♪ i know what it's like i was there once ♪ ♪ single parents hate your appearance ♪ ♪ did you struggle to find your place? ♪

    ♪ and the pain spawns all the anger on ♪ ♪ wasn't till i put the pain in songs ♪ ♪ learned who to aim it on ♪ ♪ that i made a spark started to spit hard as shit ♪ ♪ learned how to harness it while the reins were off ♪ ♪ a lot of bizarre shit but the crazy part ♪ ♪ soon as i stopped saying i gave a fuck ♪ ♪ haters started to appreciate my art ♪ ♪ and it just breaks my heart all the pain i caused ♪

    ♪ what am i gonna do when the rage is gone? ♪ ♪ and the lights go out in that trailer park? ♪ ♪ the window is closing nowhere i can go with flows ♪ ♪ frozen 'cause there's no emotion for me to pull from ♪ ♪ a bunch of playful songs i make for fun ♪ ♪ so to the break of dawn i go recycling the same song ♪ ♪ but i'd rather make "not afraid 2" ♪ ♪ than make another "we made you" ♪ ♪ i don't wanna seem indulgent ♪

    ♪ when i discuss my lows and my highs ♪ ♪ my demise and my uprise pray to god ♪ ♪ i just opened enough eyes later on ♪ ♪ gave you the supplies and the tools ♪ ♪ to hopefully use it to make you strong ♪ ♪ lift yourself up when you feel like i felt ♪ ♪ 'cause i can't explain how exhausted my legs felt ♪ ♪ just having to balance my dang self ♪ ♪ when on eggshells i was made to walk ♪

    ♪ thank you, ma 'cause that gave me ♪ ♪ the strength to cause shady-mania ♪ ♪ so when they empty that stadium ♪ ♪ i made it out of that house found a place in this world ♪ ♪ when the day was done so this is for every kid ♪ ♪ who all's they ever did was dreamt ♪ ♪ of one day just getting accepted ♪ ♪ i represent anyone similar ♪ ♪ you are the reason that i made this song ♪

    ♪ and everything you're scared to say ♪ don't be afraid to say no more ♪ ♪ from this day forward let them a-holes talk ♪ ♪ take it with a grain of salt ♪ ♪ and eat their fucking faces off ♪ ♪ the legend of the angry blond ♪ ♪ lives on through you when i'm gone ♪ ♪ to think i was gone ♪ ♪ afraid to make a single sound ♪

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