tv stands furniture canada

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tv stands furniture canada

get on, get on! no! not "get on, get on"... the tickets! i'm going to force you in! - "imparables"! santi millã¡n? that's me. how are you? how's things? nice to meet you i'm from oaxaca, mexico. i brought you a present. you're kidding me right? are you serious? this is a drink that is like tequila, called mezcal.

man, i know mezcal. you drink it with orange instead of lemon and with worm salt. excuse me, worm salt? worm salt. what do you do with the worm? it gets roasted and then mashed up with salt. i didn't notice anything. this is the "chapulã­n". is it spicy?

no... no. "chapulã­n" is a cricket, it's a locust. oh excuse me, you hadn't told me that! yes, yes, it's real. so eduardo you brought this as a gift for me? that's right. well thanks a lot man! let's see what we've got, let's see what's on the menu ... rice and beans and stuff...maybe not for a good morning.

it's a little bit heavy, and it smells like cinnamon. i don't know if this is the best thing to have for breakfast before a race ... i'll tell you later if it's the best or not the best... check out where i've put my gloves ... this is very important because during the race there's always this kind of massage action... ... that promotes blood circulation. we're off to the starting line, late as always. i mean... i think we have to make it clear where we come from and who we are. raãºl, are you ready?

yes, i am... the problem ... the problem is that i'm not... but ...let's go! last as usual. eating, going to the tent, getting the tent down ... the last ones on the start line. luckily, arnau saved us a place and we're in a good position. now it's about following ibon's wheel and ... and enjoying it! i was looking for a travel buddy! we are going to fly through this race my friends!

this is clearly a sign, the question is whether we will be flying with or over the bike. santi millã¡n! santi millã¡n! he look's good, motivated. he's ... he's relaxed. you've had a piss five times, i've been counting! five! i'm nervous and i need to piss again!i've peed five times and done a number two twice. - it's a difficult circuit ... ugh, it was very hard for me, the kilometers never ended. really unruly, right? - really unruly, very bumpy ... with roots ... right? massive stones ... my head hurts more than my legs. it was like a latin class, you know? it's been tough to study.

latin? besides he was with julius caesar, who unravelled it really well, and i was screwed behind. to be honest i can't really explain very well how the stage went because... i didn't raise lift head up from the handlebar. i was looking at the ground and saying to myself: “i'm going to kill myself at any moment”. i've seen all the versions of the movie of my life many times. i have to confess that the movie of my life sucks, you know? â¡sucks! the rest of them devils.

they were all canadians, yankees ... ... what, so this is like if we did a race up montserrat, or what? well, i've never gone up montserrat but ... no, no ... the ground is not favorable for us at all, it's really broken up, stones, roots, holes ... you want to advance and your bike won't go, can't go ... you get stuck on everything. what a disaster, what a disaster! we're bad...that bad! there was a moment on the trail that a lady passed by with a shopping cart,

imagine how slow we were going... let's go! when the route is difficult, complicated and you get stuck, bogged down ... when you reach better terrain i go crazy, like i've got a sputnik in my behind... with loose gravel and it got ahead of me, and without realising instead of putting my hands out i planted my face. but well... we've tasted canadian soil and that's ok, right? yeah, it is. now we've had enough for everyday. come on, come on, come on! let's go! for a street "balloon seller" like me, who usually rides a road bike ...

this is killing me, killing me ... i've spent more time walking than on the bike. no, no pictures when i'm getting off, eh! don't record me when i'm walking! out of the way! - hey arnau, how did it go? i caught a cramp just on the last decsent, i had a really bad time. the first descent went really bad, i couldn't pick up the pace ... the others went better, but the first one... well, the first one was new to everyone. and with so many roots and holes, holes, holes...

- very dry, very dry ... well katerina overtook me… i started to gear up, but then i thought: “uy, uy, uy, hang on there…” and how did you do then? good? we did well. we were with the first couple, but they got away, and we stayed there. ibon: “i'm not going, i'm not going…”, but we were doing well... we picked up the pace and then on the track he went like a rocket... i was pedalling as well as i could and ended up here at the end like you. with so much's normal for the first day.

we set off really tight, we arrived late because of breakfast and i was hungry... ... and i saw this curve with a load of rocks and i thought: “i'm just going to lie down here, that way i won't wear myself out”. the easiest spot? no singletrail or anything... it was a very quick track, left hand curve... i was behind alain prost and then on the floor. really tough huh? bf… - first one done! think about what hell's here!

hell? this is it. he's the only one who's quicker going up than down. and worst of all we still have seven days of this left. don't ring my ... cowbell! don't ring my ... cowbell! we're going on a trip, we're going on a trip! look, we ended up in the school bus again... they've separated us because we're practically the only ones here. they realised that the spanish are dangerous, we're delicate and they've put us on a separate bus. we're going somewhere else.

you could say: "we could have ended up there with the bike ...". no, no... we finished in the same place with the bike, but we have to move. but we're not just travelling by bus, which will be about 2 - 3 hours to the ferry... and after 2 hours more on the ferry ... and tomorrow we will have another nice downhill trail. - sorry, what's your name? - claudie. claudie. where are you from? i'm from ... well i was born in mexico. where are we going exactly?

ah… hang on -she doesn't know! unbelievable no, off by heart no. in other words, the organization, which has to take us there... does not know where we're going. this could end well... - powell river! - powell river. um ... where is that? i mean.... - i don't know. - you don't know?

- i'm from florida. - from miami? - from miami. when we looked at the stages we thought: "man, they're not that long ..." the fact that they were short was a trick for sure. tomi and i went as slow as hell, because that was fucked up, right? sure, i had an advantage because i had the master in front of me marking the way. tomi went down looking behind him, like this. but just as i helped him in the trails and was able to lend him a hand so that we both went faster,

... he also helped me out on the tracks. we had a good time. i enjoyed it, right? did you or did you not enjoy it? - you had a fucking awesome time. - i had a fucking awesome time. do you agree that instead of this being a mountain bike race it's like an adventure, right? the kayak will tell you. ugh ... i think it's much faster and much shorter, eh? five bikes and ten kayaks? double? - hey guys you could do a kayak challenge, right ibon?

- i'd get on a kayak, naked if necessary. well tomorrow when i finish the stage, dehydrated or not, we're going to kayak. - deal! i slept pretty well, huh? i wasn't cold.... very important. yes, yes. it wasn't cold today. yesterday i was shivering all night. and the little touch of having the camp site by the sea, beautiful. it seemed like it rained a little, no, or what ? right? no, i didn't think so. yes, i though so too. i was obsessed.

i woke up at midnight, and thought: "it's raining ... the roots will be in their element ..." and i got out of bed and everything, to look to see if it was true. when i saw it was the sea that calmed me down a bit. i was tending to my wounds from the fall yesterday and told tomi: "hey hold the torch for me a second" so i can do sort them out and i saw that the torch kept dropping down and i said: "hey, but what are you doing?" - i was falling asleep with the torch in my hand, for sure. that's a true champion, eh? no, that's someone who was knackered.

man but they prepared a good breakfast. well balanced, with a bit of hydration, some fat, some protein ... how important is it to allow time for digestion before setting off, or isn't it? especially setting off it is... if the starts are slow, you can digest along the way ... but if it's an explosive start like it was yesterday and your blood is in your stomach and not your legs ... well now you know guys ... breakfast is very important. well as you can see, everyone is already prepared for the race. well, absolutely everybody ... not really!

the "imparables" delegation is... i don't know where it is. well, we going for the second stage, motivated. i think that we will improve on yesterday, it was all new for us, the singlestracks ... today we know more or less what to expect. and well, we're category leaders. yesterday we lost a bit of time with a dehydration problem and we'll see today. i heard that today's stage is 100% singletrack. good, good! i'm just hoping that it's not as technical as yesterday. - come on! let's start the second stage!

today was the second day, but really it felt as if today we really started the bc. we set out cautiously because today was a tough day, we had a bad time, we didn't know if physically it would catch up with us today. but we were as carefuly as we could be and we set off slow to see what we would find. we entered the forest and that was really a surprise. breathtaking scenery, incredible green tones, light that filtered through the trees. above all the tracks didn't let us go really fast but you could tell the speed, could tell that things were working. in the team there are riders with very different objectives: tomi and ibon have clearly come to compete and come to win.

then santi and raul, who have a completely different objective... more about enjoying it, doing things well, reaching the finish line with a good feeling. toni perez and i, we're a little like santi and raul. and finally, toni gass㳠and eva i think that they also had a very tough experience yesterday, but today eva told me that she would set off more cautiously, but she set off like a rocket. it is a unique race in the world because it's full of surprises. you are concentrated giving it your all and suddenly you're climbing and you come across six hawaiians: “aloha, aloha, aloha”.

it's a fun race, with good people, you can compete, but also have fun. - hey man! - â¡aloha! - how beautiful is this forest, man ... the enchanted forest huh? - really the places we are passing through are spectacular. - when you raise your head you say: "i'm in the middle of a movie set." ferns, trees, lots of wood ... i'm thinking about coming and setting up a toothpick business. - you could make them with handles. - it would allow you to do them with handles...a big handle huh

- a thin toothpick but a huge handle. good one champion! you're a whiz mate. well, i do what i can mate. we did bloody amazing mate. man i had a good time. so beautiful! people will come here with a smile ... the problem is that i was at the front of the race with these beasts, ...made it seem like there were no roots ... they don't exist for them...

there were 6 of us and i was left there, alone! we have done very well i think, maintained. any day someone, or us or them fail and pam! well to be honest, today i think i've discovered that i'm multi-orgasmic. i've had like 20 or 30 orgasms i had such a good time today. with today's stage it has really been worth being here. - huge stage, right? - really beautiful mate. - i was blown away at first ... - it was like carpet, huh?

- incredible - what a forest! - katerina beat me again, i was ahead the whole stage and just before the end... - i got a little worn out and she overtook me ... - is she really technical? - she does it really well! - have you become friends with her already, or not? - no. tomorrow i'll try to talk to her, the thing is i go like this you know? - well, i'm going to go eat ... i need it.

- go on capo, you deserve it. - hey sorry, before you go, eat well now, before breakfast 'cause in the afternoon we have ... - no, no, today i specifically went a little slower ready for this afternoon. - so don't worry i'll be perfect. - well, you finished worn out in any case. so… - no… he was reserving... today was cool, the bike runs, and stuff ... spectacular environment, really nice ... huge stage! a really gorgeous stage, beautiful!

- you have behaved like a champion, huh. - today we have enjoyed, really enjoyed today! a really nice stage, very nice ... very quick ... so, yesterday we came up with a challenge ... no, don't pretend ibon come here. after saying to arnau that he's the kayak, the kayak, the kayak ... arnau has decided... "well, okay, i'm the kayak guy." but let's see, seen as you're always tweeting about it, if you're any good at kayaking. because clearly he does well on the bike, without it being his thing. - but let's see, that he does well on the bike ...

we've done two stages and a girl beat him on both days. - well you're talking about the world champion, right? - less talk and more action! - here are the kayaks, and you have to go ... can you see like two balls over there? they are called buoys, okay? you have to pass the second buoy, turn around and come back here. easy! - whoever is first to go under the bridge, wins. - ok perfect. look, i like the idea.

- come on, put your vest on. it always looks good on you. - this ruins my aerodynamics, huh. this is carbon fiber right? -eh... no. -no? -i don't think so... - it's going to get dark with all this faffing around! i mean, come on, take to the water. ok! to the water! - bloody hell!

- come on! ready to start or what? well hey, wait a minute, wait! get parallel! - fuck getting parallel! - ibon! - i'm going for it. heading straight for the black buoy, and to the finish! he's just about got his technique down, you can't deny technique... - what calibre, jesus! - there it is, there it is! the swerve, the turn...good.

- very good! - the goal is infront of him, first, hey! - come on! - fucking hell he's getting away! - ibon, he's getting away from you, eh! - man, you weren't thinking that i was going to let you win! no? - ibon, he's getting away, eh! - you're doing it in the air! - you've not got into the swing of it?

arnau juliã  champion! - ah, i'm going toward the rocks! - watch out you're heading for the stones! turn! - look, look what i can do! which is our bus? canadian fashion. - no, that it's really clean. - the battering i got on the clean one. - on the easy one...

there is no rewind on these things ... there is no rewind. he doesn't know where... he still uses cassette tape. - they screwed up right? - is that right? they said you didn't do yesterday's stage, right? yesterday you flew. - they're quite tight assed... - tomi misser… santi millã¡n ... good in spain. tomi misser, in the mecca of downhill they know him ... - incredible, really incredible…

you'll have little left in this team, man ... - well, at least i will enjoy what i have left, right? - who are you looking at? - is this lake or sea? - no idea… - we don't know where we are. they put us on a bus, we get off ... we don't know if this is the sea, if it's a lake, river .. i mean, when we get there, we'll test the water and see what it tastes like. this is bad, this is bad…

come on let's go! there we go, there we go! - well then, today here we are ready for what is the 3rd stage consisting of about 60km, 1500m of altitude. everything looks like it will go well today. a little trail, a little singletrack, wide tracks ... who's afraid? - how do you see it? - for me good. i'll be your guide again, your sherpa. - he is there to talk to me. because i'm breathless all the time, i can't .. fucking hell... i would have liked to see the front lot here, see how they went.

here we are in repairs, our gear shifter has broken ... bad news. i always wanted to appear in one of your videos. my gear shifter broke and even going with raul ... he dismantled it, he tried to fix it. he was saying to everyone… “oil”? do you have any oil? he was saying to everyone: "oil, oil, oil,oil..." - do you have any oil? - and then one said: "huh?" i said: “oil”. he says: “yeah”. do you think you can fix it?

- i think so, i think it's the spring. we used it, but it wasn't possible. so what raul did was to block it on an intermediate gear so for the last climb ... i had to do it on foot. but i'll tell you something, if i hadn't of broken the gear shifter... i think i would have also done it on foot. yes, in that sense going with raul is a luxury on the mechanical level much better than with josef. josef, sorry mate ... i mean, mechanically, you're as useless as i am.

- well it was kind of like our stage and we have won, right? - yes that's true. - physically good, and technically for me just about. - it was a shame because he fell on a bridge and we lost some time because we were in a really good group. - a wooden bridge, about this height and zugasti goes down, you know? i saw fresh salmon and thought: "a bit of protein." we are first in our category, good. today we have won the general, which makes us pretty excited. - man, you see!

- the stage. - hey! how did it go today? - i smashed myself on a bridge going down man. - really? are you hurt? - no, because i am a cat ... but ... - because you're indestructible, right? -what about you? - well, i did really well today. i went at a really good pace all the way. my bottle holder fell off, and of course i didn't have any tools...

- and did the whippet beat you today? - yeah man, because of the bottle holder! today i was ahead the whole time! - you do it because you want to check out her ass mate! - i have not seen her man!i'm desperate, 3 days! - three- zero! this is katerina nash, she is the mountain bike world champion and... well the first day i was more or less with her. and although she does not know i have this personal challenge to see if someday i can get in front of her ...

but i can't ever do it, she always ends up beating me. - spectacular, amazing you get a little bit of wider path which is good for us and then you have your paths, you have your little things that are beautiful to see ... in cycling, not so much. - but there was plenty of singletrack, right? - man, but nothing to do with the other days, very good. - the thing is that in the parts that are really broken up, mate, i'm really bad there. - well, i imagine that, i was behind tomi ... -anyway with tomi it's a little insulting, we might need to give him a corrective or something.

- no, tomi, tonight you have to give it to him... - hey tomi! what's up? - how are you? how did it go? - very well. we were talking about you. - i'm told that you were left without brakes ... - he's changing the subject ... - man he's changing the subject because he doesn't know what we were talking about... - no, you said to him: "we were talking about you." and he plays dumb. - what's up?

- no, but i don't want him to listen to what we were talking about. because we're doing it to screw him... - i don't understand anything...i'll be right back. i'm going to go eat so you can keep criticizing me, okay? he gave it to you, eh? - wasn't canada cold and all green? there's not a town you don't see and it's just really hot… - heat go away, to spain! and here a bit of humidity, a bit cooler... - well half way up ... broken.

and then we fixed it on a gear and i could only change the plate. but of course it was complicated on the climbs ... - impossible, right? - very good, very good. it is a wild stage... a local told us that there is a bear ... that you can see, that a bear with three cubs had escaped and that was when eva cracked the whip and ... ... we started to really get moving. i'm off to the shower… who are we?

men! come on idiot… vanity case ... perfect. now i will get naked ... now i have it all off... i bet you don't know what i'm hitting the door with. with my knuckles ... idiot! we are not in ecuador but we have travelled for two days... ... by plane, by bus, by taxi, by boat, by hydroplane and above all, by bike.

despite being beautiful, if you want to perform at your best, it wears you out a lot. so i think that the hardest part is over. from now on even if the routes are complicated, we've begun to pick up the rhythm of this whole thing. more than anything, sorry for my appearance ... ...but it's what you get when you're living in a camp. i'm putting my protections on, they are not rigid, ... but because we're quite bad they protect us from possible scratches. they don't save you from the hit. the pulsometer band to control at all times if we are dying.

although when you're dying, you realise immediately, no need to look at the pulse rate. the straps... ...have to go ... always covering the nipples. the people who have their nipple a bit like this ... like a gift... wrong! much sexier ... you must take water resistant matches with you, ... incase someone over takes you, so you can set them on fire. you strike it here, you through it and now you've got a guy or a girl going around like... aaaaaaaaah!!!

burning, so they will no longer overtake you. we also carry a flute, which i like to call a whistle, because a flute in your mouth is always ugly. in case you get lost ... or see a foul, because there are some over taking movements that get penalised... ...then when there's a dodgy overtake ... yellow card! off the stage… and then we have the food supplements. class huh? with this hair and these glasses, dressed like a cyclist and barefoot ...

i'm turning you on a little bit, right? yes ... you are getting horny, i know. there are sections that i enjoy and others not so much. with ibon we are a bit of an uneven couple, so where i suffer, he doesn't suffer and vice versa. so at the end of all stages overall we are doing very well and we talk a lot... what we talked about at the start, to communicate with eachother be alert all the time from each other the truth is we get on really well with each other. the truth is i am very happy. i started a little bad, i guess because of all the travel and i got better everyday. so physically i'm very happy and i'm having a great time.

today was perhaps one of the best days i have ever spent on a bicycle. really, fantastic i wish i could have stopped in the middle of the descent... but being a competition and also because going at the rate i'm going i think i did quite well, ...well the truth is i couldn't stop much. three hours huh. who said two hours? three hours, man! incredible today, eh! climbs like going up a wall ... zugasti plane, takes off ... and luckily on the downhill sections i could catch him.

i was going down, full speed, risking my life ... "come on zugasti a little bit more!" and me: “but mate hang on!” - how beautiful! - no… no - no? well, i think it was the best day of my life. that last descent ... - disgusting ... - what are you saying? he's crazy… today i beat katerina!

how's it going! eva rode over a snake and when i went past it jumped, but it didn't bite me! i've got santi, tomi misser and zugasti a stone's throw away, now we'll catch them! we found a really nice turd today, eh? there was a load of cow shit..sorry not cow, bear. from a bear ... huge. we picked it up, it didn't weigh was like coal. it had little balls ... what were those balls? they were berries. this is a barrier. what was that? well they were another type of berry. you have berries with e and barrier with a.

bears usually eat fruit. we're crazy about catching a bear. yes? well ... i'm not, huh? go down, it makes me laugh... straight ahead is the good one. don't record me ... i told you not to record me when i'm walking. the last part of the race was really beautiful. what a shame not to really dominate it so i can enjoy it... because for anyone who is technically good ...

... of course, coming here is paradise. - any biker's dream. it is the dream of every biker, but for people like me that are a bit crap ... it is the nightmare of every biker. - ay, ay, ay! you shit yourself, huh? - orgasmic descent, huh? - like a kid goes down! progressing well. here we are ready for the 5th stage, a 5th stage that promises a lot of emotion my friends.

it's the most technical of the 7, so it's going to be a stroll... it will be a stroll literally because let's say we're going to be walking all the time... no-one is going to ride their bike on these descents. highly technical descents raul, you will have fun today. you too? no. the thing is what's behind us is a bit sad. but look, the good thing about behind last is that you put your the bike like this... ...and now you're the first ones. right now i'm first, fuck it! let's go.

i'm a disgrace, i was in first place and i got lost, you know? this is really brutal...… i have come here to enjoy myself and that's what i'm doing, enjoying it. and santi here has a partner that makes guides him... ... if there is a mechanical problem i'm there and then i look after him in the race. as for rhythm... i go at the pace he wants. to seal our love, raul and i have put a padlock on the bridge here. - for life, it's here as a souvenir. we'll be back! don't get too close....

a fucking shame mate, i was on my own. i'm behind the motorbike giving everything, and suddenly it brakes and i say: "a path to the left." i look and they were the pink ribbons for the way down, ... and i thought: "i'll head down there" ... and suddenly i saw that everyone else followed the asphalt and i was like: "bad bad…". and then really pissed i looked ... i was off the track mate ... a bitch man ... ... but well, what can we do ... - yes, yes, not now ... - yes, at least i've noticed that i can descend well with the back ones and all, huh.

bloody hell! i'm a boss there, i'm already a capo everyone else getting off and i'm like: "but what are they doing?" - we are unstoppable! - a nice descent today, yes or no? - yesterday's was not pretty. today's was beautiful. - today was spectacular. - much more beautiful! - for me, the best! - man! the thing is we go crazy, any descent seems good.

at the start, there was no one behind us. - really?! - in fact, we turned our bikes around and then we were first. - i was blown away, i said: "i have never seen this." - and then you and i get screwed and they're happy. and how many times do you stop in a stage for example? - at all the supply points. - so then your tactic is you in the front and him behind? - we don't have any tactics, we just go...

- we communicate all day, we talk. people get angry. - there was a guy that stopped for us to go past, not a girl. he was pissed off at listening to us. - do you talk? - i think there is no couple more unbalanced than us. in fact as a couple we never go together. going down, i lose him on the first corner. and in barcelona they told me: "no, no, you stick to his wheel and you'll learn heaps". eh, i learn to stay put. so then i try to recover and when i get where he is, this guy with such a fresh face, ... and he says: "go on, go on, i'll catch up with you."

then i see him for a while and keep going full pace and then when i get up there... and i start to go down he cuts short everything i had gained and ... so on. - we're like a rubber band. - yes, so not much talking. with the bike, the first thing i do is a checklist,... ... which is a check of all the fastenings because with terrain like this they generally loosen quite a lot. then we check that the wheels are centered and that there are no holes in the tires and from there... .. grease it and test it. so i make sure i've tried it and my team mates take a rest. - what ibon? relax mate.

no. i'm listening, learning, man, i'm a bit crap mechanically and doctore is the fucking master. do you know what they call us or not? - who? who calls us? - these lot. - but who? this lot of characters around here? - the smurfs. - what? - tom and jerry. -tom and jerry? that's cool.

- and i'd have to be the cat. chasing you all day. - what's up carlos? - well i have a problem with the pedals. - the shaft has loosened a little.we'll take it off... we'll dismantle it and see what state the bearing is in. it's perfect, its has only loosened.anything else besides the pedal? all okay? yes, i don't know ... i haven't noticed anything unusual. - well, at the rate you go down you won't have damaged the tires, i think. - there's quite a bit of jabbing here ... what's up with you two?

here there's a very nice friendship and that rivalry is nice. you're having fun, right? - loads. -nice descents, huh? really nice. - everything's ok, just that i think i got hit a couple of times. do you think there will be any problem? - the stones really stood out, huh ... - yes, you could tell. - and the walkways? - well you got up and said: “if there's nothing underneath, to the death”.

- all of them have descents. but of course, all of them, but if you enter quickly you go flying. - to the death today, right? - he sets the pace, man. yesterday there was a moment of euphoria-like anger. at 7 am you're like ... it's like the opposite effect, you know? ... then you go from here, to "we'll kill them!" to here like: “let's hold back”. - but the start is at 9am. at 9am we'll be once again like: "we'll kill them." - gladiators. - sure, what have you got left? 6 hours. - nothing, nothing. 70km. to finish the whole tour now.

- but tomorrow's stage is a stroll. - i think i'll really go for it today. i'm going to leave you stuck there, man. because everyone thinks i'm going to get started and i'm going to stay stood still and when we reach the first climb, i'll get going. not bad. - not bad at all. - although depending on how ... i get going as well. well, we tried to leave everything ready the day before. food is important, right pocket. i usually use gels, they are quite explosive races so we shouldn't eat anything solid.

we've had a good breakfast two and a half hours ago. an emergency solid bar, which we don't have to use. helmet, hair pushed back, helmet as straight as possible... glasses, gloves always go here, before setting off, because you always use your hands a lot. not too nervous, on the first day there is always some uncertainty... ... about what will happen, two days without being on a bike, in a different country, terrain you don't know. but now i'm not nervous at all, now its strength, it takes strength. hydrate a lot, i try drinking at least two liters, and then just before the race i drink. i haven't stopped at any of the supply points or anything and that's with us being at 35 degrees.

and now i am, all out. well we are ready, we are prepared, in uniform, with all our accessories, our things ... see you again in ... what do you reckon, six hours, right? - at least… - who said they were in a hurry? this is much better for riding, with much more flow. as if you were riding a horse, the same thing. - the long uphill part, we had seen on the graph that there were a lot of rises and straights, ... and also knowing that on the descent tomi is going to cut me short,

i went all out knowing that we were doing this famous accordion, like we do all the time. -although we don't go together, we can be apart for two minutes under the race rules... ... so those two minutes we have under very tight control. awful, i hope he doesn't finish the race. there were a few descents that were good, ... they had like these banks and were really well prepared... ... where there weren't any stones, weird jumps and even if you went slowly, you enjoyed it. it is a super special race, where you're competing with the best riders in canada... ... but hey, today they also noticed that we can ride.

we are competing against very good people, and also on their home soil. - great, tomi, great, man! mate, really good tomi. you gave it everything today right, you bastard? - i always give it everything. - today it was you, uh, jerry. the truth is that i think that there are no words to express how much i enjoyed that, how much fun it is... and every day is better. katerina nash just arrived, we are 3-3. tomorrow the tiebreaker, but i should warn her, right?

...that there is a tiebreaker morning, so at least she knows. - how did it go? - we flew. - very happy man. - hey, congratulations. - thanks! - and what about you? did you beat the whippet or not? - good, right! i already told her: "3-3, tiebreaker tomorrow." the truth is that at the finish, a runner came to me and showed me his mobile and told me:

"no, no you're third in the overall masters". it was a surprise because i had not checked it to be honest... - i'll be a little nervous tomorrow because now that i'm there i don't want to lose. as for us the stages seem long, well the fact that you end up finding... ...a guy with a mixer playing music, speakers buzzing and 6 or 7 guys there cheering, dancing. sure, for raul and i, that was like ... watch out raul is lifting himself up! what an atmosphere! this is a race, and all the rest is nonsense. - you don't get this anywhere else, huh!

and i had to stop myself, because i was warming up there with the fun and the jokes and i said: doctore, loosen up or it will get out of hand." - but what it is this man? god, come on! if you're famous, you're famous. she's like me. they love me. -he's crazy, and every day that passes, it gets worse. the sixth one, in the bag! oops! not this one, women!

- do i look stronger or what? classy or what? well i'm here showering,... i got wet and i'm doing my laundry while i take a shower because it's a little more comfortable. i would go naked, but they force me to be dressed and well, it's about optimising my time. third sector, we have done the stage, we went around and now a shower and clothes wash. what tomi, how are you holding champ? - nothing, finishing up washing my clothes. a little massage and i am already thinking about tomorrow man.

- i feel as if hadn't even raced you know, with the high that i'm on. yes, the truth is that it feels good to win again. - come on capo, see you soon! - shall we go around the back see if we can find a fence or something? shall we go around the back see if we can find a fence or something? what are you doing? - turning the flow around man. - ah okay. today has shaped up perfectly. they gave ibon a telling off because he started too soon...

we had heard it was a neutralised stretch ... i overtook a pickup and three motorbikes. and i was left alone with the open traffic. then this guy came who had "gabriel" written on his helmet: “stop, stop!” and i said: “stop no! this is the race!”, and he said: “no race”, then me: "what do you mean no race?" and he told me: "stop or you're out of the race" and then, pam, i placed myself behind him but also he had a motocross bike and you could tell he likes to races so he got up and was accelerating... ... and i was pedalling and he kept going higher and higher. - and he left you at the wheel? - all the time.

- yes, but the wheel hooked on like this almost. - almost touching the blocks. until we have passed the wildest cross and he told me, it's all yours mate. and i set off and after it he came to tell me it was incredible... and he said to me: “good job, good job”. i am convinced that he has been spectacular, but i have too they said hey. - what, good job? - yes, i've come up with 6 hours. the guy came and told me: “eh!. good job!” it's a relatively short stage, compared to the others.

... so you have to expect it to have some surprises. unwittingly i got on the podium, so yes i'm a little more nervous because of the pressure that i put on myself... ... but i would obviously hope to reach the end of the bc bike race in third place in that category. yes, we won. we are super happy after yesterday's race. and today makes us appreciate a little victory. i'm happy, a ten, no more. - we came with the hope of being able to win, and i think we have easily won a big difference with second place, we lost two stages but the time we have lost in the first one was very little. all week has been brutal and really i take away an extra special experience that i will remember forever. - well, the truth is that today i went out really strong...

... not cause of the rivalry with katerina, but for my overall position the truth is our paces were very similar, so i think it has really been something special... we had fun and i wish i could do more races next to her because the truth is she does it really well... and it was a pleasure to see her descend, because she really is the best in the world... ...and it is a pleasure to see her on the bike. - we were surprised because we thought this was going to be like the champs elyse... and they were going to give out champagne and toast a little ... this is a bit of a trap, huh? it was difficult for us, luckily it was only 20-21km. - and finally we finished!

let's go to puerto rico, now on holiday for real! - this is crazy huh? we have reached the goal and as each day we did a bit of russian school, we set out riding and we said: "bloody hell, what better way to end the bc bike race than ... to look for santi, toni, carlos and raul and reach the finish line together with them." now we are here. who are we? "imparables"! but apart from that? finishers. the bc race in the bag! prepared, we already have another one in mind... you are going to shit youselves ... us above all, as we are the ones who have to do it.

you of course there on the couch, watching the programme "hehehe, lol" "how good!" "what fun!" come and pedal ... and we'll see if there's so much "hahaha" ... they have arrived. look what a cute couple. a couple that races together stays together ... that's it, it's over, it's over ...! stars! em…. i've been here a little while longer, just so you know ... - no, that's it… the truth is that it has been a great pleasure to be here and to finish the race in third position, even more.

i'm here, super prepared… that's how they are in canada, they are generous by nature ... ...they see a guy on the ground and say: "go for it". to start this you release the handbrake and give it some gas, right? well hey, here ready for ... ... watch out ... ay ay ay ... what a disaster! - is my helmet straight or not? - go away arasa, for god's sake! - hold on, hold on!

- don't show my legs because i haven't shaved... you're always there ... looking for something. to the memory of leo obstbaum.

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