log furniture night stands

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    log furniture night stands

    in association with the scp website. secure contain protect. the scp foundation is an organisation of numerous doctors, researchers and agents, aiming to understand and catalog anomalous objects and keep them from getting into the wrong hands. scp objects are classified into 3 main categories of safety: scp-1351 is a cave located within the mammoth cave national park in kentucky. interestingly enough, this cave in no way follows the rules of gravity, space, nor time, as the warped tunnel beneath the sanctuary of the earth's surface, wraps around itself to form its own gravitational point. basically, the floor begins to twist, and the one rock wall twists alongside it,

    reassuming positons parrallel to its original location. it's been reported that the gravity within the cave depends on the situation and angle of the floor. the cave enters with a hole in the ceiling, which is unusual in comparison to the majority of the caves in the national park, however, the temporal anomalies within the cave itself has gained the most attention, as no one can give logical reason to explain why they happen, or how they happen. a standard perimeter fence and signs warning away unauthorized personnel, and the access road to the entrance of scp-1351 is marked “authorized vehicles only.”

    to match nearby park roads, which are not open to the general public. the permanent security team are the united states national park rangers and civilian speleologists. scp-1351 was most recently discovered in 1995 by national park service speleologists mapping the cavern to determine if it connected to the main cave system in the park. 3 expedition teams surveyed the interior between 1995 and 2002, determining the cavern to be sufficiently safe for a permanent research presence. research operations are still ongoing. scp-049 is another humanoid character. who in addition to his mask, wears a black hooded robe,

    replicating that of which is worn by 'plague doctors,' in 16th century europe. further studies reveal that it's clothing is actually a part of scp-049's physical figure. although it feels like leather, it is actually the same material as it's muscle tissue. 049's touch is invariably lethal to humans, causing the victim to suffer and then die. the plague doctor will dissect the body, injecting certain chemicals into the victim, after a period of a few minutes, the victim will resume vital signs and appear to reanimate.

    however, it seems completely without higher brain functions, and will wander aimlessly until it encounters another living human. at that point, the adrenaline and endorphin levels increase to approximately 300% as it will attempt to kill any human beings it can find, before returning to its mindless state and wandering until it comes across more humans. detailed autopsies of 049's victims, have found several unusual substances within the body. including ███ and █████ in the sternum region. however, several have yet to be identified and remain classified the behaviour of scp-049 is unpredictable,

    and although it doesn't seem too menacing, the physical appearance is far from inviting. scp-049 is held in a research sector, heavily guarded and monitored at all times. it's been noted, that the scp is capable of speech, as noted in one of the interviews by dr ███████ now playing audio log 2957: scp-1382 is a 'red sea mark' water buoy, floating on the surface of lake michigan. all air and sea traffic must be redirected away from containment cell. although scp-1382 has taken a fair ammount of structural damage during its lifetime, it still stands tall, occasionally flashing out the sos distress signal in morse code in 10 second intervals.

    this mysterious buoy is anchored to a downed airliner lying deep beneath the surface of the water. named "flight 441." this derelict aircraft, contains the skeletal remains of 56 passengers and crew members, who begin to animate, obtaining their natural body temperature of 37.0 â°c as registered by thermal imaging scanners and assume into the crash position in their seats. after 13 seconds of activity, all instances of passengers turn to face scp-1382 they will remain in this position, until scp-1382 ceases it's sos at which point, they collapse and become inert.

    it has been reported that the passengers are distressed due to the accounts before the crash. as opposed to the crash itself. implying that every passenger is stuck in some kind of time loop. scp-002 resembles a tumorous fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60cm cubed. an iron valve hatch on one side leads to it's interior. which appears to be a standard low rent apartment of modest size. the interior of the fleshy sphere is decorated like a low cost rented apartment. with furniture made up from biological matter such as bone, hair and more.

    all of it which are from the human body. in addition to this, there is also a window to be found on the interior. though no such breach can be seen when trying to view from the exterior. all matter tested thus far, show independent or fragmented dna sequences from each object inside the room. there have been 7 cases of foundation personnel disappearing after entering this scp for examination. and roughly at the same time, new furniture can be found inside of the room. consisting of a lamp and some rugs. the furniture was again; made up of the biological matter of the human body.

    presumably.. the biological matter of the 7 personnel that mysteriously disappeared. as detailed in the archive under the mulhausen report scp-002 was first discovered in a small crater in northern ██████. where it struck earth from orbit in 1994. scp-804 is said to be the remenants of a sculpture found by a group of artists. said sculpture consists of a model, transparent globe, with a few smaller globes situated around it. whilst the globes swivel on the axis that they were constructed on, any man-made material within 100 a meter radius, including the tissue of a human being,

    will gradually decay. when it comes to inanimate objects, such as clothes, buildings or anything else of the sort, the speed of decay is slightly accelerated. biologically speaking however, the corrosion of the body is a great deal slower; and requires a long period of exposure to cause any permanent or noteworthy damage. this mainly consists of loss of body mass, leading to symptons of near starvation. but both of these aspects, can be fixed with the correct ammount of medical care. exposed to whatever force this scp emits for an extended period of time,

    would cause the skeleton to collapse and inevitably lead to death. tests have been carried out, to see if the results obtained from the reaction with human matter, would be the same as with animal matter. but to no avail. because of the nature of scp-804, it is not contained in within any foundation facility. believing the effects of the scp, could destroy its own containment and seriously comprimise any other containment nearby. scp-2998 is an anomalous radio signal picked up from all quarters of the solar system.

    it's not yet known where the origin of this signal is, or when it began it's transmission, but the scp foundation made it a point to prevent all personal radios from detecting and listening to scp 2998 until further research is conducted into the safety of the signal, as well as its origin. scp 2998 is just a consistent electromagnetic signal which previews white noise at all times. no means have been found to decode the signal until 2011, when the signal was also found to contain a video transmission of a humanoid entity floating aimlessly in a dark room. no background information has thus far been obtained about what this message could possibly mean, or why the message was being transmitted at all,

    but due to bodily gestures that the aforementioned humanoid was conducting, it can be presumed that whatever it was, it was in clear physical distress. it was initially theorised that the foundation may be picking up signals from a television show, but this was considered highly unlikely, due to the random and complex encoding of the transmission. we simply do not know. scp - 1875 is a victorian-era chess machine, consisting of a steel chessboard table, a drive shaft, a stationary steam engine and a suit of 18th century samurai armor. however, the machine itself is powered by a biological system that controls a matrix of 64 electromagnets, using an engine created from the combined brain tissue of the twin daughters of a russian chess prodigy.

    a complete set of 32 pieces carved in the 'oriental style' from human bone with each piece afixed to a thin 0.31cm base pad, of theromagnetic iron. effectively, the whole thing runs on the souls of the 2 little girls. it is said that the souls will perform illegal moves during a game, and make illogical turns whilst playing scp-1875 containment, permit no use of data network devices. child psychologist to be present. the 'euclid' ranking of this scp, seems very appropriate. considering the fact that we do not fully understand how it works, nor why it works, nor what works within it. only the premise is understood, at this point.

    scp - 823 is an abandoned amusement park located in ███████. it's responsible for the deaths of an unfathomably large amount of people. nicknamed 'bloody sunday' because of the 231 people dying in the theme park, due to the 'accidents' of staff members and customers alike. the majority of these deaths were horrifically violent. some examples include: a mascot found dead of suffocation, a group of people found decapitated on a roller coaster, a couple fused together on a ride and a multilated man found in the hall of mirrors. foundation personnel are found surveying the area, and are instructed to avoid an area known as 'the red zone.'

    the red zone is an area where no one can enter, not even by those of the highest authority. it isn't stated as to why the red zone cannot be accessed, but it does claim that anyone who attempts to enter will be terminated by sniper fire. should music or piping be heard emanating from within the red zone, foundation personnel on-site are immediately prepared to use protective earplugs and withdraw from their positions to a 2km perimeter, beyond the currently established yellow zone, and inform foundation scientific personnel immediately. scp–1981, or commonly referred to as ‘ronald reagan cut up whilst talking’ is a strange, distorted video tape of ronald reagan making his evil empire speech.

    the tape itself is made from all of the normal materials that you would expect to get from a betamax tape. the tape was originally encountered by a filling clerk in the ronald reagan presidential library in 1991, 11 years after this initial speech was made. during the tape, reagan’s face seems to fall apart, cuts opening up on his face and his eyes becoming bruised. the video continues until his vocal chords are severed. occasionally, during the beginning of the tape, a figure clothed in black robes and a pointed hood appears in the background, which replaces another member of the press detail. scp-1981 is kept inside of a secure video storage unit

    in the media archive of site ██. years of natural magnetic interference have severely degraded scp-1981's signal quality. making it even more difficult to sift meaningful information from continued playbacks. scp-342 normally takes the form of a mass transit ticket, for the closest form of mass transportation to it's current location. at the moment it takes the form of a train ticket, departing from ███████ transit station. when held by a sentient person, for any length of time, it will eventually change form into a transit ticket. for a form of transportation that it's holder desires to use. the transformation always take place when not being directly or indirectly observed. no recordings of scp-342, changing its form exist at this time.

    anyone who uses scp-342 to board a vehicle, is unable to exit the vehicle by any means. when the vehicle reaches the end of it's route, the one using the ticket.. will cease to exist in our reality. any user of this scp, claims to feel extremely paranoid and have an uncomfortable and uncontrollable dread consume them. specifically, the way in which they describe their emotions when in contact with the ticket resembles, acute paranoid schizophrenia, and will witness a perception of darkness outside of the vehicle, including a mass amount of fog, or the portrayal of night. witness reports claim that victims mumble to themselves. will grow an intense fear of other passengers and the condutor

    there have been several experiments with different transportation networks, each yielding different results. scp-610 is a contagious virus that starts out with a small rash, which will then lead to an intense itching and skin sensitivity. after 3 hours, the skin disease will spread in such a way that skin will begin to scar and cover in blemishes around the chest and arm region, completely consuming the affected person after a full 5 hours of being infected. following this is the life functions ceasing for a full 3 minutes, before starting again at a rate of 2 or 3 times the regular activity rate for a standard human being. this leads to the sprouting of several limbs, like a leg or arm.

    the skin disease can affect one in such a way, that the head will become so mis-shapen, it would barely be recognisable as being human. the victim will sit in one place and route itself to the surroundings that it is located in, consuming objects around it with his or her own flesh. the area that scp-610 affects is close to lake baikal in southern siberia; and it was first reported from the russian government, through undisclosable channels. the reports consisted primarily of disappearances of farmers in the region. and were not considered until local police, and government agents failed to report within a 72 hour period. observation of scp-610 infected settlements have been established

    using artificial methods such as remote robots and drones. the data returned from these observations, coupled with the openly aggressive nature of the infected, to attempt to spread scp-610, has resulted in the 'keter classification.' so long as nothing is allowed to enter or leave the infected areas, it is considered to be a neutralised threat. as strange as it may sound, scp-122 is a child's night light, designed to look like a star. this product is unregistered and has no brand name written anywhere on the structure. so it's safe to assume that this nightlight is but an anomaly of it's kind. reports indicate that when in an unpowered state,

    the night light will affect anyone within a 500m radius of its location. when anyone enters the radius, they will slip into an rem sleep, and will be sent into comatose state until the night light has recharged itself. while comatose, subjects will claim that they have seen humanoid figures that are formed from a black, translucent mass of shadow from somewhere around the light. figures have been described as sentient, with physical properties similar to that of the subject. in a powered state, the sleep pattern of the subject will be affected greatly. claims have been made that the subjects will have disturbing and psychologically tormenting dreams that have often lead to insomnia.

    scp-122 was first discovered within the linnell children’s hospital on ██/██/███. after several reports of it's manifestations reached locally embedded agents. recovered documents indicate that a patient brought scp-122 when being admitted. no record of the patient's identity has been found. scp-122 is stored in a standard containment chamber, containing a single electrical outlet. personnel are instructed to routinely monitor scp-122 at all times and never let it enter an unpowered state. during a breach which caused the death of 17 site personnel, security footage witnessed several maintence personnel tampering with the scp-122's chamber lock.

    when questioned, the subjects claimed they had done so, under duress. saying that a canary was not allowing them to sleep, until they released scp-122. affected subjects were given class a amnestics, and containment procedures have been revised. scp-513 is a simple bell, coated in a thick layer of rust. all attempts to remove the rust that engulfs the integrity of the bell, have been unsuccessful. having tested using both chemical measures and mechanical, there are literally no markings or symbols to be seen, so it is impossible to identify the exact origin.

    upon scp-513's discovery, it was also found that the bell's clapper was strapped tightly to one of the interior walls of the thick metal structure, using strong industrial tape. attached to the bell was a piece of paper, with text written on it, which read: any sentient being to hear the bell chime, shows overt signs of extreme anxiety, with an increased heart rate and blood pressure after some time, those exposed to the sound claim to catch glimpses of another humanoid sentient being in their peripheral vision. whenever the exposure victim attempts to look directly at this other being, it simply runs in the other direction, not leaving any traces. due to the severity of the anxiety caused by the knowledge of this 'stalking',

    victims are commonly deprived of sleep, and often suffer from clinical depression. those who are able to fall unconscious, state that they are physically assaulted by the stalking being, which flees when the victim awakes. all descriptions taken from several different foundation personnel, all match the same criterea; a humanoid being with long arms and large hands. this being is not visible to those who have not been exposed to the ringing of the bell, which leads researchers blind- sighted. scp-513 is located in a one cubic meter block of gelatin, and contained within a sound proof, climate controlled cell. which is inspected daily for any degradation or loss of integrity. scp-035 is a white ceramic comedy mask, that will often change it's appearance to it's binary opposite.

    this change will also cause its appearance to change in any video footage, photograph, or even artistic depictions created prior to said change to match it's new physical appearance. it's been stated that a viscous liquid, will constantly leak from it's orifices, which has been proven to be corrosive to any material that may come in contact with it, aside from the mask itself. the name of the liquid is unknown and as anomalous as its appearence, being only visible from the front and showing no signs of existence when looking from the back of the mask. a true fear factor to consider would be the fact that any person to come within 2 meters of the mask will have a strange compulsion to put the mask on. after doing so, the individual will have a different wave form sent through its brain, causing the subject to become brain dead

    however, the consciousness of scp 035, is still very much present, and will continue to possess and control the actions that the victim makes. in addition to this, scp 035 has been shown to be very manipulative, being able to corrupt and cause sudden fluxuations to the psychological mind set of any other person within a certain distance from the mask. subjects been quoted to say that it has 'an intimate knowledge of how the human brain works, and would be able to change the views of any individual if given enough time.' scp-035 has been found to be able to possess anything that has a humanoid shape, including mannequins, corpses and even statues. the subject has been able to motivate all into movement, removing the need to expose live subjects.

    personnel within 10 meters of scp-035, have recently reported feeling unease, stating that they can hear.. 'intelligable whispering.' several others have suffered from severe migranes. the object has been monitored, but there is no change in it's dormant behaviour; and no sounds have been recorded. scp-035 is kept within a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 4 inches thick. this case is to be contained within a steel, iron and lead-shielded room at all times. doors are to be triple-locked at all times, with the exception of allowing personnel in or out. guards remain outside at all times and are not allowed within the containment room under any circumstances. scp-439 is an insect of unknown origin that uses the human body as a habitat for its colony.

    the process begins by the queen entering the body via the mouth when the subject is asleep. the insect will crawl down the trachea, creating a nest within the lungs. a few hours after awakening, subjects will complain of an ever increasing tightness of the chest, followed by a consistent, sharp pain located in the abdomen. soon after, the victim will begin to suffer from rapid fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva; a disease which turns muscle tissue into bone. the shear spread of this procedure causes some bone matter to breach through the skin and become exposed, causing a great deal of pain to the subject at hand

    in a matter of 3 days, the subject's skeletal structure will have distorted and stretched in such a way that their body is no longer recognisable as human, taking the shape of a circle and anchoring itself to it's current location, and feeding off of the organs within the body. prior to this, the victim will have felt the strong compulsion to seek shelter of some sort in a small, enclosed space the host, now in its new territory,

    creates a hive of insects, consisting of warriors, workers, and drones within this new skeletal cage. in a particularly disturbing development, dr anderson performed a range of experiments to determine the extent of damage to the host body, after it has finished the transformation into the hive. while it was previously discovered in autopsy that portions of the brain are hollowed out to serve as food, others are left intact. presumably to regulate what bodily functions continue. while the eyes are eventually reached and used as a food source, opening the eyelids and examining them with the flashlight,

    discovered that the host's eyes followed the beam.. experimentation was ceased and no further testing was scheduled. scp-895 is an oak wood coffin which was recovered by the scp team when there were reports of strange footage within the surveillence tapes regarding this particular object. scp-895 is stored in an isolated, underground, containment cell; at a depth of approximately 100 meters. this scp is reported to cause disturbance to photography or video equipment within a range of 50 metres; these disturbances include vivid hallucinations and graphic images.

    the strangest factor of this is that those physically in the presence of scp - 895 will not experience any of these hallucinations. it's also stated, obtained footage within a range of 5 metres of the scp, will cause "severe psychological trauma and hysteria in from the subject." again, even if footage is obtained from 5 metres away from the subject, those who are physically present with the scp will not experience any kind of the trauma; and in previous operations, mobile units have even made physical contact with the coffin, and apparently, unexplained paranormal activity has been reported if the lid is removed.

    an audio excerpt was recovered off of site - ██ "now playing audio excerpt from the scp 98 recovery log" "end of recording" alright, looking at the 2nd security monitor of the scp-895 maintenance tunnel. now the personnel here have witnessed this paranormal occurence over the past few days now. it's not as devastating as the activity, that was first witnessed when we found it. maybe it's getting progressively weaker? we're not sure. anyway,

    if you see right here at the 4:00 mark, the camera feed starts getting more interference. ok? normally this is usual. but see right here. you see this outline of some sort of figure looming over the camera? we're not sure what that is. but, alright. there's this one over here. at the far back wall.

    this 4 legged creature emerges. gets near the camera. and then vanishes. can't really pinpoint what these are. maybe they are spirits of scp-895? scp-372 or more commonly referred to as 'the peripheral jumper', is an abnormally flexible, green creature; able to flex each part of its body. the muscle tissue of the peripheral jumper allows for rapid and accurate movements, and using this ability, lurks just out of range of the human peripheral vision, hence its name. in events of a containment breach,

    all personal are told to watch for a green flicker in the corner of one of their eyes, as this is an evident sign of scp - 372's presence. even more interesting, or rather terrifying, is it's sensory organ; it allows for echolocation and identification of energy transfer. instead of vision sensitive eyes, there's no hiding from this sentient blur, any thermal energy a person emits will be taken note of. scp-372 is contained in a cell,

    5m x 4m x 2m. lined with reinforced pexiglass. embedded into each of the 4 walls of the cell, are infared motion detectors. scp-1048 is a small teddy bear, approximately 33cm in height. through testing, composition of the subject revealed no unusual qualities that made it discernable from a non sapient teddy bear. subject is capable of moving of it's own accord, and can communicate through a small range of gestures. the subject regularly shows affection to individuals in ways found in by most people.

    affection is usually given in the form of a hug to the lower leg, but subject is also been observed dancing, jumping in place; and in two separate events; has even drawn childlike pictures for janitorial staff 7 months after it's first capture, random occurrences concluded that scp-1048 could actually create non identical duplicates of itself. dr carver has suggested that scp-1048, uses it's endearing qualities to lure those around it, into a false sense of security; allowing it to collect materials to produce these creations. the first incident mainly consisted of the discovery of scp-1048 giving a tour to an almost identical copy of itself. although the material of the duplicate was "fully-formed, with human ears." when staff attempted to recapture the 2 objects, the duplicate let out, an ear splitting, high pitched cry.

    which caused severe pain in the eyes and ears of all foundation personnel within a 5 meter distance. every person afflicted with this symptom died within 3 minutes. this resulted in the death of 7 personnel; including the entire security team. autopsies reveal the cause of death to be asphyxiation caused by an abundance of "ear-like growths," manifesting in the mouth and esophagus of all victims. the where-abouts of scp-1048 and it's clones are currently unknown. though are still believed to be somewhere in site-24. scp-096 measures roughly 2 and a half meters in height. with barely any muscle mass or body hair.

    it's limbs are completly out of preportioned to it's body. each arm measuring at a length of 1.5m. the activity of scp-096 is far from normal. spending most of it's days pacing the eastern wall of it's cell. the only real issue reveals itself when somebody see's it's face. from this point onwards, scp-096 will become severely emotionally distressed. covering it's face, with it's sickly twisted arms, whilst crying, screaming and even babbling it will then take it upon itself, to seek out to whomever was to view it's face. attempting to charge towards them at speeds of 35kmph and even higher.

    while this will typically depend on the distance between the viewer and the scp. scarily enough, the location of the viewer, does not seem to change in behvaiour of scp-096. as it will have a constant, yet logically, impossible sense of where the victim is, at all times. whenever 096 actually reaches the person, it will proceed to kill them, and somehow leave no traces of the victim's biological matter. scp-096 is contained in an air tight steel cube at all times. weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory.

    because of the nature of the scp, only 2 cloaked video surveillence tools are used inside it's cell. for safer research and security, personnel use preinstalled pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure it's presence inside the cell. an au audio log was recovered from an interview between dr ████ and captain ██████. probably one of the most popular scp monsters, scp-173 is a humanoid statue made from concrete and other rock materials. with discolouration, in the face region. as innocent as the object class makes this monster sound,

    the capabilities of this statue are unfathomable. looking away for a split second, even when blinking, will mean that this statue is free to move. when chamber inspections or maintence takes place, no less than 3 members of staff can be in the room, and must alert one another before blinking to reduce the risk of having their necks broken. scp-173 cannot move when direct eye contact is made, meaning that if a constant line of sight is made with this statue it can't move.

    recent reports indicated scraping sounds of stone originating from within inside the container when no one is present inside or no cameras are monitoring it. it's considered normal, but was indicated to be a warning if the behaviour had changed. the brown substance on the floors of the room, seem to be a combination of feces and blood and is usually noticed several days into the week. origin of these materials is unknown, but the enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis

    Thus articles log furniture night stands

    A few log furniture night stands, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so this time the post furniture stands..

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