value city furniture corner tv stands

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Title : value city furniture corner tv stands

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value city furniture corner tv stands

'i've heard.. ..that people first paytony's tax and then breathe.' 'you've heard it, right?' 'if the stray dogsteals two bones.. sucks on one bone anddeposits the other in tony's fund.' 'and you! you haven't put anytax in tony's hat for one week!' 'tony sir, my goods were caught.' 'death catches up withthose whose goods are caught.' 'tony sir, here's the money!'

'for this week and the next.' 'for next week. you mean advance?' 'fate cannot be trusted.' 'if the goods get caught, wecan escape from the police.' 'but who can escapetony's bullets?' 'did you all hear?' 'no one can escapetony's bullets. no one!' 'tony sir, why did you kill him?' 'because, heunderstood me too well.'

'got it?'- 'yes!' 'brother tony.. are the diamonds you'vebeen waiting for, for years.' 'diamonds!' 'diamonds! these are the diamonds,for which i can wait forever.' 'just to touch v.i.p. diamonds.' 'my brother bharat'sdiamonds. diamonds.' 'i want to touch themonce. let me touch it.' uncle!- diamonds.

get up!- my brother bharat's diamonds! get up uncle, its morning. whenever i've a good dream,you wake me up. i was about to reach the never let me reach them. uncle. for the past 6 months,you've been having the same dream. how do you know that? doyou come and stand in it? i don't need to do that. from your words and actions,i can figure out everything. what can you figure out?

you shot two people. and slit one person's throat. but you let me reach the diamonds. just as i'm about toreach the glowing diamonds.. stand in front ofme with your ugly face! gopi! you fool,have you woken up or not? sister-in-law, my mother. trying to wipe yourhands with my clothes!

boy, did you go tothe bathroom or not? go to the bathroom,you've to go to school. have some shame, gopi. why should i feel ashamed?i've worn pants. i'm telling you. help your brotherto run the house. you're growing like an ox! we helped you become a graduateso that you could find a good job. but you're ruining your lifein theatre, useless fellow!

shall i tell you onething sister-in-law? the applause my plays get, equalsyour husband's 20 months' salary. when people clap, both theheart and soul are satiated! talking rubbish again!i'll hit you! why are you thrashing my brother? you interrupted me again! whenever i trydrilling some sense into him.. interruptand change the topic. no, that's fine. but thrashing himblack and blue three times a day!

my brother is like the'98 model of mercedes! not a down-market model like you. shut up!- oh god! gopi! tell me clearly,when will you start working? can i say something sister-in-law,if you don't mind? if you don't mind? -yes, tell me. brother works so hard and honestlyall day. what is his salary? tell your brother.- 2,500. 2,500! and householdexpenses are 4,000.

we still fall short by 1500 rupees.what's the use of such hard work? then you earn the 1500 rupees. this will lightenthe burden on us. right?- yes, you're right. i'm thinking ofearning 15 million.. ..but why is my sister-in-lawinsisting on 1500 rupees? let me once become thestar of this nation! that day.. brother will be the biggeststar of this country's film industry.

out of the one billion in india.. ..990 million peoplehave the same dream. but one person's dream does getfulfilled. - and he'll be my brother. shut up! keep quiet! you interrupt too much!i'll talk clearly to you. today is the 1st of january! by the 30th of june ifyou become an actor.. ..then forget billions or millions,even if you get thousands, you win! otherwise, you'llhave to listen to me!

you'll have to learn welding inalbert welder's garage! - welder! yes, you'll become a welder! explain to him.- yes! why does sister-in-law getangry like the vamp in the movies? she's an old model of '56. but one good thing will happen.if she cuts my wire.. can solder itmy welder brother. come on, hurry up. takethe bike out. i've to go. brother, do you thinksister-in-law will reform?

can a vamp ever become a heroine? even i don't think so.but i was just asking. brother, it is so late.will the boss scold you? my boss is like mercedes benz. only his horn doesn't work!- meaning? he's dumb. he's a verynice man, he never yells. come on, park the bike.- brother, i've a show again today. can i take the bike? iwant to go in style. really?

fine, but remember one thing. you're still a novice in life. don't give any girl a liftor i'll slap you! - bye. good morning, sir. boss says, you've beenworking here for so long.. ..but you're never late. that's why you'vestill kept this old man.. your new, airconditioned garage! sir!

tell me young girl,what's your problem? sage, my husbanddoesn't come home at night. i'm very unhappy with him. sage, hand this case over to me. quiet! calm down son! it's not nice to standup every now and then. sit down! sage.- you look like a decent man.

you're standing properly too. why don't you come home at night?- what can i say, sage? my work starts at night! then you seem to be somethief or dacoit. - sage! you're omniscient! you recognised that i'm a dacoit! we have to meet gopi!- he's our good friend. if i know about someone's name.. ..whereabouts hisclothes and daily routine..

..i can find out everything! like my inner soul isyelling and saying.. ..that he's a police officer!- sage! who? where did this voice come from?- from here. you! here! at this time! why? what for? - sage,there's an urgent fax for you! fax! relax!

i'll meet you after an hourin the form of lord hanuman! no master, if you delayanymore it'll be too late. we'll be ruined. you'll come with us right now.- then come on. come on. sir, this is our grandfather.- where is he? may i come in sir?- you're already in! no, let me enter properly. sir, my name ismajor badi dadiwala.

both these uselessboys are my grandsons. but why are you shaking so much? because i'm shockedby their deeds. why is your beard so long?- this isn't my beard. it's the tradition of my family.- this is nothing! his daddy had sucha long arm that.. ..people used to say hisarms were longer than the law! and wherever he'd go, hisarms would reach before him. and sir, his daddy. principal sir,i mean my great grandfather..

..had such a long leg that.. ..whenever interfered.. ..things would get ruined!- you're so intelligent! yes.- this is nothing. the grandfather of my father's,father's grandfather.. i understood. in your family,everyone has something big. but when i was born, mygrandma was very angry. - why? because i didn'thave anything big.

the day i saw the firsthair of my beard i decided.. continue the tradition ofmy family with my beard. - yes! and that's why this 20-22 yardlong thing is in your hands. look, i'm an old man. i cannot bend. but i touch yourfeet with my beard. no. grandfather, what areyou doing? - please take. my useless grandsons backin the college.. - fine. i'm giving you admissionbecause of your grandfather.

thank you, sir!- but within a year.. ..according to the tradition of yourfamily do something big and show me. sir, we promise you.- we assure you. now tell me, what more canthese innocent boys do? - nothing. fine, i'll leave now.- ok.. thank you very much.- take this along. it'll follow me.- yes. carefully you fools!don't step on my beard. why am i shaking?

"without you theheart is restless." "without you i'velost my slumber." "i'm restless. letme kiss your body." "come in my arms." "there's waiting. there'sso much love in my eyes." "how do i tell youwhat my condition was?" "beloved,i thought only about you." "there was your fragrance." "your handkerchiefwas in my hands."

"i couldn't rest for a moment." "i was only thinking about you." "i desired only this moment." "i didn't have any other work." "come. let me getsome love from you." "let me hold you in my eyes." "you're so beautiful!let me look at your face." "beloved, it's all so lovely!" "it's the night of our desires."

"my beloved is right in front me." "it is a night of promises." what is this? come here, fools! shameless! immodest! undignified! have you lost all your shame.. ..that you're sitting cozily withuseless, hopeless incompetent.. ..bungling boys andsinging on the road? uncle, actually..- shut up! i'm not talking to you!i'm talking to my nieces!

what's this?enough of your mischief! leave for zafanabad tomorrow. i won't let you two stayin this city another minute! and you! what did you thinkwhile befriending my nieces? that they can be fooled?they're easy available? you've failed 8times in the same class! what do you intend to do in life? will you keep yourwife hungry for 8 years? if you ever look at my niecesagain, i'll pluck your eyes out!

but rai sir, why are youtreating us like paupers? we're not poor people.- what did you say? we're not studyingdue someone's charity. my colonel uncle provides for us. and i'm enjoying his wealth. so whether we spend one year.. ..or 80 years in one class,why do you bother? uncle, even i'm notfrom an ordinary family. i'm born in a great family.- just a minute!

where have you kept your hands?is it your father's shoulder? we're blue blooded! and my aunt is thequeen of kandapur. if you ever see my palace,your eyes will pop out. if you see theheight of my palace.. ..your white capwill fall and get dirty. my bathroom is thesize of your garden. and where you're standing nowis where my commode is. - where? not here, in my bathroom.

and rai sir,abhyankar's aunt is so rich.. ..that her cook canappoint you as his servant. what're you saying?- yes. are they such rich people?- of course. you're trying to fool me!- run! wait, you.. - run! come home!- usha. i'll show you! - c'mon! they're making me a cook! the old man got upset and left!- let the old man go. let my aunt come.

if i don't shatter his arrogance,my name isn't abhyankar. bhayankar, call your aunt quickly. or we'll never get married. we will. mr. ramdas, congratulations foryour daughter's marriage. what's he saying? - master is sayingyou've honoured us by coming here. and we don't havethe words to thank you. a friend's daughter is like ourown daughter. no need to say thanks. come.

ramnathan! i'm very happy to see your joy. but i only regret.. ..that you can't expressyour happiness in words. as the lord wishes.we're his servants. fine.- please come in. come director, sir. whenever i see him,my eyes swell up. please put one suchcharacter in our next film.

the girl's father, mute. sandhya is upstairs. sandhya!- guddi! hug her later.- have you come? the auspicious hour ispassing by. adorn her. who are you to adorn her? it is my job to adorn her. all of you go out. i'll adorn her in two minutes.- come on, let's go out.

she'll adorn her in 2 minutes! sandhya, i feel likethrowing you down from here. you want to marry this cheap guy! this con man! he changes his girlfriendlike clothes! - what can i do? daddy secretly arranged forthis marriage within 2 days. he invited the guests and everyoneelse. and he didn't even tell me. when i asked, he said iwon't find a better groom! so i should marry.- your father's lying!

this can't be the auspiciousmoment of your marriage. remember what thatgreat astrologer had said.. ..when we had goneto mahabaleshwar? yes! how will my prince charming be? he'll be a great artist! such a great artist, that for theworld he'll be useless. - what? i mean, your prince charmingwill be such a great man.. ..that all other rich people ofthe world will be inferior to him.

you'll bump into him at abeautiful turn of your life. his name will start with r.- r! his name will be ranjit. ranjit saigal! yes! ranjit saigal! but where will i look for him? you don't have to search for him. he'll bump into you at abeautiful turn of your life. he'll mean everything for you.

come on hurry up,run away from here! i.. guddi, shall i run away? yes, run away! guddi, shall i run away?- run away, hurry up! guddi, shall i run away?- yes, run away you're delaying it! fine! ranjit saigal! here i come! 'my dear daddy, ican't marry gaurav!' 'my princecharming is someone else.'

'i'm sure i'll find him.' 'i'm leaving hometo search for him.' 'lf possible, pleaseforgive your innocent daughter.' 'your daughter, sandhya! ' no! wake up gopi, yourdestination has arrived. we've reached mumbai? "they snatched away my veil." i'll set it on fire!

thank you. everyone will get an autograph! please, gents move back,let the ladies come forward. look, don't be angry i'llgive everyone an autograph. hello baby! autograph.- brother! - take it. what did you do?- it's an autograph, can't you see? are you a star? so what? i'm a rising star.

go. i've given you anautograph in advance. go and enjoy, you'llremember me tomorrow. what an envious man! the director of balicharan,gishwanath, zero.. ..chalnayak. 'bharat-shatrughan andcharmurti'! pareshan! hai hai production!- my dear. as it is, i'm a frustrated man. i've no story, no finance..

..the hero isn't giving me dates,the heroine says she won't expose. how did you come atmy place? go there! sorry sir. - my dear, if youwant to become a senior artist.. ..then first become a junior artist.become a member of the association. spend some money. 10,000 rupees. and quickly get outof my frame. get out! fine sir, i'm going! but it's yourarrogance that's speaking. you've forgotten very soon sir..

..that you too had entered someoffice like this to ask for work. and recall the day when youtoo were thrown out like this! you were insulted too. in the movies you make,you favour the poor so much! that there'll be no tearsin the eyes of the poor! that there'll be luscious crops! and by harvesting them, the poorman will lead a luxurious life! you show such beautifuldreams and fill up the theatres! with the money theyspend on tickets.. buy things foryour luxurious lifestyle! and when that poor man comesto your office to ask for work.. ask him to get out! i'm a poor person too. not just me, the entirecountry is saying that. that though we've nothingto eat, we're still living. because even death doesn'thave time to take us along! i have a brother like a father. a sister-in-law like a mother.

nephew like my kids. every evening they waitfor me with high hopes. when gopi returns,they'll get something to eat! but until people likeyou're in this country.. can poor people get to eat? today i realised, that theworld is filled with lies.. ..and the desires of thepoor have no value in it. it has been rightly said. this city's monsoon, thepolitician's promises..

..and the tribe ofproducers should never be trusted! because they're all liars! you're deceivers! fine, we are poor! we are born poor.we're poor worms! and we'll die in poverty! but when i go out, i'lltell every poor person.. ..not to trustanyone in this world! because trust stands on theweak foundation of promises!

no one can depend onit and it's an illusion! goodbye. my dear! actually, i'm a frustrated man. i have no story, no finance. the hero isn't giving me dates. the heroine saysshe'll be fully clothed. but my dear.. your truth hastouched my heart and shaken me up.

if in front of the camera,if you do even half of.. ..what you did in myoffice today, you'll be a star! no, a super star! no, a mega star! mega star, thecostliest of them all! sir, i was acting.- my dear. you have to lie atsuch deceitful places. sir, all that i wassaying that were dialogues.. ..and all that iwas doing was acting.

mr. pareshan, i'llalways be indebted to you. you've given me a break today.what are you doing? i've given you a break.but remember. don't put a brake on my career!don't have a retake. there's very little film stock.frankly speaking, almost nothing. director sir, do youwant to work or not? the hero is getting angry!- come. sit in the car! start sound.- started!

start camera! say it properly. - yes sir. i've togo to another shooting. - yes sir. please give in the name of allah! man, aren't youashamed of begging? the lord has given youhands not to beg but to give! this country is a pious place.and only heroes are born here. and you're defaming this hero!your life is useless! insolent man!remember what i'm saying! begging defames a man.

and a flower that loses its fragranceis useless. - you.. - get lost! you get lost! let your family, your father,sister get lost! - cut it! get lost! cut it!- not cut it, listen to me! which fool had you brought? he added dialogues onhis own and abused me! he had come for oneshot, but ruined me! he ruined my entire market.- my dear! and now he has taken my car too.

maybe he didn't hear you say cut. i said cut properly. next time, come to ask for mydates. i'll see who gives you dates! raju!- please. please. take the car out, raju!- please. cut it! he's not in this hotel too. it is so hot. hotel sun n' sand,oberoi, holiday inn, centaur!

excuse me. - you'relooking for ranjit saigal, right? yes.- he's not here. he had said my princecharming will be a real prince. i couldn't find him anywhere. where do i..- hi ranjit! - hi kishore. ranjit! ranjit! ranjit! stop! who is it? are you hurt?

she's my heroine. what?- yes. are you hurt?- forget my wounds. my ranjit saigal, myprince charming went away! who is your prince charming? the one for whom i left home.- you left your home for some fool? shut up! have some manners. his horoscope matches with mine. the day he comes in my life,my life will be made!

but how will you recognise him? he had said we'll bumpinto each other at a turn. bump!- yes. you have.- i didn't! you bumped into me.- i bumped into you! i had to bump into ranjit saigal. i'm ranjit saigal,your prince charming. what did you say? your name is ranjit saigal!

yes. i'm ranjit saigal! fathers name, manjeet saigal! grandfather's name,dhanjit saigal! k.l. saigal! baba saigal! sumit saigal! all the saigals! really! - you can say that, i'mthe last heir of the saigal clan. "take me in your arms." "immerse yourself in my loveand forget the entire world." "address me as your beloved."

"my darling, now myheart belongs to you." "there's a fragrance of lovein this love-truck ambience." "beloved, fulfill all my desires." "these sights are saying thatthis is the season of love." "the desires of my belovedwon't remain unfulfilled." "your face is fairand tresses are black." "the lips are luscious,the cheeks are like flowers." "i'm going crazy,don't praise me anymore." "i'm growing restless,don't look at me like that!"

actually, matchesare made in heaven. you know there's a daily paradeof princesses in my royal palace. parade?- yes, to please me. one princess stoodwearing clothes made of gold. another princess came in apalanquin made of 500 kilos of gold. another princess made a quilt of10 million rupee and arrived on it. but no one couldwin over my heart. because i knew, the one who bowlsme over would be someone else. the theft has started, police.- what?

the police commissionermust be waiting for me. i'll just go and call him.excuse me, please don't mind. lift it! quickly. inspector. why are you towing away thecar? is there any problem? some wrong parking or anything? no. this is a stolen car. i'm done for. whydon't you catch the thief? we'll arrest him assoon as we find him. only when you find him, right?

i mean, it's very difficultto find him. why? - because onlyi've seen him, not you. really?- really. he was bald,single-eyed, maimed and a cripple. what did he look like? he was normal like you.- like me? thank you very much! that's theinquiry that i wanted to make. that was my duty. hewent this way, sir. again, thank you.

come on! - yes, carry on.take my honour away! lunch with influential people! your life is made, sandhya. excuse me.- yes? the commissioner has's an urgent meeting. it's about his promotion. i'llcall up delhi, it'll be done. is it so? you? sandhya! i've seen many princesses!

but my heart hasaccepted you as my queen. what do you say? shall we go? yes. my bag.- i'll take it. actually i'm a king. but i don'tmind becoming a porter for you. where did my car go? constable. yes?- where did my car go? car! the traffic copsmust've towed it away.

traffic cops or the thief!- thief! constable, my car has been stolenfrom here for the second time. really?- what really! do you know?- no! whom you've challenged? america showers me with flowers. russia adorns me with garlands. you dare challenge him! if the government collapses,you'll be responsible for it.

the government will question you. you'll have to answer, not me. if this question is raised in theparliament, you'll leave this world.. ..not me! i didn't harm you.why did you? why? very good!- taxi! let's go to ghatkopar! sometimes i come here tomeet my poor subjects.. ..and stay here for a day or two.

it gives peace to my heart. come. come out. how much? 25 rupees. - 25 rupees!return the change, come on. you nut!- who are you? recognise me?- who are you? you fool, a girl's with you so youdon't recognise me! - who are you? shake hands. take the ring off!- who are you?

i had brought thecostume for one day. and you fled with the costume andthe producer's car! - leave me! for the past 3 hours, mr.pareshan has been crying. take my clothes off, they'reshooting clothes. take it off. brother, i think you're mistaken. i'll call the police and haveyou defamed in front of your girl. you'll be insulted. take it off! brother..- first take this shirt off. brother, first take a look at theperson and then speak. - take it off!

take the vest off!- oh god! just a minute brother, have somemanners. - give me the inner wear. that's mine!- ok, let it be. hold your ears! take it off!take the pyjama off! look brother! oh god! what did i get into? come on, take the shoesoff! quickly! it's hired! take it off.- wait! get out! get lost with your girl! brother, you're mistaken!- shut up, you!

come on! come brother,let's go to natraj studio! brother! that was wrong! getlost with the girl! - listen! stop! seems like he.. don't say a word! - listen to me.i'll hit you! - listen to me. get up from my mortar!- i'm getting up! no!- sandhya! you fraud! sandhya! my love!sandhya! sandhya! sandhya! leave me!- i made a mistake.

but my intentions were not bad. your intentions can beseen from your state. why? what state am i in? fraud! cheat! sandhya! don't breakmy heart like this. move from my way ori'll call the police! why are youthreatening me with the police? sandhya, where are you going? don't say to hell,that's a very old dialogue.

you'll go to hell!- that was new. i'm going to search for my ranjitsaigal. - you won't find him. you've looked for him in all thecity hotels. - where can i find him? leela kempinski! yes prince! oh my sweetheart! - you'reso nice. you're good looking. where are you taking thephone? i'm ranjit saigal! hello! yes, queen mother!yes, how are you?

i'm fine. what? my marriage. no. i can't get married tothe girl of your choice. no, i've already marriedthe girl of my choice. no. second marriage? no, i'm a prince, whether i marry4 times or 40, it doesn't matter. no. that's why i've lost my hair. never mind. so what? i still have my wig.

no! he can't bemy prince charming! he can't be ranjit saigal. such an ugly beast! - darling,you're really a very nice actor. here, 200 rupees.- mister, i don't want 200 rupees! i want 500 rupees! understand? what are you saying?- shut up! here! get lost!- 500 rupees! you fool! who are you? where are your manners?- i'm just being rude now!

shall i hit you? i'll hit you sobadly, you'll speak the truth! and this cheap wig! had you been a real princeyou'd have worn an expensive wig. you baldy! not this cheap wig! tell me, who asked you to put upthis charade? - i'll tell you! he! he? and you think you're very smart?- sandhya! you made a cheap manpose as a prince for me!

what can i do sandhya?couldn't find anyone else so soon. so i had to take this fool's help. but sandhya, i love you. sandhya, since the dayyou bumped into my car.. ..i've fallen in love with you.- quiet! stop dancing! that wasn'tyour car, it was stolen! so what? even i'mnot my own anymore. i've been stolen too. sandhya! i'm a pauper, buti'm a king at heart.

if you become mine, i'lllove you with all my heart. and i'll carryyou on my shoulders. i'll do alone whatfour princes can do! sandhya! i love you! sing a song gopi! onlythen will you get her. sorry!- have you gone mad? we both have gone mad! something is happeningin our hearts! - bye. i'm going.- god knows what's happening.

"i feel a strangesensation in my heart." "a pain has been aroused.there is a craving." "my body is smouldering, beloved." "i'm somewhat in my senses." "how does it feel?" "don't ask, beloved,what my plight is." "i feel so strange." "beloved, when youtouched me, it felt nice." "it felt like cloudshave spread over a desert."

"at times here, at times there," "i don't know whereit's aching, beloved." "i'm young. you're young." "the weather is lovely too." "beloved, come close to me." "i've controlledmyself for so long." "when i saw you, beloved." "i became your lover." "beloved,my fair body is for you."

"i lost my slumber and my solace." "i'm in love, beloved." but why did your daddy do this?- this is what i don't understand. earlier father never took evena small decision without me. and now he has fixed mymarriage against my wishes. forget it. it's the past. go and apologise to him. and try to find out whyhe's forcing you to marry. i'm scared.- what's there to fear?

that day you said he's mute. even if he yells,he won't be able to. i mean as it is, i'llfinish the show and come there. we'll also get a chance to meet.and our alliance too will be fixed. bus! listen! don't forget one thing. i'm not your charmingprince. i'm a poor man. now i don't need any prince! get in!

bye-bye!- bye! she left her bag! and ididn't ask her address! c'mon, let's relax. what one thinksabout doesn't happen. and what happens is whatone hasn't thought about. "i'm walking on the open road." the one who betrays mebetrays his life and not me. he bids farewell to this world. the way you'll, now.- no!

a murder!- catch him! who shot? run! start the bus! why are you staring? get the car! what happened? - they shot twice!i couldn't even urinate! come on! faster! see now. you've put us into trouble!i didn't put anybody into trouble! i was just urinating!

what're you guys saying?i'm tensed. - quiet! is it the small matter?- what about the show? i don't know what will happen!- don't say that! by saying this.. this! gopi, leave! don't get shot! what about my show? nothing! you save yourself!forget the show! go, gopi! where's that guy? he jumped down on the route!

"if you have money,you have everything." dear! show me your hand! what's the weightof this gold ring? 25 grams!- is it? then do me a favour! go to thegoldsmith and mortgage this ring! i knew you're eyeing my ring! shut up you idiot! whyare you talking nonsense? we'll repay your money as soonas we get uncle's money order! go to the goldsmith! and bringfood from the five-star hotel!

no! not there! my thousand rupees are due there.. ..then why don't you go to holidayinn? get parcel for 10 people. tell them thatraja has ordered it. no. that hotel managerand i don't get along well. then why don't yougo somewhere else? indian! continental!chinese! bring all of it! no! i was wondering, what ifyou don't get the money order? you shut up! idiot!

fool! uneducated! unemployed! ruthless! do you know who iscoming for lunch? - yes! bhayankar's aunt! fool! call her queen! if she's pleased with your work.. ..she'll give youher pearl necklace! no! i'm wondering,what if she doesn't?

why won't she? she's bhayankar's aunt! you'll become rich! you always harpabout the money order! why are you looking atthe fingers? do my work! not just your fingers, yourtoes will also have rings! no. i was wondering..- you stop wondering! come on! i think i've cometo the wrong place. gopi!- the voice is familiar!

who're you guys?- i'm abhyankar! abhyankar? you look terrible! no! we were cleaning the house! are you raja?- yes! you're in such a state? working as servantsin your own house! if this is your state,what about me then? - no! i told you! aunt! she's coming!

who? that potato queen? no!not potato queen! onion queen! yes! onion, potato. you guys are cleaningthis place to flatter her? no. not to flatter her,to welcome her. we've written a letter andcalled both of them too. - who? them.- your girls? usha and nisha! yes!- you forgot everything in 10 days. what do i tell you, bhayankar?

i don't know what'sgoing on in my life. everyday a new twist. a new turn. i'm wandering here and there. i don't understandwhat will happen. i've got a newrole in a new drama. i've to take a trial ofthe dress and make-up. you know sister-in-lawdoesn't let me enter the house. i'll freshen up and come.- what role are you playing? queen of beauty.

it means you'llagain rock as a girl! i hate it whenever iplay the role of a girl! it's against my honour! even if someone pays me a millioni won't play the role of a girl! it could ruin my life.where's the bathroom? this way!- did you clean it? you! postman! telegram! come! the money order arrived so soon!- telegram!

give! what's this?what's written in this? it's written that auntis not coming! - okay! aunt is not.. listen!- yes? what does that mean?- it means aunt is not coming! okay! aunt is not coming. raja! bhayankar! where are you?

come out. where?- where are you, jaan? jaan!- where's jaan? jaan! - jaan! stealers of my ring!where are you hiding? jaan! raja! you look there!- i'll look here! jaan!- jaan! where are you? - abhyankar. come out! - jaan, what happened?tell me! what happened? bad news!- your relative died? i don't haveanybody besides you guys! there's bad news for you!

what?- what bad news? you're pointing at me?is my relative dead? i think he's saying something aboutthe ring! - was the ring artificial? not coming! who?- who is not coming? aunt! why does it always happen with us? your aunt has attitude! she always ditches us!

never before hadaunt promised to come. she promised us for the first time.- and she ditched us. how will we face those two girls? they're so afraid of their uncles. if they find that aunt isn'tcoming they'll abuse us and leave! and they'll never come back again! raja! bhayankar! why are you screaming andbecoming shorter? - she has come! who?- who? aunt!

usha and nisha!- o my god! where are you going? don't leave. i'm going! i'llhide in the bathroom! if you hide, what'lli do? commit suicide? hello!- hello! hi! raja!- usha! abhi!- nisha! how are you guys?- fine! nisha, please come.

has your aunt arrived?- aunt! aunt will come. you both sit. no! we first want to meet her! in fact, we've come to meet her!- yes! tell me! where is she? aunt? aunt? what do you mean? she hasn't come? i don't know what has happenedto aunt suddenly. - shut up! you have cheated us again, abhi!

you lied aboutaunt to call us here. now we'll never come here again! nisha! please try to understand!- you guys don't understand! if uncle finds out,he'll skin us alive.. ..for coming aloneto visit bachelors! we're leaving!- hang on! your aunt has come!- my aunt! your aunt! - "i'm walkingon." who is she? - my aunt! queen of kanda! go!

touch her feet!- aunt! sweet aunt! - cute aunt! aunt? come, dear. hug me! usha!- nisha! meet her! her highness, hermajesty! the royal lady! the queen! people bow theirhead in front of her! her highness, kanak of kanda! greet her! salute her! let it be!

hug me!- aunt! you both are so young, beautiful. did you find only theseguys to fall in love with? queen! we wishto see your kingdom. when will you showus your kingdom? fools! everything willbe held in my kingdom. i'll get you married in my palace. where are you both? raja?

yes?- have you ever ridden an elephant? or you'll fall. queen, where's your kanda kingdom? do you know fanda?- no! fanda is here. chanda is here. this side, there's vanda!and kanda is in the middle! how did your kingdomget the name kanda? both are smart. come. let's sit and talk.

kanda means onion. and in our villagenothing grows besides onions. and do you know howthe onion trees are? tall like coconut trees. and the onions are so big! onions grow on trees inyour village? - so big! but here onions grow underground.- that's why they're so small. yes.- what does your husband do? and how many children do you have?- children?

husband? i've come from abroad. soi don't remember anything. how is that possible? you see, her husband died young. and after his death,i didn't conceive. colonel uncle! uncle! uncle, please come! wow!- 'he seems to be a flirt.' what pretty furniture!

it's rented, uncle! anyway, meet her.she's bhayankar's aunt! her highness kanak devi of kanda!she has come from london! and he's my uncle! colonel dogra! whose son? colonel dogra! your highness! i welcomeyou with all my heart! come, colonel dogra! i too want to hug you!- aunt, you'll fall!

carry on!- he's our own! in my kingdom if ilike somebody, i hug him. tommy comes and hugs me first. he sucks on the bones later. tommy? tommy who?- my dog! i see! - on two legs he'staller than you, you know? now if a puppy's so tall, howtall will an alsatian be? - oh! uncle, meet our classmates,usha and nisha.

greetings, uncle!- hello, usha! hello, nisha! your highness, when didyou arrive from london? bhayankar, when did i come? 2-3 days ago!- no! 3 and three-fourth days earlier.- and where do you live in london? what do you mean? in my palace! which palace?- elizabeth's palace! buckingham palace!- of course! buckingham palace! why?

if she's a queen,then am i not a queen? do i look like a vegetable vendor?- no! you look like a queen! then you must be quitefriendly with elizabeth. right?- don't ask! yes. - i solve all the problemsrelated to india during my breakfast. i don't wait till lunch time. queen, it must be funliving in london! don't ask! come! sit!

i'll tell you about london!- thank you! sit! i'll tell youabout london in detail! go ahead!- it's so cold there.. ..that even the oil in the lampfreezes. - what're you saying? we have to hammer it to douse it!- is it that cold? once i wanted to saysomething and instead of words.. pieces fell from my mouth! but how do peopleunderstand what you're saying? they break the iceand find the meaning!

the way we breakand eat the almonds! how do you take a bath there?- nobody takes a bath there. everybody takes a bathing pill! i've brought 4 pills!do you want one? no! i don't need any pill! raja!- yes? come, my boy! raja, my boy!- yes? the money which i send youmust not be enough for you.

right? - uncle, i was goingto writ e to you about this. yes. - but when you saidthere's no money, how could i? forget the past. i used to think.. ..that to fulfill your ambition tostudy in one class for 5 years.. ..your retired colonel unclemay have to rob a bank. right? but today aftermeeting queen, i'm sure.. ..i'll be able to dosomething for you. - uncle! is she a woman!- what?

she's not a woman?- i mean her highness, queen.. don't worry, my boy! i'll look after herhighness and her property! what happened?- rai bahadur has come! oh god! uncle has come! now what? abhi, hide us somewhere! why do you fear when i'm here? seeing me even a dangerousbulldog licks my feet like a cat. let your uncle come!i'll teach him a lesson!

no, queen!you don't know our uncle. he'll not spare usif he sees us here! what're you saying? nisha! usha! where are you? shameless! insolent! you dare to come to these loafers'house without my permission! shut up. come home! if i don't skin you, myname isn't rai bahadur behl!

who's this insolent man? he is talkingnonsense in front of me! colonel dogra!write down his name! i've to send a letterto the governor! - what? you're threatening me!i'm no ordinary man! i'm the ex-mayor of this city!i've just met the governor! it's a different thingthat he threw me out! but i won't spare him! i'llteach the governor a lesson! mr. bull!- my name is behl!

are you fooling me?- shut up! you are not worthy of anything! had you been in my kingdom,i'd have hung you upside down! kingdom? rai bahadur, youdidn't recognise her! no! who is she? uncle, she's her highness.. kanak laxmi of kanda,madhya pradesh, uncle! her highness?- yes! - yes! - she's a queen?

yes!- may you all rot! why?- why? why didn't you tellme before that she's.. her highness! yourmost obedient servant! forgive me!- forgive you? first learn how to talk! insolent! stay like this! i'll call the airport! fine!

airline!- hello! police station! where's my luggage?- what? do you know how manythings i had in it? if it gets lost, i'llthrash you black and blue! is it lost?- look, ma'am! i don't want to see anything! do you know how much money iwas carrying! 100,000 dollars! and 20 million pounds! anddocuments of two palaces! pounds? dollars?

where is it? where? shut up! i don'twant to see anything! what happened, queen? if the one who's so wealthy,doesn't have even a penny.. ..she'll feel so bad! if america finds that my plightis like this, it'll be so hurt. if in london, elizabeth finds out,she'll call me immediately. in my village even suchpaupers are millionaires. you don't worry, queen.

whatever he has, is all yours.- what do you mean? i mean if a great ladylike you has no money.. ..then anything canhappen in this world. but for the moment youaccept this small gift. how much is it?- 10,000 rupees. you seem to be a pauper. you gave a gift of10,000 rupees to a queen! ok. pardon me! i had only10,000 rupees right now. tomorrow i'll get25,000 more for you.

25,000!- yes! 25,000! is it less? it's not bad to say it.but 25,000! yes! bye! what'll he give you, queen? he's a pauper. hedoesn't have a penny. i've enough money.i'll get it for you. how much will you give me? 26,000! 26,000!- don't say that! i feel shy!

come on! let queen rest!- 26,000! okay, aunt! we'll leave now! you're leaving?- yes! look after yourself.- you too take care! bye.- bye! bye!- do come! fool!- what? fool!- don't abuse me! you!

you kiss my nisha!you touch my nisha! stop.- i won't spare you! - please don't. raja! don't leave him! catch him! what are you doing?- move. - i won't give! - raja! i won't give!- he's wearing pant. give it to me. no, i won't give. so many stones are there!- sister-in-law! who is it?- it's me!

your brother-in-law! i cravefor your love! - who's he? shameless! why are youhugging me? go back! who are you? i don't know you! sister-in-law, it's me! gopi! gopi! you? how come you look like a servant? i think you work as a servant! what's your problem? am i dead? uncle!- yes?

what happened to you, uncle?- no! you're mistaken! i'm playing the role of a servant!i'm not working as a servant! you always cryand wipe my make-up! but why do youalways play a servant? don't you get the role of a king? brother, i've even played therole of a prince in this film. i'll tell you laterwhat i got from that. but sister-in-law,you keep 10,000 rupees. 10,000!

sister-in-law, from today startusing good quality rice! - yes! bunty, throw the banana andget grapes! - okay, uncle! brother, don't drink cheapliquor now. drink whiskey! sister-in-law, i'll leave!- why? these days i'm punctual. gopi! get up! get up! raja! gopi fooled us again! look! gopi hitme and tied me here!

fool! you got sold for 10 rupees! shut his mouth! excuse me!- usha! nisha! usha! nisha!- oh my god! aunt, you rest!- hurry up. - anybody home? - usha! nisha! where's aunt?- aunt! yes! we've got news for her! you see, she's sleeping!she's not well!

why? what happened to her?- no! nothing! you see, she has come from abroad!so she's confused with time. jetlag! she'll rest for sometime. no! don't let hersleep during daytime! or she won't be ableto sleep in the night! we'll wake her up!- no! she's sleeping! let her sleep! now she'll wake uptomorrow morning! - move! - no! nisha!- aunt! - nisha! - aunt!

aunt!- aunt! - aunt! aunt!- what happened? queen.. ..till date, i'vespent my life alone.. ..which is like walkingbarefoot in the scorching desert! why did you do that, mr. dongre!you should've carried an umbrella. you should've worn shoes.- you don't understand. i'm tired now. so why are you standing? sit.

you still didn't understand. queen, will you be mine? what do you mean? i mean, will you marry me? mr. dongre!- yes? you're asking such a stupidquestion in a classical style! mr. behl is much better than you. how come?- you know what he did with me? what did he do?

no need to get so scared!he didn't do much! what did he do?- just this. - yes! he took me behind that tree! yes! - and he scaredme with his big stick! and he asked if i'll marry him.- what did you say? what could i do? i got scared! i said yes!- that's deceit! it means you won't marry me! do you love me so much?- yes!

so why didn't you tell me earlier? i did tell you. butyou didn't understand. oh!- yes! - anyway. now that i've promised mr.behl that i'll marry him.. - yes. i'll give you my heart. the body will be his, the heart,yours. - the heart is mine? what'll i do with it?will i roast it? you didn't understand,colonel dongre! even if i become mrs. behl, we canhave an illegitimate relationship.

no! never! your highness, never! why? what's there to fear? i'm a military man, your highness! i never do anything secretly!i do it openly! it'll be better toremain a bachelor all my life! no need to remain abachelor after 6 months. - why? because i'm destinedto remain a widow. none of my husbands havelived for more than 6 months. i see! it means after behl dies,i'll become your husband.

at least for 6 months. at least for 6 months? queen!- wait. it doesn't befit you torun after girls at this age! no, i want you to promise me! that you..- don't touch me! that you'll marry only me! look, i've two questions. one is whether ishould marry or not.

and the other is, who doi marry? you or dongre? what does dongre have? forget him! he looks like a mountainbut isn't even a molehill! so are you a real mountain?- i'm like a lion. are you? are you scaring me? no. it's a pet lion.- i'll have to buy a cage. no! forget that! secondly, i'm a great lawyer. i'll tell you how to handleyour wealth, property, estate.

he doesn't knowanything about law! you'll need law all the time. when i'm awake, no,while sleeping! forget that! thirdly, i've goodexperience with women. i've been married thrice! you ruined lives of three women?- no! i made their lives! i know how to treatdifferent kinds of women. what does dongre know?he never got married. right? what's the use of marrying aman who pulls out a gun every time?

even i have a gun. but i'll use it at the right time! no! what's the useof such a marriage.. ..where you have to show the gunevery time? - it's bound to happen! usha! nisha! yes, aunt!- usha! nisha! leave! or i'll tell them what youwere saying to me! - yes, queen! i.. - take him from here!he's teaching me law! tell him to first look afterhis property! - come, uncle!

okay.- come, uncle! - hang on! give me a kiss!- uncle! - idiots. usha!- nisha! - usha! - nisha! jaan! fool! why are youlaughing so much? is your father getting married?- did your mother fix the date? what laughter! what scuffle! what quarrels! taught both the girls a lesson!

what rubbish is he talking,raja? but where's gopi? at the gardener's place! with usha and nisha?- yes! at the gardener's place! thegardener must be there too! that's it! he's not there!- no? no!- no! - no! - no! "this man with the silkyhandkerchief is crazy for you." "you are my star."

"you are my.." "this man with thesilky handkerchief." "your dark eyes steal my solace." "your sweet words keepme awake the whole night." "on your fair cheeks.." "i'll put a black doton your fair cheeks." "o queen of my dreams,why are you acting smugly?" "crazy man, i'm ready." "quickly call the priest."

"people in my village say.." "people in my villagesay that i'm so young." i'm there. i'm there.we played hide and seek. now we'll play catch. come. no, queen!- c'mon. - conman! gopi! today both the oldmen will be coming here. you fix our alliances with them. both are coming here for that.

you both thinkthey're coming for this. shall i tell you?they're coming here for me. i see lust in their eyes. how can you not understand? if they find me alone..then what do you say? they'll do all thethings possible with me. they think i'm a queen. but you know i'm not.- but gopi.. the day i reveal thetruth, they'll faint!

yes, go! go and quickly take a bath!- i take time. but come quickly! quickly!- coming! you're saying this since along time. - what's the rate? rs.15 per kilo.- i'm waiting. coming!- and i don't have a license! coming!- hurry up! strange!- let's go!

you've come! you're too much. this is the limit now.- sonu's father! whom are you taking away?- buying this! buying that! sometime a sariand sometime dress. when you return home, youcomplain of pains all over! you always go afterthe sale boards. i'm tired of earning for you.your father won't come to pay. buying dresses and saris!

nothing else! it's the limit!women are the limit! it's the limit! you're too much. god had to send you for me! great! sir, stop here! what happened to your voice? where's my wife?- she was buying vegetables! and you left her there!where is your attention? i left her!- yes! - hey!

fool! i don't knowwhere she must be now! can't you see? he's the same man! he sawus committing the murder! oh god! run, gopi!- catch him! hurry up!- coming! i don't have license! hurry up! fine!- she comes everyday!

i don't know what she does!- coming. hurry up!- ok. this is the limit!- let's go! - you've come! hey listen!- buying varieties of fruits now. listen, where are you going? did you take the watermelon? yes, i did.- have you? i'll fry it for you!- did you buy watermelon? yes!- very good!

and bottle gourd?- i bought that too! very good! cook bottlegourd porridge for me! - okay! very good! did you buy chikoo?- yes, i have it. very good! i love it's skin. i love the skin of watermelon too.- ok. "apply the henna.adorn the palanquin." rai bahadur! what are you doing? what?- don't worry!

i know a doctor!he'll cure your disease. disease?- yes! what disease! - in old ageyou can't control your bladder. so like a child you do it.- what? what you're doing? are you mad? i'm not doing it.can't you hear the tap? this water's from the bathroom! you're slandering a decent man!- by the way, rai bahadur..

you're great!- what? oh my god!- i think he ran away again! what's wrong with you? how can he run away?- by locking the door from inside.. ..he must've fled from the window! you're crossing your limit. no. you have crossed your limits. you took the queen to acorner and threatened her.. marry you,showing your stick.

i see! you did itand you're accusing me! i heard you showedher your pistol.. ..and threatened her to marry you.- who told you that? the queen herself told me.- not at all! i've not seen adecent lady like her. what decent lady? i've notseen such a cheap woman! you're slandering her!- i can do anything! what's your relationship with her? the same relationshipthat you share with her!

i see!- yes! so you too are flirting with her. you're a fool.- you're a bigger fool! i think i'll have to endthis fights with fisticuffs! i'm ready. take out your sword!- so you too get ready! hail bajrangbali! long live mother india!- long live times of india! quickly call the plumber.- who?

the plumber!- yes! - come on! i'm done for! you ran away again! i barely managed to save my skin.- then why did you run away? i went to meet sandhyaand goons came after me! forget your goons! quicklywear these clothes and get ready! i see! i'm telling youabout how i escaped death.. ..and you're not interested!- no! where's the window?- there!

no! gopi! my brother! my friend! my father! we too are in trouble!those two old men are outside! these old men will regret a lot the day they'llfind out the truth! gopi! good that you came! there's a fire in the garden!- shall i throw water? what're you doing?- you've grown fat! you were thin earlier!

how did you become fat?- i didn't grow fat. this dress has shrunk.did you wash it? yes.- did you wash the skirt too? yes.- it has become a mini skirt! do one thing. get himready and bring him out. i'll handle uncle.- go quickly! i think he entered this house!- yes! who are you two?- we've come from janta plumbing! to repair the tap!- to repair the tap! i'll show you!

where are you going? we've come from janta plumbing! you had called sayingyour tap isn't working. where's it?- listen! we'll have to check which pipelineis damaged and from where! she..- seems to be his sister. what are youwhispering in front of a woman? i'll bash you up. they're the same men.- yes!

you go back! our tap isnow functioning properly! how can we leave like this?sir said to check everything. and not to returnwithout completing the work! we don't want to get it repaired! we'll check everything!- are you a plumber or a doctor? smarty, move aside! where's he? i'm like your elder sister! listen, you'll repairthe tap, right? - yes. you'll do it.- yes.

or will you open theentire pipeline? - look, sister. we made a mistake. where is he? - why are youacting foolishly? - police! police!- run! everyone has fled. ithink everyone is guilty. i was saying that the policehave brought the queen safely. everyone has vanished.- yes. queen. i'll take your leave now. i've completed my duty bybringing you here safely.

thank you, inspector.thank you very much. my pleasure.- they got scared uselessly. i'll go and tell them thatthe real queen has arrived. real queen?- yes. another queen has comehere before you arrived. one more queen? that's very good. do one thing. don't tell her i'm aqueen until i tell you. no, i was thinking if itslipped from my mouth.

secretary.- yes, ma'am. now i won't even open my mouth. come.- come, ma'am. come.- come. but queen, why didn't you tellyour nephew abhi that you're coming. i deliberately sent amessage that i can't come. because i've not seen him. and i want to see ifhe's studying properly.. ..or just wasting his time.

it's good that i've not told him. because now thismystery will be solved too. i want to see the queenwho has come here before me. after coming to this city,old memories have returned. my queen, any special memory? nothing. whether you tell me or not.. ..your blushes tell me that youhad lost your heart to someone. yes, asha.

it's been a long time. iused to study here in a college. and he used to be aprofessor in our college. but my queen, ifsome magic happens.. ..and if we meet yoursadanand here in this garden..'ll be great, right? only in films and dramas do you getto see what you're thinking about.. ..not in life. sadanand, you? good god! laxmi you?

oh my god! madam, i'll just go take a stroll.- fine. - it's great. is it a dream? no, laxmi,this is a great miracle! this is magic! i'm meeting you after somany years in this same garden! truly, after so many yearsand in this same garden! yes, i was thinking you must'veforgotten me. - what do you mean? i heard you were marriedinto some royal family. i was..

..but it proved just atemporary dream for me. and i was justannounced as married. i'm terribly sorry, darling.- it's okay. forget about me. youmust've spent a great life. yes, i had spent a great life! i'm neither worriedabout a wife nor children. what do you mean?- i mean i never got married. why? - because the womanwhom i promised marriage.. ..went away. vanished.

and i've met her today.- sadanand. i think she's the one.- excuse me. don't smoke. it's a bad thing. very bad. greetings, sister.- greetings. i think you've not recognised me. no. why won't i recognise you? who are you? sister, i'm yournephew's wife, vijaya laxmi.

vijaya!- yes. you've reduced. what, sister? i've put on weight. then who's this thin girl.- she's my secretary. secretary.- yes. bhayankar!- yes. is she your aunt?- how do i know? i've only read letterstill now, haven't seen her. what are you whispering sister?

nothing viji. i was telling them i had metyour husband the day before. how can you? it's been5 years since his died. in my dreams.- okay. whenever he comes in my dreams,i cry a lot. - oh my! what do i say, sister? - he's myhusband and you dream about him? i'm his sister-in-law.- okay. it's a special relationship.- oh. my queen you're well.

you should rest now.- is it? then let's go. secretary! i'm sorry. viji, this is yours.- it's fake. forget it. sorry.- what's there to be sorry? why?- even i wear a lot of fake things. is it?- okay, viji. yes.- how are your kids? they might be fine. imean i don't have kids. you don't?- no.

as far as i've heard.. yes, once it so happened..- something did happen, right? that's what i'm asking about. i see.- you're not well, queen. even i became pregnantonce without getting married. you go. you need to rest. come. you're not well. wait a minute. let me ask. i've met her after so many days.

where are you staying here?- you rest assured. i'm near you. you go. you're near me?- yes. beware of the people nearby.- yes. they're so horrible.- i know. what a horrible woman! madam, your musicteacher has come. my music teacher?- yes, music teacher. "god! it's painful. touch me not."

"no one is there like you." sandhya, i've found you! who are you?- i'm darpok mehendi. darpok mehendi! - that pop singer whoappears on tv is my elder brother. you've forgotten. i've sung such nice songs to you.- me? i had taught youthe meaning of love. only a little was left. and you left me at the bus stop.

your luggage was leftwith me and mine with you. and i kept staring like a foolwithout asking your address. you've forgotten. youdon't remember anything. you're an insolent woman!being a woman you wink at a girl! crazy girl! i'm not winking. i'm just closing myeyes and explaining. mad girl, recognise me. have you watchedthat classic movie? just as that union was necessary..

..gopi and sandhya'sunion is also necessary. understand. how do i explain? will you understand ifi disrobe and dance? madam, you?- yes! she has recognised me. sandhya, i love you! wow! i've never seen suchgreat love between a..

..teacher and student before. gopi!- sandhya! why am i speakinglike a woman? sandhya! what do i say? that day ileft you to encourage you. but i forgot toask you your address. and you know? i sawyou on the road too. then why didn't you call me?- how could i? some uninvited guestscame after me. - who? forget them. and talk about us.

sandhya.- gopi. i'm a very emotional man. don't leave me again andvanish from my life. - no. i've looked for you everywhere. i've heard yourcollege name from somewhere. what was your friend's name?- guddi. yes, guddi. she gave me youraddress and then i reached here. but why this disguise? what do i tell you? thisget up has become my destiny.

whenever i go seeking work,i get a lady's part to play. i got the role ofanarkali in a drama. when i went to meet my friends,they made me their aunt.. ..and kept me in their house. their love life issettled now, but i'm disturbed. their uncles are now after me. the fools have made me the queen ofkandapur. - the queen of kandapur! oh my destiny! sandhya. but i've decided.

what? now there'll be only you and me.. ..and no one will interfere! "my sweetie." "make me taste thesweetness of love." "what are you thinking about?" "tell me."- "my sweetie." "savour my beauty.. ..and see the magic of youth."

"your body is beautiful." "your cheeks arelike sugar candy." "this youth has gone crazy." "in 17-18 years." "i feel like holding you in myarms and keep looking at you." "i've stuck like an ant.. your sweet words." "i think only about you.. ..restlessly, at nights."

"my feet burn in thewarmth of your love." i can hear a man's voice inside.- yes, so it is. sandhya, open the door.who's there with you? i say open the door! sandhya. what're you doing? open the door orwe'll break it open! yes? daddy? master is asking with whomyou were talking inside.

me? with no one. but i heard a man inside. man's voice?- yes. that was the tv. i was rehearsingwith my music teacher. "god it's painful. touch me not." where's the music teacher? music teacher.- "god it's painful. touch me not." sandhya, who are these people?- daddy.

your daughter sings very nicely.- i'm not her dad. dad. your daughtersings very nicely. her voice has emotions. master says that shethinks he's her enemy. that he has killed his daughter'sdesires. - no, that's wrong. now you tell me, can afather do that to his daughter? of course not. and sucha father can never kill! i've seen him not killing someone.- what? i mean he cannot ever kill.

then you explain to her. he'sa nice boy, decent, educated. why should i, man?i'll explain to her. he's a great guy. he'llget a good family one day. but sandhya is still innocent. she doesn't knowwhat's good or bad. i've seen the world.i'll explain to her. aunt.- yes? we need your blessings too. of course, i'll blessyou beyond your tolerance!

hail india! come.- sandhya. i wanted to ask who your realfather among these three is. sandhya, i've seen yourfather killing someone. and you don't stop practicing. it's very importantfor your voice. and i'll call you up.- go. who are you?- i'm the tv mechanic. your daughter called inthe morning and said..

..that the tv isn'tworking since 4 days. the tv isn't working!- yes, sir. i've come to repair it.- come. here it is. look sir. the tv isn't working. if the tv isn't working,then that male voice.. is that music teacher.. catch the fool! catch him!

sister-in-law! save me! goons are after me. give me some money.- get lost. money and clothes too. take it. will you give me? take this. take this. you fool. a huge sum. enough for today. there he is!- oh my! they're after me.

beauty! panchali! wife of five husbands! how dare you laugh at me! now i will robyou off your clothes. no! have mercy on me!don't trouble me. somebody save me!- save me from this demon! stay away from me! o lord! hit him!

hit the thug! hello.- hello. sandhya? hello. gopi speaking. i was trying your phone forso long. why was it engaged? daddy was using the phone.- he was talking to himself? no, he was using sign language and the secretary was talking. okay, is there anyone near you? no, everyone has gone out. why? sandhya, the killer isaw murdering was your dad.

gopi, we could end upfighting about this. sandhya, will i lie to you?sandhya, i love you. how do i believe you, gopi? i've seen him mute since childhood.- i swear, friend. i've seen him talking. sandhya. have you gone to sleep? no. i was thinkingabout what you're saying. sandhya, something isvery wrong at your place. be alert and keep aneye on your father.

jaan, where's gopi? he's drinking inside.- drinking? gopi. all of them are about tocome and you're drunk! gopi!- listen to me. my queen! behl has come.- my queen! what happened to the queen? her head is aching.- i'll press her head.

don't touch me.- she has cramps in her stomach. shall i press her stomach?- don't touch me. usha. nisha. yes, uncle?- what happened, uncle? look, what hashappened to the queen! her stomach and head is aching. shall i press your head, my queen?- and shall i massage your stomach? come, let's go to the bedroom.- come. bedroom..- i mean, it's not so bad.

i'll relax in the bedroom. let's go to the'll be great fun. let's go. what happened to sister?- sit. aunt's stomach and head is aching. who are you?- my cousin. are you eyeing her too?- no. my queen, there's a ladydoctor in our village. she's a good gynaecologist.shall i call her?

i'll never consult a lady doctor.- why? once i consulted alady doctor in mumbai.. ..she said i've a delivery problem.- delivery problem? i said when i had no delivery,what was the problem? and when i consulted agents doctor abroad.. ..he said i'veno delivery problem. you can give birth to asmany kids as you want. what good news?you've mad me happy. with this the kandakingdom will get its heir.

if you need helpwith this, i'm there. hold the stick and sit. even such thoughts cangive you a heart attack. i won't have one.- you will. i drink clarified butter.- drink anything! control him. but our king brother hadhoped so much for a son. who is king brother?- why are you joking, sister? you've forgottenking brother so soon?

why? who was he? your husband. and the people of kandaused to venerate him like god. the man who is veneratedoutside is different from inside. people don't know whathe did to me inside. if you.. - how did he behave withyou? - he used to drink and whip me. he used to drinkand keep whipping me. my god! i can't hear aboutsuch dangerous incidents. he forgot where his ears are.

what are you saying sister? king brother and drinking! he never used toeven touch a drink! i've never said heused to touch the drink. he used to drinkdirectly from the bottle. it's been manyyears since he died.. ..but my mouth stillreeks of his drink. what're you saying?- if you suspect, look. it smells like brandy.

do you mean i drink brandy?- no. this is the smell of his mouth.- yes. what is it? forget it, aunt. - why areyou talking about bad old days? what was the king ofkanda's hobby besides drinking? he was fond of dance andmusic besides drinking. and he used to love to seeme dancing after drinking. is it? you danced! and if i didn't..

..he used to whip me hard. gents are sitting here ori'd have shown you my back. don't look at the back! madam, the colonel iswaiting for you at the garden. excuse me.- vijaya be careful. everyone is bad.- you take care of yourself. i'll look after myself.- please do. bye.- bye. come.- you stay here.

madam. we didn't know yousing and dance so well. oh just..- look, the queen is not well. let her rest nowor it won't be good. as it is,aunt's stomach is aching. if it increases, it'llbe difficult to treat it. don't worry about that. there's a lady doctor in our village- don't mention a lady doctor.. ..or i won't sing.

aunt, i implore you!you won't sing. your head,stomach, knees are aching. how will you sing?- no, the girls want me to. yes. - you do, right? -yes. - so i'll manage. but no one will laugh, okay? no, of course not.- can they dare to make fun of you? i suspect you the most.don't be scared. i'll show you now.- the auto rickshaw has come. let it wait.

come, let's follow aunt. "i'm old but i'm like old wine." "look carefully, i'm like a rose." "once i take someone on a high,he doesn't become sober." "and no one getssatisfied even after seeing me." "hold your hearts and sit." "because it's aunt's turnnow with the sari tucked in." "aunt no. 1." "it was a great bunch of grapes."

"but it was coveredunder many layers." "i've come out of my traps.. ..forgetting all my shyness." "a silver betel leaf,a golden plate." "a silver betel leaf." "i'm a glass of wine." "i've intoxicated everyone,because it's aunt's turn." "sugar candy." "let me love you,keeping you locked in my eyes."

"i'm every heart's desire." "i'm dear to everyone." "ask my lovers, what i'm like." "someone has rightlysaid that old is gold." "very smart, very bold." "i've seen many palaces." "i've seen." "i had the sameattitude in the past." "don't touch me, i'll curseyou because it's aunt's turn."

"because it is aunt's turnnow with the sari tucked." hello gopi.- brother? yes, this is me. listen carefully. when i went to the office today. sir.. ..the client is waiting outside.i've to give him the cheque. please sign it. but sir, if we don'tgive them the cheque.. ..we won't get thedelivery and we'll incur losses.

but sir, what's theproblem in signing? all right. yes, gaurav. somehow make ramnathsign a cheque for 500,000. i suspected.. ..that the one sitting in front ofme isn't my boss but some imposter. don't act too much. i'llcall the police right away! yes sir. 'your son bunty is with us.'

'lf you want him to besafe, return quietly.' we're ruined. i'm totally alone.come soon, gopi. don't worry, brother.i'll come right away. cockroach! i can't drink thisnon-vegetarian milk! out of the window! yes, gaurav. this is me. what? you're a fool!

if he speaks to the police,all of us will be ruined. kill him immediately anyhow. uncle, are you in your senses? you're speaking so loudly.what if sandhya hears? you're a kid and will remain so. like everyday i've mixedsleeping pills in sandhya's milk. she's sleeping nicely now.i've seen her myself. hello.- who? i'm speaking.- sir, he tried to flee again.

break his legs if hetries to flee again. i'll come tomorrow and see howhe doesn't sign the documents. what happened, sandhya?- gopi you were right. my daddy isn't myfather but another man. sandhya i told yousomething is wrong in your house. you're ramnath's daughter, right? how do you know? - i've seen hercome to the office with ramnath. this means your boss andsandhya's fake dad are one man. i've recorded all hisconversation here. - give.

hello. i'm speaking. shoot him if hetries to flee again. i'll come tomorrow andsee how he doesn't.. this proves that this man can speakand he's not sandhya's dad. - yes. but how can we find wherebunty and sandhya's dad are now? pareshan. - right nownot me, but you're worried. by the way, i've come to tellwhere the shoot is tomorrow. but the scene here is different.. ..and i've heardthe entire dialogue.

pareshan, my nephew! i've heard both about thenephew and sandhya's dad. my dear.. ..actually i'm a frustrated man. the hero isn't giving dates. but today i'll solve this case withoutcaring about the heroine's clothes! because even i was astruggler like you once. i'm still a strugglerand i'll always remain one.

but how will you solve it? the telephone dial in thetape recorder is telling us.. ..the address of this number. i didn't understand you sir.- you won't. give me the tape recorder.- here. there's tension but we'llhave to rewind it. - yes. it's going back.- is it? it's done. i'll play it. yes.- it's being played.

8. 3. 7. 5. 4. 2.- 2. 6.- 6. 8375426. take back the tape recorder.

this is the number. now wehave to find the address. but how?- don't ask me too many questions. the director will get confusedand won't be able to direct. so hold it. have patience. where's the phone?- here. phone.- here. don't block my path! hello? is this 197? this is pareshan.

no, i'm not name is pareshan. can you tell me theaddress of the number 8375426? bunty! bunty!- from where have these fools come? bunty!- bunty! unc.. i think this isn't the place.- i'll hit you with my shoes. if the call was fromhere then this is the place. you've hit me with your shoes!- bunty's shoe!

i think bunty is upstairs!don't look up. no one's here. let's go from here. come brother, come. they've fled. but you're trapped. brother.. ..your childhood fanjust wants your autograph. give it to me. please. beware. everyone wait, ori'll kill the child!

come, ramnath. come. friends, don't be surprised. this is ramnath. my identical, naive brother.. ..whom i lost in childhood. he was lucky.. ..because mother was with him. and i was unlucky. very unlucky.

because i was raised by crime. brewing intoxicants,working in gambling dens.. ..delivering news,that was my childhood. my youth was about drugs,opium and hashish. when i reached theheights of the crime world.. ..the police was after me. i hoodwinked thepolice in disguises.. ..and came from rajasthan togujarat and then to maharashtra. then one day, i met him.

ramu. i've been shot by the police.i need your help now. ramu. you'll have to help me. either willingly or by force. and this is howyesterday's don kamalnath.. ..became today'srespectable ramnath. i've changed hisloyal men with my men. and now i've changedso much that today.. there you saw mekilling his manager.

and here your brother suspectedme because of my excuses.. sign cheques everyday. i was forced to kidnap this child. because your foolish brother.. ..was going to thepolice station to report me. but now all of you're trapped. and i don't like anyman who messes with me. god, forgive me. i'm going to commitmany murders today.

i'm helpless.- so brother, beware. the villain group shouldstop harassing the hero group. because the police hascompletely surrounded you. and yes, one more one should try to move. and if one wants to, oneshould only try, not move. brother villain, i'm avery frustrated man. and the heroine saysshe'll be fully clothed. but i've come here todayto give you a complex. henchmen, i knewyou'd come to attack me.

but you don't know whatthe director is going to do. what are you going to do? put him down! come here. run from here! daddy? he.. the drama isn't overwith kamalnath's death. inspector, mr. gauravmight be lying somewhere.

please arrest him too.- yes. arrest him! sandhya, your fake father.your real father. sandhya, i.. gopi!- yes. what're you doing? areyou taking revenge on me? you've made it.- what'll happen to us? don't worry. i'llconvince that old man tonight. where's aunt?

"hold your hearts." "because it's aunt's turnnow with the sari tucked." "aunty no. 1."

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