garden furniture stands

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    garden furniture stands

    k.d. lang: [ a cappella ]♪ skylark ♪ ♪ have you anythingto say to me? ♪ ♪ can you tell mewhere my love can be? ♪ ♪ is there a meadowin the mist ♪ ♪ where someone's waitingto be kissed? ♪ ♪ skylark ♪ ♪ i don't knowif you can find these things ♪ ♪ but my heartis riding on your wings ♪ ♪ so if you find them anywhere ♪

    ♪ won't you lead me there? ♪ [ squirrel chattering ] quit eyeballin' me, flavis. i knew you when you was atwo-bit hustler on bull street. [ chatters ] shhhhhh! [ laughs ] excuse me -- you know wherea fellow could get a cab? yeah, he just left.

    you can call the company, but i'd just wait on himto come back... unless you wantto take a ride. goin' to jones street? i'll get you there. put your stuff in there. bus driver: to your right,the pirates' house, built in 1794. all the ne'er-do-wellsand scalawags

    divided up their booty there. sherman stayedin the green-meldrim house to rest up after his fiery marchthrough atlanta. oh, he was gonna burnsavannah, too, but the locals drowned him in chatham artillery punchand fancy parties till he decided to spareour fair city. forsyth park,ladies and gentlemen. hey.

    you lookin' for somethin'? no. woman: mr. kelso?are you mr. kelso? yes. i'm loreen baxter.welcome to savannah. town & countryis my favorite magazine. oh, my land!where are my manners? what can i get you to drink? anything coldwould be great.

    [ gate creaks ] mr. williamsrestored this home -- one of the many he savedfrom the wreckin' ball. the carriage house is reservedfor jim's clients, and guests such as yourself. he's here. oh, welcome, mr. kelsey. oh, i'm sorry --mr. kelso. john kelso.

    ah, yes,i'm betty harty. sonny'sbeen expecting you. uh, i'm here to seejim williams. sonny is jim's attorney. well, hell! come on in, coach. welcometo "the old curiosity shop." you take a seat.i'll be right with you. uh-huh. oh?

    mm-hmm. oh. oh, well,you let me know. how was your trip? fine, fine. mr. williams saidhe was gonna meet me here. well,he will be right along. we have a little businessto attend to first. confidentiality agreement --just boilerplate stuff... plus a paragraph outlinin'jim's editorial privileges.

    uh, town & countryflew me down to write a 500-word storyon a christmas party. it's a literary postcard.are you serious about this? [ chuckles ] it's not just any party. have you talkedto the magazine about this? well, i'd rather have your wordthan some new york lawyer. uh, well,be that as it may, uh,i'm not gonna sign that.

    damn! how come? it's just a little oldparty write-up. all the more reasonnot to compromise my ethics. it's a slippery slope. as a professional,i'm sure you understand. promise to be fair? yes, of course. jim... this is john kelso.

    hello. let's take a walk,shall we, sport? sure. we'll go aroundforsyth park. um...would y'all mind? oh, not at all, betty. come on. did you signsonny's papers? actually, no.

    good for you. sonny's overly protectiveof my interests. you walkin' the dog,mr. glover? yes, sir -- patrick do lovehis morning walk. woman:would you mind? could i please havemy picture made with uga? yeah. great. thanks.

    all right. smile. [ camera shutter clicks ] thanks.dang good dog. thank you very much. you're welcome. thank you for asking. no matter what you and i ever doin our lives, mr. kelso, neither of us will ever beas famous as uga. he's the university mascotof the georgia bulldogs.

    is that right? now, i know i'm gonna regretasking this, but that man saidhe was walking a dog? what dog? well, mr. gloverwas the law-firm porter. mr. bowen left instructionsin his will that mr. glovershould continue to be paid $15 every week for walkingpatrick, his labrador. so...where's patrick?

    oh, patrick went onto his great reward about two yearsafter mr. bowen, about 1974. the dog's dead? mm-hmm, quite. why d-doesn't mr. gloverwalk uga? well, then who'd walkpatrick? i see. there it is. this is your house?

    mm-hmm, builtby general hugh mercer in 1860, but he never livedin this house. his great-grandsonwas johnny mercer. the songwriter? mm-hmm, savannah's own. what's your favoriteof his tunes? well, my mother was alwayspartial to "fools rush in." your mother? indeed.

    well, i would love to take youin and give you the grand tour, but they're still settin' upfor the party tonight. i thought the partywas tomorrow night. well,there are two parties. tonight is for bachelors --gentlemen only. would you like to come? i'd like to cover it. oh, well, sorry,it's private. reporters aren't allowed.

    would you like to seemy shop? it's back herein the carriage house. [ clears throat ] now, this house is one ofthe largest houses in savannah. it covers an entire block. jim: right in here -- this is where we doall of our restorations. this landscape --it's a stubbs. very good.

    my father was a dealer. it's called "newmarket heath,with a rubbing-down house." it's a recent purchase that i will unveilat tomorrow night's event. it's an odd piece. yes, the impastois interesting. where's your black light? it's an overpaint. very good, sport.

    had it x-rayed yet? nope. then how will you knowwhat it's obscuring? oh, i rather enjoy not knowing. [ jazz music plays ] [ recorder clicks on ] [ horns honking, sirens wailing ] [ knocking on door ] just a minute!

    who is it? woman: mandy. who? mandy. i don't believei know a mandy. well, of course not --you won't open the damn door. hi. nice to meet ya. hi. y'all got some ice?

    sure, help yourself. joe odom's fridgeis on the blink, and plus, at present,we don't have electricity. thirsty? me?no. no, not really. well... if you're thirsty,a drink'll cure it, and if you're not,a drink'll prevent it. prevention is betterthan a cure.

    put on some pants,john kelso. sure, just let meget a pair. okay. this is our newest additionto the odom house. yeah? and as you can see, joe's gettin' creativewith our electrical dilemma. [ indistinct conversations ] man: anyway,we'll try the green wire.

    now, i've done this before,and i ain't been killed yet, but there's a first timefor everything. [ crackles ] [ women scream ] [ cheers and applause ] we done it! ain't a problem! joe odom? the one, the only.

    hey, where's my libation?hold these, please. now, to savannah electricand power! and let's not forgetour friends, the...whoever! [ laughter ] here's to ya! all right, inside. honey,that's a tough job. you're talkin' to the lady,hello!

    have you met mr. kelso,our newest addition to savannah? jerry spence. hello, how are you? i'm charmed are you? i'm pretty good, pretty good --enjoying the party. i wonder if he goesto my church. i wonder.we'll find out. ♪ ...see, all night long,haulin' in great big cans ♪ ♪ i hope one day soon ♪

    ♪ she'll let mebe her hefty man ♪ ♪ in the dumpsterwe'll be makin' love ♪ ♪ in the dumpsterbeneath the stars above ♪ ♪ in the dumpsteri smell paradise ♪ ♪ don't have to ask her twice ♪ ♪ 'cause all i'm thinkin' of ♪ ♪ is me and that trash girlmakin' that dumpster love ♪ do you like that? it's strong.

    yeah, strong and good -- chatham artillery punch. what's in it? 3 parts fruit,7 parts liquor -- whatever's availableon both counts. great party.this is a great house. mmm, yeah, the fellowthat owns this place is in new york for a year -- asked me to look in on itfor him,

    you know,water the plants. you're squatting? whoo! hey, now,that's a vicious word! you're not a lawyer,are you? no, no, no, no, no. good, 'cause they'rethe scum of the earth, lawyers, and i should know, bein' an ex-barrister myself. ex?

    mm-hmm, ceremoniously disbarrednigh two years ago -- had a little canon snafu. what do you do now? me and mandy --we're gonna open a piano bar. i'd sayyou already have one. looks that way,doesn't it? hmm. oh, wait a minute --hold the music! looky there! look at this!

    jerry spence... you have outdone yourselfagain. that is a coif definitelybefittin' your stature as the futureex-mrs. joe odom. keep dreamin', darlin'. come on, jerry. she's one beautiful woman. you two engaged? not yet.

    well, it's getting kind of late.i gotta get up in a few hours, so i'm gonna hit the road.nice to meet you, joe. hit the --no, wait a minute. whoa, whoa, whoa.joe's rule number 2 -- if you have to leave a party,you always take a traveler. i can live with that one.nice to meet you. all right, then. hey, there. better to be on the edgeof a party, don't you think?

    well, thank youfor inviting me. any time...every time. hey... earlier --how'd you know my name? welcome to savannah. mr. john kelso? this is for you. thank you. john: i'm not here right now.

    leave a message. i'll get right back to you. [ beep ] [ soft piano music plays ] mr. kelso? oh. i'm lucille wright. i catermr. williams' parties. nice to meet you. he should be down shortly. would you like me to show youwhat we're gonna serve?

    of course. yes, come in. uh, lotsof fresh vegetables, hot bread, jumbo shrimp, and -- oh, let's see, this is smoked hamand turkey. oh, both. great big fruit platter,

    and this isa wonderful crab dish. is it a bisque? jeff braswell. i shoot jim's parties. great, great. let's get a shotof the whole spread -- town & countryloves its pretty pictures. and pumpkin cornbread. mr. williams insists on low-country cookin'for his parties.

    oh, you're gonna have funtonight. jim:indeed he is, lucille. good fit -- 44 long. i have an eyefor framin' things. welcome to mercer house,mr. kelso. lucille, you have outdoneyourself again this year. well, thank you. [ classical piano music plays ] evenin', sonny.

    jim. ha ha, hello, claire. good to see you. hey...[smooches] i'm glad to see you.merry christmas to you. merry christmas. hey, hey, hey. how are you?good to see you. i'm so happy you're emma?

    did you watch my drinkfor me? or did you try to steal itfrom me? ha ha. senator, how are you? doin' great. good to see you.merry christmas to you. merry christmas to you. so happy to have you here. hey.look at you.

    [ smooches ]merry christmas to you. good to see y'all.welcome to mercer house. i think we have quite a partygoin' tonight. oh, look at that nieceof mine. hey. how are you? yeah, john. oh. good to see you.merry christmas. merry christmas.happy to have you here. oh, darlin', don't you lookso pretty tonight!

    i have onejust like that at home. i see our emerald birdhas arrived. darling,good to see you. oh, handsome as ever. how are you, dear? i'm just fine.harry! oh, my god! oh, it's lovelyto see you. jim, now, who is thatmagnificent creature? well,that is serena dawes.

    you lookgorgeous as ever! yes, well, i try. a celebrated beautyin her day. when her tycoon husbanddied, she moved back to savannahand created a -- well, a sort of a museumto herself in her boudoir. come here.i'll introduce you. who are these people? serena, how lovelyto see you out of bed.

    why, jim, i'd get out of bedfor you anytime. oh! harry was just aboutto show us the latest additionto his arsenal. oh, my god! you know what that is?that is a .25. my late husband blew his brainsout with one of those. so did mine! what? i was fixin' myself a drink,and "gunsmoke" was on tv,

    and i heard a shot. i thought it was partof the show till i walked in,and there was lyman bleedin', sprawledin his favorite chair. you know, everyone knewour marriage was a disaster. if i'd so muchas touched that gun, they'd have charged mewith murder! yes, well, one day... ...i will shoot a man!yes, i will!

    i may start with you!or you! ooh-ho! is that loaded? oh, yeah. ooh! [ laughs ] which conversationshall we join? the one least likelyto involve gunfire. oh, excuse mefor a moment. well, that's from napoleon'scoronation carriage.

    you have a mostimpressive collection. oh, no, no, no, mr. kelso,look around -- it's not a collection,it's my home. fabergã©? mm-hmm,i'm a minor enthusiast. minor? three eggs,a jewelry box, and, i believe,the gold-leaf album. nicholas himself would be luckyto have so much fabergã©. yes, well...

    wouldn't he? i'll admit to that. would you care to see somethinga little more...unusual? that'd be very nice. hello, mother darlin'. you enjoyin' yourselfthis evenin'? i'm havin'a wonderful time, dear. mr. kelso. he's a writer, mother.

    oh! this is what we callthe ballroom. wow! is this the prized relic? well,it's a very rare relic. this is the daggerthat prince yusupov used to murder rasputin. he sliced offhis cock and balls with it. true story...

    and deliciously evil,don't you think? delicious. german luger? mm-hmm. be careful --it's loaded. we've had burglaries. everybody's got loaded gunsaround here. so tell me, jim, has your familyalways collected? well, that's a verygenteel way of askingif i come from old money.

    do you? i was born in gordon, georgia,a little town outside of macon. my father was a barberand sometime housebuilder. my mother was a secretary. what money i haveis about 11 years old. so, yes,i am nouveau riche, but then, it's the "riche"that counts, now, isn't it? there's only two thingsthat interest me -- work, and those trappingsof aristocracy

    that i find worthwhile -- the very thingsthey're forced to sell when the money runs out...and it always runs out. and then all they're left withis their lovely manners. fuck you,goddamn bitch! wouldn't even let mein the fuckin' house! i had to come inthe servants' entrance! will you excuse mefor a minute? billy, i thought we agreedyou'd stay away tonight.

    don't give methat drag-ass shit, jim! i got stood up tonight,and i'm pissed off! give me $20. you get paid on fridaylike everyone else. what do you need$20 now for? i need it to get fucked upis what. well, i'd say you'veaccomplished that, sport. give me the money! i ain't even close to gettin'fucked up the way i want to be!

    no, i'm not gonna give youmoney for liquor or marijuana cigarettesor whatever else you -- [ glass shatters ] fuck you, jim! you don't give me warnings --i give 'em to you, remember, 'cause i can back mine up! and you,you piece of shit! you better watch yourself! fuck you.

    uh, that's billy hanson. he works part timein the shop, and can, on occasion,be a very colorful character. [ dog barking ] [ car door slams ] [ engine turns over, revs ] [ tires screech ] well, i don't knowwho hates me more -- the atwells or their dogs.

    loren atwell'sbeen upset with me ever since i had him removedfrom the museum board. there's only one wayto remedy this. [ barking continues ] [ pipe organ plays ] [ dogs barking, howling ] thank you, senator. it wasa hell of a bash, jim. you've outdone yourself.

    delightful, delightful.we thoroughly enjoyed it. thank youfor coming. thank youfor havin' us. this --you have my book! you seem surprised. well, it didn't exactlyfly off the bookshelves. what a coincidence thati'd be assigned to this story, and you'd have readmy only book. there are no coincidences.

    have you ever writtenfor town & country before? you requested me? they've been wantin' to covermy christmas party for years, and my acceptanceof their offer this year was contingenton one thing -- your participation. thank you for that. no, thank you. now sit back, relax,enjoy your brandy,

    and tell meyour life story, john kelso. it's gettin' late,and i have an early flight, so maybe i can take a raincheckon that... next christmas. if you make the cut. well, we'll hopefor the best. well, i-i can't waitto see the article, and i certainly hopethat you have enough for your 500-word essay.

    believe me,i could use 10,000. thank you for everything, jim.i'll show myself out. oh, and, sport... ...i really did likeyour book. [ sirens wailing ] such a beautiful jacket -- i believethat's an endangered species. look at that 14-karat-gold dressand tony manero. who's hungry?

    want some punch,baby? oh, you're sucha good pony! joe: what are you doin'gettin that horse drunk? hey, joe... what happened? oh, that jim williamswent and shot somebody. canapã©? mm-hmm, he sure did. those lights ain't partof the christmas display.

    for real? yes, sir, he did --he shot somebody. look at that man go. i believe i'm startin'to like that yankee. what's that sayin' --"curiosity killed the yankee"? i think that's it. uh, well, he was drunkerwhen he got back, and, uh, i'll tell you,when he's been drinkin', he's got, like, anotherpersonality altogether.

    he'd already smashed some thingsupstairs earlier in the evenin', and he must have goneto some drive-in "b" movie with throats bein' slashedand that sort of thing, and no doubtit had an effect, because i have never seen himthat angry. he and i got into an argument. he -- he destroyed this beautiful, pricelessantique clock in the hallway. if you'd liketo spike that up,

    there's a bar right therein the livin' room. no, thank you,i'm still on duty, mr. williams. yes, i-i know that. i'm sorry.this is very upsetting. how much longeris this all gonna take? [ meows ] hey, jeff,what are you doin' here? i work for the city, too.i got that film from the party. i'll get it to you.

    great, great. jim: he yelled at me. he came into the office, and he stood thereand he yelled, "i might be leavin' tomorrow, but goddamn it,you're leavin' tonight!" and he fired at me twice, and i pulled the lugerfrom my desk, and i fired back. and i tell you,if it had happened to you,

    you would have doneexactly what i did. i have never beenso scared in my life. if i had not shot at billy,i have no doubt it'd be my obituaryyou'd be readin' in the papers. what the hellare you doin' here? jesus christ!frank... my clienthas nothin' to say. sonny. i can't believe you would dothis without callin' me!

    how long have we knowneach other? is this entrapment, frank? what the hell is goin' on?! man: we'll wrap it up indoorsas soon as we can. sorry, but i'm notgonna have time to processthis film for you. man: john? jim told me you heardhanson threaten him. no-good street hustler.

    i told jim he was dangerous. john: darlin',forget about town & country. yeah, i knowi've only been here three days and it's just a shooting,but give it time. okay?this place is fantastic. it's like "gone with the wind"on mescaline. i-i know you're my agent.listen to me. they walk imaginary petshere, garland, on a fucking leash, all right?

    and they're all heavily armedand drunk. new york is boring.i'll call you later. man: finley largent'sup for re-election, so he'll try his damnedestto get this thing to trial. he won't takemy damn phone calls, so we'll just have to usethe back door. i'll be back. thanks for comin' over,coach. jim's in the office.

    sonny:jim and i had a talk about somethingwe would like to run by you. you want meto kill the story. uh-huh. done. great, great! why? actually, i was... considering writing a book.

    sweet jesus!a book about what? self-defense --happens all the time. then why are you worriedabout the d.a.? i...overheard in the lobby. we're a small town. we defend ourselves --our reputations -- against the outside world. word gets around some new yorker'stryin' to make us look bad,

    you're gonna find savannahianscan get pretty tight-lipped. if there's a trial,will you call me as a witness? you threatenin' me? absolutely not. you perjure yourself, you'll find yourselfin jail, bubba. i wouldn't do it. my point is, when it comesto this, i'm at ground zero. if there's nothing worthwriting, you got no worries.

    that's what i get paid for.i will not permit this. i don't needanyone's permission. not really. then whyare you soliciting it? you need my permission, my help, my acquiescence,or you don't have a story. and we both know that. so, would the river flowboth ways? meaning?

    would you sharewhatever information you garner with me and sonny? yes...but it won't changewhat i write. and you don't get to seea word of it until it's published. so...who would bethe main character in this book? you written upcases like this before? a few of them in new yorkfor esquire, yeah.

    so, what do you think? what do i think? well, if you're worriedabout the d.a., grand juries read papers. proper spin controlcould make a big difference. what the hellare you talkin' about? you said hansonwas a street hustler, right? did he have a record?take drugs, deal drugs, pimp? who are his friends?

    that's the kind of spinthat can influence a grand jury. get your investigators.hit the streets. every p.i. in town'san off-duty cop. besides, why would we needa p.i. when we got ourselvesa hotshot new york writer? fill in all the gaps.[ chuckles ] take care, bubba. [ doorbell rings ] [ lock clicks ]

    yes? are you the flower man? i'm john kelso. i'm a writer,and i wanted to ask you -- honey, if you're not the flowerman, then just leave me be. the lady's in mourning,and i haven't received a flower or a rose or anythingto show for it. just please leave me be. i just know that -- uh...

    miss deveau, i -- i knowbilly hanson used to live here. i wanted to ask youa few questions. if it's an inappropriate time,you know, i'll come back later. honey, i can't believe that you're runnin' around,ringin' on my doorbell. where are you from?where are your manners? just leave me be. my condolences.i'll c-- ...come back another timeor...

    i apologizefor the, uh, delay. why, thank you. they're lovely -- they're absolutely lovely. i'd love to ask youa few questions, if you have a minute. is this your car? yeah?how about a ride home? what i want to know is,

    what is a white boy like youdoing driving a big old brother'sjived-ass heap like this shit here? i just bought this thing,actually. i kind of like's not a bad car. no, it's not bad, and i didn'tmean to hurt your -- did i hurt your feelings? i'm sorry. i didn't meanto hurt your feelings. i can't help it.i just call things out.

    i just call it outas i see it. i just can't help it.i just do that. but there's one thingyou don't have to worry about. what's that? ain't nobody damn sure gonna tryto steal this piece of shit. that's for sure. well, just practicing up till i can save enough moneyto get my rolls. now, chablis is a pretty's unusual.

    yeah, i got itoff a wine bottle. it's a show name. you're an actress? no, i'm not an actress.i'm a showgirl. i work at the pickupon congress. hmm. i lip-sync, i emcee,i dance. you know, shit like that. the personyou're seeing now

    is just little oldsimple chablis, but in the evenings,when i put on my gowns and my makeup and my jewelryand my perfume, i become the lady chablis. you are just so cute. a cool white winefor a cool black girl. oh, and you'refull of flattery, too. hoo! it's gettin' hotup in here, honey. my shots are kickin' in!

    hoo! excuse me? yes, honey, my, never mind that. let me ask -- what did you wantto talk to me about? billy hanson. no, billy's dead. case closed. was he your boyfriend? billy -- my boyfriend?

    were you two lovers? [ chuckles ] no, hell no. billy was way too trashyfor me, honey. i'm a lady. however, he did datemy roommate corinne for a while. the two of thosehad some wild times together. mmm. mmm, those are beautiful. so, tell me moreabout corinne.

    corinne'slike a lot of girls. she found herself attractedto the wrong type of man. billy was notthe right type of man. she thoughtshe could change him, but there was no way of changingthat evil son of a bitch. i'd loveto speak to corinne. i'd like to speak to her, too, but she skipped town,owin' me two months' rent. and billy saidthat he would pay for it,

    but now he's --you know, he's... he's --but you know, i'm -- but, you know, it's likemy mama always said. two tears in a bucket. motherfuck it. i have to rememberthat one. no, don't remember that one.that's off the record. all right. all right. i'm gonna get your doorfor you.

    thank you, hon. in the phone book,you were listed as "f. deveau." what's the "f" stand for? the "f" stands for "frank,"hon. that's me. huhhh. she's a he? correct. you're shittin' me.

    nope.if this thing heats up, i think you're gonnawant to talk to her, sonny. proper folksdon't discuss such things. she paints a pretty rottenpicture of billy hanson. let me tell you a story,coach. there was a judge hereyears ago. his oldest boywas messin' around witha gangster's girlfriend. one morning, they found him

    lyin' under the porch, his privatestucked into his lapel. dead men tell no tales. next day, headline read -- "fall from porchproves fatal." some fall.what's your point? savin' face in the lightof unpleasant circumstances -- it's the savannah way. i'll try and track downthat real girl.

    corinne, you said? corinne. well, i got to skedaddle. doin' christmasat tybee island. we got all sorts of folkscomin'. have a great christmas,sonny. you too, john. see you later. bye, now.

    santa claus: merry christmas. [ "joy to the world" plays ] [ buzzing ] he's got 'em on a string. luther's not eatin'. check, please. what's the matter,you didn't like it? no, they were very good.they were excellent. what was in the vial?

    well, he saysit's enough poison to kill everybodyin the county. oh. hmm. if he eatsand it's a good day... fine. if he doesn't eat -- well, let'sjust put it this way -- if i were you, i wouldn't drinkthe water today. where does he putthe poison?

    in the water-supply system. is that true?do you believe that? i've lived herea long time, honey. i believe most anythingabout anybody. where are we going, jim? patience, dear boy. i thinkit's time you meet the most important memberof my defense team. we goin' to the cemetery?

    not bonaventure. the colored cemetery'sdown the road. looks like we got the gardenall to ourselves tonight. john, meet minerva. how do you do? you tryin' to work me, boy? put that hand backin your pocket. i feel sorry for ya. oh, do tell, minerva.

    he think nobody love him. that's silly.we've never met. you got a hole in you. too many questions. don't know whether to feelthis way or that without answers. ...there ain't no answers. you come a long wayto find that out, didn't you? now we got to get to bring the money?

    put it on the grave. kiss it first,so it come back to you. you bring the shiny dimes? bury 'em. he's workin' hardagin you, james. who, dr. buzzard? no. no. the boy -- the dead boy. oh, billy. well,that doesn't surprise us.

    dr. buzzard? don't got much dead time left. dead time? lasts an hour -- half-hour before midnighttill half past. half-hour before midnight,for workin' good. half-hour after,for evil. and we're gonna needa little of both tonight. you got the bottle of water?

    ain't been through no pipe? give it to me. we got to make himloosen up on james. i need shango... and a little ogoun. [ gargles ] come. come! tell me somethin' about him.

    he tried to kill me? no, before then --something good. your kind words take root. loa will come backto bless you. somethingthat made him happy? his camaro -- he loved his camaro. he wouldn't letanyone near it. that carwas his pride and joy.

    keep talkin'.it's workin'. it's workin'. he, um, spray-painted itflat black. oh, you should've seen him. he spent hours on that car,fixin' it, cleanin' it. he painted racing stripeson it and all kindsof other things. he was very creative. that's something most peopledidn't know about billy -- he was an artist.

    ah, just now, when youwas sayin' them things, i felt him ease off. he heard you sayyou love him. no, that --that's preposterous. he tried to kill me. he was workin' agin you,james, and now i know why. he wants you to tellthe whole world you hated him. and maybe they'd think you hate him enoughto kill him!

    if you do that,you go to jail, and he know that. most important thing -- you got to begthat boy's forgiveness each and every day! [ clock chimes midnight ] time for evil. quick, quick!tell me his name. finley largent.

    when you get home, write his name seven timeson a piece of paper. connect all the namesinto one. dot no i's, cross no t's. fold it twiceand put it in your pocket. get a picture. sew up the mouthwith dove's blood. blacken the eyes. now, go. i got work.

    boy... take these words to heart -- to understand the living... you got to communewith the dead. now go... and don't you darelook back. [ minerva chanting ] uh, jim... on the grave, who --who is dr. buzzard?

    well, minerva was marriedto dr. buzzard, who was the foremostvoodoo practitioner in buford county. you may not know it, but you aredeep in voodoo country. i don't give much stockto the hocus-pocus of it, but i do believe in the spiritual forcebehind it. the, um, shiny dimeswere easy,

    but the virgin waterwas a trick or two. how do you know she wouldn't know the differenceif it was tap water? not by lookin' or taste,but she would have known in an instant,just lookin' at my face. i thinkthe, uh, photo doctorin' is gonna be good therapy. what about the pleasfor daily forgiveness? no, i don't thinkthat's gonna be happening --

    definitely not. all have a good time. hey! hey, you. how are you? how you doin'? good. you work here? what you seeis what you get.

    nothing wrong with that. gee, thanks. [ bells jingle ] those are nice. so, you want to sendsome flowers? yeah. yeah, i think so.i don't know, though. it's kind of complicated,you know. for whom? what's she like?

    i don't know herthat well yet, actually. roses are her favorite? a bit presumptuous. how about...poinsettias? yeah, but perennials might givethe wrong impression. too long-term? yeah, it's hard to say. hmm. this is complicated. how about petunias?

    they're prettywithout being presumptuous. they smell nice. in three days,you just throw 'em out. sound likewhat you're lookin' for? sorry,we're all out of petunias. [ engine sputters ] joe: mm-hmm. come on,get up, louis, get up. get on up. whoa!afternoon, yankee john.

    joe! that sounds likea dead battery. oh, uh, woman that ownsthe tour company rear-ended me... so to speak. so, where are we headed? how about a littlelive entertainment? well, all right. get off, louis.that's a good horse.

    chablis: hey, bitch. hey, bitch! oh, come on, let the housesay it like you mean it. let the house say,"hey, bitch." yes, i am a bitchand proud of it, honey. whoo, mama is just sweatin'. i'm puttin' a sweatin' downin front of you white folks. but then again,i want y'all to know how hard a girl is workin'for you, baby.

    excuse me, darlin'. [ clears throat ]excuse me. excuse me. oh, my god. "oh, my god" nothing, honey. "oh, my empress"is what you should say. y'all been neckin' sincei walked out on stage, honey. look,an ivory soap-usin' girl, huh? love them kind of bitches, baby.

    either he gotsome good old stuff, girl, or you're horny as hell. whoo-hoo! if this your boyfriend,your husband? husband. what does mr. man dofor a livin'? he's a doctor. he's a doctor? girl, you better go usesome nails, honey,

    because if he's a gynecologist,he is mine. i'm serious, honey. he is mine. a doctor? go get your nails, honey, 'cause i'm gonna take him awayfrom you. look at him just blushin'.you're so cute! you want to give me a physical? huh? i have nothing to hide. [ applause ]

    you better haveamerican express, baby. whoo! but you know what? that's okay about him.because you know what? the doll has already gotsome white boy runnin' after her good old,good old stuff, baby. spotlight --shine the spotlight over there. you see that fine white male?yeah, that one, right there. baby, he has beenrunnin' the doll all around savannah,tryin' to get some, honey.

    first day i met him, honey,he brought the girl roses. but then again,as you well know, honey, ain't nothin' too goodfor the doll. ain't nothin' too goodfor the lady, honey. i am serious about that. if i catchany of you bitches near him, honey,i want you to know you're gonna have to dealwith the lady chablis, the doll, the grand empress,and my motherfuckin' ice pick.

    so keep your hands offof that one, okay? hello! chablis: hey, hon. how are you, doll? i'm fine.who is that handsome man? joe odom. very pleased to meet you. my pleasure.we met before. we -- we slept togetherone night.

    baby, you're gonna have tonarrow it down for the doll a little bit more, because there are certain nightsi cannot remember. that's another talefor another time. my ice cubes are gettin'a little bit dry. i'll leave you two'am. thank you, sir. i will talk to you later,you sentimental gentleman, you. hurry back.

    don't let him hurry back. i need to spend some timewith you. i'm fine, honey.still hidin' my candy. you want me to unwrap itfor you? no, you don't have toshow me your candy. you sure? not now --i mean, not ever. it's a small little wrapper. like a little tootsie rollwrapper.

    no. some peopledon't need to see candy. okay.okay, that's fine. oh, but i got somethingto tell you. i have somethingto tell you. i have boyfriend number four. really? yes. a tall, blond hunkof a hunk of man. he's a mechanic, and he worksover there on abercorn street. i know where that is.

    treats me like a queen. no pun intended --none whatsoever. but you must promise me,if you should ever meet him -- which i doubt you will -- you must never tell my "t."he has no idea. your "t"? you know what i'm talkin' "t," my truth. the hide-my-candy thing. he doesn't know,so you mustn't say anything

    if you should ever meet him,okay? promise me you won't. don't you thinkhe's gonna find out? when i'm ready for himto find out, he'll find out. just like when i was readyfor you to find out -- but i wasn't lookingfor your candy. no. but you was kind of likesmellin' for it. i did not smell your candy. well, why are you here?

    i want to interview you. and i enjoyed your show. well, thank still want to interview me? yes, very much so. sonny! sonny! hey, sonny! what happened? grand jury's indicted --murder one. they're tryin'to put our friend away for life. your honor, the community

    that put us bothin the positions we now hold would be less than pleasedwith an order allowing a wealthy defendant in a first-degree murder casebail. and they'd be right. all right, gentlemen, i have listened carefullyto these arguments. mr. williams is chargedwith a very violent crime. and, mr. seiler,i can't grant bail

    under these circumstances... [ crowd murmuring ] ...but i will put this caseon a fast track for a speedy trial. that's all. that's a dead stop. well, sport, looks like there might be a bookin this, after all. does he have any ideahow serious this is?

    you know it and i know it, and after tonight,damn hell, so will he. what is it? you told sonnythat i heard billy threaten you the night you shot him. i heard you threaten him, too.if i'm called to testify -- i didn't threaten billy,i warned him. he had a history of violence,he was drunk and high, and while trespassing,he profanely demanded money

    and brandisheda broken bottle in my face. is that notyour recollection as well? more or less. well, then your testimonycan only help me. what was itbetween the two of you, jim? we can turn this off. i don't mind that. was it just sex? tell me about the natureof the relationship.

    billy and i had a bond. that's not something that they'reever going to understand. they'll just see the sex and the age difference. but billy was going to makesomething of himself. great things, great people... can comefrom humble beginnings. he neededwhat i gave him...

    ...and i neededwhat he gave me. now, do you wishto pass judgment on that? i'm innocent, john. it's importantthat you believe that. do you believe that? yes, i do. i'm having trouble getting anyone to talk to meout there, jim. i'll make some arrangements.

    oh, and tomorrowwhen you come, can you bring the sotheby'sand christie's catalogs? they serve dinner hereat 7:00, so that's when we'll makeour calls. our calls? [ rings ] hello? yes, accept the charges,operator. jim, how are you?

    all right, sport, let's give this a try,shall we? all right, let's seeif we can get this to work. [ grunts, sniffs ] [ rings ] all right, it's ringing. [ sniffing ] hello, uh,jim williams calling for a geza von habsburg.

    uh, geza... james!how nice of you to call. uh, would you be interestedin my maximilian desk? [ howling ] someone please ask himto be quiet! [ howling ] it sounds like your dogdoesn't want to sell. what's his breed? [ growling ]

    uh, that's, uh,russian wolfhound. soundsmore like a shar-pei. uh, no, no,that's my, uh, yorkie. [ growling continues ] [ yelping and growling ] will someone pleaseput the dogs in the garden?! i'll take careof the dogs for you. [ barking ] now, uh, geza, you knowi'll want top dollar.

    as always. man: shut up! [ clattering ] shut up! excuse me. is thisthe married women's card club? is anybody gonna ringthe doorbell? oh, heavens no. we havevery strict rules. the door opensprecisely at 4:00.

    you all look lovely. actually, jim suggestedthat i introduce you around. but if we could just keep thatbetween us... sure, sure. just a minute. everything all right,ladies? jim was a true friend to meover these years. but most of these ladiesare still trying to decide how they'll respondto this current...predicament.

    you know, the incident. if you'll excuse me, i havework to do in the kitchen. but if you'd like to takea seat... i don't play bridge. oh, i don't mean aren't allowed. especially single men. but, uh, you could sit downand wait, and i'll be right back. woman:isn't is the same as murder.

    what's the trump? woman #2: fifth clubs. it was a crime passionnel,a lovers' quarrel. that may be, but i gather it's going to be rather stickyfor jim. there was no gunpowderon that boy's hands. that means he couldn't havefired the gun, as jim claims. good lord. and the locationof the bullet wounds.

    seems to be at odds with mr. williams' scenarioof self-defense. how so? one entered the chest. the second bullethit the boy in the back. and the third --well, the third bullet... what do you think'sgonna happen to jim? well,it's difficult to say. those who are happy

    that billyis no longer burnin' rubber through the squares are the exact peoplewho think that jim picked a very unseemly wayto exit the closet... if you will. with a bang. ha ha ha! literally! [ giggles ] and then...there are the others.

    tell me about the others. well, honey, there's bound to bea certain resentment about jim havin' killedthat boy -- that boy in particular,i mean. billy was a very accomplishedhustler, mm-hmm -- by all accounts,very good at his trade... and very much appreciatedby both men and women. the trouble is, he hadn't finishedmakin' the rounds, no.

    billy hanson was known to bea good time, but... a good timenot yet had by all. they're sayin'that jim williams killed the best piece of assin savannah. is that true? well, i don't know.jerry, you know a little bit about ass in savannah.what do you think? credit card. good gossip's hard currencyin this town.

    folks just payin'their bills. when the chips are down,they'll be there for jim. everything will bejust fine -- trust me. i'd rather hearyour legal strategies. well, our game plan'sstill percolatin'. come on.i thought we had a deal. i've shared every bitof information i've come across. come along here. now, don't mind us.

    sonny: trial date... big game --three weeks from now. it's a shootout. both teamsgot one silver bullet. gunshot residue test --that's their silver bullet. no gunshot residueon billy's hands means he didn't fire -- means jim killed himin cold blood, mocked upthe whole scene.

    how do you planto counter that? gunshot residue testis unreliable. hell, it's not even admissiblein some jurisdictions. finley's got doc poe. we will counterwith cutting-edge science with an expertwe got from up north. they say the scenewas contrived, yes? what do you say? that's our silver bullet --

    shoddy police work. take a look at this. jesus! that's me! just like you said. ground zero -- cops should never havelet you in. i kind of let myself inthrough the back gate. that's --

    well, they shouldn't havelet you get in. woman:♪ happy together ♪ ♪ unhappy together ♪ ♪ and won't it be fine? ♪ [ slow jazz music plays ] ♪ days may be cloudy or sunny ♪ ♪ we're in or we're outof the money ♪ ♪ but i'm with you always ♪ ♪ come rain or shi-i-i-i-ne ♪

    hey, you're good!i didn't even know you sang! you never asked. good. how are you? hey, joe. you guysgot another set? no, me and joeare just sittin' in. why? want to geta cup of coffee with me? business or pleasure? well, normallythere wouldn't be a problem,

    seein' as the general rule isrich people get off. the problem is, though,they're usually straight. see? so it'sa volatile issue. yeah? i'm not crazy. no, neither is sonny. jim's friendsknew he was gay. secretly they congratulatedthemselves on bein' so cosmopolitan. but if they knew

    he was completely openwith his sexuality, they would've shunned him. maybe the jury will, too. you think? you know that no one'sever gonna really know what happened that night. jim's told his storya thousand times -- never wavered once. you're quite the advocate.

    what happened to "stick around,keep my eyes and ears open, stay objective"? oh, objectively speaking,it's starting to look like they're gonna hang a guyfor his sexuality. somethin' that would neverhappen in new york, right? well, you said it, not me. john: you know, you don't seemlike you're from here. mandy: i was born here,didn't like it, moved away, figured out the parti didn't like was me.

    so i worked on thatand then moved back. yeah. i got my first kissright here. [ laughing ] sammy jenks...gave him a black eye. you did?how hard? that's what lovewill do. you know, kelso,i'm havin' trouble picturin' what kind of womanyou'd take the trouble to marry. oh, yeah? [ sighs ]first-love situation.

    we got married a weekafter graduating college, if you can believe that. so, what happened? you want to hearmy sob story? well, i think she thoughtshe was marrying norman mailer. yeah, i think she thoughti'd be famous. and after the bookwas published, she'd wake upat the crack of dawn on sunday, make coffee,cross her fingers,

    and she'd lookin that sunday times, and she was sureit was gonna be a bestseller. and then one sunday,she didn't wake up early, didn't make any coffee,she didn't cross her fingers... and i knew. she left you'cause your book wasn't a hit? i don't know, kelso, that seemspretty shallow to me. so, what about youand joe odom?

    well, me and joe...we're just friends. you know, we havea real musical relationship. we're kind of likethe steve and eydie of savannah. oh, my god,and it's quiet. it's too quiet. well, joe will be playin'at that bar until dawn. well,i should probably go. in case you were wonderin', this is the perfect timefor a kiss.

    sammy jenks warned meabout you. good night. ladies and gentlemen, you constitute our juryfor this trial. this trial's expected to lastseveral days. i'm gonna let you go homefor the evening, instruct you to be backin the morning at 9:30, and report to your jury room. if anybody tries to approach youabout this case,

    i want to you report it to methe first thing in the morning. you're excused for the evening. mr. driggers,let me speak to you. luther, listen, this is a courtroom. don't bring those fliesback in here tomorrow. and leave that vial of wateror whatever that stuff is at home tomorrow. sam...

    you knowwhen we were in georgia, i knowhow you hated my bugs. and you knowhow i love them. we're no longerat the university. now, i'm telling you to leave all that foolishnessat home tomorrow. do you understand that? i do take umbrage. but i'll do it.

    now, what is this story with the guywith the horsefly epaulets? oh, luther diggers.he's a genius. he developeda no-bug strip. the company he worked fortook the credit and the money. now he just wandersaround town with a bottle of poisonin his pocket. of course he does. yeah, says someday he's gonnaput it in the water supply,

    do us all in. why do you want himon the jury? we're the defense team, coach.we need all the nuts we can get. what about largent? finley's upfor re-election. if he strikes luther, he might just upset him know. well, i'll be back inon sunday. you got a murder trial startingin three days.

    where are you going? home opener against bama.betty, henry. go, dogs! [ both laugh ] is he really leaving? oh, yeah.better say a prayer. judge:all right, mr. largent, the state hasthe burden of proof, and you have the opening.

    your honor. [ spectators murmur ] thank you and good morning,your honor. ladies and gentlemenof the jury. the state of georgiastands ready and is most anxiousto proceed. if the court pleases... the philosopher thomas hobbesis quoted as saying that life is nasty,brutish...

    and short. and surely it must have seemedso to billy hanson... as he lay wounded, his blood and his lifeoozing out onto jim williams'persian rug. it's important for you to know that the defendantin this case... the end of this trial, i believe that,when faced with the evidence,

    you will render the verdictthat is fair and just -- guilty of first-degree murder. all right, mr. seiler, we've been goingfor some time now. would you prefer to makeyour opening statement after recess? i would preferto address the jury now, what i have to saywon't take long. i apologizeif i look tired,

    if my eyes are red, if my complexion is sallow, but i came by it honestly... because i have not hadmuch sleep lately. for while my bed is soft... my client's is not. and while i'm surroundedby my lovin' family, jim williams... my friend, my client...

    is locked up in a room full of thieves,murderers, and rapists. you're the ones i want. you're the ones i trust. because although it isjim williams on trial here today, when i lookat the circumstances, i think to myself, "there,but for the grace of god,

    go you or i." know why? because i guaran-damn-tee -- someone comes into my home,and they shoot at me, i will shoot back! and i will shoot backagain and again and again until i'm surethat they're dead -- until i'm sure that my homeand my family are safe! and then...

    old finley here, my friend, would be prosecutin' me! i'd be the one on trial, and my life would be in thehands of good folks like you... he is way out of bounds. he didn't object onceduring ours. we'd look like assholes. ...and fancy words -- folks who would not beprejudiced...

    who would not judge a manby the color of his skin or the amount of moneythat he makes. i will say the simple factof the matter is jim williams...murdered no one. [ sighs ] how did you think it went?because i was very pleased. sonny has a certain style,a flair, doesn't he? a certain flair? from what i've seen,

    that man could weave horse shitinto egyptian cotton. pleasantly surprised. oh, john kelso,i hope you understand... that i consider youmy friend. the lack of gunshot residuein the hand, plus the other thingsi mentioned, led me to the conclusionthat the scene was contrived. thank you,detective boone. no further questions.

    detective... i would like to revisitsome of the things you said just then in direct. you testified that there wasblood on hanson's hand. is that correct? there was blood in the palmof the victim's hand. and that's important because if hansonhad been holding the gun, there'd be no blood.

    but you never saw the bloodon the victim's hand, did you? the blood was notedin the autopsy report. i didn't turn him overwhen i bagged him. i believeyou also testified that you believe the final shotwas fired from above the victim. i concludedthat the shot came from someonestanding over the victim -- execution style. a coup de grã¢ce.

    a coup de grã¢ce? will you tell the jury,please -- did you find jim's printson billy's gun? the, uh, the luger handlehas a textured surface. is the answer "no,"detective? yes,the answer was "no." "yes,the answer is 'no.'" state's 22, your honor. who's thishandsome fella here?

    who's this? that's that reporter fellafrom up north -- the one that's workin'with williams. uh, i don't knowhow he got in. and this? a young escapes me. that's understandable. i mean,you'd need a program to keep trackof everyone in that room.

    objection! counsel's testifyin'. strike that. i would much rather havethe detective tell us. how many peoplewas in that room, detective? seven. no, eight. "seven -- no, eight,"and a pussycat. [ scattered laughter ]

    you read the funny papers,detective? not often. well, in the funny papers, they sometimes havethis little competition where you have to find an animalhidden in an illustration. i love to play itwith my grandson. you know that game? we're gonna play"where's shelton?" your honor, i don't know

    what mr. seiler is tryin'to prove with all of this, but i -- finley, we can all play. shelton williamsis the defendant's tabby cat. now, detective... let's play"where's shelton?" i'll give you a clue. take a look at the rug. the answer "yes"?

    tabby cat. detective, is shelton williamson your payroll? well, i've heard --[laughs] i've heardtell of cat burglars. is this a cat detectivewe have here? don't be ridiculous. i'll tell youwhat's ridiculous -- you sayin' that the sceneof the crime was secure! that's what's ridiculous!

    seven -- no, eight peopleand a pussycat walkin'all around that room... call that secure?! um, we hung around a lot. billy had a car and he'd give mea ride sometimes. mr. tucker... do you,of your own knowledge, know anythingof the relationship that existed betweenbilly hanson and jim williams?

    sonny: objection! objection, your honor! let me see you gentlemenover here just a minute. what's this about? your honor, if this boy sayswhat i think he's gonna say, you can't ask the juryto ignore that. you can't let a skunkgo in the box and then tell themthey didn't smell it! our intentionwith mr. tucker

    is to show that the victimwas afraid of the defendant. in order to do that, he has to describethe nature of the relationship. your intentionis to paint jim williams pink and then rely on some prejudicein the jury. besides which, whatever he sayswill be secondhand. it would be hearsay. he asked the witnessif he knew of his own knowledge. if he knows,it's not hearsay.

    i'm gonna allow it, but i'm gonna grant you the samelatitude when it's your turn. objection's overruled. yes, sir. mr. tucker,the question was -- that existed betweenbilly hanson and the defendant? yes, sir. jimmy would give billy moneywhen he needed it. he, uh, bought hima car and clothes

    for goin' to bed with him. to sleep with him -- to, uh, have sex with him? now, did billyand, uh, jim williams ever have any disagreements --if you know? oh, all the time. jim would be pissed offat billy for one thing or another. he was real jealousof billy.

    and, uh,what feelings, if any, did billy haveabout the defendant? well, jim'sa rich and powerful man. billy was a little afraidof him, i guess. thank you, mr. tucker. [ no audio ] sonny: mr. tucker... you tell me -- how welldid you know billy hanson? uh, what -- what kindof friends were you?

    he was about my best friendin the world. we saw each otherall the time. there's nothin'he wouldn't do for me. and nothin'you wouldn't do for him? look, if you're tryin' to sayi'm lyin', i'm not. now, take it easy,young man. everythingi'm sayin' here is true. of course it is. there's no reasonfor it not to be.

    that's all we're after hereis the truth. now, how welldid you know jim williams? i mean, you never didmeet him, did you? well, not shakin' handsor nothin', but i stood next to himin the emergency room when, uh, billy o.d.'d. billy hansonoverdosed on drugs? when was this? uh, about a monthbefore jim killed him.

    so, jim williams tookbilly hanson to the hospital? he saved his life! i mean,if he wanted him dead, w-why would he do that? i-i don't know. um, i guess, uh -- did you ever have sexwith billy? no. no, sir. are you, yourself,a homosexual?

    relevance? mr. largent,you opened that door. what's good for the gooseis good for the gander. i'm gonna let it in. thank you, your honor. would you like me to repeatthe question, george? i could have the court reporterread it out. no, sir, i ain't no fairy! okay?

    look, uh... i-i had some experiences, but...i'm out of it now. out of it? mm-hmm. would you care toexplain to the jury what you mean by that --"out of it"? it's wrong.the bible says so. the bible also saysit's wrong to lie, doesn't it? now, how longhave you been out of it?

    um... almost three weeks. congratulations, george. no further questions,your honor. please! chablis,it's a subpoena! they'll hold youin contempt! i don't give a damnif it's an invitation from god. you tell them if they fuckwith the doll,

    i'll turn state's evidence. you got thatoff the television. whatever, john. they're gonna hold youin contempt if you don't go. i been held in contempt before.that does not scare me. besides,a man's life's at stake. what do i have to dowith that man's life? nothing. absolutely noth--wait a minute. i'll tell you what.i'll make you a deal.

    all right.what kind of deal? what kind of deal? wait, john. be patient. i'll tell you what. you bring me a truckloadof good-lookin' boys to see my show tonight,and i'll think about it. i'd love to, chablis,but i can't. i got to goto some cotillion. a cotillion? how boring!

    what cotillionare you going to, hon? the alpha phi. the black people's ball? you're goin'to the black people's ball? oh, john, john, john... no. no.absolutely not. please take me.i'll be on my best behavior. i promise, john.please take me. come on! no, i can't!

    i won't shake my ass.i won't cuss. chablis, i can-- i won't do anything.please take me. these girlsare debutantes, chablis. so what does that mean -- i can't clientele withthese uptown, black-ass people? no, but debs are --they're carefully scrutinized. oh, please! and...

    for the most part -- you know, not many of themhide their candy. very few of themhave been caught shoplifting -- you know, not many. well, you know what? these bitchesmust do it damn good then, if they haven'tgotten caught yet. see, i imagine they doa lot of volunteer work, frank. stay out of bars,go to churches --

    those kind of ladies. first of all, don't you evercall me frank again, and...are these black girlswe're talkin' about? if these are black girls,they must be some ugly bitches. take me. please?come on, john, take me. cut it out. please take me? [ classical music plays ] yeah, new york.

    it's good to have you here. you know,this is our 40th year. it's lovely. you know, i do believe that we've almost caughtthe white cotillion. congratulations. good evening. excuse me, sir,is this spot taken? no, ma'am.

    oh, pleasedon't call me ma'am. my name's chablis.what's yours? phillip -- i'm an escort. an escort? you workfor one of those services? i'm escorting my sister. please don't tell me you'redoin' it with your sister. no. but george, my sister'sboyfriend, decided not to come. so i kind ofgot roped into it.

    let me ask you somethin'. you ever been arrested? no! oh, come on. well, once me and a coupleof guys had a few drinks, and i got a ticketfor disturbing the peace. disturbin' the peace? phillip, i got a pieceyou can disturb, hon. nice.

    i've been admiringyour gown. why, thank you very much.this little old thing? it's very glamorous. of whom are you a guest? i'm here with my cousin. my cousin... lavella. lavella! oh, she's a lovely girl.

    oh, i think so, too.she's always wanted this. we've talked about thissince we were kids. she didn't ever thoughtshe'd get it. oh, she had nothingto worry about. you know what, hon?i told her the same thing. i said if vanessa williams can pull one overon the miss america committee, then her little whoring aroundin atlanta, georgia, was not going to meananything

    to a little steering committeein savannah. and she got it,and i'm so happy for her. would you mindwatching my purse? [ "la bamba" plays ] 'cause i think phillip and i aregonna go disturb the peace. what you think, hon? let's go disturb some peace.come on. jesus. would you excuse mefor one moment?

    can you share the love?okay? [ slow ballad plays ] you have a hell of a lot ofnerve bustin' in here like this. i got plenty of nerveto do anything i want to do. how farare you gonna take this? i'm just starting. well,then i'm going to leave because i don't intendon insulting these people any more than i have to.

    behave yourself. whoo! come on. let's go. good night. stop pushin' me.i'm goin'. ooh! bartender, can i please havetwo apple schnapps? i think you bettermake those doubles. so, john, tell me --

    you mad at me, hon? are you mad?are you? we're still friends. i hope so. then i gotto tell you somethin'. you are so sexywhen you're mad. stop tellin' mewhat to do. i want to propose a toast. [ glasses clink ] from my top...

    to your bottom... from your bottomto my top... from my middleto your middle... be good, john, andi just might give you a little. just behave yourself. oh, stop tellin' mewhat to do, hon. besides, your star witnessis testifyin'. since when? since i thought about it,

    and i realizedhow nice you've been to me. you know what? you've treated melike a perfect lady. you've even made me feelso very special. you know, people can beso mean sometimes... but not you. i wantto ask you something. john, do you thinki'm beautiful? um...yes, i thinkyou're very pretty.

    pretty? i'm justnot your type, huh? chablis,are you testifying for me? of course i am. do you think i give a shitabout miss jim williams? i don't even know that bitch --never even met her. well, listen, you should knowthat on cross-examination they're gonna bepretty rough on you -- on your background,your arrests, your livelihood. john,i have nothing to hide,

    and i'm not ashamed of anythingi've ever done. i'm just saying you should knowthat you taking the stand is gonna be a blanket indictmentof billy hanson. so, let me getthis right now. so, what you're saying is because billy hung outwith a drag queen, he deserved to die? it's fucked up, but yeah. yeah, that's fucked up.

    maybe you shouldn't testify. oh, john, how sweet!you really care. good, 'cause guess what?i'm testifyin'. i am testifyin'. you see, those folks thinkthey're usin' the doll, but the doll'susin' them right back. i'm gonna use their courtroomas my comin' out par-ty! see, john,you know who i am. i am the lady chablis.

    hear me roar. look out. besides, i've already boughta new ensemble. really? is it nice? oh, you'll see, hon. listen to me. we got to get out of herebecause these people invited me, and i think it's really rude ofyou to bust in on me like this. i would never do that to you.

    lavella's motheris about to have a seizure. somebody put a spoonin her damn mouth, then, because i'm not leavin'. just stop it. you're leavingwith me right now. i am not. i'll buy you a drink. buy me a drink? outside of here. buy me a diamond.

    i'll buy you a diamond. give me some. i'm not giving you shit. oh, come on! i-i'm straight. so am i.straight to my house. let's go. ohh. raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear theevidence you're about to give

    is the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth so help you god? i do. sonny:now, miss deveau, i'm gonna ask you a question, and i want youto answer the jury so that, uh,they can understand. yes, and what is that? you'd like for meto explain my "t"?

    your -- your --your "t"? yeah, my "t." yeah, i would like youto explain your "t," and i would likeyou to do that in as plain of languageas you possibly can for our friends here. i will try my bestto explain to you jurors. i could throw words and labelsat all of you, but you seemlike nice people.

    so i'm gonna be openand honest. i have a man's toolbox. but everything else about meis pure lady. i love to dressin women's clothes. i love to go shopping. i loveto have my nails done. and i love men. any questions? and, by the way, ma'am,

    i hope you don't mindmy saying, blue is definitely notyour color. okay, okay, okay, gals,you're both pretty, now. what i want to know now -- and i want youto tell the jury -- is how you and billy hansonfirst met. billy hit on meone night at the cl-- oh, strike that your honor! billy and i clienteled.

    clienteled? will you explained to the jurywhat "clienteled" means? we socialized togetherfor a little while until he metmy roommate corinne. corinne? now, are you tellin' me that corinne and billy hansonwere intimate? hot and intimate. will you tell the jury,miss deveau,

    did billy hansonuse drugs? yes, billy, uh, did pills,smoked pot, a little coke. he sold drugs. he'd stay with us sometimes. so, sometimes we had stasharound the house. um, mrs. chablis -- miss. of course, miss chablis.

    do you yourself take drugs? i smoke a little pot. you see,i'm a mellow kind of girl. [ chuckles ]i understand. now, tell me, if you know,what effect, if any, these drugs hadon the relationship between your friend corinneand billy hanson? oh, now, when billy got high,he could be very, very hostile. hostile?

    hostile when he was high. would you explain to the jurywhat you mean by hostile? oh, i can domore than that, hon. let me show you something. you must see this.look at my driver's license. wait just a minute! largent: objection! judge: this isn't proper. now you be quiet.i'll handle this.

    just a minute.that's not proper procedure. mr. sheriff? pick up this item, please. my eye -- he hit me. i looked like that dogfrom "little rascals." members of the jury, i'm gonna instruct youto disregard this outburst. pay no attentionto that picture. why, your honor?

    it's the truth.i'm not lying. your honor,the people has to -- and you be quiet! now, we got to get this thingunder control. you sit down, mr. deveau. miss deveau --i'm a single girl, your honor. miss deveau -- whatever. have a seat. okay. please don't gettoo huffy.

    now, you listen to me. i'm in chargeof this courtroom, not you. and here'sthe way it works -- these lawyersare gonna ask you questions -- look at me! -- and you answer 'em. if i tell you to stop,you stop. if i tell you to sit,you sit. and i don't want you

    to communicate directlywith that jury. don't produceany more items. don't show any, do you understand that? uh, yes, your honor,i understand. i think so. hey, this is rice. they threw in some gumbo. i got your cigarettes. ah! thank you.

    so, how are we comingwith our character witnesses? well, i thoughtwe would limit it to three because we don't needtoo much fawnin' in the court. well, why not? john, you tell him howmany of my friends arelinin' up to defend me. i suggest wanda gevits. she has a commandingvocal presence. she, um, declined, jim, along with some others.

    declined? they clamoredfor my friendship, hoping and prayingfor invitations to my parties. where weretheir judgments then? well,i hope wanda understands this definitely puts herin the "out" box for my christmas party. i don't think we have to worryabout character witnesses. they got theirs.we got ours.

    when do i take the stand? last. good. they'll have heardall the theories. we'll finish themwith the truth. i'm looking forward to you know why? because it's importantnot that i'm just acquitted, but that everyone knowsi'm innocent. i refuse to live in a worldwhere whispers become fact. guilty men murmur.

    the innocentshout to the rafters. hear, hear. jim, we may need youto come clean about the relationshipwith billy. your sexuality, jim. finley's takin'this whole thing in a directionwe didn't count on -- his own privatewitch hunt. it's going to destroy mother.

    jim, she was in court. she heard george tucker. let's face it.she already knows. not from me, she doesn't. what if she wasn'tin court? what's the matter, sonny?gunpowder? damn gunshot-residue test. your expert witnesscovered it. he said the testsare unreliable.

    the jury thinksthat's a cop-out. every one of them knowsdoc poe. why are they gonna listento some egghead from up north? no offense, though. no, none taken,none taken. he said the gunpowder'seasily wiped off. maybe when they were handlingthe body, they -- boone says he bagged them. doc poe saysthey were bagged

    when he performedthe autopsy. when did they getwiped off? i don't know. do you rememberwhen you told me that dead men tell no tales? see, i think thatthat may be true, but it does not apply here. i mean, look around. every pictureon every wall in this town

    is of someone who's gone. every story here beginswith someone who's dead. the only livingnational treasure you have is your own slathering mutt. you writin' your book? what the hellare you talkin' about, coach? billy hanson may not be talkin',but his hands are. billy hanson's hands? i got to go.

    where you goin'? [ imitating minerva ]to understand the living... i need shango. now, go, huh! i hope you can communicatewith someone, john. hey, mandy, you feellike goin' for a walk? where are you headed? i was thinking aboutmaybe stoppin' by the morgue. what are you,a necrophiliac or somethin'?

    i thought we agreed you wouldn'ttalk about my ex-wife. [ laughs ] how longyou been at the bar? long enough.come on. it'll be fun. why do you want to goto the morgue? if i could answer that question,i wouldn't have to go. well, the morgue's closed. and trust me, by tomorrow, this won't seem likesuch a good idea. precisely the reasonwhy i want to go tonight.

    i'll break in if i have to.i don't care. i'll pretend i'm dead.come on. you sureyou want to do this? i think so. yeah. well,there is a back way -- a hallwayoff the emergency room -- but, of course,it's off-limits. how would you know that? i candy-striped one summer.

    we create a distraction -- we? well, you createthe distraction, and i'll just slip inand check it out. no, you'll get lost. all right, it's a 3-man job.where's joe? perfect castin', buthe's out of town till tomorrow. he is? all right, who do we knowwho can cause a commotion?

    [ chablis screams ] ohh! ohh-ho-ho! hello! nurse! oh! oh! get her in the chair! oh, please help! what's wrong with her? her stomach, i think! i think my water broke.

    girl, i'm pregnant!something's wrong! i don't know what --please, help! what's wrong? let's get herup on the table. please help me!ow! wait, baby. okay. here we are. commune away. is this where it hurts? oh, doctor, wait.wait, wait, wait.

    is this where it hurts? no, i think you need to gojust a little bit lower. i've never beenin a morgue. so, what arewe lookin' for? uh...i don't know. i was thinking aboutthe bagging of the hands -- something special. oh, look --teddy lipscomb! excuse me?you know this guy?

    yeah.he's my dad's dentist. oh, man. cardiac arrest. yeah, right. a medical termfor dying in the arms of a 25-year-oldcocktail waitress. poor guy. remind me neverto get sick in savannah. see? he's wearinga hospital i.d. bracelet.

    your supposed to get wellin hospitals, but not in this city. well, the morgue doesn't haveits own ramp, so all doa's come throughthe emergency room. so, technically,they'd have to be admitted. they're all wearingthose bracelets. you know, it's likebureaucratic red tape. i told youi candy-striped, right? yeah, you did.that's like volunteer work?

    yeah, cute little stripedoutfit, short skirt. girl scouts. almost.just a tad bit... this? this? that's the spot.i love you. i love you. oh, dr. feelgood,that's the spot. you got it. you wouldn't take a bag offto put an i.d. bracelet on, would you?

    yeah, probably. maybe? [ telephone rings ] chablis: the pleasure'sbeen all mine, doctor. yes, a pleasure. how you doin', mom? excuse me, nurse,i have a question for you. were you on duty the nightbilly hanson's body came in? yes, i was.where did you come from?

    how'd you get back there? back door. i was lo--i was with the sick lady. i have a question for you.hanson's hands were bagged. somebody had to putthe i.d. bracelet on. would you have totake the bag off to slide the bracelet onby any chance? no, no.they snap on. they snap on. of course, it was easier withhim 'cause i bagged him after.

    well, doc poe calledfrom the crime scene and saidif they weren't bagged there, that i was to bag the handswhen he came in. you bagged the hands? yes, i wrote it up. it's right over thereon the admission sheet. may i see that? hold on, hold on. i wantto let sonny tell you.he'll be here any minute. well, before sonny gets here,while we're waitin',

    i'd like to run somethin'by you, john... fire away. ...about that night. what do you got? the evening started outas i've always said -- the argument, the shouting... you let me down,just like everyone else. my mama let me down. she hates mebecause i look like my daddy!

    what areyou yelling about? i'm yelling about you! who are you to talk to me,livin' in this grandeur and all! and someday you could do itif you took responsibility! bullshit! and you know it! if you don't like it, why don't you justget the hell out?! don't you -- get the hell out!

    this is about to go throughthat there paintin'! big threats.they don't mean a hell of a lot. i'll stop payin' the goddamninsurance on your camaro. see how you like want to leave here, you can do it tomorrow mornin'for all i care. ...the damaged clock... god damn it! walk through my houseand ruin my furniture! ...billy pointing the luger...

    i may be leaving tomorrow, but, god damn it... ...but here's the difference -- when he went to pull the trigger... you're leavin' tonight. [ gun clicks ] ...nothing happened -- the gun was on safety. and as he fumbled to take the safety off, i grabbed my own gun...

    [ safety clicks ] ...and i shot him. [ gasping ] he fell dead. he -- he never fired? i thought, "god damn it! what have you done?" [ gunshot ] it explains why there'sno powder on billy's hands. now, when i siton that stand,

    and i tell thisto the jury, largent's case will crumble. i don't seehow you figure that, jim. if you tell that story, you're admittingthat you lied -- lied to everyone -- the police, the press -- everyone. i'd rather be convicted of lyingthan of murder.

    so -- [ door opens ] sonny:hey, coach, we got it! just keep your're gonna need it. sonny, i need to tell yousomethin' first. now, me first. now, you knowthat gunshot-residue test? what i have to say has directbearing on the gunshot -- can i get this out?

    we got 'emby the gonads, jimbo. detective boone lied. doc poe calledthe admitting nurse at chandler and told her to bag the handsif they were not already, which she did...right here in this document. any number of peoplecould have handled that body between the scene of the crimeand the hospital, which explainshow the powder got rubbed off. there it is...

    the death knell to finley largent'sprecious gunshot-residue test. well...your turn. what did you want to say,jim? hmm? oh, it's not important. take a look here. we got 'em, jimbo. [ knock on door ]

    goin' somewhere, coach? what's his story? detective,you're still under oath. frank,are you absolutely sure that you bagged billy hanson'shands at mercer house? i have no further questions,your honor. redirect, mr. largent? no, your honor. all right.detective, you're excused.

    you're still under subpoena.thank you very much. defense callssara warren, r.n. you won't find herin your notes. she's not on your list,finley. sara warrenis a direct rebuttal to the testimonyof detective boone. she is, in fact,an admitting nurse at chandler emergency room. sonny: mr. williams,will you describe the nature

    of your relationshipwith the deceased? i first met billy hansonwhen he came around to the house and saidthat he wanted the job. so, i hired him in the workshopto refinish furniture. he had some talent,and i wanted to encourage him. now, during this time,i also developed hypoglycemia. i blacked out at times.i don't eat very well. the doctor told methat it was not good for me to be alonewhen this condition occurs,

    so billy would stay overand take care of me when i wasn't feeling well. he did not live at mercer houseas has been stated. was that the full extentof your relationship with billy hanson? no, over time, it evolvedinto something less formal. we became intimate. now, billy could bevery charming.

    he had his girlfriends,and i had mine. but to me, sex isa perfectly natural thing. didn't bother me.didn't bother him. it was just an occasionalnatural occurrence between consenting adults. would you describeto the jury events that occurredin your house after the party?

    well, by the timebilly got back to the house, he was quite high. and we got into an argumentabout a planned trip to london. i was going to an auction, and billy was goingto accompany me because of my condition. but he insisted on wantingto take marijuana cigarettes. i do not approve of drugs,and i told him he could not go. he became verbally abusive,

    and i ordered billyout of the house. he went into the hallway. the argument continued out therefor a while. and then he knocked overa clock. i went into the officeto call the police, and he followed me in therewith the gun in his hand. he said -- and i'll never forget thisas long as i live -- he said,"i might leave tomorrow,

    but, god damn it,you're leavin' tonight!" and the second i saw that luger,i got out of the way. i reached into the drawerfor my own weapon, and as i came up, the first shoti felt breeze by my shoulder. and i fired. i don't rememberhow many times. it was horrible. sonny: well, savannahians,

    our paths crossfrom time to time, greet each other, smile here, nod there. but even if we don't knoweach other, we have one thingin common -- this beautiful placewhere we all live. and as one savannahianto twelve, i'd like to thank you... for your civic pride,

    for your diligence, and here in this courtroom,for your rapt attention. i watched you takin' notes. now, the prosecution herestarted this whole thing with quotin' someoneby the name of hobbes. i don't know who that is. but i do knowwho perry mason is. y'all watch "perry mason"? well, i do.

    and i got to thinkin' if some tv writerwas to come to perry mason and say, "here you are,mr. raymond burr. here's a story like this." you know what i think he'd say? i think old raymond would say, [ imitating raymond burr ]"that's not a very good story. "i wouldn't have to bea very good lawyer to get that man off,now, would i?"

    [ normal voice ]he'd be right. because by all the evidence, jim williamsis an innocent man. now, i'm not perry mason. i'm not some tv lawyer. so i got to scratch and tearat the prosecution's case, tryin' to whittle itdown to nothin'. and darnedif i don't think i have. because the fabricationof the prosecution's case

    just comes tumblin'all down into pieces when you consider how detective boonehas consistently lied about baggin' the hands. now,does that surprise you -- that a detective would lie? well, of course he will. he's not a bad man. but how else is he gonna playthe cards

    that have been dealt to himfrom a pack of lies? now, if jim williamsis guilty of anythin'... he's guiltyof bad association. but that'snot what he's on trial for. now, if you don't like, or if you don'tcotton to his lifestyle, just think about this -- we deal with these peopleall the time -- some good...

    some bad. they're a partof our community. and you can't judge a manfor that. this is god's world. let god be the judgeof that. and let you good folksbe the judge of this. come on, now. let this man go home. he's had enough.

    mr. foreman, has the juryreached a verdict? yes, we have, your honor. is it unanimous? hand it to the sheriff,please. pick that up. hand it to me. give it back to him. the defendantand attorneys rise, please. publish the verdict.

    we, the jury,find the defendant... not guilty. [ scattered applause ] yes! judge: members of the jury,this concludes your work. you've rendered a great serviceto savannah and the chatham county. i'm gonna dismiss you nowwith the thanks of the court. [ gavel bangs ]

    fantastic. congratulations, jim. thank you, john. goodbye. yes, bless you. god bless. minerva: hey, boy. come on down. we got to go visit the boy.

    we got to make himquit workin' james. the trial's over, minerva. billy can't do anythingto james now. why i come to you? because you out of everybodyknow it ain't over yet. i know, the boy know, and you knowjustice ain't been done yet. i'll come downfor a minute.

    i don't know about this. that's exactlywhy you come this far. billy always lovedwild turkey. he ain't happy here. ain't what he thoughtit'd be. if you ain't in heaven yet, you want to get there,don't you, boy? well, the only wayyou gonna get up is if you quit playin'with james.

    i have influencewith the dead. they can lift you up. nobody elsecan do that for you -- nobody. don't you laugh at me! you think you hada harsh life! you got no idea! never hadno bills to pay, no children to feed,

    no house to clean! you had it easy. well,you can just lay there. [ soft jazz music playing ] where's jim? thanks for droppin' by. hello, jim. oh, i've, uh, finishedmy christmas party list. and, uh...

    you made the cut. well, i'm honored,but i won't be here, jim. oh? manywill be disappointed. so, obviously you've decidedto stay in town, jim. mm-hmm, yes. living here pisses offall the right people. what can i do for you? oh, i have somethingfor you. yusupov's daggermay have seemed more useful

    givenyour chosen profession, but the paintingsomehow seemed appropriate. i hope you will accept it as an expressionof my gratitude. "newmarket heath,"the overpaint. i'll have it --i'll have it sent along. well, i don't want to keep youfrom your party, jim. but, jim,one more question -- you know, for the book --

    do you want to tell mewhat really happened that night? sport... truth, like art, is in the eyeof the beholder. you believewhat you choose, and i'll believewhat i know. good luck, jim. [ gunshot ] billy: oh, you think you can?!

    bull! tell you what, jimmy... [ heartbeat pounding ] [ heartbeat slows, stops ] why don't you come in? i never enter the officeon sunday -- bad juju. huh. well, i still gota lot of questions.

    you knowall you need to know. one thing -- don't communeso long with the dead you forget the livin'. what's this? i love you, boy,but i ain't the only one. you know that, don't you? how long's your lease? six months.

    you hungry? let's go, girl. [ laughing ]yep, that's it. uh-oh. hi. now, you two know you're not going anywherewithout a chaperon. i cookedmy chablis' famous chicken. let's go have a picnic. and guess what, john?

    you get your choiceof breast or thigh. what's it called --the chicken? chablis' kickin' chicken. still walkin' the dog,mr. glover? patrick do likehis morning walk. well, patrick is walkin'kind of fast this mornin', isn't he? [ chuckling ] [ chattering ]

    ♪ is there a meadowin the mist? ♪ -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for bythe national broadcastingcompany ♪ have you seena valley green with spring ♪ ♪ where my heartcan go a-journeying ♪ ♪ over the shadowsand the rain ♪ ♪ to a blossom-covered lane? ♪ ♪ and in your lonely flight ♪ ♪ haven't you heardthe music in the night ♪

    ♪ wonderful music ♪ ♪ faint as a will-o'-the-wisp ♪ ♪ crazy as a loon ♪ ♪ sad as a gypsyserenading the moon ♪ ♪ but my heart is ridingon your wings ♪ ♪ so if you see them anywhere ♪ [ saxophone solo ] ♪ won't you lead me there? ♪♪ ♪ somedaywe'll be close together ♪

    ♪ wait and see ♪ ♪ oh, by the way ♪ ♪ this time the dream's on me ♪ ♪ you'll take my hand ♪ ♪ and you'll look at meadoringly ♪ ♪ but as things stand ♪ ♪ it would be fun ♪ ♪ to be certainthat i'm the one ♪ ♪ to know that i at least ♪

    ♪ supply the shoulderyou cry on ♪ ♪ to see you through ♪ ♪ till you're everythingyou ought to be ♪ ♪ it can't be true but ♪

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