bombay furniture plant stands

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About : bombay furniture plant stands
Title : bombay furniture plant stands

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    bombay furniture plant stands

    ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh ♪ ♪ dip, dip, yeah ♪ ♪ little shop,little shop of horrors ♪ ♪ little shop ♪ ♪ little shop of terrorcall a cop ♪ ♪ little shop of horrors ♪ ♪ no ♪

    ♪ oh, oh, no ♪ ♪ bop-sha-boplittle shop of terror ♪ ♪ watch 'em drop ♪ ♪ shing-a-lingshing-shing-a-ling ♪ ♪ what a creepy thingto be happening ♪ ♪ look out, look out, look out ♪ ♪ look out ♪ ♪ shang-a-lang-shang-shang ♪ ♪ feel the sturm and drangin the air ♪

    ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ sha-la-la-la ♪ ♪ stop it where you aredon't you move a thing ♪ ♪ you better ♪ ♪ you betteri'm tellin' you, you better ♪ ♪ tell your mama ♪ ♪ something's gonna get her ♪ ♪ she better ♪ ♪ everybody better beware ♪

    ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ here it comes, baby ♪ ♪ tell no bums, baby ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ ♪ hit the dirt, babyhit the dirt, baby ♪ ♪ alley-oop-oop ♪ ♪ haul it off the stoopchild, i'm warning you ♪ ♪ run away, hey ♪

    ♪ child, you got to payif you play ♪ ♪ look aroundsomething's comin' down ♪ ♪ down the street for you ♪ ♪ you betcha, you betcha ♪ ♪ you bet your butt you betcha ♪ ♪ best believe itsomething's come to getcha ♪ ♪ you betcha ♪ ♪ you better watchyour back and your tail ♪ ♪ whoo ♪

    ♪ come-a, come-a, come-a ♪ ♪ bop-sha-bopyou'll never stop the terror ♪ ♪ oh, oh, no ♪♪ man: seymour, what'sgoing on down there? very little, mr. mushnik. huh. radio announcer: ...till the weekend. and at his press conference today, president kennedy fielded questions

    concerning last thursday's total eclipse of the sun -- an unprecedented ecological phenomenon which has baffled the nation. [ turns off radio ] mushnik: ah! so...she finally decides to come to work. uh, good morning,mr. mushnik. what morning?it's almost closing time. not that we had a customer.

    [ crash ] seymour, what in the nameof god is going on down there? audrey, will you go downand see what he's -- audrey. audrey, where'dyou get that shiner? oh, uh... shiner? audrey, that greasy boyfriendof yours is beating you again? look, i know it's noneof my business, but i'm beginning to thinkhe's maybe not such a nice boy.

    i got these pots unloadedfor you, mr. -- seymour! look whatyou've done to the inventory! don't yell at seymour,mr. mushnik. hi, audrey. you look radiant today. is that new eye makeup? oh. i'll help him clean it up before any ofthe customers get here.

    that should give youplenty of time. oh, god, what an existencei got -- misfit employees, bums on the sidewalk,business is lousy. my life is a living hell. hey, you! urchins!shoo! shoo! shoo! move! move! move! go away!no loitering! man, i wasn't loitering.were you, crystal?

    not me, ronette.were you, chiffon? you ought to be in school! yeah, well,we on a split shift. right -- we went to schooltill 5th grade, then we split. so how do you intendto better yourselves? better ourselves?your heard what he said? better ourselves. mister, when you from skid row,ain't no such thing. ♪ alarm goes off at 7:00 ♪

    ♪ and you start uptown ♪ ♪ you put in your eight hours ♪ ♪ for the powersthat have always been ♪ sing it, child. ♪ till it's 5:00 p.m. ♪ ♪ then you go ♪ ♪ downtown,where the folks are broke ♪ ♪ you go downtown,where your life's a joke ♪ ♪ you go downtown,where you buy your toke ♪

    ♪ and you go ♪ ♪ home to skid row ♪ ♪ yes, you go ♪ ♪ downtown ♪ ♪ where the cabs don't stop ♪ ♪ where the food is slop ♪ ♪ downtown, where the hopheadsflop in the snow ♪ ♪ down on skid row ♪ ♪ uptown you cater toa million jerks ♪

    ♪ uptown you're messengersand mail room clerks ♪ ♪ eating all your lunchesat the hot dog carts ♪ ♪ the bosses take your moneyand they break your hearts ♪ ♪ and uptown you cater toa million whores ♪ ♪ you disinfect terrazzoon their bathroom floors ♪ ♪ the jobs are really menial ♪ ♪ you make no bread ♪ ♪ and then at 5:00 you head ♪ ♪ by subway ♪

    ♪ where the guys are drips ♪ ♪ where they rip your slips ♪ ♪ where relationshipsare no-go ♪ ♪ down on skid ♪ ♪ poor ♪ ♪ all my lifei've always been poor ♪ ♪ i keep asking godwhat i'm for ♪ ♪ and he tells me ♪ ♪ "gee, i'm not suresweep that floor, kid" ♪

    ♪ i started life as an orphan ♪ ♪ a child of the street ♪ ♪ here on skid row ♪ ♪ he took me in,gave me shelter ♪ ♪ a bed, crust of bread,and a job ♪ ♪ treats me like dirt,calls me a slob ♪ ♪ which i am ♪ ♪ so i live ♪ ♪ that's your home address ♪

    ♪ you live ♪ ♪ when your life's a mess,you live ♪ ♪ where depression'sjust status quo ♪ ♪ someone show me a wayto get outta here ♪ ♪ 'cause i constantly prayi'll get outta here ♪ ♪ please, won't somebody sayi'll get outta here? ♪ ♪ someone give me my shotor i'll rot here ♪ ♪ show me how and i will ♪ ♪ i'll get outta here ♪

    ♪ i'll start climbin' uphilland get outta here ♪ ♪ someone tell me i still couldget outta here ♪ ♪ someone tell lady luck ♪ ♪ that i'm stuck here ♪ ♪ gee, it sure would be swellto get outta here ♪ ♪ bid the gutter farewelland get outta here ♪ ♪ i'd move heaven and hellto get outta skid ♪ ♪ i'd do i-don't-know-whatto get outta skid ♪ ♪ but a hell of a lotto get outta skid ♪

    ♪ people tell me there'snot a way outta skid ♪ ♪ but believe me i've gottaget outta skid row ♪♪ [ clock ticks ] 6:00 and we haven't soldso much as a fern. all right, that's it. forget it.don't bother coming in tomorrow. you don't mean -- you can't mean -- what don't i mean? i'm through.forget it. kaput.

    you can't! kaput. extinct. i'm closing thisgod-and-customer-forsaken place. mr. mushnik, forgive mefor saying so, sir, but has it ever occurredto you that maybe what the firm needs is to movein a new direction? what seymour's tryingto say is -- seymour, why don't yourun downstairs and bring upthat strange and interesting

    new plant you been working on? you see, mr. mushnik,some of those exotic plants seymour's been tinkering aroundwith are really unusual, and we thought that maybe some of those strangeand interesting new plants, prominently displayedand advertised, would attract business. i'm afraid it isn't feelingvery well today. isn't that bizarre?

    at least. what kind of a weirdo plantis that, seymour? i don't know. i thinkit's some kind of flytrap, but i haven't been able toidentify it in any of my books. i gave it my own name, though. i call it an audrey ii. after me? i hope you don't mind. [ plant squeaks ]

    you see, sir,if you were to put a strange and interestingplant like this here in the window,then maybe -- maybe what?maybe what? do you have any ideahow ridiculous you sound? just because you puta strange and interesting plant in the window,people don't suddenly -- [ door opens ] excuse me.i couldn't help noticing

    that strangeand interesting plant. what is it? it's an audrey ii. i've never seenanything like it before. no one has. where did you get it? well, you remember thattotal eclipse of the sun about a week ago? ♪ da-doo ♪

    seymour: i was walking in the wholesale flower district... ♪ shoop-da-doo ♪ and i passed by this place where this old chinese man... ♪ chang-da-doo ♪ he sometimes sells me weird and exotic cuttings. ♪ snip-da-doo ♪ 'cause he knows that strange plants are my hobby. ♪ da-da-dada-da-da-doo ♪

    he didn't have anything unusual there that day. ♪ nope-da-doo ♪ so i was just about to, you know, walk on by. ♪ good for you ♪ ♪ shoo-shoo-bopshoo-bop ♪ when suddenly and without warning, there was this... ♪ total eclipse of the sun ♪ it got very dark, and there was this strange humming sound like something from another world.

    and when the light came back, this weird plant was just sitting there. ♪ oop-see-doo ♪ just, you know, stuck in among the zinnias. ♪ audrey ii ♪ i could have sworn it hadn't been there before, but the old chinese man sold it to me anyways for $1.95. ♪ sha-la-la-la-la-lala-la-la-doo ♪♪ well, that's an unusual storyand a fascinating plant.

    oh, while i'm here i might aswell take $50 worth of roses. $50? ooh! hoo hoo hoo! can you break $100? $100? uh, no. well, then i'll just have totake twice as many, won't i? twice as many? that plant in the window --it's simply amazing. that plant in the window --wherever did you get it?

    look, there it is, marge. oh, my gosh, it's peculiar. woman: could i have someroses and some daisies? man: oh, that's great. woman: these are beautiful! man: i've never seena plant like that before. thank you.thank you very much, sir. thank you. thank you.come again. come and look atthe weirdo plant some more.

    it's just going to get biggerand more interesting. ho ho ho ho ho! well, just don't stand there.quick, quick! put that plant back in the --oh, what did you call it? audrey ii. well, put that audrey iiback in the window where the passersby can see it. oh, my god. i never thoughtthis could happen. my children, i'm taking usall out to dinner tonight.

    i'd love to, mr. mushnik,but i have a date. with that same no-good-nik?i'm telling you, audrey, you don't need a date with need major medical. he's a rebel, mr. mushnik,but he makes good money. besides,he's the only fella i got. enjoy dinner.good night, seymour. good night, audrey. poor girl. are we still going out?

    you're not going anywhere,krelborn. you're staying right here and taking careof that sick plant. i told you it's beengiving me trouble. the audrey ii is nota healthy girl. strictly between us,neither is the audrey i. if only i knewwhat breed it was. who cares? look whatit's done for business! so work, seymour.nurse this plant back to health.

    i'm counting on you. i know. you do? i do. so fix. good night. ♪ doo-sha-la-la-doo ♪ ♪ whop-whop ♪ now, twoey, i don't knowwhat else i can do for you. are you sickly, little plant,or are you just plain stubborn?

    what is it you want?what is it you need? ♪ i've given you sunshine ♪ ♪ i've given you dirt ♪ ♪ you've given me nothin' ♪ ♪ but heartache and hurt ♪ ♪ i'm begging you sweetly ♪ ♪ i'm down on my knees ♪ ♪ oh, please ♪ ♪ grow for me ♪

    ♪ i've given you plant food ♪ ♪ and water to sip ♪ ♪ i've given you pot ash ♪ ♪ you've given me zip ♪ ♪ oh, god, how i missed you ♪ ♪ oh, pod, how you tease ♪ ♪ now please ♪ ♪ i've given yousouthern exposure ♪ ♪ to get you to thrive ♪

    ♪ i've pinched you back hardlike i'm supposed to ♪ ♪ you're barely alive ♪ ♪ i've tried you at levelsof moisture from desert to mud ♪ ♪ i've given you grow lightsand mineral supplements ♪ ♪ what do you want from me?blood? ♪ ow! damn roses! damn thorns! [ sucking noises ] ♪ i've given you sunlight ♪

    ♪ i've given you rain ♪ ♪ looks like you're not happy ♪ ♪ 'less i open a vein ♪ ♪ i'll give you a few drops ♪ ♪ if that'll appease ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, please ♪ ♪ grow for me ♪♪ [ door closes ]

    ahh! ♪ wskid -- skid row radio ♪♪ radio announcer: you're listening to radio station wskid, home of the hits. in a few minutes we'll be bringing you "wink wilkinson's weird world," the show that talks to people who bring in weird things, but first, the weather. weatherman: thank you very much, tom.

    the weather today will be partly cloudy with a chance of rain -- sorry about that. the high temperature will be in the low 50s tonight, so get out those electric blankets, and tomorrow we'll start off with some morning haze... um, excuse me.i was told -- yeah, you're next. the high tomorrow should be in the low 70s, with a low in the high 60s.

    in the suburbs, the sun should be out for most of the day, except for some cloudy patches towards the evening, but i don't think that will affect your barbecue. the barometer reading should be 21.6, and the wind will be about -- oh, i'd say 12 miles per hour, so watch it out there on those boats. the sun will be rising tomorrow at about 7:17 a.m., and it should be setting around 6:29 p.m., but check me if i'm wrong. a cold front is moving in

    from the southwest, but it should brighten up by noon. the weekend should be mild. your average mean temperature, fans -- the average mean temperature for this season -- 69 degrees. not too bad. thank you. back to you. announcer: you're listening to radio station wskid. and now,"wink wilkinson's weird world" with your host,wink wilkinson.

    [ honk honk honk ] [ ding ding ding ding ] hi, everybody!it's weird wink wilkinson, laughing and scratching at is everybody doing today? i got a stiff neck.let me fix this up. ooh, that feelsa lot better. i got a great showfor you today with some wonderfulweird stuff. what are you doing here?

    please, lady, no!put your clothes back on! you can't do this to me! what if your husbandwere to walk in? i'm right here, wink.i'm sorry. i love your show, but i've got to kill you bothwith this machine gun. [ imitating machine gun fire ] oh, you got me! oh! oh! oh! i feel --

    i feel so very weird!ha ha ha ha ha. okay, our first guest todayis a young man you've probably read aboutin the newspapers, by the name of, um... seymour that correct? who has discovereda new breed of plant life hitherto unknownon this planet. let me play you downto your seat, seymour. [ plink plink plink ]

    [ ding ] hello, seymour! um...hello, wink. i wish you folks at homecould see this. seymour, where did you getsuch a weird plant? wink: we conclude our interview with seymour krelborn, the young botanical -- do you mind if i call you a genius? seymour: gosh, no!

    the genius who has discovered this most amazing plant. i'd like to remind our listeners that the audrey ii is on display exclusively at mushnik's skid row florist. am i late?did i miss it? and so until next week, this is wink wilkinson saying so long... m-u-s-h-n-i-k. the address!i said mention the address!

    oh, well. it's stillgood advertising. seymour's firstradio broadcast. i wanted to hear it so bad.i tried to be on time, but -- don't tell got tied up. no, just handcuffeda little. girl! hey, girl! i don't knowwho this mess is you've beenhanging out with, but he is hazardousto your health.

    oh, that's for sure,but i can't leave him. why not? oh, he'd get angry, and if he does this to mewhen he likes me, imagine what he'd doif he ever got mad. so? dump the chump. get another guyand let him protect you. how about that chumpin the glasses? seymour?

    that's him. oh, we're just friends. i don't even deservea sweet, considerate, suddenly-successful guylike seymour. that poor child suffersfrom low self-image. you got a point. she got a problem. ♪ i know seymour'sthe greatest ♪ ♪ but i'm datinga semi-sadist ♪

    ♪ so i got a black eye ♪ ♪ and my arm's in a cast ♪ ♪ still, that seymour'sa cutie ♪ ♪ well, if not,he's got inner beauty ♪ ♪ and i dream of a place ♪ ♪ where we could be together ♪ ♪ at last ♪ ♪ a matchbox of our own ♪ ♪ a fence of real chain-link ♪

    ♪ a grill out on the patio ♪ ♪ disposal in the sink ♪ ♪ a washer and a dryer ♪ ♪ and an ironing machine ♪ ♪ in a tract housethat we share ♪ ♪ somewhere that's green ♪ ♪ he rakes and trimsthe grass ♪ ♪ he loves to mow and weed ♪ ♪ i cook like betty crocker ♪

    ♪ and i look likedonna reed ♪ ♪ there's plasticon the furniture ♪ ♪ to keep it neat and clean ♪ ♪ in the pine-sol-scented air ♪ [ bird chirps ] ♪ hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm ♪ ♪ between our frozen dinner ♪ ♪ and our bedtime -- 9:15 ♪ ♪ we snuggle, watching lucy ♪

    ♪ on our big, enormous12-inch screen ♪ ♪ i'm his december bride ♪ ♪ he's father ♪ ♪ he knows best ♪ ♪ the kids playhowdy doody ♪ ♪ as the sun setsin the west ♪ ♪ a picture out of better homes and gardens magazine ♪ ♪ far from skid row ♪ ♪ i dream we'll go ♪

    ♪ somewhere ♪ ♪ that's ♪ ♪ green ♪♪ ♪ yah, yah, yah, yah ♪ ♪ yah, yah, yah ♪ ♪ poor seymour pushed a broom ♪ ♪ nothing in his newsbut gloom and doom ♪ ♪ then he lit a fuse,and give him room ♪ ♪ he started an explosionholy cow ♪

    ♪ that thing went bang ka-boom ♪ ♪ and he's havin' some fun now ♪ ♪ now ♪ ♪ some fun now ♪ ♪ hot damn ♪ ♪ ain't he havin'some fun now? ♪ ♪ yes, ma'am ♪ ♪ he's havin'some fun now ♪ ♪ oh, boy ♪

    ♪ oh, yee-hah ♪ whoo! ho! all right! whoo! whoo! whoo! ♪ sure 'nough ♪ ♪ hot stuff ♪ ♪ he's havin' some fun now ♪ ♪ good god ♪

    ♪ yes, he's havin'some fun now ♪ ♪ oh, boy, ain't hehavin' some fun now? ♪ ♪ some fun now ♪♪ [ telephones rings ] excuse me, excuse me. can i have someof those roses? hello? yes, yes, yes,yes, yes, mrs. shiva. uh, no, mrs. shiva.

    right away, mrs. shiva. seymour! send out the orderfor mrs. shiva. mrs. shiva? i forgot. you forgot? you forgot? you hear this, god?he forgot. you listening, customers?he forgot. audrey, quick, we got to doan emergency arrangement. birthday? wedding? baby?

    funeral. hand me the lilies. mr. mushnik's real madat me, audrey. i keep forgetting things. scissors. you've got a loton your mind. mind? what mind? the shivas are our mostimportant funereal account -- a big, enormous family,and they're dropping like flies.

    sometimes i think mr. mushnik'stoo hard on you. glue. oh, that's okay. after all,i owe him everything. glitter. he took me out ofthe skid row home for boys. he gave mea warm place to stay, floors to sweep,toilets to clean, and every othersunday off.

    you know, i thinkyou ought to raise your expectations,seymour -- now that you're gettingsuccessful, i mean. it's clear you sufferfrom a low self-image, and it's high timeyou get it fixed. why don't you go out and do something nicefor yourself, like buy some new clothes? i'm a very badshopper, audrey.

    i don't have good tastelike you. oh. well, i couldhelp you pick things out. you could? sure. you'd go shoppingwith me? you'd be seen with mein a public place like a department store? tonight? oh, i can't tonight.i got a date.

    again, this date?some date. a date gives you a corsage,not a multiple fracture. i'm telling you, audrey, he's not a good cleankind of boy. he's a professional. what kind of a professionaldrives a motorcycle and wears a blackleather jacket? ♪ when i was younger,just a bad little kid ♪ ♪ my mama noticedfunny things i did ♪

    ♪ like shootin' puppieswith a bb gun ♪ ♪ i'd poison guppies,and when i was done ♪ ♪ i'd find a pussycatand bash in its head ♪ ♪ that's when my mama said ♪ [ brakes screech ] ♪ what did she say? ♪ ♪ she said,my boy, i think someday ♪ ♪ you'll find a way ♪ ♪ to make your naturaltendencies pay ♪

    ♪ you'll be a dentist ♪ ♪ you have a talentfor causing things pain ♪ ♪ son, be a dentist ♪ ♪ people will pay youto be inhumane ♪ ♪ inhumane ♪ ♪ your temperament's wrongfor the priesthood ♪ ♪ and teaching would suit youstill less ♪ ♪ you'll be a success ♪ oh! no! aah!

    aah! oh! ♪ here he is, folks --the leader of the plaque ♪ ♪ watch him suck up that gasoh, my god ♪ ♪ he is a dentist, but he'llnever, ever be any good ♪ ♪ who wants their teeth doneby the marquis de sade? ♪ oh, that hurts. wait! i'm not numb! aw, shut up. open i come!

    [ drill whines ] ♪ i am your dentist ♪ ♪ and i enjoy the careerthat i picked ♪ ♪ i'm your dentist ♪ ♪ and i get offon the pain i inflict ♪ ♪ love it ♪ ♪ i thrill when i drilla bicuspid ♪ ♪ it's swell, though theytell me i'm maladjusted ♪ ♪ and though it maycause my patients distress ♪

    ♪ somewhere, somewherein heaven above me ♪ ♪ i know, i knowthat my mama's proud of me ♪ oh, mama. ♪ 'cause i'm a dentist ♪ ♪ and a success ♪ ♪ say "aah" ♪ ♪ say "aah!" ♪ ♪ now spit! ♪♪ [ distant laughter ]

    ah-ha ha ha ha! ah-ha ha ha ha ha! ah-ha ha ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [ engine revs ] [ inhaling ] excuse me, sir. you can't go in thereright now. relax. you wantsome nitrous oxide?

    no, thanks. suit yourself. ah-ha ha ha ha ha. we're closed. well... oh, it's all right,seymour. this is my dateand my boyfriend. seymour,orin scrivello. d.d.s.

    hey, i know you! sure. i saw youon the news! i even know your, let's see, it's, uh... cecil -- no, no, no. it's, uh, cederic. no, it's -- give me a chance. it's, uh... simon?

    seymour. somebody talking to you? oh, no. excuse me. excuse me what? excuse that's better. i know! sure! you're the plant guy, right? well, hey, that meansit must be in there, huh?

    well, that is incredible. what do you callthat thing? cute name. it's catchy. nice plant. it's big. uh, shouldn't we beleaving now? you're quite the littlechatterbox tonight. oh, sorry. sorry what? sorry,

    sorry, doctor. you got to train 'em,huh, stud? listen, here's my card. you ever need a root canalor anything like that, give me a buzz, you hear? now, i'm's on the house. audrey! you got the handcuffs? they're right in my bag.

    ah-ha ha!ha ha ha ha! ah-ha ha ha... you ought to see the wayhe treats her, twoey. she deserves a prince, not a sadistic creeplike him. the man's a total disgraceto the dental profession. i don't know what'sgoing on sometimes. seems like the whole world'sgoing crazy. at least we goteach other, right?

    i'm going to turn in, twoey. i'll see you in the morning. [ thud ] oh, boy, here we go again. come on, i haven't gotmuch left. just give me a few daysto heal, okay? then we'll start againon the left hand, and -- feed me. i beg your pardon?

    feed me! twoey, you talked! you opened your trap --your thing -- and you said -- feed me.come on, feed me now! i can't. i'm starving! look, maybe i can squeezea little more out of this one. more, more, more, more! there isn't any more.

    what do you want me to do,slit my wrists? look, i'm going to godown to schmedrick's and pick you upsome nice chopped sirloin. must be blood. twoey, that's disgusting. must be fresh. i don't want to hear this. ♪ feed me ♪ does it have to be human?

    does it have to be mine? where am isupposed to get it? ♪ feed me, seymour ♪ ♪ feed me all night long ♪ ♪ that's right, boy ♪ ♪ you can do it ♪ ha ha ha ha ha! ♪ 'cause if youfeed me, seymour ♪ ♪ i can grow upbig and strong ♪

    heh heh heh. you eat blood, audrey ii.let's face it. how am i supposed tokeep on feeding you, kill people? i'll make itworth your while. what? you think this is alla coincidence, baby -- the sudden success around here?the press coverage? look, you're a plant --an inanimate object.

    does this look inanimateto you, punk? if i can talkand i can move, who's to say i can't doanything i want? like what? like deliver, pal. ah! like see you get everythingyour sacred queasy heart desires! ♪ would you likea cadillac car ♪ ♪ or a guest shoton jack paar? ♪

    ♪ how about a datewith hedy lamarr? ♪ ♪ you're gonna get it ♪ ♪ if you want it, baby ♪ ♪ how would you liketo be a big wheel ♪ ♪ dining outfor every meal? ♪ ♪ i'm the plantcan make it all real ♪ ♪ hey, i'm your genie,i'm your friend ♪ ♪ i'm your willin' slave ♪ ♪ take a chancefeed me, eh? ♪

    ♪ you know the kind of eats,the kind of red-hot treats ♪ ♪ the kind of stickylicky sweets i crave ♪ ♪ wow ♪ ♪ come on, seymour,don't be a putz ♪ ♪ trust me and your lifewill surely rival king tut's ♪ ♪ show a little initiative, boy,work up some guts ♪ ♪ and you'll get it ♪ ♪ i don't know ♪ come on, boy!

    lighten up. ♪ i have so ♪ ♪ so many strong ♪ ♪ reservations ♪ tell it to the marines. ♪ should i go ♪ ♪ and perform ♪ ♪ mutilations? ♪ hee hee hee hee hee hee.

    ♪ you didn't have nothin'till you met me ♪ ♪ come on, kid,what will it be? ♪ ♪ money? girls? ♪ ♪ one particular girl? ♪ ♪ how about that audrey? ♪ ♪ think it over ♪ there must be someoneyou can 86 -- real quiet like -- and get me some lunch!

    ♪ think about a roomat the ritz ♪ ♪ wrapped in velvet,covered in glitz ♪ ♪ a little nooky gonnaclean up those zits ♪ ♪ and you'll get it,uh-huh ♪ ♪ gee, i'd likea harley machine ♪ ♪ toolin' aroundlike i was james dean ♪ ♪ makin' all the guyson the corner turn green ♪ ♪ so go get it ♪ ♪ whoo-whoo-whoo ♪

    ♪ if you wantto be profound ♪ ♪ if you reallygot to justify ♪ ♪ take a whiffand look around ♪ ♪ a lot of folksdeserve to die ♪ wait a minute!wait a minute! that's not a very nicething to say. but it's true,isn't it? no! i don't know anyone whodeserves to get chopped up

    and fed to a hungry plant! mmm... sure you do. ha ha ha. [ motorcycle approaches ] stupid woman! christ, what a friggin'scatterbrain! i'm sorry, doctor. falls off the motorcycle.

    i'm clumsy, doctor.i'm clumsy, doctor. musses my hair! get the door open,you little slut! i'm trying, doctor!i'm trying, doctor! get the vitalis!quick, the vitalis! i'm out of it! ♪ if you want a rationale ♪ ♪ it isn't very hard to seeno, no, no, no ♪ ♪ stop and think it over, pal ♪

    ♪ the guy sure looks likeplant food to me ♪ ♪ he's so nasty,treatin' her rotten ♪ ♪ yeah! smackin' her aroundand always talkin' so tough ♪ ♪ you need blood,and he's got more than enough ♪ ♪ i need blood, and he'sgot more than enough ♪ ♪ so go get it ♪♪ girl: oh! oh! oh! oh! no! [ screaming stops ]

    hey, does that meanthey're finished? my turn? sit. [ gasping ] whoo. what happened?what did he do? tell me everything. oh! oh! aah! aah! aah! well, they have to do thatto remove the jaw.

    ah, consider yourselfvery, very lucky. next. that's me.arthur denton. i'm next. nurse! hmm? does, uh, thathave an appointment? ask it. i'm off duty. i've been savingall month for this. i think i needa root canal.

    i'm sure i need a longslow root canal. let's go. i have a historyof dental problems. shut up! yes, doctor. i went to a terribledentist on wednesday, who was recommended by somebodythat i saw on monday, who was the brother of a manthat i usually see on sundays. their mother actually taughtthem everything they know.

    she's incredibly giftedand quite elderly, and a lot of people thinkshe shouldn't be working, but i'm just incredibly devotedto her strength. she can't really seewho you are, but she knowsthe sound of your voice. if you tell her where it is --the problem -- she eventually findsthe trouble, and she does it. i wish i had that staminabecause i can only go so long. that's how i want to be.i don't ever want to have --

    comfy? i remember the first timei went to the dentist. i thought, "gosh, what a neatjob. if only i were a dentist." the dentist i went to hadthe greatest car -- a corvette. i thought, "my gosh,everybody calls him doctor, and he's notreally a doctor." oh, my god! only i gotout of there okay. after he was finished,

    they gave me a candy bar. i thought, "this iswhat i get -- a candy bar?" you go througha little thing, and you get chocolateout of it for getting to work withincredible professionals who use incredibly,incredibly wonderful equipment. let's take a lookat that mouth. say "aah." candy bar!

    oh, candy bar!candy bar! oh, that's great!come on! [ hums calvary charge ] charge! oh, god!do it again! oh, you're the doctor! whoo! yeah! oh, great. oh, you aresomething special. you are something special. come on, come on,come on.

    thank you! oh, yeah! oh, yeah. it's your professionalismthat i respect. oh, doc!don't stop, doc! don't stop! come on!more! yeah! yeah! come on! yeah! what do you want? say "please."

    uh-uh! uh-uh! uh-uh! ooh... whoo-hoo! ha ha ha ha ha ha! oh, i'm going to geta candy bar! i'm going to geta candy bar! come on! [ grinding ] oh, yeah! yeah!

    ha ha! oh, oh, oh, oh. wow! oh, yes. oh, yes. yes! yeah. get up. what's wrong? get out of here.

    what's the matter? go on, get out of here! right this way. i'm going to tell each and everyone of my friends about you. just get out -- what's this? oops. ha ha ha! sorry. god damn sicko.

    let me ask you something.does this thing scare you? would you like itif i took this thing and made straight foryour god damn incisors? it'd hurt, right? you'd scream, right? well, get your assin here! say, don't i know you? yeah. seymour krelborn. we met yesterday.

    oh, your mouth'sa mess, kid. let's start withthat wisdom tooth. we'll just rip that littlebugger right out of there. what do you say? there's always time fordental hygiene, seymour. you ever seen the resultsof a neglected mouth? look, seymour. this could happen to you... unless i takeimmediate action.

    what's that? a drill. it's rusty. it's an antique. they don't make themlike this anymore -- sturdy... heavy... dull. i'm going to wantsome gas for this.

    oh, thank god. i thought you weren'tgoing to use any. oh, the gas isn'tfor you, seymour. it's for me. you see, i want toreally enjoy this. in fact,i'm going to use my special gas mask. i find a little giggle gasbefore i begin increases my pleasureenormously.

    here we go. [ inhales ] ha ha ha ha.ha ha ha ha. oh, seymour, i'm flying.ha ha ha ha. the things i'm going to doto that mouth. huh? what the hell's that? a gun? ha ha ha ha!

    kid's gota god damn revolver. oh, jesus! i'm in trouble now, huh? oh, wait till i turnthis gas off. [ gas escapes ] uh-oh. oh, give me a hand,would you? no, i guess you wouldn't,would you? [ coughing ]

    you see, seymour,i could have fixed it. [ laughing and coughing ] i could have fixed it. what did i ever do to you? nothing. it's whatyou did to her. her who? oh. her. shoo! go away! mmm!

    chop it up. okay, okay. oh, brother. hee hee hee hee hee! [ evil laughter ] police radio: man down. 76-clear. audrey, what didthey say to you? oh, who? the police.

    oh, uh, nothing. audrey, talk to me. tell me what they said. it's orin. they sayhe's disappeared. the police?they told you that? they suspect foul play. they do? his receptionist, this morning she foundthe place a shambles --

    gas masks everywhere, things all over the floor. they think... i can't even thinkabout what they think. audrey? don't cry, audrey. would it be so terrible if something hadhappened to him? seymour, whata thing to say.

    well, would it? it wouldn't beterrible at all. it'd be a miracle, not to mention allthe money i'd save on epsom saltsand ace bandages. you see? but i'd stillfeel guilty. i mean, if he metwith foul play or some terrible accidentof some kind,

    then it'd bepartly my fault just because... secretly i wished it. audrey, don't you wasteanother minute thinking about that creep. there's a lot of guys who'd give anythingto go out with you... nice guys. i don't deservea nice guy, seymour.

    but that's not true. you don't knowthe half of it. i've leda terrible life. i deserved a creep likeorin scrivello, d.d.s. you know wherei met him? in the gutter. the gutter? the gutter. it's a night spot.

    i worked theremy nights off when we weren'tmaking much money. i put on cheapand tasteless outfits, not nice ones like this -- low and nasty apparel. audrey, that's allbehind you now. you got nothingto be ashamed of. you're a very nice person. i always knew you were.

    underneath the bruisesand the handcuffs, you know what i saw? a girl i respected. i still do. ♪ lift up your head ♪ ♪ wash off your mascara ♪ ♪ here, take my kleenex ♪ ♪ wipe that lipstick away ♪ ♪ show me your face ♪

    ♪ clean as the mornin' ♪ ♪ i know things were bad ♪ ♪ but now they're okay ♪ ♪ suddenly seymour ♪ ♪ is standin' beside you ♪ ♪ you don't needno makeup ♪ ♪ don't have to pretend ♪ ♪ is here to provide you ♪ ♪ sweet understanding ♪

    ♪ seymour's your friend ♪ ♪ nobody ever ♪ ♪ treated me kindly ♪ ♪ daddy left early ♪ ♪ mama was poor ♪ ♪ i'd meet a manand i'd follow him blindly ♪ ♪ he'd snap his fingers ♪ ♪ me ♪ ♪ i'd say, "sure" ♪

    ♪ is standin' beside me ♪ ♪ he don't give me orders ♪ ♪ he don't condescend ♪ ♪ is here to provide me ♪ ♪ sweet understandin' ♪ ♪ seymour's my friend ♪ ♪ tell me this feelin' ♪ ♪ will last till forever ♪ ♪ tell me the bad times ♪

    ♪ are clean washed away ♪ ♪ please understand that ♪ ♪ it's still strangeand frightenin' ♪ ♪ for loserslike i've been ♪ ♪ it's so hard to say ♪ ♪ he purified me ♪ ♪ he purified you ♪ ♪ showed me i can ♪ ♪ yes, you can ♪

    ♪ learn how to be more ♪ ♪ the girl that's inside ♪ ♪ you ♪ ♪ with sweet understanding ♪ ♪ with sweet understandin' ♪ ♪ seymour's ♪ ♪ my ♪ ♪ your ♪ ♪ man ♪♪

    you love her madly,don't you, schmuck? mr. mushnik,you scared me. i -- i -- i scare him? after what i seen,i scare him? oh, you thinki didn't know, huh? oh, i knew. i knew you laid down hereon your pathetic little cot and dreamed about her,

    but i didn't know the lengthsto which you'd go, the depths to which you'd sink! what depths? what sink?what are you talking about? the little red dotsall over the linoleum. little red spotson the concrete outside. i'm talking blood, krelborn! i'm talking undermy own roof... an ax murderer! audrey ii:♪ he's got your number now ♪

    i saw everything... ♪ he knows just whatyou've done ♪ everything you didto her boyfriend. ♪ you've gotno place to hide ♪ i saw you chopping. ♪ you've gotnowhere to run ♪ it's true.i chopped him up, but i didn't kill him. ♪ he knows your lifeof crime ♪

    tell it to the police. ♪ i think it's supper time ♪ ♪ whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo ♪ ♪ come on, come on ♪ ♪ think aboutall those offers ♪ ♪ your future with audrey ♪ ♪ ain't no timeto turn squeamish ♪ ♪ c-c-come on ♪ ♪ i swear on all my spores ♪

    ♪ when he's gone,the world will be yours ♪ ♪ yours ♪ ♪ it's supper time ♪ you know, krelborn, it kills me doing this, but considering you'realmost like a son to me, i'm thinking maybe we don'thave to go to the police. we don't? i'm thinking, what ifi kept my mouth shut

    and gave you a one-wayticket out of town? you'd do that, sir? you could lay lowfor a while, say 30, 40 years. meanwhile, i wouldkeep the plant. the plant? of course,you'd have to teach me how to take care of itwhile you're away, give me your secretgardening tips.

    but then,if you'd rather hang... what do i have to do? just feed it. just feed it what? oh... minerals. yes. thursdays you shouldgive it water. but whatever you do...

    yes? whatever you do... yeah? what the hell is -- sir? wait, wait, wait,wait, wait! aah! wait, wait, wait! ♪ supper time ♪♪ seymour krelborn,so finally we meet you.

    what an occasion. let'stoast it. up yours. relax. cigarette? canapã©? let's talk turkey.sign here, and we'll book youon lecturing tours. yes, darling. we're sendingphotographers thursday, so get the plant readyand wear a clean shirt. just sign this release.

    need a pen? aren't you thrilled? the coverof life magazine! dessert? i'm telling you, son,it's a cinch to get ratings. the title is marvin's. the concept is mine. the first weekly gardeningshow on a network. and you're going to host it,you lucky kid.

    sign! ♪ they say the meekshall inherit ♪ ♪ you know the bookdoesn't lie ♪ ♪ it's not a questionof merit ♪ ♪ it's not demandand supply ♪ ♪ they say the meekgonna get it ♪ ♪ you know the meek are gonnaget what's comin' to them ♪ ♪ by ♪ ♪ and ♪

    ♪ by ♪♪ oh, my god. and here he is himself, mr. seymour krelborn. mr. krelborn, there areso many questions that the american peoplein our television audience have for you. come over here and tellour viewers at home and elsewhere about thisparticularly amazing

    agricultural phenomenon. a phenomenon, i might add,that has made you of the most talked-aboutplant scientists in the country. cut! what the hell's going on? what happened tothe god damn greenery? it just needs to be fed. so feed it.

    i can't feed it,not now. where do you keepthe plant food? it doesn't eat plant food,and i can't feed it now. why don't you leaveme alone, all of you? just go away.leave me alone. get out of here. go away. leave me alone! go away! leave me alone! everybody, go away!leave me alone!

    seymour,you're hysterical. i know. i'm sorry. excuse me. what am i going to do? i never should have started,but i did. now if i don't feed it,it'll die, and i'll lose her.i'll lose everything. seymour, whoare you talking to? nobody.

    you're acting funny. it wasn't nice throwingthose people out. those men said "seymour krelborn'sgardening tips" is sure to bea very big tv show. i feel terrible. oh, you shouldn't. they're comingback tomorrow, and they're bringing youa great big check.

    they are? i wish you wereenjoying your success. they said they'recoming back with money? tomorrow. then we could afford to get out of here,couldn't we? what do you mean? after tomorrow, we couldleave here together. together?

    if you'll have me. audrey,will you have me? marry me, audrey. oh, seymour,this is so sudden. will you? then that's it. we'll go get marriedright now. oh, seymour! tomorrow we'll come back,

    i'll be on television,get the money, and then we'll livehappily ever after. i'll give youa wonderful life with no plants,i promise. no plants at all. you're talkingpeculiar again, seymour. we'll go to city hall,get married, and then spend the nightsomewhere it's safe, some nice hotel.

    oh, seymour. oh, audrey. oh, i gotto get ready! hurry. hurry. under no circumstances. i will not,so stop asking. no. no more. i can't take livingwith the guilt. tough titty.

    you watch your language. oh, cut the crap.bring on the meat. okay, okay.i'll bring you meat. i'll run downto the corner and pick you upsome nice ground round. how about that? don't do me no favors. look. it's my last offer.yes or no?

    you sure do drivea hard bargain. done. fine. great. don't think you'regetting dessert. heh heh heh heh heh. ha. [ grunting ] ahh. hmm... ahem.

    [ humming ] [ telephone rings ] ♪ hey, little lady, hello ♪ who -- who is this? ♪ you're looking cuteas can be ♪ is this someone i know? ♪ you're lookingmighty sweet ♪ no, it ain't seymour! heh heh. it's me!

    ha ha ha! ha ha ha! i don't believe it. believe it, talks. am i dreaming this? no, and you ain'tin kansas, neither. something'svery wrong here. i need me some waterin the worst way. look at my branches --i'm dried up.

    i'm a goner, honey. ♪ come on and give me a drink ♪ i don't know if i should. ♪ hey, little lady,be nice ♪ do you talk to seymourlike this? ♪ sure do,i'll drink it straight ♪ your leaves are dry. ♪ don't need no glassor no ice ♪ i-i'll get the can.

    ♪ don't need no twist of lime ♪ and now it's suppertime! [ gasp ] oh, relax, doll,and it'll be easier. oh-ho ho ho ho ho! ho ho ho ho ho ho! hee hee hee hee! get off of her! get off!

    whoa! aah! aah! oh! oh! no! aah! ha ha ha ha! are you okay? no. audrey! audrey! oh, no. i'm okay. i'm sorry, audrey.i'm just so sorry.

    i never meant to hurt you.i never meant to hurt anybody. it's just that somehowit makes things happen -- terrible things. i should've stopped wheni found out what it lived on, but it was so cuteand harmless and then we started doingbusiness and making money, and you liked me, and -- seymour, do you really thinki liked you 'cause of that? i liked you from the dayi came to work here.

    you mean you'd still like meeven if i wasn't famous? i'd still love you, seymour. really? all i ever wanted was you... and a sweet little house. oh, audrey, you're the most wonderfulperson that ever lived! we're going to getthat little house, and everything will beokay somehow. you'll see.

    ♪ is standing beside you ♪ ♪ show me i can ♪ ♪ yes, you can -- ♪ man: excuse me. excuse me. pardon me.beg your pardon. if you two kids would juststop singing for a moment, i've got something i wantto discuss with you. now which one of youis seymour krelborn? i am.

    oh, it's a pleasure. boy,has your phone been busy. i've been trying toreach you for weeks. patrick martin,licensing and marketing, world botanical enterprises. son...kid... boy, are we going tomake a fortune together. he's not interested. oh, he will see, me and the guysat the home office

    have been followingthis plan of yours, and we've come upwith one incredible idea. we're very proud of it. picture this -- we take leaf cuttings,develop little audrey iis, and sell them to florists' shopsacross the nation. why, pretty soon, every household in america could have one. every householdin america!

    for starters, kid. why, this thing could go... worldwide. worldwide? worldwide! think of it, boy. audrey iis...everywhere! why, with the rightadvertising, this thing could bebigger than hula-hoops!

    bigger thanhula-hoops? what do you say, seymour?do we have a deal? no! keep your contract! nobody's touchingthat plant, you hear? we're offering a lot of money. keep the money and get out! what are you, nuts? yeah, i'm nuts! now, come on.

    get out of here! go on! go on! get out! look, i'll come back whenyou're in a better mood. go on!get out of here now! audrey, you thinkingwhat i'm thinking? i think so. it'll keep eating -- eating and eating untilthere's nothing's left. we got to stop it,seymour. we got to!

    no...i've got to. i got to end thisonce and for all. i'm going to bustthat pod wide open. wait!i'm coming with you. it's me that got usinto this. i'm the one to get us out. wait for me, audrey. this is between meand the vegetable. [ door slams ]

    every household in america... thousands of you eating! that's what you had in mindall along, isn't it? no shit, sherlock. we're not talking aboutone hungry plant here. we're talking aboutworld conquest. and i want tothank you! you're not going toget away with this. your kind never does.

    i don't carewhat it takes. only one of usgets out of here alive! ♪ better wait a minute ♪ ♪ uh, you betterhold the phone ♪ ♪ better mind your manners ♪ ♪ better change your tone ♪ ♪ don't youthreaten me, son ♪ ♪ you got a lot of gall ♪ ♪ we're gonnado things my way ♪

    ♪ or we won'tdo things at all ♪ uh-huh! you in trouble now! baby! ♪ you don't knowwhat you're messin' with ♪ ♪ you got no idea ♪ ♪ you don't knowwhat you're lookin' at ♪ ♪ when you're lookin' here ♪ ♪ you don't knowwhat you're up against ♪

    ♪ no, no way, no how ♪ ♪ but i'm gonnatell you now ♪ ♪ get this straight ♪ ♪ i'm just a mean green motherfrom outer space, and i'm bad ♪ ♪ mean, green, bad... ♪ outer space? ♪ ...from outer space,and it looks like you been had ♪ ♪ i'm just a mean green motherfrom outer space ♪ ♪ so get off my back ♪

    ♪ get out my face,'cause i'm ♪ ♪ mean and green ♪ ♪ and i am bad ♪ woo! ♪ wanna saveyour skin, boy? ♪ ♪ you wanna save your hide? ♪ ♪ you wanna see tomorrow? ♪ ♪ you better step aside ♪ ♪ better take a tip, boy ♪

    ♪ want some good advice? ♪ ♪ you better take it easy ♪ ♪ 'cause you're walkin'on thin ice ♪ ♪ you don't knowwhat you're dealin' with ♪ ♪ no, you never did ♪ ♪ but that'stough titty, kid ♪ ♪ the liondon't sleep tonight ♪ ♪ and if you pull his tail,he roars ♪ ♪ you say,"that ain't fair" ♪

    ♪ you say,"that ain't nice" ♪ ♪ you know what i say?up yours ♪ ♪ ah ♪ ♪ watch me now ♪ ♪ i'm justa mean green mother ♪ ♪ from outer space ♪ ♪ and i'm bad ♪ ♪ mean, green, bad ♪ ♪ i'm just a mean green mother,a real disgrace ♪

    ♪ and you got mefightin' mad ♪ ♪ gonna trash your ass,gonna rock this place ♪ ♪ i'm mean and green ♪ ♪ mm-hmm ♪ ♪ you know, i don't comefrom no black lagoon ♪ ♪ i'm past the starsand beyond the moon ♪ ♪ you can keep the bang ♪ ♪ keep the it ♪ ♪ keep the creature,they don't mean shit ♪

    all right,that does it! ♪ unh-unh-unh ♪ ♪ i got killer buds,a power stem ♪ ♪ nasty thorns,and i'm usin' them ♪ ♪ so better move it out ♪ ♪ nature calls ♪ ♪ you got the point? ♪ ♪ i'm gonna bust your balls ♪ ♪ ohh! ♪

    ♪ ha ha! ♪ ♪ yeah! ♪ ♪ and i... ♪ ♪ am... ♪ ♪ bad! ♪ bye-bye, seymour! oh, shit. ♪ little shop,little shop of terror ♪ ♪ call a cop,little shop of horrors ♪

    ♪ no, oh, oh, no-o ♪ ♪ bop sh-bop,little shop of terror ♪ ♪ watch 'em drop,little shop of horrors ♪ ♪ no, oh, oh, no ♪ ♪ shing-a-ling, what a creepything to be happening ♪ ♪ look out, look out,look out, look out! ♪ ♪ shang-a-lang, feel the sturmand drang in the air ♪ ♪ sha-la-la, stop rightwhere you are ♪ ♪ don't you move a thing ♪

    ♪ you better,tellin' you, you better ♪ ♪ tell your mama,somethin's gonna get her ♪ ♪ she better,everybody better beware ♪ ♪ bop sh-bop,you'll never stop the terror ♪ ♪ oh, no ♪ ♪ no ♪♪ [ motorcycle revs ] [ screech ] ♪ i'd poison guppieswhen i was done ♪

    ♪ i'd find a pussycatand bash its head ♪ ♪ be a dentist ♪ ♪ pain ♪ ♪ and teaching wouldsuit you still less ♪ ♪ watch him suck upthat gas! oh, my god! ♪ ♪ he's a dentist, and he'llnever, ever be any good ♪ ♪ who wants their teeth doneby the marquis de sade? ♪ ♪ oh, that hurts ♪ ♪ wait, i'm not numb ♪

    ♪ ah, shut up ♪ ♪ open wide, here i come ♪ ♪ goodness gracious ♪ ♪ and i get offon the pain i inflict ♪ ♪ really love it ♪ ♪ i thrill when idrill a bicuspid ♪ ♪ and though it may causemy patients distress ♪ ♪ great distress ♪ ♪ oh, mama ♪

    ♪ aah ♪ ♪ say "aah"! ♪ ♪ it isn't very hardto see, no, no, no ♪ ♪ he's so nasty,treatin' her rough ♪ ♪ smackin' her around andalways talkin' so tough ♪ ♪ you need blood, and he'sgot more than enough ♪ ♪ la la la la ♪ ♪ la la la ♪ ♪ poor seymourpushed a broom ♪

    ♪ then he lit a fuseand give him room ♪ ♪ he started an explosion,holy cow ♪ ♪ that thingwhich bang ka-boom ♪ ♪ and he's havin'some fun now ♪ ♪ what with? ♪ ♪ what's he havin'some fun now? ♪ ♪ sure is ♪ ♪ he's a-havin'some fun now ♪ ♪ oh, boy, ain't hehavin' some fun now? ♪♪

    ♪ learn how to be morethe girl that's inside you ♪ ♪ with sweetunderstanding ♪ ♪ seymour ♪ -- captions by vitac --burbank, pittsburgh, washington captions paid for bywarner bros. inc.

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