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Title : ashley furniture corner tv stands

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    ashley furniture corner tv stands

    (music) (stacey) hello, i'm staceyeubanks and welcome to the pilot episode of wedbliss. during my career i have been aviable component to many weddings large and smallin the roles of planning, consulting, anddirecting. needless to say i loveweddings and i am very excited to be the host of thisnew television show, which is a brand new concept to thetri-cities area.

    each episode we will connectarea wedding professionals with current andfuture brides and grooms. think of it like a weeklybridal show right in your living room without allthe stress and the one on one sales pitches. television isn't the onlyoutlet that we will be airing episodes that's right;each episode will be available through the wedblissdot tv, youtube, facebook and twitter.

    area wedding professionals arevery excited about this new form of advertising as itallows them to present themself and theircraft in a new forward thinking andprogressive manner. future wedding couples arealso very excited to have this new program availablebecause it will be very resourceful and they canconnect to their vendors personalities on air. wedbliss is the next big thingto hit this area and we

    would love to invite you tosee what we're all about. the purpose of this pilot isto show you a glimpse of the content, format, and toseek sponsors and advertisers. this episode is not fullypolished. it's a pilot, a rough sketchif you will but you will be hearing from some areawedding professionals as well as a recent bride andgroom. so check us out at wedbliss tvwhile we take a quick commercial break.

    (female 1) summer is rightaround the corner, will you have the body that youwant when it gets here. don't take a chance. take the 90-day body by vichallenge. over 3,000 people joined thefastest growing health challenge in northamerica everyday. how does it work? set your fitness or weightloss goals. choose from one of our fiveunique kits and start

    the challenge. visalus also offers a referthree and get yours free incentive. so what are you waiting for? join my friends and i on this90 day challenge by calling or visiting my website todayand have the body that you want by summer. (stacey) interested inadvertising with wedbliss, want your commercialto air in this space,

    visit wedbliss dot tv slashopportunities for more information. (stacey) well jerome thank youfor sitting down with me in front of the camera. how does it feel to be outfrom behind the camera? (jerome) strange, very strange. i have a new respect foreverybody that i film. this is take #109 not really, but you know youguys talked me into it.

    so here i am. (stacey) well you know wewanted to hear the idea, we want the viewers to hearwhere wedbliss came from and you know for the sponsorsthat are interested in being a part of this show we want tohear what your goals are for this show and how itcultivated. (jerome) now a friend of mine,a fellow videographer, bill grant, he's out ofcolumbia south carolina. he does a three to five minutenews segment for his

    local station and basicallyit's you know an area of vendors coming on talkingabout their things and services and you know it'scool. it's catching on really gooddown there and i said you need to make a tv show aboutthis and he goes well i don't really have time rightnow to do all that. this is working and i saidwell i might take that idea and he said run with it. so here we are.

    (stacey) so here we are. (jerome) yeah talked to a fewwedding vendor friends of mine in the area and theyloved the concept so. (stacey) well this is great. so this isn't your first timearound with weddings right? you mentioned some weddingvendors, so how have you evolved into the weddingindustry and kind of your background of getting tothis point? because when i first met you,you were a chef.

    (jerome) back in the day beinga chef, i was able to make a lot of contacts in thewedding community. in 2003 i filmed my firstwedding and you know started out as a hobby andthen you know i kept rolling with it and gettingbetter and better and better and i made a lot ofcontacts you know locally and around the region as wellin the wedding community and became friends with a lotof them. (stacey) now jerome this isn'tyour first

    television production correct? (jerome) correct, you knowabout a year and half ago i started doing some tvcommercials, and we're on episode 84 right now with atelevision show called mma inside the cage which is alocal mixed martial arts talk show and it's actuallybroadcasted nationwide too. we have two versions runningevery week. so you know getting back todiscussing this with bill, you know it's like lets takethe you know the

    wedding community that i'm youknow i'm friends with you know let's get that on air. (stacey) now where are youwanting to see wedbliss go? how are you wanting to see ittake off? you know we're going to haveso many different wedding professionals on andwe're hoping that it helps their business as wellas helps the bride and grooms of the area. is that your intention?

    is that what you're creatingthis show for is to be a resource? (jerome) yeah, you know it's2012. we've got facebook. we have twitter all kinds ofsocial networking. as far as a direct path i haveno idea. because you know an idea cango many directions through, with everybody i'vetalked about with the show, they're could be manythings happen.

    it all depends on you know theinterest level of the viewers, the interest level ofthe vendors and you know sponsors, cause you knowthat's what's going to drive the show. (stacey) now jerome how iswedbliss going to be different from the otherreality or the other wedding planning shows thatare out there? (jerome) well reality tv isall for ratings and drama, that's all it is.

    you might get a little tidbitsof information out of it. now i don't want it to be adry you know very technical you know form forthis. but you know i want itentertaining. i want it to be informative. you know i might throw alittle drama in here and there who knows. you know i'd like to see youknow we have the idea of having a newly engagedcouple you know come on

    we'll do a weekly series oryou know a series of them going shopping for theirvendors and all there things and you know up totheir wedding day you know. lets film the wedding you knowshow it. because who doesn't knowsomebody getting married. so it's you know peopleconnected on it in so many ways. so you know i was recentlymarried in september and i was fortunate enough to know alot of people you know that do wedding services.

    i knew what i wanted. we had a very simple weddingbut everything was nice and very grateful for havingall that. but you know to the averageperson, (stacey) yeah, they don't know what all goesinto it and it's very easy to get bogged down in thedetails. (jerome) people want to dobusiness with people they like. you know you can't see that ina print ad. you know you can't see thatwhenever they're talking to

    10 different people on abridal show booth. so if you know if they'recoming on here talking with you, show their work onscreen here. you know hannah's going to becoming on here later and you know she'll probably bringin some goodies. so you know, (stacey) lookingforward to that. it's kind of why i wanted tobe the host of the show. (jerome) yeah, (laughter)(stacey) for the cake. (jerome) yeah, you know let'sbring the

    personalities together. (stacey) right, well great,thank you so much jerome. we appreciate this opportunityto bring this vision to the tri-cities area and i'mglad to be a part of it and i'm glad you stepped outfrom behind the camera and we look forward to a fun andadventurous ride and a successful ride. (jerome) thank you and i'mgoing to get back there because that's where i'mcomfortable.

    (stacey) yes please, go trysome maybe some cake. (jerome) yeah. (stacey) well know that youknow a little bit about wedbliss let's talk toour first guest ms. hannah meade from the cakegallery. hannah thank you for beinghere today. we're very glad you are hereto talk to us a little bit about what you do which isthese yummy cakes. (hannah) thank you for havingme stacey.

    i'm very excited to be hereand talk a little bit about what i do. of course i love what i do so. (laughter) (stacey) thathelps, that helps, who wouldn't be if you'rearound buttercream all the time. (hannah) exactly, i have avery great part of the wedding process so. (stacey) exactly you do. if you could tell us justfirst off how do you

    think wedbliss is as a benefitfor the viewers of the area and how it helps you as awedding vendor? (hannah) well i'm very excitedas a vendor to be able to sit down and be a little moreintimate about what i do and talk a little more thenjust seeing pictures on your website or flippingthrough a magazine or something like that and ithink for the brides it's going to be somethingreally special. because they all love to go ontv and watch all the shows

    and everything. but now this is somethingabout their vendors and the people in their area thatthey can relate to so. (stacey) right, right, wellyou know the great thing about, we will get tothis in talking about cakes is we all see them. we watch the cupcake tv showsand watch all the different tv shows. but this brings it to theliving room but you

    really can't experience thecake tasting like i'm about to. (hannah) yes (stacey) i'm soyou do offer cake tasting. (hannah) i do and that's oneof the most fun part of your wedding planning isgetting to sit down, you and your fianc㉠and having atasting. now i'm personally offeraround 30 different flavor combinations. so when we sit down it's avariety of cakes and buttercreams, and fillingsand we mix and match all

    the different combinations andthey have a lot of fun with it. (stacey) that sounds like alot of fun. now as a cake artist it's veryimportant for you to sit down and understand the needsand desires of the bride and groom for the event. what would you say is the mostimportant thing that brides and grooms need toconsider whenever they're planning for theirwedding cake? (hannah) i always just say beprepared, do your

    research, think about yourbudget. you need to know a good numberof guest count, a good idea of what your guest count isgoing to be. an idea and feel of yourwedding and what you want your reception to be like, andi'll get all that information from you and thenwe design the cake. i give you a sketch during theconsultation and make sure it's the cake of yourdreams. (stacey) now if someone's justcurious obviously you

    know i've been in the businesslong enough, you've been in the business long enoughwhat's just a good ball park figure for them to justkind of plan on as far as budgeting cause you know,(hannah) yes, it can go many ways. (stacey) it can go many ways. (laughter) (hannah) i, it canbe something as simple as four dollars per serving orsomething more intricate as ten dollar per serving.

    so it can go many, many ways. so i always tell the bridesthink about the budget. budget out for your wholewedding and not just for the cake and then see what youcan spend and then we get together then we plan thecake to fit your needs. (stacey) okay, now what wouldyou say is one of the most ideal or most popularflavors that you do. you said you've got 30. (laughter) (hannah) yes thisis my most popular flavor

    it's called a white chocolateraspberry cake. it's a white cake. it has a raspberry fruitfilling and a white chocolate buttercream. so the majority of weddingsthat i do this is one of the flavors i make for it. (laughter) (stacey) have youhad any unusual requests or anything that like a very,you know the grooms cake is where people get verycreative.

    (hannah) yes, as far asdesigns i have done some very unusual designs, anythingfrom pets, gas stations, surgical trays, allkinds of stuff. so now i like a challengethough. so i like to see somethingdifferent. (stacey) yes, yeah you don'twant to tell them no and you don't want to appear likeyou can't (hannah) if you can dream it i will make it. (stacey) exactly (laughter)(stacey) exactly.

    now what would you say tosomeone who wants to find out more information aboutyour business, wants to sit down with you and say youknow what hannah i have no idea what i want you have30 flavors to chose from, how can i possibly choose theflavors that i want and if we have a testing you knowshould i bring my entire bridal party and myfamily to help me. (laughter) (hannah) no, ialways say too many opinions is not always a goodthing.

    the wedding is your day. it's about you and your fiancã‰. so of course it's okay to havea couple of people with you but i really suggest justkeeping it very minimal at the consultation and tastingand then it seems overwhelming at first but itdoes come together and i allow my brides and grooms topick a different flavor for each tier of the cake. so you don't have to go in andjust choose one.

    you can choose three, four, orfive different flavors for the cake. it's fun for your guest andit's a lot more fun for you that way so. (stacey) definitely,definitely, now do you as a cake artist, do you findthat most people don't put as much emphasis on their cakeas they should or do some over do it. (hannah) i actually find thatit's, it's a really big

    part of their wedding and abig part of the planning process that they getexcited about. a lot of brides will say thisis the part i've been waiting for you know, so. (stacey) right (hannah) to getdown to and especially for the groom. (laughter) (stacey) and plusthe tasting and that's the best part (hannah) that'sthe part that they like so. (stacey) i'm looking forwardto tasting this cake,

    towards the end of thissegment (hannah) and a lot of people will come in andmaybe they don't know what they want and they don'tknow what the cake, what they want the cake to look like. but that is my job. so i get them to tell me whatthe reception is going to be like. i'll pull the ideas out ofyour head and then i put it on paper and (stacey) now injust on aside, you don't

    just do weddings correct? (hannah) correct (stacey) youdo parties, birthday parties, retirement partiesanything like that? (hannah) absolutely. (stacey) anybody else outthere watching. (hannah) baby showers,birthdays, anniversaries. (stacey) now what's thelargest cake, number of servings that you've everprepared? (hannah) i would say probably350 or so, somewhere in

    that range. (stacey) okay, so which is bigfor this area. (hannah) yes it is. (stacey) it is very large. now do you travel outside ofthe tri-cities? (hannah) i do. i do. i do a lot of business invirginia, in north carolina and i do travel so.

    (stacey) hannah thank you somuch for being here today and sharing your cake artistryexpertise with us here on wedbliss. we appreciate you being hereand telling us all we needed to know about weddingcakes. now if you could let theviewers know how they can get in touch with you and makean appointment and while you're doing that i'mgoing to sample some of your wedding cake.

    (hannah) sounds good. my business is run byappointment only and you can contact me by calling me. it's 423- 341-8940. you may also contact methrough my website which is thecakegallery dot org. (stacey) this is wonderful. it is wonderful. (hannah) thank you.

    (stacey) and i'm so excitedthat i get to take the rest of that cake home. (hannah) you do. (stacey) thank you so much. (hannah) you're so welcome. (stacey) this is very good. we appreciate you. (hannah) and thank you forhaving me. (music) [music]

    (stacey) we are now bookingfeatured wedding professionals. if you are interested inappearing in a wedbliss episode as a featuredvendor please visit wedbliss dot tv slashopportunities today. (female 1) hello can i help you? (female 2) oh yes i'd like tosee about getting a loan please. (female 1) i think greg canhelp you with that. (female 2) okay (greg) come onback. first do you have a checkingaccount it's open in

    good standing? (female 2) yes (greg) okay,good and do you have automobile that's freeand clear? (female 2) yes, (greg) goodand do you have steady income or steady job? (female 2) yes (greg) wellbased on that we may be able to help you. you've been approved, justsign here and here's your check. (female 2) it's that easy?

    (greg) yes it's that easy. fast loans (female 1) easyapprovals, (female 2) affordable payments (greg)come see us today. (stacey) hi and welcome backto wedbliss. i'm stacey eubanks and we arejoined today by brandi woodall with positive approachevents and brandi's going to tell us a little bit abouther event planning services as well as the other servicesoffered from her company.

    so thank you for being with ustoday. (brandi) thank you for havingus. (stacey) and we appreciate youbringing your expertise, and i'm sure we could talk fora very long time about all the different experiences thatyou and i both share in planning weddings. (brandi) absolutely (stacey)if you could tell us a little bit about your companyand it's focus on weddings and what services you provideto brides.

    (brandi) okay, we actuallystarted in jonesborough in 2007 and initially it wasjust kind of a part time and we started out doing a fewweddings day of coordination's a really bighit with us. so we get a lot of day ofcoordination. but we've kind of expanded ourservices and now we do everything as we like tosay from concept to clean up and everything in betweenthere, a lot of details in there.

    so to date we've done i can'teven count how many weddings. (stacey) well i think itsfunny on your website as people go to your websiteand it says we do everything but kiss the bride. (brandi) it's true. (laughter) (brandi) it's true. (stacey) that's great, that'sgreat. if you could tell us aboutyour experiences from i guess the process and howpeople first they contact

    you and then there's initialconsultation and then what actually goes intoplanning the event and what level of service you knowhow in depth you can get or how you know hands off youcan be as well. (brandi) and that's reallytrue, i mean we can be as hands on or hands off, assomebody needs us to be. really the only package thatwe have that we feel like over the last few years arepretty specific task that people want us to do areour planning light packages

    or day of. other than that we customizeeverything. so the first thing i do issend a questionnaire to the potential bride or thecouple and i ask them to tell me everything that theycan as far as you know how they got engaged. how long they've been engaged,how many people are actually involved in theplanning process. because often i find its thebride, her mother maybe

    her father, the groomsparents, it can be a multitude of people. so we want the decision makersto really come to the table at the consultation so we canassess all of their needs at that time. and from then we kind of seewhat they already have lined up and we will give thema proposal based on what they need. (stacey) so how important isit for someone to have

    a wedding planner such asyourself even if the facility or the venue wherethey are having their event provides a coordinatoras well. how important is it to havethat extra person planning the details of it? (brandi) well many times whatyou'll find at a specific venue we'll say at ahotel for instance. they will always have usuallyan in house coordinator and they're job specificallyis to coordinate

    the logistics, the layout,coordinate with the kitchen, and a lot of thecatering duties. what you find with planners iswe're more about the timeline. so we need to know exactlywhat time the cakes going to be cut. so we can communicate to thebride, you know what's coming up next. then we can go to the dj ortheir music and let them know what's coming up next.

    so we're kind of theambassador or the liaison that they have on site and wewant miss anything. so if somebody needs to quotetoss a bouquet or throw a garter we signal all thosethings that are coming up. (stacey) now you had mentionedplanner, if you could explain the difference i thinkthere's several different terms usedinterchangeably, a wedding designer, a weddingplanner, a wedding coordinator. what's the importance of thedifferences in those?

    (brandi) well really and a lotof us this too is research that i've done andyou look at different aspects in the industry. but typically a weddingdesigner is someone that works with a planner orcoordinator. it's somebody and a lot offlorals, florist actually offer services thatare designed. so they can come, they canactually look at the wedding itself and they cansay this is what

    your centerpiece let's look atyour linens, that kind of thing. and then as far as acoordinator i kind of call them the timekeeper. because they are the timelineand they will keep everybody on track and keepeverything flowing. a planner however doeseverything that's all inclusive. so they will not often or notonly offer referrals and that's really where theexpertise comes in. you know budget planning whichis the huge part of

    every wedding. that's where a planner comesin because they'll actually say to someone youknow go to this cake artist, that cake artist orthe other based on a budget of percentage instead of justrandomly giving out referrals. (stacey) right and that savesthe bride time too. (brandi) it really does, andthat's what you pay for in a planner. it's not about; it's aboutquantifying your time.

    you know do you have extrahours, the 250 hours that it typically takes to plan awedding to put into finding that perfect cakeartist or maybe finding that dj or whatever it is. (stacey) and you mentioned 250hours, i'm just curious what's the shortest amount oftime you've ever planned a wedding in? (brandi) actually we had awedding at our special event space, we had a weddingand the bride came to me

    about five weeks prior to herselected date. she already knew that's thedate she wanted to get married. we just happened to have thatdate available and i was terrified for her. but she was very good. she was on top of everythingand a very do it yourself kind of bride and she pulledit off. she was very good. but it was terrifying.

    i mean because typicallypeople take you know 9 to 12 months sometimes, you knowright now we're working with a brides who are planningtheir weddings in 2013. (stacey) wow, that's amazinghow they can, you can do it in short amount of time, ortake the time you need to spread it out. you know i've noticed with somany weddings that i've planned that, that agegroup of bride is also either graduating college.

    they're also going to buy ahouse and they're going, and it's like can you not justplan a wedding. do you have to be doing allthese other things too? and you know i think themajority of my, my brides tend come from young ladieswho are still in college, who are still working. they may or may not alreadyhave children. you know they got familyobligations. so they're always so manythings that are kind of

    thrown into the mix and thelast thing they have time to do is get in the car and goout looking for linens or go out looking for flowers andso if we can cut some of that time down and streamlinethe process that's what (stacey) definitely. now we've talked about yourevent planning services. but tell us a little bit aboutyour, you mentioned your venue which is actually venueand you are the owner and operator of that.

    so tell us a little bit aboutthat as a special event facility. (brandi) we opened venue atthe king center in downtown johnson city in late2010 and we actually have 10,000 square feet ofspace. it's kind of an urban loftsetting. so exposed brick originalhardwood floor, city views and our pricing structurereally depends on what somebody needs.

    they i'm still a planner atheart. so if someone comes in andthey need referrals that's the first thing i do when theyhook up with us, is i give them a long list ofreferrals based on my experiences and the peoplei've worked with in the past. so they kind of get a two-fer,is what i call it. (stacey) right, right (brandi)but when they come in they tell us what they needand we kind of help them through the process aswell.

    (stacey) what would you say isthe most important detail that's so oftenoverlooked by brides whenever they're planning? (brandi) there is a lot ofdetails. truthfully and we spoke aboutthis a little bit earlier today. i would say the number onething is that brides get as far as the end of thereception and they don't think about anything afterwards. so delegate to somebody inyour family or in your

    planner or whatever it is tomake sure that they take home the leftover food, anypersonal items, who's going to stay and clean up if you'rehaving your wedding at a venue that doesn't offer thatservice. especially if your havingsomething at a personal home. i mean those are all thingsthat you have to take into account and so thewedding doesn't stop at 11 o'clock when the dj shutsthe music off. it continues, i mean there'sstill the tear down process.

    so think about those thingsahead of time and make sure that you delegate thosethings out to family members. (stacey) you know and youtouched on one key word that is very important that ihave suggested to brides for years and that's delegate. (brandi) yeah, you have to(stacey) delegate to somebody you trust. you know i think so manybrides even grooms get caught up in we'll do it,we'll take care of it.

    we've got that. we'll make this. we'll do the invitations andwe'll do and they realize it's very overwhelming andthey're not actually being able to take in the joysof actually planning a wedding. (brandi) it's true and part ofwhat we offer as a planning process is we want itto be fun. we want it to be interactive. there's nothing that makes mefeel better about my job

    then when a bride is laughingthrough the process and having a good time. because you should enjoy thetime that you're engaged. it's a celebration, thewedding just the end of the celebration for yourengagement and then a whole new beginning at that. you know you should, youshould delegate out some of the tasks that you have. i know diy do it yourself is abig buzz right now and

    they're a lot of brides thatsay i can do my own centerpieces and you knowwhat you probably can. but can you do 25 the daybefore your wedding. because you're dealing withfresh flowers, you can't do them weeks in advance. so a lot of it's beingrealistic or if you have family members that arewilling to step in and help, grab them. (stacey) yeah, so howimportant do you

    believe wedbliss is to thevendors such as yourself in the area as well as thebrides of the tri-cities and it's moving forward andits focus and how important do you see that being as aconcept in the area? (brandi) i was so excitedabout wedbliss tv when i heard about it. because it's new, it's fresh. it's something that hasn'tbeen done in our region and it's something that'sabsolutely necessary.

    because so many brides nowdays don't have the opportunity to flip open amagazine. they're not paying anyattention to a billboard and they're not going to getmailers. i mean they're a multitude ofways that people market. but what they will do withwedbliss tv the fact that it's archived is that they cango in and research it. they can actually go back andwatch the episodes for it. so if there's something thatsomebody, their grandma saw

    on wedbliss tv she's going tobe able to say you should check this out. so i think its very importantas a vendor to have the opportunity to be on ashow like wedbliss tv. (stacey) well very good. well thank you so much forbeing here. we're very excited you got tocome and tell us about your services and we lookforward to seeing you again in the future and hopefullyyou can send us some of

    your bride and grooms we canhear some more wonderful stories and justthank you again. we just appreciate you beinghere. (brandi) thank you so muchstacey. (music) wedbliss, want your commercialto air in this space? (male 1) since the dawn oftime, man has set out to bring home a bountiful catchfor his family with the perfect mix of wisdom, andequipment. he has the confidence ofknowing he can have

    the freshest fish on his plateby dinnertime, yep there's a big one. as for everyone else there'sriverfront seafood company. (male 1) if it were anyfresher it would still be in the ocean. i'm stacey eubanks and i amlooking stunning today because of this lady right here. ren allen is with us today andshe is a makeup artist. she's been a makeup artist forover ten years and she's

    going to share some of herexperiences with us and stories about working withbrides and offer some advice and tips for us. so thank you so much for beinghere ren. (ren) thank you (stacey) andthank you for this lovely airbrush job thatyou've done today. (ren) you're so welcome. thank you for the greatintroduction. (stacey) well i need youeveryday.

    (ren) i can be bought. (laughter) (stacey) well tellus a little bit about your services and what you cando for brides that are planning weddings andleading up to the event and as well as the day of the event. (ren) absolutely i think it'sreally important for brides to consider the makeup. it's one of the last thingsthey think about. but you're paying a lot ofmoney for the photographs

    and or video and you want tolook flawless, both in person and of course for thoseheirlooms, archived photos that you're going tokeep and pass down. so it's something to reallythink about. how are you going to approachyour makeup for your wedding? are you going to hire a makeupartist? if not what are your otheralternatives? and when you do hire a makeupartist like myself, you have in person consultation,you have a studio to come

    to and do your pretrial. so you know exactly how you'regoing to look that day that you're going to be happywith the makeup. it's going to fit yourpersonal style and then you of course have the privilegeof on location services the day of your wedding, sothat i come to you and i think that's the most relaxedbride, when you make everyone come to you. your hair people, your makeuppeople cater to you,

    work around your schedule andjust be relaxed that day. (stacey) right, right soexplain the importance of the air brush make up to abride and i know we've all seen photos where you knowthey've had this tan or this spray tan and they'veused there normal foundation and they'remis-colored, mismatched or whatever, or the eyes aretoo dark, lips are to dark. so what are some of the tipsthat you can have you know for brides that are planningas well as the importance

    of airbrushing that the lightreflection in photos. (ren) right, that's the,you've brought up a good point. it's not even just airbrushmakeup although and it's fabulous for brides. it's the most beautiful for hdpurposes and lets face it everyone out there isshooting in hd now. so airbrush is the best. but the other thing toconsider is what foundation you wear and whatfoundation you wear for

    your wedding and might need tobe two different things. because if it's not photofriendly, you do get that look of sometimes pale or offlooking in the photos or videos and in real life itlooks great. so just because yourfoundation looks beautiful for day to day you might wantreally do some research and make sure its photofriendly. so when the flash hits it, itdoesn't bounce that flash off and make you look pale.

    so and airbrush wow fine, finemist. it's the finest particles thatyou can put on your face. it's very long wearing. so you're going to have it onall day long and look just as good at your reception asyou did at the opening of the day. it feels like there is nothingon your skin and you can probably attest to that. (stacey) i can attest to thatand you know when its going

    on it feels wonderful. i mean it's just like you saida cool mist. i think i mentioned wheneveryou were doing it, i was surprised that it wasn'trunning. because it just felt like itwas something cool and it was just going to run. (ren) right, it's just like acool mist of water being lightly sprayed ontoyour skin. it dries very quickly.

    it's for all skin types. so it doesn't matter if you'reoily, if you're dry. i adjust the formula for youand it will look perfect a flawless all day long. (stacey) now tell me a littlebit about some skin care options moving you knowforward, moving closer to the event you know. i think a lot of people changeup their routine and then they wonder why their face isreacting or breaking out.

    (ren) right (stacey) causethey've you know quickly changed or startedmore facials are very abrasive to the skin. so what can you offer? (ren) well definitely get yourroutine figured out a few months ahead. maybe think about if you'regoing to try some new products, two or threemonths out. talk to an esthetician.

    they're wonderful at helpingyou get your skin to it's best condition and you want tobe doing that quite a bit ahead. you don't want to wait untilthe week of your wedding to get a facial done. which if you've had them doneregularly up to that point then it's fine. but you need to know and workwith an esthetician on going and then they can getyour skin best prepared for me so that i can do the bestmakeup possible and you

    know there are some reallygentle mild things you can do at home too. i like to teach people abouthomemade face masks they can do using kitcheningredients that are very, very natural and gentle. just things to plump up theskin, you know drink water regularly. of course you can tell a brideto get rest but she's probably not going to.

    so at that point we compensatewith illuminasers and primers and things to make theskin look flawless for that day. (stacey) great, great now youmentioned some wonderful things in thekitchen and household ingredients and stuff. now does the chocolate syrupand chocolate ice cream that i often get all over me, isthat has purposes right? (ren) well i wish that i could. (stacey) does that (laughter)(ren) maybe if we're

    eating those right before thewedding. but actually chocolate is awonderful antioxidant. but you want to get it in thepurest form possible to using any kind of homemadeface mask. so it is wonderful antioxidant. it makes the skin really soft. it protects it against theenvironment. but yeah check out somehomemade facemask. maybe i've got some on my blogand there's some great

    recipes online definitely. (stacey) great, now also withyour businesses faces by ren. you offer packages inphotography as well. so tell us a little about that. (ren) yes, well i'm partneredwith keith dixon studios. he's a brilliant photographerand videographer and because we are partners, wecan team up and give brides even a better package. so when you bundle things ofcourse you get a better

    value for your dollar and alot of our video and photography packagesinclude the bridal makeup. so one less thing for her toworry about. you know one of the thingsthat we all see those mistakes we've talked about,you know different things the dark eyes, the dark-what's the biggest, biggest tip that you can havefor someone who's planning their event, anyspecial event not just weddings but as far asmaking sure that they

    present themself enough as faras their, in their right way. the best way for (ren) yesexactly. well one tip is if you have areally special event coming up and you are going to doyour own makeup, come and see me for private lesson maybe. i also do group lessons, but aprivate lesson is a great way to kind of hone yourskills and feel really confident going intothat event that your have the tools and the knowledgethat you need, if you do,

    you can't do that my biggesttip is blend, blend, blend. you don't want to see harshedges. everything should be blendedso that colors diffuse gently into each other and youdon't see any edges or harshness to it and that'stypical for beauty makeup. obviously for editorialpurposes it's a little different but for anykind of special event you want it very blended. (stacey) okay.

    well great this is wonderfulinformation and of course i'm just feeling wonderfulright now with my airbrush makeup on. so i'm very grateful for that. okay so if you could tell us alittle bit about what you think of wedbliss and howimportant it is to the tri-cities and the vendorsof this area. (ren) i think this is such afantastic and unique opportunity for all ofus in the wedding industry

    and for this region to getinformation in a whole new very progressive manner. it just offers so manyopportunities for networking, and informationfor brides, and brides to be that we've never seen herebefore. so very exciting, very happyto be part of it. (stacey) great, we're glad tohave you here. tell us how folks can contactyou, get a hold of you. (ren) well of course they cancall me, and my number is

    the easiest one ever. it's 423- 202-1111. so and facesbyren dot com ofcourse. the blog i referred to wherethe face masks are actually archived that wouldbe facesbyren at blogspot dot com. so lots of ways to find me,facebook, everybody's on facebook so and it'sfacebyren on facebook. (stacey) okay, great andthat's facesbyren r-e-n?

    (ren) yes mam (stacey) notw-r-e-n, i'm sure you've gotten that before. (ren) absolutely (stacey) wellthank you so much for being here. i appreciate you on a personallevel today here. so thank you so much. (ren) thank you, it's beengreat meeting with you. (music) (stacey) closed captioning forwedbliss could be sponsored by you.

    please visit wedbliss dot tvslash opportunities for details. (music) (female 1) have younoticed how hard it is to find a calorie andcarbohydrate controlled meal that actually taste good. unlike those other weight lossmeals, chef anna is now offering fit fresh mealsmade with delicious all natural ingredients. fit fresh meals are designedfor both losing and maintaining your weight.

    it's easy. chose the meal plan that'sright for you. and we'll make it convenientby offering pick up and delivery servicesthroughout the tri-cities areas. for more information visitchefanna dot net or call 423-431-8542. (music) (stacey) hi, welcome back towedbliss. i'm stacey eubanks and with meis martha painter and

    martha's going to tell us alittle bit about her wedding service that sheprovides which is harpstrings and so marthawelcome. thank you so much for beinghere and if you could just tell us a little bitabout the service that you do provide of playing the harpand a little bit about how that affects wedbliss andhow we can help you and get your word out about yourbusiness. (martha) thank you stacey.

    of course i am a harp soloistand my business is harpstrings dot org. i do provide elegant music forspecial events such as wedding ceremonies, dinnerreception, bridal t's, rehearsal dinner and soforth. and i do have a nice websitethat brides can explore and find out information aboutthe service that i offer. i have a repertoire listingthere. you can also order a cdpackage that includes

    a sampler of some of myselections and you can request a worksheet and a savethe date form, which allows us to go ahead and book thewedding date. (stacey) okay, great. now do you play with othermusicians, like such as plays with the flute or violin? (martha) i do have othermusicians that i work with. i have a flutist that we playduets. i also have a violinist thatwe can play duets together

    and the three of us willcollaborate for a trio. i also have a vocalist that iwork with. and those are all niceofferings also. (stacey) well great. also if you could tell alittle bit about an experience maybe that whichyou've had with a wedding and one that just kind ofstands out. we've all got special momentsthat we remember from weddings. but one that you can justshare with us and tell us

    a little bit about how itaffected you? (martha) certainly, of coursea wedding is always a beautiful occasion and ahappy event in the life of the bride and her family and ido recall i have been playing the prelude musicwhich is prior to the ceremony where a bride couldhear the harp from the dressing room. and she later told me that ohthat was so wonderful to hear the harp music because itreally calmed me before i

    came out to exchange vows. so that was a very beautifulexperience. and then i also had anexperience with a mother and her bride, that they cameto hear me play at the studio and i was playingcannon in d which is a very you know requested pieceand when i looked up they both we're just crying becauseit touched them so. and it, it was just such abeautiful experience for me. (stacey) that's great you knowi must admit it's, all

    the weddings that i'veplanned, we get so caught up in the details in makingsure everything's falling into place, as soon as i hearthat wedding march oh the tears they come whaling upand you know it just it brings you right back to whyyour even there in the first place and all of suddenthose little details go mute. just so you can have thatmoment with that bride walking down that aisle andit's absolutely beautiful. so i can just imagine hearingthat on the harp.

    (martha) it is beautiful onthe harp. it brings a new dimension tothis traditional piece. it starts out with a beautifulglissando, which is the sound of the harp, buteveryone loves. and then goes into the chorusand it is beautiful. (stacey) now do most bridesjust kind of go on your recommendation as far aswhich music and where to play which songs or do theycome with their own list usually?

    what's the typical protocol iguess on that is? (martha) that's a very goodquestion. when i meet with a bride i doprovide a list of a lot of traditional titles and italso has on their titles of pieces that brides havebrought to me by special request. because someone else may enjoythat. so i do work with them to findout what style of music they enjoy.

    what is there vision for theceremony, what they want their guest to enjoy, and i amopen to new pieces, new selections if it'sapplicable to the harp so. when is the typical time tobook the music? i know we all hear the youknow typical times in when we should book the venue andthe florist and so forth what works best in your mindas far as a good time for brides to be thinkingabout their music? (martha) well i do think thatif you have a

    particular desire for certainmusician you should book as early as possible. especially if its in one ofthe wedding months such as june, april seems to be avery popular month this year and at least six months. but especially once you havebooked the venue you want to book the music next and getan idea of matching the music with the sound, you knowthe sound of the music with the venue.

    (stacey) okay well great. so far what do you think ofthis whole concept of wedbliss? how important do you think itis to your business as well as to the tri-cities weddingvendors around the region? (martha) i'm very excitedabout wedbliss. i think it's a great idea andit's the first of its kind in this region. i know that the brides arealways so excited about any type of research tool thatthey can use and i think

    this will be a great tool forthem. because it's a reoccurringvisit they can have with wedding professionals andit's excellent to be able to see and to hear what they,the vendors have to offer and i think it will also beavailable in other resources online and so forth. so it's a great reoccurringadvertisement. (stacey) very good. well thank you.

    we're glad to have you herewith us and if you could just tell us how people canget in touch with you. so they can book your services. (martha) i'll be glad to dothat. you can get in touch with meon my website which is www dot harpstrings dot org orgive me a call at 423-239-7152 and i'll be gladto work with you on your wedding. (stacey) great thank you somuch martha.

    (martha) thank you. (music) (stacey) calling all bridesand grooms we are now accepting applications forfeatured wedding couples, recently married, ornot visit wedbliss dot tv slash couples for moreinformation. (male) fact one in six womenwill need to defend themself from attackers. fact shooters edge and pineyflats offers self defense courses for women.

    please don't become astatistic, learn to protect yourself and lovedones today. for info at myshootersedge dotcom. (stacey) hi welcome back towedbliss. i'm stacey eubanks and with metoday are recent bride and groom derek and angelarhoton. they're with us today. four months as newlyweds,congratulations. (angela) thank you.

    (stacey) thank you for beinghere. we're very glad to have youhere. first of all why don't youtell me about the proposal? everybody always wants to knowabout the proposal and want to see the ring. it's so funny as soon as youget engaged everybody asks when you getting married,and then when you get married they want to know whenyou're having a baby. so get ready, get ready forthe question.

    but tell us a little bit aboutthe proposal. (derek) the proposal had alittle bit of help. the plan was i rented a cabinin pigeon forge. i took her out to diner andhad some people come into the cabin and decorate while iwas gone. but i had written on somescrolls about 14 scrolls kind of the story of us, howwe met, and little important moments throughoutour dating and they all had a single rose with each scrolland led to a bigger bouquet

    of flowers where the ring was. (stacey) oh, that's wonderful. now were you surprised or didyou kind of see it coming or just completely taken aback? (angela) i was taken back. i had no clue, no cluewhatsoever. (stacey) so he did very well. (angela) he did, he did. (stacey) good, that's veryexciting.

    now you know most people havethe long engagement. you know we hear the typicalengagement time is a year long and in your case it wasactually a year to the date correct? (angela) yes it was. (stacey) from the day you gotengaged to the wedding was actually a year so goodfor you for sticking with that schedule of one year. in your planning process ifyou could tell us a little

    bit about some of the vendorsthat you worked with and the experience they left youwith and some of the memories and friendships yourgoing to continue with your vendors. (angela) we used several localvendors. we had pratt's for our catering. they did a wonderful job. the table looked wonderful,very elegant and very tasteful. we also used dena fleenor forour photography.

    she did such a wonderful jobfrom day one. deana had me come and meetwith her. we sat down at a little coffeeshop in bristol. she also did my bridalportraits as well. so we just, we grew togetherand created a very close bond with one another. so we also worked a lot withbrandi and travis woodall. we booked with the venue atthe king center and that's where we had ourreception and they did

    a wonderful job. (stacey) great well did youhave any videography? (angela) yes we did. (stacey) you mentionedphotographer i didn't know if you had video as well. (angela) our videographer waswonderful, travis wyatt. he's out of church hill. he did a wonderful job. (stacey) great and you knowyou mentioned pratt's i

    think a lot of folks don'trealize what a great job they do at catering. it's not just there wonderfulbarbeque that they offer. so i've worked with them onmany weddings and they're very professional andwonderful to work with, very tasteful. what was the first thing youdid in your planning, you know as far as what's you hearabout what you should do first and what you should bookfirst.

    what was the first thing youdid? (angela) the very first thing,i think it was about two or three weeks right after heproposed we went ahead and started looking at thedifferent venues. we went ahead and booked thechapel and also booked with brandi and travis at thevenue. we wanted to go ahead and makesure that we had both places booked and ready to go. so that's where we started andthen onto the dress.

    (stacey) onto the dress, yesvery exciting. so were you able to keep thedress away from him before the wedding day? (angela) i was. (stacey) good, good. stuck with tradition there. so leading up to the big dayis there anything that you would have donedifferently, any advice that you've got for bridesthat are planning

    their wedding, potentialbrides that are they're going to be planning soon orrecently engaged, is there any thing any bit of advicethat you can offer them either as the bride or as thegroom that you can share with us? (angela) i would have to sayyou know don't wait till the last minute. you know plan accordingly,look at the different venues and caters.

    if you have your heart trulyset on someone, then you need to go and book with themas soon as possible. if not you know your heart maybe let down because you may not get you know exactlywho you thought you were. so there will be bumpsthroughout the whole planning process but you justhave to learn you know to carry on and just do thebest you can and you know enjoy the process. (stacey) you know its veryimportant that people

    realize, i think a lot ofbrides you know they have planned it for so longand its a dream from when they're a little girl andthey've if their not being realistic if they don'tthink there's something, there's going to bea bump along the way and if you're expecting thatperfection there is always something in thebackground that's going on. it's just, most of the timeyour guest don't know it and only you know it.

    so there's no sense in gettingyou know too worked up about it. but if you could tell me alittle bit about the actual day and how that cameabout and leading up the hour before the five minutesbefore, you walked down the aisle. those special moments and thenwe'll get the, we'll capture the actual thoughts ofgoing down the aisle. but as far as leading up tothe day of i think you had mentioned to me off cameraabout you were still up at

    3am packing for the honeymoon. (angela) yes, (stacey) butjust the day of the excitement and the jitters. (angela) well the day startedoff me and my bridesmaids we just went and we had ourhair done at radiance salon in jonesborough and of coursewe were all started off the day wrong. we were 30 minutes late. so after that we went to thecarnegie and we had a

    room there. we had all of our makeup andstuff done and we at that point i was just ready toget everything over with. i planned pretty much theentire wedding myself with the help of my mother. so it was kind of bitter sweetto see the day come and just be able to finally bepampered and relax up until you know right beforewe, i walked down the aisle. (stacey) right so then there'sa lot of planning that

    goes into the bride you knowthe dress and the accessories and the makeup andthe hair. now what about the groom. what's the groom doing allmorning before the wedding? (derek) my morning we hadpictures, we were actually our photographs were beforethe hers and i was doing well, calm, cool and collected. i had all my friends there asmy groomsmen and then about 45 minutes before the ceremonyour preacher was worried

    that he would forget to turnhis microphone on during the ceremony. so him and i were in our roomoff to the side just by ourselves and he said i'mgoing to turn the microphone on now. so i don't forget. so we had to sit in silencefor about 45 minutes and that's kind of when thenerves started coming at that point.

    (stacey) so what should havebeen a nice meditative time of getting ready for yourceremony your sitting there in silence with the preacherwho's concerned about his mic. that's a good story. so tell us about the actualmoment when your coming down the aisle. what's going through your mind? are you looking at your groom? are you tearing up?

    (angela) i honestly had alittle set back. i stepped out into the middle,all eyes were on me and i immediately started justskimming over the audience, seeing who all wasthere and i refused to look actually eye to eye atderek just for the simple fact i knew i'd start crying. so i tried to think happythoughts and just tried to at least you know not thinkabout you know getting myself worked up and upset so.

    (stacey) well that's wonderful. what about the groom? (derek) in my mind i'mthinking just don't cry. don't break down in front ofeverybody and start bawling. it actually made it a littleeasier. she wouldn't look at me sothere wasn't that eye contact and that big emotionat that point. but then i looked at hermother and her mother's crying and my mothers tearfuland so i did get a

    little tearful. i will admit that. (stacey) but you know therehad to be some kind of relief of you know you're atthis moment. you've been planning thismoment for a year and there's so many flashbacks gothrough your mind of the planning process. but at this point it was youtwo in the moment and it definitely gives peoplechills to think about

    those moments that if they'veexperienced it themselves so. so if you had the opportunityto take advantage of watching wedbliss back whenyou were planning do you think that would have been abig help to you? (angela) well first off when idid hear about the show i was very excited. having this show when i, youknow had the opportunity to plan my wedding andeverything it would have been very useful i think ofbeing able to just turn on

    the tv and be able to see thedifferent vendors. you know of course we there'stons of bridal shows. but for the simple fact ofjust being able to have local vendors and notnecessarily the magazines that have things from you knowall over the united states and so it's really nice tohave a tv show that's geared around just you knowyour local area in the tri-cities. i just think it would havebeen great to have had that so.

    we're glad you've been a partof the show today and your, very glad that youshared your story with us. it was very heartwarming andwe wish you nothing but the best. thank you for being a part ofwedbliss and you know we look forward to actuallyseeing the show and you can go show it to all your friendsand family and relive the moments again. so thank you so much for beinghere.

    (derek and angela) thank youfor having us. (music) couples, recently married, ornot. visit wedbliss dot tv slashcouples for more information. (stacey) thank you for yourtime and from all of us behind wedbliss we hope youenjoy this pilot episode. we have many ideas for thisshow. but it can't happen withoutyou spreading the word and interacting with us on ourwebsite, facebook and twitter and most importantlyour sponsors.

    as jerome said earlier,everyone can benefit from this new show, the viewers,area wedding professionals, brides andgrooms as well as advertisers. you've also heard from somevery respected professionals in this area andeven a recent bride and groom who all love this concept. lets make this happen. visit wedbliss dot tv slashopportunities today and see what you or your businesscan gain from this show.

    i'm stacey eubanks and i'llsee you next time on our first episode of wedbliss. transcription for closed captioning by

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