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    ashley furniture entertainment stands

    - previously on the real housewives of beverly hills... - they really do have somethingspecial, i'm just gonna say. - unfortunately, every timei go in deeper, he pulls away. it's a giant catastrophe. - hello, gorgeous!- how are you? - hi, baby! i'm an entertainer, you know? i'm an actor slash entertainer. i don't knowwhat the [bleep] i am, really.

    - it all got too complicated.- handle things differently. - it got too bitchy,got too aggressive. i just couldn't take it anymore,to be honest. - me, either. - at some point i thought, i never want to seeany of these women again. - i mean, how are you 75and rolling your eyes? we make each other angry, and it brings out the worstout of all of us.

    and i don't wantit to be weird with us. - throw me to the wolves and i shall returnleading the pack. - character isn'twhat you have. it's who you are. - you've heard a lotabout me, but it's only truewhen it comes from my lips. - i'm not a bitch, but i've played one on tv.

    - i've been richand i've been famous, but happinessbeats them both. - i'd rather spend my lifekicking ass than kissing it. - planes and yachtsare nice, but my happinessstarts at home. - you guys can unpack my purses,if you want. - hello.- hello? - hello!

    - hi!oh, i love your house. oh, my god. - you look so tan! - i was more tan the other day.- you were. we all are you? - brandi, this is so gorgeous. i just--i forgot your gift at home. i went to look at-- - stop it. you're here.that's my gift.

    i am a professional moverat this point, because i've moved five housesin five years. i have, like, three giant trucksof stuff coming. - how are you, love? - obviously, this is affectingmy children in the fact that we hadto keep bouncing around. and, you know,i want them to be settled. - good to see you.- you too. - got my little crew.they're helping me out here.

    it just might mean thatwe're supposed to be gypsies. like, maybe we're supposedto move every year. maybe it's, like,a cleansing situation. i have no idea. i'm still, obviously,trying to unpack. - i can help you unpack. - that's really sweet of you. you don't have to do that. - no, i want to.- that's really sweet.

    - i want to. um, but i wanted to ask you,like, what happened with adriennethe other night? 'cause i know that it's, like-- i know that you saidit was kind of awkward. - well, right when i walked in, she's standing right in frontof the doorway. so i just went over to her...- right. - and i said, "you wantto talk for a second?"

    and then we--'cause ididn't want to cause drama-- but i just said, "hey,you know, a lot was said." - how dare you? why have youattacked me so maliciously? - adrienne,you're full of [bleep] [bleep]. seriously? i have a temper, 'cause i-- when someone bites me,i bite back harder, because i'm a brat, you know. but you know,i just want to clear the air.

    - i just think brandi'sgrown so much in this last year. she's acknowledged her mistakes, and she can say,"i'm sorry" today. that's huge. [horn honks] - hello.- hi. how are you? hi! nice to see you again.- nice to see you too. - i heard you guyshave been working really hard. - we have.- my movers do a great job.

    i feel like the biggest cougaron the planet right now. and they're easy on the eyes. that can goin the, um, uh, garage. - what is that?- i mean--my stripper pole. that's jake's room,the middle room. over there.they're dining. ooh. there's a lot with methat's changed. just--i'm in a different spaceright now. i'm in a headspacethat i'm moving forward,

    planning for the future. much better, girls and boys. come sit.i'm realizing, you know what? i can do this.i-i-i can do it. - brandi,where do you want this one? - oh, who is--- that's me. - is that you?- yeah. - i was gonna say,that looks familiar. - is that your littlenaked tush?

    - jake ryan is cute and young and cute and young. - so brandi's gonna tipyou guys, but i have 150for whoever has the best abs. an extra $150. - it's been a long time--- uh! - that is--- what does it say? - oh, it's the whole state? - my mom taught menot to get tattoos.

    - me too! oh, my god,we should totally hang out. i didn't planon sexually harassing my movers, but the boys were cute. - wow.- i mean, you guys look good. you look good,but we're gonna need everybody. and my relationshipwith j.r. is... really complica--it's complicated. j.r. decided--it's a long story,but basically, the girl he cheated on mewith is now living out here,

    and they're together. - wasn't it in europe?- yeah. so i'm just gonnaget my boyfriend back. - you wouldn't stillwant him back. - maybe.- you do? i mean, he's still seeing you? - a lot of, like, making out. a lot of phone sex. j.r. doesn't really get to havean opinion on who's in my bed.

    let's do it at the same time. one--oh--- hmm. - you know what?i think you both look great. i'm going on the right. - i think there are other wayswe could get over j.r. - all right,so here's your extra book money. - yeah.- back to work. - all right. - hello.- hi, lisa. how are you?

    - i am fine, thank you.come in. - nice to see you. - i'm liking that color already.- i know. - shall i take this from you?- you don't mind. thank you so much.- okay, good. should we go upstairs?- sure. - i always have my shirts madeby this shop in beverly hills. so claire comes overevery few months, really, and we just kind of designthem together.

    and i love it. i think i like the vanderpumprather than lisa. - just lisa?okay, we can do that. - would you look at did that so beautifully. - that's wonderful too. - maybe i like that too. - yeah, we can do itin different colors. - i don't actually havemuch time to shop, 'cause i'm always so busyworking.

    so really, it's a luxury that iwouldn't give up for the world. magdalena, could i havetwo cups of tea? oh, hello, pink dog. magdalena has worked for mefor only about a year now. she works alongside rocio. - did i hear you order in tea?- yeah. do you want a cup of tea? - please. - quite a funny story.

    i was driving up the hill,and she was walking up. and it's an arduous kindof path in the heat. - we could do itin charmeuse silk, crepe de chine, and chiffon. - magdalena, can i get a teaas well, please? - she was goingfor an interview somewhere else. so i said,"well, let me take you." she didn't want to get in. she thought i, you know,was going to kidnap her.

    - and what's the colorswe can put the crystals? and here are all the crystalsthat are available in stock. - okay.and i gave her my number, and i said, "if you don'tget the job, call me." oh, perfect, thank you. um, okay, could you putit up there, magdalena, please? thank you.she didn't get the job. she called me.and she's been here ever since. one good deed deserves another.

    do you want a shirt, darling? - no, not today. - i feel badordering all of them. i have been working like a dog. not one of my dogs,but somebody else's dog. - can you checkon the dog situation? honey, i don't wantto leave them. they get so depressed. i mean,and they're gonna love the lake.

    we can't leave them.what are we gonna do? - i say we just take them,at this point. it's a little too late--- well, what if we get-- i get scaredto break the rules. - oh, my god.rules, rules. whatever. it's, like, what's the big deal? - yeah, but if we get there,what do we do if they say no? gonna sleep on the--outside?- no, honey. i mean, they're gonnasleep where you sleep.

    who's gonna say no? you think you're gonnahave a chaperone on you? - you're already sticking meon a small plane and giving me enough stressas it is. we are leaving for lake tahoe, and my husband is taking uson a private plane that he loves a lot. - it's a perfect planefor tahoe. that's the plane you want.

    - my husbandlikes to fly private because he can't stand goingto an airport with all the kids. it sounds so bad,but it's the truth. did you get a chance to talk token at all at the white party? - very quickly.did you? - i spoke a little bitto everybody. it was really nice.- yeah. - i know that brandi and lisa,you know, that was completely awkwardat first.

    i felt like brandiwas, like, hiding. - oh, really? - i could tellshe felt out of place. - i went to the partyjust to have fun. there was so much nastinessthat went down. i really thought thati never wanted to see any of them again, you know? - i didn't either.- i know. what hurt me was the way theysystematically ganged up on me,

    one after the other. - i'm hearingtwo different stories. i just want to know the truth. - okay, who do you believe,then? - ken,why are you getting involved? you weren't there.- don't be so stupid. - don't call me stupid. - friendship is basedon loyalty. when that loyalty is gone,what do you have left?

    is it superficial? is it air kissing?[bleep]. but kyle kind of reachedout to me, and so did yolanda, and i guess i just, you know,got to put the past behind me. just rememberwho certain people are and what they're capable of. some relationshipswill be changed forever. i can't say that i'm gonnafeel exactly the same, because i'm not.

    and there's nothingthat will change that. - i saw--i didn't get to hear. but i saw that brandiand adrienne were, like, talking in the living room.- yeah? - i wonderwhat they were saying. i need to find out.i'm curious. - [sighs] - 'cause, remember how long it'sbeen since they have spoken. do you rememberthat whole thing?

    - then you made some comments--- and you know what? and you lie constantly. [bleep] you. - you're a piece of [bleep]. - that was kind of,like, the breaking point between adrienne and paul,almost, too. - well, obviouslythey have other issues. - of course. that's--you're notgonna blame it on brandi. - primarily,i just didn't want to engage.

    i really don' was just too vicious. i've been a good friend to you. you know what really upsetme is when-- - no, i don't--i don't know,and i don't care, because this is not about you. this is what upset me. this is not lisa being sad. this is brandiwanting an answer. - i see who she is.

    and that's's very simple. - coming up... - oh, this is a good partfor me. "she's trying to stay youthfuland relatable..." both: "with highlights." - honey, we've gotto get going soon. how's your time? - not good. i'm having so many issuesright now.

    honey, you forgot my shampoo. - well,we have such an awkward family. - we're late. - i really hope it's not bumpy.- me too. - why do you say that now,once i'm in the car? - i don't want it to be bumpy. - you're supposed to sayit's not going to be. - oh, it's not going to be. [laughs]

    - i'm gladyou think it's so funny. when mauricioand i were first married, we didn't have any money. and i can remember going tothe airport and telling the kids to pretend they were under two,and they were, like, four. and i'd be, like,"say goo-goo, gah-gah" so that i didn't haveto get them a seat. i feel likei'm forgetting stuff. don't you feellike we're forgetting something?

    - oh, my god! i forgot to take outunderwear and socks. - well, you do that a lot. honey.i will be picking. i'm gonna get youlittle tighty-whities. - oh, my god. hi. good afternoon. tail number eight, 801 up. thank you.

    there's our little plane. i love our plane. - this is a new thing for us,that mauricio gets a plane. i just worrybecause with portia, her life is very differentthan it was for the other kids. - so what's up, man?everything good? how long is our flightto tahoe today? - an hour and a half.- look at you, mamacita. you excited?

    chloe, are you excitedto go to the lake? with portia's sisters,every time was a road trip. and, you know, we would getone hotel room and share it all. - can we just go in already? - and i want to make surethat portia stays down-to-earth and appreciatesevery little thing that she has. - ahem.somebody's bag is in my face. can we go now? do i have to buckle?

    - yeah, of course you do. - why? - oh, it's hot. mom. mom! - honey, could you get mea glass of wine, stat? - there you go. - thank you. - [laughs]

    - hi. - hi, honey.- how are you? - oh, my god,it's been just too long. - i know.i'm so sweaty, i'm sorry. this is why i stayin my air-conditioning at the office, 68 degrees. well, they have to wear,like, parkas in the office. - do they?- of course. the king kindof gets what he wants.

    - that's what i love about you. king gets what he wants. nick is this new agent to mewho is a hustler. - hi, folks. how we doing?- hi. - how are you? - can i get you somethingto drink to start? - i would think so, yes. i would love an iced teawith lemon. he's 25 years old.

    and at this point in my career, i need someone who is workingday and [bleep] night. i want just, like,a nice vegan salad. nothing with meat. - i would definitely suggest thefrank stallone baby kale salad. - okay. i will eat anythingthat's named frank stallone. i love him.- i'm good with the water. - okay. good.- thank you. - i can't wait to see himand say, frank, i just ate you.

    - i ate your salad.- okay. - okay, first of all,you saw the movie scream, yeah? there was scream i, ii, iii, iv, blah blah blah. - yes. - okay, they're makingit a series now. - shut up.- yeah. - of course they are.- so it's mtv. - oh, it's bob and harvey.- yeah. i want you to seeif you respond to the material.

    "she's trying to stayyouthful and relatable..." - i mean--- i just got that part. to stay relevant, i really have hadto reinvent myself over and over and overand over again. i'm game--pretty muchto do anything. - you're down.- you know. you know, i want to tryto break the mold. i'd like to try to do thingsthat people have no idea that--

    - you can do it.- i could do. - right. i think we definitely needto work on the brandingand the endorsements. that's a big, big thing. - well, absolutely.- for sure. you can eithersit and do nothing, or you can be proactiveand do a lot of things. - lisa has tried on,and is currently wearing,

    the new depends silhouettefor women, the women's briefsthat look, fit, and feel just like underwear. - that depends jobsaved our bacon. i got paid more money to do thatthan i've gotten paid to do anythingever in my life. and i just was, like,winking all the way to the bank. let's get a meetingon all of them. - okay,so you're willing to go--

    - yeah, i'll go, for sure.- okay. okay. - i'll do anythingto make a buck. i don't say no very much.i say yes. frank, you're yummy. - frank, you taste yummy. - this will be fun. excited. - beautiful day.- isn't it? - mohamed is oneof my closest friends.

    so any woman that's goingto come into his life is gonnahave to get by me first. let's go to michael beaudry. he's got some great stuff. he made my ring.- really? - yeah. but you don't needanother ring just yet. hello.- well, hello. - how are you?- hi. - i'm shiva.- michael beaudry.

    - nice meeting you.- nice to meet you. hey, love.- kiss me. yeah. - oh, okay.are we doing two or three? - i think two's enough.- okay. - oh, look at that. - oh, wow. - let's have a look at that. - oh, my god.that is so unique. - is this for an anniversary?

    - well, anniversaryand birthday are both coming up, so he said to me, "go outand have a look around." - maybe we should lookat two pieces. - i always have a bitof advice for ladies. don't put out on your birthdayor your anniversary. no, no, no, no, no. you have to put outweeks before. in fact,you're looking for a ring. - oh, that is stunning.- come off--

    - it's not coming off. - that really is very pretty,isn't it? - it's beautiful.- how much is that? - $64,000. - that's very sweet, isn't it.look at that. how much is he? - so you've gotpink and yellow diamonds. the pendant is $72,000. - what will i have to dofor this? i'll give favors.

    - i don't knowif i can accept favors. we do accept cash,mastercard, visa. - you'll be owing me moneyby the time we're finished. shiva totally getsmy sense of humor, and i think when a womanis really secure, you can laugh about things. - i like the length.- i've heard that about you. - that length is really good. - she's so bad.

    - you're the only friendleft that i can joke with. - he'll take you literally. - sometimeswith the other women, it becomes laborious about,you know, they're questioningevery single thing you say. okay, then, let's gointo the private room, shall we? - sure.- it's right here. - for a threesome?- yeah. so with shivait's not like that,

    and it feels just likelife should be-- really bloody simple. i have a feeling she's sold, she looks like she's sold. - that's a pink sapphire. - for the first time,she's speechless. - hello. i have some sympathy for brandi, because in me, she lostan incredibly loyal friend.

    - is this a little too hoochie?- for me, yes. for you, it's perfect. - thanks, mom. - take heed. you reap what you sow.i think this is so pretty. - should we dare to askhow much it is? - okay, just--- that's the full car. - i don't even want to know.- it's the full car? all four wheels.- oh, stop it. it's not.

    - it's--yeah. - i think i'd almostsell giggy for this. - no. - okay, i wouldn't sell giggy,but i'd-- i'd sell ken. - i swear, i think he's coming.- oh, my god. - i'm positive it's him.- oh, my god. - i swear to god. - hi, baby.

    - hi, my love. - wow. you had a plan. you had a plan! - that cute?- this is so cute. - i gave this to youbefore i got sick, and i found it in your closetagain. - yeah, i know. it was in a big,black box, right? - yes. yes, yes, yes.- i had it--

    i'm speechless. i don't know what to say. so cute.where are the kids? - albert and blanca are gone. the kids are gone. i got everybody--- look at you. - i've been cookingyour favorite chicken. i love you.- love you too. - i'm just gonna check on it.- that's so awesome.

    - i used to do these thingsfor my husband all the time. but you know, being sickfor so long, you kind of-- you lose your sexy a little bit. - the disease is under control, but it's gonna takea long time to recover. - i want to see davidlook at me like i'm the best thinghe's ever seen. and sometimes it takesa little lingerie to do that. but got to be really carefulhow close you get to the oven,

    because it can get hot. - wow.beautiful. what a great idea. - romantic night right at home. how is the chicken?- perfect. do you remember the timethat you asked me to meet you at the hotelfor valentine's day? you were sitting in the barin an overcoat, and we were in the corner.

    and when nobody was looking,you went... and you were in a red lingerie. if anybody had seen that, they would've thoughtyou were a hooker. - yeah, but i would neverlet anybody see that. - well, how do you know? there was, like,50 people in the bar. - but it was onlyfor your eyes only. - i know, but it was,like, pretty dangerous--

    which made it exciting. - you need to be a little bitdangerous with your own husband. i try to really make an effortto put on his calendar, "wednesday night is date night." and it's just the two of us. and you know, david--i think he loves it. you know, i'm starting to getnervous about bella moving here. like, it's overwhelming. i wish nothing morethan you come with me--

    - and you help me unpack boxes.- i know, but i have to go to shanghai.- yeah. - you know, and i wish you--- i'm so excited about that. i wish i could too.- no, i want you to go with me. - i know, but i can't, you know. being with bellais my priority right now. - i'm going in, i'm going out. four days.- yeah. - so are you going to be a judgeon the voice, or--

    - a mentor.- mentor, yeah. that's so good. - yeah, and frankly,i speak mandarin too. - david has always been busy. and, yes, it's a challengeto get him to slow down and keep our date nightsand do romantic things. i mean, you've got to reallywant to make that work. - i'm in charge of dessert. i will clear the table.- okay. - and you just don't haveto do anything.

    - oh, i love you, baby. - except you have to be dessert. - okay. that's good.- okay. - i like that.i love you, baby. - is it my bff? - it is. blond and blonder. - oh!- on a mission. - wow, you look great.

    are you wearing this?- i am. - guess what i did last night. - you slept with j.r.- no! - what?- he's got a girlfriend. i would never sleep with him.- no. okay. - jake ryan. my mover guy? the cute one? kim and i are extremely close.

    we have gotten much closer overthe past few months. and i'm always upto do something that's a little naughty. and kim's just insane. so naughty and insane, theyjust kind of go well together. we didn't sleep together. we slept togetherin the same bed, - wait, wait--- and i have the hickeys. - the kid?

    - he's 23! i like the energythe young guns have. and they don't haveto take little blue pills to make things's kind of hot. unexpected fun. - yeah.- mm-hmm. right. i have a child who's 23. to me, this is a child.

    - j.r. and iaren't sleeping together. we have an inappropriaterelationship, emotionally, going on. - right, okay. - he's so confusingbecause he tells me he's in love with me--- j.r. - yes.but he's in love with her too. i think having a husbandcheat on you definitely will give youtrust issues for a lifetime

    until you meet that right personthat will make you trust again, which i have not. - i just feel like maybeif you just see him with her, maybe it'll be, like, boom. the light will go onin your head and say, "i don't want a guylike this." - i want to be strongand just walk away. it's just so hard. but then if we're doing this,

    does it give him more power--- but he's not gonna know. - he's gonnasee your yellow top. - no, we're gonna have scarvesand-- let's go look at the--let's go get the-- - okay.- let's go look at the wigs. - oh, my gosh. - how would he ever knowthis is us? - kim seems to thinkthat if she and i stalk j.r., and if i see himwith the other woman

    that he cheated on me with, that that will in some waymake me over the whole thing. - pink leopard!for sure. - 'cause no one's gonnaever notice that. - i need to putthis j.r. business behind me. and if this will help,then i guess i'll do it. - grab those white glasses. those are really cool. - are you gonna be able to drivewith sunglasses on at night?

    - well, yeah, are you kidding? i'm a rock star. i don't thinkwe should do this all the time, but one--one, two-- couple times. they won't even know who we are. seriously. we're gonna be in disguise. we're gonna look very,very different.

    ready? - they're gonna be, like,who the hell are those people? - you know, i may look at thislater and forget it was myself. - possibly.- okay, let's go. - all right.outie five. - let's hit it. - hit it and quit it.- let's go find this boy. - i think i know where he is.- where? - 'cause he onlygoes to one place.

    - which way are we going now?- straight. i'm kind of nervous. - my mom peekedat the window once and saw her husband-- - [gasps]- mm-hmm, with a woman. - [gasps] - we have a family historyof stalking. [laughter] - it just runs in the blood.

    kim and i are similarin a lot of ways. we're doers. i'll do, and i don't carewhat people think. whereas i think someof the other ladies, they would rather probablypolish their diamonds and their gold, sit aroundand have tea and crumpets. you guys know who you are. i have louboutins on. - come on, brandi.

    brandi, come on! god, you're-- - why am i in the busheswith kim richards? you know when they say ivy--that's where all the vermin go? we were in ivy. i don't do rodents. - should we pick another spot? - i don't know. - we couldn't havegotten a better spot.

    - i know.- right? - oh, my god!i swear, i think he's coming. - oh, my god.- i'm positive it's him. - oh, my god.- i swear to god. here he comes. - he's by himself. - yep. - he's by himself,and honestly, i'm just feelingreally relieved.

    we successfully stalkedhim doing nothing with nobody. - well, girl. - we did it. we didn't really accomplishanything, but we did it. - well, at least we knowhe's not with her. - well, he's going home to her! - the whole idea is,i wanted you to see... - exactly.that's my point.

    - them together! i've decided, no more j.r. it's like a bad drug,and i've got more important and much younger thingsto think about. oh, jake ryan. kid is hung like a horse.- stop it! - i'm just saying. - so wrong. - you may speak, and you don'treally think before you speak.

    - breathe... and then talk. - wait, bella.- yeah? - let's tell my momabout the ghosts. - you have ghosts in your house. - i don't have ghostsin my house. - i swear.- where? - we were up the other nighttill 1:00 in the morning, and we heard footsteps.

    - well, the truth is, the house,i think, is haunted. i do. - all of a sudden, like,i heard these, like-- i literally heard these--those two chairs move. - but i can't say it is,with them, because i don't wantto freak them out. - i really thought that inthe morning, we would come down, and all this furniturewould be on the floor. like, i heard it so vividly,

    like, people moving thingsand breaking things. it was terrifying.- what? - we need to move. - every once in a while,i'm up in my bathroom, and she will--or it will-- or what will--breeze by me. i'm not kidding.i feel it in my back. you know what?you're all crazy. that's all i'm gonna say.

    - what should i wearto see adrienne? - just not red. - no, that'san aggressive color, right? - yeah.and don't wear yellow either. - what's a happy color? - purple's the colorof tolerance. - is it?- yeah. - i'm in my new house, and i put j.r. in the pastto try to be healthy,

    and there's just one last thinghanging over my head. and her namestarts with the letter "a." [sighs] it gives me anxiety. - you just want to clear upthe fact that you did not... - yeah.- ruin her marriage? - i didn't! - you need confirmation that--i know, but you're, like, "i need confirmation thatyou don't believe that"...

    - right?- from her. - i'm nervousabout seeing adrienne because i want to beon my best behavior, and i don't trust myself. i snap. well, i mean,i think she knows that after everything that went downwhen they broke up. - right.- you know, but that's not-- i don't even wantto actually get into that.

    - i think she'sin a better space, like-- - i think--yeah, she's gota cute, young boyfriend. - yeah.- real cute. - what was your name again?i'm sorry. - jacob.- jake. i call him mr. jake. - yeah? - like, i run into herall the time, and it's very awkward to notjust even say hello, you know? - and i'm in a reallygood space now,

    and i just wantpositivity in my life. so i want to clear the air, and, "i'm sorryfor biting back." - i just want to keep it so itdoesn't go to a negative place, 'cause i don't trust myself. - if you're not gonna be, like,bffs, then you might as well-- - oh, no, i just want to be ableto, if i see her at a party, just, "hello.nice to see you." i don't want to, like,braid her hair on the weekends.

    you definitely don't wantto braid her hair-- unless her boyfriend'sgonna be there. - then you want to braidher hair. - then i'll do it. yeah,exactly. then i'll braid it. - ahh! ahh! oh, i don't knowif i can do this. ahh! [gasps] oh.

    all right. [groans] oh, my god, blanca, i know at this point of lifeit's absolutely unimportant, but i'm so fat. look at my pants! i don't even know if i can geton a horse like that. - no, you're not need to move. it's going to be fine.

    is there-is there a seam herethat we could cut, or is there no seam here?- no. - i never had the slightest ideathat i was gonna be a model. you know, growing up, my lifewas horses and horses only. five pounds can makesuch a difference, no? i mean, not that i care. i'd rather be healthy thanskinny at this point in my life. i just got to buybigger riding pants. this is the first timei'm riding horses again

    after i got sick. it's just, like, it brings meback to my childhood, and i feel such a senseof freedom. hi, girls.- hi! - i'm are you? - good. i'm ashley.nice to meet you. - hi, ashley. - you ever been here before,yolanda? - yeah, yeah.i've been riding my whole life.

    but i don't do, um, western. do you have english?- we have english. - okay, good. hey! how are you, honey?- hi. look at you, all in white. - all in white, of course. this is the dutch style,american style of riding. the english style of riding

    is all about dressingvery preppy and perfect and the shiny boots, while the westerns, they come in much more casualwith jeans and boots and plaid shirt. i mean, it's two completeopposite worlds... kind of like kim and i. - have you ridden before, kim?- yes, i have. - so kim,you're gonna be riding summy.

    - okay, great. - it's like summer,but with a "y." - okay. i worked with just aboutevery kind of animal you could work withdoing disney movies, but always a horse. they're very well trained, and i thought, i'm gonnabuy a polo horse, because-- 'cause i can ride.

    i've beenso looking forward to this. - this is like therapy for me.- okay, good. - and they brought outthe first three horses, and they took off with medown the polo field, and i was screaming, like,"help! "this is crazy. somebody help me!" - it's hot, isn't it?whoops. - i had to learn how to rideall over again in my 30s,

    because kim can't ride. kim's been riding disney horsesher whole life. - did you get a new tattoo,or is that old? - that's the onei did with kimberly. you can look at your tattooand go, "mom, i miss you so much."then you can call me. - i miss you.i love you. - when she went away to college. - oh, the college one, yeah.that's right.

    - did i hear a little rumorthat it's time again for you? - oh, my god.can you imagine? - yolanda. i'm here for you, baby. - it's just so brutal. - why didn't you call me? i will be here. i'm here to help you. - i have only one childleft next year.

    - only one.i was left with none last time. - but you still have--- well, chad's in and out. - he still has a roomin the house, right? - they all have roomsin the house, are you kidding? and they're, like, untouched. - even the girls?- yeah. - despite everything thathappened between kim and i... she wasn't talkingbehind your back. - she was, yolanda.yolanda!

    - she wasn't talkingbehind your back! - yolanda! stop. - she was right therein the room! since the day i met her, i've always wantedto take care of her and be kind ofa big sister to her. whoa. [horse farts] - yolanda.- yeah.

    - dutch horses don't fart. - i'm, like, yolanda! yolanda! and it's getting louder,and i'm, like, what the heck? - it was comingout of your own horse. that is funny, kim. most people wouldn't bringthat up. you just go, like,"oh, the horse just farted." and of course, kim is going,like,

    "is it your horse that farted,or is it you?" like, she'll--you know,she'll make a joke out of it. but that's kim. - so tell mewhat else is going on. where's bella going to school? - bella's going to parsonsschool of design in new york. - as much as it's,like, "oh, my gosh, my girls are leaving"...- yeah. - this is alsoan awesome opportunity

    for you to spendwith your boys now. - my hubby and my son--my god, what a lucky girl. kim is like a beautifulcream cake, you know, with lots of layers. it takes timeto really understand all these aspects of her. but i think the core of kim and her heartis a really good person. all right, do you want to race?

    [clicks tongue] [telephone line trilling] - hello?- hey, kyle. it's are you? - i'm are you? - i'm was tahoe? it's so gorgeous. i'm sitting hereright now in emerald bay. - i love's great.

    i just don't like to be cold,so this is when i would go too, in the summer. - what's going on? - i wanted to talk to youreally quick because i'm just-- i'm a nervous wreck right now. i'm actually going to meetadrienne maloof for coffee. someone told me you guyswere talking in the living room. what happened?what did you guys talk about? - i asked her to go to coffee.

    i don't want to be, like,best friends with her, but i just don't wantthere to be any more animosity and just wantto be able to say hello, and i want to apologizea little bit. and i'm so nervous right now. i'm shaking! - oh, my god.i don't blame you. i'm really happy about this because i think it's weighedheavily on brandi,

    what happened betweenher and adrienne. and i do think that adrienneis owed an apology. - you lie.that's a lie. - i am not lying, bitch.i am not lying. - you're calling my wifea bitch? - do you have any advice? what am i doing? - just say to her, you know,"this has been hanging over me, and i don't want to feeluncomfortable when i see you.

    and i have no ill feelingstowards you." - i'm not going into today looking for an apology at all. i'm going in to speak my piece, say i'm sorry,and if i get one, great. if i don't, that's okay too. you can't go inexpecting something, 'cause you're never gonnaget what you want. - tell her i said hi.

    - no! okay, okay.okay, i will. - i wish i hadbetter advice for you. i'm the worst. - no, i'll just do's fine. it's's gonna be good. - you're alreadyon the right track, so you don't need any advice. you know what you're doing.- all right. thank you, honey. bye.- talk to you later.

    - are you? good, thanks. i always have nerves. i run, like, highly anxious. is she gonna say,"i hate you, you shouldn't have done this,you said this"? hi.- welcome to rive gauche. - thank you.there's gonna be two of us. - two of you?- yeah.

    - okay. right this way.- great. so i definitelyam nervous about just what the outcome'sgonna be. i do believebrandi owes me an apology. but brandi'san impulsive person, so i'm not really surewhat to expect. - hi, welcome to rive gauche.- hi, how are you? - are you joining someone?- yes. - okay.right this way.

    - she's right there. - hi, good to see you.- you too--i don't know if i am. - i'm good. how are you?- busy. - that's good.- yeah. - busy's good. i find that when i havetoo much time on my hands is when i tendto get in trouble. - ah, yeah. idle mind's the devil'sworkshop, so--so they say.

    i'm, like, "think before youspeak. think before you speak." i have to really, wait... breathe... i just wantto clear the air with you. and, you know,we don't have to move forward and be best friendsor anything like that. - i mean, i don't think we haveto braid each other's hair on the weekends...- no. - but you can, you know,

    walk away from hereand hate me forever. i don't want that.- mm-hmm. - there's been a lotof low blows and back-and-forths between us, and i just want to move forward and not feel uncomfortablewhen we run into each other. i just really want to sayi'm sorry... for everything. and i regret what i said.

    and i had no intentionof hurting your family, ever. lisa was my best friendat the time. she had issues with you. i feel like i kind of probablytook a little bit of those on, and it just got out of control. you know, i have a temper, andit's the worst thing about me. i wish i didn't have it.- right. right. - i just want to be ableto not have you hate me. i just don't want any hatein my life.

    - first of all,i don't hate you. i just think thatsometimes you may speak, and you don't reallythink before you speak. - lisa and i are notin an amazing place, but i don't everyoneto think i'm her sidekick. - brandi just needsto take accountability for her own actions. - i just really want to sayi'm sorry... - this is something that brandibelieves lisa was a part of.

    i think brandi justneeds to take accountability - you know, i have a temper, andit's the worst thing about me. i wish i didn't have it.- right. i just thinkthat sometimes you may speak, - i mean,i know i'm a good human being. i know i do the right thingmost of the time. it's just the timesthat i don't... - listen, we've all done it. we've all said thingsthat we wish we hadn't said.

    - so i welcome your apology, and--'cause i feel likeit's heartfelt. and i appreciate thatyou wanted to meet and kind of put closure to this. i think we neededto put closure. - i's just-- it's so unhealthy for me to haveall of these things open-ended. like, i want to-- i mean, i'm stillgonna make mistakes.

    i mean, i'm not,you know, perfect. i'm not just proud of myselffor working things out with adrienne. i'm proud of adrienne too. i mean, it took a lot for bothof us to get to this spot. so i think we both did good. - how are you doing withthe other girls? is everything-- - kyle and kim and iare actually in a great place,

    and yolanda and i are great. and lisa and i are notin an amazing place, but i don't want everyoneto think i'm her sidekick, doing things for her, 'cause i really don't want to... - right.- do that again. - right.- it's just really hard. and i want to move forward. and i think it's justgonna take time.

    i don't know. - does she know that you wantto reach out to her and kind of make amends? - you know, i think it just--i know her really well, and it's hardfor her to get over anything. so i'm just gonna--baby steps, and let it-- let it kind of be on herif she wants to-- - on her terms.- yeah. considering the factthat at one point

    adrienne thought i ruinedher marriage and her family, if adrienne can moveon from this giant problem that we once had, i really think that lisashould be able to move on from this miniscule issuethat we have. well, thank you for coming.this has been--i was nervous. i'm, like,is she gonna karate-chop me? - next time on the real housewives of beverly hills... - happy birthday, darling.

    - look it, it's so sexywhen they do this! - harry, you're gonna get luckytonight. - it says, "i left my louisin the jet." it's really important to me that portia understandsthe value of a dollar. i'm not gonna raise a brat. - buy it! - i have to look cute every day. - i love you,'re strong.

    you're a good dutch girl. #proudmommy. - are you going back to young and the restless? - i'm going backto young and the restless. - first time i met eileen on young and the restless, to me it was, like, oh, my god.there's ashley! - i just finished doinga three-month arc on days. - wow.- please pay attention to me! don't pay attention to me.

    please pay attention to me! - lisa, i'm not gonnakiss your ass. - oh, are you with kyle? - to learn moreabout the housewives, go to:

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