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wicker furniture stands

(the blower's daughterplaying) ♪ and so it is ♪ just like you said ♪ it would be ♪ life goes easy on me ♪ most ♪ of the time ♪ the shorter story ♪ no love, no glory

♪ no hero in her sky ♪ i can't take my eyes off of you ♪ i can't take my eyes ♪ just like you said it should be ♪ we'll both forget the breeze ♪ of the time ♪ (car tires squealing) (woman screams) ♪ i can't take my mind off of you

hello, stranger. ♪ i can't take my mind ♪ (people chattering) sorry. looking for a cigarette. i've given up. thank you. got to be somewhere? - work.- hmm.

you didn't fancymy sandwiches? don't eat fish. why not? fish piss in the sea. so do children. don't eat children, either. what's your work? i'm sort of a journalist. what sort?

i write obituaries. (woman speaking on p.a. system) are we infor a long wait? she was 21when she came in. (giggling) does it hurt? i'll live. do you want meto put your leg up? yes, please.

who cut off your crusts? me. did your mother cutoff your crusts when you were a little boy? yes, i believe she did. you should eat your crusts. you should stop smoking. how long was i out? about 10 seconds.

then what? you came to.you focused on me. you said,"hello, stranger." what a floozy. the cabbie crossed himself, he went, "thank fuck.i thought i'd killed her." i said, "let's get her toa hospital." he hesitated. i think he thoughtthere'd be paperworkand he'd be held responsible. so i said with a slight sneer,"please just drop usat the hospital."

show me the sneer. very good, buster. i told you,i've given up. try harder. you live here? just arrivedfrom new york. taking a vacation? i'm on an expedition. where's your baggage?

where are you staying? i'm a waif. a red bus. policeman or "bobby."observe thedistinctive helmet. saint paul's cathedral.please notethe famous dome. this is a trulymagnificent tour. it's the londontourists never get to see. what's this? i've no idea.

(puppy barking) alice:they're all people who diedsaving the lives of others. i've been here before. 20 years ago,we came here. my mother's dead.my father and i came herethe afternoon she died. she was a smoker.she died inthe hospital, actually. is your father still alive? hanging on. he's in a home.

you're late for work. you saying you want me to go? i'm sayingyou're late for work. alice: how did you end upwriting obituaries? well, i had dreamsof being a writer,but i had no voice. what am i saying?i had no talent. so i ended up in obituaries,which is the siberiaof journalism. tell me what you do.i want to imagineyou in siberia. - really?- mmm-hmm.

(scoffs) we call it"the obits page." there's three of us,me, graham, and harry. when i get to work,without fail... are you sureyou want to know? well, if someoneimportant died, we goto the "deep freeze," which is, um,a computer file with all the obituaries,and we findthe dead person's life. people's obituariesare written whilethey're still alive?

some people's. then harry, he's the editor,decides who we'll lead with. then we make calls,check facts. at 6:00, we stand aroundthe computer and lookat the next day's page and make final changes. add a few euphemismsfor our own amusement. such as? "he was a convivial fellow."meaning he was an alcoholic. "he valued his privacy." gay.

"he enjoyed his privacy."raging queen. (laughs) what would my euphemism be? "she was disarming." that's not a euphemism. yes, it is. what were you doingin new york? you know. well, no, i don't.what, were you studying?

stripping. look at your little eyes. i can't seemy little eyes. why did you leave? problems with a male. boyfriend? kind of. and you left him,just like that? it's the only way to leave."i don't love you anymore.goodbye."

supposing you dostill love them? you don't leave. you've never left somebodyyou still love? no. this is me. enjoy your stay. please rememberour traffic tends tocome from the right. bye. (chuckles)

do you have a girlfriend? yeah. ruth. she's called ruth. she's a linguist. what's your name? alice. my name is alice ayres. (camera clicking) (opera music playing on stereo)

good. i'm just going to change thefilm. are you okay for time? mmm-hmm. do you mind if i smoke? if you must. i don't have to. then don't. i liked your book. thanks.

when's it published? next year.how come you've read it? your publishersent me a manuscript.i read it last night. you kept me up till 4:00. i'm flattered. is your heroine basedon someone you know? yes. she's someonecalled alice. hmm. how does she feel aboutyou stealing her life?

borrowing her life. i'm dedicatingthe book to her.she's pleased. do you exhibit? sometimes.i have a thingnext year. dan: portraits? anna: mmm-hmm. of who? strangers. how do your strangersfeel about you stealingtheir lives?

borrowing. am i a stranger? no. you're a job. and you're a sloucher.sit up. you didn't findit obscene? - what?- the book. i thought it was accurate. about what? about sex. about love.

in what way? you wrote it. you read it till 4:00. don't raise your eyebrows.it makes you look smug. but you did like it? yes, but i could go off it. stand up. any criticisms? i'm not sureabout the title.

got a better one? the aquarium. so you liked the filth. you like aquariums. fish are therapeutic. hang out in aquariums,do you? when i can. good forpicking up strangers? photographing strangers.

come here. you're beautiful. i don't kiss strange men. neither do i. (clicking) (sighing) do you and this alicelive together? yes. are you married?

no. yes. which? separated. - do you have any children?- no. would you like some? yes, but not today. would alicelike children? she's too young. she works ina cafe near here.

she's coming to meet me. quite soon. why are youwasting her time? you're judgmental. you're devious. i'm not wasting her time. she's completely lovable. and completely unleavable. and you don't wantsomeone else getting

their dirty hands on her. men are crap.but all the same... they're still crap. (doorbell ringing) your muse. you've ruined my life. you'll get over it. dan. your shirt.

- you all done?- hmm. how's the photographer? good. professional. rigorous. beady.one of your lot. what, female? americano. come on. anna? - alice.- hi.

sorry to interrupt. no, we've just finished. would you like some tea?no, thanks. i've been serving it all day.can i use your loo? sure. just through there. (door closes) she is beautiful. i've got to see you. what's this? patriotism?

- i don't want trouble.- i'm not trouble. you're taken. - i've got to see you.- tough. you kissed me. what are you, 12? (door opens) i'm a block of ice. will you take my photo? i've never been photographedby a professional before.

i'd really appreciate it. i can pay you. no, i'd like to. only if you don't mind. why should i? because you'llhave to go away. we don't want him herewhile we're working, do we? no, we don't. right.i'll be in the pubon the corner.

have fun. good luckwith your exhibition. good luckwith your book. so you've got an exhibition? yeah. i read dan's book. you've had quite a life. hmm. thanks. he said you workin a cafe?

i am a waitress. that's a temporary thing? why don't you comeover here and sit? i do now. - because you're single?- mmm-hmm. who was yourlast boyfriend? my husband. was he english? very.

what happened to him? someone younger. you've got a great face. doesn't everyone? i suppose so.i just... from the book,somehow i thoughtyou'd be less... what? i don't know what, exactly. how do you feel abouthim using your life?

it's reallynone of your business. when he let mein downstairs, he had this look. i just listenedto your conversation. i don't know what to say. i'm not a thief, alice. do you want a drink?i have some vodkain the fridge. - we could have a drink.- just take my picture. (keys clacking)

shit. (unzipping) (phone ringing) (coughs) yep. what's the histology? progressive? no. sounds like an atrophy. okay. bye.

bollocks. (inhaling) jesus. (tour guide chattering) (children talking) larry: anna? i got the coat. the white coat. so i see.

i'm larry. the doctor. hello, dr. larry. feel free to call me"the sultan." i can't believethese thingsactually happen. i thought if you showed up,you'd be an old trout. but you arebloody gorgeous. well, thank you. fish.you got to respect them. - have you?- of course.

we were fish. long ago. before we were apes. you mentioned a hotel. no rush. actually, there is.i've got to bein surgery by 3:00. are you havingan operation? no, i'm doing one. are you really a doctor? i said i was.

you are anna? i'm sorry.did i photograph you? did we meet somewhere? come on. don't play games,you nymph of the net. excuse me? you were up for it yesterday. - was i?- yeah. "wear my wet knickers. "sit on my face. - "cum-hungry bitch."- okay.

(clearing throat) why do i feellike a pervert? i think you're the victimof a practical joke. i am so sorry. it's okay. we spoke onthe net last night.now you've seen me... i wasn't on the netlast night. where were you between6:45 and 7:00 p.m.? that's reallynone of your business.

where were you? on the net, talking to you. well, i wastalking to someone. someone pretendingto be me. i think you weretalking to daniel woolf. who? this guy i know.it's him. no, i was talking to a woman. how do you know?

believe me,she was a woman. i got a huge... she was a... she wasn't, was she? what a bastard. how do you know him? i don't really know him.i took his photographfor a book he wrote. i hope it sankwithout a trace. it's on its way.

there is justicein the world. what's it called? (anna laughing) what a prick! he's advertising. but why would hepretend to be you? i think he likes me. funny way of showing it.can't he send you flowers? extraordinary thing,the internet.

possibility of genuineglobal communication. the first greatdemocratic medium. absolutely.it's the future. two guys wankingin cyberspace. he was the wanker. i'll say this for him,he can write. is he in love with you? i don't know. no. are you in love with him?

i hardly know him. but you're sortof interested. i think he's interesting. no, don't. i look likea criminal in photos. please. it's my birthday. really? really. (vendor chattering) (chuckling)

happy birthday. alice: this man comes intothe cafe today and he says, "hey, waitress,what are you waiting for?" funny guy. so i go, "i'm waitingfor a man to come in here "and fuck me sidewayswith a beautiful linelike that." what did he do? asked for a cup of teawith two sugars. i'm waiting for you.

to do what? leave me. i'm not going to leave you.i totally love you.why is this? please let me come.i want to be there for you. are you ashamed of me? of course not. i told you i want to be alone. why? to grieve.

to think. i love you.why won't you let me? it's only a weekend. why won't youlet me love you? buster. let's go to this thing, then i'll get my train. i'll be away one night. i'll be back beforeyou know it, okay?

(lounge music playing) (people laughing) woman:do these people pay you?or do you pay them? like it? larry: what wereyou so sad about? life. what's that, then? so what do you reckon,in general? you want to talk about art?

i know it's vulgarto discuss the work atan opening of the work, but someone's got to do it. i'm serious.what do you think? it's a lie. it's a bunch of sad strangersphotographed beautifully, and all the glitteringassholes who appreciate art say it's beautifulbecause that's whatthey want to see. but the peoplein the photos are sad and alone.

but the picturesmake the worldseem beautiful, so the exhibition'sreassuring,which makes it a lie. and everyone lovesa big, fat lie. i'm the big,fat liar's boyfriend. bastard. - larry.- alice. so you're anna's boyfriend. a princesscan kiss a toad. - frog.- toad.

- frog.- toad, frog, lobster. they're all the same. so how long have youbeen seeing her? four months.we're in the first flush. it's paradise.all my nasty habitsamuse her. - you shouldn't smoke.- fuck off. i'm a doctor.i'm supposed to saythings like that. - you want one?- no. yes. no.

fuck it, yes. anna tells meyour bloke wrote a book. any good? of course. it's about you, isn't it? some of me. oh? what did he leave out? the truth. is he here, your bloke?

yeah, he's over theretalking to your bird. my boyfriend's here. he's here? where? there. with alice? i believe you're acquainted. i've neverseen him before. but you've spoken. well, conversed.

corresponded. i wrote to him? on the net.you sent him to the aquarium.i happened to be there. nice work, cupid. we need to talk about this. he's very pretty. she is very tall. so you're a stripper? and?

you take care, now. i will. you, too. that's the way it should be. he's very funny. excuse me.nice to meet you. pleased with the success? yes, absolutely. yours was the best.

you were the belleof the bullshit. who were thoseawful people? where do they come from? why should we care? you get this one.you'll miss your train. i'll be fine. come on, it's cold. i'll see you on sunday. taxi driver:where to, love?

dan: taxi! um... taxi driver: why don't youmake up your bleeding mind? anna: thank you so much.i appreciate your coming. i'll call you tomorrow.see you next week. - thanks.- man: thanks very much. i thought you'd gone. i forgot this. so he's a dermatologist.can you getmore boring than that?

obituarist? failed novelist, please. i was sorryabout your book. thanks.i blame the title. woman: so we pull outour christmas crackerswith those appalling jokes. my guy says, "hang on.these are second-rate jokes. "i've got a first-rate joke.sit back and take notice." so we go,"okay, what's the joke?"and he says, "it's basedon a christmas carol,

"which is whyit seems so relevanton christmas day." i haven't evenseen you for a year. yes, you have. only because you stalk meoutside my studio. i don't stalk. i lurk. and when i'm not thereyou look for me. how do you knowif you're not there? because i am there, lurking from a distance.

look at me. tell me you'renot in love with me. i'm not in love with you. you just lied. i'm your stranger. jump. hello. intense conversation? his father died. were you spying?

lovingly observing with a telescope. he's tallerthan in his photo. his photo's a headshot. yeah, i know. but his head implieda short body, when, in fact,his head is deceptive. deceptive? he's actuallygot a long body. he's a stringy fucker.

i could have him. - what?- if it came to it, in a scrap,i could have him. did you tell himwe call him cupid? no, that's our joke. i had a chatwith young alice. - fancy her?- of course. - not as much as you.- why not? you're a woman.she's a girl. she has the moronic beautyof youth, but she's sly.

she seems open to me. that's howshe wants to seem. you forget you're dealingwith a clinical observerof the human carnival. - am i, now?- yes. you seem more likethe cat that got the cream.stop licking yourself. that's the nastiest thingyou've ever said to me. that's horrible. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry.

(keys jingling) (door latch clicking) where have you been? work thing. had a drink with harry.you never have one drinkwith harry. you knowhe's in love with you. no, he's not. is he? did you eat?

i'll make you something. i'm not hungry. this will hurt. i've been with anna. i'm in love with her. we've been seeingeach other for a year. it began at her opening. larry: have a nice one. taxi driver:cheers, guvnor.

(door banging) don't move. i want to rememberthis moment forever. first time i walkedthrough the door,returning from a business trip to be greeted by my wife. i have, in this moment,become an adult. thanks for waiting up,you darling. you goddess. i missed you.

how about some tea? jesus, i'm knackered! didn't you sleepon the plane? no, because the permed germannext to me was snoringlike a messerschmitt. what's the time? about midnight. time. what a trickylittle fucker. my head's in two places.my brain actually hurts. do you want some food?

no, i need a bath. i'll run it for you. no, i'll have a shower. - you okay?- mmm-hmm. how was the thing? as dermatologicalconferences go,it was a riot. how was the hotel? someone told me thatthe beautiful peopleof the paranoid hotel, the concierge,the bellboys and girls...did you know this?

they're all whores. everybody knows that. i didn't. i don't suppose you'dfancy a friendly poke. i just had a bath. right. i'll see to myself, then,in the elle decorationbathroom. anna:you chose that bathroom. and every timei wash in iti feel dirty.

it's cleaner than i am.it's got attitude. the mirror says,"who the fuck are you?" anna: you chose it. doesn't mean i like it. we shouldn't have this. i hear middle-class guilt. working-class guilt.why are you dressedif you just had a bath? we needed some milk. you okay?

- you?- yeah. i'm going. irrelevant. what are you sorry for? everything. why didn't youtell me before? cowardice. is it becauseshe's successful? no, it's becauseshe doesn't need me.

did you bring her here? didn't she get married? she stopped seeing me. is that when we wentto the country? to celebrate ourthird anniversary? did you phone her?beg her to come back? - when you went for yourlong, lonely walks?- yes. you're a piece of shit. deception is brutal.i'm not pretendingotherwise.

how? how does it work? how do you dothis to someone? not good enough. i fell in lovewith her, alice. as if you had no choice? there's a moment.there's always a moment. "i can do this,i can give in to this,or i can resist it." and i don't knowwhen your moment was,but i bet you there was one.

it's not safe out there. and it's safe in here? what about your things? i don't need things.where will you go? disappear. the sultan has returnedbearing gifts. they're beautiful. here's a thing.alice was at the hotel. they sell thesearty postcardsin the lobby.

i bought oneto boost your sales. "young woman, london." and i checked for your bookin the museum of modern art.it was there. someone bought one. this guy witha ridiculous little beard. he was drooling over yourphoto on the inside cover.he fancied you, the geek. i was so proud of you. you've broken new york. you're wonderful.

don't ever forget it. can i still see you? dan, can i still see you?answer me. i can't see you.if i see you,i'll never leave you. what will you doif i find someone else? be jealous. you still fancy me? you're lying. i've been you.

will you hold me? (sobs) - i amuse you,but i bore you.- no. you did love me? i'll always love you.i hate hurting you. then why are you? (sobbing) 'cause i'm selfish. and i thinki'll be happierwith her.

you won't. you'll miss me. no one willever love youas much as i do. why isn't love enough? i'm the one who leaves.i'm supposed to leave you.i'm the one who leaves. make some tea, buster. (sighs) (dogs barking in distance) (car alarm blaring)

alice? (footsteps pattering) why are you dressed? because i thinkyou might beabout to leave me, and i didn't want to bewearing a dressing gown. i slept with someonein new york. a whore. why did you tell me? i couldn't lie to you.

because i love you. it's fine. really? why? something's wrong. tell me. are you leaving me? because of this? cupid? he's our joke.

i love him. you're seeing him now? since when? since my opening last year. i'm disgusting. you're phenomenal. you're so clever. why did you marry me? i stopped seeing him.i wanted us to work.

why did you tell meyou wanted children? because i did. and now you wantchildren with him? i don't know. but we're happy, aren't we? you're going to golive with him? you stay here if you want. i don't give a fuckabout the spoils.

you did this to methe day we met. you let me hang myselffor your amusement. why didn't you just tell methe second i walkedthrough the door? i was scared. you're a coward,you spoiled bitch. are you dressedbecause you thoughti might hit you? what do you think i am? i've been hit before. not by me.

is he a good fuck? don't do this. just answer the question. is he good? better than me? different. better? gentler. what does that mean?

- you know what it means.- tell me. - no.- i treat you like a whore? sometimes.why would that be? - i'm sorry, you're...- (shouting) don't say it. don't you fucking say, "you're too good for me."i am, but don't say it. you're makingthe mistake of your life. you're leaving mebecause you believe thatyou don't deserve happiness, but you do, anna.

did you have a bathbecause you had sexwith him? so you wouldn't smell of him? so you'd feel less guilty? how do you feel? guilty. did you ever love me? (softly) yes. (crying) (dog barks in distance)

larry:did you do it here? do you wish we did? just tell me the truth. yes, we did it here. where? on this? we had ourfirst fuck on this. did you think of me? when?

when did you do it here? answer the question! this evening. did you come? why are you doing this? 'cause i want to know. - yes, i came.- how many times? - twice.- how? first he went down on me,then we fucked.

who was where? i was on top,then he fuckedme from behind. that's when you camethe second time? god. why is the sex so important? because i'ma fucking caveman! - did you touch yourselfwhile he fucked you?- yes. - you wank for him?- sometimes. - and he does?- we do everything

that peoplewho have sex do. - you enjoy sucking him off?- yes. - you like his cock?- i love it. - like him coming in your face?- yes! - what does it taste like?- it tastes like you,but sweeter. that's the spirit.thank you. thank you for your honesty. now fuck off and die, you fucked-up slag.

(world outside playing) ♪ say you believe it all of your lies ♪ tell me you feel it and don't compromise ♪ oh, no ♪ i will still be there for you ♪ you're lighting my dreams light up my skin ♪ you're so far away you're holding it in ♪ i'm looking around watching it spin ♪ god my world outside

♪ is changing something within ♪ tell me you reach it some of the time ♪ what you're searching for ♪ does the love that surrounds you ♪ get you down and kick you to the floor? ♪ (smack my bitch up playing) i love you. what's this room called? the paradise suite.

how manyparadise suitesare there? eight. do i have to pay youto talk to me? no. but if you want totip me, you're welcome. i used to come herea million years ago.it was a punk club. the stage was... everything is a versionof something else. 20 years ago. how old were you?

- four.- christ. when i was in flares,you were in nappies. my nappies were flared. you have the face of an angel. what does yourcunt taste like? heaven. how long have youbeen doing this? three months. straight after he left you?

no one left me. nice wig. does all this turn you on? - sometimes.- liar. you're telling meit turns you on 'cause you thinkit's what i want to hear. you think i'm turned onby it turning you on. the thought of me creamingmyself when i strip for strangers doesn'tturn you on?

put like that, yes. (moans) are you flirting with me? maybe. - are you allowedto flirt with me?- sure. no, i'm not.i'm breaking all the rules. you're mocking me. yes, i'm allowed to flirt. to prize my money from me.

to prize your money from you,i may do or say as i please. except touch.we're not allowed to touch. open your legs. wider. show me. so what would happenif i touched you now? i'd call security. what would they do? they would ask you to leaveand not to come back.

and if i refused to leave? they would remove you. those are security camerasin the ceiling. i think it's besti don't attemptto touch you. i'd like to touch you. later. i'm not a whore. i wouldn't pay. why the fuckdid he leave you? what's your job?

a question.you asked me a question. - so?- it's a chink in your armor. i'm not wearing armor. yes, you are.you know you are, too. why are youcalling yourself jane? because it's my name. we both know it isn't. you're all protectingyour identities. there's a girl out therewho calls herself venus.what's her real name?

pluto. you're cheeky. would you like meto stop being cheeky? daniel. daniel the dermatologist. i never told you my job. i guessed. you're strong. there's anotherone out there.

judging by the scars,a recent patient of dr. tit. calls herself cupid.who's going to tell herthat cupid was a bloke? he wasn't a bloke.he was a little boy. i want you totell me your name. please. thank you.my name is jane. your real name. my real name is jane. careful.

thank you. still jane. i've got aboutanother â£500 here. why don't i just give youall this money and you tell mewhat your real name is, i promise. my real name is plain jane jones. i may be rich,but i'm not stupid. what a shame, doc. i love them richand stupid.

don't you fuckaround with me. i apologize. accepted. all the girlsin this hellhole,the pneumatic robots, the coked-up baby dolls,and you're no different. you all use stage namesto con yourselvesyou're someone else so you don't feel ashamedwhen you show your cuntsand assholes to strangers. i'm trying to havea conversation. - you're out of cash.- i paid for this room.

this is extra. we met last year.wrong girl. talk to me! i am. talk to me in real life. i didn't knowyou'd be here. i know who you are. i love everythingabout you that hurts. she won't even see me.

you feel the same.i know you fell the same. you can't cry in here. hold me. let me hold you. we're not allowed to touch. come home with me. it's safe.let me look after you. i don't need looking after. everyone needslooking after. i'm notyour revenge fuck. - i'll pay you.- i don't need your money.

- you have my money.- thank you. "thank you."is that some kind of rule? just being polite. do you get a lot of grown mencrying their guts out here? occupational hazard. have you everdesired a customer? then put me out of my misery.do you desire me? because i'm beingpretty fucking honestabout my feelings for you. your feelings?

whatever. no, i don't desire you. thank you sincerelyfor your honesty. you think youhaven't given usanything of yourselves? do you think because youdon't love us or desire us or even like us,you think you've won? it's not a war. if i asked you to stripright now, would you? - of course. do you want me to?- no.

alice, tell mesomething true. lying is the most funa girl can have withouttaking her clothes off, but it's better if you do. you're cold. you're all cold at heart. what do you have to doto get a bit of intimacyaround here? maybe next timei'll have workedon my intimacy. no, i'll tell youwhat's going to work. is that you'regoing to take yourgear off right now,

and you're going toturn around very slowly, and you're goingto bend over, and you're going to touchthe fucking floor for my viewing pleasure. is that what you want? what else could i want? (operatic music playing) (coughing) what happened?

traffic. do you want to gostand in the back? no, let's have a drink. you look flushed. you have no need to run. - vodka tonic?- yes. vodka tonicand a guinness, please. sure. how was it?

fine. - you had lunch?- mmm-hmm. and then we left. there's no "and." you haven't seen himin four months.there must be an "and." how is he? terrible. keep the change. bartender: thank you, sir.

how is his dermatology? he's in privatepractice now. - is he?- hmm. was he weepingall over the place? some of the time. poor bastard. was he difficult? are you angrythat i saw him? no. it's just

i haven't seen alice. you can't see alice.you don't knowwhere she is. i haven't tried to find her. you know why i saw him. he's been begging mefor months.i saw him so he'd sign. so has he signed? congratulations. you're a divorcee. double divorcee.

tired. and i need a piss. i hate this place. at least it's central. i hate central.central london'sa theme park. i hate retro.i hate the future.where does that leave me? come back. you promised you wouldn't. - how's work?- jesus. work's shit, okay?

do they have waiters here? i love you.please come back. i'm not coming back. - sign.- no pen. pen. give me back my hand. (clears throat) sign. i'll signon one condition.

we skip this.we go to my sleeknew surgery and we christenthe patients' bedwith our final fuck. i knowyou don't want to and i know you thinki'm sick for asking,but that's what i'm asking. for old times' sake. because i'mobsessed with you. because i can'tget over you unless... because i think,on some small level, you owe me somethingfor deceiving meso exquisitely.

for all these reasons,i am begging youto give me your body. you'd be my whore. and in return,i will pay youwith your liberty. you do this,i swear i will notcontact you again. i'm going to the bar. i assume you stilldrink vodka tonic? you slept with him,didn't you? (exhales) what do you expect me to do?

understand. why didn't you lie to me? because we saidwe'd always telleach other the truth. what's so greatabout the truth? try lying for a change.it's the currencyof the world. i did what he wanted,and now he willleave us alone. i didn't give him anything. your body? if alice came to you,desperate,

with all that lovestill between you, and she saidshe needed youto want her so she couldget over you,you'd do it. i wouldn't like it either,but i'd forgive you. it's kindness. no, cowardice. you haven't got the gutsto let him hate you. i'm doing thisbecause i feel guilty,and because i pity you. - you know that, don't you?- yes.

- feel good about yourself?- no. it's gone. we're not innocent anymore. don't. don't stop loving me. i can see itdraining out of you.it's me, remember? it was a stupid thing to do,and it meant nothing. if you love me enough,you'll forgive me. are you testing me? i do understand.

no. he understands. all i can see is himall over you. he's clever,your ex-husband. i almost admire him. you going to tell him? better to be truthfulabout this kind of thing. i forgive you. (both laugh) dan: i think you enjoyed it.

he wheedles you into bed.the old jokes, the strange familiarity.i think you hada whale of a time. and the truth isi'll never knowunless i ask him. well, why don't you? (audience clapping) (bell buzzes) (intercom buzzing) yes? you can go in now.

- i want anna back.- she's made her choice. i owe you an apology.i fell in love with her. my intention was notto make you suffer. so where's the apology?you cunt. i apologize.if you love her,you'll let her go, so she can be happy. she doesn't want to be happy. everybody wantsto be happy. depressives don't.

they want to be unhappyto confirm they're depressed. if they were happy,they couldn't be depressed. they'd have to go outinto the world and live,which can be depressing. - anna's not a depressive.- isn't she? i love her. boo-hoo. so do i. she's gone back to youbecause she can'tbear your suffering. you don't know who she is. you love her likea dog loves its owner.

and the ownerloves the dogfor so doing. you'll hurt her.you'll never forgive her. of course i'll forgive her.i have forgiven her. without forgivenesswe're savages.you're drowning. you only met herbecause of me. yeah. thanks. it's a joke.your marriageis a joke. here's a good one.she never sent the divorcepapers to her lawyer. now, to a towering romantichero like you, i don't doubti am somewhat common.

but i am, nevertheless,what she has chosen and we must respectwhat the woman wants. if you go nearher again, i swear i will kill you. okay. i have patients to see. when she came here,do you thinkshe enjoyed it? i didn't do itto give her a nice time. i fucked her to fuck you up. a good fight is never clean.

and of course she enjoyed it. as you know,she loves a guilty fuck. - you're an animal.- yeah? what are you? you think love is simple.you think the heartis like a diagram. have you ever seena human heart? it looks likea fist wrapped in blood! go fuck yourself.you writer! you liar! you go check a few factswhile i get my hands dirty. she hates your hands.she hates your simplicity.

i spentthe whole of last weektalking about you. i know all your ways.anna says you fucked herwith your eyes closed. she tells me youwake in the night crying foryour mother, you mommy's boy. i could go on. shall we stop this? it's over. accept it. you don't knowthe first thingabout love because you don'tunderstand compromise. (dan sniffing)

(larry sighs) don't cry on me. dan: i'm sorry. i don't know what to do. you want my advice? you go back to alice. she'd never have me. she's vanished. no, she hasn't.

i found her, by accident. she's working in a club. yes, i saw her naked. no, i did not fuck her. you spoke to her? yes, i know. one minute. how is she? she loves you beyond comprehension.

your prescription. it's where she works. go to her. you still pissingabout on the net? not recently. i wanted to kill you. i thought youwanted to fuck me. don't get lippy. i liked your book,by the way.

thanks. you stand alone. with anna. you still writingobituaries? busy? i was made editor. yeah? how come? previous editor died. (both chuckle) alcohol poisoning.i sat with him fora week in the hospital. i really do havepatients to see.

for what? - being kind.- i am kind. your invoice is in the post. dan? i lied to you. i did fuck alice. sorry for telling you.i'm just not big enoughto forgive you. (door closing) alice: show me the sneer.

beautiful. you'll wake up the hotel. alice: fuck me. again? we have toget up at 6:00. how can one manbe so endlesslydisappointing? that's my charm. so where are we going? my treat.where are we going? my holiday surprise.my rules.

where are we going? (laughing) new york.new york. new york. you angel. you did rememberto pack my passport? of course.it's with my passport. and where's that? in a place whereyou can't look. no one seesmy passport picture.

mmm. when we get on the plane, we'll have been togetherfour years. what about the gap? you mean trial separation?didn't work out. happy anniversary. i'm going totake my eyes out. what wasin my sandwiches? tuna.

- how many stitches did i get?- two. but you shouldhave had three. what was your euphemism? disarming. too easy, buster. next? that park.who'd i go there with? your father. were the chairs in the hospitalgray or blue? no idea.

trick question.they were green. you are a trick question. how come we nevertook a vacation? - we went to the country.- doesn't count. you were off makingsneaky phone calls to that witchwe do not mention. come to bed. i need a smoke. how'd you manage to give up?

deep inner strength. why me? you could havechosen anyone.why me? because you cut offyour crusts. and this. (both moan) when are you going tostop stripping? soon. you're addicted to it.

no, i'm not. it paid for this. tell me what happened. nothing happened. but he came to the club. lots of mencome to the club. you came to the club. alice: (laughing) the look on your face. dan: the look on your face.

what a face. what a wig. i saw this face, this vision, when you steppedinto the road. it was the momentof my life. this is the momentof your life. you were perfect. i still am. on the wayto the hospital,

i kissed your forehead. alice: you brute. dan: the cabbie saw me kissing you. he said, "is she yours?" i said, "yes, she's mine." she's mine. so he came to the club,watched you strip, you had a little chat,and that was it? you're not trusting me. i'm in love with you.you're safe.

you had every right.i just want to know. because i want toknow everything. because i'm a lunatic. you were livingwith someone else.what are you justifying? i'm not justifying anything.just saying. what are you saying?i'm not saying anything. i just want the truth. where are you going? cigarettes.

everywhere's closed. i'll go to the terminal. when i get back, please tell methe truth. because i'm addicted to it. because without itwe're animals. trust me. (door opening) (airplane engine humming)

(elevator bell dings) i don't love you anymore. now. just now. i don't want to lie and i can't tell the truth, so it's over. it doesn't matter. none of it matters.

too late. goodbye. here's the truth so now you can hate me. larry fucked me all night. i enjoyed it. i came. i prefer you. now go.

i knew that. he told me. - you knew?- i needed to hear it from you. - why?- because he mighthave been lying. - i had to hear it from you.- i would never have told you, because i knowyou'd never forgive me. i would. i have. why did he tell you? - because he's a bastard.- how could he?

because he wantedthis to happen. but why test me? because i'm an idiot. i would have loved you forever. now please go. don't do this, alice.talk to me. i am talking. fuck off. no, i'm sorry.you misunderstand.i didn't mean to...

yes, you did. - i love you.- where? - what?- show me. where is this love? i can't see it.i can't touch it.i can't feel it. i can hear it.i can hear some words, but i can't do anythingwith your easy words. whatever you say,it's too late. please don't do this.

it's done. now please go,or i'll call security. you're not in a strip club.there is no security. - why did you fuck him?- i wanted to. - why?- i desired him. - why?- you weren't there. why him? he asked me nicely. - you're a liar.- so?

- who are you?- i'm no one. (spits) go on, hit me.that's what you want.hit me, fucker. (airplane whirring) (indistinct chatter) welcome back, miss jones. ♪ the colder water ♪ the blower's daughter ♪ the pupil in denial

♪ did i say ♪ that i loathe you? ♪ that i want to ♪ leave it all behind?

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