tv stands furniture village

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    tv stands furniture village

    that's 22,000.- ok. nobody will move. don't move. show me the me the money. - no. show me the money, i say.- no. show me the money.- no! give me money. hello.- urmila. hi, roma. what's up?- vicky is in the hospital.

    what? vicky is in the hospital?- yes. in which hospital?- in st. gorge hospital. come on, henry. it's broken. the leg is also broken. he has brokeneverything other than my mouth. then tell me vicky,how did this happen? a girl was skiing at mount hut. a person from the adjoininghotel tried to molest her.

    and when i tried to save her.. what? who is he?- raju. raju! he is an indian?- yes. he came from india to spoilindians' reputation over here. roma, book that bed too.what was his name? raju.- raju! "i, the bachelor, am here." "the personsearching for love is here."

    "i am crazy about beauty." "i am the cynosure of all eyes." "a star has dropped from the sky." "someone has hugged me." "someone has kissed me." "i was occupied indreams of someone." "i was occupied inthe heart of someone." "i was the admirer in thestreet of the beauties." "if someone smiles at me,then i am the love."

    "i can sacrifice my life for love." "let someone say myname secretively." "let someone mend me,when i cross the line." "i killed many girlswith my flirting." i love you all, baby. oh my god! someone, help me! help me! why did you come fromindia to new zeeland.. commit suicide? is therea dearth of places in india? i didn't come hereto commit suicide.. ..but i came to kill someone.- so you will kill someone? very good.- i am serious. you can kill anyone withyour looks. - don't make fun. the moment i get him, i willbreak the bones if that idiot.. by the way, who is that idiot?- he is an indian. indian?- he is a restaurant owner. what is his name?- raju.

    do you know him?- i guess so. you take me to him. i won'tleave him. - but what has he done? he has done a very cheap thing,i can't even tell you. you will not tell meand you will beat him? he will confess in frontof you what he has done. and i have also booked aberth for him in the hospital. now come on. let's notwaste time. let's go. get into the action. - come on.let's go. let's go. let's go. who has conspiredagainst me? let's go.

    hi! what is you mobile number? what is your dial number?what is your street number? what is your road number? you know my sandal number.i will get you arrested. i will go and confirm,if he is that raju. - come fast. ok. she is very desperate. gopal! has that girlmisbehaved with you? tell me that youhave seen everything. why does it always happen with you?

    i don't know.whenever i approach a girl.. ..i don't know why they slap me.and on the other hand there's you.. ..who are alwayssurrounded by girls. i wish i can be raju for one day. ok, my dear friend. today, i willfulfill all your wishes. how?- are you looking at that girl? wow! she seems to be indian. she looks very beautiful.shall i catch her? she herself will come and catch you.- really.

    yes. - how? trust me. - how? if she knows that you are not gopal,but raju. then tell her that i am raju. but you don't tellher that you are gopal. i was raju, i am raju andi will be raju. - ok. god bless you. thank you. "i'll shout raju all over,and tear my kurta." "you'll shout majnu all over,and tear your clothes."

    madam, be careful.he knew that we are chasing him. he can't escape me. - be careful. he seems to be very dangerous.i will stay here. you don't worry. i will changehis condition in two minutes. so you are raju?- or do i look like aamir khan? i heard that you would be 6 feettall, with moustache like a villain. but you look like a comedian. it won't difficultfor me to beat you. you've mistaken by judgingme by my body and height.

    but madam, you don't knowthat i am a very dangerous. half of the indian policeforce is searching me. and i am hiding here. what happened? - he has a gun. yes. i too can see minute. one minute. brother, why do you want to.. ..kill an indian,in spite of being an one. what's the problem?- hold that girl. not like that. hug her.

    no. i don't hug any girl.i am not of that type. hug her or i will shoot both of you. hug me or else he will shoot you. i'll hug that girlonly whom i'll love and.. ..eventually whom i will marry.because i am a different guy. then assume that i amthe girl whom you will love.. ..and whom you will marryeventually. now hug me. come on!- really. then let it be. tightly.- oh!

    brother,why are you doing it with us? i am doing an experiment.- what kind of experiment? i want to see,if i can kill two with one bullet. i have just one bullet.- no, brother. brother. get ready to die.move that side. close your eyes. don't open your eyes. understand. i am much tensed, brother.- he's gone. he's gone? he spoiled my mood. i mean, where can he run?by the way, urmila..

    ..what has raju done? catch him first and then i willtell you. -ok. let's catch him. run. where can he run? he will definitely come tohis restaurant. let's wait here. but why aren't you tellingme why do you want to beat him? he will tell you when i willbeat him. - ok. you are right. you wait for two minutes.i will be back in five minutes. i will be back in a moment. do you like to place your order?- get me a coffee.

    would you like irish or plain?- irish. irish. didn't you find anyother place to hide? i am here to hide from her. i haven't had anythingsince morning, other than slaps. if you will go to the restaurant,you will also get the kicks. -why? because she is there. go away. excuse me. where is that girl?- she is right up there. how did she go there?what did she have?

    she had irish coffee. - irish! yes. thanks.- yeah. hey, come. come. baby, come down. - come here. it's lot of fun here. no. i can't come want to search for raju? yes. where is he?- then you won't get him in air. you would get him on the land.i have seen him there. where is raju? - come on. jump! i am coming. - ok, i got you.

    babe, you are not that light. "urmila, urmila, urmila." "the love flowerblossomed in my heart." "you are beautiful and i am young." "i shall dedicate my life on you." "let's start theprogression of love." "hey, you're the man in love!" "go away crazy.don't burn my heart like that." "don't take my name like that."

    "think logicallywhile you do something." "let there be some distancefor the time being." "your eyes are full of mischief." "you breath is full of passion." "there is a journey of fragrance." "you are the queen of my heart." "you are such a childish guy.he doesn't listen to me." "he doesn't understandmy helplessness." "even though heunderstands my eyes."

    "he isn't in his senses.he has gone mad." "why do you flirtwith me in the streets?" "i won't come into your arms." "leave me, i have to go.the heart is mad." "where will you go,after making me desperate?" "fall in love with me and see." "come into my armsand don't leave me." good morning. - good morning! morning. morning.

    that dress just looks like my dress. that doesn't look like your dress,but that is your dress. what?! how did this happen?- this happened in the night. this happened in the night. what happened?- you did many things.. ..after you drank the irish coffee.- what have i done? you removed yourclothes and threw them. in front of you?- no. i turned my head.

    no. i turned my head. is this the truth? - yes. but then you removedmy dress and wore it. in front of you.- no. i had turned my head. then, it's ok. i don't rememberanything, but since you are.. ..telling me then it's ok.i hope you didn't see anything. you don't worry.i am very good person. i don't look evenat myself while bathing.. ..then how could i look at you.

    by the way urmila! - yes. the mole that is on your waist.. ..would have looked even better,if it had been on you lips. you are right. you moron. i will.. what happened? - i'll not leave you. urmila.. tell me what is the matter? gopal. gopal. gopal.- who is gopal? he is raju. yes, he is raju gopal.

    he was about to attack you. i hit him so hard thathe won't wake till morning. not till tomorrow morning,he will never wake up again. what do you mean?- i mean, he is dead. he is no more. he is no more. she hits really hard.- listen to me. you are dead. and act like a dead body.if you are dead.. ..then she will tell me whyshe wants to beat raju. now die. he is no more. i have triedall means, but nothing is working.

    is he really dead? - i think so. will the police come now?- yes, definitely. will they send meto the jail? - yes. will they hang me up?- yes, they will. please save me. you knowthat i've done this intentionally. anyway, what has raju done? i will tell you about that later.. ..but do somethingabout the body right now. don't worry. nobody has seen us.

    my god! - nobody has seen us. give me your money,or i will kill him. don't kill him.i will give you the money. show me the money or i will killhim. -no, no, i will give the money. give me the money.- are you mad? he'll kill that dead body.. andhe will be convicted of killing him. and we will be saved.- what are you saying? he is my friend. - what? you didn't get me. - what?

    if he cuts the neck, thenwe have to take throw the neck.. one place and thebody at some other place. it will be problem for us. what are you saying?- what are you saying? what happened to him?right now, he was beating him.. ..and now he fell. - the spirit.. the spirit has punished him,and you too behave yourself. before someone comeswe should take away this body. fast. - before someone sees us,we should do it.

    ok. i will put his fingersalso in the car. you don't worry. let's go. sit down. fast. shut up. i am not talking to you. where did you bring me?what is this? you don't know even that.this is a junkyard. i know that,but why did you stop the car here. what will with thedead body over here?

    it's very simple. here thecars are scraped and that is thrown. the body will also be scrapedalong with the dead body.. ..and no one will know about it.sit down. i said keep quiet. oh yes! its a very good idea. come on, dead body! police! police! - police! the police are here.what should we do? you tell me what should we do?- don't scare. think. what?

    think! i got an idea. - what? you hold me tightly and kiss me.and kiss me till the police go away. what rubbish! i will kissjust that person whom i love.. ..and whom i will eventually marry.i will not kiss you. what? didn't i hug you that day? for a moment assumethat you love me.. ..and that you willeventually marry me. - never. police! - never. let's check. - they are coming.

    they'll catch us and then kill us.- i don't care. hey, what.. what's happening? let's go. - yeah. thank god. - thank god. they are gone. - you are right. but why didn't theysee the dead body? - yes. dead body? yes. look at him. he looks soinnocent even after his death.

    it looks like he is just sleeping. what shall we do now? the police have recognized his face. we can't throw him here.let's do one thing.. ..let's take him to thehotel and think about it. ok. ok. ok. move backward. you ugly dead body.let's go. and clean the lipstick. when did i get this?

    i didn't realize that. no one is looking at us.come on. hurry up. - do it, fast. do it, fast. come fast. - come. shall i help you?- no, i can do it alone. excuse room key please. - sure. my room key, thank you.- something wrong? nothing. he just got drunk. don't worry.he's not looking at you.

    he is not staring at you.don't worry. gopal! how did the body bend? it is a very simple thing.any body will bend, if you leave it. thank god that it doesn'tlook like a dead body.. spite of being a dead body. i don't know anything about it.i don't have any experience in it. don't talk loudlyor we will be caught. first of all, bend him.- his body isn't straight. oh my god!. - my god!

    tell me something,why is this body so stiff? the body got cold.the body got cold. the body got old. he is not leaving us,even after his death. sometimes it happens.. what are you doing? what happened? what happened?what happened? what happened? why are you beating him? it willhurt him. why are you beating him? he was staring at me.- no, he isn't. it's a dead body. enjoy it.

    haven't you seenzee horror show? ok.. i'll put glasses on him.there won't be any eye contact. look here. haven't you seen that show?zee horror show.. ramsay's movie, 'aaram se'.see, he is so relaxed. i guess you are hungry? - yes. i will get some food for you.- no. how can i be alone here? this body will give you company.don't worry. all the best. bye. isn't it.

    well, madam. - yes. the food is here. - wow! thank you. you didn't tell me,what has raju done? let me eat, first of all.i am very hungry. where is the body?- wow, i have hidden the body. where? - in the fridge. in the fridge? o no! he will die. he is dead! - he is already can he die again? urmila, try to understand.the body will become ice.

    but if the body stays outside,it will decompose.. if it stays inside the fridge,it will destroy the fridge. here he is. hello. he is still there.- what? i mean, he is still a dead body.he hasn't become ice. he has scope. you do one thing.- hmm. you go and eat, till theni will take care of the body. - ok.

    he must been a very stiff person.- get straight. cover the blanket,or else you will die. thank god he escaped. wow! what are you doing! are you mad! are you mad! hide away. lay down. - what happen? nothing, this corpse is a have your food. listen. - yes.

    i have heard that thespirits wander in the darkness. i have also heard thatthe spirits wander in darkness. i have also heard that they laugh,dance, sing.. ..and they also eat. yes. what happened?- the light is off by itself. what is happening?- raj has become ghost. the spirit is dancing. come here, urmila. this spirit is really dancing.

    i guess that nowthis spirit will eat. look at it. it has started eating. oh my god!- urmila! urmila, what has raju done? raju has... urmila! he became a dead body again.- yes. the spirit came in darkness.. ..and left when there is go to sleep.

    because we have to disposethis body in the morning. by the way urmila,what has raju done? tell me what it is? the trench is backwards. i will throw the body.- i will also come with you. no. you stay here. it is very cold here.- i will help you. ok. what happened?this is a very bad dead body. i will kick this body.

    come soon and jump.come no! what was that voice? it is so high that anydead body would have shouted. by the way, what has raju done? what has raju done?- come. let's leave this place.. ..before anyone sees us.come on. it's so cold. this is too much. - drive fast. we got saved. thanks have helped me a lot. no need to say thanks.

    it was my duty.but i was thinking that.. ..i came to newzeeland to earn money.. ..and i got stuckin this murder case. but, listen.. you don't tell anyoneabout this murder. definitely, i won't.why would i tell anyone? we just know about it.- no. you didn't get me. someday, i'll marry someone and..'ll also marry someoneand then you will have kids. and then you willtell them stories..

    ..that when you werein new zeeland and so and so. and the law doesn't considerage when it punishes. we will definitelyget into trouble. gopal. then think about some way out of it. there is just oneway out of it. - what? instead of marrying other person.. ..we should marry each won't tell this to your kids. and to save your husbandyou will forget this story. yes.

    even if we get caught wewill go to the jail together. yes. - am i right? then, why don't you say it,that you want to marry me. i have already expressed my view. now you tell me what'sthere in your heart. yes or no. well, i have to think about it.- you have just 10 seconds. and time starts now. raju, it's you?what a great friend you are? you threw me in the trenchand you went with that girl.

    i have done so much for you.i become a dead man for you. i became raju from gopal. what are you doing like a monkey? enough of your drama. do you think that.. hold on. enough! - shut up. such a big betrayal with me.why have you done this to me? i just wanted to know thatwhat have i done that you wanted.. kill me. - i thought thatyou were a nice person and you..

    ..turned out as a bad person.- but what have i done? i will tell you everything,but you have to come with me. ok. let's go. - useless. i am sorry gopal,i left you out there in the cold. i am sorry, buddy. relax! cool. vicky. hi. - hi. don't beat me. - vicky. come out. - don't beat me.look! don't beat me.

    what did you tell her? i don't even know her. vicky, say it. you neednot to fear anyone. - excuse me. tell me, or else i willgive you so many punches.. ..that no doctor of thisworld will recognize you. he hasn't done anything.- then who did it? i did it. raju. "i don't want diamonds,pearls or gold."

    "i just want your heart." "i don't want sun, moon or stars." "i just want a boy like you." "your black hair. your brown eyes." "you are crazy andyour talk makes me crazy." "i just want the help of your arms." "my adolescence is for you." "o my love! give me a cue." "i just want to belost in your dreams."

    announcing the departureof flight ai 707. will you say something orwill you just stay mum? - raju. are you going to india? - no.i came to airport just for fun. in a few moments the flight willtake off.. and then i will go back. am i right, gopal?- why are you getting angry? will you return from india?- no. my girlfriend lives in india. i will marry her thereand get settled over there. why would i come back?what say, gopal? why are you getting angry, raju?

    say something romantic.- how can i say? i haven't done it before.this is the first time i am in love. i don't know what the lovers speak. do you really don'tknow how they speak? haven't you seen in movies?the heroine comes.. the airport and thenthe hero hugs her and then.. ..he kisses her, but beforethat there's an announcement. ai 705..departure from.. it is flight's time. i am sorry.- why are you saying sorry?

    i am flatterer. oh my darling. - oh raju. - bye. hey enough, you'll lose your flight. go my dear. i am handing you over tothis dead body. take care of her. bye. - leave her. this is a flight. this isn't a train that itwill stop if you pull the chain. i have to answer to the pilot. i am sorry. i will help you.

    what happened? my father will kill me. just because youbroke a glass frame. buy another one beforeyou reach your home. i am sorry. where are you going? you are crying? take this handkerchiefand wipe off your tears. put that handkerchief aside.

    madam, you can cry on my shoulders. i will wipe off all your pain. you are very fond ofwiping off others' tears? buddy, you keep your mouth shut.shut up! that's it. yah! that's it. get down. get down. come on. why mess with a woman, man?

    hello! by the way this isn'ta garden, nor a railway track. get up. the train is about to come. i am waiting for the train.- then go to the platform. you may die here. - i want to die. what? are you mad? people don't die evenwhen their heart is broken.. ..and you want to diejust because of a broken glass. you don't understand is not about a frame. ok. then, this mustbe a typical homely problem.

    let me guess. yes. you might have toldyour parents that you would.. ..get a minimum of 80%in your exams, but you failed. and now you are thinkinghow to you face your parents. right! no. then i will tell you somethingwhich is 100% correct. your parents havefixed you marriage.. ..with a rich man's uglyson and you don't like him at all. is this the matter? - no.

    even this is not the case. then, it must havesomething to do with love. have you loved anyoneand he betrayed.. sharmila, forget me.i can't meet you again. and you too don'ttry to meet me. ajay. oh! so you failed in love? the person who doesn't have the gutsto talk to you in person at your face. the person who wrote this to you.

    and you are committingsuicide for that person. my advice is to marry aperson of your parents' choice. but when my parents will know..- how will they know? ..when you won't tell them.- they will know it in few days. how? i am pregnant. this is his faultwho has betrayed you. but why are you punishing thatinnocent kid who isn't born yet. you tell me what should i do?

    you go and tell everythingto your parents. you will find outa solution for this. you don't know my father.he is a very angry man. to him, his reputationis more valuable than his life. first of all, he will killme and then he will kill himself. because of him wemarried in a temple. i don't have any other option.- there is one option. you take a fake husbandto your house. he will stay in.. ..your home for a few daysand leave you after a few days.

    everyone will blame him,but you will get your home.. ..and your kid will get the family. it is easy to say that.but who will help me? i am sure someone will help you.- will you help me? me? ok. let's go. the farms that you arelooking at are all ours. - cool. in our house there is my mother,my grandfather.. grandmother andall are very nice people.

    my father is alsovery nice human being. but he is a hot tempered person. oh! the old angry young man. dacoits! the dacoits are here. you didn't tell me thatthere are dacoits in your village. you never told me still the dacoitsare there in your village. mr. dacoit! why did youleave chambal and come here? how dare you to call our master,a dacoit? - ok. so you are mr. thakur?so you are going for hunting?

    but forgive me,those days are gone where one.. ..could kill those innocent animals. i will complaint against you,even if you kill a single bird. you will be arrested.- raju, what are you doing? so what? what can he do? at most you will shoot me.come on, hit me. raju, he is my father. - ok. alright. daddy! my dear, daddy. please, don't killthese innocent animals.

    it might get you arrested.- who is he? he is my husband. mr. vishwanath pratap singh!mrs. uma devi. mother! come and see andwhat your daughter has done? what's the matter? my daughter has ruinedthis family's reputation. what has she done?- your granddaughter is now a mrs. every girl goes to her in-laws'place after she is married.. her house.but she has done otherwise.

    cool, cool. ok. what are you indicating?stand straight. what are you looking at? won't you give your blessings? you got married andyou didn't even.. when? who is this boy? - he himselfwill tell about it. who are you? what is your name? you are saying your nameas if you're a prince of a kingdom. what is your profession?- i have a fast food center.

    of bread and patties?- no. not bread and patties. then you must sell somesnacks or some other items. the change in menu doesn'tchange one's status. let him speak.- he isn't worthy to speak to me. i thought that she willstudy hard and bring a degree.. ..but she has brought this.- so what has she done wrong? you shut up. why are you not talking?why don't you tell.. ..her that whatevershe has done is wrong?

    yes, she is wrong, but.. - what but? now when your daughterhas accepted her as husband.. too accept him. you may accept himas sharmila's husband.. ..but i would neveraccept him as my son-in-law. you don't worry. i am here. don't cry. you know that you fatheris a very angry man. not only me,but also his father can't dare.. speak in front of him.- i am his daughter. whatever he has to say,he could have said it to me. but he shouldn't haveinsulted raju in that way. his anger is reasonable. when a daughter is born.. ..more than mother,a father becomes happier when.. ..he gets her married. you'vetaken away that right from him. he will be a bit angry.- come. the food is served. go and call raju. go!

    please sit down. son. sit down dear. today, when i was wanderingin the village, the villagers.. ..said that they heard aboutmy granddaughter's marriage. i said that they studiedtogether in the college.. ..they fell in love and got married. his status is not of studyingin a college, but his.. ..status is that of sellingbread and patties in the canteen. sharmila, tell your grandfatherthat how did you marry him? he is troubling the villagersby telling them different stories.

    son. you tell us,where did you meet sharmila first? when she was on the track.- was she jumping? i am jumping the ropein the college. - yes. where did you meet, first?- pune. - nasik. was it nasik? - pune. yes, you are right. that was pune. the place isn't important.when did you meet? may. - june. june!

    yes, it was are right. there was light drizzle. - nothing. why are you interviewing them? how does it make any difference,where they met? he married our granddaughter. we know it, but his parents'might not know that. my parents are not alive. where were you brought up?- in an orphanage. have you heard it?this is the reality of his life.

    his life started in an orphanage.. ..and his life will endin a canteen by selling snacks. so proudly you tell aboutthe 400 years of your ancestors. that your fatherhas built a college. that your grandfatherhas built a hospital. that your great grandfatherwas a landlord.. ..and he built fiveponds and 20 wells. and on the other hand there is he.he has built a canteen. what were you thinkingwhen you married my daughter?

    you didn't even thinkabout your status for once. the rivers meet ocean,but not the wells. father-in-law,no matter however big the ocean.. ..may be,it can't put off someone's thirst. and no matter howeversmall a well may be.. has to go to the wellto quench the thirst. - shut up. because of me you hadto face a lot of insult. come and sit. when the elders scold,it isn't an insult to the kids.

    somewhere in their scolding,love is hidden. and think about this. if the ears are just for hearing.. ..then god would have givenus one ear, instead of two. do you know why didhe give us two ears? to hear with one earand leave it from other ear. and one more thing.our love story should be alike. you are saying it differentlyand i am saying it differently. we will be in trouble.

    the story should be like this.we met in my orphanage. and then we fell in loveand then i went to new zeeland.. earn money and wheni returned from new zeeland.. ..we married in templebecause of your father. ok, now. cool relax. - son. grandpa, it's you? son, i want to apologisefor balraj's mistake. we treat even our guests as gods. and he treatedhis own son-in-law in this way

    i apologise on his behalf.- it's ok, grandpa. grandpa, tell me something?your son.. you mean your father-in-law! - yes. when was the last time he smiled?- last time? i mean how many yearsago did he smile? do you remember?no. we don't remember. does he have a fixedexpression? anger! i am there to laugh instead of him. why are there two different beds?

    the thing is that when isleep on the bed, i get back pain. and when she sleeps on the floor,she gets back pain. that's why i amsleeping on the floor.. ..and she is sleeping on the bed. you are lying. you are lying to me. both of you had a fight, hadn't you? and that too because of her father. he is a father-in-law,who has created troubles between.. ..his daughter and his son-in-law.i won't leave him.

    no grandpa.- i will make him understand.. ..that he is not my father,but i am his father. you look what i am goingto do to him. - grandpa! balraj! where are you? yes. tell me what's the matter?- i forgot to wish you goodnight. goodnight! mother! grandma! grandpa!

    daddy! sharmila! sister, it's you?- lakshmi, where is everyone? no one is here.- everyone went to temple. temple? why?- sister sharmila got married. they took her andher husband to temple. sharmila got married. this is the templebuilt by our ancestors. we bring the brideand the groom here..

    ..whenever there is a marriage. greetings. mr. thakur. he is sharmila's husband, raju.greeting. shall i start the praying?- definitely. not that way. this way.he was going the wrong way. urmila, it's you.- when did you come? i'll tell you everything. but tell me,where is my brother-in-law? there is he.

    you go behind the statueof nandi and look at lord shiva. mahadev! no. have you seen the god? no. i have seen the goddess.- goddess! raju, she is sharmila'syounger sister, urmila. and he is raju, sharmila's husband,your brother-in-law. greetings, brother-in-law!

    i am worshipping the statueof nandi. please save me. inder! inder, stop! dad! - get up. you made me fall.- i didn't. that horse did. you know that that horse thrusts,if it hears a whistle. and still.. - ok. now listen to me.. balraj's younger daughterhas returned from new zeeland. so what, dad? - you fool!you couldn't marry sharmila..

    ..but you can at least marry urmila. no dad. i was about to marrysharmila, but didn't happen. that's why i will nevermarry a girl of that family. and this is final.- use your brain, you fool. what do we got to dowith sharmila or urmila? we are just concerned withbalraj's wealth. get ready. i'll talk to balraj aboutyour marriage with urmila. dad, you are really smart.- shut up. maid. get me a cup of tea. - ok.

    urmila, what's this?why aren't you talking to me? what do you want to talk to me,brother-in-law? who is your brother-in-law?i am not your brother-in-law. one calls sister's husband,brother-in-law. brother-in-law. what are you talking about?- why did she come now? what? - i mean i wastalking something personal. really! - i was asking ifshe met any guy in new zeeland. i fear she may getinto a problem like me. she is going. - go and ask her.

    hold on. i will talk to her.or she'll run away. come on. raju, why are you chasing me?i don't want to talk to you. urmila.. urmila.. urmila.. let's eat breakfast. - takethe breakfast, brother-in-law. i am not hungry. - i knowthat no one will feel hungry.. ..after hearing so many things. why do you takeeverything so seriously? you father will also feel bad,if he sees you like this.

    if you will smile,your father may think that.. least his daughter is happy.go and take breakfast. if you'll eat breakfast.. ..i will feel that ihave taken the breakfast. ok. o no. where are you goingwith this poisonous spray? no, urmila. you can't do this.urmila. urmila. urmila. urmila, o my god! urmila, the wholefamily will be gathered. urmila, your tyrantfather will be here.

    please, urmila.urmila, open the door. urmila, for my sakedon't commit suicide. and listen,if you don't listen to me.. ..i can't forgive myselffor the rest of my life. don't do. urmila, don't do that. hello. ok! okay. urmila, why did youtake baygon spray? urmila! i was killing the cockroaches.

    why would i kill myselffor someone like you? then why are you killingme by calling me brother-in-law? what happened?what happened? - daddy. daddy, brother-in-law just slipped. the person who can'twalk two steps properly.. daughter has decidedto walk with him for all her life. i want to use thespray on this mosquito. balraj! some guests are here.why are you getting angry?

    congrats, mr.balraj! congrats. - please come. please come. congrats. we heard thatyour elder daughter got married.. ..and we thoughtof congratulating you. we didn't even know aboutthe marriage. - even we didn't. this is a very fast generation. today they fall in love.. ..tomorrow they get marriedand we don't even know about it. where is your son-in-law?introduce us to him.

    he is somewhere around.- good morning everybody. he is our son-in-law.- well! what's his profession? the snacks.. - will you take snacks? he talks too much. - meet him. he is a very reputed personof this place, manmohan singh.. ..and he is his son. sit down. actually, my son was to marry mr.balraj's elder daughter.. ..but you married her.

    mr. thakur, now my wish is that.. should geturmila married to him. you talk to balraj.why would i have any objection? but i have an objection. - why? i mean since sharmilahas married the person of her.. ..choice and so should urmila do. i mean, she can'tjust marry any xyz.. i'll decide whom i will marry.- that's what i was saying. and even if you wantsomeone advice, then..

    then i will take it from my parents,brother-in-law. come on, inder. it's toohot over here. come on. - sure. there is no danger.- do you know, inder? this is my most favorite horse,goldie. hi, goldie. she is very sweet.- it isn't she, but it's he. what's up, buddy? you areflirting in the name of horse. what do you want, brother-in-law? the thing is that youdon't know the difference.. ..between a horse and a donkey.

    i am here to show you the difference.- you don't try to mess with me. i am not fact, i am messing with you. do you think that youare very strong? - yes. then, why shouldn't wetrade a couple of punches? if we test a single punch? i guess one punch ofmine is sufficient for you. come on, inder. - come on, inder. come on!- come on! yes, yes.- now, come on!

    hit my hand. come on, hit high. hit me high, okay?- yeah, alright. now come on. you it's your turn.- where should i put my hand? you keep it on your keep it on your face. yes, come on. yeah, yeah, yeah.- yeah! what happened? why are you crying?- daddy, he punched me. uncle, we were justplaying a couple punches.

    i hit him one,and he started crying like a kid. one minute. you tell mewhat happened? - you tell him. he asked me to keepmy hand on the face. i did. and then he removed hishand and i punched him like this. like this. this was happened?- same like this. he punched me again. - shut up. now i understand, now you willput the hand and my son will punch. ok. where is the wall?

    no. you will keep the handon the face and he will punch. ok. it suits me. hit me hard.- come on, inder. come on, inder. a man should have brainsalong with strength. and who has got both ofthem is called the complete man. i think he is right, dad. what were you thinking about?- nothing. ok, now tell me, sincewe were kids we played together.. ..we shared everything,then why did you hide such a big..

    ..issue from me? i thought i'll tellyou when you'll come here. you tell me where did you meet him.. ..and how did you fell in love. i met him in this orphanage. and the orphanagemeet turned into love. then he went to new zeeland.he returned a few days back. he married in a templebecause of father. at least you got theperson whom you love.

    or else these days,people just betray in love. what are you talking about?- nothing really. i guess you were talking about me. she was complaining to methat i didn't tell her anything.. ..about ourselves. we couldn't have been together.. ..had we told her, becauseshe would have told your father. and your father wouldn'thave let us marry. but at least i couldhave met you in new zealand.

    i could have known you better. now we are about to be togetherfor the rest of the life. you will know me better.- brother-in-law! you are married to my sisterthat's why i am apprehensive. because there arepeople who marry here.. ..and still flirt andfool other women over there. urmila, he is not one of them. he used to call me regularlyeven when he was there, didn't you?

    really.- because i love. i don't leave a person whom i love. you will know it soon.- i can see it. anyway, now i should leave. i am being a hurdlebetween two lovers. goodnight, brother-in-law!- ok, hug.. have i done the right thing? - yes. have i crossed the line? - no. now, she believesthat we love each other.

    even i believe thatnothing can happen now. where is she sleeping? where is she sleeping? urmila! hey urmila! o god! she wasn't leaving me. i am thirsty. what?- water! take this. give it to me.

    where is she? so she is here. urmila. don't say anything. come outside.i want to talk to you. come outside. come with me. who's there? who is wandering here? what is this nuisance? look at him. the personwhom you call son-in-law.. with a maid.

    what are you saying? he isn't conscious.he walks in sleep. look at him. he isn't conscious, he walksin sleep. i feel like killing.. hey. wake up. you do one thing.leave him to his room. me! or else he may fall somewhere.- will he? urmila, listen to me. oh my god! this is too much.- urmila, i love you. urmila, listen to me.- no. i don't want to listen. "my dear, listen to me."

    "understand thecondition of my heart." "agree with me, love me.listen to me." "stop chasing me." "break this fake relationship." "agree with me, don't love me.listen to me." "i enjoy flirting with you." "this fun may causetrouble for you." "don't walk like that.don't change colours." "you can't get me.don't feel envy at me."

    "you have robbedme with your beauty." "i will make sucha condition of yours.. ..that you won't forget it forever." "but i feel like touchingyour rosy cheeks." "don't pretend in front of me,i won't fall for your tricks." "why are you fighting with me?let's kiss and make up." "go away from me.don't make excuses." urmila, listen to me.urmila, please. listen to me and youwon't be angry at me anymore.

    leave my hand. what if anyone sees? urmila, i was yours.i am yours and i will be yours. you have mistaken me.i came here to help someone.. ..and i got stuck here.o no! urmila! sharmila will feel sobad if she knows about us. that's why i am leavingthis house by marrying. urmila, listen to me. - no, i won't. urmila, i am not sharmila's husband. i have got nothingto do with sharmila.

    if you are not sharmila's husband.. ..then how are you relatedto urmila. - grandfather. now i got it. this is you. - yes. and this is urmila. - yes. this is sharmila. - yes. you love urmila. - yes. and you are here assharmila's husband. - yes. and urmila is unhappy? - yes

    this is a very big problem.i can't do anything about it. this isn't a big problem for are the eldest in this house. wouldn't your son listento you if you talk to him? you want me to talk to him? you want me to get beaten up?no, i won't do it. grandpa, are you afraid of your son? i am not afraid of him,but i am afraid of his big gun. what a shame! he is your son. if you talk to him,will he shoot you?

    i know that he is my son.he knows that i am his father. but the gun doesn't knowhow are we related to each other? what if it fires?i will have to go straight there. i can't do it.- sad. what's your name? vishwanath pratap singh.- do you know what singh means? the lion. - the dangerous lion. you are the lion of the circusthat follows the ringmaster. if you are a real lion thengo and tell that mouse that.. are the boss. you arethe whole and soul of this house.

    you are making me angry. i am not making you angry.i am telling you the truth. i'll threaten himwith just one roar. just do it. - should i? yes. - shall i give youa demonstration of my power? yes. - balraj. hey, balraj. why is he shouting at this time? what's the matter? - can'tyou hear me? i am calling you.

    come here. what's the matter? - look down.i've tolerated you a lot. now i won't tolerate you anymore. if you shout one more time,i'll throw you out of this house. are you out of your senses?- i wasn't. now i came to my senses. all the times you talk aboutthe status, family, ancestors. don't you care aboutthe human beings! do you know that you arethe one who spoiled raju's life?

    tell me clearly what's the matter?- should i? urmila loves raju. come to your senses.raju is sharmila's husband. - no. someone else is sharmila's husband.he betrayed her. she was about to commit suicide.raju saved her. because of you she broughthim as his husband.. ..into this house.this is the truth. sharmila, is this all true? sharmila! - yes.

    have you seen it?now i will take the decision. i.. vishwanath pratap singh. the owner of this house,your father. i will get urmila married to raju. urmila, come here. come to me. i am here. come. i am here. come here. come with me. come, son.- come outside.

    take this hand. are you happy now? i have united them.i have united them. will you unite us just inyour dreams? or will it be real? where is urmila? - she is inside. she is inside.just now, i united you. it was in your dreams,not in reality. in reality, i can uniteyou tomorrow, but not now. grandpa, don't do that. this lion woke upafter so many years.

    don't leave him.come on, let's go, grandpa. you go first. i will follow you.- really. follow me. - yes. let's go and shake them. - we shall. follow me. - let's go. balraj. why are you shouting at this time? actually.. i want to eat.- you want to eat? now? no. i want to talk. - about what?

    that..- marriage! flower veil. my hair is too long.- you hair isn't long. now he is hitting his head. - who? he's, he's back. he does like this. what happened to you?- that... yeah,i want to blow the trumpets.. hey, marriage. i want to adorn you with a garland. no. i want to talk to youabout marriage. - whose marriage?

    my marriage, of course! - what? my mind isn't working.take me to my room. take me. ramu. it would have beenbetter to ask urmila.. ..before fixing her marriage. i told you my decision.i didn't ask you about your advice. whose marriage areyou talking about? about your with inder's. listen to me carefully.

    you opinion won'tchange my decision. - no. the question of rejectingdoesn't arise, father. you definitely wouldhave given much thought to it. urmila, what's this?whom are you marrying? why? does he have any bad qualities? no, but then, he doesn'teven have any good-qualities. even you don't haveany good qualities. he has a house, money, reputation.. ..and more than everything,he has a family.

    father-in-law,you didn't get my point. urmila and he don't suit each other. even you don't suit sharmila. and from now onwards don'tinterfere in our family matters. this isn't your family matter.. ..but this is matter relatedto my heart, you old man. grandpa. - yes. have you seen this scarecrow? - yes. you stand there instead of that,then at least you can..

    ..scare the crows.because no one is scared of you. talk to me with respect. you didn't give a chance to do that. i thought that you're theoldest and the head of the family. but you're just an old man. but now i realized thatyou are just an old man. are you challenging me?- no. i am not challenging you. but i am ignoring you like others.- what did you say? why don't you try to understand me?

    ok. what you said was your name? you forgot my name.where is the stone? yes, some singh. vishwanath pratap singh.- vishwanath pratap singh! singh means lion.the lion of the jungle. but why have you becomethe lion of the circus. i can't understand can't do anything. really. now, you see what i can do. no. there is no need to do that.- you see what i can do.

    you cannot. - cannot?- cannot! ok, then, leave it. hey. listen.- no, i can't do anything. no. - no. i am an old man. no. - i am just a circus loin. no. i will give you a chance.- you will give me a chance. grandpa, do something. come with me. - grandpa,why did you bring me here? i want to tell you a story.- a story! yes. a boy loves a girl.

    one day a boy sees that agirl is trying to commit suicide. the boy saved her.he asked her the reason for that. she said that the boy whomshe loved had betrayed her. she said that she can'tshow her face to their parents. he had sympathy on her. he went to her houseas her fake husband, but unfortunately.. turned out to be thehouse the girl whom he loved. that girl turned out tobe this girl's elder sister.

    grandpa, i feel that ihave heard this story somewhere. this story you haven't heard butyou have seen it. because i am that are that girl. and the other girlis your sister sharmila. daughter, he is right.he came here just to help her. raju. - i love you, urmila. urmila, i love you. - raju. be ashamed of yourselves.i am standing right here. grandpa, don't putme into formalities now.

    i am hugging her after so many days.- so what? grandpa, a postman's jobis to just deliver the letter. am i a postman?i am taking my letter back. please don't do that, grandpa. ok, i will turn that way.what other option do i have? is it over? - no. it isn't yet.- what's this problem? "this girl has become young." "she had mercy on me." "everyone loves her.."

    "she became the life of young men." "this boy has become young." "he became the lifeof beautiful girls." "everyone loves him.." "let me increase therosy-ness of your cheeks." "your hair is scattered,let me compose it." "i want to spendmy life in your arms." "i feel like givingyou a lot of love." "let me kiss you.. have become my voice." "a little bit of fun anda little bit of happiness." "but there is not mistake of mine." "i have become mad in love." "even your intentionsare not right." "i am scared of your words.. have become a bit naughty." listen watchman.which uneducated person.. ..i am talking might not know me, guard.

    what did you say! guard? or do you want me to callyou the owner of this bungalow? who are you?- how dare you take my introduction? i am raja's friend.where is raja? - he went to hell. how dare you to speaklike that about your master? right now, i will get you fired. and i'll fire you from the world. oh god, help me. gopal, why did you come here?i asked you not to come.

    save me from this mad man.- hey, fool! come here. why should i? to kill myself.- no one can save you. father-in-law,he is my friend, gopal. we used to worktogether in new zeeland. say that you usedto make snacks together. gopal! - what happened?there was some firing. who fired? look here. there was already one,now there is one more. he is a friend of his. now,both of them will make snacks here.

    and change thisbungalow into a canteen. calm down. the villagers, who weresacred even to look at this.. ..bungalow,will eat snacks in this veranda. what kind of a guard is he?- he is not a guard. he is a landlord, man.he is my father-in-law. you married this dacoit's daughter? i will tell you that story later. come, i will introduceyou to grandma. - ok.

    the grandma. grandma.- and she is my mother-in-law. greetings, grandma. he always gets confused.come, i will introduce you.. your sister-in-law.- as if i don't know her. come with me.don't put me in troubles. hey. when she is my wife,then how can she be sister-in-law! sister-in-law! you forgot? i am.. i died. then i became a spirit.then i was in the fridge.

    then i came out.then i ate and danced. he isn't well. he lost his mind. i will treat him.come with me inside. - inside? who is he? - he is his friend. do you know him? - very well. is it? the dishes are very tasty.- did you like it? after a long time,i am having a tasty dish. do you know who preparedthese dishes? - who?

    we prepared them, father-in-law. we just want you to like the dishes. you made very tasty dishes.i am very happy with you. both of you share this.- what are you doing? he is our son-in-law. i didn't give thistip to son-in-law. but i gave the tip to the cook. even the cook ofhotel mughal cooks well. that doesn't mean that iwill accept him as my son-in-law.

    you have 100 rupees as eat those dishes. when will this old mad change? he is not worth his salt!- his salt. yes. i have put thesalt in those dishes. i would have given 7 kg salt in it,had i known him earlier. some income-tax officershould raid his house. you go there and search that room.. ..and bring all the jewelrythat you find there. - ok, sir. you go to the stable andsee the length of the horses.

    and make a report of that.- but who are you? we are from income-tax department. there is no need to give me all the jewels.. ..that are in the hands,neck, ears, nose, fingers.. and also put your watches over here. what's going on? who are you? who are you!i am sardar singh aluwalia. did you get me?don't raise your voice. or else i'll write such a report..

    .. that you'll just revolve around.. ..the income-tax office forthe rest of your life on your horse. okay, i remembered one thing.and what do you feed your horse? the horse eats the grassand the grass is from the farms. where did you get those farms from? they belong to our ancestors.- belong to the ancestors? so this.. don't touch me orelse i will shoot you. aalu! aluwalia,what are you doing here? - raju.

    what are you doing here?- this person has hidden.. ..a lot of money andalso he hasn't paid the tax. and also he is threateningan income-tax officer.. ..that he will kill him.they both are eye witnesses to this. i will send him to the jail today. he is my father-in-law.- he isn't. - he is! you are our son-in-law's friend.please sit down. have some tea. grandma, there is no need for that.he is my friend. aalu, you leave this place.

    he is already angry at me.. ..and if you don't leave now,he will be angrier. he is angry at you?i will leave him at one condition. if he apologizes to raju.- aalu. - you shut up. if he hugs you andcalls you son-in-law.. ..then, i will leave this place. balraj, what are you thinking about?call him son-in-law. embrace him. don't think about it.please call him son-in-law.

    he is a very stiff person.i will treat him. aalu, you are saying too much. you keep quiet. let me speak today.we got a chance today. he always gives thoseangry looks to us. that day we cooked so well for him.. ..and in turn he calledus cooks and gave us tip. when i came to this house,he fired at me. i could have died. what rights does he have? then, he says that we willsell snacks for two rupees.

    what does he think of himself?where is he? why do you always fire at me?i was just joking. i am leaving. "listen to me father-in-law.. ..i'll treat your ego.i'll bend you." "i will fire your gun at you.i will trouble you as much as.. troubled me. you stare at are a pushover." "you always have very arrogant." "i will treat yourarrogance in a moment." "quit this fighting."

    "both of you join hands." "you have seen have known me." "you too know thecapabilities of my gun." "who has the gutsto stand in front of me?" "don't come in front of me.don't challenge me." "he lives in my houseand eats my money." "and then he harms meand teaches you ugly dances." "don't get upset." "come and hug him."

    "what can he do to me?he will burn me?" "if you wake up the sleeping lion,you will regret it later." "how many days will it go on?you will bring the horse.. ..and get me on it,you will blow the trumpet.. will acceptme as your son-in-law." "you have insulted have slapped me." "you have challenged a young one can save you." "i will kill you.i will give you merciless death." "you will die one will save you."

    "don't fire the gun like that." "don't hurt your dear ones." "you will do what isn'tsupposed to happen." "you will make your daughter,a widow?" "you will kill his husband?" "you want there to bemourning in your own house." "if you do that,we will complain to the police." "we will bring the police.we will send you to prison." "you will be there in thejail for the rest of your life."

    "in the jail forthe rest of your life." old man!he scares me even in the dreams. he made me sweat. i don't understandwhat kind of a person he is. what are you doing here?- nothing. i was thinking. were you? what were you thinking? did you wash your son'sface with glue when he was young? why? - his skin got stuck. there isn't any expressionon his face, other than anger.

    it seems that he is the firstmogambo, who isn't happy. - yes. confess that youcan't win with my son. i will lose when therewill be a competition with me. he is just ignoring me. - really. can you ride the horse? do you want yourson-in-law to drive a cart? every year a cart raceis held in our village. for the last three yearsbalraj's enemy prithviraj's.. ..horses are winning andbalraj's horses are losing.

    and if you win this racethen assume that mogambo is happy. grandpa, if that's the casethen assume that mogambo is happy. where is father-in-law's horse? here it is. - is this a horse? oh no. oh no. oh no. fool! even father-in-law'shorse is out of control. neither he is in controlnor is she in control.

    i will see you. idiot! have you seen my horse?- yes. i have seen it. he went this way. but you go back. because you are notgoing to get that horse. what are you saying?how can i let it go? thank god, you caught my horse. or else it would havereally got me into trouble. you can't take this horse. - why?

    because not only horses,even human beings can't.. ..escape once they enter our farm. i can escape and alsoi will take my horse back. really! boys, tie thisrude boy along with the horses. don't do that. give me the horse withoutgetting beaten up by me. he wants his horse. do you want the horse? hey move!

    stop! what is going on? father-in-law,they aren't returning our horse. how dare you to bring my horse here? i didn't bring it here. that horse threw me andand came himself to this place. but what was the necessityto bring the horse over here. mr. prithvi singh. give me my horse back.

    there are only two options for youto take the horse back. - tell me. the first one is thatif you win this year's race.. can take your horse.- and the second one? you've to apologize to mefor the mistake this boy has done. control your tongue! you will have to answer me,if you try to insult my uncle. you are too proud of your win,aren't you? i will crush your pride. i'll win this year's chariot race..

    ..and i will presentthis horse to my uncle. very good, my son. have you seen it? this is what is calledthe family blood.. ..which never takes insult. son, you are one who suitsmost to be my son-in-law. the day after tomorrow,there will be the engagement.. ..ceremony with urmila. let's go. urmila. - raju. hi.

    is this the time to come?- why else can i do? i have to escape fromfather's eyes and come here. or else he will shoot me.- is he your father or your enemy? what did you say? - no. i don'tknow why, whenever i try to.. ..praise him, things likethis come out of my mouth. urmila. how did the donkey enterinto the horse stable? now deal with him. - what? urmila. urmila.- won't you say anything else?

    i want to give this flowerand kiss you before engagement. o no! the light went off.why did it go away right now? when will it return?- after you leave. after i leave?but, who said this? - i said it. but what happened to your voice? i got an infection last night.- i don't mind. i just want to kiss your lips.- first of all, wash your face. where can i go in darkness?i can't see anything. go anywhere. - where?

    take right, then take leftand then go straight. - ok. take this flower. - give it to me. quite confusing, isn't it?- get going. urmila, here it is very dark.- do as i say. - ok. go right. - ok, i am following you. now take left. that's it. - alright. now get down. - and i did it. very wash your face with that water. great. - ok!

    very good. ok. don't get up. now come here on your knees,if you want to kiss me. alright. no problem.- close your eyes and come forward. urmila. - keep take a bit right. - ok. and a bit left. - ok. and now raise your head. that's enough. now there's.. ..a gap of two inchesbetween you and my lips. you mean it? - i mean itand just go ahead please now.

    yes, baby. yes. darling, do you havean infection on your lips? they are so thick. - don'task the question, just go ahead. okay. okay. yes. yes. a horse. stupid. fool. idiot. come here. what is it? you are kissing thehorses in the darkness.

    no. i came here to kiss urmila.- and you kissed a horse? i haven't done it before.i don't know how to do it. you fool.kissing is an art. - really. i will teach you. urmila, come here. first of all,one needs to hold the girl's hand. not you, i will do it for you. - ok. first of all hold the girl's hand,then turn her.. - alright. then pull her towards youand then kiss her. - that's it. so easy. so simple. i havelearnt it. - you have learnt it.

    you kissed my would-be. - o, yes. raju, how dare youmake fun of my son. didn't you tell him what happened? i told him that i kissed a horse,assuming her to be urmila. then i told him that kissingone's would-be is an art. and then, what did you say? i told him that i don't knowthis art, tell me how to do it. then what did you tell?- then i showed him that art. how come? - put that cup over move backwards.

    i held urmila's hand,then i pulled her towards me.. ..then i pulled herand then i kissed her. dad! he kissed her again.- you fool. why are you crying? what happened?- last night, i kissed a horse.. ..assuming her to be urmila. i feel very sorry for that horse. grandpa. - shut up. what happened? i told him that kissing one'swould-be is an art. - ok, then? i told him that i don'tknow that art. explain it to me.

    then what did you explain?- then, i held urmila's hand.. ..then i pulled her,then turned her and then kissed her. grandpa, he kissed her again. why don't you beat him? shut up! dear raju! for a momentassume that you are my son. why should i?- assume it for a moment. what's there in assuming? come here. you stand here. you fool, go there.

    now tell me whathappened last night? last night i kissed a horse,assuming her to be urmila. then what did you say?- i told him that kissing one's.. ..would-be is an art.- very good, then what did you say? i said that i don't know this art.explain it to me. now tell me raju,what happened last night? go back. i held urmila's hands,i went near her.. ..then i turned her and then.. shut up.

    you fool. - dad! dad, i am ready. let's party. dad! what happened? - i am thinking. today, i knew that you too think.- shut up. i am much tensed, today. i feel that althoughraju is sharmila's husband, he is having an affair with what so?you are about to marry urmila. it doesn't matter evenif she has an affair with raju..

    ..because we are just botheredwith mr. thakur's money. o god! i can't treat him, but if he gets engaged to urmila.. ..i can definitely treat raju. "when the boy is a bachelor.." "when he roamswithout any purpose.." "when he roams without any purpose.. ..the heart beats faster and says." "this guy is mine."

    "when the girl is unmarried.." "when she roamswithout any purpose.." "when she roamswithout any purpose.. "this girl is mine." "your love troubles me a lot.i can't bear in anymore." "i can't tell you thecondition of my heart." "we may die, if we arescared of this cruel world." "o dear, let's see howit is to die for each other." "i said this, the moment i saw you."

    "they create the walls.." "they create all sort of problems.." "when two lovers meet,whole world becomes envious." "don't get bothered about them." "let them do what they want to do." "their job is to get envy.." "let them burn with envy." "i indicate you to kiss me." move aside.

    get started. daddy is here. urmila, don't behavelike a stupid girl. try to understand what i am saying.- you stupid. who are you to tell me? after all you are my sister-in-law. what is going on?- daddy, you please tell him.. ..not to interferein our family matters. father-in-law! i was tellingher that.. - you keep quiet. yes, daughter.- daddy, i was saying that..

    ..sharmila let you down in frontof the village by marrying him. and now,i want to raise your reputation.. front of the whole village. when inder's horse will win.. will have so muchgoodwill in the village. and then i will engage with inder. have you seen her?she is my daughter.. ..who is so botheredabout his father's reputation. father-in-law! why areyou dreaming about engagement.. sending donkey to a horse'll regret it later. shut up. now the engagementwill happen after the race. good acting. i am impressed. like every year,we welcome you this year also. since last two yearsmy horse is winning.. ..and i know that thisyear also my horse will win. this will be decidedafter the race.. ..because for the first time my.. ..son is participating in this race.

    he is our son. - you look forward. you look forward. come on. come on. run! come on, inder. come on. lovely! well done!have you seen him? he is my son. come on, son. dad, you whistled made me fall again. now how can i marry urmila? urmila!

    what have i done? yes. come on, baby. hey, you are cheating. you idiot! come on, baby. buck up! this is cheating, man. buck up. well done.

    yes, sure. well done, son.come into my arms. -this is strange. today, you made thakurbalraj singh's head.. ..higher with pride. - thank you. it isn't wrong to confessa mistake in front of many.. ..which has been donebetween the four walls. son, i never acceptedyour and sharmila's marriage. neither did i acceptyou as my son-in-law. but i was wrong.

    but today,i announce it in front of everyone. next saturday,i will get sharmila and raju.. ..marry in front of everyone.i invite all of you. be happy, son. we are done for. mr. thakur,along with that also announce.. ..inder and urmila's marriage. the person who falls infront of everyone in the race.. i can't accept a loserto be my son-in-law.

    raju! you used to askme when i will laugh.. ..when i will be, look at me, i am so happy. but why did your smile disappear? what does smile mean?i heard this term somewhere. i like this attitude of yoursvery much. get ready soon. - yes. daughter, you do this,i have a lot of things to do. come daughter-in-law.- let's go. - you come here. girls, now you may go. now, i will applythe turmeric to him.

    she is doing it with so much love. i guess she is thefirst girl in this world.. ..who is adorningboyfriend for her sister. raju, what else can i do?i don't know what to do. and you don't expectanything from me. i am like that gun which canbe hung on the wall but can't fire. but whatever is happening,i won't let this happen. then what will you do?- i will give you an idea. do one take her away from here.

    what are you saying, grandpa? what will happen to the historyof 400 years of your family? i don't care aboutits reputation or anything. if it can't help two lives,then what is its purpose? elope with her.- no, grandpa. when we haven'tdone anything wrong.. ..then he, who is up over there,won't do any harm to us. he, who is up over there,will definitely listen to us. what happened now?

    someone up there heard us.- what do you mean? sharmila heard everything. hello! sharmila. sharmila. sharmila. sharmila, what were you doing?are you mad? let me die. i am just worth dyeing. i am worth dyeing. i was about to takeaway my sister's happiness. no, sharmila. are you mad?

    whatever i have done wasfor you and for this family. and on the other hand,you're spoiling everything. i am so unfortunate, raju. i am so unfortunate that he left me. and now there isn'tany hope of his returning. show me that photo. sharmila, i have seen him somewhere. i guess i have seenhim at prithvi singh's farm. he is his son.

    what are you mumbling? did you get scared? come downstairs within two minutes. the guests are about to be here. grandpa, the time is too take care of my love. i will bring her love at any cost.- i too will come with you. grandpa, what's the useof the bullet-less gun in the war? you don't need to come.- i am very angry. you discharge your anger here.

    listen to me, raju. ok, i got you. you! i saw you earlier. that day i came here.. take the horse and todayi came here to take you. - me? it's so shameful thatyou are enjoying here.. ..and there sharmila issuffering because of your love. do you know she ispregnant with you child? how do you know sharmila?- i know everything about you.

    you don't know this,but i love sharmila a lot. but my father andher father are enemies. i want to marry sharmila,that's why they kept me here. you want to marry sharmila,right? - yes. then my problem is solved. let's go. where is the way to go out? call the groom.the auspicious time is passing. father, call raju. - yes.. grandpa, what will happen now?

    don't worry!i have full faith in my raju. he will bring ajay here,before the time. where are you going?- father today you can't stop me. i will go.- and i will take him there. that day you couldn'ttake a horse's kid.. what's makes you thinkthat you can take thakur's kid. i will take him with me.i know that, but don't know that. then, your men will try to stop me,and they will be beaten. this too,i know, but you don't know.

    sharmila will become yourdaughter-in-law, by tomorrow. but there is one thingi would like to tell you. i will beat everyone,but i won't beat you.. ..because you are sharmila'sfuture father-in-law. i just know about it,then how can you know about it. ajay, let's go. - catch him. get lost! mr. thakur, bring the groom soon. the auspicious time is passing.

    father, call raju.why are you standing here? he will call him, only ifhe is there. - what do you mean? i mean that he fooledyour both daughters. what nonsense are you talking? what's the use in holding my colour?this is the truth. he is lying. raju is getting ready. what's there for abride to get ready so long? i will shoot you.- just check before shooting at me.. ..if the groom ishere or he ran away.

    he is.. - you keep quiet. ajay! now, why are you mum? ask your family membersthat where is raju? ask your elder daughterwho is pregnant. ask your youngerdaughter who shared.. ..a man along withtheir dresses and stuff. ask your father,who didn't even stop them.. ..even though he knew everything.

    the reputation and goodwillwhich you always talk about.. ..your own family membershad buried it in your house. even if you want to kill,whom will you kill, mr. thakur? how will you drive thevehicle without the keys? catch him. even if he wants me tomarry both the daughters.. ..i will never marry a girl ofthis family. what do you say, dad? not at are belong to good families.. ..instead of eatingdinner over here.. would be betterif you eat at a funeral. they are a characterlessfamily. get up. come on, everyone, leave this place. the family which neverfaced any kind of insult.. everyone hasspitted on that family. the reputation of a 400 yearsold family lost its existence. and everyone ofthis family will die. till now i just hold this gun,but i never used on anyone. but today, this gun will be used..

    ..and there will bedead bodies all around. bodies all around. ajay, take the blessings. - grandpa. now, why are you standing like that? use your gun and kill everyone. all your life you were justbothered about your family's.. ..false reputation. and have you seenthe result of that? your kids don't love you,they are afraid of you.

    if you had given them love,instead of carrying the gun.. ..then you wouldn'thave to see this day. raju isn't sharmila's husband.he is his husband. ajay. in fact loves urmila. this daughter of yourswas about to commit suicide. raju saved her andcame here as her husband.. that people wouldn'traise fingers at your reputation. and you have given thisto him in turn? - grandpa. let me speak, son.

    first time in my lifei got a chance to speak. no, grandpa. you be calm.i will leave this place. if i leave this place,he will also become calm. and also i achievedmy purpose of coming here. and apart from that,an orphan like me got a chance.. see so many relations. grandpa,grandpa, mother, a good friend.. ..and also an angry father. but before leaving iwould like to say something.

    you are vishwanath pratap singh. singh means lion,and do you know which lion.. ..the lion of the jungle,but not that of circus. what? what. - where? when i came to thisvillage you fired at me.. ..and you are firingat me when i am leaving. can't you speakwithout fire or what? in the 400 years ofthe history of our family.. groom left his would-be.

    then how could you leaveurmila without marrying her? i like your style, are cool. you are quite good, ok.- alright young man. let's have it. hey father-in-law. try and catch me. urmila. urmila. grandpa.

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