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tv stands furniture online india

vicky, this is the last ball,you must get him out! give me the ball to bowl. you? you do not know to bowl, right? do you know maths? did not i teach you?you teach me to bowl. now? please give me the ball. your son has pushedmy daughter once again. what happened? she does not know to bowl,but wants to bowl.

you can let her bowl, right?if i give her, we will lose, father. the winners are your friends, right? but it is not me, right? winning is not the only thing, it isimportant to enjoy the game you play. are not you happy to playwith them, are you? cannot you adjust little for them? why are you asking to adjustfor everything, dad? i am playing to win. come, i will tell you a thing.

take this entire palm as your life, these are your friends,classmates and relatives, the more you adjust your life,as many stay with you. but if you lay rules and demands,and try to catch them in your fist, nobody will stay with you. you will be happy but only littleif you do it for yourself, but if you do anything which others like,your happiness will be great! go! we won!

this is the problem with my dad. he wants me to adjust with everything. if i adjust, i am losing. though i say i am not happy,he is unable to understand. that is why i have decided. hereafter no adjustments i will do if i like, i will not do ifi do not like, let anyone may tell. we did not trouble them, they came,they hit and went away, sir. for namesake the country is theirs,

when they are cleaning toiletsand cars, if you come from somewhere toearn dollars sitting in ac comforts, will they not be frustrated? that is why they would havebeaten you up. listen to me, say sorry and compromise with them.- compromise? if you do not compromiseand lodge a complaint, they would use guns to downall of you tonight, by morning news wouldspread about nrl is murder, and hearing this your parentsfalling down unconscious,

is this all necessary? listen to me andcompromise with them. we will but would vickycompromise with them? where is vicky? its fight if it is between 2, how can itbe fight if one hits so many? beat the smart with intelligence,beat the powerful cleverly, but my friend poorna saysto beat guys like as i like. greetings! still paining?- no problem. i am much better,

they have not yet got up frombeds getting beaten by you. you are in australiafor 4 years now, cannot you learn tospeak in english? my foot! he asked for our office andyou sent him to our next office. such words are not there in english. that is also not there. hi buddy! our marriage is fixed. coming sunday, catholic church.

buddy, bachelors party on saturday call from mind game! good news buddy,mind game people liked our video game. they have agreed to 50% partnershipand launching company in india. thank god! if we had not got this contract,my father would have called me back to india, and i would end up like rao is son! who is rao? son of rao wanted tobecome a film actor... but his father made him a doctor...

though minting money... he is always like a patient,a man who would become superstar... he is giving shots of injections now... if you do not do what you want to,where is the kick in your life? if you do not believe yourself,who will stand by you? ...if not your life willbecome a hell... you are right, i am following you,so i am what i am now, if not i would end uplike lakshmi is daughter, living a life without any life...

lakshmi is daughter...- ls she beautiful? first listen the matter, you fool! lakshmi is daughter wantedto become a dancer... but her mother got her married... though she has a billion worth property,she is always in the kitchen... she wanted to wear ankletsbut she is holding a spoon... if you do what others say,where is the kick in your life? if you keep on adjusting yourself,who will stand by you? dad, i have very good news for you.

project formalities are over here. i will start a company in india in nearfuture and settle down there only. i too have good news for you. we have fixed lucky is marriageon the night of march 3. marriage is in our village. elders tell you...others will advise you... it is not wrong,they say what they think... what you want...what suits you... if you do not tell them clearlywhat can they do?

if we are not clear,we are in for trouble... if you fear unnecessarily,then your future is bleak... what are you saying? you say suddenly i will drop out,i will quit the contract. what are we supposed totell the mind game people? swathi is not accepting,we are married just now only. she does not want me toquit job and start business, she is creating trouble. did not you tell it is our dream?

i told her, she says job is securebut business is risk. what am i to do now? do what you want to do, do not do anything for others,you will never be happy in life. i know that but swathicannot understand this. do you want us to give upthe contract and join job again? are not you ashamed to saywife is objecting? cool down.- you wait. she must be sensible,she was fine till now, right?

abuse me but not my wife.- i will, what the hell will you do? perfume is very good,swathi is selection, right? not that...- had it been men is, it would have been better. please buddy... get lost! please try to understand me. what shall we do now? let us meet them and ask for time. okay father...

father says saturday is veryauspicious for the engagement, what shall i say? weekend is always happy, right? i am sending my daughter to this wastefellow is home as his daughter-in-law. engagement is two days later. marriage is in melbourne next month. we have an animator robert, take him. can you please ask robertto meet me? game is a creative job,would he adjust in my team?

if he cannot adjust,you adjust with him. i will never adjust for anyone. i do not know what your name is, if you do not adjustyou will come good in life. i too do not know your name,if we adjust, we will lose. look vicky, get your manor take robert. only then this contract will work. if possible send robert to us,or else give us some time. will you lose sucha big contract for ego?

no need to come this far to lose it, to hit another shot if you miss one. i do not feel like that. you wait.- not like that... he is young, will he give upthe project in haste? if he understands that,why would he talk so arrogantly? not that... what is that cap like a gypsy? why are you dressed like a nomad?

anyway what is this game? hitting a small ball in such a bigground and go in search of it. are not you bored with it? do not know who will marry him?she will experience hell. after that taking my old friendbobby in place of sivaji, we started all over againto start our own business. we left to india as my sister ismarriage day approached, i am going to meet all of themafter 4 years, cadbury is are releasingmade for each other chocolate.

so what? for this they are asking unmarried girls andboys in all the countries to fill this form, when two people answerthe questions similarly, this new chocolate will bereleased by them. let us fill the form. you try, i am sure you will getan african girl. is not the contest great? by chance, if any girl who thinksjust like me, if such a girl exists? if i get such a girl?

the colour you like...white! what you like in others? what you do when you are happy? hear my humble plea,o gopikrishna... you are the dazzling moonlightto these maidens... do not laugh, my dear krishna... my heart skips a beatwhen you laugh... i have engaged the priestand videographer. they will be here on time.- okay.

you are not seen now a day, uncle. i am quite busy with marriagearrangements. why are you telling asif you are managing it alone? are not we helping you? are you helping me?he is doing for nandu, bride is father. let it be anyone, am i doing or not?- okay, bye. uncle, coffee?- do not tempt me, i will come for it evening. okay bye. one...two...

oh my god! in the third world war...obama too fought... third world war has not yet happened. is it father? do not overact, read properly.- okay father. when i hear your voice early morning,its gives me a great kick, if i do not talk to you at least once, i am on fire from inside...- father! differently... do not you want to know? what is there to know?

due to over cholesterol,heart valves may have got blocked. consult a doctor, you fool! she says she will die for me! how long do we have to bearthis trouble? till i am married. that is what i am asking,when will you marry? father has got you a proposal, you know the bridegroom.- what if i know? should not i like her?

not just like, you will be as happy ashere after marriage in that home too. how can you decide withwhom i will be happy? we have not decided anything. i am telling you what wehad discussed, that is all. what have you discussed, dad? my son is earning australian dollars, after marriage he will takeyour daughter to australia, that is all is not it? australia?

not only australia, she is not readyto settle in any other country. we thought about this proposalafter you said about settling in india. who is the girl, father? that boy? that girl? he was very arrogant as little boy. she used to take lessons likea teacher as little girl. she is a big torture, dad! would people be same always?

they do change, right? i am not forcing it on you. i am asking you to think about it.that is all. i am there for ten days,i will observe her. he is coming here, right?i will tell after meeting him. i am telling you before hand, if he triesto dominate me as foreign returned, and if he disrespects me,i will not keep quite. okay dear. god, if this match is settled...

i will make my husband to climb hillson knees and tonsure his head. son, once upon a time allthese lands were ours. do you remember it? tell me if we have anything now, dad. we have reached the place. temple! son, please stop near the temple. we are here for 10 days, right?we can visit later, mom. we may face trouble for the sinof not visiting the temple, son.

what happened, brother? what happened?- flat tyre. no stepney too. did not i tell you god willpunish for visiting the temple? mom, god is not sadist like us. to deflate tyres, for notvisiting his temple. okay, you visit the temple,i will have the tyre repaired. find where the nearest shop is and go!- then? god, we are coming. come, let us go.

you too come fast. god! what is this entrance test? send someone who cangive me a lift! where do you want to go?- to rao is house. my car has a flat tyre,i need to go to puncture shop. what is your name? sit on pillion. i did not expect girls here haddeveloped enough to give lifts, i was scared first.

now i am confident after seeing you. darling is the word i use habitually. you know dr rao is daughter dr priya?- i know. why? nothing, my parents arethrusting her on me, i do not know how she would be and what...would she be good looking? ls she beautiful?- is it okay if she is beautiful? she was little mad as little girl. is it okay if you like her?should not she like you? how can she refuse a manof my personality?

is she so great? not proud, pure arrogance. go further andyou will get the shop. cannot you drop me there? you are very beautiful. if i go straight, what would i get?- hill! if i cross the hill?- river! river?where can i get the puncture shop? why would it be that side?walk 10 kms this side, you will find it.

where have you come from? did you go all the way to hyderabadto repair the tyre? keep quiet. he came back to villageafter many years, right? he would have gone around the village. priya, vicky is here,please get him some water. smile as you please,this will be your last smile. you have made me walk 10 kms. if i do not torture you fornext 10 days, watch out!

you are not that smart! the moment i left you 10 kms away,i have rejected you outright. if you cross swords with me, i will make sure you leave withoutseeing your sister marriage. did you have a happy journey? it has begun just now. are not those gucci glasses? good. i have talked to all about the marriagebut have not fixed up anyone.

no problem,let us go and confirm it. no need for us to go,let us send vicky. vicky? he is new to the place. let us send priya with him.- that is better! come, i will show you! please have a sweet.- i do not eat sweets. we will not serve what you ask,you must eat what we serve here. not again! tell me one thing which canmake your sister angry.

not one, i will tell you 3 things. my sister hates if anyonecalls her ammulu. that is more than enough. ammulu! serve me chicken please. coming sir...coming... i thought you will get downfrom that side. that is why i got down this side!was not my entry sensational? do not you feel like livingat least a day like me? i feel like killing you!

you will feel man! it is natural!but it is impossible for anyone. because... my taste is different. what are you looking at?remove my slippers. do i have to tell you that too? this slipper too.wash! not the slippers, wash my legs. it seems you had a daughter.- yes sir. what is the name you areplanning to give her?

my mother is name lakshmi.- what lakshmi? do not you feel ashamed ofcopying another is name? lakshmi...shakimila...that will be great! is not it sensational? i can never reform you guys! uncle, if you grow moustache anddye your hair, you will look young. just for joke, brother-in-law. what are you eating dear?- uncle, sambar. if you eat just sambar,you will not know the taste.

add some potatoes,add all the dishes. eat...add carrot...add cabbage... must mash this papad.i will add this also, eat. eat now, taste will be sensational!is not it sensational? very good...superb, uncle. man must know the taste! uncle, please for me too! i like you.

i will get you something really tasty! did it burn your hand? me? no way, i can eat fireand digest it. you please come out for a second. uncle! did you burn your hand?- no! are you fine, sir?did not you recognise me, sir? when you were a kid, you saidyou will marry me if i give 25 paisa. remember me? at least give him now,he will marry you.

no jokes please madam. how can i forget you? you usedto wipe running nose of ammulu. what are you doing now? he creates video gameswhich useless people play. have a car, right?- roads are bad. i will drive. why? to apply sudden brakes. get down! you drive!

but i am warning you,do not apply brakes! what are you doing?- you told me not to apply brakes. shall i also come?- no need. i am a girl like match stick... i will not take it easyif you look down upon me... i am not less to youin anything... are you happy now? you will know about meas times passes... i am a pure bred village queen...

i grew up in fresh and clean air... i will never invite trouble... i cannot stop myselffrom troubling you... hey you handsome man in suitand boot, stop boasting... i have the upper hand here...accept my greatness, it is not wrong... you are tall like a palm tree,in what way you are greater than me? stop looking at stars andcome down to earth... my sister has a special spotin the terrace. she hates if anyone goes there,if it is you she will be furious.

give me that! what are you doing here? what do you think this is?home or bar? i too never drink in home, but i cameto know this place is special to you, that is why i am drinking here. first get out from here,this is my place. my private place. very nice place to have a beer. this is just the beginning.

i will show you what torture isfrom tomorrow, ammulu. hey girl, how is your vicky? he has not changed a bit. got bored with him in 2 days. forget about 2 days,i cannot stand him for 2 minutes too. a piece of moon fallen on earth... is boasting and one-upmanshipyour birth right? enough of your monkey acts... cannot you be docile like a girl?

you frog in a little village well... what makes you so proud? do not tell yourself thatyou are super... do not fly in skyleaving the ground... i am a young man with moustache... do not challenge the mischievousness... if not you will face the heat and flak... hey girl, stop challenging me... will not you lose if you challengethe hot spicy chilly?

ammulu, alms please! i do not like vicky, father. he wants to win in everything,very stubborn. he has not changed a bit yet, father. he is irritating me. tell me who started it? look in the mirror! if we smile, it will also smile. if we see angrily,it will also look back angrily.

humans too are just same. you always said what we giveis what we get. this too is just the same. i am not forcing you. for my sake, just one day... look at vicky positively. if you still feel the same,do as you wish. let us forget what hadhappened till now, let us stop it here.

you are very beautiful! that is what i said to stop it.- i am telling the truth. i thought saris are irritating,you are awesome in sari. if i had hurt you... sir!- priya will bring vicky into the room, i will latch the door, you cover him with sheet.- yes sir. if i hit him with this,he is finished. will madam co-operate with us? why would not she?it is her revenge and our plan.

she will definitely do it.- then, let us go sir. how come she is coming with himbefore you told her about the plan? not only in love, do hearts exchangeeven feelings in revenge too. the fight between you and vickywill be over after today. though you have beaten him so much,he is still standing tall, sir it is jalsa kishore who has beaten him. mind would have got blockedand brain would have got fused. it is not manly to beatcovering up someone. i will beat him without the cover,remove it.

i mistook you for someoneand beat you. why did you throw it? why? do not humans err? how come you are so fresh sir?- am i fresh? i told him not to beat in one place,he beat there only. vicky, that is our school!do you remember? why not? school makes me rememberour maths teacher. if i did not tell the tables, he wouldbeat with scale on the knuckles.

pandu babu would give hishand to him and ogle at you. you remember it? we all dreamed of becomingsachin after growing up. how will it be if we meetall of them again? have you done it?- we have sir. get it fast, cows are dyingwithout water. go fast!- yes sir. greetings uncle.- greetings. who is he? he is not greeting me.

vicky, anand uncle is son. is it you who stays in australia? my son is also in australia, he said software is going downand may lose his job, i said you do not needto work there at all, i will fix an ac and computer inour feed shop, come back here. your father is not abusinessman like me, what is your situation now? he will never face sucha situation, uncle.

he creates video games, if one works out, he can buy1000 feed shops like yours. hey, your girlfriend! come fast, vicky! it seems someone is comingto you with a proposal. by any chance are youplanning to marry? you will not do it. if you do, i will kill you. i am kathi seenu, a local!

i am in love with her for 5 years,if anyone upstages me... i will cut him with knife! what are you doing, vicky? he is teasing you, right? you beat him,he will seek revenge now. you said he will take revenge,i will take him to city and kill him. oh god! kill me? you will not go to the city for a week,what if he escapes and hurts me? oh no! she is inciting him!

tell me if there is any abandoned well,i will kill and dump him into it. hello boss! no need to go tothe extreme and kill! hello sir...excuse me! it will be horrible to die in a well. hello sir, i beg you,i will never tease her. oh god! i think he hasreached the well. hello sir... look darling, as much right you have to expressyour love to a girl you like, they too have the same rightto reject you if they do not like.

if you try to dominate andget love under threat, it will not last long, because love is something thathappens between equals, i am sure there will be some girlwho may like you. come! it weaved me pinched me teasingly... my heart turned towards you...- you look awesome in sari. it is jumping with is running helter-skelter... my youth is confusedand in chaos...

strange little wishes... they are pinching me teasingly... little mischievous desires... they are hurting me with pleasure... like you are always with my shadow... i am imagining you are alwayswatching me... that you have become my breath...and you are inside me... i am dreaming you are tellingme something... starting with fights andgetting closer with tiffs...

our relationship developedinto bond... though we differ in thoughts...though we are opposite shores... the relationship is growingstronger as days pass... as if falling into a valley... like soaring above the sky... like meeting stars... i felt like that,what has happened to me? i showed my anger on youwithout any fear before anyone... but i am hesitating to tell youalso that i like you...

i am getting away from myself...when i remember your mischief... to reach myself...your stepsare coming towards me... if he becomes priya is husband,he will become my boss! i must do something with him. will you kill vicky sir? killing is easy! but i must make him cry all the life,why am i alive? i will beat him for a weekafter gagging his mouth... i will beat myself.

when did you come uncle? i came when you were wrigglinglike a piglet on the ground! if he lashes me,why are you so happy? bloody fat boy! uncle, please do not call meas fat boy! what else can i call you then? you look like a bull wearingpant and shirt, if not fat boy,should i call you bean pole? fat boy!- no uncle!

hereafter this area is mine! if you see or hear or daresay any word here! how is the girl? you mean okay? i did not say yes but i do not haveany reason to say no too. what did the new companysay about our project? what is this? he said he will start thecompany here, right? he said he will settle in india, right?

how can you say you will go toaustralia for someone else? the offer is not from anysmall company, dad. he will pay salary till project is overand then a share in profit too. what will he pay?cannot we earn it here? cannot you start the companyhere taking bank loan? dad, it will not work out practically. what do you say?should everything happen as you wish? we took this decision after yousaid you will settle in india... bloody dream!

as if he alone has a dream! 3 years is not big deal,it will be over in a jiffy, uncle. what is more important thanfulfilling one is dream? i mean everyone is happy when youdo something which others like. are you here?i was searching for you everywhere. i love this place. my mother used to feed me herewhen i was a little girl. she used to tell stories.she helped me do my homework. all the memories of my motherare imbibed here.

that is why i asked younot to drink here. my mother loved to dance. that is why i am still practicing dancethough she is no more. do you like dance? i like dance in pub,there is energy in it, i do not like much of traditional dance. i wanted to see this surprise onyour face and sent this mms. if i greet you personally,you will say thanks, but i wanted it to bememorable, that is why!

i was with you, right?when did you send it? my laptop has that facility, to record the message and set time, message will be sent whereverwe may be at the set time. first time i have spent so muchtime talking to a girl. i have lost the count of timewhen i am talking to you. it is your place too from today,can drink here if you want to. after knowing how muchyou love this place... where is your birthday party?

grandpa! grandma! i know all of you are here only! please come out.if not i will go away! i am leaving really! let us go, vicky! oh my god! what happened, dear?- what happened? nothing happened.are you playing with me?

mischievous girl! your home is very beautiful. this is not our home, its priya is. we all are orphans. all the old here are parentsorphaned by children, all the children areorphaned by parents, after spending entire lifefor children, we are old deserted parentsbecause who cannot earn anymore. not everyone can understandthe hunger of orphaned people.

priya has understood that. she brought us all under one roof, she gave parents to the childrenand us as support to them, making this into a one big family, and helped us to live respectfully, and gave this grove to make a living. till now my birthday means,me, my dad and the orphanage. first time i am celebrating it withso many family members. suddenly i feel my world hasturned very beautiful.

your world will always be beautiful. though i am in australia, i do not have a world other thanmy home, my office, friends and pub. but you are not like that. your orphanage, this temple,your village, you have a bond with all these,there is life in your world. sir, vicky is coming,where is our batch? they will be here in a bat of eye,finish him before the next bat. think over it again,do we need to take this risk?

there is no risk for us in this. i hear the sound of vehicles,see how many are here? two vehicles sir. has don seenu got down? kathi seenu got down from it.- kathi seenu? why did he come now? no use in packing a lone manin boot, do it now. do you know who he is?he owns hanuman gym! one punch and you will go mad. he is wrestler from ghost town!

if he pats his thigh, you will go deaf. he is world famous in our village. one punch will make a holein your body. darling! you do not haveany urgent work, right? no problem if you spendfew months in hospital, right? will you beat so terribly? i will not beat them.- will not you? who will beat then?who? why are you watching?beat him boys!

why are you beating me? i am better dead! leave me, bloody idiot!may you go to hell! beat him! cannot take it anymore! get up! sir, our boys are here! they are not here to finish himbut to kill me. sir, are you running away? may i tell you a secret?a warrior must run if he is in danger.

run! take rest, you will be fine. i do not like anyone sufferingor sacrificing for me. okay, i will never do anythingyou do not like. but i can do what i like, right? do it, who is stopping you? you! i did this because i like it. as anklets chime...

as hearts sing... as drums beat... it is celebration all the way... spreading a canopy of moonlight... feasting with butter delicacies... the entire place is agog... celebrate the marriageas the place reverberates... the drums are playing... it is festivities on the marriage day...

conducting and overseeingthe celebrations... its elders paving theway to marriage... it is king and queenin the palanquin... as sandalwood pasteand bands... it is a day when changing ringsbecome master of ceremonies... turning into a made foreach other couple... live all the life happily... as holy veda hymns are chantedaccompanying marriage band... rock the earth and sky...

light up the world... the young bride is shyness... turned into designs on ground... hey mischievous young girl behindthe sari...raise your eye to see... he is very handsome... but will not look at the bride... no need to send feelers...he is destined to be hers... there is place in his heartfor seetha only... will not the looks turn intowords and write poetry...

love turns into fun andfrolic in marriage... it is a place where hearts meet... wishes in my eyes...are fulfilled after seeing you... i have wished you to be mine,will not you promise to be my life partner? i have built a castle of lovefor in my heart... i have breathed life in you... i will tie the knot with you andlook after you like a queen... your partnership is boon to my life... making this world to vanish,let us be alone in here...

turning eons into moments... please offer flowers andrice on the coconut. buddy, it is shiva here!i want to meet you. i am in india now. okay, bye. not fine. you were right buddy. i am not happy ever sincei changed myself for swathi. i have gave up my dreams, changedmy habits, job and place, for her, though i changed so muchshe is not satisfied.

i am also not happy. i think i rushed into marriage,so we have applied for mutual divorce. shall we go? where? i told you morning aboutgoing out, right? not now, let us go later. not angry any more, right? come.- where? our classmates! recognised me?

how come you have grown so fat?- i was always fat. no, raju! how much is 2x2? 2x2=? 3 sir! so, you are still weak in maths!you... we must first thank priya, she called me so many times,though i live here only. do not know how much she toiledto gather so many people?

you are here for a week only, do not knowwhat magic you have spun on her, though i am chasing her sincechildhood days, she did not even accepta greeting card from me, but such a girl has startedeating non-vegetarian food, and gave up dance, and it seems she gave upher pet dogs too. the girl who never liked to cross thisvillage is willing to come to australia. what man? what magic haveyou spun around her? i was fearing if my future husbandwould understand me or not,

but when you said you love my world, do you know how happy i felt then? brother-in-law, uncle is calling you. tomorrow at the same timeis very auspicious. good! come, tomorrow is very auspiciousfor engagement. no need to rush for it now, father. when will do it then? is not it fineif you get engaged before leaving? what is this dad?

you said watchfor 10 days and then you will ask me. how can you decide beforeknowing whether i like her or not. what is this son?did you go out without liking her? i did like her but practicallyit will not work out for us. our worlds are totally different! if we have to live together,either she must give up her world, or i must give up my dreams, and it will not happen, father. why will it not?

she prepared herself andgave up dance too. that is what i do not like, father. why should she give what shelikes for my sake and feel sad? who told you she is sad?- why would not she be sad? will not you feel sad for giving up dancewhich practiced for 20 years? will not you feel sad forgiving up pet dogs? she did not wear modern dresses oreat meat because she hates it. why should she develop itnewly for my sake? lt will be fine now, but after marriage,

what if she feels her world was better? priya, think it yourself, who is better, one who letsyou be yourself, or change your world for my sake? any girl is world is differentbefore her marriage. how many can boast ofsuch a beautiful world? she may adjust everythingfor marriage now, but i am sure she will not behappy giving up everything. do you mean are we not happyin life adjusting with others?

somebody rarely is happy,that is why i am saying no, father. it is unlike your time, life itself has become a craze, do not know when we will returnonce leaving home. wife and husband hardly spend2 hours together while awake. i am asking why one shouldcompromise those 2 hours too? i am not asking you to follow me,i grew up like this only, i will be happy like this only,i want to live like this only. what is this son?you said you like her.

you say she is good girlbut reject her now. i love taj mahal, mom. but if you ask me why i did not buildmy home like that, i cannot answer. sorry sister, i thought he wasteasing you for fun. i never expected he will makeit so serious, sister. if i knew i would not haveaccepted this from him. i am really sorry, sister. look dear, few memories are pleasant,few memories hurt you, it depends on us whichone to remember.

as if life is going to end here. i know it son, that is why instead of a girlwho thinks like you, we selected a girl who thinks for you, please do not go for a girlwho thinks like you, you will never find one. even if you find,you cannot be happy with her. when i am happy with myself, i cannot understand why i cannot behappy someone who thinks like me?

dad will never change,it is waste to argue with him. very nice! lady boss is awesome!- he will never change. come. why are you still runningaround with bags? did not find any scapegoat? you will never find one, you are youth, you will never find onetill you change your attitude. i am telling you again now,

you need to changeto come good in life. i do not believe in changing, bendingor crouching for success in life. one must have the thing.the other man must need us. if i had adjusted with sri as you said,i would be playing golf with him now. i did not adjust, so i have got a betteroffer from much bigger company. who is the fool who madethe offer to you? you want to sack him?- no, pity him. you can carry on, this is my office. do you know vicky, dad?

fool? call raja!- he has not come yet. tell me what you want,brother-in-law? who selected vicky?- me, brother-in-law! despite my warnings, bhuvana selected him.not me! fire vicky and his team. we will face legal problems if we firewithout any valid reason. what bloody legal? there are 100s ofcases pending on me in india. what the hell they could do?

not about the case, company is honour... honour? my foot honour! am i not living without any honour? tell him to change his attitude. if he refuses, talk to legaldepartment and fire him. you can go now. we do not need him here. pack him to india after marriage. brother-in-law...

a girl who thinks just like mein 6.5 lakh applications? where are you? find me! i will not do anything which i do not like.i will not meet anyone. one must have something special. this is a test to know if you havethat special thing or not. i am giving you 5 minutes to find me. do you have any problemif i find you in 3 minutes? you find a lot of indians here,it is not that easy.

2 minutes is enough. after 2 minutes, we will nevermeet again, right? i ordered it. 2 minutes earlier. the apple pie, choco chips,and sparkling water you love. we use the same brand of perfumes, you are playing video game, i too prefer bike whenmeeting special people. you could have told methat earlier, right?

i know you too hate to lose like me. now we both have won. i came to meet the girl, whothinks like me out of curiosity, but i felt she is the right girl for me. she too does what she likes to doif not never, just like me. adjusting and saying yesis not her style. our worlds are same! we met just now and dating so quickly? in 40 countries, 200 airports,out of 6.5 lakh people,

only we two got selectedas made for each other couple. more we both are indiansand telugu people. a chance which lakhsof people missed... i can hear the sound of sky shatteringin my heart after meeting you... my eyes have brightened likeclouds hitting to create lightning... ride your heart like a rocket... forget about the signalson the way... whether it is highway or one way,cannot move any further without you... every moment with you is like party,but i cannot say why...

every word you say is good,it is great to lose in your words... can rollercoaster give the thrilli am having with you, dear? can the excitement ever dipwhen you are with me... can cartoon channel out beatthe fun i am having with you? time flies when i am with you... i cannot shake a leg anymorewithout you... when you say hi online,my heart pushes me into love line... when you are offline, my heartgoes into hiding in coal mine... any place appears likea greeting card, my dear...

do you also get suchnew feelings like me? any day is like valentine is dayto me, my dear... do you also feel the samewhile walking with me? whether it is dating or fighting,my day does not move without you... hello uncle! it is me. how are you boy? i am fine uncle, it seems you saidyou are not coming to the marriage. that is...i need to attendhealth camps. moreover chakri has to take exams.

how is priya? she will be like that only there... i am sending tickets,convince and send her. earlier i used to remember onlymother when i came here, now i remember vicky too. dad you said what we giveis what we get. i gave love but why father? will you do as i tell? how are you son?

he said no girl is therewho thinks like me, even if there is you will not find,even if found, we cannot be happy, i found her!i am very happy! inform your husband too! i am going now to meet her father. mom, i want your blessings. i did not expect life to beso exciting! he is not the right choice,i do not like him. you say you do not like himin the first meeting, dad.

i am saying i like him afterdating him for a month. anyway it is me who isgoing to marry. he is not the right man for you. this will be your ideawho so ever i may fall in love. i must show my talent to impressbrother-in-law and settle here, this is a golden chance. anjibabu, go for the kill! i knew you would do somethingsilly like this, darling. i would have beaten them there only,

you would not know my capacityand send another gang, and i have to beat them again, no need, you would lose moneyand i would waste my time. so what is your problem? your love application is my problem. i think you do not know the real matter. we both were selected as made for eachother couple from 6.5 lakh applications. life is not application form,to tick any of the 4 options,

you have to take a decisionwhere you do not have any option, and bear the consequences of it,that you cannot do it. love is not liking the samebrand of coffee. it is making a coffee together! you both do not have that patience. i think like her andshe thinks like me, what is the problemif we want to stay together? if you do not like anything,you will fight but never adjust, my daughter too is like you,

both of you want to winin everything, you will spend all your life inwinning over each other, when will you live together? the love of parents haveno expectations. but love in youth hasmany expectations, and you cannot balance it, so you are not the right manfor my daughter. my foot! when people were lessand jobs were plenty, you came here and achieved a lot,

i am doing such a big contractovertaking 1000 candidates, but i do not have balance, may i tell what is your problem, uncle? that i love maggie. if anyone tells you orsome marriage bureau informs you, how much he has achievedin this young age, you would have thought about mepositively at least for a second, no boss ever likes his employee, certainly not so much to give hisdaughter in marriage to him.

for argument if you are rightin the equations of life, if you get maggie marriedto a man of your choice, can you guaranty that she will behappy all the life without fighting? matter is very simple, sir. you must have faith to live together,we have that faith to marry, since you do not have it, how can yousay we are not the right choice? i am telling you now,i am the perfect choice for maggie, anyone in this world wouldsay this other than you. okay, i am saying you are notthe right man for my daughter,

you say i am the lone man saying that, do one thing, my elder daughter is gettingmarried in 4 days, all my relatives would be here,you too join us, you do not need to do anything, just be like yourself, after the marriage, i will ask 4 peoplewho know my daughter, if you are the right choice for maggie?

even if two of those four say agree, i will not only arrange your marriage,but start a new company in india for you. if they say no, you must leave my daughteras well as this contract. we accept this challenge, dad. the lectures my dad gave me,he is repeating the same again. i will not get better chance to provethat elders are wrong. not two even if one says no,i will leave on my own. what is all this?

they say they were selectedfrom 6.5 lakh people, i would say other than these twoall others have rejected them. he will not last for 4 days also,he will go away. forget him! got another golden chance to seehappiness in brother-in-law is eyes, come to the farm house vicky,i will take you to task there. how could you agree for a challenge? i did not feel any risk in it,that is why. are you all happy with me? everyone would be like that only.

he is mad, how could anyone dislike me? if he had said routine dialogueslike leave my daughter, i would be on honeymoon withmaggie in venice by now. so, you will be here by tomorrow morning. our challenge startsfrom tomorrow, right? yes rambabu... i am fine... no problem... no salted fish here or dried prawns,your life is happy, it seems you got married,

had honeymoon? you asked me, right?why are you asking him again? did you ask him?why did you then ask me again? he does not know he must not ask fools. that is why he asked you first. if you talk nonsense,i will take you to task. you are calling your elder brotherdisrespectfully, what do you expect in return? if you beat a grown up brother,they will call like that only.

if you are such a big man, why did you send message of peaceof forgetting past with your wife? my wife asked only once butsister-in-law called us 100 times. why should i talk to youbecause of some idiot? he is an idiot, that is why heasked a fool like you. i will punch and smash your face.- beat him! not only him, i too will beat you. will you beat me? are not you ashamed?look at your age and the fights.

if you cannot stay together,why not part in your own way? why should we face this torture?- you said it right, you threaten sister-in-law aboutsome job in london, right? go, it will be good riddance. i will definitely go after this marriage. it is better to go to londonthan see your dirty face. better do that if not i will... who are you? you are advising them to splitinstead of staying together.

it is better to split thanliving together and fighting. that is what i told them.- that is all? how many people here wishthey must unite, and how happy they would beif they come together, do you know that? is not it right to split and be happythan staying together and fighting? never take any decision hastilyseeing if it is easy or hard, always think about what is good andbad before taking any decision. you will never understand this. that is the problem withyour generation.

sitting in a farmhouse wearing sweaters,looking the world through window, please do not comment on ourgeneration who live in the real world. i am bored hearing that! anyways what you sayis good to read only. will never work out in practical. father! father? maggie is friend,he is here for marriage. they guests are gods!that is why i am not telling you anything.

our is one family and thismarriage is a festival to us, for god is sake never usethe word split again here. i told you to come 4 daysbefore the marriage, fight with ram and lakshman,argument with my father, i think you will go away in 2 days. a girl friend is kiss wouldease tension. it will change the mood. i am worried about fighting with3 people on the day of arrival. i have never lost any bet.

that too for love. i will definitely win. can we win? who would daddy ask amongall these people? and what would be their reply? someone told me boy friend iskiss would ease tension... if my uncle comes to knowyou kissed me,- what would he do? he sent goons on knowingyou love me, if he comes to know youkissed me, he will kill you.

he appears like a comedian,can he do all that? who is comedian? i am basha in my native place,you know that? i will get you thrown out fromhere before marriage, and get kissed by my brother-in-lawin appreciation. watch out! i will take you to task! tell him i kissed here. i kissed here too! go, tell him i kissed here also.

stop the vehicle, tell vicky thatmaggie is calling him. take a chocolate. go! vicky, you are finished! brother-in-law, be readyto appreciate me. i am doing this to help you. he fell down! would have got the kick! i poured for him,why did this guy fell? why did you fall don, ram?

stop...stop...he kicked me! will you pour oil to make me fall down? i poured it for lakshman not for you.- did you pour it for him? you should have told me that first. oh my god! he too is coming! my box! anji, your oil plan succeeded,you got him. bloody crook! ls it your plan? my plan?- you said it is your plan.

give me a break! why did you return it? what is this silly?pouring oil and banana peels? i am not so foolish to fall like them. foolish? are the groom is arrangementsgoing on fine? everything is fine, father-in-law. father-in-law, i thought he saidit for argument, he is really planning to go to london.

if it happens they will nevermeet again in this life. you tell him something andstop him, father-in-law. greetings!- greetings! why the owner of mind game is here? where else would thefather of the groom be? maggie said she loves him. you know him and his attitude, right? we know but she does not know, right? she will know it.- not that...

just ignore him for just 4 days only! he will leave the place on his own. how come you are here?- how come you are here? she is my cousin from india. i talked to maggie,she is just like you. you both are made for each other. if you cry and tell uncle about us.. i was worried aboutexpecting big trouble. if crying could solve my problem,i can cry all my life.

it will not, right? that is why! i lost the hope of winning thischallenge after seeing you. challenge? look, you too are tensed! i am thinking about you. if you stay away from them,how can you get closer to them? how will win? what do you want me to do?each person here is an item! like an item!

you do not know your specialty,nobody can dislike you. i am sure you will win over them! i have made all thesearrangements for them to be happy, but they are hanging out withcell phones and laptops! it is work from home busy, grandpa. what bloody home and work! should i be happy forgrowing technology? or feel sad for the growingdistance between people? brother-in-law! when did you come?

what the hell did you do till now? why are you staring like a jackal? why did your brother-in-law arrangethis music program spending a fortune? get the people to the dance floor! rock the party! everyone is busy with their own work... without any fun my spirits are dull... shut the computers and hide mobiles,no need of it in marriage party... stop worrying about your problemsand turn your attention on marriage...

behave like you are the chief guest... what is he saying? forget it boy... forget about your tensionsfor some time... we attend school to take lessons... we visit temple to offer prayers... we do our duty in office... but we celebrate andenjoy a marriage... what is the use if you come forthe sake of coming to a marriage?

take marriage as an occasion tomix and cement the bond with others... what do i get to befriend you?world has become so selfish... you are silent and i am silent,the distance between us grows... it is uncles, aunts, sistersand cousins all around you... it is not a daily soapfor repeat telecast... give your time for relativesfor this one day... he pushed him down! it happened by mistake, uncle.- he did it wantonly! you should have seen maggie is dad,i felt pity on him.

i think i have already wonthe challenge. had you come a day before,i would have charmed them by now. but it is true that i can win inanything if you are with me. promise to stay with me always! promise to be with me always! everyone wants you there! i wanted this only! you must get closer to them, only then they will know youand your attitude.

you will not win. victory is like guest to comes at times! it is like friend to me!always with me! if i go from here,i will go with your daughter only! you lost the toss,how can you win the match? i lost the toss to win the game! no captain would have...- said like that! he is our common enemy! he must not stay here after this game.

that is why this match plan! all our balls must hit his headnot the stumps. as your captain... i will not co-operate if he plays! get lost! i will not play if you play! you both keep fighting butthe balls must hit his head. my uncle lured me intobetting 1000 dollars. we must win the match at any cost! is it your uncle is plan?then i must play with him.

he is struggling! anji! i like you! 19 fours till now!you have stopped it bravely! its 20 not 19! count properly!- that is 21! should it always be him?- he is... catch it... well caught! with your infightingyou have kicked my... watch out!

like waugh brothers,you brothers must rock! no way! i will not play with him!- why are you padding up then? anyway he will come backgetting out for duck. you open! why are you playing blindly? i will not play if he is there! brother, you play!- me? touch one of the fingers!- why? touch it.

had you touched this finger,i would have bowled on the stumps. what will he hit now? how far will you go? i am out... are you waiting for feast?go and play! i told you i will not playif he is there. you are the last batsman,you have to play. okay, i will go, can i avoid? they do not talk to each other,how can they win?

watch the ball and run!- okay. please come here! come...come... i do not know how to thank you, vicky. if ego stops you from saying sorry,bonds will get snapped. if you cross the ego andtake a step further, they will understand now thatthose bonds will live on forever. at last my dream has come true! if you attend any function,

to share our joy andto comfort in our sorrows, one must get the trust,i have so many people, but now, people just come to marriagefor the sake of attending it, but i do not want this marriageto be celebrated like that, so i invited all the relatives,and arranged this, i did the arrangements but it is youwho gave them that hope. what did i do sir? you have done so muchyet asking me what have i done? what did i tell you, vicky?nobody will dislike you.

i want to talk to you for a minute. i do not want to talk to you,leave me alone. cannot you understand if i say no? he is coming! take it out! get out of my way, sir! i told you earlier, you said waitfor 4 days. what has happened? he pushed me wantonlyin the music program, he hit me with ball inthe cricket match, and now...

send him out! if he stays here for a second,i do not know what i would do. why did you come here now?what other plan do you have for me? i... if god gives me the opportunity tokill anyone, i will kill you right now. cannot you hear what he says, uncle? i did not do anything wantonly, sir! whatever it is, i am responsible for it,i do not know how to correct it too, you said if god give youan opportunity, you will kill me,

if the same god gives me anopportunity, i wish your speedy recovery. if possible please forgive me. did he forgive you?why did not you beg falling at his feet? that rascal was shouting at me, instead of beating him,will you say sorry to him? what has happened now? look, how happy everyone is! ls it right to disturb others for us? i will take care of everything.

you have changed! you do not like sweets butate in the music program, you do not like to lose butyou wantonly lost the game, you will never say sorryif it is not your mistake, but you said sorry today, if our opinions, ideas andtastes are alike, when i am so angry,how can you be so cool? because you have changed! never opens the closed fist...

never tells anyone it is a secret... why the riddle is questioning me? it never gives the way to escape... there is no reason tosay you are wrong... why is he excited to gethimself into troubles? what is this barrage of questionswithout any answers... what to do if heart is turns likea never tiring sea of dreams... did you ever get soagitated inside earlier? what happened today?has anything happened...

do you feel like that? why do people see you like a wonder? they show you to yourself thatyou do not recognise yourself... though some accuse you in haste... how will the truth come out? if some felicitate youfor the happiness... how am i to know whetherto laugh or sigh... you have changed fromwhat you were earlier... ls your path changing toreach a new shore...

if you miss to see thechange in yourself... how am i to believeif others tell me that? if the path ahead is ridden withthorns and if missed to see it... we can one go ahead blindly? thank god! have you come?come in. i am unable to pack all by myself.i am getting late to the flight. i forgot to tell you, come to indiafor your honeymoon. bhuvana wants to see taj mahal,i will take her personally. you encouraged vickybecause he loves maggie.

you brought them togetherwhen they had a fight. you are leaving suddenly now.what is all this? i know the pain of losing love. i do not want vicky to feel the pain. i am happy as he nears victory, but i am sad for going away from him, if he sees me in tears,he will feel guilty, i am leaving the place to avoid it. vicky expects you will be heretill he wins the challenge.

but if you leave withoutinforming him... dropped everything...where were you till now? priya is leaving to india,spent sometime with her. why are you leaving suddenly? it is all over! what is over?cannot you stay back? how many more days? please stay!i do not like you going away. i will be happy if i dowhat i want to do, right?

do you know how happy i felt whenyou were with me on my birthday? i too wanted to be with youon your birthday. but i will be here andyou will be in australia. when i had this doubt, you told me about the option ofsending recorded mms from your laptop. i remembered it, so... i have tasted it! no problem, anywaywe would be engaged by then, do you know how happyi will be if i am with you?

when i researched to findwhat could make you so happy, i got an interestingfinding about you, do you know what you lovethe most in this world? yourself! i got an idea then!if i change myself like you, you will be happy with meas much as you are with yourself. so, i have decided, from today i like whatever you like, i do not like what you do not like,

when i told my cousin about this,he said i am mad, he asked me how can i be happyleaving my place and dance, poor man, how can he know, they were my world once,now you have become my world, trust me vicky, i am not there without you! if you ask me how much,i may not be able to answer, if you ask me how,i may not be able to show, i will keep on loving youtill my heart beats!

please come, vicky! i thought you were just a guest butdid not expect you are here as son-in-law. just now my son told meabout the challenge. not just two, everyone heresaid you are the right choice. you have proved that faith isgreater than experience. i may have lost the challengebut i have won as a father. i do not have any more fearsabout my daughter is future. i misunderstood you. no sir, i hurt you.

i believed winning is life. likewise i kept on winningin my career, i accepted your challengeto prove that i am right, but every time i tried towin the challenge, i realised what is real victoryin life, sir. i myself did not realise thati have changed, till maggie told me, when i gave a thought about it,if it is right or wrong, i remembered the happiness onyour faces when they united, then i realised what my fatherhad told me,

you will be happy but only littleif you do it for yourself, without knowing this i hurtmy father for many years, he took it in his stride butnever went away from me, he is father, right? to get two people come closer, i did not knowone of them must change position. without knowing that i hurt priya. priya loves me. she loves me so muchto give up her world. to make me win,she lost every time in life.

i rejected such a girlas you are not fit for me. i did not feel sad. but today when priya is leaving me... now i realise how muchi had hurt her that day. i thought love is what i like! i realised its changingyourself to suit others. i thought adjustment is pain. now i know there areno adjustments in love. i thought marriage is betweentwo perfect people.

now i know becoming perfectto each other is marriage. you said i gave them the hope ofso many to share joy and grief, but i fear they may lose thathope because of me, grandpa. i did not care about anyoneto do what i like, i was very happy then, now i do not want to hurt anyoneand see everyone happy, i do not know why i am sad. marriage is beginning of a new life, the marriage has meaning onlyif it starts with real love,

if something good is tohappen for life time, then it is better to beara few minutes of pain. you are right, grandpa. had i not met you,i would have remained the same, i thought if tastes match its love, now i know love is union of two hearts, do you know i was alone inmy world till this day? from now onwards everyonehere join my world. it has happened because of you.

i hurt you many times, right? i am not sad, you have realised the truth. it is all because of you. you are not leaving us in sorrow,you have united us, you have cemented the bonds, what bond has brought us together? let us stay together withthe same bond. why do fishes not fly in air? why do ships not sail on land?

we too know to crack jokes,not just you. for success in career,work hard without any compromise, only then you will succeed, but in relationships, even losing to others is victory! because we get backtheir love in return. this is what i leant.

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